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Empire magazine covers: set of analysis'

Date post: 06-Jan-2017
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EMPIRE MAGAZINE – Layout for Suicide Squad front cover.

Subtitles – information on what films are included in this issue.

Tag Line – Catching, short phrase which quickly explains to the readers the main feature of this months magazine.

Main Title – Clear, bold title informing readers the main showcasing film of the month.

Magazine Title – main title for magazine, this month in clean white colour.

Bold Information – some further detail of an aspect of this issue.

The Main Visual – Showcasing the biggest actor/ main actor, in the most hyped up film of the month.

The main visual of the magazine cover is the main male character ‘The Joker’ from the film. He is in character, and there has been coloured lighting used to emphasise his character of the joker. In the image he has holding props of electric magnets, which the magazine has used to their full advantage and made it seem as if lightening bolts are coming out all across the magazine. This implies a theme of power, and modern technology. This film ‘Suicide Squad’ is a modern take on villains, hence the additionally graphics of tattoos on the character in the image. This makes it more modern and relatable. In terms of the overall image on the cover, the main attraction point for the readers are the characters eyes in the picture. The directly in front camera shot shows him staring straight into where the readers would look at the image, which is very engaging.

The main colour scheme which has been used for the text of the magazine cover, is green and white. This are bold colours which stand out to make the advertisement through writing obvious. The green colour relates the evil of the joker character.

Costume and make up has been intensely used in order to emphasise the character and genre of the film – an action thriller. They’ve used shade and light to add definition to the body and face, making the character an attractive modern version of the joker. Using lipstick and hair dye, they’ve made his lips red to represent evil and anger. His hair is green which is the classic joker look. It again represents evil, which flows through the theme of the film and it’s advertising campaign.

The background isn’t extremely clear, but still never the less links in with the film. From what I can see, it looks like a metallic container of some sorts with shot holes dotted about. This could relate to a theme of violence and death within the film. The background is blurred in order to draw the full attention of the readers, to the main actors photograph.

EMPIRE MAGAZINE – Layout for Super Man front cover.

Subtitles – information on what other films are included in this issue.

Tag Line / Explaining Sentence – A short sentence explain this months main film and giving it’s full title.

Main Title – Clear, bold title informing readers the main showcasing film/ character of the month.

Magazine Title – main title for magazine, this month in their classic red colour.

Bold Information – some brief detail of another aspect of this issue.

The Main Visual – Showcasing the biggest actor/ main actor, in the most hyped up film of the month.

The main visual of the magazine contains superman, who is one of the main characters of the film they are showcasing. He has been shot in character, and the image has been editing in order to emphasise his outfit. The costume he is wearing has been editing to look almost cartoon. This creates a nostalgic feelings for readers who used to watch superman as a child. His body position is slightly hunched over, but with legs wide and arms anchored it implies a position of power. The camera angel in which the photo has been taken looks straight onto the superman character, allowing direct eye contact with the readers and the character. This will entice people and create interest to want to read the magazine. No props have been used to add the visual, but with the detailed editing they’ve created a simplistic and strong front cover.

For this front cover the colour scheme isn’t over powering. It incorporates the classic superman colours of red and blue. They’ve used bold red for the title, and a dull blue tone runs throughout the background and costume of the actor. The simplistic colours of black and white have been used to make subtitles stand out but not be too over powering.

The background used for the magazine cover, I believe comes from the actual film. It shows a blurry scene of chaos; buildings falling down and smoke and dust everywhere. Whilst cleverly relating to the overall aesthetic of the film, it also is not overwhelming so that superman’s image seems of the up most importance. The background also blends in with the colour scheme of the cover, carrying a subtle blue colour.

The make up used in this cover looks very minimal, as if none has been used. However, using editing they’ve carved out the features of the actors face to make him more defined. They have also darkened his eyes in order to make him look more serious and scary. In regards to costume, I think this costume would have had a lot of editing and effects applied to make it look so futuristic.

EMPIRE MAGAZINE – Layout for X-Men front cover.

Explaining Sentence – A short sentence stating which cover this is out of the 9 possible covers, and stating the name of the cover.

Main Title – Clear, bold title informing readers the main showcasing a little information about the film on the cover.

Magazine Title – main title for magazine, this month in their classic red colour.

Bold Information – outlining the exclusivity of this cover and making that relevant to the film. ‘X-clusive’.

The Main Visual – Showcasing the two of the main actors including in the biggest film of this month.

The main visual for this cover for X-Men Apocalypse, is very detailed. As it is one of 9 exclusive covers, each one is quite unique but the all hold the same theme. On this cover we hold two actors/actresses from the film, who are well known to the public. The female actress is in the foreground of the magazine, making here the most prominent and attention grabbing. The male actor is in the background of the cover, and although still obvious doesn’t draw as much sudden attention. Both actors head angles are positioned to look towards the left. This insinuates that there is something happening over in that direction; this has been done to attract readers, making them want to find out what exactly is happening. The theme ruining through the cover of the visuals revolves around superheroes and super powers. This is present in their polished looks, and in the editing of the male character in the background to make him look as if he is speeding faster than possible.

The colour scheme for this front cover, excluding the classic red Empire title, was purple and white. It runs all throughout the text used and the graphics. The purple could represent power and strength.

The background of this exclusive cover is very detailed, more detailed than most of Empire’s front covers. It includes a background setting from the film, of what looks like a fighting scene. The main part of the background is then the male character who has been placed there is order to not seem as important. Using effects it seems as if he is running through some sort of water, which is then splashing all around the background of the front cover. This connotes action and drama, which is part of the genre for the film. The heavy purple colours run all throughout the background, showing the film’s unrealistic fiction nature as the earth has never been fully purple. Cleverly, on the left hand side of the purple, we get a faded image of the male character before he has run off; this shows his progression and use of his power to the audience.

Editing through costume and setting of the cover has made it seem very futuristic. By blurring the features of male in his action shot, this creates movement and therefore realism for the readers. Through costume of the female actress, editing has made it look strong and shiny. This suggests her natural ability and power.
