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English Grammar 4

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Edward R. Rosset

Page 3: English Grammar 4

Written by / Escrito por:Edward R. RossetMember of the Bachelor of Arts Association of Euskadi.Miembro del Colegio de Licenciados de Filosofia y Letras de Euskadi

Revised by / Revisado por:


Published by / Editado por:Editorial Stanley

Layout / Diseho y Maquetacion:Angela Gomez Martin

Front page design / Diseno portada:Diseno (runes

© Editorial StanleyApdo. 207 - 20302 IRUN - SPAINTelf. (943) 64 04 12 - Fax. (943) 64 38 63

ISBN: 84-7873-196-2Dep. Leg. BI-2919-02Third edition /Tercera edicion 2003

Printers / Imprime:Imprenta Berekintza

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1 Adjective order 2

2 Adjectives. Formation,prefixes and suffixes. 4

3 Prefixes 6

4 Adjectives: Comparison 8

5 Adjective: Comparison (cont.) 10

6 Adjectives: degrees of intensity _ _ 12

7 Adverbs of manner 14

8 Adverbs of degree 16

9 As well as + ing - Although -As long as - As (cause) 18

10 Used to + gerund 20

11 Because of - Bound to 22

12 By + time phrase -By the time + past perfect 24

13 The causative 26

14 Clauses of reason 28

15 Clauses of comparison 30

16 Clauses of concession 32

17 Condition clauses 34

18 Clauses of purpose 36

19 Clauses of purpose (cont.) 38

20 Clauses of time 40

21 Conditionals type 1 42

22 Conditionals type 2 44

23 Conditionals type 3 46

24 Comparisons 48

25 Connective relative clauses 50

26 Discourse markers 52

27 Relative clauses: defining 54

28 Relative clauses: non-defining 56

29 Future tense: contrasts 58

30 Future tense: contrasts (cont.) 60

31 Gerunds after "for" andcertain verbs 62

32 Gerund after prepositions 64

33 Infinitive after certain verbs _ 66

34 Inversion of the verbafter certain adverbs _ 68

35 Modal verbs. Revision 70

36 The one who / that / which -The one with 72

37 Once + Present perfect 74

38 Passives: All tenses -is considered / thought /said to be 76

39 Reported speech 78

40 Reported speech (cont.) 80

41 Remember (and other verbs) +gerund or infinitive 82

42 Suffixes and prefixes 84

43 Compound nouns 86

44 Tenses: General revision 88

45 Phrasal verbs 1 90

Phrasal verbs 2 91

Phrasal verbs 3 93

Phrasal verbs 4 94

Phrasal verbs 5 95

Phrasal verbs 6 97

Phrasal verbs 7 98

APENDIX 1 Exercise.Idiomatic expressions. __ 101

APENDIX 2 Exercise.Idiomatic expressionswith colours 103

APENDIX 3 Expressions with:to do • to make 104

Phrasal verbs 8 99

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Edward R. Rosset

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Adjective order• Aunque es muy dificil dar un orden exacto, yhay ligeras variaciones entre las gramaticasmas usuales hoy en dfa, se puede considerarque el orden que damos a continuation es elmas aceptado.

A big black cat.A long wide avenue.Cruel blue eyes,A small blue metal box.An old iron bucket.Yellow silk curtains.

1° Tamanoexcepto little.

2° Descripciongeneralincluyendo adjetivosde personalidad yemocidn.

3° Edady el adjetivo little.

4° Forma

5° Color

6° Material

7° Origen

8° Propositogeneralmentegerundios:winding road,running shoes.

• Los adjetivos de personalidad y emotionvienen detras de los adjetivos de descriptionfisica, pero antes que los colores:

A small, nervous man.A large, patient group of men.A fierce, black dog.A kind, white doctor.

• A menudo usamos little, young y old, nopara dar informacion, sino como una combina-tion de adjetivo/sustantivo:

Jimmy is such a nice, little boy.An athletic, suspicious, young manstood at the door.



• Cuando young y old se usan para darinformation, ocupan la position num. 3.

A young, black woman.An old, Italian clock.

• Si queremos poner enfasis en el tamano esmejor usar small, que little.

He was a small ambitious man.

• Cuando los adjetivos son predicatives, esdecir, van detras del verbo, generalmente sepone and.

The tea was sweet and strong.


I had a black and white Italianchessboard.They sat at a big, round, conferencetable.She wore black, Spanish, leatherboots.He played with an expensive steel-framed tennis racket.The day was dark, wet and cold.

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1. Pon los adjetivos entre parentesis en la posicion correcta.Example: We saw a Japanese film, (new) We saw a new Japanese film.

1. an old picture (expensive/Italian) 19. a little restaurant (French/nice)

2. short hair (black/attractive) 20.a kitchen cupboard (handmade/wooden)

3. a large town (new/exciting)

21. a leather handbag (small/black/shiny)

4. a small dog (thin/white)

22. a huge milkshake (ice-cold/5. a narrow street (small) strawberry)

6. a white face (fattish) 23. a Spanish waiter (little/friendly)

7. a wooden box (brown/large) 24. a clean room (bright/beautiful)

8. a black car (new/large) 25. a daring pilot (handsome/young/AirForce)

9. a pretty dress (blue)26. A curious dog (little/brown)

10. a cold shower (refreshing)27. A tall cowboy (handsome/dark/Texan)

11. a rainy day (miserable)28. a green ashtray (Chinese/glass)

12. large eyes (red)

29. a conference hall (large/glass)

13. a British film (funny)

30. a carving knife (long/sharp)14. a black skirt (leather)

31. a handy little calculator (black)15. an old mansion (decrepit)

32. a curious monkey (little)16. a beautiful woman (young)

33. an inexpensive dirty hotel (little)17. an old man (grumpy)

34. a kindly coloured doctor (old)18. a rare bracelet (emerald)




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Adjectives. Formation, prefixes and suffixes.

• Algunas palabras hacen la funcion solamente deadjetivos (small). Otras pueden ser sustantivoso adjetivos (cold). Muchos adjetivos que serelacionan con verbos o sustantivos tienen unfinal caracteristico (suffix).

care carefulchange changeableenjoy enjoyabletruth truthful

• Los participios de presente tambien actuancomo adjetivos:

amuse amusing amusedastonish astonishing astonished

• Adjectives ending in -ible•able


































• Adjectives ending


in -ive



• Adjectives ending


in -ous


• Adjectives ending



in -ate




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1. En letra cursiva tienes una explicacion de la palabra que tienes que ponerterminando en ble.

Example: This word is impossible to pronounce. It is unpronounceable.

1. He had followed a course in elocution. His speech was quite without faults.

It was

2. I think that this plan will be impossible to put into practise.

It will be

3. A masterpiece is impossible to define or explain.

It is

4. The number 13 can't be divided by any other number.

It is

2. Haz lo mismo con los adjetivos que terminan en ous.Example: Teachers prefer a class with pupils of the same level. It is an homogeneousclass.

1. Children who develop faculties at an early age don't always become Einsteins.

They are

2. Many children are difficult to please.

They are

3. Her arguments seemed right, but they were not so.

They were

4. The weather here is unpredictable and ever-changing.

It is very

3. Haz lo mismo con adjetivos que terminan en ate.Example: Keep these ones apart from the others. Keep them separate..

1. It was a very complicated plan.

It was very

2. The place was deserted and uninhabited,

it was

3. They are very close friends.

They are

4. That word was just the right word.

It was very



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• Los prefijos a menudo tienen un efecto negative:

Prefixes with:


























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1. Pon el adjetivo contrario al que se te da.Example: This person is not very honest.

1. Smuggling tobacco is, of course, notlegal.

It js

2. That boy is not responsible.

He is

3. This person doesn't care aboutmorals.

He is a very person.

4.1 was not injured in the accident,

I was

5. In America many people were againstcommunism.

They were

6. This thing is impossible to eat.


7. I'm afraid he is not very loyal.

He is

8. He is lacking education.

He is

9. You can dispense with him.

He is not

10. The bill was due to be paid sometime ago.

lt is

11. It is not logical to do that.

It is

12. 'Is he satisfied?'

'No, he is

13. It was not at all planned.

It was

14. He is not very religious.

On the contrary, he is

15. They are not going to interfere.

They have an

Usa los sufijos que has aprendido.He is dishonest.

16. He is not very well known.

In fact, he is

17. He was not a very social man.

He was

18. She is an extremely sensitiveperson.

She is

19. It is not very well adjusted.

It is

20. This gold is not very pure.


21. He has no illusions left in this life.

He is rather

22. This treatment is not very effective.


23. Johnny has never been very formal.

He is

24. It was not a very real situation.

It _was_quite_

25. The meat is not done yet.

It is

26. This man is extraordinary.

He is a

27. It was not very consistent.

It was rather

28. The report was not complete.

It was

29. It wasn't a regular situation.

It was quite

30. The situation is not very favourable.

It is






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Adjectives: comparison• La mayor parte de los adjetivos monosila-bos anaden er y est para formar el comparati-ve y el superlative:

cleaner greater coldercleanest greatest coldest

• Muchos monosilabos que terminan en vocal+ consonante duplican la consonante:

bigger biggestsadder saddestthinner thinnestwetter wettestfatter fattest

• Los monosilabos que terminan en e anadenryst:

nicer nicestlater latestfreer freestsafer safest

• Para formar el grado comparative y superla-tivo de los adjetivos de dos o mas silabas, seanade more/less para los comparativos, ymost/least para los superlativos.

• Less se puede usar con adjetivos de unasflaba (less cold).

adjective comparative superlative



gentlermore gentleless gentle

more beautifulless beautiful

gentlestmost gentleeast gentle

most beautifulleast beautiful

• Asi como gentle, otros adjetivos bisflabospueden formar el comparative y el superlative

• Algunos adjetivos terminan en y precedidade consonante. El comparative y superlativese forman con i:

- pretty prettier - prettiest

Otros ejemplos son:

- tidybusyreadyheavy

La exception es:- shy

shyer* shyest

quantifiermuch- manylittle



- empty- funny- dirty



pleasant- handsome- quiet

simple- stupid

• Los puestos de tales palabras(unpleasant, etc.) tambien forman elcomparativo y el superlative de dos formas:

unhappierunhappiest -

more unhappythe most unhappy

Adjetivos compuestos

He is more quick-witted than she is.John is better-looking than Peter.(more good-looking)He is worse-tempered than she is.(more bad-tempered)



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1. Completa las frases con el comparative correspondiente.Example: Today is very wet. It is much wetter than yesterday.

1. He came very early. He came than yesterday.

2. This picture is very grey. It's than that one.

3. James is very shy. He is than his sister.

4. My boss is very busy. He is than I am.

5. This girl is very sad. She is than her sister.

6. This boy is very fat. He is than his friend.

7. These people are very free. They are thanthose.

2. Haz ahora lo mismo con el grado superlative.Example: April is very wet. It's the wettest month of the year.

1. This desk is very tidy. It's the desk in the classroom.

2. This man is very thin. He is the man in the country.

3. She is very funny. She is the girl in her class.

4. This land is very dry. It's the land in the state.

5. This picture is very grey. It's the in the auction.

6. This river is very long. It's the river in the world.

3. Usa er/est o more/most, less/least, etc. para completar las frases.Example: This street is very narrow. It's narrower/more narrow than those.

1. This situation is than that one. (common)

2. He is well built. In fact he is than me. (built)

3. This is not very expensive. In fact, it's thanthose, (expensive)

4. That joke was not very amusing. In fact, it was theof all. (amusing)

5. This boy is very bad-tempered. He is thanhis father, (tempered)

6. My boyfriend is very handsome. He is the boy Iknow, (handsome)

7. They were all beautiful, but she was, perhaps, the. (beautiful)



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Adjective: Comparison (cont.)

El uso de than en la forma comparativa

• Si la referenda es clara no hace faltaponerlo:

This sleeve is longer.

• Si estamos hablando de dos cosas podemosdecir:

Which is the longer?(of the two roads)

• Si than va seguido de nombre opronombre actua como preposicion; cuando vaseguido de una oration, hace el oficio deconjuncion:

I know her better than you.- I know her better than you know her.

• Comparativos con er and erThis girl is getting taller and taller.

• The + comparative + the + comparativeThe more money you have, the more youwant.

Uso de la forma superlativa

• Usamos el superlative cuando comparamoscon mas de uno.

This is the cleanest.That is the safest.

• Casi siempre despues de un superlativeponemos in.

London is one of the biggest towns inthe world.

- He is the tallest in our class.

• Menos frecuentemente usamos of.John is the tallest of/in the family.August is the hottest month of the year.




Superlative con ever

This is the longest book (that) I haveever read.

• Los superlativ-es pueden ser modificadoscon adverbios de grado: much, quite, almost,nearly, far, by far.- This is by far the most expensive book

in the shop.

• Comparativo de igualdad as... as- He is as tall as his brother.

• En negaciones se usa not as... as o notso/as as- He is not so/as clever as his brother.

• The same as y different from.My car is the same as yours.Our house is quite different from yours.

Grados de parecidoThose girls are exactly the same.The two brothers are completelydifferent.

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1. Termina la frase como en los ejemplos.Example: He is growing. He is getting taller and taller. He is ambitious. The more hehas, the more he wants.

1. This boy is very greedy. The more you give him(take).

2. Flights are getting cheaper. They are gettingevery day.

3. 'Sometimes you have a lot of time and do nothing.' 'Yes, the more time you have,

4. 'Computers are becoming very complicated.' 'Yes, they are gettingevery day.'

5. 'If you make a lot of money, you spend a lot money.' 'Yes, the more money youmake, '

2. Pon la preposicion que falta.Example: He is the tallest boy in our class.

1. My girlfriend is the most beautiful girl the world.

2. The 21st of December is the shortest day the year.

3. The Nile is the longest river Africa.

4. She is the most clever/cleverest her family.

5. That was the happiest day my life.

3. Termina la frase con ever.Example: She is the prettiest girl I've ever seen.

1. This is the most interesting book (that) .

2. He is the most conceited man (that/whom) I .(meet)

3. That was the most expensive bicycle (that). (ride)

4. Usa el comparativo de igualdad para completar las frases.Example: Your car is not as/so new as mine.

1. This house is just (big) ours.

2. No, this book is (interesting) that one.

3. My son is just (clever) yours.

4. No, he is (hard worker) his brother.




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Adjectives: degrees of intensity


• Los adjetivos se pueden dividir en dos ciases: iosque se pueden graduar y ios que no.

• Un adjetivo es graduabie cuando se puede usarcon palabras tales como very, too, enough,excellent, etc.

• Un adjetivo es no graduabie cuando no se puedemodificar: monthly, yearly, medical, dead.



• Very solo, no puede ir con comparativos ysuperlatives, pero very much si puede.

This is very much faster than this one.

• Con alone:The poor woman has been very muchalone lately.

• Very se puede usar con gerundios yparticipios.

She is a very interesting woman.She was very interested.

Very much, so much, such a/an

• Much o very much puede ir en el medio dela frase.

She is very much/much loved in thiscountry.

• Si queremos ponerlo al final de la frasetenemos que usar very much.

I like her very much.

• Con un sustantivo podemos poner such a +adjetivo, o so + adjetivo.

Mrs Smith was such a nice woman!/Mrs Smith was so nice!


• Intensifica en grado sumo la accion deladjetivo.

'Was it good?' 'Yes, it was very goodindeed!'

• -ly intensifiers.He is a particularly good element.The news was terribly confusing.This man works really slowly.She was extremely helpful.

Jolly, pretty, dead + adjectives.

He is a jolly good fellow.This train is moving pretty slowly.And he was dead right!


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1. En todas las frases tienes adjetivos. Tienes que aumentarlos o disminuirlos deintensidad si se puede.

Example. She was a nice person. She was a very nice person.

1. This is a very good cake. That one is good.2. This newspaper is daily. It is a newspaper.3. The pot is hot. It is hot to touch.4. Your answer is wrong. It is not right.5. The water in the pool is warm to swim in.6. I get paid every month. I get paid .7. Byron is admired in Greece.8. It was nice party!9. I enjoyed the party .

10. The masterpiece was the only one.lt was .11. Nothing could be heard. The place was quiet.12. We all like him. He is a fellow.13. 'You were very wrong.' 'Yes, I know I was wrong.'14. The wounded needed a doctor. They needed attention.

2. Usa estos adverbios de intensidad y juntalos con la oracion que creas va mejor.

1 All the bodies were A extremely comfortable

2 He is an honest man', \ extremely tight

3 He has been many yearswith the firm as he is a D well lined-up

E mostly wrong4 The situation wasF incredibly cheap5 The poor girt felt

6 He djdn't trust him^ He felt H completely mistaken

7 She is getting old and I perfectly planned

8 The raid into enemy J bad|y neededterritory was K works really slowly

9 They all missed her L deePly suspiciousShe was M terribly confusing

10 You are wrong.You are N terrib|y confused0 particularly good worker

11 This leather bag is [. *,_ _ .. _ _ _? p highly respectable12 Your answers were

13 The soldiers were

14 That pullover is

15 Those sheets are

16 This armchair is


B whiter than whitetight

F incredibly cheapG horribly mutilated


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Adverbs of manner• La mayoria de los adverbios de manera seforman ahadiendo "ly" a los adjetivos:- glad . gladly

mad . madly

• Los adjetivos que terminan en I duplican la I:careful . carefully

• Si terminan en y despues de consonante:busy busily

• Los que terminan en e ahaden ly:possible possibly

Prases preposicionales usadascomo adverbios

• Cuando no existe un adverbio para lo quequeremos expresar recurrimos a una fraseadverbial.

We came here by train.They all came to us in a rush.

Adjetivos que terminan en "ly"


Adjetivos y adverbios con la mismaforma y el mismo significado

A fast (adjective) car is a car that goesfast (adverb).She works hard (adverb) because shelikes hard (adjective) work.


* elderlyfatherly

- friendly* heavenly


* manlymotherlysickly


- unlikelyugly

He is a friendly man. (adjective)- He always greets me in a friendly

way. (adverb)



Adverbios con dos formas que seusan de la misma manera

cheap. cheaplyclean . cleanly

- clear . clearlyclose . closelydear . dearlyfair . fairly

^fine .finely

firm . firmlyfirst . firstlyloud . loudlyquick.quicklyquiet. quietlyslow . slowlythin .thinly

We bought the house cheap/cheaply.

Posicion de los adverbios de manera1. Despues del objeto:

They watched us curiously.

2. Despues del verbo:It rained heavily last night.

3. Despues de una particula adverbial:He put the ladder up carefully.

• En narrativa a veces empezamos la frasecon adverbios de manera, tales como:

gently slowly suddenly

• Estos adverbios van seguidos por unacoma.

Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him.

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1. Completa las frases siguientes con adverbios.Example: This is, possibly, the show in town (possible).

1. It was an difficult situation (extreme).

2. This boy is in love with that girl (mad).

3. This is the same thing (basic).

4. We didn't go out because it was raining (heavy).

5. We pay our bills (month).

6. I always drive very (careful).

7. They all left (hurry).

8. I'm sorry, I hear very (bad).

9. It was a very evening (live).

10. That girl speaks quickly (incredible).

11. They decided to leave town (secret).

12. It was not a successful book (whole).

13. I was in love with you (true).

14. The train didn't go very (fast).

15. They didn't work very (hard).

2. En este ejercicio tienes que decidir cual de las dos palabras es la apropiada.Tacha la que no lo sea.

Example: He spoke 'tyti&/quietly in the dark.

1. She is terribly/terrible upset aboutlosing her boyfriend.

2. He drove very careful/carefully alongthe narrow road.

3. All those people were very colourful/colourfully dressed.

4. After years in Paris she speaks verygood/well French.

5. His English is not very good but hisGerman is almost fluent/fluently.

6. Both of them are very happy/happilymarried.

7. It has rained continuously/continuous for two weeks.

8. Why is that girl so unfriend/unfriendly?

9. She waited nervous/nervously in thewaiting room.

10. The two men were seriously/seriousinjured.

11. She was bitter/bitterly disappointed.

12. It's a reasonable/reasonably cheaphotel.

13. The food in here is extremely/extreme good.

14. I'm terrible/terribly sorry. I didn'tmean it.

15. The exam was surprising/surprisingly easy.





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Adverbs of degree• Los adverbios de grado mas corrientes son:


- barelya bit


- hardlynearly


• Se pueden usar como adverbios de grado.a littlea lotmuch

- very muchetc.

I don't like her very much.They don't drink much wine in thiscountry.


• El sentido de quite depende de la clase depalabra que lo modifica.

• Puede expresar el sentido de'completamente, mucho' con:

all rightdeterminedemptyfinished



The bottle is quite full.You were quite right.

Con palabras tales como:amazinglyperfectlyuniqueastoundingly


This man is quite amazing. He playsquite amazingly.



quite le da a la palabraun valor superlative.

• Sin embargo, cuando quite se usa conadjetivos como good o strong, el resultadoes ligeramente mas debit.

The play was good.The play was quite good.(ligeramente inferior)

• De todas formas depende mucho del entasisque le damos a la palabra.

Rather y fairly

• Ambos significan 'moderadamente', perofairly se usa generalmente con adjetivos yadverbios favorables (nice, good, well, etc.)mientras que rather se usa generalmente conadjetivos y adverbios desfavorables (ugly,bad, silly, etc.):

Jimmy is fairly clever, while his sister israther stupid.

• Estos se pueden usar con participios:She was fairly comfortable; he wasrather astonished.He is a fairly good speaker, but ratherlazy.

Hardly, barely y scarcely

• Los tres son muy parecidos, con un sentidogeneralmente negative.

• Hardly se suele usar con ever, any, at all, ocon el verbo can.

She can hardly speak.The soup was barely warm.

hardlybarelyscarcely ever

puede ser reemplazado por almost never.I hardly ever go to London.I almost never go to London.

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1. A continuacion tienes unas frases con fairly y rather. Tacha la que creas que no esta bien.Example: This man is rather/fairly stupid.

1. During the driving test she was fairly/rather relaxed.

2. The old woman walks fairly/rather slowly.

3. This book is rather/fairly interesting.

4. It was a rather/fairly boring film.

5. The box was fairly/rather light.

6. It was a rather/fairly heavy box.

7. Johnny is rather/fairly intelligent.

2. Completa las frases que van a continuacion con el adverbio apropiado: fairly,rather, quite, hardly.

Example: The meal was quite good. I enjoyed it.

1. That old man is an expert on Roman coins.

2. It's a shame that we have to work on Sundays.

3. like raw fish.

4. They spoke on the way.

5. She knows a word of French.

6. He is certain that she'll come back to him.

7. I was sure that you'd come.

8. The case was so heavy that he could lift it.

9. Frank is clever but lazy.

10. It's a good play. I wouldn't go again though.

11. The job was finished.

12. There was anybody left.

13. It's a nuisance that we can't park here.

3. Vuelve a escribir estas frases usando almost.Example: I hardly ever see him nowadays. / almost never see him nowadays.

1. There's hardly any good news in the newspapers today.

2. We hardly ever go out nowadays.

3. Your son barely ever knows his lesson.




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As well as + ing - Although - As long as - As (cause)

As well as + ing

• Cuando as well as se usa con un verbo vaseguido de gerundio.

As well as breaking his arm, he hurthis leg.He worked at night as well as workingduring the day.

- As well as running a marathon, hewent to the disco.

• Hay una pequena diferencia entre:

They act as well as dance,(actuan y tambien bailan)They act as well as they dance,(actuan tan bien como bailan)

As long as

• Despues de as long as en ingles se usa elpresents de indicative, mientras que la mismafrase en espafiol se pondria en presente desubjuntivo:

We'll go with them as long as there isroom for us. (siempre que haya sitio)

• Lo mismo ocurre con otras conjunciones:


You can take my book as long as youdon't lose it. (mientras no lo pierdas)



Although y though• A menudo se usan indistintamente:

He's a nice chap though/although Idon't like the way he behaves.Though/although he lacks officialsupport, he continues the fight.

• Though es mas informal y a menudo sepone at final de la frase:

The weather didn't help. I enjoyedmyself, though.

• En este caso se puede traducir por 'sinembargo' y hace el oficio de adverbio.

• A veces usamos even con though paradarle mas enfasis:

Even though I didn't understand her, Iliked her voice.

As• A veces tiene el sentido de although.

<* Raining as it was, we went out.(Although it was raining)Tired as he was, he went on walking.(Although he was tired)

• A veces tiene el sentido de because.As there is little demand, we don't keepa big stock.As she is very old, she doesn't go outany more.

• A veces tiene el sentido de since.As you can't do it yourself, asksomebody else.As you are young, you can help me.

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1. A continuacion tienes dos frases. Unelas con as well as.Example: She washed the dishes. She made the bed. As well as washing the dishes,she made the beds.

1. He plays the guitar. He sings.

2. He speaks Chinese. He writes it.

3. They feed you. They let you have a bed.

4. They smash the place. They laugh at you.

5. He swims in the sea. He lies in the sun.

6. In a triathlon you swim. You run and you cycle.

2. Completa la frase usando as long as.Example: I'll go there as long as you come with me.

1. We'll go for a picnic


2. I'll go with you

(not/go over/speed limit)

3. We'N be able Jo do it

(you come/in time)

4. I'll have a word with him

(you/not/interrupt us)

5. You won't have any problems

(you/pay/on time)

3. Tacha la palabra que consideres mal.

Example: Our argument, alfoetmi/though, is the need for economic independence.

1. Even though/although we haven't met for years, we still love each other.

2. It was a quiet party. I had a good time, though/although.

3. Cold though/although it was, I went out.

4. Even though/although it was raining, we went for a walk.



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Used to + gerund

• Puede que nos parezca raro que en algunas

oraciones el verbo que va detras de to vayaen gerundio en vez de infinitive. Lo que pasaes que hay dos clases de to.

• Uno es el signo de infinitive:

I like to stay at home at the weekend.Do you want to come with us?

• El otro to es una preposicion.

I'm going to London.I'm not used to this traffic.

• Cuando esta preposicion va seguida de un

verbo, este verbo lo ponemos en gerundio.

I'm not used to driving in this traffic.Do they object to working on Saturdaymornings?

• La forma de saber si el to es preposicion o

no, es poner un sustantivo detras. Si se puedeponer, es preposicion.

I'm looking forward to Christmas.(preposicion)I object to loud music.(preposicion)

• Si el to no puede ir seguido por un sustanti-

vo no es preposicion.

• No se puede decir:

'I want to Christmas'.

• Tampoco se podria decir, por lo tanto:

'I want to speaking'.



• Los ejemplos mas corrientes de

to + gerundio son:

look forward to ...-ing,in addition to ... -ing,be accustomed to... -ing,object to... -ing, used to... -ing.

I'm not used to driving on the left.I object to having so many interruptions.

- He is accustomed to enduring thisharsh climate.In addition to having difficulties with thelanguage, he is mentally handicapped.I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


• Que los tres tipos de frases siguientesdan lugar a confusion:

I'm not used to speaking in public,(no estoy acostumbrado)I used to speak in public,(solia hablar...)I usually speak in public,(suelo hablar...)

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1. Completa estas frases con gerundio o infinitive.Example: I'm not used to eating out. (eat)

1. I object to (have) loud music played in my ear.

2. I'm looking forward to (hear) from you.

3. She wants to (eat) fish.

4. I used to (speak) in French when I met her.

5. They usually (speak) in her mother language whenthey are alone.

6. She objects to (be) laughed at.

7. We have to (drive) on the left in England.

8. In addition to (come) late, he came dirty.

9. Are you used to (get up) early?

10. He used to (get up) early when he was in the army.

11. When they were little they used to (come) to seeme quite often.

12. In addition to (speak) four languages, he canunderstand several others.

13. I strongly object to (be) spoken to like that.

14. Are you looking forward to (see) them again?

15. I don't usually (smoke) a pipe.

16. When I was young I used to (smoke) a pipe.

17. Well, the trouble was that I wasn't used to (smoke)a pipe.

18. I'd like to (go) riding in the morning.

19. She expects me to (visit) her every time I go to London.

20. I'm not looking forward to (pay) those bills.

21. I object to (be) treated like a slave.

22. I would like to (have) fish, please.

23. The poor girl was not used to (live) in a caravan.

24. The gypsy girl used to (live) in a caravan.

25. Those gypsies usually (live) in caravans.

26. Are you looking forward to (go) on holiday?

27. I'm not used to (be) insulted.

28. He used to (insult) everybody.

29. He doesn't usually (stay) here long.

30. I'm not looking forward to (meet) him.

31. They expect us to (invite) them to dinner.

32. I object to (be) kept waiting for hours.

33. I used to (go) there often when I was young.

34. Are you used to (drive) on the left? 21



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Because of - Bound toBecause

• Es una conjuncion que introduce unaoracion, con sujeto y verbo.

I couldn't sleep because I had drunk acup of coffee.

Because of

• Es una preposicion que se pone delante deun sustantivo o pronombre.

They were late because of trafficproblems.


• Es un sinonimo de confident, sure,certain.

My brother is sure/certain/bound towin this match, (esta seguro de ganar)


• No puede ir seguido de un infinitive.I'm confident that you will win.

Bound + infinitive

• Tambien puede significar estar bajo unaobligacion.

According to the contract, they arebound to supply the materials.

Ejemplos con bound to.


The weather is bound toget better tomorrow.

You've worked so hard that you're boundto pass your exam.

I feel bound to tell you that you aredrinking too much.

I'm bound to say that I disagree withyou on that point.



Recuerda• Que bound for signified algo muydistinto.<? The ship is bound for port.

(se dirige a)We are bound for home.Where are you bound for?

• Tambien se pueden formar adjetivoscompuestos.

Eastbound traffic will be delayed.That's the northbound lane.

Diferencias entre bound y likely.

He is likely to come tonight.(quiza venga)He is bound to come tonight.(seguro que viene)

• Por otra parte likely admite tambien unaoracion introducida por that.

It's likely that he will come tonight.

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1. Completa las frases con because o because of.Example: He was very happy because he had won the lottery.

1. They separated certain differences in opinion.

2. He won't be here tonight he missed the train.

3. He won't be here today a strike.

4. She was sad her dog had been run over by a car.

5. She doesn't go out any more her age.

6. He left her he didn't love her any more.

7. We haven't been able to finish it the holidays.

2. Completa las frases con bound o bound for.Example: 'Where are you going?' 'Well, we are bound for London.'

1. 'i,ls she going to tell you?' 'Yes, she is tell me sooner orlater.'

2. According to his letter, our order is arrive any time.

3. I feel tell you that you are driving too fast.

4. Those people were New York and Miami.

5. I knew it! Those two were get married.

6. That ship is Liverpool.

7. Don't worry. He'll tell. He is tell the truth sooner or later.

8. We've finished for today. We are home.

3. Completa las frases con bound to o likely to.Example: 'Do you think he'll sell the car?' 'Well, yes. He is likely to sell it.

1. Look at those black clouds. It is to rain any minute. Take theumbrella.

2. 'Will he ring today?' 'Probably. He is to give us a ring tonight.'

3. I knew it. It was to happen. He couldn't lead that sort of lifeforever.

4. It's quite that she will come with us.

5. I was sure of it.That hooligan was to finish up in jail!

6. I'm to finish reading it tonight. I'll probably give it to youtomorrow.

7. According to the contract, he is to supply the material.




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By + time phrase - By the time + past perfectBy the time phrase


• By, seguido de una hora, significa 'para', esdecir, 'no mas tarde de'.

I have to be at home by ten o'clock.

Where is she? She should be here bynow.

Take the car, but I want it back by sixo'clock.

By seven o'clock in the morning, I'malready working.

• Se puede usar con el future imperfectosimple.

By six o'clock tomorrow, we'll be inBenidorm.

I'll be able to tell you by seven o'clockthis evening.

• Y con future imperfecto continue.

By six o'clock tomorrow, we'll be lyingon the beach in Miami.

By seven tomorrow, I'll be telling youthe whole story.

• Con el future perfecto simple.

I will probably have finished this job byeight.

By eight o'clock, we'll have alreadyfinished dinner.

• Y future perfecto continue.

By eight o'clock tonight, I will have beenworking on this job for 20 hours.

By four o'clock, we will have been eatingfor two hours.



By the time

• Se puede usar con presente.

By the time you come here, he'll havedisappeared.

We'll have finished breakfast by thetime you get up.

• En pasado.

By the time you came here, he haddisappeared.

They had stolen all the jewels by thetime the police arrived.

• En preterite anterior.

By the time she had finished speaking,the little boy had vanished.

I had made all the beds by the time shehad finished shopping.

By the time the policeman had realizedwhat was happening, the burglar wasalready on the roof.

The boys had already eaten all the cakesby the time their mother went back tothe kitchen.

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1. Completa las frases en future simple.Example: By six o'clock this evening I will be back (be back).

1. By nine o'clock, the children (be) in bed.

2. (finish) the job by four o'clock.

3. Your father (be) back by Saturday.

4. The flight (arrive) in New York by nine o'clock.

2. Completa las frases en future perfecto.Example. They will have arrived by now.

1. I posted the letter last week, so they (receive) it by now.

2. They started at seven this morning, so they (finish) by now.

3. I told him yesterday, so he (do) something about it by now.

4. The plane took off at five, so it (arrive) by now.

3. Completa las frases en forma continua en future imperfecto o perfecto.Example: By this time tomorrow we'll be flying to the Costa Brava.

1. By nine o'clock tonight I

(finish) this job.

2. By the end of this month, I

(work) here for twenty years.

3. By the time you arrive, I

(sleep) in my bed.

4. By the end of the year, I

(fight) in the Trade Unions for 40 years.

4. Completa las frases con el past perfect.Example: By the time they got to the cinema, the film had already started.

1. By the time she arrived, most of the guests (leave).

2. By the time you started, I (finished) already.

3. By the time she got to the supermarket, they (close) already.

4. By the time she got, the children up already(have) breakfast.





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The causative• Esta estructura gramatical se forma con:


have + object + past participle

• present:I have my car serviced every month.I'm having my car serviced now.

• past:I had my car serviced last week.

• present perfect:I have just had my car serviced.

• future:• I will have my car serviced tomorrow.

• modals:• I may have my car serviced tomorrow.

I may be having my car serviced soon.


• Que es muy facil confundir elpluscuamperfecto con la estructuragramatical 'causative'.

I had made a table.(past perfect)I had a table made.(causative)

• La forma causativa es parecida a la vozpasiva. Nos fijamos en lo que se le hace aalgo o alguien, no en lo que alguien hace.active: We are painting our house.passive: The house is being painted

by us.causative: We're having our house




• Los verbos que a menudo se usan con estaestructura son:

• Con los verbos:teachtrainprepareinstructcoach

nos referimos a cosas que causamos quesean hechas por otros:

active: I'm training my son.passive: My son is being trained,causative: I'm having my son trained.

• Otros usos de have + object + pastparticiple.

She's stupid! She had that explained toher three times.Last week I had my radio cassettestolen.The Prime Minister had rotten eggsthrown at him.Why don't you have your hair cut?We had our house remodelled.




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1. A continuacion tienes unas frases en voz activa. Ponlas en voz pasiva y encausativa.

Example: I'm cleaning my room. My room is being cleaned. I'm having my roomcleaned.

1. I built a house on the hill.

2. They'll develop the photos.

3. I mended my socks.

4. I'm going to cut the hedges.

5. She's photocopying the book.

6. She will press her skirt.

7. I did the job last night.

8. We'll paint the fence.

9. We are decorating the room.

2. Haz lo mismo con los verbos: teach, train, instruct, coach, show, prepare.Example: I'm coaching the team. The team is being coached by me. I'm having theteam coached.

1. I'm teaching my daughter.

2. She is instructing the boys.

3. i prepared them for the test.

4. We'll train the children.

5. I'll show you the house.

6. He'll coach them.




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Clauses of reason• Estas oraciones responden a la pregunta<,por que? y se pueden introducir con lassiguientes conjunciones:


as becausesince

seeing (that)

As/Because/Since there were fewpeople, the show was cancelled.We don't keep a stock of those booksbecause they don't sell well.

Posicion• Por regla general si queremos darle entasisla ponemos al final.

• A menudo empezamos frases con as osince porque las razones a las que nosreferimos no necesitan ser enfatizadas.

<? As/Since you can't do it yourself,you'll have to ask somebody else to do itfor you.

As/Since you're very busy, I'll ask yourbrother to come with me.

• Because suele ir a continuation de laoracion principal para poner entasis a unarazon que no es conocida por la persona a laque nos dirigimos:

He is taking driving lessons because hewants to buy a car.I am studying because I want to becomean engineer.

• Because se puede usar siempre en vez deas, since, for pero estas conjunciones nosiempre se pueden usar en lugar debecause.



• In view of the fact that puede ser expresa-do por as/since/seeing that, pero no porbecause.

As/Since/Seeing that you're here, let'sgo over the figures.As/Since/Seeing that you're younger,you can carry the case.As/Since/Seeing that they've finished,we can go home.

• Cuando as/since/seeing that se refiere auna aseveracion anterior, o ya entendida, sepuede reemplazar por if.

As/Since/Seeing that/If you don't likehim, why do you go out with him?

• If so/not puede reemplazar un sujetopreviamente mencionado + verbo.

Will you be coming to the party? If so,bring a couple of bottles of wine.Do you want to drive? If not, I'll do thedriving.Do you want to pass your exam? If so,work harder.Are you going to collect the prize? If not,I'll collect it.

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1. A continuacion tienes dos frases, unelas con una conjuncion de razon.Example: The strike was not successful. There was little support. The strike was notsuccessful since/as/because there was little support.

1. They camped there. It was too dark to go on.

2. The problem was too difficult. I left it blank.

3. You are here. You may as well give me a hand.

4. The fuse blew. She had switched on all the heaters.

5. She was angry. We were late.

6. We had dinner very late. I was not hungry.

7. You don't like him. Why did you invite him?

8. It had frozen. There was ice everywhere.

9. You can't cook. You'll have to hire a cook.

10. He wants to find a flat. He wants to be independent.

11. He is studying at night. He works during the day.

12. He knows Italian. He can do the talking.

13. You don't love him. Why did you marry him?

2. Completar con "if so"o "if not".Example: Do you love Jim? If so, why don't you marry him?

1. Will you stay tonight? , hand in the key.

2. Is he going to New York? , tell him to bring me asouvenir.

3. Can you lend me £1? , I'll ask Peter.

4. Have you got any money? , why didn't you lend mesome?




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Clauses of comparison• Estas oraciones a menudo responden a lapregunta <,como?

• La formation es de:


as + adjetivo + as (as good as)as + adverbio + as (as well as)not so/as... as-er... thanmore... thanless... thanthe... the

• Normalmente omitimos el verbo de lasegunda parte de la comparacion.

She is as pretty as her sister (is).Mary types as quickly as Jennifer(does).He is not so/as good as his sister (is).His brother is faster than he (is).She moves more slowly than herbrother (does).The more exercise you take, the betteryou feel.

• A veces omitimos tanto el sujeto como elverbo.

This morning he looked happier than(he looked) last night.



Comparacion con adjetivos yverbos conjugados.

It's warmer today than it was yesterday.My wife spends more money than Iearn.He doesn't pay as much as we do.

Comparacion con adverbios yverbos conjugados.

He didn't run as fast as we expected.She works harder than I did at her age.

Comparacion con adjetivos einfinitives o gerundios.

• A menudo se usan indistintamente, pero es

mejor usar el infinitive para una action enparticular, mientras que los gerundios se usanmas para cosas en general.

Nowadays it's as cheap to buy a newwatch as (it is) to repair the old one.Buying a new watch is as cheap asrepairing the old one.It's always safer to do it oneself than tolet others do it.Doing things oneself is usually saferthan letting others do them.

• Si tenemos un verbo conjugado + this/that/which antes de as/than podemos poner ungerundio detras.

I'll do it myself; this will be cheaper thancalling a plumber.She helped me in the kitchen, whichwas better than watching TV.

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1. A continuacion tienes dos frases con adjetivos. Unelas.

Example: He is clever. His sister is just as clever. He is as clever as his sister.

1. He is slow. His brother is faster.

He is

2. He is quick. His sister is quicker.

His sister

3. Today it's dark. Yesterday was not so dark.


4. He earns a lot of money. He spends more.

He spends

5. We pay a lot in taxes. He doesn't pay so much.

He doesn't

2. Haz ahora lo mismo con adverbios.Example: We played well. You play better. We didn't play as well as you did.

1. i work hard. You work harder.


2. I heard people singing before. She sings louder.

She sings

3. He answers quickly. His sister answers just as quickly.

He answers

4. He moves slowly. His friend moves faster.

He moves

3. Completa las frases siguientes.Example: Buying a new watch is cheaper than repairing it. To buy a new watch is

cheaper than to repair it.

1. I think that lying on the beach is as boring as ,(watch) television.

2. To drive a car is easier than , (pilot) a plane.

3. Eating cereals is much healthier than , (drink)wine.

4. To sweep the streets is better than , (do) nothing.



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Clauses of concession• Las oraciones de concesion estanintroducidas por las siguientes conjunciones:


- although»though

even ifeventhoughno matterhoweverwhatevermuch aswhile

Although/Though/Even thoughI was sorry for her, I must say that shedeserves it.We intend to go to the book fair even ifwe don't sell any books.However far it is, we'll get there.No matter what you do, don't touch this.Whatever you do, don't tell anybody yousaw me.Much as I'd like to help you, I can't doanything for you.However rich people are, they alwayswant more.While I disapprove of the way you do it,I agree to the idea.

• Podemos usar may en casos hipoteticosdespues de todas las conjunciones queintroducen oraciones de concesion.

However clever she may be, she isn'tas clever as he is.Even though you may be sorry for him,he doesn't deserve it.Whatever you may think, I won'tchange my decision.

- However frightened you may be, youmust never show it.



• May puede significar "puede que si".

'But he is your friend!' 'He may be myfriend, but I still don't trust him.'

• De todas formas, may usado asi es partede la oracion principal, no es una oracion deconcesion.

• As y though pueden ir detras de algunosadjetivos, adverbios y verbos para introduciroraciones de concesion en un estilo formal.

Beautiful though she was, she was avery unreliable woman.Try as we might, we couldn't get a wordout of him.

• Even if se puede usar delante de should +infinitive, lo mismo que if en frases condicio-nales. Expresa la idea de que no es facil queocurra.

Even if she should hear it on the news,there's nothing she can do about it.

• Los compuestos de ever pueden introduciroraciones de concesion de la misma maneraque no matter.

Whatever I do, it always seems to bewrong.Whenever you see her, she alwaysseems to be busy.

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1. A continuacion tienes dos columnas. Casa las de la izquierda con las de la derecha.

1. Whatever you do, A. I'm going ahead with the plans.2. No matter what you do, B. it is difficult to avoid accidents.3. However frightened you may be, C. don't give him money.4. Even though you may feel sorry for him, D. you must remain calm.5. However carefully one drives, E. don't touch this switch.6. Whatever your opinion is, F. don't tell him what I told you.7. No matter where you are, G. the practise is always different.8. Much as I'd like to help, H. everybody knew about it.9. Although it was supposed to be a secret, I. I'm powerless to do anything.

10. While what they say is the ideal thing, J. you'll always be the same.

2. A continuacion tienes unas oraciones concesivas. Completalas con la conjuncioncorrespondiente.

Example: Beautiful though the necklace was, it was too expensive.

1. Unlikely it may sound, what I'm saying is true.

2. Rich the man was, he had not attraction to her.

3. Try they might, they couldn't move the rock.

4. poor you are, there's always someone poorer than you.

5. you do, don't touch the bomb.

6. he was condemned for robbery, he only got a couple ofyears.

7. I disapprove of the way you do it, I think you're right aboutit.

8. it is, we'll get there in time.

9. she should find out, she won't do anything about it.

10. happens, don't forget to write.

11. I'll find her, she's gone.

12. gains most points, wins the competition.

13. My roof leaks it rains.

14. team gains most points, wins the set.

15. hard I worked, my teacher was never satisfied.

16. what they are, stick to your beliefs.

17. Unlikely it may seem. I saw it with my own eyes.

18. Poor he was, he was honest.

19. difficult it is, I'll solve it.

20. he was guilty, he got off lightly.



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Condition clauses


• Las oraciones de condition pueden serintroducidas por las siguientes conjunciones:

as long asassuming thateven ifif onlyon condition thatprovided/providing that

» so long as- unless

suppose thatsupposing thatwhether... orotherwisebut for that

• Even ifWe must leave even if you aren't ready.

• Whether... or = if. . . orWe must leave now, whether you areready or not.

• Unless + affirmative verb= if + negativeUnless we leave now, we'll be late.If we don't leave now, we'll be late.

• On condition thatThey'll lend us their car on conditionthat we pay for the petrol.

• Provided/Providing thatYou can have the rest of the day offprovided / providing that you finishthe job.

• Suppose/Supposing (that)Supposing that you miss the plane,what will you do?

• OtherwiseI must finish the job by tomorrow,otherwise I won't get paid for it.

• But for thatMy uncle pays the fees; but for that Iwouldn't be here.




• Que hay diferencias entre in case y ifI'll bring some beer in case you need

some.I'll bring some beer if you need


• En el primer caso traer6 la cerveza detodas formas (por si acaso).

• En el segundo caso la traere solo si hacefalta.

Implied conditionals

Type 1

With patience, you'll teach him something.(if you have patience)

- Given an opportunity, they'll succeed.(if they are given)

Type 2But for his friends he would haveproblems, (if he didn't have)

Type 3Without their help we wouldn't havereached the top. (if they hadn't helped us)


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1. Completa las frases con una conjuncion condicional.Example: We must be back by 12, otherwise we'll be locked out.

1. She used her calculator, she would have taken longer.

2. we leave at once, we'll be late.

3. We must leave at once, you are ready or not.

4. You can borrow my car, I have it back by tomorrowmorning.

5. I miss the train. What shall I do?

6. They'll lend us their villa we look after it.

7. that it is true, what can we do about it?

8. you start at once, you won't get there in time.

9. I don't mind what you talk about you speak in English.

10. I wouldn't marry him he was/were a millionaire.

11. Come with me, they won't let me in.

12. I don't mind what he does he sends me a cheque everymonth.

2. En este ejercicio tienes que casar las frases de la izquierda con las de la derecha.

1. I'll ask your father A. it has nothing to do with me.

2. Suppose there are no flights, B. even if you say it's true.

3. I'll be back to work tomorrow C. provided you buy some petrol.

4. We must be early, D. otherwise/or else we won't get a seat.

5. You can borrow my car E. whether I feel well or not.

6. I find it difficult to believe F. what shall I do?

7. Assuming that what you say is true, G. unless you prefer that I ask your mother.

3. Indica si los implied conditionals son del tipo 1, 2, o 3.Example: With luck we'll be there in time. Type 1

1. In different circumstances, I would have gone with you.

2. I would telephone her, but I don't know her number.

3. To hear her talk, you'd think she was the Queen of Sheba.

4. I'll speak to her, if I see her.

5. We would have eaten that if we had been hungry.

6. She'll marry me if I ask her.

7. You'd do it if you had to.35



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Clauses of purpose• Estas oraciones indican un proposito y sonintroducidas por: so that

in order thatin caselestfor fear that

• Responden a las preguntas ^para que? ypara que proposito?

• In order to y so as to nos dan idea deproposito, pero no son conjunciones, sinouna variante del to de infinitive.

Secuencias del verbo

• Cuando el verbo de la oracion principal estaen presente, preterite perfecto o future, sothat y in order that puede ir seguido de may,can, o will.

• So that es mas usado que in order that.We've come early so that/in order thatwe can/may/will get good seats.

• So that y in order that pueden ir seguidosde presente.

Make a knot in your handkerchief sothat/in order that you remember to giveme a ring.

• Cuando el verbo de la oracion principal estaen pasado simple, pasado progresivo, opluscuamperfecto, so that y in order thatvan seguidos de should, could, might, owould.

We came early so that/in order that weshould/could/might/would get good seats.




• La forma negativa de in order that y sothat.

We came early so that/in order thatwe might not miss the train.

• Tambien podrfamos poner should not ywould not.

• No podri'amos poner, sin embargo, couldnot.

• Se pueden hacer construcciones deinfinitivo con not to, so as not to, y inorder not to.

She wore an apron in order not toget dirty.We were behind the goalkeeper so asnot to miss our team's goals.

• Despues de in case se puede ponershould, might o presente.

The building has an emergency exit incase there is (there should/might be)a fire.

• Should con lestHe ran away lest he (should/might) beseen, (para que no)

• For fear suele ir seguido de might, aunquela misma idea se puede expresar con incase.

He left in a hurry for fear(that) she mightchange her mind.He left in a hurry in case she changedher mind.

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1. Casa las frases de la izquierda con las de la derecha.

1. They've arrived early A. so that we should have quiet.

2. I've opened the window B. in order to get fresh air.

3. I closed the door C. so they can get a good view.

4. They arrived early D. so as not to miss anything.

5. I'm taking an umbrella E. in order that we may live.

6. They have a memorial service F. so that future generations mightevery year know who they were.

7. i left a note on his pillow G. so that blind people can tell the

8. The banknotes are different difference.

9. They carved their names on the so that he would be sure to see it'rock I. lest they should forget their dead.

10. They have died J. in case I need it.

2. A continuacion completa las frases con lest, in case, for fear, so that.Example: I bought it quickly, for fear she might change her mind.

1. We avoided mentioning her husband she should be grieved.

2. We bought the house at once he changed his mind.

3. We arrived early we might not miss anything.

4. She hid her diary her husband wouldn't be able to find it.

5. We hid in the cave we might be seen.

6. We slipped away silently that he might wake up.

7. She's taking a raincoat she needs it.

8. I'm lighting the fire the house will be warm when the childrenget home.

9. There were telephone points drivers could summon help.

10. She asked us to ring first she was out.

11. She came early that she might not miss anything.

12. I'll take a gun with me I need it.

13. We left in a hurry he should change his mind.

14. He uses public telephones the police won't be able to tracehis calls.

15. We left in a hurry he'd come after us.

16. We left in a hurry he might come after us.

17.1 rang him up to tell him the news.37



H. it.

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Clauses of purpose (cont.)• Estas oraciones describen consecuencias ypueden ser introducidas por because o as.

She was sacked because she didn'twork hard enough.As it froze, there was ice everywhere.

• Tambien pueden ser expresadas por dosoraciones unidas por so:

It was too late, so we stopped for thenight.It had rained hard, so there were poolseverywhere.

• Therefore tiene el mismo sentido, pero esmas formal.

They haven't arrived yet. Therefore,we're leaving.

• Las oraciones de resultado se puedenintroducir con that despues de so + adjetivo.

His hands are so fast (that) the eyecan't follow them.

• Tambien se puede formar con that despuesde so + adverbio.

His hands move so quickly (that) theeye can't follow them.

• Se pueden formar tambien con such (a) +(adjective) noun + that.

She is such a pretty girl that everybodystares at her.They have such good players that theyare unbeatable.

• Such + that se pueden usar en un lenguajeformal.

Her temper is such that no one wants tobe near her.



• Las oraciones de resultado se pueden usardespues de so much, so many, so few, solittle, etc.

There was so much to see that westayed two more days.There were so many people in the roomthat we couldn't get in.

• En ambos cases se puede usar such alot (of).

Recuerda• Que cuando la oracion es una exclama-cion el so y el such se pueden usar sin elthat.

* He is so tall...!They made such a mess ...!She makes such horrible coffee ...!

• Such + a + adjective + noun se puedereemplazar por so + adjective + a +noun.

Such a kind woman.. So kind a woman.

• A veces encontramos el so al principio de lafrase. Esto va seguido de una forma invertidadel verbo.

So terrible was the news that she brokedown.So conceited was the girl that nobodywent out with her.

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1. Completa las frases con so, such, such a, so much, so many, so few, so little.Example: That man is such a fool that everybody laughs at him.

1. This woman is pretty!

2. It was raining that we stayed in.

3. I was cold that I couldn't sleep.

4. Children make mess!

5. They are handsome boys that all the girls love them.

6. I've never heard terrible news.

7. Thumbelina was that she lived in a nutshell.

8. Never in the history of humanity have achieved so much.

9. We have money that we'd better stay home.

10. It's strange to see you here!

11. There are things to do on this farm!

12. He gets money and works so little!

13. I, however, get money and work so much!

14. He spoke for long time that we all fell asleep.

15. You seldom drink good coffee.

16. Mrs Cohn is kind. She is a good person.

17. There was a lot of rain last night!

18. I've never seen nonsense in my life.

19. That girl is nuisance!

20. They were that it's difficult to imagine how they could havewon the battle.

21.I didn't know the problem was difficult!

22. The dog was fierce that no one dared to get near.

23. It was fierce dog that no one dared to get near.

24. They had rain that the rivers overflowed.

25. There were questions to answer!

26. They were that they couldn't do the job in time.

27. They had time that it was impossible that they'd do it in time.

28. He had water left that he could hardly wet his lips.

29. She had boyfriends that she didn't know which one tochoose.

30. You've made mess, children!

31. She speaks fast that it's difficult to follow her.

32. Never have achieved so much.

33. He worked hours that his wife hardly ever saw him.39



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Clauses of time• Las oraciones de tiempo se introducen conlas siguientes conjunciones:


after- as- as long as- as soon as

beforehardly... whenonce

- since

- immediatelyno sooner... thansincethe soonertill/untilwhenwhenever

- while

• ambien pueden ser introducidas con:the minutethe moment

• Cuando la oracion adverbial va en primerlugar se pone una coma.

After she got divorced, her life changed.His life changed completely after he gotmarried.You can keep the book as long as youlike.Once you've seen one of his films,you've seen them all.

• Cuando la oracion temporal se refiere alfuturo, generalmente usamos el presentedespues de:

- afteras soon asby the time

- immediatelytilluntil

- directly- before


They'll emigrate to Australia when theirpapers are ready.As soon as we get there, I'll light ahuge fire.



• A menudo usamos el preterite perfecto conun futuro perfecto.

By the time they've finished, we'llalready have disappeared.

• A menudo usamos el preterite perfectodespues de once y now that.

Once we have painted the kitchen, we'llmove to the sitting room.Now that we know the truth, we can actaccordingly.


• Que aunque generalmente no usamos elfuturo en las oraciones temporales, sepuede usar will despues de when.

The secretary wants to know whenshe will be taking her holidays.

• Normalmente, sin embargo, usamos elpresente.

When I come back home, I'll bring youa present.He'll tell us about the match when hegets here.

• After va seguido generalmente detiempos compuestos.

After/When you've finished readingit, give it back to me.After/When the train had left, heremembered leaving the lights on.

• Hardly/scarcely... when,no sooner.... than.

He could hardly breathe when heentered the room.No sooner had they finished paintingat one end than they had to start atthe other.

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1. Completa las frases con una conjunction correspondiente.after, when, as, as long as, as soon as, during the time, before, by the time,once, since, until, till, the moment, whenever, while.

Example: Before John arrives, I'll give the children their tea.

1. I won't say a word, you do the same.

2. We never met I lived there.

3. they come, we'll have finished our dinner.

4. you have seen one, you've seen them all.

5. you insist, I must tell you something.

6. Let me know he arrives.

7. She was making the bed he was preparing breakfast.

8. Finish one thing you start another.

9. They were working late at night.

10. Martha and John were always fighting they lived together.

11. you get into the habit of smoking, it's very difficult to get ridof it.

12. I'll give you a call I finish.

13. She answered the phone almost

2. En este ejercicio vamos a usar: scarcely, hardly, no sooner, the sooner.Completa las frases como en el ejemplo.

Example: Hardly had he begun to talk when he was told to keep quiet.

1. No sooner had she drunk the coffee she began to feel drowsy.

2. Scarcely had she entered the room the phone rang.

3. Hardly had he finished his coffee he got back to work.

4. No sooner does she get money she spends it.

5. The sooner we start, we'll get to Santiago.

6. Scarcely had he got to sleep the telephone woke him up.

7. We had hardly began our walk it started to rain.

8. The sooner we get married, we'll have a family.

9. Scarcely had I got into the bathtub there was a knock at thedoor.

10. No sooner had she heard the news she broke down in tears.

11. We had hardly crossed the bridge it collapsed.

12. No sooner had she got the injection she began to loseconsciousness.

13. Hardly had he finished speaking to her on the phone sheappeared at the door.




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Conditionals type 1• Usamos las condicionales del Tipo 1 que sucedera o no sucedera, sicreemos que un acontecimiento future es probable.

If he comes early, we'll go to the theatre.If he doesn't come early, we won't go to the theatre.

Variation 1

• Si no estamos seguros de lo que sucederapodemos usar un verbo 'modal'.

If he comes early, we may/could/can/may/might/should/ought to/ must goto the cinema.

If + should + imperativeIf you should see her, tell her to comeat once.Should you see her, tell her to come atonce.If you should happen to see her, tellher to come at once.Should you happen to see her, tell herto come at once.

• La oration principal puede no ser unimperativo.

If I should see Mary, I'll tell her tocome at once.



Variation 2:If + should + imperative

• Se usa sobre todo para peticiones ysugerencias.

If you should go to Barcelona, go tosee the Olympic City.- If you should write to them, send themmy regards.

• Tambien se pueden usar imperatives en elTipo 1 ordinario.

Speak to them if you want. If you want,speak to them.

• Se puede expresar una condicion sin if,empezando una frase con should. Esto esuna forma de expresion muy formal.

Should you be interested in takingpart in our book fair, please fill in thisform.

Should you wish our agent to call onyou, just drop this slip in the letter box.

Variation 3:Imperative + conjunction + clause

• Se pueden usar imperatives en vez deoraciones de if para peticiones, comentarios,ofertas, amenazas, etc.

- Keep doing that and you'll get a fine.Tell them what to do and they'll do it.Stop shouting, or you'll get smacked.Take the shortcut, or you'll never getthere in time.Give us the materials, and we'll do thejob.

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1. Completa la segunda parte de la oracion con las palabras entre parentesis.Example: If the weather is good, we'll go for a walk.

1. If we arrive early, (we/leave/early).

2. It will be cold (you/open/window).

3. If I win the pools, (I/buy/that house).

4. I'll tell him that (I/see/him).

5. If you stop talking, (I/tell/you).

6. We'll be there by 9 (the train/leaves/time).

7. If she comes with you, (she/be/welcome).

8. I'll lend you the book (you/want/read it).9. If it's cold, (close/window).

10. I'll fill in the form (you/hand/it/to/me).

11. If you pay cash, (you/get/reduction).

12. You will get more money (learn/languages).

13. If I am hungry, (eat/sandwiches).

14. You'll catch a cold (stand/rain).

2. En las frases siguientes vas a usar el imperativo.Example: If you see her, give her my regards.

1. If you should happen to see him,

(teII/he/I want/speak/he).

2. Should he call,


3. If you should write to Jennifer,


4. Should you go to Madrid,

(go/see/Prado Nluseum).

5. Should you be interested in our offer,


6. If you want our agent to call,


7. If she should get in touch with you,

(telMshe/l/sti 1I/love/she).

8. Should they come early,


9. Should you receive a letter,




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Conditionals type 2• Este tipo de frases habla acerca de situaciones imaginarias yespecula sobre sus consecuencias.

If you took a taxi, you would get there in time.If you didn't go to that place, you wouldn't get in trouble.

• A veces describimos cosas completamente imposibles.If I had your ears, I'd be able to fly.

Variation 1

• Se puede usar were en vez de was des-pues de I/he/she/it. No hay diferencia en elsignificado, pero were es mas formal.

If I was/were taller, I'd be a policeman.

• Sin embargo, para frases imaginarias espreferible were.

If I were the King ...

• Tambien usamos were para dar consejos.If I were you/in your position, I'd takethe money.

• Con la expresion if it were not for/were itnot for, no usamos was.

If it weren't for his charity, I would havestarved.

• De una forma mas formal, If it were not for,se puede expresar por Were it not for.

Were it not for the Red Cross, theywould have died.Were it not for the fact that they helpedus, we would have died.



Variation 2

• Cualquier verbo modal puede reemplazar awould cuando creemos que las consecuen-cias son menos posibles que ocurran.

If they were here, they could give us ahand, (ability)If they were here, they might give us ahand, (possibility)If he lost, he should train harder, (duty)

Variation 3

• Podemos usar were + infinitivo en vez deun verbo ordinario.

If I were to ask you, would you lend mesome money?

• Se pueden usar verbos modales en laoration principal.

If you were to ask her, she mightaccept.If your son were to make an effort, hecould do much better.

• Una forma comun de inversion, quitando elif es:

Were the government to cut taxes,petrol would be very cheap.

• La forma negativa es posible.- I'd do it, were it not likely to make

things worse for us.

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1. Completa las frases como en el ejemplo.Example: I would be a policeman if I were taller.

1. If you went by plane,


2. We'd stay at home, (it/rain).

3. If you saw it, (see/difference).

4. You would get there quicker, (go/train).

5. If I were taller, (run/faster).

6. I would live in Miami,

7. If they were^ vegetarians,

(eat/any meat).

8. I would buy that dress9. If they needed money, (sell/car).

10. The policeman would find me


11. If I asked her, (marry/me).

12. I'd go to the pub (want/play/cards).

13. If I had money, (put/it/bank).

14. I'd put them in the sitting room


15. If I had scisssors, (cut/it).

16. Iwouldn't^go to Benidorm

(l/can/go/tp the/Bahamas).

17. If I liked pmons, (eat/them).

18. Td spread the butter (have/knife).

19. If you looked after jtL(it/look/much/better).

20. [ would jnarry him.

21. Were it not for your help,


22. I would leave him (I/be/in her place).

23. If you were to ask her, (may/help).

24. If he were here, (can/help us).

25. If he were to make an effort,


26. I'd be king (you/be/my/queen).





(like it).


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Conditionals type 3• Estas oraciones de condicional asumen algocompletamente imaginario.

• Tanto en el tipo 2 como en el 3, son condi-ciones hipoteticas.

If I had been taller, I would have been apoliceman.If I hadn't been carrying an umbrella, Iwould have got wet.

- If I had won the lottery, I would havebought a new house.

If I had been you/in your position

• Expresamos lo que habrfamos hecho sihubieramos sido otro.

- If I had been you/in your position, Iwould have married him.

If it hadn't been for

• Si no hubiera sido por algo...

If it hadn't been for the cold, we wouldhave gone to the beach.

Inversion con "had"

• Had he es una variacion de if he had:

Had the workers gone on a strike, theproduction would have stopped.

• Se puede hacer una inversion negativa.

Had it not been for his reluctance toleave, we would have been able to reachthe others in time, (no se puede decirhadn't)



Variation 1:if + past perfect + modal.

If I had known the facts, I could have toldyou what to do.If I could have got the facts, I might havetold you what to do.


Que podemos reemplazar would conotro verbo modal cuando sentimos que lasconsecuencias imaginadas son menosprobables que ocurran, o cuando nosreferimos a habiiidad, posibilidad, etc.

If I had been here, I could havedefended you, (ability)if I had been here, I might have toldyou. (possibility)If he had received the note, heshould have gone to the meeting.(duty)

• Se puede combinar la forma progresiva ytiempos compuestos con los verbosmodales.

If I had been there, I could havebeen helping with the harvest.If they had been there, they couldhave met my teacher.

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1. Completa las frases siguientes como en el ejemplo.Example: If it had rained, we would have stayed home.

1. You would have got a better job

(you/work/harder at school).

2. If you hadn't had an umbrelja

(you/get wet).

3. Life would have been easier


4. If I had had time


5. The children would have broken many things


6. If we had liked the film


7. It would have seemed easier


8. If you had been a vegetarian

? (you/eat/that/fish).

9. We would have had a good harvest


10. If I had panted to play cards^


11. I would have liked to go by bicycle,

(we/be able).

12. If I had been him

(leave/her/ages ago).

13. He might

14. Had the management acted sooner

15. The garden would have looked much better

(you/look/after it).

16. If I had had a knife


17. Had it not been for the bad weather

(we/be able/save/climber).

18. She could have met my brother,





have told us(he/be/here/yesterday).


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Comparisons• Las comparaciones adverbiales se puedenhacer con los siguientes adverbios:as ... as: - John runs as fast as

his brother.not as/so... as: She can't dance as

well as you (can).I can't speak sofluently as you (can).

the... the: The more you study,the more you learn.

comparative: He is taller thananyone I know.

superlative: - He is the tallest man inthe country.Jimmy is the youngestof/in the family.

• A menudo usamos el comparativo + thanever, than anyone, than anything.

The athlete ran faster than ever.He runs faster than anyone else.

• Most + adjetivo (sin the) significa very.You are most kind.

significa . You are very kind.

• Este tipo de frases se forma con adjetivosdemasdedossilabas: annoying

- disobedient- encouraging- exciting- helpful



• Las comparaciones con like y alike.Jim is very like his father. Jim and hisfather are very alike.Look at those plants! This is like living inthe jungle.




Comparaciones entre "like" y "as"

• Like (preposition) se usa con nombres,pronombres y gerundios.

He drinks like a fish.You look like a princess.Why aren't you like him?

house is like being in a prison.

• As (conjuncion) introduce oraciones con unverbo infinitive.

Do as your brother does: go jogging.Why don't you study foreign languagesas we do?

• Sin embargo, a veces en ingles coloquialusamos like en vez de as.

Walk to the office like we do.

RecuerdaQue hay una diferencia entre like +

sustantivo y as + nombre:She works like a slave in that kitchen ofhers, (trabaja muchfsimo)

Cervantes worked as a slave for fiveyears in Algiers, (fue esclavo)The murderer used the heavy ashtray asa weapon.

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1. A continuacion tienes dos frases. Unelas en una tal como en el ejemplo.Example: She sings sweetly. Her sister sings sweetly too. She sings as sweetly as hersister.

1. I can't swim well. You can swim better.


2. Jim can't jump high. His friend jumps higher.


3. The weather is getting cold. I didn't expect it to get so cold.

It is getting

4. My father drives fast. No one drives so fast. Nobody drives

5. This film is very bad. I have never seen a worse one. This is

6. Susan types fast. No one in her class types faster. Susan is

2. Completa las frases siguientes.Example: The faster she types, the more mistakes she makes,

1. This weather is getting colder every day.

2. Things are getting more and every year.(expensive)

3. The rain cleared more (quick/l/expect)

4. He is becoming less in physics, (interest)

5. The bigger the bed, the we'll sleep.(comfortable)

6. Riding a horse is not a motorcycle, (easy/ride)

3. En las frases siguientes vas a elegir entre like, alike y as.Example: She runs like a gazelle.

1. Why don't you do your mother?

2. Why don't you cook she does?

3. You should train every day we do.

4. Mark and his brother are very much .

5. These twins are two peas.




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Connective relative clauses


• Los pronombres son: whowhomwhosewhich

• Se usan comas igual que en las

non-defining clauses.

• Las oraciones 'conectivas' no describen a

los sustantivos sino que continuan la historia.Generalmente se colocan detras del objetodel verbo principal:

I asked my father, who said it had nothingto do with him.

• O detras de una preposicion + sustantivo:

• I gave the salt to my father, who passed iton to my mother.

• El pronombre relative puede reemplazarsepor and/but + he/she etc.

I gave the salt to my father and he passedit on ...I gave the salt to my father, but he ...

• A veces es dificil distinguir si una oracion es

connective o non-defining, puesto que lasdos formas son iguales.

Ejemplos de oraciones


He eats a lot of bacon and eggs, whichproduce cholesterol.She went out with Jill, whose boyfriendhad just left her.

Se pueden usar one/two, etc., few/several/some, etc. + of + whom/which.

They had twenty goats, two of whichwere killed by wolves.Mrs Evans introduced us to her daughters,one of whom offered to show us the town.The explosion injured many people,several of whom had to be taken tohospital.

Oracion con "which"

She ate a lot of cakes, which made hersick.The alarm clock went off an hour earlier,which annoyed me quite a lot.My girlfriend kept playing about with otherboys, which made me mad.A dog was barking all night, which kepteverybody awake.


• Que el pronombre relative what no tiene nada que ver con el pronom-bre relative conectivo which.

• Which tiene como antecedente a una palabra o grupo de palabras enla frase anterior, mientras que what no se refiere a nada anterior.

• What suele ser objeto, mientras que which es generalmente sujeto.

He said he was poor, which was not true.What I saw astonished me.



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1. Une las dos frases que tienes a continuacion en una sola.Example: She drank beer. The beer made her fat. She drank beer, which made her fat.

1. She bought a dozen eggs. Five broke on the way.

2. The old man slipped on the banana skin. It made everybody laugh.

3. I threw the ball to my brother. My brother threw it to Jim.

4. The wall collapsed on top of the children. Several children had to be taken tohospital.

5. She went out with her boss. Her boss's car broke down on the way

6. I told my mother. My mother said it wasn't my business.

7. The teacher introduced me to my new classmates. One of my classmates offeredto show me around.

8. The rain rattled on the roof all night. This kept us awake all night.

9. She said she had no money. It was not true.

10. Some of the bridges had been blown up. It made the army's advance moredifficult.

11. He met all Tom's sisters. Some of them took a fancy to him.

12. I bought two lamps. One of the lamps broke when I dropped the box.

13. The singer let out a squawk. It made everybody laugh.

14. He ate only cereals. That kept him fit.

15. The roads were flooded. That made our journey very dangerous.

16. He said he was an orphan. That was not true.




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Discourse markers• Talking about' y 'with reference to'muestran una conexion entre lo que quieresdecir y lo que se dijo antes.

I saw Susan this morning. Talkingabout Susan, did you know that she isgetting married?With reference to your letter, I shouldlike to point out that..


• Otras expresiones tratan de 'enfocar' laatencion.

Well, regarding past results, I don'tthink it is advisable ...That goes for production. Now, asregards marketing, I think ...As far as marketing is concerned, Ileave the decisions up to you.As for Janet, the less I see her, thebetter.


• Hay un gran numero de expresiones que se pueden usar para mostrar la estructura de lo queestamos diciendo:

• Dividiendo:

- firstlysecondlyfinallyfirst of all

- to begin within the first placefor one thingmoreoverin additionsimilarlyas well asbesides

• Contrastando con lo queacabamos de decir:

all the sameyetand yetstillon the other handhowever

He is not very clever. All thesame, he's a nice chap.He is a socialist, and yet hehas a villa in Spain.

• Dando ejemplos yexcepciones:

for instancefor examplesuch asincludingin particularapart fromwith the exception ofand so onand so forth

• Generalizando:on the whole

- in general- as a rule

in most casesbroadly speakingto some extentmostly

• Consecuencia logica:thustherefore

They didn't do it. Therefore,we'll have to do it.

• Aclarando:I mean, that is to say,in other words.

• Cambiando de tema:

By the way,incidentally, I say.


• Cuando nos referimos a lasexpectativas de otro:

'Was it good?' 'Yes, as amatter of fact, it was verygood.''Did you go?' 'No, we didn't,actually.'

• A menudo criticamos con:

Honestly, darling, themeal today was terrible.Frankly, John, your markscould have been better.


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1. Completa las frases con una de las expresiones que van a continuacion:to start with, all the same, talking about, therefore, honestly,actually, for instance, and so forth, on the whole.

Example: Corporal Evans is not a bad soldier. On the whole, I think he is quite good.

1. 'What shall I do?' 'Well, you can clean this room, '

2. darling, this is the worst meal I have ever eaten.

3. She's not very clever. you've got to admit she isvery pretty.

4. 'Did you have a good holiday?' 'Well, wedidn't go on holiday.'

5. She had an accident. She was unable tomeet him.

6. Several of my friends came: Carol and Susan, .

7. They discussed investments, the state of the economy and

8. 'I saw John yesterday,' 'did you?. . John, didyou know he's leaving the firm?'

2. Completa las frases con las expresiones adecuadas.Example: He claims he is a socialist and yet he lives in a mansion.

1. The flat is not very good; it's very cheap.

2. He had an accident, he was ruined and, hiswife left him.

3. I invited John, Jim and Alan. Mark, Icouldn't care less about him.

4. We'll have to do without your services, you'refired.

5. There was a little whisky, but it was soda .

6. 'Did you enjoy your holiday?' 'Yes, I enjoyed it very much

7. I am home by six.

8. ! What a nice girl is coming this way!

9. I like Mary her husband, I think he is quite a bore.

10. The car is not very new. it's not expensive.

11. There were a few Italians, but there were Americans

12. 'Did you like the party?' 'Yes, I did like it '

13. ! This is not what I ordered.

14.1 like Susan, Leslie and Carol. Linda, Icouldn't care less about her.

15. There are some poplars and oak trees, but there are pine trees




Page 59: English Grammar 4


Relative clauses: defining

• Una oracion de relative 'definida' es la quenos da una referenda de la palabra que leantecede.

A doctor is a person who has beentrained in medical science.

- A liar is a person who habituallytells lies.

• El pronombre relative that se usa solo paraoraciones 'definidas' y se refiere a personas ocosas. Para personas, por supuesto tambiense usa who, y paracosas which.

I don't like children that are noisy.I dislike women who chatter incessantly.Unemployment is a problem that/whichconcerns us all.

• Usamos indistintamente that o who si elantecedente es un sustantivo vago o generali-zado o un pronombre.

She is the sort of woman who/that willgo out with anyone.We need someone that/who can speakgood English.

• Si el antecedente es mas definido usamoswho:

The woman who came to see youyesterday is a friend of my mother's.




• Cuando nos referimos a cosas solemos usarthat o which pero en algunos casos preferimosthat:

a) Cuando el antecedente es un pronombreindefinido:

The doctors will do all that lies in theirhands.

b) Cuando el antecedente lleva un superlative:

That was the funniest joke that has everbeen told here.

C) Cuando el antecedente lleva un numeroordinal:

The first answer that was given was theright one.

d) Cuando el antecedente es el complementode to be.

It's an antique that will fetch a lot ofmoney.


• A menudo omitimos el relative cuando noes sujeto de la oracion.

They didn't have the book I wanted.

• Lo mismo ocurre con whom.Was the woman you spoke to justnow a friend of yours?

• En ingles coloquial, en caso de decir elpronombre decimos who en vez dewhom, excepto cuando va precedido depreposicion.

• En el lenguaje hablado casi siempreusamos oraciones de relative 'definidas'.Es mas, la mayoria de las oraciones derelative son del tipo en el que podemossuprimir el relative.

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1. Une las dos frases en una usando un pronombre relative. Pon el relative entreparentesis si no es sujeto y se puede omitir.

Example: The offer is still open. I made it last week. The offer (that) I made last week isstill open.

1. The pools winner used a system. This system, he said, had won him a lot ofmoney.

2. Immigration is an issue. This issue raises strong emotions.

3. I know the very person. He will do the job quickly.

4. The gales caused a lot of damage. They swept across southern England lastnight.

5. The problem is to build houses at a price. Young couples can afford to pay thisprice.

6. Some frogmen came across a wreck. It had lain on the seabed for 100 years.

2. Anadir oraciones de relative que definan la palabra en negrita.Example: They are asking every tenant to move to a smaller flat, (have/house/biggerthan he needs). They are asking every tenant who has a house bigger than he needs tomove to a smaller flat.

1. Any person should be sent to prison, (commit/crimes)

2. The yacht arrived first, (command/captain Marryat)

3. The house has been demolished, (stand/on the corner)

4. The man was my uncle, (you/see/yesterday)

5. I enjoy talking to anyone, (he/have/personality)

6. This skirt is identical to the one my sister bought yesterday, (you/wear)



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Relative clauses: non-defining

• Estas oraciones proporcionan una informa-cion extra y van encerradas entre comas. Enrealidad, las dos oraciones, la de relative y laprincipal se pueden presentar por separado.

The wax museum is one of the mainattractions. It was opened in 1900.The wax museum, which was opened in1900, is one of the main attractions.

• El hecho de que omitamos o no las comaspuede representar un significado diferente endos f rases identicas.

He has a brother who plays with theRangers, (defining)He has a brother, who plays with theRangers, (non-defining)

• La ausencia de la coma en la primera fraseindica que tiene mas de un hermano; uno deellos, al que nos referimos en este caso juegacon los Rangers. Podriamos aclarar la frasemas diciendo:

He has a brother who plays with theRangers and another one who playswith Glasgow.

• La presencia de una coma en la segundafrase implica que tiene solamente un hermano(por lo tanto no se puede 'definir' cual de elloses). La oracion de relative simplemente damas informacion sobre el.




Recuerda• Que con las oraciones de 'non-defining'no se puede omitir el relativo, aunque nosea sujeto de oracion.

The wax museum, which opened in1900, is one of the attractions of thetown, (which es el sujeto)The wax museum, which the Kingopened in 1990, is one of theattractions of the town, (which escomplemento)

• Para ver si una oracion de relativo es'defining' o 'non-defining', lo mejor es omitirlay ver si tiene sentido el resto de la frase. Enlas oraciones 'non-defining', la frase tieneperfecto sentido sin la oracion de relativo, queal fin y al cabo no es nada mas que unainformacion extra. Mientras que la oracion'defining' de relativo no se puede suprimir.

• Defining:

* My uncle is a man who never stopsworking.

• Non-Defining:

My uncle, who will be 60 tomorrow,never stops working.

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1. Une las frases usando which o who en oraciones de relative 'non-defining'.Example: Queen Elizabeth II descends from King Egbert. He united all England in theyear 829. Queen Elizabeth descends from King Egbert, who united all England in theyear 829.

1. Her first speech was better than her second. The first speech was broadcast. Shegave her second one before an audience.

2. The Cabinet will be reduced to twenty. It now has twenty-two members.

3. The 'Book Distributing Co.' provides a novelty service. It was set up in 1950.

4. This industrial dispute has now been settled. It stopped production while it lasted.

5. The English weather is not as bad as some people suppose. They associate itwith rain and fog.

6. The new London guide contains a lot of information. It will appear in thebookshops next week.

2. Pon una oracion de relative a continuation de la palabra que va en cursiva.Example: Last night's meeting broke up in disorder. (I/not be able/attend) Last night'smeeting, which I wasn't able to attend, broke up in disorder.

1. The Cliffs of Dover are a startling white, (be/famous/all over the world)

2. The winning horse was trained in Ireland, (nobody/expect/win)

3. Joseph Conrad wrote all his books in English. (be/Polish)

4. Bernard Shaw died in 1950. (be/one/greatest writers/the 20th century)

5. Not many people could follow the speaker, (speak/extremely quickly)

6. He was advised to change to an outdoor job. (be/good/his health)

7. The wrecked ship is listing dangerously, (the crew/safe/shore)




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Future tense: contrasts

• Future simple:I will play.

• Future progresivo:I will be playing.

• Futuro perfecto:I will have played.

• Futuro perfecto progresivo:I will have been playing.

Will / Shall

• Para predicciones, promesas, peticiones,ofertas, sugerencias y amenazas.

Liverpool will win the league.I'll buy you a bicycle for Christmas.Will you hold this for me, please?Shall I open the door for you, Madam?Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?You'll regret this!

• Para contecimientos formales usamos willen vez de going to.

The reception will take place at the Hiltonhotel.

Will / Shall

• Para expresar esperanza, expectation, etc.

• Con verbos y frases tales como:


• assumebe afraidbe surebelieve




I hope she'll marry him.I suppose he'll get the job.

• Con adverbios que indican falta deseguridad.

Perhaps she'll change her mind.

Otras formas de expresar el futuro• Be going to:

I'm going to see him later.

• Be to:

I'm to see him later.

• Present progressive:I'm seeing him later.

• Simple present:It opens tomorrow.

Usos del futuro progresivo

The children will be arriving at anyminute.


• Que hay una diferencia entre:I'll do the cooking tomorrow,(intention, posible promesa)I'll be doing the cooking tomorrow,(indtea un hecho)

• A veces hay mucha diferencia:I won't pay the bill, (me niego)I won't be paying the bill,(no me toca pagar)


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1. Pon el verbo en el tiempo y forma mas conveniente.Example: He will possibly change his mind.

1. your coat for you, Mum? (I/get)

2. The Rangers the league, (win)

3. I promise you, I on this tomorrow, (work)

4. If you look at the work schedule, you can see that we onthis tomorrow, (work)

5. We this invoice. That's for sure! (pay)

6. Look at the book, but I think we this invoice on the26th. (pay)

7. The wedding at St. James's on June 25th. (takeplace)

8. for a swim tomorrow, boys? (we/go)

9. 'When are you seeing him?' 'Well, I first thing in themorning.' (see)

10. I am sure she the job she applied for. (get)

11. I suppose he his mind in the end. (change)

2. cambia estas frases por future.Example: I have to see him tomorrow. I'm to see him tomorrow.

1. She has to do it today.

2. We have to give it to him tonight.

3. They have to report at five o'clock.

4. The boys have to meet at four.

5. You have to tell him the truth.

6. They have to let us know assoon as possible.

7. We have to see him tonight.

3. cambia de futuro simple a futuro progresivo.Example: I will see the film tomorrow. / will be seeing the film tomorrow.

1. We will work in the same office.

2. I'll speak to him in the morning.

3. I'll do the shopping in the afternoon.

4. We'll listen to the 8 o'clock news.

5. I'll look for a new job.

6. I'll see her first thing tomorrowmorning.




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Future tense: contrasts (cont.)

Future perfecto

• Usamos este tiempo para mostrar que laaction estara ya completada para ciertomomento en el future.

We will all be dead by the year 2090.

• Este tiempo se usa a menudo con verbosque indican que se completa algo:




• El future perfecto se usa despues de verbostales como:



I suppose they will have finished bytomorrow.

Futuro perfecto progresivo

• Lo que esta en progreso ahora se puedeconsiderar desde un punto de vista en elfuturo:

By this time next month, I will havebeen working for this company for 20years.

Usos del "going to" como futuro.Como prediccion

It's going to rain. Look at thoseclouds.

They are going to get divorced, I'mafraid.

• Tambien se usa el going to para intencio-nes, planes, etc.

I'm going to train tonight.



• La intention se puede enfatizar con losadverbios now y just.

I'm just going to change into somethingmore comfortable.

And now I'm going to show it to you.

* Si decidimos hacer algo sin premeditationusamos el will.

We are lost. I'll stop and ask the way.


• Que el presente progresivo se puedereemplazar por el going to.

I'm having lunch with my boss today.I'm going to have lunch with myboss today.

• Por razones de estilo tratamos de evitarei going to con los verbos go y come(going to go/going to come).

I'm going/coming home late tonight.

Sustitutos de futuro

• Se usa be to para referirnos al futurocuando las acciones se pueden controlar.

The Prime Minister is to meet thePresident in May.

You are to deliver this letter in person.You are not to tell him anything.

El futuro en el pasado

They didn't know they were to bereunited years later.

I was to see the personnel managertoday, but the appointment was cancelled.

His inventions were to change thewhole way of life for humanity.

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1. Eiige entre going to y will.Example: I think we have a puncture. /'// stop the car and see.

1. the piano for a couple of hours this evening.(practise)

2. He an engine driver when he grows up. (be)

3. There's somebody at the door. I who it is. (go/see)

4. They in November, (get married)

5. So you've got a puncture! OK, I the tyre for you.(change)

6. Look at the sky. It tonight, I'm afraid, (rain)

7. We to stop on the way.

8. 'It's cold! 'OK, I take my coat.'

2. Forma sustitutos de future con las expresiones: to. due to, about to, on the point of.Example: The train at seven. The train is due to leave at seven.

1. Mr and Mrs Bridge leaving.

2.1 think you to get a big surprise.

3. You to meet Mr Gibson at nine o'clock sharp.

4. These tablets to be taken four times a day.

5. The race to start.

6. You to deliver the flowers this evening.

7. The bus is leave any moment now.

3. Vas a hacer lo mismo que en el ejercicio 2, pero con futuro en el pasado.Example: The train was about to leave when we arrived.

1. meet Mr Gibson at five, but he cancelled the meeting.

2. Little did we know we meet again 20 years later.

3. I couldn't go on that trip as I have a baby.

4. The plane at seven but it arrived at ten.

5. We to study the plans of the marketing manager but he didn't come.

6. They couldn't imagine that the two armies to fightagain years later.

7. She didn't come with us as she to have anoperation.

8. The advanced party to be back at dawn.





Page 67: English Grammar 4


Gerunds after "for" and certain verbs


• Usamos for + gerundio cuando estamoshablando de un proposito en particular.

- This is a tool for opening cans.That's a gadget for opening bottles.This is a case for keeping records in.This is the knife for carving meat.This tool is used for cutting holes.

• Detras de los verbos siguientes se ponegerundio, nunca infinitive:

• Con algunos verbos que van seguidos degerundio podemos poner otra palabra entre elverbo y el gerundio. Puede ser un acusativo,me o un nombre, Peter. A veces es tambienun posesivo como my; o's.

When are you going to get him working?I don't want to see you doing that again.I don't enjoy your/his/Peter's teasing.




-enjoy-escape-excuse-explain-fancy-feel like-finish-forgive-can't help-hinder-imagine-keep-loathe



I dislike going out with that girl.I regret having said that.

Verbo (+ acusativo o posesivo) +gerundio.

• Los verbos siguientes pueden ir seguidostanto por un acusativo como por un posesivoantes de gerundio:

- anticipate- contemplate- detest- dislike- dispute- endure- escape- excuse- fancy

- forgivehate

- hinder- imagine


- mentionmindmiss

- pardon- prevent- resent- resist- understand- can't bear- can't help- can't stand

Despues de come y go condeportes, etc.

I often go climbing/skiing/fishing/riding/driving, etc.

El gerundio de need y want.• Detras de estos dos verbos se puede ponergerundio.

She needs a lot of encouraging.

I can't bear him /his not writing to you.Fancy you/your having noticed that.

• Con nombres.can't understand Peter/Peter's leaving




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1. Pon el verbo entre parentesis en el tiempo correspondiente.Example: I don't fancy (go) for a walk in the rain. I don't fancy going for a walk in therain.

1. That woman keeps (nag) me all day long.

2. I dislike (answer) silly questions.

3. It means (get up) very early.

4. I suggest (go) earlier.

5. She detests (speak) in public.

6. I admit (come) here late at night.

7. They contemplate (pull) down the whole building.

8. Imagine not (know) the answer to such aquestion!

9. They risk (have) an accident on the way.

2. Cambia las frases siguientes a gerundio.Example: That wall needs to be painted. That wall needs painting.

1. The whole house wants to be redecorated.

2. My old car needs to be overhauled.

3. These children need to be encouraged.

4. The grass wants to be cut.

3. A continuacion tienes frases con acusativos y con posesivos. Cambialas. Si esta'ncon acusativo ponlas con posesivo y viceversa.

Example: Excuse him for not writing to you. Excuse his not writing to you.

1. I dislike them wasting so much money.

2. I hate their speaking to me like that.

3. I can't imagine Peter making such a fuss.

4. I can't understand his mother's approving that!

5. She can't forget my leaving her.



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Gerund after prepositions• Usamos el gerundio despues de preposicio-nes tales como:


instead ofwithout


He left the hypermarket without paying.

• Muchos adjetivos van seguidos de preposi-ciones + gerundio:

- afraid ofbored withfond ofgood athappy about

- interested inkeen onsorry for


He is very good at playing football.- I'm not interested in acting.

• Muchos verbos van seguidos de preposicio-nes + gerundio:

- apologize forinsist onprevent somebody from

• thank somebody for

I apologize for being rude to you.You can't prevent him from spendinghis money.

Gerundio despues de "to"

• Cuando el to no es parte de un infinitive espreposicion.

I want to go home,(parte del infinitive)

I object to music.(preposicion + sustantivo)

I object to smoking in public,(preposicion + gerundio)


- intendomit

- start



• Verbos que admiten tanto el infinitive comoel gerundio:

I intend to walk/walking all the way.She started to sing/singing.

• Verbos que admiten las dos formas consignificados diferentes:

like - hatelove dread

- prefer

I like washing my car. (I enjoy it)I like to wash my car on Saturdays.(I prefer)

• Despues de condicional siempre se usa elinfinitive.

I would like to see you soon.I'd hate to live in this place.

Remember, forget, regret, try,stop, go on.• Remember, forget + infinitive se refierea una accion en el future (o a una accionfutura vista desde el pasado).

Remember to give me a ring.forgot to ask your brother.

• Remember, forget + gerundio se refiereal pasado.

I remember falling/having fallen intothe river.Have you forgotten meeting her?

• Try + infinitivo significa 'hacer un esfuerzo'.

Try to overcome your fears.

• Try + gerundio significa 'experimental,'hacer la prueba'.

Try taking a couple aspirins with brandy.

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1. Pon el verbo en el tiempo correspondiente.Example: You open a door by (turn) a key in the lock. You open a door by turning a keyin the lock.

1. Why don't you pay, instead of (make) a fuss.

2. He left without (say) a word.

3. The little boy was punished for (talk) in class.

4. You'll learn a lot about (fish) with this man.

5. We'll settle everything by (speak) to him.

6. I apologize for (come) late.

2. Completa las frases con los siguientes adjetivos + gerundios: afraid of, bored with,fond of, good at, happy about, interested in, sorry for, used to.

Example: She was afraid of speaking in public.

1. I am very playing the piano.

2. I am not working for you.

3. She is going out at night alone.

4. I'm sorry interrupting you.

5. We are all going on holiday together.

6. The old man is getting up early in the morning.

7. I am always listening to the same thing.

3. Elige entre gerundio o infinitivo.Example: Would you like to eat out?

1. You'd hate (live) on a desert island.

2. I'd love (go out) with you.

3. I hate (do) the washing.

4. She likes (make) the beds first thing in themorning.

5. I wouldn't like you (think) I've forgotten you.

6. Cervantes was said to like (write) early in themorning.

7. She says she'd love (accept) the invitation.

8. I like (do) the ironing in the afternoon.

9. I'd like (speak) to you about it.

10. She is very keen on (come) with us.

11. I'm not much good at (play) the piano.

12. She objects to (be) treated like a slave.



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Infinitive after certain verbs


• Los verbos mas corrientes que van seguidos

de un infinitive son:





•learn•like•love•manage•mean•neglect•offer•prefer•prepare•pretend- promise




I hope to get there in time.I can't afford to buy a new car.

Verbo + objeto + infinitive

• Los verbos mas corrientes para esta

construction son:

- advise- allow


- cause- command- compel

encourage- expect- forbid


hate - prefer- help - press

instruct - recommend. intend - request- invite - remind

leave teachlike tell

- mean - tempt- need - trouble- oblige - want

order - warnpermitpersuade

• Con estos cuatro verbos se suele poner to

be + gerundio:


- pretendseem

She happened to be looking out of thewindow when I arrived.He seems to be following them.

Verbo + how/what/when/where/

which/why + infinitive.

• Los verbos que mas frecuentemente se

usan de esta manera son:


discoverfind out

- forget

know- learn- remember


- understand- wonder- want to know

\ know how to get inside.He couldn't think of what to say.

• Infinitivo detras de los verbos:

- assumebelieve

consider seguidos de un objetofeel .know

+ to De.

cimnooA— supposethinkthink


- Thev considered her to be the bestI don't want you to go.

She told me to stay.They don't allow people to smoke.

• Con esta estructura podemos usar los verbos:




see- watch

candidate for the post.

• A menudo usamos estos verbos en pasiva.

He is thought to be the best player.You are supposed to know the laws ofthe country.


• y know con el infinitive sin to.

I made him give me the money back.They let their children stay up very late.


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1. Pon el verbo en infinitive o gerundio.Example: I can't afford to buy a car every year.

1. I happen (know) this man. He's a friend of my brother's.

2. I refuse (go) to the toilet every time I want to smoke a cigarette.

3. I don't want (bother) you with my problems.

4. I love (jog) early in the morning.

5. She failed (pass) her driving test.

6. That girl enjoys (dance).

7. I made him (tell) me the truth.

8. They don't allow anybody (smoke) in here.

9. She appeared (be) in good health.

2. Construye frases como en el ejemplo.Example: (l/want/he/sit down/near me) / want him to sit down near me.

1. (I/warn/she/not/do/that)

2. (She/make/l/wash/my face)

3. (I/tell/they/not/say/that)

4. (Would/you/tell/she/come/tonight)

5. (She/expect/l/visit/her/when I come to London)

6. (l/expect/they/obey/me/at once)

7. (They/don't/allow/people/smoke/office)

3. Completa las frases siguientes.Example: He found out how to open the safe.

1. I just couldn't think of say at that moment.

2. We discovered make cheap sausages.

3. She found out buy that gadget.

4. He showed me button press.

5. I always wonder get by with my salary.

6. I forgot switch it off.

7. She learnt make ice cream.

8. I remembered get the tickets.

9. At last I decided do it. I'd do it on Monday.67



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Inversion of the verb after certain adverbs



• Algunos adverbios o frases adverbialespueden poner entasis en la frase si invertimosel orden. Los mas importantes son:

- hardly everhardly... when

- in no circumstancesneithernor

- neverno sooner... than

- not onlynot till

- nowhere- on no account

only by- only in this way- only then/when- scarcely ever- seldom


They hardly ever managed to meetunobserved, (normal)Hardly ever did they manage to meetunobserved, (enfatico)

I had never before been asked to dosuch a job. (normal)Never before had I been asked to dosuch a job. (enfatico)

They not only steal things, they smasheverything, too. (normal)Not only do they steal things, theysmash everything, too. (enfatico)

He didn't realize that he had lost hispen until then, (normal)Not till then did he realize that he hadlost his pen. (enfatico)

These cables must not be touched onany account, (normal)On no account must these cables betouched, (enfatico)

He was able to make himselfunderstood only by shouting.(normal)Only by shouting was he able to makehimself understood, (enfatico)

She became so suspicious that shehired a detective, (normal)So suspicious did she became thatshe hired a detective, (enfatico)

• Un segundo verbo negative en una frase se

puede expresar con nor e inversion.

I had no money, nor did I know where Icould get some.She had no friends, nor did she knowwhere to get help.

• Algunos adverbios o frases adverbiales

pueden ser introducidos por it is o it was yretener el enfasis cuando se colocan al

principio de frase.

I didn't realize how ill she was until Ivisited her. (normal)

- Not until I visited her did I realize how illshe was. (enfatico)It was not until I visited her that Irealized how ill she was. (enfatico)

• Fijate en la diferencia.

Jim comes here, (viene a menudo)Here comes Jim. (esta viniendo en estemomento)


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1. Invierte las siguientes frases.Example: He spoke to me not only on Monday, but also on Tuesday. Not only did hespeak to me on Monday, but also on Tuesday.

1. Such a situation should never again be allowed to arise.

2. He had hardly finished eating his breakfast and he was hungry again.

3. The men not only demanded new training facilities; they also wanted more


4. He had no sooner put down the receiver than the phone rang again.

5. The robbers little realized that the police had thrown a cordon round the bank.

6. I wouldn't doubt his honesty for a moment.

7. The truth didn't become known until many years later.

8. The smoke was so dense that we couldn't breathe inside.

9. We have rarely seen such interest in the country's situation.

10. You will find a greater concentration of brains nowhere else in the world.

11. He agreed to land the plane, only when the terrorists threatened to kill the


12. Peace will be established in the area, only if both sides accept the treaty.

1. Pon entasis en estas frases usando it was.Example: I didn't realize how old she was till I met her. It was not till I met her that Irealized how old she was.

1. The two countries began talks about six months ago.

2. She mentioned it to me only yesterday.

3. I discovered the truth only recently.




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Modal verbs. Revision• Hay doce verbos modales auxiliares:


can - couldmay - mightshall shouldwill - wouldmustoughtneeddare

• Need y dare, se usan como modales soloen las formas interrogativas y negativas.

• Los verbos modales no tienen ni infinitivesni participios, por lo que tenemos que usarperffrasis tales como be able to, o have to.

• El uso de could, might, would, should,sugiere una actitud mas tentativa por partedel que habla.

• En peticiones representa lo que se llamala forma cortes:

Could/Would you let me have...?

• A continuation tenemos dos tablas de usosde verbos modales. En la tabla 1 para afirmarvaries grades de posibilidad en cuanto a laverdad de la asercion (es posible, probable,cierto) mientras que en la tabla 2 los verbosmodales se usan para referirse a la habilidad,deber, permiso, etc. con relation al sujeto:

must be there already.can't/couldn't be there alreadywill/would be there alreadymay/might be there alreadycould be there alreadyshould/ought to be there already

conclusion logicaconclusion logicacreenciaposibilidadposibilidadprobabilidad

. must go immediately

. needn't go immediatelyshould/ought to go immediatelyshall go immediatelywill go immediately

. may go immediatelycan go immediately

obligacionausencia de obligacionrecomendacionpromesadisposicionpermisohabilidad o permiso



• Podemos usar el infinitivo preterito con verbos modales:

He must have been there.can't/couldn't have been there,will/would have been there.may have been there.might have been there.could have been there.should/ought to have been there.




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1. En este ejercicio tienes que escribir frases con could o could have.Example: He doesn't want to go with Tom. But he could go with him. He didn't want togo with Tom. But he could have gone with him.

1. He didn't want to give me money. But he

2. He doesn't want to give me money. But he

3. He didn't want to have anything to eat. But he

4. She doesn't want to speak to me. But she

2. Ahora vas a leer una situacion y escribir una frase con must have o can't have.Example: The doorbell rang but she didn't hear it. She must have been asleep.

1. I don't understand how he bumped into a tree, (he must/be/asleep)

2. He did the opposite of what I said, (he/can't/understand/what I said)

3. They knew everything about our projects, (they must/listen/to our conversation)

4. The light was on when I woke up. (I must/forget/to turn it off)

5. She didn't do what I said, (she/can't/listen)

3. A continuacion tienes que escribir frases explicando cada situacion.Example: I can't find Mary. I wonder where she is.

a) (she might/go/shops) She might have gone to the shops.b) (she could/play/tennis) She could be playing tennis.

1. Mark didn't come to the meeting. I wonder why not.

a) (He might/have/go/spmewhere else)

b) (He may not/know/about it)

2. David is going out. I wonder where he's going.

a) (He/may/go/to the cinema)

b) (He/could/go/party)

3. Excuse me, sir. Do you know how the fire started?

a) (Someone/may/drop/cigarette)

b) (It could/be/electrical fault)



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The one who / that / which - The one with• The one es el antecedente del pronombre relative who, that o which.


That boy over there is the one who/that came yesterday.This book is the one that/which I like so much.

• Personas



The one who/that

The ones who/that

• CosasThe one that/which

The ones that/which

• The one who/that(para personas - singular)

The girl with blond hair is the one who/

that said it. (sujeto)

Mr Smith is the one who/that spoke at

the meeting, (sujeto)

She is the one (that/who/whom) I gave

the packet to. (objeto)

• The one which/that

(para cosas - singular)

That house was the one (that/which)

she liked, (objeto)

That tile is the one that/which fell from

your roof, (sujeto)

That car is the one that/which won the

race, (sujeto)

• The ones who/that

(para personas - plural)

Those children are the ones who/that

came singing carols, (sujeto)

Those girls are the ones who/that

asked us the way. (sujeto)

Those boys are the ones who/that you

like, (objeto)



• The ones that/which

(para cosas - plural)

Those books are the ones (that/which)

I want to buy. (objeto)

These antiques are the ones that/which

fetched such a high price, (sujeto)

• En todos los cases en los que el relative sea

objeto del verbo se puede omitir.

• Compara:

That boy is the one who said that.

That is the boy who said that.

• The one with (el de los)

'Which one is your boyfriend?' The one

with long hair.'

'Which one is your son?' The one with

dirty trousers.'

'Which one is the book you like?' The

one with blue cover.'

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1. Cambia la frase tal como en el ejemplo.Example: This is the man who came selling encyclopedias. This man is the one whocame selling encyclopedias.

1. These are the pictures that were stolen from the Museum.

2. Those are the players that won the match.

3. These are the people who want to emigrate.

4. Those are the pictures which you have to hang.

5. These are the plugs and the battery that you have to change.

6. This is the window that you have to paint.

7. That is the man you have to play with.

8. Those are the trees that have to be planted.

9. That is the branch that has to be cut off.

10. That is the lecture I am so interested in.

11. That is the man who is giving the lecture.

12. That is the treasure which was lost for so many years.

2. Responde a la pregunta como en el ejemplo.Example: 'Which one do you like?' 'The one with the red skirt.'

1. 'Which picture do you prefer?' (golden/frame)

2. 'Which puppy would you like to take?' (brown/head)

3. 'Which car shall we buy, darling?' (flashing lights)

4. 'Which villa shall we hire for the holidays?' (swimming pool)




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Once + Present perfect• El preterito perfecto se usa a menudo con once y now that.

Once we have decorated the house, we can move in.Once you have finished your studies, you can start looking for a job.

• El preterito perfecto que usamos en ingles despues de once, corresponde a vecesal reterito perfecto de subjuntivo espahol. (Una vez que hayamos decorado...).

• Sin embargo, en ocasiones, se puede traducir per indicative.

Once you have seen one penguin, you've seen them all.Once you've parachuted a couple of times, you're all right.Once you've driven on the left for half an hour, you don't feel so awful.


Now that + present perfectNow that you've grown, you can thinkof getting married.Now that we have paid all our debts,we can think of buying a new car.Now that the weather has changed,we can set off.

When + present perfectWhen you have spoken to him a coupleof times, you soon get used to it.When you've seen one, you've seen thelot.

- When you have worked hard all yourlife, you deserve a rest.



The first time + present perfectThis is the first time I've drunk Scotchwhisky.This is the first time (that) I've feltrelaxed for months.This is the first time (that) I've heardher sing.That's the fifth time you've said that.

- It's the fourth time he's fallen in lovethis year.

Ever and never + present perfect'Have you ever been to Scotland?' 'No,I've never been to Scotland.''Have you ever been in love?' 'No, I'venever been in love.''Have you ever eaten caviar?' 'No, I'venever eaten caviar.''Have you ever run a marathon?' 'No,I've never run a marathon.''Have you ever spoken to the president?''No, I've never spoken to him.'

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1. Pon la frase como en el ejemplo.Example: (Once/you/see/clown/you/see/all) Once you've seen one clown, you've seenthem all.

1. (Once/you/confess/sins/you/feel/happier)

2. (Once/you/cross/that/line/there is/no return)

3. (Once/she/make up/her mind/nothing will make her change)

4. (Once/you/make/deal/you can't get out of it)

2. Vas a hacer lo mismo con now that.Example: Now that you've finished (finish/studies) what are you going to do?

1. Now that you (confess/guilt), do you feelbetter?

2. Now that you (succeed) in life, are youhappier?

3. Now that we (buy/a new car), we can go onholiday to the Continent.

4. Now that we (pay/the car), we can buy thepetrol.

3. Completa las frases siguientes con when.Example: I'd like to have a word with you when you've finished on the phone.

1. When you (finish) feeding this baby, you'llhave to feed the other one.

2. When they (finish) painting the bridge atone end, they'll have to start at the other.

3. You'll feel happier when you (tell) me thetruth.

4. Things will be easier when you (live) a fewmonths in this country.

4. Forma la pregunta para las siguientes respuestas.Example: 'No, I've never been to Rome.' 'Have you ever been to Rome?'

1. No, I've never eaten lobster.?

2. No, I've never met him.?

3. No, I've never been to Egypt.?

4. No, I've never spoken to the President.?




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Passives: All tenses - is considered / thought / said to beMay/might/will have been + past participle





Present perfect

Past perfect

Future perfect

Conditional perfect


She buys the bread.

She bought the bread.

She'll buy the bread.

She'd buy the bread.

She has bought the bread.

She had bought the bread.

She'll have bought the bread.

She'd have bought the bread.


The bread is bought by her.

The bread was bought by her.

The bread will be bought by her.

The bread would be bought by her.

The bread has been bought by her.

The bread had been bought by her.

The bread will have been bought by her.

The bread would have been bought by her.

Is considered/thought/said to be

• Este tipo de frase se puede poner de dosformas.

- It is considered that he is the bestplayer in the world.He is considered to be the bestplayer in the world.It was thought that Galileo washeretic.Galileo was thought to be heretic.It is said that this man is mad.This man is said to be mad.



May/might/will have been + pastparticiple

He may have arrived by now.The silly idiot! He might have told me!By 6 o'clock it will have been done for12 hours.The jury may have already reached averdict.Everyone knew it. You might as wellhave told me!

* By tomorrow the factory will have beenclosed for two years.

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1. Cambia las frases como en el ejemplo.Example: It is thought that Jim is the best. Jim is thought to be the best,

1. It is considered that this colour is the most suitable.

2. It is said that our team is the best.

3. It is thought that this picture is a masterpiece.

4. It is considered that this car is the fastest.

5. It is thought that this restaurant is the best in the country.

2. Responds a las preguntas con may have o might have.Example: 'Why didn't he answer the phone? I'm sure he was at home.' 'He might nothave heard the phone.'

1. 'I wonder why he didn't come to the party.' (he might/have/go somewhere else)

2. 'She didn't come to the meeting. I wonder why.' (she/may not/know/about it)

3. 'Why didn't Betty answer the doorbell?' (she/may/go/bed/early)

4. 'I'm sure she didn't go to the cinema.' (she/might/go/theatre)

5. 'How did the fire start?' (someone/may/drop/ cigarette)

3. Completa la frase con will have been + participio.Example: By six o'clock the road will have been closed tor 12 hours.

1. By eight o'clock tomorrow the truce(broke) for 10 hours.

2. By midnight the ship (wreck) on therocks for 48 hours.

3. By tomorrow morning he (go) for 36hours.




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Reported speech

Present simpleI like tall girls.

Present continuousI'm waiting for Jim.

Past simpleI didn't know you werehere.

Present perfectYou've broken the vase.

Past continuousI was thinking about it.

FutureWe'll come early.

ConditionalI'd go if 1 could.

Past simpleHe said he liked tall girls.

Past continuousHe said he was waiting

for Jim.

Past perfectHe explained that he

didn't know I was there.

Past perfectHe recognized he had

broken the vase.

Past/past perfect continuousHe said he was thinking/had

been thinking about it.

ConditionalHe said they would come


ConditionalHe said he would go if he


Wish, would rather/sooner y it's time nocambian.

'I wish I didn't have to go to school,'said Jim.Jim said that he wished he didn't haveto go to school.Tom wants to go alone,' said Mary, 'butI'd rather he came with us.'Mary said that Tom wanted to go alone,but that she'd rather he went withthem.'It's time we began making plans,'he said.

- He said that it was time they beganmaking plans.



Might no cambia excepto cuando es unapetition.

- She said, Tom might come today.'She said that Tom might come that day.

• Pero'You might type the letters for me,'he said.He asked her/me to type the lettersfor him.

Cuando should o ought to se usan comoconsejo mas que obligation, se puedecambiar a advise.

'You should/ought to go faster,' saidJohn.John advised/urged me/him to gofaster.

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1. Pon las siguientes frases en forma indirecta.Example: 'You'd better not drink the water,' she said. She advised us not to drink the water.

1. 'How old are you?' he asked me.

2. 'I'm tired,' she said, I'm going home.'

3. 'It may rain,' she said.

4. 'I should be delighted,' he said.

5. 'I hadn't seen her before that day,' he said.

6. 'I was only joking,' he said.

7. 'I didn't recognize you,' she said.

8. 'Is it raining?' he asked.

9. He said, 'I could do it tomorrow.'

10. 'If I had a screwdriver I could mend it,' he said.

11. 'You should read the instructions,' my boss said to me.

2. Ahora haz lo contrario.Example: She said that she had been waiting for him. '/ have been waiting for you,'she said.

1. He said that he would take the car.

2. He said that they had been very happy when they lived in Paris.

3. Tom said that he would be 20 the following day.

4. He said that they had been thinking of selling the car.

5. She explained that she never ate meat.




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Reported speech (cont.)• Los verbos agree/refuse/offer/promise/

threaten + infinitive, y los verbos assure yapologize a veces se pueden usar en vez desay.

'I won't lend you my bicycle any more,'said Tom.Tom refused to/said that he would notlend him his bicycle any more.Til help you if you like,' said John.John offered to/said that he wouldhelp her.I'll pay you back next month, Mary,' Tonysaid.Tony offered to pay Mary back thefollowing month.Tony said he would pay Mary back thefollowing month.Tony assured Mary that he would payher back the following month.

Iil kill you,' the man said.The man threatened that he would/ tokill him.

'I' m sorry I'm late,' she said.She apologized for being late.

• Con los verbos siguientes se usa muchotanto la forma directa como la indirecta:

add- admit


- complaindeny

explain- grumble- object

observe- promise


'I won't do it,' John assured us.John assured us that he wouldn't doit.'But it'll take longer,' he objected.He objected that it would take longer.



Questions in reported speech.'Where does he live?' she asked.She asked/wanted to know where helived.'Where's the station?' he inquired.He asked where the station was.'What have you got in your pocket? heasked.He asked me what I had in my pocket.

• Prases que empiezan con shall I en formaindirecta.

'Shall I ever see him again?' shewondered.She wondered if she would ever see himagain.'Shall I bring the soup now, sir?' thewaiter asked.The waiter asked me if he was to/if heshould bring the soup.

• Prases que empiezan con will you/would you.

'Will you come with us tomorrow?' hesaid.He asked if she would come with themthe next day.'Would you like to come with me?' heasked her.He asked her if she would like to go withhim.

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1. Reemplaza la palabra said por una de las palabras que se dan a continuacion. Lisacada palabra solo una vez: insisted, shouted, agreed, suggested, claimed, whispered,protested, admitted, exclaimed, objected, boasted, muttered, sneered, threatened,groaned, announced, promised.

Example: 'I can speak seven languages fluently,' he said. He boasted that he couldspeak seven languages fluently.

1. 'Let's go to the theatre this evening,' he said.

2. 'Stop that noise, will you!' said the teacher.

3. 'The bicycle you're riding is mine,' said the man.

4. 'Yes, I broke the window playing cricket,' said the boy.

5. 'I know my rights,' said the man.

6. 'I shall always love you,' said her boyfriend.

7. 'We don't have enough money for that,' said the treasurer.

8. This teacher doesn't know what he's talking about,' said the student.

9. 'Well, it's a surprise to see you here!' she said.

10. 'Well, yes. If the weather is bad, we can't go,' he said.

11. 'If you can't come today, you must come tomorrow,' he said.

12. 'I'll be back, darling,' he said.

13. 'Gentlemen, ours is the victory,' he said.

14. 'My whole body aches,' he said.

15.'I'll kill him,' he said.

16. 'I can't listen to those low-class people,' he said.




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Remember (and other verbs) + gerund or infinitive

• Los verbos remember, forget y regretpueden ir seguidos de infinitivo o gerundio,aunque con sentido diferente. La forma degerundio se refiere a cosas que suceden(antes de que tenga lugar el hecho derecordar, olvidar, etc.)

I shall always remember hearing thebombs falling.

I remember reading about thetyphoon in the papers.

I remember posting/having posted theletters on my way home.

* I regret spending so much money.<* I don't regret telling him what I thought.I shall never forget seeing the Queen.

Have you forgotten meeting her?

• Remember tambien puede ir seguido de unadjetivo posesivo/objeto + gerundio.

I remember his/him telling me aboutthat.

I remember my uncle/uncle's tellingme about it.

• Remember, regret, forget + infinitivo serefiere a una accion en el future (o a unaaccion en el futuro vista desde el pasado).

Remember to post the letters.He remembered to do it, didn't he?Don't worry. I'll remember to tell him.I regret to inform you that your son isdead.I regret to say that you're under arrest.I forgot to leave you a note.I won't forget to give him yourmessage.



• Forget + gerundio se usa muy a menudo enforma negativa.

I shall never forget waiting for thesoldiers to come back.Many people will never forget hearingthe bombs fall.

• Try + infinitivo significa 'hacer un esfuerzo'.

You must try to understand my position.

• Try + gerundio significa 'experimental.

Try taking an aspirin.

• Stop + infinitivo se refiere a un proposito:

I stopped to buy the paper.

• Stop + gerundio: el gerundio es el comple-mento del verbo.

He couldn't stop coughing.

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1. Completa las frases con infinitivo o gerundio.Example: I'll remember to attend the meeting on Thursday. I remember falling into theriver when I was five.

1. I'll remember (give) you a ring in the morning.

2. I won't forget (give) you a call.

3. She says that she regrets (say) that to you.

4. Don't forget (write) to your uncle.

5. Remember (put) the cat out before you go to bed.

6. I remember (live) in this area many years ago.

7. I don't regret (spend) that money.

8. I still remember my father (tell) us about it.

9. I regret (say) that you have failed.

10. I'll never forget (go) to that museum.

11. She remembered (read) about the earthquake.

12. Did you remember (lock) the door, John?

13. I don't remember (lock) the door, do you?

14. One day you'll regret (waste) your time.

15. I'll never forget (see) my daughter dance in public for thefirst time.

16. Don't forget (wash) your face, will you?

17. I will never forget (see) those poor people starving.

2. Haz lo mismo con los verbos try y stop.Example: He stopped to ask the way.

1. Stop (talk), will you!

2. 'I can't stop sneezing.' 'Try (hold) your breath.'

3. I tried (hang) the picture but I couldn't.

4. I can't stop her (talk) to the press.

5. 'I've got a headache.' 'Try (take) these pills.'

6. On the way to the office I stopped (buy) a paper.

7. When he told us that joke, I couldn't stop (laugh).

8. You really must stop (smoke).

9. Every hour I stop work (smoke) a cigarette.

10. I can't make any sense of it. Let's try (put) it upsidedown.

11. Come on, boys.Let's try (win), shall we?




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Suffixes and prefixes• Muchos adjetivos tienen un finalcarateristico(osufijo).

• Por ejemplo:-ful que anadido a un sustantivo,

beauty nosda .beautiful

-able que anadido al verboenjoy nos da - enjoyable

• Las formas de gerundio a menudo hacen eloficio de adjetivos (speeding car).

• Muchas de estas formas adjetivadas tienenadjetivos que terminan en -ed (boring/bored).

• Algunos participios irregulares funcionancomo adjetivos (fallen).

• Los prefijos que se anaden a los adjetivosgeneralmente tienen un efecto negative.• Por ejemplo:• dis- anadido a continue

nos da discontinue• No todos los adjetivos 'positives' dan unonegativo al ahadir un prefijo. A veces esnecesario el uso de not (not taxable).De la misma forma, no todos los adjetivos'negativos' (sobre todo los que estan forma-dos por un participio) tienen un equivalentepositivo (mistaken).• Parejas de adjetivos que terminan en•ed y -ing: annoyed - annoying

amazed amazingbored boringexcited excitinginterested interestingpleased pleasingtired - tiring

We were bored by the film. It was veryboring.



Participios presente y pasadosque se usan como adjetivos.

• Muchos participios presentes (gerundios) sepueden usar como adjetivos:

falling glassshining sun

• Tambien muchos participios pasados sepueden usar como adjetivos:

spoken wordbroken glasslocked dooretc

• Los participios regulares siguen las reglasde pronunciacion normales. Sin embargo, hayalgunos adjetivos que terminan en -ed, peroque no son participios, y de ahi que lapronunciacion sea /id/, como en:

aged nakedcrooked raggedlearned wicked

• Algunos adjetivos formados con sufijos:capablepossiblebeautifulcarefulcarelessfoolishattractivelifeless


Algunos adjetivos formados con prefijos:dishonest non-stickillegal overdueimpossible prewarindifferent pro-Americanirresponsible subnormal

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1. A continuacion tienes unos prefijos. Busca por lo menos dos adjetivos queempiecen con ese prefijo: omni, peri, fore, non, post, pre, anti, multi, inter, ante,circum.

Example: omni omnipotent, omnipresent, omnivorous.


2. Fore:

3. Non:

4. Post:

5. Pre:


7. Multi:

8. Inter:

9. Ante:

10. Circum:

2. Busca por lo menos dos sustantivos que empiecen con los prefijos: mono, over,super, trans, sur, out, mal.

Example: Mono: monoplane, monomania, monochord.

1. Over:

2. Super:

3. Trans:

4. Sur:

5. Out:

6. Mal:

3. Busca por lo menos dos palabras formadas con cada sufijo que se te da acontinuacion: -ess, -some, -ship, -meter, -less, -ory, -logy, -let, -hood.

Example: -ess: waitress, actress, mattress.

1. -some:

2. -ship:

3. -meter:

4. -less:

5. -ory:

6. -logy:

7. -let:

8. -hood:85



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Compound nouns• Muchos sustantivos en ingles estan forma-dos por dos palabras.A veces se pone guion, otras veces no, yotras veces se juntan:

hitchhiker river bank cupboard

• Sustantivos formados con adjetivo+ sustantivo.

greenhouse shorthand redskin

• Sustantivos formados con gerundio+ sustantivo.

waiting room diving boardfrying pan booking officevisiting card swimming pool

• Sustantivos formados con sustantivo+ gerundio.

water skiing weightliftinghorse-riding bird-watchingsunbathing fire-fighting

• Algunos sustantivos se forman conparticulas adverbiales.


• Sustantivos formados con 'sustantivo +sustantivo'

a) El segundo pertenece o es parte delprimero.

church bell kitchen doorcar key garden fencegear lever doorknob

b) El primer sustantivo indica el lugardel segundo.town hall country roadkitchen sink corner shopstreet market river bank



C) El primer sustantivo indica el tiempodel segundo.Sunday dinner evening dressspring flower night watchmana two-week holiday summer holiday

e) El primer sustantivo indica el materialdel segundo.cotton shirt gold medalvelvet curtainsstone house

brick wallmetal fence

(Con wool y wood se usan sus adjetivos: woolleny wooden. Gold tambien tiene sus forma adjeti-vada, golden, pero se usa solo figurativamente.)

woollen pulloverwooden doorgolden opportunity

f) La primera palabra indica el propositode la segunda.sheep dog can openerfootball club notice boardbookcase petrol can

g) El primer sustantivo puede mostrarsobre que trata el segundo.horror film ghost storyplane ticket entry feesparking fine peace talks

h) Algunos sustantivos se forman conlas palabras man, woman, self, etc.firemanpolicewomanself-control

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1. Forma un sustantivo compuesto con las palabras que tienes.Example: The clothes used in winter are winter clothes.

1. A tank containing petrol is a 19. A house made with stones is a

2. The door going into the kitchen is 20. A walk of two hours is athe

3. The bell of the church is the 21. A holiday of three weeks is a

4. Flowers which grow in spring are 22. The key of the car is the

5. The driver of a taxi is a 23. The sink in the kitchen is the

6. The room where you have dinner 24. A story of detectives is ais the

7. The window of a shop is called 25. A field to play football on is athe

8. The knob of the door is the 26. A stamp costing five pence is a

9. A device for opening tins is a 27. A shirt made of silk is a

10. A man who sells books is a 28. A door made of wood is a

11. A mine of gold is a 29. A cardigan made of wool is a

12. A match of football is a 30. Hair like gold is

13. A rally of cars is a 31. A club for people who play golf is a

14. A pot for tea is a 32. A bill for using the telephone is a

15. A cup for coffee is a 33. A film full of mystery is a

16. A man who works is a 34. A ticket you buy to travel on the bus

17. A man who rides a horse is a 35. A tin to keep biscuits is a

18. A blouse made of cotton is a 36. A dress to wear in the eveningis an



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Tenses: General revision



Present simpleI eat

Do I eat?I do not eat

Present continuousI am eatingAm I eating?I am not eating

Past simpleI eat

Did I eat?I did not eat

Past continuousI was eatingWas I eating?I was not eating

'Going to' form - PastI was going to eatWas I going to eat?I was not going to eat

FutureI will eatWill I eat?I will not eat

Future continuousI will be eatingWill I be eating?I will not be eating

'Going to' form- Future

I am going to eatAm I going to eat?I am not going to eat

ConditionalI would eatWould I eat?I would not eat

Conditional continuousI would be eatingWould I be eating?I would not be eating

Present perfectI have eatenHave I eaten?I have not eaten

Present perfect continuousI have been eatingHave I been eating?I have not been eating

Past perfectI had eatenHad I eaten?I had not eaten

Past perfect continuousI had been eatingHad I been eating?I had not been eating

Future perfectI will have eatenWill I have eaten?I will not have eaten

Future perfect continuousI will have been eatingWill I have been eating?I will not have been eating

Conditional perfectcontinuous

I would have been eatingWould I have beeneating?I would not have beeneating

Imperative (affirmative)Let me eatEatLet him/her/it eatLet us (let's) eatEatLet them eat

Imperative (negative)Don't let me eatDon't eatDon't let him/her/it eatDon't let's eat (Let's noteat)Don't eatDon't let them eat




Page 94: English Grammar 4


1. Pon el verbo en el tiempo que se te pida.Example: 3rd. pers. sing, present continuous run. He is running.


















2nd. pers.

1st. pers.

3rd. pers.

3rd. pers.

1st. pers.

2nd. pers.

3rd. pers.

1st. pers.

2nd. pers.

3rd. pers.

1st. pers.

2nd. pers.

3rd. pers.

1st. pers.

2nd. pers.

3rd. pers.

1st. pers.


















past perfect simple

future perfect continuous, neg.

present continuous, int.

past simple, neg.

present perfect, continuous, int.

conditional simple, int,

conditional perfect, neg.

future continuous

past continuous, int.

past perfect, neg.

future perfect, int.

present continuous, neg.

conditional continuous int.

present perfect continuous int.

future continuous neg.

past simple int. neg.

past perfect int. neg.




















Page 95: English Grammar 4


Phrasal verbs 1*


Ver el libro "GUIDE TO PHRASAL VERBS"de esta mlsma editorial.

• Aunque muchos gramaticos difieren de la definition exacta de un phrasal verb, generalmente usamosestetermino para la combination: verb + preposition o verb + adverb participle.

• A menudo el significado original del verbocambia completamente cuando combina con unapreposition o particula; se forma un nuevo verbo.

look (mirar)look after (cuidar)look for (buscar)

• La mayoria de los phrasal verbs se forma conlos siguientes verbos:

be break bring comedo fall find getgive go help letmake put send stand

take tear throw turn• No solamente puede un verbo combinar contales particulas como:

along down inoff on outover under up

sino que una sola combination puede tenerdiferentes significados:

The plane took off. (despego)He took off his shoes, (se quito)

• Los phrasal verbs pueden ser transitivos eintransitivos. Cuando llevan complemento directo,este se puede poner a veces antes o despues dela particula.

He gave away all his fortune.He gave all his fortune away.


- Cuando el objeto es un pronombre a veces sepone al final de la expresion: I'm looking for them.Pero con particulas cortas:

up down in outaway off on

el objeto se suele poner inmediatamente despuesdel verbo.

He put it down.She took it off.

Phrasal verbsaccount for (explicar)

You must account for your actions.allow for (tomar en consideration)

You must allow for those extra expenses.answer for (ser responsable)

You have to answer for your deeds.ask for (pedir)

I've asked for a gin and tonic.be for (estar a favor)I am for capital punishment.be over (acabar)

The war is over.be up to (tramar)

What is he up to?

1. Elige la preposicion adecuada para completar la frase.Example: I am in for striking.

1. 'Is your husband at home?" 'No, he is not2. I'm afraid we are for a bumpy flight.3. 'Is Peter in?' 'No, ne"is3IIIIIIZI4. Where were you? Everybody was asking you.5. He didn't ask me ; he kept me standing at the door.6. She has many boyfriends and she is usually asked every evening.7. When you die you'll have to answer your acts.8. 'Is he still in bed?' 'No, he is9. The storm was finally

10. You have to allow these extra miles.11. It's the government to do something.



Page 96: English Grammar 4


2. Sustituye las frases subrayadas por un phrasal verb.Example: He had risen already. He was up already.

1. It's not my responsibility. It depends on the manager.2. I favour strict measures.3. The people around stepped backwards in fear.4. You have to consider a possible delay.5. Our headmaster always supports his teachers.

3. Rellena los huecos usando los siguientes phrasal verbs: allow for, be up to, be out,be over, be back, be in for, back away.

Example: We'll get there at four, but we have to allow for a possible delay.

1. What will little Jimmy next!2. 'Is your father at home?' 'No, he3. In 1945 at last the war4. He's out but he will by six.5. I'm afraid we a shock.6. The two children afraid.7. You have to all this money.

Phrasal verbs 2

> break down (averiarse)The car broke down on the motorway.

break down (derrumbarse moralmente)The woman broke down on hearingabout her son's death.

' break in (interrumpir)Jimmy, you must not break in when weare talking.

• break in/into (forzar)- Burglars broke into the shop last night.break off (romper compromisos, relaciones)

Peace talks have broken off after fivemonths.

> break out (estallar: guerras, epidemias, incendios)A war broke out between the twocountries.

> break up (separarse, deshacerse.fracasar,disolver)

The meeting broke up at about ten.

bring about (ocasionar, producir, efectuar)- Bad sanitary conditions brought about a

cholera epidemic.Antibiotics brought about changes inmedicine.

bring down (abatir, rebajar)- He brought down a wild boar with one

shot.Shops usually bring down their pricesafter the New Year.

bring forth (rendir)The autumn brought forth a goodharvest.

bring in (presentar, introducir)Steam engines brought in a new wayof travel.

bring up (vomitar, educar)- The nuns brought up the two orphans.



Page 97: English Grammar 4

Phrasal verbs 2ENGLISH GRAMMAR


come about (acontecer, producirse)- It came about that the tribes went to war.

The cholera epidemic came aboutthrough bad sanitary conditions.

come down (derribar, estrellarse, perderprestigio, reganar, enfermar)

The old buildings will have to comedown.The plane came down in the Alps.The teacher came down on the childrenfor coming late.

- That family has come down in the world.


come in (llegar primero, etc.)He came in second.

come into (asociarse, heredar)He came into a lot of money.An American company decided tocome into the venture.

1. Elige la preposicion adecuada para rellenar el hueco.Example: One of the prisoners has broken out.

1. Mrs Evans brought her nine children by herself.2. The meeting broke at eight.3. New Year has come at last.4. This minister has brought many changes.5. A skin rash broke6. The town came sight when he turned the bend.7. He brought a couple of hares and a rabbit.8. Their marriage broke a year later.9. The photocopier has broken again!

10. I didn't want to bring the subject11. He came the conclusion that his wife had betrayed him.

2. Sustituye los siguientes phrasal verbs por otro verbo con el mismo significado.Example: When his grandfather died he came into a small fortune. When hisgrandfather died he inherited a small fortune.

1. This year has brought forth good business.2. The business has broken up into several branches.3. The fisherman came across a pool full of trout.4. The hunter brought down some fowl.5. The storm broke out suddenly with great fury.

3. Usa los verbos siguientes para rellenar los huecos: come to, bring down, come up,come out, break in.

Example: This amount comes to £1000.1. We'll have to the prices.2. They against some serious problems.3. The stains when he used the stain remover.4. Look at the mess. Somebody must have last night.



Page 98: English Grammar 4

Phrasal verbs 3ENGLISH GRAMMAR


do away with (eliminar, abolir, suicidarse)- He did away with himself.

The Americans did away with slaverya long time ago.

do for (matar, be done for estar moribundo)The first thrust of the sword did for the bull.

- I'm afraid that the poor animal is done for.do up (renovar, redecorar, abrocharse, atarse)

Do your buttons up, will you?We have to do up the kitchen.

do with (nada que ver con, aguantar, venir bien)I could do with a cup of tea.

That has nothing to do with me.- For many years teachers had to do with

small wages.do without (prescindir de)

I can't do without a good secretary.fall for (enamorarse de, dejarse engahar,

acoger)- They soon fell for each other.

He fell for the trick and lost £5.The deal was attractive and the firm fellfor it.

fall to (ser responsable, sucumbir)It falls to the sergeant to keep the troopsin line.He fell to the temptation.

find out (averiguar)I'll find out what time the trains is leaving.

give away (regalar, dar, vender barato)He gives away a lot of money.I'm going to give away these old clothes.He gave the picture away for £1,000.

give out (distribuir, agotar)His strength gave out after two weekswithout food.He gave out the cards.

give up (dejar, renunciar, traicionar, abandonar)I have to give up smoking.

My wife is giving up her job.He gave his friend up to the police.

give way (ceder, hundirse)At a roundabout in England, you have togive way to traffic coming from your left.


1. Elige la parti'cula adecuada para rellenar el hueco.Example: We have to do away with these old laws.

1.1 could do a drink.2. The poor woman has done with herself.3. I'm afraid the poor man is done4. Do the zip, will you?5. The miners had to do small wages for many years.6. You can't do heating in winter in this country.7. It falls the teacher to keep the class quiet.8. He has to look his lost wallet.9. Why don't you find the truth?

10. He has given his inheritance.11. I'm afraid one of the engines of the plane has given12. You have to give drinking, I'm afraid.



Page 99: English Grammar 4


2. Sustituye el phrasal verb por otro verbo del mismo significado.Example: I could do with another cigarette. I should like to smoke another cigarette.

1. Do up your overcoat, will you?2. One coffee will do for us, thank you.3. The first bullet did for him.4. The boy fell for her at once.5. She gave out the leaflets.

3. Rellena los huecos con uno de los phrasal verbs: give away, give way, give out, giveup, do with, do without.

Example: Don't be so stubborn. Someone has to give way.1.They are selling these carpets at prices.2. the cards, will you!3. I've smoking many times. It's very easy.4. We could another hand to move this piano.5. I can't you, darling.

Phrasal verbs 4

- get away (escaparse, evadirse)- The prisoner got away.get back (volver)

We didn't get back until Sunday night.- get hurt (hacerse daho)

He didn't get hurt when he fell downthe stairs.

get off (bajarse)He got off the bus.

- get old (envejecer)- He is getting old.get rich (enriquecerse)

This man is getting quite rich.- get sick (ponerse enfermo)

He got sick after eating that meat.get tired (cansarse)

I'm getting tired of repeating thesame thing.

get ready (prepararse)- Get ready, it's getting late.

- get to sleep (dormirse)I finally got to sleep.get together (juntarse)

The whole family get together forChristmas.


' get up (levantarse)I usually get up at seven.

• get wet (mojarse)Don't go out. You'll get wet.

' get at (insinuar, atacar)- What are you getting at?get down (tragar, deprimir, ir al grano)

This rainy weather gets you down.These people can get down a lot of beer.

> get in (entrar, llegar, meter)I just couldn't get a word in.

• get off (quitar, ligar, salir del trabajo)I couldn't get the stains off.

He got off the bus at Paddingtonstation.

< get on (progresar)How are you getting on with yourEnglish?

' get out (salir, apearse)- He got out of the room.get over (superar, terminar de una vez,sobreponerse)

He got over his illness.


Page 100: English Grammar 4

1. Elige la particula apropiada para rellenar el hueco.Example: He got away from it all.

1. The sea is getting We'll have a rough crossing.2. A good speaker always gets his audience.3. Don't let the cat get the chickens.4. What are you getting ?5. Don't let the loss of your job get you6. What time did your train get ?7. He got with just a small fine.8. It's getting for nine o'clock.9. He is getting my nerves.

10. Get the bus, will you!11. He can't get the crisis.12. I can't get on the phone.

2. Sustituye los siguientes phrasal verbs por otras palabras del mismo significado.Example: He got to the office very late. He arrived at the office very late.

1. He is getting on very well in his school.2. Come on, Lassie, get at them!3. She got into the room laden with parcels.4. Get on with your work, you, lazy boy!5. The convict got away over the wall.6. He gets up every day at seven.7. The forest fire got up with the wind.8. He got off the bus at Victoria Station.9. They didn't the hay in get until September.

Phrasal verbs 5

* go after (perseguir)- The dog went after the cats.go away (alejarse, marcharse, desvanecerse)- I'll go away in the morning.go back (volver)- I'll go back to my country in summer.go by (a juzgar por, pasar cerca,acatar, segun)- Trains go by here every hour.

To go by his clothes, he is not very rich.go for (atacar, entusiasmarse, va por ti)- And that goes for you too.- Watch that dog, it may go for you.

go off (estallar)- The bomb went off at nine o'clock.go on (pasar, seguir, proseguir, progresar)

What's going on?- go through (penetrar, sufrir)

- We can't go through that crowd.go up (subir, estallar)

The tanks went up in flames.help oneself to (servirse)

Help yourself to the whisky.let down (bajar, desinflar)

He let the basket down from the balcony.They let the tyres down.




Page 101: English Grammar 4

Phrasal verbs 5ENGLISH GRAMMAR


make ouHow did the team make out?

make up (componer, aplicar maquillaje,

recuperar, compensar)

- We'll have to make up the list.- You'll have to make up for the time lost.- They quarrel a lot but they always make

up later.

let in (dejar entrar)

- Is that Jimmy? Let him in.

let off (dejar escapar, disparar)

- The boss let us off without finishing thework.

let out (dejar salir, ensanchar, soltar un grito, etc.)

The old woman let out a groan.

make after (perseguir)

- She made after the dog when it stole themeat.

make for (dirigirse)

The boat is making for the shore.


1. Elige la particula apropiada para rellenar los huecos.

Example: All the lights of the house went off due to the storm.

1. How is Jimmy getting in his new school?2. We'll have to go that hole.3. The bomb went in the terrorist's hands.4. Frank is going with Linda tonight.5. Let's go the plans again.6. This car has never let me7. He lets steam by shouting at everybody.8. When you're alone in the house, don't let anybody9. They had a quarrel but now they have made

10. He always tries to make that he is poor.11. We'll have to make for the losses.

2. Sustituir el phrasal verb por otro verbo con el mismo significado.

Example: The boat is making for the shore. The boat is going towards the shore.

1. Don't make fun of old people. You'll be old one day.2. Don't let go of the reins.3. He let out a groan as he was hit on the chin.4. Help yourselves to the cakes, children.5. John is at the door. I'll let him in.

3. Escribe otras frases usando phrasal verbs sin que cambie el significado.

Example: The bomb exploded. The bomb went off.

1. Don't disappoint me, boy!2.1 can't understand what he is saying.3. What's happening in here?4. The programme has passed several stages.



(distinguir, convencer, fingir, portarse

Page 102: English Grammar 4

Phrasal verbs 6ENGLISH GRAMMAR


put away (guardar, ahorrar, envainar)They put some money away for their oldage.

put back (retrasar, devolver)- We have to put the clocks back one hour.put down (anotar, hacer un primer pago,

suprimir)Put down everything they say.They put down fifty pounds.

put off (aplazar, expulsar, dejar pasajeros,disuadir)

They put off their wedding till the spring.The taxi driver put the passengers off atPaddington.

put on (ponerse, adelantar, encender, engordar)- He is putting on weight.- Don't put on that pullover.put up (alojar, izar, fijar, aguantar)

They are putting up notices everywhere.We put up in a hostel for the night.

set alight (prender fuego)He set the paper alight.

set aside (anular, desestimar, rechazar)They set my petition aside.

> set back (costar, retrasar)The incident set back the talks for over ayear.

set forth (ponerse en camino, presentar)- She set forth her ideas on the project.set off (poner rumbo, detonar, acentuar)- The explosives were set off from a safe

distance.set out (ponerse en camino)

They set out at five.set up (organizar, establecerse, proporcionar)

He set up a business in town.stand by (estar alerta, defender, apoyar)- Soldiers, stand by for action!

His best friend stood by him throughoutthe trial.

• stand for (preconizar, significar, representar)He stands for freedom.

• stand out (sobresalir, destacarse, oponerse)He stands out as one of the nation'sbest athletes.

> stand up (ponerse de pie, defender)He stood up for his friend.

- He put his book down and stood up.


1. Elige la particula apropiada para rellenar el hueco.Example: Put that sword away.

1. Today we have to put the clocks one hour.2. They put their holidays until autumn.3. They haven't put the fire yet.

4. I'll put you for the night.5. I can't put with this noise any longer.

6. He set his own business in this town.

7. They set on a very long journey.

8. Stand for an emergency.

9. My son stands as one of the best athletes in his school.

10. What does the 'N' stand ?



Page 103: English Grammar 4


2. Sustituye el phrasal verb por otro verbo del mismo significado.Example: They have put aside a large sum of money over the years. They have saved alarge sum of money over the years.

1. The rebellion was put down by the army.2. They had to put off their wedding date.3. The taxi put them off at the station.4. He is putting on weight. He must go on a diet.5. They are going to set off early in the morning.

3. Escribe otra frase con el mismo significado usando un phrasal verb.Example: That cruise cost me £10,000. That cruise set me back £10,000.

1. You have to be alert in case of an emergency.2. This man is putting his name down for parliament.3. The old man rose to his feet slowly.4. They laid the blame on his nerves.

Phrasal verbs 7


run about (corretear)It's good for the children to run about inthe country.

run across (cruzar corriendo)Don't run across the street.

run after (perseguir)Dogs like to run after cats.

run away (escaparse, evadirse)The two convicts ran away.

run down (criticar, atropellar, acabar la cuerda)He was run down by a car.

run in (rodar)You have to run the new car in.

run into (toparse, chocar)The car ran into a tree,

run out (acabar, agotar)We ran out of petrol.

run over (atropellar, ensayar)Let's run over this part of the musicagain.

run to (extenderse, permitirse gastar)The book ran to 300 pages.

run up against (tropezar con dificultades,montar)

The bill ran up to £500.They ran up against the opposition of herparents.

take after someone (seguir el ejemplo)She dances beautifully. She takes afterher mother.

take back (devolver, retractarse, readmitir)Itake back all I said about you.take care (cuidar)

I'll take care of the children while youare away.

take in (alojar, enganar)Are you trying to take me in?

take off (despegar, quitarse)The plane has taken off.

take on (coger empleados, desafiar)He says he'll take anyone on.

take over (hacerse cargo, suplir)He took over the business.

take up (acortar, investigar, reanudar)You have to take up the skirt.


Page 104: English Grammar 4


1. Elige la particula apropiada para rellenar el hueco.Example: The prisoner has run away from prison.

1. They ran the escaped convict when he reached the sea.2. You have to run your new car.3. This book has run five editions.4. We've run of petrol, I'm afraid.5. The cat was run by a lorry.6. Let's run the whole plan again.7. That boy takes his father.8. Take what you said about me or you'll regret it.9. Do you take guests?

10. He took me , I'm afraid.11. He took his father's business.

2. Sustituye los siguientes phrasal verbs por otros verbos del mismo significado.Example: He's has taken on three mechanics. He has hired three new mechanics.

1. He took off his clothes.

2. She has taken in new guests.

3.1 was taken for a ride, I'm afraid.

4. Take care not to miss the bus.

5. The child ran across the road.

3. Cambia las frases siguientes usando un phrasal verb.Example: She escaped with a classmate. She ran away with a classmate.

1. We met one of our old teachers this morning.

2. The programme continued for hours.

3. We'll have to rehearse this part again.

4. He faced many difficulties.

Phrasal verbs 8

tear away (arrancar, arrebatar, alejarse de prisa)The floods tore away the old barn.

tear down (arrancar, derribar)- They tore the flag down.tear up (romper, rasgar)

He tore up the contract.throw about (derrochar, esparcir)

She is throwing food for the birds about.throw a party (hacer una fiesta)

They are throwing a party.throw down (arrojar, dejar, deponer)- The soldiers threw down their arms.

throw in (echar las cartas, la toalla)He threw in the towel.

throw out (deshechar, expulsar)- He was thrown out of his job for causing

accidents.throw over (derrocar, dar calabazas, abandonar)- They decided to throw over the plan.turn about (dar media vuelta)

The soldiers turned about,turn aside (apartarse, desviarse)- She turned him aside from the group.



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Phrasal verbs 8ENGLISH GRAMMAR


turn on/off (apagar, encender)Turn on the light, please.

- Turn off the radio, I'm going to sleep.turn out (producir, expulsar, resultar)- He turned out to be a criminal.

They turn out 100 cars a day.turn up (aparecer)

He turned up at five o'clock in themorning.

turn away (despedirse, rechazar, despedir)- The new boss refused to turn away any of

the men.turn back (repeler, volver, hacer volver)- They were turned back by enemy fire.

We'll have to turn the clock back,turn down (rechazar, bajar el volumen)

His application was turned down.- Please, turn the volume down,turn in (acostarse)- It's very late. I'm going to turn in.turn into (convertir en, transformar)

She was turned into a little mouse by theevil witch.


1. Elige la particula apropiada para rellenar los huecos.Example: He tore his hair out.

1. She tore the letter in a fit of fury.2. You mustn't throw all your plans.3. The old government was thrown4. The dogs were thrown by the scent.5. The people soon turned the new ruler.6. She turned me from my friends to tell me that.7. She turned the volume It was too loud.8. I'm tired. I'm going to turn9. She was turned a frog.

10. We turned the main road a mile from town.11. In this factory they're turning washing machines.

2. Cambia el phrasal verb por otro verbo con el mismo significado.Example: She threw over her boyfriend. She abandoned her boyfriend.

1. They are throwing a party.2. She tore away from him.3. He turned a deaf ear to our request.4. He turned away from gambling for good.5. The prince was turned into a little dog.

3. Cambia la frase por otra igual usando un phrasal verb.Example: He stopped the engine. He turned off the engine.

1. He reduced the gas.2. He was picturing it in his mind again and again.3. He rejected the job because it involved travelling.4. They are producing car accessories.5. Increase the volume. I can't hear anything.



Page 106: English Grammar 4


Exercise, Idiomatic expressions.Sustituye las palabras en negrita por otras palabras del mismo significado.



1. I can't make him out.

2. He's just made that story up.

3. You've made yourself up.

4. He took the money andmade off.

5. This won't make up for it.


1. She did everybody down.

2. We've done the house up.

3. I could do with a cup of tea.

4. I can't do without asecretary.

5. They did away with the badlaw.


1. We'll bring the job off.

2. Who brought it about?

3. Who brought down theruler?

4. They'll bring your article out.

5. We'll bring him round.

6. You brought your son upwell.

7. Don't bring that up again.

Carry1. He carried it off.

2. We'll carry out a test.

Lole1. My watch loses ten minutes

a day.

2. Get lost!

3. Sarcasm is lost on her.

4. He was lost in thought.

Get1. You really get about/around,

don't you?

2. I've always wanted to getahead.

3. He got off lightly.

4. We really get on.

5. It's time you got up.

6. He got away with it.

7. He got back at me in theend.

8.1 got down to work.

9. I'll get in touch with him.

10. He's getting into trouble.

11. He got his message across.

12. The news got me down.

13. Get a builder in.

14. Get her around here.

15. Stop getting at me.

16. She got into trouble/debt.

17. He's got over his illness.

18. You can't get around me.

19. How can we get around thisproblem?

Give1. She gave away the secret.

2. She gave herself away.

3. Who's giving the brideaway?

4. I've given up smoking.

5. They gave themselves up.

6. I'll never give in.

Take1. Don't take it out on me.

2. I'll take the matter up withJohn.

3. She's taken up with Frank.

4. The plane is taking off.

5. I'm not taken in by this.

6. How many are they taking on?



Page 107: English Grammar 4


Exercise. Idiomatic expressions.7. He is going to take her out.

8. She takes after her mother.

9. She took to English quickly.

Look1 . We'll have to look into this.

2. I'd like to look over thehouse.

3. She looked right through me.

4. I hope we can look to you forhelp/support.

5. Please, look over this essay.

6. Look this word up.

7. Look me up when you getback.

8. Look out!

9. Things are looking up.

10. He looks down on us.

11. I look forward to it.

12. I'll look out for him.

13. She looks up to you.

See1. I'll see about fixing that TV.

2. She saw to the customers?

3. I saw through it.

4. I'll see to the dinner.



5. I'll come and see you off.

Come1. I came across this old book.

2. He came at me with a knife.

3. Where did you come by this?

4. He came into a lot of money.

5. What came over you?

6. How did that come about?

7. Prices have come down.

8. My plan came off.

9. The subject came up again.

10. Come across with themoney.

11. It comes down to this.

12. His work has come in forcriticism.

13. She came up with a goodidea.

Go1. I won't go back on my word.

2. She's gone in for painting.

3. I can't go through with it.

4. The bomb went off.

5. What's going on?

6. Will this food go round?

7. I'm going about mybusiness.

8. Let's go after him.

9. The dog went for thepostman.

10. The picture went for £5,000.

11. I'll go into the matter.


1. I ran across/into her.

2. Will he run for president?

3. We'd better run for it.

4. A lorry ran into my car.

5. We've run into problems/trouble.

6. The project runs intomillions.

7. He ran through a fortune.

8. We can run to a new car thisyear.

9. She always runs me down.

10. The cat was run over by alorry.

11. Our supplies have run out.

12. We've run out of sugar.

13. He has run out on her.

14. I'm running up againstproblems.

Page 108: English Grammar 4


Exercise. Idiomatic expressions with coloursWhite

1. He was white with fear.

2. She was as white as asheet.

3. To bleed someone white.

4. I'll have a white coffee,please.

5. He was dressed/clad inwhite.


1. It was black with age.

2. It was a black year.

3. It was a black deed.

4. As black as coal.

5. I'll have a black coffee.

6. The Black Death came overto London.

7. They were taken in a BlackMaria.

8. He is in a black mood.

9. She was dressed in black.


1. His face was blue with


2. He has blue blood.

3. It's a blue joke.

4. There was a blue streak.

5. I've told you till I'm blue in

the face.

6. You look blue.

7. He sings the blues.

8. He came out of the blue.


1 . He is green with envy.

2. He is very green.


1. He is a grey eminence.

2. The first grey of dawn.

3. He's turning grey.


1. He is as brown as a berry.

2. I'm browned off with that



1. It turned yellow with age.

2. The news was published in

the yellow press.

3. He's yellow.


1. He was red with anger.

2. He is red as a beetroot.

3. She is as red as a lobster.

4. The clue proved to be a red


5. There is a lot of red tape.

6. She turned red.

7. I'm in the red at the bank.

8. She makes me see red.



Page 109: English Grammar 4


Expressions with: to do • to make


- nothingmuch

- little- one's military


- business- a deal with- one's duty

a job- something for

a living- one's job/work

- the cooking- the gardening-the ironing- the shopping- the washing- the washing-up

- a favour- damage

good- no good

harm- no harm- justice- a kindness- a service.

- accountancy- engineering


- French- an experiment- your homework- research- a lesson- an exercise- crosswords

- the sights- Paris (in a day)

my car does 100 milesan hour

- thirty miles to the gallon

- the beds- the flowers- the kitchen- one's hair- one's nails- one's teeth

Makean accusationan agreementan apologyan applicationan attempta bargainabeda bidbreadbreakfasta cakea (phone) calla carcementa changea chaira choicecleara claimclothescoffeea commenta contributiona criticism

- a deal- a decision- a deduction- a demand- difficulties- dinner- a discovery- disturbance- a dress- an effort- an error- an escape- an excuse- a fortune- a guess- a habit of something- happy- history

a hole- an impression- an inquiry- a journey- (somebody) laugh

a law

- a list- a loss

love- lunch

a man- merry- a mess- a mistake- money- the most of something- a move- a movement- a start- a name for oneself- a noise- an offer- paper- peace- a profit- progress- a promise- a proposal- questions- a record

» a reference- regulations- a remark- a report- a request

room- rules- sense- a start- a success of- supper- a table

tea- a threat- it in time- a trip- trouble- oneself understood- use of

war- one's way to a place- a will


Page 110: English Grammar 4













































• NIVELES 1, 2, 3, 4 Y 5










































EDITORIAL STANLEY • Apdo. 207 • 20300 (RUN • Tel. 943 64 04 12 • Fax. 943 64 38 63

Page 111: English Grammar 4




1. An expensive,old, Italianpicture. >

2. Attractive, short,black hair.

3. An exciting,large, new town.

4. A small, thin,white dog.

5. A small, narrowstreet.

6. A white, fattishfarolaCc.

7. A large, brown,wooden box.

a A large, new,black car.

9. A pretty, bluedress.

10. A refreshing,cold shower.

11. A miserable,rainy day.

12. Large, red eyes.13. A funny, British

film.14. A black, leather

skirt.15. A decrepit, old

mansion.16. A beautiful

young woman.17. A grumpy old

man.18. A rare, emerald

bracelet.19. A nice, little,


20. A handmade,wooden, kitchencupboard.

21. A small, shiny,black, leatherhandbag.

22. A huge, ice-cold,strawberrymilkshake.

23. A little, friendly,Spanish waiter.

24. A beautiful,bright, cleanroom.

25. A daring,handsome,young Air Forcepilot.

26. A curious, littlebrown, dog.

27. A tall, dark,handsome,Texan cowboy.

28. A green,Chinese, glassashtray.

29. A large, glassconference hall.

so. A long, sharpcarving knife.

31. A handy, little,black calculator.

32. A curious, littlemonkey.

33. An inexpensive,dirty little hotel.

34. A kindly, old,coloured doctor.

PAGE 51.-

1. impeccable2. impracticable3. indescribable4. indivisible

2.-1. precocious2. capricious3. fallacious4. capricious

3.-1. elaborate2. desolatea intimate4. appropriate



1. illegal2. irresponsible3. amoral4. uninjured5. anticommunists6. inedible7. disloyala uneducated9. indispensable

10. overdue11. illogical12. dissatisfied13. unplanned

14. irreligious15. agreement16. unknown17. antisocialis. hypersensitive19. maladjusted20. impure21. disillusioned22. ineffective23. informal24. unreal25. underdone26. superman27. inconsistent28. incomplete29. irregularso. unfavourable

PAGE 91.-1. earlier 5. sadder2. greyer 6. fatter3. shyer 7. freer4. busier2.-1. tidiest 4. driest2. thinnest 5. greyest3. funniest 6. longest3.-

1. moreuncommon/uncom-moner

2. better builta less expensive4. least amusing5. worsetempered6. most handsome

/handsomest7. most beautiful




1. the more hetakes.

2. cheaper andcheaper.

3. the less you do.4. more and more

complicated5. the more you


2.-1. in - 2. of - 3. in4. in/of - 5. of

3.-1. I have ever read.2. have ever met.a I had ever


1. as big as2. not so/as

interesting as3. as clever as4. not as hard a

worker as

PAGE 131.-

1. not as2. daily3. too4. quite5. enough6. monthly7. very mucha such a9. very much

indeed10. unique11. dead/very12. jolly good13. dead/quite14. medical2.-

1. G 9.J

2. P 10. H

a 0 11. F4. M 12. E5. N 13. D6. L 14. C7. K 15. B8. I 16. A

PAGE 151 _i .

1. extremelyz madlya basically4. heavily5. monthly6. carefully7. hurriedlya badly9. lively

10. incredibly11. secretly12. wholly13. truly14. fast15. hard

2.-1. terribly2. carefullya colourfully4. good5. fluent6. happily7. continuouslya unfriendly9. nervously

10. seriously11. bitterly12. reasonably13. extremely14. terribly15. surprisingly

PAGE 171.-1. fairly 5. fairly2. rather 6. rathera fairly 7. fairly4. rather2.-1. quite a hardly2. rather 9. rathera rather 10. fairly4. hardly 11. quite5. hardly 12. hardlye. quite 13. rather7. quite3.-

1. There's almostno good news ...

2. We almost nevergo out ...

3. Your son almostnever knowshis...

PAGE 191.-

1. As well asplaying theguitar, he sings.

2. As well asspeakingChinese, hewrites it.

3. As well asfeeding you,they let youhave a bed.

4. As well assmashing theplace, theylaugh at you.


Page 112: English Grammar 4


5. As well asswimming in thesea, he lies inthe sun.

6. As well asswimming in atriathlon, yourun and cycle.

2.-1. as long as it

doesn't rain.2. as long as you

don't go over thespeed limit.

3. as long as youcome on time.

4. as long as youdon't interruptus.

5. as long as youpay in time.

3.-1. though2. thougha though4. though



1. having2. hearing3. eat4. speak5. speake. being7. drives. coming9. getting up

10. get up11. come12. speaking13. being14. seeing15. smoke16. smoke17. smokingis. go19. visit20. paying21. being22. have23. living24. live25. live26. going27. being

28. insult29. stayso. meeting31. invite32. being33. go34. driving


1 because of2. because3 because of

5 because of6 because7. because of

2.-1. bound to2. bound to3. bound to4. bound for5. bound to6. bound for7. bound toa bound for

3.-1. bound 5. bound2. likely 6. likely3. bound 7. bound4. likely

PAGE 251.-

1. will be2. will finish3. will be4. will arrive

2.-1. will have

received2. will have

finished3. will have done4. will have arrived

3.-1. will be finishing2. will have been

working3. will be sleeping4. will have been


1. had left2. had finished3. had closed4. had already had

PAGE 271.-

1. A house wasbuilt on the hill. /I had a housebuilt on the ...

2. The photos willbe developed. /I'll have myphotosdeveloped.

3. My socks weremended./ 1 hadmy socksmended.

4. The hedges aregoing to be cut. /I'm having thehedges cut.

5. The book isbeingphotocopied. /She's havingthe bookphotocopied.

a Her skirt will bepressed. / She ishaving her skirtpressed.

7. The job wasdone last night. /I had the jobdone last night.

8. The fence will bepainted. / We'llhave the fencepainted.

9. The room will bedecorated. /We'll have theroom decorated.

2.-1. My daughter is

being taught byme./ I'm havingmy daughtertaught.

2. The boys arebeing instructedby her./ She ishaving the boysinstructed.

3. They wereprepared for thetest by me./ 1was having them

prepared for thetest.

4. The children willbe trained byus./ 1 will havethe childrentrained.

5. The house willbe shown to youby me./ 1 willhave the houseshown to you.

6. They will becoached byhim./ He willhave themcoached.

PAGE 291.-

1. They campedthere as/because/since itwas too dark togo on.

2. As/Since theproblem was toodifficult, I left itblank.

a Since/Seeingthat/As you arehere, you mayas well give mea hand.

4. The fuse blewbecause/as shehad switched onall the heaters.

5. She was angrybecause/as wewere late.

e. I was not hungrybecause/as wehad dinner verylate.

7. If/Since/Seeingthat you don'tlike him, why doyou invite him?

8. There was iceeverywhere as/because it hadfrozen.

9. Since/As youcan't cook .you'llhave to hire acook.

10. He wants to finda flat as/because hewants to beindependent.

11. He is studying atnight because/as he worksduring the day.

12. Since/Seeingthat he knowsItalian, he cando the talking.

isSince/lf/Seeingthat you don'tlove him, whydid you marryhim?

2.-1. if not - 2. if so3. if not - 4. if so


1. slower than hisbrother (is).

2. is quicker thanhe (is).

3. darker todaythan it wasyesterday.

4. more moneythan he earns.

5. pay as much intaxes as we do.


1. harder than I do.2. louder than the

people I heard.3. as quickly as his

sister does.4. more slowly

than his frienddoes.

."1. watching2. to pilot3. drinking4. to do

PAGE 331.-

1. F 6. A2. E 7. J3. D 8. I4. C 9. H5. B 10. G


Page 113: English Grammar 4

2.-1. though2. thougha as4. However5. No matter what6. Although/Even

though/Though7. Whilea However9. Even if

10. Whatever11. Wherever12. Whoever13. whenever14. Whichever15. However16. No matter17. as18. though19. However20. Although


1.-1. otherwise2. unlessa whether4. provided/

providing5. Supposee. on condition/

provided that/aslong as

7. Assuminga Unless9. as long as

10. even if11. otherwise12. as long as/


1. G 5. C2. F 6. B3. E 7. A4. D

3.-1. Type 3 5. Type 3

2. Type 2 6. Type 1

3. Type 2 7. Type 2

4. Type 1

PAGE 371.-

. r\ i1. C 6. I2. B 7. H

3. A 8. G4. D 9. F5. J 10. E

2.-1. lest2. in casea in order that4. so that5. leste. for fear7. in casea so that9. so that

10. lest11. in order12. in case13. for fear14. so that15. in case16. for fear17. in order


.-1. SO

2. so much3. SO

4. such a5. suche. such7. so little8. so few9 so little

10. SO

11. so many12. so much13. so little14. such a15. such16. so / such a17. such ais. such19. such a20. so few21. SO

22. SO

23. such a24. so much25. so many26. so few27. so little28. so little29. so manyso. such a31. SO

32. so few

33. so many

PAGE 411.-

1. as long as2. during the timea By the time4. Once5. Since6. as soon as7. whilea before9. until/till

10. during the time11. Once12. as soon as13. immediately2.-

1. than2. when3. when4. than5. the soonere. when7. whena the sooner9. when

10. than11. when12. than13. when

PAGE 432.-

1. we'll leave early.2. if you open the

window,a I'll buy that

house.4. if I see him.5. I'll tell you.6. if the train

leaves in time.7. she'll be

welcome.s. if you want to

read it.9. I'll close the

window.10. if you hand it to

me.11. you'll get a

reduction.12. if you learn

languages.I'M «„*13. I II eatsandwiches.

14. if you stand inthe rain.

2.-1. tell him I want to

speak to him.2. tell him I'll ring

back.a send her my

love.4. go and see the

Prado Museum.5. let us know.e. contact us.7. tell her I still love

hera let me know9. let me read it

PAGE 451.-

1. you'd get thereearlier.

2. it rained.3. you'd see the

difference.4. if you went by

train.5. I'd run faster.e. if I had money.7. they wouldn't

eat any meat.a if I liked it.9. they'd sell the

car.10. if I parked my

car there.11. she'd marry me.12. if I wanted to

play cards.13. I'd put it in the

bank.14. if I had flowers.15. I'd cut it.16. if I could go to

the Bahamas.17. I'd eat them.18. if I had a knife.19. it would look

much better.20. if I were you.21. I'd be homeless.22. if I were in her

place.23. she might help.24. he could help



25. he could dobetter.

26. if you were myqueen.



1. if you hadworked harderat school.

2. you would havegot wet.

3. if I had won thelottery.

4. I would havegone with you.

5. if they hadplayed in thehouse with aL _ IIball.

6. I would havegone to thecinema.

7 if you hadknown it.

a would you haveeaten that fish?

9. if it had rained.10. I would have

gone to the pub.11. if I had been

able.12. I would have left

her ages ago.13. if he had been

here yesterday.14. the strike would

not havehappened.

15. if you hadlooked after it.

16. I would havespread thebutter on thebread.

17. we would havebeen able tosave theclimber.

18. if she had beenhere.

PAGE 491.-

1. can't swim as/sowell as you(can).



Page 114: English Grammar 4


2. can't jump as/sohigh as hisfriend.

a colder than 1expected.

4. as fast as myfather.

5. the worst film 1have ever seen.

e. the fastesttypist in herclass.

2.-1. and colder2. more expensivea quickly than I

expected.4. and less

interested5. more

comfortably6. as easy as


3.-1. like -2. as- 3. as4. alike - 5. like


1.-1. She bought a

dozen eggs, fiveof which brokeon the way.

2. The old manslipped on abanana skin,which madeeverybodylaugh.

a I threw the ballto my brother,who threw it toJim.

4. The wallcollapsed on topof the children,some of whomhad to be takento hospital.

5. She went outwith her boss,whose car brokedown on theway.

e. I told my mother,who said it

wasn't mybusiness.

7. The teacherintroduced me tomy newclassmates, oneof whom offeredto show mearound.

a The rain rattledon the roof allnight, which keptus awake.

g. She said shehad no money,which was nottrue.

10. Some of thebridges hadbeen blown up,which made thearmy's advancemore difficult.

11. He met all Tom'ssisters, some ofwhom took afancy to him.

12. I bought twolamps, one ofwhich brokewhen I droppedthe box.

13. The singer letout a squawk,which madeeverybodylaugh.

14. He ate onlycereals, whichkept him fit.

15. The roads wereflooded, whichmade ourjourney verydangerous.

16. He said he wasan orphan,which was nottrue.

PAGE 531 _i .

1. to start with.2. Honestly,3. All the same,4. actually

5. thereforee. for instance7. so fortha Talking about


1 on the otherhand

2. on top of that,3 As for4 In nthpr wnirta. Ill Ullltsl WUIUO,

5. mostly6. indeed7 As A rule. r\o d lulc?,

8. I say9 /Vo for. r\o IUI

10. On the otherhand

11 mostly.12. actually.13. I say!14. As for15. mostly.



1. The poolswinner used asystem, which,he said, hadwon him a lot ofmoney.

2. Immigration isan issue whichraises strongemotions.

3. I know the veryperson who willdo the jobquickly.

4. The gales thatswept acrosssouthernEngland causeda lot of damage.

5. The problem isto build housesat a price which/that youngpeople canafford to pay.

e. Some frogmencame across awreck that/whichhad lain on theseabed for 1 00years.


1. Any person who/that commitscrimes shouldbe sent toprison.

2. The yacht that/which CaptainMarry atcommandedarrived first.

3. The housewhich/that stoodon the cornerhas beendemolished.

4. The man (Whom/who/that) yousaw yesterdaywas my uncle.

5. I enjoy talking toanyone who haspersonality.

e. This skirt (that)you are wearingis identical tothe one mysister boughtyesterday.


.-1. Her first speech,

which wasbroadcast, wasbetter than thesecond one,which she gavebefore anaudience.

2. The cabinet,which has nowtwenty-twomembers, will bereduced totwenty.

3. The BookDistributing Co.,which was setup in 1950,provides anovelty service.

4. This industrialdispute, whichstoppedproduction while

it lasted, hasnow beensettled.

5. The Englishweather, whichpeople associatewith rain and fog,is not as bad asthey suppose.

6. The new Londonguide, which willappear in thebookshops nextweek, containsa lot ofinformation.

2.-1. The cliffs of

Dover, which arefamous all overthe world, are astartling white.

2. The winninghorse, whichnobody expectedto win, wastrained inIreland.

3. Joseph Conrad,who was Polish,wrote all hisbooks in English.

4. Bernard Shaw,who was one ofthe greatestwriters of the20th century,died in 1950.

5. Not many peoplecould follow thespeaker, whospoke extremelyquickly.

e. He was advisedto change to anoutdoor job,which would begood for hishealth.

7. The wreckedship, whose crewis safe on shore,is listingdangerously.


Page 115: English Grammar 4


PAGE 591.-

1. Shall I get2. will win3. will work4. will be working5. won't paye. will be paying7. will take placea Shall we go9. am seeing him

10. will get11. will change2.-

1. She is to do ittoday.

2. We are to give itto him tonight.

a They are toreport at fiveo'clock.

4. The boys are tomeet at four.

5. You are to tellhim the truth.

e. They are to letus know as soonas possible.

7. We are to seehim tonight.

3.-1. We will be

working in thesame office.

2. I'll be speakingto him in themorning.

a I'll be doing theshopping in theafternoon.

4. We'll belistening to theeight o clocknews.

5. I'll be looking fora new job.

a I'll be seeing herfirst thingtomorrowmorning.

PAGE 611.-

1. I'm going topractise

2. is going to be

a will go and see4. are going to get

married5. will changee. is going to rain7. are goinga will

2.-1. are on the point

of2. are about to geta are4. are to be taken5. is abouta are7. due to

3.-1. was to2. were toa was about to4. was due5. weree. were7. was about toa was due

PAGE 631.-

1. nagging2. answeringa getting up4. going5. speakinge. coming7. pullinga knowing9. having

2.-1. The whole

house wantsredecorating.

2. My old carneedsoverhauling.

a These childrenneedencouraging.

4. The grass wantscutting.

3.-1. I dislike their

wasting so muchmoney.

2. I hate themspeaking to melike that.

a I can't imaginePeter makingsuch a fuss.

4. I can'tunderstand hismotherapproving that!

5. She can't forgetme leaving her.

PAGE 651.-

1. making2. saying3 talkino4. fishing5. speaking6. coming

2.-1 fond of2. interested in3 afraid of4. sorry for5. happy about6. used to7. bored with

3.-1. to live2. to go outa doing4. making5. to thinke. to write7. to accepta to do9. to speak

10. coming11. playing12. being


1. to know2. to goa tfi hftthprlu uuiiitri

4. jogging5. to pass6. dancing7 tpll/. IC/II

8. to smoke9. to De

2 ..1. I warned her not

to do that.2. She made me

wash my face.

a I told them notto say that.

4. Would you tellher to cometonight?

5. She expects meto visit her whenI come toLondon.

e. I expect them toobey me atonce.

7. They don't allowpeople to smokein the office.

3.-1. what to2. how toa where to4. which / to5. how to6. how to7. how toa how to9. when to

PAGE 691.-

1. Never againshould such asituation beallowed to arise.

2. Hardly had hefinished eatinghis breakfast,than he washungry again.

a Not only did themen demandnew ...

4. No sooner hadhe put down thereceiver ...

5. Little did therobbersrealize ...

e. Not for amoment would Idoubt

7. Not until manyyears later didthe truthhppompbecome

a So dense wasthe smokethat ...

9. Rarely have weseen such ...

10. Nowhere else inthe word will youfind a ...

11. Only when theterroriststhreatened tokill thepassengers didhe agree to ...

12. Only if bothsides accept thetreaty will peacebe ...

2.-1. It was not until

six months agothat the ...

2. It was onlyyesterday thatshe ...

a It was onlyrecently that I ...

PAGE 711.-

1. could have givenme some.

2. could give mesome.

a could haveeatensomething.

4. could speak tome.

2.-1. he must have

been asleep.2. he can't have

understood whal1 said,

a they must havelistened to ourconversation.

4. 1 must haveforgotten to turnit off.

5. she can't havebeen listening.

3.-1. a) He might

have gonesomewhereelse.b) He may not




Page 116: English Grammar 4

rvc. i APMrillCU ttDAMMAD £1

know about it.2. a) He may be

going to thecinema,b) He could begoing to a party.

3. a) Someonemay havedropped acigarette,b) It could havebeen anelectrical fault.


1.-1. Those pictures

are the ones thatwere stolen ...

2. Those playersare the onesthat won ...

a These peopleare the oneswho want to ...

4. Those picturesare the oneswhich you have

5. These plugs andthis battery arethe ones thatyou have ...

e This window isthe one that youhave to paint.

7. That man is theone that youhave to playwith.

s. Those trees arethe ones thathave to beplanted.

9. That branch isthe one that hasto be cut off.

10. That lecture isthe one I am sointerested in.

11. That man is theone who isgiving thelecture.

^2. That treasure isthe one which

was lost for somany years.

2.-1. The one with the

golden frame.2 The one with the

brown head3 The one with the

flashing lights.4. The one with the

swimming pool.

PAGE 751.-

1. Once youconfess yoursins, you feelhappier.

2. Once you crossthat line, thereis no return.

a Once she makesup her mind,nothing willmake herchange.

4. Once you makea deal, you can'tget out of it.

2.-1. have confessed

your guilt2. have succeededa have bought a

new car4. have paid for the


1. have finished2. have finisheda have told4. have lived

4.-1. Have you ever

eaten lobster?2. Have you ever

met him?3. Have you ever

been to Egypt?4. Have you ever

spoken to thePresident?

PAGE 771.-

1. This colour isconsidered to

be the mostsuitable.

2. Our team is saidto be the best.

3. This picture isthought to be amasterpiece.

4. This car isconsidered to bethe fastest.

5. This restaurantis thought to bethe best in thecountry.

2.-1. He might have


2. She may nothave knownabout it.

3. She may havegone to bedearly.

4. She might havegone to thetheatre.

5. Someone mayhave dropped acigarette.

3.-1. will have been

broken2. will have been

wreckeda will have been


PAGE 79.-1. He asked me

how old I was.2. She said (that)

she was tiredand (that) shewas goinghome.

3. She said (that) itmight rain.

4. He said (that) hewould bedelighted.

5. He said (that) hehadn't seen herbefore that day.

e. He said (that) hewas/had beenonly joking.

7. She explained/said that shehadn't recog-nized him/me.

a He asked if itwas raining.

9. He said that hecould do it thenext day.

10. He said (that) ifhe had ascrewdriver hecould mend it.

11. My boss advisedme to read theinstructions.

2.-1. "I'll take the car,"

he said.2. "We were very

happy when welived in Paris,"h/a o^i/4ne said.

a "I'll be twentytomorrow," Tom_„: -isaid.

4. "We were/hadbeen thinking ofselling the car,"he said.

5. "I never eatmeat," she said.


1.-1. He suggested

nninn tn thpvjuniy lu i lit?

theatre thatevening.

2. The teachershouted thatthey were tostop that noise.

a The manclaimed that thebicycle that he/Iwas riding washis.

4. The boyadmittedbreaking thewindow playingcricket.

5. The manprotested thathe knew hisrights,

e. Her boyfriendwhispered thathe would alwayslove her.

7. The treasurerobjected thatthey didn't haveenough moneyfor that.

s. The studentmuttered thatthat teacherdidn't know whathe was talkingabout.

9. She exclaimedthat it was asurprise to seehim/me there.

10. He agreed that ifthe weather wasbad theycouldn't go.

11. He insisted thatif I couldn't gothat day I had togo the followingday.

"\2. He promised toher he'd beback.

13. He announcedthat the victorywas theirs/ours.

14. He groaned thathis whole bodyached.

15. He threatenedthat he would killhim.

16. He sneered thathe couldn'tlisten to thoselow-classpeople.


.-1. to give2. to givea saying4. to write


Page 117: English Grammar 4


5. tO pute. living7. spendinga telling9. to say

10. going11. reading12. to lock13. locking14. wasting/having

wasted15. seeing16. to wash17. seeing2.-

1. talking2. holdinga to hang4. talking5. takinge. to buy7. laughinga smoking9. to smoke

10. putting11. to win

PAGE 851.-

1. periphrastic,perimetric.

2. foregoing,foregone,forehand.

a nonexistent,non-profit,nonstop.

4. postwar,postpaid, post-graduate.

5. prewar, prepaid,pre-occupied.

e. antichristian,anticancerous,antirabic.

7. multivalent,multicoloured,multichannel,

a interstate,interrelated,interposed.

9. antediluvian,ante meridiem,antenuptial.

10. circumscribed,circum-ambient,circumpolar.

2.-1. overwork,


2. superman,superpower,supersound.

a transformation,tran-scription,transatlantic.

4. surplus,surname,surcharge.

5. outbreak, outcry,outcome, outfit.

e. malfunction,malcontent,maladministration.

3.-1. troublesome,


2. hardship,scholarship,headmastership.

3. voltmeter,speedometer,amperimeter.

4. powerless,fruitless,meaningless.

5. oratory,dormitory,lavatory.

6. philology,odontology,graphology.

7. pamphlet,leaflet, gauntlet,

a parenthood,childhood,brotherhood,boyhood.

PAGE 871.-

1. petrol tank2. kitchen doora church bell4. spring flowers5. taxi drivere. dining-room7. shop windowa doorknob9. tin opener

10. bookseller11. goldmine

12. football match13. car rally14. teapot15. coffee cup16. workman17. horseman18. cotton blouse19. stone house20. two-hour walk21. three-week

holiday22. car key23. kitchen sink24. detective story25. football field26. fivepenny stamp27. silk shirt28. wooden door29. woollen

cardiganso. golden hair31. golf club32. telephone bill33. mystery film34. bus ticket35. biscuit tin36. evening dress

PAGE 891.-

1. You had spoken.2. We will not have

been buying.3. Has he been

working?4. They didn't

break.5. Had I been

driving?e. Would you

drive?7. He would not

have believed.a We will be

selling.9. Were you

sailing?10. They had not

shouted.11. Will I have

played?12. You are not

singing.13. Would he be

running?14. Have we been


15. We will not bechanging.

16. Didn't theyopen?

17. Hadn't I closed?


1.-1. in 7. for2. in a up3. out 9. over4. for 10. for5. in 11. up to6. OUt

2.-1. is up to2. am for3. backed away4. allow for5. backs up

3.-1. be up to2. is out3. was over4. be back5. are in fore. backed away7. account for



1. up 7. down2. Up 8. Up3. in 9. down4. about 10. up5. out 11. toe. into


1. propitiated2. divided3. found4. killed5. started

3.-1. bring down2. came up3. came out4. broken in

PAGE 951.-

1. with 7. to2. away 8. for3. for 9. out4. up 10. away

5. with 11. out6. without 12. up

2.-1. button up2. be enough/

sufficient3. killed him4. fell in love5. distributed

3.-1. give away2. give out3. given up4. do with5. do without

PAGE 97H _i .1.Up 7. Off2. across to a ona at 9. on4. at 10. off5. down 11. overe. in 12. through

.-1. progressing2. attacka entered4. continue5. escapede. rises7. increaseda descended9. collect

PAGE 991.-1. on 7. off2. through a in3. off 9. up4. OUt 10. OUt

5. over 11. up6. down2.-

1. laugh at2. release3. he groaned4. take the cakes

yourselves5. allow him to


1. let me down2. make outa going on4. gone through


Page 118: English Grammar 4


PAGE 1011.-t. back 6. up2. Off 7. OUt

3. out a by4. up 9. out5. up 10. for

2.-1. suppressed2. postponea left4. gaining5. leave

3.-1. stand by2. standing for3. stood up4. put it down to'

PAGE 1031.-1. down 7. after2. in a backa into 9. in4. out 10. in5. over 11. overe. over2.-

1. undressed2. lodgeda was deceived4. be careful5. crossed the


1. ran into2. ran ona run over4. ran up against

PAGE 105

1.-1. up 7. down2. over a ina over 9. into4. Off 10. Off

5. against 11. oute. aside

2.-1. having2. left him in a

hurrya ignored4. stopped

5. converted

3.-t. turned down2. turning it over3. turned down4. turning out5. turn up


MAKE1. understand2. invented3. cosmetics4. escaped5. compensate

DO1. despise2. decoratea want one badly4. manage5. suppressed

BRING1. succeed in

doing it2. caused to

happena defeated4. publish5. to

consciousnesse. educated7. mention

CARRY1. managed it

successfully2 conduct

LOSE1. goes slow2. disappeara doesn't affect4. absent-minded

GET1. travel2. succeed3. wasn't punished4. have a good

relationship5. rose from bede. managed to

deceive7. retaliateda began to tackle9. contact him

10. mischief11. conveyed12. depressed13. to do the job14. persuade her15. criticising

constantly16. had problems17. recovered from18. persuade19. solve

GIVE1. revealed it2. showed she had

been lying3. at the wedding4. stopped the

habit5. surrendere. surrender

TAKE1. treat me unfairly2. discuss it3. become friends4. leaving the

ground5. deceivede. employing7. escort on a datea resembles9. learnt it easily

LOOK1. investigate2. inspect ita ignored me4. ask5. scrutinize6. in the dictionary7. come to see mea be careful -

dancer9 imnrn\/inn. in Improving

10. considers usinferior

11. expect to enjoy12. constant watch13. admires you

SEE1. arrange2. attenda understood the

-truth4. attend to it5. say goodbye

COME1. found it2. attackeda obtained4. inherited5. affected6. happen7. reduceda succeeded9. was mentioned

10. provide11. means12. received13. produced

GO1. fail to honour2. started as hobbya do something

difficult4. exploded5. happening6. be enough7. I am doinga pursue9. attacked

10. was sold11. investigate

RUN1. by chance2. try to be elected3. escape4. crashed5. had problemse. reaches7. spent quicklya afford9. criticizes unfairly

10. a lorry went overthe cat

11. been used up12. we've used up

all we had13. abandoned14. facing


WHITE1. very afraid2. very pale3. take ail his

money4. with milk5. white clothes6. wearing

BLACK1. with the years2. bad year3. bad action4. very black5. only coffee6. epidemic7. prison vana bad humour9. mourning

BLUE1. very cold2. he is of royal

parentagea dirty joke4. flash of lightning5. till I'm tirede. iood sad7. negro songsa appeared


GREEN1. very envious2. inexperienced

GREY1. very clever2. first lights of the


3. getting old

BROWN1. very tanned2. fed up

YELLOW1. getting old2. newspapers

willing to publishscandals

3. coward

RED1. very angry2. very red3. red from the sun4. false trail5. paper work6. her face went

red7. overdrawna gets me mad


English GRAMMAR 4

