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Cristian Alberto Perlera Gonzalez
Page 1: Englishi

Cristian Alberto

Perlera Gonzalez

Page 2: Englishi


Page 3: Englishi


Page 4: Englishi


Page 5: Englishi


Page 6: Englishi
Page 7: Englishi
Page 8: Englishi
Page 9: Englishi


Tom: Hi! My name is Tom.

What's your name?

Dan: I'm Dan / My name is Dan

Tom: I'm glad to meet you!

Dan: I'm glad to meet you too!

Laura: Hi, Tom. How are you?

Doer: I'm fine, Laura, and you?

Laura: Very Well, thank you.


Yes, may I help you?

Si, ¿Puedo ayudarlo?

Peter I want to register in the Vacation Club

Quiero registrarme en el Club de Vacaciones

Susan All right. What's your name?

Muy bien. ¿Cuál es tu nombre?

Peter Peter Logan

Peter Logan

Susan How old are you?

¿Cuántos años tienes?

Peter I am 20 years old

Tengo 20 años

Susan What's your address?

¿Cuál es tu dirección?


My address is 9th street and 4th avenue, house # 7.

Mi dirección es novena calle y la cuarta avenida, casa #


Susan What's your telephone number?

¿Cuál es tu número telefónico?

Peter My telephone number is 72489860

Mi número es 72489860

Susan Ok, the club starts on monday

Ok, el Club empieza el lunes

Peter Thank you, see you on monday.

Gracias, nos vemos el lunes

Page 10: Englishi

John Mark...after all, What do You do for a living?

Mark...después de todo, ¿Qué haces para ganarte la vida?

Mark I'm an architect. I work for "Genius Build". And you John?.What do you do for a living?.

Soy un arquitecto. Trabajo para "Genius Build". Y tu John.¿A que te dedicas?.

John I'm a journalist. I work with my father. We have a newspaper

Soy periodista. Trabajo con mi padre. Tenemos un periódico


A family business, that's wonderfull. What about you mother?

What does She do for a living?

Un negocio familiar, eso es grandioso. ¿Qué hay de tu madre?

¿A qué se dedica?

John She is a photographer

Ella es fotógrafa

Mark Well, I imagine that she works with You and your dad.

Bueno, me imagino que trabaja contigo y tu padre.

John No She doesn't

No Ella no lo hace

Mark Where does she work, then?

Entonces ¿Donde trabaja ella?

John She works for "Bose Magazine"

Ella trabaja para "Bose Magazine"

Page 11: Englishi

Alfredo: Hello. My name is Alfredo.

George: Hello Alfredo, I'm George.

George: How can I help you?

Alfredo: Can you tell me where Shinra Factory is?

George: I'm sorry. I have no idea. You're not from here right?

Alfredo: I've just arrived. I'm from Spain.

George: I see. What brings you here to London?

Alfredo: Business.

George: Well, I'm sorry I can't help you with that. Maybe that cop can help you.

Alfredo: I'll go ask him. Thank you.

George: No problem. If you need any help, I'm here every day.

Alfredo: It was nice to meet you. Catch you later

George: See you, and good luck.
