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English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2

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  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2








  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2


    2|P a g e



  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2


    3|P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. Please do not go jogging in these __________,

    said Janes mother.

    (1) boots

    (2) sandals

    (3) slippers

    (4) sneakers ( )

    2. Ben is a/an __________. He performs many difficult acts

    at a circus.

    (1) acrobat

    (2) clown

    (3) juggler

    (4) gymnast ( )

    3. Suling needs to look at the __________ in order to make

    a banana milkshake.

    (1) list

    (2) menu

    (3) receipt

    (4) recipe ( )

    4. You cannot board the plane without your __________

    and air ticket.

    (1) card

    (2) diary

    (3) passport

    (4) book ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2


    4|P a g e

    5. Sam found some old __________ in the storeroom.

    They cannot be played on the new players we have today.

    (1) cassettes

    (2) compact discs

    (3) records

    (4) video tapes ( )

    6. The parrot __________ and flew away when it heard the


    (1) chirped

    (2) cooed

    (3) squawked

    (4) squeaked ( )

    7. Mr Lee used the __________ to gather the fallen leaves

    in the garden.

    (1) broom(2) rake

    (3) shovel

    (4) spade ( )

    8. Weiming keeps his collection of stamps in a/an __________

    (1) album

    (2) book

    (3) catalogue

    (4) scrapbook ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2


    5|P a g e

    9. Mrs Gopal fried a fish in the __________ just now.

    (1) cooker

    (2) pan

    (3) pot(4) wok ( )

    10. My sister used some __________ to make her card sparkle.

    (1) cosmetics

    (2) glitter

    (3) paint

    (4) sequins ( )

    Part 2: Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank wi th the correct word f rom the box below. Use each word once


    jar merrily nest stack attracted

    eyrie invited sort nervously tub

    11. The elves danced round the bush __________ when they heard that the mean, old

    ogre had been killed.

    12. The books are in a mess. The twins are helping to __________ them in a pile.

    13. Look! An eagle is flying out of its __________.

    14. The bright colours of these flowers have __________ many insects to the garden.

    15. Mrs Wong bought a __________ of ice cream from the supermarket yesterday.

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2


    6|P a g e

    Part 3: Look at the Pictures carefully and fill in each blank with a suitable word.

    Ring! Mark got out of bed grumpily and walked to the

    (16) ________________ .

    After brushing his (17) ____________________ and washing his face,

    Mark went to the kitchen. He ate a (18) __________________ __ of

    bread and drank a glass of orange juice for breakfast. After that, he changed

    into his school (19) _________________ .He put on his

    (20) ______________ and looked at the time. There was no need

    to hurry as it was only six-thirty.

    Mark then put on his socks and shoes. Just as he stepped out of the

    house, he realized that it was a Saturday. He did not have to go to school!

    - End of Paper -

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2


    7|P a g e



  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2


    8|P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. Aziz depends on the ringing of the __________ clock on his bedside table to wake

    him up in the morning.

    (1) alarm

    (2) water

    (3) cuckoo

    (4) grandfather ( )

    2. Mr Smith is as timid as a mouse. He would never try an adventure activity such as


    (1) singing

    (2) reading

    (3) jogging

    (4) wakeboarding ( )

    3. Annes grandmother, who lives in a village, keeps a __________ of chickens in her


    (1) pack

    (2) shoal

    (3) litter

    (4) brood ( )

    4. Many people in our neighbourhood respect and admire my grandfather. He is as


    (1) wise as an owl

    (2) cunning as a fox

    (3) grumpy as a bear

    (4) proud as a peacock ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2


    9|P a g e

    5. The story has such a sad __________ that I cried while reading it.

    (1) plot

    (2) title

    (3) setting

    (4) character ( )

    6. The crowd watched in silence when the acrobat performed a dangerous

    __________ in the air. They applauded when he landed on his feet.

    (1) flop

    (2) walk

    (3) dance

    (4) somersault ( )

    7. The story that Timmy read to us was so __________ that some of us fell asleep.

    (1) scary

    (2) boring

    (3) exciting

    (4) interesting ( )

    8. Mrs Tan __________ to her husband as she did not want to awaken the baby

    (1) cackled

    (2) yelled

    (3) mumbled

    (4) whispered ( )

    9. The scouts pitched their __________ as soon as they arrived at the campsite.

    (1) huts

    (2) tents

    (3) caravans

    (4) longhouse ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    10. Sammy was __________ when he received the toy car that he had asked for on his


    (1) furious

    (2) unhappy

    (3) delighted

    (4) miserable ( )

    Part II : Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank wi th the correct word f rom the box below. Use each word once


    Passage 1

    capture real rescue fantasies kind

    houses news caves false ferocious

    Dragons are not (11)__________. They are mythical creatures that only appear in

    (12)__________ and legends. Dragons can breathe out fire through their nostrils. They

    have long, sharp tails and live in dark, huge (13)__________ high up on the mountains.

    Dragons are (14)__________ and usually catch young ladies from villages. Most people

    are afraid of them. Only brave knights or princes who have magic swords dare to

    challenge dragons. They fight with these dragons to (15)__________ the young ladies.

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Passage 2

    dangerous race recreation injuries popular

    remember competitions master abuses unwind

    Table tennis is a very (16)__________ game as it can be played by people of any

    age. It is an easy game to learn as you need to (17)__________ only a few basic skills.

    Once you have learnt the skills, you can have many hours of fun.

    Most people take up table tennis for (18)__________ in their free time. Others take

    part in international (19)__________ to represent their country. Table tennis is a safe

    game and (20)__________ are rare. In order to play your best, always so a simple warm-

    up before the game.

    -End of Paper -

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



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  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. Can you remember the name of the __________ who has invited us to the party?

    (1) host

    (2) venue

    (3) guest ( )

    2. That poor horse has injured its __________. It is limping badly.

    (1) tail

    (2) head

    (3) hooves ( )

    3. John lives on the seventh __________ in this block of flats.

    (1) story

    (2) storey

    (3) storeys ( )

    4. I did not know an eagle lives in __________. Did you?

    (1) a den

    (2) a lodge

    (3) an eyrie ( )

    5. Be careful of the cats sharp __________. They can scratch you badly.

    (1) paws

    (2) claws

    (3) snout ( )

    6. I am waiting for the __________ to deliver Uncle Toms parcel for me.

    (1) fireman

    (2) postman

    (3) policeman ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    7. This expensive piano is a __________ elephant in my house. Nobody plays

    on it now.

    (1) grey

    (2) black

    (3) white ( )

    8. The __________ around the neck of a lion makes it look majestic

    (1) face

    (2) body

    (3) mane ( )

    9. Nobody likes Denny. He always takes the __________ share in everything that has

    to be shared.

    (1) dogs

    (2) lions

    (3) tigers ( )

    10. Mrs Lee is a very __________ lady. She always wears a smile on her face.

    (1) Young

    (2) Clever

    (3) Cheerful ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 2: vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    (A) practise (B) same (C) busy

    (D) work (E) music (F) language

    (G) idea

    Dear Joseph,

    My name is Xiao Min and I have started learning English lately. I thought its a good

    (11)__________ to have some pen pals who speak the language. That way, I can

    (12)__________ what I have learnt in my lessons, and make new friends at the same time.

    Firstly, let me tell you more about myself. Im seven years old and I was born in China. I

    live in Shanghai, a big and (13)__________ city. I can speak the Chinese (14)__________

    very well. I live with my parents. In my free time, I like to listen to (15)__________ and

    watch movies. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Yours sincerely,

    Xiao Min

    -End of Paper -

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



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  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. The __________ of a tree provide us with shade.

    (1) flowers

    (2) leaves

    (3) roots

    (4) trunk ( )

    2. This is our secret. Dont let the cat out of the __________.

    (1) bag

    (2) basket

    (3) cage

    (4) hole ( )

    3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! This is a library, __________ Tom.

    (1) laughed(2) screamed

    (3) whispered

    (4) yelled ( )

    4. The leaves __________ in the wind.

    (1) click

    (2) hiss

    (3) patter

    (4) rustle ( )

    5. Tim cleans his pet rabbits __________ weekly.

    (1) coop

    (2) hutch

    (3) kennel

    (4) paddock ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    6. At a traffic light junction, the __________ light tells drivers to slow down as the light

    is turning red.

    (1) amber

    (2) green

    (3) red

    (4) white ( )

    7. Suzy does not like to be in the sun. She prefers __________ sports

    (1) indoor

    (2) inside

    (3) outdoor

    (4) outside ( )

    8. Mummy __________ the flour before she adds in egg, butter and sugar.

    (1) bakes

    (2) beats

    (3) kneads

    (4) sifts ( )

    9. Jenny bought a __________ of ice cream from ABC supermarket.

    (1) carton

    (2) jar

    (3) loaf

    (4) tub ( )

    10. This is an international basketball __________. Competing teams come from

    different countries.

    (1) contest

    (2) quiz

    (3) test

    (4) tournament ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 2: Vocabulary Close

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    birthday invitation uniform miserable gramophone

    character excited author radio costume

    It was my eighth birthday. Mummy was all (11)__________ over it. She made

    beautiful (12)__________ cards, each with a photograph of me in my clown

    (13)__________ complete with a round red nose that I wore during my school costume

    parade competition. She sent them to our relatives and friends. During my birthday party,

    Grandpa played a birthday song record for me on his (14)__________ Grandma baked me

    a cake in the shape of Superman, my favourite cartoon (15)__________. It was a special


    -End of Paper -

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



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  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. Mike saw a swarm of bees flying back to its __________.

    (1) stable

    (2) hive

    (3) nest

    (4) den ( )

    2. Kens grandfather can carry a big table with one hand. He is as __________ as an


    (1) strong

    (2) weak

    (3) plump

    (4) slim ( )

    3. Jane does not get angry easily. She is as cool as a __________.

    (1) cucumber

    (2) rake

    (3) daisy

    (4) feather ( )

    4. Johns uncle is __________. He makes and repairs wooden furniture

    (1) a tailor

    (2) a pilot

    (3) an optician

    (4) a carpenter ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    5. The donkey __________ loudly when it is in danger.

    (1) bellows

    (2) buzzes

    (3) brays

    (4) bleats ( )

    6. Mary is __________ to buy a fire-extinguisher to place in her kitchen.

    (1) foolish

    (2) wise

    (3) shy

    (4) careless ( )

    7. The seamstress needs to buy some __________ to sew my dress.

    (1) ingredients

    (2) materials

    (3) crockery

    (4) stationery ( )

    8. The cow and its __________ are sleeping in the barn

    (1) joey

    (2) cub

    (3) foal

    (4) calf ( )

    9. If you like your porridge to be hot and spicy, __________ some pepper over it.

    (1) spill

    (2) splash

    (3) sprinkle

    (4) pile ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    10. My neighbours cat gave birth to a __________ of kittens.

    (1) litter

    (2) herd

    (3) pack

    (4) flock ( )

    Part 2: Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    Passage 1

    blind dancer deaf fever

    headache music singer teacher

    Jessie was a healthy child at birth. She had a high (11)__________ when she was

    seven years old. After that, she could no longer hear. She disliked being (12)__________

    as she could not listen to her favourite songs.

    Jessies ambition was to be a (13)__________ so she took up ballet. Her ballet

    (14)__________ patiently taught her how to feel the rhythm of the (15)__________. Jessie

    was smart and learned very fast.

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Passage 2

    discuss handed host grateful

    owner report returned shocked

    Steven was walking home after school when he saw a wallet on the ground. He was

    (16)__________ to see a few thousand dollars in it.

    Steven felt the (17)__________ would be very worried. Being thoughtful, he ran to

    a Neighbourhood Police Post and (18)__________ the wallet to a police officer. A few

    moments later, a man rushed in to (19)__________ the loss of his wallet.

    The man was (20)__________ to Steven and offered him a reward.

    -End of Paper -

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e



  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. Dons grandfather was annoyed and mumbled __________ that he could not find

    his pair of spectacles.

    (1) lazily

    (2) grumpily

    (3) patiently

    (4) happily ( )

    2. I heard an owl __________ noisily in the night.

    (1) hiss

    (2) chatter

    (3) hoot

    (4) croak ( )

    3. The fire __________ in the fireplace and keeps the room warm.

    (1) crackles

    (2) flaps

    (3) crunches

    (4) splashes ( )

    4. Rabbits live in __________ while hens are kept in coops

    (1) dens

    (2) stables

    (3) lodges

    (4) burrows ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    5. The pupils observed a mother __________ and her babies playing in the water.

    (1) bat

    (2) squirrel

    (3) cow

    (4) hippopotamus ( )

    6. The trunk of an elephant feels as __________ as the bark of a tree.

    (1) rough

    (2) thorny

    (3) scaly

    (4)slimy ( )

    7. A __________ is usually green and spiky. It needs little water and is found in


    (1) rose

    (2) cactus

    (3) rambutans(4) cabbage ( )

    8. Ann was __________ when she waited for her turn at the dentist with her mother

    (1) surprised

    (2) pleased

    (3) nervous

    (4) lonely ( )

    9. The cook __________ off the skin of an apple before he cuts it.

    (1) peels

    (2) sprinkles

    (3) chops

    (4) slices ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    10. Three blackbirds are resting on the top brown __________ of that tall tree.

    (1) petals

    (2) roots

    (3) trunks(4) branches ( )

    Part 2: Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    It was the night before Christmas. Henry and his little brother put (11)__________

    their blue pyjamas before they climbed into bed. Suddenly, they had an (12)__________.

    They (13)__________ to play a trick on Santa, the old gentleman with a white beard. They

    (14)__________ a long string around the Christmas tree and (15)__________ themselves

    behind the curtains The two mischievous boys wished they could see Santas jolly red


    -End of Paper -

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e



  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. The __________ Helen ran away when she saw the toy mouse.

    (1) dog-eared

    (2) dog tired

    (3) chicken-hearted

    (4) lion-hearted ( )

    2. Jim can go to the __________ to trim his hair

    (1) bookshop

    (2) salon

    (3) clinic

    (4) caf ( )

    3. Mrs Tan had to check her __________ to see what she had to do in the afternoon.(1) diary

    (2) advertisement

    (3) postcard

    (4) certificate ( )

    4. My father put a __________ around my baby sisters neck before feeding her.

    (1) shawl

    (2) scarf

    (3) bib

    (4) tie ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    5. The pigs have been sleeping in their __________ since morning.

    (1) den

    (2) lair

    (3) sty(4) coop ( )

    6. The time keeper checked his stopwatch and __________ that Samantha had come

    in first in the race.

    (1) announced

    (2) laughed

    (3) explained

    (4) called ( )

    7. The swan turned around to make sure her __________ were following her.

    (1) chicks

    (2) ducklings

    (3) cygnets

    (4) eaglets ( )

    8. The wicked witch boiled her magic potion in a big __________.

    (1) cauldron

    (2) cup

    (3) teapot

    (4) kettle ( )

    9. My brother drives me mad because he is as stubborn as a __________.

    (1) lion

    (2) mouse

    (3) mule

    (4) monkey ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    10. The __________ in the story The Giving Tree is about a friendship between a tree

    and a little boy.

    (1) setting

    (2) problem(3) plot

    (4) ending ( )

    Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    bookworm giggled ingredients stethoscope

    chiming grown recipe trained

    chirping guest reward thermometer

    crown host shield whispered

    11. The doctor used a __________ to check if Ali had a fever.

    12. Be quiet. Listen to the birds __________ in the trees.

    13. A knight uses a __________ to protect himself.

    14. See how time flies. The children have __________ so quickly.

    15. Joyce __________ the secret into Sandys ear because she did not want anyone to

    hear her.

    16. Grandma has the best __________ for baking chocolate cakes.

    17. Dogs are __________ to help deaf and blind people.

    18. John is a __________. He carries a book with him wherever he goes.

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    P a g e

    19. Mr Li offered Siti a __________ for returning his wallet.

    20. I have to make sure there is enough food for everyone because I am the__________ of the party.

    - End of Paper -

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e



  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. The mushroom soup in the __________ is boiling.

    (1) wok

    (2) pot

    (3) kettle

    (4) saucepan ( )

    2. Mrs Lim bought some ham and a __________ of milk for breakfast.

    (1) box

    (2) tub

    (3) carton

    (4) packet ( )

    3. Roald Dahl is the __________ who wrote Charlie and the Glass


    (1) author

    (2) editor

    (3) journalist

    (4) poet ( )

    4. The chocolate cake is delicious. My aunt would like to have the __________ for it.

    (1) list

    (2) notes

    (3) recipe

    (4) report ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    5. The porcupine has many prickly __________ to keep other animals away.

    (1) pins

    (2) spines

    (3) needles(4) thorns ( )

    6. The plumber has repaired the leaking __________.

    (1) wire

    (2) tool

    (3) pipe

    (4) equipment ( )

    7. William feels terribly __________ because he has no friends.

    (1) pleased

    (2) lonely

    (3) nervous

    (4) anxious ( )

    8. That boy is deaf. He cannot __________.

    (1) see

    (2) hear

    (3) smell

    (4) touch ( )

    9. Betty has offered a __________ for anyone who finds her lost pet.

    (1) reward

    (2) gift

    (3) present

    (4) prize ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    10. Daniel made a __________ before he blew out the birthday candles.

    (1) wish

    (2) speech

    (3) list(4) celebration ( )


    Choose the most sui table word from the box and fill in each of the blanks.

    cave plantation blender encyclopedia toasternursery dictionary painting handicraft tunnel

    11. We need paper, glue and coloured pencils to complete this piece of

    _______________, said the Art teacher.

    12. Mr Li went to the plant __________________ to buy some sunflower seedlings.

    13. I have to look up the _____________________ to find out more facts about the


    14. We poured the milk and strawberries into the _______________ to make


    15. The magical train sped into the ___________________ of a mountain and


  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 2: Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    performance entertainment exercise enclosure

    cage trumpet snore trainers

    Samy works at the zoo. He is one of the elephant (16)__________. He takes care

    of two elephants, Mindy and Candy. He loves his elephants very much. Every morning,

    when Samy enters their (17)__________, Mindy and Candy will (18)__________ loudly.

    Both of them are happy to see him. Samy bathes the elephants and scrubs them

    clean. Mindy and Candy like that very much. Then Samy feeds them. After breakfast,

    Samy takes them out for their morning (19)__________. A few minutes before the zoo

    opens, Samy leads them back to their enclosure and gets them ready for the

    (20)__________ in the Animal Show.

    - End of Paper

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  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. Zoe wears a __________ round her neck.

    (1) scarf

    (2) sleeve

    (3) pocked ( )

    2. The policeman wrote a __________ about the road accident.

    (1) report

    (2) recipe

    (3) menu ( )

    3. A troop of monkeys chattered __________ in the park. It was no longer peaceful

    and quiet.

    (1) kindly

    (2) quietly

    (3) noisily ( )

    4. Xiao Fei does not dare touch a sea urchin because its body is __________.

    (1) scaly

    (2) spiny

    (3) sticky ( )

    5. In the old days, my grandparents played their records on the __________.

    (1) guitar

    (2) drum set

    (3) gramophone ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    6. The pretty __________ serves us food and drinks on the plane.

    (1) pilot

    (2) waitress

    (3) stewardess ( )

    7. The hungry tiger lefts its __________ to look for food.

    (1) den

    (2) lair

    (3) coop ( )

    8. Raj __________ some coffee and stained the tablecloth.

    (1) spilled

    (2) tripped

    (3) slipped ( )

    9. I wish to be a scientist and __________ a time machine.

    (1) invent

    (2) arrange

    (3) compose ( )

    10. The turkeys __________ loudly as they made their way to the farm.

    (1) bleated

    (2) gobbled

    (3) grunted ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 2: Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    tidy bowed pleased gown

    messy Pretty angry slipper

    Cindy looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was (11)__________ as she

    had no time to brush it. Her dress was dirty, torn and old. She (12)__________ her head

    low and felt very miserable. A king fairy appeared and turned Cindys dress into a beautiful

    (13)__________ for her to wear to the party.

    Cindy could not believe how (14)__________ she looked! At the party, she was so

    hungry that she ate a lot of pies. She wanted to finish all the pies. She was

    (15)__________ when the ugly prince told her to stop eating and dance with him. She

    refused to marry the ugly prince when he proposed to her.

    - End of Paper -

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    P a g e



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    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. My favourite hobby is __________ in the library.

    (1) reading

    (2) singing

    (3) dancing ( )

    2. The hermit crabs home is actually an empty __________.

    (1) cup

    (2) shell

    (3) container ( )

    3. The angry bees __________ when Sammy hit their hive with a stick.

    (1) hissed

    (2) growled

    (3) buzzed ( )

    4. Wow! Look at all the beautiful sunflowers growing on the __________.

    (1) stems

    (2) branches

    (3) trunks ( )

    5. Some insects, like the flower mantis, use __________ to catch their prey,

    (1) camouflage

    (2) poison

    (3) sounds ( )

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    P a g e

    6. The gardener ________ the dead leaves into a pile.

    (1) kicks

    (2) pushes

    (3) rakes ( )

    7. Sue and Shelby are __________. Their mother is a queen.

    (1) fairies

    (2) princesses

    (3) witches ( )

    8. The leaky tap kept __________ throughout the night.

    (1) dripping

    (2) ticking

    (3) tapping ( )

    9. The elephants skin is not smooth. It is __________.

    (1) spiky(2) slimy

    (3) rough ( )

    10. The vegetables look dried up. They need some __________.

    (1) planting

    (2) watering

    (3) digging ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 2: Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    noisily bang pulling quietly

    digging den clap coops

    Fantastic Mr Fox lived in a (11)__________ with his wife and children. He loved to

    sneak into chicken (12)__________ to steal chickens for dinner. The farmers were very

    unhappy with Mr Fox and wanted to get rid of him.

    One night, they waited with guns outside Mr Foxs home. When they spotted Mr

    Fox, they fired their guns at him, (13)__________! They could only shoot off Mr Foxs

    tail. They tried (14)__________ him out of his home with spades and shovels but they

    failed. Finally, the farmers used big machines which worked (15)__________. The

    machines kept the foxes awake the whole night.

    Adapted from Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl

    - End of Paper -

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    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. Ahmad could not play in the soccer game because he had __________ his knee.

    (1) injured

    (2) recovered

    (3) spoilt

    (4) harmed ( )

    2. A __________ is something interesting that we like to do during our free time.

    (1) job

    (2) task

    (3) homework

    (4) hobby ( )

    3. Ten minutes before the end of the game, the referee called for a __________.

    (1) time out

    (2) leisure time

    (3) time line

    (4) timetable ( )

    4. There are many __________ in our school canteen which encourage us to eat two

    servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

    (1) books

    (2) slogans

    (3) advertisements

    (4) maps ( )

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    P a g e

    5. Yuwei is __________. He uses sign language to speak to his friends.

    (1) blind

    (2) weak

    (3) mute

    (4) crippled ( )

    6. A/An __________ is an artist who draws pictures for books and magazines.

    (1) author

    (2) poet

    (3) illustrator

    (4) optician ( )

    7. A construction worker wears a __________ to protect himself .

    (1) hat

    (2) scarf

    (3) crown

    (4) helmet ( )

    8. On the morning of Deepavali, Mr Devan goes to the Hindu __________ to pray.

    (1) office

    (2) temple

    (3) mosque

    (4) church ( )

    9. There are many signs along the beach __________ people not to swim.

    (1) showing

    (2) begging

    (3) controlling

    (4) warning ( )

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    P a g e

    10. The old man is as __________ as an owl and everybody listens to him.

    (1) honest

    (2) cunning

    (3) wise(4) kind ( )

    Part 2: Vocabulary c loze

    Fill in each blank with a suitable word of your own.

    Madeline enjoys collecting stamps. It is her hobby. She has been collecting stamps

    (11)__________ she was eight years old.

    Madeline has a big (12)__________ of stamps. They come from different countries

    in the world. They are in different sizes, colors and shapes. Madeline keeps her stamps in

    two (13)__________. Madeline bought most of her stamps (14)__________ the post

    office. Others were given by friends and relatives. The postage stamps are cheap but the

    limited edition stamps are so rare that they can be quite (15)__________.

    - End of Paper -

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    P a g e



  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. Mrs Teo went to the __________ to buy some groceries.

    (A) bakery

    (B) cafeteria

    (C) restaurant

    (D) supermarket ( )

    2. Whenever I take my dog for a walk, I keep it on a __________.

    (A) rope

    (B) leash

    (C) chain

    (D) string ( )

    3. Timmy yawned because he was very __________ and it was past his bedtime.

    (A) angry

    (B) active

    (C) sleepy

    (D) hungry ( )

    4. The frightened kitten hid under the bench and __________ softly.

    (A) mewed

    (B) chirped

    (C) quacked

    (D) squeaked ( )

    5. Sarah accidentally cut her finger. She cried as it was very __________.

    (A) joyful

    (B) painful

    (C) sorrowful

    (D) wonderful ( )

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    P a g e

    6. My parents received an __________ card to attend a friends wedding.

    (A) invitation

    (B) information

    (C) explanation

    (D) examination ( )

    7. The little boy wore a pair of __________ to keep his hands warm.

    (A) pants

    (B) socks

    (C) shoes

    (D) gloves ( )

    8. Mr Brown decided to call a __________ to fix the leaking pipes in his bathroom.

    (A) cobbler

    (B) plumber

    (C) mechanic

    (D) electrician ( )

    9. The bees return to their __________ after collecting nectar.

    (A) hive

    (B) nest

    (C) coop

    (D) cage ( )

    10. Ali and Imran are considerate boys. They play __________ so as not to wake the

    sleeping baby up.

    (A) gently

    (B) calmly

    (C) quietly

    (D) peacefully ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 2: Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    road dropped delighted poured larger

    disappointed snatch smaller bridge give

    One morning, Bow-Wow, the dog, found a large bone. Bow-Wow was

    (11)__________ as it was big and juicy. To get home, he had to cross a wooden

    (12)__________ over a stream. Along the way, Bow-Wow saw a dog in the clear stream,

    with a (13)__________ bone in its mouth!

    Bow-Wow became greedy. He opened his mouth to (14)__________ the other

    bone. However, as he did that, his bone (15)__________ into the stream. He realized then

    that the dog in the stream was only his own reflection!

    - End of Paper -

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e



  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. Mr Chia works in a restaurant as a __________ and he loves to cook for his


    (1) chef

    (2) baker

    (3) waiter

    (4) captain ( )

    2. At the seaside, the beach umbrella __________ me from the hot sun.

    (1) saved

    (2) cooled

    (3) shaded

    (4) blocked ( )

    3. Ismail cracked a joke during his Show-and-Tell session with his classmates and

    they laughed __________ at it.

    (1) gently

    (2) politely

    (3) heartily

    (4) broadly ( )

    4. Amy is acting as a queen in the play. She looks nice in her __________.

    (1) coat

    (2) uniform

    (3) sweater

    (4) costume ( )

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    P a g e

    5. My mother jumped onto a chair and screamed __________ when she saw a big


    (1) loudly

    (2) merrily

    (3) steadily

    (4) gracefully ( )

    6. Can you see the snake __________ down that tree?

    (1) scampering

    (2) slithering

    (3) scurrying

    (4) swinging ( )

    7. The __________ ducklings waddled noisily into the pond nearby.

    (1) blue

    (2) indigo

    (3) red

    (4) yellow ( )

    8. When Farmer Brown caught sight of the wolf, he immediately ran to check on his

    chickens in the __________.

    (1) den

    (2) field

    (3) coop

    (4) lair ( )

    9. In the old days, there was no electricity. People used __________ lamps in their


    (1) battery

    (2) kerosene

    (3) fire

    (4) electrical ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    10. The old grandfather clock goes __________ all day long.

    (1) Tick! Tock!

    (2) Split! Splat!

    (3) Splish! Splash!(4) Flip! Flap! ( )

    Part 2: Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    Passage 1

    helped stayed bought

    learnt made lived

    My grandmother lived in a shophouse when she was young. It was a noisy place.

    The shophouse was tiny and many people (11)__________ there together. The family was

    poor, so my grandmother did not go to school. Instead, she (12)__________ at home to

    help look after her younger brothers and sisters. She also (13)__________ her mother

    with the housework.

    My grandmother was a keen learner, so she (14)__________ how to cook and sew

    from a young age. She also (15)__________ toys for her siblings and herself. There was

    no television in those days.

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    P a g e

    Passage 2Fill in each blank with a suitable word of your own.

    I am a sugar maple tree and I am about two hundred years old. I am a tall tree, and

    my trunk is thick. I provide good (16)__________ when the weather is hot, so children like

    to play (17)__________ me on hot days.

    Every autumn, my dark green leaves (18)_________ to yellow and gold. As the

    days become colder, the leaves begin to fall off my (19)__________. My branches are

    bare by the time snow starts to fall. When the snow begins to melt, the people who live

    nearby drill a hole in my (20)__________. They collect the sweet sap to make maple


    - End of Paper -

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    P a g e



  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. John __________ the candle with a match to brighten up the room.

    (1) light

    (2) breaks

    (3) blows ( )

    2. Mr Fu was very __________ when his daughter had not returned home from school

    after seven oclock in the evening.

    (1) excited

    (2) worried

    (3) tired ( )

    3. Mrs Lim wears a pair of rubber __________ to protect her hands when she washes

    the dishes.

    (1) gloves

    (2) mittens

    (3) stockings ( )

    4. Mother __________ the torn pocket on my shirt.

    (1) joined

    (2) mended

    (3) repaired ( )

    5. The soldiers fought __________ and won the battle.

    (1) lazily

    (2) timidly

    (3) bravely ( )

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    P a g e

    6. Andy wants to be an __________ and fly to the moon.

    (1) artist

    (2) acrobat

    (3) astronaut ( )

    7. Peter loves creating new __________ for his friends to solve.

    (1) riddles

    (2) reports

    (3) recipes ( )

    8. I love to wear my __________ to sleep every night.

    (1) tracksuit

    (2) nightdress

    (3) pyjamas ( )

    9. Ahmad goes to the __________ to pray every Friday.

    (1) mosque

    (2) supermarket

    (3) church ( )

    10. The durian cake is __________. I just could not stop myself from having more!

    (1) awful

    (2) delicious

    (3) tasteless ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 2: Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    turned tale ended enjoyed

    dreamt invited tail listened

    It was a Friday evening. Sulin was watching a fairy (11)__________ on television.

    She (12)__________ watching the show. After an hour, the show (13)__________ and

    she went to bed. In her sleep, she (14)__________ that she was in a magic land. There

    were many teddy bears drinking tea in a house. They (15)_________ her to their house.

    Soon, they were playing with her and they became good friends.

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    P a g e



  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 1: Vocabulary

    Choose the correct answer for each quest ion and wr ite its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

    the brackets provided.

    1. My grandmother bought a few __________ of toothpaste.

    (1) pails

    (2) tubes

    (3) bottles ( )

    2. Sarah is doing her project. She is as busy as a __________.

    (1) bee

    (2) frog

    (3) bird ( )

    3. After a day of action under the hot sun, the pupils will need a __________ shower.

    (1) repeating

    (2) refreshing

    (3) recovering ( )

    4. The chef bought a new set of cooking __________. He will use them today.

    (1) utensils

    (2) equipment

    (3) instruments ( )

    5. The shepherd is busy now. He is feeding his __________ of sheep.

    (1) flock

    (2) bunch

    (3) school ( )

    6. My fathers van has broken down. He will need to call __________.

    (1) a plumber

    (2) a mechanic

    (3) an electrician ( )

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    P a g e

    7. Hui Lin is a __________. Her job is to answer telephone calls in the office

    (1) receptionist

    (2) typist

    (3) banker

    (4) manager ( )

    8. The __________ tells us what happens in the story.

    (1) plot

    (2) setting

    (3) character

    (4) scene ( )

    9. The __________ of sparrows was frightened by the loud noise.

    (1) swarm

    (2) pack

    (3) crowd

    (4) flock ( )

    10. The witch was very __________. She could not wait for the chicken to be cooked to

    eat it!

    (1) cunning

    (2) ugly

    (3) impatient

    (4) helpless ( )

    11. Joo Sengs mother scolded him for __________ time in the bathroom and taking

    such a long time to wash his feet.

    (1) keeping

    (2) wasting

    (3) counting

    (4) spending ( )

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Part 2: Vocabulary Cloze

    Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below.

    Use each word once only.

    Passage 1

    (A) fire (B) spell (C) smoke (D) ladle

    Wizzy, the witch, had an idea. She mixed some strange ingredients to form a new

    (12)__________. However, she did not know if it would work. She mixed the ingredients in

    her old cauldron over a (13)__________. She waved her wand over it five times.

    Suddenly, there was a cloud of (14)__________. Then a genie appeared.

    Passage 2

    (A) scolded (B) teased (C) promised

    (D) laughed (E) taught

    Alex was late for school. When he appeared at the door of his classroom, his

    classmates (15)__________ at him. Alex had come in his pyjamas bottoms instead of his

    school pants. Alex was embarrassed. Their teacher, Mrs Lee, (16)__________ the pupils

    for being unkind to Alex. Then, she took him to the General Office to change his clothes.

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  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 1

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    2 3 4 3 3

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    3 2 1 4 4

    11. merrily

    12. stack

    13. eyrie

    14. attracted

    15. tub

    16. bathroom

    17. teeth

    18. piece

    19. uniform

    20. watch

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 2

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    1 4 4 1 1

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    4 2 4 2 3

    11. real

    12. fantasies

    13. caves

    14. ferocious

    15. rescue

    16. popular

    17. master

    18. recreation

    19. competitions

    20. injuries

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 3

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    1 3 2 3 2

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    2 3 3 2 3

    Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15

    G A C F E

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 4

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    2 1 3 4 2

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    1 1 4 4 4

    11. excited

    12. invitation

    13. costume

    14. gramophone

    15. character

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 5

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    2 1 1 4 3

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    2 2 4 3 1

    11. fever

    12. deaf

    13. dancer

    14. teacher

    15. music

    16. shocked

    17. owner

    18. handed

    19. report

    20. grateful

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 6

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    2 3 1 4 4

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    1 2 3 1 4

    11. on

    12. idea

    13. plan

    14. tie

    15. hid

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 7

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    3 2 1 3 3

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    1 3 1 3 3

    11. thermometer

    12. chirping

    13. shield

    14. grown

    15. whispered

    16. recipe

    17. trained

    18. bookworm

    19. reward

    20. host

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 8

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    2 3 1 3 2

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    3 2 2 1 1

    11. handicraft

    12. nursery

    13. encyclopedia

    14. blender

    15. tunnel

    16. trainers

    17. enclosure

    18. trumpet

    19. exercise

    20. performance

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 9

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    1 1 3 2 3

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    3 2 1 1 2

    11. messy

    12. bowed

    13. gown

    14. pretty

    15. angry

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 10

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    1 2 3 1 1

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    3 2 1 3 2

    11. den

    12. coops

    13. bang

    14. digging

    15. noisily

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 11

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    1 4 1 2 3

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    3 4 2 4 3

    11. since

    12. collection

    13. albums

    14. from

    15. expensive


  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 12

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    D B C A B

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    A D B A C

    11. delighted

    12. bridge

    13. larger

    14. snatch

    15. dropped

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 13

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    1 3 3 4 1

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    2 4 3 2 1

    11. lived

    12. stayed

    13. helped

    14. learnt

    15. made

    16. shade

    17. under

    18. turn

    19. branches

    20. trunk

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2



    P a g e

    Worksheet 14

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    1 2 1 2 3

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    3 1 3 1 2

    11. tale

    12. enjoyed

    13. ended

    14. dreamt

    15. invited

  • 8/10/2019 English Vocabulary Workbook Grade 2


    Worksheet 15

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

    2 1 2 1 1

    Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

    2 1 1 4 3

    Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15

    2 B A C D


