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Endocrinology Overview.pdf 7017

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  • TYPES OF GLANDSTYPES OF GLANDS11-- EndocrineEndocrine-- ductlessductless, , secretesecrete directlydirectlyinto the into the bloodblood, e.g. , e.g. Thyroid, adrenalThyroid, adrenal, etc..., etc...22-- ExocrineExocrine-- duct,duct, secretesecrete their products their products through a ductthrough a duct onto the onto the epithelial surfaceepithelial surface, ,

    e.g. e.g. sweat glands, salivary glands, sweat glands, salivary glands,


    e.g. e.g. sweat glands, salivary glands, sweat glands, salivary glands, mammary glands, stomach, livermammary glands, stomach, liver, etc..., etc...33-- MixedMixed-- contain both contain both endocrineendocrine and and exocrineexocrine functions in functions in one glandone gland, e.g. , e.g. PancreasPancreas ((trypsintrypsin--exocrineexocrine, , insulininsulin--


  • DEFINITION OF HORMONEDEFINITION OF HORMONE11-- HormonesHormones are are organic chemical messengersorganic chemical messengersproduced and secreted by produced and secreted by endocrineendocrine cellscells into into the the bloodstreambloodstream to a to a specific sitespecific site of action of action

    ((target organtarget organ))22-- HormonesHormones regulateregulate and and controlcontrol a wide range a wide range

    of of physiologic functionsphysiologic functions


    of of physiologic functionsphysiologic functions33-- They present in They present in tracestraces (microgram or less)(microgram or less)44-- They are They are not used as a source of energynot used as a source of energy but but acts to acts to regulate reactionsregulate reactions to produce an to produce an appropriate response of the organism appropriate response of the organism

    ((responses are usually positiveresponses are usually positive, if , if negativenegative the the hormone can be referred to as a hormone can be referred to as a ChaloneChalone))

  • TARGET CELLSTARGET CELLS## They are They are cellscells that contain that contain specific receptorsspecific receptors

    ((binding sitesbinding sites) for a ) for a particular hormoneparticular hormone## Once a Once a hormone bindshormone binds to to receptorsreceptors on a on a targettarget cellcell, a series of , a series of cellular eventscellular events starts starts concerning concerning gene expressiongene expression & & protein protein




    HORMONE RECEPTORSHORMONE RECEPTORS## They are the They are the binding sitesbinding sites on the on the target celltarget cell(either on the (either on the surfacesurface or in the or in the cytoplasmcytoplasm or or nucleusnucleus of the of the target celltarget cell) that are ) that are activatedactivatedonly when only when specific hormonesspecific hormones bind to thembind to them





    11-- STEROID HORMONESSTEROID HORMONES## Steroid hormonesSteroid hormones are produced by the are produced by the

    adrenal cortexadrenal cortex and and gonadsgonads## Steroid hormonesSteroid hormones are made from are made from

    cholesterolcholesterol in the in the smooth smooth endoplasmicendoplasmicreticulumreticulum & & mitochondriamitochondria of of endocrine cellsendocrine cells

  • ## Steroid hormonesSteroid hormones cannotcannot be stored in be stored in vesiclesvesicles in the endocrine cells that produce in the endocrine cells that produce

    themthem## As soon as As soon as steroid hormonessteroid hormones are are

    produced, they produced, they diffusediffuse out of the out of the endocrineendocrinecellcell and enter the and enter the bloodstreambloodstream

    ## Steroid hormonesSteroid hormones are are lipid solublelipid soluble and and their their receptorsreceptors are are located insidelocated inside their their


    their their receptorsreceptors are are located insidelocated inside their their target celltarget cell

    ## Example of Example of steroid hormonessteroid hormones: : AA-- AdrenoAdreno--cortical hormonescortical hormones and and

    BB-- Sex hormonesSex hormones

  • 22-- PEPTIDE HORMONESPEPTIDE HORMONES## They consist of They consist of chains on Am Acschains on Am Acs

    ## Like most Like most proteinsproteins, , peptide hormonespeptide hormones are are synthesizedsynthesized on on ribosomesribosomes of the of the rough ERrough ER

    of of endocrine cellsendocrine cells## They can be They can be storedstored in in vesiclesvesicles in in

    endocrine cellsendocrine cells until they are needed at until they are needed at some some later pointlater point


    some some later pointlater point## Peptide hormonesPeptide hormones do not readilydo not readily pass pass

    through cell membranesthrough cell membranes ((lipid bilayerslipid bilayers) ) and and they are referred as they are referred as water solublewater soluble

    ## ReceptorsReceptors for for peptide hormonespeptide hormones are are found found on the cell surfaceon the cell surface of their of their target cellstarget cells

  • Example of Polypeptides and protein Example of Polypeptides and protein hormoneshormones

    AA-- Hypothalamic hormonesHypothalamic hormones (or factors)(or factors)BB-- Anterior pituitary hormonesAnterior pituitary hormonesCC-- Posterior pituitary hormonesPosterior pituitary hormones

    DD-- Pancreatic hormonesPancreatic hormonesEE-- Gastrointestinal hormonesGastrointestinal hormones e.g. e.g. secretinsecretin


    EE-- Gastrointestinal hormonesGastrointestinal hormones e.g. e.g. secretinsecretinand and cholecystokinincholecystokinin

    Example of AminoExample of Amino--acid derivativesacid derivativesAA-- Thyroid hormonesThyroid hormones BB-- CatecholaminesCatecholaminesCC-- --aminobutyric acidaminobutyric acid DD-- MelatoninMelatonin

  • 33-- LOCAL HORMONESLOCAL HORMONES## These are These are physiologically activephysiologically active

    substancessubstances that are that are releasedreleased from from generalgeneralor or specificspecific sites in tissues and they sites in tissues and they actact

    at or near their pointat or near their point of origin & normally of origin & normally destroyeddestroyed before they have a chance to before they have a chance to


    destroyeddestroyed before they have a chance to before they have a chance to disperse further disperse further

    E.g.:E.g.: Acetyl cholineAcetyl choline, , HistamineHistamine, , SerotoninSerotonin, , ProstaglandinsProstaglandins andand ThromboxanesThromboxanes

  • IIII-- Pituitary glandPituitary gland II-- Pineal glandPineal gland

    IVIV-- ThymusThymus

    IIIIII-- Thyroid glandThyroid gland

    The major endocrine glands include:The major endocrine glands include:


    VV-- Adrenal glandAdrenal glandVIVI-- PancreasPancreas

    VIIaVIIa-- OvaryOvary

    VIIbVIIb-- TestisTestis

  • II-- THE PINEAL GLANDTHE PINEAL GLAND# # It is a It is a small endocrine glandsmall endocrine gland in the in the

    vertebrate vertebrate brainbrain. . It produces the It produces the serotoninserotoninderivative melatoninderivative melatonin, , a hormone that a hormone that affects the affects the modulation of wake/sleepmodulation of wake/sleeppatternspatterns and and seasonal functionsseasonal functions

    ## MelatoninMelatonin exerts a powerful exerts a powerful antioxidantantioxidant


    ## MelatoninMelatonin exerts a powerful exerts a powerful antioxidantantioxidantactivityactivity

    ## MelatoninMelatonin enhances the enhances the immune systemimmune system## Individuals with Individuals with autism spectrum autism spectrum disordersdisorders ((ASDASD) ) may have may have lowerlower than than

    normal levels of normal levels of melatoninmelatonin

  • IIII-- PITUITARY GLANDPITUITARY GLAND# # The human pituitary gland is a The human pituitary gland is a reddish reddish gray oval glandgray oval gland and is and is locatedlocated at the base at the base

    of the of the brainbrain# # It is composed of It is composed of 33 parts which are:parts which are:

    AA-- Glandular partGlandular part, , the adenohypophysis or the adenohypophysis or


    AA-- Glandular partGlandular part, , the adenohypophysis or the adenohypophysis or anterior lobeanterior lobe

    BB-- Neural partNeural part, , the neurohypophysis or the neurohypophysis or posterior lobeposterior lobe

    CC-- The middle lobeThe middle lobe

  • Higher centers in the brainHigher centers in the brain

    The hypothalamusThe hypothalamus

    Posterior pituitaryPosterior pituitaryAnterior pituitaryAnterior pituitary

    Nerve impulsesNerve impulses

    Nerve impulsesNerve impulsesRFRF


    Posterior pituitaryPosterior pituitaryAnterior pituitaryAnterior pituitary

    Target endocrine glandsTarget endocrine glands

    Trophic hormonesTrophic hormones




  • HypothalamusHypothalamus

    Anterior lobe of pituitary glandAnterior lobe of pituitary gland

    Trophic hormones to Trophic hormones to other endocrine glandsother endocrine glands


    Inhibitory Inhibitory effecteffect


    other endocrine glandsother endocrine glands

    Target endocrine glandsTarget endocrine glands

    Hormones secreted into bloodHormones secreted into blood

  • The major pituitary gland hormonesThe major pituitary gland hormones


  • AA-- Anterior pituitary (Adenohypophysis)Anterior pituitary (Adenohypophysis)Anterior pituitary hormones are released under Anterior pituitary hormones are released under

    the influence of the hypothalamus the influence of the hypothalamus 11-- Adrenocorticotropic hormoneAdrenocorticotropic hormone ((ACTHACTH), release ), release under influence of under influence of hypothalamic Corticotropin hypothalamic Corticotropin

    Releasing HormoneReleasing Hormone ((CRHCRH))22-- ThyroidThyroid--stimulating hormonestimulating hormone ((TSHTSH), release ), release


    22-- ThyroidThyroid--stimulating hormonestimulating hormone ((TSHTSH), release ), release under influence of under influence of hypothalamic Thyrotropin hypothalamic Thyrotropin

    Releasing HormoneReleasing Hormone ((TRHTRH) ) 33-- Growth hormoneGrowth hormone ((GHGH), release under ), release under

    influence of influence of hypothalamichypothalamic Growth Hormone Growth Hormone Releasing HormoneReleasing Hormone ((GHRHGHRH); inhibited by ); inhibited by

    hypothalamic Somatostatinhypothalamic Somatostatin

  • 44-- ProlactinProlactin ((PRLPRL), also known as ), also known as 'Luteotropic'Luteotropic' ' hormone (hormone (LTHLTH), release under influence of ), release under influence of multiple hypothalamic Prolactin Releasing multiple hypothalamic Prolactin Releasing

    FactorsFactors ((PRHPRH))

    55-- The two major 'Gonadotropins :The two major 'Gonadotropins :AA-- Lutenizing hormoneLutenizing hormone (('Lutropin'Lutropin' or ' or 'LH'LH))BB-- Follicle stimulating hormoneFollicle stimulating hormone ((FSHFSH), ),


    BB-- Follicle stimulating hormoneFollicle stimulating hormone ((FSHFSH), ), ## Both LH & FSH released under influence of Both LH & FSH released under influence of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone, Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone, ((GnRHGnRH))

    As well as: As well as: CC-- EndorphinEndorphin called called 'beta'beta endorphinendorphin''DD-- MelanocyteMelanocytestimulating hormonesstimulating hormones ((MSHMSH) or ) or


  • BB-- Posterior pituitary (Neurohypophysis)Posterior pituitary (Neurohypophysis)11-- OxytocinOxytocin, , is best known for roles in is best known for roles in female female reproductionreproduction as it is released in large amounts as it is released in large amounts after after expansionexpansion of the of the cervixcervix and and uterusuterus during during labor, labor, facilitating birthfacilitating birth and later in and later in breastfeedingbreastfeeding22-- Antidiuretic hormoneAntidiuretic hormone ((ADHADH) ) also known as also known as

    vasopressinvasopressinCC-- Intermediate lobeIntermediate lobe


    CC-- Intermediate lobeIntermediate lobe## It produces It produces melanocytemelanocyte--stimulating hormonestimulating hormone((MSHMSH), which stimulate the production & release ), which stimulate the production & release

    of of melaninmelanin in in skinskin and and hairhair## MSHMSH signalssignals to the to the brainbrain have effects on have effects on

    appetiteappetite and and sexual stimulationsexual stimulation




  • 11-- Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Adrenocorticotropic Hormone ## It is a It is a polypeptidepolypeptide formed of formed of 39 39 amino acidsamino acids

    with a with a molecular weightmolecular weight of of 4545,,000000## ACTHACTH synthesize & secretes synthesize & secretes GlucocorticoidsGlucocorticoids, , mineralocorticoidsmineralocorticoids and and androgenic steroidsandrogenic steroids

    ((from the adrenal glandfrom the adrenal gland))## ACTHACTH stimulates lipoproteinstimulates lipoprotein uptake into uptake into


    ## ACTHACTH stimulates lipoproteinstimulates lipoprotein uptake into uptake into cortical cellscortical cells. This . This increasesincreases the the biobio--availabilityavailabilityof of cholesterolcholesterol in the cells of the in the cells of the adrenal cortexadrenal cortex## ACTHACTH increasesincreases the the transport of cholesteroltransport of cholesterolinto the into the mitochondriamitochondria & activates its & activates its hydrolysishydrolysis

  • 22-- Thyrotropic Hormone Thyrotropic Hormone

    ## It is a It is a glycoproteinglycoprotein with a molecular with a molecular weight of about weight of about 3030,,000000

    ## It acts on the It acts on the thyroid glandthyroid gland to to increase increase the synthesisthe synthesis and and releaserelease of of thyroid thyroid


    the synthesisthe synthesis and and releaserelease of of thyroid thyroid hormone (Thormone (T3 3 and Tand T44))

  • 33-- Growth hormoneGrowth hormone## It is a It is a singlesingle polypeptidepolypeptide formed of formed of 191 191 amino acids, It has the following actions:amino acids, It has the following actions:11.. Protein metabolism:Protein metabolism: it has an it has an anabolicanaboliceffect,effect, increasing increasing amino acid uptakeamino acid uptake by by cells, increases cells, increases protein synthesisprotein synthesis and and


    cells, increases cells, increases protein synthesisprotein synthesis and and produces a produces a positive nitrogen balancepositive nitrogen balance and and

    gain of weightgain of weight22.. Fat metabolism:Fat metabolism: It produces It produces lipolysislipolysis

    and and ketogenesisketogenesis

  • 33.. Carbohydrate metabolism:Carbohydrate metabolism: It It possesses an possesses an insulin antagonistic effectinsulin antagonistic effectwith a tendency to with a tendency to increase blood increase blood glucoseglucose level (diabetogenic effect)level (diabetogenic effect)

    44.. Mineral metabolism:Mineral metabolism: It It increases increases intestinal absorptionintestinal absorption of of calciumcalcium and and


    intestinal absorptionintestinal absorption of of calciumcalcium and and produces produces retentionretention of of NaNa++, K, K++, Mg, Mg22++ as as well as of well as of chlorideschlorides and and phosphatephosphate

  • 44-- Lactogenic hormoneLactogenic hormone## It is a It is a polypeptidepolypeptide hormone with a hormone with a molecular weight of about molecular weight of about 2323,,000000

    ## It causes It causes milk secretionmilk secretion from the from the breastbreast in in lactating femaleslactating females

    ## Abnormally Abnormally high prolactinhigh prolactin can can delay delay pubertypuberty, , interfereinterfere with with ovulationovulation in in womenwomen, ,


    pubertypuberty, , interfereinterfere with with ovulationovulation in in womenwomen, , decrease libidodecrease libido in in menmen & & decrease fertilitydecrease fertility## In In animalsanimals and and not in humannot in human it has a it has a lutetropic effectlutetropic effect i.e. i.e. activatesactivates the the corpus corpus luteumluteum & & stimulates progesterone stimulates progesterone

    productionproduction by the developed by the developed corpus luteumcorpus luteum

  • 55-- Luteinizing hormoneLuteinizing hormone## It is a It is a glycoproteinglycoprotein

    ## In In femalesfemales it is responsible for it is responsible for ovulationovulation and development of and development of corpus corpus luteumluteum with with stimulationstimulation of of estrogenestrogen and and

    progesteroneprogesterone secretionsecretion


    progesteroneprogesterone secretionsecretion## In In malesmales it it stimulates testosteronestimulates testosteroneproduction by the production by the testistestis which in turn which in turn

    maintain maintain spermatogenesisspermatogenesis## Its Its actionaction involves an increase in involves an increase in cAMPcAMP

  • 66-- Follicle Stimulating hormone Follicle Stimulating hormone

    ## It is a It is a glycoproteinglycoprotein## In In femalesfemales it is responsible for it is responsible for

    maturationmaturation of of ovarian follicleovarian follicle and and releasereleaseof of estrogenestrogen


    ## In In malesmales it plays important role in the it plays important role in the early stages of early stages of spermatogenesisspermatogenesis

    ## Its Its actionaction is mediated through is mediated through cyclic cyclic AMPAMP

  • HormoneHormone Sit of Action Sit of Action EffectsEffects

    11-- ACTHACTH ## Adrenal Adrenal cortexcortex

    ## Release of Glucocorticoids, Release of Glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and mineralocorticoids and androgenic steroids androgenic steroids

    22-- TSHTSH ## Thyroid Thyroid folliclesfollicles

    ## Stimulation of synthesis and Stimulation of synthesis and release of thyroid hormonesrelease of thyroid hormones

    Summary for anterior pituitary hormones Summary for anterior pituitary hormones


    folliclesfollicles release of thyroid hormonesrelease of thyroid hormones

    33-- GHGH ## Bone, muscle Bone, muscle & soft tissue & soft tissue

    ## Growth promotion:Growth promotion:Directly & through Directly & through somatomedins somatomedins

    44-- Prolactin Prolactin ## Lactating Lactating mammary mammary ggland land

    ## Milk synthesis Milk synthesis

  • HormoneHormone Sit of Action Sit of Action EffectsEffects

    55-- LHLH ## Mature follicle Mature follicle in female in female

    ## Leydig cells in Leydig cells in male male

    ## Ovulation, corpus luteum Ovulation, corpus luteum formation and release of formation and release of estrogen and progesteroneestrogen and progesterone## Testosterone release which Testosterone release which complete spermatogenesis complete spermatogenesis

    66-- FSHFSH ## Ovarian Ovarian ## Maturation of folliclesMaturation of follicles


    66-- FSHFSH ## Ovarian Ovarian follicles in follicles in femalesfemales

    ##Testes in maleTestes in male

    ## Maturation of folliclesMaturation of follicles## Estrogen release. (Stimulation Estrogen release. (Stimulation of seminal & testicular growth)of seminal & testicular growth)## Initiation of spermatogenesis Initiation of spermatogenesis




  • ## The posterior pituitary secretes two The posterior pituitary secretes two hormones:hormones:11-- OxytocinOxytocin

    22-- Antidiuretic hormoneAntidiuretic hormone == (Vasopressin)(Vasopressin)## These two hormones are These two hormones are synthesized in synthesized in

    the cell bodies of the cell bodies of neuronesneurones in the in the


    the cell bodies of the cell bodies of neuronesneurones in the in the hypothalamushypothalamus & & transportedtransported to the to the

    posterior pituitaryposterior pituitary where they are where they are storedstored## Each of them is Each of them is cyclic polypeptidecyclic polypeptide

    containing containing 9 9 amino acids (amino acids (nonapeptidenonapeptide))

  • 11-- OxytocinOxytocin11.. ContractionContraction of the of the myomyo--epithelialepithelial cells cells that line the that line the ducts of the breastducts of the breast. This . This results in results in squeezing the milksqueezing the milk out of the out of the breast = (breast = (milk ejectionmilk ejection) in ) in lactating breastlactating breast22.. ContractionContraction of the of the smooth musclessmooth muscles of of


    22.. ContractionContraction of the of the smooth musclessmooth muscles of of uterus at labouruterus at labour

    33.. In a In a nonnon--pregnantpregnant uterusuterus it facilitates it facilitates sperm transportsperm transport up the up the female genitalfemale genitaltracttract to the to the uterine tubesuterine tubes where where fertilizationfertilization normally takes place normally takes place

  • 22-- ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE (ADH)ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE (ADH)## It is essential for It is essential for water rewater re--absorptionabsorption in the in the

    distal tubulesdistal tubules of kidneyof kidney

    ## It It increasesincreases the the permeabilitypermeability of the of the renal renal tubulestubules with a resultant with a resultant water reabsorptionwater reabsorption

    into the into the renal pyramidsrenal pyramids leading to leading to concentration of urineconcentration of urine


    concentration of urineconcentration of urine

    ## It It increases peripheral vascular resistanceincreases peripheral vascular resistance, , which in turn increases which in turn increases arterial blood pressurearterial blood pressure

    ## It plays a key role in It plays a key role in homeostasishomeostasis, and the , and the regulationregulation of of glucoseglucose and and saltssalts in the in the bloodblood

  • HormoneHormone Sit of Action Sit of Action EffectsEffects

    11-- OxytocinOxytocin ## UterusUterus## Lactating Lactating

    mammary glandmammary gland

    ## Stimulates uterus at labourStimulates uterus at labour## Milk ejection by stimulation of Milk ejection by stimulation of myoepithelial cells of mammary myoepithelial cells of mammary

    ductsducts## Facilitates transport of sperms Facilitates transport of sperms

    up to the fallopian tubesup to the fallopian tubes

    Summary for posteriorSummary for posterior pituitary hormones pituitary hormones


    up to the fallopian tubesup to the fallopian tubes

    22-- ADHADH ## Distal & Distal & collecting collecting tubulestubules

    ## AntiAnti--diuretic effectdiuretic effect## Increases arterial blood Increases arterial blood


  • IIIIII-- THYROID GLANDTHYROID GLAND## The The thyroid glandthyroid gland is found in the is found in the neckneck, ,

    inferiorinferior to the to the thyroid cartilagethyroid cartilage(also known as the (also known as the Adam's AppleAdam's Apple) )

    ## The The thyroid glandthyroid gland produce produce thyroid hormonesthyroid hormones, , the principal ones being the principal ones being triiodothyroninetriiodothyronine ((TT33) )

    and and thyroxinethyroxine ((TT44) )


    and and thyroxinethyroxine ((TT44) ) ## These hormones regulate the rate of These hormones regulate the rate of

    metabolismmetabolism and affect the and affect the growthgrowth and and rate of rate of functionfunction of many other body systems of many other body systems ## The thyroid gland also produces the The thyroid gland also produces the hypercalcemiahypercalcemia hormone, hormone, calcitonincalcitonin

  • IVIV-- THYMUS GLANDTHYMUS GLAND## The The functionsfunctions of the of the thymusthymus are the are the

    ""schoolingschooling" of " of TT--lymphocyteslymphocytes ((T cellsT cells), of the ), of the immune systemimmune system, and the production and , and the production and secretion of secretion of thymosins hormonesthymosins hormones which which control control TT--lymphocytelymphocyte activities and various activities and various other aspects of the other aspects of the immune systemimmune system


    other aspects of the other aspects of the immune systemimmune system## The The thymusthymus is composed of is composed of two identical two identical lobeslobes and is located in and is located in frontfront of the of the heartheart and and

    behind the sternumbehind the sternum## The The thymusthymus is is largestlargest and most active and most active

    during the during the neonatalneonatal & & prepre--adolescentadolescent periods periods

  • VV-- ADRENAL GLANDADRENAL GLAND## Adrenal glandsAdrenal glands ((suprarenal glandssuprarenal glands) are ) are triangulartriangular--shaped endocrineshaped endocrine glands that glands that

    sit on sit on toptop of the of the kidneyskidneys

    ## They are chiefly They are chiefly responsibleresponsible for for releasingreleasing and and synthesissynthesis of the of the hormones hormones


    releasingreleasing and and synthesissynthesis of the of the hormones hormones corticosteroidscorticosteroids, , mineralocorticoidsmineralocorticoids,,androgensandrogens and and catecholaminescatecholamines

    ## Adrenal glandsAdrenal glands play play no directno direct role in the role in the functioningfunctioning of,of, or or healthhealth of the of the kidneyskidneys

  • ## Each Each adrenal glandadrenal gland is separated into is separated into two two distinct structuresdistinct structures, the , the adrenal cortexadrenal cortex and and medullamedulla, , both of which both of which produce hormonesproduce hormones## The The cortexcortex mainly produces mainly produces cortisolcortisol, , aldosteronealdosterone, and , and androgensandrogens, , while the while the

    medullamedulla chiefly produces chiefly produces epinephrineepinephrine and and norepinephrinenorepinephrine


    ## GlucocorticoidsGlucocorticoids ((cortisolcortisol) ) increasing increasing blood sugarblood sugar through through gluconeogenesisgluconeogenesis, ,

    suppressing the immune systemsuppressing the immune system, , aiding in aiding in fatfat, , proteinprotein & & carbohydratescarbohydrates metabolismmetabolism

    ## MineralocorticoidsMineralocorticoids ((aldosteronealdosterone) ) influence influence on on saltsalt and and water balanceswater balances

  • ## AldosteroneAldosterone acts on the acts on the kidneyskidneys to provide to provide active reabsorptionactive reabsorption of of sodiumsodium, , passive passive

    reabsorptionreabsorption of of waterwater & & active secretionactive secretion of of potassiumpotassium

    ## This in turn results in an This in turn results in an increase of blood increase of blood pressurepressure and and bloodblood volumevolume

    ## EpinephrineEpinephrine increases heart rateincreases heart rate, , contracts contracts blood vesselsblood vessels, , dilates air passagesdilates air passages and and


    blood vesselsblood vessels, , dilates air passagesdilates air passages and and participates in the participates in the fight responsefight response of the of the CNSCNS## EpinephrineEpinephrine inhibits insulin secretioninhibits insulin secretionstimulates glycogenolysisstimulates glycogenolysis, , stimulates stimulates glycolysisglycolysis in muscle, in muscle, triggers glucagon triggers glucagon secretionsecretion & & increases lipolysisincreases lipolysis by by adipose adipose


  • ## These effects lead to These effects lead to increased blood increased blood glucoseglucose & & fatty acidsfatty acids, providing , providing substratessubstratesfor for energyenergy production within all body cellsproduction within all body cells## NorepinephrineNorepinephrine is a is a stress hormonestress hormone, , affects parts of the affects parts of the brainbrain where where attentionattentionand and responding actionsresponding actions are controlledare controlled## Along with Along with epinephrineepinephrine, , norepinephrinenorepinephrine


    ## Along with Along with epinephrineepinephrine, , norepinephrinenorepinephrinealso underlies the also underlies the fight responsefight response, directly , directly increasing heart rateincreasing heart rate, , triggeringtriggering the the releaserelease

    of of glucoseglucose from from energy storesenergy stores, and , and increasing blood flowincreasing blood flow to to skeletal muscleskeletal muscle## It It increasesincreases the the brain's oxygenbrain's oxygen supplysupply

  • VIVI-- PANCREASPANCREAS## The pancreas is a The pancreas is a gland organgland organ in the in the digestivedigestive and and endocrineendocrine system of system of

    vertebratesvertebrates## It is both an It is both an endocrine glandendocrine gland producing producing several important several important hormoneshormones, including , including

    insulininsulin, , glucagonglucagon, and , and somatostatinsomatostatin, as well , as well


    insulininsulin, , glucagonglucagon, and , and somatostatinsomatostatin, as well , as well as an as an exocrine glandexocrine gland, secreting , secreting pancreatic pancreatic juicejuice containing containing digestive enzymesdigestive enzymes that that

    pass to the pass to the small intestinesmall intestine## These These enzymesenzymes help to further help to further break downbreak down

    the the carbohydratescarbohydrates, , proteinsproteins and and fatsfats

  • ## The part of the The part of the pancreaspancreas with with endocrine endocrine functionfunction is made up of approximately a is made up of approximately a million million cell clusterscell clusters called islets of called islets of LangerhansLangerhans## Four main cell typesFour main cell types exist in the isletsexist in the islets

    11-- cellscells secrete secrete glucagonglucagon ((increase glucose in increase glucose in bloodblood) ) 22-- cellscells secrete secrete insulininsulin ((decrease decrease glucose in bloodglucose in blood) ) 33-- cellscells secretesecrete

    somatostatinsomatostatin ((regulates/stops regulates/stops andand cellscells) )


    somatostatinsomatostatin ((regulates/stops regulates/stops andand cellscells) ) 44-- PP cellsPP cells secrete secrete pancreatic polypeptidepancreatic polypeptide

    ((self regulate the pancreas secretionself regulate the pancreas secretion activities, activities, endocrineendocrine and and exocrineexocrine & also has effects on & also has effects on hepatic glycogenhepatic glycogen levels and levels and gastrointestinal gastrointestinal


  • VIIa VIIa -- OVARIESOVARIES## The The ovaryovary is an is an ovumovum--producingproducing

    reproductive organreproductive organ found in found in pairspairs as part of as part of the vertebrate the vertebrate female reproductive systemfemale reproductive system## OvariesOvaries in in femalesfemales are are homologoushomologous to to

    testestestes in in malesmales, in that they are both , in that they are both gonadsgonadsand and endocrine glandsendocrine glands


    and and endocrine glandsendocrine glands## In the human the In the human the paired ovariespaired ovaries lie within lie within the the pelvic cavitypelvic cavity, on , on either sideeither side of the of the uterusuterus, to which they are , to which they are attachedattached via a via a fibrous cordfibrous cord called the called the ovarian ligamentovarian ligament## OvariesOvaries secrete secrete estrogenestrogen & & progesteroneprogesterone

  • ## EstrogenEstrogen is responsible for the is responsible for the appearance of appearance of secondary sex secondary sex

    characteristicscharacteristics of of femalesfemales at at pubertypuberty and and for the for the maturationmaturation & & maintenancemaintenance of the of the reproductive organsreproductive organs in their mature in their mature

    functional statefunctional state## ProgesteroneProgesterone functions with functions with estrogenestrogen


    ## ProgesteroneProgesterone functions with functions with estrogenestrogenby by promoting cyclic changespromoting cyclic changes in the in the endometriumendometrium (it prepares the (it prepares the

    endometriumendometrium for for pregnancypregnancy), as well as ), as well as by helping by helping maintainmaintain the the endometriumendometrium in a in a

    healthy state healthy state during pregnancyduring pregnancy

  • VIIb VIIb TESTICLESTESTICLES## In mammals, the In mammals, the testestestes are often are often contained within an contained within an extensionextension of the of the

    abdomenabdomen called the called the scrotumscrotum## TestesTestes are components of both the are components of both the

    reproductive systemreproductive system ((being gonadsbeing gonads) and the ) and the endocrineendocrine systemsystem ((being endocrine glandsbeing endocrine glands) )


    endocrineendocrine systemsystem ((being endocrine glandsbeing endocrine glands) ) in malein male

    ## The The functionsfunctions of the of the testestestes are:are:11-- Producing spermProducing sperm ((spermatozoaspermatozoa) )

    22-- Producing male sex hormonesProducing male sex hormones of which of which testosteronetestosterone

  • ## Both Both functions of the testiclefunctions of the testicle, , spermsperm--formingforming and and endocrineendocrine, are under control of , are under control of

    gonadotropic hormones gonadotropic hormones LHLH & & FSHFSH

    ## TestosteroneTestosterone is a is a steroid hormonesteroid hormone from from the the androgensandrogens and it is primarily and it is primarily secretedsecretedin the in the testestestes of of malesmales and the and the ovariesovaries of of femalesfemales ((precursor of precursor of estrogensestrogens), although ), although


    femalesfemales ((precursor of precursor of estrogensestrogens), although ), although smallsmall androgenandrogen amounts are also amounts are also secreted by the secreted by the adrenal glandsadrenal glands

    ## It is the It is the principal male sex hormoneprincipal male sex hormone and and an an anabolic steroidanabolic steroid

  • ## In In menmen, , testosteronetestosterone plays a key role in the plays a key role in the developmentdevelopment of of male reproductive tissuesmale reproductive tissues such such as the as the testistestis and and prostateprostate as well as promoting as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristicssecondary sexual characteristics such as such as

    increased muscleincreased muscle, , bone massbone mass and and hair growthhair growth## In addition, In addition, testosteronetestosterone is essential for is essential for

    healthhealth and and wellwell--beingbeing as well as the as well as the preventionpreventionof of osteoporosisosteoporosis


    of of osteoporosisosteoporosis## The The primaryprimary and most welland most well--known known androgenandrogen

    is is testosteronetestosterone as well as as well as DehydroepiandrosteroneDehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), (DHEA), DihydrotestosteroneDihydrotestosterone & & AndrosteroneAndrosterone



