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Enchanted - Jackson School District...Rebecca Matick, Olivia Santiago, Ava DeIanni, Joseph Cruz,...

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Enchanted McAuliffe Creative Writing Club Literary Magazine 2017-2018
  • Enchanted

    McAuliffe Creative Writing Club

    Literary Magazine 2017-2018

  • Table of Contents

    Writing: Enchanted by Nuzhat Maliha

    In the Graveyard by Virginia Iadanza

    Aqua by Michelle Kagranian

    Lilac by Petrina D’Antonio

    Black by Joseph Cruz

    The Color Black by Olivia Smith

    The Legend of Mau by Nuzhat Maliha

    The Untold Story of Night by Virginia Iadanza

    Green Grass and Grey Stones by Nichole Pastore

    Sun and Moon by Colleen Nagy

    Creative Writing Club Members: Arianna Griesi, Nichole Pastore, Michelle Kagramian, Gianna Iadanza, Virginia

    Iadanza, Nuzhat Maliha, Olivia Smith, Alex Lourenco, Genesis Acevedo, Dani

    Casper, Emma Murphy, Sallyann Russo, Colleen Nagy, Christian Lampfert,

    Rebecca Matick, Olivia Santiago, Ava DeIanni, Joseph Cruz, Tiffany Chan,

    Petrina D’Antonio, Kaitlynn Smith

    Artwork and Photography: Cover Photo- Gianna Iadanza

    Mermaid, Cards, Sunset- Gianna Iadanza

    Harry Potter- Virginia Iadanza

    Disney Castle-Dani Casper

    Shenandoah National Park, Martha’s Vineyard-Ms. Doherty

    Italy-Mrs. Cascio

    Characters- Colleen Nagy

  • Enchanted

    By Nuzhat Maliha

    The softness of the grass

    The pitter patter of the rain

    Make the world strong again

    The magic flies all around

    So quietly it doesn't make a sound

    The blue fairies fly all around

    Looking like a blue light

    On the ground

    If you look closer

    On the trees

    You will see

    A little family

    The squirrels and birds play


    But without you

    There will be there without care

    The sun shines bright in the morning

    While the moon gleams in the night

    The wolves howl on the hill

    While the stars glow at the sight!

    You start to close your eyes and everything turns dark

    Though the place was a dream, it was in your heart.

    Crown Nichole Pastore

    The Crown of a King

    A sign of power

    More wanted than a meteor shower

    The Crown of a King

    The Crown of a King

    More tempting than sirens

    A thing to see on the horizon

    The Crown of a King

    The Crown of a King

    Something filled with dreams

    Always hiding some schemes

    The Crown of a King

    The Crown of a King

    A prediction of corruption

    A prediction of disruption

    The Crown of a King

  • The Untold Story Of Night Virginia Iadanza

    This story about my good friend Night should be read in the dark or at, well night.

    Night, like Death, was very dark and mysterious. Night always hated ruling only

    half of the day, sharing it with Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. Night and Evening

    always despised Morning and Afternoon, because they ruled what Night and Evening

    feared. Light. Evening was Night’s son who was taught to be just like his father, but

    Evening has a totally different story than Night, so we’ll say goodbye to his story for now.

    Now, to the good stuff.

    Night, in his black cloak, has come to a meeting where his future will change. It is

    the first time he might get an extra hour of night, a time of year when Morning and

    Afternoon will feel his wrath of power. Night stepped into the half lit and half dark room

    that their meeting would be hosted. Morning, Afternoon, and Evening walked into the

    meeting room. Morning and Afternoon took their seats on the light side. Night and

    Evening took their places on the dark side.

    As the meeting came to a close, it was clear. Night had a time of year that he

    got one more hour to rule his time. The other half of the year, Morning would rule her

    time for one more hour, and Night would lose the hour he gained in the first half. This

    time would later become known as “Daylight Savings”. But Night was still mad. He

    wanted to rule all of the day. Make light into a swirling hole of darkness. Night learned a

    few days after the meeting that there has to be a balance between light and dark.

    Now, there is a perfect balance between light and dark, morning and night.

  • The Legend of Mau Nuzhat Maliha

    Have you ever wished that something happened to you? Like, something amazing, adventurous,

    something that flows and rushes in your blood that gives excitement? Well turns out, that what I felt, until


    It was a snowy morning. Frost was on my window, and gentle yet calming snowflakes fell on my

    porch. I lived in Redwood. On the corner of Maline and Mante street. It was cold. But unfortunately it was

    my chore, Mail Day. Well to be honest, it was better than my brother Mark’s chore, Trash Pickup Day. My

    brother was younger than me but we loved adventures. As I grabbed the mail he came out of the back

    door. I saw a banana peel on his shoe. I laughed.

    “Not funny Jenna” he said to me as he was carefully picking up the banana peel with a tissue,

    throwing it out in the trash. I still laughed because I didn’t care. Then I noticed something unusual in the

    mail, like a ticket maybe? I ran in my room. Of course my brother was obviously interested so he raced after

    me. I looked at it closely while I was sitting on the bed. My brother yelled out “Its 3 tickets to Asia!”.

    I said “Be quiet idiot! Mom can’t know about this. Also its not Asia! Its Japan”. I gave him a stern

    look. He put his hands up meaning he understands and he's sorry. “Maybe we should tell mom about this

    and bring Uncle Cole” I said. My brother thought about it and agreed. We rushed downstairs.

    “MOM!!!!!!” Mark said. “What is it Mark?” Mom said. I explained what came in the mail and how we

    can go to Uncle Cole’s house which is three blocks away to go to this place. She thought about it for a

    while. Mark and I waited patiently until she said “Alright, as long as there is an adult with you. Me and Mark

    cheered and we rushed upstairs packing the things we might need. I packed a flashlight, clothes, a tent,

  • lighter for a campfire, and water. My brother packed clothes, a map, a compass, a sleeping bag, and


    Mom had called Uncle Cole to pick us up. When he came he had a HUGE suitcase. He had an

    arrogant look. Me and Mark looked at him in amazement. We had taken hours to pack but he just finished

    it like 5 minutes! Besides the arrogant look we rushed to him and hugged him. “Hi Uncle Cole!”

    “Hey there scamps!” he said as he brushed me and Mark’s hair. We laughed. We hugged mom

    and left. “Uncle Cole, I love your new car!” I said. Uncle Cole said “Thanks Jenna, I have been saving’ this

    beaut for a special reason, and today is the day!” I smiled. Then when we were leaving I saw my best

    friends, Mikayla,Jessica, and Tessa. They wondered where I was going. I told them and then they had a

    frown. I said “Don’t worry! I won’t die or anything.” We all laughed and hugged each other.

    We were there at the airport. I was so excited that my face hurt when I smiled. We had a very long

    trip while on the airport. My brother barfed. I started laughing while he said “Not funny Jenna” . I said “Well

    it’s funny to me.”. Soon we were at Japan. I didn’t really know the reason why we were there. Until my

    brother said there was a place on the map that said the Temple of Mau. He said “Uncle Cole, Jenna! Let’s

    go to the Temple of Mau!” Uncle Cole looked at the map. I did too. We both looked at each other and

    shrugged. But we agreed.

    It was a very long walk. Since we were lost and hungry we saw a little town up across the hill. We

    walked until we smelled delicious Japanese onion soup. I followed the aroma scent to the restaurant. I was

    right. There was a restaurant with Japanese name and a translated English name that said Jackson Peter’s

    Soup! I figured that the men or women who worked there was also English. So we went in and asked for the

    onion soup that was on the board in English. The woman smiled kindly. She ordered onion soup loudly into

    the kitchen. The man was jolly and was flipping eggs, but then he went right to the soup and started

    preparing it. The woman offered us a story. My brother would like a story after a long trip. So he jumped up

    and down saying “Yes please!”.

    The woman sat down with us when we were drinking/eating our onion soup. She started saying

    English, because she obviously figured we were from America when we ordered the soup in English. She

    said “This is a story about a young girl. She was very brave. Nothing stood in her way. But she wasn't exactly

    a nice girl. She was very stubborn. One day when her parents said no, she went into a lost forbidden

    temple. One second she came in she stepped on a block that went down, down, down. She screamed for

    help until she fell to the ground bleeding and injured. But she got back up and decided there was no going

    back until she walked on another block which shot darts from the sides! She had managed to escape the

    darts. But she wasn’t out of the temple. Then she saw a great treasure. The owner of the temple’s crown.

    Queen June. The crown was dusty, but before she touched it she saw ancient writing on the pillar’s. The

    pillars were in Japanese, but she didn’t care and touched it. A huge boulder ran straight down her! Blood

    splattering everywhere! But the crown remained. Not a single piece crumbled from the crown. Now the

    temple is still here, but nobody dares to go in it… But it is said that if somebody does go down there the

    way she did, he or she would land on the boulder that hit the girl. Past that,... you would see her dead

    body with blood on the walls! Of course, also the crown.”.

    The woman had left us with our food. My brother munched/drank the soup, and so did my uncle,

    while I was thinking about the legend. Had the lady lied to us about it? Or was it actually true. I told my

    uncle, “Uncle Cole! Maybe we should go to the legend of the lost forbidden temple!”! All the people in the

    store was looking at us so we left the money on the table and walked out of the store. I could hear people

    murmuring about us. I wanted to hide. I felt embarrassed, but my uncle and brother walked out with pride.

  • My uncle took Mark’s map from him. He looked at it and found a symbol on the map that said

    DANGER DO NOT ENTER with a skull with bones coming out of it. He said let's go to that! That symbol must

    be the temple! Of course I had to say “ARE YOU CRAZY!?!”. Again my brother and uncle were alike, they

    loved challenges, so they both nodded. I shaked my head in disbelief that they were actually gonna go

    there, turns out they did.

    I had to walk in yucky swamp water while my brother and my uncle swimmed in it. I gagged. They

    smelled like sewage water with seaweeds on their heads. I said “Gross!”. My brother and uncle looked at

    each other and laughed. Soon we were there. I looked at the scary temple. I saw spiderwebs everywhere! I

    even saw a scary painting of a Queen. I remembered the story of what the lady had said, she had said a

    queen, named Queen June was the owner of the temple. I figured the scary lady painting must be her.

    When we barely stepped inside we saw a certain square blocks out of order. My uncle stopped us and

    threw a rock at one of the blocks. Nothing happened. We had stepped on the block! We were safe! My

    brother and uncle did the same thing all the way to the end!

    We had made it to the end! Then I saw cannon-like shapes on the walls. My brother had been

    watching Action-Kids for a long time and said “Those must shoot darts! We have to be careful! Ollie died

    from the Action-Kids from darts. Too bad, he was my favorite character.” My uncle shrugged. So we had to

    duck and eventually we made it! “Wow. I can’t believe we made it this far.” I said. Just then I could see a

    hole. The shape was a circle. I looked inside and screamed. My uncle and brother rushed over to the hole

    and said “Cool!”. I gagged. There was blood everywhere! On the boulder. On the walls, everything!

    “This must be where the girl in the story died let’s go down!” my brother said. My uncle agreed

    while I thought to myself maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. We slid through perfectly somehow. I was

    scared the boulder might move and crush us. While my brother and uncle just walked happily. Soon we

    saw blood on pillars, with Japanese written on them. Just like the lady back at the restaurant had said! We

    looked at the pillars and examined them. My uncle got out a translator and switched Japanese to English,

    took a picture of the pillars and it had translated “Beware! The crown of Queen June must be held carefully

    with gloves! No person should ever touch it without any kind of gloves. Fingerprints will trigger a boulder

    coming right at you! The ancient crown must be carefully held and not dropped! Beware and heed this

    message from the scroll of Queen June! This is a special crown. Hold it carefully with gloves, and the crown

    is yours!”. My uncle had gloves from the suitcase. He grabbed it held the crown with the gloves, and we

    weren’t crushed!

    I looked at it in awe. We hurried out with the scarves we had around our necks, made a rope,

    climbed it back up and made it out the temple! Considering that the traps were already unleashed. The

    crown had glowed when we made it out. Then a spirit popped out of nowhere! The spirit said she was

    Queen June, and thanked us for freeing her from her tomb. We showed to the leader of Japan! The leader

    had made a huge ceremony for us! We were known as the brave people who went inside the temple and

    got the crown of Queen June! It was all over the news of the world! Everyone had saw it!

    When we came home everyone at my home hugged me with Uncle Cole, my best friends, my

    parents, and even my other classmates! They had a lot of questions but all I wanted to do was sleep. When

    we went to sleep the Crown of Queen June was carefully placed in a glass box with lasers and more in a

    Museum in Japan. We were so proud of ourselves, and to think I doubted myself for thinking this wasn’t

    such a good idea.

  • Aqua

    Michelle Kagramian

    Aqua is beautiful

    Aqua is amazing

    Aqua is wonderful

    Aqua tastes like salt waves of the ocean

    Aqua smells like sweet summer candy

    Aqua sounds like soft music that hits you with a bang

    Aqua feels like a cold winter breeze

    Aqua looks like the beautiful sea

    Aqua is powerful


    Petrina D’Antonio

    Lilac tastes like frosting on a cupcake

    Lilac smells like a warm spring day

    Lilac sounds like butterflies fluttering

    And birds tweeting

    Lilac feels like happiness

    Lilac is subtle

    Lilac is loud.

  • [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the

    document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]


    Joseph Cruz

    Black is empty

    Black is nothing

    Black is a void

    Black is endless

    Black tastes like charred coal

    Black smells like gasoline

    Black sounds like white noise

    Black feels like colorless space

    Black looks like darkness

    Black makes me think about the importance of life and


    Black is emo

    The Color Black Olivia Smith

    Black is the color of a dark, rainy night.

    Black is the color of a thick smoke cloud.

    Black is the color of emptiness.

    Black is a gloomy color.

    Black tastes like charcoal bits.

    Black smells like the fresh, cool air at two in the morning.

    Black sounds like nothing.

    Black feels like a cold, solid rock underneath you.

    Black looks like an empty, dark, lonely house.

    Black makes me feel blissful.

    Black is my favorite color,

    The color of my soul.

  • Green Grass and Grey Stones Nichole Pastore

    Green grass and grey stones

    Baby blue skies and oceans

    Pink flowers and beautiful trees

    Burning weather, yet still so wonderful

    Green grass and grey stones

    Clouded skies and colder oceans

    Leaves falling from those once green trees

    Chilly weather, yet still so wonderful

    Green grass and grey stones

    Hidden sun and freezing oceans

    Snowflakes fall and cover the trees

    Breath can be seen, yet still so wonderful

    Green grass and grey stones

    Light blue skies and cold oceans

    Blooming flowers and leaves growing on trees

    Warm weather, yet still so wonderful

    Green grass and grey stones

    The things that do not change unlike oceans

    The things that stay the same unlike trees

    The cycle repeats, forgetting grass and stones, yet still so wonderful

  • Sun and Moon

    Colleen Nagy

    Now, just to explain to you about Story Arc, Story Arc is about a

    specific time frame in which time travel is in progress. As we start the

    story, we see two young Pokémon enthusiasts who are thrown into

    the Pokémon Universe and begin their journey through the Aloha

    region and go through the different regions to find and collect

    Pokémon, collect badges, and gather Pokémon data for their

    professor: Professor Kukui. These two friends, both entrusted with a

    pokedex, head off on their separate journeys only to meet up at the

    first gym.

    Hoenn is a region in the Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, and ORAS

    within the game. Hoenn is based on the island of Kyusu in Japan and

    lies to the south-west of Kanto and Johto in the Pokémon world. It is

    the only sea region so far. A sea region is a region with a lot of routes

    you travel by surfing.

    Now, according to the Pokémon legend, the Hoenn region was

    formed by the Legendary Land Pokémon Groudon raising the land

    and the Legendary Ocean Pokémon, Kyogre, expanding the sea.

    The Hoenn region contains its own Pokémon League called the

    Hoenn League, and its own Elite Four, unlike Johto and Kanto which

    share their Elite Four in the video games. Routes in Hoenn are

    numbered from 101 to 134, and do not follow sequentially from

    routes in Kanto-Johto, which are numbered 1 to 48, by the way these

    numbers are routes in the game.

  • Have you already collected them all? Well then, grab your poke

    ball, because a fifth generation of Pokémon creatures comes your

    way from Nintendo!
