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END OF THE COLD WAR, END OF SOVIET UNION, PASSAGE …in the poor Third World, the Cold War was cold...

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END OF THE COLD WAR, END OF SOVIET UNION, PASSAGE TO U.S UNCONTESTED WORLD IMPERIALISM & THE ADVENT OF AN ETHIOPIAN PROXY COLONY- A CALL TO EUROPEAN UNION AND RUSSIA TO INTRNATIONALISE OUR PLEA AND ENFRANCHISE ETHIOPIA By Aleme Eshete (November 2007) (This updated article was first published in the Ethiopian Diaspora periodical Moresh , published in in March 1995 to tell how the TPLF and EPLF came to power in Ethiopia with U.S support , and how Eritrea was declared an independent republic through the unilateral decision of Herman Cohen, in short, to tell of Ethiopia’s becoming a U.S proxy colony, of the nationalist resistance led by Professor Asrat President of all Amhara Peoples Organisation (AAPO) until his death in TPLF prison, and our desperate call to the European Union and Russia to give us a hand in our struggle to restore Ethiopian independence. We have thought that it is timely to republish this article to-day when the U.S imperialism after 17 years of domination through TPLF-EPLF proxies, is once again single-handedly and unashamedly hegemonising in the open to replace TPLF- EPLF dictatorship by a new regime , with the avowed exclusion in Ethiopian politics of all Amharic speaking Ethiopians tagged Amhara, that is all citizens who identify themselves as Ethiopians and not with US imperialism introduced standard divide and rule tribal tags. The “Ethiopia experts”, that is supervisors of the proxy-colony, including U.S Ambassador in Addis Ababa Donald Yamamo and of course Paul Henze, with “ the approval of Meles” have once again hand-picked and invited to Washington , “moderates” the CIA term for anti-Ethiopia banda, elements, excluding “extremists” which includes all nationalists, to discuss the next “democratic election” and government : Watch the identity of those hand picked headed by Birhanu Nega and Birtukan: they include Beyene Petros, Negaso Gidada, Ayele Chemiso, even Ledetu Ayalew, Bulcha Demeksa “currently passing through Washington”… The elements chosen by US are either outright traitors in the pay of the U.S or in any case openly known as anti-Ethiopian sovereignty, anti-independence and anti-unity, pro- tribal dismemberment marionettes – the Birhanus, the Andargachews , the Birtukans , the OLF, and all the champions of the Republic of Oromiya etc. chosen to rule over the final liquidation of Ethiopia with the dispersing of the 70 million Ethiopians once again assumedly remaining silent and muzzled. But in truth the struggle of Ethiopian nationalists at home and abroad marching behind Hailu Shawel, the President of CUDP-kinijit, whom the banda threaten to kill as they have killed Asrat , is gaining fire, and is glowing with an ever increasing heat to insure the survival of Ethiopia. We shall overcome once again!) Since the end of World War II, the superpowers of the Cold War era, the United States on the one hand and the then Soviet Union of the other , competing for the control of the Red Sea and its resources - were fueling and arming the conflicting parties in the Horn of Africa region, particularly Ethiopia, first under Emperor Haile Selassie , and later under the Derg led by Menghistu Haile Mariam. They were doing this by shifting and exchanging sides at times. To a large extent, the wars between Ethiopia and Somalia as well as the civil wars within Ethiopia (in the provinces of Eritrea and Tigrai) were proxy wars. Such wars were financed and armed by the superpowers of the time and their allies. As elsewhere
Page 1: END OF THE COLD WAR, END OF SOVIET UNION, PASSAGE …in the poor Third World, the Cold War was cold only to the superpowers. To Africans who actually did the fighting and the dying

END OF THE COLD WAR, END OF SOVIET UNION, PASSAGE TO U.S UNCONTESTED WORLD IMPERIALISM & THE ADVENT OF AN ETHIOPIAN PROXY COLONY- A CALL TO EUROPEAN UNION AND RUSSIA TO INTRNATIONALISE OUR PLEA AND ENFRANCHISE ETHIOPIA By Aleme Eshete (November 2007) (This updated article was first published in the Ethiopian Diaspora periodical Moresh , published in in March 1995 to tell how the TPLF and EPLF came to power in Ethiopia with U.S support , and how Eritrea was declared an independent republic through the unilateral decision of Herman Cohen, in short, to tell of Ethiopia’s becoming a U.S proxy colony, of the nationalist resistance led by Professor Asrat President of all Amhara Peoples Organisation (AAPO) until his death in TPLF prison, and our desperate call to the European Union and Russia to give us a hand in our struggle to restore Ethiopian independence. We have thought that it is timely to republish this article to-day when the U.S imperialism after 17 years of domination through TPLF-EPLF proxies, is once again single-handedly and unashamedly hegemonising in the open to replace TPLF- EPLF dictatorship by a new regime , with the avowed exclusion in Ethiopian politics of all Amharic speaking Ethiopians tagged Amhara, that is all citizens who identify themselves as Ethiopians and not with US imperialism introduced standard divide and rule tribal tags. The “Ethiopia experts”, that is supervisors of the proxy-colony, including U.S Ambassador in Addis Ababa Donald Yamamo and of course Paul Henze, with “ the approval of Meles” have once again hand-picked and invited to Washington , “moderates” the CIA term for anti-Ethiopia banda, elements, excluding “extremists” which includes all nationalists, to discuss the next “democratic election” and government : Watch the identity of those hand picked headed by Birhanu Nega and Birtukan: they include Beyene Petros, Negaso Gidada, Ayele Chemiso, even Ledetu Ayalew, Bulcha Demeksa “currently passing through Washington”… The elements chosen by US are either outright traitors in the pay of the U.S or in any case openly known as anti-Ethiopian sovereignty, anti-independence and anti-unity, pro-tribal dismemberment marionettes – the Birhanus, the Andargachews , the Birtukans , the OLF, and all the champions of the Republic of Oromiya etc. chosen to rule over the final liquidation of Ethiopia with the dispersing of the 70 million Ethiopians once again assumedly remaining silent and muzzled. But in truth the struggle of Ethiopian nationalists at home and abroad marching behind Hailu Shawel, the President of CUDP-kinijit, whom the banda threaten to kill as they have killed Asrat , is gaining fire, and is glowing with an ever increasing heat to insure the survival of Ethiopia. We shall overcome once again!) Since the end of World War II, the superpowers of the Cold War era, the United States on the one hand and the then Soviet Union of the other , competing for the control of the Red Sea and its resources - were fueling and arming the conflicting parties in the Horn of Africa region, particularly Ethiopia, first under Emperor Haile Selassie , and later under the Derg led by Menghistu Haile Mariam. They were doing this by shifting and exchanging sides at times. To a large extent, the wars between Ethiopia and Somalia as well as the civil wars within Ethiopia (in the provinces of Eritrea and Tigrai) were proxy wars. Such wars were financed and armed by the superpowers of the time and their allies. As elsewhere

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in the poor Third World, the Cold War was cold only to the superpowers. To Africans who actually did the fighting and the dying it was hot. Very hot indeed! Thousands, tens of thousands of Ethiopians and Somalis died during the series of border wars fought between the two neighbouring countries. In the civil war in the Ethiopian region of Eritrea alone some 500,000 people were killed from both sides. The US was instrumental in the Creation of EPLF At the early stage, the war in Eritrea was waged by the Muslim-dominated Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF),, financed by the Soviets and the Arabs against Ethiopia, allied at the time with the United States and Israel. That was why the United States certainly with the collaboration of Israel contributed to the creation, organisation and arming of the rival to the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) , the Christian dominated Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF) which fought and gradually eliminated the ELF. The ELF with thousands of its supporters was pushed out of Eritrea to operate in exile from eastern Sudan. The organisational origin, training and source of arms of the guerrilla group later formed south of Eritrea in Tigrai – Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front, was closely associated with EPLF. The United States continued to take an increasingly anti-Ethiopian posture both as regards the civil war in Eritrea and Tigrai but also as regards its problem with Somalia. Following the rise to power of the military Derg in Ethiopia in 1974 rapid sliding towards Soviet Communism under Menghistu Haile Mariam with large scale nationalisation of land and industries since 1975 the Soviet Union gradually moved towards Ethiopia of the Derg. Menghistu repealed the U.S-Ethiopia military pact and replaced it, in 1977, by a Soviet-Ethiopia military and friendship treaty. The U.S quickly shifted and replaced the Soviet Union both in Somalia and Eritrea . With the superpowers fully involved on the sides of the protagonists the most bloody wars in both conflict areas -Eritrea and Somalia -were fought in 1977-78.Despite the enormous destruction to life , property and the environment the military campaigns both in Eritrea and Ethio-Somalia borders failed to achieve their objectives and the superpowers continued with their proxies in the region. In the concluding years of the 1980’s the US modified its tactics and posed as an impartial mediator. In an atmosphere of complete distrust threats and lack of transparency, Jimmy Carter, the former President of the U.S attempted to mediate in the conflict in Ethiopia. That effort was a complete failure as Menghistu took Carter as a U.S instrument set against Ethiopian sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. The Collapse of the Derg Highly infiltrated by the CIA and divided within itself the war effort of the Derg in Eritrea and Tigrai was highly compromised. Further Gorbachev’s policy of Glasnost and the the beginning of the end of the Cold War with American victory Soviet support to its proxies in the Third World was dropped. In 1989 Moscow stopped arming Menghistu, leading to an almost immediate of his regime. At that point Herman Cohen, then Under Secretary for African Affairs at the U.S State Department appeared on the Ethiopian political scene. Of Jewish origin he was not indifferent to Israeli Zionist objectives and programmes in Ethiopia. Thus with the full knowledge and support of President Bush senior Herman Cohen exerts to the full his position as an agent of the newly emerging uncontested superpower to enhance the Falasha slave trade from Ethiopia to Israel in exchange for arms and money. Thus begins the export of 20000 Falashas from Ethiopia to Israel through the Sudan with the

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collaboration of Sudanese Presedent Jafar el Nimeiry - an Arab leader bought through CIA money, together with EPLF and TPLF leaders. Once the 20,000 or so Falashas arrived in Jerusalemme, the State Department (Herman Cohen) and the Soviet Union under the pro-West Gorbachev offered to mediate in the conflict between the Ethiopian regime and the rebel groups EPLF-TPLF, who were at this stage marching toward Addis Ababa. In the meantime, the State Department and the CIA (Mugabe will later tell us) had made an arrangement to finance the exile to Zimbabwe of the dictator Menghistu Haile Mariam, who was responsible for the dilapidation of the Ethiopian State, exhaustion of its resources, and the death of tens of thousands of Ethiopians. Ethiopians were not consulted when all this was taking place. Instead they were made to believe that whatever agreement was to be reached between the Ethiopian caretaker regime I ( of General Tesfaye, himself, we will know later, a CIA agent, acting as President, and the rebels, EPLF-TPLF leaders, would be jointly supervised by the US and the gasping ex-Soviet Union . There was even a report on the possible involvement of the European Union. A bunch of disinformation and fallacies in which the CIA is an expert in order to keep the resistance sleeping. Accordingly, Ethiopians were made to believe that the future of Ethiopia, democracy, territorial integrity, etc. would be resolved under an impartial international mediation. In the end the destiny and future of Ethiopia was decided by one and only one man – Herman Cohen of the U.S State Department.. The London so called “peace Conference” In the subsequent and now infamous London “Peace Conference” called by the U.S undersecretary for African Affairs, Herman Cohen, at which the Ethiopians naively expected, from a conference chaired by the world’s unique imperialist power, an all-including participation of the Ethiopian political forces and civil society. They had naively hoped that such a conference will produce a transition period of peace and democracy in Ethiopia, and an end to the era of 17 years of military dictatorship of the Derg. The naively entertained the wish that it will bring an end to the era of blood shed on Ethiopia’s south eastern up to 1977 and in particular an end to the on-going bloody war in Eritrea and Tigrai waged by the EPLF-TPLF where Ethiopian lives and resources were being wasted for some thirty years. Instead, that cherished dream of the Ethiopians was dashed by U.S imperialism whose strategic goals to serve its global and regional interests in this strategic area of the Red Sea glutting with oil and gas were served well not by promoting sovereignty , democracy and freedom in Ethiopia but by perpetuating slavery and bloodshed. Thus at the London Conference The U.S handpicked only three anti-Ethiopia organisations long-time agents in the pay of the CIA, namely the EPLF, the TPLF and the OLF because it said they were the only armed organisations. It was ironic for US imperialism to select only armed groups for building a democratic and peaceful transition in Ethiopia. The quantity of arms at one’s disposal must be the basis for selecting forces for war, but could hardly be a requirement for building peace and democracy. So it was clear that the U.S had selected its proxies which it has armed and fed for decades, in an effort to establish uncontested its regional proxy colonial domination. From the Ethiopian side the caretaker regime of General Tesfaye, a CIA agent, had sent his Prime Minister Tesfaye Dinka , who would soon put himself in the service of Herman Cohen, in the U.S. to “negotiate peace”. In short, as usual with imperialist fake conferences, the people of Ethiopia were not represented at the London conference. The US (Herman Cohen) was negotiating with itself and its men in Addis Ababa. The Ethiopian or Ethiopian-American entourage that followed Herman Cohen at the London Conference giving him a legal coverage included the veteran CIA agents recruited at home and abroad HENOCH

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KIFLE, ENDERYAS ESHETE, AND ABDUL MOHAMED ABA BORA. Henoch Kifle was the architect of the Derg’s Proclamation Nationalising Rural land of 1975 that had transferred the Ethiopian peasantry from feudal serfdom to state serfdom. From that date onward the Ethiopian peasantry will become landless and rootless, with no title whatsoever to the land , a non-citizen with whom the state, the Derg and Weyane, could do what they liked. Consequently , destroying the fabrics of Ethiopian peasant economy. That was how the Ethiopian peasantry was subjected to the Derg’s collectivisation and villagisation, changing residential tukul, and village according to the whim of the Derg. Under Weyane the peasants of Gondar, Gojam, Wollo and in particular of Shoa – the “Amhara” who make up the so called “Amhara State”- the principal target of the imperialist dagger, having EPLF Eritreans, or TPLF Tigreans and “hodam” Amharic speaking teletafi compradors as governors - will be reduced to farms of one hectare ! Among Herman Cohen’s entourage who consecrated this hand-over of Ethiopian sovereignty , territorial integrity and independence, in London in May 1991, with Enderyas, Henoch and Abdul was also sadly and unexpectedly, PROFESSOR MESFIN WOLDE MARIAM. Regarding Foreign diplomatic presence and internationalisation of the conference there was absolutely nil. The promised Soviet delegation was nowhere. The EU had not sent any delegation either. The whole story was a CIA fabrication to fool the Erhiopians. I had travelled from Rome to London to witness the sell-out and participate in the loud and confrontational demonstration of Ethiopian patriots in the streets of London and in booing Herman Cohen and his banda entourage who collaborated in the sell-out. At London in May there was no negotiation at all. It was only Herman Cohen who conducted the whole show as he pleased in following a completely predetermined and long planned American imperialist strategy for the disposal of Ethiopia. Thus Herman Cohen, had single-handedly decided to pass over government and political power in Ethiopia to the TPLF and EPLF. What was more shocking and insulting to Ethiopians was Cohen’s single handed acceptance of EPLF demand for independence of the province of Eritrea, with all the Red Sea coast, rendering Ethiopia land-locked, without the participation of other factions in Eritrea , and entirely forgetful of the historic rights of the people of the rest of Ethiopia..

Herman Cohen’ scribbling in London, May 1991, on the future of Ethiopia!! That is how we became an American proxy

colony. .To a BBC journalist how he

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asked him how he could do that to an independent and sovereign nation, Herman Cohen had responded: “It does not bother me. No American lives are involved.” The massacres of Ethiopian colonial youth have no value to

There were anti-American demonstrations in all the big cities of Ethiopia as well as by the Ethiopian Diaspora in Europe and America. ”.

In hommage to our valiant university students and Youth who keep on sacrificing their lives to keep Ethiopia going – - upon arrival in Addis ababa May 28, 1991, TPLF guerrillas shot to death several pro-unity In a later BBC interview, questioned on how he dared to decide on the future of a sovereign nation - Ethiopia –by allowing the EPLF-TPLF to take over power in Ethiopia and how and in what capacity , he single-handedly decided to grant independence to Eritrea , Herman –Cohen had replied that he did not bother

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That is why we believe that Herman Cohen symbolises and personalises the beginning of the advent of Ethiopia as an American proxy-colony which could be dated to May 1991. As of that date Ethiopia has lost her independence and sovereignty. As of that date Ethiopia has lost her entire Red Sea coast on which she commanded since prehistoric ages. As of that date Ethiopia is being governed by a US mandated and armed a tyrant guerrilla mercenary group from Tigrai muzzling the voice of the Ethiopian people. As of that date Ethiopia has no army, police or security forces of its own, all monopolised by the guerrilla group in power. That status defines a colony in historical perspectives. Some of my compatriots have contested this conclusion of mine saying: “America [implied the USA] is as everyone knows a democratic country with three co-equal branches of government. Yet: [While we all know that the executive branch has a wrong-headed policy toward Ethiopia many of us are aware of bills being prepared by subcommittees to provide laws that the executive should pursue with respect to Ethiopia, which oppose the current wrong-headed policy.][Some of us know that Ethiopians residing in the USA paid thousands to lobby firms to help shape the subcommittee bills that favor the respect of the rights of Ethiopians. The TPLF pays $50,000 a month to more potent lobbyists.][No one has read or heard from credible sources that the Legislative branch of the US government has discussed or has authorized the executive to make Ethiopia its “proxy colony.” Let us come out in the open and discuss the issue. America is a democracy to the American people, regardless of the status of African Americans. But America is also since the end of the Soviet Bloc the unique imperialist world power bent at the unilateral domination of the world and its resources. There is no contradiction in this. That was the story of Great Britain and France, also capitalist nations, both democracies to their own peoples which were at the same time world imperialist powers in the 19th century up to the end of the Second World War, dominating the entire Third World, Asia, Africa and Latin America. The British called ”INDIRECT RULE” their system of PROXY COLONIALISM, that is not direct rule but rule through local agents, in the same way as the American proxy system in Ethiopia to-day. As to the position of Congress regarding Ethiopia as a U.S proxy-colony, we may say that Congress recognises Eritrea as an independent Republic with all the Red Sea Coast carved out of Ethiopia by Herman Cohen. Further Congress recognises Ethiopia’s land locked status arranged by Herman Cohen. Congress also recognises the TPLF as the Government in Ethiopia arranged by Herman Cohen as the agency of indirect rule without the participation of the people of Ethiopia. Can you imagine Herman Cohen declaring Scotland and Wales or Ireland, or Corsica and Bretagne in France, or Flanders in Belgium , or the Basque in Spain as independent republics, or establishing the rebel secessionist groups, ETA, IRA etc. as the governments of Britain, France, Spain or Belgium etc without national popular democratic participation and being recognised by the Congress of the U.S. The whole thing stinks of colonial racism, Congress or no Congress. The US Congress recognises US. Imperialist expansion in the name of security, foreign policy, terrorism, Islamic Fundamentalism etc. jurisdiction left to the Executive, the Presidential jurisdiction. That is where Africans and Asians are treated separately .What do you call that if not racism? I want to be judged by Lawyers and in particular Ethiopian and non-Ethiopian Constitutionalists in the American constitutional context. Tell us how you will categorise legally what has happened to Ethiopia with Herman Cohen and since then? Tell us if it does not define a proxy colony of indirect rule. Tell us if directly or indirectly Congress has not recognised the single handed aberrations of Herman Cohen in Ethiopia, and Eritrea, thus

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recognising Ethiopia as a US proxy colony? I am at times bothered by worthy efforts of my compatriots to promote democracy in Ethiopia through pressure within the American Congress, ( the case of H.R. 2003 etc.) Issues of democracy, Congress or no Congress, are normally dealt within a Sovereign and independent nation, not inside a colony which is by definition a slave state. I believe there is a discrepancy of order and priority. The first measure undertaken by the EPLF-TPLF guerrilla was the immediate liquidation of the Ethiopian national army of 500,000 and its Soviet supplied arms of some 10 billion dollars. The soldiers of the multi-ethnic national army were disarmed to the last man, and all thrown out into the streets without any provisions. Such a wholesale liquidation of an entire army was unknown in world records except under foreign colonial occupation similar to what happened in Ethiopia following the Fascist occupation of Addis Ababa in May 1936.To this day Ethiopia does not have a national army –not one soldier - with an oath to defend a national cause. There is only the TPLF guerrilla drawn from Tigrai. Washington does not try to hide it is training the TPLF-EPLF army repeatedly holding joint military exercises in Ethiopia. Indeed the TPLF armies including external elements recruited by force have been repeatedly exported outside Ethiopia in Somalia, the Sudan, in Rwanda, in the Congo to fight wars in the service of American imperialism, paid in U.S dollars. The last case is that of TPLF occupation of Somalia as a U.S proxy army and the bloody war going on with Somali resistance forces. The July 1991 Addis Ababa so called “National Reconciliation Conference” prepared by Herman Cohen Once again a farce “reconciliation” conference was held under U.S supervision in July 1991 with the exclusion of opposition political forcesand civil society, attended almost exclusively by hand-picked U.S marionettes and TPLF-EPLF created teletafi . As the country was kept under a State of Emergency since the assumption of power by the TPLF-EPLF on May 28, 1991, Ethiopians as people were deprived of their civil and political rights and were told to stay at home and not venture to organize meetings and protest demonstrations against the conference. As for the large number of exiles, among the three million victims who had fled their country to escape from the atrocities of the Derg, and who wanted to benefit from the change to visit their country and relatives, to return to their country they had to have a record of pro -US imperialism and pro-TPLF-EPLF anti-Ethiopia stance. Thus in spite of written requests, human rights activists like myself, who had a hand in the struggle against Menghistu’s brutal regime, were told that they were not allowed to go back to their own country and had to continue stateless deprived of their citizenship rights. Other exiles who had ventured to go back without first asking for “authorization” faced the harsh realty of “refoulement” at the airport in front of their parents and members of their families who had come out to welcome them after years of separation. Where else could that happen except in a colony? What came out of the July 1991 “Peace and reconciliation” conference was a declaration of war against the people of Ethiopia. The almost “unanimous” resolution of the conference attended by the U.S paid marionettes and TPLF-EPLF teletafi, consecrated the secession of Eritrea and a “Charter” dividing the remaining parts of Ethiopia into 14 “tribal” states with the right of self-determination up to secession. Among the very few courageous voices opposed to this imperialist anti-Ethiopia treachery at that conference was that of Professor Asrat who was made to pay for it with his life! Whoever questioned, let alone

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opposed the TPLF-EPLF Proxy colonial regime Programmed to liquidate Ethiopia was sent to prison, if not killed on the spot, or carried away to be reported as among the “disappeared”. Involuntary disappearance has ever since become the rule of the day. People just disappear and entire families and relatives keep on waiting for their dear one to return, to appear alive, even as a political prisoner, in whatever form…Massive ethnic cleansing took place in eastern , southern and south-western regions of the country. Hundreds of thousands were forced o leave their native lands. The displaced and the dismissed persons counted in numbers reaching a million. Thousands of professionals, including university professionals were also dismissed on ethnic and linguistic basis – particularly the Amharic speaking Orthodox Christians – the so called “oppressive nationality” – in truth all Ethiopians, as we have said who refuse to accept the tribal tag and identify themselves as Ethiopians, The massacre (including peasants and the clergy, the burning of churches etc.) in Arba Gugu in Arsi and Bedeno and other towns in Harar will continue to be remembered. It was such massacres that had instigated Professor Asrat to establish the All Amhara Peoples Organization (AAPO) to stop the killing, a move that had enraged the imperialist tools who killed him after five years of torture in prison. Paul Henze the veteran CIA supervisor of the proxy colonial regime in Ethiopia says there is democracy in Ethiopia and spreads this blatant as a propaganda ploy all over the West which refuses to hear our plight. The American proxy regime also organizes what it calls “democratic election”,(1993, 1997, 2000) in general boycotted by the opposition, where the TPLF runs alone. Even those who under American pressure accept to accompany the TPLF in the campaign as opposition candidates and give a credible image to the “democratic election” in a colony, are hunted and killed when they start to take themselves seriously and campaign to win. Naturally with massive vote rigging, it is always the TPLF and its teletafi parties that win 99% of the votes and occupy the seats of the Kangaroo parliament. Some Western observers, notably from the European Union have at times revealed the excessive abuses of the regime, arrests and killings during such fake elections. The heroic and selfless denunciation of Ana Gomes following the May 2006 election is to be remembered. University tribalisation, infiltration and massacre of students has been particularly commonplace with TPLF-CIA man Enderyas Eshete as University President: What else is a proxy-colony?

Enderyas Eshete , a well known CIA collaborator here in company with Paul Henze ,CIA veteran agent and supervisor of colonial proxy regime

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The photo here is that of Abba Pawlos, the pro-TPLF American CIA elected patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Pawlos was brought for the purpose from the U.S where he has been resident for many years. Ask their agent the Eritrean Fisseha Tsion Teke who had infiltrated the Ethiopian Christian Orthodox Synod election in 1992 on how he did it. What else is proxy-colonialism? Even in the colonial context, this somehow strikes us as the most shameful hegemony of the CIA because the agency here jokes with our most intimate factor of identity as ancient Ethiopians of whatever denomination. . 14 Years of U.S Imperial Proxy Rule of Terror and Bloodshed: TPLf May 1991- December 2005 – The mass arrest, beatings killings of University students following the May 2005 CUDP-Kinijit election victory and mass anti-TPLF protesdt demonstration

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Following the Demonstration of Genbot 29 (early June 2005) in support of CUD and against TPLF vote rigging and violence, mass arrest, beatings and massacre of students and the wailing of mother s (You can add to this the massacre of innnocent amharic speaking civilians, teachers and Orthodox Church clergy in Arussi and Harrar, of the Hadya, Oromo in awassa, of the Welaita, in Soddo and Amharic speaking settlers in Welega, plus the recent massacre of the Anuak etc. without forgetting the five years and half in Weyane prison that killed professor Asrat, and the cold-blooded and cruel assasination of Assefa Maru outside his home in the street ) Below: The Dead in Coffins at Menelik Hospital : A tip of the genocide Ethiop, Sene 8, 1997 (June 2005. The family of the dead uniformly repeat that the wounded youth have purposely been left to die unattended without any sort of medical care, and that many would have otherwise survived.. The family of every victim had to search around Addis Ababa aimlessly for hours or days to find the dead body of their loved one.The family of the dead pray to God in different words to stop the genocidal fire.

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Herman Cohen had said when he sent TPLF-EPLF guerrilla to Addis Ababa with American arms to kill Ethiopians, that he was not bothered because American lives were not involved. With racist American imperialist colonizers only petrol has value. Black and colored colonial subjects in Asia, Africa and Latin America (Guantanamo!) are treated like dogs, with the full knowledge of Congress. Abu Kharaib: The Anglo-American “liberation” of Iraq from Saddam


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May 1991
