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Engines and Vehicles Compliance Information System (EV-CIS ...

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Engines and Vehicles - Compliance Information System (EV-CIS) User Registration and Role Sponsorship Demonstration Webinar January 15, 2020 Engines and Vehicles Compliance Information System (EV - CIS) User Registration and Role Sponsorship Demonstration Webinar January 15, 2020 1

Engines and Vehicles - Compliance Information System (EV-CIS)

User Registration and Role Sponsorship Demonstration


January 15, 2020

Engines and Vehicles – Compliance Information System (EV-CIS)

User Registration and Role Sponsorship Demonstration


January 15, 2020



• EV-CIS Roles

• User Registration Process Changes

• Electronic Role Sponsorship Process (New)

• How to Prepare for the Electronic Role Sponsorship Process (New)

• Deployment Information

• Demonstration

• General Resources

• Questions 2

EV-CIS Roles

Role Description

Company Approving Identifies, vouches for, and Official (CAO) manages EV-CIS “Submitters” and

“CROMERR Signers” CROMERR Signer Requests certificates and takes

legal responsibility for all the information used as the basis for a request for certificate

Submitter Submits certification and compliance information for every applicable industry to EV-CIS not including certificate requests


User Registration Process Changes

• CAOs will be required to manage their users through CDX

• Sponsored users will now be able to register for EV-CIS accounts in one of two ways:

• Paper Process (current process)

• Electronic Role Sponsorship (new process)

• Users with existing CDX accounts do not need to take any action to use the new electronic role sponsorship process


Electronic Role Sponsorship Process

• Using Electronic Role Sponsorship

• Allows users to self-register for CAO role (pending EPA approval)

• System will provide users with all the documents needed for their roles

• Using the electronic process, you may no longer need to mail in documents


Electronic Role Sponsorship Process • Uses LexisNexis for Electronic Identity Proofing

• Allows CAOs and CROMERR Signers to be instantly identity-proofed

• User identity verification is based on the following LexisNexis criteria:

• Exact match for First and Last Name AND

• Exact match for Date of Birth (DOB) AND

• Exact match for last 4-digits of Social Security Number (SSN4) AND

• Accurate Home address or Exact match for Home Phone number

• EPA will not store any of this information

• Primarily works for U.S. residents

• Users from most other countries will need to mail the documents


Paper Identity Proofing Process Will Remain Available

• If you do not want to provide personal information to LexisNexis or LexisNexis cannot validate your identity, you must use the paper identity proofing process

• The system will generate the required templates (except for the user spreadsheet)

• Templates available on website:

• User Registration Templates


How to Prepare for the Electronic Role Sponsorship Process

• All existing CAOs should confirm that they can log into their CDX account

• If you don't know who the CAO(s) are for your company and/or whether they have active CDX accounts send an email to:

[email protected] and include in the Subject: Request CAO details for manufacturer code XXX

Deployment Information

• Deployment currently scheduled for February 7, 2020

• With issues regarding the new process, contact EV-CIS Data Processing Center at:

[email protected]


• For the purposes of this demo assume:

• CAO has an active CDX account

• A “sponsored user” already has a CDX account with either CAO or Submitter role

• There are multiple other scenarios that will not be shown in the demo

• Full documentation will be posted after deployment

General Resources

• EV-CIS Account Setup

• https://www.epa.gov/ve-certification/account-setup-engines-and-vehicles-compliance-information-system-ev-cis

• Documentation on the new process will be posted on this page when it’s available

• Questions regarding accounts or process can be sent to [email protected].

• EV-CIS Listserver

• https://lists.epa.gov/read/all_forums/subscribe?name=verify


Part 1: CAO Invites User With Existing EV-CIS CDX Account To Add CROMERR Signer Role


iSi G:Jmact Us Logged . as OUUSTIPOIRIBR (~ out)

Submission 1-rstory Payment History E-Enterprise Portal

Services (( ~

... Status ,.. P,mgrarn Service Name

EV-OS: Engines .. a d VehicleS -Gompliance : nfo rm.mon Sys em

EV-OS: Engines, ,and Vehicles -Gompliance : nfo rmation S.y:s em

EV-OS: Engines, ,and Vehicles -Gompl·ance : nfo rmaition S.y:s em

C.OmP.a!w. Approving Official (mo).



Add Proglram Service Manage Your Program :Services

.. ,..

CDX Service Availability

See the status fur all wogram services

News and Updates

r~o news/updates.

As CAO: Login to CDX & click new “Role Sponsorship” tab


Ce11tral Data Ex1change

r1yoox My Profi le Rol-e Sponsorslh.ip Sub mission rf story Payment

Roe .Sponsorship Tools


Roi e S(!onso i /Invjt.a~ion

P n ·n !l..S ROnsorshiP- Re ests


Descri pti:on

liil itia a 11 i nr o rm use , .. re(l LI es : to au orize ;_ rvi ce access

Li a 1110 · p prove/ derny requests for service :-, cceS-'S

a 110/or ·10 d" . existi 11 . pri. i eg es.

TI .IRI BR (~ out)

As CAO: Click “Role Sponsorship/Invitation” link


COX:- Cen1trall Data 1Exchang1e: Logged - as. RISTIPOIRIBR {~ out)

Role Sponsorship Submission History Payme:nt History E-Eriteriprise Portal

You are here: Role Sponisorshir:1 Tool5» Role Spommrship/ Invlt altion

Role Sponsorship

The asteliS!k (*) deriotes a required · 1eld.

Step 1: IRecip-ent Information

Pro,vide the email a:d dress of the Irnser yo1.11 wis,h to sporisor. T · t ile user does not alrea dy exist irn ODX,

you cam either I)' a dirffere e-mail adCil ress or irnvi e the lil ew us,er to create a CDX accoumt


iitetMI ml

Step 2: Spons.or-shiip ln foTmartion

Provide the irnformat iorn · or t ile role you wish to sponsor.

Program Service * I EV-GS: 5ngiries anCil Vehides - Com:pUance 11i1fo1 .., I

Ro le * I mm, ERR Signer "' I

As CAO: Type Email & select Program Service/Role for sponsored user & click “Submit”


CD ·· Cellilrtral Data Ex1change

You are here·: Role Sporn; rslfR Tools» Role SP-onsorship/Invitabion » Ro le Sponsors: ip✓ 11viratio11 Review

Role .S ponsorslh i p Review

Registration lnfonn~tion

Pirog ram Ser..f ce



Erigirrns and Vehioles - 0 Jm ljam:.e Infonmatian S.ys em


• ,res:.,. t he provi·,ded em1ail address ·is, (lo rrect:.,

~o, l he pro1ui ded email address, is incorrect: and l!lmst be updated.

As CAO: Review role sponsorship information & select “Yes…” & click “Submit”


E1nail Confimmation

Pl ease cornfim1 the provided email address before send i 111 !:I the irwitati on.

16m:ail *

Confirm Email!*

TIJ1is field icS req1111ired .

i'-id ::. ■

As CAO: Re-type sponsored user’s email & click “Confirm”


CDltr Central Data Exchange ■ c.ootact Us Logged in as: OIU5TIPOIRIER (Log out)

You are here: Role Sponsorship Tools

Role Sponsorship Tools

VieN and/or modify existing privileges

As CAO: After completing sponsorship request, you will be returned to the “Role Sponsorship” tab. Sponsored User must now act on email they receive before you can complete the process


Part 2: Sponsored User Accepts CAO Invitation To Add CROMERR Signer Role


Vou are here; Rcole Spo11sorship

SponsoDhip lnfunnidion ---------------------------------------------


Program Service


Manufacturer Code

Engines and VeMc!les - Compliance Info rmation Sys em



You have bee 11 sponsored for a 11ew COX role. S[nce you have· an existing accmrnt, you may enter your CDX user ID and pass.word

to link the new role to your account. I f you do not already have a COX acrnun fo r this manufacturer rnde, you must click on the

· create New Acmunt" button below ..

U you exJPerience issues or need a::.-siiSl:a nce with the spon--so rs.hip pro cess, ple·ase call the CDX Help, Desk toll-free line at 888-890-

1995 .. (970) 494-55@ for ca llers from Puerto Rico and Guam.

Log in to ex.isting account

User ID


r Show Pa5sword

itii Create New Aorount

As Sponsored User: After clicking on the “Review…” link in CDX Sponsorship Request email, you will be prompted to type your User ID and Password and click “Log In”


CO)(:.- IRcJl!e Sp onsorship, Plroces.s

You are here·: Role SD-onisorshiD-.» Role Sponso rship Review

SponsoHhip Information -------------------------------------------------


Arogram Seri.rice


Manufaotu reli'' Code

Ellgirie-s and Vehide-s - Com nam:e I nformation Sys em

iffiOMERR Signer


A ODX offiicial · or trne program service allove is req1 esting to vie "' your contact irrr ormatio to ~pornsor yolll fo r trne co rresp onding rofe. Yollll mary cho0--se o approve or rej ect this requ:est l:Jry making thle appropriate selection below.

Elt4fd iH❖I

As Sponsored User: Review Sponsorship Information and click “Approve”


& EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

Home About Recent Announcements T enns and Conditions FAQ Help

CD~ Role Sponsorship Process

You are here: Role Sponsorship » Rolle Sponsorship Rev1iew » Account Registration

Registration Information

Program Servke


Engines and Vehicles - Compliance Information System


Provide any required additiona l information, if applicable.

Select Role lcROMERR Siginer .., I

Manufacturer Code * IEPA

Request Role Access ■ :fflj

• • •II I (Lgg out)

As Sponsored User: Review assigned Role and Manufacturer Code and click “Request Role Access”


You are here: Role SRQnsorshiR » Role SRQnsorshiR Review » Account Registration

Registration Information

Program Service Engines and Vehicles - Compliance Information System


The following information was entered by a CDX user on your behalf . Please review and make any modifications before completing

your profile information . Fields with asterisks (*) indicate required fields.

Part l : User Information

The program you are registering for requires additional proof of identity. Later in the registration process you wi ll be given the

opt ion to use LexisNexis, an identitv oroofina service. LexisNexis will pull your fi rst, middle and last name exactly as it is

entered on th is page.

User ID *


First Name *

Middle Initial

Last Name *


Part 2: Organ ization Info

Christ i

@ Select a Current Organization

Request to Add an Organization

Select a Current Organization

Select an organization from the dropdown list.


Submit Request for Access

As Sponsored User: Review pre-populated User Information and click “Select a Current Organization” then click “Submit Request For Access”


Services O: Manage

.. """ P1rog1ram Service Name

EV--CIS: Engines a11d Vehioles -- Compl'iance I11formatim1 System

EV--CIS: Engines a11d Vehioles -- Compl'iance I11formatio11 System

.. "'l!I"

Add Program Se1Vice Manage Your Program Services



Logg,ed in as 1

CDX Service Availab1l1ty

See the status for al l p:rogram services

News and Updates

No news/updates ..

As Sponsored User: After completing account registration, you will be returned to the “MyCDX” screen and CAO must now act on email they receive before you can complete the process


Part 3: CAO Signs ESA Authorizing Sponsored User For The Requested Role For Your Company


EPA United stales Envimnmmt:al Protection Agency

Home About Recent Announoements Terms and Conditions FAQ Help

CD){~ Role Sponsorship Process

You are here: Role SRonsorshiR» Role Sponsorsh ip Review

Sponsorship Information

[email protected] Email


Program Service



Engines and Vehicles - Compliance Information System

Submit ter

Manufacturer Code EPA

Role Information

Z Contact Us Logged in as CH RISTIPOIRIER (.!,,Qg out)

A request was submitted for you to sponsor the COX ro le above. Please select the ro le you wish to use as a sponsor for this request.

• Sellect an Existing Role

0 Add a New Role



IJHM&i 1@1¥,i

I EPA (2000 TRAVERWOOD DRIVE, ANN ARBOR, MI, us 48105) .,. I

I Company Approving Official (CAO) - EPA ... I

As CAO: If you click the “Review…” link from email, need to click “Select an Existing Role”, select your Organization, select “CAO” for the Role, and click “Approve”


& EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

Horne About Recent Announcements Terms and Conditions FAQ Help

CD~ Central Data Exchange m contact us logg.ed in as CHRISTIPOIRIIER (LQg out)

Role Sponsorship Submission History Payment History E-Enterprise Portal

You are here: Role SponsorslliP- Tools» Pending-.SP-Qnsorship R.:e~uests - Search » Pending Sponsorship Req uest Search


Pending Sponsorsh ip Request Search IResullts

2 items found; displaying 1 to 2 ..

Requestor Information

Holly Pugl iese (PUGLIESEH)

... ... Reguest Detai ls

Organization: EPA P1rogram Se1rvice : EV-CS Role: CROMERR Signer View Details

... ... Reguest Date

1/13/2020 2:00 :41 PM

Page 1 of 1


./AP-P-rnve 0 Reject

As CAO: If you do a search from Pending Sponsorship Request page, click “Approve” for the desired pending request


You are heire: Role Sporl00rshi11_» R,o e Sp onsorship Signat ure

IEl!ectmnic Sponsor Agreement

The eleotronic sponsor agreerrne11t is a:n agreement between he ~Ssignature holder ,and you, on behalf o the organi!Z".ilttio , ha 1,vm authori~e ttie signature holder's elec.trn11ic signature. By si g ning1 t he sponsor letter, you wil l be auth oriizin.g1 t he signature hold er o

sign and/ or encryp information for your organiz·ation ..

Authorizled Official Si~11a.1lure

1 am an autlmiziiiz, affk ia.l and an ele:tronic ~~ n1i der in l; . EJPA'.s CDX for the organiz;ilion listed. belo\\~ and I verify !hat the person idenhf"ted as fue electron- sign.ature holder he Gt\' is autho.i:iized to Mlncif on heb.alf of :my crgaruzatio.n_

C-DX l'ser ID'. CiiRISTOOOOER Nani:2 of Authori:z.ed. Offic -al: Comp;my . ;.in e:

Comp;my Adtlress:


EJledro:n±c: .S~uature Holder fo r Submission ofluformatimi

~Ifs Ohristi . airi:er

fil>A ~OOOTAAVER: "00D D:RIVE,,. u ARBOR, lfI, l."S 4810 -


I ackru:mrled~e, by nil}' ,-i~ e below iliat fue acCUl';Jfj' ofilie sW:emetUs in all e eclramc mbmisSoions. refled my bes , predi,ction of the .ur.ticipated. fac _ regardin§ ilie, infimnafio11 ~cribed. fuerem_ _411)· knowing ;md m1lful misrepre.5e.'1Wion. is Soubjecit fo crimi:iral p,2lla)ly p.ursu.ur.t kl 1 SC 1 . 1.

I also a-c,kncmiledge fuaf- · omauiliorized fo 3-1!lbw.i" oru_ oo. beha f ofilie ~ ion r sted.abm,e. ODX r ser ID'. GLIESEH _ i'Jm2 of EJlectroni~ Si~ ture Holder:

Sign EIE!dronic.rllv


As CAO: Review ESA and click “Sign Electronically”


I certify, under penalty of law that the information

pmvided in this dorument is, to the best of my

knowledg:e and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I

am aware that there are significant penalt ies for

submitting fa lse informat1ion, including the possibility of

fines and 'imprisonment for knowing vio lat ions.


As CAO: Review attestation statement and click “Accept”


1. Authent ication Log into CDX

User :



•••••••••• Show Passwor d D Welcome Christi Poirier

2. Verifi cation

Question :

What is your favorite ho bby?

A n swer:

••••• Show Answer D Correct Answer

3. Sign IFile

As CAO: This is a 3-step window. First type Password and click “Login”, answer security question and click “Answer”, and lastly click “Sign


& EPA United States Environmerital Proterl:Don Agency

Home About Recent An nounceme11ts Terms and Conditions FAQ

1CD~ Central Data Exchange S Contact Us lo (lg:ed in as CH RISTIPOIRIER .(Log out)

MyCDX Role Sponsorship Submission History Payment History E-Enterpnise Portal

You a e here: Role SponsorshiP- Tools » Pending_s11onsorshiR Roouests - Seiirch» Pend·ng Sponsorship Request Search


Pending Sponsorship Request Search Resu lts

0 items found; displayingi Oto 0.

Re~uesto:r Information Reguest Details

No data was found match"ng your cr"ter1ia. Please search again . ,~,,

Re~uest Date

Page 1 of 1


As CAO: After signing ESA, you will be returned to the “Role Sponsorship” tab and no further action is necessary by you for this sponsorship


Part 4: Sponsored User Completes CROMERR Signer Role Activation By Completing Electronic Identity Proofing and Signing ESA


CDX=- Role Sponsorship Process

You are here: Role SP-QnsorshiP-» Complete Account

Registration Information



Prog ram Service

Ro le

Manufacturer Code

Miss Holly Pugliese {PUGLIESEH)

Engines and Vehicles - Compliance I nformation System



Please review your contact information below before proceeding to complete your account registration.

Provide Contact Information





Phone Number *

Phone Number Ext

Fax Number


1(734) 214-4288

il!I Contact Us

Logged in as PUGLIESEH ( l,Qg out)

As Sponsored User: Click “log in…” link from CDX email, log in to CDX, review contact information and click “Submit”


Logged in as PUGLIESEH ( bQg..2.l!!:)

1. Identity Verification ii+t+ The program you are registering for requires additional proof of identity. Identity verification al lows the EPA to confirm applicants

have provided sufficient identity information in order to conduct business safely and securely. Your opt ions are to use the

electronic identity proofing service for immediate access to your program service or to print and submit a signed form through U.S.

Postal Mail to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Note: Additional LexisNexis® Information

LexisNexis® I nstant ID (View Guidance)

Legal Name

!Holly Pugliese

Home Address

!Address Line 1 *

!Address Line 2

~ICi~ty_* ______ ~I ~I s_ta_te_*_~• I lzip Code*

Home or Personal Phone

!Home or Personal Phone I

Date of Birth I Month* • I l~D-ay- *--~• 11 Year*

Last 4of SSN

l~La_st_ 4_ o_f_S_S_N* ___ ~I D Show SSN

D The name above is me. Please proceed with LexisNexis® Validation .

Proceed with Verification Pa~r Verification Exit

As Sponsored User: Type required information for electronic identity proofing and click “Proceed with Verification”


dentity Verification with LexisNexis®

Registration roles often require government id va lidation for remote electronic access. Personally identifying

information, such as Social Security Numbers, are not permanently retained but securely validated against existing

3rd Party records for the purpose of va lidating your identity for access authority. While your government id will not

be collected, evidence of your input, as well as the success or fa ilure of validat ion against the 3rd Party vendor, will

be recorded. By proceeding with electronic verification, you understand that the service is voluntary and that you are

validating personally identifying information against a 3rd-Party service which will return evidence of identity

validation back to the U.S. Environmental Protect ion Agency.

Cl ick here EXIT to learn more about the technology behind LexisNexis® and who is using their services.

Under Tit le 40 CFR Part §3.2000 the Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule (CROMERR) requires that certain

reporting functions subject to Title 40 perform identity proofing based on a government identifier or objects of

independent origin, one not subject to change without government action.

Benefits of LexisNexis® Electronic Ident ity Verification:

• Identity authent ication in real time

• Accelerated access to program service

• Enhanced fraud detection

• Reduced risk of exposure

• Strengthen customer experience

As Sponsored User: “Additional LexisNexis Information” Link


to the CDX Development environment. This is a non-production environment and is not to be used for any regulatory activity.

CDX:;- CDX Registration : LexisNexis ®

1. Identity Verification Ii½# The program you are reg istering for requires add it iona l proof of identity. Ident ity verification allows the EPA to confirm applicants

have provided sufficient ident ity information in order to conduct business safely and securely. Your options are to use the

electronic identity proofing service for immediate access to your program service or to print and submit a signed form through U.S.

Postal Mail to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Note: Additional LexisNexis® Information

Home or Personal Phone

!Home or Personal Phone

Date of Birth

~ th* 7 Coav:* 7 [Year* 7 Last 4 of SSN

~1La_st_ 4_o_f _SS_N_* ___ ~I D Show SSN


As Sponsored User: LexisNexis “View Guidance” Link


& EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

Home About Recent Announcements Terms and Conditions FAQ Help

C!D)(: Central Data Exchange ~ Contact Us

Logged in as PUGLIESEH (Log out).

CDX Reg istration: Add itional Verificat ion

1. Identity Verification ~ 2. Signature Question • • - I - 4. ESA

You are reg istered for a program that requires signature question verificatiion. Please select five (5) signature questions and answers. The questions that you select should be questions that you can remember, but difficult for anyone else to guess.

Select 5 Signature Q11estions. and Answers

~W_ h_at_is~y_o_u_r_fa_v_o_r_ite_· _v_a_ca_o_·o_n_d_e_s_ti_n_a_ti_on_?_, ------~" I••••••••

~W_ h_at_is~y_o_u_r_fa_v_o_r_ite~ p_e_t's_ n_a_m_e_? __________ __," I••• Who is your favorite author? ,. 1--•--•

:::=====::'.:======================================~· ,_W_ h_at_is_,y_o_u_r_fa_v_o_r_ite_._TV_ s_h_o_w_? ___________ __," I•••• ~W_ h_at_is~y_o_u_r_fa_v_o_r_ite_ b_o_o_k7_. ____________ __," I•••• n Show Answers

Save Answers

As Sponsored User: Select 5 security questions from the dropdowns, provide answers, and click “Save Answers”


CD)(: CDX Registration: Additional Verification

iS Contact Us

Log ged in as PUGLIESEH (!,Qg out)

1. Identity Verification¥' I • -. - . 3. Mobile Number ¥' li#Wi Electronic CDX Elect ronic Signature Agreement The COX electronic signature ag reement ( ESA) is an agreement between yourself and COX t hat will authorize your electronic signature. By signing the ESA you ag ree to

adhere to the conditions listed on the agreement below . Once the ESA has been signed, you w ill be authorized to sign and/ or encrypt info rmation for yo ur data flow. For any

quest ions rega rding the CDX ESA please co ntact the COX Helg Desk .

Signing an electronic document on behalf of another person is subject to criminal, civil, administrative, or other lawful action.



EV-CIS Team c/o CGI Federa l, Inc. 12601 Fair Lakes Circle Fai1fax, VA 22033


I certify, tmder penalty of law that the infonnation provided in this document is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, tiu e, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false infonnation, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations . Signing an electl'onic document on behalf of another person is subject to criminal, civil, I administl'ative, or other lawfol action.

Sign Electronically cancel

As Sponsored User: Review ESA and click “Sign Electronically”


I certify, under penalty of law that the information

provided in this document is, to the best of my

knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I

am aware that there are significant penalties for

submitting false information, including the possibility of

fines and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Signing an electronic document on behalf of another

person is subject to criminal, civil, administrative, or

other lawful action.

¢idd§JJ l•Mlidi

As Sponsored User: Review Attestation statement and click “Accept”


1. Authentication Log into CDX




•••••••••• Show Password 0 Welcome Holly Pugliese

2. Verification


What is your favorite vacation



•••••••• Show Answer 0 Correct Answer

3. Sign File


As Sponsored User: Type Password and click “Login”, Answer security question and click “Answer”, and lastly click “Sign”


U EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

Home About Recent A1rmouncements Terms and Conditions FAQ

CD"=' Central IData Exchange

Services a: Manage

Status ... "' IProg1r,am Service IName

EV-.□s: Engines and Vehiol es - Compl'iance Information System

EV-.□s: Engines and Vehiol es - Compl'iance Information System

... ,..

Add Program Service Manage Your Program Services





CDX Service Availability

See the status for al I RrDQ rn m services

News and Updates

No news/updates.

As Sponsored User: After completing electronic identity proofing and ESA process, you will be returned to the “MyCDX” page and your new CROMERR Signer role will now be active

