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Energy sources

Date post: 25-May-2015
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On your index card: Summarize the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Fill the front of your card, and make sure your name is on the card.
Page 1: Energy sources

On your index card:

•Summarize the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Fill the front of your card, and make sure your name is on the card.

Page 2: Energy sources

Nonrenewable Resources

•It’s not replaced as quickly as it is used.•Takes a long time for these to form.•Currently we depend on fossil fuels,

which are nonrenewable for the majority of our energy.

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CoalAdvantages Disadvantages

• Abundant supply• Currently inexpensive to

mine• Reliable and able to

generate large amounts of power

• Emits greenhouse gases and causes acid rain

• Mining can be dangerous• Eventually, the coal supply

will run out

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Oil and Natural Gas

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Oil (Petroleum)Advantages Disadvantages

• Good fuel for vehicles• Economical to produce• Easy to transport

• High carbon dioxide emissions

• Found in limited areas• Supply may be used up

soon• Environmental impact

through drilling and transporting

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Natural GasAdvantages Disadvantages

• Widely available• Cleanest burning fossil


• Unavailable in many areas• Still pollutes some• Pipelines impact


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NuclearAdvantages Disadvantages

• No greenhouse gases • Produces huge amounts of

energy from small amounts of fuel.

• Produces small amounts of waste.

• Nuclear power is reliable.

• Although not much waste is produced, it is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away.

• Nuclear power is reliable, but a lot of money has to be spent on safety – if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major disaster.

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Reflection Questions

•Choose 1 and answer on page 35 in at least 1 sentence▫What were the two most important points

in what we just looked at?▫Compare/contrast the use of fossil fuels

and nuclear energy.▫Which of the types of energy we have

talked about do you feel is the best? Why?▫Create a simile for fossil fuels. (Fossils

fuels are like ….)

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Renewable Resources

•Renewable resources can be replaced in a relatively short period of time (like your lifetime).

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SolarAdvantages Disadvantages

• It’s free• There’s no waste and no

pollution• It will last for 5 billion


• Expensive to build power stations

• Can’t collect it at night• Can be unreliable if you’re

not in a sunny climate

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WindAdvantages Disadvantages

• Wind is free and requires no fuel

• No waste• Land below can still be

used for farming• Good for remote areas• Can become a tourist


• Wind is unpredictable and sometimes there is no wind

• The land in windy areas may be expensive

• Can kill birds• Is noisy and can effect TV


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HydroelecticAdvantages Disadvantages

• Energy is virtually free once the dam is built

• No waste• More reliable than wind

and solar• Water can be stored for

peak demands

• Expensive to build dams• Building the dam will flood

a large area• Find the right place is

difficult• Water quality and quantity

can be effected downstream

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Tidal• Turbines are placed

underwater like with a dam. Tidal turbines have to spin 180 degrees because the tide switches directions 4 times a day!

Turbines are placedunderwater like with a dam.

Tidal turbines have to spin 180 degrees because the tide switches directions 4 times a day!

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TidalAdvantages Disadvantages

• Once you've built the dam, tidal power is free.

• It produces no greenhouse gases or other waste.

• It needs no fuel. • It produces electricity

reliably. • Not expensive to

maintain. • Tides are totally


• Very expensive to build. • Affects a very wide area - the

environment is changed for many miles upstream and downstream.

• Many birds rely on the tide uncovering the mud flats so that they can feed.

• Only provides power for around 10 hours each day, when the tide is actually moving in or out.

• There are very few suitable sites for tidal power stations.

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Reflection Questions

•Choose 1 and answer on page 35 in at least 1 sentence▫In your own words, explain solar, wind, and

hydroelectric power.▫Brainstorm some solutions to the

disadvantages mentioned for solar power.▫Of solar, wind, and hydroelectric, which

would you most want to use and why?▫Draw a picture of what your life would be

like using solar or wind power.

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Page 20: Energy sources

BiomassAdvantages Disadvantages

• Abundant Supply• Fewer emissions than

fossil fuels• Cars can be easily

converted to run on biomass

• Emits some pollution• Increases air pollution• Uses fossil fuels in


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GeothermalAdvantages Disadvantages

• Minimal environmental impact

• Low emissions• Low cost after initial


• Few places where geothermal is workable

• Wells could be depleted

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Reflection Questions

•Choose 1 and answer on page 35 in at least 1 sentence▫Define biomass so a 3rd grader would

understand.▫What could be some of the problems

associated with geothermal?▫Where would you need to live to make

geothermal a viable option as an energy source?

▫Create a one-pane cartoon and caption about biomass.
