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Empowering the Youth

Date post: 05-Nov-2015
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Empowering the Youth While everyone were having fun enjoying their long awaited sembreak (semestrial break), some of the students coming from high school and intermediate departments and our very supportive teachers in our school went o to eritas !arochial "chool to participate in the #rst ever Youth Empowerment $amp% &t started on 'ctober and ended on 'ctober *+% &ts main goal is not only to empower the youth but also, to develop their talents in simultaneously-visual arts, elocution or oratory, impromptu speech, modern dance, vocal solo, and campus journalism % &n each awesome section we are given with e.ually talented mentors coming from dierent schools and organi/ations% 0he principal of the eritas, 1s% 1ellissa Espiritu, gave us a very warm and touching welcome speech% 2fter that, the students were given their designated area for each of the said activities% We made a lot of interactions with the other students coming from dierent schools% We did not only learn a lot about ourselves but we also found out how to improve our talents% 2t the end of the day, we also made a lot of friends% We all enjoy th activities planned for us by our mentors% 3ecause of this, we became more con#dent and we became bold enough to show that we can make it to the future% &t was an e4hausting day, but it was worth it% "econd day came, another day full of lessons% We are now ready for the upcoming competition on 5ovember , to test if we truly improved our skills% Everyone said their #nal thank you6s to the mentors who work tirelessly for the better of their students and their #nal goodbye6s to their new friends that became part of their lives% 5ovember came in a blur, everyone were e4cited, nervous and curious% E4cited, because the most awaited day #nally came% 5ervous, because we are to compete with the other students who are given the same training and coaching% 2nd curious to know who will be the winner% 0he day progresses, the contestants took turns e4hibiting their talents% 7inally the result were about to be told% 0wo '82$"ians won, with Elijah 1ae 1alubay being the champion in impromptu speech and 3ermond $aballero winning the nd runner9 up in journalism% :udos to all '82$sians;

Empowering the Youth

While everyone were having fun enjoying their long awaited sembreak (semestrial break), some of the students coming from high school and intermediate departments and our very supportive teachers in our school went off to Veritas Parochial School to participate in the first ever Youth Empowerment Camp. It started on October 29 and ended on October 30. Its main goal is not only to empower the youth but also, to develop their talents in: simultaneouslyvisual arts, elocution or oratory, impromptu speech, modern dance, vocal solo, and campus journalism. In each awesome section we are given with equally talented mentors coming from different schools and organizations. The principal of the Veritas, Ms. Mellissa Espiritu, gave us a very warm and touching welcome speech. After that, the students were given their designated area for each of the said activities. We made a lot of interactions with the other students coming from different schools. We did not only learn a lot about ourselves but we also found out how to improve our talents. At the end of the day, we also made a lot of friends. We all enjoy the activities planned for us by our mentors. Because of this, we became more confident and we became bold enough to show that we can make it to the future. It was an exhausting day, but it was worth it. Second day came, another day full of lessons. We are now ready for the upcoming competition on November 9, to test if we truly improved our skills. Everyone said their final thank yous to the mentors who work tirelessly for the better of their students and their final goodbyes to their new friends that became part of their lives. November 9 came in a blur, everyone were excited, nervous and curious. Excited, because the most awaited day finally came. Nervous, because we are to compete with the other students who are given the same training and coaching. And curious to know who will be the winner. The day progresses, the contestants took turns exhibiting their talents. Finally the results were about to be told. Two OLACSians won, with Elijah Mae Malubay being the champion in impromptu speech and Bermond Caballero winning the 2nd runner-up in journalism. Kudos to all OLACsians!

Next year we will definitely make it to the top!
