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Berkshire United Way • 200 South Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201 • 413-442-6948 x16


CAMPAIGN 2015-2016


Give. Advocate. Volunteer. LIVE UNITED



Page # Description

3 Table of Contents

4 Berkshire United Way CEO Campaign Letter

5-8 Your Role as Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC)

9 Working Together to Get Things Done

10 Why Invest in Berkshire United Way

11 Service Area Map

12 2015-2016 Funded Programs

13-14 Berkshire United Way Sell Sheet

15-16 FAQs

17 Win a New Car Flyer

18-19 Pinnacle Recognition Award Criteria

20 e-Pledge

21-22 Mass 211

23 Campaign Timeline and Check List for Best Practices

24 Sample Campaign Group Kickoff Meeting

25 Campaign for Maximum Potential

26 Customize Your Campaign

27 50+ Ways To Raise Funds

28 Year Round Activities

29 Sample eMail Communication pre Kickoff

30 CEO Sample Kickoff/Endorsement Letter

31 Sample Letter from Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC)

32 Sample Mid Campaign letter from ECC

33 Sample Thank You letter from CEO or ECC

34 WISP Training

35-36 Workplace Report Envelope

37-38 Workplace Pledge Form

39 Berkshire United Way Supply Order Form



Dear Friends,

If you could do one thing this year to improve someone’s life, would you do it?

By taking on the important role of Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC), you have answered, “Yes.”

When you volunteer your time and enthusiasm as an ECC, you impact the success of the Berkshire United Way’s Annual Workplace Campaign. By working with Berkshire United Way, you and your co-workers have the opportunity to improve the quality of life in Berkshire County for all. Many in our community will bene-fit from your generosity; our goals are focused on early childhood literacy, positive youth development and financial stability - the building blocks for a good quality of life. Our work, with our partners, is impacting the lives of over 20,000 children and families countywide. We can’t do it without you.

Our LIVE UNITED theme underscores the impact we make when we unite our collective resources to ad-vance the common good. Berkshire United Way recruits people and organizations who bring the passion, expertise and resources needed to get things done. With your support, we are better able to encourage others to GIVE, ADVOCATE or VOLUNTEER.

As an ECC, you play a huge part in helping Berkshire United Way mobilize resources to address community priorities. In an effort to clarify and simplify your role (we know how busy you are!), we have created this user friendly Tool Kit. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with Berkshire United Way’s mission, the elements of an exceptional campaign, and the resources available to assist you. You will be the change you wish to see in the world.

On behalf of Berkshire United Way’s Board of Directors and tthe countless lives impacted by your support, we say THANK YOU!

Thank you for choosing to change lives and show others what it means to LIVE UNITED.

With appreciation,

Kristine Hazzard President & CEO Berkshire United Way



The success of a workplace campaign depends upon people like you - people who understand their organization’s corporate culture AND Berkshire United Way’s benefit to the community.

Thank you for your energy, excitement and enthusiasm!


• Attend Employee Campaign Coordinator Training • Recruit an enthusiastic campaign team• Establish company campaign goals and timelines• Run an educational and fun campaign, including a Leadership ask• Make sure that all employees are educated about Berkshire United Way and are asked to give• Maintain accurate campaign results and report them promptly to Berkshire United Way staff• Promptly announce campaign results to the company• Thank your employees who contributed and members of your campaign team• Evaluate the campaign, submit closing paperwork and make recommendations for next year

Let us know how we can help you!!

Remember that Berkshire United Way staff is here to assist you in all aspects of the campaign. As you become familiar with Berkshire United Way, we know you will feel good about the important work you are doing for the community and the difference you are making in the lives of Berkshire County residents.

And most importantly – Have Fun!


1. USE YOUR TOOLSThere are several tools that you can use to communicate the work of Berkshire United Way, encouraging employees in your company to participate in campaign events and make a pledge to the campaign. All of these tools are available online at www.berkshireunitedway.org (click on Campaign -> Campaign Manager Tools). Some of these resources include:• Posters • Videos • Presentations • Success Stories• Flyers • Brochures • Sample letters • eNewsletters

2. INVOLVE YOUR CEOThe support of your CEO can really transform a campaign. When your CEO commits his or her support, it sends a powerful message about Berkshire United Way and our important work. There are several ways to include your CEO and keep them involved:

• Establish a timeline and budget with his or her feedback.• Confirm your company’s corporate gift.• Provide a letter or email from your CEO endorsing the campaign.• Ask your CEO and other company management to make appearances at rallies and presentations.• Talk to your CEO about authorizing payroll deduction if this is not already an option.• Ask your CEO to join you in kicking off the campaign by making the first pledge.


• Encourage your CEO and top management to help identify department ambassadors for the campaign.

3. RECRUIT YOUR TEAMBuild a diverse team of employees from your organization to assist and help broaden your reach. Recruit team members from all departments, levels, locations and professional talents. Involve people with cre-ativity and enthusiasm, as well as good planning and tracking skills. Remember to include your Berkshire United Way staff contact in team meetings so you can tap into his or her expertise.

Your team should review prior campaign practices and share new ideas. In particular, conduct the Employ-ee Campaign Coordinator (ECC) from prior years to learn what worked and what needs improvement. Be sure to establish specific duties for each member and develop a strategy and timetable for reaching your fundraising goals.

Who to Ask:• Human Resource or Employee Relations Dept. • CEO’s Assistant• Employees who have been helped by Berkshire United Way • Payroll Dept.• Marketing Dept. • Department Representatives

4. SOLICIT LEADERSHIP DONORSTwo levels of leadership giving at Berkshire United Way make up approximately 30% of total fundraising. The Greylock Society includes individuals and families who annually contribute at least $1,000. The Toc-queville Society includes individuals and families who donate $10,000 or more.

Your Berkshire United Way staff contact can provide you with personalized Greylock and Tocqueville Soci-ety pledge forms for current and prospective leadership donors. Ask your Berkshire United Way Workplace Campaign Executive for some suggested steps in soliciting new leadership donors.

• Have your CEO, or other top leadership representative, invite prospects to a special event, such as Leadership breakfast, or make the case for Leadership giving at a meeting.

• Send out a letter under his/her signature making the case and making the ask• Host a thank you event for Leadership donors - party, picnic, luncheon, reception, etc.

5. EDUCATE AND COMMUNICATEYou are the ambassador for United Way at your organization. To provide the best information about United Way to your company, please consider these steps:

• Provide educational opportunities such as a company-wide campaign kick-off meeting, volunteer proj-ects, rallies and partner agency tours.

• Identify an employee who is willing to provide a personal testimony in print or at presentations/rallies.• Use employee publications, intranet, voice mail, announcements, bulletin boards, email, management

endorsement letters, newsletters, paycheck stuffers and social media to spread the United Way mes-sage.

• Use the information and resources available on the Berkshire United Way web site, Facebook, and Twitter feed.

6. STRATEGIZING AND USING INCENTIVESThere are several ways to energize your campaign.

Strategies to increase employee participation in giving a pledge:


• Set participation rate as a company goal.• Hold a raffle for everyone who donates (prime parking spots, days off, gift cards, etc.).• Hold competitions between stores/branches/locations/departments based on participation rate.• Offer a casual day to everyone who donates.• Offer an opportunity to win Berkshire United Way In-kind items if people participate.• Host a wrap-up party and thank everyone who participated.

Strategies to increase average gifts:• Hold a raffle for those who increase their gift by a set percentage or dollar per week amount.• Solicit retirees.• Thank You note from a Company Executive.

Strategies to increase leadership giving:• Identify potential employees earning more than $50,000 and/or current employees giving $500-$999.• Special leadership solicitation/recognition event (lunch with a VIP).• Include names of leadership donors on the intranet/newsletter/etc. (with their permission).

7. HOLD RALLIES AND MAKE THE ASK!The number one reason people do not give is they were never asked. Employee meetings or rallies are the most effective way to reach all employees and encourage them to invest in Berkshire United Way. Rallies can take as little as 10 minutes. A step-by-step guide:

• Consider holding a campaign kick-off or smaller meeting to tell employees about Berkshire United Way. This can be an added agenda item to an already scheduled meeting.

• Offer incentives to attend a rally, like food or a special drawing.• Make sure employees know the purpose of the meeting in advance.• Distribute brochures and pledge cards as employees arrive.• Invite your Workplace Campaign Executive to speak at a staff meeting.• Ask your CEO to attend and publicly endorse the campaign.• Showcase videos and client success stories.• Keep the meeting lively, informative and fun.• Make the ask!• Thank employees for their participation.• Follow up with employees who were not able to attend.

8. MONITOR YOUR CAMPAIGN AND REPORT RESULTSIt is critical to follow up with employees and report results.

• Contact your Loaned Executive for information about your company’s campaign history, and be sure to maintain your personal records during the campaign so that you can report out in a timely manner.

• Make sure your campaign team has had the opportunity to speak with all employees. Publicize cam-paign results throughout the organization.

• Follow up with all employees. Have all pledge cards returned to you, even those on which the individu-al has not made a gift. This helps you track the campaign.

• Double-check that pledge cards are filled out and signed and that the total amounts are accurate.• Keep regular totals and give progress reports to your team, your Berkshire United Way staff contact and

your CEO.• Give completed report envelopes, including signed pledge forms and promotional car entries to your

Berkshire United Way Workplace Campaign Executive.


9. SAY THANK YOU!It is just as important to officially close the campaign and thank people, as it is to begin the campaign. Since Berkshire United Way is working with nearly 8,000 donors, we need your help to thank everyone for their time and financial contributions.

• Thank employees for their participation, time and support.• Issue a thank you letter to participants from the CEO.• Recognize your team and others who volunteered their time.• Publicize your results via email, voice mail, intranet, newsletters, social media, etc. • Celebrate your success!

10. CONSIDER ENGAGING EMPLOYEES YEAR-ROUNDThere are many ways to stay connected to United Way throughout the year.

• Gather feedback from your CEO, campaign committee and Berkshire United Way staff contact. • Identify next year’s Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC) if you are able and share their information

with Berkshire United Way. Consider establishing a co-chair ECC to ensure a smooth transition from one campaign year to another.

• Start a new hires program that gives new employees the opportunity to make a contribution when they join your organization (your Berkshire United Way Resource Development contact can help you get started).

• Implement a year-round communications program that shares the impact of Berkshire United Way’s work in the community (consider forwarding the eNewsletters you get from Berkshire United Way each month).

• Consider participating in a Day of Action. It’s a great volunteer opportunity held each year on the first day of summer.

• Visit a coalition meeting or funded program to see the work being done in the community. • Contact Berkshire United Way or visit berkshireunitedway.org for information about volunteer


BERKSHIRE UNITED WAY PINTERESTShare Your Campaign Success and Ideas with Others at http://www.pinterest.com/berkshireuw/


Berkshire United Way advances the common good by creating opportunities for a better life for all. Our primary focus areas are:

• Early Childhood Literacy

• Positive Youth Development

• Financial Stability



Berkshire United Way recruits people and organizations who bring the passion, expertise and resources needed to make sustainable changes. LIVE UNITED is a call to action for everyone to be part of the change.

Throughout Berkshire County, your gift supports thousands of individuals and organizations focused on working together to get things done.


When there are so many choices, why choose Berkshire United Way?

Donor investment goes toward community-defined goals and partners that demonstrate the greatest impact• Early Childhood Literacy, Positive Youth Development and Financial Stability• 26 communities, 45 outcome-based programs, over 26,000 lives impacted• Specific community coalitions focused on goal-driven, high-impact, long-

term issues -- Pittsfield Promise early literacy campaign; Chapter One ... Our Towns, Our Kids, Our Future; Pittsfield Prevention Partnership; Berkshire Youth Development Project and Face the Facts - reduce teen pregnancy coalition.

Donor investment is overseen by best-in-class operation• Strong local leadership, execution focused, transparent process• Supported by national organization and brand

Donor investment is wisely spent• Long-term track record -- 90-year local history, 125-year United Way history• Seasoned board and management • Mission and model targeted to local goals, recruiting people and

organizations who bring the passion and resources needed to get things done

Donor investment generates committed returns• Accountability is built into the process• Results reported using consistent measures and outcomes• Program site visits and monitoring identify issues early on

Donor investment goes to root causes and true fixes of societal problems• Programs and initiatives must deliver sustainable changes• Deliberate shift away from band-aid, short-term remedies

Donor investment is distributed based on a community impact model that fully vets all prospective partners• Giving is made easy with one investment decision that results in fund

distribution to a range of initiatives and organizations whose efforts best address the community goals.


BERKSHIRE UNITED WAY2013-2014 Service Area and Population Served Map

Mapped numbers represent town residents served during FYE 6/30/14 as reported by our funded partner community investments. Not all were able to provide town-by-town data.

46 Programs Funded in 26 Communities, Over 26,000 Lives Impacted



Community Coalition Work:Face the Facts – reduce teen pregnancy: 355 servedPittsfield Promise: 2,664 servedAsset Based Community Development: 93 servedPittsfield Prevention Partnership: 5,494 servedBerkshire Youth Development Project: 1,475 served

BERKSHIRE UNITED WAY2013-2014 Service Area and Population Served Map

Mapped numbers represent town residents served during FYE 6/30/14 as reported by our funded partner community investments. Not all were able to provide town-by-town data.

46 Programs Funded in 26 Communities, Over 26,000 Lives Impacted



Community Coalition Work:Face the Facts – reduce teen pregnancy: 355 servedPittsfield Promise: 2,664 servedAsset Based Community Development: 93 servedPittsfield Prevention Partnership: 5,494 servedBerkshire Youth Development Project: 1,475 served


Berkshire United Way2015-2016 Funded Partners


Berkshire Children and Families- Early Education and Care- Young Family Corridor of Care

Berkshire County Head Start- Lunch & Learn

Berkshire County Kids’ Place and Violence Prevention Center- Trauma Recovery Program

Berkshire Hills Regional School District - Project Connection

Child Care of the Berkshires- Early Education and Care Services- Healthy Families Program- Parent Child Home Program

Community Health Programs - CHP Family Services

Elizabeth Freeman Center - Child Safe Program

Gladys Allen Brigham Community Center - Early Childhood Education

Lee Youth Association - Busy Bee Preschool

Pediatric Development Center - Play and Learn Program- South County Early Intervention

Pittsfield Family YMCA- Bright Futures

Pittsfield Family YMCA / Saint John’s Lodge #10 - St. Johns Lodge Summer Program/Marilyn Hamilton Literacy Program


Barrington Stage Company- Playwright Mentoring Project

Berkshire County Regional Employment Board - Connecting Activities Internship Program

Dalton Community Recreation Association - Dalton Youth Center

Elizabeth Freeman Center - Berkshire Violence Prevention Center (BVPC)

Flying Cloud Institute - Young Women In Science

Gladys Allen Brigham Community Center- Girls Inc. of the Berkshires- Youth Empowerment Services

Greenagers- Community Work Initiative

Lee Youth Association - Teen Programming

MCLA Foundation/ Berkshire

Compact for Education - Berkshire County Goes to College

Pittsfield Community Connection

Railroad Street Youth Project - Mentoring Program- Sexual Health Initiative- Youth Development Programs

Tapestry Health- Berkshire Outreach Program

The Brien Center - Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Program

The Salvation Army - Bridging The Gap Between Youth and Community Services

United Cerebral Palsy Association of Berkshire County - Sexuality Series


Berkshire Community Action Council - Community Connector:Partners Include:Berkshire Immigrant CenterBerkshire County American Red CrossLiteracy Volunteers of Berkshire CountyGoodwill Industries of the BerkshiresBerkshire Bank*Berkshire Community College*

Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity- Building for Tomorrow, Getting Ahead, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program

Construct, Inc.- Project Home Collaborative:Partners Include:Railroad Street Youth ProjectMulticultural BRIDGECommunity Health ProgramsSouthern Berkshire Chamber of Commerce*The Brien Center


Berkshire Regional Planning Commission - Berkshire Benchmarks

Mass 211

* These partners do not receive funding from Berkshire United Way.



Community Aspiration: Making Berkshire County a community of hope and opportunity where every individual and family lives, works and thrives. Mission: Improving the quality of life in Berkshire County by mobilizing resources to address community priorities and create sustainable change. Vision Statement:

All Berkshire County residents are self-sufficient, proud of, active, and engaged in our community.

Sample Elevator Pitches:

□ BUW connects people and organizations from across the community who bring the passion, expertise and resources we need to get things done.

□ Berkshire United Way advances the common good by creating opportunities for a better life for all by focusing on early childhood literacy, positive youth development and financial stability – the building blocks for a good quality of life.

□ BUW focuses community resources on identified problems with impacts on breaking the cycle of poverty; preventing substance abuse; third grade reading and financial stability

□ BUW improves the quality of life in the Berkshires with a focus on education and financial stability.

□ BUW mobilizes resources, both people and dollars, to improve outcomes in education and financial stability.

□ BUW helps our community thrive and grow by focusing on reducing poverty and focusing on youth development, teen pregnancy prevention, and early literacy success.

□ BUW is the connector that brings the passion and expertise needed to get things done – we can’t move the needle on our pressing community issues, like early childhood success or preventing teen births, without them.

Substitutive Words:

□ Passion □ Get things done □ Connect people □ Thrive □ Leader □ Mobilize

□ Bring global perspective □ Connections/connector □ Change agent □ Think globally. Act locally □ Aligning resource to


□ Creating a model for progress

□ See the forest through the trees

□ We know what we are doing

Our Work:

Our focus is on early childhood literacy, positive youth development and financial stability with millions of dollars in community investments impacting nearly 26,000 in the 26 communities of Central and Southern Berkshire County.


Pittsfield Promise: A local early literacy initiative made up of over 80 community partners aimed at ensuring 90% of third graders are reading proficiently by 2020.

Chapter One early literacy initiative: Working with the six school districts from Lenox to Southern Berkshire, this early literacy initiative is focused on ensuring all South County kids can read by third grade.

Pittsfield Prevention Partnership: From 2006 - 2013, local youth reported reduced alcohol use over a 30 day period in 8th grade by 53%, 10th grade by 33% and 12th grade by 30% - thanks in part to the strategies implemented by the PPP, a youth development coalition. It aims to further these reductions and increase youth aspirations for a better future and works with Berkshire Youth Development Project to strengthen successful strategies countywide.

Face the Facts- reduce teen pregnancy: A countywide initiative of concerned citizens

aims to reduce the teen birth rate by 50% by 2020 by focusing on access to reproductive healthcare, sex education, public awareness and building youth aspirations.

Quick Statistics:

□ Only half of our kids are reading proficiently by third grade. We know 74% of children

who struggle with reading by third grade will continue to struggle in school. □ $8,000 invested in improving early childhood education produces nearly $800,000 of

benefit during the next 65 years of the individual’s life. □ 40% of kids who begin drinking by age 15 will become alcoholics. Delaying the age of

first use will have a huge positive effect on the life of that child. □ Pittsfield’s teen birth rate in 2010 was twice the state rate. It was the 11th highest rate in


Programs We Fund: Berkshire County Head Start Pittsfield Family YMCA / Marilyn Hamilton Literacy - Sports Barrington Stage Co., Inc. Berkshire Children and Families, Inc. Berkshire Community Action Council Berkshire County American Red Cross Berkshire County Kids' Place Berkshire County Regional Employment Board, Inc. Berkshire Hills Regional School District Berkshire Immigrant Center Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity Child Care of the Berkshires, Inc. Community Health Programs, Inc. Construct, Inc.

Dalton Community Recreation Association Elizabeth Freeman Center Flying Cloud Institute Gladys Allen Brigham Community Center Goodwill Industries of the Berkshires Greenagers Lee Youth Association Literacy Volunteers of Berkshire County MCLA Foundation/Berkshire Compact for Education Multicultural BRIDGE Pediatric Development Center Inc. Pittsfield Community Connection Railroad Street Youth Project Tapestry Health, Inc. The Brien Center The Salvation Army United Cerebral Palsy Association


What is the role of Berkshire United Way? Berkshire United Way’s mission is to improve the quality of life in Berkshire County by mobilizing resources to address community priorities and create sustainable change. We recruit the people and organizations who bring the passion, expertise and resources needed to get things done. We use data to identify issues and measure results and outcomes to ensure that changes are long-term, not just quick fixes. Why is there a Berkshire United Way? Berkshire United Way has been a leader in providing community solutions in central and southern Berkshire County since 1924. Today we’re serving 26 communities, delivering 45 outcome-based programs impacting over 26,000 lives in early childhood literacy, positive youth development and financial stability. Our donors have confidence that their human service dollars go the furthest and do the most good, supporting multiple programs and initiatives through a single effort. Our volunteers contribute their time and expertise because they recognize the need to invest wisely, where needs and results are greatest. Our board of directors and staff are dedicated to ensuring an organized, efficient and accountable system for investing resources and advancing the common good in Berkshire County. Who runs Berkshire United Way and how is it funded? Berkshire United Way is governed by a volunteer board of directors. The directors – all of whom live or work in Berkshire County – develop policy and oversee paid staff. The CEO is responsible for day-to-day operations and management. Berkshire United Way is funded through voluntary contributions from individuals, businesses and foundations dedicated to the community. What is Community Impact? Community Impact isn’t just a process for making investment decisions. It’s the end game. Our Community Impact goals focus on early childhood literacy, positive youth development and financial stability – the keys to a good life. By directing resources to programs and initiatives that meet the broad range of individual, family and community needs in these areas, we create sustainable change. By measuring results we ensure programs are effective and worthy of investment. Why look to Berkshire United Way to invest my donation? By choosing Berkshire United Way to invest your gift, you are ensuring that your gift, combined with those of others, targets the most critical issues and needs in the Berkshires. Community Impact investment decisions are made by trained volunteers who assess each program’s ability to measure and meet outcomes tied to community goals.



What is the best way to give? Individuals and businesses have many options. Payroll deduction through employer campaigns is a popular choice and makes giving easy. You may also donate on-line at www.berkshireunitedway.org or make a direct payment or pledge via cash, check or credit card. You can mail your gift in with a pledge form. How much should I give? Only you can decide how much you can give. Berkshire United Way offers several giving and recognition opportunities. Many people elect to give 1% of their annual salary. Is my gift to Berkshire United Way tax deductible? Yes, if you itemize your deductions on your tax return. Gifts over $50 are acknowledged with a receipt for tax purposes. Can I designate some of my gift to other charitable organizations? Yes. Berkshire United Way can make all of your charitable giving easier by distributing a portion(s) of your gift to other qualified 501 (c) 3 organizations, both in and outside Berkshire County. How much of the money raised by Berkshire United Way goes to overhead expense? 19% of the dollars raised goes to “overhead” or general and administrative expenses, which includes fundraising expenses.

Who decides where my contribution goes? People just like you decide where your money is invested. Every year Berkshire United Way broadly solicits volunteers from the community. Approximately 50 individuals are trained to participate in a structured assessment process that ensures funded programs adequately address community goals, ongoing measures and program outcomes. All volunteers are required to sign a confidentiality agreement and disclose any potential conflicts of interest to maintain integrity to the process. To learn more about volunteer opportunities, go to www.berkshireunitedway.org and click on “Volunteer.” Does Berkshire United Way serve my town? Berkshire United Way invests in 45 programs and three goal-driven, high-impact, long-term initiatives that serve 26 communities in central and southern Berkshire County. It’s likely someone you know or perhaps even someone in your family has benefited from one or more of these efforts.


2015 FORD FIESTA OR $10,000Proudly Donated By:

Participate in Berkshire United Way’s campaign and receive one entry form.Contribute at least $3/wk ($150/yr) or more and receive two entry forms.

Car Drawing to Take Place in January 20, 2016

Berkshire United Way - 200 South Street Pittsfield, MA 01201 • Phone: (413) 442.6948 • www.berkshireunitedway.org



Pinnacle Award Criteria For Workplace Campaign Excellence

All Corporate Partners participating in Berkshire United Way’s annual Workplace Giving Campaign will be recognized for successfully completing 6 out of 8 criteria noted below.

Criteria Metric 1. Overall Campaign Dollar Growth Year over Year (2015 vs. 2014 Campaign Baseline)

4% Growth

2. Employee Giving Participation 50% of Current Employee Workforce

3. Leadership Level Giving ($1,000+) 1 per 100 Employees minimum

4.Corporate Gift or Employee Giving Match

Yes; Gift received and recorded

5. Employee Campaign Presentation by Berkshire United Way Staff

Berkshire United Way invited and presents at Workplace Campaign Kick-off or other relevant event

6. Attendance at Employee Campaign Coordinator Training or Customized Campaign Strategy Meeting with Berkshire United Way Staff

Attendance in Webinar or Live; any of the scheduled sessions

7. Campaign results reported and returned to BUW by December 14, 2015

Campaign report received by Berkshire United Way staff on or before December 14, 2015

8. Conduct a Special Fundraising Event to Enhance Workplace Giving Campaign

Special Event (Bake Sale, Auction) conducted within the workplace to help raise additional funds beyond Employee and Corporate Giving.

Special Recognition will be afforded to Pinnacle Group organizations including:

Inclusion in the Berkshire United Way Leaders in Giving Report Recognition on Berkshire United Way’s e-newsletter and social media platforms Announcement in Berkshire Eagle and other local print media Invitation and announcement at annual LIVE UNITED Community Celebration Opportunity to present award at company gathering Recognition Plaque

Pinnacle Group is a leadership category unique to companies that go above and beyond in managing their annual Berkshire United Way Workplace Campaign.

Pinnacle Group Campaign 2014-2015

1Berkshire Bayer Material Science Berkshire Bank Berkshire Children and Families Berkshire County Kids Place Berkshire Medical Center Berkshire United Way Cain Hibbard & Myers PC Colt Insurance Company Crane Crescent Creamery, Inc. Elder Services of Berkshire County Fairview Hospital General Dynamics General Electric Company GL&V USA, Inc.

Greylock Federal Credit Union Guardian Life Insurance Company Hill Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. Interprint Inc. Laurin Publishing Company Inc. Lee Bank MacFarlane Office Products Onyx Specialty Papers Petricca Industries Pittsfield Cooperative Bank Ray Murray, Inc. Raymond James and Associates SABIC Innovative Plastics The Johnson Dealerships United Parcel Service Wheeler & Taylor Insurance Agency



Features:• □Receive immediate results from employees that pledge online• □Reduces reliance on paper pledge forms/Better for the environment• □Allows CEO/ECC to personalize the “ask” to the employees• □Gifts are immediately visible by the company and Berkshire United Way• □ECC can pull a variety of reports to evaluate campaign success• □Option for real-time updates on departmental and company-wide goals• □Link to Berkshire United Way• □Allows users to create “donor profiles” • □Customizable Campaign with Co-branding capabilities• □Highly secure environment

Benefits:• □Research shows employee giving increases• □Campaign data will be reflected immediately and accurately• □All communications and pledging via a secure web site, enabling access from work, from home or

while traveling• □Quick and simple site navigation• □Validates pledge before submission to payroll• □Payment choice of payroll deduction, credit card, cash, direct bill, or check• □Reduces costs associated with administering a “manual, paper-based” workplace campaign• □Reduces need for data entry by payroll staff (payroll integration)• □Less “paper shuffling” by employee campaign coordinator• □Provides easy communication with all employees regarding company’s mission and community

involvement• □Continues benefits of a traditional Berkshire United Way “high touch” workplace campaign experience• □Reduces administrative time and costs associated with workplace campaign• □Delivers real-time reports




Ask your Loaned Executive about speakers for employee meetings Request materials including pledge forms and brochures for employees Personalize pledge forms with contact information and prior year giving information for each employee

2 Weeks Before Promote your campaign special events and meetings Conduct a leadership giving campaign, one of the best ways to increase the success of your overall campaign Send communications from the CEO endorsing and announcing the campaign Promote Leadership giving (gifts of $1,000 or more) Hang posters and create visuals to generate excitement and awareness

Kickoff Celebration - HAVE FUN! Launch your campaign group meetings Make sure every employee receives materials and has an opportunity to give Conduct special events and activities Send follow-up emails every few days to keep up enthusiasm and build awareness; include community facts and success stories

Mid-Campaign Follow-up personally with anyone who missed the group meeting. Encourage them to watch the campaign video on our website. Report interim results periodically so everyone can see how the campaign is going. Continue to promote campaign activities through email, company newsletter or intranet.

After Your Campaign Wrap up campaign, collect all pledges and follow up with those who did not turn in pledge forms Calculate results and submit final reports to United Way Announce results to your staff Thank all contributors with a celebration event, letter, email or visit from a Workplace Campaign Executive Conduct a campaign debrief with your team and Workplace Campaign Executive. Develop a written summary for next year

Find campaign resources at: www.berkshireunitedway.org

CAMPAIGN TIMELINE AND CHECKLIST FOR BEST PRACTICES6 Weeks Before Attend ECC Training, hosted by Berkshire United Way Review the previous campaign’s performance Meet with your CEO to confirm his or her commitment Recruit and train a campaign team Meet with your Workplace Campaign Executive (WCE) to develop campaign goals and strategies Develop campaign timeline with dates and goals Visit Berkshire United Way’s online campaign toolkit for materials and ideas Consider ePledge instead of paper pledge forms

4 Weeks Before Plan your campaign theme and special events Set dates for employee meetings and agency tours



BEFORE THE MEETING…• Hang posters and send e-mail publicizing the meeting.• Order food and beverages, if possible.• Choose speakers for the meeting (schedule speakers through your

Workplace Campaign Executive).

THE DAY OF THE MEETING…• Have personalized pledge cards and pens ready for employees as they enter the room.• Get video equipment and tape ready to go and test ahead of time! (DVD, CD?).• Confirm CEO attendance for the meeting.• Display incentives.

SAMPLE AGENDA...ITEM PRESENTER TIMEOpening Remarks/Welcome Employee Coordinator 2 minutesCEO Endorsement CEO 1 minuteUnited Way Overview United Way rep/Sponsored Executive 3 minutesUnited Way Video or Presentation Employee Coordinator 5 minutesAsk for the Gift Employee Coordinator/United Way Rep 2 minuteClosing Comments Employee Coordinator 2 minute

ASK EMPLOYEES... to return pledge forms at the end of the meeting or set a deadline. Request that all em-ployees return their pledge forms regardless of whether they are donating. Follow-up personally or ask an associate to contact employees who do not return their pledge cards or are unable to attend the meeting. Remember to publicize incentives and past winners.

THANK EMPLOYEES... for their past support on behalf of yourself, your company, and Berkshire United Way.



The campaign effort, like any project, needs a set of goals, timelines and measurable achievements to be successful. Once you have recruited and estab-lished your campaign committee, your Berkshire United Way Staff will help you integrate your company’s strategies, objectives and goals to achieve success.

Review past performance. Find areas to improve such as increasing participation oraverage gift. Your United Way Staff can provide the necessary statistics and guidance.

Set a goal of 100% ASK. How are you going to ensure everyone knows how Berkshire United Way works to make this a better community for all of us? Brainstorm some ideas. Make sure you ask every employee to consider giving.

Leadership Giving. Establish a goal for Leadership Giving to ensure it is incorporated into your overall goal. Leadership Giving starts at $1,000 a year and makes the maximum impact in our community.

Set a goal of 100% pledge form collection. This ensures that people have considered a gift to Berkshire United Way and made their decision. It does not mean they should be forced to give. Ensure that all pledge forms, even from employees who choose not to give, are collected.

Review your company’s three year history, business plan and commitment form with your CEOto determine your goals and strategies.

Establish a reasonable timeframe for your employee campaign (1-3 weeks). Having a clear defined start and end date will help keep your campaign on track.

• • •


Decide that this is the year to have fun by using special events and other creative activities in your organization’s campaign. Special events are FUN and are an excellent method of raising Berkshire United Way awareness in your office. Review the guidelines listed below:DO• DO check out your ideas with your CEO.• DO something different to bring interest to your campaign, and encourage the use of payroll deduction.• DO solicit services and/or items from your co-workers.• DO use a special event to focus attention on the campaign – not as the total campaign effort.• DO use special events as frosting on the cake – to help you meet and exceed your “stretch” goal.• DO tie special events, where appropriate, to completed pledge cardDON’T• DON’T surprise your boss with a golf tournament on company time!• DON’T do “the same old thing.”• DON’T overlook the tried and true elements of a successful campaign (e.g., person-to-person contact)• DON’T forget your well-planned employee solicitation campaign.

• Goals provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment• Goals provide a way to measure your campaign’s success• Goals provide a way to analyze past results and plan for futue campaigns



Promote Leadership Giving

Berkshire United Way recognizes those in our community who demonstrate an exceptional commitment to helping others. We proudly recognize those whose contributions are $1,000 or more as Leadership givers, and those who contribute $10,000 or more as Tocqueville Society members. Donors are publicly recognized at special events and/or in local and national publications for their leadership and Tocqueville level gifts in support of Berkshire United Way’s mission to improve lives and strengthen com-munities.

1. Recruit CEO or Executives who themselves are Leadership givers to help with solicitation of top man-agement.

2. Suggest that donors currently giving between $750 and $999 increase to the Leadership Level.3. Hold a separate reception hosted by the CEO. 4. Ask your Workplace Campaign Executive to provide information on the Haas Challenge for Leadership

Level Donors.

Organized Labor

Since 1946 the United Way of America and various Union Organizations have enjoyed a mutually beneficial partnership.

1. Utilize Organized Labor Endorsement.2. Request labor endorsement and joint letter from CEO and in-house Labor Representative.3. Request Union Leaders endorsement at Kick-Off events or other appropriate venues.


Don’t forget your retirees. The biggest reason that retirees do not contribute to Berkshire United Way is that they have not been asked. Do not overlook this important segment of your campaign; they often have a history of significant giving.

1. Include them in informational emails as company policy permits.2. Make a special effort to inform this group of the impact of their gift.3. Provide Berkshire United Way with their names and addresses so we may continue to update them

throughout the year. 4. Publicly recognize retirees for their gifts.

Affinity Groups

1. Determine if your organization hosts Affinity Groups (Women’s, African-American, Hispanic, Young Professionals, …)

2. Request opportunity to present at one of their regularly scheduled sessions.



Ideas for Special Events, Incentives and Promotions to promote team building and get more employees involved in the United Way Campaign

Games & Contests Sales Events1. Miniature Indoor Golf 27. Silent Auction2. Lunchtime Bingo 28. Company Store – Sell company items 3. Candy Jar Raffle (mugs, sweatshirts, etc.)4. Bowl-a-thon 29. Online Auction5. Baby Photo – Match the baby photo 30. Recipe Book – Employee favorites with the manager (or employee) printed and sold6. Cow Bingo 31. Garage Sale 7. Coin Wars 32. Car Wash8. Pumpkin Carving 33. Book Sale 34. Live AuctionPrizes, Drawings & Cash 9. 50/50 Drawing 10. Spare Change Jugs11. Daily Prize Drawings Miscellaneous Incentives12. Drawings for: Mall gift certificate, 35. Dress Down/Casual Daygolf passes, suite seats at games, tickets for sporting 36. Dress Upevents, concerts, parking spots, plane tickets, night 37. Challenges between departments at hotel, - use business contacts to donate items 38. Walk/run fundraisers – Participants get(contacts at local hotels to donate one night) sponsor to pledge total amount or $13. Resources for items (e.g., clothing) amount per mile14. Draw for Day Off 39. Extra vacation days15. Collect Cans and Bottles 16. T-Shirt and Poster Sale Food Fun More Fun Ideas17. Breakfast cooked by Executives 40. Executives serving dinner to employees18. Specialized food sales – candy bars, pies, who won a drawinginternational food 41. Executives prepare a meal for employees 19. Daily donations for donuts, coffee, bring during a Campaign eventin baked goods, cookies, etc. 42. Monte Carlo night20. Lunch for $3-$4, buy/donate food 43. Wine raffle21. Cookout (hot dogs, chicken, burgers, …) 44. Sale of donated products22. Baked Goods Contest/Sale 45. Use of reserved parking space for 23. Candy Grams designated time24. Employee cook book 46. Flower Sale25. Chili Cook-Off 47. Theatre tickets or tickets to sporting event26. Ice Cream Social 48. Dinner for two with the boss27. Taste of [Company Name] 49. Dinner or brunch at a popular restaurant 50. Golf with the boss 51. Kids Coloring Contest 52. Executive Auction 53. Office Olympics 54. 5K Fun Run or Walk 55. “Sleep-in” or “Long lunch” passes 27


Some companies are expanding their campaign and building awareness of Berkshire United Way by holding an activity every month or quarter. Here are some monthly ideas to consider.

Month Activity

January National Popcorn Day. Turn your break room or conference room into a movie theatre. Show old movies or television shows, pop some popcorn and request an admission fee.

February Valentine’s Day. Help your co-workers with their shopping by selling chocolates or flowers, with the profits going to Berkshire United Way.

March National Chip & Dip Day. Celebrate by inviting coworkers to make their favorite dip or salsa recipe. Request a fee to sample the entries and $1 each for copies of the recipes.

April Easter Egg Raffle. Fill plastic Easter eggs with raffle numbers. People buy eggs or “chances” for springtime prizes such as potted plants like tulips, daffodils, hya-cinth and lilies.

May National Chocolate Chip Day. Sponsor a baking contest. Votes are cast for the best chocolate chip recipe with dollars or change.

June An Ice Cream Social is a great event for National Dairy Month. Set up an ice cream bar with a variety of favorite toppings. Ask employees for a donation by the scoop.

July National Hot Dog Day. Have a cook-out.August Corn Roast. Have a cook-out and grill sweet corn. Request a donation by the ear.

September Outdoor Celebration. Enjoy the weather with a 5K Walk or golf outing. Proceeds can be donated to Berkshire United Way

October - December This is the typical period when Campaigns are run. Regardless, there are many opportunities to expand employees awareness and knowledge about Berkshire United Way through:

• Lunch and Learns

• Day of Action Projects

• Coalition and Funded Program visits

• Customize a Volunteer Project that benefits the community

Additional Opportunities to Share information about Berkshire United Way:

• Berkshire United Way e-Newsletter• Facebook• YouTube• Pinterest• Twitter



Please copy and paste these informational items into your corporate communications to your fellow employees.

i.e., Did you know ?

Berkshire United Way is working all year round, and [Your Company] is proud to be an ongoing supporter of its work in our community.

Did You Know……

• The United Way movement was started by 1 priest, 2 ministers and a rabbi (this is not a joke!) in Denver Colorado in 1887.

• Berkshire United Way is an individual organization from United Way Worldwide and is run by its own vol-unteer Board of Directors. All decisions regarding funding of programs are made by volunteers.

• Berkshire United Way funds 46 programs in Central and Southern Berkshire County.

• Economists have determined that every $1.00 invested in early childhood saves up to $17.00 in support services later on.

• By investing in the Berkshire United Way Campaign, you are investing along with gifts from thousands of others in the most pressing community needs: Early Childhood Literacy, Positive Youth Development, and Financial Stability.

• The easiest way to give is through Payroll Deduction. For just a few dollars per pay period you will be helping to change lives right here in Berkshire County.

• Want to keep up to date on what’s happening with your donation through Berkshire United Way? Go to their web-site at www.berkshireunitedway.org for all the latest information and to sign up for their e-newsletter.

• If you or someone you know is looking for help, Berkshire United Way helps support MA 2-1-1. By call-ing this number, you are put in touch with a variety of social services designed to help individuals and families manage a variety challenges they face every day.

• Berkshire United Way impacted the lives of over 26,000 children and families in Berkshire County.

• Berkshire United Way leads the efforts of the Pittsfield Promise early literacy coalition that has seen 95% of children who attended a summer learning program in 2014 maintain or increase their early literacy skills over the summer months. They have also launched the Chapter One ... Our Towns, Our Kids, Our Future early literacy coalition that serves all of Southern Berkshire County.

• Since its beginning in 2006, the Pittsfield Prevention Partnership (an initiative of Berkshire United Way) has created strategies where, today, we see over a 50% drop in the rate of 8th graders reporting alcohol use over a 30-day period.

• Since 2009, the county’s teen birth rate has decline over 50%, thanks in part to the work of the Face the

Facts - reduce teen pregnancy community coalition, supported by Berkshire United Way.




Dear (Employee name),

Once a year, each of us has a chance to make a difference in our community through our organization’s Berkshire United Way Campaign. XYZ Company believes that we all have a responsibility to the community where we live and work. That’s why XYZ Company is a proud supporter of the Berkshire United Way work-place campaign.

We hope that you will play a part in helping to make Berkshire County a community of hope and opportunity where every indivudal and family lives, works and thrives. Berkshire United Way focuses on three impact areas: early childhood literacy, positive youth development, and financial stability. These are the building blocks to a good life - a quality education that leads to a stable job and enough income to support a family through retirement. No other single organization has the scope, expertise, and influences to bring together hundreds of human services, agencies, government, businesses, private foundations and dedicated volunteers around a common vision of creating maximum impact and achieving long-lasting results in our community.

XYZ Company’s campaign will run from (date to date). Please join me for the Campaign Kick-Off on (date). You’ll learn about the many positive things happening in our community and gain a better understanding of what we as individuals and XYZ employees can do to improve the quality of life here in the Berkshires.

Your support helps make Berkshire County a great place to live and work for everyone. By giving to Berkshire United Way, you are investing in your community and supporting 46 programs throughout Berkshire County.

Let’s continue XYZ Company’s tradition of giving and making a difference in the lives of families throughout Berkshire County! It takes all of us, working together, to create sustainable change.





SAMPLE KICKOFF LETTER from Employee Campaign Manager


Dear Colleague:

Here at (Company Name), we know that by working together we can accomplish much more than we can alone. Berkshire United Way advances the common good by creating opportunities for a better life for all. Our focus is on early childhood literacy, positive youth development and financial stability, the building blocks for a good quality of life.

Please join me in supporting Berkshire United Way this year in our annual employee giving campaign. When we give through Berkshire United Way, we make a powerful investment in our community. Our con-tributions are combined with gifts from other community members to fund activities, programs and invest-ments that help us create meaningful and sustainable change.

Berkshire United Way investments in the community impact so many of us that often times we take the availability of these services for granted. However, there is a growing gap between the needs of our com-munity and the resources to meet them; Berkshire United Way works to fill this gap. Our support is needed now and every gift, regardless of how large or small, makes a difference.

Please join me and our team in supporting Berkshire United Way. It will take all of us, working together, to create real change in our community. That is what it means to be a part of the change; that is what is means to LIVE UNITED.


XYZ Name2014 Employee Campaign Coordinator




Dear Colleagues:

We are halfway through our Berkshire United Way workplace campaign. Thank you to all who have made your pledges; your investment is already at work to advance the common good and strength of our com-munity.

We at (COMPANY) LIVE UNITED when we give, advocate, and volunteer. Berkshire United Way helps create opportunities for a better life for all by investing in strategies and programs that address the causes of problems, not just the symptoms. With our support, we are helping to create lasting changes in our com-munity.

Our campaign will wrap up on (DATE). If you have not already done so, please complete your pledge cards and return them, even if you decide not to make a pledge. Please let me know if you have any questions about the work Berkshire United Way does in our community. Or you can visit Berkshire United Way’s web-site at www.berkshireunitedway.org to learn more.

It will take all of us, working together, to create real change in our community. Thank you again your atten-tion and support in this important community investment.


CEO or ECC name




Dear Colleagues,

Thank you!

Berkshire County is an extraordinary place to work and live. At (XYZ Company), we believe it is impor-tant to recognize the contributions that each of you make to the community. During our recent Berkshire United Way campaign, you once again helped the people in our community by creating opportunities for a better life for all. Thank you for your contributions and volunteer service.

We recognize that making a charitable gift is an important and personal decision. You can feel confident that your Berkshire United Way donation is being used effectively and efficiently while keeping Berkshire County a community of hope and opportunity.

All of us have a stake in advancing the common good. Berkshire United Way is doing this by focusing on the building blocks of a good life – early childhood literacy, positive youth development, and financial stability. Thank you for your generous gift that makes so much possible for so many.

We at (XYZ Company) are proud of the commitment each of you have made and we support and applaud your efforts.


Your Company CEO Your Company ECC



WISP is an acronym for Written Information Security Program.

This program is required by the state of Massachusetts for all businesses. The program is designed to protect personal information of residents of the Commonwealth.

“Personal information” is defined below. This data must be safeguarded.

• First Name or Initial • Social Security Number • Last Name • Driver’s License Number • Credit/Debit Card Number • Financial Account Number

The personal information documents that you will come into contact with as a Workplace Campaign Ex-ecutive (WCE) or Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC) are credit card information and personal checks. These documents contain an individual’s name and a financial account number and this information needs to be safeguarded.

These are the WISP procedures that Employee Campaign Coordinators need to follow in order to be in compliance with the WISP regulations.

ECCs should place all campaign material (pledge cards, cash, checks and the campaign report) in a sealed envelope with their signature across the seal covered with tape prior to turning the envelope over to the Workplace Campaign Executive. This will provide a security seal and ensure compliance with WISP proce-dures.

If the material is too large to fit in an envelope, at a minimum WISP data (pledge cards with credit card in-formation, cash and checks) must be contained in a sealed envelope. Car Entries can be returned without concern for WISP.


For more information regarding WISP you may visit the Mass.gov web site.http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=mg2searchlanding&sid=massgov2&q=



When completing a Campaign Report for your company’s employee campaign, please follow these steps:

1. Separate your pledge cards into 4 categories:• Payroll Deduction Pledges • Fully Paid Pledges/Gifts (cash)• Fully Paid Pledges/Gifts (check)• Fully Paid Pledges/Gifts (credit card)For cash and checks, attach the donation to the corresponding pledge card

2. Using the four categories, total up the pledges from each category separately and enter the dollar amount in the appropriate TOTAL boxes and number of donors in the appropriate box.

3. If your business raised money from special events (raffle, golf tournament, auction, etc) please fill in total amount raised in the “Special Events Money” block.

4. Add up the boxes in the # of Donors column to arrive at Total # of donors and enter this total in the box identified as Total Payroll Pledges, Fully Paid Gifts and Special Events Money. Transfer that same number to the box below labeled “IMPORTANT” (onto the line marked “Total # ofDonors”).

5. Add up the boxes in the Total Payroll Pledges, Fully Paid Gifts and Special Events Money column to arrive at total pledge value of your Employee Campaign.

6. If the company is making a Corporate Donation, complete a Corporate Pledge Form and include the amount on the Corporate Donation line of the Campaign Report.

7. Enter the Total # of Employees on the line provided.• Note: This information will be used to give proper recognition at the end of the campaign.

8. Enter the number of Greylock Society Gifts in the appropriate box and fill out the Berkshire United Way Greylock Society form.

• Note: These employees have already been included in one of the other three categories; this is strictly a memo field. However, we do need this number.

9. Initial the acknowledgement, sign & date the report.

10. Please be sure to indicate if this is a full or partial campaign report at the top right side of the form.

11. Please return one copy of the report to Berkshire United Way along with:• the cash and checks that were given as one time gifts or from special events;• the employee pledge card form and the Berkshire United Way Greylock Society form.

12. Please place the pledge cards, cash checks and the campaign report in the campaign envelope, seal the envelope and sign across the sealed flap. For self-sealing envelopes. please tape over the sig-nature to seal the envelope. If the campaign material is too large to fit in the envelope, the following items must be placed in the sealed envelope: any pledge cards with credit card information and all checks and cash.

If you have questions regarding completing any of these forms or information, please call BerkshireUnited Way at (413) 442-6948. We would be glad to help!



Please make copies of pledge forms for your files and then return all original items, including check, cash and car tickets to Berkshire United Way by calling (413) 442-6948 and scheduling a pick-up. Company Information: Employee Campaign Coordinator:

Company Name Name

Department/Branch Phone

# Of Employees: Email

Address Fax

City, State Zip


# Of Donors

Amount Pledged Amount Paid

Employee Payroll Deductions Weekly (52) Bi-Weekly (26) Semi-Monthly (24) Diff. Payment Schedules Other ________________________________ $

Employee Direct Bill $

Employee Cash $ $

Employee Checks $ $

Employee Credit Cards $ $

Special Events Cash $ $

Special Events Checks $ $

Corporate Gift $ $


Corporate Gift To Berkshire United Way will be sent: Quarterly Semi-Annually Annually

Billing Reminders: Send Billing Reminders No Billing Required

Have you made copies of this report for your records? Yes No

Have you reviewed pledge forms for missing information? Yes No Not Applicable

Have you made copies of the pledge forms for your records? Yes No Not Applicable

# Donors GREYLOCK SOCIETY GIFTS ($1,000+) Indicate how many of the above givers pledged over $1,000 and complete the Greylock Society form.

Authorization: the information on the face of this envelope is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have verified the contents of this envelope and Berkshire United Way is authorized to issue statements in these amounts.

Your Signature:

Berkshire United Way Signature:

For Berkshire United Way Use Only – Envelope #_______________ 36




Berkshire United Way Workplace Campaign Pledge Form

200 South StreetPittsfield, MA 01201413.442.6948www.berkshireunitedway.org


Please complete the pledge form - in print.

Making a gift is easy! Just select payroll deduction or a direct gift.

Please sign and date.

Name______________________________________________________________________Employer___________________________________________________________________Home Address______________________________________City_________________________State/Zip ________________Cell Phone____________________ Home Phone_____________________ Work Phone ______________________________

I prefer that my gift remain anonymous. (By checking this box, Berkshire United Way will not provide your name to a designated organization and your name will not appear in any Leaders in Giving publication(s).)

Want to see how your contribution is making a difference? Please provide your preferred email address so we can show you how your investment is making a difference in the Berkshires: __________________________________________________________________________________

$25 $5$10$15 $3

Payroll Deduction (begins Jan. 1)I want to contribute the following amount each pay period:

# of Pay Periods:______________________________

My Total Annual Gift: $_________________________

Direct GiftOne-time gift to be paid by:


Personal check

Credit Card (Visa, American Express, or MasterCard)

My Total Annual Gift: $___________________________________To give by Credit Card, go online to www.berkshireunitedway.org or call the Berkshire United Way Finance department at (413) 442-6948.

Be a Leader! Your gift of $1,000 or more welcomes you into our Greylock Society of Leadership donors.

My gift, along with my spouse’s, totals $1,000 or more, which makes us a member of the Greylock Society. Please list my/our name as follows in any publication(s) to recognize this leadership gift:


X_______________________________________________________________________Signature Date (Month/Day/Year) THANK YOU!No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution. Please keep a copy of this form for your tax records. You will also need a copy of your pay stub, W-2 or other employer document showing the amount withheld and paid to a charitable organization if using payroll deduction. Consult your tax advisor for more information.

Other Amount $________

Gift Calculator for Pay Period/Payroll Deduction

Have a set amount you’d like to give? Use the calculator to determine your payroll deduction based on your number of pay periods annually.

If you pledge this amount







$1,000 $19.23 $38.46 $41.67 $50.00 $83.33 $250.00

$500 $9.62 $19.93 $20.83 $25.00 $41.67 $125.00

$250 $4.81 $9.62 $10.42 $12.50 $20.83 $62.50

$150 $2.88 $5.77 $6.25 $7.50 $12.50 $37.50

Your gift helps improve the early childhood literacy, positive youth development and financial stability outcomes in Berkshire County through Berkshire United Way’s community investment fund unless you direct otherwise on the reverse side.

Berkshire United Way




*Important notes -- Agency must (a) Provide health or human services -- this excludes those of a religious, government or political nature and (b) Have received IRS designation as a 501 (c) 3. Please complete this form carefully and thoroughly so that all gifts designated in the “Designated Contribution” section can be forwarded to that agency. A transfer fee of 19% will be deducted. Minimum of $52.00 per designation. If an agency you designate is not eligible, or if information is incomplete, we will make every effort to contact you. If we are unable to reach you, Berkshire United Way reserves the right to apply your donation to the general Berkshire United Way fund.

4 Please select how you want to invest in your community.

I want to contribute all or a portion of my contribution to Berkshire United Way -- the most powerful way to invest my contribution -- because I know I’m helping to improve the education and financial stability outcomes for people in Berkshire County.

100% to Berkshire United Way Other: $_____ or ____ % to Berkshire United Way

OR, I want to designate all or a portion of my contribution (Minimum of $52.00) to a qualified 501 (c) 3 organization. *

$ _______ or % _______ Northern Berkshire United Way $ _______ or % _______ Williamstown Community Chest

$ _______ or % _______ Other United Way or 501 (c) 3 Organization Name_________________________________________________

Phone # _____________________________________ City ________________________________ State/Zip_______________________

(Note: Combined contribution percentages must equal 100% of Total Annual Gift; $ amounts should equal Total Annual Gift)

Priority Community Issue: Amount of Gift to Designate:

Early Childhood Literacy $

Positive Youth Development $

Financial Stability $

Numbers represent town residents served during FYE 6/30/14 as reported by our funded partner community investments. Not all were able to provide town-by-town data.

Your Community Investments are Impacting over 26,000 lives across the Berkshires

Adams 575Alford 10Becket 181Cheshire 194Clarksburg 59Dalton 1307Egremont 48Florida 22Great Barrington 1247Hancock 26Hinsdale 117Housatonic 170Lanesborough 221Lee 1198Lenox 357Monterey 45Mount Washington 10

New Ashford 8New Marlborough 51North Adams 853Otis 108Peru 56Pittsfield 6908Richmond 73Sandisfield 64Savoy 37Sheffield 310Stockbridge 191Tyringham 23Washington 24West Stockbridge 113Williamstown 320Windsor 45

In addition, our community coalition work impacted 10,000 lives throughout the county.

OR, I want to choose to invest my contribution in one of the three outcomes listed below, identified by the community as the goals that will create sustainable change in the Berkshires.


Berkshire United Way Supply Order Form Assigned Workplace Campaign Executive: ______________________________ Return by email to: [email protected] or contact Jonah Sykes, 200 South Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201 - 1-413-442-6948 FROM: Name: ___________________________________ Company: _________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ # of employees: __________________ I would like to request the following supplies. Date/Time needed: ________________ NFL Schedules # ____________ Campaign Brochures # ____________ Car Ticket Entries #_______________ Car Flyers # ________ Banner(s) # ________ Pledge Forms # __________ Road Signs # _________ Posters # ________ Casual Day for United Way Stickers # _________ Pens # ____________ Campaign Incentives for Giving _____________ (Please inquire with Berkshire United Way Staff) Balloons (un-inflated) #_________________

□ Balloon Bouquet for your Kickoff or Special Event: What day/time do you want it delivered? _____________________

I would like to reserve the Berkshire United Way Car: Date:_____________ Time:____________ I would like a Community Impact Speaker: Date:_____________ Time:____________

□ Early Childhood Literacy □ Positive Youth Development □ Financial Stability


Berkshire United Way200 South StreetPittsfield, MA 01201413.442.6948berkshireunitedway.org

GIVE. The easiest and most powerful way you can make an impact is through a tax-deductible donation. Donate on-line, by check, through payroll deduction at your workplace or through your bank.

ADVOCATE. You can make change happen with your voice. Get informed. Tell your friends. Write a letter to the editor.

VOLUNTEER. Join a committee or a community coalition. Help at an event. Intern with us. Develop and lead a project.




NEED HELP? CALL 2-1-1Receive 24/7 referrals to community resources


