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Employability Skills. “Employability skills are: the non-technical skills, knowledge and...

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Employability Skills

Employability Skills

“Employability skills are: the non-technical skills, knowledge and understandings that

are necessary to gain employment and participate effectively in the workplace 

contribute to work performance in combination with technical or discipline specific skills, as well as language, literacy and numeracy skills.1”

“Often referred to as soft skills include skills such as communication, self-management,

planning, decision making and problem solving. Your ability to demonstrate these skills is an important

requirement when you are looking for work, as they are highly valued by employers and industry.1”

Kansas Career Cluster Model2


TEAM A group of people working together toward a common goal. Benefits of teamwork Three common types of work teams

Project team Cross-functional team Self-directed work team

Individual vs. team solutions

At least three solutions More if possible 5 minutes Top Five Characteristics of Effective Teams

Effective Team Leader

1. Clear communicator

2. Strong organizational skills

3. Confident in his/her abilities

4. Respectful of team members

5. Treats team members fairly

6. Has integrity

7. Influential to team members

8. Share leadership through delegation

9. Strong facilitator

10. Uses negotiation skills to achieve results


Each student will lead an activity Each will receive a sealed envelope Observer/note taker Other team members work with the leader 7 minutes – present and solve problem

Observer/note taker share in 3 minutes what was seen Repeat until all team members have presented their problem Reflection/exit card –

What kind of leader were you? What characteristics of an effective leader did you possess? What leadership qualities would you like to improve?

Teamwork Survival

Survival Scenario List of twelve most useful items

Individual Team

Final twelve list and rationale


Did team members listen to each other? How did you reach your final decision? How could the decision-making process have been easier or

more effective? What could you have done differently as a team?

How was conflict or differences of opinion managed? How did everyone feel about the final list? Did anyone fee that they weren’t listened to? Did anyone feel like they just gave in? Did some assume the role as the leader of the team? What situations at home/work/school do you think are?

similar to this activity


Exchange of information between a send and a receiver Involves speaking, listening, reading, and writing Be clear and direct

Groups Recorder How do you use communication skills at school? 5 minutes

Communication – key skills that employers need in the workplace

Each student choose an occupation Tell how communication used for that position Why are good communication skills important in the


Clear Verbal Communication GROUP WORK Director – picture; give instructions to manager Creator – blank paper, writing utensil Observer – paper for note taking; write everything observed

during this activity Manager – gets instructions from director and passes them

along to the creator

Ten minutes Show original picture Show drawn picture What needs to be changed?

Round Peg in Square Hole

List of characteristics of Effective Leaders Which characteristics did this team possess?

Solution Teamwork Skills Self Inventory

Charades Non-Verbal Communication Brainstorming Perceived in workplace

Three Tips for Improving Non-Verbal Communication

Body movements – use gestures to illustrate message trying to convey Good eye contact Appropriate gestures Good posture Do not send mixed messages

Voice quality Not what you say, but how you say it Be careful of tone Have “power to take simple sentence with no ill intent and turn it

into a chaotic mess.3”

Consider volume

Space and Personal Boundaries Be aware of our space Be aware of the space of others

Business Letter Important skill is knowing how to write a proper business

letter Most commonly used is Block Format Business Letter Block Letter Format Handout Scenarios Peer Review Letter and Rubric

Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

“…defined as ability to use facts, knowledge, and data to successfully solve problems. 3”

Employers want employees who can solve problems in well thought out process and in a timely manner

Seven Steps to Solving a Problem Effectively

Clearly identify the problem – What are you trying to solve? Be specific

Remember to see others; perspective of the problem – best solution satisfies al parties

Brainstorm – all potential solutions Pros and cons of each possible solution Best solution – consequences of solution? Put it in writing and implement plan How to monitor or track decision and follow through –

contingency plan?

Problem Solving Activity Challenging on your own; can more difficult when working as

a team One bad attitude or strong ego can be detrimental to finding

solution Scenario and Solutions

2nd Problem to Solve What was the problem? Points of View Options Evaluation Solution Implementation Evaluation

Technology Used in almost every workplace Has changed the way we work Makes it difficult to keep up 21st Century workers must be FLEXIBLE and ADAPT QUICKLY

Skill Sets

Employers are looking for skill sets very different from 10, 20, even 100 years ago

For what top ten skill sets are they looking?

Communication skills Analytical and research skills Self-motivation Teamwork Technical skills Strength of character

Interpersonal skills Flexibility and adaptability Planning and organizing Problem solving skills


Word Processing Spreadsheets Presentation software skills Internet research

Presentation Choose a career of interest to you Create a ten slide minimum presentation to explain what the

job is, typical duties, work environment, the type(s) of technology used in that job, required education or credentials, average starting salary and job outlook.



One day menu, identify foods and beverages Three meals and two snacks Record calorie count Data Collection Worksheet Excel How To Worksheet
