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EmPowered Labs, The Antediluvian Earth

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Discover the Antediluvian Earth.
1 { EmPowered Labs } Genesis is the foundation for the rest of the Bible. It is crucial that Christians are able to thoroughly comprehend this account of creation and the early earth. Today we will study Antediluvian Earth, which is recorded in the first few chapters of Genesis. Previously majority of theologians had agreed upon the theory of Mosaic authorship for Genesis. However, this theory left many questions and the validity of Genesis strongly undermined. According to Eric Lyons, a writer at Apologetics Press, the theory was simply that through divine revelation, Moses was given the Genesis account, much like God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on stone tablets (Lyons). In the 18 th and 19 th century, a new theory arose in order to mend inconsistencies present in the Penta- teuch, which is Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The creator of this theory is un- known, but Julius Wellhausen aided the theory by ordering its parts in chronological order. According to Fred L Horton, a professor at Wake Forrest University, the theory states that the Pentateuch was actually a combination of several independent, parallel, and complete narratives, which were later combined by editors, also called redactors (Horton). This theory also created many problems, and added more to the lack of validity of Genesis. The Tablet Theory was first suggested by P.J. Wiseman in 1888. The Tablet Theory is also known as the Wiseman Hypothesis. Wiseman was an archeologist. In his studies, he noticed that many ancient narratives ended with a colophon phrase, a closing signature or mark of the writer. Much like a writer’s signature, a colophon is the closing state- ment that usually includes the author and a form of dating. According to P.J. Wiseman, Genesis contained several colophons. They appear in the form of “these are the generations of…” and the name of the author. The Hebrew Obj. 3, 4
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Genesis is the foundation for the rest of the Bible. It is crucial that Christians are able to thoroughly comprehend this account of creation and the early earth. Today we will study Antediluvian Earth, which is recorded in the first few chapters of Genesis.

Previously majority of theologians had agreed upon the theory of Mosaic authorship for Genesis. However, this theory left many questions and the validity of Genesis strongly undermined. According to Eric Lyons, a writer at Apologetics Press, the theory was simply that through divine revelation, Moses was given the Genesis account, much like God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on stone tablets (Lyons).

In the 18th and 19th century, a new theory arose in order to mend inconsistencies present in the Penta-teuch, which is Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The creator of this theory is un-known, but Julius Wellhausen aided the theory by ordering its parts in chronological order. According to Fred L Horton, a professor at Wake Forrest University, the theory states that the Pentateuch was actually a combination of several independent, parallel, and complete narratives, which were later combined by editors, also called redactors (Horton). This theory also created many problems, and added more to the lack of validity of Genesis.

The Tablet Theory was first suggested by P.J. Wiseman in 1888. The Tablet Theory is also known as the Wiseman Hypothesis. Wiseman was an archeologist. In his studies, he noticed that many ancient narratives ended with a colophon phrase, a closing signature or mark of the writer. Much like a writer’s signature, a colophon is the closing state-ment that usually includes the author and a form of dating. According to P.J. Wiseman, Genesis contained several colophons. They appear in the form of “these are the generations of…” and the name of the author. The Hebrew

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word toledoth means “generation.” These colophons are also known as toledoth nota-tions. The text colophons (“toledoth” —these are the generations) that occur in Genesis are as follows: 2:4 … of the heavens and the earth 5:1 … of Adam 6:9 … of Noah

10:1 … of the sons of Noah 11:10 … of Shem 11:27 … of Terah 25:12 … of Ishmael 25:19 … of Isaac 36:1 … of Esau 36:9 … of Esau 37:2 … of Jacob Wiseman suggested that these toledoth notations were at the end of individual tablets written by the stated eye-witness author. These tablets were then passed down generations till they came to Moses who compiled them into one book. For example, from verse 1:1 till 2:4 there is an account of only things that God could have known, of the creation prior to human life. This portion of Genesis concludes with the toledoth notation “...these are the generations of the heavens and the earth…” this implies that God is the author. There are two options, the account was written by God, and then given to mankind, or God dictated this account to Adam who then recorded it. After that from verse 5:1 till 6:9 there is an account of events that could only have been witnessed by Adam. This portion con-cludes with the toledoth notation “…these are the generations of Adam,” his signature. Each account was written on a clay tablet, which then was signed with a colophon (a toledoth notation), and passed then down to the next in line. The tablets were passes from God, to Adam, Noah, the son of Noah, Shem, Terah, Ishmael, Isaac, Esau, and then Jacob. Shortly afterward the tablets would be I passed to Moses when he becomes the nation’s leader. This theory has been accepted by many prominent theologians and Christian scholars. Henry M. Morris, a promi-nent Old Testament scholar, and author of Biblical Creationism stated that, “A number of later Old Testament scholars (e.g., David L. Cooper, founder of the Biblical Research Society) have adopted it, and I consider it the only theory that fits all the facts.” (Morris 27)

The reiterate, the three most prominent theories for authorship of Genesis are, the Mosaic Theory, the Docu-mentary Hypothesis, and the Tablet Theory otherwise known as the Wiseman Hypothesis.

The Mosaic Theory is that God directly gave the Genesis account to Moses, similar to how God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on stone tablets. The Mosaic Theory left many questions and undermined the validity of Genesis.

The Documentary Hypothesis is that Genesis and the rest of the Pentateuch was compiled from four individual narratives. There is no divine revelation or any work by Moses. The Documentary Theory had loose evidence for support, and strongly undermines the validity of Genesis and the rest of the Pentateuch.

The Tablet Theory is that Genesis was written by several eyewitnesses on individual stone tablets that were then passed down the generations until they reached Moses when he became the leader of Israel. Moses then com-

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piled Genesis and wrote the rest of the Pentateuch from his eyewitness account. The tablets in Genesis are visible by the toledoth notations, a form of colophon that was a prominent writing tool during the Patriarchal Era, in Mesopotamia. The Tablet Theory fits most of the evidence and is a logical explanation for authorship. This theory does not undermine the validity of Genesis.

The author for the tablet of the “heavens and the earth,” can be presumed to be God since he is the only one who witnessed the creation account. God either dictated the account to Adam, who then recorded it, or God gave the account to Adam on stone tablets, much like he did the Ten Commandments to Moses.

In the Tablet of the heavens and the earth, God creates the heavens and the earth ex nihilo, out of nothing. God then continues to create everything in existence in six days, resting on the seventh. *The following is an excerpt from Biblical Creationism by Henry M. Morris

Activating and energizing the newly created physical universe (Gen. 1:1–5). Making the firmament (that is, the atmosphere) to form the great hydrosphere of the earth, di-

vided into two great water masses, one above and one below the atmosphere (Gen. 1:6–8). Forming the lithosphere and plant biosphere of the earth, massing the “earth” material created on

day 1 into great continental rock systems, supporting and separating various interconnected “seas” and bodies of “dry /land,” with a luscious blanket of plant material (which was also constructed of the “earth” elements, but with marvelously coded reproductive provisions — the “seed is in itself ”) covering the lands and consisting of grasses, herbs, and trees (Gen. 1:9–13).

Constructing the vast astrosphere surrounding the earth (sun, moon, and stars) and placing these “lights” throughout the infinite space of heaven that had been created on day 1, these also being made of the same “earth” matter created on day 1, their purpose being to serve for measuring time (“for seasons and for days, and years”) and for “signs” (the meaning of which would be divulged later) (Gen. 1:14–19).

Forming multitudes of animals for the atmosphere and hydrosphere, each containing the newly cre-ated entity of conscious life (Gen. 1:20–23).

Forming animals for the lithosphere and plant biosphere, also made of the “earth” matter physically and “life” entity biologically, including “beasts of the earth,” “cattle,” and “creeping things,” plus human beings who, in addition, were implanted with the specially created “image of God” and then placed in dominion over all the rest of the works of God made in the six days (Gen. 1:24–31). Note that even the animals that have since be-come extinct — such as dinosaurs — were made on the fifth and sixth days of the creation week

Acknowledging the completion of His work in creating and making all things, and therefore “resting,” “blessing,” and “sanctifying” this day in commemoration thereof (Gen. 2:1–4).

Many issues have aroused around the word “day” in the first six days of creation. In Hebrew the word “day” is yam. The word yam is used over 1,000 in the Hebrew Old Testament to specify either a 24 hour time period or the daylight portion of the 24 hour time period. If God wanted to say that it was a time period then he would have been able to clearly state that. The logical conclusion is that the term day is used to mean 24 hour time peri-ods.

When one looks at the account of creation a common objection that arises is “Who made God?” It seems a logi-cal objection, but an issue arises when we attempt to use our limited minds to understand creation. The defini-tion of God is one who is eternal—never created—always has been and always will be. One cannot measure God with the same ruler as our lives, since he is by definition nothing like us. The tablet of the heaven and the earth concludes with the colophon also known as the toledoth notation: “These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God

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made the earth and the heavens.” (Genesis 2:4 ESV)

The author is for the Tablet of Adam is Adam since the ending colophon is the genera-tions of “Adam.” Also, only Adam could have witnessed the events recorded.

Let us look at mankind in the Garden of Eden. God placed man in the garden to take care of it. There was no death yet. God did give all the plants and vegetation to man as food, excluding the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but vegetation is not living and thus it could not die. After creation, man had a direct relationship with man. God would walk with man in form of a theophany. A theophany is the visible manifestation of God to mankind. Later in the book of Genesis God would take the form of a theophany when he visited Abraham and when he wrestled with Isaac. However, Eve is tempted by the snake to eat the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This breaks the direct relationship with God. The snake is the devil, the devil—being a former angel—could have the ability to change form, or the devil was able to control the body of a snake, and speak to Eve. When speaking, the devil, could have had a literal, verbal, communication or perhaps through the form of telepathic communication. With either theory, Eve was under the impression that it was the snake talking to her, which she could then relate to Adam and he would record it. Eve then gives the forbidden, gives it to Adam who also eats it. This results in the fall of mankind. The earth is cursed, death begins to take its course of degradation, the birth process is made painful, and the snake is made to eat of the dust, and crawl on its belly. However, even from the beginning God sets his plan of redemption to work. There are echoes of his plan when he is speaking to snake. “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15 ESV) When God says “he will bruise your head” he is referring to how Jesus will triumph over death, and the devil. But the snake will “bruise his heel” by crucifying him.

When one reads the fall of man, a common question that arises is “why did God place the forbidden tree in the garden?” The answer is that God wanted mankind to have the freedom of choice. God wanted us to be able to choose whether we are loyal to him or not.

God then bans the couple from the garden so that they would not be able to eat the fruit from the Tree of Life. The tradition of substitutionary atonement as an animal sacrifice may be presumed to have begun here, first with God when he killed animals to make coverings for Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:21). After that God most likely re-quired that they bring sacrifice, possibly every Sabbath, and most likely at the entrance of the Garden.

Outside of the Garden, Eve delivered their first son, Cain. Later, she also gives birth to Abel. As a result of the curse proclaimed by God, the earth must be worked for food. Both Cain and Abel begin to work the earth and the animals for food. Continuing the tradition of substitutionary sacrifice, Cain and Abel bring sacrifices to God. Abel brings the best of his flock, while Cain just brings some of his produce. God preferred Abel’s sacrifice, not because God prefers animals, but because of Abel’s faith. Abel chose the best as sacrifice, while Cain just brought some-thing he picked up on the way.

Cain then kills his brother, Abel, out of jealousy. God punishes this sin by making Cain a wanderer.

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After this, Cain has children. Adam and Eve have another son—Seth. Mankind contin-ued to multiply, be fruitful, and fill the earth, as commanded by God when he created them.

Another common objection that arises from the creation account is, “Where did Cain obtain his wife?” Adam and Eve had more children, and Cain took one of their chil-dren, his sister, as his wife. This was allowed and acceptable because God created

mankind perfect, in every way. This would include physically, and genetically. No problem would arise from sib-lings marrying. However, since the curse the process of degradation continued, and at a later point God forbids incest due to the degraded state of genetics. When siblings marry, the children produced from this union are de-formed as a result of the degraded genetics. Due to this, God makes sibling intermarriage unlawful.

The author of this tablet is of course Noah. This is can be deduced since it is his signature colophon, and only he could have witnesses the events recorded in his tablet.

The earth continues to grow further in corruption, and it is stated that only Noah was faithful to God in a world of wickedness. In short, the corruption grew so strong that must directly punish humanity, and start anew with Noah’s family, and the saved animals.

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