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End? SPECIAL 500-Sil- Garments-500 · Atthe meeting of California Chapter, No. 5, Itoyal Arch...

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SECOND BRIGADE. When Will the' Season's Target Practice End? G.ing en the Retired List— Escort to Gov- ernor Stevenion. Remains— The Light Battery in Its New Quarters. It appears that permission has been given to the Third Infantry to have another and additional day on | winch the qualified shooters, who did net present themselves on the 14tii inst. as 01 tiered, to make a score on which medals Will be awarded, may at llieir sweet lei -ii come and very condescend- ingly do what orders required them to have done on the date first named. The Third has been accorded this leeway for three years in succession, and the First, it is un- derstood, will now demand the same privi- lege; and. of course, the Second Artillery and the Fifth Infantry of the Second Brigade will only be asking what is their right to be accorded the same privilege. There is no reason then why tha other five brigades should not come in also, and goodness knows when a halt will be called to the thing. The granting of the privilege is wrong— to say unjust. The orders fixed the 14th for the qualified of the Third to shoot. Whoever was not present for any . cause should have been counted as having made a "clean score of misses." Those are the orders, aid what are orders issued for if they are not to be obeyed? Then con- sider what manifest injustice Is done. To qualify, one was given only one oppor- tunity. He either qualified or bedid not. If he was absent he was credited with "a string of goose-eggs," lowering his company percentage and that of his battalion ne<es- tarily, also, by so many points. He who qualified, however, but because hi- Individ- ual engagements were Dot consulted, did not report to make his final score on the day long before set In orders, is given a second opportunity; and if one extension is granted why not three or four, or as many more until the personal convenience of every in- dividual n:is been consulted? These extra days of shooting only open the door to practices of which there have been enough in the target practice of the N. G. C. If the above custom will be countenanced, what Is to prevent additional days betas set for the annual inspection, un- til "every member of a company or battalion shall have had the opportunity consulting his own sweet convenience and private en- gagements—to have pleased to answer " Here " to roll-call and have been in- spected? GOING ON THE KETir.ED LIST. The application to be place- on the re- tired list witli the rank now held by him was signed on last Monday evening by Lieutenant- Cob nel Samuel J. Taylor, anil by this time 1- probably in the bands of the Adjutant-General. By his retirement the Fifth Infantry will lose an officer who has T.TTig been with lhe regiment, his connection with it dating from his enlistment in Com- pany B, in March, 1880, receiving promo- tion as corporal in August, 18S0, and ser- geant in January of the following year. His first commission was as First Lieuten- ant, after election i:i June, 188 L He was elected Captain in March, 1882; re-elected two years later: elected Major in Septem- ber, 1886, and Lieutenant-Colonel in Janu- ary, 1888, thus completing a service of more than nine years as a commissioned officer. 'lhe retirement will necessarily make two changes in the field. For the Lieutenant- Colonelcy no other name is mentioned save that of Major William P. Sullivan Jr., whom the line officers would choose under any cir- cumstances. It will not be so easy to fiid one to fill the Majoi's boots. Captain 11. 1". Bush of Company 11, who has been a commis- sioned officer of the regiment and also in that company since July, 1870, is unquestion- ably entitled to the place benu the senior ranking line i nicer in the battalion. A com- missioned officer may be retire! after eight years' continued service, and, as stated above, Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor has served a longer peiiod. It is given out at this early date that Cap- tain John E. Klein of the color company of the First proposes on the expiration of" his commission to go on the retired list, having served in Company C ia all its grades from a private enlisted in July, 1873. and received his first commission as Second Lieutenant in March, 1882. Captain Klein has built up what i-. to-day the crack shooting company —tn-itie S>Kte and the only one with a maxi- mum mevpersiiip no Commonplace record to go on the retired list. OAKLAND'S MIUTAUT. The Oakland military reporter innocently assumes the responsibility fur the following: "How to explain the fa- 1 that Company A of the Fifth is only ciedited witn three drills, v. heii it really had five, not including the Fourth of July, and Company F had four drills is not known. It is strange why the record of the six companies of the Fifth should be kept at the minimum a- to drills. There must be something wrong some- where." There is nothing wronif, bless you. The O. M. K. has neither been a cap- thin nor a valiant and trusty first sergeant, or else he would understand that what they «l - not know about figuring is not worth the knowing. Oakland is exultant to the following ex- tent: " The Tribune knew what it was talk- ing about when it advocated the removal of the headquarters of the Fifth Infantry Regiment to Oakland. Colonel Fairbanks has secured rooms for headquarters in the new Blake Block on Washington street, op- posite the armory of companies A and F. The move is a good one for the Oakland companies and for Oakland." The con- cluding sentence smacks somewhat of the doe-h-th*--— laager fable. In obedience to orders from general head- quarters, a battalion, consisting of Company C, _ bird Infantry, and the hand, and com- panies A and I", Fifth Infantry, under com- mand of Major F. 11. O'Brien, Fifth In- fantry, will report at the Sixteenth-street Station, Oakland, at 10 o'clock Thursday Ksmint, the __ : .li inst., to receive the re- trains of the late Governor Stevenson of /^Kevada, and escort the same to Mountain v View Cemetery. > CAPTAIN buck's LIGHT BATTEKV. The croakers who predicted that Captain Hugh T. Sime of the light battery of the Second would find that he bad made a mis- take when he abandoned the regimental ar- mory on Grove street for new quarters on Pacific avenue prove to have been false prophets. It is true that the battery suf- lcred some in membership when it resolved upon removal, but since that has been ac- complished a reaction his set in and Cap- .M Sime reports an increase of a class most desirable. The battery has been in its new and splendid quarters since camp, in fact its impedimenta— a term which has come into popular use during and since camp— was re- moved while tlie men were at Santa Cruz. 'Ibe drill night has since been changed from Friday to Monday night, and at the regi- mental armory Company— "Battery"— G has changed from Monday to Friday iiijht. The quarters formerly occupied by the battery at tin* regimental armory are now used as a storeroom. s The silver medals for the lest score in each organization during the preliminary practice for the year 1890 wero received for distribution on Monday. 'ihey are neat decorations hanging from a badge and pin by a blue ribbon, while the medal, with some additions, is a counterpart of the bronze marksman medal. Seventy-six of these will be distributed throughout the State. It is estimated that notwithstanding the State's allowances, the seven companies of the First Infantry will have to ass* si them- selves WOO each to defray the expenses of eight days at Camp Waterman. MAKIA K. FAY'S ESTATE. ' I'roperty to Be Sold to I'ay the Various Legacies. In the matter of the estate of the late Mrs. Maria K. Fay, the executors, represented by Frank J. Sullivan, have obtained an order from Judge Coffey autlionzing the sale of the following personal property: Fifty shares of stock of the First National Batik of this ciiy, valued at $100 a share, and fiftyshares of the Capital Gas Company of Sacramento,- valued at 5-0 per share. Sullivan petitioned for sale of the shares on the ground that all debts ami claims against the estate had been paid, and that Itwas nowiu order to pay the legacies. Mrs. Fay was a widowed sister of Clara F. Mt'Dermolt, the capitalist, and lived for many years at 55 Tehama street. ' Her lega- tees are as follows: Mrs. Supery of 54 Tehama street, for her son Edward, 5500; Rev. Sister Catherine Russell, for Bora Mac- Derinolt, 53000; Margaret MaeDermott of the Presentation Convent, (3060; Mr-.. Daisy Mine, $500; Nicholas Wynne, 5500; Rev. John Nugent, for St. Brendan's School. 5500; the Father Prelate of "The Little Sisters,-- -5500; the Rev. Peter Gray, for masses, 1250; Rev. John I'n-rideigast. for Annie Fay, 5500, and for Clara Fay, 5500; Ellen Conique of San Bafael. 6500; the -Mother Superior, South San Francisco, 8500. FRATERNAL NOTES. Entertainment of the Odd Fel- lows' Literary and Social Club. Oriental Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 90, I.O. O. F., at its meeting last evening had an initiation. Court Aurora, No. 6450, A. O. F. of A., held a regular quarterly summoned meeting last evening, at which there was a large at- tendance of members and visitors. Unity Encampment, No 26, I. O. 0. F., held its regu lar session on Tuesday evening aud transacted important business. Crockett Lodge, Xo. 139, F. and A. M., at its called meeting last evening had work in the fellowcraft degree. Unity Lodge. >"o. 131, I. 0. O. F., had a large attendance at its meeting on Friday evening, when a lecture was delivered. Derby Lodge, No. 265, Older Sons of St. Geoige, gave a stag party last evening in St. George's Hall, Bark street, Alameda. There will be two assessments in the Workmen's Guarantee Fund Association next month, which covers four death claims, the latest of which Is August 26th last This levy will pay for all pending claims and leave a surplus after settlement in the trea- sury. The affairs of the organization were never in better condition; which Is due to the good management of the Directors. The Oiiu Fellows' Literary and Social Club will give an entertainment and dance in the public hall to-morrow evening, The net proceeds will be devoted to the dub's treasury for working purposes, and, as the entertainment to be given is of the highest character, there is no doubt but what a crowded house will be the result. Tickets may be purchased at the Grand Secretary's office or at the door on the evening of the event. A special session of the Supreme Lodge, Order of the Royal Argosy, will he held on Saturday evening, October lit li. Nt 7:30 o'clock, in Protection Hall, Shiels Building, 3-D O'Farrell street, for the purpose of con- sidering the advisability of dissolving the Supreme Lodge and the settlement and winding up ot the affairs of the order. The time for members to pay assessment 11, now pending, has been extended to the l_.h prox. We are in receipt from Ed W. I, Oder, Grand Sentinel of the Grand Encampment, 1. O. O. P., of Utah, of a directory of the lodges, encampments, Kebekah degree lodges, etc., under the jurisdiction ol that Territory. It is a neatly gotten up little book and is quite handy lor reference pur- poses. At the meeting of California Chapter, No. 5, Itoyal Arch Masons, held on Tuesday evening, the Past Masters' and Mo»t Ex- cellent Masters' degrees were worked. On Monday evening. 15th nist, lienry A. Chase, G. ii. of this State, together witn James K. Odell, 5. I) G. 8., and J. P. Garuer, G. C. of 11. of the G. <'. oi Massa- chusetts, instituted Pequot Tribe, No. 160, at Athul, Mass., with thirty-one charter members, all under 30 year/ of age. The adapted work was performed by the tribe located at Orange, and is said to have beeu very fine. The order in Massachusetts is prospering, there being now over l.",000 members, with the prospect for an increase of SCOO before the end of the term. JUILN NOBLE'S DEATH. The Victim of a Cruel Accident Dies After Sustaining Amputation. John Noble, a young mau more generally loved and respected by those wlio knew him than falls to the lot of many young men, died yesterday from the result of injuries received by the explosion of a machine at Felluu on Thursday of lust week. It will be remembered that Noble, who was gelling out lao-bark on the Jusslyn ranch, on Den Lomond, fur E.erhart of San Francisco, dropped into the shop of the P.ubottoui Bros, in Felton, to watch the trial of the "jointer." While moving at a high rate of speed, the bread metal disc with its knives shivered into a hundred pieces, aid John Noble re- ceived the full force «_ the flying metal in bis legs and feet. One font was cut oft' close to the eel. The other leg was broken and lacerated, an artery being cut Noble was attended by Dr. F. E. Morgan and sent to .'-aula Cruz. Here ho was taken to the Made House on Fruit, street,, where Mr-. M. A. Peck and her daughter, Misi Liz- zie Peek have given him as kiud and skillful care as a mother and sister might Yester- day the attending physician deemed it neces- sary to amputate the wounded leg. Poor Noble hardly survived the operation, dying immediately afterward. He was a native of Si ringfield, Mo., where his patents and a sister still reside, lit- was 31 years old. The poor fellow would not allow his parents to be informed of the accident, believing he would surely recover. He was the re- cipient of many anxious inquiries and of many acts of kindness from the companions among whom be has been working. Noble has a brother in the northern part of the State of Washington.— Santa Cruz Surf, Sept. 24th; U>E HOKE VICTIM. Liquor Draffs a Mother Into Squalor and I»rera'iJ»ll»,n. Mrs. Bessie O'Reilly, who lives in the Second-street House, was taken from her wretched and filthy ah- de yesterday by Officer Holbioofc and charged at the City Prison with cruelty to children. The woman's husband is said to have de- serted her. He is a brick-layer and earned good wages, but, it appears, did not wish to spend money upon her or the two little children— girls, of 5 and 8 years of age. When arrested she was just reviving from the effects of a drunken debauch, and her little girls were found beside her in a pitia- ble condition of filth and wretchedness. Only for kindly neighbors the childieu might have died from hunger. Miss McCabe's Obsequies. The funeral of Miss Agnes Josephine Mc- Cabe, daughter of the late A. J. McCabe, look place yesterday morning from her mother's residence on Golden Gate avenue. The remains were first conveyed to the Star of the Sea Church on Point Lobos avenue, where a requiem high mass was celebrated in the presence of a large number ot the friends and relatives nf the deceased. At the conclusion uf the solemn rites the cortege was re-formed and the mains were carried to their last resting placo in the shadow ot Lone Mountain. No Eastern Mail nt Rand. This city bad to do without its Eastern mail yesterday. The mail duo on the 9:1") morning train did not arrive on schedule time, nor during the day. Il is thought that this is due to a failure in the connections at Ogden. Last Monday night the mail-car on the Oregon Short Live, easterly hound, was burned west of l'oeatcllo, Idaho, and part of the contents destroyed. Oakland lit:<lc« Us titer. Another suit for damages arising out of the bridge disaster at Oakland, on .May 30th last, has been filed'by Peter Kelly, admin- istrator of the estate of Martin Kelly, who was drowned in the estuary. Action is brought agiiint the Southern Pacific Com- pany and the eugineer and fireman of the wrecked train to recover 550,000 damages. Slaved Fr. in the A- v I tun. The sister of Mrs. Jane Botidau lias de- cided to t.ike care of her and her 10-year-old son, who were committ d to the asylum on Tuesday, on account of mental derange- ment caused by spiritualism. Dr. Wimiele would not consent to the boy's counneiiicut in the asylum, and the sister would not permit their being separated. V.'oud ward's Ourd -B Cases. The reading of testimony taken before a referee in the cases of Woodward et al. vs. Raum et al. and Hutchinson et al. vs. Wood- ward et al. was concluded yesterday in judge Wallace's department, and the cases set for argument October oth. 'file question of selling the gardens in whole or in pails is the main pint at issue. A liiocesiu Seminary. The Porter Ranch, in Ross Valley, Marin County, consisting of a tract of rolling land four miles from San Rafael, near Greeubrae Station, lias be n purchased by ArchbishoD Kioidan as a site for a diocesan seminary. The college buildings will bo erected on one of the highest kuolls and will be of a most substantial character. : Musi Leave Ihe City. Tom Maynard, thecx-pitgillst, arrested re- cently on a charge of robbing two men on the water front, hut who at that lime | escaped conviction, was fouud guilty yesterday by Judge Lawlcr of vagrancy. Maynard prom- ised to leave the city and was dismissed. : Quickly Disposed of. Raymond . Reese, accused of an assault with a deadly weapon, put Judge Van Reyncgora to the trouble of impaneling a jury \u25a0 yesterday, \u25a0 aud •_ then > pleaded guilty. The Judge fined nlm $200, in default of which he must serve 200 days in jail. Charted. With Fraud.'. E. M. McKerna ii, executrix of the last will and testament of John C. Morrison ;Jr., who died in this city on 1May 1 18, 1881, has sued to recover 52029 71 from A. J. Moon, . Wiiliaui_ai. Mott. William r Levlsou, F. W. - Bridge and Robert ; 11. Countryman. The complaint avers that Moon received a piece of land valued at S3OOO, in trust for plaintiff, in payment of debt owed deceased; that he refused an accounting of the trust, and transferred the land to William 11. Mott; that the land continued to he transferred until it came into the possession of Country- man; that the land is now worth 510,000. and that plaintiff's interest therein is now the amount sued for. A WORTHY CHARITY. Reception at the Little Sisters' Infant Shelter. Origin of the Heme— lts Aims and Purposes and Lady Managers-Neatness and Com. fort of the Children. The Lady Directors of the Little Sisters' Infant Shelter gave a reception yesterday in their asylum. 512 Minna street, for the purpose of drawing the attention of the charitably inclined to their work, From 2 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon the interesting event acted as a magnet iv drawing the fashionable world out of its customary pre- cincts. Around the entrance to the shelter during the greater tart of the reception hour all was bnsUe with the coming of fresh visitors and the parting of earlier arrivals. Within doors the officers of the institution, from President down, extended a cordial wel- come to all, and with small parlies of guests led the way through every portion of llie building, answering, as they went, the thou- sand and one questions put by inquiring vis- itors. Every one, of course, was anxious to see the wards of the society, and accordingly the babies' play-room was first pointed out with its score of pink-cheeked infants, play- ing, sleeping or toddling around the light and airy room iv spotless white dresses, under tho watchful eyes of two attentive nurses. These are the youngest charges of the shelter, whose ages arc counted only by months. I'LAV-IMOMAND kindergarten*. The play-room is simply furnished, but everything in il betokens the strictest atten- tion to cleanliness. Just beyond are the two dormitories filled with tiny cots, in which the mo.it complete provision is made for the little ones In the way of toft and yielding mattresses and an abundance ot comfoitabiu bed clothing. Un the floor above a kindergarten is es- tablished, at which there is a daily attend- ance of from forty to fifty children. Here ate to be found tits of 2% to years of age, bright as new dollars and proud of the ac- quirements which their teacher, Miss Fan- nie Temple, has ins illed int.) their little minds. All of the kindergarten work was exemplified by them yesterday, and quite an interesting exhibition was made of dull- baskets, chairs, bookmarks, etc., manufac- tured by tiny fingers out 01 colored slips of paper. Part of the instruction consists of games and songs, and tie curriculum also Includes reading, wilting, spelling and counting, at which many ol the elder chil- dren arc quite proficient. After making the rounds of the establish- ment yesterday's guests were escorted to the parlors on the ground-floor, where the good of the shelter was discussed over an appetizing lunch. Of the 250 visitors who thronged the doors many for the first time learned the scope of the organization, and these, alter satisfying themselves ot the worthiness of the cause, became willing re- cruits to the ranks of contributors, whose monthly donations help to sustain the laud- able undertaking. The receipts from the charity-box amounted to about too during the afternoon and this fact, coupled with the auditions to the list of contributors, made the lady managers feel last evening that their reception had accomplished splen- did results. OBIGES OF THE SHELTER. The Little Sisters' Infant Shelter of to-day is the outgrowth of a childish notion in the mind ol little Daisy Spear close upon twenty years ago. The child about that time learned a fact which had just shocked tho entire community— the burning of two babies at their home while their mother was at work, endeavoring to earn money for their support. The dreadful occurrence made sucb an Impression on the little girl that she appealed to her mother (the late Mrs. Joseph S. Spear) for permission to form a socie'.y ol her little playmates forthe purpose of taking care oi the children of the poor. 'i he good mother at once approved of her child's idea and was the backbone of the society from that moment to the day ol her demise. Little Daisy, thus encouraged, ap- pealed to her young friends, aud in a little while twelve apostles of charity, by dint of saving their spending money and selling their handiwork to admiring friends, were enabled to put their ideas into shape and see them In practical operatlou. The little band consisted ot Daisy Spear (now Sirs. S. li. Hall), Fanny Sampson (Mrs. E. L. Sar- graut), Edith and Ella Buckingham, the Misses Brown mow of Oakland); Alia Tyler [Mrs. Mastick), Alice Ballard (Mrs. McDon- ald), Jeunie Mayers (Mrs. Robinson), Natalie tallies (Mrs. Jordan) and flattie Clupp. The hrst shelter taken possession of by the young folks consisted of a few hired rooms on Bush street, near Mason, where a nurse was put in charge, and eight mothers intrusted their children to her care. Within a few week.- , however, it was discovered that the location was too far from the work- ing center, ana the mothers found itimpossi- ble to bring their children. Accordingly, the society accommodated itself to the wants of those " wh- needed its help, and the institu- tion was removed to Mission street, between Fourth and Fifth. Iv the new location the good work was thoroughly appreciated by the poor, and it also became a favorite charity among the young friends ol the lottnde -. In ls7l the society was inc. .rated, ami a few years lattr it removed into its present quarters on Minna street, purchased irom the donations and subscriptions which had accumulated during its lirst live years' existence. WHAT IS DONE FOB THE CHILDREN. The rules provide for the admission only of such children as have been vaccinated and are Iree from contagious diseases. Mothers bring their infants between the hours of 0 and 7 o'clock, and leave them until the close of working hours. During this time careful nurses take them in hand, bathe, dress and feed them, and, if old enough, give them such instruction as they are abie to receive. To relieve sensitive mothers from feeling lhat a charity ii being done them, the moderate chaise is made of 5 cents per day for each child. Thus, for a merely nominal sum, they are assured of the safety of their babes and can the belter labor for their support later on. The oldest of the society's charges is an eleven-year-old boy of whom the lady man- agers are quite proud. Ho is a half-orphan, who lost his mother at sea when 3 years old. For several years lib father paid the mod- erate charges asked nt the shelter for his support, hut of late he lias been lost sight of and the little fellow is tn all intents anil pur- poses a full orphan. What to do with him is now agitating tlie minds ol the Directors. They feel their responsibility for his future and are discussing many plans for his benefit One of those, and the one which may pos- sibly be carried out, is to give him a thor- ough education, and when old enough place him in charge of tlie shelter, which, they say, will in a tew years need a man's care in ill.' management, and what is more natu- ral than that their lirst male manager shall be a child of the shelter? The boy is quite a manly little fellow and thoroughly devoted to the ladies who have proved such kind mothers to him in his need. The ladies under whose management the institution is conducted are: -President, Mrs. J. ii.Stetson; Vice-President, .Mrs. J. M. Pierce; Secretary, -Mis. George W. Ty- ler; Treasurer. Mrs. E. L. Sergeant; Direc- tors—Mrs. G. W. Tyler, Mrs. J. B. Stetson, Mrs. K. L.Miigeant, Mrs. J. ii. Jennings, Miss Grace Trevor, Mrs. J. A. Sampson, Mrs. J. M. Pierce, .Miss Emma Hale, Mrs. C. W. Crocker; kindergarten teacher, Miss Faunie Temple; matron, Mrs. Jaue Temple. VOM KiPPUtt. How Atonement Day Was Observed by Hebrew Citizens. Yesterday being the Feast of Yom Kippnr, the Jew residents of the city observed it by general abstention from business, which was particularly noticeable in the wholesale quarters of trade. The synagogues through- out the day were thronged witli worshipers. The fea>t is cue of the most sacred in the Jewish calendar, and is observed by prayer and fasting. Among the orthodox Hebrews no food whatever is partaken of during the twenty-four hours preceding sundown of the feast, which, among the English-sieak- ii g public, is known as the "Day of Atone- ment" A Confidence Man. Lodging-house keepers in the Mission have been victimized by the clever scheme of a man who ii supposed to be an ex-convict from San Quentin. The stranger engaged rooms in different houses, pretending tnat he wanted comfortable apartments for his daughter ; from Sau Jose. This done he would borrow a tew dollars to pay an ex- press bill which never existed. Ills name is not known. A Millionaire's Remain!. Judge Coffey yesterday authorized the ex- penditure of 53000 for the removal | of the remains of the late James Whartenby to Philadelphia, the early home of the deceased, ", where most of his kindred are living and where a monument is to be erected to his' memory. The deceased leit an estate worth a million dollars. -^JB&gßSffi Tax Da-edl Must Ite Given. City, and County Attorney Flournoy has advised Tax Collector O'Brien' that wheu- ever a purchaser of -property for delinquent taxes demands a deed he' should be ci yen one, always provided that the owner of the property shall receive the thirty days notice required by law. ' <;'. ARGUMENT FOR SON SUIT In the Action for l>..iii>g< * Against the Iron-Moidero. The motion for non suit made in Judge Garter's department at the conclusion of the testimony on behalf of plaintiff Francis Le- boettf in his action against the Iron-niolders' Uuion to recover $25,000 damages for causing the Oakland Foundry to discharge himfrom- its employ, and preventing him from ob- taining employment in other foundries, was argued yesterday by ex-Senator Pat day for the defense. Charles lien Darwin will deliver the argument for plaintiff to-day. The grounds of the non suit are that plain- tiff failed to advance any testimony tending to prove that on the 23d of October, 18ST, or at any other time, tlie union demanded or re- quested the Superintendent of the Oakland Works to discharge plaintiff, or that it has in any manner interfered with his employ ; that no evidence was introduced or offered to prove that plaintiff ; was encaged or employed, or that there was any contract existing between plaintiff and the employer for any time beyond his alleged discharge; that no evidence has been introduced tend- ing to show that he was ever discharged, but to Urn contrary, that the term of his employ- ment had expired when his said employment ceased ; that there is no eviden c tending in any manner to connect the union with any of the acts complained of, or that the union has iii any manner interfered with the law- fullights'of the plaintiff. REAL ESTATE. O'Farrell &Lang's Sale of Prop- erly Near San Kafael. F. S. V/en singer the Purchaser-Meeting of Leading Dealers at Eovee, Toy & Co.'s Office- Auction- Hot To-Day. O'Farrell &Lane have dispose, of a tract of land near San Rafael cod tatnian CoOacres fur .50,000 to IV _. Wensluger. The Bame land was examined recently by Archbishop Kiordan for seminary purposes, but beyond that nothing further has transpired. A sub- division of the tract into villa sites will shortly take place and the same will be pot upon the market by O'Farrell & Lang, agents for F. S. Wensinger. They also are the agents for the Archbishop, but are not aware of any purchase having been made for the churclb DEAI.EKS IX COUNCIL. A meeting of a number of the leading firms was lie Idin the office of Bovee, Toy <_ Co. yesterday afternoon for the purpose of discussing the propriety of organizing a real estate exchange in this city. Tiie fol- lowing firms were represented at the meet- ing: Ltovee, Toy & Co. ; Eastrn, Eldridge <fe Co. ; McAfee, Baldwin & Hammond ;0. P. yon Kliein & Co.; Shainwald, Buckbee & Co.; Ti-vis & Fisher: Madison & Burke; Carnall-Fitzhugh-llopkiiis; David Stem* Sons ; O'Farrell &Lang and G. 11. Umbseu & Co. George 1). Toy was selected as Chniiman, and P. B. Wild Secretary. After an infor- mal discussion a committee was appointed with Instructions to look Into the subject \u25a0nd report nt an adjourned meeting to be held next Wednesday in the same place at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, ".hen definite steps are likely to be taken. V. F. yon Kliein will sell to-day at auc- tion at their saleirooin a catalogue of de- sirable miscellaneous property. BOTES. Blocks 254, 255 nnd _,<; in the Western Ad- dition have been sold to the Han Francisco Gas Light Company for $4.1,0UU. 0. D. Baldwin, Jcost and ilertens effected another sale of lot 00x77:0 on the west side of Mason, south of California, for 812,000. Two tints and lot 30x63 on lho west side of Eleventh street. 335 leet south of Folsom, is reported as having been sold to Mrs. M. Convery for $3300. The subdivision of Broadway Terrace, Oakland, is about ready for the market Tim ('iirriall-Fitzluigli-Uiiiikius Comnanv and E. W. Woodward & Co., Oakland, are the operators, and 1). Pratt and \V. IV Thomas the agents. •:.. : . ;.,.;' _UII._KKS' CONTRACTS. Peter i.engstackir, with Louis M. Wei«- niann, to build on lot on east line of Fair Oaks street, 160 feet north of Twenty-sixth, north 25x125; £3075. D. It. Jones, with ,T. J. Conrad, to build on lot on south line of California street, 25 feet east of Kearny, cast 26:0x50; bonds $3100; ] Theodore W. Peterson surety; $3400. Alexander G. Ilawes, with J. B. Good- year, to build on lot on southwest line of Buchanan and Wenster streets; g15,160. Alexander G. Haves, with Duffy Bros., plumbing for same; $IjSBO, \u25a0;'\u25a0' CURIOUS WOMEN. Tliey View the Kemiiins of Samuel Gold he Millie Panhnrst had hoped that Samuel Goldberg, whom she shot in the parlor of her stepfather's house, 113 Fair Oaks_ street, on Tuesday evening last, would survive. He did not, and now she is nearly crazed with the thought that she has killed him. In consequence of her condition she was re- moved from the cell reserved for ordinary criminals and placed in the lower hospital. The body of Goldberg was conveyed to the Morgue lust evening and an autopsy was made under the supervision of Police Sur- geon Willi.iius. It was found that the bullet entered on the left side, between the seventh and eighth ribs, 0119 and a hall inches to the left of the median line and eight inches from the tup of the breast-bone. The missile passed through the left lobe of the liver, near its inferior margin. The stomach was penetrated and hemorrhage resulted. Forty ounces of blood were taken out of the ab- dominal cavity. The Immediate cause of death is given as hemorrhage of the mesen- tery arteiy. At least twenty young women, all of whom appeared to be shop-girls, culled during the night to view the remains. Many of them shed tears as they gazed upon the very natural-locking face of the dead and accused Millie Pauliorat of being ft mur- deress. The Coroner's office was kept busy at- tending to the young women who called to see the dead man until a late hour. Coroner Eaton bus set Friday next as the day for holding the inquest. Airs. Kendal nt Home. A London correspondent, in an interest- ing letter about Mis. Kendal, the English actress, and her home life, published in last Saturday's issue of the Chicago Inter Ocean, says: Mrs. Kendal goes a good deal Into society in England, but she main- tains that you in America are far more ex- clusive than wo are here, so that she holds her social reception on tlie other side more flattering than any notice sue gets here. But indeed she has come home with au en- thusiasm for lhe United States and every- thing American that is only balanced by her new scorn for her motherland. For Personal .Injuries. Florence A. Billings has sued to recover $10,000 damages from the Omnibus Cable Company, forpersonal injuries, alleging that on June I'Jth last, while attempting to board a car on Third street, she was filing to the ground and dragged ten or twelve feet, aud her light hip and leg have thereby become permanently injured. - iWf%% I'nyilient of Bonds. -. Tayment of the 0 per cent interest due on July 1, 1891, on the Pacific Railroad bonds was commenced yesteiday at lhe United States sub-Treasury. Tlie payment of the 4>_ and 4 cent bonds of the United Stales has been finished. - Neat Supreme Court Term. P- \u25a0\u25a0_] The approaching term of the State Su- preme Court will be held at Los Angeles from the 18th to the 24th of October. Tne calendar contains an unusual number of cases for the Los Angeles District. Sent to Stockton. Tatrick J. Sullivan was committed to the Stuck ton . Asylum*yesterday, because he imagines himself possessed of a devil. He is a clerk by. occupation, and lived at 1003 Mason street. •\u25a0.^\u25a0\u25a0.— - .-. : \u25a0 ' .- The Fire Hell. The alarm from'; Box 231 at 8:45 o'clock yesterday moraine was sounded for a small blaze on Twenty-fourth and Howard streets. A kettle of boiling \u25a0 tar : became : ignited. Loss, noiuin.il. _ '' Assault to Murder. - Frank Roscngreen was held in the Police Court yesterday for trial on ; a -charge of assault to murder E. Erickstn by shooting at him in a saloon last Monday. ALONG THE RAIL. Grievance Committees the Fasli- ion of the Hour. California en /Wheels an Cbject Lesson in Beciprocity— Bailrosd Ken in Politics. Anothsr Compact. At the conference yesterday between a Trainmen's Grievance Committee represent- ing the employes of the Santa Cruz Division j (narrow gauge) and Southern Pacific officials facts were developed which may lead to ' complications and have the effect again calling the General Grievance Committee together. - - The passenger conductors on this division were represented nt the general conference of a week since, when an increase in wages was granted to nil trainmen on the system. Before this meeting titty received £105 per mouth, and by the terms of a schedule adopted at the conference they were In fu- ture to receive the same increase as allowed other passenger conductors, or Sl'-'O per month. At the meeting yesterday they were much surprised to learn that, as their division was classed as a mountain division, the pay Of passenger conductors would be Silo in- stead of £120. The freight conductors re- ceived an increase from .85 to' Silo per mouth and are happy, but the passenger men are very soro and refuse to be com- forted, being unable to perceive why they should not have the same proportional in- crease in wages as the others. A MISTAKE HAS OCCURRED. One of the committee said yesterday that he could not understand how such a mistake could have happened. lie claims to have seen the schedules as submitted, anil vows that the rate named thereon was $1-0 for passenger conductors. He attended all the meetings incident to the general adjustment of the wage system, and is sorely puzzled at the state of affiiis as developed at yester- day's meeting. Another conference willbo held, and unless the affair is cie jrtd up the General Committee wiltbe appeal: to. A Grievance Committer, consisting of thir- teen irom the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, called yesterday and had a long conference with Messrs. Towne, Fillmore and Pratt It is said that their principal trouble is regarding the matter of promo- tions and reinstatements. .*..-\u25a0; Ths Engineers' Committee, unable to settle the trouble relating to the reinstate- ments of men on the Atlantic system of ths Southern l'acilic, has sent lor Chief Arthur, and until his arrival the men willrest on their arms. A LESSOJf EH P.ECIPROCITY. Land Agent Mills of the Southern Pacific yesterday received a telegram from the Su- perintendent of "California on Wheels," statin!; that the exhibit had reached I'iiila- delphia. It was the intention of the mana- gers to run the train from Philadelphia to Chicago, via the Canadian Southern, to reach the latter place in lime for the annual fair and to exhibit at the principal towns along the line of the above-mentioned road. Upon communication with the Govern- ment officials at Ottawa it was found that a duty would be imposed on the goods carried as an exhibit. Alter considerable "dicker- ing" the officials finally consented to allow the show to exhibit in lour towns along thu Canadian frontier ior £100. 'ihe Unilid States Consul at Ottawa in- terposed In behalf of California's advertise- ment, but the representatives of her Majesty were firm in their convictions that the ex- hibit iimi American circus and must pay license. Ithas been decided to send the train through in bund. "The (loots of the cars containing the goods will be securely nailed, and for fear that the lettering on the train may offend tbo Canadians the whole will lie covered with a coat of black paint. Thu engine diaped in crape will haul the train through Canadian territory at tbe rate of sixty miles per hour and here," concluded Mr. Mills, "is a lesson for Americans in reciprocity." rOLITIC'AI. POSSIBILITIES.' The possibilities of Influence in a political way by the combined action of railway men in the East is receiving considerable atten- tion of late, and itis stated on good author- ity that in Illinois the Brotherhood ot Loco- motive Firemen, the Switchmen's Mutual Benefit Association and the Brotherhood ot Railway Trainmen intend to co-opeiate this fall in the ' election of niei-bers to the Legislature. Hitherto railway men of allgrades have taken comparatively little interest in politics in this country, except as private citizens affiliating with the different political parties accoidiug to their personal preferences. Steps have been taken to organize a "liail- way Employes' Independent Political Asso- ciation," and a State convention is about to convene in Chicago, In that city alone it is said that the organization represents 25,000 votes, and throughout the State a much greater number. Whether or not when it comes to a State convention it can control votes enough to accomplish anything as against the two great political patties remains to bo seen. There is no do.ibt that at many places rail- way men could wield potent influence in local politics by effecting combinations fur that purpose. ANOTHER COMPACT AGREED -POX. The ticket agents of Eastern lines met yesterday at Fourth and Towusend streets for the purpose of lotmutating an agree- ment intended to abolish rate-cutting. Such an agreement was drawn up and signed by all interested, the details of which could not be learned, as there arc yet several minor points to argue and determine. The compact, whatever it is, will go into effect to-day, and it is said to be the best yet formulated. It will have the effect of doing away with the recent order of Goodman, and possibly with the paying of commis- sions. A SHOW FOR THK JIILLION. Unparalleled Success of California on Wheels'* in Kasteru Cities. William 11. Mills, President of the Cali- fornia State Board of Trade, yesterday re- ceived, uuder date of Philadelphia, Septem- ber 23d, a dispatch from the superintendent of "California 011 Wheels," stating that up to date lho exhibit had been out 295 days aud had visited 193 cities and towns. Dur- ing that time, the dispatch states.. 1,003,000 persons had visited tho li-iin on its journey of 9554 miles about the country. ' President Mills was considerably elated at the suc- cess nf the exhibit and the fulfillment of his prediction that beJore returning a million persons would visit the cars. J. 11. Thomas of Visa'.ia shipped a couple of boxes of peaches to the State Board of Trade, where they were received yesterday. Though all were almost uniform in size and weight, six nf the largest were weighed and iound to weigh (,' pounds and 9 ounces— over a pound each. In n Worse l.lcbt. Giovanni Tassi was acquitted yesterday of a charge of leading astray Kda Garibaldi, the servant at his house, 313 Bush street. He was immediately taken in custody on a more serious charge, preferred by the girl, who claims that on the l._ of last February, while she was under 18 years of age, he assaulted her as site was getting a drink for one of his children. ' ,-..-{_ /-'..l' :.'.'''. /'•'-'.'. \u25a0•". " '--1- .-.'--"\u25a0\u25a0---..' '\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0'... ..P.,- ...:\u25a0'.:. \u25a0; ".-j--. ' " ... \u25a0\u25a0'' ' ' '-..'' THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. .890-EIGHT PAGES. 3 RAILROAD TRAVEL. SAN FRANCISCO AND N. P. RAILWAY. "The Donahue Droa— -Gauge Route. " '-, COMMF.NTIXO SrNDAY. JULY 13. 1890. A Nil until further notice. Boats and Trains will ieavtt from and arrive at the San Francisco Passenger Depot, Marker-street Wharf, as follows: From San Francisco for Point Tihuron and Sin Rafael-Weekdays: 7:40 A. _.. 9:20 A. M.11:20 A. M. 130 i*. M., 3:30 1". m., 6:00 P. M., 0.".'5 p. M. Sundays: 8:(i0.s. d:3O A. M.. 11.00 a.m. 1:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 6-001*. M..0:15 P.M. - . <_..-- From San llataei for San Francisco— Week days: 6:.'.0 A. -.:.. -: a. M.,9:30 A.M. 11:40 A.M., 1:4.1 M. 8:40 P. M.. ,1:05 P. _.. 0:30.1*. M. Sundays: 8:10 a. v. 8:40 A.M.. 11:10 AM. 1:40 p. M.. 3:411 P. M., 5:00 l*. M.. C:_ P.M. From Point Tttraron for San Francisco— Week days: 7:1 5 M.. 8:20 a. M„ 11:55 A. M.. 12:05 P.M.. 2:05 P.M. 4-05P.M.,6:30P._.,7:uuP.M. Sundays: 8:35A.M. 10-05 A.M. 11-36 A.M., 11:05 P.M.. 4.-05 P. M. 6:31 P.M., 0:50P. M. \u25a0 Leave DEsrrNA- 1 Arrive In San Francisco. Tiny. 1 San Francisco. A\'KKK St- ~" 1 SL'N- WUKIC Days. days. I days. Days. 7:40 A. M 8 AM Petaluma I 10:40 A. M 8:50 a. * 8:30 P. M 9:30a. m and 0:05 r.M 10:3UA.M 6-00 P. M SS3OP.M Sta ltosa. I 7:2.1 P. M C:OSP _ Fulton 1 Windsor. I 7:40 A. M a.™, _ Healilsli'g I-.„- _ -, 10:30 _._ BSKIP. II »a«JA.u LfttonSps '•*>*\u25a0 \u25a0 <i:O6P. M Clovrdale I Way Sis I Hopland I 7:40 A. II 8-OOa.M .mil 17:25 P. Ii e-OSp.x I Uklah. I 7:4.) a.m 8:00a. m i Uueruvie i 7:25 l*. m 1 10.30 a. if BJO P.M I I i C P. M 7:10"*A. M 8:00a.m I Sonoma I 10:40 A.M18:50 A. M t_o P. M 5:00r.M I GlenEU'nl 0:05 I'M1 11:05 P. M 7:40 A.MI 8-OOa.M I \u0084„.,„„pi110:40 A.M 1 10:30 A. at 8::» P. M IS:OOP.M| Be " ait<>l "l «:01P.MI B:DSP.M Ptases connect at S-inta Rosa for White Sulphur Fpritiks and Mark West Springs; at Oeyservilte for S_ag_s Springs; at Cloverdale for the Gey- sers: at Hopland for Highland Springs. Reiser. ville. Lakeport and Bartlett Springs, at Ukiah for Vichy Springs. Saratoga Springs. Blue Lakes. Upiipr Lake. Lakeport. Willlts. Cahto. (Japelta, Potter val- ley. wood Vailev. Mendocino City, Hydesvllle, Knrelc-j. Hort-.eviii" and i.ie*-nwood. EXCURSION TICKETS, from Saturdays to .Won. days -To Petaluma. Sl 50; to sauta Rosa S3 25; ta Healilsbnrg. S3 40: to Litton Springs. SlilH; to Clover- dale, »4 50: to Hopland. 1.170; lo Uklah, » ; 7.1. to -ucrnevilie, S3 75; to Sonoma. II 50; to Glen Ellon. Si mi. EXCURSION TICKETS. good for Sundays only-T» Petaiuma- Si; to Santa Rosa, 41 50; to lli'ild.-iburiL 92 25; to l.itton Springs. 42 40; to Cloverdale, S3; to V kiah, 60: to llol.l:iliil,43 80, to Seba.toi.i.l.Sl 80; to 6ueruevllle,S2 50; to Sonoma, to Glen Ellen. St 'lX H. C. WHITINO, General Manager. FETEr. .1. McGLYNN. Gen. Pass. _ Ticket Agt. . Tic— eio_lces at Ferry aud 3d Montgomery street. SAUSALITO-SAN RAFAEL-SAN QUENTIN VIA— NORTH PACIFIC" RAILROAD. TIMKTABLE. Cn-mmonrinc Monday, Se|it*,-ilier 1, 1899, an. l.. lurther notice, boats and trains willrun .as follows: From SAN FRANCISCO for SAUSALITO and SAN RAFAEL (week days)— 7:3o, 9:30.11:00 a. m.; 1:30, 3:25,4:55.6:20 p.m. (Bundavs)— B:oo, 10:00, 11:30 a. m.; 1:30, 3:00, 6:05.6:30 P. -. From SAN FRANCISCO for MILL VALLEY (wee* days)— 9:30, 11:00 a. m. 3:25.4:66 p.m. (Sundays)— B:oo, 10:00, 11:30 a. _. ; 1:30, 3:00, 6:05 P. M. - ' - - From SAN RAFAEL for SAN FRANCISCO (wees eta i-6:10, 7:45, 9:30,11:15 a. M. ;1:30,3:20, 4:55 p. M. (Sundays)- 8:00. 9:50. a. m.; 12:00 m.;' 1:30,8:30, 6:00 p.m. Extra trip oa Saturday at 0:30 p. _. Fare, 50 cents, round trip, .. . From MILLVALLEYfor SAN FRANCISCO (wee* days)— 7:ss, 11:05 a. m.; 3:35, 6:05 P. M. (Sundays)— S:l2, 10:10, 11:40 A. m.; 1:46. 3:15, ___ *p. m. "- '. 60 cents, round trip. From" SA.SALITO for SAN FRANCISCO tweet days)-tj:46, 8:15, 10:05 a.m.-, 12:05, 2:15, 4:09, »6:35 p. M. (Sundays)— B:4s, 10:40 A. _.: 12:15. 2:15. 4:15. 6:45 P. M. Extra trip on Saturday st 7:10 p.m.' Fare, 25 cents, round trip. THROUGH TRAINS. 11:00 A. M.. Dally (Saturdays and Sundays ex- cepted) from San Francisco for Caiadero and In- termediate stations. Returning, leaves Cazadero daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:15 a. _\u0084 arriving ta Sau Francisco at 12:35 P. m. 1:30 P. M.. Saturdays only, from San Franclae* - for Cazadero and Intermediate stations. 8:00 A. M., Sundays only, from San Francisco for Point Kcyes and Intermediate stations. Untun- ing, arrives In San Francisco nt 6:15 p. m. . - ~~ EXCURSION HATES. ~ ~~~~ Thirty-day excursion— Hound-trip Tickets to aad 1 from all stations, at 26 per cent reduction from single tarilf rate. Friday to Monday Excursion— Round-trip Ticket! . sold on Fridays and Saturdays, good to return fol- lowing Monday: Camp Taylor. $176; 'i'ocaioma and Point Reyes, $200; Tomalcs, 82 25; Howard's. 93 60 : Cazadero, $: 00. Sunday Excursion— Round-trip Tickets, good on day sold only: Camp Taylor, $1 SO; Tocaloma and Point Reyes, 81 75. STAtiE CONNECTIONS. Stages leave Cazadero dally (except Mondays) fop Stewarts Point, Gualala, Point Arena, Culfeya - Cove, Navarro, Meudocluo City and all points oa the North Coast. ; ' JNO. Vi. COLEMAN. F. B. LATHAM. General Manager. Gen. Pass. *Tkt Aft, General Offices. 331 Vine Street, sel tt Lie Dig World Dispensary, 400 Geary Street, <££> San Francisco, Cat. ' 1.m.H1 #l u *'f^i\ __*___> - C_fL^"*»_ .mat*im\ |g/ |^-*v-§r--«fB ' 0 _/ ' CHRONIC |¥^BURGICAL \u25a0 DISEASES.^ \u25a0nose.: ]> Deformities, TOK ° "' __ ___- _. »„,»„__. >l__i'____ naI form*" Liehig International Surgical Institute. - ' I.KACK-, mam-ei pom I'_f-k>-itii» TsvaMia; -•„ Best Fi.'ili'i-a. App-rntaa H-nit-li- » tor Socomful Tnat neat of Krorjr Form of Di»ea*e Rt_t)u_rlDC M«Uca_ _ - or >.ir_i-.i] Treatment. '• WRITE FOR f!K( TLAK- ON DIFORRITIES. AND Dig. Kit. IS Or HEX AND HOIF.N. . . \u25a0 '" Onlj Eellafc4« Mr_ij.il lmtitute on Lb. Coast U-kfoc '*\u25a0 VX^tYstws. a-<-»--»_*--*-4 a.- | \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 i;iivof "W*-**am*» **•-VqmZl? PRIVATE AND SPECIAL DISEASES. Bran.hr.. Kan-a. (It., Bull. lit.. S.«tll», ul will vlalt . , all .lit., .. Puis. 1 ,„.i, gawurly, tkrea Say. Mck. . ' UlOttThSnTo -'_-- Weekly Call, $1 25 per, Year . v-_i___-__a_£Brt»*j_-_____ \u25a0-\u25a0V^ OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. . PACIFIC COAST STEAWISHIP CO. DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN _&<&- l-'ranclsco for porta In Alaska a a. -i., ___S»b Oct. •-', 17. Nov. l. 10. inc. 1. 10. HI. Jan. 15, HO. For Brlti3h Columbia and Puget Sonnd ports, 9 A. Sept. -7. Ott. a, 7. Vi, 17. J12.37, Nov. 1,6, 11, 10, iil.SlO, Dec. 1,0, 11, 16,21, 20, 31, Jan. 5, 10, 15. 20, .5 and 30. For Eureka, Humboldt Bar, Wednesdays, 9*.* For Memlociuo, Port Bra.;}, etc., Monday] aul Thursdays, 1 p. m. For Santa Ana. Los Angelei, and all way parts every fourth day, Sam. For San IHcgo, stopping onlyat Los Angelei, Slats I'srbara and i_u Luis Obispo, every fourth day a: 11A. _. -_ . For ports tn Mexico. 25th of each month. -lcket litre— Palace Hotel, A New Montgomery St. GOO-ALL, PEItIIINSit CO., General Agents. pe.'itt 10 Market street, Man Francisco., FOR PORTLAND &ASTORIA,' OREGON THE I'NION PACIb'IO RAILWAY— _>__ Ocean Division—and PACIFIC CoAST ____•_ STEAMSHIP COMPANY will dispatch from Spear- itreet Wharf, at 10 a. v., for tha above ports one of lieir AlIron steamships, viz.: STATE OP CALIFORNIA— Sept. 29, Oct. 11, 23, Nov. i. 16. -M. lie- 10. 3-1. .lan. 3, 15. 27. COLUMBIA— Sept. 25. Oct. 7, 19, 31, Nov. 12, 2«, Dec. 6. 18, 30, Jan. 11, 23. _ OREGON— Oct. 3, 15. .7, Nov. 8. 20, Dec. 2, 11, 26. .lan. 7. 19. 31. Connecting via Portland with the Northern Pacim Railroad. Oregon Short Lino and other diverging line?, fur all points in Oregon. Washington. British Columtiia. Alaska, Idaho. Montana, Dakota, Itah, Wyoming, Yellowstone park, and all points East and South aud to Europe. Fare to Portland— Cabin. (_>; steerage, $B*. ro_— l trip. Cabin, $30. •mu-ws-r.lr _-.. '1lcket olllces— l Montgomery street and Palace Hotel. 4 New Montgomery street. GOOUALL, PERKINS &CO.. General Agents, mr2a 10 Market street. San Frauclso PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. rpHE COMPANY'S STEAM-US WILL j&gA -Oil NKW YORK. VIAPANAMA. Steamship SAN hLAS.'I uesday. September 23d. at 12 o'clock _.. taking freight and passengers dire;: for Acapulco. Chatnperico, San Joss de Guatemala, Acajutla,La Lthertad, La Union. I'uuU Arenas and Panama. This steamer willmake a special call at Tonaia. FOB HONG KONGvia TOKOHAUA, direct till OF Kit) L'E JANEIRO. Tuesday * September 23d, at 1 pst CHINA Thursday, October '.ith, at 1 pm CITYOF" PEKING, Saturday, November Ist,at 1 est Round trip tickets to Yokohama aud return >>. reduced rates. For Ireightor passive apply \. the omco, carat. lirstaud llrannan streets: -ranch office— 2o2 Front street. W. R. A. JOHNSON. Acting Gen'l Agent cel&tt GEORGE IL KICE. TrairicManager. COMPAGNIE GENERALE - It A N 8 A TI. A NT I Q V K. French Line to Havre. pOMPANI'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH _&_«_ V River, loot of Morton St. Travelers by _s__sC Ills line avoid Loth transit by English railway au. Ibe (lisconiiort or irosslu.i the Chaunel in a smalt boat. LA BOURGOGNE. 1-rangeul Saturday, Sept. 27th, at 3:30 a. ic. LABUEIAtiNE, De Jousselln ... Saturday, Oct 4th, 9:01 a. it LA GASCOGNE. sanlolll . Saturday, October 11th, 3:00 r.it LACIIAMP.VGNE, Trauo :. Saturday, Oct. IS, at 7:30 a. St. LABOIHGO Prangeul -.-- ..Saturday, Oct. 25th. '-'.30 I.— JM . or lrelght or passage apply to A. FORGET, Agent, No. 3 Itowil.ij- Green, New Yort J. F. FUGAZI A CO., Agents, i Montgomery ava., San Francisco. \u25a0 \u25a0- mr'JOtt RAILROAD TRAVEL. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. (PACIFIC SYSTEM.) . .;,.;, Trains leave and Arc Due to Arrive at SAN FRANCISCO. - _EAV_ —^F_OM"SJ-Pf_MßE"R~l4rj"B»o^-AKTtIT_ 7:30a Haywards, Mies and Sau Jose.... *_:15r 7:30a Sacramento _ -Redding, via Davis . 7:15e ' 7:30 a Sacramento, Auburn, Colfax 4:46r 8:00 a Martinez, Vallejo, Callstoga aud •Santa Rosa ... 0:15- -8:00a Los Angeles Express. Fresno, Ba- kerstield, Mojave and East, aud Los Angeles 10:l5A 8:30 a Mies, San Jose. Stockton, lone, Sacramento. Mary svllle.Oroville and Red Bluff 4*.45r 12:C0h lisv wards, Nlles and Llvermore.. 8:46P *l:00t* Sacramento River Steamers .' *->0:00 a 3:ooi> Haywards, Nlles and Ssn Jose 9:45 a 3:30r Second class for ogden and East 9:46r 4:ooi* Sunset Route, Atlantic Express, .. Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Denting, El Paso. New Orleans . and East 8:45r 4 -OOP Martinez, Vallejo, Callstoga and Santa Rosa 9:45 a 4:00. Lathrop nnd Stockton 10:15 a 4:3oi* Sacramento and Knight's Landing -- via Davis 10:16 a •4:30p Nlles aud Llvermore »8:45 a •4:30p Nlles and Sau Jose |tt:l6P - 6:ooi* Haywards and Nlles ; 7:45 a 8:00r Central Atlantic Express, Ogden and East .. 9:45 a 9 :0 Op Shasta Route Express. Sacra- . mento, Marysville. Redding. . - - Portland, Ptiget Sound and East 7:4»A SANTA CKUZ DIVISION. - , J7:45a Excursion Train to Santa Crux. ... JB:O6P S:1oa Newark. Centervllle. San Jose. \u25a0c- Felton, Boulder Creek and Santa Cruz 6:20. •a-.46r Centervllle, San Jose, Almaden, - Felton, Boulder Creek and Santa Cru5....... *>11:»U " 4:4Sr Centervllle, San Jose and Los - Gatos, and Saturdays and Sun- nays to Santa Cruz 9:5 OAf COAST DIVIS'N-Tliird and Towngend Sta. Monterey and Santa Crus Sunday -. _-_ .- Excursion \u25a0 18:211* 8:30a San Jose. Aluiaden, Gllroy. Tres . Plnos, PaJaro, Santa Crux, Mon- terey, Pacific Grove, Salinas, Sol-Mad. San Miguel, Paso 110- ".'". hies and Sauta Margarita (San Luis Obispo) and Principal Way ' Stations .....: 8:30* 10:30a San Jose and Way Stations - 3:00r 12 ;30p Cemetery, Menlo Park and Way : - Stations ....". 5:05P - :30r San Jose, Tres Plnos, Sauta Cruz, ..-.- Salinas, Monterey, Pacific Grove' aud Principal Way stations. ... •10:05 a 04:20f Menlo Park and Way Stations... j •7:5Ca v S:2or San Jose aud Way Stations 9:03 a ti: tic Menlo Park and Way Stations... \u25a0' 6:35 a t11:45r Menlo Park and Principal Way . -\u25a0 --\u25a0- - --\u25a0/, Stations \u25a0' t7*.3Qp - \u25a0=-« A for Morning. r for Afternoon, - -;. •Sui'.dni excepted. :' --.:-. -(Saturdays only. .Sundays only, '-'.-J ••Mondays jxcepisi y r oi \u25a0p.pp^gmsmimMmk _____.___:. ...... _^ DRY .39.9 _-_-__,- . -. ; JUST UNCASED!™ A SPECIAL SPOT CASH PURCHASE <___• 500-Sil- m Garments-500 We have just uncased and will TO-DAYplace on exhibition and sale in our Great Cloak Department SCO lADIES' SILK SEALETTE PLUSH JACKETS and WRAPS, comprising a Special Purchase that our New Yorkbuyer obtained from a leading importer at an EXCEEDINGLY HEAVYDISCOUNT FOR SPOT CASH. This enables us to present SOME OF THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY VALUES EVER SHOWN INTHESE FASHIONABLE GARMENTS, and we particularly invite our regular patrons to inspect them early as the assortments include the LATEST ANDMOST POPULAR STYLES AND NOVELTIES, all of which will be offered at the following REMARKABLY LOW PRICES: LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS. __ *io. 125 LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS, trimmed with sealskin buttons down the front, :.-;\u25a0\u25a0 lap lacks, lined with heavy satin, worth £15, will he offered at 510 each. __ _ _> X 5. 100 LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS, extra fine quality, trimmed with large sealskin buttons down the front, puffed shoulders, lined with best quality of satin, worth $1-0, will be offered at $15 each. __ Sj__o 75 LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS, extra leneth, large lap pockets, sealskin buttons. puffed shoulders, lined with silk rhadarne, worth .25, will he offered at $20 each. __ t, £_ ___H SO. -'.'*' 50 LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS, revel .'front,' puffed sleeves with cuffs, blind fasteners, standing collar, lined with satin, worth £27 50, will be offered at 822 50 each. SPswej , ', __t 627.50. 35 LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS; fine quality, beaver-colored satin linlnc with combination brown and gold embroidery plush facing, Marie Stuart collar, sealskin and silk fasteners, worth £35, "will beoffered at $27 50 each. .:;.pp; \u25a0•:\u25a0, LADIES' SEALETTE WRAPS. ___ $15. 50 LADIES' SEALETTE WRAPS, long tabs, half sleeves with cuffs, trimmed all around with deep sealette fringe, lined with quilted satin, sealskin ornaments, worth $22 50, will be offered at £15 each. B_3_ ___._ __o 40 LADIES' SEALETTE WRAPS, long tabs, pointed backs, half sleeves with cuffs, sealette fringe, fronts trimmed with sealskin ornaments, lined with best quality of quilted satin, woith. $27 50, will be offered at £20 each. __ . £_>__ 5 25 LADIES' SEALETTE WRAPS, long tabs, trimmed with large drop ornaments, sealskin and silk fasteners on front, lined with quilted satin, worth $52 50,wi1l be offered at £20 each. £R__ XfkT Hall Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Goods delivered free in Oakland, Alameda ami Herkeley. fff/gP^^ MURPHY BUZLDOTGr, / (/(/ Met Street crow nl Jones, / ____jxr mAisrcisco. se-5 It - MIS -EBB EO US. ABSOLUTE. Tlie _______ of the priceless remedy, The Qavj California 1 Crto-Ti nk, la iHken from tlio word ••Fro*." the «_cml of1.0 - c in (Jr. ok mythology. WluitU It, whulft- use*, what its -iM'.e? A great California cure forNervousness and Dia- I ordornd Scxtiiii Functions of men nnd women, no matter from what cause arising, either from the . excessive use of Ktin_iiliuit_, Tobacco or Opium, or through Youthful Indiscretion, Over-Indulgence, Loss of Tower or luipotency, Wakefulness, Loss of ' Brain rower, _-_arlog<-tow]3 .l'ainq In the Bade, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration, I_izxim>ssAnd Weak ''Memory. These com la when neglected gener- ally wreck the mind mxl bring the nuflerer to au early crave. MllO-TINI.! sure cure. . N-'iai stamp forpanyihlet. Thestudy of thepam> phlet willhe worth your while. Price, fl a Ik>x; _ for $\u25a0">. Six boxes willsurely effect a permanent euro. No bogus guarantees. Thousands of tcstl- -nonials received from old nod young, both ti&sca. f®s_ <C^_^ECT. KM, GRAY, Parlors, H-15, •_"_ Kearny SL Mrs. I reneO ray. Is a Floral Artist and Dfcurator, and occupies the parlors Maud 15, __'» Kearny St., Kan Francisco, i Mrs. Gray said In an interview recently: "On several occasions I had suffered from sup- pressed menstruation and irregularities. I had tried numerous physician.-* and {intent remedies. but could get no relief until I tried a box of The t-AVi Oaltpokxia FftriTI'kmai.f l'fi.i_s, and they gave me absolute relief: Yes, sir: I have recom- mended them to a number cf my friends, with the result that they agree with roc insaving, that Thjc (iAVt California FiutitFkmauc Pills, are a sure cure for suppressed menstruation and Irregularities, no matter what the cause." Bead stamp for pamphlet. Trice per box, (2.50. The ( iavi medicines Beut secure bymall on receipt of price. tfnK^nßMSH^in-_nßy<-_qi AddreM nil ordcrx for fills and com- WmiiC»--0-ift to the fiO-O «:ttiiit:.c i >. TilK (i.WI<<), < iK-mists, P. O. Box 2410, San Francisco. For Sale by ritOSSEIt BBOS.. 111 Grant Aye. F. 11. HUNTING, Third anil Howard Sts. hOVV.NKS &IJYKNi:. _£Jclith and Wasliing:- tun Sts., Oakland. JylO lyTluSaiu lAM _J_?Ss§l \ UADDVI rr^V *_»_____?_ 1 HAPPY! >QL^^teJ The secret of my hnppineM Is, I have thrown awajr my old Blacking Brash, and have WATERPROOF RflflK BEAUTIFULLY FIkEU fi 4J) POLISHED *-* wVt B _7 WITHOUT LAEOR. Woiff'sAGM EBlacking Produce a poli_h without the < -Mbrash, and the thin* trill ta,st a \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''. on men*, an- three on women* chocs. VTiiystick to old ways in these days of progress J Sold by Shoe Stores, Grocers. Druggists, etc. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. jal*lyTuT-H- §_^^S_f^^!^^ SARSAPAEILLA N . OR BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP. . a peerless remedy for Scrofula, White' Swellings, Cancer, Erysipelas, \u25a0 Gout, Chronic Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, Car- buncles, Salt Rheum, Malaria, Bilionc Complaints, and all diseases indicat- ing an Impure Condition of the Blood, Liver, . Stomach, Kidneys, Bowels, . Skin, etc. This Grand Remedy is com- posed of vegetable extracts, chief of which are SARSAPARILLA and STILLINGIA. The cures effected are absolute. For sale by all Druggists. JOHN P. BENE* k CO., Kow York; C_~Write for Illuminated Book. -\u25a0\u25a0 'iP- : ' - noB Sj >-!_ir^^_'^^^^^_^^ IT,s ! |^ v -_i#-_? :^ii A COUGH - 1 ]^^Rj3_PS_i ', V~S as brought many S \u25a0BC* 1 '""'^ 1 __ . •__\u25a0** Jit a tounllraelygravcfl. B OSS?"*^ "___>. Jl il Wlmt is a cough?! SS_V___^__k ' 'J/J/a'^"* lungs, throat or! rovV^_.-^S. _^_T^ -'.-y LroDch la l tubes have I V ' \^|g^L^^S-Sj_-^^ be. attacked by aS Jw\m^^^ cold ; nature sound, an! X V_\v_i alarm-bell tellingwhere the disease I ._B^AV\\^V l iort - "Wisdom suggests " TRYI _R VvvV. Wlstar ' a balsam of Wild Cherry ;" I __\N\V\\r it has cured thousands of persons. I Ik VSVy &* ,on g as >'on cough there Is danger, I BK5-Vw ' or l l' cough Is a Danger Signal. Use \u25a0\ \\» * WisUr"andbecured. None genuine j HvvW' TinlCTMilflDad " I.Bt* iTS" on wrapper. B_.t_.Jl um.,i...M ilea 2y Susp TuTh.p liebic GOBIPAf.Y'S EXTRACT OF BEEF Unset ami Cheapest Meat Flavoring Stock forS._rp«, Made Dishes ana Sauces. As Beef Tea, "an inv.nu- al>!o tonic and ucreeabie suiuula-tL." Annual .— J t.uoj.u- Jar- Gonnlne only with fnn-Klmilo' of Justus yon Mobil's signature Inblue across label, at above. \u25a0--•. >"\u25a0 - \u25a0 -^ Sola by Store-keepers, Grocers and I>riu_st9. U£BIQ - EXXKACT OF MEAT 00., _'tv, Loudon. A ___» st.O ThSttly - •.-»««• f m-—^-— ——~------———— ————— —————— ——m——— . Tatt's Hair Dye Grnyliair orwhiskorscJinncprl ton glossy -lack by a single application of tills l>yo. ' It imparts a natural color, acts lnstantane- ciusly antloontains nothing injurious to tho hair. Sold by nil druggists, or sent by ex- press on receipt ofprice, ISI.OO. Oiiico, -tf &41 Park l'lace, New York. •\u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0 au!4 1-in ThSaTu.tVYr -___-_- _ _-__*w_M- _r_as_s_ac_ri fci _ I K _j_^^-_^M^y T fIM!L.IJ tt.'lorfd. .iiurtlunal «0rr..1..i. TIM KILI.Bstem, I'roMKtur*. H.r![no,lprrr..T. WwkMM ol Boiij»n*l HUid,plr M wiihE't- miiiiL'tvi;. from wh*t* , v_rc*uw.«r*quirk lyann»_r- Mi_sJraN- br uu. TON'S VBISCn ,ITILI7KK-. Th« flnlil»i}Uim«t'~Spfsi*c.fim>-lf.tjJfr.tual,h.irmt>'*' and mire. Atilru':*i«l*. orbv mail or cxp.. \u25a0.\u25a0>_. nrlr* fl.s pkp«*..« for \u2666I. ro*pl«t#ear.|taarißt«-d. CATOI \u25a0M.trtCCO. Ho.lort,_u>, Avoid imitation*. New R«dlc*l W«t Fr. -. ?.F.Rlc_uird«J>Co. -_7S»nJomeSt.,_i.taPr»ncifCO l C»i-»Afit». •\u25a0•:'\u25a0•\u25a0• mrl»lyTuTh : ' | v |P!g|l________| I E. fIA PERMANENTCU_£ \u25a0 «t l, the most obstinate eases ln Irom Jto i* §ffl wn days; guaranteed not to produce Strlc- g ffi tore; no sickening doses; .mil no Inron- C _H Bvenience or loss of time. Kecouimended I BS Boy pb>siclaiiH anil sold by druggists every- _ m _ I where. J. l'erre (.successor t»> Krou), I^m \u25a0 i'liarniaclcn, l'arls. inr'JU Tb ly OCEAN STEAMSHIPS- OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ( nil} inn United States. Hawaiian aud Co- .lonial Mails. - ' 1 V fix I.EAVK HIE COMPANY'S _Sm«| II Wbarf, loot of Folsom street, . -_Vrßf 1 or Honolulu, Aii.Ulnnil and Sydney, WITHOUT CS—VO— , '••--..- The Splendid New SUOU-tou Iron Steamer Marip.i.u October 18th, at 13 M., -\u25a0\u25a0. .or Honolulu. - ES. Australia tSWO tonal (let. 10th. at 13*. "vc immediately oimrri' al or the English malls. tar For freight or passage, \u25a0___ nt offlce, 311 llama street. JOU> 1). hii;n. Sk linos., . se'-O ;: \u25a0 •> >- \u25a0 - Uenerat Auentl. GUNARO LINE. New York to Liverpool, via Queenstown, •--.'-• from Pier 40. North Klver. •\u25a0\u25a0 FAST EX-RX3S MAIL , SKS V lOE. Botbnla,Se|it.24, l -.01) pm I Etruria. Oct. 11, :i:00 rit l'uilrla,Seiit. 27.3:03 i*_ Aura.il.i, Oct. 18. 8:30 au scrvla, Oct. 4, 0:30 am | Botlinla. Oct. VI Noon Gallia. Oct. -8.1 :00 I'M U'mbrla, Oct. 26. 3:00 PM Cabin passage, $00 ami upward; intermediate, $.15, Steerage tickets to and from all parts oi Europe at very low rates. For freight and passage apply at the company's offlce. i Howling Ureen, New York. . VKKSON 11. HKOW.N -CO.. Oeneral Agents. . Good accommodation can always be secured on application to . . WILLIAM-, UIMONK &CO., < ; . _7 XaXWM ••:- .\u25a0\u25a0 Ageuts, Sail Frauclsca \u25a0. mO-KX.I, -__-_[>. . _ . •' " «? -_>«j-^ xL*c&&?, tj- j . . \u25a0 * l Ic^a^c^ -?__*«^ys_^___-^' Vt-a-sc-C^j. -^__-_»6 -/;•_- j-" _-£ A-*X- /L-^tS-c-jJ* >__-<-^____- -OA-i?. e<_V_v_.rC J-'ty i -»->'*-<tV-__^_-_ _4 J-_y -^_-c *-._-_-_-_,' &.<.tc-<, '''".— ' * 7 c\y <MOi«-m__B/ ta-j-i-i.. (i/t/ .'; -A*«.->*.«>*»a-t-C C_<v__, T°^ Ca-fivt-A, . . tf-^ft-o -^a^_-._^_- l-t^, . / •---_\u25a0 '•'\u25a0\u25a0--. •' (^^tx^ V/j/. J __- y > MB Mf-HVM BUSINESS 0 lIVII IV 3io ro9t-*_. Life Scholarship, $75. i . KM* -OH CIKCU-Atta \u25a0/\u25a0 . lelleodU , . - - .- - . -- -..,.- \u25a0 -..-'- - .. __<-.
Page 1: End? SPECIAL 500-Sil- Garments-500 · Atthe meeting of California Chapter, No. 5, Itoyal Arch Masons, held on Tuesday evening, the Past Masters' and Mo»t Ex-cellent Masters' degrees


When Will the' Season's Target

Practice End?

G.ing en the Retired List—Escort to Gov-ernor Stevenion. Remains— The Light

Battery in Its New Quarters.

Itappears that permission has been givento the Third Infantry to have another andadditional day on | winch the qualifiedshooters, who didnet present themselves onthe 14tii inst. as 01tiered, to make a score onwhich medals Willbe awarded, may at llieirsweet lei-ii come and very condescend-ingly do what orders required them to havedone on the date first named. The Thirdhas been accorded this leeway for threeyears in succession, and the First, it is un-derstood, will now demand the same privi-lege; and. of course, the Second Artilleryand the Fifth Infantry of the SecondBrigade will only be asking what is theirright to be accorded the same privilege.

There is no reason then why tha otherfive brigades should not come in also, andgoodness knows when a halt will be calledto the thing. The granting of the privilegeis wrong— to say unjust. The ordersfixed the 14th for the qualified of the Thirdto shoot. Whoever was not present for any

.cause should have been counted as havingmade a "clean score of misses." Those arethe orders, aid what are orders issued forif they are not to be obeyed? Then con-sider what manifest injustice Is done.

To qualify, one was given only one oppor-tunity. He either qualified or bedid not. Ifhe was absent he was credited with "astring of goose-eggs," lowering his companypercentage and that of his battalion ne<es-

tarily, also, by so many points. He whoqualified, however, but because hi- Individ-ual engagements were Dot consulted, did notreport to make his final score on the daylong before set In orders, is given a secondopportunity; and ifone extension is grantedwhy not three or four, or as many moreuntil the personal convenience of every in-dividual n:is been consulted?

These extra days of shooting only openthe door to practices of which there havebeen enough in the target practice of theN. G. C. If the above custom will becountenanced, what Is to prevent additionaldays betas set for the annual inspection, un-til "every member of a company or battalionshall have had the opportunity consultinghis own sweet convenience and private en-gagements—to have pleased to answer"


to roll-call and have been in-spected?

GOING ON THE KETir.ED LIST.The application to be place- on the re-

tired list witli the rank now held by himwas signed on last Monday evening byLieutenant- Cob nel Samuel J. Taylor, anilby this time 1- probably in the bands of theAdjutant-General. By his retirement theFifth Infantry willlose an officer who has

T.TTig been with lhe regiment, his connectionwithitdating from his enlistment in Com-pany B, in March, 1880, receiving promo-tion as corporal in August, 18S0, and ser-geant in January of the following year.His first commission was as First Lieuten-ant, after election i:i June, 188 L He waselected Captain in March, 1882; re-electedtwo years later: elected Major inSeptem-ber, 1886, and Lieutenant-Colonel in Janu-ary, 1888, thus completing a service of morethan nine years as a commissioned officer.

'lhe retirement willnecessarily make twochanges in the field. For the Lieutenant-Colonelcy no other name is mentioned savethat of Major WilliamP. Sullivan Jr., whomthe line officers would choose under any cir-cumstances. Itwillnot be so easy to fiid oneto fillthe Majoi's boots. Captain 11. 1". Bush

of Company 11, who has been a commis-sioned officer of the regiment and also inthat company since July,1870, is unquestion-ably entitled to the place benu the seniorranking line inicer in the battalion. A com-missioned officer may be retire! after eightyears' continued service, and, as statedabove, Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor has serveda longer peiiod.Itis given out at this early date that Cap-

tain John E. Klein of the color company ofthe First proposes on the expiration of"hiscommission to go on the retired list, havingserved in Company C ia all its grades froma private enlisted in July, 1873. and receivedhis first commission as Second Lieutenant inMarch, 1882. Captain Klein has built upwhat i-.to-day the crack shooting company

—tn-itie S>Kte and the only one with a maxi-

mum mevpersiiip—

no Commonplace recordto go on the retired list.

OAKLAND'S MIUTAUT.The Oakland military reporter innocently

assumes the responsibility fur the following:"Howto explain the fa- 1that Company Aof the Fifth is onlyciedited witn three drills,v.heii it really had five,not including theFourth of July, and Company F had fourdrills is not known. Itis strange why therecord of the six companies of the Fifthshould be kept at the minimum a- to drills.There must be something wrong some-where." There is nothing wronif, blessyou. The O. M.K. has neither been a cap-thin nor a valiant and trusty first sergeant,orelse he would understand that what they«l

-not know about figuring is not worth the

knowing.Oakland is exultant to the following ex-


The Tribune knew what itwas talk-ing about when it advocated the removalof the headquarters of the Fifth InfantryRegiment to Oakland. Colonel Fairbankshas secured rooms for headquarters in thenew Blake Block on Washington street, op-posite the armory of companies A and F.The move is a good one for the Oaklandcompanies and for Oakland." The con-cluding sentence smacks somewhat of thedoe-h-th*--—laager fable.

Inobedience toorders from general head-quarters, a battalion, consisting of CompanyC, _ bird Infantry, and the hand, and com-panies Aand I",Fifth Infantry, under com-mand of Major F. 11. O'Brien, Fifth In-fantry, willreport at the Sixteenth-streetStation, Oakland, at 10 o'clock ThursdayKsmint, the __:.liinst., to receive the re-trains of the late Governor Stevenson of

/^Kevada, and escort the same to Mountainv View Cemetery.>

CAPTAIN buck's LIGHT BATTEKV.The croakers who predicted that Captain

Hugh T. Sime of the light battery of theSecond would find that he bad made a mis-take when he abandoned the regimental ar-mory on Grove street for new quarters onPacific avenue prove to have been falseprophets. Itis true that the battery suf-lcred some in membership when it resolvedupon removal, but since that has been ac-complished a reaction his set in and Cap-

.MSime reports an increase of a class mostdesirable. The battery has been in its newand splendid quarters since camp, in fact itsimpedimenta— a term which has come intopopular use during and since camp— was re-moved while tlie men were at Santa Cruz.'Ibe drillnight has since been changed fromFriday to Monday night, and at the regi-mental armory Company— "Battery"— G haschanged from Monday to Friday iiijht. Thequarters formerly occupied by the battery attin* regimental armory are now used as astoreroom. s

The silver medals for the lest score ineach organization during the preliminarypractice for the year 1890 wero received fordistribution on Monday. 'ihey are neatdecorations hanging from a badge and pinby a blue ribbon, while the medal, withsome additions, is a counterpart of thebronze marksman medal. Seventy-six ofthese will be distributed throughout theState.Itis estimated that notwithstanding the

State's allowances, the seven companies ofthe First Infantry will have to ass* si them-selves WOO each to defray the expenses ofeight days at Camp Waterman.

MAKIA K. FAY'S ESTATE.'I'roperty to Be Sold to I'ay the Various


In the matter of the estate of the late Mrs.Maria K.Fay, the executors, represented by

Frank J. Sullivan, have obtained an orderfrom Judge Coffey autlionzing the sale of thefollowing personal property: Fifty sharesof stock of the First National Batik of thisciiy, valued at $100 a share, and fiftysharesof the Capital Gas Company of Sacramento,-valued at 5-0 per share. Sullivan petitionedfor sale of the shares on the ground that all

debts ami claims against the estate had beenpaid, and that Itwas nowiu order to pay thelegacies.

Mrs. Fay was a widowed sister of Clara F.Mt'Dermolt, the capitalist, and lived formany years at 55 Tehama street.

'Her lega-

tees are as follows: Mrs. Supery of 54Tehama street, for her son Edward, 5500;Rev. Sister Catherine Russell, for Bora Mac-Derinolt, 53000; Margaret MaeDermott ofthe Presentation Convent, (3060; Mr-.. Daisy

Mine, $500; Nicholas Wynne, 5500; Rev.John Nugent, forSt. Brendan's School. 5500;the Father Prelate of "The Little Sisters,---5500; the Rev. Peter Gray, for masses, 1250;Rev. John I'n-rideigast. for Annie Fay, 5500,and for Clara Fay, 5500; Ellen Conique ofSan Bafael. 6500; the -Mother Superior,South San Francisco, 8500.

FRATERNAL NOTES.Entertainment of the Odd Fel-

lows' Literary and Social Club.

Oriental Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 90,I.O. O. F., at its meeting last evening hadan initiation.

Court Aurora, No. 6450, A. O. F. of A.,held a regular quarterly summoned meetinglast evening, at which there was a large at-tendance of members and visitors.

Unity Encampment, No 26, I.O. 0. F.,held its regu lar session on Tuesday eveningaud transacted important business.

Crockett Lodge, Xo. 139, F. and A. M.,atits calledmeeting last evening had work inthe fellowcraft degree.

Unity Lodge. >"o. 131, I. 0. O. F., had alarge attendance at its meeting on Fridayevening, when a lecture was delivered.

Derby Lodge, No. 265, Older Sons of St.Geoige, gave a stag party last evening inSt. George's Hall, Bark street, Alameda.

There will be two assessments in theWorkmen's Guarantee Fund Associationnext month, which covers four death claims,the latest of which IsAugust 26th last Thislevy will pay for all pending claims andleave a surplus after settlement in the trea-sury. The affairs of the organization werenever in better condition; which Is due tothe good management of the Directors.

The Oiiu Fellows' Literary and SocialClub willgive an entertainment and dancein the public hall to-morrow evening, Thenet proceeds will be devoted to the dub'streasury for working purposes, and, as theentertainment to be given is of the highestcharacter, there is no doubt but what acrowded house willbe the result. Ticketsmay be purchased at the Grand Secretary'soffice or at the door on the evening of theevent.

A special session of the Supreme Lodge,Order of the Royal Argosy, willhe held onSaturday evening, October litli. Nt 7:30o'clock, in Protection Hall, Shiels Building,3-D O'Farrell street, for the purpose of con-sidering the advisability of dissolving theSupreme Lodge and the settlement andwinding up ot the affairs of the order. Thetime for members to pay assessment 11,now pending, has been extended to the l_.hprox.

We are in receipt from Ed W. I,Oder,Grand Sentinel of the Grand Encampment,1. O. O. P., of Utah, of a directory of thelodges, encampments, Kebekah degreelodges, etc., under the jurisdiction ol thatTerritory. It is a neatly gotten up littlebook and is quite handy lor reference pur-poses.

Atthe meeting of California Chapter, No.5, Itoyal Arch Masons, held on Tuesdayevening, the Past Masters' and Mo»t Ex-cellent Masters' degrees were worked.

On Monday evening. 15th nist, lienryA. Chase, G. ii.of this State, together witnJames K. Odell, 5. I) G. 8., and J. P.Garuer, G. C. of 11. of the G. <'. oi Massa-chusetts, instituted Pequot Tribe, No. 160,at Athul, Mass., with thirty-one chartermembers, all under 30 year/ of age. Theadapted work was performed by the tribelocated at Orange, and is said to have beeuvery fine. The order in Massachusetts isprospering, there being now over l.",000members, with the prospect for an increaseof SCOO before the end of the term.

JUILN NOBLE'S DEATH.The Victim of a Cruel Accident Dies

After Sustaining Amputation.John Noble, a young mau more generally

loved and respected by those wlioknew himthan falls to the lot of many young men,died yesterday from the result of injuriesreceived by the explosion of a machine atFelluu on Thursday of lust week. It will

be remembered that Noble, who was gellingout lao-bark on the Jusslyn ranch, on DenLomond, fur E.erhart of San Francisco,dropped into the shop of the P.ubottoui Bros,

in Felton, to watch the trial of the "jointer."While moving at a high rate of speed, thebread metal disc with its knives shiveredinto a hundred pieces, aid John Noble re-ceived the full force «_ the flying metal inbis legs and feet. One font was cut oft' closeto the eel. The other leg was broken andlacerated, an artery being cut

Noble was attended by Dr. F. E. Morganand sent to .'-aula Cruz. Here ho was takento the Made House on Fruit, street,, whereMr-. M. A. Peck and her daughter, Misi Liz-zie Peek have given him as kiud and skillfulcare as a mother and sister might Yester-day the attending physician deemed itneces-sary to amputate the wounded leg. PoorNoble hardly survived the operation, dyingimmediately afterward. He was a nativeof Si ringfield, Mo., where his patents anda sister still reside, lit- was 31 years old.The poor fellow would not allow his parentsto be informed of the accident, believinghe would surely recover. He was the re-cipient of many anxious inquiries and ofmany acts of kindness from the companionsamong whom be has been working. Noblehas a brother in the northern part of theState of Washington.— Santa Cruz Surf,Sept. 24th;

U>E HOKE VICTIM.Liquor Draffs a Mother IntoSqualor and


Mrs. Bessie O'Reilly, who lives in theSecond-street House, was taken from herwretched and filthy ah- de yesterday byOfficer Holbioofc and charged at the CityPrison with cruelty to children.

The woman's husband is said to have de-serted her. Heis a brick-layer and earnedgood wages, but, it appears, did not wish tospend money upon her or the two littlechildren— girls, of 5 and 8 years of age.

When arrested she was just reviving fromthe effects of a drunken debauch, and herlittlegirls were found beside her in a pitia-ble condition of filth and wretchedness. Onlyfor kindly neighbors the childieu mighthavedied from hunger.

Miss McCabe's Obsequies.The funeral of Miss Agnes Josephine Mc-

Cabe, daughter of the late A. J. McCabe,look place yesterday morning from hermother's residence on Golden Gate avenue.The remains were first conveyed to the Starof the Sea Church on Point Lobos avenue,where a requiem high mass was celebratedin the presence of a large number ot thefriends and relatives nf the deceased. Atthe conclusion uf the solemn rites the cortegewas re-formed and the mains were carriedto their last resting placo in the shadow otLone Mountain.

No Eastern Mail nt Rand.This city bad to do without its Eastern

mail yesterday. The mail duo on the 9:1")

morning train did not arrive on scheduletime, nor during the day. Ilis thought thatthis is due to a failure in the connections atOgden. Last Monday night the mail-car onthe Oregon Short Live,easterly hound, wasburned west of l'oeatcllo, Idaho, and part ofthe contents destroyed.

Oakland lit:<lc« Us titer.

Another suit for damages arising out ofthe bridge disaster at Oakland, on .May 30thlast, has been filed'by Peter Kelly, admin-istrator of the estate of Martin Kelly, whowas drowned in the estuary. Action isbrought agiiint the Southern Pacific Com-pany and the eugineer and fireman of thewrecked train to recover 550,000 damages.

Slaved Fr. in the A-v Itun.The sister of Mrs. Jane Botidau lias de-

cided to t.ike care of her and her 10-year-oldson, who were committ d to the asylumon Tuesday, on account of mental derange-ment caused by spiritualism. Dr. Wimielewould not consent to the boy's counneiiicutin the asylum, and the sister would notpermit their being separated.

V.'oud ward's Ourd -B Cases.The reading of testimony taken before a

referee in the cases of Woodward et al. vs.Raum et al. and Hutchinson et al. vs. Wood-ward et al. was concluded yesterday injudge Wallace's department, and the casesset for argument October oth. 'file questionof selling the gardens in whole or inpails isthe main pint at issue.

A liiocesiu Seminary.

The Porter Ranch, in Ross Valley, MarinCounty, consisting ofa tract of rolling landfour miles from San Rafael, near GreeubraeStation, lias be n purchased by ArchbishoDKioidan as a site for a diocesan seminary.The college buildings willbo erected on oneof the highest kuolls and will be of a mostsubstantial character. :

Musi Leave Ihe City.

Tom Maynard, thecx-pitgillst, arrested re-cently on a charge of robbing two men on thewater front, hut who at that lime|escapedconviction, was fouud guilty yesterday byJudge Lawlcrof vagrancy. Maynard prom-ised to leave the city and was dismissed. :

Quickly Disposed of.Raymond .Reese, accused of an assault

with a deadly weapon, put Judge VanReyncgora to the trouble of impaneling ajury \u25a0 yesterday, \u25a0 aud •_ then > pleaded guilty.The Judge fined nlm $200, in default ofwhich he must serve 200 days in jail.

Charted. With Fraud.'.E. M. McKerna ii,executrix of the last will

and testament of John C. Morrison ;Jr.,who died in this city on 1May 118, 1881, hassued to recover 52029 71 from A. J. Moon,

. Wiiliaui_ai. Mott. Williamr Levlsou, F. W.-Bridge and Robert ;11. Countryman. The

complaint avers that Moon received a pieceof land valued at S3OOO, in trust for plaintiff,in payment of debt owed deceased; that herefused an accounting of the trust, andtransferred the land to William 11. Mott;that the land continued to he transferreduntil it came into the possession of Country-man; that the land is now worth 510,000. andthat plaintiff's interest therein is now theamount sued for.


Reception at the Little Sisters'Infant Shelter.

Origin of the Heme— lts Aims and Purposes

and Lady Managers-Neatness and Com.

fort of the Children.

The Lady Directors of the LittleSisters'Infant Shelter gave a reception yesterdayin their asylum. 512 Minna street, for thepurpose of drawing the attention of thecharitably inclined to their work, From 2to 5 o'clock in the afternoon the interesting

event acted as a magnet iv drawing thefashionable world out of its customary pre-

cincts.Around the entrance to the shelter during

the greater tart of the reception hour allwas bnsUe with the coming of fresh visitors

and the parting ofearlier arrivals. Withindoors the officers of the institution, fromPresident down, extended a cordial wel-come to all, and with small parlies of guestsled the way through every portion of lliebuilding, answering, as they went, the thou-sand and one questions put by inquiring vis-itors.

Every one, of course, was anxious to seethe wards of the society, and accordinglythe babies' play-room was first pointed outwith its score of pink-cheeked infants, play-ing, sleeping or toddling around the lightand airy room iv spotless white dresses,under tho watchful eyes of two attentivenurses. These are the youngest charges ofthe shelter, whose ages arc counted only bymonths.

I'LAV-IMOMAND kindergarten*.

The play-room is simply furnished, buteverything in ilbetokens the strictest atten-tion to cleanliness. Just beyond are the twodormitories filled with tiny cots, in whichthe mo.it complete provision is made for thelittle ones In the way of toft and yieldingmattresses and an abundance ot comfoitabiubed clothing.

Un the floor above a kindergarten is es-tablished, at which there is a daily attend-ance of from forty to fiftychildren. Hereate to be found tits of 2% to years of age,bright as new dollars and proud of the ac-quirements which their teacher, Miss Fan-nie Temple, has ins illed int.) their littleminds. Allof the kindergarten work wasexemplified by them yesterday, and quite aninteresting exhibition was made of dull-baskets, chairs, bookmarks, etc., manufac-tured by tiny fingers out 01 colored slips ofpaper. Part of the instruction consists ofgames and songs, and tie curriculum alsoIncludes reading, wilting, spelling andcounting, at which many ol the elder chil-dren arc quite proficient.

After making the rounds of the establish-ment yesterday's guests were escorted tothe parlors on the ground-floor, where thegood of the shelter was discussed over anappetizing lunch. Of the 250 visitors whothronged the doors many for the first timelearned the scope of the organization, andthese, alter satisfying themselves ot theworthiness of the cause, became willingre-cruits to the ranks of contributors, whosemonthly donations help to sustain the laud-able undertaking. The receipts from thecharity-box amounted to about too duringthe afternoon and this fact, coupled withthe auditions to the list of contributors,made the lady managers feel last eveningthat their reception had accomplished splen-did results.


The LittleSisters' InfantShelter of to-dayis the outgrowth of a childish notion in themind ol little Daisy Spear close upon twentyyears ago. The child about that timelearned a fact which had just shocked thoentire community— the burning of two babiesat their home while their mother was atwork, endeavoring to earn money for theirsupport. The dreadful occurrence madesucb an Impression on the little girlthat sheappealed to her mother (the late Mrs. JosephS. Spear) for permission to form a socie'.y olher littleplaymates forthe purpose of taking

care oi the children of the poor.'ihe good mother at once approved of her

child's idea and was the backbone of thesociety from that moment to the day ol herdemise. Little Daisy, thus encouraged, ap-pealed to her young friends, aud in a littlewhile twelve apostles of charity, by dint ofsaving their spending money and sellingtheir handiwork to admiring friends, wereenabled to put their ideas into shape and seethem Inpractical operatlou. The little bandconsisted ot Daisy Spear (now Sirs. S. li.Hall), Fanny Sampson (Mrs. E. L. Sar-graut), Edith and Ella Buckingham, theMisses Brown mow of Oakland); Alia Tyler[Mrs. Mastick), Alice Ballard (Mrs. McDon-ald), Jeunie Mayers (Mrs. Robinson), Natalietallies (Mrs. Jordan) and flattie Clupp.

The hrst shelter taken possession of bythe young folks consisted of a few hiredrooms on Bush street, near Mason, where anurse was put in charge, and eight mothersintrusted their children to her care. Withina few week.-, however, it was discoveredthat the location was too far from the work-ing center, ana the mothers found itimpossi-ble to bring their children. Accordingly, thesociety accommodated itself to the wants ofthose


wh- needed its help, and the institu-tion was removed to Mission street, betweenFourth and Fifth.

Ivthe new location the good work wasthoroughly appreciated by the poor, and italso became a favorite charity among theyoung friends ol the lottnde -. Inls7l thesociety was inc. .rated, ami a few yearslattr itremoved into its present quarters onMinna street, purchased irom the donationsand subscriptions which had accumulatedduring its lirst live years' existence.

WHAT IS DONE FOB THE CHILDREN.The rules provide for the admission only

of such children as have been vaccinatedand are Iree from contagious diseases.Mothers bring their infants between thehours of 0 and 7 o'clock, and leave themuntil the close of working hours. Duringthis time careful nurses take them in hand,bathe, dress and feed them, and, if oldenough, give them such instruction as theyare abie to receive. To relieve sensitivemothers from feeling lhat a charity iibeingdone them, the moderate chaise is made of5 cents per day for each child. Thus, fora merely nominal sum, they are assured ofthe safety of their babes and can the belterlabor for their support later on.

The oldest of the society's charges is aneleven-year-old boy of whom the lady man-agers are quite proud. Ho is a half-orphan,who lost his mother at sea when 3 years old.For several years lib father paid the mod-erate charges asked nt the shelter for hissupport, hut of late he lias been lost sight ofand the little fellow is tn all intents anil pur-poses a full orphan. What to do with himis now agitating tlie minds ol the Directors.They feel their responsibility for his futureand are discussing many plans for his benefit

One of those, and the one which may pos-

sibly be carried out, is to give him a thor-ough education, and when old enough placehim in charge of tlie shelter, which, theysay, willin a tew years need a man's careinill.' management, and what is more natu-ral than that their lirst male manager shallbe a child of the shelter? The boy is quitea manly little fellow and thoroughly devotedto the ladies who have proved such kindmothers to him in his need.

The ladies under whose management theinstitution is conducted are: -President,Mrs. J. ii.Stetson; Vice-President, .Mrs. J.M. Pierce; Secretary, -Mis. George W. Ty-ler; Treasurer. Mrs. E. L. Sergeant; Direc-tors—Mrs. G. W. Tyler, Mrs. J. B. Stetson,Mrs. K.L.Miigeant, Mrs. J. ii. Jennings,Miss Grace Trevor, Mrs. J. A. Sampson,Mrs. J. M.Pierce, .Miss Emma Hale, Mrs.C. W. Crocker; kindergarten teacher, MissFaunie Temple; matron, Mrs. Jaue Temple.


How Atonement Day Was Observed byHebrew Citizens.

Yesterday being the Feast of Yom Kippnr,

the Jew residents of the city observed itby general abstention from business, whichwas particularly noticeable in the wholesalequarters of trade. The synagogues through-out the day were thronged witli worshipers.The fea>t is cue of the most sacred in theJewish calendar, and is observed by prayerand fasting. Among the orthodox Hebrewsno food whatever is partaken of during thetwenty-four hours preceding sundown ofthe feast, which, among the English-sieak-iig public, is known as the "Day of Atone-ment"

A Confidence Man.Lodging-house keepers in the Mission have

been victimized by the clever scheme of aman who ii supposed to be an ex-convictfrom San Quentin. The stranger engagedrooms in different houses, pretending tnathe wanted comfortable apartments for hisdaughter ;from Sau Jose. This done hewould borrow a tew dollars to pay an ex-press bill which never existed. Ills name isnot known.

A Millionaire's Remain!.Judge Coffey yesterday authorized the ex-

penditure of 53000 for the removal |of theremains of the late James Whartenby toPhiladelphia, the early home of the deceased, ",where most of his kindred are living andwhere a monument is to be erected to his'memory. The deceased leit an estate wortha milliondollars. -^JB&gßSffi

Tax Da-edl Must Ite Given.City, and County Attorney Flournoy has

advised Tax Collector O'Brien' that wheu-

ever a purchaser of-property fordelinquenttaxes demands a deed he' should be ci yenone, always provided that the owner of theproperty shall receive the thirty days notice

required by law.'

• <;'.

ARGUMENT FOR SON SUITIn the Action for l>..iii>g<* Against the


The motion for non suit made in JudgeGarter's department at the conclusion of thetestimony on behalf of plaintiffFrancis Le-boettf in his action against the Iron-niolders'Uuion to recover $25,000 damages forcausing

the Oakland Foundry to discharge himfrom-its employ, and preventing him from ob-taining employment inother foundries, wasargued yesterday byex-Senator Pat dayfor the defense. Charles lien Darwin willdeliver the argument for plaintiff to-day.

The grounds of the non suit are that plain-tifffailed to advance any testimony tendingto prove that on the 23d of October, 18ST, orat any other time, tlie union demanded orre-quested the Superintendent of the OaklandWorks to discharge plaintiff,or that it hasinany manner interfered with his employ ;that no evidence was introduced or offeredto prove that plaintiff ;was encaged oremployed, or that there was any contractexisting between plaintiff and the employerforany time beyond his alleged discharge;that no evidence has been introduced tend-ing to show that he was ever discharged, butto Urn contrary, that the term of his employ-ment had expired when his said employmentceased ;that there is no eviden c tending inany manner to connect the union withanyof the acts complained of, or that the unionhas iiiany manner interfered with the law-fullights'of the plaintiff.


O'Farrell &Lang's Sale of Prop-

erly Near San Kafael.

F. S. V/ensinger the Purchaser-Meeting of

Leading Dealers at Eovee, Toy & Co.'s

Office-Auction-Hot To-Day.

O'Farrell &Lane have dispose, of a tractof land near San Rafael cod tatnian CoOacresfur .50,000 to IV_. Wensluger. The Bameland was examined recently by ArchbishopKiordan for seminary purposes, but beyondthat nothing further has transpired. A sub-

division of the tract into villa sites willshortly take place and the same will be potupon the market by O'Farrell & Lang,agents forF. S. Wensinger. They also arethe agents for the Archbishop, but arenot aware of any purchase having beenmade for the churclb


A meeting of a number of the leadingfirms was lie Idinthe office ofBovee, Toy <_

Co. yesterday afternoon for the purpose ofdiscussing the propriety of organizing areal estate exchange in this city. Tiie fol-lowing firms were represented at the meet-ing: Ltovee, Toy &Co. ;Eastrn, Eldridge <feCo. ;McAfee, Baldwin &Hammond ;0. P.yon Kliein& Co.; Shainwald, Buckbee &Co.; Ti-vis & Fisher: Madison & Burke;Carnall-Fitzhugh-llopkiiis; David Stem*Sons ;O'Farrell &Lang and G. 11. Umbseu&Co.

George 1). Toy was selected as Chniiman,and P. B. Wild Secretary. After an infor-mal discussion a committee was appointedwith Instructions to look Into the subject\u25a0nd report nt an adjourned meeting to beheld next Wednesday in the same place at 3o'clock in the afternoon, ".hen definite stepsare likely to be taken.

V. F. yon Kliein willsell to-day at auc-tion at their saleirooin a catalogue of de-sirable miscellaneous property.

BOTES.Blocks 254, 255 nnd _,<; in the Western Ad-

dition have been sold to the Han FranciscoGas Light Company for $4.1,0UU.

0. D. Baldwin, Jcost and ilertens effectedanother sale of lot00x77:0 on the west sideof Mason, south of California, for812,000.

Two tints and lot 30x63 on lho west side ofEleventh street. 335 leet south of Folsom, isreported as having been sold to Mrs. M.Convery for $3300.

The subdivision of Broadway Terrace,Oakland, is about ready for the marketTim ('iirriall-Fitzluigli-Uiiiikius Comnanvand E. W. Woodward & Co., Oakland, arethe operators, and 1). Pratt and \V. IVThomas the agents. •:.. : . ;.,.;'

_UII._KKS' CONTRACTS.Peter i.engstackir, with Louis M.Wei«-

niann, to build on lot on east lineof FairOaks street, 160 feet north of Twenty-sixth,north 25x125; £3075.

D. It. Jones, with ,T. J. Conrad, to build onloton south line of California street, 25 feeteast of Kearny, cast 26:0x50; bonds $3100;] Theodore W. Peterson surety; $3400.

Alexander G. Ilawes, with J. B. Good-year, to build on lot on southwest line ofBuchanan and Wenster streets; g15,160.Alexander G. Haves, with Duffy Bros.,plumbing for same; $IjSBO, \u25a0;'\u25a0'

CURIOUS WOMEN.Tliey View the Kemiiins of Samuel


Millie Panhnrst had hoped that SamuelGoldberg, whom she shot in the parlor of herstepfather's house, 113 Fair Oaks_ street, onTuesday evening last, would survive. Hedid not, and now she is nearly crazed withthe thought that she has killed him. In

consequence of her condition she was re-moved from the cell reserved for ordinarycriminals and placed in the lower hospital.

The body of Goldberg was conveyed to theMorgue lust evening and an autopsy wasmade under the supervision of Police Sur-geon Willi.iius. Itwas found that the bulletentered on the left side, between the seventhand eighth ribs, 0119 and a hall inches to theleft of the median line and eight inches fromthe tup of the breast-bone. The missilepassed through the left lobe of the liver,near its inferior margin. The stomach waspenetrated and hemorrhage resulted. Fortyounces of blood were taken out of the ab-dominal cavity. The Immediate cause ofdeath is given as hemorrhage of the mesen-tery arteiy.

At least twenty young women, all ofwhom appeared to be shop-girls, culledduring the night to view the remains. Manyof them shed tears as they gazed upon thevery natural-locking face of the dead andaccused Millie Pauliorat of being ft mur-deress.

The Coroner's office was kept busy at-tending to the young women who called tosee the dead man until a late hour.

Coroner Eaton bus set Friday next as theday for holding the inquest.

Airs. Kendal nt Home.A London correspondent, in an interest-

ing letter about Mis. Kendal, the Englishactress, and her home life, published in lastSaturday's issue of the Chicago InterOcean, says: Mrs. Kendal goes a gooddeal Into society in England, but she main-tains that you inAmerica are far more ex-clusive than wo are here, so that she holdsher social reception on tlie other side moreflattering than any notice sue gets here.But indeed she has come home with au en-thusiasm for lhe United States and every-thing American that is only balanced byher new scorn for her motherland.

For Personal .Injuries.

Florence A. Billings has sued to recover$10,000 damages from the Omnibus CableCompany, forpersonal injuries, alleging thaton June I'Jth last, while attempting to boarda car on Third street, she was filing to theground and dragged ten or twelve feet, audher lighthip and leg have thereby becomepermanently injured. -

iWf%%I'nyilientof Bonds. -.

Tayment of the 0 per cent interest due onJuly 1, 1891, on the Pacific Railroad bondswas commenced yesteiday at lhe UnitedStates sub-Treasury. Tlie payment of the4>_ and 4 cent bonds of the United Staleshas been finished.

-Neat Supreme Court Term. P- \u25a0\u25a0_]

The approaching term of the State Su-preme Court will be held at Los Angelesfrom the 18th to the 24th of October. Tnecalendar contains an unusual number ofcases for the Los Angeles District.

Sent to Stockton.Tatrick J. Sullivan was committed to the

Stuck ton . Asylum*yesterday, because heimagines himself possessed of a devil. Heis a clerk by. occupation, and livedat 1003Mason street. •\u25a0.^\u25a0\u25a0.— - .-. : \u25a0


The Fire Hell.

The alarm from'; Box 231 at 8:45 o'clockyesterday moraine was sounded fora smallblaze on Twenty-fourth and Howard streets.A• kettle of boiling \u25a0 tar :became :ignited.Loss, noiuin.il. _ ''

Assault to Murder.- Frank Roscngreen was held in the PoliceCourt yesterday for trial on ;a-charge ofassault to murder E. Erickstn by shooting athimina saloon last Monday.


Grievance Committees the Fasli-ion of the Hour.

California en /Wheels an Cbject Lesson inBeciprocity— Bailrosd Ken in Politics.

Anothsr Compact.

At the conference yesterday between aTrainmen's Grievance Committee represent-ing the employes of the Santa Cruz Divisionj(narrow gauge) and Southern Pacific officials• facts were developed which may lead to'complications and have the effect againcalling the General Grievance Committeetogether.--

The passenger conductors on this divisionwere represented nt the general conferenceof a week since, when an increase in wageswas granted to nil trainmen on the system.Before this meeting tittyreceived £105 permouth, and by the terms of a scheduleadopted at the conference they were In fu-ture to receive the same increase as allowedother passenger conductors, or Sl'-'O permonth.

At the meeting yesterday they were muchsurprised to learn that, as their divisionwas classed as a mountain division, the payOf passenger conductors would be Silo in-stead of £120. The freight conductors re-ceived an increase from .85 to'Silo permouth and are happy, but the passengermen are very soro and refuse to be com-forted, being unable to perceive why theyshould not have the same proportional in-crease in wages as the others.

A MISTAKE HAS OCCURRED.One of the committee said yesterday that

he could not understand how such a mistakecould have happened. lie claims to haveseen the schedules as submitted, anil vowsthat the rate named thereon was $1-0 forpassenger conductors. He attended all themeetings incident to the general adjustmentof the wage system, and is sorely puzzled atthe state of affiiis as developed at yester-day's meeting. Another conference willboheld, and unless the affair is cie jrtd up theGeneral Committee wiltbe appeal: to.

A Grievance Committer, consisting of thir-teen irom the Brotherhood of LocomotiveFiremen, called yesterday and had a longconference with Messrs. Towne, Fillmoreand Pratt It is said that their principaltrouble is regarding the matter of promo-tions and reinstatements. .*..-\u25a0;

Ths Engineers' Committee, unable tosettle the trouble relating to the reinstate-ments of men on the Atlantic system of thsSouthern l'acilic,has sent lor Chief Arthur,and until his arrival the men willrest ontheir arms.

ALESSOJf EH P.ECIPROCITY.Land Agent Millsof the Southern Pacific

yesterday received a telegram from the Su-perintendent of "California on Wheels,"statin!; that the exhibit had reached I'iiila-delphia. Itwas the intention of the mana-gers to run the train from Philadelphia toChicago, via the Canadian Southern, to reachthe latter place in lime for the annual fairand to exhibit at the principal towns alongthe lineof the above-mentioned road.

Upon communication with the Govern-ment officials at Ottawa it was found that aduty would be imposed on the goods carriedas an exhibit. Alter considerable "dicker-ing" the officials finally consented to allowthe show to exhibit in lour towns along thuCanadian frontier ior £100.

'ihe Unilid States Consul at Ottawa in-terposed In behalf of California's advertise-

ment, but the representatives of her Majestywere firm in their convictions that the ex-hibit iimi American circus and must paylicense. Ithas been decided to send thetrain through in bund.

"The (loots of the cars containing thegoods willbe securely nailed, and for fearthat the lettering on the train may offendtbo Canadians the whole will lie coveredwith a coat of black paint. Thu enginediaped incrape willhaul the train throughCanadian territory at tbe rate of sixty milesper hour and here," concluded Mr. Mills,"isa lesson for Americans in reciprocity."

rOLITIC'AI.POSSIBILITIES.'The possibilities of Influence ina political

way by thecombined action of railway menin the East is receiving considerable atten-tion of late, and itis stated on good author-ity that in Illinois the Brotherhood ot Loco-motive Firemen, the Switchmen's MutualBenefit Association and the Brotherhood otRailway Trainmen intend to co-opeiate thisfall in the

'election of niei-bers to theLegislature.

Hitherto railway men of allgrades havetaken comparatively little interest inpoliticsin this country, except as private citizensaffiliatingwith the different political partiesaccoidiug to their personal preferences.Steps have been taken to organize a "liail-way Employes' Independent Political Asso-ciation," and a State convention is about toconvene in Chicago, In that city alone itissaid that the organization represents 25,000votes, and throughout the State a muchgreater number.

Whether or not when it comes to a Stateconvention it can control votes enough toaccomplish anything as against the twogreat political patties remains to bo seen.There is no do.ibt that at many places rail-way men could wield potent influence inlocal politics by effecting combinations furthat purpose.

ANOTHER COMPACT AGREED -POX.The ticket agents of Eastern lines met

yesterday at Fourth and Towusend streetsfor the purpose of lotmutating an agree-ment intended to abolish rate-cutting. Suchan agreement was drawn up and signed byall interested, the details of which couldnot be learned, as there arc yet severalminor points to argue and determine. Thecompact, whatever it is, will go into effectto-day, and it is said to be the best yetformulated. Itwillhave the effect of doingaway with the recent order of Goodman,and possibly with the paying of commis-sions.


Unparalleled Success of California onWheels'* in Kasteru Cities.

William 11. Mills, President of the Cali-fornia State Board of Trade, yesterday re-ceived, uuder date of Philadelphia, Septem-ber 23d, a dispatch from the superintendentof "California 011 Wheels," stating that upto date lho exhibit had been out 295daysaud had visited 193 cities and towns. Dur-ing that time, the dispatch states.. 1,003,000persons had visited tho li-iinon its journeyof9554 miles about the country.


Mills was considerably elated at the suc-cess nf the exhibit and the fulfillmentof hisprediction that beJore returning a millionpersons would visit the cars.

J. 11. Thomas of Visa'.ia shipped a coupleof boxes of peaches to the State Board ofTrade, where they were received yesterday.Though all were almost uniform insize andweight, six nf the largest were weighed andiound to weigh (,' pounds and 9 ounces— overa pound each.

Inn Worse l.lcbt.Giovanni Tassi was acquitted yesterday of

a charge of leading astray Kda Garibaldi,the servant at his house, 313 Bush street.He was immediately taken in custody on amore serious charge, preferred by the girl,who claims that onthe l._ of last February,while she was under 18 years of age, heassaulted her as site was getting a drink forone of his children.

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SAN FRANCISCO AND N. P. RAILWAY."The Donahue Droa— -Gauge Route.


COMMF.NTIXO SrNDAY. JULY 13. 1890. ANiluntil further notice. Boats and Trains willieavtt

from and arrive at the San Francisco PassengerDepot, Marker-street Wharf, as follows:

From San Francisco for Point Tihuron and SinRafael-Weekdays: 7:40 A. _.. 9:20 A.M.11:20 A. M.130 i*.M., 3:30 1". m., 6:00 P. M., 0.".'5 p. M. Sundays:8:(i0.s. d:3O A. M..11.00 a.m. 1:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M.6-001*. M..0:15 P.M.

- •. <_..--From San llataei for San Francisco— Week days:

6:.'.0 A. -.:.. -: a. M.,9:30 A.M.11:40 A.M., 1:4.1 M.8:40 P. M.. ,1:05 P. _..0:30.1*. M. Sundays: 8:10 a.v.8:40 A.M..11:10 AM. 1:40 p. M..3:411 P. M., 5:00 l*. M..C:_ P.M.

From Point Tttraron forSan Francisco— Week days:7:1 5 M.. 8:20 a. M„11:55 A. M..12:05 P.M.. 2:05 P.M.4-05P.M.,6:30P._.,7:uuP.M. Sundays: 8:35A.M.10-05 A.M. 11-36 A.M., 11:05 P.M.. 4.-05 P. M. 6:31P.M., 0:50P. M. \u25a0

Leave DEsrrNA- 1 Arrive InSan Francisco. Tiny. 1 San Francisco.

A\'KKK St-~"

1 SL'N- WUKICDays. days. I days. Days.

7:40 A. M 8 AM Petaluma I10:40 A. M 8:50a.*8:30 P. M 9:30a. m and 0:05 r.M 10:3UA.M6-00 P. M SS3OP.M Sta ltosa. I 7:2.1 P. M C:OSP _

Fulton 1Windsor. I

7:40A. M a.™,_ Healilsli'gI-.„-

_-, 10:30 _._

BSKIP. II »a«JA.u LfttonSps '•*>*\u25a0 \u25a0 <i:O6P. MClovrdale I„Way Sis IHopland I

7:40A. II 8-OOa.M .mil 17:25P. Ii e-OSp.xIUklah. I

7:4.) a.m 8:00a. m iUueruvie i7:25 l*.m 1 10.30 a.ifBJO P.M I I i C P. M7:10"*A. M 8:00a.m I Sonoma I10:40 A.M18:50 A. Mt_o P. M 5:00r.M IGlenEU'nl 0:05 I'M111:05 P. M7:40 A.MI8-OOa.M I \u0084„.,„„pi110:40 A.M 110:30 A.at8::» P. MIS:OOP.M| Be"ait<>l"l«:01P.MI B:DSP.M

Ptases connect at S-inta Rosa for White SulphurFpritiks and Mark West Springs; at Oeyserviltefor S_ag_s Springs; at Cloverdale for the Gey-sers: at Hopland for Highland Springs. Reiser.ville. Lakeport and Bartlett Springs, at Ukiah forVichy Springs. Saratoga Springs. Blue Lakes. UpiiprLake. Lakeport. Willlts. Cahto. (Japelta, Potter val-ley. wood Vailev. Mendocino City, Hydesvllle,Knrelc-j. Hort-.eviii" and i.ie*-nwood.

EXCURSION TICKETS, from Saturdays to .Won.days -To Petaluma. Sl 50; to sauta Rosa S3 25; taHealilsbnrg. S3 40: to Litton Springs. SlilH; to Clover-dale, »4 50: to Hopland. 1.170; loUklah, » ;7.1. to-ucrnevilie, S3 75; to Sonoma. II50; to Glen Ellon.Si mi.

EXCURSION TICKETS.good for Sundays only-T»Petaiuma- Si; to Santa Rosa, 41 50; to lli'ild.-iburiL92 25; to l.itton Springs. 42 40; to Cloverdale, S3; toV kiah, 60: to llol.l:iliil,4380, to Seba.toi.i.l.Sl 80;to6ueruevllle,S2 50; to Sonoma, to Glen Ellen. St 'lX

H. C. WHITINO,General Manager.FETEr. .1. McGLYNN.Gen. Pass. _ TicketAgt..Tic—eio_lces at Ferry aud 3dMontgomery street.



TIMKTABLE.Cn-mmonrinc Monday, Se|it*,-ilier1, 1899,

an.l.. lurther notice, boats and trains willrun .asfollows:From SAN FRANCISCO for SAUSALITO and SAN

RAFAEL (week days)— 7:3o, 9:30.11:00 a. m.;1:30, 3:25,4:55.6:20 p.m.

(Bundavs)— B:oo, 10:00, 11:30 a. m.; 1:30, 3:00,6:05.6:30 P. -.

From SAN FRANCISCO for MILLVALLEY (wee*days)— 9:30, 11:00 a. m. 3:25.4:66 p.m.

(Sundays)— B:oo, 10:00, 11:30 a. _.;1:30, 3:00,6:05 P. M.

- ' - -From SAN RAFAEL for SAN FRANCISCO (wees

eta i-6:10, 7:45, 9:30,11:15 a. M.;1:30,3:20,4:55 p. M.

(Sundays)- 8:00. 9:50. a. m.; 12:00 m.;' 1:30,8:30,6:00 p.m. Extra trip oa Saturday at 0:30 p. _.Fare, 50 cents, round trip, ..

.From MILLVALLEYfor SAN FRANCISCO (wee*days)— 7:ss, 11:05 a. m.; 3:35, 6:05 P. M.

(Sundays)— S:l2, 10:10, 11:40 A. m.; 1:46. 3:15,___ *p.m. "- '. 60 cents, round trip.From" SA.SALITO for SAN FRANCISCO tweet

days)-tj:46, 8:15, 10:05 a.m.-, 12:05, 2:15, 4:09,»6:35 p. M.(Sundays)— B:4s, 10:40 A. _.: 12:15. 2:15. 4:15.

6:45 P. M. Extra trip on Saturday st 7:10 p.m.'Fare, 25 cents, round trip.

THROUGH TRAINS.11:00 A.M.. Dally (Saturdays and Sundays ex-

cepted) from San Francisco for Caiadero and In-termediate stations. Returning, leaves Cazaderodaily (Sundays excepted) at 6:15 a. _\u0084 arriving taSau Francisco at 12:35 P. m.

1:30 P. M.. Saturdays only, from San Franclae*-for Cazadero and Intermediate stations.

8:00 A.M., Sundays only, fromSan Francisco forPoint Kcyes and Intermediate stations. Untun-ing,arrives InSan Francisco nt 6:15 p. m. . -~~


Thirty-day excursion— Hound-trip Tickets to aad1 from all stations, at 26 per cent reduction from

single tarilf rate.Friday to Monday Excursion— Round-trip Ticket!. sold on Fridays and Saturdays, good to return fol-

lowing Monday: Camp Taylor. $176; 'i'ocaiomaand Point Reyes, $200; Tomalcs, 82 25; Howard's.93 60:Cazadero, $: 00.

Sunday Excursion— Round-trip Tickets, good on daysold only: Camp Taylor, $1 SO; Tocaloma andPoint Reyes, 81 75.

STAtiE CONNECTIONS.Stages leave Cazadero dally (except Mondays) fop

Stewarts Point, Gualala, Point Arena, Culfeya-Cove, Navarro, Meudocluo City and allpoints oathe North Coast. ; '

JNO. Vi.COLEMAN. F.B.LATHAM.General Manager. Gen. Pass. *TktAft,

General Offices. 331 Vine Street, sel tt

LieDigWorld Dispensary,400 Geary Street, <££> San Francisco, Cat.


1.m.H1 #lu*'f^i\ __*___>- C_fL^"*»_

.mat*im\|g/ |^-*v-§r--«fB '0 _/'



\u25a0nose.: ]> Deformities,TOK

°"' _____- _. »„,»„__.

>l__i'____ naIform*"

Liehig International Surgical Institute.- ' I.KACK-, mam-ei pom I'_f-k>-itii» TsvaMia; -•„Best Fi.'ili'i-a.App-rntaa H-nit-li-» tor Socomful Tnat

neat of Krorjr Form of Di»ea*e Rt_t)u_rlDC M«Uca_ _ -or >.ir_i-.i]Treatment. '•


'"OnljEellafc4« Mr_ij.illmtituteon Lb. Coast U-kfoc '*\u25a0


a-<-»--»_*--*-4 a.- |\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 i;iivof "W*-**am*»**•-VqmZl?

PRIVATE ANDSPECIAL DISEASES.Bran.hr.. Kan-a. (It.,Bull. lit..S.«tll», ulwillvlalt. , all.lit.,.. Puis. 1,„.i,gawurly,tkrea Say. Mck..'

UlOttThSnTo -'_--

Weekly Call, $1 25 per, Year. v-_i___-__a_£Brt»*j_-_____

\u25a0-\u25a0V^ OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. .


DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN _&<&-l-'ranclsco for porta In Alaska a a. -i., ___S»b

Oct. •-', 17. Nov. l.10. inc. 1. 10. HI.Jan. 15, HO.For Brlti3h Columbia and Puget Sonnd ports, 9

A. Sept. -7. Ott. a, 7. Vi,17. J12.37, Nov.1,6, 11,10, iil.SlO, Dec. 1,0, 11,16,21, 20, 31,Jan. 5, 10,15. 20, .5 and 30.

For Eureka, Humboldt Bar, Wednesdays, 9*.*For Memlociuo, Port Bra.;}, etc., Monday] aul

Thursdays, 1p. m.For Santa Ana. Los Angelei, and all way parts

every fourth day, Sam.For San IHcgo, stopping onlyat Los Angelei, Slats

I'srbara and i_u LuisObispo, every fourth day a:11A. _. • -_ .

For ports tn Mexico. 25th of each month.-lcket litre—Palace Hotel,A New Montgomery St.

GOO-ALL,PEItIIINSitCO., General Agents.pe.'itt 10 Market street, Man Francisco.,


Ocean Division—and PACIFIC CoAST____•_STEAMSHIP COMPANY will dispatch from Spear-itreet Wharf, at 10 a. v., for tha above ports one oflieir AlIron steamships, viz.:

STATE OP CALIFORNIA—Sept. 29, Oct. 11, 23,Nov.i.16. -M. lie-10. 3-1. .lan. 3, 15. 27.

COLUMBIA—Sept. 25. Oct. 7,19, 31, Nov. 12, 2«,Dec. 6. 18, 30, Jan. 11, 23. _

OREGON— Oct. 3, 15. .7, Nov. 8. 20, Dec. 2, 11,26. .lan. 7. 19. 31.

Connecting viaPortland withthe Northern PacimRailroad. Oregon Short Lino and other divergingline?, fur all points in Oregon. Washington.British Columtiia. Alaska, Idaho. Montana,Dakota, Itah, Wyoming, Yellowstone park, and allpoints East and South aud to Europe.

Fare to Portland— Cabin. (_>; steerage, $B*. ro_—ltrip.Cabin, $30. •mu-ws-r.lr _-..

'1lcket olllces— l Montgomery street and PalaceHotel. 4 New Montgomery street.

GOOUALL, PERKINS &CO.. General Agents,mr2a 10 Market street. San Frauclso


-OilNKW YORK. VIAPANAMA.Steamship SAN hLAS.'Iuesday. September 23d. at12 o'clock _.. taking freight and passengers dire;:

for Acapulco. Chatnperico, San Joss de Guatemala,Acajutla,La Lthertad, La Union. I'uuU Arenas andPanama. This steamer willmake a special call atTonaia.FOB HONG KONGvia TOKOHAUA,directtillOF Kit)L'E JANEIRO. Tuesday*

September 23d, at 1pst

CHINA Thursday, October '.ith, at 1pm

CITYOF" PEKING, Saturday, November Ist,at 1est

Round trip tickets to Yokohama aud return >>.reduced rates.

For Ireightor passive apply \. the omco, carat.lirstaud llrannan streets:

-ranch office— 2o2 Front street.W. R. A. JOHNSON. Acting Gen'l Agent

cel&tt GEORGE ILKICE. TrairicManager.


pOMPANI'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH _&_«_V River, loot of Morton St. Travelers by _s__sCIllsline avoid Loth transit by English railway au.Ibe (lisconiiort or irosslu.i the Chaunel in a smaltboat.LABOURGOGNE. 1-rangeul

Saturday, Sept. 27th, at 3:30 a. ic.LABUEIAtiNE,De Jousselln... Saturday, Oct 4th, 9:01 a. itLAGASCOGNE. sanlolll. Saturday, October 11th, 3:00 r.itLACIIAMP.VGNE, Trauo

:.Saturday, Oct. IS, at 7:30 a. St.LABOIHGO Prangeul-.-- ..Saturday, Oct. 25th. '-'.30 I.—

JM.or lrelght orpassage apply toA. FORGET, Agent,

No. 3 Itowil.ij-Green, New YortJ. F. FUGAZIA CO., Agents, iMontgomery ava.,

San Francisco. \u25a0 \u25a0- mr'JOtt



Trains leave and Arc Due to ArriveatSAN FRANCISCO.


7:30aHaywards, Mies and Sau Jose.... *_:15r7:30aSacramento

_-Redding, via Davis . 7:15e' 7:30aSacramento, Auburn, Colfax 4:46r

8:00aMartinez, Vallejo, Callstoga aud•Santa Rosa ... 0:15-

-8:00aLos Angeles Express. Fresno, Ba-kerstield, Mojave and East, audLos Angeles 10:l5A

8:30aMies, San Jose. Stockton, lone,Sacramento. Mary svllle.Orovilleand Red Bluff 4*.45r

12:C0h lisv wards, Nlles and Llvermore.. 8:46P*l:00t* Sacramento River Steamers .' *->0:00 a

3:ooi> Haywards, Nlles and Ssn Jose 9:45 a3:30r Second class for ogden and East 9:46r4:ooi* Sunset Route, Atlantic Express, ..

Santa Barbara, Los Angeles,Denting, El Paso. New Orleans .and East 8:45r

4 -OOP Martinez, Vallejo, Callstoga andSanta Rosa 9:45 a

4:00. Lathrop nnd Stockton 10:15 a4:3oi* Sacramento and Knight's Landing

--via Davis 10:16 a

•4:30p Nlles aud Llvermore »8:45 a•4:30p Nlles and Sau Jose |tt:l6P-

6:ooi* Haywards and Nlles ; 7:45 a8:00r Central Atlantic Express, Ogden

and East .. 9:45 a9:0Op Shasta Route Express. Sacra- .

mento, Marysville. Redding. .- -Portland, Ptiget Sound and East 7:4»ASANTA CKUZDIVISION.

-,J7:45a Excursion Train to Santa Crux.... JB:O6P

S:1oa Newark. Centervllle. San Jose.\u25a0c- Felton, Boulder Creek and Santa

Cruz 6:20.•a-.46r Centervllle, San Jose, Almaden,-

Felton, Boulder Creek and SantaCru5....... *>11:»U"

4:4Sr Centervllle, San Jose and Los-Gatos, and Saturdays and Sun-nays to Santa Cruz 9:5OAf

COAST DIVIS'N-Tliirdand Towngend Sta.—Monterey and Santa Crus Sunday -. _-_

.- Excursion \u25a0 18:211*8:30aSan Jose. Aluiaden, Gllroy. Tres.Plnos, PaJaro, Santa Crux,Mon-

terey, Pacific Grove, Salinas,Sol-Mad. San Miguel, Paso 110- ".'".hies and Sauta Margarita (SanLuis Obispo) and Principal Way '

Stations .....: 8:30*10:30aSan Jose and Way Stations


12;30p Cemetery, Menlo Park and Way :-Stations ....". 5:05P-

:30r San Jose, Tres Plnos, Sauta Cruz,..-.- Salinas, Monterey, Pacific Grove'

aud Principal Way stations. ... •10:05 a04:20f Menlo Park and Way Stations... j•7:5Ca

v S:2or San Jose aud Way Stations 9:03 ati: tic Menlo Park and Way Stations... \u25a0' 6:35 a

t11:45r Menlo Park and Principal Way . -\u25a0


---\u25a0/, Stations \u25a0' t7*.3Qp-

\u25a0=-« A for Morning. • r for Afternoon, • --;.

•Sui'.dni excepted. :' --.:-. -(Saturdays only..Sundays only,'-'.-J ••Mondays jxcepisiyroi\u25a0p.pp^gmsmimMmk

_____.___:. ...... _^DRY.39.9 _-_-__,- . -.;



500-Sil- mGarments-500We have just uncased and will TO-DAYplace on exhibition and sale in our

Great Cloak Department SCO lADIES' SILKSEALETTE PLUSH JACKETS andWRAPS, comprising a Special Purchase that ourNew Yorkbuyer obtained fromaleading importer at an EXCEEDINGLY HEAVYDISCOUNT FOR SPOT CASH.

This enables us to present SOME OF THE MOST EXTRAORDINARYVALUES EVER SHOWN INTHESE FASHIONABLE GARMENTS, and weparticularly invite our regular patrons to inspect them early as the assortmentsinclude the LATEST ANDMOST POPULAR STYLES AND NOVELTIES, all ofwhich willbe offered at the following


125 LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS, trimmed withsealskin buttons down the front,:.-;\u25a0\u25a0 lap lacks, lined with heavy satin, worth £15, will he offered at 510 each.__ _

_> X5.100 LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS, extra fine quality, trimmed withlarge sealskin

buttons down the front, puffed shoulders, lined with best quality of satin, worth$1-0, willbe offered at $15 each. __ Sj__o

75 LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS, extra leneth, large lap pockets, sealskin buttons.puffed shoulders, lined with silk rhadarne, worth .25, willhe offered at $20 each.__ t, £_ ___H SO. -'.'*'

50 LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS, revel .'front,' puffed sleeves with cuffs, blindfasteners, standing collar, lined with satin, worth £27 50, will be offered at 822 50each. SPswej ,',

__t 627.50.35 LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS; fine quality, beaver-colored satin linlnc with

combination brown and gold embroidery plush facing, Marie Stuart collar, sealskinand silk fasteners, worth £35, "willbeoffered at $27 50 each. .:;.pp;\u25a0•:\u25a0,


50 LADIES' SEALETTE WRAPS, long tabs, half sleeves with cuffs, trimmed allaround with deep sealette fringe, lined withquilted satin, sealskin ornaments, worth$22 50, willbe offered at £15 each. B_3_

___._ __o40 LADIES' SEALETTE WRAPS, long tabs, pointed backs, half sleeves with cuffs,

sealette fringe, fronts trimmed with sealskin ornaments, lined with best quality ofquilted satin, woith. $27 50, willbe offered at £20 each.__. £_>__ 5

25 LADIES'SEALETTE WRAPS, long tabs, trimmed with large drop ornaments, sealskinand silk fasteners on front, lined with quilted satin, worth $52 50,wi1l be offered at£20 each. £R__XfkT HallOrders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Goods delivered free inOakland,

Alameda ami Herkeley.

fff/gP^^ MURPHY BUZLDOTGr, /(/(/ Met Street crow nl Jones, /

____jxr mAisrcisco.se-5 It



ABSOLUTE.Tlie _______ of the priceless remedy, The Qavj

California 1Crto-Tink, la iHken from tlio word••Fro*." the «_cml of1.0 -c in (Jr. ok mythology.

WluitU It,whulft- use*, whatits -iM'.e?A great California cure forNervousness and Dia-

Iordornd Scxtiiii Functions of men nnd women, nomatter from what cause arising, either from the. excessive use of Ktin_iiliuit_,Tobacco or Opium, orthrough Youthful Indiscretion, Over-Indulgence,Loss of Toweror luipotency, Wakefulness, Loss of'Brain rower, _-_arlog<-tow]3 .l'ainq In the Bade,Hysteria, Nervous Prostration, I_izxim>ssAnd Weak

''Memory. These com la when neglected gener-ally wreck the mind mxl bring the nuflerer to auearly crave. MllO-TINI.! sure cure.. N-'iai stamp forpanyihlet. Thestudy of thepam>phlet willhe worth your while. Price, fla Ik>x;_ for $\u25a0">. Six boxes willsurely effect a permanenteuro. No bogus guarantees. Thousands of tcstl--nonials received from old nod young, both ti&sca.


KM,GRAY,Parlors, H-15, •_"_Kearny SLMrs.IreneO ray.Isa FloralArtist and Dfcurator,

and occupies the parlors Maud 15, __'» Kearny St.,Kan Francisco, i Mrs. Gray said In an interviewrecently:

"On several occasions Ihad suffered from sup-pressed menstruation and irregularities. Ihadtried numerous physician.-* and {intent remedies.but could get no relief until Itried a box of Thet-AViOaltpokxia FftriTI'kmai.f l'fi.i_s, and theygave me absolute relief: Yes, sir: Ihave recom-mended them to anumber cf my friends, with theresult that they agree withroc insaving, that Thjc(iAVtCalifornia FiutitFkmauc Pills,are a surecure forsuppressed menstruation and Irregularities,no matter what the cause."

Bead stamp for pamphlet. Trice per box, (2.50.The (iavimedicines Beut secure bymall on receipt

ofprice. tfnK^nßMSH^in-_nßy<-_qiAddreM nilordcrx for fills and com-

WmiiC»--0-ift to the fiO-O «:ttiiit:.c i>.

TilK(i.WI<<), < iK-mists,

P. O. Box 2410, San Francisco.For Sale by

ritOSSEIt BBOS.. 111 Grant Aye.F. 11. HUNTING, Third anil Howard Sts.hOVV.NKS &IJYKNi:. _£Jclith and Wasliing:-

tun Sts., Oakland. JylOlyTluSaiu

lAM _J_?Ss§l \UADDVI rr^V *_»_____?_ 1HAPPY! >QL^^teJ

The secret of my hnppineM Is,Ihave thrown awajr

my old Blacking Brash, and have •



Woiff'sAGMEBlackingProduce a poli_h withoutthe <-Mbrash, and the thin*trillta,st a \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''. on men*, an- three on women* chocs.

VTiiystick to old ways inthese days of progress JSold by Shoe Stores, Grocers. Druggists, etc.

WOLFF &RANDOLPH. Philadelphia.jal*lyTuT-H-



OR BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP. .apeerless remedy for Scrofula, White'Swellings, Cancer, Erysipelas, \u25a0 Gout,Chronic Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, Car-buncles, Salt Rheum, Malaria, BilioncComplaints, and all diseases indicat-ing anImpure Condition ofthe Blood,Liver,. Stomach, Kidneys, Bowels,. Skin,etc. This Grand Remedy iscom-posed of vegetable extracts, chief ofwhich are SARSAPARILLA andSTILLINGIA. The cures effected areabsolute. For sale by allDruggists.

JOHN P. BENE*k CO., Kow York;C_~Write forIlluminated Book. -\u25a0\u25a0 'iP-:

• ' -noB Sj

>-!_ir^^_'^^^^^_^ IT,s!|^v-_i#-_? :^ii A COUGH-1]^^Rj3_PS_i ', V~S as brought many S


1__. •__\u25a0** Jit a tounllraelygravcfl. B

OSS?"*^ "___>. Jl ilWlmt is a cough?!SS_V___^__k ' 'J/J/a'^"* lungs, throat or!rovV^_.-^S. _^_T^-'.-yLroDchlaltubes haveI

V'\^|g^L^^S-Sj_-^^ be. attacked by aS

Jw\m^^^ cold;nature sound, an!X V_\v_i alarm-bell tellingwhere the disease I

._B^AV\\^V liort-

"Wisdom suggests"

TRYI_R VvvV. Wlstar

'abalsam ofWildCherry ;"I

__\N\V\\r it has cured thousands of persons. IIk VSVy &*,ongas >'on cough there Is danger, IBK5-Vw

'or ll' cough Is aDanger Signal. Use

\u25a0\ \\»*

WisUr"andbecured. None genuine jHvvW' TinlCTMilflDad

"I.Bt*iTS"on wrapper.

B_.t_.Jl um.,i...M

ilea 2y Susp TuTh.p

liebic GOBIPAf.Y'SEXTRACT OF BEEFUnset ami Cheapest Meat Flavoring Stock forS._rp«,Made Dishes ana Sauces. As Beef Tea, "an inv.nu-al>!o tonic and ucreeabie suiuula-tL." Annual .— Jt.uoj.u- Jar-

Gonnlne only with fnn-Klmilo' of Justusyon Mobil's signature Inblue across label,at above. \u25a0--•. >"\u25a0



Sola by Store-keepers, Grocers and I>riu_st9.U£BIQ -EXXKACT OF MEAT 00., _'tv,Loudon.

A___» st.O ThSttly


f m-—^-———~------———————————————

——m———.Tatt's HairDye

Grnyliair orwhiskorscJinncprl tonglossy-lack bya single application of tills l>yo.


Itimparts anatural color,acts lnstantane-ciuslyantloontains nothing injurious to thohair. Sold bynildruggists, or sent by ex-press on receipt ofprice, ISI.OO. Oiiico,-tf&41Park l'lace, New York.


'\u25a0 \u25a0 au!4 1-in ThSaTu.tVYr

-___-_-_ _-__*w_M- _r_as_s_ac_ri

fci _IK_j_^^-_^M^yTfIM!L.IJtt.'lorfd. .iiurtlunal «0rr..1..i. TIMKILI.Bstem,

I'roMKtur*.H.r![no,lprrr..T. WwkMMolBoiij»n*lHUid,plrMwiihE't-miiiiL'tvi;.from wh*t*,v_rc*uw.«r*quirklyann»_r-

Mi_sJraN- br uu. TON'S VBISCn ,ITILI7KK-.Th« flnlil»i}Uim«t'~Spfsi*c.fim>-lf.tjJfr.tual,h.irmt>'*'and mire.

Atilru':*i«l*.orbv mailor cxp.. \u25a0.\u25a0>_. nrlr*fl.s pkp«*..«for \u2666I. ro*pl«t#ear.|taarißt«-d. CATOI \u25a0M.trtCCO.Ho.lort,_u>, Avoid imitation*. New R«dlc*l W«t Fr. -.?.F.Rlc_uird«J>Co. -_7S»nJomeSt.,_i.taPr»ncifCO lC»i-»Afit».

•\u25a0•:'\u25a0•\u25a0• mrl»lyTuTh :'

|v|P!g|l________|IE. fIAPERMANENTCU_£

\u25a0 «t l, the most obstinate eases lnIrom Jtoi*§ffl wndays; guaranteed not to produce Strlc-g ffi tore; no sickening doses; .mil no Inron-C _H Bvenience or loss of time. KecouimendedIBS Boy pb>siclaiiH anilsold bydruggists every-_ m _Iwhere. J. l'erre (.successor t»> Krou),

I^m\u25a0 i'liarniaclcn, l'arls. inr'JU Tb ly


OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY.( nil}inn United States. Hawaiian aud Co-.lonial Mails.

—- '

1Vfix I.EAVK HIE COMPANY'S _Sm«|IIWbarf, loot of Folsom street, . -_Vrßf

1or Honolulu, Aii.Ulnnil and Sydney,WITHOUT CS—VO—,'••--..-

The Splendid New SUOU-tou Iron SteamerMarip.i.u October 18th, at 13 M.,

-\u25a0\u25a0. .or Honolulu.-

ES. Australia tSWO tonal (let. 10th. at 13*."vcimmediately oimrri'al or the English malls.

tar For freight or passage, \u25a0___ nt offlce,311llama street. JOU> 1). hii;n. Sk linos., .

se'-O ;: •\u25a0 •> >- \u25a0

- Uenerat Auentl.


New York to Liverpool, via Queenstown,•--.'-• from Pier 40. North Klver.

•\u25a0\u25a0 FAST EX-RX3S MAIL,SKS V lOE.Botbnla,Se|it.24, l-.01) pm IEtruria. Oct. 11, :i:00 ritl'uilrla,Seiit. 27.3:03 i*_ Aura.il.i,Oct. 18. 8:30 auscrvla, Oct. 4, 0:30 am |Botlinla. Oct. VI NoonGallia. Oct. -8.1:00 I'MU'mbrla, Oct. 26. 3:00 PM

Cabin passage, $00 ami upward;intermediate, $.15,Steerage tickets to and from all parts oiEuropeat verylow rates. •For freightand passage apply at

the company's offlce. iHowlingUreen, New York. .VKKSON 11. HKOW.N -CO.. Oeneral Agents.

. Good accommodation can always be secured onapplication to. .WILLIAM-,UIMONK &CO., < ;. _7 XaXWM ••:- .\u25a0\u25a0 Ageuts, Sail Frauclsca \u25a0.

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LifeScholarship, $75.i.KM*-OH CIKCU-Atta \u25a0/\u25a0 . lelleodU ,. - -

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