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Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)

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  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)



    Saista Nasir


  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    The Employees Provident Fund was instituted by anAct of Parliament in November 1952 for providing

    the social security benefits to the work force engaged

    in non-government sector.

    It provide old-age and post service financial support

    to the workers in general employed in Industrial &

    Commercial Sector establishments. The scheme

    provided for provident fund system on contributorybasis by the Employers and the Employees at equal

    rate. It made available to the employee concerned the

    accretions in the Provident Fund a/c with interest in

    lump sum on retirement or leaving the job.


  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    It is a mandatory, tax-qualified, defined, contribution

    retrial benefit plan wherein equal contribution at thespecified rate is made by the employer and the

    employee and the same is payable in lump sum on


    What is a Provident Fund ?

  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    Salary consists of two parts i.e. earnings &


    Provident Fund is one of the statutory deduction

    done by the employer at the time of salary payment

    Provident Fund is governed by the Employees

    Provident Fund Act 1952

    Provident fund act 1952

  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    The Employees provident Funds Act, 1952 is enacted

    to provide a kind of social security to the industrial

    workers. The Act mainly provides retirement or old

    age benefits, to the employee.

    The Act provides for payment of terminal benefits in

    various contingencies such as retrenchment, closure,

    retirement on reaching the age of superannuation,voluntary retirement and retirement due to incapacity

    to work.


  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    The act extends to the whole of India [sec .1(2)]

    To every establishment which is a factory engaged in

    any industry specified in schedule I and in which 20

    or more persons are employed [sec. 1(3) (a)], and

    As per Para 26(2) of the Employees Provident Fund

    Scheme, 1952, every employee employed in or in

    connection with the work of a factory orestablishment other than an excluded employee shall

    entitled and

    Applicability Of The Act

  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    required to become a member of the Fund from the date

    of joining the factory or establishment.

    Employee includes following persons also: -

    (1)Employed by or through the contractor in or in

    connection with the work of the establishment

    (2)Engaged as an apprentice, not being an apprentice

    under the Apprentices Act, 1961

  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    An employee who, having been a member of the fund, haswithdrawn the full amount of his contribution in the fund

    (a) on retirement from service after attaining the age of 55

    years or (b) before migration from India for permanent

    settlement abroad; or for taking employment abroadAn employee whose pay at the time he is otherwise entitled

    to become a member of the Fund, exceeds Rs.6,500/- per


    A person who, is an apprentice, or who is declared to be an

    apprentice by the authority specified in this behalf by the

    appropriate Government.

    Excluded Employee

  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    Employees can take advances / withdraw the PF in case of retirement,

    medical care, housing, family obligation, education of children &

    financing of life Insurance Polices

    Up to 90% of the PF amount can be withdrawn at the age of 54 years or

    before one year of actual retirementPF amount of the deceased member is payable to nominees / legal heirs

    Equal contribution by the employer

    present interest rate @ 8.5%

    PF A/c can be transferred if any member changes from one establishment

    to other where the PF Scheme is applicable


  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    Employees : 12% on Basic + DA

    Employer :

    (a) 3.67% on Basic + DA

    (b) Administrative Charges : 1.10% on

    Basic +DA

    Contribution of Employee

  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    Apart from the financial benefits, some very important benefits

    become available to employees who are members of voluntary PF

    Trusts in comparison to the unexempted establishments :

    Easy Availability of advances

    No hassles of Dealing with Public Departments

    Availability of Refundable advances

    Faster transfer of accumulations for outgoing members

    Faster settlement of final dues

    Formation of PF Trusts

  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    Interest is credited to the members PF A/c on monthly

    running balance

    Interest rate is fixed by the Central Government in

    consultation with the Central Board of trustees of

    EEPF every year during March / April

    The present rate of interest is 8.5%


  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


    The member can nominate other person / persons to

    receive the Fund amount in the event of his death

    The nomination details provided by the members are

    maintained at the Regional Provident Fund Office for

    use in the event of death of the member


  • 7/30/2019 Employee Provident Fund Act 1952 (2)


