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    IndiaUnited States relations

    Indo-American relations

    IndiaUnited States

    Diplomatic Mission

    Indian Embassy,

    Washington, D.C.

    Embassy of the United

    States, New Delh i


    Ambassador AmbassadorRichard


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    IndiaUnited States relations(or Indo-American

    relations) refers to the international relationsthat exist

    between the Republic of Indiaand the United States of


    Despite being one of the pioneers and foundingmembers of the Non-Aligned Movementof 1961, India

    developed a closer relationship with the Soviet Union

    during the ColdWar. During that period, India's

    relatively cooperative strategic and military relations with

    Moscow and strong socialist policies had a distinctly

    adverse impact on its relations with the United States.

    After the dissolution of the Soviet Unionin 1991, India

    began to review its foreign policyin a unipolar world,

    and took steps to develop closer ties with the European

    Unionand theUnited States. Current Indian foreign

    policy isbased on maintaining strategic autonomy to

    promote and safeguard national interests.[1][2]

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    PM Modiof India, during Joint Press

    Interaction with President Obamaof US,2015.

    Embas sy of Indiain Washington,


    Key recent developments include the rapid growth of

    India's economy and bilateral trade, the close links

    between the Indian and American computer and

    Internet industries, a geopolitical coalition to balance

    the rise of an increasingly assertive China, the

    weakening of U.S.-Pakistan relationsover various

    ongoing disputes, and the 2008 reversal of long-

    standing American oppositionto India's nuclear

    program. Today, India and the US share an extensive

    cultural, strategic, military, and economic relationship.[3][4]


    According to Gallup's annual World Affairs survey, India is

    perceived by Americansas their 6th favorite nation in theworld, with 71% of Americans viewing India favorably in

    2015.[6]President Barack Obamawas the first US

    president to be the chief guest of the 66th Republic Day

    celebrations of India held on 26 January 2015.[7]

    Contents [hide]

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    US Embassy in New Delhi.

    1.1 To 1947

    1.2 World War II

    1.3 Post-independence (1947-1997)

    1.4 1998-2008

    1.5 21st century

    2 US Government and Narendra Modi

    2.1 As Chief Minister of Gujarat2.2 As Prime Minister of India

    3 Military relations

    3.1 Nuclear cooperation

    4 Economic relations

    4.1 Trade relations

    5 See also

    6 Notes7 Further reading

    7.1 Primary sources

    8 External links

    History [edit]

    To 1947 [edit]

    Historically, the relationships between India in the days of the British Rajand the US were thin.[8]

    The only significant immigration from India before 1965 involved Sikh farmers going to California in

    the early 20th century.[9]Very few American businessmen, tourists, religious seekers or Christian

    missionaries spent much time in India.[10]

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    American GIs at a market in

    Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 1945.

    The religiously curious in the U.S. welcomed the visit of Swami Vivekananda, who introduced Yoga

    and Vedantato America at the World's Parliament of Religionsin Chicago, in connexion with the

    World's Fairthere in 1893. He also spoke to large audiences in Chicago and at numerous other

    venues in 1893-94. He raised some money but won few followers, so he moved on to England.[11]

    Mark Twainvisited India in 1896[12]and described it in his travelogue Following the Equatorwith

    both revulsion and attraction before concluding that India was the only foreign land he dreamed

    about or longed to see again.[13]Regarding India, Americans learned more from English writer

    Rudyard Kipling.[14]Mahatma Gandhihad an important influence on the philosophy of non-

    violence promoted by Martin Luther King, Jr.in the 1950s.

    In the 1930s and early 1940s the United States gave very strong support to the Indian

    independence movement in defiance of the British Empire. [15][16]

    World War II [edit]

    Everything changed in World War Two, when India became

    the main base for the American China Burma India Theater

    (CBI) in the war against Japan. Tens of thousands of

    American servicemen arrived, bringing all sorts of

    advanced technology, and money; they left in 1945.

    Serious tension erupted over American demands, led byPresident Franklin D. Roosevelt, that India be given

    independence, a proposition Prime Minister Winston

    Churchillvehemently rejected. For years Roosevelt had

    encouraged Britain's disengagement from India. The

    American position was based on principled opposition to

    colonialism, practical concern for the outcome of the war, and the expectation of a large American

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    President John F. Kennedyand

    President Dr. Sarvepalli

    Radhakrishnanof India in Car Before


    President Harry Truman and Prime

    Minis ter Jawaharlal Nehru, with

    Nehru's s ister, Madame Pandit, waving

    from their limous ine as they leave

    Washington National Airport, during

    Nehru's visit to the United States, 1949.

    role in a post-colonial era. However, in 1942 when the Indian National Congresslaunched a Quit

    Indiamovement, the British authorities immediately arrested tens of thousands of activists.

    Meanwhile India became the main American staging base for aid to China. Churchill threatened to

    resign if Roosevelt pushed too hard, so Roosevelt backed down. [17][18]

    Post-independence (1947-1997) [edit]

    After Indian


    until the end of the

    Cold War, the


    between the US

    and India was coldand often thorny.

    This was due to the

    closeness of the

    US towards India's

    arch-rival Pakistan

    during the War,

    with Pakistanjoining the US-led

    Western Blocin 1954. The relations worsened further with India pursuing a policy of being neutral

    i.e. not alignedwith either the US or the Soviet Union, but maintaining close ties with the latter to

    counter Pakistan.

    In the late 1948s, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehrurejected American suggestions for resolving the

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    Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehrureceiving Pres ident Dwight D.

    Eisenhower at Parliament House,

    before the President's address to a

    joint session of Parliam ent, 1959.

    Kashmir crisis. His 1949 tour of the US was "an undiplomatic disaster" that left bad feelings on both

    sides.[19]India rejected the American advice that it not recognise the Communist conquest of

    China, but it did back the US when it supported the 1950 United Nations resolution condemning

    North Korea's aggression in the Korean War. India tried to act as a broker to help end that war,

    and served as a conduit for diplomatic messages between the US and China. Meanwhile poor

    harvests forced India to ask for free American food, which was given starting in 1950. [20]In the first

    dozen years of Indian independence (19471959), the US provided $1.7 billion in gifts, including

    $931 million in food. The Soviet Union provided about half as much, largely in the form of steel

    mills.[21]In 1961, the US pledged $1.0 billion in development loans, in addition to $1.3 billion of free


    In 1959, Dwight D. Eisenhowerwas the first US President

    to visit India to strengthen the staggering ties between the

    two nations. He was so supportive that the New YorkTimesremarked, "It did not seem to matter much whether

    Nehru had actually requested or been given a guarantee

    that the US would help India to meet further Chinese

    Communist aggression. What mattered was the obvious

    strengthening of Indian-American friendship to a point

    where no such guarantee was necessary."[23]

    During John F.


    Presidency (1961

    63), India was

    considered a

    strategic partner and counterweight to the rise of

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    John Kenneth Galbraith(far left), as

    US ambassador to India, with

    President John F. Kennedy, Vice-

    President Lyndon B. Johnson and

    Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru ofIndia, 1961

    Communist China. Kennedy said,

    "Chinese Communists have been moving

    ahead the last 10 years. India has been

    making some progress, but if India does not

    succeed with her 450 million people, if she

    can't make freedom work, then people aroundthe world are going to determine, particularly

    in the underdeveloped world, that the only

    way they can develop their resources is

    through the Communist system."

    The Kennedy administrationopenly supported India during the 1962 Sino-Indian warand

    considered the Chinese action as "blatant Chinese Communist aggression against India".[24][25]The United States Air Forceflew in arms, ammunition and clothing supplies to the Indian troops

    and the United States Navyeven sent the USS Kitty Hawkaircraft carrierfrom the Pacific Oceanto

    protect India, only to recall it back before it reached the Bay of Bengal.[26][27]In a May 1963

    National Security Councilmeeting, the United States discussed contingency planning that could be

    implemented in the event of another Chinese attack on India. Defense SecretaryRobert

    McNamaraand General Maxwell Tayloradvised the president to use nuclear weaponsshould the

    Americans intervene in such a situation. Kennedy insisted that Washington defend India as it

    would any ally, saying, "We shoulddefend India, and therefore we willdefend India."[28][29]

    Kennedy's ambassador to India was the noted liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith, who was

    considered close to India.[30]While in India, Galbraith helped establish one of the first Indian

    computer science departments, at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. As

    an economist, he also presided over the (at the time) largest US foreign aid program to any

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    President Nixon at the arrival

    ceremony for Prime Minis ter Indira

    Gandhi, on the South Lawn of the White

    House, 1971.


    Following the assassination of Kennedy in 1963, Indo-US

    relations deteriorated gradually. While Kennedy's

    successor Lyndon Johnsonsought to maintain relations

    with India to counter Communist China,[31]he also sought

    to strengthen ties with Pakistan with the hopes of easing

    tensions with China and weakening India's growing military

    buildup as well.[31]Relations then hit an all-time low under

    the Nixon administrationin the early 1970s. Richard Nixon

    shifted away from the neutral stance which his

    predecessors had taken towards Indo-Pakistani hostilities.

    He established a very close relationship with Pakistan,

    aiding it militarily and economically, as India, now under theleadership of Indira Gandhi, was seen as leaning towards

    the Soviet Union. He considered Pakistan as a very

    important ally to counter Soviet influence in the Indian

    subcontinent and establish ties with China, with whom

    Pakistan was very close.[32]The frosty relationship

    between Nixon and Indira worsened the relations further.

    [33]During the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War, the US openlysupported Pakistan and even deployed its aircraft carrier

    USS Enterprisetowards the Bay of Bengal, which was seen as a show of force by the US in

    support of the beleaguered West Pakistaniforces. Later in 1974, India conducted its first nuclear

    test, Smiling Buddha, which was opposed by the US, however it also concluded that the test did not

    violate any agreement and proceeded with a June 1974 shipment of enriched uraniumfor the

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    Neelam Sanjiva Reddy, at far left,

    President of India, with President

    Jimmy Carter, First Lady Rosalynn

    Carter, Prime Minis ter Morarji Desai

    and External Affairs Minis ter A.B.

    Vajpayee, 1978


    In the late 1970s, with the anti-Soviet Janata Partyleader

    Morarji Desaibecoming the Prime Minister, India improved

    its relations with the US, now led by Jimmy Carter, despite

    the latter signing an order in 1978 barring nuclear material

    from being exported to India due to India's non-proliferation


    After the return of Indira Gandhi to power in 1980, the

    relations between the two countries continued to improve

    gradually, despite India not supporting the United States'

    role in the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

    The Reagan Administrationprovided limited assistance to

    India. India sounded out Washington on the purchase of arange of US defence technology, including F-5 aircraft,

    super computers, night vision goggles and radars. In 1984 Washington approved the supply of

    selected technology to India including gas turbines for naval frigates and engines for prototypes

    for Indias light combat aircraft. There were also unpublicised transfers of technology, including the

    engagement of a US company, Continental Electronics, to design and build a new VLF

    communications station at Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu, which was commissioned in the late 1980s.[37]

    Despite these achievements, it was not until the late 1990s that there was a significant effort by

    both countries to improve relations with each other. [38]

    1998-2008 [edit]

    Soon after Atal Bihari Vajpayeebecame Indian Prime Minister, he authorised nuclear weapons

    testingat Pokhran. The United States strongly condemned this testing, promised sanctions, and

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    voted in favour of a United Nations Security CouncilResolution condemning the tests. President

    Bill Clintonimposed economic sanctionson India, including cutting off all military and economic aid,

    freezing loans by American banks to state-owned Indian companies, prohibiting loans to the Indian

    government for all except food purchases, prohibiting American aerospace technology and

    uranium exports to India, and requiring the US to oppose all loan requests by India to international

    lending agencies.[39]However, these sanctions proved ineffective - India was experiencing a strong

    economic rise, and its trade with the US only constituted a small portion of its GDP. Only Japan

    joined the US in imposing direct sanctions, while most other nations continued to trade with India.

    The sanctions were soon lifted. Afterward, the Clinton administration and Prime Minister Vajpayee

    exchanged representatives to help rebuild relations. In March 2000, U.S. President Bill Clinton

    visited India, undertaking bilateral and economic discussions with Prime Minister Vajpayee. During

    the visit, the Indo-US Science & Technology Forumwas established.[40]

    Over the course of improved diplomatic relations with the Bush Administration, India agreed toallow close international monitoring of its nuclear weapons development, although it has refused to

    give up its current nuclear arsenal.[41]In 2004, the US decided to grant Major non-NATO ally

    (MNNA) status to Pakistan. The US extended the MNNA strategic working relationship to India but

    the offer was turned down.[42][43]

    After the September 11 attacksagainst the US in 2001, President George W. Bushcollaborated

    closely with India in controlling and policing the strategically critical Indian Oceansea lanes from

    the Suez Canalto Singapore. After the December 2004 tsunami, the US and Indian navies

    cooperated in search and rescue operations and in the reconstruction of affected areas. An Open

    Skies Agreementwas signed in April 2005, enhancing trade, tourism, and business via the

    increased number of flights, and Air Indiapurchased 68 US Boeingaircraft at a cost of $8 billion.[44]

    Former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeldand former US Secretary of State Condoleezza

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    Prime Minister Vajpayeewith

    President Bush in the White House,


    Ricemade recent visits to India as well in 2005. The United States and India also signed a bilateral

    Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation in 2005. [45]After Hurricane Katrina, India

    donated $5 million to the American Red Crossand sent two planeloads of relief supplies and

    materials to help.[46]Then, on 1 March 2006, President Bush made another diplomatic visit to

    further expand relations between India and the US.[47]

    21st century [edit]

    India emerged in the 21st century as increasingly vital to

    core US foreign policy interests. India, a dominant actor in

    its region, and the home of more than one billion citizens,

    is now often characterised as a nascent Great Power and

    an "indispensable partner" of the US, one that many

    analysts view as a potential counterweight to the growingclout of China. Since 2004, Washington and New Delhi

    have been pursuing a "strategic partnership" that is based

    on shared values and generally convergent geopolitical

    interests. Numerous economic, security, and global

    initiatives - including plans for civilian nuclear cooperation -

    are underway. This latter initiative, first launched in 2005,

    reversed three decades of American non-proliferation policy. Also in 2005, the United States andIndia signed a ten-year defence framework agreement, with the goal of expanding bilateral security

    cooperation. The two countries now engage in numerous and unprecedented combined military

    exercises, and major US arms sales to India have gotten under way. The value of all bilateral trade

    tripled from 2004 to 2008 and continues to grow, while significant two-way investment also grows

    and flourishes.[48]The influence of a large Indian-American community is reflected in the largest

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    President Barack Obama, Secretary

    of State Hil lary Clinton, and the Indian

    delegation at the U.S.-India Strategic

    Dialogue reception at the Department

    country-specific caucus in the United States Congress, while between 2009-2010 more than

    100,000 Indian students have attended American colleges and universities.[49]

    During the tenure of the George W. Bush administration, relations between India and the United

    States were seen to have blossomed, primarily over common concerns regarding growing Islamic

    extremism, energy security, and climate change.[50]In November 2010, President Barack Obama

    visited India and addressed a joint session of the Indian Parliament, [51]where he backed India's bid

    for a permanent seaton the United Nations Security Council.[52]

    Between 2004 and 2014 Western think-tanks, especially in the US and UK, failed to foresee the

    swing in electoral voting patterns of the growing middle-class and anticipate the scale of political

    change in India brought about by improvements in basic education and freedom of the press.

    According to Michael Kugelman, South and Southeast Asia expert at the Woodrow Wilson

    International Center, the US was unprepared to meet new challenges in India because of its

    inability to keep pace with the transformations.[53]

    June 2010 Strategic Dialogue [edit]

    In June 2010, the United States and India formally re-

    engaged the US-India Strategic Dialogue initiated under

    President Bush when a large delegation of high-ranking

    Indian officials, led by External Affairs Minister S.M.

    Krishna, visited Washington, D.C.As leader of the US

    delegation, Secretary of State Clinton lauded India as "an

    indispensable partner and a trusted friend".[54]President

    Obama appeared briefly at a United States Department of

    Statereception to declare his firm belief that America "will

    be one of the defining partnerships of the 21st century."[55]

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    of State in Washington, D.C., 2010.The Strategic Dialogue produced a joint statement in which

    the two countries pledged to "deepen people-to-people,

    business-to-business, and government-to-government

    linkages ... for the mutual benefit of both countries and for the promotion of global peace, stability,

    economic growth and prosperity."[56]It outlined extensive bilateral initiatives in each of ten key

    areas: (1) advancing global security and countering terrorism, (2) disarmament and

    nonproliferation, (3) trade and economic relations, (4) high technology, (5) energy security, cleanenergy, and climate change, (6) agriculture, (7) education, (8) health, (9) science and technology,

    and (10) development.[57]

    Foreign policy issues [edit]

    According to some analysts, India-US relations have been strained over the Obama

    administration's approach to Pakistan and the handling of the Taliban insurgencyin Afghanistan.

    [58][59]India's National Security Adviser, M.K. Narayanan, criticised the Obama administration for

    linking the Kashmir disputeto the instability in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and said that by doing

    so, President Obama was "barking up the wrong tree."[60]Foreign Policyin February 2009 also

    criticised Obama's approach to South Asia, saying that "India can be a part of the solution rather

    than part of the problem" in South Asia. It also suggested that India take a more proactive role in

    rebuilding Afghanistan, irrespective of the attitude of the Obama Administration. [61]In a clear

    indication of growing rift between the two countries, India decided not to accept a US invitation to

    attend a conference on Afghanistan at the end of February 2009.[62]Bloomberghas also reported

    that, since the 2008 Mumbai attacks, the public mood in India has been to pressure Pakistan more

    aggressively to take actions against the culprits behind the terrorist attack, and that this might

    reflect on the upcoming Indian general elections in May 2009. Consequently, the Obama

    Administration may find itself at odds with India's rigid stance against terrorism.[63]

    I di d US h diff d i f i l i i f I di ' di l

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    India and US governments have differed on a variety of regional issues ranging from India's cordial

    relations with Iran, Russia and Sri Lanka to foreign policy disagreements relating to Maldives,

    Myanmar and Bangladesh.

    Robert Blake, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, dismissed any

    concerns over a rift with India regarding American AfPakpolicy. Calling India and the United States

    "natural allies",[64]Blake said that the United States cannot afford to meet the strategic priorities in

    Pakistan and Afghanistan at "the expense of India". [65]

    India criticised the Obama Administration's decision to limit H-1B (temporary) visas, and India's

    then External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee(Now the President of India) said that his country

    would oppose US "protectionism" at various international forums.[66]India's Commerce Minister,

    Kamal Nath, said that India may move against Obama's outsourcing policies at the World Trade

    Organization.[67]However, the outsourcing advisory head of KPMGsaid that India had no reason

    to worry, since Obama's statements were directed against "outsourcing being carried out bymanufacturing companies" and not outsourcing of IT-related services.[68]

    In May 2009, Obama reiterated his anti-outsourcing views and criticised the current US tax policy

    "that says you should pay lower taxes if you create a job in Bangalore, India, than if you create one

    in Buffalo, New York."[69]However, during the US India Business Councilmeeting in June 2009,

    U.S. Secretary of StateHillary Clinton advocated for stronger economic ties between India and the

    United States. She also rebuked protectionist policies, saying that "[United States] will not use the

    global financial crisis as an excuse to fall back on protectionism. We hope India will work with us to

    create a more open, equitable set of opportunities for trade between our nations." [70]

    In November 2010, Obama became the second US President (after Richard Nixonin 1969) to

    undertake a visit to India in his first term in office. On 8 November, Obama also became the

    second US President (after Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1959) to ever address ajoint sessionof the

    P li t f I di I j li hift Ob d l d US t f I di ' t

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    Parliament of India. In a major policy shift, Obama declared US support for India's permanent

    membershipon the UN Security Council.[71][72]Calling the India-US relationship "a defining

    partnership of the 21st century", he also announced the removal of export control restrictions on

    several Indian companies, and concluded trade deals worth $10 billion, which are expected to

    create and/or support 50,000 jobs in the US.[73]

    Strategic and military relations [edit]See also: Quadrilateral Security Dialogue

    In March 2009, the Obama Administration cleared the US$2.1 billion sale of eight P-8 Poseidonsto

    India.[74]This deal, and the $5 billion agreement to provide Boeing C-17military transport aircraft

    and General Electric F414engines announced during Obama's November 2010 visit, makes the

    US one of the top three military suppliers to India (after Israel and Russia). [75]Indians have raised

    concerns about contract clauses forbidding the offensive deployment of these systems.[76]India is

    trying to resolve performance-related issues on the Boeing P-8I that have already been delivered

    to India.[77][78]

    US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffMike Mullenhas encouraged stronger military ties

    between India and the United States, and said that "India has emerged as an increasingly

    important strategic partner [of the US]".[79]US Undersecretary of State William Joseph Burnsalso

    said, "Never has there been a moment when India and America mattered more to each other." [80]

    The Deputy Secretary of Defence, Ashton Carter, during his address to the Asia Society in NewYork on August 1, 2012, said that IndiaUS relationship has a global scope, in terms of the reach

    and influence of both countries. He also said that both countries are strengthening the relations

    between their defence and research organisations.[81]

    Harsh V. Pant, professor of International relations at King's College London, highlighted the

    importance of India to US strategic planning by saying: "India is key to the US ability to create a

    stable balance of power in the larger Indo Pacific and at a time of resource constraints it needs

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    stable balance of power in the larger Indo-Pacific and at a time of resource constraints, it needs

    partners like India to shore up its sagging credibility in the region in face of Chinese onslaught.

    Neelam Deo, director of foreign policy at Gateway House, underscored the importance that India

    attaches safeguarding its national interests by saying: India is a big country, with its own strategic

    objectives and imperatives and it will act on opportunities where interests converge, as it has done

    in the past.[53]

    Reve lations about US spying operations against India [edit]

    India, in July and November 2013, demanded that the US respond to revelations that the Indian UN

    mission in New York City and the Indian Embassy in Washington had been targeted for spying.[82]

    On 2 July 2014, U.S. diplomats were summoned by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs to discuss

    allegations that the National Security Agency had spied upon private individuals and political

    entities within India.[83][84]A 2010 document leaked by Edward Snowden and published by the

    Washington Postrevealed that US intelligence agencies had been authorised to spy on the Indian

    Prime-Minister Narendra Modi.[85][86]

    2013 Dispute over Diplomatic Immunity and Privileges [edit]

    Main article: Devyani Khobragade incident

    In December 2013, the arrest, strip-search and temporary detention of an Indian diplomat in New

    York following a domestic labour dispute caused uproar in India.[87]

    Deputy Consul GeneralDevyani Khobragade was arrested by US State Department Police on allegations of visa-fraud and

    handed over to US Marshals for detention.[88][89]The incident occurred a week after US

    Ambassador Nancy Powell categorically stated that "an Indo-US strategic treaty will never be

    signed" and clarified that the US preferred a flexible approach to the critical issue of strategic

    collaboration. [90]

    Indian former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh described the treatment of the female consular

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    Indian former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh described the treatment of the female consular

    official which included repeated handcuffing, stripping and cavity searches, DNA swabbing, and

    placement in a hold-up alongside common criminals and drug offenders as "deplorable". [91]The

    Government of India took steps to ensure that diplomatic and consular privileges accorded

    unilaterally to US Government personnel posted to New Delhi are henceforth based on reciprocity.[92][93][94][95][96]External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid said : Were not hostile, this is an

    arrangement based on reciprocity,.[97]Shashi Tharoor, India's minister of human resourcedevelopment commented : "The cardinal principle of diplomatic relations is reciprocity, and India

    realized that it had been naive in extending courtesies to the U.S. that it was not receiving in


    The American Community Support Association (ACSA) club and American Embassy Club in New

    Delhi were ordered to cease all commercial activities benefiting non-diplomatic personnel by 16

    January 2014.[99]The ACSA club operates a bar, bowling alley, swimming pool, restaurant, video-

    rentals club, indoor gym and a beauty parlour within the embassy premises.[100][101][102]Tax-free

    import clearances given to US diplomats and consular officials for importing food, alcohol and

    other domestic items were revoked with immediate effect. US embassy vehicles and staff are no

    longer immune from penalties for traffic violations [103]

    Indian income tax and immigration authorities are investigating allegations of work-permit, visa and

    income tax fraud at the American Embassy School.[104][105][106]

    Analysts predict that the incident has caused long-term damage to the relationship. Ashley Tellis of

    the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington said, The Indians have taken an

    extremely tough line on this. They are bracing for a full-fledged fight if the case against the

    diplomat goes forward. Former diplomat and foreign-policy commentator K.C.Singh opined : If

    they are going to throw their rule book at us, then we are saying we, too, have a rule book in India,

    (...) Of late, there has been a growing feeling here that the U.S. has lost interest in India, [107]that

    it is no longer the special friendship [ ] The relationship is still fragile and is resting on a crag Till

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    it is no longer the special friendship [...] The relationship is still fragile and is resting on a crag. Till

    we put it on flat ground, episodes like this can cause major damage to the ties.[108]Reacting to

    the rapidly deteriorating relations between the two countries, which had been seen as cordial and

    improving in the recent past, John Bellinger, a former State Department legal adviser said :

    "Whether it was wise policy to actually arrest and detain someone for a non-violent crime like this,

    even if technically permissible under the Vienna Convention, is questionable to me. It's really quite

    surprising,". Robert D. Blackwill, the former US ambassador to India from 2001 to 2003 andcurrently a Henry A. Kissinger senior fellow for US foreign policy at the Council on Foreign

    Relations(CFR) opined that the treatment meted out to Devyani Khobragade and the subsequent

    impact of the incident on US-India relations as giving a "new meaning to the word stupid".[109][110]

    Speaking at Harvard Law Schoolduring its 2014 Class Day ceremony, US attorney in Manhattan

    Preet Bharara, the Indian-born prosecutor in the Devyani Khobragade case revealed that it was

    the US Department of State who initiated and investigated proceedings against the Indian official :(It was) not the crime of the century but a serious crime nonetheless, that is why the State

    Department opened the case, that is why the State Department investigated it. That is why career

    agents in the State Department asked career prosecutors in my office to approve criminal


    Asian pivot to Asia [edit]

    Main article: Foreign policy of Narendra Modi

    Further information: Neighbourhood first policyandAsian foreign policy of Narendra Modi


    See also: Look East policy,Act East policyand Neighbourhood first policy

    India views the ongoing global power shift[114]from the

    Atlanticto the Indian Oceanas an opportunity to lift billions of

    persons out of extreme poverty and a March to Modernity

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    GlobalizationCultural Democratic Economic

    Political Demographic Historical

    Outline Portal Studies Terms

    Category Commons


    persons out of extreme poverty and a March to Modernity.[115]Indians, observing the Chinese geopolitical ascension,

    have concluded the their country can only be taken seriously

    in 21st.century world affairs if it can speak from a position of

    economic strength. Investors and companies have been

    encouraged to tap the aspirationsof the 1.2 billion strong[116]

    Indian market for goods & services and profit from IndianOcean tradethrough the Make in Indiainitiative launched by

    the Government of India.[117][118]The challenge facing India is

    to successfully leverage the country's youth dividend[119]

    towards achieving the Indian Century[120][121]and to avoid

    hubris that India's economic growth is inevitable.[122][123][124]

    Several Indo-Pacificregional powers, no longer content with

    peripheral influence in global discussions, are seeking a radical reordering of the post-WWII global

    hierarchy of power.[125][126]The consensual view in Asia is that America will continue to remain

    relevant in world affairs for the foreseeable future, but already no longer enjoys uncontested

    supremacy.[127][128][129]Reflecting upon the extent to which the stakes have risen in the contest for

    a place at the global high table, US President Barack Obama implored Americans to "win the future

    by out-innovating, out-educating and out-building the rest of the world".[130]Relentless efforts by

    American think-tanks and government officials to reassure alliance partners about Americanprimacy in global affairs flies in the face of a steady stream of setbacks and challenges from

    Central Europe right through to the Indo-Pacific region (EU nations joining the AIIB, Russian

    annexation of Crimea, dismemberment of Ukraine, redrawing of colonial borders by loosely

    affiliated non-State entities,[131]Iran nuclear negotiations, forceful assertion on maritime claims by


    Perpetuation of State borders in the Eurasian continent, which contain several hotly contested

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    INS Vikrantcurrently being fitted-

    out at Cochin Shipyardis the lead-

    ship of Vikrant-class aircraft carriers

    for the Indian Navy

    Perpetuation of State borders in the Eurasian continent, which contain several hotly contested

    demarcation lines which date back from the European Colonial period in Asia ( Nine-dotted line,

    SykesPicot Agreement,[135][136]Durand Line, McMahon Line, Radcliffe Line); appear increasingly

    elastic[137][138]in the face of geopolitical, socio-economic and technological transformations. [136]


    The primacy of Western-led post-World War II supranational institutions and Bretton Woods

    systemin shaping the outcomes of Asian affairs is no longer a given. Asian countries have not

    forgotten their colonial past and bitter lessons learnt from the 1997 Asian financial crisis. The

    BRICSare committed to building a multipolar world order and have agreed to coordination on core

    interests of individual members.[143][144][145][146][147]Western sanctions against Russia prompted

    China to conclude a $400 billion energy accord, effectively neutralizing efforts to drain Russian

    finances.[148][149][150][151]BRICS are wooing investors with the allure of best potential for economic

    growth.[152]Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB), NorthSouth Transport Corridor, Asian

    Highway Network, New Eurasian Land Bridgeand Eurasian Economic Union(EEU) has received

    increased attention at Track-2 initiatives of the RIC(Russia, India & China) countries. [153][154]

    Muscle flexing by China on the Sino-Indian Line of Actual

    Control (LAC) against the backdrop of prominent displays of

    military might (live test of an ASATweapon in 2007 by China

    in response to a 1985 satellite-kill by the USA) and challenges

    (the Hainan Island incidentwhere the President of the USAwas forced to apologise to China to ensure the safe return of

    the crew of a US Navy intelligence gathering aircraft which was

    intercepted by PLANfighter planes) has rekindled an arms

    race in the Asia-Pacific region.

    India has staked a claim to playing a central rolein theAsian

    Century [155][156][157][158] by embarking upon a programme to modernise and diversify assets of the

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    Historic terrestrial and maritime

    trade routes of Asia

    Century by embarking upon a programme to modernise and diversify assets of the

    Strategic Forces Command, raise the profile of the Andamans and Nicobar Command (ANC), and

    renew civilizational ties with regional countries. India has prioritized the strengthening of strategic

    partnerships - with Russia, Vietnam, Japan, Singapore & Iran - in order to offset and forestall an

    irrecoverable shift in strategic balance of power in Asia emanating from a resurgent China seeking

    to advance its One Belt, One Roadinitiative.[159][160]Agreements to install ocean surveillance

    capabilities in Madagascar, Fiji, Seychelles (Assumption Island),[161]Mauritius (Agalga) &Maldives seeks to shelter India's strategic interests and diaspora. [162][163][164][165][166]India's

    national security planners have sought to consolidate India's presence in countries which are key

    to China's One Road, One Beltwith special focus on Oman, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan,

    Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh and Myanmar.

    The tendency of Indians to get carried away by lofty rhetoric

    when it comes to China prompted Kishore Mahbubani, dean ofthe Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policyat the National

    University of Singapore, to advise unwavering attention to the

    improvement of societal aspirations and caution against over-

    reach : "it is in India's interest to bide its time, remain calm,

    not get distracted by geopolitics and instead focus on core

    strengths. India has the advantage, even on China, because

    of a young population. Put aside the border for now, engageChina, take advantage of their competencies".[167]

    In 2014, Asia-Pacific (+29%) accumulated wealth faster than Europe (+6.6%) and North America

    (+5.6%). However, America leads in absolute numbers with $370,000 (including life and pension

    assets) per household and Europe follows with $220,000. [168]

    Recent developments indicate that while India and China are increasingly competing on

    geopolitical matters, the two countries are simultaneously willing to bridge differences and

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    geopolitical matters, the two countries are simultaneously willing to bridge differences and

    cooperate on trade.

    China-India driven economic growth, fresh opportunities to develop new geographical zones due to

    improved Sino-Indian relations,[169]observed collateral consequences on local populations &

    economies caused by recent US-led military interventions in Iraq & Afghanistan, conspicuous

    absence of the US President at the APEC Indonesia 2013summit due to the United States federal

    government shutdown of 2013,[170][171][172]budgetary constraints of the US military,[173]

    improvements in anti-access area denial (A2/AD) capabilities by littoral States to counter maritime

    power projection assets,[174]limitations in the US air-sea battledoctrine, risks of conflict escalation,

    historic intra-regional rivalries,[175][176]the fact that post-WWII American interventions in major

    conflicts in Asia have not been victorious (stalemate in the Korean peninsula, Vietnam debacle,

    ineffectual US-led COIN operations in Afghanistan) and the unconvincing US pivot to Asia,

    dissolved the appetite amongst Asian countries to support a US-led China containment policy.[177]

    [178][179][180][181][182][183][184]US economic, political and military dominance is in relative decline

    compared to emerging powers.[185][186]American capacity to shape global outcomes (Iraq,

    Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine) has been ineffectual. Re-balancing by regional powers has

    allowed several Asian microstatesand LDCsto extract significant economic advantages and

    concessions while staying on the sidelines of regional power-play. [187][188][189][190][191][192]Asian

    countries increasingly view the US primarily as a market for manufactured goods and as a highly

    capable provider of security infrastructure.[193][194][195]

    The 2015-2016 Indian budget foresees co-development of manufacturing hubs in Southeast Asian

    countries.[196]In March 2015, foreign minister Sushma Swaraj announced that India's 2015 target

    for trade with ASEAN is $100 billion and both sides are aiming to double it to $200 billion by 2022.[197]India has accelerated initiatives to resolve insurgency in Northeast India[198]to promote

    economic development within the Seven Sister States.[199]

    The improvement and optimization of inter-Asian trade through future mega infrastructure projects

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    Geopolitical map of the

    Eurasian region[unreliable source?]

    The improvement and optimization of inter Asian trade through future mega infrastructure projects,

    like the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corr idorand Thai Kra Isthmus Canal,[200]are increasing seen as viable and vital to the continuation of economic integration of regional

    markets.[201][202][203][204][205][206]In May 2014,[207]India announced prioritization of Asian Highway

    Networkregional cross-border connectivity programmes like the Kaladan Multi-modal Transit

    Transport Projectwith Myanmarand the Trilateral India-Myanmar-Thailand Friendship Highwayto


    Inadequate representation in global security and governance

    architectures has led India to complement traditional

    international forums such as the United Nations Security

    Council, World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF),

    World Trade Organization (WTO) and Asian Development

    Bank (ADB) with special interest groupings such asBRIC/BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation(SCO), East

    Asia Summit(EAS), Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral

    Technical and Economic Cooperation(BIMSTEC), Indian-

    Ocean Rim Association(IORA), Regional Comprehensive

    Economic Partnership(RCEP), Asia Cooperation Dialogue

    (ACD), BangladeshChinaIndiaMyanmar Forum for Regional Cooperation(BCIM) and South

    Asian Association for Regional Cooperation(SAARC).[211]

    India aspires to an incontournable role in theAsian pivot to Asia.[212][213]Between 2004 and 2014

    Western think-tanks, especially in the US and UK, failed to pick-up on tell-tale signs of impending

    transformations to the Indian political scene : swings in electoral voting patterns in rural areas

    (60% of India's 1.2billion population live outside urban population centers), large-scale nationwide

    citizen-led protests around specific societal agendas (anti-corruption, right to information), and

    rapid changes in priorities of the growing middle-class electorate. The association of improvements

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    Geopolitical map of the

    Heartland theoryfrom Halford

    Mackinder's 1904 The

    Geographical Pivot of History

    in basic education, vibrant & unrestricted mass media journalism, penchant for political debate in

    Indian society,[214]and the huge increase in Indians working and studying abroad has changed

    how Indians perceive themselves in the global arena in general and Asia in particular.

    Academics have raised concerns about the relaxed

    institutional attitude in the West to rapid metamorphosis in

    Asia. In 2010, John Doggett of McCombs School of Business,

    University of Texas issued a wake-up call: "China and India

    are beating us at our own game".[215]Highlighting the inability

    to keep pace with the transformations in Asia by Western

    countries, Michael Kugelman - South and Southeast Asia

    expert at the Woodrow Wilson International Center -

    advocated a change in mind-set and the necessity for

    Western countries to make their presence felt in India.[53][216]

    [217]Explaining the need for a review of available expertise on

    India centric matters, Jakob De Roover of University of Ghent in Belgium opined: "India and the

    West could together look for solutions to the problems that we share. Instead, Western

    commentators reproduce old colonial stories about India as an immoral culture. This gives them a

    twisted relationship to the Indian people. On the one hand, they keep turning towards the same

    class of Indian journalists, activists, and intellectuals for local knowledge. But these nativeinformants merely talk the talk of the West to the West."[218]

    Asian regional powers are unwilling to forfeit any notion of an independent foreign policy and

    thereby become a tool in the global exercise of power. [219]Speaking at the 2015 Shangri-La

    Dialogue, the Indian Minister of State for Defence Rao Inderjit Singhpostulated that Asian

    countries will increasingly attend to their national security and internal markets through structured

    dialogue within Asian multilateral structures like ASEAN and SCO rather than be over-reliant on

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    formal alliances with external powers.[220]Recent rebalancing and alliance-building activities in the

    Indo-Pacific region have demonstrated that Asian states are unwilling to settle for a Western-

    dominated global order and blindly asquise an American-led construct of geopolitical frameworks,

    rules-based trade and mobility mechanisms which do not adequately address the interests of

    Asian countries.[221]The majority of Asian states have had autocratic leaders who curtailed civil

    liberties and imposed restrictions on democratic institutions within their countries. Asianpopulations have accommodated authoritarian leaders (Lee Kwan Yewof Singapore being a

    classic example), showing preference for stable economic development and progressive reduction

    of wealth-gap, over principled stands on human-rights and the promotion of democracy. The non-

    Western rational of Asian diplomacy in the post-Colonial era appears to balance nationalist

    aspirations, developmental opportunities, shared cultural roots and historical legacies.[222][223]

    The appointment in January 2015 of former Indian Ambassador to the US, Subrahmanyam

    Jaishankar, as Foreign Secretary[224][225][226]seeks to reassure Western countries about Indian

    strategic intentions in Asia.[227][228][229]Subrahmanyam Jaishankar is the father of Dhruva

    Jaishankar - a German Marshall Fund (GMF) Transtlantic Fellow in Washington.[230]

    US Government and Narendra Modi [edit]

    As Chief Minister of Gujarat [edit]Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister of Gujarat between 2001 and 2014, became the Prime Minister

    of India on 26 May 2014 after the Bharatiya Janata Partydecisively won the 2014 Indian General

    Elections. The US Government completely failed to anticipate the political rise of Narendra Modi to

    the office of Prime Minister of India.

    Sectarian violence during the 2002 Gujarat riots damaged relations between the US Government

    and Narendra Modi, the then incumbent Chief Minister of Gujarat. Human rights activists accused

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    Modi of fostering anti-Muslim violence. New-York based NGO Human Rights Watch, in their 2002

    report directly implicated Gujarat state officials in the violence against Muslims.

    In 2012, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) appointed by the Indian Supreme Court found no

    prosecutable evidence against Modi.[231][232]The Supreme Court of India absolved Narendra

    Modi of any criminal wrongdoing during the 2002 Gujarat riots.

    Prior to Narendra Modi becoming the Prime Minister of India, the US Government had made it

    known that Modi as Chief Minister of Gujaratwould not be permitted to travel to the US. Michael

    Kugelman of the Wilson Centeropined that although technically speaking there was no US 'visa

    ban' from 2005 to 2014, the US government policy of considering Modi aspersona non gratahad

    resulted in a defactotravel-ban.[233]After the US revoked his existing B1/B2 visa in 2005 and

    refused to accept his application for an A2 visa, the US State Department affirmed that the visa

    policy remained unchanged : "(Mr Modi) is welcome to apply for a visa and await a review like anyother applicant".[234][235]

    Exploring opportunities on how to move the relationship out of a state of morose, Lisa Curtis,

    Senior Research Fellow for South Asia in the Asian Studies Center of the Heritage Foundation,

    says that "the U.S. must first signal its willingness and commitment to collaborating with the new

    governmentand that it will not dwell on the controversy of the 2002 Gujarat riots, which led the

    U.S. to revoke Modis visa in 2005."[236]

    On 11 June 2014, Robert Blackwill, the former Coordinator for Strategic Planning and Deputy US

    National Security Advisor during the presidency of George W. Bush, spoke at length about India-

    US relations and said : "Mr Modi is a determined leader. He is candid and frank. I also worked with

    him during the Gujarat earthquake when I was posted as (the US) ambassador to India. (...) It was

    mistake by the current Obama administration to delay engagement with Mr Modi. I do not know why

    they did so but definitely, this did not help in building relationship. (...) The old formula and

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    stereotypes will not work if the US administration wants to engage with Mr Modi. The Indian prime

    minister is candid, direct and smart. He speaks his mind. The US administration also has to engage

    in candid conversation when Mr Modi meets President Obama later this year. They have to do

    something innovative to engage with him." [237]

    2005 Denial of Visa Application and Revocation of Visa [edit]

    In 2005, the US Department of State used a 1998 International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA)

    provision to revoke Modis tourist/business visa citing section 212 (a) (2) (g) of the US Immigration

    and Nationality Act.[238]The IRFA provision makes any foreign government official who was

    responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious

    freedom ineligible for a visa to the United States.

    David C. Mulfo
