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Emerging Issues in Hospitality and Tourism

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Emerging Issues in the tourism Industry (In Case of Australia) INTRODUCTION: Australia was known to be the slow-coach when it came to developing tourism and hospitality in comparison to the growth of tourism industry relative to other nations such as United Kingdom and United States of America. Known to mankind, in the last three decades Australia has shown its power of being a tremendous leading service provider in terms of tourism and hospitality research programs. It all start over as the slow start in 1970, with a flight take off in late 1980s., with inclusive success and matured by 1990s. Famished From a slow start in the 1970s, degree provision started in the late1980s, flourished very quickly and then matured by the 1990s. When there is a vital literature on the birth and starting development of hospitality and tourism education in Australia, less has been written regarding the future directions, opportunities and challenges. This investigation of present issues and future issues depicts upon survey of stakeholders, contain program directors also as the views of the author as an active player in the field of education after the mid-1980s. The rising view is that the future for hospitality and tourism education in Australia is positive, but that any growth will be very forceful, which will result in some emerging issues for present providers. Muhammad Ali Mooni CTH No. 77598 Emerging Issues in H&T- A5026109

Emerging Issues in the tourism Industry

(In Case of Australia)


Australia was known to be the slow-coach when it came to developing tourism and hospitality in

comparison to the growth of tourism industry relative to other nations such as United Kingdom

and United States of America. Known to mankind, in the last three decades Australia has shown

its power of being a tremendous leading service provider in terms of tourism and hospitality

research programs. It all start over as the slow start in 1970, with a flight take off in late 1980s.,

with inclusive success and matured by 1990s. Famished From a slow start in the 1970s, degree

provision started in the late1980s, flourished very quickly and then matured by the 1990s. When

there is a vital literature on the birth and starting development of hospitality and tourism

education in Australia, less has been written regarding the future directions, opportunities and

challenges. This investigation of present issues and future issues depicts upon survey of

stakeholders, contain program directors also as the views of the author as an active player in the

field of education after the mid-1980s. The rising view is that the future for hospitality and

tourism education in Australia is positive, but that any growth will be very forceful, which will

result in some emerging issues for present providers.


The objectives of this report are to:

Analysis of urban tourism

Analysis of Cultural tourism

Identifying the problems in urban tourism and Cultural tourism

Analysis of nature and wildlife

Analysis of ecotourism

Analysis of Sustainable tourism

Muhammad Ali Mooni CTH No. 77598 Emerging Issues in H&T- A5026109


Globalization is defined as the trading without any specific territory, trade can be of many

different things, material as well as of can be seen through many different aspect, both living and

non living things that travel comes under the circumstance of globalization, the travelling leads

to different people accessing it across the nation in different corner of the world, many hand

supporting it which eventually results into the greater access of money involve; it can include

people travelling from one place to another or any material.

Globalization does not have any single face; it is easily describe as the cob web of connections,

connecting every third person to one another onto the multinational platform. Globalization is the

truest form of publican relation experienced into the depth of trade. About 2.5% of GDP is

generated from tourism sector.

Australia is the country famous for inclusive food. It is the hub for the food addicts to get the

best options and careers into the hospitality and culinary field after France. As it is evidently

seen that the saturated market domestically targets the specific under and post graduate

programs; that are available in few institutions which results into regaining the hospitality and

tourism sector. Higher education universities are confronting issues like an over dependence on

the students coming from overseas, especially in programs of postgraduate coursework.

Changing the preferences of student has led to a redirection of demand to all the emerging areas

usually such as event management specially. This growth has generally occurred at the expense

of existing hospitality and tourism programs. Challenges are rising from moves by the private

sector and the vocational of government funded and educational sector into the provision of

degree level. These moves pretend to be a threat to demand of students for University programs

and to the research/teaching nexus which has been a vital feature of the sector after the

governance of the Sustainable Tourism Co-operative Research Centre. Lastly there is fear over

the likely reduction of teaching expertise as different baby boomer educators retire on the next

few years. The paper shows these challenges and few alternative assumptions (Bagri, pp. 198).

The main target of the Australian government is to focus on the six strategic areas comprising of

the demand increasing into the world of the most enriching and competitive tourism industry

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The six areas are to grow the demand from Asia; for this reasons they have start up establishing

relationships from Asian countries through educational reasons or emplacement reasons. They

are currently involving Asians to immigrant and stabilize into Australia There next objective is

to build a competitive digital capability, which makes them more profound in stabilizing their

tourism sector among the most exciting places to visit..

Australian government are also focusing on encouraging people to invest into it, as Australia is a

land of promise opportunities, they as well want to implement the reform regulatory agenda. By

providing the employment they seek to increase the supply of labour, skills and indigenous

participation, they are also ensuring the transport environmental support to the growth of tourism

and are focusing onto building their tourism industry with resilience, productivity and quality.

This is the 10 long year term strategic plan to be implemented within all the territory of Australia

along with the greater help of all the ministrations; the plan explains the start-up work and

research to be in the years of 2009-2010, while proposing this plan in the year on 2011, as being

the setting foundation of the given plan from 2012-2014, while 2015-2017 are the years of seeing

vivid results. Through the phase of implementation 2018-2020 is the peak point of the strategic

growth of tourism projected for.

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Australia focuses for the inbound tourism promoting, recreational gatherings as well as its

cultural heritage to the world; the custom promotional group is through food particularly. For

different cities urban tourism is the most favoured aspect to promote tourism, making not just

increasing income but also supporting different regeneration projects. The University of

Gloucestershire (United Kingdom) describes in its catalogue that culture and tourism had been

catalysts for big-scale for the urban development internationally, from cultural amenities like the

Guggenheim Museum, which offers a focal point for urban formation in Bilbao, to the

Manchester Commonwealth Games and Sydney Olympic Games as sources of urban renewal.

Advantages of Urban Tourism: urban tourism creates a heap of opportunities for the local

habitant into the area where urbanization is taking growth; these foreign tourists help the locals

to get many advantages in-term of supporting income other than the obvious methods. How any

person can get an extra amount of the money is through generalizing the tourist with the city

heritage, or its small priceless tales and stories, it can be earn into large festive gathering. This

allows the tourist to encouragement and support the work, which eventually raises the income of

local business. It raises the living standard when they assist to raise the income for the safety of

cultural resources and the theories of new investment, in accordance of 2010 statistics, Australia

attracts many tourists and it makes billions of dollars revenue each year along with the growing

customer base every season.

Disadvantages of Urban Tourism: Every steeple has a downhill, Urban Tourism has many

advantages as well as many disadvantage which raises the congestion and pollution, a raise in the

cost of public framework and the services harms to cultural resources; it may also harm the status

of local cultural.

Development of Framework: Australia has carried on large-scale projects about the regional

and communication levels which has indeed profited in the last decade of upright success. In

future, Australia is required to invest over 68 billion AUD in other projects, containing the high-

speed train projects, reserves for allocating of other projects like; railway lines, transport and

roads projects.

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Urban Planning and Policies of Australia: In accordance with the strategic planners, from

current time, the population of Australia will be 80 million; out of 50% will be in urban areas.

The main aims of Australia are to encourage the industrial sector for all the international trades

(Sobocinska, pp. 84).


A tourism which has been talked in the context of animals is considered as wild life tourism, but

the social tourism is known as tourism in the context of human beings. The ground realism is that

tourism will be decreased if they are not concentrated on social tourism right. A social tourism

can be easily explained as; range of one by one who gather for few purposes like; college

reunion or events. It is the single social tourism, which has a straight impact on the qualities of

human (Lenskyj, pp. 74).

Describing social-cultural tourism is the gathering of a large number of people only to promote

the pristine moot of the culture itself and of the people belonging there.

The biggest icons in representing Australia are very famous. It includes the Great Barrier Reef

which consists of about 2900 different reefs and stretched area of 344400 sq km over 900

islands. Red Centre is known as either central Australia or Alice Spring Region which is

acceptably among the five regions in the northern territory of Australia. The total population in

this area is densely about 40,000 which Alice Springs is the Anglo Catholic Australian



Tourism has had different impacts on the constructed atmosphere in Australia. One of the vital

aspects behind the promotion and development of a tourism industry has been its capability to

offer chances for wealth generation and employment in host areas, both indirectly and directly.

Income earned by tourism in a small coastal area, like, may have the chance to provide jobs and

business chances for locals and even lead to inflows of new residents. The positive effects can be

that has on local economies may be the driving force previous to the entire infrastructure like

schools, hospitals and transport systems.

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In different examples, the financial advantages of tourism are much more sustainable than the

economic gains made from utilises of the host region for different industries. The Wet Tropics

World Heritage Area in northern Queensland offers a variety of examples where tourism has

substituted an environmentally devastating industry, logging, and offered to be quite more

economically and ecologically sustainable(Lenskyj, pp. 74).

Negative effects

There are different instances of tourism having affected negatively on the physical atmosphere.

Over-development with the coastal strips (like the Gold Coast in Queensland) has made

ecological issues for different Australia's wonderful beaches. Shrubs and plants have been got rid

from rainforests to get room for walking trails. All the recreational activities like four-wheel

driving have demolished vegetation and sand dunes, and bottom-trawling in the Great Barrier

Reef has had contrary effects on biodiversity. Visitors have under-priced non-biodegradable

crummy into former unspoilt ecosystems, the making of marinas and sea walls for the advantage

of humans has interrupted natural erosion procedures of estuarine and marine environments, and

the increasing presence of humans in distant areas which are shortage of infrastructure has

resulted in many waste management issues. These are some of the negative effects that raised

human traffic resulted by tourism has had on Australia's natural atmosphere.

Positive effects

In its capability to increase awareness of issues of environmental fear, tourism also has different

positive advantages for the physical atmosphere. Encouraging individuals to observe things first-

hand is a very effectual way of promoting environmental preservation. In this way, the

movement of environment and the tourism industry have fuelled one another in a better way over

the recent few decades, which is when tourism began to turn into much more environmentally

friendly. Whereas the movement of environment has made more interest in areas of natural

importance and made citizens need to go through with things in real-life conditions, tourism has

made more understanding of the beauty of their natural world, which has made them feel more

powerfully regarding saving it. The relationship in the tourism and environmental conservation

might thus be explained as one of symbiosis, which means they have created a bond based on

dependence and mutual benefit (Lenskyj, pp. 74).

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History: Australia’s native individuals were considered to have arrived here by boat from South

East Asia in the last Ice Age, which is almost 50,000 years ago. At the time of European

settlement and discovery, up to one million native individuals lived across the continent as

gatherers and hunters. They were dispersed in 300 clans and can easily spoke 250 languages and

700 dialects. Every clan had a spiritual link with a particular part of land. Conversely, they also

travelled broadly to trade, look for water and seasonal produce and for totemic and ritual


Festivals: Festivals have turned into global in Australia, with many held every year. Some are as

tiny as the community-based Thirroul Seaside, Apollo Bay Music Festival and Arts Festival,

whereas others, like the Woodford Folk Festival and Falls Festival, are capable of bringing

international performers to Australian audiences and present Australian works.

Something t be appreciative about Australia encourage the LBGT relationship and of about

million of international tourist travel across the world to attend the famous “Sydney Gay and

Lesbian Mardi Gras”

Australia also feel proud to encourage the 12th grade students to graduate from school in the late

November of the year, many of which travel to Gold Coast and raised about $ 60 million in


Sports: As a nation, Australia has contended in different international events like the

Paralympics and Olympics, and the Commonwealth Games. The country has a broad amount of

national teams in international sports like cricket, rugby league, rugby union, basketball, netball,

hockey, soccer, water polo, and softball and wheelchair rugby.

Economy: The Australian economy is the biggest capitalist economies all over the world with a

GDP of US$1 trillion since 2013. Australia's entire wealth is 6.4 trillion dollars. In 2012, it was

the 12th biggest national economy by nominal GDP and the 17th biggest evaluated by PPP-

aligned GDP, related to 1.7 percentage of the entire world economy.

Social & cultural: About the Australia, the bad effect of tourism on social & cultural are shift of

local citizens to make way for airports, nature reserves, resorts, historical and different attraction

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sites and many different tourism development projects, gaining narcotics abuse and adultery

(Middleton, pp. 23).

Environment: Tourism, necessarily, has an impact on the atmosphere. Ironically, it's yet this

very atmosphere that pulls tourists to the place in the first place. Likewise, to the social and

economic impacts, the impact of tourism on the atmosphere can be both beneficial and

damaging. For the context and purpose of the study of this part, the environment refers every

factor of the surroundings of a person, whereas affecting that individual as an individual or as an

entire social group.

The environment can be either a ‘man-made’ construction or a naturally appearing aspect.

Tourism offers different positive environmental impacts on a society. Many of the more positive

affects contain the increasing concern for the natural atmosphere. Most of the world’s natural

attractions have motivated the expansion of best practice environmental guidelines and

standards. These guidelines show problems like recycling, effective waste management, visitor

education and crowd control programs. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is currently

an accepted need in Australia, when calling for approval for tours and festivals that incorporate

natural areas. Tourism into these types of areas offers chances for increased awareness,

education and the chance of natural environments (Middleton, pp. 23).

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Australia has many of the world's most diverse and distinctive natural environments, with

unique wildlife, and outstanding landscapes, containing different national parks and World

Heritage Areas. In these areas a person may elevate close to their native animals and plants dig

into the wide open spaces and find out ancient rainforests on the border of modern cities. A

person may have the chance to climb snow-capped mountains and swim in many pristine water

environments on earth (Beeton, pp. 126).

Ningaloo Reef & Shark Bay, Western Australia: According to the world Heritage-listed

Ningaloo Reef is the biggest fringing reef all over the world. It is one of best and reliable places

in the world to view and swim with calm whale sharks, which are known as the world’s biggest

fish. They arrive very shortly after the mass coral spawning in March every year. Shark Bay’s

authorise the turquoise waters are home to humpback whales, dolphins, turtles and manta rays.

They can observe living relatives of the earth’s soonest life-forms at Hamelin Pool and walk on

the world’s few beaches built completely of small shells. A visitor can spend the day with the

friendly dolphins of Monkey Mia which appears to the beach to be hand-fed daily (Beeton, pp.


Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory: World Heritagehaslisted Kakadu National Park

as the Australia’s biggest national park, an area so huge it is separated into seven distinct areas,

and has six diverse seasons. The Aboriginal history of the Kakaduarea spans over 40000 years.

Tough soaring escarps collapse to forest woodlands, open savannah plains and lush wetlands. A

person will see millions of migrant birds in the wetlands and crocodiles sunning on the banks of

the rivers. Swim in the massive waterfalls, walk through the sandstone galleries of ancient rock

art or cruise the beautiful billabong teeming with wildlife. It is also the best places to go fishing

in Australia (Beeton, pp. 126).

Phillip Island, Victoria: Daily at dusk, Summerland Beach in the Phillip Island Nature Park, it

is just 90 minutes away from Melbourne; it comes alive with millions of little penguins. All the

wild ocean beaches, protected bays, caves and blowholes are also home to koalas, ample bird life

and fur seals. They can join a wildlife cruise to observe the colony of 16000 Australian fur seals

at Seal Rocks, the biggest colonies in Australia, and spot koalasin the treetops at the Koala

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Conservation Centre. The Nobbies is a wonderful foreland on the south-western tip of Phillip

Island where the visitor can engage the dazing coastal views and roaring blowhole at lookout

points set in the natural sea bird gardens. Catch up with a wave next to the setting of previous

pink granite at Cape Woolamai, one of Victoria's most famous bird-spotting and surfing beaches

hotspots. Phillip Island produces a part of the Churchill Island Marine National Park which is

also listed in the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. Two other island

circuit tracks provide better views all over the Western Port Bay and views to French Island and

Tortoise Head (Beeton, pp. 126).

Australia’s National Parks: Australia has over 500 national parks dealing with an amazing 28

million hectares - nearly4% of the country. Australian national parks are discovered in a diverse

amount of landscapes: from alpine areas to deserts, marine and forests areas. Like Australian

Zoos, Australia’s national parks do to save their wildlife and native plants. They are also many

different places to enjoy and study about the environment, culture and heritage of Australia.

Whether it is meeting Native elders at Uluru, snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef or trekking by

the Tasmanian Wilderness (Beeton, pp. 126).

Assessment: Aspects that can affect the tourism and hospitality nature is volcanic activity,

earthquakes, cutting down trees and tsunamis, change of climate, spoliation the air and water, the

lack of sound management of waste, waste of natural resources and Australia traffic jam could be

the most important factors which affect not just the country's economy but also the tourism and

hospitality industry.

Plan: Planning for tourism both have negative and positive effects on the tourism and hospitality

industry. It is thus very vital for the policies development that accepted by local communities.

Every planning process starts with the adoption of the central government. Successful tourism

planning may be by a proper understanding of the aims. These targets rely on the political

stability, and cultural and social control, economic and pollution factors.

Budgeting: The tourism sector in Australia set a new record of almost around 4 trillion by the

year 2016. Plans to raise its budget by AUD, 60% compared with all the previous years. This

will assist the 30 million international tourists pulled to the natural beauty of Australia by

making of revenues from two trillion AUD. Specialism of the tourism and hospitality industry, in

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Australia is also dealing with the amount to solve the issues of climate change, disaster

management policies and water resource management. The support of government for marketing

budgets for small businesses searching to push them overseas, Tourism Australia and financial

support for Screen Australia are completely in the firing line after current Commission of Audit


The report, accredited by the Federal Government previous year, has made a series of

endorsements for areas as the government have the chance to make savings, as portion of what is

required to be a belt-tightening budget. Cash for Tourism Australia is also required to be cut in

half; ominous for the $185m the body gets every year from the government. It rather advises just

international advertising from the body, and extra cash from the state governments for localised

the promotions.

The report shows: “Almost two thirds of the budget of Tourism Australia is directed to

advertising and some other promotional acts. Whereas the tourism is one of Australia’s main

industries, many advantages of tourism fall to the tourism operators. There is not a single clear

reason why vital funding must be offered to tourism above any other Australian export

industries.”A spokesman for the Tourism Accommodation Association cleared in a statement it

would be “very improvident if the Commission of Audit advises were to be took over” by the

government, saying the sector is one of growth industries of Australia.

Resources: Australia is rich with gold, lead, tungsten, tin, manganese, gems, zinc and fertile

land. Deposits were found natural gas in the 1970s.

Maintenance: The preservation of forests, canals and rivers, sanitation and tourists places is

being carried on accordingly. Local administration has hired experienced engineers and workers

for this work (Beeton, pp. 126).


The selection of the tourism and hospitality industry finally relies on its capability of protecting

the aspects of the environment which it encourages. As a result of this recognition in the

industry, the idea of ecotourism appeared in the 1980s. Ecotourism, also famous as nature-

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tourism, mixes tourism with the rules of ecological sustainability, endeavouring to understate

human impacts on the environmental aspects that produce the basis of a tourist attraction. In

performing this, ecotourism promotes individuals to find out the places in ways that increase

their understanding and appreciation of the values of a site, instead of disgracing them. It also

stresses the significance of showing 'cultural sensitivity' when visiting host sites. This assists to

diminish the negative cultural and social impacts of tourism by promoting individuals to act with

locals and perform in a responsible, respectful manner.

Heron Island is an instance of an ecotourism place situated on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. The

Queensland University runs the Heron Island Research Program on the island and visitants are

promoted to take part in activities coordinated by the research centre, like coral-coding, which

lead to the area's ecological welfare.

Principals: The fundamental principles of eco-tourism as determined; it omits the harmful

features that may spoil the quality of the cultural or natural environment, that have been visited

by tourists. It also makes concision in the tourist on the effect of preservation. It also assists to

make revenue for the conservation of wildlife management and natural areas. As the arrival of

tourists, it assists the locals to earn some money. Visiting natural areas, eco-tourism makes a

social responsibility too, which assists to understand the safety and local culture of environment

(Sobocinska, pp. 84).

Natural tourism development: In accordance with the recent reports of statistics, natural tourism

in Australia makes 10 billion U.S. dollars. As compared to all the other industries, natural

tourism in Australia turns out to be a highest rank in earning all the foreign incomes. Australia

has shown them as peaceful country in the field of natural tourism. Its islands and beaches, and

national parks, history, culture and forestry have turn into the main attraction area for

international tourism. Tourism is the biggest export industry in Australia and the Tourism

Authority of Australia has many areas like tourism; beaches and islands, national parks and

forests, culture, honey moon, history and shopping.

Local’s economic development: Eco-tourism has turn into a source of income for all the local

people as when tourists visit their local culture and tourist sites, local residents get some better

life that carries some more improvement in their lifestyle (Sobocinska, pp. 84).

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Sustainable tourism is a vital key effect that has increased in relation to the development of

tourism in different countries at national government and local community levels. It concerns to

tourism that may be sustained over the long run as explained by Tourism and Hospitality

Industry. Sustainable tourism does not effect in bad consequences for the social, physical and

cultural environments of the region in which it takes place… It is the aim of all the departments

of government to have long-run strategies in relation to securing the environment, and thus the

basis on which the tourism industry is dependant. What does this mean? In all the economic

terms, if they hurt or diminish the natural beauty of an area or the important cultural or historic

buildings, the visitors’ interest will reject, therefore they lose the revenue of tourism that might

be earned by visitors to this area in the future. More significantly, future generations will not be

capable of experiencing the entire advantages and characteristics of these environments.

Sustainable tourism is focused on the belief that there must be a basic responsibility to the

environment, and that it is long-run interest in the tourism industry’s to assume environmentally

friendly exercises.

Principles: Sustainable tourism breeds wide area of tourism like; natural heritage, conservation,

bio-diversity, cordial, fiscal, civilization and environmental segments.

Objectives: The main goal and objective of eco-tourism is to create and develop better place for

individuals to visit and create a chance for local citizens to earn for their living for the

improvement of their lifestyle.

Problems: In the development process of sustainable tourism, Australia encounter same issues as

other nations do like; raise in the human population, global climate change and diminishing of

wildlife and living things because of the raise of infrastructure. Put differently humans are

providing less land and place for wildlife to survive.

Destination management: There are many procedures which are applied by Australia for

sustainable tourism. The processes which Australia use for its sustainable tourism is covered

quite a broad area like; forest conversation, development of coastal areas and natural resources

conservation. Financial factors like; over population, poverty issues have been in focus by

Australia in financial conversation issues.

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Global Warming: After Australia becomes the biggest forest in all over the World, Australia

provides awareness to plant over million trees to cut down the stroke of global warming. The

companies are also applying campaigns to make perception in the local citizens on environment

issues (Zientara, pp. 167).


Wildlife Tourism Australia (WTA) is a not a profit firm showing tourist operations, educators,

businesses, researchers and societies that support viable wildlife tourism in Australia. WTA

receives all the new research projects and members. The wildlife sector of the Co-operative

Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism took research in between 1998 and 2004 on different

factors of wildlife tourism. In October 2001, at the Sustainable Wildlife Tourism Convention in

Hobart assigns discussed the requirement for a national organisation to show zoos, wildlife

parks, wildlife Eco tours and many different wildlife operators all over Australia. In December

2002, the initial meeting of the Australian Wildlife Tourism Action Group was held which was

then officially modified to Wildlife Tourism Australia Inc.

Since then, WTA has run many conferences, seminars and workshops, promoted governments on

matters associating to tourism and wildlife, offered extensive detail for tourists and operators on

their website, and assisted to promote quality experiences of wildlife in almost every part of

Australia (Huberman, pp. 98).

Great Barrier Reef Tours: The planet's biggest coral reef system, the 135,993square-mile

Great Barrier Reef off the coast of north-eastern Australia, blows an evenly superlative marine

life that contains 1,500 fish and 400 forms of coral. Dive or snorkel for a choice to observe fish

in almost each colour, loggerhead and green turtles, sharks, dugongs and manta rays. A popular

spot is Cod Hole, where leads that lead diving expedition’s hand-feed giant potato cod. The reef

is just approachable by boat. Tours start from Cairns, Townsville, Port Douglas and


The Wet Tropics: This coastal area is in north-eastern Australia, a site of UNESCO World

Heritage, covers the most former rain forests on Earth, which harbour uncommon species similar

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to the Lumholtz's tree kangaroo and platypus. A person can also spot pythons, Australian

cassowary and lizards. Many of the rain forest fauna is nocturnal, so they advise visiting on a

day-to-night digression with Wait-a-While Rainforest Tours. Furthermore, Border Ranges

National Park in New South Wales, the portion of the UNESCO-enrolled the rain forests

ofGondwana, has a canton of Australia’s bird species.

Kangaroo Island : This is Australia's third-biggest island and is the great place in the country to

see marsupials in the wild, in accordance to them. The other vital wildlife attraction on Kangaroo

Island is Seal Bay Conservation Park; it is a home to a colony of sea lions of Australia, an

uncommon species. Visitors may have the chance to see the animals on the beach, but just on a

guided tour, for which they have to pay the fee.

Forest restoration and conservation: In Australia, average percentage of the land is secured

with the forest, and those some years ago. The new project was started in 2006, to reconstruct the

forests and wildlife. The main aim of this project is to make intimacy in between citizens, the

priority of wildlife and forests.

Mobile wildlife clinic: Despite of all the small donations of volunteers, they yet searching for a

long-term supporters to start a mobile clinic effectually, with subject to the care and medications

of the animals, this mobile wildlife clinic project will cost them around US$ 34,000 every year.

Performance and coverage: With the assistance of all the national parks of Australia,

conducted a wild life friend Australia and based on the basis of a research project in the forest.

The objectives and aim of this research project is to analyse the patterns and behaviour of their

work and the issues faced by these animals in the wild after their discharge.

Define strategies : Annual seminars and meetings will help providing understanding with

citizens and offers tools like a complete education and knowledge on animal behaviours and

recovering programs, covering almost every vital strategy (Huberman, pp. 98).

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With reference to and about almost every search & theory, there is not a single doubt that

Australia has turn out to be a better place for tourism with subject to stylish trends services and

products. With regards to firm hold on every sector of tourism industry, Australia is moving

quickly in look for the solution to every issue and has become a stable economic country. The

tourism policy therefore involves in written guidelines that help with developing strategies,

legislation and regulations to manage the tourism development. It thus usually produces the basis

of different business standards of in-house and operation policies, which actually help in the

company and staff to comply with legal requirements and responsibilities.

Protecting and enhancing the natural environment is a vital factor in making tourist places more

beautiful to visit. Different tourism activities happen in environmentally sensitive areas that

require to be protected as the assets of tourism as different tourism-based operations rely on

these assets for their own survival of business. Aside from defending a tourism asset, the

principle of sustainable development requires to be debated and explored. Like an approach

studies the balance in the tourism development and the safety of the environment to preserve the

integrity of an area for its future use. The departments of Australian government at the

state/territory levels and federal level have the responsibility of assisting the environment,

whereas simultaneously maximising the financial potential of tourism places.

These two apparently contradictory roles look to assimilate the requirements of the development

of tourism and the protection of environment. Different tourism activities occur in

environmentally sensitive areas that are threatened as tourism assets as different tourism-based

operations rely on these assets for their own survival of business. There is also an enhanced

awareness and pressure to dilute waste. As already mentioned, environmental legislations and

guidelines have been set in place to help with management and safety of the place.

Muhammad Ali Mooni CTH No. 77598 Emerging Issues in H&T- A5026109


Base on all the above treatment on Natural tourism, social tourism, wildlife tourism& urban

tourism their recommendations have been defined as below.

The Natural disaster management system must be updated to keep off natural incident like;

(earthquakes, volcanic activity& tsunamis) to keep off any future mishaps. Even though Wild

animal rescue network are performing many things best to preserve &secure wild animals but

ministry of education of Australia must contain reading materials of wild life preservation in

students text books, this will encourage their awareness campaign in the students.

Social cultural tourism plays a vital role in promoting Australia image but the policies of

Harassment must also be reviewed and implemented strictly as these types of incidents may

affect Australia’s social culture image. After the Urban areas are the primary centres of

educational public health services, home business, worshipplaces and entertainment complex. In

spite of raise in tourism in Australia, government must make infrastructure in other areas to

overcome crime and pollution problems in urban areas (Zientara, pp. 167).

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