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English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense

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  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense



    (a)( b) Wh"'e(c)(d) Wh" 'e(e)(f)(g)( h)


    When }What timeCOMPARE



    yo u go downtown?yo u go?yo u downtown?yo u?you run because you were late?you nm?Ann come at six?Ann come?

    (i) What tim e did Ann come? - , At six.

    (j ) Wh en did Ann come?-I > Seven o'clocll.- , Around 9:30.- , At s x.- , Friday.~ June 15th.- , Last week .

    ~ Th ree days ago.

    o EXERCISE 1. Question practice.

    ANSWEIl, Yes, 1 d id. I No, 1didn't.-, Downtown ,

    Yes, I was. I No, I wasn't.-, Downtown.-, Yes, 1 did . I No, 1 didn 't.-, Becaus e I was la te.- , Yes, she did. I No, she didn't.- t At six .

    What time usua lly asks for aspecific time on a clock.The answer to when can bevar ious expressions of time.

    Directions: Make questions. Use where, when, what time, or why.I. A: Where did you go yesterdaY?

    B: To the zoo. ( I went to the zoo yesterday.)2. A:

    E: Last month. (Mr. Chu arrived in Canada last month.)252

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    3. A:B: At 7 :05. (M y pll1ne nrrived nt 7 :05.)

    4. A:B: Because I wa s tired . ( I stayed home Inst night becallse 1 was tired.)

    5. A:B: Because I staye d up the night before . ( I was ti red becn use 1 stayed up the nigh

    before.)6. A:

    B: To Greece . (Sora went to Greece for her vu otion.)7 . A:

    B: Around midnight . ( I fini shed my homework around midnight .)8. A:

    B: Five weeks ago. ( I came to this city five weeks ago.)9. A:

    B: Because Tony made a funny fa ce . ( I laughed because To ny made a funny fa ce .10. A:

    B: Upstairs. (Kate is up stairs.)11. A:

    B: In ten minutes. ( The movie starts in ten minutes.)12 . A:

    B: Beca use she wanted to surprise Joe. (Tina was behind th e door becau se shewanted to surprise Joe.)13. A:

    B: Because he wants big muscles. (Jim lifts weights because he wants big muscles

    ExpressinQ Past Tim e . Part? ""o

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    I I EXERC ISE 2. Let's talk : c lass ac tivity.Directiolls: M llke qucstions. Use qucs tion words. lose yo UI' book 1'0 1' lhis [tctivity.Example:TEACHER: I got up lit 7:30.STUDENT: Whcn/ Wh at time did you get up ?I . I went to the zoo.2. I went to the zoo yes tcrdny .3. I went to the zoo yes tcrd ny bccuuse 1 wantcd to sce the animuls.4 . ( . . . ) wcnt to the pork .5 . ( . . . ) went to the park yestcrday.6. ( . . . ) wcnt to the purk ycstcrday be cau se thc wC llther wu s ni ce.7 . ( . . . ) Wli S at the pa rk yesterday.8. I am in cl ass.9. I cam e to class (ten minutes) ago.

    10. I was late because traffic was heavy.II. ( . . . ) wa s at home last night.12. He /She finished hi s/her homework around midnight .13. ( . . . ) went to bed at 7:30 last night.14. He/She went to bed early because he/she was tired.15. ( . . . ) was at the airport yesterday.16. He /She went to the airport because a friend came to visit.17. The plane arrived at 4: 30.18. ( . . . ) and ( . . . ) went to (name of a restauralll) las t night .19. They went to a res taUl'ant because it was ( . . . )'S birthday.20 . They got home around ten-thirty.

    o EXERCISE 3. Let's talk: pairwork.Directions: Work with a parmer. Ask and answer questions using the simple past.Partner A: Make up any question that includes the given verb. Use the simple past.Ask your parmer the question. Your book is open.Partner B: Answer the question. Give a short answer and a long answer. Your bookis closed.Example: speakPARTNER A (book open):PARTNER B (book closed):

    Example: finishPARTNER A (book open):PARTNER B (book closed):

    254 CHAPTER 9

    Did you speak to Mr. Lee yesterday?Yes, I did. I spoke to him yesterday. ORNo, I didn't. I didn't speak to him yesterday.

    What time did you finish your homework last night?Around nine o'clock. I finished my homework around nineo'clock.

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    I . drink2. calSwitch roles.

    SIud y4. lUke

    Purtner A: lose YO llr book.

    ny6. lulk

    Purmcr B: Open yo ur boo k. YOUI' lUi'll now.9. sce

    10. sleep

    o EXERCISE 4. listening .II . work12. have

    I buy14. send

    7. wnkc lip8. cume

    15. wl1tch16. rcud

    Q Dime/iolls: Look at the in fo rmation on the dntebo k pages. Write nnswers to lh questions you hea r.Tom 's Day Susan 's Day

    Mon . April 4 Mon . April 41,00 """ !./1JIIo1

    5 c ! ' ~ r n ( , , ( , , I i , ~Wi1/' i w c ~ ( " y ~ C < > - r i" 1(.55 rn(" (,, li'lq

    Exalllple:You will hear: Where did Nancy go?You will write: ([0 the) gym1.

    10.I ! .12.

    Bill's Day Nancy's DayMon . April 4 Mon. April 4

    1000 100 1'11'\9r ! < > - ~ koIul(-( c1'Ulkup Cvrn _kIM (

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    I I EXERCISE 5. Ques tion p rac tice.Direcliolls: ompictc the questions.I . A: I didn't go to c1uss yes tcrduy.

    B: Why didn 't __ 1 2 J L B . I l o ~ ~ ~ t . s l . . l s ______________A: Beca use I wns sick.

    2. A: I didn ' t fini sh my h Il1cwork.B: Why didn 't _______________________ 1A: Because I didn 't have cnough tim e.

    3. A: I didn't cu t breakfast this morning.B: Why didn 't ________________________ ?A: Because I wasn 't hungry.

    4. A: I didn ' t clean my apartment last week.B: Why didn't ______________________A: Because I was toO tired.

    5. A: I didn 't answer the phone all day.B: Why didn't _____________ ___________ 1A: Because I wanted to finish my work.

    o EXERCISE 6. Question practice: pairwork .Directions: Work with a partner. Take turns completing the conversations withquestions that begin with why, when, what time, and where.I. PARTNER A: Where do you want to go for your vacation?

    PARTNER B: Hawaii.2. PARTNER B:

    PARTNER A: Ten o'clock.3. PARTNER A:

    PARTNER B: Because I was tired.4. PARTNER B:

    PARTNER A: South America.

    256 CHAPTER 9

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    S. P/\RTNER A: ---PARTNER Il: Lnst we ek.

    6. PARTNER Il:PARTNER A: Because I fOIS0t.

    7. PARTNER A:PARTNER n: Downtown.

    S. PARTNER B:PARTNER A: Severnl months ago.

    9. PARTNER A:PARTNER B: Atn hinese restnumnt.

    9-2 QUESTIONSWITH WIIATWhat is used in a question when YOll want to find out about a thing. Who is lIscd when yo u wnn t tofind out about a person. (See Chart 9-3 , p. 26 0, [or questions with who .)


    (a) Did Carol buy a car? , Yes , s"e did. he bO/gh' a cO/:)(b) What did Carol buy? -, A cal', he bOl/ght a car )(e) Is Fred holdi"g a book? , Yes , he is. ( fIe's holding a bool,. )(d) What is Fred IlOlding? , A book (He's holdil/g " booil.)

    s V 0(e) Carol bought a ca)', In (c) : a C(U' is the objl!c t of !he vt.: rb.0 v s v(I') What did Carol buy? In (I') : Wllal is the ob ject of the ve rb .

    o EXERCISE 7, Question practice .Directions: Make que st ions.I . A: Did YOU buy a new tape recorder?

    B: Yes, I did . (I bought a new tape recorder. )2. A: What did you buy?

    B: A new tape recorder. ( I bought a new tape recorder.)

    Expressing Past Time, Part 2 257

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    3. A:B: Yes, she is. (Mary is carrying u suitcase.)

    4. A:B: A suitcase. (Mary is carrying u suitcase.)

    5. A:B: Yes, I do. ( J sec an airplane.)

    6. A:B: An airp lane. ( J see an airplane .)

    7. A:B: Some so up. (Bob ate some so up for lun ch .)

    8. A:B: Yes, he did. (Bob ate some soup for lunch.)

    9. A:B: A sand wich. (Bob usua lly eats a sandwich for lunch.)

    10. A:B: No, he doesn't. (Bob doesn't like salads.)

    II. A:B: No, I'm not. (I'm not afraid of sna kes.) Are you?

    12. A:

    B: T he map on the wall. (The teacher is pointing tothe map on the wall.)

    o EXERCISE 8. Question practice: pairwork.Directions: Work in pairs. Ask a classmate a question. Use what and either a past ora present verb. Remember, you can look at your book. When you speak, look at yourpartner.Example: eatPARTNER A: What did you eat for breakfast this morning? / What do you usually eat for

    dinner? / Etc.PARTNER B: (free response)PARTNER A: Your turn now.

    258 CHAPTER9

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    Par tner A Portner BI . co t I. be interested in2. wear 2. be nfrn id of3. look lit 3. dream obout4. study 4. hove5. think nb ut 5. need to buy

    o EXERCISE9. Question prac tice.Direclio l/ s: Ask your teacher for the meaning f th e given words. Beg in your qu estionwith What.Example: centurySTUDENT: Wh at d oes "century" m ean? OR Wh at is the meaning of "century"?TEAC HER: "Century" means" I 00 years."I . muggy 6. grocery store II . invita tion2. awful 7. empty 12. en joy3. quiet 8. ill 13. fo rest4 . century 9. at tic 14. pretty d ifficul t5. murder 10. sim ple 15. old-fashioned

    o EXERCiSE 10 . listening.Q Di" eclio l/ s: Listen to the ques tions. Write the words yo u hear.Example:You will hear: Where d id they go?Yo u will wri te: Where did they go?I. ___________________ arrive?2. ___________ ________ Ieave?3. _ __________________ Ii vc?4. ___________ ________ want?5. ___________________ mea n?6. ___________________ study?7. __________________ go?8. ___________________ end?

    Express ing Pas t Tim e. Part 2 259

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense



    (a) What did they sec? A boal. ('I'h.y sa." a boat.)( b) Wlto did they sec? Jim (They S{tw .lillt.)(c) Wlto did they sce? Jim . ( l1/Cy S(/w ./illt.)(d) IVlto,.,., did they sec? Jim . ( Th ey saw '/illt .)

    0 0(c) Wlto (" ,) did they sec? Jim. (They sawJim .)s s(f) Who came? -. Mary. (Maoy co ite.)s s(g) Who lives there? -. Ed. (Ed lives there.)s s( h) 14'110 saw Jim ? Ann. (Ann saw )illt.)

    fNCORREC1': W'ho did come?

    o EXERCISE 11 . Question practice.Directions: Make questions for the given answers.

    Wltat Is used 10 ask ques lions uboutth i/lgs.Wlto is used 10 osk ques lions nboulpeople.(c) and (d) hove the somc mellning.Wltom is uscd in formlll [Jng lish osthe ob jcci of a verb or (l prcposilion.In (c): Wllo, no t who .. is usullilyused in everyday English.In (d ): Whom is used in vC"y formalEng lish. Wllo,.,, is rarely used ineveryday spoken English.In (e): W/IO (,.,,) is the objcci of theverb. Usual question word order(questio/l word + helpillg ve rb + subjec t+ lIIaill VDrb) is used.In (f ), (g), and (h) : Who is thesubject of the qu estion. Usualqu estion word order is NOT used.When who is the subject of aquestion, do NOT usc does , do, ordid . Do NOT change th e verb in anyway: the verb form in the question isthe same as the verb form in theanswer.

    Example: The teacher saw John. The teacher talked to John. The teacher helped John .-, Who saw Loho ? The teacher.- , Who taLked to Loho ? The teacher.- , Who helped loho ? The teacher.- , Who did the teacher see ? John.- , Who did the teacher talk to ? John.--> Who did the. te.a,her he. lp' ? John.

    260 CHAPTER 9

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    1. John ca llcd Yuk o. John visilcd Yuko. John sludi tt wil hYuko .? John.? John._________________ John._________________ Yuko ._________________ _ _ _ _ _ ? Yuk ._________________ Yuk o.

    2. Mary carried d,e baby. Mary helped the baby. Mary sang to the baby.__________ _______ T he buby._________________ T he bllby._________________ ? T he baby._________________ Mary._________________ Mar y._________________ Mary.3. Ron talked to me children. Ron watched me children. Ron played wim me children.___________________ Ron.___________________ T he chil dren._________________ _ ? Ron .___________________ T he children.___________________ Ron.___________________ The children.

    o EXERC ISE 12. Question practice.Directions: Make questions.I . A:

    B: Mary. (I saw Mary at me party.)

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    2. A:B: Mnry. (M ary m to the pun y.)

    3. A :B: John . (John lives in th ut house.)

    4. A:B: John . (Jancr ca lled John .)

    5. A:B: My aun t an d un cle. ( 1 visited my tlLlnt and uncle.)

    6. A:B: My co usin . (N\y cousin visited me. )

    7. A:B: Ken. ( 1 talked to Ken .)

    8. A:B: Bob. (Bob helped Ann .)

    9. A:B: Ann . (Bob helped Ann .)

    10. A :B: Ye s, he did . (Bob helped Ann. )

    I I . A :B: Bob an d Ann. (I'm thinking about Bob and Ann .)

    12. A:B: No, I'm not. (I'm not confused .)

    o EXERCISE 13. Let's talk : pairwork .Directions: Work with a partner and make questions. Then change roles and makenew questions. When you have finished speaking, write answers.1. A:

    B: Yesterday.2. B:

    A: My brother.

    262 CHAPTER 9

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    3. A:B: A new poiI' of sandals.

    4. B:A: At 7:30.

    5. A:B: At Ro ssini 's Rc stourunt.

    6. B:A: Tomorrow afternoon .

    7. A:B: In an apartment .

    S. B:A: My roommate.

    9. A:B: Because I wanted to.10. B:

    A: Ann.11. A:

    B: A bird.12. B:

    A: The zoo.

    o EXERCISE 14 . Listening .Q Di,.ection s: Listen to each question and circle the bes t answe_r_- - - - - - -_Exal/lple: Why was John late? Yesterday. At the park. Because he slep t too long.1. Next month . In a small town. Ten minutes ago.2. Tomorrow morning. Because it was late. At midnight.3. In a minute. Some help. John and Sarah.4. To the store . At 10:00. I am.5. On the bus. Because her car didn 't starr. Mary did.6. An apartment downtown. Next week. Bec au se we like the cit7 . It's down the street. Two hours ago. At the theater.S. Because I didn't have time. My friends. It wa s fun.

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    9-4 IRREGULAR VERBS (GROUP 5)Co.sl - coste ll. 1- Cl ltforgel - fo l"golgive - gave

    /oil - /oitI"o't - h,,,-tlend - ,,, ,,1'whe - nlflc/o

    /1111 - s/1II1sp" "d - spellIIlItI" "sltrllll - IlIIdel'S /ood

    ~ ' " ) f I l : Ir regu la r vc rb grot1pS I to 1\ I.:un be round in ( l l ' l A-ti t p. 227, HQ. p. 238, H IO. I' . 2 41 , 1111(\ 1$- 11. p, 2111,

    IJ EXERC ISE 15. Let 's toile class activity.Dil'ec liolls: Practice using irregular verbs. lose yoUI' book for this activity.Example: teach- taughtTI ' AC II ER: tea ch- taught. I tcach class eve ry da y. I laught class ycs lerduy. Whtll did I

    do yesterday?STUDENT S: ( I'epeal) teach- tau ght. You wught class.1. cost-cost I bought a hat yesterday. I paid twenty dollars for it. It cost tw entydollars. What did I buy yesterday? How much did it cost?2. c"t-cut ( . . . ) cuts vegetables when helshe makes a salad. Two nights ago, whilehe/she was making a salad, he/she cut his/her finger with the knife. What happenedtwo nights ago?3. forget-forgot Sometimes I forget my wa llet. Last night, I forgot it at ares taurant . What did I do last night?4. give-gave People give gifts when someone ha s a birthday. Last week, ( . . . ) hada birthday. I gave him/her (something) . What did I do?5. hit-hit ( . . . ) lives in an apartment. The neighbors are very noisy. When theymake too much noise, ( . . . ) hits the wall with hislher hand. Last night he/shecouldn ' t get to sleep because of the noise, so he/she hit the wa ll with hi s/her hand.What did ( . . . ) do last night? What does he/s he usually do when the neighbors maketoo much noise?6. hurt-hurt When I have a headache, my head hurts. Yesterday I had a headache.My head hurt. How did my head feel yesterday? How does your head feel when youhave a headache?7. lend-lent I lend money to my friends if they need it. Yesterday I lent (all amoulllof money) to ( . . . ) . What did I do?8. make-made I make good chocolate cake. Last week I made a cake for( . . . )' s birthday. What did I do last week?9. shut-shut I shut the garage door every night at 10:00 P.M . I shut it early lastnight. What did I do last night?10. spend-spent I usually spend Saturdays with my parents. Last Saturday, I spentthe day with my friends instead. What did I do last SatUl'day?11. understand-understood I always understand ( . . . ) when he/she speaks.He/She just sa id something, and I understood it. What just happened?

    264 CHAPTER 9

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    l I EXERC ISE 16. Sentence prac tice.Direeliolls: omplclc the sentences. Usc the word s in 'N,I. A: How mu ch (a /l aw COl, cosr) _ ?

    B: It (COSI) u lOll New COIS ore expensive,

    2. A: Did yo u gCl a ticket for thc rock con cert ?B: Ycs, and it was rcally expensive I It ( COSI) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ firty do llar s,

    3. A: Whcre's your history book?B: I (give) _______ it to Robert.

    4 . A: I had a car occ idcnt yesterday morning,B: What happcned?A: I ( hir) _______ a teleph one polc .

    5. A: May I havc your homcwork , please?B: I'm so rr y, but I don't have it. [ (forger) _________ it,A: You (jorge l) _________ it!?

    6. A: Did yo u eat breakfast?B: Ycah . I (make) _______ somc scrambled eggs and toast for myself.

    7. Jack (pw) _______ on his clothes every m orning.8. Jack (pw) _______ on his clothcs this morning aftcr he got up.9. A: Did yo u cnjoy going in to the c ity to see a show?

    B: Yes, bu t I (spend) _______ a lot of money. I can 't afford to do thatve ry often.

    10 . A: May I see your di ctionary?B: I don't have it. I (lend) _______ it to George.

  • 7/30/2019 English Grammar - Ch 9 - Past Tense


    1 I. A: Is that knife Shill'll?B: It 's very shurp . It (e lll) ________ unythinl! cnsily.

    12. A: Why are you wearing n bug over your hend?B: I went to II barbcr this m 01'l1ing. H e (CIII) ________ my hair toO

    sho l'!.A: Let me sec. Oh , it loo ks finc.

    IJ EXERCISE 17 . Listening.Q Directiolls: Listen to thc beginning of each sentcnce . ircJe the co rrectcompletion (s). Th ere nUIY be more than one correct nn swc l.

    Exa mple: John made . . . . eEls ~ n i t t ~ in the m01'l1ingI. the answer d1e conversation the tcacher2. money to her house some furniture3. your hair some paper between4. tomorrow a tree an anima l5 . remember his app ointmen t me question

    9-5 IRREGULARVERBS (GROUP 6)blow - blewd,'aw - drewfal l - f ellf ee l - felt

    grow-grewkeep-kep tknow-knew

    o EXERCISE 18. Let's ta lk: c lass activity.

    swim-swamthrow - threwwin-won

    Directions: Practice u sing irregular verbs. Close your book for mi s activity.Example: fall- fellTEACHER: fall-fe ll . Rain falls. L eaves fall. Sometimes people fall. Yesterday I fell

    down. I hurt my kne e. How did I hurt my knee yes terday?STUDENTS: (repeat) fall-fell. You fell (down) .I . blow-blew The su n shin es. Rain falls. Wind blows. Last week we ha d a storm.It rained hard , an d m e wind blew hard. Tell m e about me storm last week.
