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Date post: 29-Jul-2015
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Japanese Robots to Deal with Customers in Banks THE RISE OF THE MACHINE: ROBOTS WORK CHEAPER In a growing response to a living wage, employers are turning to technology to lower costs because robots are cheaper; don’t require breaks or health insurance. The only question is: Will humans accept? The general consistence is the Walmart’s’ response: “Lower the price by a penny and people will flock to your door…” So, in keeping with this business plan in hand, worldwide corporations will do to labor what the Walmart did to small town business storekeepers. Maybe it’s time to think about your own business plan to educate yourself into an occupation that can’t be taken over by robotic scabs (a new organized labor term we ran across). It starts in Tokyo this week with this: One of Japan’s biggest banks is preparing to use robots to help customers with various daily banking tasks when they visit. If successful they will roll out the scheme to other banks across the country.

Japanese Robots to Deal with Customers in Banks THE RISE OF THE MACHINE: ROBOTS WORK CHEAPER In a growing response to a living wage, employers are turning to technology to lower costs because robots are cheaper; don’t require breaks or health insurance. The only question is: Will humans accept? The general consistence is the Walmart’s’ response: “Lower the price by a penny and people will flock to your door…” So, in keeping with this business plan in hand, worldwide corporations will do to labor what the Walmart did to small town business storekeepers. Maybe it’s time to think about your own business plan to educate yourself into an occupation that can’t be taken over by robotic scabs (a new organized labor term we ran across). It starts in Tokyo this week with this:

One of Japan’s biggest banks is preparing to use robots to help customers with various daily banking tasks when they visit. If successful they will roll out the scheme to other banks across the country.

The Guardian reports: The 5.4-kg robot, which was “born” in Paris in 2006, lived up to her billing with a faultless interaction with an English-speaking customer, during a presentation in Tokyo this week. Equipped with a camera on her forehead, Nao is programmed to speak 19 languages. She analyses customers’ emotions from their facial expressions and tone of voice, enabling her to greet customers and ask which services they need. “Hello and welcome,” Nao said. “I can tell you about money exchange, ATMs, opening a bank account, or overseas remittance. Which one would you like?” Mitsubishi UFJ is one of several Japanese firms that are investing in “non-human resources” amid calls by the Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, for the country to embark on a “robot revolution” to counter the country’s shrinking workforce and boost growth. Nestle Japan has announced plans to employ Pepper, another Aldebaran-SoftBank “emotional” robot, to sell its coffee machines at up to 1,000 outlets by the end of this year. The 120-centimetre-tall android already works as a shop assistant at SoftBank mobile phone outlets in Tokyo – a move its chief executive, Masayoshi Son, described as a “baby step on our dream to make a robot that can understand a person’s feelings, and then autonomously take action”. “Robots can supplement services by performing tasks that our human workers can’t, such as 24-hour banking and multilingual communication,” Takuma Nomoto, chief manager of information technology initiatives at the bank, said at the presentation, according to Bloomberg. “Nao is cute and friendly, and I believe our customers will like it.” {All service industries will be effected in the future as employer invest in non-human employees to offset labor problems, lower costs and consumers grow to accept non-human service much as we accept ATM machines and self-checkout.}

Obama's FREE COMMUNITY COLLEGE PLAN Promises to Shake up Higher Ed

“Think about it: Students who started at community colleges during those two years, and then go on to a four-year

institution -- they essentially get the first half of their bachelor’s degree for free,” Obama told an audience at Pellissippi State Community College in Knoxville, Tennessee. “People who enroll for skills training will graduate already ready to work, and they won’t have a pile of student debt.” Some 9 million Americans could attend community college tuition-free under a proposal President Barack Obama announced Friday. His plan, which is subject to approval by Congress and depends on the participation of state governments, would dedicate some $60 billion over the next decade to defray tuition and fees for anyone who attends school at least half-time, maintains a roughly C+ average, and is on track to complete their program or transfer to a four-year school. The federal government would kick in about 75 percent of the cost, while participating states would pick up the rest. For the neediest students, Pell grants would help pay for transportation, room and board, and other costs associated with attending college. Student advocates said the plan could boost college enrollment, slow the growth of student debt, put dodgy for-profit colleges out of business, and force schools, state governments and local governments to dedicate more resources to helping students attain a college degree.

Learn how to support the President: http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/education/

UP ON THE SOAPBOX… Be a smart Job Seeking Consumer…

HOW TO PICK A JOB DEVELOPER… You are unemployed and everyone and their cousin has tips, suggestions and advice on what you need to do. Some are common sense, others are urban legends and worse many of these

outdated ideals will prevent you from going to work. You need to understand that there is a wide range of services and organizations that all claim they can get you a quality job. You need to be a smart consumer to sort through claims and brags to successfully select the right program, the right job developer that will create results. We want to help you become a smart consumer and teach you what you need to look for in selecting an organization and more importantly, a job developer who will be your guru teaching you how to master job seeking. I was at a recent presentation where a nice young man just recently out of college and on his first job was offering advice and suggestions on how to get a job to a room full of people just recently out of the college of hard knocks (AZDOC…Arizona Department of Corrections). He was pleasant and gave out a few good motivational generalities that he

had received in his two weeks of employment training - when he recently started his job. In order to reach his audience on a deeper level, his constant refrain was “When I interviewed…when I looked for a job…” I am sure that he meant will but, since his experience in job searching was so far removed for those listening in that room that his presentation went sideways very quickly. As a smart consumer you must realize that the level(s) of actual experience available to you varies (even within a single organization) and it is your job to get yourself the best advice and support that you can. Why be stuck with a job developer (no matter how nice) that is not prepared to really help you and (many times) is less knowledgeable about the particulars of job searching in the part of the job market where you live.

Do you want to invest your future to someone who doesn’t understand your part of the labor market, who hasn’t taken the time to figure out ways to beat the system, who hasn’t had to look for a real job since the 1970’s, who doesn’t tell you the truth about how you are working very hard but, the rules have changed and then explain to you that there is an easier, smarter way to get your next job. It is on you and your future to select wisely as your choices will make or break your job search. You are a consumer and you should be as serious about selecting a job developer as you would in buying a TV or Smart Phone. When you go to look for a new TV, you will find 100’s of different models with different features and all offering the best picture possible. If you don’t know how to sort through all the different offers you are not going to get the best TV and (may) have to live with a crappy picture or terrible sound or both. Your job search help is the same and if you do not know how to select the best job developer, you will have to live with a harder job search, a longer time in going back to work or a crappy job. Let’s work you through some common sense considerations that you can use as a baseline to understand how the Workforce Industry actually works.

We want to dismiss several urban myths and misconceptions here to get them out of the way. SIZE MATTERS: You have always been told “the bigger the better” and many times this has proven to be correct but, in the Workforce Industry it is not true. In fact, the bigger the organization is, the more impersonal they become to you as they deal with too many people, their staff are overwhelmed by large case loads and you become a mere number on some accounting spreadsheet as a means of them getting big grant money. Large organizations are more bureaucratic and are saddled with a large layer of administration where (like in my Army Days) there is 8-10 support staff for every job developer. Such organizations lose their balance and consume the government resources that were given to help you. It is just common sense that the more administrative support staff that an organization has, the less help there will be for you. Walking into any office and look around to see how many people they actually have to sit down and help with your job search. If you see a lot of people in the office but, you are waiting for more than ten minutes or you need to make an appointment to see someone tells you

a lot about the quality of help you will receive. Now if there are two people in the office and they are working with clients while you wait, you need to eavesdrop on the general conversation to see how detailed and specific it is to that client (there is little to no hippa inspired privacy in most Workforce Offices – they were not designed for privacy or counseling but for office clerks). This eavesdropping will give you a good key to the quality of the services offered. Large organizations are very traditional and old fashion in their operational philosophies as their organization structure is based upon the Federal Government – who they so try to emulate and this means that they are very slow to change and do not have the ability to pivot with industry and labor market changes. If you are looking for cutting edge programs that are attune to breaking changes in the labor market, you will be disappointed. These organizations are the defenders to the standard quo and burry change in focus groups or committees. When you visit small organizations, they have even fewer people and there is no guarantee that the service will be any more personal or helpful. As the big organizations pattern themselves after the federal

government, the smaller organizations pretend to be big organizations to attract more clients. While you would think that being smaller would give them the advantage in being able to recreate their operations to meet changes in the job market instead many try to imitate their larger cousins. The few who do and are successful in giving their clients an advantage are sooner-or-later swamped by new applicants who heard and came for help. Soon they are unable to handle the amassing crowd and are even quicker unable to help with their resources spent. Either way, you see that it is less the organization but, rather the talent, expertise and commitment to helping real people in a meaningful way with modern, updated and real, workable solutions for real people instead of cookie-cutter, stale and thread-worn techniques originally designed for their grandparents back in the Dreamtimes of the 1950’s. PEOPLE POWER: The consumer must be really attuned to fact that because someone works in job development, it does not mean that they know any more than you or have the knowledge to truly help you. Remember the young college kid who was sharing how hard to it was to find a job by sharing his experience as a recent college graduate in a room full

of people who had recently returned home from prison? His example was alien to everyone in the room. They all wished that they had his troubles and thus, his opportunities and (I believe) that most would gladly take on his problems. Had he a better understanding of his audience, had his agency training better prepared him, had he more experience, he could have reach this audience. With more experience and growth in his occupation maybe he will learn to help people better. The solutions and techniques he offered were solid for a newly graduated student and if that had been his audience, he would have been a roaring success. The problem is that not everyone he will be called upon to help will be newly graduated and this is the risk that you take waking in the door at any organization. Please don’t get this wrong as there are some very nice and dedicated people that work within these organizations but, here bigger is not (necessarily) better because you cannot assume that the staff is any more knowledgeable than you are in how to find a job. More than likely you will find desks and cubical throughout the organizations populated by entry level staff due to salary scales offered by these entry level positions. Also, as a

smart consumer realize that entry level staff are not hired based upon their actual knowledge of the local labor market little-a-lone specific segments of the labor market or their expertise in job searching. At $10-12/Hr. (normal starting salary) they were hired because they had six months of dealing with the public, have a GED/HS and a driver’s License. That’s it? I bet many readers here at the UJS have these specs and you should consider applying for this gig. Remember, consumer beware! Just because someone is on the other side of the desk does not guarantee that they have the skills, knowledge or ability to help you navigate the entry level job market. ALL OUR STAFF ARE BUSINESS EXPERIENCED: This is a new trend in the Workforce Industry that was introduced at the start of this decade when big organizations were restructured to more service the employer. In this new age, you quit being a valuable consumer and were recast as merchandize to attract and establish more direct links with the business community. The new problem was that all those old social worker types who served the needs of their clients were outdated and were no long a good fit in the new business mode(s) of the industry.

As business models took hold it was determined to spend less time with the merchandise and more time in building links to the business community. Social Workers were out and Sales Reps were hired to replace them. The Goodwill Regional Management (that I meet at a WPI Conference in Washington D.C. at the start of this transition) was 1000% committed to the belief that Social Workers didn’t know anything about business. In fact, one manager complained that they (SW) want to talk about is help people. Further into the point he was making, “I need sales men to go out and generate me orders! A good Sales Guy knows how to talk to businessmen and he will be able to deliver results!” They initially succeeded in bringing in new job orders from all throughout the community and the business community was hooked. They were hooked because the Sales Reps sold the program with the idea that they had a warehouse of ready to go employees. Seemed like a simple supply-and-demand formula was working and it did initially did. It did until the best-and-brightest were used up and the remaining inventory of applicants started showing up defective and damaged. At this point the plan started to tear-a-part.

Sales (staff) meetings became more heated and angered as the Sales Manager and their inventory (spreadsheet) specialists beat everyone down over declining sales quotas (applicants hired) and the Sales Rep responded about not being able to move damaged merchandise and the battles grew more and more heated as sales quotas were not met. The business community support started to wane as it became clear that the Sales Reps had oversold the amount of specialized merchandise (applicants with specific skills) and they started to see that the Sales Reps’ remaining stock was used-n-dented. This whole industry is so caught up on the business-to-business plan that everything has been reduced down to mere numbers on an accountant’s spreadsheet. No more of this crap about winning the minds and hearts and even less about turning lives and families around. It is all about sales numbers, quotas and spreadsheets. I often have flashbacks to my early days of hanging around the used car lot and where the normal greeting was one salesman asking another “how many units did you move this month?” “I will be salesmen of the month if I move three more units!” when I go out to visit organizations regardless of size.

The Sales Reps’ first solution was to bring in those marginal employers they had bypassed before because there was usually good reason(s) as to why the jobs were not being filled. For a while this brought up the number of new orders from the business community and gave the Sales Reps some breathing space to wheel-n-deal. This was until the impossible happened and the inventory started to revolt and started refusing job referrals. Back in panic mode to restore the status quo of their business-to-business business plan, the large organizations decided that they needed a drastic plan to raid the smaller organization to be able to cherry pick the best of the best from them. This had to be done with a gentile hand and slick marketing. The other part of the plan was to target the best-of-the-best for new intakes. If you have barriers or need more than superficial repackaging you were (gently and kindly referred to small agency to give an illusion that they still served all who came in the door. It is clear to anyone willing to look that the business-to-business plan is unwrapping because it was based upon dehumanizing our clients to the status of merchandise and now abandoning those who need the most help because these applicants will prevent an

agency from meeting its sales numbers. The whole process is corrupted and failing the greater good of the purpose of the original funding to help those in need. It is very sad to see that the industry turns it back upon the neediest to keep the grant money flowing in and this is why it is critical for you to be a smart consumer. WHAT SERVICES ARE BEING OFFERED TO YOU? As a smart consumer you have a wide choice of agencies and services and it is in your employment interest to be able to evaluate what they are actually offered to you. You need to look at these services in the light of how they help you instead of being what you need to do in order for then to help you. The smart consumer will ask questions about services and realize that they need to start the conversation not as “Please help me!” but, “How can you help me?” If you are a smart consumer, you will be willing to do some homework and research before you contact agencies because you understand that time is your enemy and there is no need to waste time to make an agency grant money by taking a resume class when you didn’t need a resume to get a job. How will the agency support your effort(s) to go to work and how will

they support you in actually starting work. Do they have resources to help you with Food Handler’s Cards, supply you with non-slip shoes or work clothes as these are the hidden cost to going to work? The first 90 days of employment are critical to you keeping your new job, does this agency help you and how? Can you call them; see them off work-time to talk through issues or personalities that you are having trouble dealing with? Will the go over and help you an employer work out a situation that might cost you your new job? If not, it is in your employment future to make a few more calls to find a place that does? The trick is to look beyond slick marketing that is long on self-praise but, lacking on explaining the logistics of what that they will do for you. Do not let them impress you with their McDonalds’ Numbers of people served. Look beyond this and ask them not how many people that they served but how many did they help and (even more important) how many were happy with the service? Ask them what they mean by advocate of you to employers? How do they do this? What is their employer base? How large is their employer base? What industries and what kind of job(s)? It would be terrible to sign on

to letting them help you when they are not connected to the particular industries you are interested in or they do not have employers that have real jobs that you want. Be extremely careful for terminology like “QUALITY EMPLOYMENT.” What do they mean by quality employment and who determines the meaning of quality? Many times, the meant to tell you that quality means $12-13/HR. jobs. THAT IS NICE BUT, WHAT IF YOU DO NOT HAVE $12-13/HR. SKILLS? Are these jobs that you can do? Can you get to work or worse yet, get home? Do they have local employers? Do they have employers that are willing to work a schedule around your daycare issues as a single parent or a working couple? Is there a career path in these jobs that you can build a future on? Are they hiring me because they were impressed by my skills or are they hiring me to get a tax credit* or as a favor to the agency that sent me? * WOTC Grants that many companies used as a reward for hiring people with barriers is still on hold as it was never extended or refunded by Congress last year. WOTC still accepts applications and promises employers that they will be grandfathered into the tax credit when (if) it is refunded. Did the agency or job developer know this? If

not, you might want to question how much of their other employment data is outdated. Why would you want to seek employment with facts that are outdated and no longer true? I see applicants who are still being sent out with WOTC Talking Points as a marketing tool, “Hire me and you can get a tax credit?” What better way to proof the employer that you are out-of-date? Worse yet, if they hire you because they thought that they were going to get the tax credit, how long will they keep you after they think you lied to them? Even scarier is the job developer who advocates for you with this marketing, sales pitch? As a smart consumer, you need to understand the logistics of how they will advocate for you. If they are merely going to be sending out the cookie-cutter resume that they taught you to make (with no regards to what any specific employer needs), you would be statically better off without them.

• You need to know how closely they will be working with you.

• You need to know if they are going to tweak each application to match what the employer is actually looking for (temporary agencies do this why not the Workforce Industry since it works).

• You need to know how knowledge they are of the actual job market and that they have a good handle on the part of the labor market that you live.

• You need to know that they understand your personal and family concerns and will eliminate jobs that don’t fit what you need to save you time and disappointment.

Without knowing these factors you have reduced the success of your job search down to the level of going to Circle K and buying Scratcher Tickets. GET YOU A JOB OR JOB SUBSTAINABILITY? As we talked about, a lot of agencies will overhype their ability to get you a job but, will those jobs work for you? Will they meet what you need or the needs of the agency to get you hired to meet a funding grant? There is a bigger and a deeper question that a smart consumer must ask. It is one thing to depend upon the kindness of strangers to do everything for you, “No pain! No effort! Just show up and start work…pretty turnkey!” is the agencies sales pitch but, the critical question to ask is “What did you learn?”

Did you learn the process, the logistics of how to go out and get a job? Did you learn anything about your part of the labor market that could give you a heads start on your next job? Did you learn anything or did you learn to be dependent upon a certain agency or a specific job developer to help you every time by getting you a new job? Most of the largest agencies need you to be a repeat customer and the least amount of the process that they allow you to know will ensure that you will return…and every time you return, they make grant money off you (because if they didn’t, they would cut you lose in a heartbeat – no grant money – no service). To be truthful, the usual difference between you being a consumer and you being FREE is in small piece of how this labor market really works that has not been shared with you. If you have access to this INTEL, it levels the playing field and allows you to develop the skills necessary to obtain employment sustainability and stability for you and your family. It is on you to find an employment guru who will work with you while teaching you the process, enlightening you to the rules of engagement and make you the next guru of employment!

IN CONCLUSION: Always loved this phrase as it means that we are near the end… This is a mere overview of the minefield that you wondered into and you can see that most people in this industry have a vested interest in you never finding the pathway back to the road that leads your employment future. Be a wise and smart consumer by taking a look-a-round this minefield and survey your path back up on to the road by asking questions, demanding not overhyped, slick McDonalds’ Numbers and get to the bottom line “What can you REALLY offer me that meets what I need and how are you going to do it… (Like in the old TV Show Dragnet where the detective always said “just the facts!)?” By doing this you will not be a victim but a smart consumer who has learned how to master the employment process and will never (again) be unemployed other than by choice!

Non-Medical, In-Home Care Services @ 5446 E. Washington St. #1, Phoenix, AZ 85034

Caregiver Job Fair - Feb 12th

OPEN INTERVIEWS ON THURSDAY FEB 12TH BETWEEN 10 AM AND 5PM Obtain Direct Care Worker certification within 90 days of hire if not a CNA or higher

NON-CERTIFIED ACCEPTED • Experience working with Seniors or Disabled Individuals preferred • Reliable means of transportation (ask them what they mean) • Current CPR/1st Aid Certification - We can provide in our office • Current TB Test showing you are free of TB - Walgreens is a good source

========================================= SWITCH RESTAURANT & WINE BAR - ASK FOR CHEF JASON Taking applicants all week 10AM-6PM ONLY Pay $12-$16 per hour based on experience for cooks $5.05/hr. plus tips for servers. Drug Testing. 420ok. Background check. 1 reference required. COOKS, SERVERS/BAR AND DISHWASHERS NEEDED NOW. Busy lunch and dinner restaurants need cooks with 1 year line experience minimum. Saute' and grill skills mandatory. We will cross-train in all stations. Qualified and reliable cooks with 40 hour availability get priority interviews. AM/PM shifts available. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY 2603 N Central Ave.

FEZ RESTAURANT - ASK FOR CHEF MATT Taking applicants all week 10AM-6PM ONLY Pay $12-$16 per hour based on experience for cooks $5.05/hr plus tips for servers. Drug Testing. Background check. 1 reference required.

Cooks, Servers/Bar and dishwashers needed now. Busy lunch and dinner restaurants need cooks with 1 year line experience minimum. Saute' and grill skills mandatory. We will cross-train in all stations. Qualified and reliable cooks with 40 hour availability get priority interviews. AM/PM shifts available.

APPLY IN PERSON ONLY 105 W. Portland St. Pizza People Pub. Ask for Chef Marybeth or Chef Tim Taking applicants all week 10AM-6PM ONLY Pay $12-$16 per hour based on experience for cooks $5.05/hr plus tips for servers. Drug Testing. 420ok. Background check. 1 reference required.

Cooks, Servers/Bar and dishwashers needed now. Busy lunch and dinner restaurants need cooks with 1 year line experience minimum. Saute' and grill skills mandatory. We will cross-train in all stations. Qualified and reliable cooks with 40 hour availability get priority interviews. AM/PM available. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY 1326 N Central Ave.

10810 N Tatum BLVD #126, Phoenix, AZ 85028 – NW Corner of Tatum and Shea Blvd. (Between Whole Foods and Trader Joes)


We are located just south of Paradise Valley Mall- just a couple miles from Scottsdale, and North Central Phoenix. THURSDAY, February 12th 12pm-6pm & FRIDAY, February 13th 10am-4pm *Managers will not be on site outside of the hours listed above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK CAMPERS…This is a pro shop and they are requiring pro experience as the price of admission. As you are pros, there is no need to remind you how important it is to know the menu, have studied the consumer reviews on www.yelp.com and that you go to impress them with how much you want one of these jobs:

SERVER- Part-time + Full-time • 2 years recent serving experience • High volume experience preferred • Part-Time • Must have a great attitude and strong TEAMWORK!

HOST- Part-time • 1 year experience preferred • Detail oriented a must • Admin. Asst. experience a plus • Starting at $9-10/hr. or DOE

LINE COOK- Part-time + Full-time • 2 years’ experience • Proficient skills on Prep, Sauté, Salad, and Grill stations preferred • Must be able to multi-task and manage time well • Must be available at night or weekend mornings (Brunch) • Starting at $12/hr. or DOE

DISHWASHER- Part-time • 1 years’ experience • Must be clean, organized, and fast • Prep skills A+ • Must be available weeknights or weekend early mornings • Starting at $10/hr. or DOE

RUNNER- Part-time • Must be able to work fast, communicate well with Staff. Work without

direction from others. • One year experience in a fast paced environment preferred. • Must be 19 year old to run alcoholic beverages


Looking for the next group of cooks to help take us to the next level. Our menu includes: ribs, short ribs, steaks, fish, sandwiches, salads, great desserts! 4-5 shifts per week - Morning shifts 9am-4pm - Night shifts 4pm-11pm -

Must be able to work weekends and holidays

Apply in person between 2-5pm @ The Grassroots, 2119 E. Camelback Rd. NOTE: The plus side is that not many experienced cooks are gonna want to work part-time and that gives you the advantage. Don’t slack off and take them for granted as they are proud of whom they are and they are expanding. Didn’t know that? Better study up on them before you go over and cut your meal ticket. ==============================================================================================

THERE IS A $200 SIGN-ON BONUS FOR ALL COOKS HIRED! HMSHost is looking to fill the following positions: Third Cooks * Second Cooks * Tournade Cooks

NOTE: Read the full job description before you start your application. Remember there are several gatekeepers here. One is their computer and the other is you lack of shyness. Better get hooked up with ONET ONLINE to get your key words.

You must apply on-line to be considered for these positions. Go to www.hmshost.com, then select careers, then select search jobs, then select AZ and apply for the appropriate position.

NOTE: If you REALLY want these jobs, pack away your shyness and go down to visit them and ask them to pull your application. NOTE: It is very important that you plant the message that you live 10 minutes away from the Sky Harbor Sky Train (it runs almost 24/7 and to each terminal...it is FREE!) and you can be there within 30 minutes if they need you. They don't need you to have a car if you living within minutes of the Sky train. We had several people not hired because they answered this question wrong.

It was the wrong answer because the interviewer didn't know where they lived and assumed that they couldn't get to work without a car...Remember...We recommend you start your introduction with this. It may be the difference!

HOST OPENINGS @ SKY HARBOR HMSHost is a world leader in travel dining and we are looking to hire Host and Hostess for our restaurants located in Sky Harbor Airport. We are looking to fill positions at our popular restaurant locations at Sky Harbor Airport. We offer a complete benefits package for all fulltime employees that includes health, vision, dental, life insurance; vacation, holiday

and sick pay; pay increases every 6 months; free airport parking or a free Valley Metro Pass and many more benefits! You must apply on-line to be considered for these positions. Go to www.hmshost.com, then select careers, then select search jobs, then select AZ and apply for the appropriate position. ================================== Carly's Bistro • 128 E Roosevelt Street

Looking for Servers Must have service experience and a valid food handler’s card. Please bring your resume (work history) into 128 E. Roosevelt St. (NW corner of 2nd St. and Roosevelt in downtown Phx) after 2PM and leave it for Gabriel or Nubia. NOTE: They are looking for the best and no matter of A Game will get them to hire you today – unless they know you already. Need a different approach

DON’T HAVE A RESUME? BUT YOU NEED NOW! Campers! Gabriel and Nubia from Carly’s is fishing to discover the best of the best and are asking you drop off a resume. Dirty little secret, they are not in a hurry to hire someone or else they wouldn’t be asking you to drop off your resume. No need to invest a lot of time, anxiety or money to get a professional resume that you will only be using for them. On the other hand, unless your home depot, killer resume is rewritten to tell them that you have the skills/abilities and that you are seeking a server job…they will just throw it away because they aren’t hiring home depot retail types. Here is what to do. Remember President Clinton always said “Keep it Simple.” You don’t need to spend a week creating a beautiful resume because they will fill the job long before that and you will have wasted valuable time! Keep this simple and you can even handwrite it (if you have neat handwriting) to give it that honest look. Here is the simple format that will allow you to get it over to them this afternoon. NAME: Phoenix Metro Area (minutes away from downtown) DIRECT PHONE: E-MAIL: I am seeking an opportunity to come down and demonstrate the skills and abilities that would make me a great candidate for your current opening for a _________. I am extremely interested in this position because _______________________ _____________________________________________________________. EXPERIENCE: I have the following skills and abilities that would allow me to successfully become a productive and dedicated member of your team: _____________________________________________________________ EMPLOYER: ADDRESS: SUPERVISOR & CONTACT NUMBER: I was responsible for ___________________________________________________________ What skills were required for me to do this job? ___________________________________________________________ I successfully achieved the following ___________________________________________________________

Z'Tejas Southwestern Grill

1525 E. Bethany Home Road LOOKING FOR SERVERS Experience is a plus but, we offer full training, advancement opportunities, insurance benefits, vacation, and an environment that is exciting, rewarding and fun! MUST have unexpired FOOD HANDLER

CARD and proof of current LIQUOR TRAINING CERTIFICATION Apply in person ONLY Monday - Friday from 2pm to 4pm. STUDY THE MENU: http://ztejas.com/menus/bethany-home-menu/ STUDY THE REVIEWS: http://www.yelp.com/biz/ztejas-southwestern-grill-phoenix-2 Do you know what Voo Doo Tuna is and why they will ask you about it at the interview? They are proud of their recipe page and then they will ask you if you ever tried to make. http://ztejas.com/in-the-kitchen/ ==========================================================================

Fuego Bistro 713 E. Palo Verde Drive I will start someone ASAP Fuego Bistro is looking for hard working support for our Weekend Dinner Service at our main restaurant in Midtown. Friday and Saturday Nights 4-10PM availability every weekend. No attitude or ego. $6.00 an hour plus tip out from the service

staff. Please live within a reasonable means of the restaurant... If you live in Mesa or Surprise... That is too far! WE OFFER: -Room for advancement and expansion of hours and duties once you prove yourself. -A great environment with live music

Arcadia 4340 E Indian School Rd. Bldg. # A-23 MUST WATCH BEFORE INTERVIEW



http://www.peiwei.com/Careers/ Previous offences will not prevent you from being hired by this employer. All applications are viewed on how (if at all) the crime is connected to the job being applied for. Also, it will be taken into

consideration the circumstances of the crime, its age and what you have done to rehabilitate yourself and change your life. Your technique(s) that you use to show demonstrate (to the employer) that you have all of the skills and abilities that they are looking for, that you are a serious, work ready applicant that already knows the menu, will go a long way to making this issue fade and loose importance! If you do your job and get the employer

NEED TO HIRE Cashier / Busser / Runners

wanting to hire you before you drop the “F” bomb on them, the more job offers you will receive. Focus on preparing for this job; take the time to use RULE NUMBER FOUR to put together a killer application, transfer your killer application back into your resume (to make a killer resume for this job), do your homework, go prepared (like you are ready to work) and you will take the biggest step you can do to make the “F” word go way. Don’t do this, you will come back hurt and upset that the mean old “F” Word ruined another good job for you. Think through this process and (just maybe) you will see that it was your lack of being prepared and/or putting in the time to do the application correctly that prevented you from getting the job(s). TRUTH IS THE TRUTH…YOUR LACK OF PREPARATION COSTS YOU MORE JOB OPPORTUNITIES THAN THE “F” WORD EVER DID OR WILL! TIPSTER: If you have not already been to ONET to properly pad your killer resume with key words, phrases and to insure that you are showing ALL of the skills and abilities you have…then REALLY do it and reform your resume to include all this…Unless, you got Old Lady Luck riding with you today… If she is…buy some lotto tickets coming back. http://www.onetonline.org/ 35-3021.00 COMBINED FOOD PREPARATION AND SERVING WORKERS & FAST FOOD http://www.onetonline.org/find/match/9/35-3021.00?s=cook 35-3022.00 COUNTER ATTENDANTS, CAFETERIA, FOOD CONCESSION, AND COFFEE SHOP http://www.onetonline.org/find/match/12/35-3022.00?s=cook 41-2011.00 CASHIERS http://www.onetonline.org/find/match/3/41-2011.00?s=cashier%20fast%20food 35-9031.00 HOSTS AND HOSTESSES, RESTAURANT, LOUNGE, AND COFFEE SHOP http://www.onetonline.org/find/match/16/35-9031.00?s=cashier%20fast%20food DOES YOUR KILLER COOK RESUME INCLUDE THESE SKILLS? DID YOU KNOW YOU DID THIS? Skills ACTIVE LISTENING — Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.

SERVICE ORIENTATION — actively looking for ways to help people. SPEAKING — talking to others to convey information effectively Abilities ORAL COMPREHENSION — the ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences. INFORMATION ORDERING — the ability to arrange things or actions in a certain order or pattern according to a specific rule or set of rules (e.g., patterns of numbers, letters, words, pictures, mathematical operations). ORAL EXPRESSION — the ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand. NEAR VISION — the ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer). TRUNK STRENGTH — the ability to use your abdominal and lower back muscles to support part of the body repeatedly or continuously over time without 'giving out' or fatiguing. ARM-HAND STEADINESS — the ability to keep your hand and arm steady while moving your arm or while holding your arm and hand in one position. MANUAL DEXTERITY — the ability to quickly move your hand, your hand together with your arm, or your two hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble objects. PROBLEM SENSITIVITY — the ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem. SELECTIVE ATTENTION — the ability to concentrate on a task over a period of time without being distracted. SPEECH CLARITY — the ability to speak clearly so others can understand you. WORK ACTIVITIES PERFORMING FOR OR WORKING DIRECTLY WITH THE PUBLIC — performing for people or dealing directly with the public. This includes serving customers in restaurants and stores, and receiving clients or guests. TRAINING AND TEACHING OTHERS — identifying the educational needs of others, developing formal educational or training programs or classes, and teaching or instructing others. COMMUNICATING WITH SUPERVISORS, PEERS, OR SUBORDINATES — providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.

IDENTIFYING OBJECTS, ACTIONS, AND EVENTS — identifying information by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events. ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS — developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with others, and maintaining them over time. MAKING DECISIONS AND SOLVING PROBLEMS — analyzing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems. GETTING INFORMATION — observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources. Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work — Developing specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish your work. RESOLVING CONFLICTS AND NEGOTIATING WITH OTHERS — handling complaints, settling disputes, and resolving grievances and conflicts, or otherwise negotiating with others. Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards — Using relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards. WORK CONTEXT IMPORTANCE OF BEING EXACT OR ACCURATE — How important is being very exact or highly accurate in performing this job? WORK STYLES COOPERATION — Job requires being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude. DEPENDABILITY — Job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations. SELF-CONTROL — Job requires maintaining composure, keeping emotions in check, controlling anger, and avoiding aggressive behavior, even in very difficult situations. INTEGRITY — Job requires being honest and ethical. CONCERN FOR OTHERS — Job requires being sensitive to others' needs and feelings and being understanding and helpful on the job. SOCIAL ORIENTATION — Job requires preferring to work with others rather than alone, and being personally connected with others on the job. ATTENTION TO DETAIL — Job requires being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks.

STRESS TOLERANCE — Job requires accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high stress situations. LEADERSHIP — Job requires a willingness to lead, takes charge, and offer opinions and direction. ADAPTABILITY/FLEXIBILITY — Job requires being open to change (positive or negative) and to considerable variety in the workplace WORK VALUES RELATIONSHIPS — Occupations that satisfy this work value allow employees to provide service to others and work with co-workers in a friendly non-competitive environment. Corresponding needs are Co-workers, Moral Values and Social Service. SUPPORT — Occupations that satisfy this work value offer supportive management that stands behind employees. Corresponding needs are Company Policies, Supervision: Human Relations and Supervision: Technical. =========================================================================

Baristas Immediate Openings FT/PT + BenefitsHMSHost is looking for outgoing, friendly smiling individuals for a variety of shifts including early morning as Cashiers & Baristas at our LGO restaurant at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. We have full-time shifts with set schedules and benefits available. Ideal candidates will have prior restaurant experience or customer service related experience. * Set schedules with two days off in a row * Pay increases every 6 months * Health, Dental, and Vision insurance * Vacation, Holiday, and Sick pay * Free parking or Valley Metro pass * 401k plan with employer contributions * many more benefits If you are interested in joining our team email your resume or go to our website www.HMSHost.com to apply.


Evening Warehouse Phoenix, Arizona

Western Paper Distributors’ warehouse is growing and we are currently seeking responsible, safety focused individuals for WAREHOUSE positions at our Phoenix location. These positions are responsible for warehouse tasks such as order selection, pallet building, and forklift operation. This full-time shift runs Monday - Friday.

SKILLS NEEDED • High school diploma • Must be physically able to handle demands of the job (lifting, standing, pulling, etc) and

be available for overtime • Ability to work in a fast paced environment • Must pass pre-employment tests including a background check and a forklift operation

ability test https://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH10/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=WESTERNPAPER&cws=1&rid=22 At Western Paper, our mission is to enhance our customers' profitability through excellence in distribution services and product solutions. To accomplish this mission, we need a high quality team focused on common values. http://www.westernpaper.com/careers.htm ======================================================================

$ 2,250.00 salary per month.


WAREHOUSE WORKER This position involves maintaining the warehouse. The warehouse staff supports the coffee and vending route salesmen in locating and distributing product on a daily basis. It is necessary to be a team player keeping in mind characteristics such as flexibility, cooperation and willingness. Print application for employment https://www.parkscoffee.com/media/careers/empapp.pdf Fax application to 866-877-1360 Note: This is a hard nut to crack as the application isn't design to get you past the gatekeeper so we assume that the gatekeeper is NOT the computer but some junior smooze in the HR Office - who may or may not have any warehouse knowledge other than his cheat sheet which is their full job description. Rewrite and include as many of their phrases as you can. The yard and warehouse is a secure environment so forget about stopping by to say "Hello." All you can do is try your best and wait by the phone. NOTE: The way this is set up is like they are taking applications to collect race demographic data for a Federal Contract and may do their real hiring elsewhere like with an agency. Find out where the warehouse guys go after work and go hang out with them to get the insider INTEL. Or see if they belong to the Teamsters and if so, call the union and ask "How would I get hired?" ==========================================================================

Progressive Roofing is a family owned roofing contractor that has been offering

high quality services since 1978. Our headquarters are located in Phoenix, AZ yet we have regional offices throughout the United States and effectively service clients nationwide. Whether it is maintenance or replacement of your existing roofing, waterproofing weather barriers or the design and installation of new applications, the Progressive Roofing network is prepared to meet and exceed your expectations. Immediate openings for Architectural Sheet Metal Roofing Installers and Laborers

IF THIS IS YOU CALL MIKE BUTCHER @ (602) 614-0618 Competitive Wage will depend on experience. Benefits Offered: Medical, Dental, 401K Plan, Company paid Short Term Disability and Company paid Life Insurance. Our jobs may require a background check, to include any record of criminal conduct and/or fingerprinting and Pre-Employment Drug Test. Must have own tools and reliable transportation. Must be able to travel, in and out-of-state for both short and long term assignments. 35th Ave & Van Buren Office location.

General Warehouse

Interviews: Monday - Thursday, 9am to 11am and 1pm to 3pm. Interviews are conducted on a first-come, first-serve basis and will be conducted until positions filled. Momentum Specialized Staffing, Inc. 4001 N 15th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85015 Please bring the following with you: Valid Picture ID - Hard Copy of Resume (work History) - Save time by filling out the application before you come in! http://www.momentumtrans.com/application/ ... *YOU MUST COME INTO THE OFFICE WITHIN 48 HOURS OF COMPLETING ONLINE APPLICATION. Do you have a question not answered by this posting? Contact Devon at (602)477-8193. THE JOB: Hiring for an industrial company in South Phoenix is looking for an entry level warehouse worker to join their team. This is an entry level, temp-to-hire position with room to learn and grow. In this role, you will be working in a warehouse/production environment that does handle chemicals, smells and hazardous materials. Schedule: Monday - Friday, 7am to 4:30pm. Some overtime may be required. Pay: $10.00/hour to start. This is a temp-to-hire opportunity. You will be eligible for a raise and benefits after permanent hire-on.

• Basic computer skills Some warehouse experience preferred • Steel toe work boots • Clean background (Momentum will conduct pre-employment drug screen and

background investigation) ===============================================

Housekeeper Requisition Number: 15-5854(Phoenix) Requisition Number: 15-5964 (Chandler) Requisition Number: 15-5877 (Chandler) High School Diploma or equivalent. As our Housekeeper you will be expected to ensure that all interior areas of the property are clean, sterile, organized and inviting. While setting high standards for cleanliness and beautification, the Housekeeper will maintain the look and impression the property gives from the interior. http://www.allresco.com/alliance-careers/apply

Porter Requisition Number: 15-6013 (Phoenix) As our Porter you will be expected to tend to the up keeping of the grounds, amenities, and assist the Service Technician with maintenance requests. The Porter will maintain the luxurious appearance of the property and a hazard-free environment. http://www.allresco.com/alliance-careers/apply NOTE: If you read their job description you would think that even Old Uncle Bob would have a shot at this because the job posts no experience. If you believe this and that it doesn't matter what you submit, you will miss what this employer is looking for by a mile. If you are not already BFFs with ONET ONLINE then, you are gonna further miss getting this job. ==========================================================================

Call 480-603-3795 Starting pay of $10.00 per hour - with performance bonuses up to $5/hr. Just a one-minute walk from the Sycamore/Main St. Light Rail Station. NO EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED AND TRAINING IS PROVIDED. Right now, PCC is hiring outgoing, friendly people to

work in our Mesa call center. PCC, 49 S. Sycamore, Suite 3, Mesa, AZ 85202

PCC is… One of the nation's leading providers of advertising, direct mail and telephone fundraising services to conservative, pro-family and pro-life organizations.

Benefits: As a Tele-Service Agent, you will receive five

days of paid training to prepare you for your call center position. There are many opportunities for advancement at PCC. Most PCC managers started as Tele-Service Agents.


• Starting pay of $10.00 per hour. Performance bonuses up to $5/hr.

• Flexible schedules. Optional weekend-only schedules

• Paid vacation. Paid training. Just a one-minute walk from the Sycamore/Main St. Light Rail Station


APPLY REGARDLESS OF BACKGROUND! NOTE: If you can leave your politics at the door, it is easy to make $15/HR. They do not care (minor exceptions for ID THEFT AND SO’S). They hire parolees or probations without problem. Training can be difficult if you do not practice what they teach you as you have a quota to make and this is from cold call accounts (you do not get to work with their primo account…the easy picking ones, until you pass your training). Just like any agency, they start you on the crappy jobs and only after you prove yourself worthy of getting the primo accounts.

The cardinal firing offenses are rudeness and (mostly) tardiness. ===============================================================





REALLY WANT TO GET HIRED HERE? If you really want any of these 150+ jobs then it is on you to give yourself an advantage over the 100,000 other people here in Phoenix that “need” a job.

You need to start this with: https://www.sprouts.com/web/guest/careers A. Use ONET ONLINE to construct your application. You need the key words and phrases that you need to populate into your application/resume. You need ONET to help you discover the skills and the abilities that you didn’t know that you had. B. Transfer the application information back into your resume to give a killer resume for this (or this range of jobs). C. APPLY FOR ONLY ONE JOB AND ONLY APPLY TO THE STORE CLOSEST TO YOU.

Every store manager is telling us that if you want to get your application tossed, apply for multiple positions at the same store or at a location that is over 5-10 miles away from your home. D. Do your homework! You need to be able to have an intelligent conversation about the company and/or the industry. You need to understand what makes them tick and why they do what they do – without this, how would you know how you fit or if you would? E. Spruce yourself up, combed hair, brushed teeth and a recent bath will go a long way to getting you a longer interview. Dress for success is how you would you would go to work. If you are going to work at IBM, then please wear a suit. Dress for Success for most entry and/or re-entry jobs is a polo shirt and khakis (for building trades and warehouse you are already over-dressed). Do not go to Home Depot in a suit unless you want to be a business sales rep or a senior manager if want to get hired. F. Put on you walking shoes and go to the store you applied for between 10 AM – Noon or 2 – 4 PM (depending upon the business) to introduce yourself as someone who lives in the neighborhood, who applied online and ask if the manager could “please” pull your application. We had a manager say the other day that the sweetest sound is an applicant saying “I just live down the street…”

G. Have a direct contact number where you pick up the phone or (if a message phone) where you can return an employer’s call within 30 minutes (if not sooner). You need to have your voice mail on and accepting calls (not full of messages). You need to remove all cute or profound messages or music and replace that with your name. Important to remember, you have one hour to return a call before the employer calls the next on their list. If you don’t return their call in a prompt manner, they believe that you are no longer interested or you are already working. H. DO NOT CALL THEM UNLESS THEY CALLED YOU. Do not do these if you want the job as the employer will see you as too lazy, uninterested or shy to come in person. I. Have your documentation, prior employer addresses/phone numbers and previous home addresses to fill out the employment paperwork. Always have a current photo ID and your social security card. HERE ARE THEIR LOCAL STORES: 12415 N. Tatum Blvd. Phoenix, AZ 85032 - 602-971-4177 9301 E. Shea Blvd. #132, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-551-9665 1625 E. Glendale Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85020 602-385-2150 245 E. Bell Rd. #15, Phoenix, AZ 85022 602-218-4949 2824 E. Indian School Rd. #126, Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-553-3131 8040 N. 19th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85021 602-864-6130 4402 N. Miller Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85251 480-941-6001 5130 W. Peoria Ave. Glendale, AZ 85302 623-487-0330 5665 W. Bell Rd. Glendale, AZ 85308 602-896-0300 6760 W. Deer Valley Rd. Glendale, AZ 85310 623-385-4430 1706 E. Southern Ave. Tempe, AZ 85282 480-820-4900 8375 W. Thunderbird Rd. Peoria, AZ 85381 623-334-1111 1933 E. Brown Rd. Mesa, AZ 85213 480-668- 5225 E. Southern Ave. Mesa, AZ 85206 480-218-6491 13759 W. Bell Rd. Surprise, AZ 85374 623-544-3121 1813 N. Dysart Rd. Avondale, AZ 85392 623-535-8989 2582 S. Val Vista Dr. Gilbert, AZ 85296 480-821-1511 2855 S. Alma School Rd. Chandler, AZ 85248 480-814-2700 ====================================================

I've got all the money I'll ever need, if I die by four o'clock. ~ Henny Youngman

There are so many ways to grow your career with Peter Piper Pizza, especially since we promote from within. In fact, over 70% of our Salaried Managers were promoted from within! HOURLY RESTAURANT TEAM MEMBER APPLICATION HERE:

http://www.peterpiperjobs.com/Application.aspx?jobid=1033 (Conviction will not necessarily disqualify an applicant from employment) NOTE: Have you ever been convicted of a felony that has not been sealed, expunged, or statutorily eradicated? (Conviction will not necessarily disqualify an applicant from employment) http://www.peterpipercareers.com/opportunity.html

WHAT IS IN THE CHICAGO CLASSIC? MENU: http://www.peterpiperpizza.com/menu/ DID YA KNOW? Peter Piper Pizza opened its doors in 1973 when founder Tony Cavolo debut its flagship restaurant in Glendale, Arizona, which remains in operation to this day. According to Pizza Magazine's “Pizza Power Report 2009,” Peter Piper Pizza ranked #3 in the Top 50 U.S. Pizzerias in sales per unit… CHECK THIS OUT: http://www.peterpiperpizza.com/about/ ========================================================================



THIS WILL BE VITAL TO GETTING HIRED! If you do not know what Rule # 4 is then, campers you are in a bit-of-a-pickle aren’t ya? You can go to our websites and learn all about Rule # 4. You can download the job books (in e-book format) from December 2013 (and see several full examples) or you can go to the job board and search for the various posts for Rule # 4. JOB BOOK ACHIEVE: http://www.slideshare.net/fredgwest1999/documents JOB BOARD: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Auntie-Sue-Uncle-Bobs-USED-4550443

Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Meet with Hiring Managers February 10th! (Dress for Success)


9:00 am - 12:30 pm EMBASSY SUITES BILTMORE

2630 East Camelback Road, Phoenix-North, AZ 85016 Parking: Complimentary

• Must be at least 18 years of age. High School Diploma or G.E.D. required. • Minimum of 1 year experience handling customer service responsibilities. A minimum

of basic level experience and understanding of a PC and Microsoft Office Products required.

• Must have a valid driver's license with no more than 2 moving violations and/or at-fault accidents within the past 3 years. No drug or alcohol related convictions on driving record within the past 5 years (DUI/DWI).

Get on the fast track to a more rewarding career with National Car Rental and Alamo Rent a Car - teams that are committed to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction and employee development.


CALL JOE 480-294-5722 NEED LEAD PIPE LAYER AND LABORS - MUST HAVE CAR. 5 YEARS EXP. FULL TIME POSITION. LEAD PIPER NEED TO SET SEWER FLOW WITH NO PROBLEM ($16/hr.). WE HAVE WORK EAST VALLEY AND WEST VALLEY. ======================================================================== WILL TRAIN APPRENTICES - CALL JOHN @ 623-298-9012 METAL STUD FRAMERS, HANGERS NEEDED FOR COMMERICAL WORK IN THE PHOENIX AREA, WAGE DOE - MUST HAVE TOOLS CALL JOHN @ 623-298-9012 OR CATHY @ 602-377-4727 OR 623- 581-8105 MONDAY TO FRIDAY =========================================================================

The United States Census Bureau is hiring locally for the 2015 Test Census in Maricopa County, AZ.- APPLICANTS MUST LIVE IN MARICOPA COUNTY There are still openings in Phoenix, plus several outlying areas. Several temporary positions are available:

Enumerator ($16.25 per hour/$14.75 Trainee Pay) Crew Leader ($17.75 per hour/$16.25 Trainee Pay) Employees are also paid mileage reimbursement of 57.5 cents per mile driven on official business.

To apply, call: 1-800-361-6891
