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EMPEROR'S REIGN FULLOFDISASTERS · cr*awdbeforeit couldbepushedbacksufficiently tohurryther»...

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cr*awd before it could be pushed back sufficiently to hurry the ttf prison. 'eâtM feet from the station Gabrinovics leaped from the shelter ?he Girls' High School and dashed the bomb at the automobil« Francis Ferdinand showed splendid courage. He threw one arm to protect his wife, and with the other he warded off bomb. It fell directly beneath the following car, and the flash fUme that blinded the eyes of the crowd and the great ball smoke that hid the two cars from view struck terror to the hea of the onlookers. SCORE INJURED BY BOMB. But as the smoke lifted the crowd saw the Archduke stand y upright in the car and gazing at the automobile behind. '.Î Duchess remained still in her seat, her face tense, but full of cci age. Francis Ferdinand lea»ped from his car and ran to the assè anee of Count von Boos-Waldeck and Colonel Merizzo, two of ! staff, who had been struck by slivers of iron and were bleeding, the face and hands. Some score of bystanders, several women ; n children among them, were injured by the flying fragments, tu the Duchess personally sent members of the royal staff in ti« automobiles to tawthe wounded to hospitals. The crowd was in a panic, which, however, was soon check re for Gabrinovics was fleeing from the police and soldiery. fr dashed through the crowd, shuttling in and out, as hundreds, « hands clutched at his clothes and tore them from him and ble m tell upon his head and shoulders. Rifle bullets crackled after 1 li¬ as he leaped for the bank of the River Miljachka. He plunged beneath the surface, but a crowd of half a th pi sand people were on the embankment in a second, so it seerrier. The water was literally swarming with men, and soldiers stand tn¡ with their guns at full aim forbore to fire, so that the printer mi g h be taken alive. He was pulled half drowned from the river, bu was almost lynched. Lieutenants had to threaten to fire into *th« Both Prinzip and Gabrinovics are Serbs and natives of fh\ annexed province of Herzegovina. When put through examina* î.or by the police they gloried in their exploits. Prinzip, who hai studied for a time at' Belgrade and who has been much concertied it Socialistic activities, said in a braggart manner : "I'm a nationalist. For years I've been yearning to kill a ruler or a prince." He added that the presence of the Duchess in the car caused him to hesitate, but only for a moment. "Then my nerve returned and I fired," he boasted. He denied absolutely that he had accomplices, and Gabrinc ivies stoutly asserted that he. too, had planned with no one. He told the police he had obtained his bomb from a Belgrade anarchist whose name he did not know. Cynicism marked his attibide throughout the police inquiry. He was "coldly indifferent* to whatever haonened. he said. He is twentv-one vears old. I'ntil word comes from the Emperor the bodies of his dead will lie in state at the palaco here, pending removal to Vienna for the solemn masses and their final rest ir the Hapsburg vault»» of the great Capuchin Church in na. The only word to describe Sarajevo's of mind ia "consternation. Tho town is wild with grief and horror. A of terror possesses the people. seem to fancy thut some dire fate will visit them because th«ir to*n was cene of »such an awful crime, a tragedy that has rocked L.. Mourning ia everywhere, Black ban¬ ner* and black streamers literally cover the public buildings, and even in the tiny, winding ba the peasants have hung black flags from their win¬ dow». The president of the town hur¬ ried to ^end a message to the Emperor, ;n<¿ his majesty in the nost hum- crms conceivable of the people's »Unalterable devotion to th« head of tlje great Horn s of Hapsburg. Warning women .-land with dumb men, in great crowds, particularly where the bomb exploded and the tfata shots were fired. About them art silent reminders, for the bomb wai filled with nails and lead filings, an(i the flying fragments left their »gar!.; on doors and windows, even piden * iron shutters. Three pistol bulle *|5 arc Uied in the wall «>f the »girls' |High School. Anti-Servian demonstrfLions began to-night. The crowds kn.»i »r. the street and sang the l.uSonal anthem. It is said that after the attempt.",! with the bomb the Duchess tried to dii-euaclo the Archduke from venturing i 9 the motor car again. To allay her fear-; M. Potiorek, Governor of Bosnii., -a» I: '"It's all over now. We have not more than one murderer in Sarajevo," whereupon the Archduke decided tto go on. At a meeting of the provincial Diet to-r.ight the president of the encumber ¦ii Bosnia's profound s arvov Hid indignation over the outrai:« « and paid a glowing tribute to the Arc Wuke and the Duchéis. "1 AM SPARED NOTHING," CRIES AGED EMPEROR .ía, June 28. The Austrian c -«s profoundly shaken to-day v/s of the assassination of Archduke an«l the Hitches?. At no when the news was first received, ricked with nerves. At dus. was wrapped in gloom. Early t afternoon the throngs rushed from < place of information to another; night crowds stand silent and tei outside the newspaper offices waiti for bits of new-,. When news of the assassination v imparted to the aged Emperor he « claimed: "Terrible! Terrible! I am spai nothing." Rumors of a pi"* against the life Franc:*. Ferdinand had been in circ lation for the last few days, but tl was not the first time such rumors h been spread, and no particular atte tion was paid to them. Tie poli considered they had taken entirely si laical precautions to safeguard t Archduke and the Duchess on tht vacation tour. Both were in excelle health and spirits when they le Vienna, an»; looksd forward to the ou ing with pleasure. Up to this tin their inception had been enthusiast everywhere. 'Ilit- »political aspect of the tragedy talked of everywhere. \ustril long fearad thi Bear or the Eag »ck. and no«v the assassins Ht ".as further embittered th.' nev« r^TLl .-dations with Servi and Gabrinovics ai Serbs. The bomb came from Belgrad !t is freely commented upon that th lassination whs calved from Budapest, the Hu. turn received it i'roi ervian capital. r,,,/ being the festival of 81 r and St. P.«;-.l the Bonn« will re mail» «1 it is hoped that th day ¦ »st will giv« th Bourse a chance to recover before th opening on Tuesday. ».riar opinion sees in the traged; I of a wall pep.«red cor. sptracy. It is asserted that when 1 t the Servian Legatioi .»ere that the Archduke intended to g. to Bosnia he was advised not to under ta'..- the journey, as certain S desperadoes were planning an attemp against his life. Archduke disregarded the warn¬ ing. He took ur. his residence at a watering place near the Bosnian capi¬ tal and attended the various fetes as well as the army rn which were concluded on Saturday. He Issued as army order expressing his great satisfaction at the man.uvres. Telegrams are being received to- ¦ all parts of the kingdom r the in»- nsation ! by the crime, a:! oublie festi- have been cancelled. Srvian demonstrations oc- >-night outside the Servian and stones wan thrown at the « ot prominent Servians. ere ordered out *,o suppress reported here that several and Serbs have been at in the plot, said to have wide ramifca- .ie newspapers have issued i.:0:1s W'«h blnek borders, ex- bhorrence r.t the elm«*. .s a warm .1 and to the empire display« «I by "j'".t, to ,vno«e indefatigable »ys, were due the great da- velopments of recent years in the Auj Irian army and navy Ever rince the publicat:on of a a in pariai rescript, on October 7, 3901 proclaiming the annexation of Boiinii Herzegovina to Austria, strong o¡»|pos tion to Austrian rule has been dll played by the Serb a»»d Moslera ir liabitants of those provinces. Bcsni and Herzegovina were formerly ins lur Kuropcan Turkey, but the Avutrc Hungarian occupation was authco'ize in 1R78 by the Treaty of Berlin. Th treaty, however, had contemplate S th evacuation of the occupied province after the restoration of order. In 190*8 there was a reform naive Dient in Turkey, which might mean th revival of Ottoman power, and Rufisil after her war with .lapan, sh^we weakness. Events in the Near Xas seemed propitious, and, with .«|nal formality, the Austrian govern fríen proceeded to add the two provincas t its territory. In this act Archjiuk »Francis Ferdinand is said to r.hav played an important part. Servis was so wrought up by .Aus tria's action that she threatened *war but after several months of negiotia tiens among the powers Servia capitu lated and accepted the situation. Many vague rumors are in cir»rula tion regarding Servian complicity ii the assassination, but it is difticiftt a present to estimate their accuracy. Th» two chief criminals are intense Se*f*>;iai Chauvinists, but re« satisfactory evi «lence is yet forthcoming regandinj their accomplices or the originate«»! o what is declared to have been a T«ide spread and completely organized -con spiracy. Ii is known positively thai ever since the archduke'* journew U Boania m lir»t announced the auuSor itien have bee», receiving war,n»_ngi from various carters that it was strongly iiudvii-able for tiim to risil Bosnia at the present time. It i:» said that even the Servian Min¬ ister at Vienna made private repre¬ sentations to this effect, as there wie re many indications of a recrudescence oi paa-Servlan agitation in that territory But all the warnings were in v«..in The archduke was fully informed re- ? raiding them, but. insisted upon carjry- ag cut his projet, although, it is said, he woulif have pre*.erred to hsive 1. wif remain xt home. The events of the'Balkan war, .».Jen Austria-Huügary s'ood in the way' of Servia'l ardent desire to secure an Adriatic port and owenly sided w»fth Bulgaria against her former allies, an¬ tagonized 'he Sen*ian people. Tb»«y were disinclined, however, to beliave tina the Kmperor, at his advanced j^ge, was initiating any energetic anti Servian palie*»*, and attributed it main¬ ly to the archduke. The latter «aas known to be ambitious and energitii- "iistftntly striving to increase tiho military efficiency of the empire, with the object of making the dual me«i- archy a still greater force in European politics. The archduke also was bx- lieved to be a foe to the pan-Servian movement, and it is thought nrobnblr- ».mi- such nioti.es as these may have inspired the plot which has cul¬ minated »o tragically. When the news mut communicator to the .Emperor he wanted to re tun to Vienna immediately, but in compli¬ ance with the urgent advice of hit an he consented to remain at lsihl over night. In spite of the shottk his majesty worked until ivening. HI«« health is not all that could be desired, hut he has borne up oravely under his. new affliction. The children of Archduke Francis Ferdinand ar»* expected here to-mor¬ row. It is stated that the interment of the Duchess will be at the Archduk« «i, seat at ArUtstten, Lower Austria, a* being morganatic she cannot be buric«*j ir. the Hupsburg vaults. ARCHDUKE FERDINAND AND HIS FAMILY, MURDER ENDS HO FOR INDEPENDEN Hungarian Colony Hen Grief Over Death of Royal Couple. The assassination of the Arch« Ferdinand and his wife shattered hopes of the Hungarians for i pendence. and as a result there deep gloom in the Hungarian co in this city last night. They looked forward to Ferdinand aseen« the Austrian and Hungarian thr« with much expectation. It was t fond hope that the Archduke's love his wife would eventually result making Hungary a separate and it pendent country with its own ruler Interwoven with the hopes of Hungarians was the ambition of Archduke's pretty wife. While in A tria, because of the law of the Hi burgs, she would not have become I press, in Hungary she would have come Queen, and wouid have been recognized. The Hungarian const tion recognizes morganatic marriaj It makes no difference whether woman is a peasant or a shop r once her husband ascends the thr» she is recognized as Queen and 'treated as such without question. With Hungary recognizing the Ar duke's wife as Queen of their coun and Austria refusing to recognize 1 as Empress because of the Ilapsbi law, tne Hungarians believed it 01 natural that her sympathies would with them against the Austrians, s that she would do all in her power set them free. They believed that her hatred of t Hapsburgs would be so bitter that s would make extraordinary efforts gain free«lom for the Hungarians, ex- going so far as to use her influence the utmost with her huäband. Arc duke Ferdinand loved hil wife itUt and the Hungarians believed that the end she would have been able sway him and have Hungary set apa from the Austrian Empire, with ruler cf its own. To do this the Hungarians believ that Ferdinand might havo had toma' his eldest son the King of Hungar While it is true that the Hungarii Parliament passed a law making su cession to the Hungarian throne t one of the Archduke's sons impossibl I it was nevertheless believed that th law cojld easily be repealed. The Archduke's wife was an intens ly ambitious woman, according to se' eral well known Hungarians, last nig*. and she resented bitterly her trea ment by the Hapsburg court. The believed that her love and sympathie would be wholly with the Hungarian and not alone would she give aid t their plans, but would take partícula pleasure in so doing in order to revenge on the House of Hapsburg. There was no doubt la the m-nds r many Hungarians heie that the deat of the Archduke Ferdinand and hi wife had puf an end to their hopes f«i independence for a long time. Th new heir to the Austrian throne married, according to Hapsburg law and, therefore no condition will exis under which the fight for independenc could receive real influential assistance SCENE OF KILLING AN HISTORIC OH - Sarajevo, Now a Business Ceir tre. Has Witnessed Countless Acts of Violence. .Nestling in a green and fertile ».al¬ ley, with lofty peaks of the Dinarit Alps rising majestically in the near distance, i.« the cupital of Bosnia, Sarayeva, which in recent years tti been changed in spelling to Sarajevo, the pronunciation, however, remaining the same. lies on both sides cf the beautiful winding mountain stream Milyatska. which only a few miles from th'.« city empties into the Bosna, one of the principal rivers of Bosnia. The scene of th« .ition of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, historic Sarajevo has in th--« course of the long centuries of its ex¬ istence witnessed almost countless tmtt lof violence. It has known war in its most horrible phase the sack of a Lfortified town. It has been taken ..i. I retaken, has stood and fallen befo*e | sieges. Just when the city was lirst i built cannot be authoritatively stated, but in it there are'to-day ruins of a mediaeval castle built probably durii:¿ [ the early part of the thirteenth Ma« tury by the Hungarian-., when '.hey oc- cupicd Bosnia, and the target for nuni THE ARCHDUKE AND HIS WIFE. PHOTOGRAPHED I IS RECENT VISIT TO ENGLAND. barlau uaaulta, if tradition be any¬ where near ri-rht. Under Austro-Uungariaa rule the city has rapidly developed into ¦ flour- i.-iiirig business centre. In 1896 its population wai 41.17:«.. To-day well over »¿0,000. There an '- and metal warns »factories »and plants, and it has important raiiroid connections. The city lies 122 southwest of Belgrad'-. Its principal buildings aiv the »Roman Cathol thedral, tne town hall, t! centuty mo-.qu«- of Ha tut bty, the Governor's residence nr.d the museum, with its valuable collection o«- n*i- ti«iuities. In the ten years »between 1886 and 1896 »Sarajevo grew with won« «lerful rapidity, its population increas¬ ing by nearly 16,090 in that time. EMPEROR BEARS UP Takes News Stoically and Pre pares to Return to Vienna. leehl, June 2-V Prani OCIO}.' und dorn il snee lu held »to ...¦»' the Iio:ie-to( -elotely-bound Una! rehy of Auctria and Hungary. .d in. l I.» :.* »i to-night in his »u:.»mer palace here, in »th« »pathlana. He ret red to l»is private apartment immediately the nows of the assassination »reached hin, an«l few to see him. Two of the cojrt ehamheriains were in attondan<ee, provided him from time to time with further news of the tragedy. The au¬ thorities at Sarav"*." took charge of the telephones I nh at once and coniined theii BSC to communica¬ tion with Vienna i-id IschL One <>»' th« «oet pal ttt of the jifim news was the situation of ".rv-iiduke's three little ei.üdren. :h the Emperor while th« ir parent, were in Bosnia, and were pi: ly in the »gardent when the shocking news arrived. .Nobod.«. cart to tell them. The Emperor has given orders that everything shall ht in readiness for his ratura to the palace of Schoen- brunn on Monday. POPE SENDS "CONDOLENCE Cancels St. Peter's Day Re¬ ception at the Vatican. Rosse, .'* -.,-.,- F"m- manuel and*'Pope IV» i to 1 peror. The Pope cr.ncrlled I Day reception, for which ten Ion* had been tion of Archduke Fran- »rdinar.d has caused a deep im- ..'i 'hroughouv Italy on account of th- this country and \ I ly th.- signing of a concordat the Tope and Servit took place, was generally conihlered that thn would tend to diminish the Servian agitation against Austria. KAISER WILLIAM TO GO TO VIENNA German Emperor Will Hasten to Condole with Francis Joseph. Berlin, June 2*. Emperor William, at Kiel, displayed the deepest grief when informed of the death of Arch¬ duke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, M he an«! the archduke had been on term« of the closest friendship and tlie Emperor had shown many atten- All fetes con- .with regatta were cancelled i.i d authorisation was given for the ¡ml' 'he flags on the ships of '.he feet. The flags on the British v -r .hi»" now visiting there were also a t». half mast. Emperor William decided to leave Kiel to morrow and to go to Vienne io »condole with Emperor Francis Joseph in his grief and attend the it of ttie archduke and the duche ;s. Throughout Germany the assassina¬ tion of the heir to the Austrian throne ,.::i' i»is wife caused intense feeling, as both were popular in this country. Accord.ni; to a .Sarajevo dispatch to the "Loki.lan-'eigi'r," the Servian gov- eroiMBt hud urgently warned the arch¬ duke :o Bosnia without ex- "i.i.ry »police pu-cautions, in view tf the dang« r of anti-Austrian feeling there. AMERICAN CONDOLENCES Fresident Wilson and Secre¬ tary Bryan to Send Messages. Washington, Ju:.e 28. The assasina- tion of the Archduke Francis Ferdi¬ nand and his wife, the Duchess of reported to the State Department to-day in a brief message fron- «I Penfleld. Secretary himself shocked and horrified hi »the announcement. Mes¬ sages of »condolence from the President to the Emperor and from Secretary B.van to the Austrian Foreign Office will be i>ei!t to-morrow. Mm I M ^S. Dr. Liiiba, Arnbassa- ,',or of Au«*tria-Hun«;ary, was deeply distressed by the news of the assassi- :, of the Archduke Francis Fer¬ dinand and his wife, the Duchess of Hohenbtrg. "The horror which will be inspired I have no (»oubt. aere firrilv unite the people to "I'lstria-Hunp-ary." he Loyalty to the throre will be 'led." he continued, "and all will be bound more closely together." EMPEROR'S REIGN FULL OF DISASTERS List includes Killing of Brother Maximilian, San Rudolph and Empress. CURSE UTTERED ON HOUSE OF HAPSBURG Imprecation of Countess Karolyi on Francis Joseph's Head More than Answered. Once ai-ain the ravens have flown across the u ihappy path of Francis Joseph. Once again the aged Kmpcror of Au.üria is forced to recall the ter¬ rible curse put upon him in hi*, early years by the Countess Karolyi. Havens are the banshee of the Haps¬ burg. A flight of them passed over Olmutz the day when Francis Joseph, a pleaiure loving lad of eighteen years, was forced by his shrew-souled, stone- hearted mother, Sophie, to mount the throne. For sixty-six year.» tluy have hovered over the Emperor'»« head. Alone in hi- «,-Uh year, with not a single confidant and only one real friend, a woman, once a littly Bowery actress, Francis Joseph has been dogged by tragedy, harried by mis¬ fortune and broken by scandal the «vhole of his long reign. So brutal has the hand of fate been to him that his griefs have given to his people two common, everyday expressions -"Ill- fated as a Hapsburg" and 'Unhappy as a Hapsburg." Nor is Francis Joseph alone in be¬ lieving that hia house II cursed. It was in the time of the Hungarian re¬ volt early in his reign that the curse was put upon him. Among the victims of the hangings and shootings of Hun¬ garian patriots was the young son of th" Countess Karolyi. The countess faced the Emperor at a ball and cursed him with words that seemed to con¬ tain not only all the bitterness of her heart, but all the possibilities of hu¬ man hate. The Curse of the Countess. Before the countess fell, fainting with emotion, she had said: "May heaven and hell blast your happiness! May your family be ex¬ terminated! May you be smitten in the persons of those you best love. Mav your children be brought to ruin, and may your life be wrecked, and -*>et may you live on in lonely, unbroken and horrible grief to »tremble when you recall the name of Karolyi!'' The words of the grief crazed woman have come only too true, indeed, the fate sh<» wished to bring upon nim would almost have been mild com¬ pared with that which has really be¬ fallen Francis Joseph. So bitter nas been his cun »thai «-ven the COB herself could not but f«»el son» him now. Throughout his reign pri¬ vate affliction oi' the bitterest kind has been heaped upon public disaster. Twice in ins early days he had to re-enter his capital as a vanquished leader after disastrous wars. Napoleon Ii» «rrested from him the flour» Italian provinces cf Solferino and Ma¬ nnte, the of which he felt so keenly he sought death upon the field. Then enme Bismarck and the defeat at Sadova in !«i-16. Th? following year came the of his brother. »Maximilian, the ill-fated Emperor of Mexico, and hie execution by a .»quad o;- Mexican soldiers ander the orders of Portirio Diaz. This -va-. only the beginning of the long and terrible string of tragedies, the mys¬ teries of which still fascinate the world. Chief among these were the violent death of the Emperor's only son, the; B Prince Rudolph, and the as- ntion of his wife, the Empress bath. Te »this day the death of the crown prince remains a mystery. There are legenda about it as innumerable ai :ie. But whether Prince P.u- dolph died murderer and a suicide, hot by his nistrOM or killed with hpr by an envious riv !. hl never been ¡il»! r"»rhnos is not known. Prince Rudolph was a brilliant de- »generate. He was a writer, an and a traveller. His intellectual par's were such that they won for him the admiration of keen a critic as King »Edward of England, who gladly count »l the prince among his friends. Rudolph was niarrieil to Princesa Step daughter of King Leopold of Belgium, and was unhappy, as 'he princes 'n subsequent conduct has shown h<a may well huve had cause to be. »Seem years after his marriage, in 1SH1, Rudolph met and fell madly In love with Marie Vetsera, the beautiful young daughter of a Hungarian baron, who had married a famous Ore«- an beauty. When Rudolph souqht a di¬ vorce from Rome, the Pope sent the prince's letter to the Emperor. Father and son met. Their conference las;ed all night. Rudolph left with hnggerd face nnd burning eyes. The Emperor was found by his attendants uncon¬ scious in a faint. Two days later came the tragedy of Mayerling. Prince and Oirl Found Dead. In his favorite hunting box at May¬ erling, near Baden, the prince's body «v.l.- found, the head »shattered with a revolver bullet. On the floor besi-le him lay the body of the beautiful Mari«' Vetsera, dead from a dose jf strychnine. The truth as to this tragedy, which bowed the shoulders of tne kmpcror and broke the heart of the Empress, has never been told. It is probable that the Emperor alone knows it. \n official announcement was made that the prince had d'ed of the rupture of an aneurism of the heart. For a long while even the main details of h¡i death were concealed. It is generally accepted now that both the prince and the girl committed suicide. Some years afterward John Tran- qniUin, who «as kncwi, here as Baron Schau and died on Ward's Island after a career of dissipation ¡n this country, gave a different version. He .said that he drove the Crowr. Prince to Mayer- ling with r. merry party of men the t.ight of the tragedy, and that during supner the Baroness Marie Vetsera suddenly burst Into the room and shot at Rudolph on his telling her, in reply t.. her demand to know, that he was about to renounce her, as his father would not allow their relations to «.-ist any longer. The prince, accord¬ ing to Tranquilein, was only slightly wounded, and caught the infuriated girl in his arms, but before he could y.rench the revolver from her she shot herself dead, and then a relative of hers Killed the prince with blows on the head from a champagne bottle. This is only one of hundreds of dif¬ ferent stories which have been told. Whatever the truth was. the death on *. tt, .'.'. of Rudolph, the only boy among her four children, broke .art of th«» Empress Elizabeth. « -ars the unh_ppy mother wan- d«red about Europe aione, with her suffering locked *.n her heart. It was during one of these wanderings away from the gay functions of the court that her death from the knife of a crazy assassin brought another and still greater shock to the Errperor. In 1898 all Austria and Hungary were preparing to celebrate the gold* i jubilee of Francis Joseph. The Em¬ press was in Switzerland. With a lady-in-waiting she was on her way on September 10 to a steamboat to Assassinations in the Last 50 Years ABRAHAM LINCOLN. President of the United States. April 14, IMS. MICHAEL. Prince of Servia, June 10. IHM. m PRIM. Marshal of Spain, December *_8, 187». RICHARD, »Ear! of Mavo. Governor-General of India, February 8, 187J* ARDIL A7-IZ. Sultan of Turkey, June L 1S76. ALEXANDER M of Russia, March 13, Htt JAMES A. OARF1EI.D. President of the*United State«. July 2. 1M1. MARIE FRANCOIS SAD1-C \KNOT. President of France. June 2t, 1894. STANISLAI'S STAMBOl LOFF, Premier of Bulgaria, July 25, 1895. NASR.ED-DIN. Shah of Persia.. May 1. 189*. CANOTAI DEL CASTILLO. Prime Minister of Spain. August 8, 181*7. JUAN IDIARTE BORDA. President of Uruguay. August 25, 1897. JOSE .MARIA REYNA BARRIOS, President of Guatemala, February 18, IH'.IH. EMPRESS ELIZABETH of Austria. September 10, 18*8. ¦UNMUT, King of Italy. July 29. 1900. WILLIAM McKlNLEY. President of the United States, September C. 1901. ALEXANDER. King of Servia. June 11. 1903. DRAGA, Queen of Servia, June 11. 190*1. EOBRIKOI'F, Covemor-General of Finland, June 16, 1901. VON PLEUVE, Russian Minister of the Interior, July .... 1901. CARLOS, King of Portugal, February 1, 1908. LOl'IS PHILLIPPE, Prince Royal, February 1, 1908. LUIS, Crown Prince of Portugal, February I, 1908. SEROUS, Grand Duke of Russia. March 13, 1908. MARQUIS ITO of Japan, October 26. 1909. PETER ARCADOWITCH STOLYPLN, Premier of Russia, September II, 1911. JOSE CANALEJAS, Prime Minister of Spain. November 12, 1912. NAZIM PASHA, Turkish Minister of War, January 23, 1913. FRAaNCISCO I. MADERO, President of Mexico, February 23. 1913. JOSE PINO SUAREZ, Vice-Presid»nt of Mexico, February 23, 1913. George, King of Greece, March 18, 1913. leave Geneva to take her part in the! festivities when an Italian anarch is-, on the landing piace, plunged a stiletto into her heart. The Fampress fell and was carried unco.-.scious to the steamer. The boat started, but put back, and Elisabeth died in the Hotel Reaunvage. Elizabeth was one oí the loveliest women of her day in Europe. She was a daughter of Duke Maximilian, of Ba¬ varia. Francis Joseph was to marry her elder sister, but on his going to Possenhaufen, in 1854, for the be¬ trothal he saw Elizabeth, who thre.v her arms around his neck to kiss him a3 hor new brother, and lave cam'e to both. She was only sixteen. Her father was furious, but the young couple had their way and were married in a few weeks. Hardly leae mysterious than tV death of Rudolph was another grief that came to Francis Joseph. This was the disappearance of the Archduke John Salvador. John threw up lus title and 'became plain 'Violin Onh." The «¡¡»»carding of their titles has si»ce been common with the Hapsburgs and has given the old Emperor many a pañg. John Orth am* a man of many ac¬ complishment«. He was a soldier, sail¬ or, pamphleteer and a composer of waltz melodies that found strong public favor even in Vienna, the city of waltzes. He left Austria and vanished. The last heard from him was a letter from South America. Whether he is living to-day or dead, none knows. Ev¬ ery now and then someone comes for¬ ward declaring he had seen the lost Archduke. Sometimes someone asserts that he Is the missing John Urth. But the mystery remains unsolved. Ñor was the execution of his be¬ loved brother Maximilian to go down alone in the total »grief it brought to Francis Joseph. The shock of it de¬ prived Carlotta, wife of Maximilian, of her reason. For years she had to be kept under restraint, a prisoner, raving mad, in the Castle Bonehonte in Bel¬ gium. And the assassination of Eli was to be accompanied by ether I For soon afterward the Dúchese drAlen- con, the best beloved of all the Ex¬ press's sisters, was among the victims who lost their lives in the flames of tin great charity bazaar fire in Pan * a little later, the Emperor's favorite niece was burned to death in the Pal ace of Schoenbrunn. Scandal, If Not Tragedy. Almost every membor of his fanrly I"» I brough sorrow to the old Empeïor. Where it was not tr.-.gedy it was scan- das, which mut hardly lau hurtful. »Princess Stephanie, widow of Print.» Rudolph, was one of the »ail. bring him distress. Later »she marri«'» Count Elemer Lonyay. Her daught- r Elizabeth, on her knees begged th« Emperor not to let her mother marry But Elizabeth herself mot soon «.» bring grief. Elizabeth, married t< Prince Otto Windischgraetz, made p'r« lie the scandal in her husband's lif« by shooting at the valet who tried ti guard the door of the prince's roo: and then at the actress she found i: the room. Sorrow also came to the old rule through the intrigues of Louise of Co burg, the Princess Stephanie's eldes .¡ster, with Lieutjnar.t Mattacieh Keg levic. who was as poor us a churcl mouse. The Emperor had to fore» Louise's husband, Philip of Coburg, «lefend his honor by meeting Ifataelch Keglevic in a duel. The prince wi«. wounded in the arm. Later Fr-i:... Joseph again tried to end the scanda by paying the debts of Louise and th lieutenant, which amounted to no le-» than »$»800,000. Bui the scandal contin ued until Mattacich-Keglevic was sen to prison for five years for forging th princess's name and Louise was sen to a lunatic asylum. Archduke Leopold Degraded. The family maintained the cause o sorrow to the bowed Emporor. Th Archduke Leopold, brother of Louisi married an actress, Fraulein Adame vies, and was exiled, becoming Her Leopold Wulfling. More disgrace and grief came wit the Archduche»s Louise. Prince.« (George of Saxony, who left her hus band for M. Giron, a music teache ten years her junior, wno left her ai ter the birth of their child, Monica. The shooting of the Archduke Ladi« ho was killed in the hunting fiel« was not, perhaps, altogether UBCXpect ed. He had frec'uently been threal tned. He used the cruel, prohibite explosive bullets, uni was shot wit one. The Archduke Otto was though und called the "flower of the race but he brought disgust to the Emperc by taking ¦ drunken party home t see his «rife, the Princess Maria J< eefa, daughter of the King of Saxon in her nightgow/i. An aid fought t guard the princess's door, but in vai later Otto had to be dismissed fro the army for other scandals. Neither in brothers nor grandchi dren has Francis Joseph been a&le find happiness. His brother, the Arel duke Louis Victor, was thrashed in public bath by an ançry father *l sought to avenge his daughter. Lat< he had to flee the country to escape similar punishment, and for years I was kept under restraint in one of tl imperial chateaus near Salzburg aa i incurable paretic. Granddaughter Elopes. His favorite grandchild. Elisabot daughter of his daughter Gisela, piqu» because the Prince Augustas chose h younger sister, eloped «a» Siefried, a youig lieutenant she h; seen only twice before. They an found together a week later and we forced to marry. Her sister, Prince Louise of Tuscany, not merely dared be seen bicycling with a ». Dresden or to invite her nots't tutor visit her in Switzerland, bu- publish a book to lay bare and glory in h lapses. The Countess Larisch has sii ilarly pained Francis Joseph by writi 1 "My Past." KING GEORGE CANCELS FETES Sends Telegrams of Sym¬ pathy to Vienna.Puts Off Court Ball. LONDON FORESEES TURMOIL IN EUROPE Change in Austrian Succession Bound to Affect Profoundly Continent's Destinies. !!', .-.ble to The Trlf.une.1 London, June 29. The news of the assassination of the Austrian heir-ap¬ parent and his wife reached the King yesterday from the Foreign Office. His Majes'y at once dispatched telegrams of sympathy and ordered all Court af¬ fairs cancelled. The state ball, which was to have taken place to-day, has been postponed. Court mourning has been ordered for a week. In unofficial London the opinion seems to prevail thvt the crime could not be attributed to any politic..1 in- trigu. a, but rather to the int hatred of the Serbs for their Austrian neighbors, which has become more bit« iaee th»- reeenl events in the Balkans, in which the .Serbs charge Austria with taking part a, Servia. The crime of Sarayevo will undoubt¬ edly have a profound ctTect on the destinies of all Eurone. The dead' Archduke was a detached and what my »terious figure, deeply d> to the Roman Catholic Church, in1 ly Teutonic in his prejudices and a re¬ lentless Slavophobe. Had he lived to ascend the imperial throne there was a possibility that his eldest son by his morganatic wife might have sue»- him, for although on his marr.»» renounced the right of succession for mire children, the renunciation »have been rescinded by a Papal decree. For this his ambitious wife had long been scheming. New Heir Apparent. The new heir apparent i-i tiic young Arehduk:« Charlen Francis Joseph, eilt¬ est son of the murdeivd Prince's broth¬ er, the Ar« to, who dit The young heir, who was born in ¡-»««7, it- n favorite of the old Emperor, who had him specially educate»! ;i view to the »succession. He married three years ago Princess Zita, twelfth of the twenty children of the Duke of Parma. She il a Rourbon, and 91 .-» ge mutation of fate a Bo may again be placed on one of the great thrones of Europe. One of Arch¬ duchess Zita's sisters is a nun in the Isle of Wight. Rightly or wrongly, the dead Arch¬ duke was credited with having ambi¬ tions for the. further extension of Austrian territory toward the Gulf of Salónica, which would, if attempted, load to a conflict with Austria's neigh¬ bors, and thus again cause a rupture between the dual monarchy and Rus- na. I While all peaceful actions of the r-'onarehy were said to bo initiated by the Emperor, every' forward naval or ti».'i tary movement was just as readily credited to the Archiluke, who on these occasions, was referred to as the power behind the throne or as an en- crgetic and ambitious prince. He in¬ variably .»ided with the military party of his country whenever it came into conflict «.vith ,iie civil authorities, and this had on occasion led to the charge that he would not even be averse to going to wat with Austria's ally, Italy, . if it would in any way increase Aus« tiian influence in the Near The Archduke's friendship for the German Emperor also gave his enemies in Europe an opportunity to accuse him of favoring an aggressive polic>, and it had bien a fetich in the Conti¬ nental capitals that when he came t<> the throne there would be an end to the peace that had prevailed among the great powers. Where he was better understoo«!. l.owever, the Archduke was given credit* for being an ardent patriot, whose only ambition was to maintain the greatness of his country, which he believe.I eould only bt- accomplished by making the army and navy such as to be feared by the strongest enemy. Personally, the Archduke and his wife were almost as great favorites in England as they were ii» «iernian court circles. They were iiaquer.t visitors to Londo", coming incognito because of the court etiquette, which prevented the duchess from being officially recognized for the reason that she was not of royal blood. Last ytmt the .¦-Yrchduke and the LVuch- ess visited King Georgo and Queen Mary at Windsor and were shown every possible attention. It was generally believed that upon the Archduke's accession Hungary would recognize the Duchess (jueeu of Hung-uy, and that in time the Arch- «iuke wou'.l su.ceed m getting Austria to recognize her as Empress Consort, although their children could never hope to ascend the throne. Those who met them on their visits to England describe the Archduke and his wife as a much attached couple, en¬ tirely free from any affectation. They moved about among friends in Eng¬ land, and besides visiting at the royal palaces spent many weeks at different times in English country homes. From the beginning Francis Ferdinand was deeply attached to his wife, an«! bc- fore the marriage of the couple all the efforts of the Emperor and of th« j court to break off the attachment were unavailing.

cr*awd before it could be pushed back sufficiently to hurry the r»

ttf prison.'eâtM feet from the station Gabrinovics leaped from the shelter

?he Girls' High School and dashed the bomb at the automobil«

Francis Ferdinand showed splendid courage. He threw

one arm to protect his wife, and with the other he warded off

bomb. It fell directly beneath the following car, and the flash

fUme that blinded the eyes of the crowd and the great ball

smoke that hid the two cars from view struck terror to the hea

of the onlookers.SCORE INJURED BY BOMB.

But as the smoke lifted the crowd saw the Archduke standy

upright in the car and gazing at the automobile behind. '.Î

Duchess remained still in her seat, her face tense, but full of cci

age. Francis Ferdinand lea»ped from his car and ran to the assè

anee of Count von Boos-Waldeck and Colonel Merizzo, two of !

staff, who had been struck by slivers of iron and were bleeding,the face and hands. Some score of bystanders, several women ; n

children among them, were injured by the flying fragments, tu

the Duchess personally sent members of the royal staff in ti«

automobiles to tawthe wounded to hospitals.The crowd was in a panic, which, however, was soon check re

for Gabrinovics was fleeing from the police and soldiery. fr

dashed through the crowd, shuttling in and out, as hundreds, «

hands clutched at his clothes and tore them from him and blem

tell upon his head and shoulders. Rifle bullets crackled after 1 li¬

as he leaped for the bank of the River Miljachka.He plunged beneath the surface, but a crowd of half a th pi

sand people were on the embankment in a second, so it seerrier.

The water was literally swarming with men, and soldiers stand tn¡

with their guns at full aim forbore to fire, so that the printer mi g h

be taken alive. He was pulled half drowned from the river, bu

was almost lynched. Lieutenants had to threaten to fire into *th«

Both Prinzip and Gabrinovics are Serbs and natives of fh\

annexed province of Herzegovina. When put through examina* î.or

by the police they gloried in their exploits. Prinzip, who hai

studied for a time at' Belgrade and who has been much concertied

it Socialistic activities, said in a braggart manner :

"I'm a nationalist. For years I've been yearning to kill a ruler

or a prince." He added that the presence of the Duchess in the

car caused him to hesitate, but only for a moment.

"Then my nerve returned and I fired," he boasted.

He denied absolutely that he had accomplices, and Gabrinc ivies

stoutly asserted that he. too, had planned with no one. He told

the police he had obtained his bomb from a Belgrade anarchist

whose name he did not know. Cynicism marked his attibide

throughout the police inquiry. He was "coldly indifferent* to

whatever haonened. he said. He is twentv-one vears old.

I'ntil word comes from the Emperorthe bodies of his dead will lie in state

at the palaco here, pending removalto Vienna for the solemn masses andtheir final rest ir the Hapsburg vault»»of the great Capuchin Church in

na.The only word to describe Sarajevo's

of mind ia "consternation. Thotown is wild with grief and horror. A

of terror possesses the people.seem to fancy thut some dire fate

will visit them because th«ir to*n was

cene of »such an awful crime, a

tragedy that has rocked L..Mourning ia everywhere, Black ban¬

ner* and black streamers literally cover

the public buildings, and even in thetiny, winding ba the peasantshave hung black flags from their win¬

dow». The president of the town hur¬ried to ^end a message to the Emperor,

;n<¿ his majesty in the nost hum-crms conceivable of the people's

»Unalterable devotion to th« head of

tlje great Horn s of Hapsburg.Warning women .-land with dumb

men, in great crowds, particularly

where the bomb exploded and the tfatashots were fired. About them art

silent reminders, for the bomb wai

filled with nails and lead filings, an(ithe flying fragments left their »gar!.;on doors and windows, even piden *

iron shutters. Three pistol bulle *|5 arc

Uied in the wall «>f the »girls' |HighSchool. Anti-Servian demonstrfLionsbegan to-night. The crowds kn.»i »r.

the street and sang the l.uSonalanthem.

It is said that after the attempt.",! withthe bomb the Duchess tried to dii-euaclothe Archduke from venturing i 9 the

motor car again. To allay her fear-;M. Potiorek, Governor of Bosnii., -a» I:'"It's all over now. We have not more

than one murderer in Sarajevo,"whereupon the Archduke decided tto goon.

At a meeting of the provincial Dietto-r.ight the president of the encumber

¦ii Bosnia's profound s arvovHid indignation over the outrai:« « andpaid a glowing tribute to the Arc Wukeand the Duchéis.


.ía, June 28. The Austrian c

-«s profoundly shaken to-dayv/s of the assassination of

Archduke an«l the Hitches?. At no

when the news was first received,ricked with nerves. At dus.

was wrapped in gloom. Early t

afternoon the throngs rushed from <

place of information to another;

night crowds stand silent and tei

outside the newspaper offices waiti

for bits of new-,.

When news of the assassination v

imparted to the aged Emperor he «

claimed:"Terrible! Terrible! I am spai

nothing."Rumors of a pi"* against the life

Franc:*. Ferdinand had been in circ

lation for the last few days, but tlwas not the first time such rumors hbeen spread, and no particular attetion was paid to them. Tie policonsidered they had taken entirely si

laical precautions to safeguard t

Archduke and the Duchess on thtvacation tour. Both were in excellehealth and spirits when they leVienna, an»; looksd forward to the ou

ing with pleasure. Up to this tintheir inception had been enthusiasteverywhere.

'Ilit- »political aspect of the tragedytalked of everywhere. \ustril

long fearad thiBear or the Eag

»ck. and no«v the assassinsHt ".as further embittered th.' nev«

r^TLl .-dations with Serviand Gabrinovics ai

Serbs. The bomb came from Belgrad!t is freely commented upon that th

lassination whs r«

calved from Budapest, the Hu.turn received it i'roi

ervian capital.r,,,/ being the festival of 81

r and St. P.«;-.l the Bonn« will re

mail» «1 it is hoped that thday ¦ »st will giv« thBourse a chance to recover before th

opening on Tuesday.».riar opinion sees in the traged;

I of a wall pep.«red cor.

sptracy. It is asserted that when 1

t the Servian Legatioi.»ere that the Archduke intended to g.to Bosnia he was advised not to underta'..- the journey, as certain S

desperadoes were planning an attempagainst his life.

Archduke disregarded the warn¬

ing. He took ur. his residence at a

watering place near the Bosnian capi¬tal and attended the various fetes aswell as the army rn whichwere concluded on Saturday. He Issuedas army order expressing his greatsatisfaction at the man.uvres.Telegrams are being received to-

¦ all parts of the kingdomr the in»- nsation

! by the crime, a:! oublie festi-have been cancelled.

Srvian demonstrations oc-

>-night outside the Servianand stones wan thrown at the« ot prominent Servians.ere ordered out *,o suppress

reported here that severaland Serbs have been at

in the plot,said to have wide ramifca-.ie newspapers have issuedi.:0:1s W'«h blnek borders, ex-bhorrence r.t the elm«*.

.s a warm.1 and

to the empire display« «I by"j'".t, to ,vno«e indefatigable»ys, were due the great da-

velopments of recent years in the AujIrian army and navyEver rince the publicat:on of a a in

pariai rescript, on October 7, 3901proclaiming the annexation of BoiiniiHerzegovina to Austria, strong o¡»|postion to Austrian rule has been dllplayed by the Serb a»»d Moslera irliabitants of those provinces. Bcsniand Herzegovina were formerly ins lur

Kuropcan Turkey, but the AvutrcHungarian occupation was authco'izein 1R78 by the Treaty of Berlin. Thtreaty, however, had contemplate S thevacuation of the occupied provinceafter the restoration of order.

In 190*8 there was a reform naiveDient in Turkey, which might mean threvival of Ottoman power, and Rufisilafter her war with .lapan, sh^weweakness. Events in the Near Xasseemed propitious, and, with .«|nalformality, the Austrian govern fríenproceeded to add the two provincas tits territory. In this act Archjiuk»Francis Ferdinand is said to r.havplayed an important part.

Servis was so wrought up by .Austria's action that she threatened *warbut after several months of negiotiatiens among the powers Servia capitulated and accepted the situation.Many vague rumors are in cir»rula

tion regarding Servian complicity iithe assassination, but it is difticiftt a

present to estimate their accuracy. Th»two chief criminals are intense Se*f*>;iaiChauvinists, but re« satisfactory evi«lence is yet forthcoming regandinjtheir accomplices or the originate«»! o

what is declared to have been a T«idespread and completely organized -con

spiracy. Ii is known positively thaiever since the archduke'* journew UBoania m lir»t announced the auuSoritien have bee», receiving war,n»_ngifrom various carters that it was

strongly iiudvii-able for tiim to risilBosnia at the present time.

It i:» said that even the Servian Min¬ister at Vienna made private repre¬sentations to this effect, as there wie remany indications of a recrudescence oipaa-Servlan agitation in that territoryBut all the warnings were in v«..inThe archduke was fully informed re-

?raiding them, but. insisted upon carjry-ag cut his projet, although, it issaid, he woulif have pre*.erred to hsive1. wif remain xt home.The events of the'Balkan war, .».Jen

Austria-Huügary s'ood in the way' ofServia'l ardent desire to secure an

Adriatic port and owenly sided w»fthBulgaria against her former allies, an¬

tagonized 'he Sen*ian people. Tb»«ywere disinclined, however, to beliavetina the Kmperor, at his advanced j^ge,was initiating any energetic antiServian palie*»*, and attributed it main¬ly to the archduke. The latter «aasknown to be ambitious and energitii-

"iistftntly striving to increase tihomilitary efficiency of the empire, withthe object of making the dual me«i-archy a still greater force in Europeanpolitics. The archduke also was bx-lieved to be a foe to the pan-Servianmovement, and it is thought nrobnblr-

».mi- such nioti.es as these mayhave inspired the plot which has cul¬minated »o tragically.When the news mut communicator

to the .Emperor he wanted to retunto Vienna immediately, but in compli¬ance with the urgent advice of hit

an he consented to remain atlsihl over night. In spite of the shottkhis majesty worked until ivening. HI««health is not all that could be desired,hut he has borne up oravely under his.new affliction.The children of Archduke Francis

Ferdinand ar»* expected here to-mor¬row. It is stated that the interment ofthe Duchess will be at the Archduk« «i,seat at ArUtstten, Lower Austria, a*

being morganatic she cannot be buric«*jir. the Hupsburg vaults.



Grief Over Death ofRoyal Couple.

The assassination of the Arch«Ferdinand and his wife shatteredhopes of the Hungarians for ipendence. and as a result theredeep gloom in the Hungarian co

in this city last night. Theylooked forward to Ferdinand aseen«

the Austrian and Hungarian thr«with much expectation. It was tfond hope that the Archduke's lovehis wife would eventually resultmaking Hungary a separate and it

pendent country with its own rulerInterwoven with the hopes of

Hungarians was the ambition ofArchduke's pretty wife. While in Atria, because of the law of the Hiburgs, she would not have become I

press, in Hungary she would havecome Queen, and wouid have beenrecognized. The Hungarian consttion recognizes morganatic marriajIt makes no difference whetherwoman is a peasant or a shop r

once her husband ascends the thr»she is recognized as Queen and

'treated as such without question.With Hungary recognizing the Ar

duke's wife as Queen of their coun

and Austria refusing to recognize 1

as Empress because of the Ilapsbilaw, tne Hungarians believed it 01

natural that her sympathies wouldwith them against the Austrians, s

that she would do all in her powerset them free.They believed that her hatred of t

Hapsburgs would be so bitter that s

would make extraordinary effortsgain free«lom for the Hungarians, ex-

going so far as to use her influencethe utmost with her huäband. Arcduke Ferdinand loved hil wife itUtand the Hungarians believed thatthe end she would have been ablesway him and have Hungary set apafrom the Austrian Empire, withruler cf its own.To do this the Hungarians believ

that Ferdinand might havo had toma'his eldest son the King of HungarWhile it is true that the HungariiParliament passed a law making su

cession to the Hungarian throne tone of the Archduke's sons impossibl

I it was nevertheless believed that thlaw cojld easily be repealed.The Archduke's wife was an intens

ly ambitious woman, according to se'

eral well known Hungarians, last nig*.and she resented bitterly her treament by the Hapsburg court. Thebelieved that her love and sympathiewould be wholly with the Hungarianand not alone would she give aid t

their plans, but would take partículapleasure in so doing in order to g«revenge on the House of Hapsburg.

There was no doubt la the m-nds r

many Hungarians heie that the deatof the Archduke Ferdinand and hiwife had puf an end to their hopes f«iindependence for a long time. Thnew heir to the Austrian thronemarried, according to Hapsburg lawand, therefore no condition will exisunder which the fight for independenccould receive real influential assistance


Sarajevo, Now a Business Ceirtre. Has Witnessed Countless

Acts of Violence.

.Nestling in a green and fertile ».al¬ley, with lofty peaks of the DinaritAlps rising majestically in the near

distance, i.« the cupital of Bosnia,Sarayeva, which in recent years ttibeen changed in spelling to Sarajevo,the pronunciation, however, remainingthe same.

lies on both sides cf thebeautiful winding mountain stream

Milyatska. which only a few miles fromth'.« city empties into the Bosna, one

of the principal rivers of Bosnia.The scene of th« .ition of the

Archduke Francis Ferdinand and hiswife, historic Sarajevo has in th--«course of the long centuries of its ex¬istence witnessed almost countless tmttlof violence. It has known war in itsmost horrible phase the sack of a

Lfortified town. It has been taken ..i. Iretaken, has stood and fallen befo*e

| sieges. Just when the city was lirsti built cannot be authoritatively stated,but in it there are'to-day ruins of amediaeval castle built probably durii:¿

[ the early part of the thirteenth Ma«tury by the Hungarian-., when '.hey oc-

cupicd Bosnia, and the target for nuni


barlau uaaulta, if tradition be any¬where near ri-rht.Under Austro-Uungariaa rule the

city has rapidly developed into ¦ flour-i.-iiirig business centre. In 1896 itspopulation wai 41.17:«.. To-daywell over »¿0,000. There an '-

and metal warns »factories »andplants, and it has important raiiroidconnections. The city lies 122southwest of Belgrad'-. Its principalbuildings aiv the »Roman Catholthedral, tne town hall, t!centuty mo-.qu«- of Ha tut bty, theGovernor's residence nr.d the museum,with its valuable collection o«- n*i-

ti«iuities. In the ten years »between1886 and 1896 »Sarajevo grew with won««lerful rapidity, its population increas¬ing by nearly 16,090 in that time.

EMPEROR BEARS UPTakes News Stoically and Prepares to Return to Vienna.leehl, June 2-V Prani

OCIO}.'und dorn il snee lu held »to ...¦»'

the Iio:ie-to( -elotely-bound Una!rehy of Auctria and Hungary.

.d in. l I.» :.* »i to-night inhis »u:.»mer palace here, in »th«»pathlana. He ret red to l»is privateapartment immediately the nows of theassassination »reached hin, an«lfew to see him. Two of the cojrtehamheriains were in attondan<ee,provided him from time to time withfurther news of the tragedy. The au¬thorities at Sarav"*." took charge ofthe telephones I nh at once

and coniined theii BSC to communica¬tion with Vienna i-id IschLOne <>»' th« «oet pal ttt of

the jifim news was the situation of".rv-iiduke's three little ei.üdren.

:h theEmperor while th« ir parent, were inBosnia, and were pi: ly inthe »gardent when the shocking news

arrived. .Nobod.«. cart to tellthem.The Emperor has given orders that

everything shall ht in readiness forhis ratura to the palace of Schoen-brunn on Monday.

POPE SENDS "CONDOLENCECancels St. Peter's Day Re¬

ception at the Vatican.Rosse, .'* -.,-.,- F"m-

manuel and*'Pope IV»i to 1

peror. The Pope cr.ncrlled IDay reception, for which ten

Ion* had beention of Archduke Fran-

»rdinar.d has caused a deep im-..'i 'hroughouv Italy on account

of th-this country and \ Ily th.- signing of a concordat b»the Tope and Servit took place,was generally conihlered that thnwould tend to diminish the Servianagitation against Austria.


German Emperor WillHasten to Condole with

Francis Joseph.Berlin, June 2*. Emperor William,

at Kiel, displayed the deepest griefwhen informed of the death of Arch¬duke Francis Ferdinand and his wife,M he an«! the archduke had been onterm« of the closest friendship andtlie Emperor had shown many atten-

All fetes con-.with regatta were cancelled

i.i d authorisation was given for the¡ml' 'he flags on the shipsof '.he feet. The flags on the Britishv -r .hi»" now visiting there were also

a t». half mast.Emperor William decided to leave

Kiel to morrow and to go to Vienneio »condole with Emperor FrancisJoseph in his grief and attend the

it of ttie archduke and theduche ;s.

Throughout Germany the assassina¬tion of the heir to the Austrian throne,.::i' i»is wife caused intense feeling, asboth were popular in this country.

Accord.ni; to a .Sarajevo dispatch tothe "Loki.lan-'eigi'r," the Servian gov-eroiMBt hud urgently warned the arch¬duke :o Bosnia without ex-

"i.i.ry »police pu-cautions, in viewtf the dang« r of anti-Austrian feelingthere.

AMERICAN CONDOLENCESFresident Wilson and Secre¬tary Bryan to Send Messages.Washington, Ju:.e 28. The assasina-

tion of the Archduke Francis Ferdi¬nand and his wife, the Duchess of

reported to the StateDepartment to-day in a brief messagefron- «I Penfleld. Secretary

himself shocked andhorrified hi »the announcement. Mes¬sages of »condolence from the Presidentto the Emperor and from SecretaryB.van to the Austrian Foreign Officewill be i>ei!t to-morrow.

Mm I M ^S. Dr.Liiiba, Arnbassa-

,',or of Au«*tria-Hun«;ary, was deeplydistressed by the news of the assassi-

:, of the Archduke Francis Fer¬dinand and his wife, the Duchess ofHohenbtrg."The horror which will be inspired

I have no(»oubt. aere firrilv unite the people to

"I'lstria-Hunp-ary." heLoyalty to the throre will be

'led." he continued, "and all willbe bound more closely together."


List includes Killing ofBrother Maximilian, SanRudolph and Empress.


Imprecation of Countess Karolyion Francis Joseph's Head

More than Answered.Once ai-ain the ravens have flown

across the u ihappy path of FrancisJoseph. Once again the aged Kmpcrorof Au.üria is forced to recall the ter¬

rible curse put upon him in hi*, earlyyears by the Countess Karolyi.Havens are the banshee of the Haps¬

burg. A flight of them passed over

Olmutz the day when Francis Joseph, a

pleaiure loving lad of eighteen years,was forced by his shrew-souled, stone-

hearted mother, Sophie, to mount thethrone. For sixty-six year.» tluy havehovered over the Emperor'»« head.

Alone in hi- «,-Uh year, with not a

single confidant and only one realfriend, a woman, once a littly Boweryactress, Francis Joseph has beendogged by tragedy, harried by mis¬fortune and broken by scandal the«vhole of his long reign. So brutal hasthe hand of fate been to him that hisgriefs have given to his people two

common, everyday expressions -"Ill-fated as a Hapsburg" and 'Unhappy as

a Hapsburg."Nor is Francis Joseph alone in be¬

lieving that hia house II cursed. Itwas in the time of the Hungarian re¬

volt early in his reign that the curse

was put upon him. Among the victimsof the hangings and shootings of Hun¬garian patriots was the young son ofth" Countess Karolyi. The countessfaced the Emperor at a ball and cursedhim with words that seemed to con¬

tain not only all the bitterness of herheart, but all the possibilities of hu¬man hate.

The Curse of the Countess.

Before the countess fell, faintingwith emotion, she had said:"May heaven and hell blast your

happiness! May your family be ex¬

terminated! May you be smitten in thepersons of those you best love. Mavyour children be brought to ruin, andmay your life be wrecked, and -*>etmay you live on in lonely, unbrokenand horrible grief to »tremble when yourecall the name of Karolyi!''The words of the grief crazed woman

have come only too true, indeed, thefate sh<» wished to bring upon nimwould almost have been mild com¬

pared with that which has really be¬fallen Francis Joseph. So bitter nas

been his cun »thai «-ven the COBherself could not but f«»el son»him now. Throughout his reign pri¬vate affliction oi' the bitterest kind hasbeen heaped upon public disaster.Twice in ins early days he had to

re-enter his capital as a vanquishedleader after disastrous wars. NapoleonIi» «rrested from him the flour»Italian provinces cf Solferino and Ma¬nnte, the !» of which he felt so

keenly he sought death upon the field.Then enme Bismarck and the defeat atSadova in !«i-16.Th? following year came the d«

of his brother. »Maximilian, the ill-fatedEmperor of Mexico, and hie executionby a .»quad o;- Mexican soldiers anderthe orders of Portirio Diaz. This -va-.

only the beginning of the long andterrible string of tragedies, the mys¬teries of which still fascinate theworld.

Chief among these were the violentdeath of the Emperor's only son, the;

B Prince Rudolph, and the as-

ntion of his wife, the Empressbath. Te »this day the death of the

crown prince remains a mystery. Thereare legenda about it as innumerable ai

:ie. But whether Prince P.u-

dolph died :« murderer and a suicide,hot by his nistrOM or killed with

hpr by an envious riv !. hl never been¡il»! r"»rhnos is not known.Prince Rudolph was a brilliant de-

»generate. He was a writer, an

and a traveller. His intellectual par'swere such that they won for him theadmiration of só keen a critic as King»Edward of England, who gladly count »lthe prince among his friends. Rudolphwas niarrieil to Princesa Stepdaughter of King Leopold of Belgium,and was unhappy, as 'he princes 'nsubsequent conduct has shown h<a maywell huve had cause to be.»Seem years after his marriage, in

1SH1, Rudolph met and fell madly Inlove with Marie Vetsera, the beautifulyoung daughter of a Hungarian baron,who had married a famous Ore«- an

beauty. When Rudolph souqht a di¬vorce from Rome, the Pope sent theprince's letter to the Emperor. Fatherand son met. Their conference las;edall night. Rudolph left with hnggerdface nnd burning eyes. The Emperorwas found by his attendants uncon¬

scious in a faint. Two days later came

the tragedy of Mayerling.Prince and Oirl Found Dead.

In his favorite hunting box at May¬erling, near Baden, the prince's body«v.l.- found, the head »shattered with arevolver bullet. On the floor besi-lehim lay the body of the beautifulMari«' Vetsera, dead from a dose jfstrychnine.The truth as to this tragedy, which

bowed the shoulders of tne kmpcrorand broke the heart of the Empress,has never been told. It is probablethat the Emperor alone knows it. \nofficial announcement was made thatthe prince had d'ed of the rupture ofan aneurism of the heart. For a longwhile even the main details of h¡ideath were concealed. It is generallyaccepted now that both the prince andthe girl committed suicide.Some years afterward John Tran-

qniUin, who «as kncwi, here as BaronSchau and died on Ward's Island aftera career of dissipation ¡n this country,gave a different version. He .said thathe drove the Crowr. Prince to Mayer-ling with r. merry party of men thet.ight of the tragedy, and that duringsupner the Baroness Marie Vetserasuddenly burst Into the room and shotat Rudolph on his telling her, in replyt.. her demand to know, that he wasabout to renounce her, as his fatherwould not allow their relations to«.-ist any longer. The prince, accord¬ing to Tranquilein, was only slightlywounded, and caught the infuriatedgirl in his arms, but before he couldy.rench the revolver from her she shotherself dead, and then a relative ofhers Killed the prince with blows onthe head from a champagne bottle.This is only one of hundreds of dif¬

ferent stories which have been told.Whatever the truth was. the death on

*. tt, .'.'. of Rudolph, the onlyboy among her four children, broke

.art of th«» Empress Elizabeth.« -ars the unh_ppy mother wan-

d«red about Europe aione, with hersuffering locked *.n her heart. It was

during one of these wanderings awayfrom the gay functions of the courtthat her death from the knife of a

crazy assassin brought another andstill greater shock to the Errperor.

In 1898 all Austria and Hungarywere preparing to celebrate the gold* i

jubilee of Francis Joseph. The Em¬press was in Switzerland. With a

lady-in-waiting she was on her wayon September 10 to a steamboat to

Assassinations in the Last 50 YearsABRAHAM LINCOLN. President of the United States. April 14, IMS.

MICHAEL. Prince of Servia, June 10. IHM. m

PRIM. Marshal of Spain, December *_8, 187».RICHARD, »Ear! of Mavo. Governor-General of India, February 8, 187J*ARDIL A7-IZ. Sultan of Turkey, June L 1S76.

ALEXANDER M of Russia, March 13, HttJAMES A. OARF1EI.D. President of the*United State«. July 2. 1M1.

MARIE FRANCOIS SAD1-C \KNOT. President of France. June 2t, 1894.

STANISLAI'S STAMBOl LOFF, Premier of Bulgaria, July 25, 1895.

NASR.ED-DIN. Shah of Persia.. May 1. 189*.

CANOTAI DEL CASTILLO. Prime Minister of Spain. August 8, 181*7.

JUAN IDIARTE BORDA. President of Uruguay. August 25, 1897.

JOSE .MARIA REYNA BARRIOS, President of Guatemala, February

18, IH'.IH.EMPRESS ELIZABETH of Austria. September 10, 18*8.

¦UNMUT, King of Italy. July 29. 1900.WILLIAM McKlNLEY. President of the United States, September C.

1901.ALEXANDER. King of Servia. June 11. 1903.DRAGA, Queen of Servia, June 11. 190*1.EOBRIKOI'F, Covemor-General of Finland, June 16, 1901.

VON PLEUVE, Russian Minister of the Interior, July .... 1901.

CARLOS, King of Portugal, February 1, 1908.

LOl'IS PHILLIPPE, Prince Royal, February 1, 1908.

LUIS, Crown Prince of Portugal, February I, 1908.

SEROUS, Grand Duke of Russia. March 13, 1908.

MARQUIS ITO of Japan, October 26. 1909.PETER ARCADOWITCH STOLYPLN, Premier of Russia, September II,

1911.JOSE CANALEJAS, Prime Minister of Spain. November 12, 1912.

NAZIM PASHA, Turkish Minister of War, January 23, 1913.

FRAaNCISCO I. MADERO, President of Mexico, February 23. 1913.

JOSE PINO SUAREZ, Vice-Presid»nt of Mexico, February 23, 1913.

George, King of Greece, March 18, 1913.

leave Geneva to take her part in the!festivities when an Italian anarch is-,on the landing piace, plunged a stilettointo her heart. The Fampress fell andwas carried unco.-.scious to the steamer.The boat started, but put back, andElisabeth died in the Hotel Reaunvage.

Elizabeth was one oí the loveliestwomen of her day in Europe. She was

a daughter of Duke Maximilian, of Ba¬varia. Francis Joseph was to marryher elder sister, but on his going toPossenhaufen, in 1854, for the be¬trothal he saw Elizabeth, who thre.vher arms around his neck to kiss hima3 hor new brother, and lave cam'e toboth. She was only sixteen. Herfather was furious, but the youngcouple had their way and were marriedin a few weeks.

Hardly leae mysterious than tVdeath of Rudolph was another griefthat came to Francis Joseph. This wasthe disappearance of the ArchdukeJohn Salvador. John threw up lustitle and 'became plain 'Violin Onh."The «¡¡»»carding of their titles has si»cebeen common with the Hapsburgs andhas given the old Emperor many a

pañg.John Orth am* a man of many ac¬

complishment«. He was a soldier, sail¬or, pamphleteer and a composer ofwaltz melodies that found strong publicfavor even in Vienna, the city ofwaltzes. He left Austria and vanished.The last heard from him was a letterfrom South America. Whether he isliving to-day or dead, none knows. Ev¬ery now and then someone comes for¬ward declaring he had seen the lostArchduke. Sometimes someone assertsthat he Is the missing John Urth. Butthe mystery remains unsolved.Ñor was the execution of his be¬

loved brother Maximilian to go downalone in the total »grief it brought toFrancis Joseph. The shock of it de¬prived Carlotta, wife of Maximilian, ofher reason. For years she had to bekept under restraint, a prisoner, ravingmad, in the Castle Bonehonte in Bel¬gium.And the assassination of Eli

was to be accompanied by ether IFor soon afterward the Dúchese drAlen-con, the best beloved of all the Ex¬press's sisters, was among the victimswho lost their lives in the flames of tingreat charity bazaar fire in Pan *

a little later, the Emperor's favoriteniece was burned to death in the Palace of Schoenbrunn.

Scandal, If Not Tragedy.Almost every membor of his fanrly

I"» I brough sorrow to the old Empeïor.Where it was not tr.-.gedy it was scan-das, which mut hardly lau hurtful.

»Princess Stephanie, widow of Print.»Rudolph, was one of the »ail.bring him distress. Later »she marri«'»Count Elemer Lonyay. Her daught- r

Elizabeth, on her knees begged th«Emperor not to let her mother marryBut Elizabeth herself mot soon «.»bring grief. Elizabeth, married t<Prince Otto Windischgraetz, made p'r«lie the scandal in her husband's lif«by shooting at the valet who tried tiguard the door of the prince's roo:and then at the actress she found i:the room.Sorrow also came to the old rule

through the intrigues of Louise of Coburg, the Princess Stephanie's eldes.¡ster, with Lieutjnar.t Mattacieh Keglevic. who was as poor us a churclmouse. The Emperor had to fore»Louise's husband, Philip of Coburg, t»«lefend his honor by meeting IfataelchKeglevic in a duel. The prince wi«.wounded in the arm. Later Fr-i:...Joseph again tried to end the scandaby paying the debts of Louise and thlieutenant, which amounted to no le-»than »$»800,000. Bui the scandal continued until Mattacich-Keglevic was sento prison for five years for forging thprincess's name and Louise was sento a lunatic asylum.

Archduke Leopold Degraded.The family maintained the cause o

sorrow to the bowed Emporor. ThArchduke Leopold, brother of Louisimarried an actress, Fraulein Adamevies, and was exiled, becoming HerLeopold Wulfling.More disgrace and grief came wit

the Archduche»s Louise. Prince.«(George of Saxony, who left her husband for M. Giron, a music teacheten years her junior, wno left her aiter the birth of their child, Monica.The shooting of the Archduke Ladi«

ho was killed in the hunting fiel«was not, perhaps, altogether UBCXpected. He had frec'uently been threaltned. He used the cruel, prohibiteexplosive bullets, uni was shot witone. The Archduke Otto was thoughund called the "flower of the racebut he brought disgust to the Empercby taking ¦ drunken party home tsee his «rife, the Princess Maria J<eefa, daughter of the King of Saxonin her nightgow/i. An aid fought tguard the princess's door, but in vailater Otto had to be dismissed frothe army for other scandals.

Neither in brothers nor grandchidren has Francis Joseph been a&lefind happiness. His brother, the Arelduke Louis Victor, was thrashed inpublic bath by an ançry father *lsought to avenge his daughter. Lat<he had to flee the country to escapesimilar punishment, and for years Iwas kept under restraint in one of tlimperial chateaus near Salzburg aa iincurable paretic.

Granddaughter Elopes.His favorite grandchild. Elisabot

daughter of his daughter Gisela, piqu»because the Prince Augustas chose hyounger sister, eloped «a»

Siefried, a youig lieutenant she h;seen only twice before. They anfound together a week later and weforced to marry. Her sister, PrinceLouise of Tuscany, not merely daredbe seen bicycling with a ».

Dresden or to invite her nots't tutorvisit her in Switzerland, bu- publisha book to lay bare and glory in hlapses. The Countess Larisch has siiilarly pained Francis Joseph by writi

1 "My Past."


Sends Telegrams of Sym¬pathy to Vienna.Puts

Off Court Ball.


Change in Austrian SuccessionBound to Affect Profoundly

Continent's Destinies.!!', .-.ble to The Trlf.une.1

London, June 29. The news of theassassination of the Austrian heir-ap¬parent and his wife reached the Kingyesterday from the Foreign Office. HisMajes'y at once dispatched telegramsof sympathy and ordered all Court af¬fairs cancelled. The state ball, whichwas to have taken place to-day, hasbeen postponed. Court mourning hasbeen ordered for a week.

In unofficial London the opinionseems to prevail thvt the crime couldnot be attributed to any politic..1 in-trigu. a, but rather to the inthatred of the Serbs for their Austrianneighbors, which has become more bit«

iaee th»- reeenl events in theBalkans, in which the .Serbs chargeAustria with taking part a,Servia.The crime of Sarayevo will undoubt¬

edly have a profound ctTect on thedestinies of all Eurone. The dead'Archduke was a detached andwhat my »terious figure, deeply d>to the Roman Catholic Church, in1ly Teutonic in his prejudices and a re¬lentless Slavophobe. Had he lived toascend the imperial throne there was a

possibility that his eldest son by hismorganatic wife might have sue»-

him, for although on his marr.»»renounced the right of succession for

mire children, the renunciation»have been rescinded by a Papal

decree. For this his ambitious wifehad long been scheming.

New Heir Apparent.The new heir apparent i-i tiic young

Arehduk:« Charlen Francis Joseph, eilt¬est son of the murdeivd Prince's broth¬er, the Ar« to, who dit

The young heir, who was born in¡-»««7, it- n favorite of the old Emperor,who had him specially educate»!;i view to the »succession. He marriedthree years ago Princess Zita, twelfthof the twenty children of the Duke ofParma. She il a Rourbon, and 91 .-»

ge mutation of fate a Bomay again be placed on one of thegreat thrones of Europe. One of Arch¬duchess Zita's sisters is a nun in theIsle of Wight.

Rightly or wrongly, the dead Arch¬duke was credited with having ambi¬tions for the. further extension ofAustrian territory toward the Gulf ofSalónica, which would, if attempted,load to a conflict with Austria's neigh¬bors, and thus again cause a rupturebetween the dual monarchy and Rus-na. IWhile all peaceful actions of the

r-'onarehy were said to bo initiated bythe Emperor, every' forward naval or

ti».'i tary movement was just as readilycredited to the Archiluke, who onthese occasions, was referred to as thepower behind the throne or as an en-

crgetic and ambitious prince. He in¬variably .»ided with the military partyof his country whenever it came intoconflict «.vith ,iie civil authorities, andthis had on occasion led to the chargethat he would not even be averse togoing to wat with Austria's ally, Italy,

. if it would in any way increase Aus«tiian influence in the NearThe Archduke's friendship for the

German Emperor also gave his enemiesin Europe an opportunity to accusehim of favoring an aggressive polic>,and it had bien a fetich in the Conti¬nental capitals that when he came t<>the throne there would be an end tothe peace that had prevailed amongthe great powers.Where he was better understoo«!.

l.owever, the Archduke was given credit*for being an ardent patriot, whose onlyambition was to maintain the greatnessof his country, which he believe.I eouldonly bt- accomplished by making thearmy and navy such as to be feared bythe strongest enemy. Personally, theArchduke and his wife were almost as

great favorites in England as they wereii» «iernian court circles. They were

iiaquer.t visitors to Londo",coming incognito because of the courtetiquette, which prevented the duchessfrom being officially recognized for thereason that she was not of royal blood.Last ytmt the .¦-Yrchduke and the LVuch-ess visited King Georgo and QueenMary at Windsor and were shown everypossible attention.

It was generally believed that uponthe Archduke's accession Hungarywould recognize the Duchess a» (jueeuof Hung-uy, and that in time the Arch-«iuke wou'.l su.ceed m getting Austriato recognize her as Empress Consort,although their children could neverhope to ascend the throne.Those who met them on their visits

to England describe the Archduke andhis wife as a much attached couple, en¬

tirely free from any affectation. Theymoved about among friends in Eng¬land, and besides visiting at the royalpalaces spent many weeks at differenttimes in English country homes. Fromthe beginning Francis Ferdinand wasdeeply attached to his wife, an«! bc-fore the marriage of the couple allthe efforts of the Emperor and of th«

j court to break off the attachment wereunavailing.
