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Emerson Project Services...To reduce your project risks, Emerson Process Management provides full...

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Emerson Project Services Reducing Risk Through All Phases of Your Project Execution
Page 1: Emerson Project Services...To reduce your project risks, Emerson Process Management provides full scope automation technology and services including front-end engineering expertise,

Emerson Project ServicesReducing Risk Through All Phases of Your Project Execution

Page 2: Emerson Project Services...To reduce your project risks, Emerson Process Management provides full scope automation technology and services including front-end engineering expertise,


Among 61 surveyed executives from 21 countriesresponsible for projects of $1 billion or more, only 34%said they had delivered to within 25% of their approvedbudget for all projects, and fewer than a third (32%) saidthey delivered to the approved schedule.“Capital Project Delays and Budget Overruns Could CostOil and Gas and Utility Industries Trillions of Dollars”AccentureJuly 2012


To compete globally, you look forinvestments that will improve youroperations and maximize profitability. Atthe same time, you want to lower capitalproject and ongoing operating costs.

Unfortunately, most capital projects donot come in within 25% of their approvedbudget, nor of the approved schedule. Ontop of that, many of these projects fallshort of anticipated production or qualityexpectations, and the technologiesimplemented may leave no path forwardfor future improvement or expansion.

Page 3: Emerson Project Services...To reduce your project risks, Emerson Process Management provides full scope automation technology and services including front-end engineering expertise,

Meet project budget projections Today’s larger, more integrated manufacturing complexesoften involve many interfaces to manage such as multipleowners, engineering contractors, and suppliers. Pressure tobe first to market adds project risk. If you could moreaccurately forecast capital project costs, reduce risks, andprovide more predictable project results, you could reducethe risk of budget overruns.

Achieve operational expectations Designs that don’t meet operational key performanceindicators (KPIs), higher-than-expected equipment failurerates, expensive spare parts stocking and high maintenancecosts can increase total cost of ownership (TCO). The resultcan be unmet operational and financial performanceexpectations. With collaboration of knowledgeable experts todetermine the most cost-effective automation solutions, youcan ensure a solution that meets cost projections and long-term operational objectives.

Reduce project schedule risks Underestimating task times due to insufficient, inaccurate orlate data causes late change orders, rework, and multiple

schedules extentions.Other risk factors caninclude insufficient orunqualified implementa-tion resources, and nocontingency plans. Early collaboration with experts can putmitigating measures in place to avert these pitfalls later.

Expert help for every project phaseThese and other considerations represent a potentialchallenge to your ability to reach your project objectives. Find out in the following pages why investing up front incomprehensive project planning can greatly reduce the risksyou face in bringing your project to successful completion forthe best return on your investment, and how Emerson canhelp at every phase–from planning and design, toimplementing and building, to operating and maintaining, to improving and modernizing, to education and training.






collaborate with youfrom the earliestconcept through

ongoing support andoptimization.


With so much riding on your projects, how do you reduce therisks to your project’s success and ongoing performance?

Page 4: Emerson Project Services...To reduce your project risks, Emerson Process Management provides full scope automation technology and services including front-end engineering expertise,

Align your project planwith business prioritiesWhether you’re consideringdeveloping a new facility ormaking improvements to anexisting one, you’re challenged tocreate a vision to get you fromwhere you are today, to whereyou want to be tomorrow. Toconsider that vision, managementmust clearly see how your plansalign with the company’sstrategic vision, how your planswill take advantage of newtechnologies, and how they’lljustify the capital investment.Consideration of your vision canbe tempered–or rejectedaltogether–if it’s clouded by toomany subjective claims, nobaseline for reference, or a lack ofindustry benchmarks tocorroborate the claims.

Create value in thevisionRegardless of its purpose, size orscope, initiating a project withoutan established vision increasesthe risks to its successfulcompletion. These risks caninclude missed optimizationopportunities, investing inprojects that don't align with yourbusiness strategy, cost overrunsduring project execution, failureto meet performanceexpectations and an operationthat falls further behind thecompetition.

Find untappedopportunitiesTo help you create your vision,identify and maximizeopportunities, Emerson ProcessManagement can provide youwith experts to collaborate withyour team. The vision we developcollaboratively for your facility willdrive organizational consensus, soeach of your key stakeholdersmoves forward with an“ownership” commitment.Focusing on the financial as wellas the technical aspects of yourproject, these experts can helpyou demonstrate quantifiablebusiness results and financialreturn in the vision they createwith your team. Many customershave seen their engagement withEmerson consultants result in

successful, high-return projects.Since automation is EmersonProcess Management’s corebusiness, you’ll work withconsultants who bring extensiveautomation expertise to yourproject. In fact, your Emersonteam members will includeexperts with experience specificto your industry and process.From that experience, they canprovide insights into your uniqueplant processes, business drivers,and market dynamics to developthe vision and business cases thatcan make the crucial difference in

Good front end planningleads to as much as 20% costsavings and 39% schedulereduction for total projectdesign and construction.Construction Industry Institute: Adding Value Through Front End Planning, CII Special Publication 268-3



Page 5: Emerson Project Services...To reduce your project risks, Emerson Process Management provides full scope automation technology and services including front-end engineering expertise,

your project’s success andmaximize return on investment.

Draw from expertiseand broad solution setTo keep its process automationleadership edge, Emerson investsin developing technologies tosolve complex customerproblems. These investmentsresult in proven products,services, and solutions–and abroader array of tools from whichyour project team can draw and

apply, guided by our experts’practical experience and provenmethodologies.

Collaborate for resultsEmerson’s consultants workwith your key stakeholders toensure your project is alignedwith your business objectives, andthat project risks are identifiedearly in the project, with plans inplace to mitigate those chal-lenges. Emerson’s capabilitiesand experience are especially

valuable when time is at apremium. This collaborative effortensures a well-defined project

scope. The results can be lowerproject cost, faster implemen-tation, and quicker start-up—thusrealizing profitability sooner.


Developing your vision is a collaborative process between you and Emerson consultants.

Page 6: Emerson Project Services...To reduce your project risks, Emerson Process Management provides full scope automation technology and services including front-end engineering expertise,

Develop a controllableand profitable projectUnderstanding your currentenvironment, recognizingadvantages in the latesttechnologies and how best tointegrate them into a plan thatmeets your business objectivesare critical steps in preparing for a successful project. But takingthese steps can be a challengewhen up-front requirements arepoorly-defined, incomplete orinaccurate data is applied,important project parameters are omitted, or if unrealistic

expectations are set from thebeginning. The results can includea project that’s misaligned withyour business objectives, missedbudget and schedule.

Unexpected cultural, resource, orcontractual conflicts can add todelayed start-up and unidentifiedor unmitigated project risks.Planning for and taking steps toaddress or mitigate the abovechallenges can dramaticallyreduce the risks to your project.

Plan for successFront End Engineering Design(FEED) is the process ofdeveloping sufficient strategicinformation from which you canassess risk and calculate resourcecommitment to maximize thechance for project success1. Thegoal FEED is to define theproject’s scope of work in orderto meet expectations with factorslike budget, time, quality, andsafety, while aligning key playersearly to mitigate change orderslater. The Construction IndustryInstitute (CII) identifies this criticalphase as one of its best practicesfor successful project execution2.Your investment in this front-endwork can produce benefitsthroughout the project including:

Lower costsCompletion of a FEED results in awell-defined scope for the rest ofthe project, which in turn resultsin a more accurate estimate,lower contingency, and typicallylower overall project costs. Theeffort and upfront cost of theFEED delivers major returns, asthis work would otherwise bedone in the first 10-25% ofdetailed engineering. Theresulting functional specificationis further refined during thedetailed design phase of the project.

Align Your Project and Business Objectives



Page 7: Emerson Project Services...To reduce your project risks, Emerson Process Management provides full scope automation technology and services including front-end engineering expertise,

Implement fasterThe sooner you can start up theproject, the sooner you can beginrealizing the cost benefits of theimprovements. Early identi-fication of potential problemareas and/or necessary changesallows for early resolution,resulting in less impact to theproject. Faster implementationand improved projectperformance are key benefits toperforming a FEED, with costreductions of up to 30%.3

Identify and minimize project risk With project staff alignment,business drivers and constraintsdefined, project risks areidentified and minimized.Business management canproceed with full disclosure ofopportunities to mitigate riskand/or project alternatives.

Ensure design consistency;clarify responsibilities Developing specifications andproviding a definitive estimate is atypical FEED activity. Anotherimportant activity is developing aroles and responsibilities matrix todefine relationships betweenowner, MAC, and EPCs. This phaseenables the MAC as a solutionprovider. It also establishesstandards, rules, and conventionsto ensure design consistency

across the project. Operationsand maintenance personnel areengaged throughout the designfor their input into specifications.

Increase user involvementand management support Studies show that projects lackingoperations and maintenanceinvolvement perform poorly.Conversely, early planning,project definition and goal settingare major factors in gaining userinvolvement and managementsupport. These factors greatlyincrease the opportunity to meetproject schedules, budget andoperability requirements.4

Plan from a proven process Emerson’s proven FEED workprocess is built on therecommended best practices ofauthorities such as ConstructionIndustry Institute, ProjectManagement Institute (PMI), andIndependent Project Analysis (IPA)methodologies.

Improve projectperformance According to a CII study of 53large projects, those that spentthe most effort on pre-projectplanning (another term used forFEED) averaged:n 20% lower costsn 39% schedule reductionn 15% utilization/capacity

increasewhen compared to the groupsthat spent the least effort on pre-project planning.


”For the validation project, the front-end workperformed by Emerson was quite important aswe needed to have accurate cost estimates. It isthe ultimate goal of every project.John WilsonProject Manager, Dow AgroSciences

1Construction Industry Institute (CII). (1995). “Pre-project planning handbook.” Publication No. 39-2, Construction Industry Institute, Austin, Tex.2Construction Industry Institute (CII). (2007). “CII best practices.” (http://www.construction-institute.org/scriptcontent/bp.cfm?section _Order) (February 14, 2007)3Hwang, Bon-Gang and Ho, Jia Wei (2012), “Front-End Planning Implementation in Singapore: Status, Importance, and Impact” Journal of Construction Engineering andManagement, 138(4), 5674(2010) CHAOS MANIFESTO: The Laws of CHAOS and the CHAOS 100 Best PM Practices, The Standish Group

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Market demandschallenge your projectperformanceAccurately forecasting capitalproject costs, reducing risks, andproviding predictability is morechallenging than ever. A keyfactor adding to the challenge isthe growing trend amongcompanies toward larger, moreintegrated manufacturingcomplexes. Concurrent to thisupsizing and integration, aworldwide shortage of skilledworkers relative to demand addsnew challenges to securing theresources you need to execute aproject or to operate andmaintain a plant.

Broad technology andservices portfolioAs a partner on your projectteam, Emerson is committed tolearning and understanding yourrequirements in order to develop a solution that uses the besttechnologies and practices tomeet those requirements. Duringdetail design, Emerson ensuresthat pre-FEED and FEED designconcepts and considerations aremaintained.

Emerson offers a broad portfolioof technology and services forfield instrumentation and valves,control and safety instrumentedsystems, operations managementand asset management software,advanced control, prefabricatedbuildings and skids, and operatortraining solutions.

To reduce your project risks,Emerson Process Managementprovides full scope automationtechnology and services includingfront-end engineering expertise,detailed engineering and design,configuration, installation, start-up, and lifecycle support. In thepursuit of project executionexcellence, Emerson helps youreduce the risks to your projectschedule and costs, whileensuring you meet your project’soperability requirements.

Single sourceaccountabilityadvantagesMeeting your project’sautomation needs can be acomplex task. Emerson cansimplify that task by providingsingle source accountabilityunder one contract, reducing

your project management burden and the number ofsuppliers you deal with.

As your project Main AutomationContractor (MAC), Emersonidentifies and manages the risksassociated with sourcing Emersonand third-party content throughdesign, implementation,installation, testing,commissioning, startup, and thelifecycle of your facility. Emersonis responsible for all automationand will work with your EPC andcan co-locate engineers withplant personnel, EPCs, andsuppliers to integrate processes,coordinate communications, andestablish standards, rules andconventions.


65% of mega projects ($1B)around the world fail.* 35% ofprojects under $500M fail.*“Speed Kills”, Klaver, Ali. 2012 Project Manager Magazine


*25% schedule slip or project overspend, 50% longer than planned execution time, or severe and continuing operational problems into year two.

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Global resourcesTo take on new construction ormodernization projects of anysize, anywhere in the world,Emerson has invested in a large,global project engineeringorganization. Drawing onthousands of highly-skilledresources, the organization candeploy the resources you need,anywhere–to engineer, procure,and manage instrumentation,control systems, safetyinstrumented systems, andassociated interfaces for allproject components and facilities.This aggregation reduces yourrisks associated with reliance onsubcontractors. And bycombining on-site and remoteengineering center activities,these resources can oftenaccelerate your project schedule.

This expansive knowledge andgeographic location allowsEmerson to assign the bestpeople for your project. And withthousands of successful digitalplant projects completedEmerson has amassed theknowledge and experience tohelp unlock more value from yourautomation infrastructureinvestment.

Project managementpractitioners How often do you undertake agreenfield, expansion, upgrade,or modernization project?

Chances are it’s not very often.And while you’re managing thisproject, who’s managing yourday-to-day responsibilities? Youranswers to these questions also answer why Emerson has investedin hundreds of project managers.These dedicated professionalsapply the science of projectmanagement as a corecompetency that most processcompanies cannot afford to stafffull time.

Through a comprehensivedevelopment program, theseproject managers, key technical

lead engineers, and other projectresources are trained and keptcurrent with the latest in standardprocesses, tools and bestpractices in project management.With these ongoing skills they canhelp you reduce risk and achievefaster results in achieving yourproject objectives.

We selected EmersonProcess Management asour main automationcontractor because ofreally two things. Onewas proven previousexperience with projectmanagement, and thensecondly their intimacywith the technology we selected.


”Dan YoderTechnology ManagementMotiva Norco

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Define the terms of yourproject’s performanceAs the person trusted with anautomation project at yourfacility, you’re held accountableto bring that project in on timeand on budget, and to ensure thatit’s up and running as expectedonce handed over to operations.

You face many challenges toachieve those performanceobjectives–from ambiguouscontractor roles and responsi-bilities, to imprecise projectvisibility with team membersunclear on what stage the projectthey’re in, to procurement anddelivery issues, to creepingproject scope and its associated costs.

If you’re operating multiplefacilities in various parts of theworld, you face the additionalchallenges of language andtechnical terminology, differentmeasurement standards,government regulations and evenpersonnel holiday schedules.

Deliver quality projectresults anywhereWe live in a global community,and many manufacturers buildand operate facilities throughoutthe world. Consistent design andoperations is a key objective inbuilding and operating capitalinvestment projects–regardlessof where they’re located. Asprocess automation provider tothose facilities, Emerson invests inproviding those consistentstandards and processes in everyproject we undertake.

This investment is embodied inEmerson’s Global ProjectManagement Office (PMO)–agroup of project experts whocollaborate to develop and deployglobal project processes,standards and tools. These aredesigned to enable predictableand consistent project delivery byour global project engineeringorganization. These standardsencompass project proposal,management, engineering, andassociated operational supportprocesses. PMO processes andtools are aligned to the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI), theworld’s leading projectmanagement organization. Theobjective of these investments isto ensure you receive consistent,efficient and robust processautomation project solutions–nomatter where your project is located.

Plan and scheduleProject execution excellence is allabout achieving a goal, meeting arequirement or completing a taskin minimal time and effort, doingit right the first time, with a zerodefect mentality. The results ofdoing many things very wellinclude minimized project risks,met schedules and containedcosts. Emerson starts each projectwith studied planning andscheduling–employingengineering estimation models developed and refined throughstandard processes, tools andglobal experience. The result isbetter work breakdownstructures for more precisescheduling and planning.

Project activities and tasks areassigned to the best-qualifiedresource, and activities analyzedfor on-site or remote engineering.


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Engage global teamsIn forming a project team, theproject manager develops aresource plan that carefullydefines roles and responsibilitiesand matches capabilities withproject task requirements.

To effectively engage theseresources regardless of location,Emerson has invested in aglobally-distributed engineeringsolution called the Remote VirtualOffice (RVO). It is a dedicated,secure engineering environmentaccessible by Emerson and itscustomers to collaborate onprojects. Using virtualizationtechnology, RVO eliminatesphysical hardware dependencyand provides faster projectinitiation, allowing configurationand prototyping. It also allows forremote factory acceptance tests(FAT) and prototyping and testingor integration tests with sub-systems or equipment skids.

This remote “one team” approachand virtual infrastructure hasproven effective in reducingoverall project risk andminimizing any negative impactson project schedules.

Manage InterfacesEmerson has long-standingrelationships and work processalignment agreements with manyof the world’s most prominentEPC organizations. Theserelationships help to reduceschedule and cost risks. We alsooffer support in the design andapplication of digitalinstrumentation, control andinformation technologies foroptimized performance withincapital budgets.

Emerson conforms to industrystandards that further ourpartnerships with EPCs. One ofthese standards is CII’s PEpC

process for major projectcontracting. PEpC encompassesprocurement of strategicsuppliers, engineer and design,procure balance of plant, andconstruction. Using this processearly in the project facilitatesbetter strategic decision makingand has proven to produce timeand cost savings of 10-15% and 4-8% respectively, whencompared with traditional project processes.

Emerson’s Remote Virtual Office allowed us to collaboratewith experts and resources from multiple sites to conductour Factory Acceptance Test (FAT). The result was less traveland site disturbance to our operations. Also, moreoperators could participate remotely which improved thenew automation system adoption.François DavinInstrumentation, Electrical and Automation Manager—Engineering ServiceSanofi

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Maximize projectperformance solutionsYour expertise is in managing youroperations and productionprocesses. You know what resultsyou want from your automationproject. But you may not knowwhat tools are available to mostcost-effectively accomplish thoseresults and sustain your facilitythrough future expansions ormodernizations. Staying abreast oftoday’s automation technologiesand how to best apply them toyour operations is a full timejob–either for an employee youdon’t have, for a consultant youcan’t afford, or for a vendor whose

advice you may not trust asunbiased. In short, you’re not sureyou’re getting the besttechnological solution for yourproject because you simply don’tknow what you don’t know. As aresult, your project may notprovide capabilities you need–notonly for your existing needs, butalso for continuous improvement.

Improve projectexecution with DeltaVsystem functionalityEmerson consultants candemonstrate–and even help youquantify–how technologies likewireless, electronic marshallingand characterization modules(CHARMs) can dramaticallyimprove project executionefficiency.

The DeltaV system’s uniqueflexible field architecture deliversI/O on demand–providing the I/Oyou want, when you want it, whereyou want it. This flexibility lets youdecouple process design from theI/O infrastructure design to easilyincorporate late process changesinto the automation system.

Any input value can be read by anyDeltaV controller regardless ofwhere the wiring is landed.Troubleshooting of installationissues is easier because problemscan be isolated to a channel-by-channel diagnosis.

Emerson provides technology thatnot only improves day-to-dayoperational performance but alsoaddresses your capital project costs.

Efficiency and operational benefitsare designed into DeltaV systemfunctionality includingconfiguration library modules,dynamos, auto-sensing and self-configuring technology for greaterefficiency and reduced work asyour automation system evolves.

Wireless technologies reduceinstallation costs while enablingadded process information fromformerly inaccessible oreconomically prohibitve places.

Simulation technologies whichintegrate with the DeltaV system,make factory acceptance testing(FAT) easier by reducing manhours to test software.

Reduce project time,cost, and risk with AMSSuite Another product functionality thatdelivers project benefits in yourfacility is Emerson’s AMS Suite™.This application helps you turn thewealth of intelligent field devicediagnostic data into focused,actionable information. Using theAMS Suite’s Intelligent DeviceManager with the DeltaV systemcan decrease wireless networkplanning and reduce the time andeffort for instrument and valveconfiguration, documentation,commissioning, calibration,interlock validation, and SISverification. These tools continueto add value with day-to-dayinformation on the health of assetsfor a condition-based maintenanceculture.


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The start-up schedule was met by takingadvantage of the characterizationmodules’ flexibility when field I/O changeswere implemented during construction.Bryan BeyerSouthern StatesA Charming New Facility, CONTROL Magazine

Similarly, Emerson consultantsand engineers can demonstratehow a DeltaV automation systemintegrated with online machineryhealth monitoring lets youpredict, protect, and monitorrotating equipment performancewith pre-engineered automaticsensors and synchronized alarm limits.

Maintain data integrityThe SmartPlant Instrumentation®

(SPI) software, a popularinstrument database tool fromIntergraph Corporation is used bymany engineers forinstrumentation design. TheDeltaV system’s bi-directionalinterface with SPI providesseamless exchange of I/O andinstrumentation informationbetween the two databases.

This information transfer spansconventional I/O, including HART,Fieldbus I/O and CHARMs I/O systems–reducing engineeringhours and eliminating errorscaused by manual data conversionor transfer.

During project delivery, Emerson resources apply theirknowledge to leverage bothproduct and service technologiesto realize value in your project’squality, efficiency and operational benefits.

Dramatic SavingsSouthern States Chemical was North America’s first

startup operation to implement Emerson’s Electronic

Marshalling and characterization module (CHARM)

technologies with the DeltaV process automation

system. The implementation produced dramatic

engineering, construction, startup and ongoing

operations savings in its green field sulfuric acid plant in

Wilmington, North Carolina.

Some of the benefits realized:

n 50% wiring and installation labor savings

n Faster plant start-up

n Labor and space savings

n Easier, flexible changes

n Reduced risk to schedule

n Increased reliability and uptime

Page 14: Emerson Project Services...To reduce your project risks, Emerson Process Management provides full scope automation technology and services including front-end engineering expertise,


Realize your project’sfull operational value Total cost of ownership extendsfar beyond your project’scompletion. It may meet yourperformance expectations anddeliver design capabilities. But ifthose deliverables come at thecost of stocking expensive parts,or paying high maintenance costs,your return on investment (ROI)can quickly slip into the negativecolumn. If resolving incidentstakes too long, costs too much, oryou lack local support and properdocumentation, keeping yoursystem and assets running at peakperformance can become a costly challenge.

Project lifespan supportservicesEmerson delivers automationsystem services through aworldwide service network ofcertified facilities and personnel,and factory service resources.These ensure the right resources,skills, and experience are in placeto deliver the highest qualitysupport services throughout thelife of your plant.

Project-to-operationstransition supportEmerson’s local field serviceorganizations collaborate tosupport installation,commissioning, and startupactivities on projects like yours.New technologies and workpractices can be a challenge toyour site personnel and policies.Emerson can help ensure timely,positive automation installationsby providing your people with thetechnical support and technologyfamiliarization they need to helpensure system uptime byminimizing the learning cycleduring this critical projecttransition phase.

Lifecycle servicesEmerson helps you maximize yourproject’s business and operationalvalue over the plant lifecyclethrough a portfolio of reliability,performance, and sustainabilityservices. The Emerson globalnetwork of local and factory specialists can help deliver theimproved competitive advantageand bottom line business results

you expected from projectinception. Because every customer has different supportneeds, Emerson created itsLifecycle Services program to beflexible, allowing you to choosethe coverage that meets yourfacility, personnel, and businessneeds. We understand that our

“ ”By 2016, shortage of experienced petrotechnicalprofessionals will reach 20% of talent pool.

Schlumberger Business Consulting (SBC) O&GBenchmark 2012, World Energy Outook 2012


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service and support must matchyour goals, your values and your vision.

Reliability services keep yourplant operating safely, reliably andeconomically. Activities aredesigned to help you achievedesired levels of certainty forsystem uptime.

Performance services are thosethat are necessary for achievingongoing, predictable, proven andmeasurable operational results–with no surprise–and an end goalof performance improvement over time.

Sustainability services offer thefull advantage of a trustedpartner working with you topreserve your investment. Theseinclude identifying, assessing,planning and implementingtechnology updates and upgradesto minimize system down time,prevent system offsets andminimize total cost of ownership.

Emerson can customize aprogram for your project, basedon your plant’s unique operatinghistory, maintenancerequirements, control systemconfiguration, performanceimprovement needs, staffexperience, manpower levels,budgetary constraints andoperational goals.

Guardian SupportThe core element of the Emersonsupport program is GuardianSupport. The Guardian servicemodule is designed to help youproactively achieve peakavailability, sustainability andperformance on your systeminvestment through criticalservice and support information.Guardian consolidates andsecurely delivers personalized,real-time service intelligencetailored specifically to yoursystem architecture, assets anduse. It provides a single-pointsource of critical services andsystem information to help youeffectively manage projects builtaround the Emerson DeltaVautomation system throughoutits lifecycle.

Evergreen upgradesIn order to keep your systemcurrent, Emerson’s EvergreenUpgrades program was designedto ensure a successful upgradeevery time. Emerson treatscontrol system software upgradesas a project. Accordingly,research, planning, testing,mitigation, and implementationare considered to minimize risk.Certified service engineersequipped with the right tools,expertise and training ensure thatnothing is missed and yourupgrade goes smoothly so youcan get back to producingproduct.


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Reduce risk in the path forward If your facility is like manythroughout the world, it isoperating with outdated processautomation assets that make itincreasingly difficult to competein global markets and keep upwith present and futureproduction demands.

Aging automation systems limityour operational capabilities andincrease the risk of upsets,shutdowns and other costlyreliability problems. Inability toexpand due to I/O and processorcapacity constraints, complexsoftware for advancedfunctionality, and lack ofexperienced personnel to build or

enhance existing applications canmake your facility less agile inresponse to increasing business demands.

Continuous improvement andflexibility in your process is anappealing goal, but achieving itcan be difficult while sustainingproduction with dwindlingavailability of control hardwarespare parts and process control expertise.

Plan for sustainedproductivity Emerson industry and automationconsultants can help you developa pathway forward for yourfacility. They’ll identify and assessmodernization opportunities foroperational improvement andsustained or acceleratedcompetitive edge. From thisassessment, they can collaboratewith you to develop a detailedimplementation plan specific toyour plant parameters andbusiness objectives. With this planthey can furnish you with arigorous business case definingfuture automation investment,projected production economics,and long-term return oninvestment.

Automation planningexpertiseExecuted as a collaborative effortbetween you and Emersonconsultants, an automationmodernization study will betailored to your facility. Emerson’smodernization experts are

“Average impact of unscheduled downtime:$20B or almost 5% of process industries.

ARC Strategies: “The Control System MigrationSurvival Manual”March, 2010


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familiar with the technical andoperational aspects of Emersonand non-Emerson legacy systems.They’ll apply best practices indeveloping a customizedmodernization plan for your plant.

These studies will give you capitalbudgeting information for futureautomation investment options.They’ll also provide a detailedimplementation plan describingthe scope of engineering workand installation tasks. You can usethis plan to set the requirementsfor the front end engineering andimplementation phases.

Minimize productionloss in modernizationTo minimize disruption to yourfacility during your modernizationproject, Emerson’s consultantsdeliver the digital technologiesand expertise to safely cut overplant control loops, instrumentsand systems. This hot cutoverexpertise can mitigate risk,reduce downtime, enhanceperformance, and improve yourbusiness returns.

If a hot cutover is planned, itbegins with a detailed audit ofexisting instrumentation.Emerson specialists can help youselect the right hardware for theapplication; safely and properlyinstall the equipment; andcommission the instruments foroptimal performance, withoutsacrificing reliability or safety.

The proven “one-loop-at-a-time”strategic approach makes onlinecutovers more manageable thancommissioning an entire unitafter a shutdown or turnaround. Italso reduces cost by minimizingshutdown and turnaroundperiods for critical instrumentsand safety system changeovers.

Control performanceimprovementEmerson consultants provideexpertise, tools and training tooptimize the performance ofindividual control loops and tocoordinate the response of allprocess unit loops. ControlPerformance Improvementconsultants can quicklydetermine root causes andsolutions for loop performanceproblems such as cycling and slowresponse. They can tune all loopsin a unit for a coordinatedresponse to load disturbances andsetpoint changes. The resultingreduction in process variabilitycan help you minimizeconsumption of raw materials andenergy while yielding productquality improvements.Additionally, these consultantscan help you determine thecauses of and solutions forprocess upsets, trips, andoperator intervention on keycontrol loops, reducingunplanned events and loweringmaintenance costs for yourprocess equipment.

“ Emerson’s experiencereally made a difference inthe planning andimplementation of the hotcutover to our new controlsystem. Their digitaltechnology was also criticalas they worked with us toinstall and commission 1100new instruments. This projectwas under budget with noOSHA or environmentincidents. You cannot getmuch better than that! ”

Bob ShervenProject Manager

Shell Deer Park Refinery

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Plan for a successfulproject transitionEducation is crucial to theongoing operation of yourproject–and ultimately to itssuccess. Your operators andmanagement are focusedprincipally on keeping operationsup and running, so schedulingtraining can be one challenge,while paying for it is another. Ifyour most experienced people arenearing retirement age, andturnover of competent personnelis an ongoing problem, thencontinual training of newpersonnel can be costly.

Emerson has devoted, overseveral decades, an entiredepartment and substantialresources to training youroperators, engineers, technicians,and maintenance personnel tosafely operate your plant. Thistraining is a critical part of runninga better, more profitable facility.It can also contribute to greaterpersonnel stability, while helpingyou to fill the knowledge resource gap.

Whether for a new project, or forongoing operations andmaintenance, Emerson canprovide consulting services, skillsassessments and the righttraining solutions at the righttime. We make sure your staff is

prepared when your projectcomes on line. Project consultantscan identify targeted businessresults where training solutionscan improve plant operations.Next, a skills assessment canidentify skills gaps that can beaddressed with training and canprescribe the proper trainingsolution. These solutions canrange from standard orcustomized courses to large scaletraining programs, with a varietyof delivery methods including e-learning, virtual learning,instructor-led or on-site training.Additionally, training for plantoperators is offered through asuite of simulated operatortraining solutions.

Emerson’s Educational Servicesstay at the cutting edge ofevolving technologies. TodayEmerson has over 60 certified

training locations in 43 countries.Instructors, courseware andtraining hardware are certifiedand adhere to educationstandards set by the InternationalAssociation for ContinuingEducation & Training (IACET).Adherence to these standardsensure you of knowledgeable andskilled trainers delivering currentinformation on state-of-the-arttechnology.

Over 170,000 oil and gas professionals surveyed inover 50 countries, 32% of respondents said skillsshortage was among the largest threats particularlyin subsea and LNG where the shortage is felt in termsof project costs and delays.Oil and Gas Workforce ReportOilcareers.com and Air Energi 2013


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Emerson. Consider it solved.

Depth of automationexperienceAutomation projects within yourenterprise are not an everydaypart of your job; their occurrenceis infrequent. But since so muchcan ride on how well you plan andimplement your project whencircumstances dictate, you wantto make sure you maximize everyopportunity, every asset. Toaccomplish this, it’s not a cost-efficient investment of your timeto start from scratch and re-invent the wheel with eachproject. That’s wherecollaboration with Emerson canbring you the most value. Yourrelationship with Emerson candramatically reduce your planningand implementation time, reduceyour capital costs, and ensureyour business goals are met.

Single sourceaccountability Whether your project is large orsmall, brand new or an upgrade ofan older facility, Emerson canwork with you from the earliestconcept and design stagesthrough solution implemen-tation, and ongoing support andoptimization. Emerson projectservices’ depth of industry,technology, project managementand service expertise is proven insuccessful projects deliveredaround the globe.

Emerson can draw on a broadportfolio of technology andservices, and customize them tomeet your automation projectneeds–all delivered with singlesource accountability to simplifyyour resource management andscheduling. And Emerson will bethere for you long-term with acomplete set of plant automationlifecycle support and optimizationservices.

It all adds up to a continuingeffort to identify and reduce risksto your project’s scope, schedule,and resources through planning,scheduling, and project teammanagement.

Strength and stability It’s important to know that yourproject execution partner will bearound in the years to come; thatyour project plan will be successfully executed; and thatyou can build on the gains youmake today into the future. Inshort, Emerson is a partner withlong-running strength and stability.

For over 100 years, Emerson hasprovided innovative processautomation solutions with acommitment to total quality,plant safety, and meetingcustomer’s expectations. Webring together technology andengineering to produce a world of

solutions, backed by people with hundreds of thousands of hoursof project experience to keep youroperation running efficientlythroughout its lifecycle.

Emerson’s financial strength andorganizational depth helps ensuredelivery of your project, large orsmall–on time and on budget.

As a trusted advisor to some ofthe world’s most successfulcompanies, Emerson hascollaborated in bringing the mostcomplex projects to successfulimplementation. We look forwardto collaborating with you, too.


Page 20: Emerson Project Services...To reduce your project risks, Emerson Process Management provides full scope automation technology and services including front-end engineering expertise,

Emerson Process Management1100 W. Louis Henna Blvd., Building IRound Rock, TX 78681-7430


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