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Enhance B2b Email Delivery Rates - Strategies and Tips

Date post: 22-Jan-2015
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Does your business want to increase revenue from personalized email marketing and transactional emails? First step to enhance the ROI from email marketing is by achieving higher email delivery. This is no easy task considering the number of spam mails in the eMailworld and the stringent filters. This PPT from Oracle User list speaks of effective tips to improve your email delivery rates.
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Email Delivery unplugged 18 effective strategies to improve email delivery - B2B marketing Customer Education Series: 2010 Oracle User list 1
  • 1. Email Delivery unplugged
    18 effective strategies to improve email delivery - B2B marketing
    Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list

2. Email deliverability is a constant worry for marketers. Changing rules in email landscape makes it difficult to keep track of the ever changing filter parameters maintained by ISPs.This PPT focus on the key practices to improve email deliveryof your B2B email marketing .
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
3. Learn from these best email delivery practices to improve email delivery rates and improve ROI from targeted marketing.
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
4. Join Complaint Feedback Loop
Feedback loops allow you to see the complaints originating from users and those who is mark you as spam
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
5. Remove Inactive Subscribers
Dont add numbers to your database with inaction subscribers. Remove the deadwood before sending your campaign.
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
6. Follow Consistent Timing
Recipients appreciate it and ISPs mark positive for consistent behavior.
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Tip for B2B marketers guide Oracle User list
7. Use Consistent From Information:
Dont keep on changing the from information. Keep the same from name and address.
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
8. Static IP Address:
Use the same IP address to send your emails from your server. Find out if the email service provider is using a dedicated IP, if not, its worth to use
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
9. Email List Maintenance
Take time to promptly remove hard bounces and unsubscribes from the list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
10. White List Reminder
Ask list subscribers to add the 'from' address for your list to their address book.
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
11. Get Authenticated:
Choose the suitable authentication system to authenticate the identity of your email. DKIM, Sender ID, DomainKeys are few of the leading authentication service available.
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
12. Spam check the content
Before you send the email campaign, check the spam score to remove spam tainted words
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
13. Remove Bounces:
Sending to invalid or nonexistent email address will send off red flags with most internet service providers.
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
14. Be Relevant:
Dont provide gibberish content. Value the users time by including relevant articles.
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
15. Send In short burts
Avoid sending en masse. Split the big list to smaller bit chunks while sending.
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
16. Check theHTML Codes
Remove any badly-formed HTML or invalid HTML tags or any invalid attributes. Spam filters mark such mails as spam. Avoid such mistakes by running your HTML through a validator.
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
17. Monitor the Blacklists
Check if your email server is blacklisted.
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
18. Use a plain text e-mail along with HTML
Provide alternative text version along with HTML emails, or use minimal pics in your HTML. Users & email clients love content rich templates
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
19. Always provide an easy unsubscribe option
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
20. Email deliverability best practices presentation prepared by Liza & ShirleyOracle User List June 2010
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
Customer Education Series: 2010Oracle User list
