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  • 8/7/2019 EMPLOYMENT LAW (HRM 657)



    JULY-NOV 2010


    [GROUP 1]



    FUNDACT 1991

  • 8/7/2019 EMPLOYMENT LAW (HRM 657)


    The purpose of the law

    The main objective is to provide financial reliefor social security protection for workersthrough compulsory savings.

    To provide financial security for its membersretirement purposes.

    To preserving and growing the saving of its

    members in a prudent manner. With the best practices ininvestment and

    corporate conduct.

  • 8/7/2019 EMPLOYMENT LAW (HRM 657)


    The employees under the scope of the

    law Section 70 and the Third Schedule to the Act

    further reinforced this by providing that some

    of the provisions in the Act apply only to

    Malaysian citizens.

    employees upon attaining 55 years of age (50

    years in the case of female workers) or in the

    event of total incapacity.

  • 8/7/2019 EMPLOYMENT LAW (HRM 657)


    Employers legal obligations under the law

    Employer's Registration Certificate

    Contributions Remittance


    Notify any change Of

    Name/Employer Status

    Cessation Of Liability and

    Subsequent Re-employment of


    Contact The EPF Regarding Any

    Problems On Contributions

    Immediate Response To Any

    Enquiry Form The EPF

    Termination Of Employee and Not

    Liable To Contribute Temporarily

    Notify any change Of Address

    Payment of EPF Contributions

    Wage Book/Register Statement of Wages

    Registration Of Employees As EPFMembers

  • 8/7/2019 EMPLOYMENT LAW (HRM 657)


    Employer's Registration Certificate

    required to exhibit the certificate at all times

    at the employer's premise so that it can be

    seen by all employees.

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    Registration Of Employees As EPF Members

    An employer must register all of his/her employees, who have not been

    registered with the EPF, within 7 days from the date of employment

    by completing Form EPF 3 before the first contribution is made.

    The employee is required to give his/her personal details and forward his Identity

    Card/Passport to the employer. The employer is responsible to complete the Form

    EPF 3 and forward it to EPF.

    If the employee is already registered with EPF, the EPF membership number

    must be obtained from the Member or from any EPF office.

    The EPF membership number allocated to each employee should be used when

    remitting the employee's EPF contributions or in any other dealings with the EPF,

    where relevant.

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    Wage Book/Register An employer is required to keep the wage book/register and EPF records which

    contain details of the employees as listed below for a minimum of six years fromthe date the last information was recorded.

    Details that should be in the Wage Book/Register are as follows:

    a. Full name of employees

    b. EPF membership number

    c. Sex

    d. Date of birth

    e. Number and colour of the identity card (for employees who are foreigners, it

    is suggested that the passport number and the citizenship be stated)

    f. Permanent residential address

    g. Occupation

    h. Date of employment

    i. Period of payment of wages (e.g: daily/weekly/monthly)

    j. Wages for the said period

    k. Other payments made for the said period

    l. The amount deducted for EPF contributions

    m. The amount paid by the employer for EPF contributions

    * The Wage Book/Register should be produced to the EPF Inspector when requested for


  • 8/7/2019 EMPLOYMENT LAW (HRM 657)


    Statement of Wages

    An employer is required to issue a statement of wages to every employee. This

    statement must contain the employee's particulars as follows:

    a. Full name of the employee

    b. EPF membership number

    c. Sexd. Identity Card number and colour (for foreigners, it is suggested that the

    passport and citizenship numbers be stated)

    e. Period of payment of wages (e.g:daily/weekly/monthly)

    f. Total wages for the said period

    g. Other payments made for the said period

    h. Amount deducted for EPF contributionsi. Employer's reference number

    j. Amount paid as the employer's share of contributions: and

    k. Full name of the employer/employer's representative, signature and

    date of statement issued

  • 8/7/2019 EMPLOYMENT LAW (HRM 657)


    Payment of EPF Contributions

    An employer should deduct only the employee's share of the EPF contributionfrom the employee's wages. The employer is also required to contribute his/her

    share of the contributions together with the employee's portion to EPF according

    to the Third Schedule of the EPF Act 1991.

    An employer should complete the monthly contribution schedule (Form EPF 6

    (Form A) with the correct and full details of the employees. The name of theemployee must be the same as in the Identity Card and Membership Certificate (if


    The employer is required to pay contributions on any wages of a month on or

    before the 15 of the following month. The total payment must tally with the total

    contributions recorded in the Form EPF 6 (Form A).

    The employer is required to check the validity of all receipts received from EPF

    and notify EPF if there are any errors. The receipts should be kept for six years

    for inspection by EPF officers.

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    Any employer who fails to contribute for his/her workers can be convicted under

    the following sections:

    Section 43 (2)

    Offence : Any employer who fails to contribute to the EPF Board on behalf of any

    employee in respect of any month within 15 days of the contribution month due

    has committed an offence and if convicted can be jailed up to three years or finedup to RM10,000 or both.

    Section 48 (3)

    Offence : Any employer who deducts an employee's contributions from the

    employee's wages and then fails to remit the said deductions or any part thereof

    to the EPF has committed an offence and if convicted can be jailed up to six yearsand fined up to RM20,000 or both.

  • 8/7/2019 EMPLOYMENT LAW (HRM 657)


    Contributions Remittance

    Statement The EPF will issue the Contributions Remittance Statement to employers


    processing Form EPF 6 (Form A) every month. The employer must ensure


    the particulars of contributions printed on the Statement are correct.

    If there are any mistakes in the particulars printed in the statement, the


    must inform the EPF in writing within a month from the date of receipt of


    statement. If no complaints are received within this period, the EPF willassume

    that the contributions are correctly credited into the members' accounts.

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    Notify any change Of Address

    Employers must notify the EPF in writing of anychange of address not later than

    14 days from the date of change.

    Notify any change Of Name/Employer Status

    An employer, who has changed its name or status

    such as change from sole

    proprietor to company must notify the EPF not later

    than 21 days from the date of

    change of status by completing a new Form EPF 1.

  • 8/7/2019 EMPLOYMENT LAW (HRM 657)


    Termination Of Employee and Not Liable To Contribute Temporarily

    An employer, who has no employee for a temporary period, must return

    the Form

    EPF 6 (Form A) to the EPF with the word 'Nil' written in the column forcontribution

    every month until the employer engages an employee.

    Cessation Of Liability and Subsequent Re-employment of Employees

    An employer who has no employees or does not intend to recruit any


    in the future must notify the EPF Board through Form EPF 6 (Form B)

    within the

    period of 30 days from the date the employer ceases to contribute.

    However, if an employee is subsequently employed, the employer must


    registered with the EPF by completing another Form EPF 1. The EPF Board

    will issue a new employer's reference number and send all the relevant

    documents to the employer.

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    Immediate Response To Any Enquiry Form The EPF

    any enquiry from the EPF whether throughtelephone, correspondence, visit by

    an EPF inspector or through e-mail should be given

    immediate response.

    Contact The EPF Regarding Any Problems On


    Any enquiry in relation to problems on contributions

    should be referred to the nearest EPF office

    or Enquiry

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    Retirement Incapacitation

    Dividend Death



  • 8/7/2019 EMPLOYMENT LAW (HRM 657)



    Contributions of :

    > Employer - 12%

    > Employee - 11%

    Consists of 2 accounts which is:> Account 1 60%

    > Account 2 40%

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    The contributions kept in the EPF will

    accumulate with dividend every year.

    Death Withdrawal

    RM2,500 is paid to the next-of-kin upon a

    members death.

    Incapacitation withdrawal

    RM5,000 is paid to a member upon


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