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Engineering Notebook 2015

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The Harvard-Westlake Middle School Robotics Team 7155 Engineering Notebook
Te am 7155 Harvard-Westlake Middle School December 2014 1

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Harvard-Westlake Middle School December 2014




Table of


IntroductionTable of ContentsMeet The TeamMeet the MentorsAbout Team 7155

Pre-SeasonMeeting #1 (Pre-season)Meeting #2 (Pre-season)Meeting #3 (Pre-Season)Meeting #4 (Pre-Season)Meeting #5 (Pre-Season)Meeting #6 (Pre-Season)Meeting #7 (Pre-Season)Meeting #8 (Pre-Season)Meeting #9 (Pre-Season)

2014-15 Season


September 18, 2014September 23, 2014October 1, 2014October 2, 2014October 7, 2014October 11, 2014October 21, 2014October 22, 2014October 30, 2014November 4, 2014November 18, 2014November 19, 2014November 25, 2014December 1, 2014December 2, 2014December 3, 2014December 4, 2014December 5, 2014December 6, 2014 (Last Meeting)

Bill of MaterialsCommunity Outreach


Meet The Team

Gabriel Peter is an enthusiastic member of the Harvard-Westlake Robotics team. Currently he is the head of PR and and Team Spirit. Along with organizing this engineering notebook, Gabe also likes to participating in the building and video editing for the team. In his free time he enjoys anything regarding computer science and engineering. Even as a young child, Gabe’s passion for STEM has driven him to build and create. Now he supports team 7155, and hopes that they can achieve to the best of their ability.

DJ Lesh is the building lead on team 7155. He is in 9th grade and is 14 years old. He enjoys working in his workshop and watching television. He is currently the head of the HW Robotics building committee. He enjoys robotics because of how hands on and interesting it is. He also plays the guitar, bass, and piano, and is in the Middle School Jazz Band. He is a regular member of the stage crew for almost all middle school productions.


Jonathan Damico is the Programming Leader for team 7155 and is a freshman at Harvard-Westlake. Returning for his second year on 7155, Jonathan participated in last year’s challenge, FTC Block Party. Jonathan, in his free time, enjoys programming, and often embarks on projects personally, or for his school. One of his most recent projects, for example, was a re-engineered version of his school’s ID card, using iOS’s Passbook. Jonathan also enjoys fencing outside of school, playing the tenor saxophone for his school’s jazz band, and playing guitar at home. Jonathan hopes to major in computer sciences.

Justin is 7th grader at Harvard-Westlake. This is his first year in FTC but he has done many years in FLL. He was introduced to robotics partly by his mother, a former computer programmer. She was also his FLL coach. Some of his favorite things are reading, math, and working with technology. He hopes to be able apply his skills later in life and become a professional engineer.

Noah Swanson is a Seventh grader at Harvard-Westlake. This is his first year on the Harvard Westlake robotics team. He joined the team because he is fascinated in how robots work and wants to know how to design a working robot. Things he does outside of robotics include fencing and reading.


Jack Riley is a Harvard-Westlake student, his first year on Team 7155. He has done a little robotics program at his old school, St. James. The program there was based on Lego Mindstorms. His brother is currently on the St. James Robotics Team. He joined Harvard-Westlake Robotics to learn how to program with RobotC. Programming is his main part on the robotics team, but is joined by his experience with Photoshop. He made new graphics for the Facebook page and the Twitter account for the team. He was taught how to use Photoshop well by his father, a graphic designer. In his spare time, he loves to draw and play drums. Jack is looking forward to the Robotics competitions this year.

David Ahn is in the 9th

grade at the Harvard-Westlake School. He is very interested in pursuing aeronautical engineering for a career. He is currently in his second year at the Harvard-Westlake Robotics Team. He is a member of the school’s track team is a member of the school’s R/C flight club, and is actively participating in the Robotics team. Some of the activities that he enjoys in his spare time are reading books, flying RC aeroplanes, and studying everything and anything that he can get his head around.

Coco Kaleel is a 7th grader on the Harvard-Westlake Robotics Team, Quantum Potentials. She is highly invested in robotics in her off time, being part of the LA Robotics team from a young age. She started a 3D printing club at school, and teaches kids to 3D model useful, school-related 3D objects. Out of school, Coco fences in both scholastic and independent events. The skills she learned in robotics helps her repair her electric fencing equipment. In addition, Coco is a fan of math and an avid reader.


Alex is a Harvard-Westlake student. He first began robotics in third grade, when he received a LEGO Mindstorms kit for his birthday. He took a class and would go on to participate in FLL for two years, making it to nationals. After robotics he went on to learn more about C++ and Java programming, as well as some video game design. Alex fences and is interested in computer science and physics. He is very excited to participate in FTC this season.

Jewoo Lee joined this year's robotics because he enjoyed 2013's team and wanted to learn more this year. Even though we didn't do as great last year, he wanted to improve this year's team with the new members and hopefully get farther with his new experience. He got into robotics since his last years at elementary school, he started at the FLL and had lots of fun early. However he wanted a new change with the FIRST robotics competition with new and better members. He really enjoys the people he has met too, with similar interests, like gaming, humor, and being complete morons sometimes, but that is what makes our team so close. Jewoo hopes to make his robotics experience last as long as this team is together.

Sebastian Ko is an 8th grader at Harvard-Westlake. He is in his first year at robotics. He is in the Harvard-Westlake orchestra and plays the harp. He joined robotics because he was interesting in programming, and learning how to build robots. Currently, he is a programmer on the robotics team. He likes to play music. He swims and plays tennis.


Cameron Schiller is a freshman at Harvard-Westlake. He has 2 years of previous robotics experience from another robotics league called VEX. Cameron enjoys leading, programming, building, and designing robots. He wants to major into either mechanical or electrical engineering in the future. Cameron helped design, CAD, and build the robot.

Meet the Mentors Keith Jordan (Teacher Mentor) is a Bookstore Associate and Student Government

Advisor at Harvard-Westlake Middle School. He knew absolutely nothing about robotics previous to his

experience working with the team this year. He did, however, know a great deal about chaperoning. Keith

has had a blast watching the kids conceive and create their robot. He has even picked up some

knowledge of his own along the way. He can’t wait to see the members of the Quantum Potentials bring

their robot to competition and he apologizes in advance if he cheers too loudly for all the teams as

he now knows exactly how much work all of the teams have had to put in to get to that competition floor.

Anna Lynn Martino (Teacher Mentor) is a librarian and technology teacher at Harvard-Westlake

Middle School. She has always been aware of the interest in robotics at the school and was inspired to

start an FTC team at the middle school after attending the Robotics Academy at Carnegie-Mellon. She is a certified NXT-G teacher. She is very excited about mentoring the rookie team at HW and has been inspired by the Quantum Potentials’ enthusiasm,

altruism, and drive during this first year of competition.


About Team 7155

Team 7155, also known as the Quantum Potentials, is an invigorating team full of

passionate and young engineers. Based at the Harvard-Westlake Middle School,

students varying from 7th to 9th grade participate in their common goal to create a

successful robotics team. Although they are considered to be a rookie squad, they have

the determination and endurance to achieve even more than they accomplished just

one year before. The team has learned a lot since their first competition during the

2013-14 season, and they hope to use those newly acquired skills and tips to knock out

the competition. “I believe that we have a lot of purely talented people on this team, but

what will set us apart from our opponents, is the pursuit of excellence and integrity we

all have within us.” said Gabriel Peter, Head Team Spirit for the robotics team, referring

to the school’s mission statement. Even if team 7155 doesn’t win, it is safe to say that

the privilege to work with talented people, learn new things, and build a robot together

will be way worth the multitude of hours each person invested in this team. Some will

say that the Quantum Potentials reaching the international championship is a big step

and challenge to think about, but each and every one of the members is ready to pursue

their dream to win. However we are not alone, “Doppler Effect” is another Harvard-

Westlake team, but as Ms. Martino once wisely said, “Though we have 2 robots, we are

one team of one school.”, which has truly inspired team 7155 to help and teach each

other skills and tips. At the end of it all the Quantum Potentials is prepared to cooperate

with teams, compete against teams, and overall become a better robotics team.

Encouraging this generation to be immersive in technology and friendly competition.


Pre-Season (February 14, 2014 - May 21, 2014)


Meeting #1 (Pre-season) Time: Friday, February 14, 2014 3:10-5:25 pmLocations: Harvard-Westlake Middle School <Hazy 223> Author: Gabriel PeterAttendance: Max Rothman, Danny Seplow, Zachary Goldstein, Mrs. Martino, Dylan Falcon, Catherine Murphy, Shanna Brindze, Sarah Lee, Pavan Tauh, Charlie Dickerman.__________________________________________________________________________


This is the first meeting after our disappointing defeat on the February 9th qualifier. The goal for this meeting was to debrief what we have accomplished so far, and make announcements regarding future changes to next years robotics team. __________________________________________________________________________

Engineering Notebook

Jonathan has just announced that there is going to be a pop quiz/survey to see what the views of the engineering notebook were like. Afterwards, Rachel went over on how to take notes and descriptions for next year’s engineering notebook. She discussed the basic fundamentals that is required in a quality notebook (i.e. page number, names, attendance log, etc.)Then she asks “Even though you just written your views in the quiz. Tell me what you like about the notebook and what you think should be revised.” __________________________________________________________________________

Mrs. Martino’s Robotics Class

The next point by Jonathan began to discuss was about Mrs. Martino’s new in-school class. Mrs. Martino said that “This is a perfect class for people who don’t have a time to commit to the after school robotics team and is a great way enhance your building, programming, and notetaking skills, or even pick-up new ones!

DJ adds “You also don’t need any experience to sign-up! ”

__________________________________________________________________________Electives Fair

Electives fair was the next point <change> and in John’s Words “We did really well, I think this was really successful regarding the fact that many students was were interested ….”

Matthew gross comments”that we should add subliminal propaganda.




DJ: “We have a slot reserved in the next assembly, and I need ideas to present to the officials before we get approved to go on stage.”

Danny “We should have a dancing robot montage”Matthew “ How about having the actual field on theDillion””Should have a live feed devices attached robot and the footage is played as the robot moves backstageGabe Adds to dillons “Ya make it look like a livestream right before a concert in a documentary!”Sarah “”Good point to remember, All team members should wear the shirt at the assembly”

List of Ideas:

Rachel “I think that we all should vote, however keep in mind that some of these are technically challenge.”John “Ya and also could have combination of many ideas”

Stem Fest:

John “We are going to have booth at Stemfest”, its is sort of similar to the past electives fair””Rachel”We also need volunteers

__________________________________________________________________________New Supplies and Grants

DJ “Thanks to JD we are going to receive a really nice tool cabinet from sears, where we can all keep out tools, I have also spent a lot of my time this week <5 hours> and applied this robotics team to an educational grant from Lowes, choosing their limited amount of 5,000We are also going to get to an extra table for competitionsSparked by DJ’s initiative, Matthew Gross during the rest of the meeting did research for team grants and by the end of the day had applied to a couple organizations offering grants to robotics team, and has been thinking about also applying for Toshiba, and Motorola.__________________________________________________________________________

Mr. Wimbish and the Presentation

DJ: “Hopefully, next day 3 (Tuesday) period 7, we will to talk to Mr. Wimbish (our school principal) and present a presentation, informing him about our hard-working robotics team. During the meeting we will also propose some key ideas, and don’t forget that anyone who has


this period free is encouraged to come and help support our message. So let’s go over the presentation.”<DJ shows the same presentation that we are going to Mr. Wimbish

Discussed topics:

The biggest topic was the idea of hosting the event at our school.This is because any team who voluntarily hosts a qualifying event automatically go to regional in the competitions.

Shows benefits:


John: “We have a lot of things that we have put onto our robot over the months, and there is also a lot of parts we didn’t use. Which sadly means we have to organise, every single part that we own, and categorizes them by size, and, and quantity… This also will help us to do this early to know what are parts are


Gabe: ” What about morphed parts not in their original state?”DJ: “I’ll have a separate bin for those special parts.”Mrs. Martino: “For our party, I’ve been thinking about renting out a lazer tag zone..”David Anh: “I think there should be an ‘accountant’ that keeps track of our budget”DJ: “That’s a great idea… Let’s break for snacks!

{The Team Breaks for snacks and the beginning of inventory. John, DJ, and Dylan start recording part data onto the Google Spreadsheet, and the rest of the team organised and sorted the parts.}


Meeting #2 (Pre-season) Time: Wednesday, February 19th, 3:10-5:00 pmLocation: Harvard-Westlake Middle School < Library Conference Room >Author: Rachel SeplowAttendance: Rachel Seplow, Jonathan Damico, DJ Lesh, Nomi Ringach, Gabe Peter.__________________________________________________________________________

OverviewThis is a meeting of the leaders of the Robotics Team to discuss classes that each one of them could teach and when. Last season we found that many of our team members did not have as much knowledge in certain areas as others and we wanted to help, and give them more knowledge, so we decided that until next season starts, we will hold classes to teach the people of our team more. We also decided to make our presentation for our schools assembly to educate people of the greater community about robotics and our team.________________________________________________________

Planned Classes For Friday’s Meeting

Decided on a rotation of classes. Including: programming, building, CAD, note taking, soldering, outreach. Rachel decided to make a schedule for friday’s meeting. All will make presentations for their class. Jonathan is making socrative quizzes for programming. DJ is making a socrative quiz for soldering and Nomi a quiz for building. Rachel is forming a notes agenda to continue where last weeks notes left off. All the people here are taking eachothers socrative quizzes, to test them for later

________________________________________________________Robotics Presentation In Assembly

We decided that it would get more attention and people in assembly would like it more if we had a video, instead of a slideshow that we talked about. Ideas for the video include: putting a gopro on the robot and driving it around. Discussed: no words, just music?. Gabe comes and has footage, the same footage that was used in the Promote video, and some other team photos from last season. Jonathan found the 2013 Pop Danthology Video, and downloaded the mp3 so we could put it in the background of the video. DJ has Final Cut Pro and opted to use his computer for the video. The message of our video is to make people more aware of the robotics team. We are going to check to see if we are able to drive the robot during the assembly. DJ is working on the video, and he is putting in peoples photos and adding their names. The video is finished and sent to Mr. Shmall. The final result: A video with all the photos of people, and at the end there will be live footage of the robot, which will be streaming throughout the theatre. DJ, Gabe and Jonathan go to check if we are allowed to have the robot in the theatre, but Dance Production was in there.

Meeting #3 (Pre-Season) Time: 3:15-5:15 pm


Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School <HC 233>Author: Rachel SeplowAttendance: Nellie Siddiqui, David Ahn, Will Dickerman, Dylan Faulcon, Danny Seplow, Will Rains, Gabe Peter, DJ Lesh, Jonathan Damico, Max Rothman, Nomi Ringach, Rachel Seplow, Charlie Noxon__________________________________________________________________________

OverviewOver the course of today, there will be four different classes taught by 4 different people. Notes with Rachel, Building with Nomi, Soldering with DJ, and Programming with Jonathan. This is to ensure that current members all have a basic understanding of the four different skills, that we believe are the most essential as a team.


Rachel and Nomi explain the rotation format of the day, and DJ and Jonathan need to make changes to the video for the assembly on Monday.

__________________________________________________________________________Note Taking Class by Rachel

Rachel talks about note taking. She explains to the people here today what is important about note taking, and how important the engineering notebook is and also makes everyone take practice notes. She explains that it is important to make diagrams and sketches (David Ahn has the idea for circuit diagram made of the electric changes to the robot). Rachel also goes over some of the awards that are given at tournaments that a good engineering notebook is necessary for. She explains that the more detailed the engineering notebook is, the better. She assigns the team to look at the sample engineering notebook on the FTC website, and next meeting they will talk about what they learned.

__________________________________________________________________________Building Class with Nomi

Everyone here takes a quiz about building, so Nomi can see what everyone’s level of knowledge of the subject is, and what he needs to teach more of. Nomi tells the group that he will be teaching about encoders, and details about gears and axles. He also says that the group needs to have more knowledge of wiring. Nomi says that the average on the quiz was a 56% so people need a lot of work.

__________________________________________________________________________Soldering Class with DJ:

Everyone takes a soldering quiz, and if they get more than 4 of the safety questions wrong, they will not be able to solder. DJ explains that soldering only works on wires and circuit boards. He explains that soldering iron should be between 650-800 degrees. DJ does a demonstration on soldering, and makes sure that everyone is wearing safety goggles. DJ describes the steps of soldering tinning the soldering iron, tinning the wires, cooling the wires down with compressed



__________________________________________________________________________Programming with Jonathan

Everyone takes a programming quiz that Jonathan made. Jonathan shares a slideshow he made. Explains the diagram of the programming hamburger in RobotC. Explains pragma statements, motors and servos among other things, gives a crash course of Robotc in 10 minutes.__________________________________________________________________________

ClosingWe show the final version of the video too the people present at the meeting, it includes pictures of the team members and the competitions. It is to the Pop Danthology of 2013. Rachel collects the papers that members of the team wrote practice notes on.


Meeting #4 (Pre-Season) Time: 3:15-5:15 pmLocation: Harvard-Westlake Middle School <HC 233>Author: Gabriel PeterAttendance: Gabriel Peter, John Damico, Rachel Seplow, DJ Lesh


The “leaders” discuss on how to teach their specific class, and what their goals and curriculum will be for the session. DJ has decided to teach how to utilize Google Sketchup, Nomi will do building and Rachel will is doing note taking, and John is still doing programming. Afterwards, the leaders work on finishing inventory with the tools, and unorganized parts.


With John at transcriber and the rest gathering materials, the system works efficiently on categorizing and organizing parts & tools. During the process we found many tools and things that we didn't even knew we had, which is just one of the many examples why the team was in some desperate need for a “clean-up” With the drawers and cabinets labeled, and every part documented with description and location, this <system> will immediately start showing its effectiveness in a <change>misc. intensive team.


Meeting #5 (Pre-Season) Time: 3:15-5:15 pmLocation: Harvard-Westlake Middle School <HC 233>Author: Gabriel PeterAttendance: Gabriel Peter, John Damico, Rachel Seplow, DJ Lesh


Schedule:3:15-3:30 - Opening3:30-4:10 - Main Class-Programming or Building (CAD)4:10-4:20 - Snack4:20-4:50 Notes/Community Service4:50-5:00 - Closing


Meeting #6 (Pre-Season) Time: 3:15-5:15 pmLocation: Harvard-Westlake Middle School <HC 233>Author: Rachel SeplowAttendance: Gabriel Peter, John Damico, Rachel Seplow, DJ Lesh, Noami <last name>, Zach Goldstein, Anthony Khaiat, Shanna Brindze, Charlie Noxon, Will Dickerman, Kimberly , Savanna Weinstock.


Two classes will be taking place today, DJ is going to teach CAD (google sketchup), and Jonathan will instruct a programming lesson. We are also happy to announce that a new member, Savanna Weinstock has joined the team and is looking forward to learning how to build a robot, as well as another new member named Anthony Khaiat.__________________________________________________________________________

OpeningRachel and Nomi present the announcements of the day and the new members

introduce themselves to the team. The schedule of the day is also presented.__________________________________________________________________________

CAD Class

Dj has everyone watch a video about the basics of CAD and then people experiment with the Pan, Orbit and Zoom tools, and make shapes with the line and rectangle tools. They also use the push and pull tools to create 3D shapes. They then try to make a toy cube. They then learn how to render by using the paint bucket. The homework is to download google sketchup to home computers.__________________________________________________________________________

ProgrammingIntro and How to make pragma statements. Learned about motors and how to control

them. Learned how to make things run for certain amounts of time. All people submit programs. Then learned how to amend the programs, and add touch sensors. Learned while loops, and if-else ladders. Then everyone takes a quiz on it.


ClosingClosing statements are given, and Calyx from Westside Robotics explains the

importance of note taking and the engineering notebook.

Meeting #7 (Pre-Season) Time: 3:15-5:15


Location: Harvard Westlake Middle School: HC 223Author: Rachel SeplowAttendance: Nomi, Rachel, DJ

Rewiring for Stem FestTook off all wiring on the top of the robot and removed NXT. Put back battery switch

wires in the same place, after trimming the ends. Put the third (new) DC Motor controler. under the robot, beneath the sensor multiplexer. Connected NTX jumper cables to the infrared and ultrasonic sensors. Wired all 3 DC Motor controler power cables together, with NXT and Samantha Module. Zip tied NXT to arm with claw using 1 inch by 1 inch

mounting bases. Moved Samantha Module from the exterior arm on the side of the robot to the interior support arm for ease of use. Wiring tail motor to motor controler

1(right).Wheels motors go to motor controler 2(bottom). Trouble shooting because robot will not turn on. Found out it was bad connections, and fixed them Box spinner motor goes to DC Motor Controler 3. Robot Works and is almost ready for STEM fest. Still need to rewrite pragma statements and clean up robot. No meeting on Friday so will

resume next Wednesday.

Tested wiring and made last minute errors. Changed pragma statements. It works.

Meeting #8 (Pre-Season) Date: April 9, 2014Time: 3:00-6:00Location: Ultrazone Laser TagAuthor: Rachel SeplowAttendance: Ask Ms. Martino***Laser Tag: We all went laser tagging as an end of the year hurrah. We had a lot of fun,


and bonded as a team a lot. Those of us who were are 9th graders were very sad to be leaving the team. Get Photos*****

Time: 3:15-5:15Location:Harvard-Westlake Middle School HC 223Author: Rachel SeplowAttendance: Rachel, Nomi, DJ, Jonathan, Calyx

Overview: Looked at Jonathans presentations for next year, planned how we are going to display the robot for stem fest, also for competitions next year, and did some inventory. We decided to stop Friday pre season meetings and keep Wednesday leader meetings only for the last month of school.

Inventory: Inventory the organisers, and put more stuff into the craftsman. Made a diagram of all the drawers.

Displaying for Stem Fest: We have to share a table with another presentation and decided that we will try to put the middle of the field next to our table for a mini demonstration to the community. We will also have the robot on the floor next to our station and last but not least we will be making a new presentation board over the coming weeks to display, which we will put on top of the cart. Stem Fest is May 20th, so we have about a month.

Displaying for next years competition: For next years competition we will bring an extra folding table like we have seen other teams do this past year including team Westside. We will also have our cart on other side of our part of our table to enclose our team from the other at our table. Off the side of the second table will be the bottom will be the craftsman, to even more enclose our team section. The computers will be on the table.

Jonathans Presentations: Jonathan showed his presentation that he will give to the new team next year, and also to anyone else that wants to know about robotics, also he showed us his github presentation, to show to the new team next year.


Meeting #9 (Pre-Season) Author: Rachel SeplowAttendance: Rachel, Jonathan, DJ, GabeTime: 3:15-5:15; 4/30/14

Stem Fest Ideas:

- Programming Overview - Jonathan-Programming Flowchart-Building Overview - Nomi-Photos of Team-CAD model of the robot-Quotes from team about how STEM connects to robotics- My sexy video w/ “Make yo mamma go” - gabe the babe--More videos on iPad or computer


-Robot-Field-Explanation of Game-How used STEM to meet goals.- the amount of optional hours we put in- the pride commitment and joy

5/21/14-Working on trying on getting a sensor to work for security system for cabinets with the robotics stuff, as the robot is held in a room, that is also a classroom in the school.-Deciding not to work on it till next year, DJ takes it home.-DJ works on English project involving robot. -Inventory

2014-15 Season


September 18, 2014 Taken By: Dylan FaulconTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

Deciding Robot Design Considering shovel idea because it is lightweight and it only needs 1 servo

But quite slow


Side rollers are faster but can't get to corners

Top rollers are lighter and can account for both sizes better

Tube intake = 42% decrease in lift size

Scissor lift = stable/high heights and can hold lots of weights but is large & bad cent. of gravity.

Bar lift

Elevator goal

Drive chain=loss of traction

Holonomic is harder to make and inefficient as well as less control

Resolution Voted for side rollers and

Going to buy 8 omni-wheels2 max sprockets

September 23, 2014 Taken By: Pavan TauhTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

Main Points· Sign in· Team spirit speech

Detailso Has to do community service, which will hurt our chances for an awardo We don’t need to focus on the STEM, but can do anythingo Big requirement to advertise and help people


Must be part of a committee for the video

· Community Service ideas-

· Shirt design to anyone in leadership position on Custom Ink· Both teams need a new shirt or costume· Must attend safety meeting to touch tools in the building committee· Meeting over.

o Filming-Pavan 7155, Emily 8965, Cameron 7155,Coco 7155, Tyra 7155o Notebook Editors- Jane(8965), Tyra (7155)o Charity/Outreach-Emily,o Spirit Memorabilia-Danny, Jane, Emily, Tyra, SeabassVideo Editing-Cameron 7155, Nick 7155, Dylan 7155, David 7155, Justin

o Aids Walk on Sunday right before retreato “Drink water this Friday or you will die”-Sarah Lee

o it needs Team Number year school stuff, fun decals, themed, FTC logoo must be cheap, printable from school printer #no grantso next Wednesday with Mr. Schmall

Design Drawn on Second Meeting:


October 1, 2014 Taken By: Cameron SchillerTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Cameron Graphical Interpretation of Turbine Intake


October 2, 2014 Taken By: Gabriel PeterTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks Descriptions:

1. CAD’s created ❖ This marks the start of building the robot. Thanks to Cameron’s accurate CAD


October 7, 2014

Taken By: Noah SwansonTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

1. Voting for a t-shirt 1. We have 3 shirts to vote for- we decided to use aspects from each shirt

2. Jonathan Explains Programming 2. He shows the hub page for the programming section and explains the optional quizzes and material

3. Build Committee 3. 2 groups, one building drive base, the other building the lift


4. Marking the meta 4. We sharpied marks on the metal used for our drive base so we knew where to cut it

5. Going to the machine shop 5. We went downstairs to the machine shop

6. Sawing the metal 6. We used hacksaws to cut the metal according to our CAD designs

7. Filing the metal 7. We needed to file the metal to make sure that no edges were sharp, and thus dangerous

October 11, 2014 Taken By: Jocelyn ShenTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

Lift Continued to cut and sand pieces for the linear liftCut Delrin pieces for the lift

Chassis Cut and assembled pieces of the chassisPlan to complete base next meeting


O ctober

21, 2014Taken By: Jonathan DamicoTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

Cutting of frame pieces Longer frame pieces of metal were cut to size for the drive base.

Assembly of frame The different pieces of the frame were assembled with screws, nuts, and L brackets.

Assembly and attaching of motor brackets The brackets to hold the drive base motors were assembled and mounted on the robot.

Mounting of motors The motors for the drive base are inserted


into the prior built brackets and are tightened in.

Mounting of wheels Gears for the wheels are attached to the motors and the axles on the frame, which were attached prior to this step. The wheels are attached.

O ctober

22, 2014Taken By: Cameron SchillerTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

T-Shirts finalized The team selected a final shirt design, a combination of 2 designs. On the front there are spaces for names. An email were sent out for people to order their shirts.

Reviewed Game Programmers reviewed the video explaining the game.

Programming Agenda Set Programmers decided what to do for points and arranged them chronologically. We now have a full strategy for autonomous mode:1 Drive off ramp2 center goal3 Release4 Parking Zone

Community Service Discussion for ideas about promoting FTC:


In SchoolDrive w/ Charity CouncilLive demonstrations of robot (driver robot through

horns commons)Set up field at Stemfest and Electives fairLet people drive robot?

Out of SchoolCommunity Service on Behalf of team

Talk to Mrs. GoddardFind organizations to work for

Jr. FLL VolunteeringFind tournaments to work atHost tournaments?

SocialBecome active on forums

help newer teamsreach out to companies

Facebook Page Facebook page got new cover and profile picture.

October 30, 2014 Taken By: Jocelyn ShenTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

Chassis changes ● changed the drive base gear ratios from a 3 to 1 on 6 motors to a 3 to 1 on two motors

● chained the motors and wheels together

● added the upper chassis

Lift ● designed the cascade lift and discussed how to arrange the pulleys and rope

● began to arrange the pulleys and tying off the rope for the cascade lift


November 4, 2014 Taken By: Sebastian KoTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School__________________________________________________________________________

Tasks: Descriptions:

T-Shirts Voting for T-shirtsTurn in more designs

Saturday Meetings 9 in the morning to 4 in the afternoonOctober 11th

Hub Calendar Calendar on school hub pageGood for knowing the dates

STIMS Create a STIM accountParents & Students need an account

Bios Everybody needs bio in engineering notebookEveryone needs to make a bio

Safety Meeting Learning to use power tools


Cad design Parts are in 3d on cadAccurate & robot designs can be copy & pasted into different cad designs

Google SketchUp Move around in viewZoom toolDraw simple shapesLearn to use it

November 11, 2014Taken By: DJ LeshTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School__________________________________________________________________________Plan:

Sign in at j.mp/hwsignin

Explain plan for the day

Talk about some of the FTC awards (see awards document in Google Drive)


Split for Work

DJ talks about team mentality:

Importance of PR

Just because you are not building, doesn’t mean you are not doing something important.

Mr. Jordan joins and talks to him.

Jonathan goes over all the awards we can win

Mr. Jordan goes over team behavior and conduct.

Asks team to recognize who is around them and to watch what they say and what they do.

Asks team to be conscious and make an effort not to be as coarse.

DJ goes over Robot Name Selection


Approval Votes Final Votes Name


4 - Blackjack

1 - Quantum Shooters

4 - The Wolverine

9 9 Tim

4 - Slingshot

0 - The Potential

6 6 404 Robot Name Not Found

5 0 Gentleman(n)

Team completes bios


November 18, 2014 Taken By: Gabriel PeterTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

1. Building Top Rollers ❖ The team is trying to think of an effective roller design for the intake

❖ The choices at this point are:➢ Zip-ties


➢ Sponges➢

2. Pulley Cables implemented ❖ Lift is now able to go up and down❖ Hold weight like the intake

November 19, 2014 Taken By: Nick PlummerTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

Marked Lexane for Intake Accomplished by David and Nick

Attachment Lift Drive MK.I Accomplished by Cameron, Put motors on the two linear lifts


Added method to utilize Lift Drive MK. I Accomplished by Johnny

Added reinforcement to the Base Drive System Mk. II

Accomplished by Noah under supervision of Cameron

November 25, 2014 Taken By: Jocelyn ShenTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

Trough Built the trough from polycarbonate

Intake Attached the intake to the trough and used zip-ties to create fins; Were slightly ineffective because they got caught in the holes in the balls


December 1, 2014 Taken By: Alex KahnTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks Descriptions:

Building:1. Attach intake trough to lift2. Add zip ties to intake3. Change the front wheels for traction wheels to Omni-Wheels.4. Install new Andymark motors

Building:1. We attached the Polycarbonate trough we made to keep the balls in as we pick them up.2. The zip ties were attached to the intake tube we made. The tube will spin and the zip ties will


Programming:1. Continue to work on tele-op code.

PR:1. Work on videos2. Work on the poster3. Work on engineering notebook

pull in the different sized wiffle balls.3. Changing only the front wheels to Omi-Wheels will allow us to turn more easily, but by still having two traction wheels we won’t be able to be pushed.4. The new Andymark motors were installed on the lift because they have built in encoders, which will allow for more precise movement during autonomous.

Programming:1. The tele-op code is the code used during the driver control period. As we add more motors to the robot the code has to be updated.

PR:1. The PR team worked on making videos to show at our table in the pit.2. The PR team worked on a tri fold poster for our pit table.3. We started making a nice looking engineering notebook and started compiling team bios and taking team photos.

December 2, 2014 Taken By: Justin AnsellTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

1. Worked on 8965 robot 1. We worked on the 8965 robot because they needed some help

2. Put encoders on 2. we assembled encoders on some of the 8965 drive wheels to aid in precision

3. Built the brackets for the intake 3. We built the brackets that held up the intake on the 8965 robot

4. Worked on the engineering notebook 4. We worked on compiling the engineering notebook


5. Finished the 7155 intake 5. We finished the intake, which was the last major part left to build

December 3, 2014 Taken By: Gabriel PeterTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:


● Lag Problem Solved ● Lag spikes have been discovered in the tele-op connection. While testing the robot, the team has noticed low response rate, delayed motor operations, and inactivity

● Jonathan, attempts to solve this problem by hooking the robot to the computer directly, and proves to eradicate the issues.

○ John believes that this is a problem located in the coding of the robot and its tele-op.

○ Another theory is the dying state of out wifi router.

● Chain Skips ● Both grinding and skips of the chain powered motors have been observed by Cameron.

○ However the problem seems to be untraceable to he plans on rebuilding the sides of the base to ensure a smoother chain rotation.

December 4, 2014 Taken By: Jack RileyTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

Worked on Lift Pavan, Cameron, Dillon and Jonathan team worked the lift and


tested with a lift full of whiffle balls. There is still an issue with cords getting tangled and it not being able to reach the top.

Lift Code Jonathan coded the lift program that deposits the balls into the scoring tube.

Worked on website Worked on the website and attaching all of the team’s social media to it. Also, engineering notebook logo was made.

Driver Control Mode Driver control mode is all fixed, all wheels working perfectly, though there is a delay.

Added PID control for left Building team added PID control for left side.

Tuning tuned left PIDtuned winchtuned intake

December 5, 2014 Taken By: Dylan FaulconTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks: Descriptions:

We put on sensors We had to attach IR sensors with legos to the mounts for the motors that are used to raise the elevator lift.


Driver Tests Cameron and Pavan and Gabe had driver tests. The robot broke during Cameron’s test. One of the gears in the gear-box of the wheel motor was stripped. The back right wheel unplugged itself while going up the ramp

Jonathan is working on autonomous

The robot is moving forward when the motor values are negative.

December 6, 2014 (Last Meeting) Taken By: Gabriel PeterTime: 3:15 - 5: 00 p.m.Location: Harvard-Westlake Middle School

Tasks Descriptions

1. Further work on autonomous Jonathan utilizes the completed robot to complete the autonomous code and tele-op

2. Altercation to intake flaps ❖ Noticing a flaw with the zip ties on the


intake, Cameron connected the separated zip-ties with electrical tape to ensure a higher chance of collecting balls.

❖ This also holds the balls in the intake more firmly

3. Calibration to Lift and Intake ❖ Both the Lift and Intake were calibrated and tuned due to problems such as grinding and inaccurate performance.

❖ By doing this, autonomous will also run more smoothly

4. Decals ❖ Utilizing the supplies available, Cameron added color and design with tape.




Bill of Materials


Community Outreach Over the course of this year, both team of 7155 and 8965 of Harvard-Westlake, have

struggled to provide outreach to our community. Several factors such as, coordination, school policies, and lack of inspiration led to our demise. However we as a school, we plan to organize a community aid gathering in order to fulfil our duties.



