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Engaging Through Social Media Video Production Explained

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8/9/2019 Engaging Through Social Media Video Production Explained http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/engaging-through-social-media-video-production-explained 1/10 1 V i d e pructn xplan Engaging through social mEdia Part 2
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Engaging through social mEdiaPart 2

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Veis the reason why many people use social media,

especially sites like YouTube. Through videos they share

opinions, record events and activities and create

artistic, inormative and entertaining lms.

t e ep y e ve

p eqe with a view to producing video

content about your youth project and its activities,to put on social media sites, as well as your own website.

V pructn in itsel is an engaging activity that

you can do with members, giving them new skills and at

the same time promoting your project.

te beef ve e:● Showcasing your project, its people and its activities

●Using it as an online marketing tool

●Getting your members involved in and leading a creative activity

●Giving young people a voice through a medium they might not have


●Building and sharing new skills and interests

P ve pe.●Anyone can pick up a mobile phone, a pocket video camera or a

camcorder and start recording.

● The art o good video-making is to produce something where the

content delivers your objectives and is meaningul.● This guide is to help you ocus on your aims and to talk you through

the whole process.

s y w: ●Gain knowledge o the production process

●Learn about storytelling and scripting o short videos

●Learn about flming and editing techniques

●Know how to upload a fnished video online

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te BA video is composed o words and pictures, where the images lead the

story, unlike a print or newspaper article where it is the words that are

creative and inormative. So it is important when you think about

making a video with your project members to decide on the story you

want to tell and to nd a style o lming that matches.

Some ideas include creating a video diary o events or one person’s

view; a day in the lie o a band or a youth project; a documentary-style

report on a local place o interest or a concern such as homelessness or

drug addiction; an original music video; or maybe a ’what’s on’

report that is presenter-led and can be updated monthly. Once you have

decided on your subject matter, think about which style would be

most appropriate. For example ast-cut or a music video; or ‘news

report’ style, presenter-led or an inormative piece; or video diary style

where someone talks to camera.


te y pStart developing your video idea by summing it up in one sentence.Work out the story you want to tell so that you know what elements you need to lm.

For example, think about the images you need to video, who you would like to

interview and what messages or inormation you are aiming to get across.

Length o a video

A video or a social media site can be any length, but as viewers are used to short clips

aim at no more than three minutes. A standard TV news report in a bulletin is rom

40 seconds to one minute 20 seconds. To avoid making a ‘guesstimate’, prepare your

ideas and write them down.

Three spoken words equal one second o video.

So 10 seconds o speech equates to 30 words.

Write a script or ‘shot list’ – you can just create a table in Word (see below), or you

can hand draw one, with columns or:

Pictures – what you want to lm

Dialogue – what you want to say

Timing – how long it might last

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Skateboarding was invented in

1967 and it’s more popular than

ever with lots of national

competitions to take part in.

“The UK has over 200 skate parks

where you can get great practice

to develop your tricks and skills,

sometimes with a coach to help.”

There are many video clips on You-

Tube that show you how to do it

Skateboarders in a skate park

Sound-bite or comment from a

UK champion skateboarder

YouTube clip

8 secs

8 secs

 10 secs

F p

syeWhatever camera or mobile you use or lming your video, you still need to think 

about the types o shots you want because they will really make a dierence. 

Some shots to think about include:

A strong opening shot: a big close-up o ngers on a guitar; an artistic shot o a

skyline; sun glinting on windows

Atmospheric picture: sunsets, stormy clouds, pouring rain, neon lights, city skyline,

railway tracks

General scene-setting shots: people working, cars on streets, buildings, shopping


Aerial shots: rom a gallery in a club showing people on the dance oor;

skateboarders rom the top o a hal-pipe.

Names o places and logos

Good/relevant locations or pieces to camera or interviews. For example i you are

doing a story about a young ashion designer try to show some clothes or a sewing

machine behind them.

A closing shot to make the story memorable and that links to the nal words:

a person walking away; a door closing: a sunset.

Image description Dialogue Time

a expe p

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Once you’ve decided on the style or your video, there are standard camerashots you can use to tell your story. You can write these in your script to remind

you and whoever is lming.

l ls sets the scene, or example a skate park,

seeing the whole group o skaters.

We Ws is also used or giving context to your video.

m ms is most commonly used or recording interviews.

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ce-p cu is a good way to emphasise something, like a person’s hands tightly

clasped while they are talking, a street sign or the wheels o a skateboard or car

going by. Close-ups are oten used as cut-ins or cutaways when editing. These are shots that are used i someone is talking, allowing you to edit their dialogue

by inserting a cutaway o their hands or example.

B e-p Bcu or greater emphasis o detail. This could be used to ocus on a

person’s eyes or ngers on a keyboard or instrument.


tk enable you to ollow a person or action. They can be shot rom a

moving car, or rom a supermarket trolley as it is pushed.

P- rom one object in the oreground to another in the background is

common or changing emphasis and moving to another subject (this is always usedin soaps). 

P rom right to let or vice versa. I these are long they can rarely be used in short

reports. There has to be a reason or the pan – moving rom one subject to another.

t moving up or down. For example rom a person’s eyes to the book they

are reading, rom a sign outside a building down to the entrance door or vice versa.

Z in or out. For example zoom out rom a close-up o a singer to seeing the

whole group on stage.

P vew rom over a person’s shoulder to show what they are seeing rom

their viewpoint.

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Interviewing is an art and consists o asking questions which will get actual replies– not just yes or no. You need to listen careully to your interviewee and ollow what

they seem condent talking about, without getting led o course.

Vox Pops are very short ‘clips’ or comments that you see on the news given by the

‘person in the street’ about dierent issues, events etc. They are a quick and easy way

o getting opinions and could be good or your video.

ievew pWrite questions which will get the answer you want.

Asking “How do you eel about...” or “Tell me...” are good ways to begin.

Don’t accept a poor answer, or example i it is unclear, mumbled or there is asudden noise or intererence. Be condent and ask it again, you may not get

another chance.

Find a quiet location not a busy road junction and i inside make sure all electrical

noises are switched o.

Check the material you record by using playback on your camera or phone beore

you leave – just in case!


l The sun illuminates what you are lming, use it as your spotlight, always behind you.

Placing someone in ront o the sun or a window results in a silhouette.

Make sure indoor lighting is not too bright and turn o ceiling lights to make a scene

or interview more dramatic.

F evewDecide i you want a person to be in a mid shot or a close-up.

 Think about which way you want the person to look at you when talking. When you

rame your camera shot, you want them on the let or right edge o the rame so itlooks more natural to the viewer.

Do you want them to talk straight to camera as in a video diary? 

You have to direct interviewees and explain to them that they need to look at you or

another ocal point, not at the camera, otherwise their eye-line can icker rom you to

the lens and look strange or the viewer.

F ee Static shots are best. Keep recording or at least 10 seconds, longer i you like.

A tripod is best to keep your shots steady, but you can use both hands to support

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your phone or camera. Other options are: putting it on a ladder or chair, or leaning

it against a wall or pillar or support.

Change the size o your shot so you have a good mix o cutaways or editing.Make sure you lm close-ups and mid shots along with your wide shots.

Do not move the camera around, keep it still and use your zoom button to change

the shot.

I you lm someone walking towards you, make sure they walk past you and exit

the shot. To be sae, ask them to walk towards you two or three times, so you can take

dierent sized shots, or example o their eet walking towards you, or o a head and

shoulders shot, as this will make your editing much easier and give you more choice.

Take separate shots o whatever your interviewees are talking about or are pointing

out, again or editing purposes.

re sMake sure that you are in a quiet area i you are trying to interview or get a com-

ment rom someone. I using a mobile as a camera, hold it close to them to get the

best sound level.

Avoid music and other background noises when lming. Ask i people can turn

things o or move away to a quieter location.

A camcorder that has a separate microphone, will result in the best sound; a

built-in one will record all background noise which you will not be able to edit out.

I you have a camcorder that can take external headphones, use them so that

you can hear exactly what you are recording.Be alert to noise levels.

F e

Remember that videos on YouTube and other ‘open’ social media sites and

proles can be seen by everyone. So do not include anything that will embarrass you or

your club members or harm the reputation or name o the project.

Not every public space has unrestricted access or lming. You must get permissions

to lm on railway stations (they charge you), bus stations, shopping malls andcomplexes. Security ofcers have to know who you are and what you want to lm.

I lming in a market, or example, be polite and always ask i the stallholder minds

beore you start lming his stall.

Filming on private property including some parks is not allowed without permission.

Interviewing young children and young people might need their parents’ consent,

even i you know them. I in doubt ask them or written permission.

Health and saety

When out lming these are basic potential saety issues to consider:

People tripping over cables or equipment lying on the ground

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Children and others getting hurt in some way

Drawing a crowd that causes an obstruction on a pavement or in a shopping mall

Thet o equipment let unattendedKeep in touch with the youth project or someone else who knows what you are

doing and where you are, in case o an accident during lming. Also exchange mobile

numbers with anyone else who is part o the lming.

EAnyone who has a computer or laptop already has an editing program, usually

Moviemaker that comes with Microsot Ofce. So look at your program list and see i 

you can nd it.

Movie Maker is a simple and easy-to-use edit program with clear instructions.

You can teach yoursel how to use it and be creative with all sorts o eects. I youhave an Apple Mac then you may have the iMovie program and there are others

you can download such as Adobe Premiere, or buy, such as Apple’s Final Cut or Avid

which are more complex to use.

Remember that what you are aiming to achieve rom your video is something that

people want to watch and to share with their riends and amily. When you are

editing, it is important to think about these points:

Ensure the basic storyline is clear

Have the best sound possible

Add non-copyright or original music

Keep it moving and interesting

Use only your best shots

E pThe best way to learn and improve your own editing style is to watch TV

and online material and see how people cut lms and the efects they use.

Watch documentaries, pop promos, online videos and advertisementsto see a wide variety o dierent editing techniques.

ITV and the BBC have opened their news libraries to the public so you can use the

ootage and download it.

Be careul not to use copyrighted music, it can be a costly mistake i you are sued;

music companies scan the internet or illegal usage.

Remember that i your material is going online, the size o the screen will be much

smaller (unless people opt to use the ull screen), and the denition or quality o the

shots will be lower. So choose shots that are well lit, clear and maybe closer rather

than long-distance, to help the appearance o your lm.

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re eyAdd a commentary i it helps to make sense o the story you are trying to tell.

 This can be done beore editing to use as a track to cut the images too, or else addedaterwards to link the story elements.

 The commentary can be recorded straight onto your computer –

Movie Maker explains how – or you can record into your phone or camcorder or

possibly a better quality, and then downloaded into the edit program.

 Try them all out and see what works or you.

upHaving edited your video it is now ready to upload and share. Uploading to

social media sites is very simple and the principles are the same across most o the

platorms. Below is an example o uploading to YouTube:Create a YouTube account i you don’t already have one

Look or the UPLOAD sign on top right o the page

Select a video to upload rom My Docs or your desktop or DVD drive and it is done

That’s it!

You can then copy the URL that is up on the right and share the video on other sites

like Twitter, Facebook etc.

Once the video is uploaded encourage your members to comment on it and

share it with their riends.

syRecording video needs preparation, consideration and organisation.

Once you have mapped out a plan o action, lming should be enjoyable,

creative and rewarding.

Compare it to cooking a meal or some riends.

Do you just hope the meal will come together in some way, or do you plan it, read

some recipes, go out and buy the ingredients and then come back to cook?

Filming is something you can develop a eel or.

Everyone has their own style o lming, just as they do in writing or speaking and youwill develop your ‘eye’ and visual signature or style. Just picking up a camera,

switching it on and ‘having a go’, is ne, but why not produce a video which is really


te e p e , e bee eqy e bee e epe.
