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End Times for Dummies 2

End Times for Dummies

By Joseph Squicciarini

and Scott Martin

Men of Torah

menoftorah.com v2.5

Copyright Ó 20181

ונתורחל לודג רפושב עקת וניתוילג ץבקל סנ אשו

.ונצראל ץראה תופנכ עבראמ דחי ונצבקו

:לארשי ומע יחדנ ץבקמ ײ התא Cורב

Sound the great shofar for our freedom, raise a banner to gather our exiles,

and bring us together from the four corners of the earth into our land.

Blessed are You, L-RD, Who gathers the dispersed of His people Israel.

1 Dummies image copyright © 2018 & Trademark by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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End Times for Dummies 3

Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5

Lesson 0 – Overview ............................................................................................................... 7

Lesson 1 – The Prophet Daniel ................................................................................................ 9

Daniel 7 – The Ancient of Days ......................................................................................................... 9

Daniel 9 – Gabriel’s Visit ................................................................................................................. 11

Lesson 2 – The Prophet Joel ................................................................................................... 13

Timeline Review from Lesson 1 ....................................................................................................... 13

Locusts ........................................................................................................................................... 13

Who Are We Dealing With? ............................................................................................................ 14

Lesson 3 - Ezekiel ................................................................................................................... 17

Timeline Review from Lesson 2 ....................................................................................................... 17

Resurrection ................................................................................................................................... 17

Gog and Magog .............................................................................................................................. 17

The Temple .................................................................................................................................... 18

The River ........................................................................................................................................ 18

Lesson 4 – The Sages of Israel ................................................................................................ 19

Timeline Review from Lesson 3 ....................................................................................................... 19

Sukkot, Gog and Magog .................................................................................................................. 19

Noah and The Wellsprings .............................................................................................................. 21

Lesson 5 – Paul to the Thessalonian Assembly ....................................................................... 23

Timeline Review from Lesson 4 ....................................................................................................... 23

The First Letter ............................................................................................................................... 23

The Second Letter ........................................................................................................................... 23

Lesson 6 – Peter’s Exhortations to the Gerei HaTzedek .......................................................... 25

Timeline Review from Lesson 5 ....................................................................................................... 25

2 Peter ............................................................................................................................................ 25

Lesson 7 – The Olivet Discourse ............................................................................................. 29

Timeline Review from Lesson 6 ....................................................................................................... 29

Prologue to the Discourse ............................................................................................................... 29

The Discourse ................................................................................................................................. 29

Timeline Recap #1 .......................................................................................................................... 33

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Lesson 8 – The Beginning of the End ...................................................................................... 35

Timeline Review from Lesson 7 ....................................................................................................... 35

The Apocalypse or Revelation from Yeshua to John ........................................................................ 35

Seals ............................................................................................................................................... 35

Trumpets ........................................................................................................................................ 36

Timeline Recap #2 .......................................................................................................................... 40

Lesson 9 – The End of the Beginning ...................................................................................... 43

Timeline Review from Lesson 8 ....................................................................................................... 43

Bowls ............................................................................................................................................. 43

The Great Prostitute ....................................................................................................................... 44

The Finale ....................................................................................................................................... 44

Timeline Recap #3 .......................................................................................................................... 47

Lesson 10 – Summary ............................................................................................................ 49

Timeline Review from Lesson 9 ....................................................................................................... 49

Appendix A – Timeline Points - Tanakh .................................................................................. 53

Appendix B – Timeline Points – Apostolic Scriptures .............................................................. 55

Appendix C – Quotes from the Talmud ................................................................................... 57

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End Times for Dummies 5

Introduction Most of the faithful fall into one of two categories. They either love to study prophecy or they can’t stand the topic, seeing it as a major waste of time. I would argue that our position ought to be somewhere in the middle. Many of us want to know what will happen in the end. It’s natural to be curious. What doesn’t make sense is an attitude about studying the end times because it’s a waste of time. We’ve all heard, “I can’t change the end. It will happen as G-d designed it.” Or something along those lines. What we may forget is that G-d gave specifics about the future – and expects us to know those facts – especially when times get tough. The Bible is not a survival manual, but it certainly can (and did2) bring hope in troubling times. And make no mistake, since Israel became a nation again in 1948, it’s clear that G-d’s prophetic clock is ticking much closer to the final hour. The traditional daily standing prayer ends with,

“That your beloved ones may be delivered, help with Your right hand and answer me. Do it for the sake of Your Name; do it for the sake of Your right hand; do it for the sake of Your Torah; do it for the sake of Your holiness.”3

I want to encourage you to study the end times along with us. Do it for the sake of your children; do it for the sake of the other believers; do it for the sake of obedience to the Torah; do it to hasten the coming of the L-rd. I promise, when we’re done, your life will have a different perspective. As a parent, you will want to remind your children of the guaranteed persecution that is to come. You will want to prepare them with answers. You will want to give them hope, in times of trouble. Your own thoughts will turn more easily to your G-d, with a renewed desire to please Him, having learned what that will mean for your future. The RAMBAM’s thirteen principles of faith end with these:

11. I believe with perfect faith that G-d rewards those who keep His commandments and punishes those who transgress Him.

12. I believe with perfect faith in the coming of Messiah. However long it takes, I will await His coming every day.

13. I believe with perfect faith that the dead will be brought back to life when G-d wills it to happen.

Join us, as we add just a little bit of Biblical and historical context to those three.

2 The Maccabean Revolt 3 The Complete ArtScroll Siddur, Nusach Ashkenaz, Mesorah Publications, p119.

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Lesson 0 – Overview

The Bible describes two people groups: Jews and Joes. Salvation is from the Jews,4 and Jews come first.5 The Bible also describes the history of mankind from its start to its finish. This is one of the only ways that the G-d of Abraham identifies Himself as G-d. He knows the end from the beginning.6 In general terms, mankind’s history has gone this way. G-d created the heavens and the earth.7 G-d gave man a single command,8 which man violated.9 G-d fixed the problem of sin and disobedience by taking a righteous one from among men10 to satisfy the law.11 This One is the Righteous Messiah of Israel, Yeshua haTzadik (Jesus the Righteous One).12

He was sacrificed before the foundation of the world,13 thus allowing His righteousness to be imputed to those on the earth before His physical sacrifice in 30 CE.14 After His resurrection and ascension, the apostles were told that He would return in the same manner in which He left.15 Those faithful to the G-d of Abraham await the coming of His Messiah.16 If you were raised in the church, this should be old hat for you. If you’re new to this, check the footnotes.

Now that we have the basic history behind us, we can examine what has already been described to us as our future, so that world events will not take us by surprise.17 This study is designed to review, from the Scriptures, the basic outline of what will happen, to whom, for how long, and in what order. This is NOT a study of the Messiah of Israel, but rather a study of TIME. Messiah, I’m sure, will play a big role, but we are focused on sequence, not sovereignty; perspectives, not people; events, not eternity.

We will assume you know nothing more than what is outlined above.

4 John 4:22 5 Romans 1:16 6 Isaiah 46:8-11 7 Genesis 1:1, 2:4 8 Genesis 2:16-17 9 Genesis 3:11 10 Talmud Bavli Berachot 62b; Romans 3:25-26 11 Ezekiel 18:4,20 12 2 Corinthians 5:21 13 Revelation 5:9, 13:8; Matthew 25:34; Hebrews 4:3, 9:26 14 Psalm 22:30-31; Matthew 20:28; 1 Peter 2:24 15 Matthew 26:64; Acts 1:11 16 Daniel 7:13; Matthew 10:23, 16:27, 24:27, 44; John 4:25 17 Matthew 24:25; Mark 13:23; 2 Peter 3:17

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Lesson 1 – The Prophet Daniel Daniel 7 – The Ancient of Days We begin by examining the Tanakh18 for key events in earth’s future. We will build our timeline as we study. Now let’s dig into Daniel’s prophesies and see if we can find some clarity. As we go there, l want you to assume that what Daniel sees is basically chronological, unless the text indicates otherwise. Read Daniel 7:1-8. Make notes below about what you read. Remember, Daniel is seeing a vision of earth’s future. The nature of the text is prophesy and the words are symbolic. Don’t get worked up if seems strange. It is strange! How many beasts did Daniel see in his vision? Was one different from the others? In what way? What did Daniel notice about the little horn? Be specific. Read Daniel 7:9-14. Does this seem like a throne room? Who is on the throne? It seems like the narrative was interrupted – by what? The second part of this is a famous passage – and one we have placed on our timeline. Is this “one like a son of man” presented to the Ancient of Days before or after the boasting of the little horn? Daniel seems as perplexed as we, so he asks for an interpretation. Read Daniel 7:15-18. In a broad sense, who wins in the end?

18 The Hebrew Scriptures are referred to by the acronym TaNaKh, which stands for Torah, Nevi’im and Khetuvim, which translates to Torah, Prophets and Writings. Check Yeshua’s comments in Matthew 5:17.

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End Times for Dummies 10

What you just read was an overview of the history of mankind from the time after King David to the Olam Haba, the World to Come. This is the framework within which we will place details from the other Scriptures. Like us, it appears that Daniel wanted some clarity with regard to this fourth beast. As before, Daniel will receive an overview of a time period, then receive more detail about it. Read Daniel 7:19-22 for the overview. If you’ve ever heard of the antichrist, anti-messiah, man of lawlessness or man of Torah-lessness, well, this is that guy. Make note of this passage, especially the phrase that I have bolded.

“As I looked, this horn made war with the saints and prevailed over them, until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given for the saints of the

Most High, and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom.”

(Daniel 7:21–22 ESV)

Looks like this horn’s party got crashed. Remember that. I’m sure we will see this again. Finish reading the chapter for the details of what precedes the coming of the Ancient of Days. Write a summary of Daniel 7 below. Now with the background you have from Daniel 7, take a look at the passages in Appendix A and see if you can place some of the keywords on our timeline. Relax. We’re just starting.





World to Come Millennial Reign

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Daniel 9 – Gabriel’s Visit Let’s continue in Daniel for more details. Read Daniel 9:1-2, 20-23 for the context of his next vision. With whom is he speaking? How long must the exile be, according to Jeremiah? Now read Daniel 9:24-27. This is one of the richest prophetic passages in the Tanakh. List all the time references or timing markers in the passage. It’s curious that at the opening of this chapter, Daniel is clear that the exile must be 70 years, yet the decree we read of in v24 that is about Israel, “your people,” and Jerusalem, “your holy city,” is 70 weeks. The Feast of Weeks, Shavu’ot, is really “Sevens.” Count seven sevens of days (49) and the next day is the Yom Tov. The same is in play in Daniel. The text says literally, “seventy sevens are decreed…” Only context and history can tell us if these “sevens” are days, weeks or years. In this same passage we are provide a list of what will be accomplished within these seventy weeks. List them below. In this 70 “week” period we see the following.

1. There will be a decree to restore and build Jerusalem.19 2. There will be an anointed “prince” seven “weeks” later. 3. The city (Jerusalem) will be completed over a troubled 62 “week” period.20 4. An anointed one shall be cut off and have nothing after the 62 “week” period. This 62

“weeks” plus the previous 7 “week” period is a total of 69 “weeks.” 5. Once the anointed one is cut off, the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and

sanctuary. There will be war and desolation. 6. This last prince shall make a covenant with “many” for the last of the 70 “weeks.” 7. For ½ the week, this last prince shall put an end to sacrifice and offering.

This is an amazing amount of detail. We know from history that Cyrus issued the command to rebuild Jerusalem, fulfilling the prophecy of Jeremiah regarding the 70-year desolation of the city, ending the Babylonian exile.

19 Isaiah 44:26-28, 45:13, 2 Chronicles 36:21-23, Ezra 1:1-3, Jeremiah 25:12, 29:10 20 Nehemiah 4:7,8,16-18

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The context of the first 69 “weeks” was fulfilled in history with incredible precision. Cyrus decreed that Jerusalem should be rebuilt.21 It was built with a bit of trouble.22 Some 483 years after the remnant returned to the Promised Land and began the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple, Yeshua was crucified in Jerusalem. The Jews rebelled against Rome and there was war and destruction, leading to the current exile of the Jewish people. The problem we have with the prophesy in Daniel 9 is the 70th “week.” Everything in the first 69 weeks of the prophecy indicate that the “weeks” refer to years. But the events described did NOT occur in the seven seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades or even centuries after Yeshua’s death. This is why many Bible commentators refer to a gap. There must be a gap between the 69th week of Daniel’s vision and the 70th week. This gap is consistent with Paul’s letters describing a partial hardening of the Jews so that the time of the Gentiles may be fulfilled. When the full complement of non-Jews has come to believe in Messiah Yeshua, the 70th week of Daniel’s prophesy will begin. It is this 70th week with which we must study. The last prince shall make a covenant with “the many” for that last 7-year period. In the middle of that “week” he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. With this information, let’s see if you can add more references to your timeline.

Well done! There is probably no more complex passage of prophecy in all of Scripture! 21 Ezra 1:1-2 22 Nehemiah 4:1-9





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Lesson 2 – The Prophet Joel Timeline Review from Lesson 1 Based on the Scripture we reviewed in Lesson 1, you should have the following on your timeline so far:

• Issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem • Messiah the Prince • Anti-Torah Man • Son of Man • Gap • Covenant with the many for one week • Middle of the week – stop to sacrifice and offering

Locusts The prophet opens his word of the L-rd with a review of the amazingly destructive locusts. He details cutting, swarming, hopping and destroying locusts. Read Joel 1 and describe what has happened to Israel. This destruction of the land is apparently a harbinger of what is near. What is it? Check Joel 1:15. Joel 2:1-17 describes the Day of the L-rd. List the attributes described by the prophet. The second half of Joel, 2:18-29, takes a turn. What do you think happened? This seems to be a different period on our timeline. We certainly can see horrible destruction followed by incredible compassion and abundance. Let’s focus our timeline update on Joel 2:30-32. This is a description of what happens before the Day of the L-rd. As you rework your timeline, consider this remark from the prophet Malachi.

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the L-RD comes.”

(Malachi 4:5 ESV)

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What comes after the Day of the L-rd? Let’s read Joel 3. Sounds like a show down! See if your timeline requires adjusting.

Who Are We Dealing With? Alright, let’s take a detour and see if we can focus on the people involved with these end times events. The end times passages reference different people groups. Let’s try to get a list together. We already know that we have Jews and Joes. So, let’s start with those and divide them up.

Jews Non-Jews 1. Torah Keepers that believe that Yeshua is the

Messiah 1. Torah Keepers that believe Yeshua is the

Messiah 2. Torah Keepers that do NOT believe Yeshua is

the Messiah 2. Torah Keepers that do NOT believe Yeshua is

the Messiah 3. Non-Torah Keepers that believe Yeshua is the

Messiah 3. Non-Torah Keepers that believe Yeshua is the

Messiah (the visible “church”) 4. Religious non-Jews (converts to Judaism) 4. Religious non-Jews (the unbelieving “church”) 5. Non-religious Jews 5. Non-religious non-Jews

Do you agree with the list above? Let’s see if we can put some generic groups into our categories. Put the following in a numbered category from above.

c Orthodox Jews c Evangelical Christians c “Messianic” Christians who keep the

Torah c “Messianic” Christians who do NOT

keep the Torah

c Conservative Jews c Catholics c Reform Judaism c Baptists c Elevation Church members c Jews living in Israel





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Let’s see if it’s possible to join these Jewish and non-Jewish groups into a single thread of “end times people groups.”

• Group 1 on both sides are believers in Messiah Yeshua. I think we can join these into a group called, “Obedient Followers,” as they hold to the testimony of Yeshua, and keep the commandments of G-d.23

• Group 2 on both sides are those who keep the commandments of G-d.24 Let’s call them “Observant.”

• Group 3 follow Yeshua, so let’s call them, “Followers.” • Group 4 should be cast as “Religious.” • Group 5 might be called “Indifferent.”

During our study we must determine how G-d deals with these five groups.

1. Obedient Followers (OF) 2. Observant (O) 3. Followers (F) 4. Religious (R) 5. Indifferent (I)

This mixes Jews & non-Jews, which I don’t think G-d does, other than those in Messiah Yeshua. But we shall see as our study progresses. We shall see that the attitudes of men shall follow a pattern. Carefree Concerned Cold Calloused

23 Revelation 1:2; 6:9; 12:17; 19:10 24 Revelation 12:17

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Lesson 3 - Ezekiel Timeline Review from Lesson 2 In Lesson 2, you should have added the following to your timeline:

• Day of the Lord • Wonders in the Sky and on the earth (“signs”) • Deliverance of whoever calls on the name of the L-rd • Elijah the Prophet • Judgement delivered on the nations

Resurrection Y’chez’kel prophesied during the Babylonian exile. Read Ezekiel 37:1 – 14. Make special note of the reason for G-d’s miraculous work on behalf of His people. Read Ezekiel 37:15 – 28. This is an amazing passage! List the many blessings that G-d will provide His people. Remember, David was King of Israel before the Babylonian captivity. What does the Scripture mean when it says, “My servant David shall be king over them?” Gog and Magog Read Ezekiel 38:1 – 16. Sounds like war against an undefended nation. What is the desired result? Read Ezekiel 38:17 – 39:25. Describe what you have read. Has the desired result changed? Explain.

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The Temple Read Ezekiel 40:1 – 42:20. It seems like a lot, but you don’t have to remember all the measurements. Read it quickly, to get a sense of the text. Write your thoughts. Now read Ezekiel 43:1 – 12. There has been a movement – a migration – of the Holy One’s abode. From heaven to earth, His throne has been re-established in Israel. The River Read Ezekiel 47:1 – 12. Does this remind you of the Garden of Eden? Why?





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Lesson 4 – The Sages of Israel Timeline Review from Lesson 3 In Lesson 3, you should have added the following to your timeline:

• Israel’s dead resurrected • Israel gathered to the land • Joseph & Judah joined as one nation • One king: David • Israel Torah obedient25 • G-d’s sanctuary established in Israel26 • Battle against G-d: Gog and Magog • New Temple • River of Life

Sukkot, Gog and Magog Prominent in the Haftarah subjects of Sukkot is the War of Gog and Magog, the cataclysmic series of battles that will result in the Final Redemption and the Messianic era. The Haftarah of the first day and that of the Sabbath of Chol HaMoed deal with this war. According to RASHI, this topic is related to Sukkot because of the prophecy that those nations who would survive the wars would join Israel every year in celebrating the Sukkot festival. Read Zechariah 14:1 – 21. Nimukei Yosef to Megillah quotes a tradition from R’ HAI GAON that the victory over Gog and Magog will take place in the month of Tishrei – the month of Sukkot. R’ HIRSCH (Numbers 29:13) discusses the connection between Gog and Magog and Sukkot.

In the name גוג , Gog, one recognizes the word גג , roof, and thereby at once sees the contrast to sukkah, the weak, unstable covering of foliage. Actually,

the whole history of mankind consists of this contrast. Just as people have the power to make [themselves] safe and secure against their earthly

contemporaries by sturdy walls, so they delude themselves into thinking that they can make themselves safe and secure against that which comes from

above – against G-d and… His power to direct matters. They think that they can find security in the protection of their own might, take their fate in their

25 Hosea 3:5 26 Isaiah 60:21, Joel 3:20, Amos 9:15

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own hands, and crown the building up of human greatness with gabled roofs, rendering them independent of G-d.

The war of Gog and Magog is the battle of גג , roof, against הכוס , sukkah, the fight of the ‘roof’ illusion of human greatness which never allows rest, against

‘sukkah’ truth of cheerful confidence and serenity which comes of placing one’s trust in G-d’s protection.27

R’ HIRSH’S exposition of the Gog-Magog relationship bases itself on the Hebrew grammatical rule that the prefix מ, mem, expresses the idea of projecting

something. For example, רוא , ohr is light; רואמ , maor, luminary, is a heavenly body which projects light. So, too, גג , gag means roof – in R’ HIRSH’S view, it

represents a philosophy that man can insulate himself against the heavenly power of G-d – גוגמ , magog is the attempt to project this philosophy on earth.28

Zechariah’s prophecies came at a critical juncture in Israel’s history. Seventeen years after King Cyrus had given permission for the Second Temple to be built,

construction had stopped upon orders of King Ahasuerus and after the harassment and slanders of the gentile nations who surrounded Jerusalem.

Morale was low, and despair was prevalent in the bedraggled Jewish settlement. Then, G-d sent Zechariah to command the people, under their

leaders Zerubavel and Joshua, to ignore their fears and resume construction of the Temple. G-d promised them success and, indeed, soon after that King

Darius of Persia sanctioned the undertaking. Zechariah prophecies that the cataclysmic war of Gog and Magog will climax with the final redemption and

the acknowledgement by the nations that HASHEM alone is King, and that Israel is His people. This realization will be celebrated on Sukkot – for which

reason it was chosen as the Haftarah for the first day of Sukkot.29

Read Deuteronomy 16:18 – 20. The passage from Deuteronomy is the beginning of Portion Shoftim (Judges). It opens with a command to “appoint judges (shoftim) and police officers (shotrim) for yourself.” The Midrash stresses the need for both of these roles: “Without policemen, there is no judge. For if the court finds a person guilty, once he leaves the courtroom, the judge is powerless unless the policeman takes control.”30 In his prophecy of the Messianic Era, Isaiah mentions judges, but not police.

27 The GUTNICK Edition Chumash 28 ArtScroll Ezekiel, p580 29 ArtScroll commentary to Ezekiel 38 30 Tanchuma Shoftim 2

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“And I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning. Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful


(Isaiah 1:26 ESV)

This is because the Messianic Era will witness the disappearance of evil and selfishness, so there will be no need for policemen who force people to be righteous.

“And on that day, declares the L-RD of hosts, I will cut off the names of the idols from the land, so that they shall be remembered no more. And also I will

remove from the land the prophets and the spirit of uncleanness.”

(Zechariah 13:2 ESV)

However, there will remain a requirement for judges who will pass laws, study Torah, and provide practical direction to the Jewish people in matters of Torah and its commandments. Thus, in truth, policemen are secondary assistants to the judges. Only in a case where the judge is incapable of enforcing justice, must one resort to policemen, who work with the “stick and the whip,” forcing the guilty party to accept the judge’s decision… Policemen are not an intrinsic legal necessity, and in a time when people are respectful, such as the Messianic Era, they will be rendered redundant. However, since all aspects of Torah are eternal, there will be a role for police even after the Redemption, only then it will be a positive one – to announce and make public affairs of the Judges and to assist the people in fulfilling the directives of the courts.31 Noah and The Wellsprings In the Zohar,32 the following prediction is recorded:

In the six hundredth year of the sixth millennium [i.e. 5500 (1740CE)], there will be an opening of the supernal gates of wisdom and the lower wellsprings

of wisdom, preparing the world for the seventh millennium [i.e. the final redemption], like a person who begins to prepare himself for Shabbos on

Friday, when the sun heads downwards. This is indicated by the verse, “In the six hundredth year of Noach’s life… all the wellsprings of the great depths

burst forth, and the apertures of the skies opened up.”33

By the year 1840, two major schools of thought had caused revolutions in their respective spheres of influence. In the Jewish world, the Chasidic

movement had popularized the teachings of mysticism and Kabalah. In the 31 Based on Sichas Shabbos Parshas Shoftim 5751 32 Zohar I 117a 33 Genesis 6:11

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End Times for Dummies 22

secular world the Industrial Revolution had reached its peak. These two developments were the, “opening of the supernal gates of wisdom and the

lower wellsprings of wisdom,” to which the Zohar refers.

The Zohar states that these two developments were both a preparation for the final redemption with Mashiach. This begs the question: One can

appreciate why the dissemination of mystical thought was a preparation for redemption, since with the coming of Mashiach, “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of G-d,”34 of which Kabalistic teachings are a foretaste. But why is the development of scientific and technological wisdom a prelude to


One of the prophecies regarding the time of redemption is that “all flesh will see together that G-d is speaking,”35 i.e. that G-d’s presence will be

discernable to the physical senses. Scientific developments over the past 150 years have brought to our senses phenomena that were previously deemed supernatural. For example, through television, radio and telephone, man is

able to see and hear from one end of the world to the other instantaneously. So now, the concept that there is “an Eye that sees, and an Ear that hears, and

all your deeds are recorded in a book,36 is no longer something left for the imagination alone to appreciate, for now our physical senses can begin to

appreciate this phenomenon too.

This was the Zohar’s intention in connecting the scientific revolution with the coming of Mashiach. Modern technology has brought unimaginable

phenomena to our senses which help us to envision the time when “all flesh will see together that G-d is speaking.”37

34 Isaiah 11:9 35 Isaiah 40:5 36 Pirkei Avot 2:1 37 Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 15, p42ff

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End Times for Dummies 23

Lesson 5 – Paul to the Thessalonian Assembly Timeline Review from Lesson 4 In Lesson 4, you should have added the following to your timeline:

• War with Gog and Magog • Mount of Olives split • Jews flee Jerusalem • Living waters flowing from Jerusalem • Soldiers’ flesh rots while standing

The First Letter The Apostle Paul was quick to correct the Thessalonian assembly when they became concerned about those who had passed away before the coming of Messiah Yeshua. His letters give some sequencing that we must examine. Paul has two trains of thought for these believers. Each one concludes with the same admonishment to his recipients. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18. Make your notes below, then read 1 Thessalonians 5:1 – 11. What is Paul’s focus in these latter parts of his first letter? The Second Letter Let’s move to Paul’s second letter to this assembly. It seems obvious from his opening that Paul wants to lift up those in this region who are suffering persecution. Read 2 Thessalonians 1:1 – 12 and make a bulleted list of the end times sequence that Paul relates. Use these words and arrange them chronologically.

• Punishment • Revelation • Relief • Vengeance

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End Times for Dummies 24

Sadly, there were some trying to convince the Thessalonians that the Day of the L-rd had passed. Read Paul’s instruction on this point in 2 Thessalonians 2:1 – 12 and make your notes below. There is a doctrine in Christianity called Imminence. The Oxford Dictionary defines imminence as the state or fact of being about to happen. Based on what you just read, does Paul believe this doctrine of “the church?” Explain your answer. Based on Paul’s letters to the Thessalonian assembly, examine your timeline and see if everything is in the proper order. Perhaps you can now add additional points?





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End Times for Dummies 25

Lesson 6 – Peter’s Exhortations to the Gerei HaTzedek Timeline Review from Lesson 5 In Lesson 5, you should have added the following to your timeline:

• L-rd descends from heaven • Dead in Messiah Yeshua will rise • Those who are alive and remain (survive) caught up • Apostasy comes • Man of Lawlessness (“Anti-Torah Man”) revealed • Restrainer is taken out of the way

2 Peter Peter’s description of his time – pointing to a future time, which he expected to be very near to his own day – are our next point of reference. Read 2 Peter 3:1 – 7. Write your thoughts below. Peter makes a contrast between water and fire, Noah and the future. What’s the point? The day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly. After so much Scripture reading, you must have a theory on when that is, sequentially? Explain below. Read 2 Peter 3:8 – 10. Remember that each Bible writer may not fill in all the blanks with regard to the end times, focusing on big events in our future. The Sages of Israel have long taught that a thousand years is but a day to the L-rd. This comes from Psalm 90.

“For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night.”

(Psalms 90:4 ESV)

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The Sages teach that study of the creation story leads us to understand that man will reign for 6 days (6,000 years) and Messiah will reign for 1 day (1,000 years). This is the Sabbath… and then comes the eighth day, the Olam Haba, the World to Come. Based on Peter’s comments, how do you understand his view of the end times? We finish up with 2 Peter 3:11 – 18. You’ll find a short comment on Paul’s writings, which should be an encouragement, as you study! What can possibly come after such fiery destruction? Based on Peter’s writings, see if you can adjust your timeline to account for his fiery destruction.

Compare your timeline to the proposed timeline created by the class below. Each reference is color-coded to the location in the Scriptures.





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End Times for Dummies 27

Issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem (Daniel) Messiah the Prince (Daniel) Exile

Apostasy comes (Thessalonians) Anti-Torah Man (Daniel) Covenant with the many for one week (Daniel) Restrainer is taken out of the way (Thessalonians) Man of Lawlessness (“Anti-Torah Man”) revealed (Thessalonians) Middle of the week – stop to sacrifice and offering (Daniel) Elijah the Prophet (Malachi) Wonders in the Sky and on the earth (“signs”) (Joel)

Son of Man (Daniel) L-RD descends from heaven (Thessalonians) Dead in Messiah Yeshua will rise (Thessalonians) Those who are alive and remain (survive) caught up (Thessalonians) Israel’s dead resurrected (Ezekiel) Israel gathered to the land (Ezekiel) Deliverance of whoever calls on the name of the L-RD (Joel) Judgement delivered on the nations (Joel)

One King: David (Ezekiel) Joseph & Judah joined as one nation (Ezekiel) New Temple (Ezekiel) G-d’s sanctuary established in Israel (Ezekiel) Israel Torah obedient (Ezekiel) Battle against G-d: Gog and Magog (Ezekiel) Fiery destruction (2 Peter) River of Life (Ezekiel)

The Gap (Daniel) Day of the L- RD (Joel)

Millennial Reign

World to Com


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End Times for Dummies 29

Lesson 7 – The Olivet Discourse Timeline Review from Lesson 6 In Lesson 6, you should have added the following to your timeline:

• Fiery destruction Prologue to the Discourse One of the most fascinating passages in the life and times of Yeshua is in Matthew 24. The Master is asked a few questions and His response is, well, a matter of record. I want you to read Matthew 24. Don’t take notes. Just read it like a newspaper, straight through in one sitting. Put it down and come back to your study later, so your mind can ruminate over the text. In order for us to grasp this passage properly, we must understand the context. So, I want you to do some speed reading. Open your Bible to Matthew 21. It’s the last week of Yeshua’s life. You’ll find that Matthew 21 – 23 are bookended. We open with the crowds shouting, “Baruch haba b’shem Adonai” (Blessed is he who comes in the name of the L-rd) and we end with the Master using the very same phrase. Read the three chapters. Write your first thoughts. It’s curious that this is the only recorded time in His life that Yeshua is alone with Peter and Andrew, and James and John, at the same time. Two pairs of brothers. You should have noticed that the Master is examined right before the festivals of Passover and Unleavened Bread in 30 CE38. By the Chief Priests and Elders; then the Pharisees, Herodians and Sadducees; and finally, by the Scribes and Pharisees, yielding the Six Woes.39 The Discourse Let’s get started. Read Matthew 24:1-840 and answer these questions. What is the context of the passage? Where are they? What questions is Yeshua asked? Be specific. How many questions were there. Were there two, or were there three?

38 Throughout the course, we are using 30 CE as the approximate year of Yeshua’s death. There seems little reason to argue or waste time on the nuances of the specific year. 39 The parallel passage is Luke 19:28-44. 40 Luke 21:5-9

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As Yeshua responds, He gives us extraordinary details. He calls the first portion of this period the “Beginning of Birth Pangs,” admonishing His disciples to not be led astray. Read Matthew 24:9-1441. What will happen, and it what order? Read verses 13 and 14 again. Do you think the “end” in each verse is the same time? Will the person who “endures to the end” be physically saved or spiritually saved? Defend your answer. We’re almost done. Read Matthew 24:15-31. Which prophet does Yeshua reference? He gives a timing marker. You should make note of this for your timeline. Are things getting better for the world, or worse? The Master marks this time period as “great tribulation,” and by His own words, it is incomparable in all of time. Write your thoughts. Refer back to Daniel 9. How was the time period described? Was it a set amount of time? Explain Yeshua’s words in that context when He states,

“And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.”

(Matthew 24:22 ESV)

To what days is He referring? We complete the Olivet Discourse with Matthew 24:29-31. As you read, recall what you read in the prophet Joel. What will people see and hear? Be specific. Compare the Master’s description with the Apostle Paul’s.

41 Luke 21:10-19

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“For the L-rd himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of G-d. And the

dead in Messiah will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the L-rd in the air,

and so we will always be with the L-rd.”

(1 Thessalonians 4:16–17 ESV)

Is this the same event? Who are the “elect” to whom the L-rd refers? Christians? Jews? Believers? The same Greek word, eklektos, is used in the Septuagint consistently.

“O offspring of Israel his servant, children of Jacob, his chosen ones!”

(1 Chronicles 16:13 ESV)

“O offspring of Abraham, his servant, children of Jacob, his chosen ones!”

(Psalms 105:6 ESV)

“For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my chosen, I call you by your name, I name you, though you do not know me.”

(Isaiah 45:4 ESV)

Based on your answer, for whom will “those days” be cut short? You should be able to put many of the remaining markers in sequence on your timeline!

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The L-rd provided over a dozen events to add or match to the sequence of events on our timeline. On the next page, see if you can fit them in.





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End Times for Dummies 33

Timeline Recap #1 Apostasy comes (Thessalonians) Anti-Torah Man (Daniel) Covenant with the many for one week (Daniel) Restrainer is taken out of the way (Thessalonians) Man of Lawlessness (“Anti-Torah Man”) revealed (Thessalonians) Middle of the week – stop to sacrifice and offering (Daniel) Elijah the Prophet (Malachi) Wonders in the Sky and on the earth (“signs”) (Joel)

Son of Man (Daniel) L-RD descends from heaven (Thessalonians) Dead in Messiah Yeshua will rise (Thessalonians) Those who are alive and remain (survive) caught up (Thessalonians) Israel’s dead resurrected (Ezekiel) Israel gathered to the land (Ezekiel) Deliverance of whoever calls on the name of the L-RD (Joel) Judgement delivered on the nations (Joel) Day of the L-RD (Joel)

Covenant for One W


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End Times for Dummies 35

Lesson 8 – The Beginning of the End Timeline Review from Lesson 7 In Lesson 7, you should have added the following to your timeline:

• Beginning birth pangs • Intense persecution of faithful • Increase in lawlessness • Deliverance of those who endure • Preaching of the gospel of the kingdom to the whole world • The End • Abomination of Desolation (spoken of by Daniel) stands in the Holy Place • Discerning take flight • Great tribulation • “Those days” cut short • Signs in the heavens • Son of Man comes on the clouds • Gathering of the elect

The Apocalypse or Revelation from Yeshua to John Our study will be months longer if we try to walk through Revelation line by line. But it’s important that we get a description of the glorified Lamb of G-d. Read Revelation 1:1 – 20. Describe the Lamb. Is there a parallel to Daniel 7? Write your thoughts below. OK, let’s look at the Lamb’s actions. Read Revelation 5 and note your thoughts below. Seals I’ll bet you can’t wait for the Lamb to start breaking the seals on that scroll! Read Revelation 6:1-2. This is the first seal. What happened?

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End Times for Dummies 36

Read Revelation 6:3-4. This is the second seal. What happened? Read Revelation 6:5-6. This is the third seal. What happened? Read Revelation 6:7-8. This is the fourth seal. What happened? Read Revelation 6:9-11. This is the fifth seal. What happened? Be specific. Read Revelation 6:12-17. This is the sixth seal. What happened? The great day of the wrath of G-d is setup. Where have you heard this before? Read Revelation 7:1-8. Who is sealed? Why? There is a delay. Why? Read Revelation 7:9-17. Who are these people? Explain in detail. Speculate using other passages you’ve read. Now summarize the Seals in a sentence or two, to someone who had not read this Scripture. Trumpets I won’t walk you through each Trumpet, as I did with the Seals. It’s a math problem. Read it from that perspective and make your notes below after reading Revelation 8. C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia has an interesting take on the angels.

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Some stars spent time in fully human form, in which they did not emit light or heat, but looked and behaved like most human beings. This was not a normal occurrence, and few fully human stars were seen in the World of Narnia. It is

believed that stars could naturally exist in these human bodies under two circumstances. First, if stars were extremely old (possibly thousands of

years) to the point of losing their celestial power, they would fall to the Eastern Ocean where, waiting on one of its many islands, they could

gradually recover their powers over long spans of time (specifically by the daily consumption of fire-berries). For stars, this recuperation period while in human form was known as "retirement", though it was only temporary until the star regained enough strength to rise into the sky once more. Second, if a

star had committed some crime, Aslan could assign the star some earthly duty as punishment, in which the star would also take a human form.

During Caspian X's voyage, only two stars in human form were ever seen (both male). The first was Coriakin, who was banished from the sky to govern the Duffers as punishment. He appeared fully human but had magical

information at his disposal. The second was Ramandu, who lived in retirement, with his human daughter, on his own private island. He seemed to have light coming from him, and thus could be interpreted to be more star-like

than Coriakin.

Ramandu's retirement was not indefinite. Every morning, he was brought a fire-berry from the sun, which made him a day younger. He said that when he became as young as a child born yesterday, he would return to the sky, once

more in a star form.

Another human appearance was at the end of the world, when the Stars were called out of the sky by Father Time.

They appeared in a very bright human form.42

Read Revelation 9:1-21. What do you think of this fanciful depiction by Lewis, compared to this portion of the Revelation? Elaborate. So far, we’ve seen seven Seals, seven Trumpets and one Woe. Now read Revelation 11:1 – 3. Comment below on the parallel with the timing in Daniel’s vision in chapter 9.

42 Wiki Narnia

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End Times for Dummies 38

Read Revelation 11:4 – 14. This completes the second Woe. Write your thoughts and make not of your sequences. Finish up the seventh Trumpet by reading Revelation 11:15 – 19. This is a very important passage. Many previous prophesies appear to be coming to fruition. See how many you can list below. What would you say is the fundamental event that has just been described, summarizing the others? Most commentators agree that from chapter 5 to this point in the Revelation has been basically chronological. Those same commentators mostly agree that chapter 12 is a summary of history, kicking off a new chronology leading up to what you have already read. Enjoy reading Revelation 12 – 13. Be sure to weave these events into your timeline! Make special note of the following, as we’ve seen these points before in the Olivet discourse.

• Perseverance of the saints • Endurance of the saints • G-d’s wrath

Revelation 14 opens with a description of 144,000 folks that were previously described in chapter 7. This should be a timing marker clue as to when the narrative catches up with the previous chronology. Read the chapter and note the grape motif. Bear in mind, if you’re not Italian, that grapes cannot be pressed (or trodden) in the winepress until after they have been reaped (or picked) from the vine, either by hand or with a sickle. Make your notes below.

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That was quite a lesson! Examine all your notes now and see if you can put together your timeline accounting for all the detail contained in these first 14 chapters of Revelation. Afterwards, see if you can insert what you’ve learned from the Seals and Trumpets in the sequence on the next page.





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End Times for Dummies 40

Timeline Recap #2 Covenant with the many for one week (Daniel) Anti-Torah Man (Daniel) Increase in lawlessness (Matthew) Conquering warrior (Revelation) Peace taken (Revelation) Famine (Revelation) Apostasy comes (Thessalonians) Restrainer is taken out of the way (Thessalonians) Man of Lawlessness (“Anti-Torah Man”) revealed (Thessalonians) Middle of the week – stop to sacrifice and offering (Daniel) Elijah the Prophet (Malachi)

Two witnesses (Revelation) Preaching the gospel to whole world (Matthew) Abomination of Desolation stands in Holy Place (Matthew) Intense persecution of faithful (Matthew) Discerning take flight (Matthew) Death & Hades (Revelation) Martyrs (Revelation) Earthquake, Eclipse, Blood Moon (Revelation) Wonders in the Sky and on the earth (“signs”) (Joel) Signs in the heavens (Matthew)

“Those days” cut short (Matthew) The End (Matthew) Son of Man comes on the clouds (Matthew) Son of Man (Daniel) L-RD descends from heaven (Thessalonians)

Covenant for One W

eek (70th W

eek of Daniel) – 7 Years

Beginning Birth Pangs

Great Tribulation

Time, Tim

es & ½

a Time - 42 m

onths – 1,260 Days

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End Times for Dummies 41

Deliverance of those who endure (Matthew) Gathering of the Elect (Matthew) Dead in Messiah Yeshua will rise (Thessalonians) Those who are alive and remain (survive) caught up (Thessalonians) Israel’s dead resurrected (Ezekiel) Israel gathered to the land (Ezekiel) Multitude from Great Tribulation (Revelation) 144,000 Sealed (Revelation) Deliverance of whoever calls on the name of the L-RD (Joel)

Judgement delivered on the nations (Joel)

1/3 of earth, trees and grass burned (Revelation) 1/3 of ships destroyed (Revelation)

1/3 of sea creatures die (Revelation) 1/3 of springs become poisonous (Revelation) 1/3 of sun, moon, stars darkened (Revelation)

Locusts (Revelation) – Woe #1 1/3 of mankind dies from plague (Revelation) – Woe #2

Lightning, Thunder, Hail (Revelation)

Day of the L-RD (Joel)

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End Times for Dummies 43

Lesson 9 – The End of the Beginning Timeline Review from Lesson 8 In Lesson 8, you should have added the following to your timeline:

• Conquering warrior • Peace taken • Famine • Death & Hades • Martyrs • Earthquake, Eclipse, Blood Moon • 144,000 Sealed • Multitude from Great Tribulation • 1/3 of earth, trees and grass burned • 1/3 of creatures in the sea died

• 1/3 of ships destroyed • 1/3 of springs become poisonous • 1/3 of the sun, moon, stars

darkened • Locusts • 1/3 mankind dies • Two witnesses • Lightning, Thunder, Hail • Time, Times and ½ a Time • 42 months

Bowls Revelation 15 opens stating that with these seven bowls, the wrath of G-d is finished. Read Revelation 15. Read Revelation 16:1-2. This is the first bowl. What happened? Read Revelation 16:3. This is the second bowl. What happened? Read Revelation 16:4 – 7. This is the third bowl. What happened? Read Revelation 16:8 – 9. This is the fourth bowl. What happened? Read Revelation 16:10 – 11. This is the fifth bowl. What happened? Read Revelation 16:12 – 16. This is the sixth bowl. What happened? Read Revelation 16:17 – 21. This is the seventh and last bowl. What happened?

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Make notes to affect your timeline! The Great Prostitute Revelation 17 is billed as an explanation, by one of the angels, to the text of chapter 18. As you read the Revelation 17 - 18, consider Daniel 7. Record your findings. The Finale We close our study, as does G-d’s Word, with the final chapters of Revelation, chapters 19 – 22. As you read Revelation 19, understand the battle described based on previous readings in the Tanakh. Make your notes below for proper sequence. Revelation 20 describes the onset of and culmination of the millennium (1000 years). While there is not much about how life is during the millennium, what happens immediately afterward is chilling. Read the chapter and make notes on the sequence of events. Read Revelation 21. Complete your timeline.

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End Times for Dummies 47

Timeline Recap #3 Covenant with the many for one week (Daniel) Anti-Torah Man (Daniel) Increase in lawlessness (Matthew) Conquering warrior (Revelation) Peace taken (Revelation) Famine (Revelation) Apostasy comes (Thessalonians) Restrainer is taken out of the way (Thessalonians) Man of Lawlessness (“Anti-Torah Man”) revealed (Thessalonians) Middle of the week – stop to sacrifice and offering (Daniel) Elijah the Prophet (Malachi)

Two witnesses (Revelation) Preaching the gospel to whole world (Matthew) Abomination of Desolation stands in Holy Place (Matthew) Intense persecution of faithful (Matthew) Discerning take flight (Matthew) Death & Hades (Revelation) Martyrs (Revelation) Earthquake, Eclipse, Blood Moon (Revelation) Wonders in the Sky and on the earth (“signs”) (Joel) Signs in the heavens (Matthew)

“Those days” cut short (Matthew) The End (Matthew) Son of Man comes on the clouds (Matthew) Son of Man (Daniel) L-RD descends from heaven (Thessalonians)

Covenant for One W

eek (70th W

eek of Daniel) – 7 Years

Beginning Birth Pangs

Great Tribulation

Time, Tim

es & ½

a Time - 42 m

onths – 1,260 Days

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End Times for Dummies 48

Deliverance of those who endure (Matthew) Gathering of the Elect (Matthew) Dead in Messiah Yeshua will rise (Thessalonians) Those who are alive and remain (survive) caught up (Thessalonians) Israel’s dead resurrected (Ezekiel) Israel gathered to the land (Ezekiel) Multitude from Great Tribulation (Revelation) 144,000 Sealed (Revelation) Deliverance of whoever calls on the name of the L-RD (Joel)

Judgment delivered on the nations (Joel)

1/3 of earth, trees and grass burned (Revelation) 1/3 of ships destroyed (Revelation)

1/3 of sea creatures die (Revelation) 1/3 of springs become poisonous (Revelation) 1/3 of sun, moon, stars darkened (Revelation)

Locusts (Revelation) – Woe #1 1/3 of mankind dies from plague (Revelation) – Woe #2

Lightning, Thunder, Hail (Revelation) Painful sores (Revelation) Sea creatures die (Revelation) Springs become blood (Revelation) Men scorched by heat (Revelation) Darkness (Revelation) Euphrates dries up (Revelation) Assembly at Armageddon (Revelation) 100 lb. hailstones (Revelation) Marriage supper of the Lamb (Revelation)

The Satan bound 1,000 years (Revelation) Gog and Magog battle (Revelation) Great white throne judgment (Revelation)

Day of the L- RD (Joel) M

illennial Reign W

orld to Co me

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End Times for Dummies 49

Lesson 10 – Summary Timeline Review from Lesson 9 In Lesson 9, you should have added the following to your timeline:

• Painful sores • Sea creatures die • Springs become blood • Men scorched by heat • Darkness • Euphrates dries up

• Assembly at Armageddon • 100 lb. hailstones • Marriage supper of the Lamb • The Satan bound 1,000 years • Gog and Magog battle • Great white throne judgement

Our study was designed to sequence the events of history and the future, so that you could effectively determine when an event might happen. The day and hour of the Mashiach’s return was not the focus but dispelling several theological theories about the timing of His advent was. For example, the principle of imminence teaches that the coming of Messiah is “imminent, i.e. about to occur. Based on the past nine lessons, would you say that this theology is borne out by Scripture? At the turn of the last century, much of the religious world was in upheaval, teaching that the turmoil in the middle east coupled with the attack on U.S. soil, meant that the Messiah would return because of these wars and rumors of war. What would you say to someone with this perspective? We opened our study with the last three of RAMBAM’s principles of faith. Based on your study of the Scriptures, do you believe with perfect faith that G-d rewards those who keep His commandments and punishes those who transgress Him? Explain. Do you believe with perfect faith in the coming of Messiah, and that however long it takes, you will await His coming every day? Why? Is it fanciful to believe with perfect faith that the dead will be brought back to life when G-d wills it to happen? Why or why not?

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The small amount of Scripture we reviewed during this course is but a small portion of what is described throughout the Torah, Prophets, and Writings. I want to encourage you to read it. Read it all. Remember the Master’s admonition.

“But be on guard; I have told you all things beforehand.”

(Mark 13:23 ESV)

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May the Merciful One grant us the privilege of reaching the days of the Mashiach and the life of the World to Come.

.אבה םלועה יחלו חישמה תומיל ונכזי אוה ןמחרה

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Appendix A – Timeline Points - Tanakh ASSEMBLY

“He will raise a signal for the nations and will assemble the banished of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.”

(Isaiah 11:12 ESV)


“At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since

there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the book.”

(Daniel 12:1 ESV)


“For a nation has come up against my land, powerful and beyond number; its teeth are lions’ teeth, and it has the fangs of a lioness. It has laid waste my vine and splintered my fig tree; it has stripped off their bark and thrown it

down; their branches are made white.”

(Joel 1:6–7 ESV)


“Then the L-RD will go out and fight against those nations as when he fights on a day of battle. On that day his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two

from east to west by a very wide valley, so that one half of the Mount shall move northward, and the other half southward.”

(Zechariah 14:3–4 ESV)


“I will scatter you among the nations and disperse you through the countries, and I will consume your uncleanness out of you.”

(Ezekiel 22:15 ESV)

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“He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall

be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.43”

(Daniel 7:25 ESV)


“Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when the city shall be rebuilt for the L-RD from the Tower of Hananel to the Corner Gate.”

(Jeremiah 31:38 ESV)


“The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the L-RD will be your everlasting light, and your G-d will be your glory. Your sun shall no more go down, nor your moon withdraw itself;

for the L-RD will be your everlasting light, and your days of mourning shall be ended. Your people shall all be righteous; they shall possess the land forever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I might be glorified.”

(Isaiah 60:19–21 ESV)


“I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented

before him.”

(Daniel 7:13 ESV)

Take your time and place the key word for each of the prophetic passages in the appropriate sequence on your timeline. I’ve put DISPERSED in for you, as an example.


43 Idanin or moedim are plural, meaning at least two periods of time. This, plus the singular and half, total 3 ½ periods, which in context are years. This phrase appears three times in the Scriptures (Daniel 7, 12; Revelation 12).





World to Come Millennial Reign

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Appendix B – Timeline Points – Apostolic Scriptures NOURISHED

“But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is to be

nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.”

(Revelation 12:14 ESV)


“Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore, we know that it is the last


(1 John 2:18 ESV)


“And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.”

(Matthew 24:12 ESV)


“Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of


(2 Thessalonians 2:3 ESV)


“Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the end of the age.”

(Matthew 13:40 ESV)


“But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.”

(2 Peter 3:7 ESV)

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“While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant

woman, and they will not escape.”

(1 Thessalonians 5:3 ESV)


“Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of

destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of G-d, proclaiming

himself to be G-d.”

(2 Thessalonians 2:3–4 ESV)


“For the L-rd himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the

dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up44 together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we

will always be with the Lord”

(1 Thessalonians 4:16–17 ESV)



44 The word for “caught up” in the Latin Vulgate translation is rapturo, from which we get the English rapture.





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Appendix C – Quotes from the Talmud The prophet Elijah reveals a date for the Messiah’s arrival: Elijah said to Rav Yehudah the brother of Rav Salla the Pious:

“The world is destined to exist for not less than eighty-five jubilee cycles. In the final jubilee cycle, the son of David will come.”

Rav Yehuda asked Elijah: “Will he come at the beginning of the last jubilee cycle or at its end?”

Elijah answered him: “I do not know.”

Rav Yehuda then asked Elijah: “Will the final jubilee cycle have ended by the time the Messiah comes, or will it not have ended?”

Elijah answered him: “ I do not know.”

The Gemara cites a different version of Elijah’s last reply: Rav Ashi says: This is what Elijah answered Rav Yehudah:

“Until then, do not expect the Messiah. From then on, expect him.” The Gemara cites another prediction concerning redemption: Rav Chanan bar Tachalifa sent the following message to Rav Yosef: I met a man in whose hand there was a scroll, written in Ashuri script and in the Holy Tongue. I asked him:

“From where did you get this scroll?” He answered me:

“I was hired as an aid to one of the soldiers of Rome, and I found it among the hidden treasures of Rome.” And in it was written: “After four thousand two hundred ninety-one years from the world’s creation, the world will end. During some of them there will be the wars of the great sea creatures. During some of them there will be the wars of Gog and Magog. And the Holy One, blessed is He, will not renew His world until after seven thousand years.45

The Gemara cites a dispute that concerns Messiah: Rav said:

The world was created only for David. But Shmuel says:

It was created only for Moses. And R’Yochanan says:

It was created only for the Messiah. 45 Talmud Bavli Sanhedrin 97b

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The Gemara discusses the name of the Messiah: The Rabbis say:

Metzora of the House of Rebbi is his name, as it is stated: Indeed, it was our diseases that he bore and our pains that he endured, whereas we considered him plagued, smitten by G-d and afflicted.

Rav Nachman said: If the Messiah is among the living, he is someone like me, as it is stated: And their prince shall be one of their own, and their ruler shall emerge from their midst.

Rav said: If the Messiah is among the living, he is someone like Rabbeinu HaKadosh. If he is among the dead, he is someone like Daniel the Greatly Beloved.

Rav Yehuda said in the name of Rav:

The Holy One, blessed is He, is destined to raise another David for the Jewish people, as it is stated: They will serve HASHEM their G-d and David their king, whom I will raise up for them. The verse does not say: He raised (past), which would connote the return of the original David to his throne; rather, it says, I will raise (future), which connotes the rise of someone else.

The Gemara asks: Rav Pappa said to Abaye:

But it is written: My servant David will be a prince over them forever, which indicates that it is the original David who will reign over the Jews in the future!

The Gemara answers: The two Davids will be like an emperor and a half-emperor.46 The Gemara discusses the infinite reward for Torah scholars in the future: What is that which no eye has seen? R’Yehoshua ben Levi said:

This is wine preserved in its grapes since the six days of Creation. Reish Lakish says:

This is Eden, which no eye has ever seen. And if you ask: Where did Adam live if not in Eden – the answer is that Adam lived in the Garden. And if you ask: But the Garden is Eden – Scripture therefore states:

A river issues from Eden to water the Garden, which indicates that Eden and the Garden are different places.47

46 Talmud Bavli Sanhedrin 98b 47 Talmud Bavli Sanhedrin 99a
