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Encouraging Your Kids to Listen to Their Biological Needs

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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www.SharonBallantine.com Encouraging Your Kids to Listen to Their Biological Needs: Honoring Rhythms of the Body In a “Scheduled” Culture.


Encouraging Your Kids to Listen to Their Biological Needs:

Honoring Rhythms of the Body In a “Scheduled” Culture.


One of the realities of 21st century living is that it is

increasingly more challenging for both kids and parents to fit their lives into

demanding schedules.


Generally, schedules are imposed by such things as jobs, sports

teams , extracurricular activities and other school events . These are all forces that are outside of family

control, yet they are often obligations that need to be met.


By nature, the demands of modern lifestyles deem it necessary to focus more on clock and calendar than on

physical needs and our internal biological rhythm.


If you are an active member of society, it is likely that you start your day to the din of an alarm

clock, rush to a shower, eat on your way out the door, and hopefully arrive to work or school on time.


You go through the day with tightly scheduled breaks when your boss or

teacher allows them and you eat your lunch at a time and duration that is

dictated by a clock.


Even exercise for many, is plugged into a tight schedule, wherever it fits. It may be that

the only exercise you are able to get is when running from one scheduled event to another.


When you have a new born baby, they are on their own biological schedule. They will let you know when they are hungry or need to be changed. Their life revolves

around eating and sleeping, and you must adapt your life to revolve

around theirs.


New parents will always find themselves to be exhausted. Sleep

is compromised as their established patterns are

disrupted. Eventually, they will train their babies to go longer between feedings and they will

start to impose a different schedule on them.


With this readjustment of patterns comes the beginning of teaching

your children to conform to externally imposed schedules over

biological ones.


For most parents this is a natural and necessary transition. It is not the wrong

thing to do by any means, but it is a valuable thing to be aware of.


The problem with teaching your children to adhere to an externally

imposed schedule is that it can lead them to ignore signals that their body sends them for remaining in balance.

This can lead to an unhealthy disconnect.


For example, We may begin to ignore or not even recognize when we are

hungry. While our ancestors followed patterns of “grazing”

throughout the day, we find ourselves eating larger quantities of

food in scheduled sittings.


Ultimately, our culture demands that our children adhere to specific schedules. At a certain time, for example, everyone is to be in class paying attention. This can be problematic if children grow hungry and find it difficult to concentrate. They may then overeat at lunchtime because of the

intensity of their hunger. Then they return to class feeling lethargic and find it

difficult to concentrate.


In extreme cases, ignored body signals can turn themselves off. Ignoring body cues to eat long-term can lead to eating

disorders like obesity and anorexia.


Similarly, participating in structured and forced exercise, only when

directed, can encourage children to ignore their naturally arising desires to

move. They may become trained to play physically only when it is a

scheduled part of an organized plan, directed by a teacher or parent. Over

time, this can lead to long -term health problems.


Some kids will do well and even thrive with a structured schedule. Others may need more flexibility in order to succeed

and feel supported. It is your job as a parent to tune in to what your child

responds to best .


If they are used to adhering to a tight schedule, you may find the need to help them to develop awareness around their biological needs. Help them to tune in

naturally to when their body needs food, sleep, or rest even if it is contrary to

when these things are scheduled.


If your children seem to do well naturally at taking care of their bodies' needs outside of a structured schedule,

do what you can to support them naturally and protect their time so they

can flourish with fewer demands.


Navigating a balance between the demands of the clock and the needs of

the body can be challenging at first. Some things are beyond your control

to change, but by tuning in and prioritizing, you will be able t find a more graceful flow for yourself and

your children.


By honoring the wisdom of your body and making more space in the structure

of your life for biological needs to be met naturally, you will function at a

higher level and find that you and your children are living a healthier, happier

life too.
