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TE. 140963










Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Gain an Undergraduate

Degree (S.1) in English Education


TE. 140963






Thanks to Allah SWT, The most Gracious, The most Merciful

for the blessing and leading me.

I could finally finish writing this thesis.

Sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

His coming really changed the world

This Thesis I dedicate special to:

My adored father M. SALEH, A.Md., my adored mother HARTATI, my

beloved sister PUSPA NIRWANA, S.IP. and my beloved brothers DEDY

HARWANSYAH and BENY KURNIAWAN, S.H. who always love and

encourage me and never stop praying for my success now and in the future with

endless love, always being with and guiding me, your prayers are really powerful.

My lovely Friends Yusnida Tanjung, Diah Oktriana, Titis Eka Rahayu, Ani

Safitri, All members of Rempong’s Squad who always stand by me no matter

what you guys are always there beside me, support me, help me and won‟t let my

tears down.

Thanks a lot to all of my classmate (PBI C 2014), my KKN friends, and my PPL

friends who cannot say your name one by one, thank you for being my best

friends in giving support every day, thanks for help, suggestions and spirit in

arranging this thesis, without all of you I don‟t mean.

May Allah SWT always bless us.

Aamiin .


بسم ٱلله ٱلرحم ن ٱلرحيم

علق (١)اق رأباسمربكالذيخلق (٢)خلقاإلنسانمن

(٣) اق رأوربكاألكرم (٤) الذيعلمبالقلم (٥)علماإلنسانمالمي علم

Meaning: Recite in the name of your Lord who created. Create man from a

clinging substance. Recite and your Lord is the most Generous. Who taught by the

pen (Al- Alaq, 1-5)

(Al-Qur‟an Al- Kareem in English Translation, 2018)

Artinya: “Bacalah (wahai Muhammad) dengan nama Tuhanmu yang menciptakan

(sekalian makhluk). Ia menciptakan manusia dari sebuku darah beku; Bacalah,

dan Tuhanmu Yang Maha Pemurah,yang mengajarkan manusia melalui pena dan



Alhamdulillahirabbil‟alamin, thanks to Allah SWT because the writer

could complete this research as one of the requirements for getting undergraduate

degree (S1) in English Department of Tarbiyah faculty of State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi by presenting a thesis entitled: “The Effect of

using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Technique on

Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Eight Grade of Junior High School

06 Batanghari”

The writer would not have been completed without supports, guidance,

advice and special recognition for their invaluable help in accomplishing this

thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to express deep appreciation to:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as a rector of the state Islamic University Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

2. Prof. Dr. Sualdi, M.A.Phd, Dr. H. Hidayat, M.Pd, and Dr. Hj. Fadila

Husen, M.Pd as the vice rectors I, II, III of The State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

3. Dr. Hj. Armida, M.Pd.I as the Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty and Teacher

Training The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

4. Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd, Dr. Zawaki Afidal Jamil, M.Pd.I, Dr.

Kemas Imran, M.Pd.I as the vice dean I, II, and III Tarbiyah Faculty and

Teacher Training The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin


5. Amalia Nurhasanah, M.Hum as the chief of English Study Program in

Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin


6. Dr. Siti Raudhatul Jannah, M.Pd.I as the first advisor who has given a lot

of input such as correction, idea, and contribution of thought and

beneficial idea toward the progress of this thesis

7. Faiqah Mahmudah, M.Pd as the second advisor who has given a lot of

input such as correction, idea, and contribution of thought and beneficial

idea toward the progress of this thesis

8. All of lectures in Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic University Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi who have given knowledge to the writer.

9. Drs. Indra Darmius as the Principle of Junior High School 6 Batanghari

and his staff and teachers who have given their kindness as long as the

writer took the data

10. Zamris, S.Pd, the English teacher of Junior High School 6 Batanghari who

has given the writer guide and advice in conducting the research.

Finally, the writer expects this thesis will give contribution to be teaching

of English especially. The writer hopes critics and suggestions of the readers for

the perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT always give guidance and blessing

for me and readers. Aamiinyarabbalalamin.

The writer,


Name : Anggia Wahyuni

Major : English Educational Program

Tittle : The Effect of Using Cooperative Integrated Reading and

Composition (CIRC) Technique on Students’ Reading

Comprehension at the Eight Grade of Junior High School 06


This study aimed to find out the effect of using cooperative integrated

reading and composition (CIRC) technique on students‟ reading comprehension at

the eight grade of junior high school 06 batanghari, this research was quantitative

research and it was conducted by using quasi-experimental design with

nonequivalent control group design . The subject of this research was 50 students,

25 students in experimental class and 25 students in control class. The result of

the analysis indicated that the mean of post-test score in experimental class

(72.30) was higher than the mean of pre-test score in experimental class (48.16)

and the score of t-test by using paired sample t-test with a significant level (α)

0.05 was ttest ≥ ttable (-20,30 ≥ -2,02). So that H0 was rejected. It means there was a

significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension before and after being

taught by using cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC)

technique. Next, the result of the analysis indicated that the mean of post-test

score in experimental class (72.30) was higher than the mean of post-test score in

control class (57.28) and the score of t-test by using independent sample t-test

with a significant level (α) 0.05 was ttest ≥ ttable (3,53 ≥ 2,02). So, H0 was rejected.

It means, there was a significant differences on students‟ reading comprehension

between the students‟ taught by using cooperative integrated reading and

composition (CIRC) technique and those who were not at the eight grade of junior

high school 06 batanghari.

Keyword : CIRC Technique, Reading Comprehension.


Nama : Anggia Wahyuni

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Pengaruh menggunakan CIRC Teknik terhadap Pemahaman

Membaca Siswa pada kelas delapan di SMP 06 Batanghari.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh menggunakan teknik

CIRC terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa pada kelas delapan di SMP 06

Batanghari, penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, yang menggunakan quasi

eksperimental design dan subjek penelitian ini adalah 50 siswa. 25 siswa di kelas

percobaan dan 25 kelas di kelas kontrol Dari hasil analisis peneliti mengindikasi

bahwa hasil dari rata-rata nilai post-test dikelas eksperimen (72.23) lebih tinggi

dari nilai rata-rata pre-test dikelas eksperimen (48,16) dan hasil dari paired sample

t-test dengan signifikansi 0,05 adalah ttest ≥ ttable (-20,30 ≥ -2,02). jadi, H0 ditolak.

Itu artinya ada pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa

sebelum dan sesudah diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik CIRC. Selanjutnya,

dari hasil analisis peneliti mengindikasi bahwa hasil dari rata-rata nilai post-test

dikelas eksperimen (72,32) lebih tinggi dari nilai rata-rata post-test dikelas kontrol

(57,28) dan hasil dari independent sample t-test dengan signifikansi 0,05 adalah

ttest ≥ ttable (3,53 ≥ 2,02), jadi, H0 ditolak. Itu artinya ada perbedaan yang signifikan

pada pemahaman membaca siswa yang menggunakan teknik CIRC dengan siswa

yang tidak menggunakan teknik CIRC pada kelas delapan di SMP 06 Batanghari.

Kata Kunci : Teknik CIRC, Pemahaman Membaca.


Page of Tittle ...........................................................................................................

Official Note........................................................................................................... i

Thesis Approval .................................................................................................... ii

Originality Statement ........................................................................................... iii

Dedication ............................................................................................................ iv

Motto ..................................................................................................................... v

Acknowledgement................................................................................................ vi

Abstract .............................................................................................................. viii

Abstrak ................................................................................................................. xi

Table of Content .................................................................................................... x

List of Table ........................................................................................................ xii

List of Appendix ................................................................................................ xiii


A. Background of The Research .................................................................... 1

B. Identification of The Problem ................................................................... 3

C. Limitation of The Problem ........................................................................ 4

D. Formulation of The Problem ..................................................................... 4

E. Purpose of The Research ........................................................................... 5

F. Significance of The Research.................................................................... 5


A. Theory Framework .................................................................................... 6

B. Relevant Studies ...................................................................................... 16

C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................... 18

D. Hypothesis of The Research .......................................................................


A. Place and Time of The Research ............................................................. 21

B. Design of The Research .......................................................................... 21

C. Population and Sample ............................................................................ 22

D. Variable of The Research ........................................................................ 24

E. Instrument of Data Collecting ................................................................. 24

F. Technique of Analysis The Data ............................................................. 26

G. Statistical Hypothesis .............................................................................. 32

H. Schedule of The Research ....................................................................... 33


A. The Descriptive Analysis ........................................................................ 35

B. Statistical Analysis .................................................................................. 38

C. Interpretations ......................................................................................... 43


A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 46

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................... 47





Table 2.1 Generic Structure of Descriptive Text .................................................. 9

Table 2.2 Generic Structure of Recount Text ..................................................... 11

Table 2.3 Global Problem in Teaching and Learning Process of Reading ......... 20

Table 3.1 The Nonequivalent Control Group ..................................................... 22

Table 3.2 Population of The Research ................................................................ 23

Table 3.3 Total Sample of Population ................................................................ 24

Table 4.1 Students‟ Score of Experimental Class ............................................... 35

Table 4.2 Students‟ Score of Control Class ........................................................ 37

Table 4.3 The Result of Normality Test Pre-test ................................................ 39

Table 4.4 The Result of Normality Test Post-test ............................................... 40


Appendix 1 : Kisi-Kisi of Instruments ........................................................... 51

Appendix 2 : The Instruments and Answer Key of The Test ........................ 52

Appendix 3 : Students Score .......................................................................... 59

Appendix 4 : The Result of Normality Test ................................................... 61

Appendix 5 : The Result of Homogeneity Test ............................................. 77

Appendix 6 : The Result of Paired Sample T-test ......................................... 83

Appendix 7 : The Result of Independent Sampl T-test .................................. 86

Appendix 8 : Table Lilliefors ......................................................................... 90

Appendix 9 : Table Z .................................................................................... 91

Appendix 10 : Table Distribution F ................................................................. 92

Appendix 11 : Table Distribution T ................................................................. 96

Appendix 12 : Lesson Plan in Experimental Class .......................................... 97

Appendix 13 : Lesson Plan in Control Class ................................................. 111

Appendix 14 : Syllabus Curriculum 2013 ...................................................... 125

Appendix 15 : Documentation ....................................................................... 131



A. Background of the Research

English is an international language. Every human being needs language

as a medium of communication between individuals or even nations. This

language used in sciences, knowledge, and technology as well as education,

business and other activities inn world. In the past, English is the first foreign

language which is taught formally in junior high schools and senior high schools

in Indonesia and now it is also taught in elementary schools even in some

kindergartens. In fact, although English is not the new thing for junior high

school students, but they still get many difficulties in learning English because

English is neither their native language nor their second language. Such condition

makes the students not acquainted with English, whether in spoken or written

form. In teaching English, there are four language skills which should be teach to

the students. The skills are speaking, listening, reading and writing. The four skills

can be divided into two types there are receptive skills and productive skills.

According to Harmer (2007, p. 265), receptive skills (Listening and Reading) are

skills to summarize the meaning of discourse, while productive skills (Speaking

and Wriitng) are skills where students must produce their own language.

The four skills are essential in teaching and learning English. One of

them is reading. Reading is one of the English skill that is important to be improve

especially for academic. Reading is the way a person gets information from

written texts and words. Harmer (1991, in Darmayanti, 2014) stated that reading

is a skill controlled by the eyes and the brain. The eyes receive messages and then

the brain must determine the meaning of the messages. People read for various

reasons. They can read for pleasure when reading a story book, or for knowledge

as when reading a history book. In other words, Reading is important to readers

because they can increase their knowledge and get information after reading (Ayu,

et al. 2017)

Reading comprehension has multiple definitions and explanation.

According to Snow (2010, p. 417), reading comprehension is a complex activity

that involves interaction between the reader and the text. It means that to build

comprehension, there are two elements the readers itself and the text. The readers

build connection with the text to know the writers purpose in the text. It is a

process which involves between the readers and the reading materials to get

comprehension and meaning of the text.

Based on the result of interview that doing by the writer to some of the

eight grade students of Junior High S chool 06 Batanghari, the writer concluded

that the students have difficulties in reading comprehension, such as lack of

vocabulary, the concept of the words, unfamiliar syntatical grammar, etc. Beside

that, the students felt uninteresting when they were in process of learning the

English because the teacher just asked the students to read the text every meeting,

identifying the difficult words, translating the words and look up the dictionary if

they didn‟t know the meaning. This condition becomes the reason why the writer

wants to conduct a research by using technique that is cooperative integrated

reading and composition (CIRC) which will help the students to increasing their

ability of reading comprehension.

Cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique is one

of the learning techniques based on cooperation that is designed to develop

reading, writing and other language skills in the education. Slavin (1995, p. 104)

proposes that CIRC is a comprehensive program for reading and writing in the

upper elementary grades. While, according to Zainuddin (2015, p. 15), CIRC

came from cooperative learning which makes it easier for students to understand

the text given. Moreover, according to Slavin (2005, p. 186), Cooperative learning

can be defined as a learning approach in with small, mixed student group form

both in the class and out of the class environments to ensure students each other in

learning an academic subject in the scope of a common goal; where their self

esteem increases and their communication, solving - problem and critical

thinking skills develop; and where they actively participate in the teaching-

learning process.

CIRC is group of study that consists of students from different levels to

work of a series cooperative activities, partner reading, making predictions, etc.

The steps of applying CIRC in the class sre teacher presentation, grouping

consisted of four or three students, giving a text that appropriate with the topic,

working in group in doing some tasks based on the text and topic, discussion (they

will work together until all the members of group understand about the text, so

they can identify the text and answer the questions of reading comprehension

exercises), presenting the result of students‟ work, teacher‟ conclusion, and

closing. According to Suprijono (2009, p. 130-131), some steps of conducting

CIRC that students can be active in joining the teaching learning process are: a).

Grouping the class that consists of four students heterogeneously; b). Teacher

gives a text/ clipping which is appropriate with the topic; c). Students work

together in reading and finding main idea and giving idea toward the discourse/

clipping which is and they are written on paper; d). Presenting/reading the result;

e). Teacher gives conclusion together; f). Closing. Therefore, the goals of

cooperative integrated reading and composition is to improve reading

comprehension by minimizing the heterogeneous of students‟ ability in order to

make the teacher easy to teach in teaching learning process.

Based on the explanation and problems above, the researcher intends to

conduct the research entitled, “The Effect of using Cooperative Integrated

Reading and Composition (CIRC) Technique on Students’ Reading

Comprehension at the Eight Grade of Junior High School 06 Batanghari”.

B. Identification of the Problem

In this research, the writer identifies about the problem that related to

learning reading. In fact, reading skill is very less to implement in the learning

process. The students have difficulties in reading comprehension, such as lack of

vocabulary, the concept of the words, unfamiliar syntatical grammar. Beside that,

the students felt uninteresting when they were in process of learning the English

because the teacher just asked the students to read the text every meeting,

identifying the difficult words, translating the words and look up the dictionary if

they didn‟t know the meaning.

C. Limitation of the Problem

In this research, in order not to deviate from its original purpose and

given the limitations, capabilities and time that the authors have, as well as to

study and achieve the targeted goals, there should be restrictions on the problem,

they are :

1. This research examines English language lessons especially in student

reading skill

2. In this research, the researcher only focuses on the students at the

eighth grade of Junior High School 6 Batanghari.

3. The influence of CIRC Technique for the reading skill.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The problems of this research are formulated as follows:

1. Is there any significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension before

and after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading and

composition (CIRC) technique at the eighth grade of Junior High

School 6 Batanghari. ?

2. Is there any significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension

between the students who taught by using cooperative integrated reading

and composition (CIRC) technique and those who were not at the

eighth grade of Junior High School 6 Batanghari. ?

E. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research as follows:

1. To know the effect on students‟ reading comprehension before and after

being taught by using cooperative integrated reading and composition

(CIRC) technique at the eighth grade of Junior High School 6 Batanghari.

2. To find out the difference on students‟ reading comprehension between the

students who taught by using cooperative integrated reading and

composition (CIRC) technique and those who were not at the eighth grade

of Junior High School 6 Batanghari.

F. Significance of the Research

Hopefully, the result of this research is useful for teacher, students, and

all readers. The results will be used for the following:

1. For the teacher

The research expected to can be an alternative strategy in teaching

reading and make the English teacher knows that teaching reading is don‟t uses

monotonous teaching.

2. For the student

The research expected to help students increase their ability in learning

reading, and make students interest in learning reading.

3. For the writer

This research will help the writer to enlarge, improve the skills and

knowledge in conducting the research to find out the effect of using CIRC toward

the students‟ reading comprehension.



A. Theory Framework

1. Reading Comprehension

According to Tarigan (2008, p. 9), reading is a process in which done by

reader to get message or information from the writer through printed media. It is

very complex process in which recognize and comprehend written symbols are

influenced by perceptual skill, decoding, experiences, language background, mind

set and reasoning of reader.

Reading comprehension has multiple definitions and explanation.

Comprehension has same meaning with understanding. It is capability to grasp

meaning in a text and also the writer‟s idea. It is readers‟ ability to understand the

author‟s message which is influenced by their background knowledge in the topic

given by the text. According to Hornby (1995, p.235), comprehension is means

and has excessive aimed in improving or testing one‟s understands of a language

whether written or spoken. Comprehension is not only need in student‟s reading

activities, but also to measure the ability of each student in classroom. Snow

(2010, p. 417) said that reading comprehension is a complex activity that involves

interaction between the reader and the text.

Carrel (1988, p. 213) stated that reading comprehension in general

viewed is the resulting from the four way interaction between readers, text, task,

and structured activity. The success of this interaction depends of the availability

of quality of content and strategist schemata to new problem solving

situations. Moreover, reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously

extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with

written language. It entails three elements: the reader who is doing the

comprehending, the text that is to be comprehended, and the activities.

In short, reading comprehension is the act of understanding what readers are

being read. It is an intentional, active, interactive process that occurs before,

during and after a person reads a particular piece of writing.Without

comprehension, reading is nothing more than tracking symbols on a page with

eyes and sounding them out. People read for many reasons but understanding is

always a part of their purpose. Reading comprehension is important because

without it, reading doesn‟t provide the reader with any information.

According to Nuttal in Somadoyo (2011, p. 11), the purpose of reading is

a part of the process on reading comprehension, readers get the message or

meaning of the text, the message can be in the form of information of the text.

Tarigan in Somadoyo (2011, p.12) stated that the main purpose of reading

comprehension to find the answer in questions that is provided by the reader based

on the text of the reading. According to Grabe and Stoller (2009, p. 11) purposes

of reading into several points, they are as follows (1) Reading to search for simple

information; (2) Reading to skim quickly; (3) Reading to learn from the text; (4)

Reading to integrated information; (5) Reading to write; (6) Reading critique

texts; (7) Reading for general comprehension.

Based on the purpose of reading comprehension above, it can be

conclude that reading comprehension has a purpose to seek and obtain the

information, and make closely connected to a person‟s motivation for reading.

According to English Syllabus of School Unit Level Curriculum (K13),

there are two kinds of texts that must be learned by students. There are short

functional texts and text types. The short functional texts are short English texts

which exist in real life for example announcements, invitations, greeting cards,

etc. The text types include narrative, recount, and descriptive texts. Based on K13,

in the first semester at the eight grades using descriptive and recount text. As

stated in the basic competences and the syllabus of School Unit Level Curriculum,

there are kinds of texts are taught in order that students will achieve reading

comprehension. And the appropriate level for the eighth grade is literal

comprehension level that is a level of proficiency in which students can

communicate using both written and oral language to get things done. In this

research, the writer used Descriptive and Recount text.

1. Descriptive Text

Anderson (2003, p. 26) said that descriptive text describes particular

person, place, or things. Meanwhile, according to Zumakhsin (2005) in Fitri‟s

journal (2017, p. 3) , descriptive text is to describe what we see. In conclusion,

from all theories of descriptive text the writer make conclusion that descriptive

text is a text to retell about person, thing, and place. Its purpose is to describe and

reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

a) Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

According to Bamanti and Oktaviani (2011, p. 50) the generic structure of

descriptive text is divided into two parts, there are:

1. Identification

It identifies the particular participant (person, place, thing, etc) that

will be described.

2. Description

It describes the particular participant detail including the physical

description, characteristic, etc.

b) The languages features in a descriptive text

1. Focusing on specific participants (person, place, animal, thing),

2. The use of attributive and identifying processes,

3. Frequent use of epithets classifiers in nominal groups (adjective use),

4. The use of Simple Present Tense.

c) The Example of Descriptive Text

Adapted from 2nd

grade junior high school of English text book in fitri‟s

thesis (2017, p. 23), the example of recount text can be see in table below :

Table 2.1 Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Generic Structure Barack Obama

Identification Barack Obama is the most phenomenal state

leader oF USA. He was broken the myth of the

impossibilities. He become the first black US

president. He was underestimated since the

nomination but the finally won the ticket to the

White House where he lives and manages US.

Description His full name is Barack Hussein Obama.

People often call him Barack Obama or Obama

only. He is African-American. He was born on 4

August 1961 in Honolulu, USA. Obama is quite

tall, 183 cm. He has oval face, baldheaded, and

black skin. His face looks patient and strong. He

always keeps smiles when he gives speech.

Obama has got married to Michelle. They have 2

daughters, Malia and Natasha Obama. Obama‟s

hobby is having sport. He likes playing golf in

his spare time. Obama also loves blogging. He

writes on his twitter quite often.

2. Recount Text

Anderson (1997, p. 48) in Junariyah (2014) stated that recount text is a

pieces of a text that retells past events, usually in the order in which they

happened. This statement also supported by Pardiyono (2006, p. 58) in Nurvasari

(2017), he said that recount text is the record of events in the past time. In

addition, Hartono (2005, p. 6) stated that the sosial function of recount text is to

retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

From those statements above, it can be conclude that recount text is a text

which retells events or xperiences in the past to inform or entertain the audience

(listeners or readers), or both.

a) Generic Sturucture of Recount Text

There are three important generic structures that take account on recount

text. According to Harris (1993, p. 42) in Nurvasari (2017), the structure of the

recount text are orientation, events, and evaluation.

1. Orientation

This is the introductory part of the story. It provide the background

information where the author tell the reader who is in the story, where the

story is happening, and when the story take place. From this part the reader

can get the insight what will happens in the next part of the story.

2. Events

It present events; what people do ? It tells the events chronologically.

It uses conjuctions or connectives like: first, next, then, finally and so on.

They show sequence of events.

3. Re-orientation

It presents the concluding comments. It expresses the author‟s

personal opinion regarding the events described.

b) Language Feature of Recount Text

There are some of language feature in recount text. According to

Anderson (1997, p. 50) in Junariyah (2014), the language featurs usually found in

a recount text are :

a) Proper nouns to identify those involved in the text

b) Descriptive words to give details about who, when, where, what, and how

c) The use of the past tense to retell the events

d) Words that show the order of events (for example: first, next, then, etc)

c) The Example of Recount Text

Adapted from 2nd

grade junior high school of English text book in

Junariyah (2014, p. 17-18), the example of recount text can be see in table below :

Tabel 2.2 Generic Structure of Recount Text

Generic Structure A Beautiful Day at Jogja

Orientation This morning my friends and I went to EOS

studio. It‟s not very far from our school, so we

just rode our bicycles.

Events First, we met Shanty and Rico outside the

studio. Then, they look us into the studio and

showed us around. After that, we had lunch at

EOS canteen. The food was delicious. Before we

went home, we took some photographs with

Shanty and Rico.

Re-orientation It was tiring bu we were very happy.

3. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)

CIRC stand for (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition).

Cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique is one of the

learning techniques based on cooperation that is designed to develop reading,

writing and other language skills in the education. Zainuddin (2015, p. 15) said

that CIRC came from cooperative learning which makes it easier for students to

understand the text given. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition

(CIRC) is one of the types of a cooperative learning method. It is a comprehensive

program for teaching reading and writing. Slavin (1995, p. 104) proposes that

CIRC is a comprehensive program for reading and writing in the upper

elementary grades. Madden (2004) studies that CIRC is teaching technique that

focuses on two skills, reading and writing. This two skills drill students‟ mastery

of language arts. The technique guides teachers in motivating students to work in

group at the same or different reading level.

CIRC technique activities are suitable to increase students reading

comprehension. It is noted by her three main elements of the technique, there are

basic activity, direct teaching of reading comprehension, and language art

(Sharan, 1999, p. 56).

As Durukan‟s thesis (2010, p.21), CIRC technique is realization of

cooperative learning that accommodates reading, writing and other language

skills. He adds that skill-based reading groups approach encourages development

of this technique.

1) The Major Components of CIRC

According to Slavin (1995, p. 106-108), the major components of CIRC

are presented as follows :

a) Reading Groups

If reading groups are used, students are divided into two or these groups

according to their reading level as determined by the teacher.

b) Teams

Students are assigned to pairs or triads within their reading groups, and

then the pairs make a team composed from different level. For example, a team

might be composed from two students from high level group and two from low

level group. Team members receive points based on their individual performance

on all quizzes, compositions, and book reports, and these points from teams score.

c) Story-Related Activities

Students use descriptive and recount text. Texts are introduced and

discussed in teacher – led reading groups. In these groups, teacher set a purpose of

reading, introduce new vocabulary, review old vocabulary, discuss the story after

students have read it, and etc.

d) Partner Reading

Students read the text silently, and take turns with other to read aloud,

alternating each paragraph. These listeners correct any errors the readers make.

The teachers assess the students‟ reading by going around from one group to

another and listening to them.

e) Story Grammar and Listening to them

Students are given questions related to the text that emphasize text


f) Word out loud

Students are given a list of new of difficult words, and asked to read the

word correctly. They practice with their partners or teammates until they can read

the words correctly.

g) Word meaning

Students are given a list of new words, and asked them to look for the

definition in the dictionary, paraphrase, and make sentence by using those words.

h) Story Retell

After reading the text and discussing it in their groups, students

summarize the main points of the text to their partner.

i) Spelling

Students pretest one another a list of spelling words each week, and then

over the course of the week to help one another master the list.

j) Tests

At the end of class period, students are given a comprehension test on the

story, asked to read aloud the list of difficult words, and write meaningful

sentences for those words.

k) Independent Reading and Book reports

Students are asked to read a book of their choice and make book reports.

They contribute bonus points for their teams if they complete book reports


2) Steps of CIRC

CIRC consists of three principal elements: basal-related activities, direct

instruction in reading comprehension, and integrated language arts and writing.

Slavin (1995, p. 106) proposed some steps in CIRC, they are teacher presentation,

team practice, independent practice, peer pre-assessment, additional practice, and


Huda (2011, p. 126-127) states some steps in conducting CIRC as


a) Students are placed in small groups, not only homogeny but also


b) They follow teacher‟s instructions in reading and writing ability

c) Practice

d) Pre-assessment

e) Quiz

While, Suprijono (2009, p. 130-131) also proposes some steps of

conducting CIRC that students can be active in joining the teaching learning


a) Grouping the class that consists of four students heterogeneously

b) Teacher gives a text/ clipping which is appropriate with the topic

c) Students work together in reading and finding main idea and giving idea

toward the discourse/ clipping which is and they are written on paper

d) Presenting/reading the result

e) Teacher gives conclusion together

f) Closing.

In reference to the explanation above, the steps of CIRC used in the

classroom activities contribute to the students‟ reading learning process. The steps

of CIRC should be appropriate to the students. So, the teacher can achieve the

target of achieving students‟ learning process. From the explanation of the steps of

CIRC from some experts above, it can be concluded that the steps of CIRC should

be included with teacher presentation, grouping consisted of four or three

students, giving a text that appropriate with the topic, working in group in doing

some tasks based on the text and topic, discussion, presenting the result of

students‟ work, teacher‟ conclusion, and closing.

3) Advantages of CIRC

According to Slavin (1995, p. 105), there are four advantages of CIRC as

follow :

a) Increase students‟ opportunities to read aloud and receive feedback on

their reading

b) Train the students to respond to one another‟s reading

c) The students learn broadly app increase licable reading comprehension


d) Increase reading comprehension of low-achieving students.

B. Relevant Studies

The writer has found three relevant studies which related to this research.

First research comes from Tri Widiastuti (2014) conducted a research which

entitled ”Improving Students‟ Reading Comprehension Through CIRC Strategy

(Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) at Second Class of Junior

High School 25 Jambi”. The research method used in this research was clasrrom

action research. In this research, the researher used observation checklist, field

note, test and giving questionare to the students at second class of junior high

school 25 Jambi. Based on the findings and discussion of the research, it can be

concluded that the implementing of cooperative integrated reading and

composition strategy in reading was successful to improve students‟ reading

comprehension and students‟ active participation in teaching-learning of reading


Second, a reseach was done by Siti Mursidah (2013) who analyze “The

Effect of Cooperative Learning Type Cooperative Integrated Reading and

Composition (CIRC) Towards Students‟ Reading Achievement at Eleventh Grade

Islamic Senior High School Olak Kemang Jambi City”. The research used

quantitative research which employed quasi experimental-nonequivalent control

group design. data collection that she used in her research was test. in experiment

class she used Cooperative Type CIRC, while in control class without using

CIRC. Based on the research, researcher found that the use of CIRC strategy

significantly effect the results of student learning English in Islamic Senior High

School Olak Kemang Jambi City. The result of this study was effective to

improve students‟ Reading Achievement.

Third, a research of Junariyah (2014) which entitled “The Effectivness of

Using CIRC Technique to Improve Students‟ Reading Comprehension on

Recount Text. This research was a pre-experimental study at second year students

of MtsN Rajeg-Tanggerang. Based on the result of the study, it showed that there

are significance different between students‟ score in learning reading

comprehension on recount text before and after applying CIRC technique. it can

be seen that t0 is 6,67 and degree of freedom (df) is 24, whereas the value of tt on

the degree or significance 5% and 1% are 2.064 and 2.797. In other word, the

value of t0 (tobservation) is higher than tt (ttable). It means that the alternative

hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. So, CIRC

technique is effective to improve students‟ reading comprehension on recount


Those relevant studies above have differences with this research. This

research was held at the eight grade students of Junior High School O6 Batanghari

which analyze students‟ reading comprehension on recount text by using CIRC

technique. in thia research, the writer used quasi experimental design which is

consist of two classes. The first class is experiment class and the second class is

control class. In the quasi experimental design of this research, the writer used

nonequivalent control group design whose groups were not randomly selected.

Moreover, the instrument used in this research only used pre-test and post test and

also only focus on reading.

C. Conceptual Framework

In order to avoid misunderstanding toward the research and to clarify the

theory that writer uses in this research, the writer would like to explain briefly

about variable of this research. This research is experimental research which

focuses on gaining the effect of using cooperative integrated reading and

composition toward students‟ reading comprehension. Therefore, in analyzing the

problem in this research there are two variables used in this research:

1. Variable X is Cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC)

technique as an independent variable. It refers to the technique used by the

teacher to teach reading.

2. Variable Y is a dependent variable and it refers to the students reading


Reading is one of the language skills that students should be mastered and

it involves texts of different types. It is the skill or ability of getting information

from a text. Thus, the teaching and learning of reading at the school should be

carefully prepared and managed. However, some problems of reading in the grade

VIII students were found. The grade VIII students at SMP Negeri 6 Batanghari,

have difficulties to retrieve information and construct meaning of a text. It can be

detected from their difficulty in generating the main idea and identifying detail

information while both of those problems are included as the skills of reading.

The students also seemed to have difficulties in vocabulary. They are so

struggle to translate every single word in the text when they actually can try

guessing the meaning from the context. Regarding to the problems found at the

school, some possible ways are proposed to solve them. In the matter of students‟

vocabulary difficulty, grouping can facilitate the students to guess the meaning

from context and answer the questions of the text. Making a group is also

proposed to support the students in connecting their prior knowledge to the

information of the texts.

Cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique is one

of the learning techniques based on cooperation that is designed to develop

reading, writing and other language skills in the education. CIRC technique

activities are suitable to increase students reading comprehension because the

technique guides teachers in motivating students to work in group at the same or

different reading level. The steps of CIRC used in the classroom activities

contribute to the students‟ reading learning process. The steps of CIRC should be

appropriate to the students. So, the teacher can achieve the target of achieving

students‟ learning process. From the explanation of the steps of CIRC from some

experts above, it can be concluded that the steps of CIRC should be included with

teacher presentation, grouping consisted of four or three students, giving a text

that appropriate with the topic, working in group in doing some tasks based on the

text and topic, discussion, presenting the result of students‟ work, teacher‟

conclusion, and closing.

This research, however, does not improve all of the skills (micro and

macro skills) of reading at once. It merely strengthens some points considered

from the students‟ problems in reading as mentioned earlier. Cooperative

integrated reading and composition (CIRC) mainly focuses on improving the

students‟ reading comprehension especially the students‟ problem in reading

comprehension, such as lack of vocabulary, the concept of the words, unfamiliar

syntaticcal grammar, etc. Beside that, the students feel monotonous and

uninteresting when they are in process of learning because the teacher just asked

the students to read the text every meeting, identifying the difficult words,

translating the words and look up the dictionary if they don‟t know the meaning.

By using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) both

the teacher and the students can be assisted in their own roles during the teaching

and learning of reading. The students can be helped to improve their

comprehension and the teacher can be more involved and active to guide the

students during the reading.

Table 2.3

Global Problems in Teaching and Learning Process of Reading

D. Hypothesis of the Research

H01 : There is a significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension

before and after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading

and composition (CIRC) technique.

Ha1 : There is no a significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension

before and after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading

and composition (CIRC) technique.

H02 : There is a significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension

between the students who taught by using cooperative integrated

reading and composition (CIRC) technique and those who were not.

Ha2 : There is no a significant difference on students‟ reading

comprehension between the students who taught by using cooperative

integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique and those who

were not.

Global problems in teaching and

learning process of reading in class

VIII-A SMP Negeri 6 Batanghari

Vocabulary difficulty

The lack interest of Reading


Students‟ less participation

The teacher teach by using

conventional strategy

Resolution of the problems

Pre-teaching vocabulary

and introducing the key


Teaching reading using


Group discussion,

interesting media.



A. Place and Time of the Research

This research conducted at the eight grade of junior high school 06

Batanghari which was located at Jl. Sungai Abang Kel. Kampung Baru Kec.

Muara Tembesi Kab. Batanghari. The writer choose this school because based on

the students problems experienced in learning English especially Reading, the

writer thought that applying CIRC technique at the eight grade of this school was

appropriate with the research. The writer conducted the research about one month.

The research will held in August until September 2018 at the first semester in

academic year 2018/2019.

B. Design of the Research

This research, the writer used quantitative-experimental approach to

collect the data. According to Latief (2015, p. 95), Experimental research

measured the effect of one manipulated and controlled (independent) variable

to another (dependent) variable, like the effect of different methods of teaching

to the students‟ achievement, the effect of an English training methods to

participants‟ English skills. Experimental research is a powerful research

method to establish cause-and-effect relationship (Borg, W.R., Gall, M.D.

1989, p. 639) as cited in Latief (2015, p. 95).

The design of this research was quasi experimental research. Sugiyono

(2013, p. 77) stated that quasi experimental research is a type of research that

have a control group, but not fully functional to control external variables that

affect the experiment. In the quasi experimental research, the writer used

nonequivalent control group design. This design was done in two groups; the

experimental group and the control group which is not randomly selected.

The aims of this research is to know the significant effect of using

CIRC technique on reading comprehension at the eight grade students‟ of

junior high school 06 Batanghari. Before providing treatment, both groups gave

a pretest to find out the extent of the students‟ initial knowledge in reading

comprehension. In this research, experimental groups was the groups that

received treatment by CIRC technique, while the control group was the group

that did not received treatment without using CIRC technique. furthermore,

both groups were given a posttest to know the result of using CIRC technique

in descriptive and recount text on students‟ reading comprehension. Sugiyono

(2013, p. 79) described the design as follow :

Table 3.1 The Nonequivalent Control Group Design

O1 X O2

O3 O4

Where :

O1 : Pre-test of experimental group

O2 : Post-test of experimental group

O3 : Pre-test of control group

O4 : Post-test of control group

X : Treatment

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Sugiyono (2013, p. 80), population is a generalization

area consisting of; objects or subjects that have the same qualities and

characteristics. The populations of this research were all of eight grade

students of junior high school 06 Batanghari. Totaling the students of eight

grades was 117 students and divided into 6 classes.

Table 3.2 Population of the Research

No Class Number of Students

1 VIII A 29

2 VIII B 29

3 VIII C 29

4 VIII D 28

5 VIII E 29

6 VIII F 29

2. Sample

Sample is a small group in population. Arikunto (2010, p. 174)

defined that sample is a part or the representative of the population that will

be studied. Furthermore, According to Sapsford and Jupp (2006, p. 26), a

sample is a set of elements selected in some way from a population. In this

research, the writer used purposive sampling technique to get the sample.

Kasmadi and Sunariah (2013, p. 66) stated that purposive sampling

technique is the technique of determination of samples with specific

samples and specific consideration. The writer took samples in this research

based on the purpose. The purpose of the writer is to find a homogeneous

ability of the students in the class. Therefore, the way of writer selects the

sample by asking one of the English teacher at the school and looking at the

list of students grades from each class. So, it can be concluded that the

students who have homogenenous ability in the class were VIII A and VIII

C. VIII A as an experimental class and VIII C as a control class. The

students in both classes have medium ability. In this research, the writer

took 25 students from these class as the sample for conducting the process

of data analysis because those students were constantly followed all the

treatments given from the beginning until the end of the research.

Table 3.3 Total Sample of Population

No Class Number of Students

1 VIII A 25

2 VIII C 25

Total 50 Students

D. Variable of the Research

Variable is the object of research that became the focus of the

writer in a research. Sugiyono (2013, p. 38) said that variable is an

anttributes or the nature or value of a person, object or activity that has a

certain variation set by the writer to be studied and then drawn conclusion.

There are two variables in this research, namely independent and dependent


Independent variable is variable that influences the change of the

dependent variable. According Sugiyono (2013, p. 39), independent variable

is a variable that affects or that causes the change or the emergence of the

dependent variable. Independent variable in this research is Cooperative

Integrated Reading and Composition technique.

Dependent variable is variable that changes because the cause of

the variables that influence. Sugiyono (2013, p. 39) stated that dependent

variable is variable that is influenced or which becomes the effect because

of the independent variable. Dependent variable in this research is students‟

reading comprehension.

E. Intrument of Data Collecting

In this research the writer only used test to collect the data. The test

was distributed to measure the students‟ reading comprehension. The test

was divided into two tests; pre-test was given before the treatment, and post-

test was given after doing the treatment. The type of the test was multiple

choice tests which consisted of 25 items (Descriptive text and Recount text).

Every test item consisted of four answer options (a, b, c, and d). The

proportion of every item was 4. Therefore, the total score was 100 if the

students could answer all the items correctly.

The procedure of collecting the data for experimental group can be

seen as follows :

a. Pre test

The pre-test carried out to determine the students‟ comprehension

with their score. The items used for pre-test consist of 25 items (descriptive

text and recount text). The test was about reading comprehension.

b. Treatment

The treatment conducted for experimental group by using

cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) was applied for six


c. Post test

After conducting the treatment, the post-test administered and

analyzed as final data of this research. The post-test given was the same test

as the pre-test.

While, the procedure of collecting data for control group :

a. Pre test

The control group was given pre test to know their reading

comprehension. The test was the same as experimental group.

b. Conventional Strategy

In this case, the teaching of reading comprehension for control

group by using conventional strategy or classical method. It means, in

control group, the writer did not use cooperative integrated reading and

composition (CIRC) in learning process.

c. Post test

Post test also given to control group and the result analyzed and

used as final data for this research.

The test gives to experimental and control class, it purposes for

knowing the validity and reliability of pre-test and post-test.

1. Validity of the test instrument

Validity is measurement, which level valid an instrument.

According to Gay and Peter (2000, p. 161) , validity is the appropriateness

of the interpretations made from tests score. Clear validity is the core future

for the test. Furthermore, Gay said that there are three kinds of validity.

They are content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity.

All of them have different usage and function.

In this research, the writer adopted a instrument test of Junariyah‟s

thesis entitled The Effectiveness of Using CIRC Technique to Improve

Students’ Reading Comprehension on Recount Text. In her research, she

implemented a content validity to the test.

F. Technique of Analysis the Data

1. Descriptive Analysis

The data would be analyzed in the term of total score, mean, and

gained score of both of class.

2. Statistical Analysis

In analyzing the data, the writer use statistical analysis. Which statistical

analysis is fundamental to all experiment that use statistic as a research

methodology (Creswell, 2014 p. 96). Before the writer calculated the value of ttest

to look at the hypothesis, the writer have to analyze the normality and

homogeneity of the data. The examination of normality needed to know whether

the data has been normally distributed or not. Then, after getting the normality,

the next step was calculating the homogeneity of data. It aims to look at whether

the data is homogeneous or heterogeneous.

1) Normality test

Normality test calculated to see whether the data were normally or not.

The normality test was employed by using Liliefors test because the sample of

this research ≤ 30. According to Sudjana (2005, p. 466-467), the ways to look

for normality tests as follows :

a. Sort the sample data from small to large data ( )

b. Calculate the average of sample score by using a single average

c. Calculate the Standard Deviation

d. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula :

e. Determine the Ztable based on the Zvalue

f. Determine the F(Zi) based on the Ztable

If Zi negative (-), so 0,5 - Ztable

If Zi positive (+), so 0,5 + Ztable

g. Determine the S(Zi) by the formula :

S(Zi) =

h. Calculate the Lcount by the formula : F(Z1) – S(Zi)

i. If , so the sample of the data is normally distributed.

2) Homogeneity test

The purpose of homogeneity test was to The test of homogeneity used

homogeneity variance. The writer using Fisher test to tested the homogeneity in

both of class. According to Riduwan (2013, p.120), the formula used in

homogeneity test can be seen as a follows:

Fcount =

𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

systematic calculation:

a. Conduct assessment of the students test result

b. Determining for variance X (Sx2)

c. Determining for variance Y (Sy2)

d. Calculate the largest variance and smallest variance

e. Compare the ftable with fcount


f. Criteria of test with the significance ơ = 0,05

If fcount ftable then the data homogeneus

If fcount ftable then the data not homogeneus

3) T-test

In this part, the writer calculated the data by using two sample t-test.

They are paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test. Paired sample t-

test is used to see whether or not there is a significant effect of students‟

reading comprehension before and after the treatment. The independent sample

t-test is used to compare the means of one variable for two groups of cases

(Taniredja, 2014 p. 38).

a. Paired Sample T-test

According to Sugiyono (2013, p. 197), the formula of Paired Sample

T-test is express as follows:

( √

) ( √


Where :

t0 : T-test

X1 : Mean score of pre-test experimental class

X2 : Mean score of post-test experimental class

S1 : Standard deviation of of pre-test experimental class

S2 : Standard deviation of post-test experimental class

S12 : Variance of pre-test experimental class

S22 : Variance of post-test experimental class

: Total of sample

: The correlation between pre-test and post-test experimental class

The formula above is the main formula. Before using the formula, the

writer also used some calculation procedure such as below :

1. Determining mean of variable X1 (Pre-test experimental class), with the

formula: ∑

2. Determining mean of variable X2 (Post-test experimental class), with the

formula: ∑

3. Determining variance (s12) and standard deviation (s1) of variable X1, with

the formula: s12

and s1

= √


4. Determining variance (s22) and standard deviation (s2) of variable X2, with

the formula: s22

and s2

= √ 2

5. Determining Correlation (r)

The writer calculated the score of correlation by using correlation

calculator in


6. Determining t0 (t-test), with the formula:

( √

) ( √


7. Give the interpretation to t-test (to) to several process as follow:

a. Formulating the hypothesis of the research and statistic hypothesis

b. Test significance of to by comparing the amount of to with ttable by

setting of degrees of freedom (df) or (db), by the formula of df/db =


c. Determining criticism of „t‟ in the table value of „t‟ by adhering to the

df or db have been obtained, both at a significance of 5%

d. Conduct the comparing between to and ttable as bellow:

Criteria Hypothesis Decision

To > ttable H0 Rejected

Ha Accepted

To < ttable H0 Accepted

Ha Rejected

8. Conclusion

b. Independent Sample T-test

According to Sudijono (2000, p.297) in Diktat Statistik Pendidikan

(2016, p.55), the formula of Independent Sample T-test is express as follows:


t0 : „t‟ test

M1 : Mean of experimental class

M2 : Mean of control class

SEM1-M2 : Standard error

The formula above is the main formula. Before using the formula, the

writer also used some calculation procedure such as below :

1. Determining mean of variable X, with the formula :

2. Determining mean of variable Y, with the formula :

3. Determining standard of deviation score of variable X, with the formula


4. Determining standard of deviation score of variable Y, with the formula :


5. Determining standard error mean of variable X, with the formula

6. Determining standard error mean of variable Y, with the formula :

7. Determining standard error of different mean of variable X of variable Y,

with the formula :

8. Determining t0 (t-test), with the formula :

9. Give the interpretation to t-test (to) to several process as follow:

e. Formulating the hypothesis of the research and statistic hypothesis

f. Test significance of to by comparing the amount of to with ttable by

setting of degrees of freedom (df) or (db), by the formula of df/db = N-1

g. Determining criticism of „t‟ in the table value of „t‟ by adhering to the

df or db have been obtained, both at a significance of 5%

h. Conduct the comparing between to and ttable as bellow:

Criteria Hypothesis Decision

To > ttable H0 Rejected

Ha Accepted

To < ttable H0 Accepted

Ha Rejected

10. Conclusion

G. Statistical Hypothesis

Hypothesis is the statements in quantitative research in which the

investigator makes a research. Hypothesis is a prediction of the possible outcomes

of the research. According to Sugiyono (2013, p. 64), statistical hypothesis exist

when a research works with samples, if the research does not work by using a

sample, so there is not statictical hypothesis. According to Sugiyono (2013, p. 69)

The formula of statistical hypothesis in this research can be seen as :

1. : ≥

: ≤

2. : ≡

: ≠

Where :

H01 : There is a significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension before and

after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading and composition

(CIRC) technique.

Ha1 : There is no a significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension before

and after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading and

composition (CIRC) technique.

H02 : There is a significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension

between the students who taught by using cooperative integrated reading

and composition (CIRC) technique and those who were not.

Ha2 : There is no a significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension

between the students who taught by using cooperative integrated reading

and composition (CIRC) technique and those who were not.

H. Schedule of the Research

The writer arranged the schedule of research in order to make the

research be effective and finish with the specified time. So, the writer created a

research schedule are as follows:



A. The Descriptive Analysis

After conducting the data, the writer got data from students‟ score in

pre-test and post-test. The data will be described into two points as the data

of experimental class and the data of controll class.

1. The Data of Experimental Class

The writer makes a table of students‟ score in both pre-test and

posttest. The table also shows the scores gained by students.

Table 4.1

Students’ Score of Experimental Class

No Students Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

1 AMS 40 60 20

2 AAIR 40 52 12

3 AP 40 72 32

4 AJS 60 88 28

5 AAIR 48 76 28

6 AS 52 80 28

7 BS 40 64 24

8 CN 56 84 28

9 DAK 48 76 28

10 FTH 44 68 24

11 FAG 72 92 20

12 HMS 64 88 24

13 IA 32 60 28

14 MRKA 36 64 28

15 MPR 36 48 12

16 MNA 60 84 24

17 NN 36 36 0

18 NPA 44 72 28

19 PR 56 80 24

20 PO 52 80 28

21 RRHF 48 76 28

22 RM 44 76 32

23 RIS 36 68 32

24 TR 56 80 24

25 VLM 64 84 20

Total Score 1204 1808 604

Mean Score 48,16 72,32 24,16

Max 72 92 32

Min 32 36 0

Table 4.1 shows the scores of the experimental class. It also

mentions the score of pre-test and post-test of each students. The KKM

score in junior high school 6 Batanghari was 75. Based on the table,the

result of pre-test score students showed that no one students reach kkm

score, but there was a student who almost reaches the kkm score in

experimental class. The minimum score of pretest is 32 which is owned by

one student and the maximum score is 72 which is also owned by a student

while in the post-test result, there are 14 students got scores above kkm. the

minimum score of post-test is 36 which is owned by one student and the

maximum score of post-test is 92 which is owned by one student. The table

also informs that the total score of pretest is 1204, the total score of post-test

is 1808, and the total score of gained score is 604. It also shows that the

mean of pre-test is 48,16, the mean of post test is 72,32 and the mean of

gained score is 24,16.

2. The Data of Control Class

After calculating and make the table about the pretest and posttest

in experimental class, the writer also calculates and makes a table for

control class. This table is table of control class students‟ score in both pre-

test and post-test. The table also shows the scores gained by students.

Table 4.2

Students’ Score of Control Class

No Students Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

1 ASA 56 76 20

2 BTAP 32 44 12

3 BG 44 40 -4

4 CDS 40 40 0

5 DF 44 48 4

6 DAP 40 56 16

7 EMF 64 80 16

8 FN 60 68 8

9 FK 60 60 0

10 FHBB 60 80 20

11 GBY 48 56 8

12 HR 48 52 4

13 IT 40 48 8

14 MHA 52 76 24

15 NH 36 44 8

16 RT 36 32 -4

17 RK 72 84 12

18 RD 48 60 12

19 RS 32 48 16

20 RAP 52 72 20

21 SM 32 32 0

22 SW 44 52 8

23 TWS 64 84 20

24 TR 56 64 8

25 WD 32 36 4

Total Score 1192 1432 240

Mean Score 47,68 57,28 9,6


72 84 24

Min 32 32 -4

Table 4.2 shows the scores of the controll class. It also mentions

the score of pre-test and post-test of each students. Based on the table, No

one students reach kkm score in pretest of control class. The minimum score

of pretest is 32 which is owned by four students and the maximum score is

72 which is also owned by a student while in the post-test result, there are 6

students got scores above kkm. The minimum score of post-test is 32 which

is owned by two students and the maximum score of post-test is 82 which is

also owned by two students.

The table also informs that the total score of pretest is 1192, the

total score of post-test is 1432, and the total score of gained score is 240. It

also shows that the mean of pre-test is 47,68, the mean of post test is 57,28

and the mean of gained score is 9,6.

B. Statistical Analysis

After the writer got and described the data, then she analyzed the data.

The analysis of data will be presented in three points namely normality test,

homogeneity test, and hypothesis test.

1. Normality Test

The normality test is proposed to know whether the data is

normally distributed or not. The writer uses Liliefors to do the normality

test. After finishing the normality test, the writer got two kinds of value;

Lmax and Ltable. The both values can be used to see the normality of the data.

We use the criteria below to see the normality of data:

Ha : Lcount> Ltable

H0 : Lcount ≤ Ltable

Note: Ha = Data is not normally distributed

H0 = Data is normally distributed

a) The Result of Normality Test Pre-test

The writer tested normality test after she got score of pre-test

students reading comprehension in experimental and control class. The

result of normality test pretest in experimental and control class, it can be

seen in the table below :

Table 4.3

The Result of Normality Test Pre-test

Based on the table 4.3 above, Lcount is 0,1423 in experimental class.

Therefore, H0 is accepted because the result shows that Lcount is lower than

Ltable or 0,1423 ≤ 0,1730. While in control class, Lcount is 0,1117. Therefore,

H0 is accepted because the result shows that Lcount is lower than Ltable or

0,1117 ≤ 0,1730. So, it can be concluded that the data of pre-test

experimental and control class are normally distributed. For the calculating

of normality test, it can be seen in appendix 3.

No Statistics Pre-test

Control Eksperimen


2 48,16




6 Conclusion So, the data of pre-

test experimental and control class

are normally distributed.

b) The Result of Normality Test Post-test

The writer tested normality test after she got score of post-test

students reading comprehension in experimental and control class. The

result of normality test pretest in experimental and control class, it can be

seen in the table below :

Table 4.4

The Result of Normality Test Post-test

Based on the table 4.4 above, Lcount is 0,1303 in experimental class.

Therefore, H0 is accepted because the result shows that Lcount is lower than

Ltable or 0,1303 ≤ 0,1730. While in control class, Lcount is 0,1157. Therefore,

H0 is accepted because the result shows that Lcount is lower than Ltable or

0,1157 ≤ 0,1730. So, it can be concluded that the data of post-test

experimental and control class are normally distributed. For the calculating

of normality test, it can be seen in appendix 3.

No Statistics Post-test

Control Eksperimen


2 72,32



5 0,1730

6 Conclusion So, the data of pre-

test experimental and control class

are normally distributed.

2. Homogeneity Test

The writer tested homogeneity test was to see whether the data or

sample in both classes were homogenous or heterogeneous. The writer uses

Fisher test to do the homogeneity test. After finishing the homogeneity test,

the writer got two kinds of value; and . The both values can be

used to see the homogeneity of the data.

The writer used the criteria below to see the homogeneity of data:

α = 0.05

H0 : ≤

Ha : ≥

Note : H0 = The experimental class is homogenous to the control class

Ha = The experimental class is not homogenous to the control class

Based on the calculation, the result showed that the data of

experimental and control class post-test was homogenous. It can be seen

from ≤ or 1,50 ≤ 1,98. For the calculating of homogeneity test,

it can be seen in appendix 4.

C. T-test

In this part, the writer calculated the data by using two sample t-

test. They are paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test.

c. Paired Sample T-test

The writer used paired sample t-test to test the hypothesis that

whether there was a significant effect of students‟ reading comprehension

before and after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading and

composition (CIRC) technique.

The writer used the criteria below to analyze the test hypothesis :

1. If t-test (t0) ≥ t-table (tt) in the significance degree of 0,05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is rejected

2. If t-test (t0) ≤ t-table (tt) in the significance degree of 0,05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is accepted

Where :

H01 : There is a significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension

before and after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading

and composition (CIRC) technique.

Ha1 : There is no a significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension

before and after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading

and composition (CIRC) technique.

Based on the writer‟s calculation, the result of paired sample t-

testshowed that H0 was rejected because the t-test( was higher than t-table

(tt) or -2,30≥ -2,02. So, it means that there was a significant effect on

students‟ reading comprehension before and after being taught by using

cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique. For the

calculating of paired sample t-test, it can be seen in appendix 5.

d. Independent Sample T-test

The writer used independent sample t-testto test the hypothesis that

whether there was a significant difference on students‟ reading

comprehension between the students who taught by using cooperative

integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique and those who were


The writer used the criteria below to analyze the test hypothesis :

1. If t-test (t0) ≥ t-table (tt) in the significance degree of 0,05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is rejected

2. If t-test (t0) ≤ t-table (tt) in the significance degree of 0,05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is accepted

Where :

H02 : There is a significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension

between the students who taught by using cooperative integrated

reading and composition (CIRC) technique and those who were not.

Ha2 : There is no a significant difference on students‟ reading

comprehension between the students who taught by using cooperative

integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique and those who

were not.

Based on the calculation,the result showed that H0 was rejected

because the t-test ( was higher than t-table (tt)or 3,53 ≥ 2,02. It means that

there was a significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension

between the students who taught by using cooperative integrated reading and

composition (CIRC) technique and those who were not. For the calculating

of independent sample t-test, it can be seen in appendix 6.

C. Interpretation

The aims of this research were to find out whether or not there was a

significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension before and after being

taught by using cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique

and there was a significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension

between the students who taught by using cooperative integrated reading and

composition (CIRC) technique and those who were not at the eighth grade of

junior high school.

Based on the analysis,it can be seen from the pre-test and post-test result

in both of class. The mean score of pre-test in experimental class was 48,16 and

the mean score of post-test was 72,32. Meanwhile, the mean score of pre-test in

control class was 47,68 and the mean score of post-test was 57,28. Both of class

from pre-test and post-test score got a normality and homogeneity data with the

significant (ơ = 0,05). Where the result of pretest score in experimental class

shows that Lcount is lower than Ltable or 0,1423 ≤ 0,1730 and the pretest score in in

control class shows that Lcount is lower than Ltable or 0,1117 ≤ 0,1730. Meanwhile,

the result of posttest score in experimental class shows that Lcount is lower than

Ltable or 0,1303 ≤ 0,1730 and the posttest score in control class shows that Lcount is

lower than Ltable or 0,1157 ≤ 0,1730. So, it can be concluded that the data of

pretest and post-test in experimental and control class are normally distributed.

Furthermore, The result of calculated the homogeneity test shows that the data of

experimental and control class post-test is also homogenous. It can be seen from

≤ or 1,50 ≤ 1,98. Besides that, the gained of hypothesis of test by

using paired sample t-test showed that tvalue is higher than ttableor (-20,30 ≥ -2,02),

while the gained of hypothesis of test by using independent sample t-test showed

that tvalue is higher than ttableor (3,53 ≥ 2,02). The ttable value is based on the number

of degrees of freedom (df) which is 48 with a significant level (α) 0.05 or 95%

confidence level.

Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) as technique

as the treatment in experimental class. Before the treatment was conducted in this

class, the atmosphere of classroom is passive during the lesson. The students feel

uninteresting when they are in process of learning because the teacher just asked

the students to read the text every meeting, identifying the difficult words,

translating the words and look up the dictionary if they don‟t know the meaning.

So, the students have difficultiesin reading comprehension, such as lack of

vocabulary, the concept of the words, unfamiliar syntaticcal grammar, etc. But,

the atmosphere of classroom was changed during treatment, the students felt that

they had new innovation when they learnt English by using Cooperative

Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC).According to Slavin (1995, p. 105),

there are four advantages of CIRC as follow: (a) Increase students‟ opportunities

to read aloud and receive feedback on their reading; (b) Train the students to

respond to one another‟s reading; (c) The students learn broadly

appincreaselicable reading comprehension skill; (d) Increase reading

comprehension of low-achieving students. Furthermore, Lehr & osborn theory

(2005: p. 20) as cited in Sholihah, (2016; p.34) said that Reading strategy as

follows : (a) strategies help to improve reading comprehension as well as

efficiency in reading; (b) By using strategies, students will be reading in the way

that expert readers do. (c) Strategies help readers to process the text actively, to

monitor their copmrehension, and to connect what they are reading to their own

knowledge and to other parts of the text.

The result of the test showed that students‟ score on reading

comprehension before and after being taught by using Cooperative Integrated

Reading and Composition (CIRC) as a technique in experimental class was

improved. It can be seen from the mean score of pre-test in experimental class had

lower than the mean score of posttest. So, it can be concluded that there was a

significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension before and after being

taught by using cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique

at the eighth grade of junior high school 06 batanghari.

Furthermore, the mean score of post-test in experimental class which

given treatment by using CIRC technique had higher score compared with control

class was using conventional strategy or tradition method while reading

comprehnsion process. So,it means that there was a significant difference on

students‟ reading comprehension between the students who taught by using

cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique and those who

were not at the eighth grade of junior high school 06 batanghari.



A. Conclusion

After conducting the research, there were some conclusions about the

study of the effect of using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition

(CIRC) technique on students‟ reading comprehension as follows:

1. The result of reading comprehension in pre-test of experimental class was

48,16 and the result of students‟ reading comprehension in post-test of

experimental class was 72,23 or (72,23 ≥ 48,16), Moreover, the score of t-test

by using paired sample t-test with a significant level (α) 0.05 showed that ttest

was higher than ttable or (-20,30 ≥ -2,02). So, it can be concluded that

Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) technique is

effective to be used to increase students‟ reading comprehension at the eighth

grade of junior high school 06 Batanghari because there was a significant

effect on students‟ reading comprehension before and after being taught by

using cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique at the

eight grade of junior high school 06 batanghari..

2. The result of reading comprehension in post-test of students‟ reading

comprehension in experimental class was 72,23 and the result of students‟

reading comprehension in control class was 57,28 or (72,23 ≥ 57,28), Besides

that, the score of t-test by using independent sample t-test with a significant

level (α) 0.05 showed that ttest is higher than ttable or (3,53 ≥ 2,02). So, it means

that that Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) technique

is effective to be used to increase students‟ reading comprehension at the

eighth grade of junior high school 06 Batanghari because there was a

significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension between the

students who taught by using cooperative integrated reading and composition

(CIRC) technique and those who were not at the eight grade of junior high

school 06 batanghari.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above and based on the study that has been

done, the writer would like to offer some suggestions. The teachers, especially

those teach at Junior High School 6 Batanghari could use Cooperative Integrated

Reading and Composition (CIRC) as an alternative technique to improvement

students reading comprehension score. It can be useful to improve their English

teaching and learning especially for teaching reading comprehension. The teacher

should be well prepared before entering the classroom. The learning material

should be related to the context of the students lives in order to make the students

easier to relate new information and their background knowledge.

The teacher must be a creative teacher to make the teaching learning

activity more interesting by using this technique. The reason is to make the

students enjoy in teaching and learning activity and make them interested in learn

English, most of them do not like English because they feel boring and think that

English is difficult for them to understand. The teacher asks the students to bring

the dictionary, it will help them when they found the difficult words. For other

researchers who want to conduct the research in teaching reading could use the

result of this research as a source for conducting the research and as an additional

references for further relevant research certainly with different material and

sample. The other researchers also can consider the weaknesses of the result from

this research to conduct a better research.


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Appendix 1 :



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/Ganjil

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Materi Jenis




Merespon makna

dan langkah retorika

dalam esay pendek

sederhana secara

akurat, lancar, dan

brterima yang

berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar

dalam teks


descriptive dan


Diberikan sebuah

pertanyaan tentang

informasi tertentu

dalam teks

descriptive (terkait

dengan orang),

siswa dapat



dengan tepat




text (person)




Merespon makna

dan langkah retorika

dalam esay pendek

sederhana secara

akurat, lancar, dan

brterima yang

berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar

dalam teks


descriptive dan


Diberikan sebuah

pertanyaan tentang

informasi tertentu

dalam teks

recount, siswa

dapat menentukan


dengan tepat


about recount



Appendix 2 :


Multiple Choices 25 questions

Choose the best answer to each question from the alternative given !

Text for number 1 – 4

Dr. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra, Dutch Eas

Indies (now Indonesia). He was Indonesia‟s first vice presidents, later also served as

the country‟s prime minister known as the “proclamator”. He and a number of

Indonesian people from Dutch. Despite his efforts to gain Indonesia independence, he

studied in the Netherlands from 1921 until 1932.

Moreover after his early education, he studied in Dutch schools in Indonesia.

He is more remembered as bung Hatta (bung is an affectionate title used to address

colleagues, popular in the early 1900 and is still used by Indonesians).

1. When was Mohammad Hatta born ?

a. West Sumatra c. North Sumatra

b. East Sumatra d. South Sumatra

2. Based on the text above, we know that ...

a. Ir. Soekarno is usually called by bung Karno

b. Bung Hatta studied in Indonesia before 1932

c. Bung Karno and bung Hatta was closed friend

d. Bung Hatta was first president of Indonesia

3. What is the purpose of the text ?

a. To announced a person‟s life

b. To tell past events and achievement in a person‟s life

c. To amuse students about person‟s life

d. To describe a person‟s activity

4. Known as the “Proclamator”. He .... (Paragraph 1)

The underline word means a person who ...

1. Announced officially and publicly

2. Is popular in Indonesia

3. Helps president duty

4. Leads a country and nation

Text for number 5 – 9

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford-on-Avon in England. At

the time Elizabeth I had been queen for six years.

His father was a shopkeeper and his mother was a daughter of a farmer.

William went to Stratford grammar school, where he learnt Latin, scripture, and


When he left school, William was employed by his father. He married a

local girl, Anne Hathaway, when he was eighteen. Three years later he left Straford

and went to London. Shakespeare‟s life was between the year 1585 and 1590. By the

end of 1590 he had joined a group of actors and had started writing plays. During the

next twenty years he wrote thirty two plays. He wrote possible more plays, which he

did not have published or performed.

Shakespeare went back to Stratford-on-Avon a few years before he died in

1616 at the age of 52.

5. Where Shakespeare was born ?

a. England b. France c. America d. Corsica

6. What is the purpose of the text ?

a. To tell about Shakespeare‟s life c. To tell Albert Einstein‟s life

b. To repport the accident d. To ask the information

7. When was Shakespeare born ?

a. 1585 b. 1564 c. 1583 d. 1590

8. What subject that Shakespeare did not learn ?

a. Latin b. Scripture c. Mathematics d. Social

9. On what paragraph are telling about orientation of the text ?

a. 1 b. 4 c. 2 d. 3

Text for number 10 - 14

Yesterday my mother was ill. My father and I took her to the doctor. First, my

father talked to the lady who was in charge of registration. She typed the data about

my mother on the computer. Then we waited for my mother‟s turn.

When her turn comes, i accompanied her to enter the doctor‟s room. The doctor

listened to my mother‟s complained patiently. Then, he examined my mother by

putting the stethoscope on her chest. After that, a nurse, to take my mother‟s

temperature so she put a thermometer in my mother‟s armpit. He told me that my

mother had a bad influenza. He wrote a prescription and gave it to me. He advised my

mother to stay in bed for three days and come back after a week.

Then, my father took my mother home directly and I went to the nearest


10. Who was sick yesterday ?

a. The reader‟s mother c. My father

b. The writer‟s mother d. The writer‟s father

11. What did the doctor do first after the patience enter his room ?

a. Examined the patient first after the patients enter his room

b. Took the patient‟s blood pleasure by using spignomonometer

c. Listened to the patient‟s complain patiently

d. Wrote a precription and gave it to the writer

12. What is used to take the patient‟s temperature ?

a. Thermometer c. Spignomonometer

b. Stethoscope d. Electrocardiograph

13. On what paragraph are telling about reorientation of the text ?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

14. What is the antonym of ill according to the text in paragraph 1 ?

a. Sick b. Fit c. Diseased d. Sore

Text for number 15 – 17

I want to tell you about my memorable time in Singapore. It was one of the best

holidays I ever had.

I shall never forget the spectacular sight of the city I saw from Moount Fable

that night. The roller-coaster ride, the stunts performed by the dolphins and the killer

whale at the Sea World were also exciting. I shall remember the thrill of having been

on one of longest rides in the monorail in Sentosa Island for many years to come.

I also enjoyed various varieties of seafood at the makeshift roadside stalls at the

Chinatown night market. I also enjoyed the shopping trips. My family and friends

agreed that the souvenirs were value for money, especially the silk scarves with pretty

prints and the attractive key chains.

15. The communicative purpose of this text is ...

a. To describe about animal story

b. To describe about the writer‟s story

c. To tell the rader about animal story

d. To tell the reader about the one story

16. What does the first sentence tell you ?

a. The past event c. The shopping trips

b. The opening of the story d. The varieties of seafood

17. “I shall never forget the spectacular sight of the city ..... “ (Paragraph 2)

What does the underlined word mean ?

a. Nice b. Usual c. Amazing d. Ordinary

Text for number 18 - 20

My family and I went on trip to Solo. We went on Monday by car and stayed at

my grandparents‟ house.

On Tuesday, we went tp Tawangangu. We enjoyed scenic view of its waterfall

and had lunch there. They served traditional custine like wedangronde, tempebacm,

fried fish and fried chicken. After that we continued our journey to Taman Jurug.

The next day, we went to Kasunan palace. We saw a lot of historical heritages

in the palace. After that we went shopping to Klewer market and solo grandmall. We

bought some souvenirs for my cousins. In the evening, we went sightseing town.

On Thursday morning, we said goodbye to our grandparents and came back to

our home. I really enjoyed my holiday. It was fun.

18. What sentence explains event in the text above ?

a. My family and I went on trip to Solo

b. On Tuesday, we went tp Tawangangu

c. The next day, we went to Kasunan palace

d. On Thursday morning, we said goodbye to our grandparents

19. When did the writer go on Wednesday ?

a. Taman Jurug c. Grandparents‟ house

b. Tawangmangu d. Kasunan Palace

20. When did the writer go home ?

a. On Thursday c. On Wednesday

b. On Tuesday d. On Monday

Text for number 21 – 25

On Saturday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year

and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike

twelve in twenty minutes‟ time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the

clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing

happened. Suddenly someone shouted, “It‟s two minutes past twelve! The clock has


I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the

New Year. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.

21. Which of the following is not true according to the text ?

a. The writer was waiting to celebrate the New Year

b. The writer brought a watch

c. The writer was very happy

d. The writer celebrated the New Year with his family

22. What probably happened when someone shouted that the clock stopped ?

a. Everybody directly celebrated the New Year

b. Everybody sings and laugh

c. Everybody looked for a watch

d. Everybody shouted too

23. What does the first sentence tell you ?

a. The problem that the writer met c. The funny thing in the story

b. The opening of the story d. The past event

24. “It would strike twelve in twenty minutes‟ time.”

The underlined word refers to ...

a. The clock c. The town

b. Author‟s watch d. The place

25. “The big clock refused to welcome the New Year.”

What is the antonym of the underline word ...

a. Reject c. Prevent

b. Accept d. Repel


1. A 6. A 11. C 16. B 21. D

2. B 7. B 12. A 17. C 22. B

3. B 8. D 13. C 18. A 23. B

4. A 9. A 14. B 19. D 24. A

5. A 10. B 15. D 20. A 25. B

Appendix 3 :

Students’ Score of Experimental Class

No Students Pre-test Post-test

1 AMS 40 60

2 AAIR 40 52

3 AP 40 72

4 AJS 60 88

5 AAIR 48 76

6 AS 52 80

7 BS 40 64

8 CN 56 84

9 DAK 48 76

10 FTH 44 68

11 FAG 72 92

12 HMS 64 88

13 IA 32 60

14 MRKA 36 64

15 MPR 36 48

16 MNA 60 84

17 NN 36 36

18 NPA 44 72

19 PR 56 80

20 PO 52 80

21 RRHF 48 76

22 RM 44 76

23 RIS 36 68

24 TR 56 80

25 VLM 64 84

Students’ Score of Control Class

No Students Pre-test Post-test

1 ASA 56 76

2 BTAP 32 44

3 BG 44 40

4 CDS 40 40

5 DF 44 48

6 DAP 40 56

7 EMF 64 80

8 FN 60 68

9 FK 60 60

10 FHBB 60 80

11 GBY 48 56

12 HR 48 52

13 IT 40 48

14 MHA 52 76

15 NH 36 44

16 RT 36 32

17 RK 72 84

18 RD 48 60

19 RS 32 48

20 RAP 52 72

21 SM 32 32

22 SW 44 52

23 TWS 64 84

24 TR 56 64

25 WD 32 36

Appendix 4 :

Normality Test

A. Normality Test of Pre-test Experimental Class

1. Sort the sample data from small to large data ( )

Sample Score

1 32

2 36

3 36

4 36

5 36

6 40

7 40

8 40

9 40

10 44

11 44

12 44

13 48

14 48

15 48

16 52

17 52

18 56

19 56

20 56

21 60

22 60

23 64

24 64

25 72

n 25

2. Calculate the average of sample score by using a single average


32 1 32

36 4 144

40 4 160

44 3 132

48 3 144

52 2 104

56 3 168

60 2 120

64 2 128

72 1 72

Total 25 1204

The formula of mean :

3. Calculate the Standard Deviation

X F FX X x2 fx2

32 1 32 -16,16 261,1456 261,1456

36 4 144 -12,16 147,8656 591,4624

40 4 160 -8,16 66,5856 266,3424

44 3 132 -4,16 17,3056 51,9168

48 3 144 -0,16 0,0256 0,0768

52 2 104 3,84 14,7456 29,4912

56 3 168 7,84 61,4656 184,3968

60 2 120 11,84 140,1856 280,3712

64 2 128 15,84 250,9056 501,8112

72 1 72 23,84 568,3456 568,3456

Total 25 1204 22,4 1528,576 2735,36

The formula of Standard Deviation :



4. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula :


To Calculate Z2 and so on, thfollow the method of calculating Z1

5. Determine the Ztable based on the Zvalue

Z1 = round it into two numbers behind the comma become -1,51, then

the minus value is released to be positive then in the table the critical

value of the normal distribution is obtained by the value of Z1 is


To find the Ztable from Z2 and so on can follow the method above.

6. Determine the F(Zi) based on the Ztable

If Zi negative (-), so 0,5 - Ztable

If Zi positive (+), so 0,5 + Ztable

Z1 = -1,51 , because the value of Z1 is negative, so calculate the F(Zi)

as follow :

F(Z1) = 0,5 – 0,4345 = 0,0655

To find the F(Z2) and so on can follow the method above.

7. Determine the S(Zi) by the formula :

S(Zi) =


8. Calculate the Lcount by the formula : F(Z1) – S(Zi)

L1 = |F(Z1) – S(Zi)| = |0,0655 – 0,04| = 0,0255

So that the table as below is found :

No Xi zi Ztable f(zi) f(kum) s(zi) Ifzi-szil

1 32 -1,51 0,4345 0,0655 1 0,04 0,0255

2 36 -1,14 0,3729 0,1271 2 0,08 0,0471

3 36 -1,14 0,3729 0,1271 3 0,12 0,0071

4 36 -1,14 0,3729 0,1271 4 0,16 0,0329

5 36 -1,14 0,3729 0,1271 5 0,20 0,0729

6 40 -0,76 0,2764 0,2236 6 0,24 0,0164

7 40 -0,76 0,2764 0,2236 7 0,28 0,0564

8 40 -0,76 0,2764 0,2236 8 0,32 0,0964

9 40 -0,76 0,2764 0,2236 9 0,36 0,1364

10 44 -0,39 0,1517 0,3483 10 0,40 0,0517

11 44 -0,39 0,1517 0,3483 11 0,44 0,0917

12 44 -0,39 0,1517 0,3483 12 0,48 0,1317

13 48 -0,01 0,0040 0,4960 13 0,52 0,0240

14 48 -0,01 0,0040 0,4960 14 0,56 0,0640

15 48 -0,01 0,0040 0,4960 15 0,6 0,1040

16 52 0,36 0,1406 0,6406 16 0,64 0,0006

17 52 0,36 0,1406 0,6406 17 0,68 0,0394

18 56 0,73 0,2673 0,7673 18 0,72 0,0473

19 56 0,73 0,2673 0,7673 19 0,76 0,0073

20 56 0,73 0,2673 0,7673 20 0,80 0,0327

21 60 1,11 0,3665 0,8665 21 0,84 0,0265

22 60 1,11 0,3665 0,8665 22 0,88 0,0135

23 64 1,48 0,4306 0,9306 23 0,92 0,0106

24 64 1,48 0,4306 0,9306 24 0,96 0,0294

25 72 2,23 0,4871 0,9871 25 1 0,0129

9. The value of Ltable with the significance ơ = 0,05 and n = 25 , then

found the Ltable of the critical value for the lilliefors test is 0,1730.

Based on the table, Lcount is 0,1364. Therefore, H0 is accepted because

the result shows that Lcount is lower than Ltable or 0,1364 ≤ 0,1730. It

means that the data in pre-test experimental class is normally


B. Normality Test of Pre-test Control Class

1. Sort the sample data from small to large data ( )

Sample Score

1 32

2 32

3 32

4 32

5 36

6 36

7 40

8 40

9 40

10 44

11 44

12 44

13 48

14 48

15 48

16 52

17 52

18 56

19 56

20 60

21 60

22 60

23 64

24 64

25 72

N 25

2. Calculate the average of sample score by using a single average


32 4 128

36 2 72

40 3 120

44 3 132

48 3 144

52 2 104

56 2 112

60 3 180

64 2 128

72 1 72

Total 25 1192

The formula of mean :

3. Calculate the Standard Deviation

X F FX X x2 fx2

32 4 128 -15,68 245,8624 983,4496

36 2 72 -11,68 136,4224 272,8448

40 3 120 -7,68 58,9824 176,9472

44 3 132 -3,68 13,5424 40,6272

48 3 144 0,32 0,1024 0,3072

52 2 104 4,32 18,6624 37,3248

56 2 112 8,32 69,2224 138,4448

60 3 180 12,32 151,7824 455,3472

64 2 128 16,32 266,3424 532,6848

72 1 72 24,32 591,4624 591,4624

Total 25 1192 27,2 1552,384 3229,44

The formula of Standard Deviation :


4. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula :


To Calculate Z2 and so on, thfollow the method of calculating Z1

5. Determine the Ztable based on the Zvalue

Z1 = round it into two numbers behind the comma become -1,35, then

the minus value is released to be positive then in the table the critical

value of the normal distribution is obtained by the value of Z1 is


To find the Ztable from Z2 and so on can follow the method above.

6. Determine the F(Zi) based on the Ztable

If Zi negative (-), so 0,5 - Ztable

If Zi positive (+), so 0,5 + Ztable

Z1 = -1,35 , because the value of Z1 is negative, so calculate the F(Zi)

as follow :

F(Z1) = 0,5 – 0,4115 = 0,0885

To find the F(Z2) and so on can follow the method above.

7. Determine the S(Zi) by the formula :

S(Zi) =


8. Calculate the Lcount by the formula : F(Z1) – S(Zi)

L1 = |F(Z1) – S(Zi)| = |0,0885 – 0,04| = 0,0485

So that the table as below is found :

No Xi zi Ztable f(zi) f(kum) s(zi) Ifzi-szil

1 32 -1,35 0,4115 0,0885 1 0,04 0,0485

2 32 -1,35 0,4115 0,0885 2 0,08 0,0085

3 32 -1,35 0,4115 0,0885 3 0,12 0,0315

4 32 -1,35 0,4115 0,0885 4 0,16 0,0715

5 36 -1,01 0,3483 0,1562 5 0,20 0,0438

6 36 -1,01 0,3483 0,1562 6 0,24 0,0838

7 40 -0,66 0,2454 0,2546 7 0,28 0,0254

8 40 -0,66 0,2454 0,2546 8 0,32 0,0654

9 40 -0,66 0,2454 0,2546 9 0,36 0,1054

10 44 -0,32 0,1255 0,3745 10 0,40 0,0255

11 44 -0,32 0,1255 0,3745 11 0,44 0,0655

12 44 -0,32 0,1255 0,3745 12 0,48 0,1055

13 48 0,03 0,0120 0,5120 13 0,52 0,0080

14 48 0,03 0,0120 0,5120 14 0,56 0,0480

15 48 0,03 0,0120 0,5120 15 0,60 0.0880

16 52 0,37 0,1443 0,6443 16 0,64 0,0043

17 52 0,37 0,1443 0,6443 17 0,68 0,0357

18 56 0,72 0,2642 0,7642 18 0,72 0,0442

19 56 0,72 0,2642 0,7642 19 0,76 0,0042

20 60 1,06 0,3554 0,8554 20 0,80 0,0554

21 60 1,06 0,3554 0,8554 21 0,84 0,0154

22 60 1,06 0,3554 0,8554 22 0,88 0,0246

23 64 1,41 0,4207 0,9207 23 0,92 0,0007

24 64 1,41 0,4207 0,9207 24 0,96 0,0393

25 72 2,10 0,4821 0,9821 25 1 0,0179

9. The value of Ltable with the significance ơ = 0,05 and n = 25 , then

found the Ltable of the critical value for the lilliefors test is 0,1730.

Based on the table, Lcount is 0,1055. Therefore, H0 is accepted because

the result shows that Lcount is lower than Ltable or 0,1055 ≤ 0,1730. It

means that the data in pre-test experimental class is normally


C. Normality Test of Experimental Class Post-test

1. Sort the sample data from small to large data ( )

Sample Score

1 36

2 48

3 52

4 60

5 60

6 64

7 64

8 68

9 68

10 72

11 72

12 76

13 76

14 76

15 76

16 80

17 80

18 80

19 80

20 84

21 84

22 84

23 83

24 83

25 92

N 25

2. Calculate the average of sample score by using a single average


36 1 36

48 1 48

52 1 52

60 2 120

64 2 128

68 2 136

72 2 144

76 4 304

80 4 320

84 3 252

88 2 176

92 1 92

Total 25 1808

The formula of mean :

3. Calculate the Standard Deviation

X F FX X x2 fx2

36 1 36 -36,32 1319,1424 1319,1424

48 1 48 -24,32 591,4624 591,4624

52 1 52 -20,32 412,9024 412,9024

60 2 120 -12,32 151,7824 303,5648

64 2 128 -8,32 69,2224 138,4448

68 2 136 -4,32 18,6624 37,3248

72 2 144 -0,32 0,1024 0,2048

76 4 304 3,68 13,5424 54,1696

80 4 320 7,68 58,9824 235,9296

84 3 252 11,68 136,4224 409,2672

88 2 176 15,68 245,8624 491,7248

92 1 92 19,68 387,3024 387,3024

Total 25 1808 -47,84 3405,3888 4381,44

The formula of Standard Deviation :


4. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula :


To Calculate Z2 and so on, thfollow the method of calculating Z1

5. Determine the Ztable based on the Zvalue

Z1 = round it into two numbers behind the comma become -2,69, then

the minus value is released to be positive then in the table the critical

value of the normal distribution is obtained by the value of Z1 is


To find the Ztable from Z2 and so on can follow the method above.

6. Determine the F(Zi) based on the Ztable

If Zi negative (-), so 0,5 - Ztable

If Zi positive (+), so 0,5 + Ztable

Z1 = -2,69 , because the value of Z1 is negative, so calculate the F(Zi)

as follow :

F(Z1) = 0,5 – 0,4964 = 0,0036

To find the F(Z2) and so on can follow the method above.

7. Determine the S(Zi) by the formula :

S(Zi) =


8. Calculate the Lcount by the formula : F(Z1) – S(Zi)

L1 = |F(Z1) – S(Zi)| = |0,0036 – 0,04| = 0,0364

So that the table as below is found :

No Xi zi Ztable f(zi) f(kum) s(zi) Ifzi-szil

1 36 -2,69 0,4964 0,0036 1 0,04 0,0364

2 48 -1,80 0,4641 0,0359 2 0,08 0,0441

3 52 -1,50 0,4332 0,0668 3 0,12 0,0532

4 60 -0,91 0,3186 0,1814 4 0,16 0,0214

5 60 -0,91 0,3186 0,1814 5 0,20 0,0186

6 64 -0,62 0,2324 0,2676 6 0,24 0,0276

7 64 -0,62 0,2324 0,2676 7 0,28 0,0124

8 68 -0,32 0,1255 0,3745 8 0,32 0,0545

9 68 -0,32 0,1255 0,3745 9 0,36 0,0145

10 72 -0,02 0,0080 0,4920 10 0,40 0,0920

11 72 -0,02 0,0080 0,4920 11 0,44 0,0520

12 76 0,27 0,1064 0,6064 12 0,48 0,1264

13 76 0,27 0,1064 0,6064 13 0,52 0,0864

14 76 0,27 0,1064 0,6064 14 0,56 0,0464

15 76 0,27 0,1064 0,6064 15 0,60 0,0064

16 80 0,57 0,2157 0,7157 16 0,64 0,0757

17 80 0,57 0,2157 0,7157 17 0,68 0,0357

18 80 0,57 0,2157 0,7157 18 0,72 0,0043

19 80 0,57 0,2157 0,7157 19 0,76 0,0443

20 84 0,86 0,3051 0,8051 20 0,80 0,0051

21 84 0,86 0,3051 0,8051 21 0,84 0,0349

22 84 0,86 0,3051 0,8051 22 0,88 0,0749

23 88 1,16 0,3770 0,8770 23 0,92 0,0430

24 88 1,16 0,3770 0,8770 24 0,96 0,0830

25 92 1,46 0,4279 0,9279 25 1 0,0721

9. The value of Ltable with the significance ơ = 0,05 and n = 25 , then

found the Ltable of the critical value for the lilliefors test is 0,1730.

Based on the table, Lcount is 0,1264. Therefore, H0 is accepted because

the result shows that Lcount is lower than Ltable or 0,1264 ≤ 0,1730. It

means that the data in pre-test experimental class is normally


D. Normality Test of Post-test Control Class

1. Sort the sample data from small to large data ( )

Sample Score

1 32

2 32

3 36

4 40

5 40

6 44

7 44

8 48

9 48

10 48

11 52

12 52

13 56

14 56

15 60

16 60

17 64

18 68

19 72

20 76

21 76

22 80

23 80

24 84

25 84

N 25

2. Calculate the average of sample score by using a single average


32 2 64

36 1 36

40 2 80

44 2 88

48 3 144

52 2 104

56 2 112

60 2 120

64 1 64

68 1 68

72 1 72

76 2 152

80 2 160

84 2 168

Total 25 1432

The formula of mean :

3. Calculate the Standard Deviation

X F FX X x2 fx2

32 2 64 -25,28 639,0784 1278,1568

36 1 36 -21,28 452,8384 452,8384

40 2 80 -17,28 298,5984 597,1968

44 2 88 -13,28 176,3484 352,7168

48 3 144 -9,28 86,1184 258,3552

52 2 104 -5,28 27,8784 55,7568

56 2 112 -1,28 1,6384 3,2768

60 2 120 2,72 7,3984 14,7968

64 1 64 6,72 45,1584 45,1584

68 1 68 10,72 114,9184 114,9184

72 1 72 14,72 216,6784 216,6784

76 2 152 18,72 350,4384 700,8768

80 2 160 22,72 516,1984 1032,3968

84 2 168 26,72 713,9584 1427,9168

Total 25 1432 10,08 3647,2476 6551,04

The formula of Standard Deviation :


4. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula :


To Calculate Z2 and so on, thfollow the method of calculating Z1

5. Determine the Ztable based on the Zvalue

Z1 = round it into two numbers behind the comma become -1,53, then

the minus value is released to be positive then in the table the critical

value of the normal distribution is obtained by the value of Z1 is


To find the Ztable from Z2 and so on can follow the method above.

6. Determine the F(Zi) based on the Ztable

If Zi negative (-), so 0,5 - Ztable

If Zi positive (+), so 0,5 + Ztable

Z1 = -1,53 , because the value of Z1 is negative, so calculate the F(Zi)

as follow :

F(Z1) = 0,5 – 0,4370 = 0,0630

To find the F(Z2) and so on can follow the method above.

7. Determine the S(Zi) by the formula :

S(Zi) =


8. Calculate the Lcount by the formula : F(Z1) – S(Zi)

L1 = |F(Z1) – S(Zi)| = |0,0630 – 0,04| = 0,0230

So that the table as below is found :

No Xi zi Ztable f(zi) f(kum) s(zi) Ifzi-szil

1 32 -1,53 0,4370 0,0630 1 0,04 0,0230

2 32 -1,53 0,4370 0,0630 2 0,08 0,0170

3 36 -1,29 0,4370 0,0985 3 0,12 0,0215

4 40 -1,05 0,3531 0,1469 4 0,16 0,0131

5 40 -1,05 0,3531 0,1469 5 0,20 0,0531

6 44 -0,80 0,2881 0,2119 6 0,24 0,0281

7 44 -0,80 0,2881 0,2119 7 0,28 0,0681

8 48 -0,56 0,2123 0,2877 8 0,32 0,0323

9 48 -0,56 0,2123 0,2877 9 0,36 0,0723

10 48 -0,56 0,2123 0,2877 10 0,40 0,1123

11 52 -0,32 0,1255 0,3745 11 0,44 0,0655

12 52 -0,32 0,1255 0,3745 12 0,48 0,1055

13 56 -0,08 0,0319 0,4681 13 0,52 0,0519

14 56 -0,08 0,0319 0,4681 14 0,56 0,0919

15 60 0,16 0,0636 0,5636 15 0,60 0,0364

16 60 0,16 0,0636 0,5636 16 0,64 0,0764

17 64 0,41 0,1591 0,6591 17 0,68 0,0209

18 68 0,65 0,2422 0,7422 18 0,72 0,0222

19 72 0,90 0,3159 0,8156 19 0,76 0,0556

20 76 1,13 0,3708 0,8708 20 0,80 0,0708

21 76 1,13 0,3708 0,8708 21 0,84 0,0308

22 80 1,38 0,4162 0,9162 22 0,88 0,0362

23 80 1,38 0,4162 0,9162 23 0,92 0,0038

24 84 1,62 0,4474 0,9474 24 0,96 0,0126

25 84 1,62 0,4474 0,9474 25 1 0,0526

9. The value of Ltable with the significance ơ = 0,05 and n = 25 , then

found the Ltable of the critical value for the lilliefors test is 0,1730.

Based on the table, Lcount is 0,1123. Therefore, H0 is accepted because

the result shows that Lcount is lower than Ltable or 0,1123 ≤ 0,1730. It

means that the data in pre-test experimental class is normally


Appendix 5 :

Homogeneity Test

In order to know the homogeneity of the data, the writer did the

homogeneity test. To do the homogeneity test, he tested the score of pretest and

post-test in both experiment and control class using Fisher test.


H0 : The experimental class is homogenous to the control class

Ha : The experimental class is not homogenous to the control class

The criteria of the test:

α = 0.05

H0 : ≤

Ha : ≥

The formula used in homogeneity test can be seen as follows :

ℎ ℎ ℎ

With :

A. Homogeneity Test of Experimental and Control Class Post-test

a. Score of Experimental Class Post-test

No Students Score

1 AMS 60

2 AAIR 52

3 AP 72

4 AJS 88

5 AA 76

6 AS 80

7 BS 64

8 CN 84

9 DAK 76

10 FTH 68

11 FAG 92

12 HMS 88

13 IA 60

14 MRKA 64

15 MPR 48

16 MNA 84

17 NN 36

18 NPA 72

19 PR 80

20 PO 80

21 RRHF 76

22 RM 76

23 RIS 68

24 TR 80

25 VLM 84

From the data above, can be obtained :

No Students Score X-Xbar (x-x)2

1 AMS 60 -12,32 151,782

2 AAIR 52 -20,32 412,902

3 AP 72 -0,32 0,1024

4 AJS 88 15,68 245,862

5 AA 76 3,68 13,5424

6 AS 80 7,68 58,9824

7 BS 64 -8,32 69,2224

8 CN 84 11,68 136,422

9 DAK 76 3,68 13,5424

10 FTH 68 -4,32 18,6624

11 FAG 92 19,68 387,302

12 HMS 88 15,68 245,862

13 IA 60 -12,32 151,782

14 MRKA 64 -8,32 69,2224

15 MPR 48 -24,32 591,462

16 MNA 84 11,68 136,422

17 NN 36 -36,32 1319,14

18 NPA 72 -0,32 0,1024

19 PR 80 7,68 58,9824

20 PO 80 7,68 58,9824

21 RRHF 76 3,68 13,5424

22 RM 76 3,68 13,5424

23 RIS 68 -4,32 18,6624

24 TR 80 7,68 58,9824

25 VLM 84 11,68 136,422

Total Score

1808 0 4381,44

b. Score of Control Class Post-test

No Students Score

1 ASA 76

2 BTAP 44

3 BG 40

4 CDS 40

5 DF 48

6 DAP 56

7 EMF 80

8 FN 68

9 FK 60

10 FHBB 80

11 GBY 56

12 HR 52

13 IT 48

14 MHA 76

15 NH 44

16 RT 32

17 RK 84

18 RD 60

19 RS 48

20 RAP 72

21 SM 32

22 SW 52

23 TWS 84

24 TR 64

25 WD 36

From the data above, can be obtained :

No Students Score X-Xbar (x-x)2

1 ASA 76 18,72 350,4384

2 BTAP 44 -13,28 176,3484

3 BG 40 -17,28 298,5984

4 CDS 40 -17,28 298,5984

5 DF 48 -9,28 86,1184

6 DAP 56 -1,28 1,6384

7 EMF 80 22,72 516,1984

8 FN 68 10,72 114,9184

9 FK 60 2,72 7,3984

10 FHBB 80 22,72 516,1984

11 GBY 56 -1,28 1,6384

12 HR 52 -5,28 27,8784

13 IT 48 -9,28 86,1184

14 MHA 76 18,72 350,4384

15 NH 44 -13,28 176,3484

16 RT 32 -25,28 639,0784

17 RK 84 26,72 713,9584

18 RD 60 2,72 7,3984

19 RS 48 -9,28 86,1184

20 RAP 72 14,72 216,6784

21 SM 32 -25,28 639,0784

22 SW 52 -5,28 27,8784

23 TWS 84 26,72 713,9584

24 TR 64 6,72 45,1584

25 WD 36 -21,28 452,8384

Total Score

1432 0 6551,02

1) Process of Homogeneity Test

X1 (x-x)2 X2 (x-x)2

60 151,7824 76 350,4384

52 412,9024 44 176,3484

72 0,1024 40 298,5984

88 245,8624 40 298,5984

76 13,5424 48 86,1184

80 58,9824 56 1,6384

64 69,2224 80 516,1984

84 136,4224 68 114,9184

76 13,5424 60 7,3984

68 18,6624 80 516,1984

92 387,3024 56 1,6384

88 245,8624 52 27,8784

60 151,7824 48 86,1184

64 69,2224 76 350,4384

48 591,4624 44 176,3484

84 136,4224 32 639,0784

36 1319,1424 84 713,9584

72 0,1024 60 7,3984

80 58,9824 48 86,1184

80 58,9824 72 216,6784

76 13,5424 32 639,0784

76 13,5424 52 27,8784

68 18,6624 84 713,9584

80 58,9824 64 45,1584

84 136,4224 36 452,8384

Total 4381,44 6551,02

X 72,32 57,28

2) Compare with

With the formula as follow :

with the significance ơ = 0,05 is 1,98

According to the calculation above, the data of experimental and controll

class pre-test is homogenous. It can be seen from ≤ or 1,50 ≤


Appendix 6 :

Paired Sample T-test

The formula of Paired Sample t-test is as follows :

( √

) ( √


The formula above is the main formula. Before using the formula, the writer

also used some calculation procedure such as below :

7. Determining mean of variable X1 (Pre-test experimental class)

8. Determining mean of variable X2 (Post-test experimental class)

9. Determining variance (s12) and standard deviation (s1) of variable X1



= √ 2

= √


10. Determining variance (s22) and standard deviation (s2) of variable X2



= √ 2

= √

11. Determining Correlation (r)

The writer calculated the score of correlation by using correlation

calculator in https://ncalculators.com/statistics/correlation-coefficient-

calculator.htm. The result of correlation (r) = 0,9055.

12. Determining t0 (t-test)

( √

) ( √



√ ) (

√ )


) (


13. Determining degree of freedom (df)


Because = 48 is not in the table, whereas in the tables there is =

45 and 50, interpolation is done as follows ::

With significance ơ = 0,05

C = 2,01 – 0,006


So, the value of df = 48 at the degree freedom of significance ơ =

0,05 ( ) is ,02.

14. The testing of hypothesis

The statistical hypothesis of the research is :

H01 : There is a significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension

before and after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading

and composition (CIRC) technique.

Ha1 : There is no a significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension

before and after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading

and composition (CIRC) technique.

The criteria used to analyze the test hypothesis is such below :

3. If t-test (t0) ≥ t-table (tt) in the significance degree of 0,05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is rejected

4. If t-test (t0) ≤ t-table (tt) in the significance degree of 0,05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is accepted

Based on the calculating above,. H0 is rejected because the result

shows that the t-test ( is highest than t-table (ttable) or -20,30 ≥ -2,02. It

means that there is a significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension

before and after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading and

composition (CIRC) technique.

Appendix 7 :

Independent Sample T-test

The formula of independent sample t-test is as follows :

The formula above is the main formula. Before using the formula, the writer

also used some calculation procedure such as below :

9. Determining mean of variable X2 (Post-test Experimental Class)

10. Determining mean of variable Y2 (Post-test Control Class)

11. Determining standard of deviation score of variable X2


12. Determining standard of deviation score of variable Y2


13. Determining standard error mean of variable X2

14. Determining standard error mean of variable Y2

15. Determining standard error of different mean of variable X2 of variable Y2

16. Determining t0 (t-test)

17. Determining degree of freedom


Because = 48 is not in the table, whereas in the tables there is =

45 and 50, interpolation is done as follows ::

With significance ơ = 0,05

C = 2,01 – 0,006


So, the value of df = 48 at the degree freedom of significance ơ = 0,05

( ) is ,02.

18. The testing of hypothesis

The statistical hypothesis of the research is :

H02: There is a significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension

between the students who taught by using cooperative integrated

reading and composition (CIRC) technique and those who were not.

Ha2: There is no a significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension

between the students who taught by using cooperative integrated

reading and composition (CIRC) technique and those who were not.

The criteria used to analyze the test hypothesis is such below :

5. If t-test (t0) ≥ t-table (tt) in the significance degree of 0,05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is rejected

6. If t-test (t0) ≤ t-table (tt) in the significance degree of 0,05, H0 (null

hypothesis) is accepted

Based on the calculating above,. H0 is rejected because the result shows

that the t-test ( is highest than t-table (ttable) or 3,45 ≥ 2,02. It means that There

is a significant difference on students‟ reading comprehension between the

students who taught by using cooperative integrated reading and composition

(CIRC) technique and those who were not.

Appendix 8 :



Appendix 9 :

Appendix 10 :

Appendix 11 : Tabel Distribusi

untuk uji dua pihak (two tail test)

0,50 0,20 0,10 0,05 0,02 0,01

untuk uji satupihak (one tail test)

0,25 0,10 0,05 0,025 0,01 0,005
















































































































































































































































Kelas : VIII

Tahun : 2017 - 2018

Kompetensi Inti :

KI 1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi

secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

KI 3: Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4: Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam

sudut pandang/teori.







3.10 Menerapkan

struktur teks

dan unsur




n fungsi sosial teks

Teks deskriptif lisan

dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan


Fungsi sosial





nonton beberapa contoh teks

deskriptif singkat dan

sederhana tentang orang,


Tingkat ketercapaian

fungsi sosial teks

descriptive singkat dan

sederhana tentang

orang, benda dan

16 JP

Buku Teks



ucapan dan

tindakan guru menggunaka









binatang, dan


pendek dan






nya .

4.11 Menangkap

makna dalam



lisan dan

tulis, pendek



4.12 Menyusun teks

deskriptif lisan

dan tulis,

pendek dan


tentang orang,

orang, binatang dan

benda untuk

kepentingan menjual,





Struktur teks

a. Penyebutan nama

orang, binatang,

benda dan nama


yang dipilih untuk


b. Penyebutan sifat

orang, binatang,

benda dan

bagiannya, dan

c. Penyebutan

tindakan dari atau

terkait dengan

orang, binatang,


Panjang teks: kurang

lebih 6 (enam) kalimat.

I have a niece. Her name is Fanny. She is

five years old. She has chubby cheeks and flat

benda dan binatang.

Siswa mengikuti

mengucapkan teks deskriptif

singkat dan sederhana

tentang orang, benda dan


Siswa membaca untuk

memahami berbagai

informasi dan makna teks

deskriptif singkat dan

sederhana tentang orang,

benda dan binatang dengan

pengucapan dan intonasi

yang baik

Siswa berlatih menentukan

informasi rinci


Dengan bimbingan dan arahan

guru, siswa menanya

perbedaan antar berbagai teks

descriptive singkat dan

sederhana tentang orang,

benda dan binatang, dalam

berbagai konteks


Siswa membaca contoh-

contoh teks descriptive

singkat dan sederhana


Tingkat kelengkapan

dan keruntutan struktur

teks teks descriptive

singkat dan sederhana

tentang orang, benda

dan binatang,

Tingkat ketepatan unsur

kebahasaan: tata

bahasa, kosa kata,

ucapan, tekanan kata,



Tes Tulis

Pilihan Ganda

Jawaban singkat


Kinerja (praktik)

Bermain peran

mengenalkan sahabat


Bermain peran

membeli/menjual suatu


Bermain peran

melaporkan orang hilang

n setiap




dengan benar

dan akurat



dalam bentuk







Contoh teks


Sumber dari











binatang, dan

benda, dengan


n fungsi sosial,

struktur teks,

dan unsur


yang benar dan

sesuai konteks.

nose. Her eyes are

slanted. She looks funny when she smiles.

Unsur kebahasaan

(1) Pertanyaan dan

pernyataan tentang


How does your

brother look like?

He’s short and

wears glasses

(2) Penyebutan kata

benda singular

dengan a dan the,

dan plural (-s).

(3) Kata ganti it, they,

she, we, dst; our, my, your, their, dst.

(4) Kata sifat, tanpa

atau dengan

penambahan kata

quite, very, atau

kombinasi seperti

dark brown, nice

little cat, dan


(5) Ejaan dan tulisan

tangan dan cetak

tentang orang, benda dan

binatang dari berbagai

sumber lain.

Siswa mendeskripsikan

dengan singkat dan

sederhana tentang orang,

benda dan binatang untuk

tujuan menjual, membeli,

mengenalkan, melaporkan

kehilangan menggunakan

Bahasa Inggris dalam

konteks simulasi, role-play,

dan kegiatan lain yang



Dalam kerja kelompok

terbimbing siswa

menganalisis fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur

bahasa serta format

penulisan yang digunakan

untuk mendeskripsikan

orang, benda atau binatang

dengan tujuan menjual,

membeli, mengenalkan,

atau melaporkan

kehilangan, .

Siswa menanyakan balikan

(feedback) dari guru dan

teman tentang setiap yang

Ketepatan dan


menggunakan struktur

teks dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam

menyusun teks



Penilaian untuk tujuan

memberi balikan. Sasaran


Upaya menggunakan

bahasa Inggris untuk


dengan singkat dan

sederhana tentang

orang, benda dan

binatang ketika ada


Kesungguhan siswa

dalam proses

pembelajaran di

setiap tahapan.


perilaku tanggung

jawab, peduli,

kerjasama, dan cinta

damai, dalam








yang jelas dan rapi

(6) Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,



secara lisan.


Berbagai hal terkait

dengan orang, binatang dan benda

di sekitar rumah, sekolah dan


dia sampaikan dalam kerja


Siswa menyimpulkan hasil

analisisnya terkait Fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan dari teks

deskriptif tentang orang,

benda dan binatang dengan

tujuan menjual, membeli,

mengenalkan, melaporkan



Siswa mendeskripsikan

orang benda dan binatang

untuk mengenalkan,

menjual atau melaporkan

kehilangan dengan bahasa

Inggris, di dalam dan di

luar kelas serta lingkungan

sekitar sesuai dengan


Siswa menulis jurnal untuk


pengalaman yang mereka

peroleh selama

pembelajaran, hal-hal yang

sulit dan mudah dipelajari

dan strategi yang sudah

atau akan dilakukan untuk



Ketepatan dan


menggunakan strategi

dalam membaca


Kumpulan catatan

kemajuan belajar yang

mendukung proses


menyusun teks

deskriptif .

Kumpulan karya siswa

yang mencerminkan

hasil atau capaian

belajar menyusun teks

deskriptif tulis,

pendek dan sederhana,

berupa: draft, revisi,

editing sampai hasil

terbaik untuk

dipublikasi tentang

orang, binatang, dan


Kumpulan hasil tes

dan latihan.

Penilaian Diri dan

Penilaian Sejawat

Jurnal belajar

3.12 Menerapkan

struktur teks

dan unsur




fungsi sosial

teks recount







kejadian, dan


pendek dan


sesuai dengan




4.14 Menangkap

makna teks

recount lisan

dan tulis,

pendek dan





Teks lisan dan tulis

berbentuk recount

dengan menyatakan

dan menanyakan

tentang kejadian, dan

peristiwa, pendek dan


Fungsi sosial



peristiwa, kejadian

untuk melaporkan,



berbagi pengalaman,


Struktur teks

a. Orientasi:

menyebutkan tujuan



pengalaman secara


b. Uraian


secara berurut dan


c. Penutup (seringkali

ada): komentar atau


Siswa mendengarkan/

menonton beberapa contoh

teks recount dengan

menyatakan dan

menanyakan tentang

kegiatan, kejadian, dan

peristiwa, berdasarkan

konteks yang sesuai

Siswa mengikuti

mengucapkan kalimat dalam

teks recount tentang

kegiatan, kejadian, dan


Siswa membaca untuk

memahami makna dan

bentuk kalimat terdapat

dalam teks recount tentang

kegiatan, kejadian, dan


Siswa berlatih menentukan

informasi rinci


Dengan bimbingan dan

arahan guru, siswa

mempertanyakan perbedaan antar berbagai teks recount


Tingkat ketercapaian

fungsi sosial teks

recount tentang

kegiatan, kejadian, dan


Tingkat kelengkapan

dan keruntutan struktur

teks dari teks recount tentang kegiatan,

kejadian, dan peristiwa

Tingkat ketepatan unsur

kebahasaan: tata

bahasa, kosa kata,

ucapan, tekanan kata,



Tes Tulis

Menjawab berbagai

pertanyaan tentang

informasi yang terdapat

dalam teks yang di

didengar atau dibaca.

Menyusun kalimat acak

menjadi kalimat yang


Melengkapi teks recount singkat dan

16 JP

Buku Teks



ucapan dan

tindakan guru


n setiap




dengan benar

dan akurat



dalam bentuk







Contoh teks


Sumber dari





4.15 Menyusun

teks recount

lisan dan

tulis, pendek









an fungsi


struktur teks,

dan unsur


yang benar

dan sesuai


penilaian umum.

Unsur kebahasaan

(1) Uraian tindakan

dalam Past Tense:

Simple and

Continuous, woke,

took, went, got, did, had, was waiting,

were sleeping

(2) Adverbia

penghubung waktu:

first, then, after

that, before, at last, finally, dsb.

(3) Adverbia dan frasa


penujuk waktu:

yesterday, last month, on Monday,

an hour ago,

immediately, dsb.

(4) Ejaan dan tulisan

tangan dan cetak

yang jelas dan rapi

(5) Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,



secara lisan.


tentang kegiatan, kejadian,

dan peristiwa, dalam

berbagai konteks


Siswa membaca contoh-

contoh teks recount tentang

kegiatan, kejadian, dan

peristiwa dari berbagai

sumber lain.

Siswa menceritakan

kegiatan, kejadian, dan

peristiwa yang terjadi

menggunakan Bahasa


Siswa menuliskan pengalam

mereka yang menyenangkan.


Dalam kerja kelompok

terbimbing siswa

menganalisis fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur

bahasa serta format

penulisan yang digunakan

dalam berbagai teks

recount tentang kegiatan,

kejadian, dan peristiwa, .

Siswa menanyakan balikan

(feedback) dari guru dan

sederhana berdasarkan


Menulis teks recount

sederhana berdasarkan

urutan gambar kejadian

Kinerja (praktik)

Melakukan monolog

tentang pengalaman

yang menyenangkan.

Ketepatan dan


menggunakan struktur

teks dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam

monolog tentang

pengalaman yang



Penilaian untuk tujuan

memberi balikan. Sasaran


Upaya menggunakan

bahasa Inggris untuk


menanyakan, dan


kejadian dan

peristiwa yang terjadi














Peristiwa, kejadian,

pengalaman yang

terjadi di sekolah,

rumah, dan

masyarakat sekitar

siswa, dengan


keteladanan tentang

perilaku disiplin,

jujur, peduli, pola

hidup sehat, dan

ramah lingkungan.


Foto peristiwa, buku

harian, dekorasi,

yang membuat

tampilan teks lebih


teman tentang setiap yang

dia sampaikan dalam kerja


Siswa menyimpulkan hasil

analisinya terkait Fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan dari teks

recount tentang kegiatan,

kejadian, dan peristiwa

yang terjadi.

, Mengomunikasikan

Siswa mempresentasikan

tulisan tentang pengalaman

yang menyenangkan

Siswa menulis jurnal untuk


pengalaman yang mereka

peroleh selama

pembelajaran, hal-hal yang

sulit dan mudah dipelajari

dan strategi yang sudah

atau akan dilakukan untuk


di waktu lampau

Kesungguhan siswa

dalam proses

pembelajaran di

setiap tahapan.


perilaku tanggung

jawab, peduli,

kerjasama, dan cinta

damai, dalam



Ketepatan dan


menggunakan strategi

dalam membaca


Kumpulan catatan

kemajuan belajar yang

mendukung proses


menyusun teks recount

Kumpulan karya

siswa yang

mencerminkan hasil

atau capaian belajar

menyusun teks

recount dengan

menyatakan dan

menanyakan tentang

kejadian, dan

peristiwa, pendek dan


Kumpulan hasil tes

dan latihan.

Penilaian Diri dan

Penilaian Sejawat

Jurnal belajar

Appendix 15 :


a. Experimental Class

b. Control Class



NIM : TE.140963

Date of Birth : Kampung Baru, March 21st, 1997

Gender : Female

Addres : Jl. Ampera No.12, RT.09 Kel. Kampung Baru,

Kec. Muara Tembesi, Kab. Batanghari

Motto : “Do your best at any moment that you have.”

Identity : College Student

Email : [email protected]

Contact Person : 0813-7340-0668

Educational Background

No Level of Education Adress Year

1. SDN 57/I Muara Tembesi Jl. Jambi-Tebo Km. 4 Kec. Muara

Tembesi, Kab. Batanghari


2. SMPN 06 Batanghari Jl. Sei. Abang Km. 5 Kec. Muara

Tembesi, Kab. Batanghari


3. SMAN 01 Batanghari Jl. Ahmad Yani No.1 Kec. Muara

Bulian, Kab. Batnghari


4. UIN STS JAMBI Sei. Duren, Kec.Jaluko, Kab. Muaro



The Writer
