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Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices...

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ENFORCEABLE UNDERTAKING Part 11 , Work Health and Safety Act 2011 The commitments in this undertaking are offered to the regulator by Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd ACN 009 679 734
Page 1: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that


Part 11 , Work Health and Safety Act 2011

The commitments in this undertaking are offered to the regulator by

Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd

ACN 009 679 734

Page 2: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that


This enforceable undertaking is given on the day and date that it is accepted and signed by the regulator. The undertaking and its enforceable terms will commence to operate as a legally binding commitment on the part of the person from the date it is given.


Hanson means Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd ACN 009 679 734.

OFSWQ means Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland.

person means an individual who or a legal entity which has a duty under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the Electrical Safety Act 2002 or the Safety in Recreational Water Activities Act 2011 and can give a written undertaking. The term includes individuals, each partner in a partnership, corporations, individuals or corporations as trustees of trusts, statutory corporations, public authorities, the State of Queensland, the Commonwealth of Australia and other Australian states and territories.

regulator means the Deputy Director-General, Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland, Department of Justice and Attorney-General, being the person appointed by the Governor in Council as regulator under Schedule 2, Part 1 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Schedule 2 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 and section 32 of the Safety in Recreational Water Activities Act 2011.

WHS Act means the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 .

WHS undertaking or undertaking or enforceable undertaking means a written undertaking given under Part 11 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 by a person in connection with a matter relating to a contravention or alleged contravention by the person of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and includes all of the contents of that document including the general information, general and enforceable terms.


The Department of Justice and Attorney-General respects your privacy and rs committed to protecting personal information. The information provided In this document is for the purpose of an undertaking given to the regulator under Part 11 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Part 3 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 or Part 4 of the Safety in Recreational Water Activities Act 2011 . This information will be managed within the requirements of the current state government privacy regime.

The department may publish the undertaking and information contained in it for purposes identified in the undertaking or for other appropriate purposes in publications such as newspapers and on its website. The department may be required to disclose personal informatlon to other agencies such as the Queensland Police Service and WorkCover in accordance with enforcement activities that may be conducted as part of an investigation. Information on our privacy policy Is available at www.justice.qld.gov.au.

Hanson C(lnstruction Materials Pty Ltd Venion: 1.2 Date: 27111 August 2015 Page 2of16

Page 3: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that


1.1 Details of the person proposing the undertaking

Nominated person:

Street address:

Mailing address:


Email address:

Legal structure:

Type of business:

Commencement date:

Workers : Full time:

Hanson Construction Materials Pty ltd

Andrew Ritchie, Northern Region Operations Manager Metro Concrete

Level 10, 35 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW. 2000

As above

(02) 9323 4000

[email protected]

Australian proprietary company, limited by shares

Aggregates and pre-mixed concrete supplier

22 March 1957


Part time: 27

Casual: 15

Note: These employee numbers -relate to Hanson Northern Region

Products and services:


Hanson supplies aggregates and pre-mixed concrete to the construction industry across Australia. As part of its business, Hanson operates a number of concrete batching pants.

Hanson is an Australian subsidiary of the HeidelbergCement Group, which employs 57,000 employees at around 2,600 locations on five continents.

1.2 Detail the alleged contravention

On 16 January 2013, a worker employed by Hanson was Injured wflile conducting maintenance work on a slump stand.

The complaint issued by the regulator In relation to the Incident was made on 24 November 2014.

1.3 Detail the events su1Toundlng the alleged contravention

On 16 January 2013, a worker employed by Hanson was conducting maintenance wor1< on a slump stand at Hanson's West End ready-mix concrete plant. The slump stand had a walkway which raised and lowered using compressed air and a counterweight system.

The walkway on the slump stand had become stuck at a 45° angle. The worker had attempted to release the walkway by adjusting the speed reducer on the air control hand lever. The wo11<er then attempted to release the walkway by pushing down on the walkway. When the walkway would not release, the wor1<er then attempted to release the walkway by accessing the counterweight system below the stand.

The counterweight area of the slump stand was not protected by guarding. The worker placed the left hand on the counterweight and pushed it. The counterweight immediately swung forward, catching the worker's arm between the counterweight and the slump stand frame.

Hanson Con~tri.1ction Materials Pty Ltd Version: 1.2 Date: 27tb August 2015 Page3 ofl6

Page 4: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that

1.4 Detail the enforcement notices Issued that relate to the alleged contravention detailed in term 1.2

r Not Applicable


16.01.13 Prohibition P1010953 Allowing workers to access 1. Hanson installed mesh unguarded pneumatic guarding around the slump stand. counterweight section of the

slump stand.

2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including:

1. A control lever that removes all air from the system and prevents any air from entering the system, allowing the ram of the slump stand to be isolated directly; and

2. A metal locking pin Which is inserted through the slump stand to prevent movement, isolating and removing gravitational energy.

3. A specific Job Systems Analysis (JSA) was developed by Hanson for the task: Isolation for wor1< on slump stands.

4. Hanson produced an internal Safety Alert in relation to the incident which was circulated and explained to Hanson's employees and contractors.

1.5 Detail the injury sustained or illness suffered by worker/s or other/s as a consequence of the alleged contra>Jentlon detailed In term 1.2

The worker sustained a fracture of the left humorous.

Hanson Construcdon Materials Pty Ltd Version: 1.2 Date: 27u. August 2015 Page 4of16

Page 5: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that

1.6 Detail the workers' compensation or other insurance benefits paid to the worker/s who sustained injury or suffered illness as detailed in term 1.5 or to the beneficiaries of deceased persons

The person/s detailed is:

an employee/s of the entity p

a self-employed person/s r

other r (please specify)

not applicable r

Hanson was insured under the terms of the statutory workers' compensation insurance scheme operating in Queensland under the Workers ' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (Old). The injured worker received workers' compensation including rehabilitation in accordance with the statutory scheme and Hanson's workers' compensation policy.

1.7 Detail the support provided or proposed by the person to worker/s, other/s or their famllles who sustained Injury or suffered illness or to the famlly/famllies of the deceased worker/s or other/s


Hanson employees assisted the injured 16.01.13 worker and phoned for an ambulance

Immediately followinq the incident.

16.01.13- The injured wori<er took time off work and

18.03.13 received rehabilitation and returned to work on 19 March 2013 .

The injured worker was provided with Hanson continued to support the

19.03.13- injured worker with viable May 2014 suitable duties programs at Hanson and

employment until employment with a host employer.

terminated in May 2014.

1.8 Detail any current occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) implemented and maintained by the person

Hanson is committed to protecting the health and safety of all of its workers and achieving ZERO HARM at all of its workplaces. To assist in achieving ZERO HARM at all of its workplaces, Hanson has developed and implemented an Integrated Risk Management System (IRMS) throughout its business. The IRMS is regularly audited and has been certified to comply with the requirements of the following standards:

• ASINZS 4801:2001 Occupational health and safety management systems - Speclflcation with guidance for use;

• ISO 14001 :2004 Environmental management systems - Requ;rements with guidance for use; and

• AS/NZS 9001:2008 Quaf;ty management systems-Requirements.

Hanson Coasrruction Matcria1s Pty Ltd Version: 1.2 Date: 27m August 2015 Page Sofl6

Page 6: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that

All employees are provided with an induction into the IRMS as well as instruction and training relevant to the tasks which employees are required to perform in their roles. The safety management system also includes requirements for ensuring the competency of employees who perform activities for the company.

1.9 Detail the level of auditing undertaken on the OHSMS referred to In term 1.8, Including compliance audits and audit frequency

Auditing is undertaken as outlined below.


At1dit1 lnl)poctlon, A~sessmont Type

Ouaflty 11~:.1~ Aw! iS

Cover~ A$!11.'01 unt.J 1\S t 1025 t I l/J. l[J/ I • ., , ·/)) . , I

Note: This applies to NATA accredited laboratories

Covei!:. A '114001 a.i111pl1t111c.t• fOr:fllll clll•"ll:i

- - --Safety 1Rr,1s Audits

Covet$ AS 480 I or Safety map I >J)/j, • - ( .I • '. '•

t Full IR~ IS stle Audits

C'OL' 1.,. A'"'P(iDI, AS.SGOI. AS f.1{ 101 c"!llU AS 17025 oo.i11pf1:tlleti ff!f}W-,omcm:; l11011 oc •. 19rJi1t1r1 rn110mi()1io:;)

Site Cross Audits

(These ()re 011tio11a1 os /'>et regional 1 eq uiremeot s}

Recponstble Manager i Minimum Audn Frequency

Ri1111on I Ri. f f, l:.t11£Wtlrt )

Ro(,110lii'l1 Rlsli fl llflllll.h 'IS)

1-Regional Risk Monager(s)

Reg1om:il Risk Manager{s)

Nominateo t.lanoger ' Regiont:1I Risk Monoger

I ,. l')(h NGSI 3110 Pc1- ~ - l f CW"'mvl s11e reqt 111 "s <• ql1,tltly IRI IS u llii I \'• rly

Eoci1 NC~l' 3iS Po1ty rag1stcu•rl sice raoutri?S D

t:n"mmmer::loJ l~l,"'' cud1l yearly

' I Nl, •I .- '-' f' .;i registered stle, requires fl Safety IRMS audit yearly

Full IRMS Audit every 2 years If the site meets the tRtvlS audit torget then the s ite may be audited 3 yearly.

I Each srte every 12 months

If D recognised extemal audit I I 1s conducted and nsk repons

raised for non conformances

111 ·~· .i or t 11.t Ll • . u. I this section of the s it~

·---------1.10 Detail the consultation undertaken or proposed to be undertaken, In relation to the

enforceable undertaking

Hanson has consulted with senior managers and executives of the business regarding the proposed strategies in the enforceable undertaking and the benefits of such strategies. Hanson has also consulted with various partners and consultants regarding the benefits of the proposed strategies and has sought agreement from other parties, where required , to implement the proposed strategies.

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Page 7: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that

1.11 Detail the rectifications to the workplace or work practices made as a result of the alleged contravention and events detailed in terms 1.2 and 1.3 and the enforcement notices issued as detailed in term 1.4

Since the incident, Hanson has done the following:

1. Installed mesh guarding around the counterweight section of the slump stand.

2. Isolation devices were installed on the slump stand, including:

i. a control lever that removes all air from the system and prevents any air from entering the system, allowing the ram of the slump stand to be isolated directly; and

ii. a metal locklng pin which is Inserted through the slump stand to prevent movement, isolating and removing gravitational energy.

3, A specific JSA was developed by Hanson for the task: Isolation for work on slump stands.

4. Produced an internal Safety Alert in relation to the incident which was circulated and explained to Hanson's employees and contractors.

Total amount spent on rectifications $25,966


The person acknowledges and commits to the general terms set forth in the sub-terms below.

2.1 Acknowfedgement that the regulator alleges a contravention occurred as detailed in term 1.2

It Is acknowledged that the regulator has alleged that Hanson has contravened provisions of the WHS Act in relation to the incident.

2.2 Statement of regret that the alleged contravention occurred and the reasons the persons considers this undertaking is a more appropriate response to the alleged contravention than a court imposed sanction

Hanson sincerely regrets that the incident on 16 January 2013.

This undertaking proposed will have significant benefits to employees. The undertaking will address the safe operation of slump stands in Hanson's business across 15 sites.

Hanson believes, that providing this undertaking in lieu of a court imposed sanction will allow Hanson the opportunity to further invest time and resources to improve workplaett t1eolth and safety at its workplaces and as well engage its work force In additional improvement opportunitfes that may not have been realised if a court sanctioned was imposed.

2.3 Statement of commitment that the behaviour, activities and other factors which caused or led to the alleged contravention has ceased and will not reoccur

Hanson has taken steps following the incident to develop systems Which will prevent an incident of this nature from occurring again. Examples of rectification measures carried out by Hanson are se1 out at clause 1.11 above. Hanson Is committed to the future management of risks associated with this type of incident.

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Page 8: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that

2.4 Acknowledgment of the guidelines published by the regulator for the acceptance of an enforceable undertaking

I have read and understood:

Guidelines for the acceptance of an enforceable undertaking

Version: 1 Dated: March 2015

2.5 Acknowledgement that this undertaking may be published and publicised

2.5.1 Hanson acknowledges that the undertaking may be published on the departmental Internet site and referenced in departmental material.

2.5.2 Hanson acknowtedges that the undertaking may be publicised in newspapers.

2.6 Statement of the person's ability to comply with the tenns of the undertaking and meet the projected costs of the activities

2.6.1 Hanson has the financial ability to comply with the tenns of this undertaking and have provided evidence with this undertaking to support this declaration.

2.6.2 In the event of Impending liquidation or sale of the entity, Hanson will advise OFSWQ of the relevant circumstances and its capacity to comply with the outstanding terms of this undertaking.

2.7 Statement regarding person's relationship with any corporations, officers, employees, contractors, proposed beneficiaries of donations or scholarship or other recipient of financial benefit contained in this undertaking

There are no existing relationships with the beneficiaries outlined in section 3 below. unless otherwise stated,

2.8 Statement regarding Intellectual Property Llcenc.e

Hanson grants OFSWQ a permanent. irrevocable, royalty-free, wor1d-wlde, non-exclusive licence to use, reproduce. publish, distribute, electronically transmit, electronically distribute, adapt and modify any materials developed as a result of this undertaking.

2.9 Acknowledgement that the person may be required to provide a statutory declaratlon

OFSWQ has requested a statutory declaration ou11ining details of any prior WHS I ES I SRWA convictions' or findings of guilt under the WHS, ES or SRWA Act.


1 Subject to any local legal constraints such as spent conviction legislation.

Hao.son Construction Materials Pty Ltd Venion: 1.2 Date: 2Tl' A ugub't 20 IS Page 8of16

Page 9: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that

2.1 O Statement of commitment from the person to participate constructively in all compliance monitoring activities of the undertaking

2. 10.1 It is acknowledged that responsibility for demonstrating compliance with this undertaking rests with the person.

2.10.2 Evidence to demonstrate compliance with the terms will be provided to OFSWQ by the due date for each term.

2. 10.3 The evidence provided to demonstrate compliance with the undertaking will be retained by the person until advised by the regulator, that the undertaking has been completely discharged.

2.10.4 It is acknowledged that any failure to meet the due date for an enforceable term w111 result in the matter being escalated and may lead to enforcement action.

2.10.5 It is acknowledged that OFSWQ may undertake other compliance monitoring activities to verify the evidence and compliance with an enforceable term, and cooperation will be provided to OFSWQ.

2.10.6 It is acknowledged that OFSWQ may initiate additional compliance monitoring activities, such as inspections, as considered necessary at OFSWQ's expense.

2.10. 7 It Is acknowledged that details of all seminars, wor1<shops and training conducted by a non­registered training provider must be notified to OFSWQ, by email, at least one week prior. Notification should Include time, date, location and the trainer/facilitator


The person acknowledges all activities set forth in the enforceable terms below must be audltable and include a date for completion and an estimated cost for each activity.

The person commits to perfoITTling the activities below diligently, competently and by the respective completion date.

3.1 A commitment by the person to perfonn activities that will ensure the ongoing effective management of risks to health and safety In the future conduct of its business or undertaking

Hanson has put in place systems to address WHS risks. Hanson will continue to use those systems or improve upon them by implementing the initiatives set out in this undertaking in order to appropriately manage the risks to workers arising from using and maintaining slump stands.

3.2 A commitment by the person to disseminate information about the undertaking to workers, and other relevant parties

Dissemination will be achieved by doing the following:

Employees of Hanson will be informed about the undertaking and its contents at toolbox talks and WHS Committee meetings at Hanson sites and at executive meetings within two months of the date of acceptance of this undertaking.

Hanson will provide OFSWQ with documented evidence of these meetings by way of meeting minutes.

Dissemination will occur by: Within two months of the date of acceptance of this undertaking.

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Page 10: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that

3.3 Activities to be undertaken to promote the objects of tho WHS Act that will deliver benefits for workers/others


Develop Plant "Is there a better way?" Workshop


Senior leaders of Hanson have Identified this undertaking as an opportunity to reinforce Hanson's commitment to Zero Harm.

Hanson will engage Actrua Consulting to develop a program for senior leaders of Hanson that will assist them In conducting the workshop at each of Hanson's 15 South East Queensland metropolitan ready-mix concrete plants. Actrua have agreed to develop the program in partnership with Hanson.

Overview: The intention of this workshop is to Invite "Is there a and involve site personnel in identifying opportunities better way" for Improvement in processes on site. We are seeking program to be engagement from employees by leaders facllitatlng developed and this session which invites participants to identify training on the opportunities for improvement in both safety and program efficiency in relation to processes. Once teams have delivered to identified solutions they will present them to the rest senior leaders of the group. Furthermore, employees will estimate within 6 months the cost and timeframes to implement the solutions of the date of nominated. They will then determine which solution to acceptance of implement first based on urgency, ease of the enforceable

3.3.1 implementing a solUtion and capital. The leader will $20,000 undertaking. facilitate the whole group will as they break down the

Program to be implementation of the improvement into steps and

implemented at allocate rough timeframes and costings. The team

all 15 plant that suggested the improvement solution will be

sites (including nominated to champion the Improvement process.

Implementing effectively laking ownership of the implementation, and report back to the other group members on the

any control

status of the implementation. Once successful actions) within

improvements have been implemented this 24 months of the date of information will be shared with other sites. acceptance of

Safety Outcome the enforceable

Improvement opportunities identified will be logged in undertaking.

the Hanson Risk Database along with any actions taken to rectify the hazards identified. All actions taken as a result of the Workshop will be communicated back to the workers at the sites involved. All workers at Hanson South East Queensland metropolitan ready-mix concrete plants. will benefit from the effective management of these selected opportunities identified at each site.

Hanson will provide OFSWQ with copies of the following as documented evidence to demonstrate this deliverable:

~ Invoices for cost of workshop development;

Jlanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd


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Page 11: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that

)- Attendance records for workshop participants;

)" list of worker's agreed improvement initiatives from workshop; and

,,... Update on cost and completion of worker agreed initiatives.

An Improvement Audit of Slump Stands in Northern Region Plants Hanson Metro Plants


An improvement audit of the slump stands at each of Hanson's 15 operating ready-mix concrete plants located in South East Queensland will be conducted by Hanson lo ensure the slump stands at each plant are safe for use and frt for purpose.

There are 26 slump stands within these operations. The proposed amount will provide provision for approximately $5,400 per slump stand to complete any improvements identified in the audits. Slump stands

Delivery to be risk assessed and

Through the risk assessment process, where a folding upgrade works slump stand is identified as a risk to workers, it is to to be

3.3.2 be replaced with a fixed type slump stand. If it is

$140,000 completed unable to be replaced with a fixed type slump stand within 24 due to site constraints, the folding slump stand will be months of the upgraded in accordance with the risk assessment and date of controls identified. acceptance of

Safety Outcome the enforceable undertaking.

All workers at the Northern Region plants will benefit from safer slump stands with reduced risks to health and safety.

Hanson will provide OFSWQ with the following documentation to demonstrate this deliverable:

» Copies of audit document for each slump stand;

}> List of improvement actions for each slump stand; and

~ Cost of improvement actions for each slump stand.

Total estimated cost of benefits for workers/others $160,000

BIUUIOn Construcclon Materials Pty Ltd Versioo1 1.2 Date: 2? August 2015 Page 1J ufl6

Page 12: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that

3.4 Activities to be undertaken to promote the objects of the WHS Act that will deliver benefits for community


Develop school-based traineeship program

Scope Hanson will partner with a Queensland State High School to develop a school-based traineeship program.

Delivery School-based

Hanson will offer and facllftate at least 2 school-based traineeship traineeships. The successful student candidates will program to be complete a competency Certificate 111 ln Manufactured established Mineral Products (PMC30110) over a two year period within 6 months with in-house training. of the date of

The student will be employed by Hanson 1 to 2 days acceptance of

per week to complete the practical components of the the enforceable

competency. Theoretical components will be undertaking. 3.4.1 completed by the student to meet the Registered $15,000

Training Organisation {RTO) timelines and site visits. School-based trainees to be

Safety Outcome placed with

The school-based traineeship program will provide Hanson within

students with an opportunity to gain an industry 24 months of the

qualification while graining relevant work experience date of

and practical experience in safety management and acceptance of

safe work practices on site. the enforceable

Hanson will provide OFSWQ with the following undertaking.

documentation to demonstrate this deliverable:

}> Copy of training records and assessments; and

) Copies of group certificates to verify wage costs.

Total estimated cost of benefits for the community $15,000

3.5 Agreement to pay OFSWQ's recoverable costs

Hanson agrees to pay OFSWQ's costs associated with the undertaking, as itemised below, and 1t 1s acknowledged that payment is due 30 days after receipt of the OFSWQ invoice:

• administrative costs $ 3814

• legal costs $ 1000

• compliance monitoring costs

• publication costs

Total recoverable costs

Haoron Construction Materlab Pty Ltd Venion: 1.2 1>ate: 27.,., August 2015







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Page 13: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that

3.6 A commitment regarding linking the promotion of benefits by the person to the undertaking

Hanson is committed to ensuring that any promotion of a benefit arising from this undertaking will clearly link the benefit to the undertaking and that the undertaking was entered into as a result of the alleged contravention.

3.7 A commitment to maintain an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS)

3.7.1 Hanson acknowledges there is a fonnal documented OHSMS acceptable to the regulator that satisfies the principles of AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational health and safety management systems-General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques. currently in place.

3.7.2 Hanson commits to ensuring that the OHSMS remains compliant with the principles of ASINZS 4804:2001 Occupational health and safety management systems-Genera/ guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques.

3.8 A commitment to ensure the OHSMS Is audited by third party auditors

3.8.1 Hanson commits to ensuring the OHSMS will be audited against criteria that meets the principles of ASINZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems­Specification with guidance for use, to verify the OHSMS meets the principles of AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational health and safety management systems-General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques.

3.8.2 Hanson acknowledges that the current OHSMS In place, as detailed In term 3.8.1 is acceptable to the regulator and commits to ensuring that an initial third party audit will be undertaken within three months of this undertaking being accepted.

3.8.3 Hanson commits to ensuring at least two further third party audits will be undertaken at 12 month Intervals, commencing 12 months after the initial audit.

3.9 A commitment to provide a copy of each finalised OHSMS audit report to OFSWQ

II is acknowledged that audit reports received from the auditor will be sent to OFSWQ within 30 days of the audit along with written confinnation that the report has not been altered from the copy provided to the person by the auditor. It is acknowledged that within 30 days of receipt of the auditor's written report, OFSWQ will be advised of the intended actions for addressing each of the report's recommendations.

3.10 A commitment to implement the recommendations from third party audits

Hanson commits to ensuring the recommendations resulting from the OHSMS audits will be fully Implemented within slx months of receiving the audit report, unless OFSWQ grants an exemption due to the actions being unreasonable.

3.11 Minimum spend

3.11.1 Hanson commits to a minimum spend of $185,224 for this undertaking.

3.11.2 Hanson agrees to spend any residual amount arising from an original term not being completed or being less costly than estimated in this undertaking. Agreement on how to spend this residual will be sought from the regulator.

3.11 .3 Hanson acknowledges the minimum spend comprises of:

• Total value of benefits to workers/others $160,000

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Page 14: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that

• •

Total value of benefits to community

OFSWQ recoverable costs

Estimated total value of the undertaking

Ranson Consn·uctioo Materials Pty Ltd Version: 1.2 Date: 27tli August 2015




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Page 15: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that


This enforceable undertaking is given by the person on the date it is accepted by the regulator as set forth in section 5 below.

(Select from the following execution clauses and delete those that do not apply)


THE COMMON SEAL of (Affix common seal)


was affixed in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 in the presence of

Kevin Gluskie and

Victoria Vincent

on the 31st day of AUGUST. 2015

before me:

Witness signature

At tSA B o"f {) - wE c,,1 .. J Witness name in full

s~ Ee-r:, J'1lMJE 7 - -------

N~w 2.ooo ---···-··-~---·-· .. ··- -------· Witness address

Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd Version: 1.2 Date: 2th August 2015

Signature or a1rector

Signature of director/ seerelal')'

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SE~'l10N 6: ACt:ePTANCE 3 D OCT 2015

This enforcoable undertaking is accepted by the regulator on the {Q4 '\q da)• cl ~'°blTWJ, lC(¥GAR)

Appointed by the Go·:emor In Council aa regulator under Schedule 2, Part 1 of the Worl( Hes/th snd Ssraty Act 2011, Schedule 2 of the EJectrfcsl Ssfety Act 2002 and section 32 of the Safety In Recreational Wai<Jr Acffviiifis Act. 2011

l1-•1Mio CPmtrut(fqn M•lmUlt 11(y J ... N Vanlon: 1.2 O»tr.: 7'/' A~81hl 2;)15

Page 17: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that
Page 18: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that
Page 19: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that
Page 20: Enforceable Undertaking - Hanson Construction Materials Pty ......slump stand. 2. Isolation devices were installed by Hanson on the slump stand, including: 1. A control lever that
