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EMPOWERMENT TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE VALUE · Ikhtisar Kinerja Ekonomi dan Usaha Economic and Financial...

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 Sustainability Report EMPOWERMENT TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE VALUE
Page 1: EMPOWERMENT TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE VALUE · Ikhtisar Kinerja Ekonomi dan Usaha Economic and Financial Highlights Ikhtisar Kinerja Sosial ... Penghargaan Bendera Emas SMK3 Unit Sumut

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 Sustainability Report



Page 2: EMPOWERMENT TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE VALUE · Ikhtisar Kinerja Ekonomi dan Usaha Economic and Financial Highlights Ikhtisar Kinerja Sosial ... Penghargaan Bendera Emas SMK3 Unit Sumut

Ikhtisar Kinerja Ekonomi dan UsahaEconomic and Financial HighlightsIkhtisar Kinerja SosialSocial Performance HighlightsIkhtisar Kinerja LingkunganEnvironmental Performance HighlightsSambutan DireksiMessage from the Board of DirectorsProfil LaporanReport ProfileProfil OrganisasiOrganizations Profile

Area OperasiArea of OperationsSekilas SejarahMilestoneStruktur UsahaBusiness StructureRencana StrategisStrategic Intent

Aspek Material dan Batasan AspekMaterial Aspects and BoundariesKeterlibatan Pemangku KepentinganStakeholders EngagementTata Kelola Perusahaan yang BerkelanjutanSustainable Corporate GovernanceEtika dan IntegritasCorporate Ethics FoundationTanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganCorporate Social and Environmental ResponsibilitiesPemberdayaan MasyarakatCommunity DevelopmentPerlindungan LingkunganEnvironmental ProtectionPengembangan Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources DevelopmentPerlindungan KonsumenConsumer ProtectionTinjauan Kinerja Segmen UsahaBusiness Segments Performance OverviewDaftar SingkatanList of AbbreviationsIndex GRIGRI Index

Daftar IsiTable of Contents























Page 3: EMPOWERMENT TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE VALUE · Ikhtisar Kinerja Ekonomi dan Usaha Economic and Financial Highlights Ikhtisar Kinerja Sosial ... Penghargaan Bendera Emas SMK3 Unit Sumut


2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Dalam mengupayakan keberlanjutan penciptaan nilai bagi para pemangkukepentingan, Perusahaan Anda meningkatkan kompetensi intinya pada usahaperkebunan sebagai landasan yang kokoh bagi pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan,dengan menetapkan fokus pada optimalisasi pemanfaatan aset dan proses produksi,sejalan dengan program peningkatan produktivitas dan efisiensi, serta perhatianpada pemberdayaan masyarakat dan perlindungan lingkungan.

In ensuring the sustainable value creation for the stakeholders, Your Company enhances its corecompetence in the plantation business as a solid foundation for sustainable growth, focusing on theoptimization of assets utilization and production processes, with regards to productivity andefficiency enhancement programs, as well as the attention towards community development andenvironmental protection.

Empowerment towardsSustainable Value

Page 4: EMPOWERMENT TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE VALUE · Ikhtisar Kinerja Ekonomi dan Usaha Economic and Financial Highlights Ikhtisar Kinerja Sosial ... Penghargaan Bendera Emas SMK3 Unit Sumut


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Ikhtisar Kinerja Ekonomi dan UsahaEconomic and Financial Highlights

Penjualan Segmen dari Operasi yang Dilanjutkan | Segment Sales from Continuing Operations




* dari operasi yang dilanjutkan | from continuing operations** disajikan kembali (catatan 41 LK) | restated (note 41 FS)


2013 2012 %(Rp juta|IDR million) (Rp juta|IDR million)

Aset Lancar 3.459.892,28 3.788.485,70 (8,67%) Current Assets

Aset Tidak Lancar 14.555.444,96 15.194.846,35 (4,21%) Non-Current Assets

Total Aset 18.015.337,23 18.983.332,05 (5,10%) Total Assets

Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 6.359.394,32 3.001.002,91 111,91% Current Liabilities

Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 6.788.743,47 8.067.926,34 (15,86%) Non-Current Liabilities

Total Liabilitas 13.148.137,79 11.068.929,24 18,78% Total Liabilities

Pendapatan 2.076.486,07 2.485.429,89 (16,45%) Revenue (Net Sales)

Laba Bruto 590.886,79 748.665,79 (21,07%) Gross Profit

Laba (Rugi) Sebelum Beban (3.043.733,87) (970.138,36) (213,74%) Income (Loss) Before IncomePajak Penghasilan Tax Expense

EBITDA 360.822,65 581.369,20 (37,94%) EBITDA

Laba (Rugi) Neto (2.766.719,04) (1.067.598,78) (159,15%) Net Income (Loss)Tahun Berjalan for the Current Year

Total Pendapatan (Rugi) (3.047.203,42) ( 1.098.540,86) (177,39%) Total ComprehensiveKomprehensif Tahun Berjalan Income (Loss) Current Year

Total Ekuitas 4.867.199,44 7.914.402,81 (38,50%) Total Equity

Pembayaran Dividen 0 62.500,00 Dividend Payment

G4-EC1 Nilai Ekonomi yang Dihasilkan dan Didistribusikan (Rp 000) | Economic Value Generated and Distributed (IDR 000)

2013 2012 2011

Nilai Ekonomi yang Dihasilkan Economic Value Generated

Pendapatan 2.076.486.069 2.485.429.887 3.646.109.970 Revenue

Nilai Ekonomi yang Didistribusikan Economic Value Distributed

Biaya operasi di luar gaji 215.069.751 222.333.707 397.931.545 Operating expenses,dan tunjangan lainnya excluding salaries and allowances

Gaji pegawai dan tunjangan lain 162.360.321 165.542.645 136.679.860 Employee salaries and allowances

Pembayaran kepada penyandang dana Payment to providers or investorsDividen 0 62.500.000 60.199.906 DividendBeban bunga dan keuangan 351.763.604 553.701.443 464.017.632 Interest and financial expenses

Pengeluaran untuk 477.691.368 25.289.743 319.685.719 Government expenditure (tax)pemerintah (pajak)

Pengeluaran untuk 2.737.451 3.195.118 1.441.200 Community investment (CSR)masyarakat (CSR)

Jumlah Nilai Ekonomi 1.209.622.495 1.032.562.656 1.379.955.862 Total Economic Valueyang Didistribusikan Distributed








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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Ikhtisar Kinerja SosialSocial Performance Highlights

Pengembangan Masyarakat

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kebun Karet, Sawit danOleokimia (PERKASA)Sebagai kelanjutan sosialisasi program PERKASA yangdikembangkan untuk periode 2011-2015, pada tahun2012 Perusahaan Anda melaksanakan pembentukandan pengembangan Forum Komunikasi PERKASA.Diawali dengan Area Usaha Jambi 1, Sumut 1,Sumbar, Kalimantan Tengah, Bengkulu danKalimantan Selatan, saat ini telah dimiliki padatingkat kecamatan/estate di seluruh Area Usaha.

Gerakan Prakarsa Membangun MasyarakatIndonesia Sejahtera (Gema Mitra)Terkait upaya penanggulangan kemiskinan danpemberdayaan masyarakat sejalan denganketerlibatan dalam pencapaian Millenium DevelopmentGoals (MDG) 2015, Perusahaan Anda berperan sertadalam gerakan kemitraan Gema Mitra. Pada tahun2012 Perusahaan Anda – melalui Area Usaha Jambi 1,Sumbar dan Bengkulu – menandatangani perjanjiankerja sama Gema Mitra dengan Pemerintah Daerahterkait (Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat – Jambi,Kabupaten Pasaman Barat – Sumatera Barat, danKabupaten Bengkulu Utara – Bengkulu) sertaKementerian Republik Indonesia Koordinator BidangKesejahteraan Rakyat dan Corporate Forum forCommunity Development (CFCD).

Community Development

Empowerment of Communities in Rubber andPalm Plantations and Oleochemical ProcessingFacilities (PERKASA)As the continuation of the PERKASA socializationprogram developed for the 2011-2015 period, YourCompany established and developed the PERKASACommunication Forum in 2012. Beginning withJambi 1, Sumut 1, Sumbar, Central Kalimantan,Bengkulu and South Kalimantan Business Areas, theforums are currently present at the district/estatelevel in all Business Areas.

Initiatives for the Development of ProsperousIndonesian People (Gema Mitra)In the efforts to cope with poverty and communitydevelopment in line with the involvement in theattainment of the Millenium Development Goals(MDG) 2015, Your Company actively participates inthe Gema Mitra movement. In 2012, Your Company– through the Jambi 1, Sumbar and BengkuluBusiness Areas – signed cooperation agreements forthe Gema Mitra program with the respective RegionalGovernments (Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency –Jambi, Pasaman Barat Regency – West Sumatra, andNorthern Bengkulu Regency – Bengkulu) as well asthe Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare of theRepublic of Indonesia and the Corporate Forum forCommunity Development (CFCD).

Dana Program Pengembangan Masyarakat 2013 | Community Development 2013 Program Funds

Program CSR | CSR Program Realisasi | Actual

Pendidikan | Education 1.369.950.000

Ekonomi | Economy 278.872.000

Kesehatan | Health 157.958.000

Keagamaan | Religious Activities 570.023.240

Kepemudaan | Youth Affairs 76.818.000

Lingkungan | Environment 40.100.000

Infrastruktur | Infrastructure 208.708.001

Tanggap Bencana & Donasi | 35.022.340

Disaster Response & Donation

Total 2.737.451.581





Tanggap Bencana & Donasi1,28%





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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Berdasarkan Jenjang Pendidikan*By Educational Level*

S3 0,04%S2 0,33%S1 6,38%DIP 2,92%SMU 36,07%SMP 22,74%SD 31,53%


Berdasarkan Gender*By Gender*




G4-10 Jumlah Karyawan berdasarkan Level Staf | Number of Employees by Staff Level

2013 2012

*Cholil Hasan, Direktur 14/06/2012 - 27/11/2012 | Cholil Hasan, Director 14/06/2012 - 27/11/2012

Komisaris 7 6 CommissionersDireksi 6 5 DirectorsEVP/SVP 8 8 EVP/SVPVP 14 21 VPSenior Manajer 27 24 Senior ManagerManajer 78 100 ManagerAsisten Manajer 50 37 Assistant ManagerSenior Asisten 68 70 Senior AssistantAsisten/Staf 430 479 Assistant/StaffManagement Trainee 1 33 Management TraineeTrainee 4 19 TraineeNon-Staf 16.551 18.333 Non-Staff

TOTAL 17.244 19.135 TOTAL


Komposisi Pegawai | Employees Composition

Board of Commissioners 2Board of Directors 1Excecutive Vice President 0Senior Vice President 0Vice President 0Senior Manager 13Manager 68Assistant Manager 26Senior Assistant 50Assistant 1 194Assistant 2 197Total 551

Pelatihan 2013 berdasarkan Jenjang/Level Organisasi | Training based on Organization Levels


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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Ikhtisar Kinerja LingkunganEnvironmental Performance Highlights

Sertifikasi Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO)Pada tahun 2013, Perusahaan Anda telahmenyelesaikan proses sertifikasi ISPO untuk UnitSumut 1, Sumbar dan Jambi. Sertifikat ISPO untukkebun dan pabrik di Unit Jambi (AGW dan AMM)telah diterbitkan pada tanggal 16 Januari 2014.

Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) CertificationIn 2013, Your Company completed the ISPOcertification process for Sumut 1, Sumbar and JambiUnits. The ISPO certificates for the Jambi Unit’splantations and plants (AGW and AMM) have beenissued on 16 January 2014.

Peringkat PROPERPenilaian Program Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan(PROPER) dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidupuntuk 2013 memberikan Peringkat Biru tingkatNasional untuk Unit Jambi.

Penghargaan Bendera Emas SMK3Unit Sumut 1 memperoleh penghargaan BenderaEmas untuk Resertifikasi SMK3 pada tahun 2012atas keberhasilan memenuhi 91% dari 166kriteria audit SMK3 berdasarkan PeraturanMenteri Tenaga Kerja, dalam proses auditresertifikasi oleh PT Sucofindo yang membuktikankonsistensi penerapan SMK3 sejak 2008.

PROPER RatingThe Corporate Performance Rating ProgramEvaluation (PROPER) in EnvironmentalManagement in 2013 presented the National-level Blue Rating for the Jambi Unit.

OHSMS Golden Flag AwardSumut 1 Unit received the Golden Flag award forthe OHSMS Recertification in 2012 on complianceto 91% of the 166 OHSMS audit criteria based onthe Manpower Minister Regulation, in therecertification audit process conducted byPT Sucofindo which proved the consistency inOHSMS implementation since 2008.

Masa berlaku Sertifikasi | Certification Validity

RSPOKisaran 06/2015Jambi 1 08/2017

ISO 9001:2008JOP Factory 11/2016HIM 06/2014AM 08/2014Pasaman 10/2014JOP Estate 12/2014GLP 01/2015Corporate Jakarta 02/2015Kisaran 04/2015AMM/AGW 08/2015SNP 10/2015

SNI ISO 9001:2008Kisaran 04/2015

SNIJOP Factory 03/2017HIM 06/2017Kisaran 09/2017

ISO 14001:2004HIM 12/2016Kisaran 04/2014GLP 12/2014JOP Estate 12/2014Corporate Jakarta 02/2015AMM/AGW 08/2015Pasaman 10/2015SNP 10/2015

SCCSKisaran 06/2015

OHSAS 18001:2007AMM/AGW 04/2014JOP Factory 04/2014Pasaman 04/2014HIM 05/2014AM 08/2014Corporate Jakarta 08/2014GLP 12/2014JOP Estate 12/2014Kisaran 01/2015SNP 10/2015

SMK3Kisaran 04/2015

SJHKisaran 07/2015GLP 07/2012

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Sambutan DireksiMessage from the Board of Directors

Yang Terhormat Para Pemangku Kepentingan,

Pada tahun 2013, Laporan Keberlanjutan Perusahaan Anda merupakan laporan yang kedua kalinya yangmengikuti standar pelaporan G4 dari Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Laporan keberlanjutan ini menyampaikan visi,misi, strategi dan kebijakan strategis perusahaan serta kegiatan ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan, sejalan denganupaya Perusahaan Anda menjaga keberlanjutan usaha dan keberlanjutan nilai bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan.

Dihadapkan pada nuansa tantangan yang berbeda dan semakin meningkat dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya,Perusahaan Anda tetap berpegang pada visi menjadi perusahaan agrobisnis terintegrasi nomor satu dan palingdikagumi di Indonesia, yaitu berfokus pada peningkatan produktivitas untuk setiap unit usaha sawit, karet danoleokimia demi menjaga keberlanjutan usaha sebagai perkebunan terpadu. Tahun 2013, Perusahaan Anda jugamengupayakan peningkatan kinerja melalui prioritas pada pembenahan manajemen keuangan secara keseluruhanberdasarkan konsep Best Practices, dengan fokus pada pengurangan beban keuangan agar tercipta optimalisasikeuntungan bagi perusahaan di masa mendatang.

Dear Shareholders,

Your Company’s 2013 Sustainability Report isthe second one using the G4 reportingstrandards of the Global Reporting Initiative(GRI). This Sustainability Report presents thecorporate vision, mission, strategies andstrategic policy as well as economic, social andenvironmental activities, in line with YourCompany efforts to ensure businesssustainability and sustainable values for thesociety and the environment.

Faced with different nuances and escalatedchallenges compared to previous years, YourCompany held on to the vision to become thefirst and most admired agrobusiness companyin Indonesia, focusing on productivityenhancement for the palm, rubber andoleochemical units in the efforts to ensurebusiness sustainability as an integratedplantation company. In 2013, Your Companyalso strived to enhance performance throughprioritization on thorough financial managementimprovements based on the best practicesconcept, focusing on the decreasing offinancial burdens in order to optimize futurecorporate profits.


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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Perusahaan Anda memiliki kebijakan menyisihkan 1,5%dari keuntungan bersih per tahun untuk mendanaiinvestasi sosial. Walaupun membukukan kerugian bersihpada tahun 2012, Perusahaan Anda tetap melanjutkanpelaksanaan program CSR pada tahun 2013, berfokuspada kegiatan-kegiatan yang tidak banyak mengeluarkanbiaya, serta pada program kerja sama dengan PemerintahDaerah setempat dan masyarakat setempat. Pada tahun2013, total realisasi dana program CSR adalah sebesarRp 2.737.451.581, tetap dengan highlights padapemberdayaan masyarakat kebun karet, sawit danfasilitas oleokimia, serta keterlibatan dalam gerakanpemberdayaan masyarakat Gema Mitra yangdiprakarsai oleh Pemerintah.

Pada tahun 2013, Perusahaan Anda mempekerjakan17.244 karyawan mencakup pengurangan jumlahpekerja non-staf sebesar 12,43% sejalan denganpengalihan aset kebun dan upaya peningkatanefisiensi dalam mengatasi hambatan operasionaluntuk menjaga keberlanjutan usaha.

Terkait kewajiban sertifikasi, Perusahaan Anda telahmenyelesaikan proses sertifikasi ISPO untuk Unit Sumut 1,Sumbar dan Jambi pada tahun 2013. Sertifikat ISPOuntuk kebun dan pabrik di Unit Jambi (AGW dan AMM)telah diterbitkan pada tanggal 16 Januari 2014. Padatahun 2013, Perusahaan Anda juga telah menyelesaikanproses sertifikasi RSPO untuk Unit Sumbar. PerusahaanAnda memiliki target untuk menyelesaikan prosessertifikasi RSPO untuk sedikitnya 4 unit usaha sampaiakhir 2015.

Tahun 2013 Perusahaan Anda menghadapi tantanganeksternal di luar kendali perusahaan, meliputipenurunan harga komoditi sawit dan karet pada skalaglobal, yang diakibatkan oleh penurunan permintaanpasar (krisis dunia), perubahan cuaca yang tidakmenentu serta masalah sosial terkait industri perkebunanpada skala nasional. Penurunan permintaan pasar duniayang diikuti penurunan harga memberi dampak padapenurunan pendapatan perusahaan di tahun 2013dibandingkan tahun 2012. Hal ini juga dipengaruhioleh rendahnya volume produksi. Harga komoditisawit dan karet di tahun 2013 masih memilikikecenderungan menurun dalam 2 tahun terakhir ini.

Your Company has the policy to allocate 1.5% of theannual net profit for social investments. Despite thenet loss recorded in 2012, Your Company continuedto conduct CSR programs in 2013, focusing on less-costly activities and cooperation schemes withRegional Governments and local communities. In2013, the expenditures for CSR programs amountedto IDR 2,737,451,581, still with the main highlightson the empowerment of communities in rubber andpalm plantations and oleochemical processingfacilities and involvement in the Government-relatedGema Mitra community development movement.

In 2013 Your Company provided jobs for 17,244employees covering a 12.43% reduction in thenumber of non-staff workers in line with the transferof ownership of estate assets and efforts to improveefficiency,

Regarding the compulsory certification requirements,Your Company completed the ISPO certificationprocess for Sumut 1, Sumbar and Jambi Units in 2013.The ISPO certificates for the Jambi Unit’s plantationsand plants (AGW and AMM) have been issued on16 January 2014. In 2103, Your Company had alsocompleted the RSPO certification process for theSumbar Unit. Your Company targets to complete theRSPO certification process for at least 4 businessunits by the end of 2015.

In 2013, Your Company coped with uncontrollableexternal challenges which covered decreases in globalpalm and rubber prices, which were particularlycaused by the world crisis in terms of decreasingmarket demand, fluctuative weather conditions aswell as social issues related to the plantationindustries at the national level. The decreasing worldmarket demand which was followed by decreasingprices led to decreasing corporate income in 2013compared to the 2012 figures, which was alsoaffected by the low production volume. By 2013, theprices of palm and rubber commodities still had thetendency to decrease during the past two years.


2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Namun, secara umum kinerja usaha perkebunansawit dan karet Perusahaan Anda menunjukkan hasilyang baik selama tahun 2013, dengan laba brutodari penjualan produk sawit berkisar antara 30-40%,dan karet pada tingkat 40-50%.

Sementara faktor internal Perusahaan Anda jugamemberikan tantangan tersendiri, yaitu bagaimanaPerusahaan Anda memanfaatkan aset yang ada demipencapaian optimalisasi proses di pabrik sawit dankaret. Selain itu, Perusahaan Anda juga mengupayakanpeningkatan produksi per hektar yang dinilai masihbisa dioptimalkan, baik di kebun sawit maupunkebun karet. Upaya ini dilakukan selama tahun 2013,dengan penetapan target jangka pendek, jangkamenengah dan jangka panjang oleh manajemenPerusahaan Anda; untuk kebun sawit, produktivitaspada tingkat 14 ton per hektar ditargetkan untuk dapatmencapai titik potensi optimalnya sebesar 24 ton hingga25 ton per hektar. Demikian pula pada peningkatanutilisasi pabrik sawit, Perusahaan Anda berupayameningkatkan pemanfaatan kapasitas produksi yangsebelumnya hanya berkisar 50%-60% menjadi 90%pada akhir tahun 2013. Untuk pabrik karet, tingkatutilisasi selama periode sebelumnya hanya 50% darikapasitas, telah ditingkatkan menjadi 70%.

Walaupun diupayakan peningkatan hasil kebun perhektarnya, Perusahaan Anda menyadari belum dapatmemenuhi permintaan pasokan pabrik yang ada. Maka,Perusahaan Anda melakukan pembelian produk sawitdan karet dari petani lokal sebagai alternatif solusiuntuk meningkatkan optimalisasi utilisasi aset pabrik.Dengan demikian, Perusahaan Anda menilai pentingpotensi petani lokal dalam menghasilkan produksawit dan karet dari kebunnya dengan kualitas yangsesuai standar perusahaan. Di tahun 2013, peningkatanpersentase hasil kebun yang diperoleh dari petanilokal meningkat 40%.

Di masa datang, dengan mempertimbangkan skalaekonomis minimum, maka secara strategis, PerusahaanAnda akan lebih fokus pada proses pengolahan pabrik,melalui peningkatan kerjasama dengan petani lokalpada bidang produksi hasil kebun, sehingga keberadaanperusahaan dirasakan dan terbukti dapat memberikankontribusi pada peningkatan kesejahteraan / tingkatekonomi petani dan masyarakat setempat.

Untuk usaha karet, Perusahaan Anda memiliki potensiyang sangat baik pada 2013. Dengan memperolehtingkat laba bruto yang relatif lebih tinggi dari usahasawit pada saat ini, pengoperasian kebun karet dan

Nevertheless, overal business performance of YourCompany palm and rubber plantations indicate goodresults during 2013, with the gross profit from thesales of palm products reaching 30-40% and ofrubber products at the level of 40-50%.

There had also been internal challenges, pertainingto the utilization of assets for the optimization of thepalm and rubber processing plants. Your Companyalso attempted to enhance the hectarage productionwhich was considered to still have the possibility foroptimization, for both palm and rubber plantations.This has been conducted in 2013, with the setting ofshort-term, middle-term and long-term targets byYour Company management; for the palm plantationthe 14-ton-per-hectare productivity level is targetedto reach the optimum potential of between 24 and25 tons per hectare. For the utilization enhancementof the palm processing plants, Your Company strivedto enhance the utilization of production capacity,from the previous 50-60% to 90% by the end of2013. For the rubber processing plant, the previousutilization level which was recorded at 50% of thecapacity had been increased to 70%.

Despite the efforts to enhance the plantation productionper hectare, Your Company realizes the limitation tomeet the demanded volume of the processing plants.It is for this reason that Your Company also purchasespalm and rubber products from local farmers as analternative solution to increase the optimization ofthe utilization of the processing plants assets. ThereforeYour Company acknowledged the important potentialsof local farmers in producing palm and rubber productswith the quality level in line with the corporatestandards. In 2013, the percentage of yields obtainedfrom local farmers have increased by 40%.

In consideration of the minimum economic scale forthe future, Your Company intends to strategicallyfocus on plant processing, with enhanced cooperationwith local farmers for the plantation production, sothat the presence of the company can be felt andproven to contribute to the enhancement of socio-economic welfare of local farmers and society.

The rubber business sector of Your Company have agreat potential in 2013, By generating a relativelyhigher gross profit level than the palm sector, theoperations of rubber plantations and process plants

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

fasilitas pengolahannya dinilai dapat mengimbangipenurunan hasil yang terjadi pada usaha sawit.

Untuk produk oleokimia, dimana harga relatif stabil,pemanfaatan fasilitas pengolahan oleokimia yangdimiliki Perusahaan Anda di masa datang diharapkandapat memberi keuntungan yang lebih stabil, secarastrategis dapat berfungsi sebagai fasilitas hedgingbagi keberlanjutan usaha Perusahaan Anda,mengimbangi penurunan hasil yang terjadi padausaha sawit dan karet.

Sejalan dengan kebijakan yang fokus pada peningkatanutilisasi aset, pada tahun 2013 Perusahaan Andasedang menjajaki kerjasama dengan pihak potensial(strategic partner). Tindak lanjut positif dijadwalkanpada tahun 2014.

Selain usaha sawit, karet dan oleokimia, PerusahaanAnda juga telah mempertimbangkan potensi yangbesar pada produksi biodiesel yang memiliki captivemarket, terutama terkait adanya permintaan yangtinggi pada pasar domestik.

Seiring dengan upaya peningkatan produktivitas sertastrategi menjaga keberlanjutan usaha, PerusahaanAnda memberikan perhatian khusus pada proyekSeed Garden yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkanbenih unggulan dengan tingkat efisiensi penggunaanlahan tanam yang lebih tinggi, masa hidup yanglebih lama, serta kualitas lebih baik. Panen pertamaSeed Garden telah dilaksanakan pada Juni 2014.

Perusahaan Anda di tahun 2013 dikelola oleh Direksiyang diharapkan dapat menjadi “THE WINNING TEAM”untuk melakukan perubahan-perubahan ke arah usahayang lebih baik, terutama dalam segala upaya untukmengatasi kendala eksternal maupun internal perusahaan,dengan berkomitmen kuat untuk menerapkan TataKelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good CorporateGovernance - GCG), termasuk dengan menerbitkanLaporan Keberlanjutan yang memenuhi prinsip-prinsipdan kriteria panduan pelaporan keberlanjutan G4dari GRI ini.

are considered to balance the decreasing productionof the palm sector.

for oleochemical products, where prices tend to berelatively stable, the utilization of Your Companyoleochemicals processing facilities in the future isexpected to provide more stable profits, and canstrategically function as a hedging facility for YourCompany business sustainability, countering possibledecreases of yields in the palm and business sectors.

In line with the focus on assets utilization enhancement,Your Company had initiated cooperation withpotential strategic partners in 2013, with positivefollow-ups scheduled for 2014.

In addition to the palm, rubber and oleochemicalssector, Your Company has also considered the highpotentials of biodiesel production which is consideredto have a captive market, particularly in line with thehigh demand of the domestic market.

In relation to the efforts to enhance productivity aswell as in line with the strategy to ensure businesssustainablity, Your Company had given a specialattention to the Seed Garden project which aimed atproducing premium quality seeds with a higher levelof land use efficiency, longer life span, and higherproduct quality. The first harvest of the Seed Gardenwas conducted in June 2014.

In 2013 Your Company was managed by the Board ofDirectors which was expected to become “THEWINNING TEAM” to conduct changes towards abetter business, particulaly in terms of all efforts tocope with external and internal constraints, with thestrong commitment to implement the GoodCorporate Governance (GCG) principles, includingpublishing the Sustainablity Report which complieswith the principles and criteria set in the G4guidelines for sustainability reporting of the GRI.

Jakarta, 31 Oktober 2014Untuk dan atas nama Direksi

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

M. Iqbal ZainuddinDirektur Utama | President Director

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 Perusahaan Andamerupakan laporan tahunan yang memuat pelaksanaankegiatan dan kinerja Ekonomi, Sosial dan Lingkungandalam periode 1 Januari sampai 31 Desember 2013.Laporan ini merupakan kelanjutan atas LaporanKeberlanjutan 2012 yang telah diterbitkan padatanggal 2 November 2013, sesuai Panduan PelaporanKeberlanjutan (Sustainability Reporting Guidelines)dari Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Versi 4 (G4).

Berdasarkan G4, Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013Perusahaan Anda disampaikan sejalan dengankesesuaian terhadap kriteria Inti (‘In Accordance’ –Core), yang mensyaratkan pelaporan atas indikatorG4-1, G4-3 hingga G4-34, dan G4-56, disampingpelaporan atas indikator Ekonomi, Lingkungan danSosial yang relevan dengan aspek material terkaitkegiatan Perusahaan Anda.

Sejalan dengan Laporan Keberlanjutan yang telahdisampaikan sejak periode 2010, Laporan Keberlanjutan2013 Perusahaan Anda mencakup kinerja spesifik atas4 (empat) Unit Usaha: Sumut 1 (PT Bakrie SumateraPlantations Tbk / BSP – perkebunan karet danpengolahan karet, perkebunan sawit dan pengolahansawit), Sumbar (PT Bakrie Pasaman Plantations / BPP– perkebunan dan pengolahan sawit), Jambi 1(PT Agrowiyana / AGW – perkebunan sawit, PT AgroMitra Madani / AMM – perkebunan sawit, danPT Sumbertama Nusapertiwi / SNP – pengolahansawit) serta Bengkulu (PT Air Muring / AM – perkebunankaret dan PT Julang Oca Permana / JOP – pengolahankaret). Untuk kinerja umum, Laporan Keberlanjutan2013 memuat pelaporan atas kinerja Ekonomi, Sosialdan Lingkungan untuk PT Bakrie SumateraPlantations Tbk dan Anak Perusahaan, seperti telahdisampaikan lebih lengkap dalam Laporan Tahunan 2013.

Your Company 2013 Sustainability Report comprisesthe annual reporting of Economic, Social andEnvironmental activities and performance within theperiod of 1 January to 31 December 2013. This reportis a continuation of the 2012 Sustainability Reportpublished on 2 November 2013, in compliance withthe Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of the GlobalReporting Initiative (GRI) Version 4 (G4).

Based on the G4, Your Company 2013 SustainabilityReport is developed in accordance with the Corecriteria, requiring the reporting of indicators G4-1,G4-3 to G4-34, and G4-56, aside from the reportingof Economic, Environmental and Social indicatorspertaining to the material aspects related to theoperations of Your Company.

In line with the Sustainability Report published sincethe 2010 period, Your Company 2013 SustainabilityReport covers the specific performance of 4 (four)Business Units: Sumut 1 (PT Bakrie SumateraPlantations Tbk / BSP – rubber plantation andprocessing facilities, palm plantation and processingfacilities), Sumbar (PT Bakrie Pasaman Plantations /BPP – palm plantation and processing facilities),Jambi 1 (PT Agrowiyana / AGW – palm plantation,PT Agro Mitra Madani / AMM – palm plantation, andPT Sumbertama Nusapertiwi / SNP – palm processingfacilities) as well as Bengkulu (PT Air Muring / AM –rubber plantation and PT Julang Oca Permana / JOP –rubber processing plant). For general performance,the 2013 Sustainability Report reports the Economic,Social and Environmental performances of PT BakrieSumatera Plantations Tbk and Subsidiaries, as havebeen reported in details in the 2013 Annual Report.

G4-28 Periode Pelaporan | Reporting Period : 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2013G4-29 Tanggal Laporan Terdahulu | Date of Previous Report : 02/11/2013G4-30 Siklus Pelaporan: Tahunan | Reporting Cycle: AnnualG4-31 Contact Point: [email protected] Tabel Indeks GRI: lihat halaman 85 | GRI Index Table: see page 85G4-33 Pemeriksaan Laporan | Report Assurance : Internal

Profil LaporanReport Profile

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Dalam Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013, PerusahaanAnda melakukan referensi silang dengan mengacupada ISO 26000 dan kriteria yang disyaratkan dalamsertifikasi Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO).

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai isi LaporanKeberlanjutan Perusahaan Anda dapat diperolehmelalui e-mail [email protected] ataumelalui situs web www.bakriesumatera.com.

Pemeriksaan atas penerapan indikator GRI dalamLaporan Keberlanjutan ini dilaksanakan secara internaloleh Divisi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (CSR –Corporate Social Responsibility), dengan pengkajiandan persetujuan secara formal oleh DepartemenSumber Daya Manusia, yang juga memastikancakupan aspek material.

In the 2013 Sustainability Report, Your Companyprovides a cross reference to ISO 26000 and thecriteria required for the Indonesian Sustainable PalmOil (ISPO) certification.

Further information on the contents of YourCompany Sustainability Report can be obtainedthrough e-mail [email protected] orthrough the website www.bakriesumatera.com.

The evaluation of the implementation of GRIindicators in this Sustainability Report is conductedinternally by the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)Division with the assessment and formal approval ofthe Human Resources Department, which alsoensures the coverage of material aspects.

Divisi Corporate Social ResponsibilityPT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk

Kompleks Rasuna Epicentrum,Bakrie Tower 18th-19th Floor

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12960Tel. +62-21 2994 1286-87

Fax. +62-21 2994 1752E-mail: [email protected]


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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Profil OrganisasiOrganizations Profile

G4-3 Nama Organisasi | Organization Name : PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations TbkG4-4 Produk dan Jasa Utama: Perkebunan Sawit dan Karet; Pengolahan Sawit, Karet dan Oleokimia

beserta Produk Turunannya | Primary Products and Services: Palm and Rubber Plantations;Processing of Palm, Rubber and Oleochemical Products and Derivatives

G4-5 Lokasi Kantor Pusat | Headquarters Location : Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, Kisaran – Kabupaten Asahan,Medan 21202, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

G4-6 Jumlah dan Nama Negara Operasi | Number and Name of Country of Operation : 1, IndonesiaG4-7 Kepemilikan dan Badan Hukum: Perusahaan Terbatas Terbuka dengan 82,12% Saham Publik |

Ownership and Legal Form: Public Limited Corporation with 82.12% of Public SharesG4-8 Ruang Lingkup Pasar: Domestik dan Internasional | Markets Covered: Domestic and International

(lebih lengkap pada halaman 13-17 | more on page 13-17)G4-9 Skala Organisasi | Organization Scale

Karyawan 17.244 EmployeesAnak Perusahaan 39 SubsidiariesTotal Penjualan Rp 2.353,69 miliar | billion Total SalesTotal Liabilitas Rp 13.148,14 miliar | billion Total LiabilityTotal Ekuitas Rp 4.867,20 miliar | billion Total EquityProduksi Sawit CPO: 196.599 MT, PK: 43.753 MT Palm ProductionProduksi Karet 21.167 MT Rubber Production

G4-10 Ketenagakerjaan | Workforce16.551 Karyawan Non-Staf, 5 Trainee, 675 Staf, 13 Komisaris & Direksi; 92,58% Pria, 7,42%Wanita | 16,551 Non-Staff Workers, 5 Trainees, 675 Staff, 13 Commissioners & Directors; 92.58%Male, 7.42% Female(lebih lengkap pada halaman 4 dan 66-76 | more on page 4 and 66-76)

G4-11 Persentase Jumlah Pegawai dengan Perjanjian Kerja Bersama | Percentage of EmployeesCovered by Collective Bargaining Agreements : 100% Non-Staff

G4-12 Rantai Pasokan | Supply ChainSawit: Hasil Kebun Nukleus dan Kebun Plasma; Karet: Hasil Kebun dan Pembelian dari PihakKetiga; Oleokimia: Pengolahan Produk Segmen Sawit dan Pembelian dari Pihak Ketiga | Palm:Yields of Nucleus and Plasma Plantations; Rubber: Yields of Plantations and Third-PartyPurchases; Oleochemicals: Processing of Palm Segment Products and Third-Party Purchases

G4-13 Perubahan Signifikan: lihat halaman 12-13 dan 79-83 | Significant Changes: see page 12-13 and79-83

G4-14 Penerapan Prinsip Kehati-hatian | Implementation of Precautionary PrinciplePengelolaan Strategi dengan Konsep PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act); Manajemen Risiko dikelola DivisiEnterprise Audit & Risk Management | Strategy Management based on the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Concept; Risk Management under the auspices of the Enterprise Audit & RiskManagement Division(lebih lengkap pada halaman 29 | more on page 29)

G4-15 Penerapan Standar Eksternal | Implementation of External StandardsSertifikasi | Certifications : RSPO, OHSAS, SMK3, ISPO, SNI, ISO14001, SSC, SJHStandar Tidak Wajib | Voluntary Standards : PROPER, KosherPrinsip Lain | Other Principles : GRI, ISO26000SR

G4-16 Keanggotaan Organisasi | Organizational MembershipAsosiasi Industri | Industry Associations : GAPKI, GAPKINDOOrganisasi Nasional | National Organizations : BKSPPS, CFCD, DMI, KADINOrganisasi Internasional | International Organizations : RSPO

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Perusahaan Anda pada 2013 mengelola perkebunansawit dan karet dengan total luas lahan tertanam78.238 Ha didukung oleh 5 pabrik minyak sawit,4 pabrik pengolahan produk karet alam dan 2 areafasilitas pengolahan oleokimia.

Perusahaan Anda merupakan usaha agro terpaduyang berkelanjutan yang bergerak di bidang usahaperkebunan kelapa sawit dan produk minyak sawitserta turunannya; bidang usaha perkebunan karetdan pengolahan produk karet alam dan turunannya;serta bidang usaha pengolahan produk oleokimia;mengutamakan prinsip 3P (People, Planet, Profit)dalam penerapan strategi perkembangan berkelanjutan.

Pada tahun 2013, Perusahaan Anda mencatat totalpenjualan bersih dari ketiga segmen usaha – Sawit,Karet dan Oleokimia sebesar Rp 2.076,49 miliar (darioperasi yang dilanjutkan), dengan alokasi penjualan81,00% untuk pasar domestik sebesar Rp 1.682,08miliar dan 19,00% untuk pasar ekspor sebesarRp 394,40 miliar.

Sebagai perusahaan agrobisnis yang terintegrasi,60% hasil produksi industri hulu Perusahaan Andaditargetkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industrihilirnya, sedangkan 40% sisanya digunakan untukmemenuhi kebutuhan pasar, terutama terkaitdengan upaya Perusahaan Anda untuk menjaga danmeningkatkan pangsa pasarnya dalam industri terkait.


Segmen usaha Sawit Perusahaan Anda memproduksiminyak sawit (crude palm oil – CPO) dan inti sawit(palm kernel – PK) dari bahan baku tandan buahsegar (TBS) yang diproduksi lahan milik perusahaan(nukleus) dan lahan plasma maupun dari pembeliankepada pihak ketiga.

In 2013 Your Company managed oil palm and rubberplantations with a total planted area of 78,238 Ha,supported by 6 palm oil processing plants, 4 naturalrubber processing plants and 2 areas of oleochemicalsprocessing facilities.

Your Company is a sustainable integrated agro-businessoperating in the business of oil palm plantation andthe production of palm oil and its derivatives; rubberplantation and the processing of natural rubberproducts and its derivatives; and oleochemicalsprocessing; prioritizing the 3P principle (People,Planet, Profit) in the implementation of sustainabledevelopment strategies.

In 2013, Your Company recorded a total net sales ofIDR 2,076.49 billion (from continued operations)from the three business segments – Palm, Rubberand Oleochemicals, with 81.00% sales allocation fordomestic market totalling IDR 1,682.08 billion and19.00% for export market totalling IDR 394.40 billion.

As an integrated agro-business company, 60% ofYour Company’s upstream yields are targeted tofulfill the needs of its downstream industry, while theremaining 40% are used to fulfill market demands,particularly in line with Your Company’s efforts tomaintain and increase its market shares in relatedindustries.


Your Company’s Palm business segment producescrude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel (PK) from freshfruit bunches (FFB) produced by company-ownedplantations (nucleus) and plasma plantations, as wellas obtained through purchases from third parties.












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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Pembeli utama dalam segmen usaha SawitPerusahaan Anda pada tahun 2013 adalah:• PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia• PT Musim Mas• PT Multimas Nabati Asahan• PT Bukit Kapur Reksa• PT Wira Inno Mas• PT Sari Dumai Sejati• PT Budi Nabati Perkasa• PT Smart Tbk• PT Kurnia Tunggal Nugraha• PT Usaha Inti Padang


Perusahaan Anda adalah produsen lateks terbesar diIndonesia. Segmen usaha Karet Perusahaan Andamemproduksi rangkaian lengkap produk karet alam,dari lateks sampai block skim rubber (BSR) yangdiperoleh dari hasil kebun maupun pembelian daripihak ketiga.

The main buyers in Your Company’s Palm businesssegment in 2013 were:• PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia• PT Musim Mas• PT Multimas Nabati Asahan• PT Bukit Kapur Reksa• PT Wira Inno Mas• PT Sari Dumai Sejati• PT Budi Nabati Perkasa• PT Smart Tbk• PT Kurnia Tunggal Nugraha• PT Usaha Inti Padang


Your Company is currently the largest latex producerin Indonesia. Your Company’s Rubber businesssegment produces a complete range of naturalrubber products, from latex to block skim rubber(BSR), obtained from both the nucleus plantationsand through purchases from third parties.

Lokasi | Location Jumlah Pabrik | Factory Kapasitas Total | Total Capacity

Sumatera Utara | North Sumatra 2 105 ton/jam | 105 tons/hour

Sumatera Barat | West Sumatra 1 60 ton/jam | 60 tons/hour

Jambi 2 90 ton/jam | 90 tons/hour

Total 5 255 ton/jam | 255 tons/hour

Kapasitas Produksi | Production Capacity

Area Tertanam berdasarkan Propinsi | Planted Area by Province

* termasuk 33.234 Ha lahan yang diklasifikasikan sebagai aset yang tersedia untuk dijual | including 33,234 Ha areas classified as assets held for sale

Daerah | Province 2013 2012 %

Sumatera Utara | North Sumatra 16.867 Ha 16.899 Ha (0,19%)

Sumatera Barat | West Sumatra 10.806 Ha 10.891 Ha (0,01%)

Riau - 12.200 Ha (100,00%)

Jambi 23.710 Ha* 23.710 Ha -

Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra 20.979 Ha* 20.979 Ha -

Kalimantan Selatan | South Kalimantan 6.053 Ha 7.171 Ha 15,59%

Plasma: Sumatera Barat | West Sumatra 6.181 Ha 3.738 Ha 65,36%

Jambi 7.701 Ha 7.700 Ha 0,01%

Total 92.297 Ha 103.288 Ha (10,64%)

Area Tertanam berdasarkan Propinsi | Planted Area by Province

Daerah | Province 2013 2012 %

Sumatera Utara | North Sumatra 10.658 Ha 10.174 Ha 4,76%

Bengkulu 4.833 Ha 4.878 Ha (0,92%)

Lampung 3.684 Ha 3.684 Ha -

Total 19.175 Ha 18.736 Ha 2,34%

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Pembeli utama dalam segmen usaha KaretPerusahaan Anda pada 2013 adalah:• Tong Teik Pte, Ltd.• Sri Trang International• Centrotrade Commodities Malaysia Sdn.Bhd.• Corrie Macoll & Son Ltd.• PT Sri Sumatera Sejahtera• Eastland Produce Pte.Ltd.• Elpa Elastiki Iplikler Sanayi Ve Ihracat AS• Samur Halilari Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS• R1 International Ltd.• RCMA Americas Ltd.• Hevealand Sdn.Bhd.• Weber & Schaer GmbH & Co.


Pengolahan produk dalam segmen usaha OleokimiaPerusahaan Anda saat ini difokuskan pada fatty aciddan fatty alcohol, serta produk turunan glycerin,palm olein, palm stearin, dan palm fatty aciddistillate (PFAD).

Perjanjian jaminan pembelian pasti (off-takeagreement) dengan Procter & Gamble menyerap 90%produksi segmen Oleokimia (fatty acid, fatty alcohol,dan glycerin), sedangkan 10% produksi digunakanuntuk memenuhi permintaan pasar bebas.

Selain untuk memenuhi perjanjian pembelian denganProcter & Gamble, produk fatty acid juga diandalkanuntuk kontrak/perdagangan berjangka (spot market)dalam pasar lokal dan ekspor.

Untuk produk olein, Perusahaan Anda telahmelaksanakan pengikatan perjanjian jaminanpembelian dengan Renewable Biofuel USA dan IIFCO(International Foodstuffs Company) Uni Emirat Arab.

Produk stearin saat ini digunakan untuk konsumsiinternal pada fasilitas pengolahan fatty acid diTanjung Morawa.

The main buyers in Your Company’s Rubber businesssegment in 2013 included:• Tong Teik Pte, Ltd.• Sri Trang International• Centrotrade Commodities Malaysia Sdn.Bhd.• Corrie Macoll & Son Ltd.• PT Sri Sumatera Sejahtera• Eastland Produce Pte.Ltd.• Elpa Elastiki Iplikler Sanayi Ve Ihracat AS• Samur Halilari Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS• R1 International Ltd.• RCMA Americas Ltd.• Hevealand Sdn.Bhd.• Weber & Schaer GmbH & Co.


Product processing in Your Company’s Oleochemicalssegment is currently focused on fatty acid and fattyalcohol, as well as derivative products in the forms ofglycerin, palm olein, palm stearin and palm fatty aciddistillate (PFAD).

Off-take agreement with Procter & Gamble absorbed90% of the Oleochemicals segment production (fattyacid, fatty alcohol and glycerin), while 10% of theproduction volume are aimed at fulfilling thedemands in the free market.

In addition to cover the off-take agreement withProcter & Gamble, fatty acid has also been targetedfor spot market in both local and export markets.

For olein, Your Company has signed off-takeagreements with Renewable Biofuel USA and IIFCO(International Foodstuffs Company) United ArabEmirates.

Stearin is to date used for internal consumption atthe fatty acid plant in Tanjung Morawa.

Kapasitas Produksi Pabrik dan Status | Plant's Production Capacity and Status Update

Lokasi Pabrik Kapasitas Status 31-12-2013per hari

Tanjung Morawa Fatty Acid Plant 160 ton Operasi Komersial | Commercial Operations

Kuala Tanjung Fatty Acid Plant I 300 ton Persiapan Produksi Komersial | Preparations forCommercial Production

Fatty Acid Plant II (FSC 2) 250 ton 65% konstruksi | 65% Construction

Fatty Alcohol Plant I 100 ton Persiapan Produksi Komersial | Preparations forCommercial Production

Fatty Alcohol Plant II 300 ton 75% konstruksi | 75% construction

Palm Oil Refinery Plant 1.500 ton 92% konstruksi | 92% construction

Kernel Crushing Plant 500 ton Persiapan Operasi | Preparations for Operations

Utilities & Infrastructure - 80% konstruksi (umum) | 80% construction (general)

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

1990Melakukan penawaran saham perdana melaluiBursa Efek Indonesia (dahulu Bursa EfekJakarta) dengan harga nominal Rp 1.000 perlembar saham.

Conducted an Initial Public Offering of itsshares through the Indonesia Stock Exchange(previously known as the Jakarta StockExchange) with a nominal price of IDR 1,000per share.
















Area OperasiArea of Operations

Catatan: • Per 31 Desember 2013 ||||| As of 31 December 2013• Luas lahan merupakan area tertanam ||||| Land area coverage implies planted areas• Angka luas lahan menggunakan notasi Indonesia ||||| Numbers for the land area coverage are denoted in the Indonesian language

Perkebunan sawit / pabrik CPO ||||| Palm estate / CPO plant Perkebunan/fasilitas karet ||||| Rubber estate / rubber processing plant Kompleks oleokimia ||||| Oleochemical plants compound

1957Berganti nama menjadi PT United StatesRubber Sumatra Plantations (USRSP) setelahdiakuisisi oleh Uniroyal Inc.

Renamed as PT United States Rubber SumatraPlantations (USRSP) following the acquisitionby Uniroyal Inc.

1985Berganti nama menjadiPT Uniroyal Sumatra Plantations.

Changed its name toPT Uniroyal Sumatra Plantations.

1986PT Bakrie & Brothers mengambil alih kepemilikan 75%saham UNSP.Berganti nama menjadi PT United Sumatra Plantations(UNSP).

PT Bakrie & Brothers acquired 75% of UNSP shares.Renamed as PT United Sumatra Plantations (UNSP).

Sekilas SejarahMilestone

1965USRSP dinasionalisasikan oleh PemerintahRepublik Indonesia hingga 1967.

USRSP was nationalized by the IndonesianGovernment until 1967.

1911Didirikan dengan nama NaamloozeVennootschap Hollandsch AmerikaanschePlantage Maatschappij.

Established as Naamlooze VennootschapHollandsch Amerikaansche PlantageMaatschappij.

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Melakukan stock split 5:1 dan mengubah harganominal saham menjadi Rp 100 per lembar saham.Penawaran Umum Terbatas I: saham yang beredarmenjadi 2.331.000.000 lembar saham.

Conducted a 5:1 stock split and changed theshare’s nominal price to IDR 100 per share.The First Limited Public Offering: traded sharesbecame 2,331,000,000 shares.

1992Berganti nama menjadiPT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations (BSP),dan mulai memasuki bisnis kelapasawit.

Renamed as PT Bakrie SumateraPlantations (BSP), and entered thepalm oil business.

* diklasifikasikan sebagai aset yang tersedia untukdijual | classified as assets held for sale



Tanjung Morawa: Fatty Acid Plant FSC

Lokasi | Location : Tanjung MorawaLuas Area | Area :

Manufacturing and Facilities : 7Ha

Kuala Tanjung: Oleochemical Complex

Lokasi | Location : Kuala TanjungLuas Area | Area :

Manufacturing and Facilities : 114Ha

Sumut 1 | North Sumatra 1 BSP

Lokasi | Location : AsahanLuas Lahan | Field Area :• Sawit | Palm 9.268Ha• Karet | Rubber 10.658Ha

Sumut 2 | North Sumatra 2 GLP

Lokasi | Location : Labuhan BatuLuas Lahan | Field Area :• Sawit | Palm 7.599Ha

Lampung HIM

Lokasi | Location : Tulang BawangLuas Lahan | Field Area :• Karet | Rubber 3.684Ha

Kalsel | South Kalimantan MIB

Lokasi | Location : Banjar BaruLuas Lahan | Field Area :• Sawit | Palm 6.053Ha

Bengkulu AM, JOP

Lokasi | Location :• AM Ketahun• JOP Bengkulu UtaraLuas Lahan | Field Area :• Karet | Rubber 4.833Ha

Sumbar | West Sumatra BPP, CCI

Lokasi | Location :• BPP Pasaman• CCI Pesisir SelatanLuas Lahan | Field Area :• Sawit | Palm 10.806Ha• Plasma Sawit | Palm Plasma 6.181Ha


Lokasi | Location :• AGW/AMM Tanjung Jabung Barat• SNP Muaro JambiLuas Lahan | Field Area :• Sawit | Palm 11.455Ha• Plasma Sawit | Palm Plasma 7.701Ha


Luas Lahan | Field Area :• Sawit | Palm 33,234Ha

1997Melakukan stock split 2:1 dan mengubah harganominal saham menjadi Rp 500 per lembar saham.Menyesuaikan dengan ketentuan Undang-undang tentang Perseroan Terbatas, namamenjadi PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk.

Conducted a 2:1 stock split and changed theshare’s nominal price to IDR 500 per share.In compliance with the Law on Limited Company,the name was altered as PT Bakrie SumateraPlantations Tbk.


2010Penawaran Umum Terbatas III: saham yang beredarmenjadi 13.553.772.676 lembar saham.Memasuki usaha oleokimia dan mencanangkanRencana Strategis Baru.

The Third Limited Public Offering: traded sharesbecame 13,553,772,676 shares.Enters the oleochemical business and launched theNew Strategic Intent.

2007Penawaran Umum Terbatas II:saham yang beredar menjadi3.787.875.000 lembar saham.

The Second Limited PublicOffering: traded sharesbecame 3,787,875,000shares.

2008Pembelian kembali saham UNSPsebanyak 6.100.000 lembar saham.

Buyback of 6,100,000 UNSP shares.

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Struktur UsahaBusiness Structure








99,99% 99,99% 99,99% 95,00% 99,99% 99,99%

100,00% 100,00%





MIB CCI Fordway

96,55% 100,00% 99,76% 99,93% 85,00% 99,99% 99,99% 50,00%

99,95% 99,99% 100,00%

70,00% 100,00%












99,88% 99,99% 99,94% 99,99%















PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk(BSP)

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Rencana StrategisStrategic Intent

Operational ExcellenceDriven by StandardizationPencapaian Keunggulan Operasionalmelalui Standarisasi

GREAT Go! and Reach ExtraordinaryAchievement throughTransformation


“To Be the Number One

and Most Admired

Integrated Agro-Business

Company in Indonesia”

MISSION“Nurture and Sustain the

Wealth of Our Communityby Extracting the Optimum

Value Creation throughEnvironmentally Friendly

Operation and LeveragingCORE Expertise in Multi

Crops and GlobalOperations”



Integrated Sustainable

Agro-Business and Related


FOCUS STRATEGIES 2010-2014 : PALM & RUBBER1. Develop Right Land with Suitable Climate2. Nurture the Right Organization

and Talent Pool3. Build & Maintain Right Infrastructure4. Attain High Yield and Lowest

Competitive Cost Position5. Partner with Reputable Funding Resources6. Leverage and Expand Sizeable

Land Bank7. Adapt Applied Technology (R&D)


• BSP is Our Home

• Initiative and Empowerment

with Accountability

• Sense of Mission

• Adaptive to and

Driving Change

FOCUS STRATEGIES 2010-2014 : OLEO1. Develop & Sustain Operational

Exellence2. Nurture the Right Organization

and Talent Pool3. Extend Strategic Sourcing Partners &

Alternatives4. Deliver Promised Service Rate5. Consistently Comply with Industry Standard6. Partner with Reputable Funding Resources

(in line with Long Range Financial Road Map)7. Retain and Acquire Global Brand Endorser(s)

Strategy Result


Nurture and Sustain the Wealth of Our Community by Extracting the Optimum ValueCreation through Environmentally Friendly Operations and Leveraging Core Expertisein Multi-Crops and Global Operations

Mengembangkan dan Menjaga KesinambunganKesejahteraan Komunitas dengan Melakukan EkstraksiPenciptaan Nilai Optimal melalui Kegiatan Operasionalyang Ramah Lingkungan dan Memanfaatkan KeahlianKunci dalam Operasi Multi Tanaman dan Operasi Global.

To be the Number One and Most Admired Integrated Agro-Business Companyin Indonesia.


Menjadi Perusahaan Agrobisnis Terintegrasi Nomor Satudan Paling Dikagumi di Indonesia.

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Aspek Material dan Batasan AspekMaterial Aspects and Boundaries

G4-17 Entitas Usaha dalam Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian | Entities in Consolidated FinancialStatements : BSP, AGW, AI, AIRPL, AM, AMM, ARBV, ASD, Bookwise, BPP, BRBE, BSEP, BSPF, BSPL,BSPN, CCI, DAIP, DAP, DSIP, EMAL, Fordway, FSC, GFII, GLP, HIM, IKP, JAW, JOP, Makmur, MIB, Mitra,MMM, NAM, PBJ, PP, SIP, SMAP, SNP, Solegna, TSPKinerja Spesifik dalam Laporan Ini | Specific Performance Report : BSP, BPP, AGW, AMM, SNP,AM, JOP

G4-18 Landasan Penetapan Isi Laporan dan Batasan Aspek: Berdasarkan Standar G4 dan EvaluasiDampaknya terhadap Pemangku Kepentingan dan Kesesuaian dengan Kriteria ISPO dan PROPER| Basis for Defining the Report Content and Aspect Boundaries: G4 Standards and Evaluation ofthe Impacts on Stakeholders and Compliance with Required Indicators of ISPO and PROPER

G4-19 Aspek Material | Material AspectsKategori Ekonomi: Kinerja Ekonomi, Dampak Ekonomi Tidak Langsung; Lingkungan: Energi, Air,Keanekaragaman Hayati, Emisi, Limbah, Kepatuhan, Mekanisme Pengaduan; Kategori Sosial -Ketenagakerjaan: Kepegawaian, Hubungan Kepegawaian, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja,Pelatihan dan Pendidikan, Kesetaraan Kesempatan Kerja, Kesetaraan Remunerasi berdasarkanGender, Mekanisme Pengaduan; Kategori Sosial - Hak Asasi Manusia: Non-Diskriminasi,Kebebasan Berserikat, Pekerja Anak, Kerja Paksa, Mekanisme Pengaduan; Kategori Sosial -Kemasyarakatan: Komunitas Lokal, Kepatuhan, Mekanisme Pengaduan; Kategori Sosial -Tanggung Jawab Produk: Produk dan Jasa, Kepatuhan | Economic Category: EconomicPerformance, Indirect Economic Impacts; Enviromental Category: Energy, Water, Biodiversity,Emissions, Effluents and Waste, Compliance, Grievance Mechanism; Social Category - LaborPractices: Employment, Labor/Management Relations, Occupational Health and Safety, Trainingand Education, Equal Opportunity, Equal Remuneration for Women and Men, GrievanceMechanism; Social Category - Human Rights: Non-Discrimination, Freedom of Association, ChildLabor, Forced Labor, Grievance Mechanism; Social Category - Society: Local Community,Compliance, Grievance Mechanism; Social Category - Product Liability: Products and Services,Compliance

G4-20 Batasan Aspek secara Internal: Materialitas aspek dalam G4-19 berlaku secara umum untuksemua entitas usaha dalam indikator G4-17 | Internal Aspect Boundaries: Materiality of aspectsin indicator G4-19 applies in general for all entities listed in indicator G4-17

G4-21 Batasan Aspek secara Eksternal: Materialitas aspek dalam G4-19 juga berlaku di luar perusahaan,termasuk untuk industri perkebunan di Indonesia | External Aspect Boundaries: Materiality ofaspects in indicator G4-19 also applies outside the corporation, including in plantations industryin Indonesia

G4-22 Efek Perubahan atas Informasi dalam Laporan Terdahulu: Tidak ada revisi atas informasi yangtelah disampaikan dalam Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 | Effects of Restatements of Informationin Previous Report: There is no revision of information provided in the 2012 Sustainability Report

G4-23 Perubahan Ruang Lingkup dan Batasan Aspek dari Laporan Terdahulu: Tidak ada perubahanruang lingkup dan batasan aspek atas informasi yang telah disampaikan dalam LaporanKeberlanjutan 2012 | Changes of Scope and Aspect Boundaries from Previous Report: There areno changes on the scope and aspect boundaries on the information presented in the 2012Sustainability Report

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian 2013 PerusahaanAnda memuat informasi dari 40 Entitas Usaha(Perusahaan dan 39 Anak Perusahaan). Secara umumLaporan Keberlanjutan 2013 ini menyampaikan kinerjaEkonomi, Sosial dan Lingkungan dalam aspek yangdianggap material bagi seluruh Entitas Usaha tersebut.Laporan ini memberikan beberapa informasi spesifikatas kinerja 7 (tujuh) Entitas Usaha: BSP, BPP, AGW,AMM, SNP, AM, dan JOP.

Penetapan isi Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 sertapembatasan aspek yang dianggap material dilakukandengan evaluasi atas dampak masing-masing aspekterhadap para pemangku kepentingan serta bagikeberlanjutan usaha Perusahaan Anda, denganmengacu pada standar pelaporan yang ditetapkandalam G4, serta mempertimbangkan indikator yangdisyaratkan dalam ISPO dan PROPER.

Selain berlaku secara umum untuk semua Entitas Usahadalam Perusahaan Anda, aspek material terkait kinerjaEkonomi, Sosial dan Lingkungan yang disampaikandalam laporan ini juga merupakan aspek yangmaterial bagi industri perkebunan di Indonesia.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 tidak memuat revisi atasinformasi yang telah disampaikan dalam LaporanKeberlanjutan 2012. Beberapa perubahan terkait luaslahan pada bagian Area Operasi merupakan cerminandari perubahan dalam luas lahan tertanam pada 2 kurunwaktu pelaporan yang berbeda. Perubahan ini tidakmempengaruhi pelaporan.

Ruang lingkup pelaporan serta batasan aspek yangdigunakan dalam Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 telahdilandasi Panduan Pelaporan Keberlanjutan GRI versi4 (G4), sehingga tidak ada perubahan yang signifikandalam Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 ini.

Your Company 2012 Consolidated FinancialStatements contain information from 40 BusinessEntities (the Company and 39 Subsidiaries). In general,this 2013 Sustainability Report presents the Economic,Social and Environmental performances on the aspectsconsidered material for all Business Entities. This reportprovides specific information on the performance of7 (seven) Business Entities: BSP, BPP, AGW, AMM, SNP,AM, and JOP.

The development of the contents of the 2013Sustainability Report and the setting of boundaries ofmaterial aspects are conducted through an evaluationof the impacts of each aspect on the stakeholders aswell as on Your Company’s business sustainability,with reference to the G4 reporting guidelines, andalso in consideration of required indicators in ISPOand PROPER.

Aside from being applicable to all Business Entities inYour Company, the material aspects related to theEconomic, Social and Environmental performancepresented in this report are also considered materialfor the plantation industry in Indonesia.

The 2013 Sustainability Report does not contain revisionsof information presented in the 2012 SustainabilityReport. A number of changes pertaining to the fields’area coverage in the Areas of Operations part reflectthe changes in the planted fields coverage in the2 different periods of reporting. These changes donot affect the reporting.

The scope of reporting and aspect boundaries usedin the 2012 Sustainability Report have already beenbased on the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelinesversion 4 (G4), so that there are no significantchanges in this 2013 Sustainability Report.

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Keterlibatan Pemangku KepentinganStakeholders Engagement

Pemangku kepentingan Perusahaan Anda mencakupelemen masyarakat tempatan, mitra kerja, pegawaidan serikat pekerja, konsumen, serta pemegang saham.Identifikasi bagi elemen masyarakat tempatan,petani plasma, pemasok karet, pegawai dan serikatpekerja didasarkan pada lokasi dan unit kerja padaArea Usaha Perusahaan Anda; konsumen PerusahaanAnda didasarkan pada Segmen Usaha Karet, Sawitdan Oleokimia; sedangkan para pemegang sahamPerusahaan Anda adalah yang tercatat pada daftarpemegang saham, termasuk 82,12% saham publik;dan lembaga eksternal diidentifikasi sesuai segmendan area usaha terkait.

Dalam menjalankan kegiatan usaha serta dalam upayamenjaga keberlanjutan usaha dan penciptaan nilaibagi lingkungan sosial dan alam, Perusahaan Andaberupaya melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan,terutama elemen masyarakat sekitar Area Usaha,melalui Forum Komunikasi untuk Program PemberdayaanMasyarakat Kebun Karet, Sawit dan Oleokimia(PERKASA), yang saat ini telah dimiliki pada tingkatkecamatan/estate di seluruh Area Usaha. ForumKomunikasi PERKASA beranggotakan wakil-wakil dariinstansi/badan Pemerintah, Dinas, Legislatif, LSM,Perguruan Tinggi, pemetik manfaat program danelemen lintas sektoral lainnya; menguatkan danmenjembatani komunikasi antara manajemen di AreaUsaha dan karyawan dengan masyarakat tempatan,serta tokoh-tokoh masyarakat khususnya yangberkaitan dengan kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat.

Your Company’s stakeholders cover local communities,employees and workers unions, work partners, industrialassociations, consumers, shareholders and externalinstitutions.The identification for local communities,work partners, employees and workers unions is basedon locations and work units of Your Company’sBusiness Areas; identification for consumers is basedon the Rubber, Palm and Oleochemicals BusinessSegments; while the shareholders of Your Companyare those whose names are listed in the shareholdersrecord, including 82.12% of public shares; and theexternal institutions are identified in reference to therelated business segments and areas.

In conducting the operations and ensuring thesustainability of business and the creation of valuefor the social and natural environment, Your Companyengages the stakeholders, particularly the elements ofthe communities around the Business Areas, throughthe Communication Forums for the EmpowermentProgram for the Communities of Rubber and PalmPlantations and Oleochemical Processing Plants(PERKASA), which are currently present at the district/estate level in all Business Areas. The PERKASACommunication Forum comprises representativesfrom the Government instances/institutions and Offices,the Legislative Bodies, NGOs, Universities, programbeneficiaries and other cross-sectoral elements;strengthening and bridging the communication betweenthe Business Area management and employees, andthe local society, as well as the public leaders particularlythose related to the community empowerment activities.

G4-24 Daftar Kelompok Pemangku Kepentingan: Elemen Masyarakat Tempatan, Karyawan / SerikatPekerja, Mitra Kerja, Asosiasi Industri, Konsumen, Pemegang Saham, Lembaga Eksternal | List ofStakeholder Groups: Elements of Local Community, Employees and Workers Unions, WorkPartners, Industrial Associations, Consumers, Shareholders, External Institutions

G4-25 Landasan Identifikasi Pemangku Kepentingan: Masyarakat, mitra kerja dan karyawan sesuai AreaUsaha; asosiasi industri dan konsumen sesuai Segmen Usaha; pemegang saham sesuai daftar,termasuk saham publik; lembaga eksternal sesuai Segmen dan Area Usaha terkait | Basis forShareholders Identification: Community, work partners and employees in reference to BusinessAreas; industrial associations and consumers in reference to Business Segments; shareholders inreference to the list of shareholders, including public shares; external institutions in reference torelated Business Segments and Areas

G4-26 Pendekatan dalam Upaya Melibatkan Pemangku Kepentingan: lihat tabel pada halaman 23-24 |Approach to Stakeholder Engagement: see the table on page 23-24

G4-27 Topik Utama dalam Upaya Melibatkan Pemangku Kepentingan: Pemberdayaan masyarakat dankontrol sosial dalam interaksi antara perusahaan dan masyarakat (lihat tabel pada halaman 23-24) | Key Topics in Stakeholder Engagement: Community development and social control in theinteraction between the corporation and the community (see the table on page 23-24)

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Elemen MasyarakatTempatanLocal Communities


Mitra kerjaPartners

Asosiasi IndustriIndustrial Associations(BKSPPS, CFCD, DMI,GAPKI, GAPKINDO,KADIN, RSPO)


Pemegang Sahamdan InvestorShareholders andInvestor

Lembaga pemerintah(pemerintah pusatdan pemerintahdaerah)Government agencies(central and localgovernment)

Topik UtamaKey Topics

Tingkat dan Metode Pembinaan HubunganLevels and Methods of Engagement

Kelompok PemangkuKepentinganStakeholders Groups

1. Pembentukan hubungan yang harmonis dan memberi manfaatkepada masyarakat di sekitar wilayah operasi

2. Minimalisasi dampak negatif operasi perusahaan terhadapmasyarakat dan lingkungan

3. Kegiatan pelestarian lingkungan1. Establishment of harmonious and beneficial relations with the

communities within the operational areas2. Minimization of negative impacts of the company operations to the

society and environment3. Environmental preservation activities

1. Pencegahan diskriminasi2. Peningkatan kesejahteraan keluarga karyawan3. Jaminan keamanan, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja.1. Prevention of discriminative practices2. Enhancement of the employees family welfare3. Assurance of occupational security, safety and health

1. Proses pembelian yang adil2. Penilaian dan evaluasi secara obyektif dalam pemilihan mitra3. Pembayaran yang tepat waktu4. Sistem dan prosedur yang baku di setiap area usaha1. Fair purchasing process2. Objective assessment and evaluation in partners selection3. On time payments4. Standard systems and procedures in each business area

1. Kegiatan operasional perkebunan yang berkelanjutan (RSPO & CSR)2. Penciptaan iklim persaingan usaha yang sehat3. Peraturan yang adil dari pemerintah dan lembaga internasional1. Sustainable plantations’ operations (RSPO & CSR)2. Creation of sound business competition climate3. Fair rules of government and international institutions

1. Kualitas produk2. Kegiatan operasional perkebunan yang berkelanjutan (RSPO)3. Keterbukaan1. Product quality2. Sustainable plantations’ operations (RSPO)3. Transparency

1. Menjaga dan meningkatkan nilai dan usaha sesuai harapanpemegang saham.

2. Menghormati hak-hak pemegang saham sesuai UU, Ketetapan pasarmodal dan ketentuan lain yang berlaku

1. Keeping and increasing value and business according shareholdersexpectations

2. Respecting the rights of shareholders in accordance with law Decreeof capital markets and other applicable provisions

1. Terjalinnya hubungan yang harmonis dan konstruktif denganregulator

2. Memastikan perusahaan selalu mematuhi hukum, perundangan danperaturan bisnis yang berlaku

3. Memberikan pelaporan secara rutin kepada pemerintah sebagairegulator

1. Establishment of a harmony and constructive relationship withregulators

2. Ensure the company always adhere to the laws, regulations, andtoday business rules

3. Provide regular report to the government as regulator

Keterlibatan: Identifikasi dampak sosial dan lingkungan,antara lain melalui Forum Komunikasi PERKASA yangdilaksanakan secara rutin di semua Area UsahaPemberdayaan: Implementasi proyek pengembanganmasyarakat dan perlindungan lingkungan, serta kontribusisosialEngagement: Identification of social and environmentalimpacts, including through the PERKASA CommunicationForum which is held on a regular basis in all Business AreasEmpowerment: Implementation of community developmentand environmental protection projects, as well as socialcontributions

Keterlibatan: Negosiasi kesepakatan bersama yangdituangkan dalam Perjanjian Kerja BersamaPemberdayaan: Pembentukan serikat pekerja; Programpengembangan kompetensi; Pembentukan koperasikaryawanEngagement: Negotations on matters pertaining to theCollective Bargaining AgreementsEmpowerment: Formation of workers unions; Competencydevelopment program; Formation of employee cooperatives

Keterlibatan: Identifikasi kebutuhan bersama melalui forumdiskusi perusahaan dan pemasok; Penilaian dan pengelolaanpemasok; Pembinaan dan sosialisasi spesifikasi danpersyaratan kualitasEngagement: Identification of common needs throughdiscussions forum for the company and the suppliers;Supplier assessment and management; Development andsocialization of specifications and quality requirements

Keterlibatan: Identifikasi perkembangan industri dan dampakhal-hal terkait, antara lain melalui pertemuan rutin, forumdiskusi asosiasi, serta Forum Komunikasi PERKASA; advokasikebijakanEngagement: Identification of industrial development andimpacts of related issues, including through regular meetings,association discussion forums, and the PERKASACommunication Forum; policy advocacy

Keterlibatan: Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan; Jaminan kualitasproduk dalam kontrak jual-beliEngagement: Customer Satisfaction Survey; Assurance ofproduct quality in trade contracts

Keterlibatan: Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan;Investor road show; Akses terhadap Laporan Tahunan danLaporan KeberlanjutanEngagement: Annual General Meeting of Shareholders;Investor road show; Access to Annual Report andSustainability Report

Keterlibatan: Konsultasi rutin atas pelaporan data operasionalArea UsahaEngagement: Regular consultative meetings on operationaldata reporting of Business Areas

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Perusahaan Anda juga telah mengembangkan forumberbagi informasi untuk upaya tanggung jawabsosial – CSR Sharing Session – melibatkan berbagaiperusahaan dan yayasan yang berada dalam KelompokUsaha Bakrie.

Forum Komunikasi PERKASA serta CSR Sharing Sessionmerupakan sarana untuk menggali informasi mengenaipermasalahan dan upaya pengembangan terkaitprogram pemberdayaan masyarakat dan pengelolaanlingkungan. Melalui Forum Komunikasi PERKASA,Perusahaan Anda juga telah melakukan tindak lanjutatas temuan dan bahasan yang disampaikan.

Beberapa masalah utama yang telah dibahas adalahkondisi infrastruktur jalan akibat aktivitas transportasiPerusahaan Anda, dukungan terhadap petani plasma,peluang kerja dan peluang usaha untuk masyarakatsekitar, konflik lahan serta kontribusi sosial. Terkaitpembahasan mengenai peningkatan upaya tanggungjawab sosial Perusahaan Anda secara umum, beberapaprioritas sebagai usaha perkebunan adalah kesesuaianoperasional dengan prinsip keberlanjutan, peningkatanefisiensi, peningkatan nilai tambah bagi produk,pengembangan masyarakat lokal, kontribusi padapembangunan daerah, pemenuhan standar/sertifikasinasional dan internasional, serta penerapan TataKelola Perusahaan yang Baik (GCG – Good CorporateGovernance).

Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai PERKASA dan CSRSharing Session disampaikan di halaman 35-37Laporan Keberlanjutan ini.

Your Company has also developed a forum to exchangeinformation on corporate social responsibilities – theCSR Sharing Session – involving various companiesand foundations within the Bakrie Business Group.

The PERKASA Communication Forum and the CSRSharing Session are the facilities to obtain informationon problems and development efforts related tocommunity development and environmentalmanagement programs. Through the PERKASACommunication Forum, Your Company has also followedup the presented findings and topics of discussions.

Among the topics of discussions brought up are theconditions of road infrastructure affected by YourCompany’s transportation activities, supports to plasmafarmers, employment and business opportunities forlocal society, field conflicts and social contributions.Regarding the discussions on the enhancement of YourCompany’s corporate social responsibilities efforts ingeneral, the priorities as a plantation company coverthe operational compliance with sustainabilityprinciples, enhancement of efficiency level, enhancementof products’ value-added, empowerment of localcommunities, contributions to regional development,fulfillment of national and international certifications/standards, as well as the implementation of GoodCorporate Governance (GCG).

More detailed information on PERKASA and the CSRSharing Session is provided on page 35-37 of thisSustainability Report.

Topik UtamaKey Topics

Tingkat dan Metode Pembinaan HubunganLevels and Methods of Engagement

Kelompok PemangkuKepentinganStakeholders Groups

Akademisi danPenelitiAcademics andResearchers

Lembaga SwadayaMasyarakatNon-GovernmentalOrganizations

Keterlibatan: Kolaborasi untuk konsultasi publik dalamoperasional perusahaan; Penelitian mengenai Area NilaiKonservasi Tinggi dan Keanekaragaman Hayati diperkebunan; Penyampaian informasi mengenai operasionalperusahaanEngagement: Collaboration for public consultation oncompany operations; study of High Conservation Value Areasand Biodiversity in plantations; Presentation of informationon company operations

Keterlibatan: Konsultasi atas keterbukaan dan kemudahanakses informasi mengenai operasional perusahaan; Kolaborasiuntuk kerja sama penelitian atau pelaksanaan pendampingandalam program pengembangan masyarakatEngagement: Consultation on transparency and ease ofaccess to information on company operations; Collaborationfor research cooperation or assistance in communitydevelopment programs

1. Kerjasama pelaksanaan penelitian bersama atau mandiri2. Kesempatan untuk magang dan praktik kerja untuk mahasiswa1. Cooperation in joint or independent researches2. Opportunities of internships and traineeships for university


1. Keterbukaan dan kemudahan akses informasi mengenaioperasional perusahaan

2. Kerjasama penelitian atau pelaksanaan pendampingan programpengembangan masyarakat

1. Easy access of company’s operations information2. Joint research or actuating of community development assistance



Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Dalam menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaanyang Baik (GCG – Good Corporate Governance) sejalandengan upaya menjaga keberlanjutan usaha danpenciptaan nilai bagi para pemangku kepentingan,struktur tata kelola Perusahaan Anda mencakup RapatUmum Pemegang Saham, Dewan Komisaris, DewanDireksi serta Komite-Komite Pendukung DewanKomisaris. Pengambilan keputusan terkait dampakekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan merupakan tanggungjawab Direksi, dengan memandang pertimbanganDewan Komisaris bila diperlukan. Pelaksanaan Audit

In applying the principles of Good CorporateGovernance (GCG) in line with the efforts to ensurethe sustainability of business and value developmentfor the stakeholders, Your Company’s governancestructure covers the General Meeting of Shareholders,Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors andCommittees Supporting the Board of Commissioners.Decision making pertaining to economic, environmentaland social impacts is the responsibility of the Board ofDirectors, with regards to the views of the Board ofCommissioners when needed. Internal Audit and Risk

Tata Kelola Perusahaan yangBerkelanjutanSustainable Corporate Governance

2013 Sustainability Report • BSP


G4-34, G4-36 Highest Governance Bodies

Komite AuditAudit Committee (AC)

Komite Manajemen RisikoRisk Management Committee (RMC)

Komite Nominasi dan RemunerasiNomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC)

Komite InvestasiInvestment Committee



Komite Lingkungan dan Hubungan SosialEnvironment and Social Relations Committee


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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP



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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Internal dan Pengelolaan Risiko ditangani oleh DivisiEnterprise Audit & Risk Management (EARM) yangbertanggung jawab langsung kepada Direktur Utama.

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS)Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) merupakanbadan pengambil keputusan tertinggi, mencakupkeputusan yang meliputi – namun tidak terbatas pada –strategi dan tata kelola berkelanjutan, tindakankorporasi, kebijakan dan pembagian dividen,pengangkatan maupun pemberhentian komisaris dandirektur, serta laporan manajemen dan laporan komitependukung Dewan Komisaris.

Pada tahun 2013, Perusahaan Anda melaksanakan RUPSTahunan Pertama pada tanggal 26 Juni, dihadiri oleh35,79% dari jumlah seluruh saham yang tidak mencapaikuorum; serta RUPS Tahunan Kedua pada tanggal 8 Juli,dihadiri oleh 34,72% dari jumlah seluruh saham,dipimpin oleh Komisaris Utama, membahas lima agendayang mencakup laporan tahunan, pertanggungjawabananggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, alokasipenggunaan keuntungan, penunjukan kantor akuntanpublik, serta perubahan susunan Direksi dan Komisaris.

Dewan Komisaris

G4-51 - G4-53 Penilaian Kinerja dan RemunerasiDewan KomisarisDewan Komisaris melakukan penilaian kerja komisarissecara mandiri agar senantiasa dapat meningkatkankinerjanya. Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris ditetapkanoleh RUPS, setelah diajukan oleh Dewan Komisarisberdasarkan usulan Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi.Remunerasi ditetapkan secara wajar dan kompetitifbagi perusahaan swasta Indonesia dan disesuaikandengan perkembangan tahunan Perusahaan Anda.

Management are handled by the Enterprise Audit &Risk Management (EARM) Division which is directlyresponsible to the President Director.

General Meeting of ShareholdersGeneral Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is highestdecision maker body, covering decisions which consistof – but not limited to – sustainable strategies andcorporate governance, corporate actions, dividendpolicies and distribution, appointment and release ofcommissioners and directors, as well as managementreport and report of supporting committees of theBoard of Commissioners.

In 2013, Your Company held the First Annual GMS on26 June, attended by 35.79% of the total shares whichdid not meet the required quorum; and the SecondAnnual GMS, attended by 34.72% of the total shares,led by the President Commissioner, discussed fiveagenda covering the annual report, accountabilityreports of the Board of Commissioners and Board ofDirectors, the allocation of profit, and the appointmentof public accountant firm, as well as changes in theBoard of Directors and Board of Commissioners.

Board of Commisioners

G4-51 - G4-53 Performance Assessment andRemuneration of the Board of CommissionersThe Board of Commissioners conducts a self-assessmentof its performance to facilitate constant improvements.The remuneration of the Board of Commissioners isdecided by the GMS, after the proposal submitted bythe Board of Commissioners based on the suggestionsof the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.The remuneration is set out as reasonable andcompetitive for private companies in Indonesia and isadapted to Your Company’s annual growth.

G4-38 Dewan Komisaris per RUPS 8 Juli 2013 | Board of Commissioners per GMS of 8 July 2013

Nama | Name Jabatan | Position Efektif | EffectiveNama | Name Jabatan | Position Efektif | Effective

Soedjai Kartasasmita Komisaris Utama President Commissioner 08/07/2013Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioner

Bobby Gafur S. Umar Komisaris Commissioner 08/07/2013

Bungaran Saragih Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioner 08/07/2013

Anton Apriyantono Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioner 08/07/2013

Eddy Soeparno Komisaris Commissioner 08/07/2013

Anindya N. Bakrie Komisaris Commissioner 08/07/2013

Bambang Aria Wisena Komisaris Commissioner 08/07/2013

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP


G4-51 - G4-53 Penilaian Kinerja dan RemunerasiDireksiDirektur Utama melakukan penilaian atas kinerja Direksisebagai salah satu upaya untuk mengembangkankinerja perusahaan. Penilaian tersebut dibahas dalamRapat Gabungan dengan Dewan Komisaris. RemunerasiDireksi ditentukan oleh RUPS dan wewenang tersebutoleh RUPS dapat dilimpahkan kepada Dewan Komisarisdibantu Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi, berupapaket imbalan jasa yang wajar dan kompetitif bagiperusahaan swasta Indonesia, serta disesuaikandengan kinerja Perusahaan Anda.

Board of Directors

G4-51 - G4-53 Performance Assessment andRemuneration of the Board of CommissionersThe President Director evaluates the performance of theBoard of Directors as part of the efforts to improve thecompany’s performance. The assessment reports arediscussed in Joint Meetings with the Board ofCommissioners. The remuneration for the Board ofDirectors is decided by the GMS and the authority canbe delegated to the Board of Commissioners assistedby the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, inthe form of remuneration package which is reasonableand competitive for private companies in Indonesiawith regards to Your Company’s performance.

Komite Pendukung Dewan Komisaris | Committees Supporting the Board of Commissioners

M. Iqbal Zainuddin Direktur Utama President Director 08/07/2013

Rudi Sarwono Direktur Director 08/07/2013

C.S. Seshadri Direktur Director 08/07/2013

B. Chandrasekaran Direktur Director 08/07/2013

Andi W. Setianto Direktur Director 08/07/2013

Nama | Name Jabatan | Position Efektif | Effective

G4-38 Direksi per RUPS 8 Juli 2013 | Board of Directors per GMS of 8 July 2013

Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2013 dan 2012 | Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners for 2013and 2012





2013 2012

Fixed Salary 7 2.298.800.000 6

Variable 7 6 1.401.305.964

Total 4.453.081.771 3.509.377.662

Rp/Tahun | IDR/Year

Remunerasi Direksi Tahun 2013 dan 2012 | Remuneration of Directors for 2013 and 2012

Komite Audit Soedjai Kartasasmita Audit Committee

Komite Manajemen Risiko Bungaran Saragih Risk Management Committee

Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Soedjai Kartasasmita Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Komite Manajemen Investasi Anton Apriyantono Investment Management Committee

Komite Nama | Name Committee

Fixed Salary 5 5.175.987.464 6 14.575.983.926

Variable 5 6.262.687.299 6 4.215.879.038

Total 11.438.674.763 18.791.862.964





2013 2012

Rp/Tahun | IDR/Year

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

G4-45 - G4-46, G4-14 Audit Internal, PengelolaanRisiko serta Penerapan Prinsip Kehati-hatianPelaksanaan audit internal dan pengelolaan risikoatas aspek-aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan diPerusahaan Anda merupakan tanggung jawab, tugaspokok dan fungsi Divisi Enterprise Audit & RiskManagement (EARM). Kepala Divisi EARM dapatberkomunikasi langsung dengan Komite Audit danKomite Manajemen Risiko. Penilaian atas efektivitassistem audit internal dan manajemen risiko dilakukanoleh Direktur Utama, berdasarkan Laporan Berkalamengenai Enterprise Audit & Risk Management yangdisampaikan oleh Kepala Divisi EARM.

Sistem manajemen dalam Perusahaan Andadilaksanakan berdasarkan falsafah perbaikan kinerjayang berkesinambungan, yang mengacu pada konsepsiklus PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) yang mencakup:Plan - tahap perencanaan, Do - tahap pelaksanaan,Check - tahap evaluasi kegiatan, dan Act - tahappelaksanaan tindakan korektif.

G4-48 Tanggung Jawab Pelaporan KeberlanjutanPengkajian dan persetujuan atas Laporan KeberlanjutanPerusahaan Anda secara formal dilakukan olehDepartemen Sumber Daya Manusia melalui DivisiTanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (CSR – CorporateSocial Responsibility) yang juga memastikan bahwasemua aspek material telah tercakup dalam Laporan.

G4-45 - G4-46, G4-14 Internal Audit, Risk Managementand Implementation of Precautionary PrinciplesThe implementation of internal audit of economic,social and environmental aspects in Your Company isthe responsibility, duty and functions of the EnterpriseAudit & Risk Management (EARM) Division. The EARMDivision Head can communicate directly with thecompany’s Audit and Risk Management Committees.The evaluation of the internal audit and risk managementsystems’ effectiveness is conducted by the PresidentDirector upon the Corporate Audit & Risk ManagementPeriodical Report presented by the EARM DivisionHead.

Your Company’s management system is based on thephilosophy of continuous improvement, referring tothe PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle comprising: Plan- planning stage, Do - implementation stage, Check -activity evaluation stage, and Act - correctivemeasures application stage.

G4-48 Responsibility for Sustainability ReportingThe review and approval for Your Company’sSustainability Reporting is conducted by the HumanResources Department through the Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) Division which also ensures thatall material aspects are covered in the Report.

Etika dan IntegritasCorporate Ethics Foundation

G4-56 Landasan Etika Perusahaan | Corporate Ethics FoundationNilai Budaya Perusahaan | Corporate Culture Values: “BISA”Pedoman Perilaku: Etika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja | Code of Conduct: Business Ethics and Work Ethics

G4-58 Mekanisme Pelaporan: Sistem Pelaporan dan Penanganan Tindak Pelanggaran / SPPTP | ConcernsReporting Mechanism: Whistleblowing System


Nilai Budaya PerusahaanBudaya Perusahaan Anda dilandasi oleh nilai-nilaidasar yang mencakup pemahaman atas konsep yangdinyatakan melalui slogan “BISA”:• BSP Rumah Kita – rasa memiliki yang kuat atas

Perusahaan Anda;• Inisiatif dan pemberdayaan yang bertanggung

jawab;• Semangat membawa misi perusahaan; serta• Adaptabilitas terhadap perubahan dan

kemampuan menciptakan kemajuan.


Corporate Culture ValuesYour Company’s Corporate Culture Values are basedon the core values that include an understanding ofthe concepts expressed through the concept “BISA”(literally means ‘can do’ in English).• BSP is Our Home – strong sense of belonging of

Your Company;• Initiative and empowerment with accountability;• Sense of mission; and• Adaptive to change, driving change.

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Etika dan IntegritasPedoman PerilakuPerusahaan Anda telah merumuskan, menerbitkandan mensosialisasikan Pedoman Perilaku sebagaiEtika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja, yang meliputi perihal:• Kepatuhan• Konflik Kepentingan• Pemberian• Kerahasiaan Perusahaan• Kesehatan, Keselamatan dan Keamanan Kerja• Hubungan dengan Penyelenggara Negara• Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam yang

Berkelanjutan• Kesetaraan dan Keadilan dalam Bekerja• Hak Kekayaan Intelektual.

Pelanggaran terhadap Etika Bisnis dan Etika Kerjaakan dikenakan sanksi sesuai peraturan perusahaanyang berlaku. Setiap karyawan yang mengetahuiatau mencurigai adanya suatu pelanggaran terhadapEtika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja, wajib melaporkan kepadaatasan secara berjenjang.

Implementasi Etika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja telahberjalan lancar, dan pada tahun 2013 tidak terdapatpelanggaran yang dapat mempengaruhi jalannyaoperasi Perusahaan Anda.


Sistem Pelaporan dan Penanganan Tindak Pelanggaran(SPPTP) di Perusahaan Anda merupakan mekanismebaku yang diterapkan dalam menanggapi danmenindaklanjuti pengaduan/pelaporan dari parapemangku kepentingan internal maupun eksternalatas dugaan-dugaan tindakan pelanggaran dalamperusahaan (whistleblowing system); mengacu padakaidah-kaidah yang berlaku umum sesuai rujukandari Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG)dengan mempertimbangkan karakter dan budayaperusahaan.

SPPTP akan diluncurkan setelah rampungnya persiapansarana, ketentuan-ketentuan teknis, pelatihan tenagapengelola, kajian kesiapan organisasi serta sosialisasi.

Tujuan dan Manfaat Whistleblowing SystemTujuan dari Kebijakan dan Prosedur Pelaporan danPenanganan Tindak Pelanggaran adalah menyediakansarana dan mekanisme baku dalam menanganipengaduan para pemangku kepentingan – baik

Code of ConductYour Company had formulated, published anddisseminated the Code of Conduct as Business Ethicsand Work Ethics, which cover issues on:• Compliance• Conflicts of interest• Gifts• Corporate Confidentiality• Occupational Health, Safety and Security• Relations with Government Officials• Sustainable Natural Resources Management• Equality and Justice at Work• Intellectual Property Rights.

Violations of the Business Ethics and Work Ethics willbe subject to sanctions in accordance with prevailingcompany rules and regulations. Any employee whoknows or suspects a violation of the Business Ethicsand Work Ethics has the obligation to report to thesuperiors in hierarchical stages.

The implementation of the Business Ethics and WorkEthics has been running smoothly, and in 2013 therewas no violation that could affect the course of YourCompany operations.


Your Company’s Violations Reporting and HandlingSystem (SPPTP – Sistem Pelaporan dan PenangananTindak Pelanggaran) is the standard mechanisms forresponding and following-up complaints/reports byinternal and external stakeholders on allegations ofviolations of corporate regulations (whistleblowingsystem); in compliance with the general guidelinesreferred to by the National Committee on GovernancePolicies (KNKG – Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance)with regards to the corporate characters and corporateculture values.

The SPPTP is to be released after the completion ofthe preparation of facilities, technical provisions,personnel training, assessment of the organizationalreadiness and dissemination of related information.

Objectives and Benefits of WhistleblowingSystemThe purpose of the Policy and Procedures ofViolations Reporting and Handling is to provide themeans and standard mechanisms to handle

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

internal maupun eksternal – atas dugaan pelanggaranoleh segenap tingkatan karyawan dan jajaranmanajemen di perusahaan, dengan memperhatikanperlindungan kerahasiaan dan keamanan pelaporserta proses penanganan tindak lanjut yang adil dandapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

Ruang Lingkup KebijakanRuang lingkup Kebijakan dan Prosedur Pelaporan danPenanganan Tindak Pelanggaran berlaku di PerusahaanAnda dan Anak Perusahaan.

Prinsip Pelaporan dan Penanganan TindakPelanggaranSPPTP Perusahaan Anda mengacu pada prinsip-prinsipitikad baik, kerahasiaan, keberadaan bukti pendukung,kesegeraan penanganan, kelengkapan prosesdokumentasi, fleksibilitas, keadilan, dan obyektifitas.Pelaku dugaan tindak pelanggaran mempunyai hakmengajukan tanggapan atau pembelaan diri dalamproses investigasi tindak pelanggaran yang dituduhkankepadanya. Kesimpulan Laporan hasil PenangananTindak Pelanggaran harus berdasarkan fakta-faktayang didukung oleh bukti-bukti yang dapat dipercaya,relevan dan otentik.

complaints of stakeholders – both internal andexternal – for alleged violations by all levels ofemployees and management, with respect to theprotection of confidentiality and security of thecomplainant as well as the fairness and accountabiltyof follow-up handling process.

Scope of PolicyThe scope of Policy and Procedures of ViolationsReporting and Handling applies in Your Company andthe Subsidiaries.

Whistleblowing PrinciplesYour Company’s SPPTP refers to the principles of goodintention, confidentiality, existence of supportingevidence, treatment immediacy, completeness of thedocumentation process, flexibility, fairness, andobjectivity. Alleged violators have the right to submita response or defense in the investigation of allegedviolations. The conclusive Report of Violations mustbe based on the facts which are supported by reliable,relevant and authentic evidence.

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Menyadari pengaruh lingkungan eksternal yang besardalam pengelolaan perusahaan, Perusahaan Andamemasukkan elemen lingkungan usaha ke dalamkeputusan strategis perusahaan, yang diaplikasikandalam bentuk kegiatan CSR.

Kegiatan CSR Perusahaan Anda merupakan bentuktanggung jawab sosial sebagai bagian dari komunitasdan lingkungan; senantiasa diarahkan pada upayamewujudkan keterlibatan masyarakat di sekitar areaoperasi perusahaan agar terbangun kemandirianmasyarakat yang berdampak pada perkembangan/pemberdayaan atau kemajuan sosial ekonomi dilingkungan sekitar. Visi dan Misi CSR merupakanlandasan bagi perancangan dan pelaksanaan programCSR dan diharapkan pula dapat mendukung penciptaannilai yang optimal bagi proses berkelanjutan.

Sejalan dengan penyesuaian Visi dan Misi PerusahaanAnda pada pertengahan tahun 2012, Divisi CSR jugatelah melakukan penyesuaian Visi dan Misi CSR,menimbang bahwa Visi dan Misi CSR terdahulu yangditandatangani pada tahun 2006 dinilai sudahmemerlukan penyesuaian terhadap perubahan-perubahan terkait perkembangan zaman.

VISI CSR 2013Terciptanya lingkungan yang kondusif dan harmonisantara perusahaan dengan masyarakat tempatandengan mengembangkan pola kemitraan danpemberdayaan guna mewujudkan masyarakat yangsejahtera, mandiri dan berkelanjutan, dengandidukung oleh praktik bisnis yang adil, sikap peduli

Realizing the significant influences of externalenvironment on corporate management, YourCompany incorporates the environmental elementsinto corporate strategic decisions, applied in theform of CSR activities.

Your Company’s CSR activities is a form of responsibilityas a part of the community and the environment; alwaysdirected towards the efforts to create communityinvolvement within the company’s operational areas,in order to develop the community’s self-reliancecapabilities which result in the development/empowerment or socio-economic advancement in thesurrounding areas. The Vision and Mission of CSR arethe foundations for the planning and the implementationof CSR programs which are expected to also supportthe creation of optimum values for the sustainabilityprocess.

In line with the adjustment of Your Company’s Visionand Mission in the middle of 2012, the CSR Divisionhas also adjusted the Vision and Mission of CSR,considering that the previous Vision and Mission,signed in 2006, is deemed in need of an alignmenttowards the changes occuring over time.

2013 CSR VISIONThe creation of conducive and harmoniousenvironment between the company and localcommunities within the areas of operation, bydeveloping partnership and empowerment schemesto create sustainable prosperous and self-reliantsocieties, supported by fair business practices,

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganCorporate Social and Environmental Responsibilities


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

terhadap konsumen, dan tindakan tata kelola yangbaik guna tercapainya Visi dan Misi Perusahaan.

MISI CSR 2013• Melibatkan peran serta masyarakat di sekitar

wilayah operasi perusahaan dalam pengembangankerja sama kemitraan dan kegiatan pemberdayaanmasyarakat tempatan.

• Meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan ketrampilanbagi masyarakat tempatan dan pelaku CSRperusahaan sebagai manifestasi dari hak untukbelajar dan sebagai fondasi bagi pembangunansosial dan ekonomi.

• Menciptakan dan mengembangkan lapangan kerja,transformasi teknologi dan peningkatan asetmasyarakat tempatan.

• Meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan bagi masyarakattempatan, baik secara jasmani maupun secararohani untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai hak asasimanusia dan moral.

• Mengembangkan investasi sosial dalam kegiatanlingkungan dan infrastruktur yang bermanfaat danbertanggung jawab serta berpartisipasi secara aktifdalam kegiatan kemanusiaan dan peningkatankapasitas kelembagaan sosial ekonomi masyarakatyang memberikan akses terhadap sumber dayapembangunan.

Sejalan dengan penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaanyang Baik (Good Corporate Governance - GCG)Perusahaan Anda memiliki komitmen terhadapPrinsip 3P: People, Planet, Profit; mengutamakanpeningkatan kontribusi terhadap lingkunganekonominya secara berkelanjutan, melaksanakanpemberdayaan masyarakat, memperkecil jejak tapakekologis dalam pertumbuhannya, serta memberikankontribusi nyata bagi pelestarian lingkungan, sejalandengan upaya menjaga keberlangsungan usaha.


Perusahaan Anda memiliki unit (satuan) kerja khususCSR, berada di tingkat divisi; berfungsi sebagaikoordinator dan menentukan kebijakan. Sedangkansebagian besar implementasinya dilaksanakan padatingkat Area Usaha.

awareness of consumers’ needs, and good corporategovernance, in order to achieve the Corporate Visionand Mission.

2013 CSR MISSION• Involving the locals of the areas of operation in

the development of partnership programs andlocal community’s empowerment activities.

• Developing the quality of education and skills ofthe local community and CSR practitioners in thecompany as a manifestation of the rights to learnand as a basis for socio-economic development.

• Creating and developing employmentopportunities, transformation of technology andenhancement of local community’s assets.

• Improving the quality of health of the localcommunity, both physically and spiritually withregards to the implementation of human rightsand moral values

• Establishing social investments in environmentaland infrastructural activities which are beneficialand responsible, as well as actively participatingin humanitarian activities and capacity building ofthe community’s socio-economic insitutionswhich provide access to developmental resources.

In line with the implementation of Good CorporateGovernance (GCG), Your Company is committedtowards the implementation of the 3P Principle:People, Planet, Profit; prioritizing to increase thecontribution towards the economic environment in asustainable manner, implement communityempowerment, minimize the ecological footprintpertaining to its growth, as well as give significantcontribution to environmental preservation, alongwith the efforts to safeguard business sustainability.


Your Company has a special unit responsible for theCSR activities, at the divisional level; functions ascoordinator and policy maker. Most of the CSRactivities are conducted at the Business Area level.


2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Di bawah Divisi CSR dibentuksebuah departemen yang terdiridari 3 (tiga) staf CSR. Dalammenjalankan tugasnya tim inibekerja sama dengan Tim CSRUnit yang berada dibawahDepartemen Sumber DayaManusia (SDM) / Legal /Hubungan Eksternal di masing-masing Area Usaha.

Dengan demikian, para staf CSRbertanggung jawab kepadapimpinan unit masing-masing,bukan kepada Divisi CSR,dengan tahapan kegiatan yangsecara umum mencakuppemetaan sosial, analisakebutuhan, perencanaan,pelaksanaan kegiatan,penyusunan dan penerapananggaran, pengawasan danevaluasi, serta pelaporan.

Prinsip dan StrategiDalam melaksanakan kegiatan CSR, Perusahaan Andamenyadari pentingnya proses perkembangan prinsippengelolaan program CSR, bersifat proaktif dalammengantisipasi kepentingan, berbagi manfaat, kerjasama serta musyawarah untuk menetapkan prioritaskegiatan CSR, serta mengembangkan Roadmap bagi

A department is formed underthe CSR Division, consisting of 3(three) CSR staff members/officers. In implementing thetask, the team is cooperatingwith CSR Team Units whichreport directly to the HumanResource (HR) / Legal / ExternalRelations Departments in eachrespective Business Areas.

Therefore, CSR staff membersreports directly to theirrespective unit’s head, not tothe CSR Division, conducting aseries of activities whichgenerally include socialmapping, analysis of needs,planning, implementation ofactivities, budget developmentand allocation, monitoring,evaluation, and reporting.

Principles and StrategiesIn implementing the CSR activities, Your Companyrealizes the importance of the development ofprinciples in CSR program management; implyingmore proactive stance in anticipating interests, benefitsharing, cooperation and deliberation to determinethe priorities of CSR activities; as well as developing

Pemetaan SosialSocial Mapping

Analisis KebutuhanAnalysis of Needs





Tahapan Kegiatan CSR |CSR Activities Stages





Roadmap CSR 2011-2015

Fokus Strategi

Strategy Focus

Reorientasi berbasisISO 26000 SR

dan MDGs

Reorientation basedon ISO 26000 SR

and MDGs

Penyesuaian danPenerapan

SOP CSR berbasisISO 26000 SR

dan MDGs

Adjustment andImplementation ofCSR SOP based onISO 26000 SR and


Pengorganisasiandan Penumbuhan

KelembagaanSosial Ekonomi


Organization andDevelopment of

Public Socio-Economic


PengembanganJaringan Sosialdan Program


Development ofSocial Network

and PriorityPrograms

PemantapanProgram CSR dan

Penguatan KapasitasKelembagaan serta

Akses terhadapSumberdayaBerkelanjutan

Solidification ofCSR Programs andStrengthening of

InstitutionalCapacity on Access

to SustainableResources



Tema Strategi

Strategy Theme

Terwujudnya Organisasi yang Mandiridan Berkelanjutan (Dikagumi)

Development of Self-Reliant andSustainable (Admirable) Organization

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Meningkatkan peran CSR dalam organisasi perusahaan ||||| Enhance CSR role in corporate organizationMenciptakan kondisi yang harmonis di sekitar perusahaan ||||| Foster harmonious conditions within thecompany’s environmentMencegah konflik secara tepat dengan pendekatan cetak biru CSR ||||| Prevent conflict appropriately throughthe CSR blueprint approachMewujudkan pengelolaan program CSR secara transparan dan akuntabel ||||| Ensure tranparent andaccountable implementation of CSR program management

Mengembangkan dan Menjaga Kesinambungan OrganisasiDevelop and Maintain Organizational Sustainability

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

penerapan program pemberdayaan masyarakat sertapengelolaan lingkungan untuk periode 2011-2015.

Di tahun 2012, dengan semakin meluasnya ruang lingkupkegiatan CSR, Divisi CSR Perusahaan Anda melakukanpenyesuaian terhadap standar ISO 26000 yang mencakupprinsip-prinsip akuntabilitas, transparansi, perilaku etis,penghormatan terhadap kepentingan stakeholder,kepatuhan terhadap hukum, penghormatan terhadapnorma perilaku internasional, serta penghormatanterhadap hak asasi manusia. Penyesuaian jugadilakukan terhadap persyaratan yang terkait denganMillenium Development Goals (MDGs). Saat iniPerusahaan Anda telah memiliki Pedoman Umumdan Pedoman Teknis bagi pelaksanaan CSR, sertamengembangkan Program Kerja “PERKASA” untukpemberdayaan masyarakat.

Secara umum kebijakan CSR untuk periode 2011-2015meliputi :• penyesuaian terhadap visi, misi dan nilai budaya

Perusahaan Anda;• penyusunan standar prosedur pelaksanaan

berbasis ISO 26000, CD Index, sistemdokumentasi dan manual sistem informasi;

• penyusunan indikator kinerja dan target kegiatanberbasis MDGs 2015;

• penetapan alokasi dana dan keuntungan bersihdari sumber operasional atau potensi lain dariunit usaha;

• pengembangan program tahunan sesuaikebutuhan komunitas dan prioritas target MDGs2015;

• perbaikan struktur organisasi;• penyusunan anggaran, laporan tahunan, audit

keuangan dan laporan keberlanjutan;• prioritas sasaran publikasi media internal dan

perluasan publikasi di media lokal/nasional;• pelaksanaan peran fasilitator dalam pengelolaan

program bersama komunitas dan pemangkukepentingan;

• prioritas program untuk pemberdayaan ekonomidan pengembangan kelembagaan sosial; dan

• peningkatan hubungan kerja sama programdengan pihak luar.

Program PERKASAProgram Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kebun Karet,Sawit dan Oleokimia (PERKASA) dikembangkanuntuk periode 2011-2015, dengan dua sasaranpokok:• Peningkatan status sosial ekonomi komunitas

miskin untuk kemandirian jangka panjang yang

the Roadmap for the implementation of communitydevelopment and environmental management in2011-2015.

In 2012, Your Company made adjustments to complywith the ISO 26000 standards comprising theprinciples of accountability, transparency, ethicalbehaviours, respect for shareholders’ interests,respect for the rule of law, respect for internationalnorms of behaviour, and respect for human rights.Adjustments have also been made in compliancewith the requirements pertaining to the MilleniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs). At present Your Companyhas the General Guidelines and Technical Guidelinesfor the implementation of CSR, and continues todevelop the “PERKASA” Work Program on communitydevelopment.

In general, the 2011-2015 CSR policies cover:• adjustment to Your Company’s vision, missions

and corporate values;• formulation of the ISO 26000-based standard

operating procedures, CD Index, documentationsystem and information system manual;

• formulation of performance indicators andtargets of activities based on MDGs 2015;

• allocation of funds from net profit and otheroperational sources or potentials of businessunits;

• development of annual program in line with theneeds of the community and target priorities ofMDGs 2015;

• improvement of organizational structure;• formulation of budget, annual report, financial

audit and sustainability report;• prioritization of publication in internal media and

extensification of publication in local/nationalmedia;

• facilitation of program management for thecommunity and the stakeholders;

• prioritization of programs on economicempowerment and social institutionsdevelopment; and

• enhancement of program-based cooperationwith external sources.

PERKASA ProgramThe Empowerment Program for Communities in Rubberand Palm Oil Plantations as well as OleochemicalsFacilities (PERKASA - Program Pemberdayaan MasyarakatKebun Karet, Sawit dan Oleokimia) has been developedfor the period of 2011-2015 with two core objectives:• The enhancement of the socio-economic status of

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berkesinambungan, melalui pemberdayaaninstitusi masyarakat lokal; dan

• Partisipasi dalam pengembangan kemampuandaerah untuk meningkatkan Produk DomestikRegional Bruto (PDRB).

Melalui Program PERKASA diharapkan akan semakintercipta kemandirian masyarakat yang berdampakpada perkembangan dan pemberdayaan lingkungansekitar perusahaan.

Forum Komunikasi PERKASAPasca sosialisasi PERKASA di beberapa Area UsahaPerusahaan Anda, tahun 2012 tahapan kegiatan CSRmelangkah pada pembentukan dan pengembanganForum Komunikasi PERKASA. Diawali denganpembentukan Forum Komunikasi PERKASA di AreaUsaha Jambi 1, Sumut 1, Sumbar, Kalimantan Tengah,Bengkulu dan Kalimantan Selatan, saat ini telahdimiliki pada tingkat kecamatan/estate di seluruhArea Usaha.

Pembentukan Forum Komunikasi dilaksanakan secaramusyawarah dan mufakat, diprakarsai olehmanajemen Area Usaha Perusahaan Anda, denganberanggotakan wakil-wakil dari instansi/badanPemerintah, Dinas, Legislatif, LSM, Perguruan Tinggi,pemetik manfaat program dan elemen lintas sektorallainnya.

Secara umum, tujuan keberadaan Forum KomunikasiPERKASA adalah:• menjembatani hubungan antara pelaku PERKASA

dengan pihak-pihak yang menjadi anggota ForumKomunikasi PERKASA, dalam upaya pencapaiantujuan;

• mengkaji dan memberi masukan bagi kebijakandan regulasi terkait CSR;

• menyelaraskan Program PERKASA dengan programPemerintah dan lintas sektoral sejenis lainnya yangdilaksanakan pada desa dan wilayah yang sama;

• menyepakati Rencana Aksi PemberdayaanMasyarakat (Community Action Plan) yang dapatdibiayai dari anggaran APBN/APBD/ADD;

• menjadi forum pembelajaran bersama dalamupaya pemberdayaan masyarakat, sertamenanamkan visi dan misi, prinsip-prinsippemberdayaan masyarakat serta nilai-nilaiPERKASA sebagai bagian integral yang harus dansenantiasa dilestarikan, kepada semua pemangkukepentingan;

• menjaga transparansi dan membangun kontrolsosial yang melekat pada seluruh kegiatanPERKASA;

financially-disabled community for long-termsustainable self-reliance, through the empowermentof local public institutions; and

• Participation in the development of the regionalcapacity to enhance the Regional Gross DomesticProducts (RGDP).

The PERKASA Program is expected to help foster thesociety’s self-reliance that would eventually affect thedevelopment and empowerment of the localenvironment.

PERKASA Communications ForumFollowing the socialization of the PERKASA Programin Your Company’s Business Areas, the CSR activitiesin 2012 stepped up to the formation and developmentof the PERKASA Communications Forum. Beginningwith the establishment of the PERKASA CommunicationsForum in Jambi 1, Sumut 1, Sumbar, Central Kalimantan,Bengkulu and South Kalimantan Business Areas, theForum is now present at the district/estate level in allBusiness Areas.

The Commnunications Forum is established througha local deliberation meeting, initiated by themanagement of Your Company’s Business Area,consisting of representatives from the Governmentinstances/institutions and Offices, the LegislativeBodies, NGOs, Universities, program beneficiaries andother cross-sectoral elements.

In general, the existence of the PERKASACommunications Forum is expected to:• bridge relations between PERKASA practitioners

with all members of the PERKASACommunications Forum, in order to achieveobjectives;

• review and provide input on CSR-related policiesand regulations;

• harmonize the PERKASA Program withGovernment programs and other similar inter-sectoral programs implemented in the samevillages and regions;

• agree on Community Action Plan which can befinanced with the national or regional statebudgets (APBN/APBD/ADD);

• become a shared learning forum in the efforts tofoster community empowerment, as well as topromote the vision and mission, communityempowerment principles and also the values ofPERKASA as an integral part to be continuouslypreserved, to all stakeholders;

• maintain transparency and develop a socialcontrol procedure inherent in all PERKASAactivities;

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• menjadi prasarana strategis untuk mengurangiisu sosial dalam interaksi Perusahaan Andadengan masyarakat.

Strategi pencapaian tujuan Program PERKASAmeliputi:• pengembangan komunikasi proaktif dan

hubungan harmonis dengan masyarakattempatan;

• pelaksanaan program berbasis kebutuhan danpotensi sumber daya lokal;

• pengelolaan pengaduan masyarakat secarapersuasif dan edukatif;

• penggunaan dana hibah untuk kegiatanpendidikan, sosial, lingkungan, kepemudaan,infrastruktur dan tanggap bencana;

• penyaluran dana bergulir untuk modal kerjaproduktif melalui LKP atau KUD;

• penyelenggaraan pelatihan keterampilanpengembangan peluang dan pengelolaan usaha;

• penyertaaan partisipasi aktif masyarakattempatan;

• pendekatan konsultatif; serta• pelaksanaan program bertahap sesuai CSR

Roadmap 2011-2015

Implementasi Program PERKASA dilaksanakan melaluisembilan tahapan yang mencakup pemeriksaan ulangdesa sasaran, sosialisasi program, pemetaan sosial,pemberdayaan lembaga keuangan, penyusunanprogram dan anggaran, pembentukan KelompokUsaha PERKASA, pengembangan Forum PERKASA,implementasi program, serta pengembangan programunggulan berbasis MDGs.

Pelaporan CSRPenulisan laporan CSR mengikuti standarisasi yangdikembangkan, berdasarkan kepatuhan atas standarGlobal Reporting Initiative (GRI). Perusahaan Anda secarakonsisten menunjukkan kinerja tentang kegiatan CSRsecara utuh di dalam Laporan Keberlanjutan (SustainabilityReport) yang telah dimulai dari tahun 2011.

CSR Sharing SessionPada tahun 2012 Perusahaan Anda juga mengembangkanforum untuk aktif berbagi atau bertukar pikiran terkaitide dan praktik program CSR. CSR Sharing Sessiondiselenggarakan di kantor korporasi Perusahaan Anda,diikuti berbagai perusahaan dan yayasan yang beradadi lingkungan Kelompok Usaha Bakrie, serta aktifsebagai pengurus Corporate Forum for CommunityDevelopment (CFCD) sebagai pusat jejaringpemberdayaan masyarakat di sekitar perusahaan.

• become a strategic infrastructure to reduce socialissues within the interaction between YourCompany and the society.

The strategies to achieve the objectives of thePERKASA Program cover:• development of proactive communications and

harmonious relations with the local society;• implementation of programs based on needs and

local resources potentials;• persuasive and educative handling of public complaints;• use of grants for activities pertaining to

education, social affairs, environmental issues,youth affairs, infrastructure and disaster response;

• disbursement of rolling funds for productiveworking capital through LKP or KUD cooperativeunions;

• organization of skills training program for thedevelopment of business opportunities andmanagement;

• encouragement of active participation of localsociety;

• consultative counselling; and• gradual program implementation in compliance

with the 2011-2015 CSR Roadmap.

The implementation of the PERKASA Program isconducted through nine phases which include thereassessment of target villages, program socialization,social mapping, empowerment of financial institutions,program and budget formulation, establishment ofPERKASA Business Groups, development of PERKASAForum, program implementation, as well as thedevelopment of priority programs based on MDGs

CSR ReportingThe report writing of CSR follows the prevailingstandards in compliance with the Global ReportingInitiative (GRI). Your Company consistently displaysthe comprehensive performance of the CSR activitiesin the Sustainability Report since 2011.

CSR Sharing Session.In 2012 Your Company has also developed a forum foractive sharing or exchanges of CSR ideas and programs.CSR Sharing Session was held at Your Company’scorporate office, attended by various companies andfoundations within the Bakrie Business Group, as wellas those who are actively involved in the CorporateForum for Community Development (CFCD) as thecenter for community empowerment network inareas close to the company’s operation sites.

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G4-SO11 Pengaduan Dampak terhadap MasyarakatPengaduan atas dampak terhadap masyarakat disemua Area Usaha pada 2013 difasilitasi melaluiForum Komunikasi PERKASA yang telah dimiliki padatingkat kecamatan/estate di seluruh Area Usaha,yang berfungsi sebagai mediator bagi penyampaianpengaduan masyarakat serta upaya penangananpermasalahan dengan pihak terkait.

G4-SO8 Denda dan Sanksi atas PelanggaranTidak terdapat denda dan sanksi bagi PerusahaanAnda atas pelanggaran terhadap hukum danperundangan terkait dampak sosial di semua AreaUsaha pada tahun 2013.


Pada tahun 2011, dalam ajang Indonesian CSR Awards(ICA) yang diadakan setiap tiga tahun sekali olehCorporate Forum for Community Development (CFCD)bersama Kementerian Sosial RI, Perusahaan Andamendapat penghargaan Grand Platinum atas diperolehnya6 penghargaan Platinum serta 1 penghargaan Golddari program-program CSR bidang ekonomi, lingkungan,sosial, layanan konsumen dan hak asasi manusia,yang telah dilaksanakan secara berkesinambunganoleh Perusahaan Anda. Dalam ajang tiga-tahunan ini,beberapa individu dalam Perusahaan Anda juga telahmemperoleh penghargaan sebagai Penggiat CSR Terbaikuntuk kontribusi mereka yang signifikan dalambidang pemberdayaan masyarakat dan pengelolaanlingkungan.

Dengan menampilkan tema CSR Best Practice Programpada Bengkulu Expo 2012, Perusahaan Andamenyampaikan informasi terkait pelaksanaan kegiatankepedulian sosial perusahaan kepada masyarakat,termasuk pembinaan bantuan teknis, bantuankeuangan dan pemasaran kepada UKM di desa,melalui program kemitraan desa dengan perusahaan.


Perusahaan Anda memiliki kebijakan menyisihkan 1,5%dari keuntungan bersih per tahun untuk mendanaiinvestasi sosial. Walaupun membukukan kerugianbersih pada tahun 2012, Perusahaan Anda tetap

G4-SO11 Grievances about Impacts on SocietyReports of grievances about impacts on society in allBusiness Areas in 2013 were facilitated through thePERKASA Communication Forum which is establishedat district/estate level in all Business Areas, whichserves as a mediator for the grievance reporting andproblem handling with related parties.

G4-SO8 Fines and Sanctions for Non-ComplianceThere was no fine nor sanction applied on YourCompany for non-compliance with law andregulations on social impacts in all Business Areas in2013.


In 2011, in the triennial Indonesian CSR Awards (ICA)held by the Corporate Forum for CommunityDevelopment (CFCD) and the Indonesian SocialAffairs Ministry, Your Company was granted theGrand Platinum award, in recognition of 6 Platinumand 1 Gold awards received for Your Company’ssustainable CSR programs in the fields of economy,environment, social, consumer service and humanrights, which have been implemented in asustainable manner by Your Company. In thistriennial event, a number of individuals in YourCompany have also received the awards of the BestCSR Practitioners, for their significant contribution incommunity development and environmentalmanagement.

By performing theme of CSR Best Practice Program atBengkulu Expo 2012, Your Company conveyed theinformation related to CSR activities to the public,including technical, financial and marketing supportsto SMEs in villages, through the company-villagepartnership program.


Your Company has the policy to allocate 1.5% of theannual net profit for social investments. Despite thenet loss recorded in 2012, Your Company continuedto conduct CSR programs in 2013, focusing on less-

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melanjutkan pelaksanaan program CSR pada tahun2013, berfokus pada kegiatan-kegiatan yang tidakbanyak mengeluarkan dana, serta pada programkerja sama dengan Pemerintah Daerah setempat danmasyarakat setempat.

Pada tahun 2013, total realisasi dana program CSRadalah sebesar Rp 2.737.451.581.

costly activities and cooperation schemes withRegional Governments and local communities.

In 2013, the expenditures for CSR programsamounted to IDR 2,737,451,581.

Dana Program CSR 2013 | CSR 2013 Program Funds

Program CSR | CSR Program Realisasi | Actual

Pendidikan | Education 1.369.950.000

Ekonomi | Economy 278.872.000

Kesehatan | Health 157.958.000

Keagamaan | Religious Activities 570.023.240

Kepemudaan | Youth Affairs 76.818.000

Lingkungan | Environment 40.100.000

Infrastruktur | Infrastructure 208.708.001

Tanggap Bencana & Donasi | 35.022.340

Disaster Response & Donation

Total 2.737.451.581


Tanggap Bencana & Donasi1,28%








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Pemberdayaan MasyarakatCommunity Development G4-EC7, G4-EC8, G4-SO1

Program Pemberdayaan MasyarakatPerusahaan Anda membagi kegiatan ke dalamprogram jangka pendek dan program jangka panjang.

Program Jangka Pendek meliputi pemetaan potensidan kebutuhan, perumusan sinergi dan publikasiprogram secara berkesinambungan.

Program Jangka Panjang memiliki delapan fokuspengembangan; mencakup tujuh bidang yangberkaitan dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat yaknipendidikan, ekonomi, kesehatan, keagamaan,kepemudaan, infrastruktur dan tanggap bencana;serta sektor lingkungan.

PendidikanBidang pendidikan merupakan prioritas utama dalamprogram CSR, karena merupakan landasan bagipengembangan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan.Besarnya perhatian pada bidang pendidikan tercermindari jumlah dana yang dikeluarkan untuk melaksanakankegiatan pendidikan setiap tahunnya. Pada tahun 2013alokasi dana untuk pendidikan sebesar 50,04% daritotal dana, atau setara dengan Rp 1.369.950.000.

Hingga akhir 2013, Perusahaan Anda telahmendirikan dan membina lima yayasan pendidikan diUnit Usaha:• Jambi 1: Yayasan Pendidikan Putri Ayu,

Kabupaten Tungkal Ulu; Yayasan PendidikanPertiwi, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi;

• Jambi 2: Yayasan Pendidikan Permata LestariPT Eramitra Agrolestari, Kabupaten Sarolangun;

Community Development ProgramsYour Company divides the activities into short-termand long-term programs.

The Short-Term Program includes the mapping ofpotentials and needs, formulation of synergy andsustainable program publication.

The Long-Term Program has eight development focus;covering seven fields related to the communityempowerment which are education, economy, health,religious activities, youth affairs, infrastructure anddisaster response; as well as the environment sector.

EducationEducation has been of the highest priority for theCSR programs, as it is deemed the foundation forsustainable community development. The highattention on education is reflected in the amount offunds expended to carry out the educationalactivities every year. In 2013 the allocated funds foreducation was 50.04% of the total funds, equallingto IDR 1,369,950,000.

By the end of 2013, Your Company has set up andmaintain five educational foundations in its BusinessUnits:• Jambi 1: Putri Ayu Educational Foundation,

Tungkal Ulu Regency; Pertiwi EducationalFoundation, Muaro Jambi Regency;

• Jambi 2: Permata Lestari Educational Foundationof PT Eramitra Agrolestari, Sarolangun Regency;


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• Sumbar: Yayasan Pendidikan Bakrie PasamanPlantations, Kabupaten Pasaman Barat;

• Lampung: Yayasan Pendidikan Bina Desa,Kabupaten Tulang Bawang;

Sekolah-sekolah yang dikelola melalui yayasanpendidikan ini telah meraih prestasi dan menjadisekolah unggulan. Dalam upaya mempertahankan danmeningkatkan kualitas proses belajar dan mengajardi sekolah-sekolah dalam lingkungan unit usahanya,Perusahaan Anda telah melaksanakan programpenghargaan kepada guru teladan, serta programpembangunan rehabilitasi dan pengembangan saranapendidikan dan penunjang.

Sebelumnya pada tahun 2011, Perusahaan Andameraih Penghargaan Gold, Bidang Sosial, untukProgram SMP Bina Desa Jembatan Masa DepanGenerasi Muda Penumangan, Kabupaten TulangBawang, Lampung, dalam program tiga-tahunanIndonesian CSR Awards 2011.

BeasiswaPemberian beasiswa di tahun 2013 tetap melanjutkanprogram tahun sebelumnya dengan prioritas padapemberian beasiswa perguruan tinggi serta biayahidupnya, serta peningkatan layanan pendidikan dankesejahteraan guru melalui yayasan pendidikan disetiap area usaha yang mengelola pendidikan tingkatTK, SD, dan SMP.

Studi Banding dan MagangSebagai salah satu tindak lanjut dari kegiatan SharingSession CSR, Perusahaan Anda menawarkan programstudi banding sekaligus magang untuk para petanikaret di salah satu program CSR Perusahaan Anda diAir Muring, Bengkulu Utara. Program kemitraan karetadalah salah satu program CSR Perusahaan Andayang juga meraih penghargaan Platinum dalamkegiatan tiga-tahunan Indonesian CSR Award 2011.

Peran dalam Pendidikan DaerahPada tanggal 18 Mei 2013, Perusahaan Anda melaluiSMP Bakrie Utama di Sungai Aur – Kabupaten PasamanBarat, Sumatera Barat, menyelenggarakan MusyawarahKerja Kepala Sekolah (MKKS) untuk seluruh SMP Negeridan Swasta di Pasaman Barat, diikuti oleh 61 orangkepala sekolah. MKKS direncanakan untuk dijadwalkansebagai kegiatan berkala yang akan dilaksanakan olehSMP Bakrie Utama.

Dalam rangka Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2013, UnitUsaha Sumbar menyelenggarakan kegiatan peringatanbertema “Membangun pendidikan yang berkarakteruntuk mewujudkan insan Indonesia yang bermutu diSei Aur, Pasaman Barat”, dihadiri oleh Direksi PerusahaanAnda, serta melibatkan elemen perusahaan dalambeberapa kegiatan pendidikan.

• Sumbar: Bakrie Pasaman Plantations EducationalFoundation, West Pasaman Regency;

• Lampung: Bina Desa Educational Foundation,Tulang Bawang Regency;

Schools managed through these education foundationshad shown high performance and become preferredschools. In the efforts to maintain and enhance thequality of education at schools within the localities ofits business units, Your Company had conducted awardprograms for teachers with outstanding performance,as well as the construction, rehabilitation and developmentprojects of educational and support facilities.

Earlier in 2011, Your Company was granted the GoldAward - Social Sector in the triennial Indonesian CSRAwards 2011, for an Educational Development Programentitled “SMP Bina Desa Jembatan Masa Depan GenerasiMuda” in Penumangan, Tulang Bawang Regency,Lampung.

ScholarshipsThe scholarships program in 2013 continued the previousyear’s program, priortizing on scholarships for theuniversity level and the living costs, as well as for theimprovements of educational services and teachers’welfare through educational foundations in all businessareas which manage the education at kindergarten,elementary and junior high levels.

Comparative Study and InternshipsAs a follow-up to the CSR Sharing Session activities,Your Company offers both comparative study andinternship programs for rubber farmers in Air Muring,North Bengkulu. The rubber partnership program isone of Your Company’s CSR programs which wasalso a Platinum awardee in the triennial IndonesianCSR Award 2011.

Roles in Regional EducationOn 18 May 2013, Your Company through the BakrieUtama Junior High School in Sungai Aur – WestPasaman Regency, West Sumatra, organized aHeadmasters Conference for all State and PrivateJunior High Schools in West Pasaman, involving 61headmasters. The Conference is scheduled to becomea regular program to be held by the Bakrie UtamaJunior High School.

In line with the National Education Day 2013, theSumbar Business Unit held a commemoration eventwith the theme “Enhancing characteristicaleducation to develop quality Indonesian humanresources in Sei Aur, West Pasaman”, attended byYour Company Directors, involving several companyelements in some educational activities.


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SD Bakrie Utama Sungai Aur - Sekolah Adiwiyata(Berkurikulum Berbasis Lingkungan)

SD Bakrie Utama Sungai Aur berlokasi di Kecamatan Sungai Aur - Pasaman Barat, dalamlingkungan Perkebunan Unit Usaha BPP. Didirikan pada tahun 2002 di bawah Yayasan BakriePasaman Plantations, saat ini memiliki 24 orang tenaga pendidik dan 400 siswa. Sekolah inijuga telah memiliki beberapa lokal kelas jenjang SMP dan beberapa lokal kelas lagi masihdalam tahap pembangunan.

Berlatar belakang dari kesepakatan antara Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup denganMenteri Pendidikan Nasional No.3/MENLH/02/2010 dan 01/ii/KB/2010; Peraturan Menteri LHNo.05/2013 tentang Pedoman Program Adiwiyata, SD Bakrie Utama telah mengikutiprogram Adiwiyata sejak tahun 2012; dalam perencanaannya mencakup keterlibatansekolah, orang tua, perusahaan, Dinas Pendidikan, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup, Dinas Kesehatandan Dinas PU.

Pembelajaran berbasis peduli lingkungan ini, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengenalandan kepedulian siswa terhadap lingkungan, memberikan keterampilan pemanfaatan sampahsebagai pupuk kompos dan hasta karya.

Sekolah ini menerapkan kurikulum berbasis lingkungan, meliputi: pemahaman tentanglingkungan, pembelajaran hemat energi, pemahaman tentang sampah, pemilahan sampahyang bernilai ekonomis dan seni dan juga pengembangan sifat gotong royong.

Sarana dan prasarana yang dibangun diupayakan untuk menunjang kurikulum berbasislingkungan; seperti bank sampah, kebun sekolah, apotik hidup dan kolam

ikan. Selain Itu sekolah juga difasilitasi dengan perpustakaan, ruangUKS (kesehatan), mushola dan ‘kantin jujur’ (kantin sekolah yang

dirancang untuk melatih kejujuran siswa dalam membelimakanan). Di dinding sekolah, terpampang foto-foto pahlawan /

tokoh masyarakat dengan penjelasan singkat riwayat hidupmereka, agar siswa dapat belajar dari tokoh sejarah tersebut.Di area halaman sekolah juga dipasang informasi hemat air,info pemilahan pembuangan sampah (organik dan anorganik)pada kotak-kotak sampah yang ada. Dari sampah-sampahanorganik, siswa juga belajar untuk membuat kerajinantangan.

Pada tahun 2013 SD Bakrie Utama Sungai Aur ini telah memilikiprestasi sebagai Juara II Adiwiyata Tingkat Kabupaten Pasaman

Barat dan Juara II Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) Tingkat KabupatenPasaman Barat. Berlandaskan prestasi ini, SD Bakrie Utama Sungai Aur

saat ini dalam proses diusulkan menjadi Sekolah Model.


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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

SD Bakrie Utama Sungai Aur - Adiwiyata School(Environment-Base Curriculum)

SD Bakrie Utama Sungai Aur is located in Sungai Aur District – WestPasaman, within the Plantation compound of the BPP Business Unit.Established in 2002 under the Bakrie Pasaman Plantations Foundation,

the school currently has 24 teachers and 400 students. The school alsohave a number of classrooms for the Junior High School level, with some

more additional classrooms being in the construction stage.

Based on the agreement between the State Minister for the Environment and theNational Education Minister No.3/MENLH/02/2010 and 01/ii/KB/2010; Environmental

Minister Decree No.05/2013 on Adiwiyata Program Guidelines, SD Bakrie Utama had joined the Adiwiyataprogram since 2012; involving the school, parents, company, Education Office, Environment Office, Health Officeand Public Works Office in the planning stage.

The environmentally-aware education system is expected to enhance the students’ understanding and awarenessof environmental issues, as well as to provide them with the skills to convert wastes into compost fertilizers andhandicrafts.

The school implements an environment-base curriculum, covering: awareness of environmental issues, educationon energy saving initiatives, comprehension over waste materials, selection of waste based on economic andartistic values, as well as the development of the sense of cooperation.

The facilities and infrastructure provided are designated to support the environment-base curriculum; such aswaste bank, school garden, bio-pharmacy garden and fish pond. In addition, the school is also equipped withlibrary, healthcare room, praying room and a ‘canteen of honesty’ (a school canteen designed to train thestudents to be honest at purchases). A number of pictures of heroes and public figures are installed on the schoolwalls, with short biographies, so to let the students learn from their experiences. Notifications on water savingand trash can waste classification (organic and non-organic) are also placed in the school area. The students alsolearn to create handicrafts from non-organic wastes.

In 2013, SD Bakrie Utama Sungai Aur won the Second place in the Adiwiyata School Competition and also theSecond place Winner of the School Health Unit Competition, both in the West Pasaman Regency. Based on thisoutstanding performance, SD Bakrie Utama Sungai Aur is currently being proposed as a Model School.


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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

EkonomiBidang ekonomi merupakan prioritas kedua dalamprogram CSR. Perusahaan Anda mengembangkanperekonomian masyarakat lokal melalui kegiatannon-operasional yang mencakup pembinaan koperasidan pengembangan Usaha Mikro-Kecil-Menengah(UMKM); serta melalui kegiatan yang terkait denganbisnis inti perusahaan, termasuk program kemitraanpetani inti-plasma, pembinaan petani sawit plasmadan non-plasma, serta pemberian bantuan bibitsawit atau karet dan pelatihan teknis perkebunan.

Pada tahun 2013 alokasi dana CSR untuk bidangekonomi adalah sebesar 10,19% dari total dana, atausetara dengan Rp 278.872.000.

Pengembangan UMKMSedangkan bentuk pengembangan UMKM yangdilakukan sepanjang tahun 2013, meliputi bantuanmodal usaha baik berupa modal bergulirmaupun bibit/benih, hewan ternak,alat dan sarana kerja, pemasaranserta pelatihan kepada kelompok-kelompok kemitraan. Di UnitUsaha Sumbar, PerusahaanAnda membina 2 kelompokpeternak sapi yang telahberkembang sejak tahun2008. Program SentraTernak Sapi juga merupakanupaya pemberdayaanmasyarakat yangdilakukanPerusahaanAnda diUnitUsahaBengkulusejaktahun2007;melibatkan30 peternakanrakyat dalam 2kelompok di Desa Pelita - BengkuluUtara sebagai desa dampingan. Atas pengembanganprogram ini, Perusahaan Anda melalui Unit Usaha AirMuring/Bengkulu memperoleh penghargaan Golddalam Gelar Karya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (GKPM)Award 2013.

Sampai tahun 2013, Perusahaan Anda telah membina23 koperasi di masyarakat, termasuk delapan koperasikaryawan, menimbang bahwa karyawan Perusahaan

EconomyThe economic sector is the second priority in the CSRprograms. Your Company develops the local economythrough non-operational activities including thementoring of cooperative unions and the developmentof Small-to-Medium scale Enterprises (SMEs); as wellas through activities associated with the company’score businesses, including core-plasma farmerpartnership program, training of plasma and non-plasmaoil palm farmers, as well as providing palm and rubberseeds and plantation-related technical trainings.

In 2013, the allocated CSR funds for the economicsector was 10.19% of the total funds, equalling toIDR 278,872,000.

SMEs DevelopmentThe development of SMEs conducted throughout 2013included working capital assistance either in the form

of rolling capital or seeds, livestock, workingequipment and facilities, marketing

and training programs for themicro-partnership groups. In

the Sumbar Business Unit,Your Company hasdeveloped 2 groups ofcow breeders which haveshown significant growthsince 2008. The CowBreeding Center programhas also been one of the

community developmentprograms conducted by Your

Company in theBengkulu

BusinessUnit since

2007; involving 30public farms in 2groups in Pelita Village– North Bengkulu as anassisted village. As forthe development ofthis program, YourCompany through theAir Muring/BengkuluBusiness Unit has received theGold award in the GKPM (GelarKarya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat – CommunityEmpowerment Achievements) Award 2013.

Until the year 2013, Your Company has developed23 public cooperative unions, including eight employeecooperative unions, considering that Your Company

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Anda beserta keluarganya merupakan salah satupemangku kepentingan program CSR, memilikikesempatan yang sama untuk menjadi sasarankegiatan pemberdayaan.

Program Kemitraan Inti-PlasmaPola Inti Plasma merupakan program kemitraan yangmelibatkan petani inti-plasma; mencakup pemberianbantuan kredit modal, pembinaan tata cara berkebunyang profesional dan sesuai standar perusahaan, sertapembelian hasil tani pada harga pasar. Perusahaan Andamengembangkan 2 bentuk pola kemitraan plasma,yaitu pola plasma Perkebunan Inti Rakyat Transmigrasi(PIR-Trans) untuk masyarakat transmigrasi dan polaplasma Kredit Koperasi Primer Anggota (KKPA) untukmasyarakat lokal yang dihimpun dalam wadahkoperasi untuk efektivitas pembinaan.

Pembinaan kelompok petani plasma di Unit UsahaSumbar telah membawa kelompok tani Suka Majusebagai kelompok tani teladan yang menjadi rujukanbagi para petani sawit di sekitar lokasi operasionalPerusahaan Anda; dan diharapkan dapatmengembangkan sekolah usaha tani khusus kelapasawit di masa depan sebagai bentuk kepedulianterhadap kemajuan daerah.

Pada tahun 2013, Perusahaan Anda telah melaksanakanstudi kelayakan untuk pengembangan lokasi plasmabaru di Unit Kalimantan Selatan.

Program Optimalisasi LahanPerusahaan Anda melalui Unit Usaha Jambi telahbekerja sama dengan pemerintah Desa Brasau sejak2011, dalam program optimalisasi pemanfaatantanah terlantar untuk ditanami sayur-mayur. Melaluikegiatan tersebut, Perusahaan Anda mendapatApresiasi, Bidang Ekonomi, untuk Program OptimalisasiLahan Pertanian di Plasma SP I, Desa Brasau, KabupatenTanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi dalam ajang tiga-tahunanIndonesian CSR Awards 2011.

Gema MitraPerusahaan Anda melalui Unit Usaha Pasaman/Sumbar,Agrowiyana/Jambi dan Air Muring/Bengkulu padaakhir tahun 2012 telah menandatangani dukungandan kerja sama untuk kegiatan Gema Mitra (GerakanPrakarsa Masyarakat Membangun Indonesia Sejahtera)dengan Kementerian Koordinasi Kesejahteraan Rakyat,lembaga Corporate Forum for Community Development(CFCD) serta Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) PasamanBarat, Pemda Tanjung Jabung Barat dan PemdaBengkulu Utara.

employees along with their families are part of the CSRprogram stakeholders, and have equal opportunitiesto be the target of the empowerment activities.

Core-Plasma Partnership ProgramThe Core-Plasma scheme is a partnership programinvolving core-plasma farmers; providing capitalloans, training of professional plantation procedurescomplying to the company’s standards, as well as thepurchase of agricultural yields at market prices. YourCompany develops 2 forms of plasma partnershipscheme, which are the Perkebunan Inti RakyatTransmigrasi (PIR-Trans) scheme for transmigrants andthe Kredit Koperasi Primer Anggota (KKPA) scheme forlocal settlers, both are associated in cooperative unionsto ensure the effectiveness of the development programs.

The development of plasma farmers groups in theSumbar Business Unit has brought the Suka Majufarmers group to become a well respected farmersgroup as a role model for palm farmers in the areasclose to Your Company operational site; and isexpected to develop a farming school specializing inoil palm in the future as a form of awareness onregional advancement.

In 2013, Your Company has conducted a feasibilitystudy for the development of a new plasma site inthe South Kalimantan Unit.

Land Optimization ProgramYour Company through the Jambi Business Unit hasestablished a cooperation with the government ofBrasau Village since 2011 in an optimization programfor the utilization of abandoned lands through theplanting of vegetables. Through these activities, YourCompany gets the Appreciation - Economic Sector inthe triennial Indonesian CSR Awards 2011, for theAgricultural Land Optimization Program in Plasma SP Iof Brasau Village, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi.

Gema MitraYour Company through the Pasaman/Sumbar,Agrowiyana/Jambi and Air Muring/Bengkulu BusinessUnits had signed an agreement on support andcooperation for the Gema Mitra (the initiative movementof building prosperous Indonesian community) withthe Ministry for the Coordination of People’s Welfare,the Corporate Forum for Community Development(CFCD) and the Regional Governments of WestPasaman, West Tanjung Jabung and North Bengkulu.

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Dengan bergabung dalam program Gema Mitra ini,Perusahaan Anda mendukung pendekatan kebijakanpenanggulangan kemiskinan oleh pemerintah. Gerakanini dirancang untuk membangun jejaring kemitraanantar elemen masyarakat dalam upaya peningkatankesejahteraan masyarakat, membangun sinergi denganprogram pemerintah, sehingga dapat memastikanbahwa seluruh masyarakat miskin dapat tersentuhdan terlayani.

Tujuan Gema Mitra adalah mengisi kesenjangan padapemetaan kondisi keadilan sosial, keadilan ekonomi,demokrasi dan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik(3 dimensi Indeks Kesejahteraan Rakyat/IKraR);menumbuhkan kepedulian pada semua pihak;meningkatkan keterlibatan pihak terkait sebagaiRelawan Mitra Kesra (RMK); serta memastikanterpenuhinya hak-hak dasar masyarakat secarabermartabat dan mengembangkan ruang dialog bagipara pemangku kepentingan Gema Mitra.

KesehatanPerusahaan Anda melakukan kegiatan terkait denganupaya peningkatan kualitas kesehatan masyarakat.Dimulai pada tahun 1914 dengan dibangunnya rumahsakit di Kisaran, yang sekarang bernama Rumah SakitUmum Ibu Kartini. Dilanjutkan dengan dimilikinyaklinik yang terbuka bagi masyarakat sekitar di setiaparea dan unit usaha dan pemberdayaan Pos PelayananTerpadu (Posyandu) untuk menjaga kesehatan balitadan masyarakat sekitar.

Pada tahun 2013, Perusahaan Anda melalui Unit UsahaPasaman/Sumbar membangun kerjasama denganKementerian Koordinasi Kesejahteraan Rakyat terkaitpelaksanaan program MDGs (Millenium DevelopmentGoals) 2015, mencakup pemeliharaan kesehatan ibudan anak melalui klinik perusahaan, pelaksanaanprogram Keluarga Berencana, program pencegahandan penanggulangan penyakit menular, pemeliharaansanitasi rumah, serta pengembangan sarana airbersih.

Seperti yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun-tahunsebelumnya, Perusahaan Anda tetap melaksanakankegiatan donor darah pada tahun 2013, termasukkegiatan di Unit Usaha Sumut 1, Sumbar dan Bengkulupada 10 Februari 2013, di Unit Usaha Sumbar danBengkulu pada 3-4 April 2013, serta di fasilitaspengolahan oleokimia di Kuala Tanjung pada 23 Oktober2013. Di samping itu, beberapa layanan kesehatanrutin yang dilakukan Perusahaan Anda mencakup

By joining the Gema Mitra program, Your Companysupported the government’s poverty alleviationpolicies. This movement is aimed at establishing thenetworking of partnership among the communityelements in efforts to improve the social welfare, insynergy with government programs, in order toensure that the underdeveloped communities aretouched and served.

The objectives of the Gema Mitra program is to fill-inthe gaps in the mapping of socio-justice, economicand democratic conditions and the good governance(the 3 dimensions of the People’s Welfare Index); todevelop the awareness to all levels of society; toenhance the involvement of related parties as volunteersin the people’s welfare partnership program; as wellas to ensure the fulfillment of the basic communityrights in a dignified manner and to develop thedialogue forum for Gema Mitra stakeholders.

HealthYour Company conducts activities related to the effortsto improve public health quality; beginning in 1914with the construction of a hospital in Kisaran, whichis now named Kartini General Hospital; continuedwith the development of clinics serving the localcommunity in each business areas and units, and theempowerment of Integrated Healthcare ServiceCenters (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu – Posyandu) tomaintain the health of the locals,including infants.

In 2013, Your Company through the Pasaman/SumbarBusiness Unit has established a cooperation with theMinistry for the Coordination of People’s Welfareregarding the implementation of the 2015 MilleniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs) programs, covering healthcare services for mothers and children through companymedical clinics, the implementation of Family Planningprogram, the prevention and handling of contagiousdiseases, house sanitation program and clean watersupply.

As in the previous years, Your Company also held blooddonation programs in 2013, including those held inthe Sumut 1, Sumbar and Bengkulu Business Unitson 10 February 2013, in the Sumbar and BengkuluBusiness Units on 3-4 April 2013, and at theoleochemical processing plant in Kuala Tanjung on23 October 2013. In addition, some routine health careservices conducted by Your Company include masscircumcision, dengue mosquito fogging activities,

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

khitanan massal, pengasapan nyamuk DBD, bantuanoperasi, sosialisasi bahaya kanker pada anak, donasiuntuk mewujudkan rumah singgah bagipenderita kanker anak di Indonesia,lomba bayi sehat dan juga bantuanuntuk Puskesmas.

KeagamaanPerusahaan Anda membinapengembangan spiritualkaryawan dan anggotakomunitas, dengantujuanmembangunsumber dayamanusia danmasyarakatyangberkualitas danberakhlak baik.

Kegiatan keagamaan yangdilaksanakan Perusahaan Anda melalui unit-unitusahanya mencakup santunan anak yatim, penyandangcacat, panti asuhan dan pesantren, rehabilitasitempat ibadah, bantuan acara MTQ, apresiasi senidan pengadaan buku agama, program Tali Asih,hingga siraman rohani melalui zikir akbar maupunsafari Ramadhan sebagai sarana menjaga danmemperkuat hubungan antara masyarakat denganpegawai dan pengelola Perusahaan Anda.

Untuk tahun 2013, Safari Ramadhan dan program TaliAsih telah dilaksanakan ke seluruh Unit Usaha (Sumut 1,Sumut 2, Sumbar, Bengkulu, Jambi, Lampung, KalimantanSelatan dan Kalimantan Tengah), melibatkan DireksiPerusahaan Anda atau perwakilan dari Divisi CSR.Sejalan dengan program ibadah dalam bulan Ramadhan,Unit Usaha SNP/Jambi bekerja sama dengan MasjidBaitussalam telah melaksanakan kegiatan PesantrenKilat ke-4 untuk anak-anak karyawan dan masyarakatDesa Arang-Arang, Kecamatan Kumpeh Ulu.

Pelaksanaan ibadah qurban pada Hari Raya Idul Adhapada tahun 2013, merupakan bentuk keterlibatankaryawan Perusahaan Anda dalam kegiatan TanggungJawab Sosial Personal (PSR – Personal Social Responsibility),menyalurkan hewan qurban dari kedelapan unit usaha

surgical services, dissemination of information on thedanger of cancer in children, financial assistance for

the development of a shelter house forcancer-suffering children in Indonesia,

baby health contest, as well asassistance to public health centers.

Religious ActivitiesYour Company

helps foster thespiritual

developmentof theemployeesand thecommunity,

with thea im of enhancingt h e quality andm o r a l values of thesociety.

Various religious activities have been conducted throughYour Company’s business units, including the provisionof financial assistance for orphans, the disabled,orphanages and islamic boarding schools, rehabilitationof religious facilities, assistance for organizing of theMTQ Koran Recital Competition, appreciation of artsand the provision of religious books, Tali Asih program,to spiritual enlightenment session through the zikirakbar mass praises and visits during the Ramadhanfasting month as the forums to maintain andstrengthen relations among communities, employeesand the management of Your Company.

For the year 2013, the Safari Ramadhan and Tali Asihprograms were held in all Business Units (Sumut 1,Sumut 2, Sumbar, Bengkulu, Jambi, Lampung, SouthKalimantan and Central Kalimantan), involving YourCompany Board of Directors or representatives fromthe CSR Division. In line with the religious programsheld during the Ramadhan month, the SNP/JambiBusiness Unit in cooperation with the BaitussalamMosque held the Fourth Islamic Teachings CrashCourse for children of employees and residents ofArang-Arang Village, Kumpeh Ulu District.

The performing of the animal sacrification ritual ofthe 2013 Idul Adha was a form of Your Companyemployees’ Personal Social Responsibility (PSR),providing sacrified animals from the eight business

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Perusahaan Anda sejumlah 111 ekor sapi ternak dan36 ekor kambing.

Terkait pengembangan sarana ibadah, PerusahaanAnda telah meresmikan Masjid Al-Bakrie di UnitUsaha SNP/Jambi pada Oktober 2013.

KepemudaanPerusahaan Anda memperhatikan generasi muda dilingkungan usahanya dengan memberi dukunganpenuh agar para pemuda mendapatkan ruang untukmengejar prestasi secara sportif. Beberapa kegiatanyang rutin dilaksanakan adalah turnamen olah raga,pembinaan turnamen eksternal sampai bantuankegiatan kepemudaan dan bantuan sarana olah raga.

Sekolah Sepakbola AsahanDi lapangan sekitar pabrik Bunut dan Kisaran milikUnit Usaha Sumut 1, Manajemen Perusahaan Andamembuka sekolah sepakbola bagi anak dan remajadari lingkungan desa sekitar. Para siswasekolah ini dilatih dengan cara yangprofesional agar dapatmengembangkan bakatnya.

Pada tahun 2013, SekolahSepakbola Bakrie (SSB) telahmenunjukkan prestasinyadengan meraih Juara di FestivalU-12 Danone Nations Cup(DNC) 2013 untuk wilayahKepulauan Riau dan SumateraUtara. Prestasi ini telahmenambah catatan keberhasilanSSB dalam program KONI danmerupakan dukungan bagi peningkatanprestasi, serta upayamenjadikan Asahansebagai ‘BankAtlet’.

Pramuka Gudep007-008Perusahaan Andamemilikipandangan bahwa,kegiatan Pramuka,selain merupakan kegiatanyang dapat melatih kedisiplinan dan kemandirian,juga dapat menyalurkan aktivitas remaja pada hal-hal yang bersifat positif, serta memiliki nilai-nilaisosial dan lingkungan.

units of Your Company totalling 111 cow and 36goats.

Regarding the development of religious facilities, YourCompany has officially inaugurated the Al-Bakrie Mosqueat the SNP/Jambi Business Unit in October 2013.

Youth AffairsYour Company provides adequate attention to the youthwithin its operational areas, by giving a full supportto their efforts to sportively enhance performance.A number of activities have been regularly held,ranging from sports tournaments, externaltournament coaching sessions to youth activitiessupports and the development of sports facilities.

Asahan Football SchoolAt the field nearby the Bunut and Kisaran plants, ofthe Sumut 1 Business Area, the Management of YourCompany has established a soccer school for children

and teenagers from the surrounding villagesnearby. The students of this school are

trained in a professional manner inorder to develop their talents.

In 2013, Bakrie Soccer School(Sekolah Sepakbola Bakrie - SSB)showed its achievements bybecoming the Winner of the U-12Festival of the Danone Nations Cup

(DNC) 2013 for the Riau Islandsand North Sumatra areas. This

achievement added to thesuccess record of SSB in

the KONI programs, andbecame the supportfor performanceenhancement as wellas for the efforts tomake Asahan as a

‘Bank of Athletes’.

Scout Movement Group007-008

Your Company views the ScoutMovement as a beneficial activity for the developmentof the disciplinary and self-reliance of the youth, andalso to facilitate other positive activities towards theenhancement of social values and environmentalawareness.

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Untuk itu, Perusahaan Anda mengembangkan kegiatanPramuka tingkat Penggalang untuk usia 11-17 tahun,melalui Gugus Depan (Gudep) 007-008 di lingkunganpabrik karet Sumut 1, Asahan. Sebagian besar (75%)pesertanya merupakan anak karyawan dan 25%merupakan anak masyarakat sekitar kebun atau pabrik.Pembinanya terdiri dari 50% karyawan dan 50% gurusekolah dasar setempat.

Kegiatan pokok Gudep 007-008:• kegiatan kepanduan, meliputi pelatihan mental,

motivasi, kepemimpinan dan manajerial sertamateri-materi Dasa Dharma Pramuka besertaaktivitas kepramukaan secara umum;

• kegiatan bakti masyarakat, meliputi kegiatansanitasi lingkungan, penanaman pohon(penghijauan) dan gotong royong;

• kegiatan kewirausahaan, meliputi kegiatanmembuat sepatu, budi daya ikan air tawar,industri rumah tangga berupa pembuatan kuedan minuman, kerajinan tangan dari janur, danlain-lain.

Selain itu, Gudep 007-008 juga telah meraih cukupbanyak prestasi di bidang kepramukaan pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, antara lain Juara Umum kegiatanperkemahan FKIP Camp Universitas Asahan tahun2010, Juara Umum Jambore Perkebunan Asahantahun 2009, mengikuti Jambore Nasional di Palembang2011; dan pada tahun 2012 meraih Juara I dalamLomba LKBB, Juara II Lomba Melukis dan Juara II LombaTari Daerah dalam kegiatan Pesona KebudayaanIndonesia 2012.

Kegiatan Pramuka ini meraih penghargaan Platinumdalam program tiga-tahunan Indonesian CSR Awards2011, Bidang Sosial, untuk Program PembinaanGenerasi Muda melalui Gerakan Kepramukaan GugusDepan 007-008 di Pabrik Karet Area Sumut 1, KecamatanAsahan, Sumatera Utara.

Karang TarunaDi Unit Usaha AM/Bengkulu, karyawan Perusahaan Andatelah terlibat secara aktif sebagai pembina kelompokpemuda Karang Taruna. Keterlibatan ini merupakanbentuk pendekatan Perusahaan Anda dalam upayamembangun dan menjaga keharmonisan hubungandengan masyarakat tempatan.

Therefore, Your Company has developed the ScoutMovement at the Penggalang Scouts level for thoseaged between 11-17 years, through Scout Group007-008 at the Sumut 1 rubber plant area in Asahan.The majority (75%) of the members are children ofemployees; 25% are children of residents around theplantation and factory. The scout masters consist of abalanced proportion between Your Company’semployees and local primary school teachers.

Main activities of Scout Group 007-008:• scouting programs, including the development of

moral strength, motivation, leadership and managerialskills, as well as issues covered in the Dasa DharmaScout Law, and other general scouting activities;

• social projects, including those related toenvironmental sanitation, greening program, andcollective activities;

• entrepreneurial programs, including shoemanufacturing, fresh water fish breeding; as wellas home industries development such as foodand beverage processing, coconut leavehandicraft making, etc.

The Scout Group 007-008 has also recorded a number ofoutstanding performances in the previous years, amongothers being the Overall Winner in the 2010 AsahanUniversity FKIP Camp, and the Overall Winner of the2009 Asahan Plantation Jamboree, has also participatedin the 2011 National Jamboree in Palembang; and in2012 was the 1st Place Winner in LKBB Competition,2nd Place Winner in Painting Competition and 2nd PlaceWinner in Traditional Dancing Competition duringthe 2012 Indonesian Cultural Enchantment event.

This Scout Movement activities were awarded thePlatinum Award - Social Sector in the triennialIndonesian CSR Awards 2011, for Youth DevelopmentProgram through the Scout Movement Group 007-008in the Sumut 1 Area Rubber Plant, Asahan District,North Sumatra.

Karang TarunaIn the AM/Bengkulu Business Unit, Your Companyemployees have been actively involved in coaching thelocal Karang Taruna youth group. This involvement isa form of Your Company’s approach on the efforts todevelop and maintain the harmonious relations withthe local community.

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

InfrastrukturPerusahaan Anda secara rutin memperbaiki infrastrukturkhususnya jaringan jalan dan jembatan, pembangunanhalte dan pembuatan taman penghijauan di daerahoperasional. Peningkatan kualitas infrastruktur membawadampak positif bagi kegiatan usaha Perusahaan Anda,serta akan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi danpeningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat sekitar.

Tanggap BencanaPerusahaan Anda berkomitmen untuk mengalokasikandana 10-15% dari anggaran tahunan investasi sosialuntuk program tanggap bencana. Jika diperlukan,Perusahaan Anda akan mengalokasikan dana lebihbesar dari proporsi yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya.

Untuk bantuan bencana 2013, Perusahaan Andamelalui Unit Usaha Sumut 2 bersama dengan instansipemerintah dan perusahaan lain yang berdomisili diKabupaten Labuhan Batu Utara pada November 2013,telah memberikan bantuan untuk korban bencanaLetusan Gunung Sinabung.

InfrastructureYour Company regularly improves the infrastructureespecially roads and bridges, bus stop constructionand green park development in the operationalareas. Improvements of the infrastructure quality hasa positive impact to Your Company’s businessactivities and will enhance economic growth andimprove the quality of life of the locals.

Disaster ResponseYour Company is committed to allocate 10-15% ofthe annual budget for social investments in disasterresponse. In case a larger amount is required, YourCompany will allocate greater than thepredetermined proportion.

Regarding the 2013 disaster handling assistance,Your Company through the Sumut 2 Business Unit,along with the government insitutions and othercompanies at the North Labuhan Batu Regency, inNovember 2013 provided the humanitarianassistance for victims of the Mount SinabungEruption.


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Perlindungan LingkunganEnvironmental Protection

Pengelolaan Dampak LingkunganPerusahaan Anda menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa usahaperkebunan di Indonesia memiliki tanggung jawablingkungan yang besar, oleh karenanya Perusahaan Andamelakukan upaya-upaya untuk terlibat aktif dalampelestarian lingkungan. Untuk melaksanakan komitmentersebut, selain kebijakan dan strategi, PerusahaanAnda memiliki divisi khusus yang bertanggung jawabdi tingkat operasional, yaitu Divisi Lingkungan, Kualitas,Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja yang bertanggungjawab langsung kepada Departemen Upstream.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, Perusahaan Anda memberlakukanberbagai regulasi dan standar lingkungan dalamberoperasi, sebagai bentuk kepatuhan terhadap regulasilingkungan, yang berlaku di level regional, nasionaldan internasional, yaitu PROPER Kementerian NegaraLingkungan Hidup, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, RSPO dan ISPO.

G4-EN3,G4-EN6, G4-EN10 Efisiensi PemakaianEnergi, Listrik dan AirIndustri sawit sering dinyatakan sebagai industriyang boros dalam penggunaan sumber daya alam.Perusahaan Anda menyikapi stigma tersebut denganberinisiatif mengurangi konsumsi energi. Upayapenghematan energi, listrik dan air dilakukan baik ditingkat korporasi maupun di setiap area usaha.

Semua area usaha Perusahaan Anda – termasuk unitkorporasi (Jakarta) – telah memperoleh sertifikasiISO 14001 untuk Sistem Pengelolaan Lingkungan.Pada tingkat korporasi, setiap Departemen dan Divisibertanggung jawab atas upaya penghematan

Environmental Impact ManagementYour Company is fully aware that plantation businessin Indonesia has a huge environmental responsibility,hence conducted efforts to be actively involved inenvironmental conservation. To implement thiscommitment, in addition to policies and strategies,Your Company has a special division in charge at theoperational level, which is the Division of Environment,Quality and Occupational Safety and Health, whichreports directly to the Upstream Department.

In practice, Your Company enforces various regulationsand environmental standards in their operations, as aform of compliance to environmental regulations,which apply at regional, national and internationallevels, including PROPER of the Ministry ofEnvironment, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, RSPO and ISPO.

G4-EN3, G4-EN6, G4-EN10 Energy, Electricity andWater Consumption EfficiencyPalm industry is often considered to be a wastefulindustry in terms of the use of natural resources. YourCompany’s responds to the stigma by taking thenecessary initiatives to reduce energy consumption.Efforts for saving the use of energy, electricity andwater, are conducted at the corporate level as well asevery business area.

All business areas of Your company – including thecorporate level (Jakarta) – have received the ISO 14001certification in Environmental Management System.At the corporate level, every Department and Divisionhas the responsibility in making the efforts for saving


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pemakaian listrik dan air. Sedangkan pada setiap areausahanya, Perusahaan Anda menetapkan target yangdisesuaikan dengan kondisi terkait optimalisasi operasidalam mengupayakan efisiensi penggunaan energi,listrik dan air. Program Pengelolaan Lingkungan diterapkandi semua area usaha untuk memastikan pelaksanaanupaya perlindungan dan pelestarian lingkungan; diauditoleh lembaga sertifikasi terkait melalui penilaianlapangan atas upaya penghematan energi yangdilakukan di setiap area operasi Perusahaan Anda.

Penggunaan solar sebagai sumber energi tidakterbarukan mengalami kecenderungan menurun diArea Usaha Sumbar sejak tahun 2008, serta di Jambi 1sejak 2011, seiring dengan peningkatan persediaanlistrik dari hasil pemanfaatan cangkang dan seratsebagai energi alternatif. Penurunan konsumsi solarini disebabkan karena pabrik sawit Perusahaan Andamelakukan modifikasi boiler dari tipe SFPO menjaditipe Membrane yang memiliki tingkat efisiensi lebihtinggi, yakni menggunakan sumber energi alternatifbiomassa (cangkang dan serat) sebagai bahan bakarboiler yang telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2008.

Walaupun sampai saat ini baru diterapkan di duaarea usaha (Sumbar dan Jambi 1), Perusahaan Andadapat menekan biaya operasi secara cukup signifikan,terutama saat harga bahan bakar minyak duniaberfluktuasi.

Penggunaan air selalu dipantau agar efisien, sejalandengan upaya Perusahaan Anda melakukan sosialisasisecara rutin kepada karyawan tentang pentingnyapenggunaan air yang efisien serta melakukanperawatan instalasi air dan segera melakukanperbaikan instalasi jika terjadi kebocoran.

Perusahaan Anda mendorong area-area usahanya untuksecara bijaksana menggunakan sumber air, baik yangberada di permukaan tanah maupun yang berasal dari

the use of electricity and water. While in every business area,Your Company has set the target that is suitable forthe optimization of the operational conditions, in theefforts to save the use of energy, electricity and water.Environmental Management Programs are implementedin all business areas to ensure the implementation ofenvironmental protection and conservation efforts;audited by certification institutions through on-siteevaluation of the energy-saving efforts conducted ateach operational area of Your Company.

The use of diesel fuel as an unrenewable energysource has been experiencing a downward trend inthe Sumbar Business Area since 2008, as well as inJambi 1 since 2011, in line with the increasing supplyof electricity from the utilization of shells and fibers asalternative sources of energy. The reduced consumptionof diesel fuel is possible as Your Company’s palmprocessing plant has performed boiler modificationsfrom SFPO type to Membrane type, which has ahigher efficiency level, with the use of the alternativeenergy source of biomass (shells and fibers) as fuel,which has been carried out since 2008.

Although the alternative energy source of biomasshas only been applied in two business areas (Sumbarand Jambi 1), Your Company has been able tosignificantly reduce the operational costs, particularlyat the time of fluctuating global oil prices.

Water consumption has always been monitored forefficiency, in line with Your Company’s effort tocommunicate on a regular basis to employees aboutthe importance of efficient water use; as well as themaintenance of water treatment facilities and timelyrepair of the facilities in case of leakage.

Your Company continues to encourage its businessareas to use water sources wisely, both surface waterand ground water; prioritizing the use of surface

Penggunaan Energi di 4 Area Usaha 2013 | 2013 Energy Consumption in 4 Business Areas

2013Area UsahaBusiness Area

Sumut 1 (Kisaran) Solar I Diesel fuel (L) 545.987Cangkang I Shells (‘000kg) 9.351Fiber I Fiber (‘000kg) 21.816

Sumbar (Pasaman) Solar I Diesel fuel (L) 358.923Cangkang I Shells (‘000kg) 3.378Fiber I Fiber (‘000kg) 29.606

Jambi (AGW/AMM) Solar I Diesel fuel (L) 755.986Cangkang I Shells (‘000kg) 8.844Fiber I Fiber (‘000kg) 29.607

Bengkulu (Air Muring) Solar I Diesel fuel (L) 148.250

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bawah tanah dengan prioritas penggunaan air darisumber permukaan tanah untuk proses pembersihan,sedangkan air bawah tanah untuk proses produksiyang lebih steril.

Untuk penggunaan air bawah tanah, Perusahaan Andaberupaya memenuhi kebutuhan air dari sumber airyang ada dengan menjaga daerah tangkapan air didalam wilayah operasi – termasuk menjaga kehijauansepanjang daerah aliran sungai – sehingga tidakmengganggu aktivitas masyarakat dan para pemangkukepentingan lainnya dalam pemanfaatan air.

Kebutuhan air juga dipenuhi dengan memanfaatkanhasil daur ulang olahan limbah cair yang dikeloladalam kolam Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL)yang telah dimiliki setiap unit usaha.

Perusahaan Anda memiliki komitmen untuk terusmelakukan upaya efisiensi penggunaan energi danair dalam kegiatan operasionalnya.

Pengelolaan LimbahUsaha perkebunan dan industri kelapa sawit dankaret menghasilkan berbagai limbah yang berbentukpadat maupun cair.

Limbah Padat• Cangkang

Perusahaan Anda telah memanfaatkan cangkangsebagai sumber energi alternatif untuk bahanbakar boiler, sebagai mulsa dalam pembibitankelapa sawit, serta sebagai material konstruksipengerasan jalan sekitar wilayah usaha.

• Tandan kosongSejak tahun 2011 Perusahaan Anda melakukanpembuatan kompos dengan memanfaatkan tandankosong di Unit Jambi 1 yang diaplikasikan untukkegiatan penanaman dan perawatan pohon sawit,serta untuk menghambat pertumbuhan gulma.

water for cleaning process, and ground water formore sterile production process.

For ground water use, Your Company strives to fulfillthe need with available sources by safeguarding thewater catchment area in the operational areas –including safeguarding the greenery of riverside areas– in order to avoid interfering with water utilizationactitivites of the local community and otherstakeholders.

Water supply is also provided through the utilizationof recycled water from the waste liquid processed inthe Liquid Waste Treatment Installation owned byevery business area.

Your Company is committed to continue the effortsto ensure the efficiency of energy and waterconsumption in its operational activities.

Waste ManagementPalm and rubber plantations and industries producevarious types of waste, both solid and liquid.

Solid Waste• Shells

Your Company utilizes the discharged solid waste(shells) for alternative energy for boiler fuel, formulch in oil palm nurseries and as constructionmaterials for road pavement in operational areas.

• Empty fruit bunchesSince 2011, Your Company have alreadyconducted composting by utilizing empty fruitbunches in Unit Jambi 1. The results are appliedfor planting and maintenance activities of oilpalm trees and hamper the growth of weeds.

Pemakaian Air 2013 Berdasarkan Sumber (m3) | 2013 Water Consumption by Sources (m3)

2013Area UsahaBusiness Area

Sumut 1 (Kisaran) Sungai | River 421.766Air Bawah Tanah | Ground Water 477.729

Sumbar (Pasaman) Sungai | River 419.955Air Bawah Tanah | Ground Water 48.356

Jambi (AGW/AMM) Sungai | River 787.873Air Bawah Tanah | Ground Water 98.624

Bengkulu (Air Muring) Sungai | River 290.108Air Bawah Tanah | Ground Water 0

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Limbah CairGuna mengurangi tingkat pencemaran air sungai olehlimbah cair pabrik kelapa sawit, Perusahaan Andamemanfaatkan limbah cair pabrik sebagai bahanpupuk organik untuk meningkatkan produksi tandanbuah segar (TBS). Limbah cair pabrik diolah dengansistem land application.

Selain itu, untuk mencegah pencemaran tanah akibattumpahan BBM Solar saat kondisi darurat, PerusahaanAnda antara lain melakukan penyimpanan pada tankitimbun di gudang Bunut, membuat tampungan danlantai kedap air.

Lebih lanjut, dalam mencegah pencemaran tanahdan air, serta menjaga kebersihan lingkungan dankesehatan karyawan, Perusahaan Anda melakukanpengelolaan sampah anorganik secara berkelanjutan,berkoordinasi dengan Pemerintah Kabupatensetempat.

Limbah B3 (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun)Perusahaan Anda berdisiplin untuk memantaupenggunaan limbah, khususnya B3, mulai dari prosespengangkutan dari rantai pasokan, penyimpanan digudang, penggunaan, hingga pengelolaan bekaspakai.

Limbah B3 pelumas (oli) dari proses produksi dalamjumlah yang signifikan; berasal dari mesin genset,turbin, kendaraan bermotor, gear box mesin-mesinproduksi dan aktivitas bengkel. Pelumas bekasdiangkut dan dikumpulkan oleh perusahaan yangsudah memiliki izin dari Kementerian LingkunganHidup.

Selain itu, limbah B3 lainnya dapat berupa aki bekas,filter oli bekas, lampu neon/merkuri, toner bekas,majun bekas dan kemasan bahan kimia yangdigunakan dalam operasional perkebunan.

Liquid WasteIn order to reduce river pollution by palm oil plant’swaste water, Your Company utilizes the plant’s liquidwaste as organic fertilizers to increase the productionof fresh fruit bunches (FFB). The plant’s waste wateris treated through the land application system.

In addition to preventing soil pollution due to diesel-fuel spill at emergency conditions, Your Companyuses storage tanks in the Bunut warehouse as well asdevelops water resistant floor and container.

Furthermore, in preventing the pollution of soil andwater, as well as in maintaining environmentalsanitation and employees’ health, Your Companyhandles the anorganic waste management on asustainable basis, in coordination with the localRegencial Government.

Hazardous and Toxic Materials WasteYour Company is committed towards the regularmonitoring of the use of waste, especially thosecategorized as hazardous materials, starting fromsupply transport, warehouse storage, usage procedures,to after-use handling.

Hazardous waste in the form of lubricant oil fromproduction process in signicant volume; coming fromthe electricity power generator, turbine, vehicles, gearboxes of production machinery and service centeractivities. Used lubricant oil is transported andcollected by a third-party company licensed by theEnvironment Ministry.

In addition, other hazardous waste can be in the formof used batteries, used oil filters, fluorescent/mercurylamps, used toner, used dust cloth and packaging ofchemicals used in the plantation operations.

Pengelolaan Limbah Padat di Area Usaha Jambi (‘000 kg) | Solid Waste Handling in Jambi Business Area (‘000 kg)

Produksi I Production 53.087Aplikasi lahan I Land application 46.304Komposting I Compost 3.528Produksi I Production 12.701BB Boiler 8.843Pengerasan jalan I Street paving 118.870Produksi I Production 31.369BB Boiler 29.607

Jenis Limbah Padat Produksi dan PengolahanTypes of Solid Waste Production and Management


Tandan KosongEmpty Fruit Bunch



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Pengelolaan AirWater Management

Perusahaan Anda menerapkan penggunaan parit - baik parit alamimaupun yang dibuat khusus - dalam upaya menjaga kelembabantanah pada lahan gambut, dengan perbandingan 1 parit untuksetiap 4 baris tanaman sawit. Pengawasan atas ketinggian airdalam parit dilakukan guna menjaga pasokan bagi kebutuhan airtanaman sawit (sebagai penampungan saat musim hujan dancadangan air slow release saat musim kemarau).

Your Company uses water ditches - both natural and man-made - tohelp keep the humidity of soil in peatland areas, with the

composition of 1 ditch per 4 lanes of oil palm plants. The monitoringof the water height in the ditches is conducted to ensure sufficient

supply of water for the oil palm plants (to contain rain water in the rainyseason and as a slow release reservoir during the dry season).


2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Pengolahan Air LimbahWaste Water Treatment

Untuk Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL), PerusahaanAnda memiliki 8 kolam pengolahan di Unit Usaha Jambi 1(AGW), 11 kolam pengolahan di Jambi 2 (SNP) dan7 kolam pengolahan di Sumbar (BPP Air Balam).Untuk SNP dan BPP, Perusahaan Anda telahmenerapkan teknologi Clean DevelopmentMechanism/CDM (lihat bagian Penurunan EmisiGas Rumah Kaca).

Proses pengolahan limbah cair pada IPAL dimulai dengan prosespengendapan awal yang diakomodasikan dalam tanki pemisahminyak. Selanjutnya pengolahan limbah cair dilakukan melaluiproses netralisasi, proses anaerobik yang menghasilkanbiogas (methan) yang dimanfaatkan dalam proses pemanasandi pabrik, proses aerobik dengan penghembusan udarapada permukaan air limbah, proses pengendapan lumpur,serta proses pengeringan lumpur.

For the Waste Water Treatment Facilities (Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah - IPAL), YourCompany operates 8 processing ponds in Jambi 1 Business Unit (AGW), 11 processingponds in Jambi 2 (SNP) and 7 processing ponds in Sumbar (BPP Air Balam). For the SNP and BPP, YourCompany has implemented the Clean Development Mechanism/CDM technology (see the section on GreenHouse Gas Emission Reduction).

The waste water treatment process in the IPAL is started with the initial sedimentation process accomodated inan oil separation tank. Afterwards, the waste water treatment is conducted through the neutralization process,anaerobic process which produces biogas (methane) for use in the heating system in the manufacturing plant,aerobic process with air blowing on the waste water surface, mud sedimentation process, and mud dryingprocess.

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G4-EN19 Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah KacaGreen House Gas Emission Reduction

Seiring dengan seruan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa(PBB), melalui UNFCCC (United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change) akan pentingnyaupaya penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GreenHouse Gases – GHGs), Perusahaan Anda telahmengembangkan proyek CDM di Unit Jambi danSumbar.

Dalam proyek CDM, Perusahaan Andamelakukan pengolahan limbah cair difasilitas Instalasi Pengolahan AirLimbah (IPAL/Waste WaterTreatment-WWT) menjadi biogasdan menangkap serta membakargas metana yang dihasilkan dariproses tersebut. Besarnya biogasyang diproduksi, menjadi dasarperhitungan besarnya emisi karbon y a n gdireduksi. Gas metana yang dihasi lkandari proses ini memiliki intensitas 21 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan KarbonDioksida (CO2). Tujuan dari proyek CDM ini untuk mendorong pengembangan berkelanjutandalam menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca dan untuk pemanfaatan biogas sebagai sumber energi alternatif dalamjangka panjang. Dengan demikian, CDM juga memberikan keuntungan tambahan seperti adanya akses untukefisiensi penerangan dan memasak, peningkatan kualitas udara dan kualitas hidup.

Fasilitas CDM pada Unit BPP dan SNP di Perusahaan Anda telah terdaftar pada UNFCCC, masing-masing sejak12 November 2009 dan 18 Februari 2010.

In compliance with the call of the United Nations (UN), through the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Conventionon Climate Change) on the importance of initiatives to reduce Green House Gas emission, Your Company hasdeveloped CDM projects in Jambi and Sumbar Units.

In the CDM projects, Your Company converts the waste liquid in the WasteWater Treatment (WWT) Facilities into biogas as well as capturing and

burning the methane gas produced in the process. The volume of biogasproduced sets base for the calculation of carbon emission reduction.

The methane gas produced through the process is of 21 times higherintensity than Carbon Dioxide CO2. The CDM project aimed atencouraging sustainable development of green house gas emissionreduction as well as at utilizing biogas as an alternative source ofenergy in the long run. CDM hence also provides additionalbenefits such as the access for efficiency in lighting and cooking,enhancement of air quality and the quality of life.

The CDM facilities in Your Company’s BPP and SNP Units have beenregistered at UNFCCC since 12 November 2009 and 18 February 2010



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Dalam pengelolaan limbah, Perusahaan Anda melaluibeberapa tahapan sebagai berikut:• Meminta izin penyimpanan sementara limbah B3

yang dikeluarkan oleh Kantor Lingkungan Hidupdi Jakarta yang berlaku selama tiga tahun;

• Menyimpan limbah B3 selama 90 hari sesuaiPeraturan Pemerintah nomor 18 tahun 1999;

• Mengirim limbah B3 ke tempat pengumpul yangsudah mempunyai izin dari Kementerian NegaraLingkungan Hidup.

Konservasi Lingkungan Alam

G4-EN11 - G4-EN13 Perlindungan KeanekaragamanHayatiMenjaga keanekaragaman hayati di lokasi operasiusaha merupakan salah satu komitmen PerusahaanAnda dalam menjaga keseimbangan antara kegiatanoperasi dengan alam.

Areal KonservasiPerusahaan Anda mengembangkan dan menjagaareal konservasi di beberapa area usaha, denganmengalokasikan lahan seluas 15-30 Ha yang kaya akankeanekaragaman hayati dan tidak ditanami dengantanaman komoditas. Lahan tersebut menjadi klusterdi tengah lokasi perkebunan. Model kluster ini akandigunakan sebagai model acuan bagi pengembanganlahan serupa di masa mendatang.

Adanya areal konservasi ini mempertegas bahwa,Perusahaan Anda dalam menjalankan usahanya senantiasamenjaga dan melestarikan keanekaragaman hayati danjuga warisan adat serta budaya (cultural heritage)yang ada di dalam perkebunan Perusahaan Anda.

Areal Konservasi Pertama Perusahaan Anda telahdiresmikan pada tanggal 11 September 2006,berlokasi di kebun inti Air Balam, Pasaman Barat,milik Area Usaha Sumbar. Areal seluas hampir 30 Haini dinamakan sesuai dengan pendiri KelompokUsaha Bakrie, H. Achmad Bakrie.

In terms of waste management, Your Companyusually undergoes several stages as follows:• Requesting the license for temporary storage of

hazardous waste issued by the EnvironmentOffice in Jakarta which is valid for three years;

• Storing the hazardous waste for 90 days incompliance with Government Regulation No. 18of 1999;

• Sending the hazardous waste to a collecting sitewhich already has the necessary license from theState Ministry of Environment.

Conservation of Natural Environment

G4-EN11 - G4-EN13 Biodiversity ProtectionMaintaining biodiversity in the operational sites hasbeen one of Your Company’s commitments towardsbalancing the operational activities and theenvironment.

Conservation AreasYour Company develops and maintains conservationareas in several business areas, by allocating landareas of 15-30 Ha which are rich in biodiversity andnot planted with commodity plants. These conservationareas are developed as clusters in the middle of theplantation sites. This cluster scheme is used as areference for the development of similar areas in thefuture.

The existence of these conservation areas signifiesthat Your Company always maintain and preservebiodiversity as well as the traditional and culturalheritages in Your Company’s plantations.

Your Company’s First Conservation areas has beeninaugurated on 11 September 2006, located in theAir Balam estate in West Pasaman, which is run bythe Sumbar Business Area. Covering nearly 30 Ha ofarea, the forest is named after the founder of theBakrie Business Group, H. Achmad Bakrie.

Pengumpulan Limbah B3 per Area Usaha | Colection of Hazardous and Toxic Waste per Business Area

Masuk Keluar Stok

Sumut 1 Bekas Pelumas I Used Lubricants (L) 970 1.608 0

Sumbar Bekas Pelumas I Used Lubricants (L) 5.001 4.620 381

Jambi 1 Bekas Pelumas I Used Lubricants (L) 3.705 3.498 247

Bengkulu Bekas Pelumas I Used Lubricants (L) 2.285 1.433 852

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Miniatur Hutan KonservasiMiniature Conservation Forest

Berlandaskan Undang-Undang No.5/1990 tentang PengelolaanSumberdaya Hayati dan Ekosistemnya, serta Peraturan MenteriLingkungan Hidup No.3/2011 tentang Taman Keanekaragaman Hayati,Unit Usaha Jambi 2 (AGW) telah mengembangkan “Miniatur HutanKonservasi” seluas 17 Ha, berlokasi di tengah perkebunan sawit dandekat dengan lingkungan masyarakat sekitar.

Pengelolaan Miniatur Hutan Konservasi ini bertujuan untuk menjagaserta mengembangkan keanekaragaman hayati yang ada, melaluiupaya penanaman bibit tanaman langka dengan bekerja sama denganlembaga-lembaga terkait yang juga bertujuan untuk memeliharaekosistem yang ada, perlindungan dan pemeliharaan flora dan faunayang terdapat di dalamnya, pengembangan jenis flora, serta upayapemantauan dan pelaporan.

Selain dikembangkan dalam upaya menjaga keberlangsungankeanekaragaman hayati, Miniatur Hutan Konservasi ini juga menjadiareal resapan air, area yang memproduksi O2 dan menyerap CO2,perlindungan terhadap flora dan fauna langka, sumber makananhewan, serta sebagai area wisata bagi masyarakat dan karyawan.Komitmen Perusahaan Anda dalam pengelolaan lingkungandiharapkan dapat membangun budaya masyarakat dalam menjagadan mengembangkan lingkungan hidup yang baik dan sehat.

Based on Law No.5/1990 on Biological Resources and EcosystemsManagement, and Environmental Minister Decree No.3/1991 onBiodiversity Park, the Jambi 2 Business Unit (AGW) has developed a17 Ha of “Miniature Conservation Forest”, located in the middle ofpalm estates and close to the local residential areas.

The development of the Miniature Conservation Forest is aimed atpreserving and developing prevailing biodiversities, through theplanting of endangered plants in cooperation with related institutionsin order to preserve the current ecosystems, the protection andpreservation of flora and fauna inside the forest, the addition of floraspecies, as well as the implementation of monitoring and reportingmeasures.

Aside from ensuring sustainable biodiversity, the MiniatureConservation Forest also functions as water retention area as well

as O2-producing and CO2-absorbing area, protection haven forendangered flora and fauna species, sources of animal feed

and recreational area for local residents and employees.Your Company commitment in environmental managementis expected to lead to the development of socio-culturalbehaviors pertaining to the preservation and enhancementof well-managed and healthy environment.


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Ardea sumatranaArdea purpureaArdeola bacchusAnas querquedulaAviceda leuphotesElanus caeruleusHaliaeetus leucogasterIctinaetus malayensisGallus gallusTurnix suscitatorAmaurornis phoenicurusTreron oxyuraMacropygia ruficepsStreptopelia chinensisGeopelia striataPsittacula longicaudaCentropus sinensisCentropus bengalensisTyto albaOtus rufescensApus affinisPelargopsis capensisHalcyon smyrnensisTodirhamphus chloris

Dinopium javanenseAegithina tiphiaChloropsis sonneratiPycnonotus aurigasterPycnonotus eutilotusPycnonotus simplexDicrurus macrocercusOriolus chinensisCorvus encaCopsychus saularisSeicercus grammicepsOrthotomus ruficepsPrinia flaviventrisRhinomyias umbratilisRhipidura perlataAcridotheres javanicusGracula religiosaAnthreptes simplexNectarinia calcostethaArachnothera flavigasterZosterops palpebrosusPasser montanusLonchura striata

Hasil survey satwa liar di areal HCV di Unit Usaha Jambi 2Result of wild animals surveys in HCV areas at the Jambi 2 Business Unit

Hasil survey satwa liar kelompok burung:Results of wild birds survey:

Hasil survey satwa liar kelompok mamaliaResults of wild mammals survey:

Cynopterus brachyotisFelis bengalensisHystrix crassispinisLutra lutraCallosciurus notatusPresbytis melalphosMacaca nemestrinaMacaca fascicularisParadoxurus hermaphroditusTragulus napuMydaus javanensisRattus tiomanicus

Hasil survey satwa liar kelompok amphibi dan reptil:Results of wild amphibies and reptiles survey

Python molurusPython reticulatusVaranus salvatorNaja sumatranaOphiophagus hannahEutropis multifasciataRana spRana nicobariensis


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Perusahaan Anda menerapkan upaya pengendalian hayati dalampemberantasan hama untuk mengurangi penggunaan pestisida/zat kimia lainnya, sejalan dengan fokus untuk menjaga kualitasproduksi tanaman sawit serta penerapan operasi yang ramahlingkungan.

Pemanfaatan tanaman Bunga Pukul Delapan(Turnera ulmifolia dan Turnera subulata) sebagai inang bagiserangga pemangsa hama Ulat Api (Setothosea asigna).

Disebut Bunga Pukul Delapan disesuaikan dengan masa mekarbunganya yang dimulai sejak sekitar pukul delapan pagi sampaitengah hari.

Tanaman ini juga dikenal dengan nama Lidah Kucing atauPortulaka, memiliki bunga yang berwarna kuning, putih, merahatau oranye, merupakan spesies tanaman liar Passifloraceae yangberasal dari Meksiko dan Hindia Barat. Rebusan daun danakarnya juga lazim digunakan sebagai obat anti peradangan, antibengkak dan mengurangi pembekuan darah, serta untukgangguan pencernaan.

Ulat Api merupakan hama yang menyerang daun tanaman sawitdan pada jangka panjang berdampak terhadap tanaman sawitterutama dalam tahap pembibitan, serta mengakibatkanpenurunan hasil produksi pada tanaman usia produktif.

Your Company implements biological controlover pest handling to reduce the use ofpesticides / other chemical subtansce, in linewith the focus to maintain the quality of palmproduction as well as the implementation ofenvironmentally-friendly operations.

The use of Bunga Pukul Delapan(Turnera ulmifolia and Turnera subulata) as thehost for insects predating the Ulat Api pest(Setothosea asigna).

The plant is called Bunga Pukul Delapan or EightO’Clock Flower due to its bloom period whichcommonly starts at 8am and last until aroundnoon.

The plant is also known as Cat Tounge orPortulaka, has yellow, white, red or orangeflowers; is part of Passifloraceae wild plantspecies originating from Mexico and West Hindie.Its leaves and root are also commonly used asanti-infection, anti inflammation and to reduceblood coagulation, as well as for any digestionproblems.

Ulat Api is a pest for palm plants, and particularlyhas long-term impact on palm plants in thenursery phase, as well as decreasing the yieldsof productive plants.

Pemberantasan Hamasecara Pengendalian Hayati

Pest Handling by Biological Control


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Penangkaran Burung Hantu (Tyto alba)sebagai pemangsa hama tikus; dengan lingkup area20 hektar per ekor burung hantu

Breeding of Owls (Tyto alba) as predators ofrats; with a coverage area of 20 hectare per owl.


2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

* Tidak menggunakan burung hantu maupun bungapukul delapan | Not using owl nor bunga pukuldelapan.

**Data 4 dari 6 estate | Data from 4 of 6 estates

Data Burung Hantu dan Bunga Pukul Delapan

Area Usaha Burung Hantu BungaBusiness Area Owls Pukul Delapan

Sumut 1 (Kisaran) * 1.330,6Ha**

Sumbar (Pasaman) 42 359,96 Ha

Jambi (AGW/AMM) 219 6,53Ha

Bengkulu (Air Muring) * *

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Menjaga Kawasan Bernilai Konservasi TinggiMaintaining High Conservation Value Areas

Selain mengembangkan dan menjaga areal konservasi yang sebelumnya sudah kaya akankeanekaragaman hayati, Perusahaan Anda juga melakukan identifikasi atas kawasan bernilaikonservasi tinggi (High Conservation Value - HCV) dengan melakukan kajian terhadap luasankebun secara keseluruhan.

Perusahaan Anda mengidentifikasikan keberadaan sejumlah kawasan bernilai konservasi tinggi,yakni di Unit Usaha Sumut 1, Sumbar dan Jambi, yang meliputi kategori keanekaragaman hayati,jasa lingkungan dan sosial budaya.

Untuk Unit Usaha Sumut 1 dengan total luas lahan tertanam kelapa sawit 7.330 Ha, dijumpaitiga dari enam tipe HCV di area penilaian seluas 11,51 Ha atau 0,15%, yaitu HCV 1, HCV 4 danHCV 6; tidak dijumpai indikasi keberadaan HCV 2, HCV 3 dan HCV 5.

Untuk areal HGU Sumbar, dijumpai tiga dari enam tipe HCV dengan total area seluas 507,6 Haatau 5,2% dari luas HGU, yaitu HCV 1, HCV 3, dan HCV 4; tidak dijumpai indikasi keberadaanHCV 2 dan HCV 5. HCV 6 dijumpai di luar areal HGU, tetapi berbatasan langsung.

Di Unit Usaha Jambi 1 dengan total luas HGU 4.708 Ha, dijumpai tiga dari enam tipe HCV di areapenilaian seluas 611,27 Ha atau 12,98%, yaitu HCV 1, HCV 2, dan HCV 4; tidak dijumpai indikasikeberadaan HCV 3, HCV 5 dan HCV 6.

In addition to developing and maintaining the conservation area that are already rich inbiodiversity, Your Company also identifies the areas with high conservation value (HCV) throughthe assessment of the estate coverage.

Your Company identifies the presence of a number of high conservation value areas, namely inthe Sumut 1, Sumbar and Jambi Business Units, covering the categories of biodiversity,environmental services and sociocultural aspects.

At the Sumut 1 Business Unit with a total palm planted area of 7,330 Ha, there are three of thesix HCV types in an evaluation area of 11.51 Ha or 0.15%, i.e. HCV 1, HCV 4 and HCV 6; there isno indication of the presence of HCV 2, HCV 3 and HCV 5.

At the HGU areal of Sumbar, there are three of six HCV types with a total area of 507.6 Ha or5.2% of the HGU area, i.e. HCV 1, HCV 3 and HCV 4; there is no indication of the presence ofHCV 2 and HCV 5. HCV 6 is found at a directly-bordering area but outside the HGU areal.

At the Jambi 1 Business Unit with a total HGU area of 4,708 Ha, there are three of six HCV typesin the evaluation area of 611.27 Ha or 12.98%, i.e. HCV 1, HCV 2 and HCV 4; there is noindication of the presence of HCV 3, HCV 5 and HCV 6.


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Sampai saat ini, Perusahaan Anda sangat menjaga arealkonservasi tersebut yang berfungsi sebagai kawasanpelestarian flora dan fauna langka, penyerapan air,serta pendidikan. Dikelola bersama Dinas Kehutanan,areal konservasi tersebut pun dijaga oleh komunitassekitar yang telah mengikuti sosialisasi hutan lestari.

Perusahaan Anda juga mengelola areal konservasi diwilayah operasi area usaha yang lain, yaitu Area UsahaSumut 1 dan Jambi 1 dengan luas masing-masing19,10 Ha dan 14,35 Ha.

Hutan VegetasiPerusahaan Anda melalui Unit Usaha Jambi mulaitahun 2011, membangun kawasan hutan vegetasi dibeberapa lokasi kebun yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankankelestarian lingkungan, khususnya habitat hewan dantumbuhan, sebagai upaya untuk mengembalikan danmeningkatkan kualitas lingkungan, serta memperbaikikeseimbangan ekosistem. Hutan vegetasi pertamatelah dikembangkan di Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi.Hutan vegetasi dan habitat yang ada di dalamnyaberjalan secara alami. Perusahaan Anda tidakmelakukan pemantauan khusus terhadap habitathewan dan tumbuhan yang ada di dalamnya.

SertifikasiProses sertifikasi memberikan standar kelayakanoperasi yang terukur. Komitmen Perusahaan Andauntuk menyelesaikan proses sertifikasi dalam bidang-bidang terkait, tidak saja merupakan usaha memenuhipersyaratan untuk kelangsungan operasional sertauntuk memperoleh pengakuan secara nasional,regional dan internasional, tetapi juga merupakanbagian dari upaya untuk memberikan keyakinan bagipara pemangku kepentingan akan penciptaan nilaiyang berkesinambungan (sustainable value). Informasimengenai sertifikasi Perusahaan Anda disampaikanpada halaman 5 Laporan Keberlanjutan ini.

Lingkungan dan Peranan KomunitasSejalan dengan pengoperasian usaha perkebunan,Perusahaan Anda senantiasa mengajak masyarakatsekitar untuk berperan aktif melestarikan lingkungan.

PenghijauanDi semua area usahanya, Perusahaan Anda menjagakehijauan daerah aliran sungai, sekitar jarak 10 meterarea di kanan-kiri aliran sungai. Program penghijauanyang dilakukan Perusahaan Anda mencakuppenanaman tanaman hutan keras non-komersial,antara lain pohon waru, mahoni dan bambu.

To date, Your Company is safeguarding the conservationareas that serves as areas for the preservation of rareflora and fauna, water absorption, and environmentaleducation. Jointly managed with the Forestry Office,the forest has been safeguarded by the local communitywho has been well informed about sustainable forestry.

Your Company also manages the conservation areasin the operational areas of other business units, i.e.the Sumut 1 and the Jambi 1 Business Areas, covering19.10 Ha and 14.35 Ha respectively.

Vegetation ForestsStarting in 2011, Your Company through the JambiBusiness Unit began to develop the vegetationforests in several estates; aimed at preserving theenvironment, especially as the habitats of animalsand plants, in the efforts to restore and enhanceenvironmental quality and improve the balance ofthe ecosystem. The first vegetation forest has beendeveloped in Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi. Thevegetation forests and the habitats inside have beenleft to run through their natural course. Your Companydoes not conduct any special monitoring activitiesover the habitats of animals and plants within.

CertificationThe certification process provides a measurablestandard of operational feasibility. Your Company’scommitment to complete the certification process inthe related fields is not only an attempt to meet therequirements for operational sustainability and togain recognitions at national, regional andinternational levels; but also a part of the efforts toprovide assurance to the stakeholders in terms of thecreation of sustainable values. Information on YourCompany certification is presented on page 5 of thisSustainability Report.

Community Role in the EnvironmentIn line with the operation of the plantation business,Your Company has always been involving localcommunities in environmental preservation programs.

Greening ProgramIn all business areas, Your Company safeguards thegreenery of the riverside areas, some 10 meters ofboth sides of the river. The greening programconducted by Your Company includes the planting ofnon-commercial plants, such as hibiscus, mahoganyand bamboo.

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Perusahaan Anda melalui Unit Sumbar, bersama PemdaKabupaten Pasaman Barat dalam rangka memperingatiHari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia, melakukan serangkaiankegiatan yang bertujuan menggalang kesadarankaryawan dan masyarakat sekitar untuk menjaga danmenyelamatkan alam (bumi) dari kerusakan akibatulah manusia. Kegiatan lingkungan tersebut meliputipemberian bibit buah-buahan serta tanaman kerassecara gratis kepada masyarakat untuk ditanam dipekarangan rumah, sosialisasi melalui pemberianbrosur tentang pentingnya penghijauan lingkungan,penanaman pohon jenis cemara laut di pantai Sasak,serta penanaman bambu di pinggiran sungai.

Melalui Area Usaha Sumut 1, Perusahaan Anda telahmelakukan kesepakatan bersama dengan WaspadaGreen Club (WGC) untuk melakukan kegiatanpenghijauan pinggir Sungai Bunut sepanjang 15 km.

G4-EN34 Pengaduan atas Dampak LingkunganPengaduan atas dampak lingkungan di semua AreaUsaha pada 2013 difasilitasi melalui Forum KomunikasiPERKASA yang telah dimiliki pada tingkat kecamatan/estate di seluruh Area Usaha, berfungsi sebagai mediatorbagi penyampaian pengaduan masyarakat serta upayapenanganan permasalahan dengan pihak terkait.

G4-EN29 Denda dan Sanksi atas PelanggaranTidak terdapat denda dan sanksi bagi PerusahaanAnda atas pelanggaran terhadap hukum danperundangan lingkungan di semua Area Usaha padatahun 2013.

Your Company through the Sumbar Unit, in cooperationwith West Pasaman Regencial Government in linewith the World Environment Day, conducted a seriesof activities aimed at raising awareness of employeesand neighboring communities to protect and savethe nature (earth) from the damage caused by humanactivities. The environmental activities included theprovision of free seeds of fruit and hardwood plantsto the public to be planted in the yard, the socializationthrough distributed brochures on the importance ofgreening the environment, the planting of sea pinespecies at the Sasak beach, as well as the planting ofbamboo trees on riverside areas.

Through the Sumut 1 Business Area, Your Companyhas made an agreement with Waspada Green Club(WGC) for the greening of the 15 km area along theBunut Riverbank.

G4-EN34 Grievances about Environmental ImpactsReports of grievances about environmental impactsin all Business Areas in 2013 were facilitated throughthe PERKASA Communication Forum which is establishedat district/estate level in all Business Areas serves as amediator for the grievance reporting and problemhandling with related parties.

G4-EN29 Fines and Sanctions for Non-ComplianceThere was no fine nor sanction applied on YourCompany for non-compliance with environmentallaw and regulations in all Business Areas in 2013.

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Pengembangan Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources Development

Fokus Strategis SDMFokus strategis Perusahaan Anda dalam mengelolaSDM 2013 meliputi :• Pengelolaan Bakat (Talent Management),

berfokus pada sistem pengembanganberdasarkan aspek-aspek sebagai berikut:• Penetapan Talent Management Model• BSP Succession Plan• Penyelarasan materi program Management Trainee• Program Executive Mentoring

• Pengelolaan Proses Pembelajaran (KnowledgeManagement - KM) mencakup:• KM Learning: Proses pelatihan• KM Captured: Proses pembelajaran mandiri

HR Strategic FocusYour Company’s strategic focus in HR managementin 2013 included:• Talent Management, focusing on the

development system which is based on thefollowing aspects:• Talent Management Model• BSP Succession Plan• Management Trainee Program adjustment• Executive Mentoring Program

• Knowledge Management (KM), including:• KM Learning: Training process• KM Captured: Self-learning process


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Roadmap HRD 2010 - 2014

to strengthen HR Role in the Organizationto nurture the BSP Corporate Cultureto develop BSP Leadershipto improve HR Service Level Agreementto leverage BSP Knowledge Managementto promote BSP’s Position as a leading employer in Business Communities

HR Strategy


HR Strategy


HR Strategy


HR Business Process& OrganizationRedesign

LeadershipDevelopmentHR SBUDevelopment


Leading IndustryStandard CombenEmployeeSatisfaction Index

IntegratedAgrobusiness HRReferenceCompany inIndonesia

Admired Organization

2010 2011 20132012 2014

Nurture the Right Organization & Talent Pool

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• Analisa Indeks Kepuasan Karyawan sebagaipenelitian atas 11 faktor dominan dalam upayameningkatkan kepuasan kerja SDM.

KetenagakerjaanBentuk perhatian Perusahaan Anda kepada karyawantampak pada upaya perusahaan dalam membangunsistem pengupahan dan remunerasi yang kompetitif.Perusahaan Anda menetapkan pengupahan sesuaiperaturan Pemerintah, termasuk Pemerintah Daerah,serta kesepakatan antara Badan Kerja Sama PerusahaanPerkebunan Sumatera (BKSPPS) dengan PengurusDaerah Federasi Serikat Pekerja (PD-FSP) dan PengurusPusat Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (PP-SPSI).Dengan demikian, batas standar pengupahan yangdiberlakukan di Perusahaan Anda telah memenuhibatas Upah Minimum Provinsi/Kabupaten (UMP atauUMK) dan sesuai dengan standar pengupahan disektor perkebunan. Termasuk dalam standarpengupahan, Perusahaan Anda memberikan bonustahunan (sesuai kinerja individu dan kemampuanperusahaan), uang makan, uang mandah (uang pindahuntuk mutasi pekerjaan antar perkebunan), upah kerjalembur, tunjangan hari keagamaan, jaminan sosial,seperti Jamsostek dan bantuan sosial lain kepadakaryawan.

Kondisi SDM 2013Pada tahun 2013 Perusahaan Anda mempekerjakan17.244 karyawan yang mencakup 7 komisaris,6 direktur, 675 staf, 16.551 non-staf dan5 management trainee / trainee.

Pada tahun 2013 Perusahaan Anda melakukanpengurangan jumlah pekerja non-staf sebesar 12,43%,sejalan dengan pengalihan aset kebun dan upayapeningkatan efisiensi dalam mengatasi tantanganusaha dan hambatan operasional untuk menjagakeberlanjutan usaha.

• Employee Satisfaction Index Analysis as aresearch over 11 dominant factors in the effortsto enhance HR occupational satisfaction.

Labor PracticesYour Company’s attention to the employees is reflectedby the efforts to develop competitive wage andremuneration systems. Your Company sets the wagein compliance with Government regulations, includingthe Regional Government and the agreement betweenthe Cooperation Board for Sumatran PlantationCompanies (BKSPPS - Badan Kerja Sama PerusahaanPerkebunan Sumatera) with the Regional ExecutiveBoards of the Federation for Labor Unions (PD-FSP -Pengurus Daerah Federasi Serikat Pekerja), and theCentral Executive Boards of the Indonesian Labor Unions(PP-SPSI - Pengurus Pusat Serikat Pekerja SeluruhIndonesia). Thus the standard wage limit imposed byYour Company have met the Provincial/RegencialMinimum Wage limit (UMP or UMK) and in accordancewith the standards of wages in the plantation sector.Complying with the wage standard, Your Companyprovides annual bonus (based on individualperformance and the ability of the company), foodallowance, mandah (compensation funds for inter-plantation job-transfer), overtime pay, religious dayallowance, social security, such as Jamsostek andother social assistance for employees.

HR Conditions in 2013In 2013 Your Company provided jobs for 17,244employees, which included 7 commissioners,6 directors, 675 management staff, 16,551 non-management staff and 5 management trainee / trainee.

In 2013, Your Company decreased the number ofnon-staff workers by 12.43%, in line with the transferof ownership of estate assets and efforts to improveefficiency, in line with Your Company’s efforts toovercome operational challenges in ensuring businesssustainability.


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Perubahan jumlah pegawai pada tahun 2013 tersebuttermasuk perubahan di 4 Area Usaha sebagai berikut:

G4-LA2 Fasilitas bagi Pegawai TetapPerusahaan Anda mempekerjakan pegawai tetap,pegawai paruh waktu/temporer serta buruh harianlepas (BHL). Disamping fasilitas Jamsostek yangdiberikan bagi semua pekerja, jatah cuti parentalleave juga diberikan bagi pegawai tetap.

Kesetaraan Kesempatan KerjaPerusahaan Anda mempekerjakan karyawan denganberagam latar belakang tingkat pendidikan. Setiapkaryawan memberikan kontribusi positif untukperkembangan perusahaan sesuai dengan kompetensidan jenis pekerjaannya. Pada tahun 2013, 31,53%karyawan tingkat staf memiliki tingkat pendidikanSekolah Dasar, 22,74% Sekolah Menengah Pertama,36,07% Sekolah Menengah Atas, 2,92% D3/D2/D1,6,38% S1/D4, 0,33% S2 dan 0,04% S3.

Perusahaan Anda juga memberikan kesempatan yangsetara kepada semua karyawan untuk mencapaiberbagai posisi dalam organisasi dan memiliki kinerjayang baik. Perbandingan komposisi antara karyawan

The 2013 change in the number of employeesincluded the changes in 4 Business Areas as follows:

G4-LA2 Benefits for Full-Time EmployeesYour Company employs permanent employees, parttime / temporary employees and day laborers. Asidefrom the Jamsostek services provided to all workers,the facilities for parental leave are also provided topermanent employees.

Employment EqualityYour Company provides jobs for employees with diverselevels of educational background. Every employeemakes a positive contribution to the development ofthe company in accordance with the respectivecompetencies and types of work. In 2013, 31.53% ofstaff-level employees have Primary School educationalbackground, 22.74% Junior High School, 36.07%Senior High School, 2.92% D3/D2/D1, 6.38% S1/D4,0.33% S2 and 0.04% S3.

Your Company also provides equal opportunities toall employees to achieve a variety of positions withinthe organization, and to exhibit good performance.The comparative composition between male and

G4-LA3 Cuti Kelahiran | Parental Leave

Jumlah pegawai yang berhak atas cuti kelahiranNumber of employees entitled to parental leave

Jumlah pegawai yang mengambil jatah cuti kelahiranNumber of employees taking parental leave

Jumlah pegawai yang kembali bekerja setelah cuti kelahiranNumber of employees who returned to work after parental leave

Persentase pegawai yang tetap bekerja setelah cuti kelahiranPercentage of employees remaining in the workforce after parental leave

Keterangan I Description

6 0 0 0

2 0 0 0

2 0 0 0

100% 0% 0% 0%

Sumbar Jambi 1Sumut 1 Bengkulu

< 30 tahun I years 2 0 1 030-50 tahun I years 0 0 4 0> 50 tahun I years 0 0 5 0< 30 tahun I years 0 0 1 030-50 tahun I years 1 0 2 0> 50 tahun I years 0 0 0 0< 30 tahun I years 0 0 1 030-50 tahun I years 0 0 0 0> 50 tahun I years 0 0 0 0< 30 tahun I years 0 0 0 030-50 tahun I years 0 0 2 0> 50 tahun I years 0 0 0 0

Sumut 1


Jambi 1

G4-LA1 Pegawai Baru dan Perputaran Pegawai | New Employee and Employee Turnover

Pria | Man Wanita | Woman Pria | Man Wanita | Woman

Baru | New Keluar | Out


Area Kelompok UsiaRegion Age Group

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female employees in 2013 is 86.89% and 13.11% forstaff members, or 82.41% and 17.59% for non-staffmembers.

Remuneration Policy

G4-LA13 Equal Remuneration by GenderYour Company implements equal basic salary andwage for women and men at all levels ofemployment and in all Business Areas.

Remuneration Process for Board of DirectorsYour Company through the HR Directorate conductsevaluation and provides recommendations to proposethe remuneration packages for the Board of Directors.The evaluation and recommendations for theremuneration packages of the Board of Directors’ andthe Board of Commissioners’ member are based onthe evaluation of the Economic Value Added (EVA)score and Key Performance Indicators (KPI). In addition,Your Company’s HR Division also conducts payrollbenchmarking internally and externally based onsurvey results.

pria dan wanita pada tahun 2013 adalah 86,89%dan 13,11% untuk staf, atau 82,41% dan 17,59%untuk non-staf.

Kebijakan Remunerasi

G4-LA13 Kesetaraan Remunerasi berdasarkan GenderPerusahaan Anda menetapkan upah dan gaji dasaryang setara bagi wanita dan pria di semua tingkatkepegawaian dan semua Area Usaha.

Proses Remunerasi DireksiDirektorat SDM Perusahaan Anda melakukan evaluasidan rekomendasi untuk mengusulkan pemberian paketremunerasi Direksi. Evaluasi dan rekomendasi atas paketremunerasi anggota Direksi dan anggota DewanKomisaris dibuat berdasarkan dua pertimbangan.Pertimbangan pertama adalah pencapaian atas targetEVA dan target KPI. Pertimbangan kedua adalahperbandingan untuk mendapatkan keseimbanganinternal serta keseimbangan eksternal yang didapatkandari hasil survei.

G4-LA12 Jumlah Karyawan Staf berdasarkan Kelompok Usia | Number of Staff by Age Group


< 30 tahun35 orang atau 16,83%

30 - 50 tahun150 orang atau 72,12%

> 50 tahun23 orang atau 11,06%

Proses Kebijakan Remunerasi Direksi | BOD Remuneration Policy Process

EVA ScoreKPI Achievement

Evaluation &Recommendation on

remuneration package

Benchmark Salary- Internal &- External

Nomination andRemuneration

CommitteeNew PolicyBOC & BOD


Target EVA ditetapkan setiap 3 tahun dan dikajiulang setiap tahun.KPI ditetapkan berdasarkan balance scorecard.KPI dashboard dikaji ulang secara bulanan

Penetapan benchmark danpersiapan proposal untukKomite Nominasi danRemunerasi

Keputusan akhir diambil dalam Rapat Gabungan

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

G4-LA10 Pengembangan Berbasis KompetensiPerusahaan Anda melalui Direktorat SDM melaksanakanprogram pengembangan SDM berbasis kompetensiberdasarkan Model Kompetensi yang terdiri atas tigakelompok kompetensi sebagai berikut:1. Kompetensi Inti

Kelompok kompetensi wajib bagi seluruh lapisanSDM Perusahaan Anda merupakan penerapandari visi, misi dan nilai-nilai perusahaan,mencakup 5 jenis kompetensi berikut:a. Kecerdasan Berbisnisb. Kemampuan Meningkatkan Kinerja untuk

Keberhasilanc. Orientasi pada Layanan Pelanggand. Orientasi pada Kualitase. Kemampuan Komunikasi

2. Kompetensi KepemimpinanKelompok kompetensi untuk tingkat manajerialdengan fokus pada pengembangan aspekkepemimpinan dan pengambilan keputusan,mencakup 4 jenis kompetensi berikut:a. Teamworkb. Leadershipc. Learning Managementd. Network & Partnership

3. Kompetensi ProfesionalKelompok kompetensi teknis berdasarkankarakteristik area kerja meliputi aspekkemampuan individu dari tingkat pembelajar

G4-LA10 Competency-Based DevelopmentYour Company through the HR Directorate conductscompetency-based HR development programs basedon the Competency Model which includes threecompetency categories as follows:1. Core Competence

Obligatory competency category for all HR levelsin Your Company derived from the corporatevision, mission and values, covering the following5 types of competency:a. Business Acumenb. Performance-for-Result Drivec. Customer Service Orientationd. Quality Orientatione. Communication Skills

2. Leadership CompetenceCompetency category for the managerial levelfocusing on the development of leadership anddecision making aspects, covering the following4 types of competency:a. Teamworkb. Leadershipc. Learning Managementd. Network and Partnership

3. Professional CompetenceTechnical competency category based on thecharacteristics of job streams, covering theindividual capabilities from the beginner toadvanced levels, comprising the following job

Model Kompetensi | Competency Model

Level 5

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1





Business AcumenDriving Performance Result

Customer Service OrientationQuality Orientation


Job Stream:Palm



Finance & AccountingSupply Chain Management



Learning ManagementNetwork and Partnership

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hingga mahir, mencakup pengelompokan areakerja sebagai berikut:a. Sawitb. Karetc. Pabrik Pengolahand. Perdagangane. Sektor Pendukung: Keuangan & Akuntansif. Sektor Pendukung: Sumber Daya Manusiag. Sektor Pendukung: Legalh. Sektor Pendukung: Teknologi Informasii. Sektor Pendukung: Manajemen Rantai Pasokan

Pada prinsipnya program pengembangan karyawanterbagi dalam 4 tingkat, berdasarkan level organisasi.Pendekatan ini dilaksanakan agar Perusahaan Andadapat memberikan perhatian pada kebutuhanpengembangan yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap levelorganisasi:1. Staf profesional, terdiri dari trainee dan non staff

(administratif).2. Manajer Lini Pertama, terdiri dari Asisten Manajer,

Asisten Senior, Asisten 1, Asisten 2.3. Manajer Tengah, terdiri dari Manajer Senior dan

Manajer.4. Manajer Puncak, terdiri dari Excecutive Vice

President dan Vice President.

Untuk karyawan baru yang merupakan lulusan baru,program pengembangan diberikan dalam bentukpelatihan management trainee. Sedangkan untukkaryawan baru yang telah memiliki pengalaman kerjaakan mendapatkan program pengenalan perusahaandalam bentuk NEOP (New Employee OrientationProgram). Perusahaan Anda menggunakan istilahdalam perkebunan untuk program pengembanganstaf yaitu:1. pre-nursery,

program pengembangan dasar untuk non-staf2. seedling,

program pengembangan untuk manajer linipertama

3. planting,program pengembangan untuk manajer tengah

4. nurturing,program pengembangan untuk manajer puncak

Konsep berjenjang ini diterapkan dalam dua jalurutama pengembangan staf, yaitu:a. Program pengembangan karir (career development

program), yaitu bentuk pengembangan untukmeningkatkan kemampuan kepemimpinan danmanajerial.

b. Program pengembangan profesi (professionaldevelopment program), yaitu program pengembanganyang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan

streams:a. Palmb. Rubberc. Millsd. Trading / Commercee. Support: Finance & Accountingf. Support: Human Resourcesg. Support: Legalh. Support: Information Technologyi. Support: Supply Chain Management

In principle, the employee development programs areconducted in 4 levels, based on the organizationlevel. This approach is implemented so that YourCompany can provide attention to the developmentneeds required at all organization levels:1. Professional staff, including trainees and non-

staff members (administration).2. First Line Managers, including Assistant Manager,

Senior Assistant, Assistant 1, Assistant 2.3. Middle Managers, including Senior Manager and

Manager.4. Top Managers, including Executive Vice President

and Vice President.

For new employees who are fresh graduate, thedevelopment programs are particularly provided inthe form of training for management trainees. Whilenew employees who have previous workingexperience will be provided with corporateintroductory program in the form of NEOP (NewEmployee Orientation Program). Your Company usesthe technical terms of plantation to name the staffdevelopment program, i.e.1. pre-nursery,

basic non-staff development program2. seedling,

first-line manager development program3. planting,

middle manager development program4. nurturing,

top-level manager development program

The level-based concept is implemented through twomain staff development tracks:a. Career development program, a development

scheme to enhance leadership and managerialskills.

b. Professional development program, adevelopment scheme to enhance employees’technical skills in accordance with their respectiveprofessions. The program covers 5 majors, i.e. the

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

teknis karyawan sesuai dengan profesinya masing-masing. Program ini memiliki 5 jalur utama yaituprogram pengembangan pengetahuan dankeahlian untuk karet, sawit, oleo, SIP dan Support.

Program pengembangan untuk Direksi dilakukandalam bentuk program pelatihan maupun executivementoring.

Perusahaan Anda memberi perhatian khusus padapengembangan karyawan baru yang berasal dari freshgraduate. Pada tahun 2013, program pelatihan bagimanagement trainee (MT) mencakup 33,00% darikomposisi pelatihan berdasarkan kompetensi.Kegiatan MT dibahas di bagian program kegiatanyang dikembangkan Direktorat SDM Perusahaan Anda.

G4-LA11 Evaluasi RegulerEvaluasi kinerja dan pengembangan karir dilakukansecara rutin untuk semua pegawai staf, sejalan denganreview operasional yang dilaksanakan setiap bulanatas kinerja suatu unit kerja.

G4-LA9 Waktu Pelatihan dan Biaya PengembanganSDMBiaya yang dikeluarkan untuk program pengembangankompetensi pada tahun 2013 adalah sebesarRp 290.568.805 dengan total waktu pelatihanmencapai 51,23 jam per karyawan per tahun – yanglebih tinggi dari target pencapaian 40 jam per tahun,dengan total 31.199 jam untuk total 551 staf.

Selama tahun 2013, Perusahaan Anda memberikanporsi yang lebih besar pada program pelatihan olehfasilitator internal, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkanefisiensi biaya pengembangan yang memungkinkanoptimalisasi SDM, serta percepatan prosespenerapan budaya Knowledge Management dengantidak menghilangkan keikutsertaan dalam pelatihanumum yang dilaksanakan oleh fasilitator eksternal.

Program Kegiatan Direktorat SDMBerdasarkan Rumah Training, maka pengembanganuntuk staf dilakukan melalui Career DevelopmentProgram yang berbasis soft skills (core/leadershipcompetency) dan Professional Development Program(hard skills).

Career Development ProgramCareer Development Program yang dimiliki, disesuaikan/dibedakan berdasarkan pangkat.

knowledge and skills development programs forthe segments of rubber, palm, oleo, SIP andSupport.

Development programs for Directors are conductedin the form of both training and executivementoring.

Your Company gives special attention to thedevelopment of new employees enrolled as freshgraduates. In 2013, training programs formanagement trainees (MT) accounted for 33.00% ofcompetency-based training programs. MT activitiesare discussed in the activity programs developed byYour Company’s HR Directorate.

G4-LA11 Regular EvaluationsEvaluations on performance and career developmentare conducted on a regular basis for all staff employees,in line with the operational reviews conducted on amonthly basis over the performance of work units.

G4-LA9 Training Hours and Development CostsThe costs for the competency development programsin 2013 totalled IDR 290,568,805 with a total of51.23 hours of training per employee per year –which is higher than the targeted 40 hours per year,totalling 31,199 hours for 551 staff members.

Throughout 2013, Your Company allocated a largerportion of training programs conducted by internalfacilitators, which is aimed at enhancing thedevelopment costs efficiency for the optimalizationof HR and the acceleration of the process toimplement the Knowledge Management culture,while still facilitating participations in public trainingprograms conducted by external facilitators.

HR Directorate ProgramsBased on the Training House scheme, staffdevelopment is conducted through the CareerDevelopment Program which is based on soft (core/leadership) competency and the ProfessionalDevelopment Program which is based on hardcompetency.

Career Development ProgramThe Career Development Program is based on theposition levels.

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Professional Development ProgramMencakup pengembangan kemampuan fungsionaldan teknis atas pekerjaan yang menjadi tanggungjawab staf terkait, disesuaikan dengan matrikspelatihan yang disusun berdasarkan kebutuhan.

BSP E-LearningMerupakan program belajar yang dirancang bagiseluruh staf Perusahaan Anda untuk memberikan danmenyegarkan pengetahuan, melalui media belajarelektronik yang dapat diakses melalui intranet.

Management Trainee (MT)Perusahaan Anda juga memiliki jalur penerimaan danpengembangan yang khusus yaitu jalur ManagementTrainee, program ini dirancang khusus bagi lulusanS1 untuk dididik selama 1 tahun oleh profesionalPerusahaan Anda dari level Manager sampai Direksidan Komisaris. Tujuannya untuk melahirkanpemimpin yang sesuai dengan budaya dan bidangusaha perusahaan.

Program ini berdurasi satu tahun dengan 4 programpenjurusan, yaitu MT Perkebunan, MT Teknik,MT Keuangan dan MT Umum. Untuk tahun 2013,program ini melibatkan 32 orang, terdiri atas 12 oranguntuk MT Perkebunan, 3 orang untuk MT Teknik, 8 oranguntuk MT Keuangan dan 9 orang untuk MT Umum.

Knowledge Management (KM)Dalam menghadapi tantangan yang besar, PerusahaanAnda membangun konsep Knowledge Management,yang diharapkan menjadi budaya perusahaan. Berdasarkankonsep Knowledge Management, perusahaan secarasadar dan komprehensif melaksanakan pengumpulan,pengorganisasian, sharing dan analisa pengetahuanyang dimilikinya atas sumber daya, dokumen danketerampilan perorangan. Dalam kegiatan PerusahaanAnda, Knowledge Management terdapat dalam bentukpelatihan KM Learning seperti in-house training,program Jumat Ceria, maupun dalam bentuk prosespembelajaran mandiri KM Captured seperti penulisanartikel dan pelaksanaan sharing pasca pelatihan.Knowledge Management juga dapat dilakukan padasesi yang tidak formal.Sasaran dari Knowledge Management1. Menciptakan lingkungan yang saling berbagi

Professional Development ProgramCovers the development of functional and technicalskills pertaining to the duties under the responsibilitiesof the respective staff members, adjusted with thetraining matrix developed based on the related needs.

BSP E-LearningAn educational program designed for the entire staffof Your Company, to provide and refresh knowledgethrough electronic media accessible through theintranet.

Management Trainee (MT)Your Company also has a special recruitment anddevelopment program - the Management TraineeProgram - a one-year training for holders of S1 Degreeby Your Company’s professionals from Managers toDirectors and Commissioners, aimed at developingleaders in compliance with the corporate culture andbusiness segments.

The program lasts for one year with 4 majors, namelyMT Planter, MT Engineering, MT Finance andMT General. The program involved 32 trainees in2013, including 12 in MT Planter, 3 in MTEngineering, 8 in MT Finance and 9 in MT General.

Knowledge ManagementIn coping with enormous challenges, Your Companybuilds a Knowledge Management concept, which isexpected to be part of the corporate culture. TheKnowledge Management concept implies that thecompany consciously and comprehensively gathers,organizes, shares and analyzes its knowledge in termsof resources, documents and people skills. In YourCompany activities, the Knowledge Managementconcept is provided in the KM Learning process suchas the in-house training programs, Jumat Ceria(Happy Friday) program, as well as in the form ofself-learning KM Captured process of article writingand post-training sharing. The Knowledge Managementconcept may also be conducted during non-formalsessions.Goals of Knowledge Management1. Creating knowledge-sharing environment.

Program Levels of Participants

Business Leadership Training (BLT) Vice President & Senior Vice PresidentMiddle-Management Development Program (MDP) Manager & Senior ManagerBSP Excellence Supervisory Training (BEST) Assistant 2 to Assistant ManagerField Commander Camp (FCC) Program All Levels

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pengetahuan.2. Membentuk budaya belajar secara berkesinambungan.3. Mendorong karyawan untuk saling berbagi

pengetahuan secara aktif.

Penghargaan Knowledge Management AwardsProgram penghargaan bagi karyawan atas upayaberbagi dan memperoleh pengetahuan. Nilaipenghargaan (point rewards) dihitung berdasarkankegiatan knowledge management yang dilakukan,merupakan bentuk penghargaan untuk mendorong,serta memberi penghargaan dan pengakuan bagikaryawan, sejalan dengan kinerjanya dalam prosesberbagi dan memperoleh pengetahuan.

Portal Knowledge Management BSPMedia bagi karyawan untuk berpartisipasi dalamprogram Knowledge Management di PerusahaanAnda, yang memberikan fasilitas pembelajaran yangdirancang untuk menarik dan memudahkan stafPerusahaan Anda. Portal ini diluncurkan padatanggal 29 Mei 2013 dan telah melibatkan 631 staf.

BSP PortalPerusahaan Anda mengembangkan fasilitas BSP PORTALyang dapat diakses oleh unit atau korporasi. MelaluiBSP Portal ini, setiap karyawan dapat mengetahui hakdan kewajibannya.Dalam BSP Portal tersedia informasiyang memadai sebagai acuan bagi pengelolaan SDM.Pemanfaatan BSP Portal ini diharapkan dapatmeningkatkan efisiensi kerja melalui media panduanelektronik, serta meningkatkan efisiensi biaya danupaya pelestarian lingkungan terkait denganpenghematan penggunaan kertas.

Sistem RekrutmenPerusahaan Anda melalui Divisi SDM memiliki sistemrekrutmen eksternal dan internal berdasarkan unitusaha strategis untuk menjaga integritas dankonsistensi berkelanjutan, terutama dalampengembangan SDM dengan kebijakan strategisperusahaaan. Divisi SDM melakukan rekrutmen darisumber eksternal dan internal.

2. Creating continuous learning culture.3. Encouranging employees to actively sharing their


Knowledge Management AwardsAn award program for employees for their efforts insharing and obtaining knowledge. Point rewards arecalculated based on the activities of knowledgemanagement conducted, a form of performanceacknowledgement to encourage, reward andrecognize employees in knowledge-sharing andknowledge-access process.

BSP Knowledge Management PortalA media to facilitate employees’ participation inKnowledge Management in Your Company, whichprovides learning facilities designed to attract andmake it easy for Your Company staff. The Portal waslaunched on 29 May 2013 and involved 631 staffmembers.

BSP PortalYour company develops the BSP Portal facility whichcan be accessed by the unit or corporation. Throughthe BSP Portal each employee can have access toadequate information on their rights and duties. TheBSP Portal provides adequate information as areference for the HR management. The use of BSPPortal is expected to improve work efficiency throughthe electronic media, and to improve cost efficiencyand environmental preservation efforts related tosavings in paper use.

Recruitment SystemYour Company through the HR Division has externaland internal recruitment systems based on thestrategic business units to maintain integrity andsustainable consistency, particularly in HRdevelopment which are based on the corporatestrategic policies. The HR Division recruits from bothexternal and internal sources.

Rekrutmen Eksternal Rekrutmen Internal TotalExternal Recruitment Internal Recruitment

BARI - - -

Busdev & SIP - 1 1

Downstream - - -

Upstream 4 11 15

Corporate Function 12 3 15

Total 16 15 31

Rekrutmen Eksternal dan Internal | External and Internal Recruitments

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Kesehatan, Keselamatan dan Keamanan KerjaSebagai bagian dari komitmen Perusahaan Anda untukmenciptakan dan menjaga kesehatan, keamanan dankeselamatan dalam lingkungan kerja, 10 Unit Usahadalam Perusahaan Anda, termasuk unit korporasi,telah menyelesaikan proses sertifikasi OHSAS 18001:2007yang dilakukan oleh TUV International Indonesia. Saatini persiapan untuk proses sertifikasi telah dilaksanakandi Kalimantan Tengah dan Kalimantan Selatan.

Sertifikasi untuk Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan danKeselamatan Kerja (SMK3) telah dimiliki oleh UnitSumut 1. Pada tahun sebelumnya, Perusahaan Andamemperoleh Bendera Emas SMK3, sebagai pengakuanatas konsistensi Perusahaan Anda dalam penerapanSMK3 sejak sertifikat terkait diperoleh untuk pertamakalinya pada tahun 2008, sesuai penilaian kemampuanPerusahaan Anda untuk memenuhi 91% dari 166 kriteriaaudit SMK3 berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri TenagaKerja dan Transmigrasi.

G4-LA8 Topik K3 dalam Perjanjian Formal denganSerikat PekerjaPeraturan terkait Kesehatan, Keselamatan danKeamanan Kerja dimuat dalam perjanjian kerjadengan pegawai di seluruh Area Usaha.

Hubungan Kepegawaian dan Penerapan HakAsasi Manusia

Hak Berserikat dan Perjanjian Kerja BersamaPerusahaan Anda mendukung dan menjamin kebebasanbagi karyawan di semua Area Usaha untuk membentukSerikat Pekerja, serta telah menerapkan Perjanjian KerjaBersama setiap tahun bagi seluruh pegawai non-stafdi seluruh Area Usaha. Perjanjian Kebijakan SumberDaya Manusia diterapkan bagi seluruh pegawai staf.

G4-HR3 Kejadian DiskriminasiTidak terdapat kejadian diskriminasi dalam bentukapapun di semua Area Usaha pada 2013.

Occupational Health, Safety and SecurityAs part of Your Company’s commitment to the fosteringof occupational health, safety and security (OHS) inwork environment, 10 Business Areas in Your Companyincluding the corporate unit, have completed theOHSAS 18001:2007 certification process conductedby TUV International Indonesia. Preparations for thecertification process are currently being conducted inCentral Kalimantan and South Kalimantan.

The certification for the Occupational Health and SafetyManagement System (OHSMS) had been obtained bythe Sumut 1 Unit. In the previous year, Your Companyreceived the OHSMS Golden Flag Award, in recognitionof the consistent implementation of OHSMS/SMK3since the certificate was obtained for the first time in2008, based on the evaluation of Your Company’scapabilities to meet 91% of the 166 OHSMS auditcriteria of the Regulation of the Minister of Manpowerand Transmigration.

G4-LA8 OHSAS Topics in Formal Agreement withTrade UnionsIssues on Occupational Health, Safety and Securityare included in the work agreements with allemployees in all Business Areas.

Labor/Management Relations and HumanRights Practices

Freedom of Association and Collective BargainingYour Company supports and guarantee the freedomfor all workers in all Business Areas to form the LaborUnions, and has established Collective BargainingAgreements for all non-staff employees on an annualbasis in all Business Areas. Human Resources PolicyAgreements are applied for all staff employees.

G4-HR3 Incidents of DiscriminationThere was no incident of discrimination in any formin all Business Areas in 2013.

G4-LA6 Kecelakaan Kerja di Area Usaha Sumut 1, Sumbar, Jambi 1 dan Bengkulu | Work Accidents in Sumut 1,Sumbar, Jambi 1 and Bengkulu Business Areas

2013 2012 2011 2013 2012 2011 2013 2012 2011

Sumut 1 30 55 76 48 46 33 0 0 0Sumatera Barat 23 6 34 3 20 0 0 0 0Jambi 1 15 138 355 72 0 0 0 0 0Bengkulu 35 0 24 5 0 3 1 0 1Total 73 147 489 80 22 36 1 0 1

Minor Mayor Fatal

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G4-HR4 Pelanggaran atas Hak BerserikatTidak terdapat pelanggaran atas hak berserikat disemua Area Usaha pada 2013.

G4-HR5 Pekerja AnakSebagai bentuk ketaatan atas Undang-UndangKetenagakerjaan dan penghormatan atas Hak AsasiManusia, Perusahaan Anda menganut kebijakan untuktidak mempekerjakan anak di bawah umur di setiaprantai proses perkebunan dan pabrik pengolahan.

G4-HR6 Kerja PaksaPerusahaan Anda tidak melakukan pemaksaan dalamproses ketenagakerjaan. Rekrutmen dilakukan melaluiproses negosiasi yang adil dan terbuka, termasukpenyampaian kompensasi dan fasilitas.

G4-HR7 Pelatihan HAM bagi Petugas KeamananSeluruh petugas keamanan dalam Perusahaan Andatelah memperoleh pendidikan dasar yang mencakuppemahaman atas Hak Asasi Manusia sejalan denganupaya memelihara hubungan yang baik denganseluruh pemangku kepentingan.

G4-LA16 dan G4-HR12 Pengaduan atas PraktikKetenagakerjaan dan Pelanggaran HAMPada 2013 terdapat 1(satu) pengaduan atas praktikketenagakerjaan yang juga telah diselesaikan padatahun yang sama melalui forum bipartit. Tidakterdapat pengaduan atas pelanggaran Hak AsasiManusia di semua Area Usaha pada 2013.

G4-HR3 Violations of the Right of Freedom ofAssociationThere was no violation of the right of freedom ofassociation in all Business Areas in 2013.

G4-HR5 Child LaborIn compliance with the Law on Manpower and inrespect of the Human Rights, Your Company adheresto the policy against child labors at all process chainof the plantations and processing plants.

G4-HR6 Forced/Compulsory LaborYour Company does not conduct forced labor in laborpractice process. Recruitment is conducted throughfair and open negotiation process, including theconveyance of information on compensation andbenefits.

G4-HR7 Human Rights Training for SecurityPersonnelAll security personnel in Your Company have receivedthe basic training covering the comprehensiveunderstanding of Human Rights in line with the effortsto maintain good relations with all stakeholders.

G4-LA16 and G4-HR12 Grievances about LaborPractices and Human Rights ViolationsIn 2013 there were 1 (one) report of grievancesabout labor practices which had also been resolvedin the same year through the bipartite forum,whereas there was no report of grievances abouthuman rights violations in all Business Areas in 2013.


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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Perlindungan KonsumenConsumer Protection

Perusahaan Anda berada dalam segmen-segmenusaha yang menghasilkan bahan baku industrialyang hanya berhubungan dengan konsumen industridalam pasar terbatas, bukan dengan konsumen ritel.Hak dan perlindungan konsumen Perusahaan Andadijamin dan diatur dalam kontrak penjualan terkait.

Layanan Pengaduan KonsumenPerusahaan Anda tidak memiliki sentra khusus untukpenanganan pengaduan konsumen tetapi memberikanpelayanan bagi konsumen industrinya langsungmelalui Divisi Komersial dari setiap segmen usahayang berkaitan.

Tanggung Jawab ProdukPerusahaan Anda memiliki komitmen untuk menerapkanstandar kesehatan dan keamanan untuk produk yangdipasok, sesuai peruntukan penggunaan dalam industriterkait. Khusus untuk CPO dan produk oleokimia,standar yang digunakan disesuaikan dengan standarbagi produsen Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)yang merupakan konsumen Perusahaan Anda.

Ketentuan mengenai standar yang ditetapkan antaraPerusahaan Anda dengan konsumen terkait,dituangkan dalam perjanjian yang mengikat.

Perusahaan Anda juga menyediakan mekanismepenyampaian keluhan bagi pihak yang merasadirugikan atas kinerja produk Perusahaan Anda.

Your Company operates in business segments thatproduce industrial raw materials which are merelyrelated to industrial consumers in a limited market,not to retail consumers. The rights of and protectionfor Your Company’s consumers are guaranteed andregulated in the relevant sales contracts.

Consumer Complaint ServiceYour Company does not have a special center forhandling consumer complaints, but provide servicesto consumers directly through the CommercialDivision of each related segment.

Product LiabilityYour Company is committed to the implementationof health and safety standards for supplied products,in compliance with the designated uses in relatedindustries. Especially for CPO and oleochemicalproducts, the standards used are adjusted to thestandards for manufacturers of Fast Moving ConsumerGoods (FMCG) as Your Company’s consumers.

The provisions about the standards establishedbetween Your Company and the related consumersare stated in binding contracts.

Your Company also provides a complaint mechanismfor parties who feel aggrieved over the performanceof your Company’s products.


2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Setiap tahun Perusahaan Anda melakukan SurveiKepuasan Pelanggan untuk mengetahui kinerjaperusahaan di mata pelanggan. Survei ini mengevaluasiaspek komunikasi dengan pelanggan, pengirimanbarang, kualitas produk terkirim, kuantitas dan hargaproduk.

Dalam kaitannya dengan upaya perlindungan danlayanan konsumen, Perusahaan Anda meraihPenghargaan Platinum dalam program tiga-tahunanIndonesian CSR Awards 2011, Bidang Konsumen,untuk Program Peningkatan Pelayanan dan MutuProduk Karet Melalui Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan.

Informasi umum mengenai Perusahaan Anda danproduk terkait dapat diperoleh melalui situs webwww.bakriesumatera.com.

G4-PR9 Denda dan Sanksi atas PelanggaranTidak terdapat denda dan sanksi bagi PerusahaanAnda atas pelanggaran terhadap hukum danperundangan mengenai produk dan jasa terkait disemua Area Usaha pada tahun 2013.

Your Company conducts a Customer SatisfactionSurvey on an annual basis to assess the company’sperformance in the eyes of the customers. This surveyevaluates the aspects of communications withcustomers, delivery of goods, quality of productsdelivered, quantity and price of the products.

In relation to consumers protection and services, YourCompany achieved the Platinum Award - ConsumersService Sector, in the triennial Indonesian CSR Awards2011, for the Enhancement Program of ServiceQuality and Rubber Products Quality through CustomerSatisfaction Survey.

General information about Your Company andrelated products can be obtained via the websitewww.bakriesumatera.com.

G4-PR9 Fines and Sanctions for Non-ComplianceThere was no fine nor sanction applied on YourCompany for non-compliance with law and regulationson related products and services in all Business Areasin 2013.

Komunikasi|Communications 84,29 88,43 79,21 77,38

Pengiriman|Delivery 80,43 81,14 76,53 77,38

Kualitas|Quality 77,69 82,43 78,01 78,77

Kuantitas|Quantity 78,06 86,29 80,15 80,31

Harga|Price 77,77 80,86 77,20 76,46

Nilai Rata-rata|Average Score 79,65 83,83 78,22 78,06

Diagram Alir Mekanisme Penyampaian KeluhanComplaint Mechanism Flowchart

Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan 2012-20132012-2013 Customer Satisfaction Survey

Kriteria CPO KaretCriteria Palm Oil Rubber

2013 2012 2013 2012

50 - 59 Poor

60 - 69 Fair

70 - 79 Good

80 - 89 Very Good

> 90 Excellent

Klasifikasi Nilai NilaiValue Classification ScoreTidak/



Mengajukan keluhanComplaint submission

Keluhan pelangganCustomer complaint/claim


Menyampaikan tanggapankeluhan kepada pelangganResponding to customer


Ya Yes


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Tinjauan Kinerja Segmen UsahaBusiness Segments Performance OverviewG4-12, G4-13

Pada tahun 2013 Perusahaan Anda mencatat totalpenjualan bersih dari operasi yang dilanjutkan sebesarRp 2.076,49 miliar, menurun sebesar 16,45% daripenjualan bersih 2012 sebesar Rp 2.485,43 miliar.


Penurunan nilai penjualan Segmen Sawit pada 2013dipengaruhi oleh penurunan volume produksi CPOsebesar 26,81% dari 268.610 MT menjadi 196.599 MTdan penurunan volume produksi PK sebesar 31,00%dari 63.407 MT menjadi 43.753 MT, sehubungandengan penurunan hasil kebun dan pembelian daripihak ketiga; disamping adanya penurunan hargarata-rata CPO sebesar 16,80% dan PK sebesar 7,09%.

In 2013 Your Company recorded IDR 2,076.49 billionof net sales from continued operations which was a16.45% decrease from the 2012 net sales ofIDR 2,485.43 billion.


The decrease in the 2012 sales of the Palm Segmentwas affected by the decreased production volume ofCPO at 26.81% from 268,610 MT to 196,599 MT, andthe decreased production volume of PK at 31.00%from 63,407 MT to 43,753 MT, in line with thedecreases in plantation production and third-partypurchases; there was also average price decreases ofCPO at 16.80% and PK at 7.09% .

Sawit 1.798.245.627 62,46% 285.582.806 1.512.662.821 60,86% Palm

Karet 777.448.527 27,01% 107.806.287 669.642.240 26,94% Rubber

Oleokimia 303.124.826 10,53% 0 303.124.826 12,20% Oleochemicals

Total 2.878.818.980 100,00% 393.389.093 2.485.429.887 100,00% Total

Penjualan Segmen Sawit (Rp 000) | Palm Segment Sales (IDR 000)

2013 2012 %

Sawit 1.762.101.941 1.798.245.627 (2,01%) PalmTotal Penjualan 2.353.687.195 2.878.818.980* (18,24%) Total SalesKontribusi 74,87% 62,46% Contribution

* dari operasi yang dilanjutkan | from continuing operations

penjualan % transaksi penjualan neto %pihak berelasi

sales transactions net sales with related parties(Rp 000) (IDR 000)


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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

By 31 December 2013 Your Company’s mature palmplantations worthed IDR 1,114.70 billion in bookvalue, which is a 15.42% decrease of the 2012 bookvalue amounting to IDR 1,371.95 billion; while theimmature plantations worthed IDR 730.95 billion inbook value after deducted by the decreasing values ofMIB and CCI, 36.99% lower than IDR 1,160.11 billionin 2012, in line with the Subsidiary divestment (Note4a in the Consolidated Financial Statements) as wellas the reclassification to non-current assets held forsale (Note 40 in the Consolidated FinancialStatements).

Tanaman menghasilkan dari perkebunan sawitPerusahaan Anda sampai 31 Desember 2013 bernilaibuku Rp. 1.114,70 miliar, menurun 15,42% dari nilaibuku 2012 sebesar Rp 1.371,95 miliar. Sementara,tanaman belum menghasilkan tahun 2013 bernilaibuku Rp 730,95 miliar setelah dikurangi penurunannilai MIB dan CCI, lebih rendah 36,99% dari Rp 1.160,11miliar pada tahun 2012, sejalan dengan divestasiEntitas Anak (Catatan 4a atas Laporan KeuanganKonsolidasian) serta reklasifikasi ke aset tidak lancaryang dimiliki untuk dijual (Catatan 40 atas LaporanKeuangan Konsolidasian).

Harga Jual Rata-Rata CPO dan PK (USD per ton) | Average Selling Price of CPO and PK (USD per ton)

2013 2012 %

CPO 609 732 (16,80%)PK 354 381 (7,09%)

Hasil Segmen Sawit (Laba Bruto, Rp 000) | Palm Segment Results (Gross Profit, IDR 000)

2013 2012 %

Sawit 312.046.361 442.377.029 (29,46%) PalmTotal Hasil Segmen 604.486.661 762.265.664 (20,70%) Total Segment ResultsKontribusi 51,62% 58,03% Contribution

Perkembangan Segmen Usaha Sawit (Nilai Buku Bersih) | Development of Palm Business Segment (Net Book Value)

2013 2012 %miliar | billion miliar | billion

Aset Kebun 2.387,15 2.488,61 (4,08%) Plantations

Mesin dan Peralatan 442,17 612,52 (27,81%) Machinery and Equipment

Investasi pada Perusahaan 756,16 110,75 582,76% Investments in AssociatesAsosiasi dan Efek Ekuitas and Equity Securities

Total Aset 3.585,47 3.211,88 11,63% Total Assets

Hasil Segmen (Laba Bruto) 312,05 442,38 (29,46%) Segment Results (Gross Profit)

Luas Lahan Tertanam | Planted Land Area

2013 2012 %

Total Areal Tertanam 92.296 Ha 103.288 Ha (10,64%) Total Planted Area

Tanaman Menghasilkan 66.493 Ha 73.933 Ha (10,06%) Mature Plantations

Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan 11.921 Ha 17.917 Ha (33,47%) Immature Plantations

Luas Lahan Plasma 13.882 Ha 11.438 Ha 21,37% Plasma Plantation Area

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP


Penurunan nilai penjualan Segmen Karet 2013 terutamadipengaruhi harga jual karet yang menurun 19,86%menjadi USD 2.566 per MT. Terkait dengan menurunnyapula volume produksi yang disebabkan penerapankebijakan Perusahaan Anda untuk pembelian yang lebihselektif atas karet dari petani demi mempertahankanstandar kualitas karet yang tinggi. Volume penjualankaret tahun 2013 tercatat sebesar 20.542 MT atau lebihrendah 7,85% dibandingkan 22.292 MT pada 2012.

Tanaman menghasilkan dari perkebunan karetPerusahaan Anda sampai 31 Desember 2013 bernilaibuku Rp 410,90 miliar yang mengalami peningkatan10,46% dari nilai buku 2012 sebesar Rp 372,00 miliar.Sementara, tanaman belum menghasilkan bernilai


The decrease in the 2013 sales of the Rubber Segmentwas primarily influenced by rubber selling prices whichdecreased by 19.86% to USD 2,566 per MT, alsorelated to the decrease of production volume due tothe implementation of Your Company’s selective rubberpurchase policy from farmers in order to uphold thehigh rubber quality standards. Rubber sales volumein 2013 was recorded at 20,542 MT or 7.85% lowerthan 22,292 MT in 2012.

By 31 December 2013, Your Company’s maturerubber plantations had a book value of IDR 410.90billion which represented a 10.46% increase fromIDR 372.00 billion in 2012; while the immatureplantations had a book value worth IDR 359.93

Harga Jual Rata-Rata Karet (USD per ton) | Average Selling Price of Rubber (USD per ton)

Hasil Segmen Karet (Laba Bruto, Rp 000) | Rubber Segment Results (Gross Profit, IDR 000)

Perkembangan Segmen Usaha Karet (Nilai Buku Bersih) | Development of Rubber Segment (Net Book Value)

2013 2012 %

Karet | Rubber 2.566 3.203 (19,89%)

2013 2012 %

Karet 293.837.884 376.229.618 (21,90%) RubberTotal Hasil Segmen 604.486.661 762.265.664 (20,70%) Total Segment ResultsKontribusi 48,61% 49,36% Contribution

2013 2012 %miliar | billion miliar | billion

Aset Kebun 738,49 722,37 2,23% Plantations

Mesin dan Peralatan 155,42 161,00 (3,47%) Machinery and Equipment

Investasi pada Perusahaan 6.835,87 8.880,10 (23,02%) Investments in AssociatesAsosiasi dan Efek Ekuitas and Equity Securities

Jumlah Aset 7.729,78 9.763,46 (20,83%) Total Assets

Hasil Segmen (Laba Bruto) 293,84 376,23 (21,90%) Segment Results (Gross Profit)

* dari operasi yang dilanjutkan | from continuing operations

Penjualan Bersih Karet (Rp 000) | Rubber Net Sales (IDR 000)


2013 2012 %

Karet 587.624.457 777.448.527 (24,42%) RubberTotal Penjualan 2.353.687.195 2.878.818.980 (18,24%) Total SalesKontribusi 24,97% 27,01% Contribution


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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

buku Rp 359,93 miliar, berkurang 5,95% dari Rp 382,70miliar pada tahun 2012, sejalan dengan masuknyasebagian tanaman ke dalam usia menghasilkan.


Penurunan nilai penjualan Segmen Oleokimiaterutama disebabkan oleh adanya kendalaoperasional selama tahun 2013.

Kapasitas produksi dari fasilitas pengolahanoleokimia Perusahaan Anda tidak mengalamiperubahan dari tahun 2012, dengan total kapasitas

billion, a decrease of 5.95% from IDR 382.70 billionin 2012, in line with the growth of some plants intomature age.


The decrease in the sales volume of the OleochemicalSegment was primarily caused by operationalconstraints during the year 2013.

The production capacity of Your Company’soleochemicals processing facilities has not changedsince 2012, with a total installed capacity of 710 tons

Luas Lahan Tertanam | Planted Land Area

Penjualan Bersih Oleokimia (Rp 000) | Oleochemicals Net Sales (IDR 000)

*dari operasi yang dilanjutkan | from continued operations

Hasil Segmen Oleokimia (Laba (Rugi) Bruto, Rp 000) | Oleochemicals Segment Results (Gross Profit (Loss), IDR 000)

Perkembangan Segmen Usaha Oleokimia (Nilai Buku Bersih, Rp 000) | Development of Oleochemicals Segment(Net Book Value, IDR 000)

2013 2012 %

Total Areal Tertanam 19.175 Ha 18.735 Ha 2,35% Total Planted Area

Tanaman Menghasilkan 14.928 Ha 13.671 Ha 9,19% Mature PlantationsTanaman Belum Menghasilkan 4.247 Ha 5.064 Ha (16,13%) Immature Plantations

2013 2012 %

Oleokimia 3.960.797 303.124.826 (98,69%) OleochemicalsTotal Penjualan 2.353.687.195 2.485.429.887* (5,30%) Total SalesKontribusi 0,17% 12,20% Contribution

2013 2012 %

Oleokimia (1.397.584) (56.340.983) 97,52% OleochemicalsTotal Hasil Segmen 604.486.661 762.265.664 (20,70%) Total Segment ResultsKontribusi (0,23%) (7,39%) Contribution

2013 2012 %miliar | billion miliar | billion

Mesin dan Peralatan 4.884,61 4.884,61 12,14% Machinery and Equipment

Investasi pada Perusahaan 1.223,51 193,46 532,44% Investments in AssociatesAsosiasi dan Efek Ekuitas and Equity Securities

Jumlah Aset 6.108,12 4.549,37 34,26% Total Assets

Hasil Segmen (Laba Bruto) (2,40) (56,34) 97,52% Segment Results (Gross Profit)

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

terpasang 710 ton per hari untuk fatty acid, 400 tonper hari untuk fatty alcohol, 1.500 ton per hari untukpenyulingan minyak sawit dan 500 ton per hariuntuk pengolahan inti sawit.

Fasilitas pengolahan oleokimia Perusahaan Andaterletak di Sumatera Utara, di atas area seluas lebihdari 120 Ha di kompleks industri Tanjung Morawa(1 pabrik pengolahan fatty acid) dan Kuala Tanjung(2 pabrik pengolahan fatty acid, 2 pabrik pengolahanfatty alcohol, 1 pabrik penyulingan minyak sawit,1 pabrik pengolahan inti sawit, serta fasilitas daninfrastruktur penunjang).

per day for fatty acid, 400 tons per day for fattyalcohol, 1,500 tons per day for palm oil refinery and500 tons per day for palm kernel processing.

Your Company’s oleochemicals processing facilitiesare located in North Sumatra, on an area coverage ofmore than 120 Ha at the Tanjung Morawa industrialcomplex (1 fatty acid plant) and Kuala Tanjung (2 fattyacid plants, 2 fatty alcohol plants, 1 palm oil refinery,1 palm kernel processing plant and supportingfacilities and infrastructure).

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

AGW PT AgrowiyanaAI Agri International Finance B.V.AIRPL Agri International Resources Pte. Ltd.AM PT Air MuringAMM PT Agro Mitra MadaniARBV Agri Resources B.V.ASD PT ASD Bakrie Oil Palm Seed IndonesiaBookwise Bookwise Investments Ltd.B3 Bahan Berbahaya dan BeracunBARI Bakrie Agricultural Research InstituteBBM Bahan Bakar MinyakBEI Bursa Efek IndonesiaBEJ Bursa Efek JakartaBEST BSP Excellence Supervisory TrainingBHL Buruh Harian LepasBKSPPS Badan Kerja Sama Perusahaan Perkebunan

SumateraBLT Business Leadership TrainingBOD Board of DirectorBPP PT Bakrie Pasaman PlantationsBRBE PT Bakrie Rekin Bio EnergyBSEP PT Bakrie Sentosa PersadaBSP PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk Tbk TbkBSPF BSP Finance B.V.BSPL BSP Liberia B.V.BSPN BSP Netherlands Finance B.V.BSR Block Skim RubberCCI PT Citalaras Cipta IndonesiaCDM Clean Development MechanismCEO Chief Executive OfficerCFCD Corporate Forum for Community DevelopmentCPO Crude Palm OilCSR Corporate Social ResponsibilityDAIP PT Domas Agrointi PerkasaDAP PT Domas Agrointi PrimaDMI Dewan Minyak IndonesiaDSIP PT Domas Sawitinti PerdanaEARM Enterprise Audit & Risk ManagementEMAL PT Eramitra AgrolestariEVA Economic Value AddedFFB Fresh Fruit BunchesFordway Fordway Management Ltd.FSC PT Flora Sawita ChemindoGAPKI Gabungan Perusahaan Kelapa sawit IndonesiaGAPKINDO Gabungan Perusahaan Karet IndonesiaGCG Good Corporate GovernanceGema Mitra Gerakan Prakarsa Membangun Masyarakat

Indonesia SejahteraGFII Great Four International Investment Co.Ltd.GHG Green House GasesGLP PT Grahadura LeidongprimaGMS General Meeting of ShareholdersGRI Global Report InstituteHCV High Conservation ValueHIM PT Huma Indah MekarHGU Hak Guna UsahaHR Human Resources

IAU Internal Audit UnitICA Indonesian CSR AwardsIKP PT Inti Kemitraan PerdanaIPAL Instalasi Pengolahan Air LimbahISPO Indonesian Sustainable Palm OilJAW PT Jambi AgrowijayaJOP PT Julang Oca PermanaK3 Kesehatan dan Keselamatan KerjaKADIN Kamar Dagang IndustriKKPA Kredit Koperasi Primer AnggotaKPI Key Performance IndicatorsLSM Lembaga Swadaya MasyarakatMakmur/MMR PT Menthobi Makmur LestariMDGs Millenium Development GoalsMDP Management Development ProgramMIB PT Monrad Intan BarakatMitra/MML PT Menthobi Mitra LestariMMM PT Multrada Multi MajuNAM PT Nibung ArthamuliaOHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Advisory ServicesOHSMS Occupational Health and Safety Management SystemPBJ PT Padang Bolak JayaPDCA Plan-Do-Check-ActPERKASA Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kebun Karet, Sawit, dan

OleokimiaPIR-Trans Perkebunan Inti Rakyat TransmigrasiPK Palm KernelPMA Penanaman Modal AsingPNPM Program nasional Pemberdayaan MasyarakatPosyandu Pos Pelayanan TerpaduPROPER Program Peringkat Kinerja PerusahaanPP Peraturan PemerintahPP PT Perjapin PrimaRCSA Risk Control Self-AssessmentRGDP Regional Gross Domestic ProductsRSPO Roundtable Sustainable Palm OilRSU Rumah Sakit UmumSDM Sumber Daya ManusiaSIP PT Sarana Industama PerkasaSMAP PT Sawitmas Agro PerkasaSMK3 Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan KerjaSNP PT Sumbertama NusapertiwiSolegna Solegna Investment B.V.SPPTP Sistem Pelaporan dan Penanganan Tindak PelanggaranSPSI Serikat Pekerja Seluruh IndonesiaSS Shared ServiceSSB Sekolah Sepakbola BakrieTBS Tandan Buah SegarTSP PT Trimitra Sumber PerkasaUMKM Usaha Mikro Kecil MenengahUMP/K Upah Minimum Provinsi/KabupatenUNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

ChangeUNSP PT United Sumatera PlantationVP Vice PresidentWWT Waste Water Treatment

Daftar SingkatanList of Abbreviations

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Indeks GRIGRI Index

Indeks Keterangan ISO 26000 ISPO Halaman



G4-1 Sambutan Direksi | Message from the Board of Directors


G4-3 Nama Organisasi | Organization Name

G4-4 Produk dan Jasa Utama | Primary Products and Services

G4-5 Lokasi Kantor Pusat | Headquarters Location

G4-6 Negara Operasi | Country of Operation

G4-7 Kepemilikan dan Badan Hukum | Ownership and Legal Form

G4-8 Ruang Lingkup Pasar | Markets Covered

G4-9 Skala Organisasi | Organization Scale

G4-10 Ketenagakerjaan | Workforce

G4-11 Pegawai dengan Perjanjian Kerja Bersama | Employees Covered by Collective

Bargaining Agreements

G4-12 Rantai Pasokan | Supply Chain

G4-13 Perubahan Signifikan | Significant Changes

G4-14 Penerapan Prinsip Kehati-hatian | Implementation of Precautionary Principle

G4-15 Penerapan Standar Eksternal | Implementation of External Standards

G4-16 Keanggotaan Organisasi | Organizational Membership


G4-17 Entitas Usaha dalam Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian | Entities in Consolidated

Financial Statements

G4-18 Landasan Penetapan Isi Laporan dan Batasan Aspek | Basis for Defining the

Report Content and Aspect Boundaries

G4-19 Aspek Material | Material Aspects

G4-20 Batasan Aspek secara Internal | Internal Aspect Boundaries

G4-21 Batasan Aspek secara Eksternal | External Aspect Boundaries

G4-22 Efek Perubahan atas Informasi dalam Laporan Terdahulu | Effects of

Restatements of Information in Previous Report

G4-23 Perubahan Ruang Lingkup dan Batasan Aspek dari Laporan Terdahulu | Changes

of Scope and Aspect Boundaries from Previous Report


G4-24 Daftar Kelompok Pemangku Kepentingan | List of Stakeholder Groups

G4-25 Landasan Identifikasi Pemangku Kepentingan | Basis for Shareholders


G4-26 Pendekatan dalam Upaya Melibatkan Pemangku Kepentingan Approach to

Stakeholder Engagement

G4-27 Topik Utama dalam Upaya Melibatkan Pemangku Kepentingan | Key Topics in

Stakeholder Engagement


G4-28 Periode Pelaporan | Reporting Period

G4-29 Tanggal Laporan Terdahulu | Date of Previous Report

G4-30 Siklus Pelaporan | Reporting Cycle

G4-31 Contact Point

G4-32 Tabel Index GRI | GRI Index Table

G4-33 Pemeriksaan Laporan | Report Assurance




6.2, 6.8.3

6.6.6, 7.5.3

1.1, 1.6



12, 18


12, 11




12-15, 18, 4, 2, 79-83

12, 4, 66-76



13-15, 79-83


12, 5, 85-87




20, 85-87












10, 11


10, 11

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 • BSP

Indeks Keterangan ISO 26000 ISPO Halaman




6.8, 6.8.7

6.8.3, 6.8.7, 6.8.9

6.3.9, 6.6.6, 6.8.7,






6.5.3, 6.5.5





6.4.3-6.4.5, 6.3.10

6.4.6, 6.8.8

6.4.7, 6.8.5

6.3.7, 6.3.10, 6.4.3

6.3.7, 6.3.10, 6.4.3,






3, 7

2.1.2, 3.1

3.4, 3.5


2.2.4, 2.2.5, 2.2.7

4, 7

3.3, 4.1



25-26, 33-34








2, 79-83



52-53, 55

57, 64









4, 68-69



* Tidak diwajibkan dalam kriteria “Inti” | not required for ‘Core’ criteria


G4-34 Struktur Tata Kelola Perusahaan | Corporate Governance Structure

*G4-36 Posisi Tanggung Jawab Ekonomi, Sosial dan Lingkungan | Positions for

Economic, Social and Environmental Responsibilities

*G4-38 Komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi | Compositions of Board of

Commissioners and Board of Directors

*G4-45 Penerapan Audit Internal dan Manajemen Risiko | Implementation of Internal

Audit and Risk Management

*G4-46 Evaluasi Efektifitas Manajemen Risiko | Review of Risk Management Effectiveness

*G4-48 Tanggung Jawab Pelaporan Keberlanjutan | Responsibility for Sustainability Reporting

*G4-51-53 Penilaian Kinerja dan Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi | Performance

Assessment and Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors


G4-56 Landasan Etika Perusahaan | Corporate Ethics Foundation

*G4-58 Mekanisme Pelaporan | Concerns Reporting Mechanism



Kinerja Ekonomi | Economic Performance [G4-EC1, G4-EC2]

Dampak Ekonomi Tidak Langsung | Indirect Economic Impacts [G4-EC7, G4-EC8]


Energi | Energy [G4-EN3, G4-EN6]

Air| Water [G4-EN10]

Keanekaragaman Hayati | Biodiversity [G4-EN11 - G4-EN13]

Emisi | Emissions [G4-EN19]

Limbah | Effluents and Waste

Kepatuhan | Compliance [G4-EN29]

Mekanisme Pengaduan | Grievance Mechanism [G4-EN34]


Kepegawaian | Employment [G4-LA1 - G4-LA3]

Hubungan Kepegawaian| Labor/Management Relations

Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja | Occupational Health & Safety [G4-LA6, G4-LA8]

Pelatihan dan Pendidikan | Training and Education [G4-LA9 - G4-LA11]

Kesetaraan Kesempatan Kerja | Equal Opportunity [G4-LA12]

Kesetaraan Remunerasi | Equal Remuneration [G4-LA13]

Mekanisme Pengaduan | Grievance Mechanism [G4-LA16]

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2013 Sustainability Report • BSP

Indeks Keterangan ISO 26000 ISPO Halaman



Non-Diskriminasi | Non-Discrimination [G4-HR3]

Kebebasan Berserikat | Freedom of Association [G4-HR4]

Pekerja Anak | Child Labor [G4-HR5]

Kerja Paksa | Forced/Compulsory Labor [G4-HR6]

Keamanan | Security Practices [G4-HR7]

Mekanisme Pengaduan | Grievance Mechanism [G4-HR12]


Komunitas Lokal | Local Communities [G4-SO1]

Kepatuhan | Compliance [G4-SO8]

Mekanisme Pengaduan | Grievance Mechanism [G4-SO11]


Produk dan Jasa | Products and Services [G4-PR5]

Kepatuhan | Compliance [G4-PR9]


6.3.6-6.3.7, 6.3.10.


6.3.3-6.3.5, 6.3.8,

6.3.10, 6.4.3, 6.4.5

6.3.3-6.3.4, 6.3.7,

6.3.10, 6.6.6

6.3.3-6.3.4, 6.3.7,

6.3.10, 6.6.6

6.3.5, 6.4.3, 6.6.6



6.3.9, 6.5.3, 6.5.6,

6.8.3, 6.8.9



6.6.6, 6.7.3-6.7.6


4, 7


4.4, 4.5


5, 7

5.1, 5.2, 6.1


75, 44-45





32-50, 22-24





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Foto:Halaman cover dalam: Kawasan HCV BPP, Sumatera BaratHalaman 11: dokumentasi BSPHalaman 25: Kebun Sawit Sei Aur, BPP, Sumatera BaratHalaman 32: Kawasan HCV BPP, Sumatera BaratHalaman 40: dokumentasi BSPHalaman 41-42: SD Swasta Bakrie Utama Sungai Aur - Sekolah Adiwiyata, Kec. Sungai Aur, Sumatera BaratHalaman 44: KUD Sungai Aur, Sumatera Barat; Kelompok Usaha Tani Desa Brasau, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, JambiHalaman 48: Sekolah Sepak Bola Bakrie dan Pramuka Gudep 007-008, Asahan, Sumatera UtaraHalaman 51: Bunga Pukul Delapan, BPP, Sumatera BaratHalaman 55: CDM, SNP, Jambi; Water Management, AGW, Jambi; dokumentasi BSPHalaman 56: dokumentasi BSPHalaman 58-59: Miniatur Hutan Konservasi, AGW, Jambi; dokumentasi BSPHalaman 60: Bunga Pukul Delapan, BPP, Sumatera BaratHalaman 61: BPP, Sumatera Barat dan AGW, JambiHalaman 62-63: Kawasan HCV BPP, Sumatera BaratHalaman 66: dokumentasi BSPHalaman 77: dokumentasi BSPHalaman 79: dokumentasi BSP

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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013 Sustainability Report

PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk

Head Office / PlantationJl. Ir. H. JuandaKisaran, Kabupaten AsahanMedan 21202Sumatera Utara, IndonesiaTel. +62-623 414 34Fax. +62-623 410 66

Representative Office - MedanJl. Wolter Monginsidi No.20/20AMedan 20157Sumatera Utara, IndonesiaTel. +62-61 453 8100Fax. +62-61 453 8050

Corporate Center - JakartaKompleks Rasuna EpicentrumBakrie Tower 18th-19th FloorJl. H.R. Rasuna SaidJakarta 12960, IndonesiaTel. +62-21 2994 1286-87Fax. +62-21 2994 1752
