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Table of Contents

ELL Mission Statement and Goals .................................................. 3 ELL Academic Year Calendar ......................................................... 4 ELL Program Description ................................................................ 6 ELL Consult Team........................................................................... 7 ELL Service Evaluation and Placement Guidelines ......................... 8

ELL Year End Evaluation Process .................................................. 9 ELL Reclassification Process ....................................................... 10 ELL Guidelines for Additional BEA Time ....................................... 11 ELL ACCESS for ELL's Scenarios for Testing............................... 12

ELL Material Department Request ................................................ 13 ELL Form Definitions..................................................................... 14

Form 1A: Teacher/BEA Schedule...................................... 15 Form 1B: Home Language Survey .................................... 16 Form 1C: ELL Service Evaluation and Request for .. Service/English................................................. 17 Form 1C: Language List/Codes .................................... 18-23 Form 1D: Parent Letter/Permission for Service (English)... 24

Form 1D: Parent Letter/Permission for Service (Hmong) ... 25 Form 1E: Individualized Student Record Plan ................... 26 Form 1 F: Student Information Card .............................. 27-28 Form 1 G: Student Status/Parent Notification ..................... 29 Form 1H: Notice of Dismissal ............................................ 30 Form 1J: ELL Reclassification and Monitor Process ......... 31

English Language Proficiency Levels ............................................ 32

Events and Opportunity Communication .................................. 33-34

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Mission Statement

The Eau Claire Area School District’s English Language Learners (ELL) Program guides students to English proficiency and academic achievement.

2010-2011 ELL Program Goals

o To improve the academic performance of English Language Learners as demonstrated by WKCE scores and student performance on the ACCESS.

o Maintain a high level of bilingual aide time across all

grades to serve ELLs and their families.

o Create consistency in programming across the district

o Further connect with our families using the bilingual helpline, welcome folders, and family nights

o Provide staff development opportunities for ELL teachers,

BEAs, general education teachers, adminstrators, and parents.

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ELL Academic Calendar - Year at a Glance

September � Fill out referral form for any Ks or new students � Set up a meeting of the consult team � Get permission slips signed for the ELLs returning to the program � Do the WAPT screener for the Ks and transfers � Create a schedule for yourself and the BEA � Share with the building secretary and ELL Coordinator


� 10/1 deadline for service evaluation forms � WKCE � ALL ELLs take the test � For information on accommodations visit

http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/oea/ells.html � Complete you PDP and visit with your building administrator � Fill out the 1Es for each learner � Have 1Es signed at conferences


� Check in cumulative folders to make sure all kids have a home language survey, permission slip, and a red card

� High School and Middle school registration Send home letters regarding upcoming ACCESS testing—for samples visit the DPI website http://dpi.wi.gov/ell/school-home.html December

� ACCESS � Middle school ELL teachers tag the files of your 8th graders with

post its label ELL. This notifies the registrar the learner needs ELL


� ACCESS � Elementary school ELL teachers-- contact the middle school

ELL teachers and let them know about the learners that will be ELL in the upcoming year.

� Middle school ELL teachers --notify the high school teachers of the students that will be at their school, their level, and current programming.

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Northstar: -Locust Lane -Northwoods -Sam Davey South: -Robbins -Meadowview -Manz -Flynn - .5 of Lakeshore DeLong - .5 of Lakeshore -Putnam -Little Red -Roosevelt -Sherman -Longfellow

� High School ELL teachers—please try to arrange a time with the middle school teachers when you could come and introduce yourself and the high school ELL program to the 8th graders


� A great time to have an ELL family night at school April

• High School and Middle schools—sort out next year’s courses and scheduling.


� Arrange a date with consult team for EOY review � ACCESS scores are returned � Compile the EOY data for the red cards in the blue folders � Send 1Hs to Student Services � Send home 1Gs

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Program Description

The English Language Learner (ELL) program in the Eau Claire Area School District connects with our districts Response to Intervention (RTI) Framework.

Tier 3 � ELP level 1s and 2s are serviced with tier 3 targeted interventions

� Interventions may but are not limited to:

• Self contained content courses

• BEA support in the classroom

• Individualized ELL support

• Tier 1 and 2 interventions Tier 2

� ELP levels 3s and 4s are serviced with tier 2 selected interventions � Interventions may but are not limited to:

• Preteaching of content material

• ELL teacher provides supplemental support based on student need as determined by the ELL consult team

• Tier 1 interventions Tier 1

� ELP level 5 are services with tier 1universal inteventions � ELL teacher serves as a resource to the classroom teacher.

Our ELL staff prepares English Language Learner students for academic success by emphasizing academic language, content area knowledge, and learning strategies. We supplement the district curriculum using more and different material. We strive to provide a supportive communication system between the home and school and to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for our English Language Learners. By accessing district and community resources, we provide effective, comprehensive service to our students. Each school that serves English Language Learners has an English Language Learner Consult Team. The team provides direction and assistance to the English Language Learner Program in that school.

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English Language Learner Consult Team

Each school will establish an ELL Consult Team. The following outline describes the role and function for the team:

The ELL Consult Team may consist of the following members: • School Psychologist

• Principal

• ELL Teacher

• Regular Education Teacher

• Others may include: o Counselor o Reading Specialist o Social Worker o Special Education Teacher(s) o Bilingual Assistants o Other

The ELL Consult Team role:

• Provide direction for the ELL program in the building

• Decide if students meet eligibility criteria

• Decide if ELL students should be exited from the program

• Submit recommendations to the ELL Administrator

The following areas will be reviewed prior to language testing and prior to recommending placement in the ELL program:

• Language Spoken in the Home

• Include Language Spoken by Caretakers

• Place of Birth o USA o Other

• Number of Years in the United States

• Number of Years in United States Schools

• Standardized test results

• WAPT Screening Assessment results

• Classroom Performance

ACCESS Testing

• The ACCESS assessment tool given to all ELL's in the district that have an English proficiency level that is below a 6.

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ELL Evaluation and Placement Guidelines


The goal of the ELL department is to provide English Language Learners a successful and rewarding educational experience by providing appropriate educational services to meet their individual needs. As a part of this process, it is each building’s responsibility to identify those students who appear to be having difficulties and provide services appropriate with their English Language Proficiency.

ELL Consultation Process The ELL consult team coordinates all ELL referrals, service and reclassification. The ELL teacher at the building serves as the team leader and will initiate the service evaluation process and initial assessment. The consult teams will meet to discuss the student and review the results of the WAPT. Consult team members will review each student’s academic history as a part of evaluating the student. The team will make recommendations to the ELL Administrator regarding the student’s English Proficiency Level and if ELL services are required for the student.

The ELL Service Approval Process

1) The ELL teacher will forward all ELL Service Evaluation forms to the Student Services Department at the Board of Education Office for final approval. Once approved, the student information will be entered into the ELL database.

2) The Student Services Department will forward the referral back to the ELL teacher and will send an updated list of students to the building principal and the ELL teacher.

3) The ELL teacher will be responsible for gaining written parent permission on

Form 1D and placing the parent permission in the student’s cumulative folder.

� If parents deny their child placement in the ELL program, the ELL teacher will forward a copy of Form 1D (permission for service) to the Student Services Department for documentation in the ELL database.

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ELL Year End Evaluation Process

The ELL Consult Teams will meet prior to the end of each academic school year to evaluate the results of the ELL interventions in the building. The ELL Consult Team will review:

• Currently Served ELL students o Teams use the annual assessment results along with other relevant information to

determine if there is a need for continued ELL services. o Information may include but is not limited to:

� State standardized test results � ACCESS test results � DRP reading scores � Current grades � Progress towards the state standards � Curriculum based assessments � Classroom and ELL teacher’s informal assessments

• If the team determines a child is proficient they can begin the reclassification process o Call the home and notify the family of the child's success and alert them to the

forms that you will be sending home � The 1G indicating the child does NOT qualify for services � The 1H/Dismissal which needs a signature � Complete a Form 1J for the child and put it in the child's blue ELL folder in

the cumulative folder

• Monitored Students Students who have been reclassified within the last two years o Complete the monitor section of the 1J

� If monitor period is complete o Copy 1J and mail it to Student Services o Staple 1J to red card and retire it to blue folder

After the meeting The ELL teacher will:

o Update the red ELL program cards contained in the ELL blue folder in the students’ cumulative folder

o Send the 1G to the homes of the students who qualify for services in the next school year

o Schedule continuing ELLs appropriately and change intervention if the current model is not working

o Forward EOY Consult Team Evaluation Results to Student Services � A copy of the Consult Team’s End of Year Determinations � Year end ELL Performance Levels

• ACCESS Levels

• Indication if the child will be reclassified

• Form 1H if student is dismissed

• Form 1G: Student Status for Next Year to notify parents about their child’s status for next year.

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The ECASD ELL Program Reclassification Process

Students classified as English language learners (ELL) will no longer be considered limited-English proficient when they have the language skills necessary to compete with mainstream English speakers in age and grade appropriate settings in all areas of language development without the use of adapted or modified English materials. These ELL students will: 1. Understand and speak English in relation to the full range of demands of the classroom and the

academic language needed to succeed; 2. Read and comprehend English as evidenced by successful classroom performance and average

district score on standardized achievement tests; 3. Write English as evidenced by successful classroom performance and average district scores on

standardized achievement tests; and 4. Meet or exceed district guidelines in their academic subjects.

In general, when the student scores a Level 6.0 composite score on the ACCESS for ELLs® the student is exited from the English language proficiency (ELP) program. You can consider the reclassification of an ELL student as fully English proficient by applying the following criteria and evidence:


1. The student is in the fourth grade at a minimum. 2. The student has attained an English language proficiency (ELP) Level 5*. 3. Two or more additional pieces of evidence of English language proficiency (ELP) must be evaluated and kept on file in the district. See Evidence of English Proficiency. 4. Parents and teachers agree that the student has reached full English proficiency. Parents must be a part of the exit decision; other pertinent team members may include the bilingual and/or ESL teacher, the classroom teacher(s), and other relevant staff.

5. Districts must have a policy in place for reclassification of ELL students and re-entry into the ELP program if evidence indicates that reclassification was premature.

The following are examples of evidence that may be used to document that the student has become fully English proficient. • District/school writing samples meet or exceed grade level expectations.

Student scores a 5.5 or above on the Reading section of the ACCESS for ELLs®. • Student scores are in the proficient or advanced categories on the Wisconsin Knowledge & Concepts Examinations (WKCE) without ELL accommodations in all assessed content areas.

Student is achieving academically at their age appropriate grade level without the use of adapted or modified English materials.

Other relevant evidence (e.g., excellent grades, class work, and performance on local assessments).

When a child meets the above criteria, complete the ECASD form 1J, staple it to the students red card

and file it in the students cumulative folder

Send a copy of the 1J to student services

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Guidelines for Additional BEA Time

There are times when a school may need additional Bilingual Educational Assistant services. PRIOR APPROVAL IS NECESSARY. All questions and requests should be forwarded to Kristen Gundry.

[email protected] #15383 (852-4127)

If the child is currently in the ELL Program:

Consult the list of approved BEAs to find someone. Contact him/her and set it up. Send an e-mail confirming the time and date after services have been rendered. The BEA should send the timecard to Student Services for payment.

If the child is NOT in the ELL Program:

Follow the procedures as above, except don’t forward the time card to Student Services. The building is responsible for paying for the time.

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ACCESS FOR ELLs Scenarios for Testing

Situation Test? Comment Title III?

Student’s LEP level is 1-5 & student is receiving ELL services


All students LEP 1-5 should have a Form 1C on file.


Form 1C completed & Student’s LEP level is 6 or 7 & Never received ELL services & No services Recommended


Students may be monitored but not through ACCESS for ELLs testing.


Form 1C completed & Student’s LEP level is 1 - 5 & Never received ELL services & No services Recommended


Students may be monitored but not through ACCESS for ELLs testing


Form 1C completed & Student’s LEP is 1-5. Service is recommended but Parents Refuse Services. We will keep testing until student receives a 6 or higher.


We receive State funding as student is below LEP 6. We do not need parent permission to test as it is federal requirement as we receive funds through Title III.


Student was administered W-APT & ELL Team decides student does not qualify for ELL Services Form 1C needs to be completed to show that no services have been recommended


Students may be monitored but not through ACCESS for ELLs testing.


Student has a Home Language Survey on File indicating a Language Other than English. No services recommended and 1C is completed to show that


A Home Language Survey on file does not mean a student needs ELL services. The ELL teacher should review and initiate an ELL Referral (Form 1C) if needed.


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ELL Department Material Request

Please attach the catalog, webpage print out, and completed order form. Date Name School Academic Year Materials are needed for Targeted student population for these materials (ex. elementary science support, 8th grade social studies instruction) Requested item/s

Vendor Item number Item name Cost per item Qty Total cost

Have you checked the following funding sources? � Building � Department � Media Center � Teaching and Learning

How will this material help facilitate language development? How does this material help you better reach your targeted instructional goal for the students? If the material request is approved, please work the media specialists to ensure that the materials are coded as ELL, so we can locate the materials at a later date. Please send completed form to ELL Administrator. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * F o r O f f i c e U s e O n l y * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Approved Denied

Initialized by ELL Administrator funding source (district, grant #, or Title)

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1A Teacher / BEA Schedule Format - All ELL teachers and BEAs need to fill out this form as directed on the bottom of the form and return it to Kristen Gundry at South Middle School.

First 2

weeks of school

1B Home Language Survey - This form will be used by the person enrolling a student into school if the parent or guardian indicates a language other than English is spoken at home. Based on this information, an ELL Initial Referral (Form 1C) may be generated. The ELL teacher may also use the form if this information is not already available. Form 1B should be filed in the cumulative folder.

As needed

1C ELL Service Evaluation – This form is completed by the Consult Team after the student has completed the WAPT with the ELL teacher. The Consult Team looks at the learners' records and test results to determine if the child needs language support. The completed form is sent to the ELL administrator.

All incoming kindergarten

students and new

students to the District

1D Parent Welcome Letter / Permission for Service - The ELL Program is required by law to obtain parent permission for placement in the ELL program prior to initiating services. Form 1D is a letter from the ELL Administrator welcoming students to the program and seeking parent permission. The parent/guardian is asked to return this form to the school and the form should be filed in the student’s cumulative folder. ELL teachers are responsible for ensuring that this form is received and in the cumulative folder prior to initiating service. This form should also be used whenever a new student enters the program.


service is provided

1E Individualized Student Record Plan for ELL Students - The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has emphasized the importance of accountability and documentation for program effectiveness. This form has been adopted from DPI recommended forms and will be used by ELL teachers to communicate with parents and document service. Form 1E should be put in the student’s cumulative folder.

Within first 30 days of


1F Student Information Card / Annual Eligibility Review (red card) - The law requires that ALL ELL students be assessed annually to determine if placement in an ELL program continues to be needed. This Student Information Card summarizes annual testing and other available information. Final completion of this card is the responsibility of the ELL Consultation Team. Form 1F should be put in the student’s cumulative folder.

After annual

testing & review

1G Student Status / Parent Notification Form - After the ELL Consult Team has finished its end-of-the-year assessment process, send this form home to each ELL student. The BEA needs to call home to explain this to parents.

Last month of school

1H ELL Notice of Dismissal – This form may be used for students who are to be dismissed from the program due to any of the following: student no longer needs ELL services; student’s parent/guardian requested child be withdrawn from program; student is habitually truant and not participating in the ELL program; other reasons-must define. Every attempt should be made to obtain the parent/guardian’s signature. The original shall be placed in the student’s cumulative folder, one copy to the parent/guardian, and one copy to Student Services.

Any time student is dismissed

from program

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Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Guidelines for Setting up a Schedule In addition to your regularly scheduled classes, please include travel time, lunch, duty, and prep. time from the time you arrive until

the time you leave each day. This schedule is not set in stone. It is just meant to give people a good idea about how you spend your time. We will ask that you fill this out within the first two weeks of school. If there are changes during the year, we will ask that you

submit an updated schedule. This also serves the purpose of documenting the amount of duty you are doing.

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Home Language Survey


Student’s Name


Place of Birth Number of Years of Education OUTSIDE of the U. S.

Number of Years of Education INSIDE the U.S.

Relationship of Person Completing Survey

Mother Father Guardian Other Specify

Directions: Check the correct response for each of the following questions and indicate other languages if appropriate:

English Other Other Language(s)

1. What language did the child learn when she or he first began to talk?

2. What language does the family speak at home most of the time?

3. What language does the parent(s) speak to her/his child most of the time?

4. What language does the child speak to her/his parent(s) most of the time?

5. What language does the child hear and understand in the home?

6. What language does the child speak to her/his brothers/sisters most of the time?

7. What language does the child speak to her/his friends most of the time?

8. Can an adult family member or extended family member speak English?

Yes No

Can they read English? Yes


9. Do you want a translator/interpreter available at school conferences?

Yes No

If yes, which language?

Original: Cumulative File Copy: ELL Teacher Revised: 01/06/2009



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ELL Review Team (please list names of participants): Date of Meeting: / / Student First Name

Middle Initial

Last Name

Parents Name(s)

Student ID

Date of Birth

/ /


Male Female Grade

Year enrolled in ECASD


Last District Attended

DPI Language Code

(HMN=Hmong, SPA=Spanish, KOR=Korean, RUS=Russian, ARB=Arabic) OR, refer to DPI list at http://dpi.wi.gov/ell/doc/langcodes4web.doc

Born in USA If no, then other Country Yes No -

Arrival Date

Prior Education at time of enrollment

# Years in ELL


Reason for Evaluation: WAPT Administered By: Date: / / Results: Standardized Test Information: Previous Language Assessments: Strengths: Other Information:

Team Recommendation: Language Proficiency Level

Student should receive ELL services

Student should not receive ELL services

Based on information review, this student Should receive ELL services Should not receive ELL services.

_____________________________________________________ _____________________

ELL Administrator Date Comments:


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Developed by Tolu Sanabria, Education Specialist Bilingual/ESL Education Program, DPI

As of February 2009

Language List/Codes For use in identifying “Native Language” (Field #15) for ACCESS for ELLs™ test booklets and Pre-ID labels. We are moving from 2-digit alpha codes to 3-digit alpha and numeric codes to identify first/native languages of English language learners in Wisconsin schools. The following list of language names and codes are from the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) on-line Ethnologue (15th Edition). The codes used are from the most recent ISO (International Standardization Organization) draft edition (DIS=Draft International Standards). We are using the most recent codes published (both online and in print) by (SIL) which are identified by “639-3.” For more detailed information, go to: www.ethnologue.com/ethno_docs/introduction.asp. Numeric codes are being used for non-language needs (e.g., “not on list” when the language being recorded does not appear on this list; or “Other South Asian” when the actual name of a language from India or surrounding countries is not known). There are several ISO/DIS 639-3 codes for Hmong. However, because currently in Wisconsin districts do not generally distinguish among the various Hmong languages (e.g., between “Blue/Green” Hmong and “White/Striped” Hmong) we will use the older ISO 639-2 code for Hmong (hmn). To look for a language not on this list, go to: www.ethnologue.com/site_search.asp. It is sometimes important to note the region of the country where a language is spoken because there are often more than one with the same common name, but more than one actual language and accompanying code. For an example, see the online reports for “Dinka” codes. Instructions for reporting languages not appearing on the list below are included at the end of the list. Language

(with alternate names)





(NOT all-inclusive)

Afar aar Ethiopia Afrikaans afk South Africa Akan (Asante, Asanti, Ashanti, Twi) aka Ghana; Ivory Coast Aklan akl Panay Is.; Philippines Albanian, Gheg (Kosovo) aln Albania; Bulgaria; Kosova

Region; Macedonia; Serbia & Montenegro; USA

Albanian, Tosk als Albania; Greece; Turkey (Europe)

American Sign Language ase USA Amharic amh Ethiopia Arabic, Standard arb Saudi Arabia; Middle East;

North Africa Arabic, Sudanese Spoken (Khartoum Arabic)

apd Sudan

Armenian hye Armenia Asante, Asanti, Ashanti – See AKAN aka

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(with alternate names)





(NOT all-inclusive)

Assyrian, Neo-Aramaic aii Armenia; Georgia; Iran; Iraq; Turkey; Syria

Azerbaijani, North azj Armenia; Azerbaijan Azerbaijani, South azb Iran Bacama (Bachama) bcy Nigeria Bahasa Indonesian – see INDONESIAN


Bambanankan (Bambara, Bamanakan)

bam Mali; Burkina Faso; Côte d’Ivoire

Bassa bsq Liberia; Sierre Leone Belarusan bel Belarus; Azerbaijan; Estonia;

Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Latvia; Lithuania; Moldova; Poland; Russia (Europe); Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan

Bengali ben Bengal; India; Bangladesh Bosnian bos Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgarian bul Bulgaria; Greece; Moldavia;

Romania, Serbia & Montenegro Burmese mya Myanmar (Burma) Cambodian – see KHMER khm Cambodia Cantonese – see CHINESE: YUE yue China Cebuano (Bisayan, Visayan) ceb Philippines Chamorro cha Guam; Northern Mariana

Islands Chin, Haka cnh Myanmar (Burma); Bangladesh;

India Chinese: Gan gan China Chinese: Hakka hak China Chinese: Mandarin cmn China Chinese: Min Bei (Northern Min, Min Pei)

mnp China; Singapore

Chinese: Min Dong (Area from Fu'an in northeastern Fujian to Fuzhou in east central Fujian)

cdo China; Brunei; Indonesia (Java and Bali); Malaysia (Peninsular); Singapore; Thailand

Chinese: Min Nan (Southern Min, Minnan), (Taiwanese, Formosan)

nan Taiwan; China; Brunei; Indonesia (Java & Bali); Malaysia (Peninsular); Philippines; Singapore; Thailand

Chinese: Other (actual language name is unknown) – see OTHER CHINESE

555 China

Chinese: Wu wuu China Chinese: Xiang (Hunan) hsn China Chinese: Yue (Cantonese) yue China Chippewa (Southwestern Ojibwa, Ojibwe, Ojibway)

ciw USA: upper Michigan westward to North Dakota

Chuukese (Chuuk, Truk, Trukese) chk Micronesia Chuvash (Bulgar) chv Russia (Europe) Croatian hrv Bosnia & Herzegovina; Croatia;

Hungary; Italy; Slovenia Crow cro USA: Southern Montana Czech ces Czech Republic

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(with alternate names)





(NOT all-inclusive)

Dan (Yacouba, Yakuba, Gio, Gio-Dan)

daf Côte d’Ivoire; Guinea; Liberia

Danish dan Denmark Dinka, Northeastern dip Sudan Dinka, Southwestern dik Sudan Dinka, Northwestern diw Sudan Dutch nld Netherlands English eng Canada; United Kingdom;

United States Estonian est Estonia Farsi, Western (Persian, Parsi, Iranian)

pes Iran; Iraq; Oman; Qatar; Tajikistan; United Arab Emirates

Farsi, Eastern (Persian, Dari, Parsi) prs Afghanistan; Pakistan Filipino (Pilipino) fil Philippines Finnish fin Finland French fra France Fula – see FULFULDE, ADAMAWA – and –


fub - or – fuf

Note: which code is used will

depend on the actual language

– could be either of the two


Fulani – see FULFULDE, ADAMAWA fub Fulfulde, Adamawa (Adamawa Fulani, Ful, Fula, Fulbe, Eastern Fulani, Fulfulde, Foulfoulde)

fub Cameroon; Chad; Nigeria; Sudan

Gaelic (Irish) gle Ireland Gaelic, Scots gla United Kingdom Ganda (Luganda) lug Uganda (note: people are

called “Baganda”) Georgian kat Georgia German deu Germany Gikuyu (Kikuyu, Gekoyo, Gigkuyu) kik Kenya Gio – see DAN daf Liberia (Dan is called Gio in

Liberia) Greek ell Greece Guaraní, Eastern Bolivian gui Bolivia Guaraní, Western Bolivian gnw Bolivia Guaraní, Mbyá gun Brazil; Paraguay Guaraní, Paraguayan gug Paraguay Gujarati guj India Haitian Creole French (Kreyol, Aiysyen)

hat Haiti; Dominican Republic; Guadeloupe

Hausa hau Nigeria Hebrew heb Israel Hiligaynon (Ilonggo, Illogo, Hiligainon)

hil Philippines

Hindi hin India; Nepal Hmong hmn USA; China; Laos; Thailand;

Viet Nam Ho-Chunk (Winnebago, Hocak Wazijaci, Hocác, Hocank, Hochank)

win USA: Central Wisconsin, Eastern Nebraska

Hungarian hun Hungary Ibibio ibb Nigeria Icelandic (Íslenska) isl Iceland Idomo idu Nigeria

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(with alternate names)





(NOT all-inclusive)

Igbo (Ibo) ibo Nigeria Ilonggo – see HILIGAYNON hil Philippines Ilocano (Iloko, Ilokano) ilo Philippines Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesian) ind Indonesia (Java and Bali) Italian ita Italy Iu Mien ium China; Laos; Thailand; Viet

Nam Ilonggo – see HILIGAYNON hil Philippines Jamaican Creole English (Patwa, Patois)

jam Jamaica; Costa Rica; Panama

Japanese jpn Japan Kannada kan India Karen, S’gaw ksw Myanmar; Thailand Khmer (Cambodian) khm Cambodia; Viet Nam Khmu kjg Laos; China; Thailand; Viet

Nam Kikuyu – see GIKUYU Kik Kenya Kirundi – see RUNDI run Konkani knn India Korean kor Korea Kosovo – See ALBANIAN/ GHEG ALBANIAN

aln Albania; Bulgaria; Macedonia

Kosraean (Kusaie, Kosrae) kos Micronesia Krahn, Western (Krahn, Northern Krahn, Western Kran, Kran)

krw Liberia; Cotệ d’Ivoire

Kurdish, Central ckb Iraq Kurdish, Northern kmr Turkey Kurdish, Southern sdh Iran Lango (Lwo, Lwoo, Leb-Lano, Langi) laj Uganda Lao lao Laos; Thailand Latvian lav Latvia Lithuanian lit Lithuania Luo luo Kenya; Tanzania Maay ymm Somalia Macedonian mkd Macedonia; Albania; Bulgaria,

Greece Malagasy, Bara bhr Madagascar Malagasy, Southern Betsimisaraka bjg Madagascar Malagasy, Northern Betsimisaraka bmm Madagascar Malagasy, Plateau plt Madagascar Malay mly Malaysia (Peninsular); Brunei;

Indonesia (Sumatra); Singapore; Thailand

Malayalam mal India; Singapore Mandarin – see CHINESE: MANDARIN


Mangingo – see MANDINKA – and - MANYA

mnk – or - mzj

Note: which code is used will

depend on the actual language

– could be either of the two

listed Mandinka (Manding, Mandingo, Mandingue, Mandique, Mande, Socé)

mnk Senegal; Gambia; Guinea-Bissau

Manya (Manya Kan, Mandingo) mzj Liberia; Guinea Maori mri New Zealand Marathi mar India

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(with alternate names)





(NOT all-inclusive)

Marshallese mah Marshall Islands Menominee, (Menomini) mez USA: Northeastern Wisconsin Mien – See IU MIEN Mixtec, Mixtepec (Eastern Juxtlahuaca Mixtec, Mixteco de San Juan Mixtepec - Distinct from other Mixtec)

mix Mexico [Oaxaca, San Juan Mixtepec, about 2000 located in Tlaxiaco (district head), San Quintín valley, Baja California]

Mohawk (Mohican) moh USA (Stockbridge- Munsee in Wisconsin)

Mon mnw Myanmar (Burma); Thailand Mongolian, Halh (Halh, Khalkha Mongolian, Mongol, Central Mongolian)

khk Mongolia; Russia (Asia)

Navajo (Diné, Navaho) nav USA Ndebele nde Zimbabwe; Botswana Ndebele nbl South Africa Nepali nep Bhutan; India; Nepal Ngwe (Nwe, Fontem, Fomopea, Bamileke-Ngwe)

nwe Cameroon

Norwegian, Bokmål (Bokmål, Bokmaal, Norwegian)

nob Norway

Ojibwe – see Chippewa ciw Oneida one USA: Central New York, Eastern

Wisconsin Oriya ori India, Bangledesh Other African 111 Other American Indian 333 Other Chinese 555 Other South Asian 777 India; Pakistan; Sri Lanka Palauan pau Palau Pampangan pam Phillipines Pashto, Southern (Pashtu, Pushto, Pushtu, Quetta-Kandahar Pashto)

pbt Pakistan; Afghanistan; Iran; United Arab Emirates

Pashto, Northern (Pakhto, Pashtu, Pushto, Yusufzai Pashto)

pbu Pakistan; Afghanistan; United Arab Emirates

Persian – see FARSI, WESTERN – and – FARSI, EASTERN

pes – or – prs

Note: which code is used will

depend on the actual language

– could be either of the two

listed Polish pol Poland Pohnpeian pon Micronesia Portugese por Portugal; Brazil Potawatomi (Pottawotomi) pot Canada; USA: Southwestern

and Northern Michigan, Northern Wisconsin, Northeastern Kansas

Panjabi, Eastern (Punjabi, Gurmukhi, Gurumukhi)

pan Punjab region of N.W. India

Panjabi, Western pnb Pakistan, India Pular (Fuuta Jalon, Fulbe, Fulfulde Jalon, Futa Fula)

fuf Guinea; Gambia; Guinea-Bissau; Mali; Senegal; Sierra Leone

Q’eqchi’ kek Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador Romanian (Rumanian, Moldavian, Daco-Rumanian)



Rundi (Kirundi, Urundi) run Burundi; Rwanda; Tanzania;

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(with alternate names)





(NOT all-inclusive)

Uganda Russian rus Russia (Europe) Rwanda (Kinyarwanda) kin Rwanda Samoan smo Samoa; American Samoa Saurashtra (Saurashtri, Sourashtra, Sowrashtra, Patnuli)

saz India

Serbian srp Albania; Bosnia & Herzegovina; Serbia & Montenegro; Macedonia; Romania; Russia (Europe); Turkey (Europe)

Shona sna Zimbabwe, Botswana, Z Sikaiana sky Solomon Islands Sinhala (Sinhalese, Singhalese, Singhala, Cingalese)

sin Sri Lanka; Singapore

Slovak slk Slovakia; Hungary; Serbia & Montenegro

Somali som Somalia Spanish spa Spain; Mexico; Central

America; South America; USA Swahili (Kiswahili, Kisuaheli) swh Tanzania Swedish swe Sweden Tagalog tgl Philippines Taiwanese – see CHINESE, MIN NAN nan Taiwan Tamil tam India Telugu tel India Thai tha Thailand Tibetan, Central bod China Tigrigna (Tigrinya, Tigray) tir Ethiopia; Eritrea Truk – see CHUUKESE chk Truk Islands; Caroline Islands Tswana (Chuana, Coana, Cuana, Setswana, Sechuana, Beetjuans)

tsn Botswana; Namibia; South Africa; Zimbabwe

Tulu tcy India Turkish tur Turkey (Asia) Twi – see AKAN aka Ukrainian ukr Ukraine Urdu urd India; Pakistan Uyhgur (Uighur, Uygur, Uigur, Uighuir, Weiwuer, Wiga)

uig China; Afghanistan; Kazakhstan; Mongolia; Turkey (Asia)

Uzbek, Northern uzn Uzbekistan; China Uzbek, Southern uzs Afghanistan; Turkey (Asia) Vietnamese vie Viet Nam Visayan – see CEBUANO ceb Waray-Waray (Samareño, Samaran, Samar-Leyte, Waray, Binisaya)

war Philippines

Wolaytta wal Ethiopia Wolof, Gambia wof Gambia Wolof, Senegal wol Senegal Yapese yap Micronesia Yoruba yor Nigeria 999 Not on List: To Report a language not found on this list, please contact

Tolu Sanabria at: [email protected]

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Dear Parent/Guardian: Welcome to the school year! We are confident that your child will have a productive and enjoyable year. Your child has been recommended to receive services from the English Language Learner (ELL) Program. The goals of the English Language Learner Program are to help students learn English more quickly and to assist students in core academic subject areas. The services your child will receive through the English Language Learner Program will help him/her be more successful in school. We encourage you to take advantage of these valuable services. Your cooperation and participation will be sought throughout the school year. With a school/home partnership we should be able to make significant progress. As the first step, we need your approval for your child to be enrolled in the program. You have the right to remove your child from the program by contacting your child’s ELL teacher . Please sign below and indicate if you would like your child to participate in the English Language Learner Program. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at the numbers provided below. Thank you.

Kaying Xiong , Ed.D. ELL Administrator Any questions, contact: Kristen Gundry, ELL Resource Teacher: 852-5383

Blia Schwahn, School Community Liaison: 852-6764

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RETURN TO YOUR CHILD’S SCHOOL OFFICE Student’s Name LEP Level YES, I would like my child to participate in the English Language Learners

Program. NO, I do not want my child to participate in the English Language Learners

Program. ________________________________________ ____/____/____ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Original to Cumulative Folder Copy to Student Services ONLY IF NO 08.25.08

FORM 1D 500 Main Street Eau Claire, WI 54701-3770 715-852–3000

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500 Main Street

Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701-3770

(715) 852-3000 - Fax (715) 852-3004

Nyobzoo niamtxiv/Tus saibxyuas:

Zoosiab txaistos rau lub xyoo kawmntawv no! Peb ntseeg tias nej tus menyuam yuav kawm tau mus

zoo thiab ib xyoos txaussiabhlo rau nws.

Peb pom tias tsimnyog koj tus menyuam yuav tau muaj kev pabcuam losntawm cov Kawm Lus Aaskiv

– English Language Learner Program. Lub homphiaj ntawm Kawm Lus Aaskiv yog pab tej menyuam

kawm kom tau Aaskiv saizog thiab pab txog tej yam tseemceeb rau lawv. Tej yam uas lawv yuav tau

txais yog pabcuam kom nws ua tau zoo nyob rau hauv tsev kawmntawv. Peb xav kom nej nrog koomtes

rau txoj kev pabcuam uas muaj nujnqis no.

Koj txoj kev koomtesnroos nrog peb yog ib yam uas peb xav tau kom mus tag xyoo no. Nrog rau kev

koomtes ntawm tsev kawmntawv thiab niamtxiv los sibpab, peb yauvtsum ua tau ib yam nce qib zoo.

Rawsli thawj ruam, yog xav kom koj tsocai rau koj tus menyuam nkag rau qhov kev pabcuam no. Thov

pab suam koj lub npe rau thiab kos qhov tias koj tsocai rau nws los koom txoj kev pabcuam no rau tog

nramqab no. Yog koj muaj lus nug thiab tej yam txhawj txog, thov hu rau cov xovtooj nramqab no.


Kaying Xiong

ELL Administrator

Tus ua Dejnum Saib Menyuam Kawmntawv

Yog muaj lusnug, hu rau: Kristen Gundry, Tus Siab Kev Pabcuam: 852-5383

Blia Schwahn, Tus Txuaslus Rau Tsev Kawmntawv: 852-3146

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


_____________________________________________ Menyuam Npe

____ Kuv txaussiab rau kuv tus menyuam koomtes rau qhov kev pabcuam no.

____ Kuv tsis xav tso kuv tus menyuam koomtes rau qhov kev pabcuam no.

____________________________________ ____/ ____/ ____ Niamtxiv/Tus Saibxyuas npe Hnub

Original to Cumulative Folder Form 1D Copy to Student Services ONLY IF NO 08.25.08

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English Language Learner 2010-11 – Plan of Service


Student’s Name First, MI, Last School

Grade Level

Student ID Team/Classroom Teacher

Student’s Native Language

** Program Type (circle one)


Student’s Address

Parents Name(s)


ELP Level Date of ACCESS/ WAPT (circle one) / / Overall ACCESS/WAPT Score

Language Proficiency Goals based on WIDA Content Area ELP Standards

Reading Goal –

Listening Goal –

Speaking Goal –

Writing Goal –



Student Signature

Date Signed

ELL Teacher Signature

Date Signed

Parent Signature

Date Signed

** Content Based, Structured English Immersion, or Sheltered English Instruction

Original to CUM File Form 1E - 08/20/2008

Page 27 of 34

Student Student ID# Date of Birth

Last First MI

Program Entrance Data

Date of Evaluation WAPT Writing Score WAPT Reading Score WAPT Speaking Score WAPT Listening Score Overall WAPT Score

Prof Level at which service was approved

Program Activity Data


Year Gra

de Parent

permi-ssion check box


ELL Teacher WKCE Scores*

Reading Assessments



ACCESS overall Score

ELL Consult Team & Review Date

Start of Year Prof Level

End of Year Prof Level

Math M B P A

Reading M B P A

Writing M B P A

Social St M B P A

Science M B P A

Date ____________________





Math M B P A

Reading M B P A

Writing M B P A

Social St M B P A

Science M B P A

Math M B P A

Reading M B P A

Writing M B P A

Social St M B P A

Science M B P A

Math M B P A

Reading M B P A

Writing M B P A

Social St M B P A

Science M B P A

Math M B P A

Reading M B P A

Writing M B P A

Social St M B P A

Science M B P A

Math M B P A

Reading M B P A

Writing M B P A

Social St M B P A

Science M B P A

*WKCE Scores: M=Minimum, B=Basic, P=Proficient, A=Advanced

ELL Student Information

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ELL Program Service

* Inclusionary, Pull Out, or Self Contained ** Content Based, Structured English Immersion, Sheltered English Instruction,

Program Reclassification Data

Date of Reclassification


Score Additional Factors in Reclassification

Consult Team Members

Present at Reclassification

Program Monitor Data – 2 years

Review Date WKCE ACCESS Tier Overall ACCESS


Return to active service

Continue to monitor

Return to active service

Continue to monitor

Form 1F

School Year

Support Delivery Model*

Type of Program **

WIDA Prof Standard

addressed Instructional Strategies Special Services

Support Rec’d Outside of School Day




1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4 5

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Student Name:


Method of Instruction:

Proficiency Level:

Dear Parent/Guardian: Thank you for your help in your child’s academic success this year. As a regular part of our program, each child is evaluated by the ELL Consultation Team at the end of each school year to determine if he/she needs ELL services next year of if he/she needs to be exited from the program. Please read this form and call your child’s ELL teacher, at 852- or Kristen Gundry, ELL Resource Teacher, at 852-5383 with questions. The bilingual aide at the school may also call you about this form. Thank you. ELL Program Eau Claire Area School District

YES, your child qualifies for ELL services next year.

NO, your child does not qualify for ELL services anymore. He/She is English proficient.

Form 1G 08.25.08

500 Main Street Eau Claire, WI 54701-3770 715-852-3000 Fax: 715-852-3004


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Student First Name

Middle Initial

Last Name


Student ID #

Date of Birth


Male Female Grade

ELL Teacher

Language Spoken within the Home

Most Recent ELL Review Date

DPI Proficiency Level

Your child is being reclassified as English Proficient and will no longer be receiving active ELL services. This change is being made for the following reason: Student received a 6 on the ACCESS and is English proficient IEP Team determined that ELL was not an appropriate service Student has met the following criteria and is recommended to be reclassified as a LEP 6: 1. The student is in the fourth grade at a minimum. 2. The student has attained an English language proficiency (ELP) level 5. 3. Two or more additional pieces of evidence of English language proficiency (ELP) must be evaluated and kept on file in the District. See Evidence of English Proficiency. 4. Parents and teachers agree that the student has reached full English proficiency.

Other reason approved by ELL Administrator

ELL Administrator______________________________________ Date_____________

ELL Teacher Signature Date Parent Name (printed) Parent Signature Date Original in Student File, One copy to Parent, One copy to Student Services Form 1H 11.02.09


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ELL Reclassification and Monitor Process

Student’s Name First, MI, Last School

_______ Student received a 6 on the ACCESS and is English proficient

_______ IEP team determined that ELL was not an appropriate service

_______ Student has met the following criteria and is recommended to be reclassified as a LEP 6

1. The student is in the fourth grade at a minimum. 2. The student has attained an English language proficiency (ELP) Level 5*. 3. Two or more additional pieces of evidence of English language proficiency (ELP) must be evaluated and kept on file in the District. See

Evidence of English Proficiency. 4. Parents and teachers agree that the student has reached full English proficiency.

ELL Teacher ELL Consult Team 1. 2. 3. 4.

This student is being reclassified as fully English proficient and is no longer eligible for ELL services or assessment with the ACCESS for ELLs. If reclassification is premature, the student may re-enter the program.

Date of Reclassification: Exit form (1H) shared with family on (date):

Reclassification Evaluation

WKCE Math WKCE Reading

WKCE Writing WKCE Science

WKCE Social St

WKCE Language Arts score .

ACCESS Overall score at the time of 1H .

At the date of dismissal, the learner was

receiving hours/minutes of ELL/week.

Classroom performance:


The following are examples of evidence that may be used to document that the student has become fully English proficient.

District/school writing samples meet or exceed grade level expectations.

Student scores a 5.5 or above on the Reading section of the ACCESS for ELLs.

Student scores are in the proficient or advanced categories on the Wisconsin Knowledge & Concepts Examinations (WKCE) without ELL accommodations in all assessed content areas.

Student is achieving academically at their age appropriate grade level without the use of adapted or modified English materials

Other relevant evidence (e.g., excellent grades, class work, and performance on local assessments).

Year 1 Monitoring Evaluation

School Grade

Classroom Teacher ELL Teacher

ELL Consult Team 1. 2. 3. 4.

Classroom performance:

Number of days absent during current school year


WKCE Reading

WKCE Writing

WKCE Science

WKCE Social St

We recommend: Continue Monitoring Return to ELL programming

Exit form shared with the family on: (date)


Year 2 Monitoring Evaluation

School Grade

Classroom Teacher ELL Teacher

ELL Consult Team 1. 2. 3. 4.

Classroom performance:

Number of days absent during current school year


WKCE Reading

WKCE Writing

WKCE Science

WKCE Social St

We recommend: Return to ELL programming Exit from Monitor


Page 32 of 34


Monitor completion date:

Send a copy to Student Services and staple the original to the learners Red Card Form 1J - 11/16/2009


Level 1 – Beginning/Preproduction:

The student does not understand or speak English with the exception of a few isolated words or expressions.

Level 2 – Beginning/Production:

The student understands and speaks conversational and academic English with hesitancy and difficulty.

The student understands parts of lessons and simple directions.

The student is at a pre-emergent or emergent level of reading and writing in English, significantly below

grade level.

Level 3 – Intermediate:

The student understands and speaks conversational and academic English with decreasing hesitancy and difficulty.

The student is post-emergent, developing reading comprehension and writing skills in English.

The student’s English literacy skills allow the student to demonstrate academic knowledge in content areas with assistance.

Level 4 – Advanced Intermediate:

The student understands and speaks conversational English without apparent difficulty, but understands

and speaks academic English with some hesitancy.

The student continues to acquire reading and writing skills in content areas needed to achieve grade level expectations with assistance.

Level 5 – Advanced:

The student understands and speaks conversational and academic English well.

The student is near proficient in reading, writing, and content area skills needed to meet grade level


The student requires occasional support.

FULL ENGLISH PROFICIENCY LEVELS Level 6 – Formerly LEP/Now Fully English Proficient:

The student was formerly limited English proficient and is now fully English proficient.

The student reads, writes, speaks, and comprehends English within academic classroom settings.

Level 7 – Fully English Proficient/Never Limited-English Proficient

The student was never classified as limited-English proficient and does not fit the definition of a limited-English proficient student outlined in either state of federal law.

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Eau Claire Area School District Equitable Counseling Service Plan for Secondary ELLs

Counseling connection:

Secondary ELL teachers contact the counselors directly when student needs and concerns arise. Bilingual assistance is provided and, when needed, they discuss:

o Home contact o Family Meeting coordination o Attendance o Behavior o Cultural differences and acculturation

Students are hand scheduled by counseling and ELL staff working together.

Teachers remind students that counseling services are available to them and encourage the students to use these services.

Hmong Bilingual Liaison connects schools, the students, and the families.

Welcome Nights are hosted at the secondary schools to help families feel welcome in our schools.

Events Counselors and ELL staff need to communicate regularly regarding school events and opportunities. If you are planning an event for all of the student body—be sure to contact the BEA and ELL teacher in your building to arrange bilingual support for the non-English speaking students and their families. You will need to work with the administration in your building to determine compensation. The BEA time at these events will have to be paid out of the building funds. Planning ahead will help us all to include all families in our school events.

Bilingual Assistance Annual Planning Tool

Date Event Time Timecard Sample 8/16/2009

Back to School Family Night

5-8 3 hours

The School Counselor will:

� Notify ELL staff at least one month in advance of upcoming events and opportunities � Work with building administration to have bilingual services for events in the building

budget � Share the written handouts with the building BEAs with adequate translation time

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ELL BEA will call the homes of all ELLs

� 2 weeks before the event � 1 week before the event � The day of the event

ELL teacher will:

� Manage the invitation of ELL families to school events � Create ELL family nights to help families feel welcome in the schools

Appointments If you are meeting with an ELL student—please talk with the BEA in the building prior to scheduling the appointment. BEAs are often in more than one building, we need to work toward creating the appointments when the BEAs are available. Scholarships Opportunities BEAs at each school will contact families regarding scholarship, grant and financial aid opportunities; Families will be able to call the ELL Help Line to hear the current scholarship offerings. If the student would like assistance completing the applications, they can get help from counseling or the ELL teacher with bilingual assistance. ELL staff will assist families in completing the application process.
