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Date post: 04-Jun-2020
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INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY: CONTEXT, CONCEPTS AND IMPLICATIONS DR. DAVID COLLIS : http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=6660 The comprehensive guide to managing and leading companies that compete internationally Drawing on the course material developed at the Harvard Business School and Yale School of Management by David Collis, International Strategy provides theoretical insight and pragmatic tools that address the decisions facing senior managers in multinational corporations. http://www.amazon.com/International-Strategy-Context-Concepts-Implications/dp/1405139684 Meet David: http://evolllution.com/author/david-collis THE INTEGRATED REPORTING MOVEMENT: MEANING, MOMENTUM, MOTIVES, AND MATERIALITY DR. ROBERT G. ECCLES : http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=126059 An in-depth, enlightening look at the integrated reporting movement The Integrated Reporting Movement explores the meaning of the concept, explains the forces that provide momentum to the associated movement, and examines the motives of the actors involved. http://www.amazon.com/Integrated-Reporting-Movement-Materiality- Corporate/dp/1118646983/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446915706&sr=1-1&keywords=integrated+reporting Meet Bob: http://bigthink.com/experts/roberteccles BUILDING THE FUTURE: BIG TEAMING FOR AUDACIOUS INNOVATION DR. AMY EDMONDSON : http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=6451 Niccolò Machiavelli famously wrote: “There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.” http://www.amazon.com/Integrated-Reporting-Movement-Materiality- Corporate/dp/1118646983/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446915706&sr=1-1&keywords=integrated+reporting Other books: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Amy+Edmondson&search-alias=books&field- author=Amy+Edmondson&sort=relevancerank Meet Amy : https://www.linkedin.com/pub/amy-c-edmondson/2/4b5/499 BASE OF THE PYRAMID 3.0: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP (KINDLE EDITION) ENJOY WITH OUR FELLOWS LAST PUBLICATIONS Click here and start to read….. https://www.johnson.cornell.edu/Faculty-And-Research/Profile/id/slh55 In this ground-breaking new book, Stuart L. Hart and Fernando Casado Caneque have worked with members of the BoP Global Network to shake the tree, look objectively at what has happened since 2002, highlight why earlier applications of BoP haven’t worked and propose new objectives and ways of working to formulate more sustainable solutions. http://www.amazon.com/Integrated-Reporting-http://www.amazon.ca/Base-Pyramid-Fernando-Casado-Caneque- ebook/dp/B00W3RLSSG/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446916957&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=base+of+the+pyramif+3.0 Meet Stu: http://www.stuartlhart.com/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartlhart, http://www.e4sw.org/about-us.html LEADING SUSTAINABLE CHANGE: AN ORGANIZATIONAL PERSPECTIVE DR. REBECCA HENDERSON: http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=12345 In the latest paper for the Initiative on 21st Century Capitalism, Rebecca Henderson and Karthik Ramanna, professors at Harvard, look to business leaders to ask the important question: Do managers have a role to play in sustaining free and fair capitalism? http://www.amazon.com/Leading-Sustainable-Change-Organizational- Perspective/dp/0198704070/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446917818&sr=1-2 Meet Rebecca: https://www.idexx.com/corporate/governance/rebecca-mhenderson.html , http://sternspeakers.com/rebecca- henderson THE SUCCESS FORMULA: HOW SMART LEADERS DELIVER OUTSTANDING VALUE DR. ANDREW KAKABADSE: https://www.henley.ac.uk/people/person/professor-andrew-p-kakabadse/ What do successful organizations and smart leaders have in common? They deliver outstanding value to their stakeholders. Interviews with over 80 leading organizations in private, public and third sectors from all over the world have led Andrew Kakabadse to a fascinating insight: organizations where stakeholder engagement was highest were not those led by charismatic and visionary leaders, but by a culture of delivering outstanding value. http://www.amazon.com/Success-Formula-Leaders-Deliver-Outstanding/dp/1472916840/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Meet Andrew: http://www.kakabadse.com/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewkakabadse, http://thinkers50.com/biographies/andrew-kakabadse/, https://www.speakersassociates.com/speakers/andrew-kakabadse MOVE: HOW TO REBUILD AND REINVENT AMERICA’S INFRASTRUCTURE (Comming, May 2016) MOVE: PUTTING AMERICA INFRASTRUCTURE BACK IN THE LEAD DR. ROSABETH M. KANTER: http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=6486 Americans are stuck. We live with travel delays on congested roads, shipping delays on clogged railways, and delays on repairs, project approvals, and funding due to gridlocked leadership. These delays affect us all, whether you are a daily commuter, a frequent flyer, an entrepreneur, an online shopper, a job-seeker, or a community leader. If people can't move, if goods are delayed, and if information networks can't connect, then economic opportunity deteriorates and social inequity grows. http://www.amazon.com/Move-Putting-Americas-Infrastructure- Back/dp/0393246809/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446921102&sr=1-1&keywords=Move%2C+Kanter Meet Rosabeth: https://twitter.com/RosabethKanter, http://bigthink.com/experts/rosabethmosskanter, http://www.cc.com/video-clips/3yzoaz/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-rosabeth-moss-kanter, http://www.cc.com/video- clips/3yzoaz/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-rosabeth-moss-kanter’s FLOURISHING ENTERPRISE: THE NEW SPIRIT OF BUSINESS DR. CHRIS LASZLO: https://weatherhead.case.edu/faculty/chris-laszlo The notion of responsible business has infiltrated our markets, and "going green" is now a part of our mindset. But, sustainability as we know it is not enough. Flourishing—the aspiration that humans and life in general will thrive on the planet forever—should be a key goal for every business today. This is a bold concept, like sustainability was a decade ago. Just as sustainability has become a matter of course, so too will flourishing become a cornerstone of business tomorrow. http://www.amazon.com/Flourishing-Enterprise-New-Spirit- Business/dp/0804789134/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446922738&sr=1-2 Meet Chris: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/chris-laszlo/0/184/212, @EmbedSustain, http://www.sustainablebrands.com/user/11180 STATISTICS TOPICS DR. SALIL MEHTA: http://theiaom.org/person/mehta-salil/ This pedagogical book is more sophisticated then the web log, and colorfully weaves statistics topics into stories concerning everyday life issues. This topic is of greater importance with the growing demand for big data and an information revolution pushing their way into relevancy, by pouring over large heaps of data, but still wanting accurate and reliable insights as a positive objective. The topic is also of greater importance as nations seek to gain on their population's mathematical literacy in order to compete in this current century. The stories cover the nascent development of the field going back many hundreds of years from Asia, to the Middle East. Shows the later development in Europe of the most major theoretical constructs. http://www.amazon.com/Statistics-Topics-Salil-Mehta/dp/1499273533/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446923899&sr=1- 1&keywords=statistics+topics REBALANCING SOCIETY: RADICAL RENEWAL BEYOND LEFT, RIGHT, AND CENTER DR. HENRY MINTZBERG: https://www.mcgill.ca/desautels/henry-mintzberg Enough of the imbalance that is causing the degradation of our environment, the demise of our democracies, and the denigration of ourselves. Enough of the pendulum politics of left and right and paralysis in the political center. We require an unprecedented form of radical renewal. In this book Henry Mintzberg offers a new understanding of the root of our current crisis and a strategy for restoring the balance so vital to the survival of our progeny and our planet . http://www.amazon.com/Rebalancing-Society-Radical-Renewal-Beyond/dp/1626563179 Meet Henry: http://www.mintzberg.org/, @Mintzberg141, https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/management-roles.htm THE COLLABORATORY: A CO-CREATIVE STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PROCESS FOR SOLVING COMPLEX PROBLEMS DR. KATRIN MUFF: http://www.bsl-lausanne.ch/portfolio/dr-katrin-muff-dean/ This book explores the transformation that emerges when groups spread around the world working on similar issues collaborate rather than compete. A collaboratory is a facilitated space where stakeholders meet to discuss burning societal issues. The Collaboratory is a handbook for practitioners in organizations of all kinds who want to make a difference. Contributors include: Thomas Dyllick, Mark Drewell, John North, Paul Shrivastava, Jonas Haertle, Otto Scharmer, Ronald Fry, Bill Burck and Zaid Hassan http://www.amazon.com/Collaboratory-Co-Creative-Stakeholder-Engagement- Problems/dp/1783531436/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446925293&sr=1-1&keywords=the+collaboratory Meet Katrin: @KatrinMuff, http://50plus20.org/archives/author/katrinmuff GETTING BEYOND BETTER: HOW SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP WORKS DR. ROGER MARTIN: http://www.rotman.utoronto.ca/FacultyAndResearch/Faculty/FacultyBios/MartinR.aspx In this compelling book, strategy guru Roger L. Martin and Skoll Foundation President and CEO Sally R. Osberg describe how social entrepreneurs target systems that exist in a stable but unjust equilibrium and transform them into entirely new, superior, and sustainable equilibria. All of these leaders—call them disrupters, visionaries, or changemakers—develop, build, and scale their solutions in ways that bring about the truly revolutionary change that makes the world a fairer and better place. http://www.amazon.com/Getting-Beyond-Better-Social-Entrepreneurship/dp/1633690687/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Meet Roger: http://rogerlmartin.com/ , http://rogerlmartin.com/meet-roger , @RogerLMartin, http://www.businessinnovationfactory.com/summit/innovator/roger-martin LEADERSHIP BS: FIXING WORKPLACES AND CAREERS ONE TRUTH AT A TIME DR. JEFFREY PFEFFER: https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/faculty/jeffrey-pfeffer The leadership enterprise is enormous, with billions of dollars, thousands of books, and hundreds of thousands of blogs and talks focused on improving leaders. But what we see worldwide is employee disengagement, high levels of leader turnover and career derailment, and failed leadership development efforts. In Leadership BS, Jeffrey Pfeffer shines a bright light on the leadership industry, showing why it’s failing and how it might be remade. He sets the record straight on the oft-made prescriptions for leaders to be honest, authentic, and modest, tell the truth, build trust, and take care of others. By calling BS on so many of the stories and myths of leadership, he gives people a more scientific look at the evidence and better information to guide their careers. http://www.amazon.com/Leadership-BS-Fixing-Workplaces- Careers/dp/0062383167/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446926676&sr=1-3&keywords=power%2C+pfeffer Meet Jeffrey: http://jeffreypfeffer.com/ , @JeffreyPfeffer HIDDEN CHAMPIONS IN CEE AND TURKEY: CARVING OUT A GLOBAL NICHE DR. DANICA PURG: http://www.iedc.si/about-iedc/faculty/danica-purg This book presents hidden champions in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Turkey that have been studied as a joint project between CEEMAN and IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia. This is an outcome of extensive research undertaken by over 30 researchers and covers 15 countries from Russia to Albania; covering many contexts, political systems, cultures and infrastructures. http://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Champions-CEE-Turkey- Carving/dp/3642405037/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446927434&sr=1-3&keywords=hidden+champions Meet Danica: https://aib.msu.edu/fellow/179/Danica-Purg, http://www.iedp.com/Professor_Danica_Purg_IEDP- Editorial_Board, Arts and Leadership: Vision and Practice at the IEDC-Bled School of Management (see published article in the attachment) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jls.21355/abstract: A special chapter about Danica Purg in the book “Women and Leadership around the World”: http://www.infoagepub.com/products/Women-and-Leadership-around-the-World FROM COAL TO BIOTECH: THE TRANSFORMATION OF DSM WITH BUSINESS SCHOOL SUPPORT DR. HEIN SCHREUDER: http://theiaom.org/person/schreuder-hein/ This management book documents the remarkable transformation of DSM, first from a coal mining company to a commodity chemicals producer and then in the last two decades to the life sciences & materials sciences company it is today, with its strong focus on biotechnology. The book gives an inside view on the ‘strategic learning cycles’ that have driven this evolutionary transformation. It also discusses the company traits that have contributed to its ability to adapt, grow and prosper. Renowned business schools such as IMD and Babson have accompanied the second transformation of DSM through their executive education programs http://www.amazon.com/Coal-Biotech-Transformation-Business- Support/dp/3662462982/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446928478&sr=1-2&keywords=hein+Schreuder Meet Hein: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/hein-schreuder/7/657/2b9, http://www.dsm.com/campaigns/connect/en_US/connect-dsm-com/2015/05/boekpresentatie_hein.html INTERNAL GOVERNANCE DR. LUC STERCKX (& OTHERS): http://theiaom.org/person/sterckx-luc/ It is impossible to have a perfect or even excellent governance system from day one. Many factors can complicate the introduction of governance in a company. However, the key points are that there should be no "one-size-fits-all" approach, that governance does not become "perfect" overnight, and that it is vital to study and understand the best way to move ahead and get started. Intra-group governance is a complex but important board matter. Difficulties arise from vague definitions, cultural differences, barriers to communication, the need to involve stakeholders and address their questions, the fact that the benefits - as well as the risks and pitfalls - of governance are often unclear, and the fact that legal provisions differ from country to country. http://www.amazon.com/Internal-Governance-Guberna- Insights/dp/1780682913/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446929147&sr=1-1- fkmr0&keywords=Internal+Governance%2C+Luck+Sterckx ENJOY WITH OUR FELLOWS LAST PUBLICATIONS DEAR FELLOWS, WE PRAY YOU TO KEEP US INFORMED ABOUT YOUR PUBLICATIONS, ACTIVITIES, CONFERENCES OR ANYTHING YOU WANT TO SHARE WITH US Send your news to: [email protected]


DR. DAVID COLLIS : http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=6660 The comprehensive guide to managing and leading companies that compete internationally

Drawing on the course material developed at the Harvard Business School and Yale School of Management by David Collis, International Strategy provides theoretical insight and pragmatic tools that address the decisions facing senior managers in multinational corporations. http://www.amazon.com/International-Strategy-Context-Concepts-Implications/dp/1405139684 Meet David: http://evolllution.com/author/david-collis

THE INTEGRATED REPORTING MOVEMENT: MEANING, MOMENTUM, MOTIVES, AND MATERIALITY DR. ROBERT G. ECCLES : http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=126059 An in-depth, enlightening look at the integrated reporting movement

The Integrated Reporting Movement explores the meaning of the concept, explains the forces that provide momentum to the associated movement, and examines the motives of the actors involved. http://www.amazon.com/Integrated-Reporting-Movement-Materiality-Corporate/dp/1118646983/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446915706&sr=1-1&keywords=integrated+reporting Meet Bob: http://bigthink.com/experts/roberteccles


DR. AMY EDMONDSON : http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=6451 Niccolò Machiavelli famously wrote: “There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.” http://www.amazon.com/Integrated-Reporting-Movement-Materiality-Corporate/dp/1118646983/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446915706&sr=1-1&keywords=integrated+reporting Other books: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Amy+Edmondson&search-alias=books&field-author=Amy+Edmondson&sort=relevancerank

Meet Amy : https://www.linkedin.com/pub/amy-c-edmondson/2/4b5/499

BASE OF THE PYRAMID 3.0: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP (KINDLE EDITION) ENJOY WITH OUR FELLOWS LAST PUBLICATIONS Click here and start to read….. https://www.johnson.cornell.edu/Faculty-And-Research/Profile/id/slh55 In this ground-breaking new book, Stuart L. Hart and Fernando Casado Caneque have worked with members of the BoP Global Network to shake the tree, look objectively at what has happened since 2002, highlight why earlier applications of BoP haven’t worked and propose new objectives and ways of working to formulate more sustainable solutions. http://www.amazon.com/Integrated-Reporting-http://www.amazon.ca/Base-Pyramid-Fernando-Casado-Caneque-ebook/dp/B00W3RLSSG/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446916957&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=base+of+the+pyramif+3.0 Meet Stu: http://www.stuartlhart.com/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartlhart, http://www.e4sw.org/about-us.html


DR. REBECCA HENDERSON: http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=12345 In the latest paper for the Initiative on 21st Century Capitalism, Rebecca Henderson and Karthik Ramanna, professors at Harvard,

look to business leaders to ask the important question: Do managers have a role to play in sustaining free and fair capitalism? http://www.amazon.com/Leading-Sustainable-Change-Organizational-Perspective/dp/0198704070/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446917818&sr=1-2 Meet Rebecca: https://www.idexx.com/corporate/governance/rebecca-mhenderson.html, http://sternspeakers.com/rebecca-henderson


DR. ANDREW KAKABADSE: https://www.henley.ac.uk/people/person/professor-andrew-p-kakabadse/ What do successful organizations and smart leaders have in common? They deliver outstanding value to their stakeholders. Interviews with over 80 leading organizations in private, public and third sectors from all over the world have led Andrew Kakabadse to a fascinating insight: organizations where stakeholder engagement was highest were not those led by charismatic and visionary leaders, but by a culture of delivering outstanding value. http://www.amazon.com/Success-Formula-Leaders-Deliver-Outstanding/dp/1472916840/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Meet Andrew: http://www.kakabadse.com/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewkakabadse, http://thinkers50.com/biographies/andrew-kakabadse/, https://www.speakersassociates.com/speakers/andrew-kakabadse

MOVE: HOW TO REBUILD AND REINVENT AMERICA’S INFRASTRUCTURE (Comming, May 2016) MOVE: PUTTING AMERICA INFRASTRUCTURE BACK IN THE LEAD DR. ROSABETH M. KANTER: http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=6486 Americans are stuck. We live with travel delays on congested roads, shipping delays on clogged railways, and delays on repairs, project approvals, and funding due to gridlocked leadership. These delays affect us all, whether you are a daily commuter, a frequent flyer, an entrepreneur, an online shopper, a job-seeker, or a community leader. If people can't move, if goods are delayed, and if information networks can't connect, then economic opportunity deteriorates and social inequity grows. http://www.amazon.com/Move-Putting-Americas-Infrastructure-

Back/dp/0393246809/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446921102&sr=1-1&keywords=Move%2C+Kanter Meet Rosabeth: https://twitter.com/RosabethKanter, http://bigthink.com/experts/rosabethmosskanter, http://www.cc.com/video-clips/3yzoaz/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-rosabeth-moss-kanter, http://www.cc.com/video-clips/3yzoaz/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-rosabeth-moss-kanter’s


DR. CHRIS LASZLO: https://weatherhead.case.edu/faculty/chris-laszlo

The notion of responsible business has infiltrated our markets, and "going green" is now a part of our mindset. But, sustainability as we know it is not enough. Flourishing—the aspiration that humans and life in general will thrive on the planet forever—should be a key goal for every business today. This is a bold concept, like sustainability was a decade ago. Just as sustainability has become a matter of course, so too will flourishing become a cornerstone of business tomorrow. http://www.amazon.com/Flourishing-Enterprise-New-Spirit-

Business/dp/0804789134/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446922738&sr=1-2 Meet Chris: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/chris-laszlo/0/184/212, @EmbedSustain, http://www.sustainablebrands.com/user/11180

STATISTICS TOPICS DR. SALIL MEHTA: http://theiaom.org/person/mehta-salil/ This pedagogical book is more sophisticated then the web log, and colorfully weaves statistics topics into stories concerning everyday life issues. This topic is of greater importance with the growing demand for big data and an information revolution pushing their way into relevancy, by pouring over large heaps of data, but still wanting accurate and reliable insights as a positive objective. The topic is also of greater importance as nations seek to gain on their population's mathematical literacy in order to compete in this current century. The stories cover the nascent development of the field going back many hundreds of years from Asia, to the Middle East. Shows the later development in Europe of the most major theoretical constructs. http://www.amazon.com/Statistics-Topics-Salil-Mehta/dp/1499273533/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446923899&sr=1-1&keywords=statistics+topics

REBALANCING SOCIETY: RADICAL RENEWAL BEYOND LEFT, RIGHT, AND CENTER DR. HENRY MINTZBERG: https://www.mcgill.ca/desautels/henry-mintzberg Enough of the imbalance that is causing the degradation of our environment, the demise of our democracies, and the denigration of ourselves. Enough of the pendulum politics of left and right and paralysis in the political center. We require an unprecedented form of radical renewal. In this book Henry Mintzberg offers a new understanding of the root of our current crisis and a strategy for restoring the balance so vital to the survival of our progeny and our planet. http://www.amazon.com/Rebalancing-Society-Radical-Renewal-Beyond/dp/1626563179 Meet Henry: http://www.mintzberg.org/, @Mintzberg141, https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/management-roles.htm

THE COLLABORATORY: A CO-CREATIVE STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PROCESS FOR SOLVING COMPLEX PROBLEMS DR. KATRIN MUFF: http://www.bsl-lausanne.ch/portfolio/dr-katrin-muff-dean/ This book explores the transformation that emerges when groups spread around the world working on similar issues collaborate rather than compete. A collaboratory is a facilitated space where stakeholders meet to discuss burning societal issues. The Collaboratory is a handbook for practitioners in organizations of all kinds who want to make a difference. Contributors include: Thomas Dyllick, Mark Drewell, John North, Paul Shrivastava, Jonas Haertle, Otto Scharmer, Ronald Fry, Bill Burck and Zaid Hassan http://www.amazon.com/Collaboratory-Co-Creative-Stakeholder-Engagement-Problems/dp/1783531436/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446925293&sr=1-1&keywords=the+collaboratory Meet Katrin: @KatrinMuff, http://50plus20.org/archives/author/katrinmuff

GETTING BEYOND BETTER: HOW SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP WORKS DR. ROGER MARTIN: http://www.rotman.utoronto.ca/FacultyAndResearch/Faculty/FacultyBios/MartinR.aspx In this compelling book, strategy guru Roger L. Martin and Skoll Foundation President and CEO Sally R. Osberg describe how social entrepreneurs target systems that exist in a stable but unjust equilibrium and transform them into entirely new, superior, and sustainable equilibria. All of these leaders—call them disrupters, visionaries, or changemakers—develop, build, and scale their solutions in ways that bring about the truly revolutionary change that makes the world a fairer and better place. http://www.amazon.com/Getting-Beyond-Better-Social-Entrepreneurship/dp/1633690687/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Meet Roger: http://rogerlmartin.com/ , http://rogerlmartin.com/meet-roger , @RogerLMartin, http://www.businessinnovationfactory.com/summit/innovator/roger-martin


DR. JEFFREY PFEFFER: https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/faculty/jeffrey-pfeffer The leadership enterprise is enormous, with billions of dollars, thousands of books, and hundreds of thousands of blogs and talks focused on improving leaders. But what we see worldwide is employee disengagement, high levels of leader turnover and career derailment, and failed leadership development efforts. In Leadership BS, Jeffrey Pfeffer shines a bright light on the leadership industry, showing why it’s failing and how it might be remade. He sets the record straight on the oft-made prescriptions for leaders to be honest, authentic, and modest, tell the truth, build trust, and take care of others. By calling BS on so many of the stories and myths of leadership, he gives people a more scientific look at the evidence and better information to guide their careers. http://www.amazon.com/Leadership-BS-Fixing-Workplaces-Careers/dp/0062383167/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446926676&sr=1-3&keywords=power%2C+pfeffer Meet Jeffrey: http://jeffreypfeffer.com/ , @JeffreyPfeffer

HIDDEN CHAMPIONS IN CEE AND TURKEY: CARVING OUT A GLOBAL NICHE DR. DANICA PURG: http://www.iedc.si/about-iedc/faculty/danica-purg This book presents hidden champions in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Turkey that have been studied as a joint project between CEEMAN and IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia. This is an outcome of extensive research undertaken by over 30 researchers and covers 15 countries from Russia to Albania; covering many contexts, political systems, cultures and infrastructures. http://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Champions-CEE-Turkey-Carving/dp/3642405037/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446927434&sr=1-3&keywords=hidden+champions

Meet Danica: https://aib.msu.edu/fellow/179/Danica-Purg, http://www.iedp.com/Professor_Danica_Purg_IEDP-Editorial_Board, Arts and Leadership: Vision and Practice at the IEDC-Bled School of Management (see published article in the attachment) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jls.21355/abstract: A special chapter about Danica Purg in the book “Women and Leadership around the World”: http://www.infoagepub.com/products/Women-and-Leadership-around-the-World

FROM COAL TO BIOTECH: THE TRANSFORMATION OF DSM WITH BUSINESS SCHOOL SUPPORT DR. HEIN SCHREUDER: http://theiaom.org/person/schreuder-hein/ This management book documents the remarkable transformation of DSM, first from a coal mining company to a commodity chemicals producer and then in the last two decades to the life sciences & materials sciences company it is today, with its strong focus on biotechnology. The book gives an inside view on the ‘strategic learning cycles’ that have driven this evolutionary transformation. It also discusses the company traits that have contributed to its ability to adapt, grow and prosper. Renowned business schools such as IMD and Babson have accompanied the second transformation of DSM through their executive education programs

http://www.amazon.com/Coal-Biotech-Transformation-Business-Support/dp/3662462982/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446928478&sr=1-2&keywords=hein+Schreuder Meet Hein: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/hein-schreuder/7/657/2b9, http://www.dsm.com/campaigns/connect/en_US/connect-dsm-com/2015/05/boekpresentatie_hein.html

INTERNAL GOVERNANCE DR. LUC STERCKX (& OTHERS): http://theiaom.org/person/sterckx-luc/ It is impossible to have a perfect or even excellent governance system from day one. Many factors can complicate the introduction of governance in a company. However, the key points are that there should be no "one-size-fits-all" approach, that governance does not become "perfect" overnight, and that it is vital to study and understand the best way to move ahead and get started. Intra-group governance is a complex but important board matter. Difficulties arise from vague definitions, cultural differences, barriers to communication, the need to involve stakeholders and address their questions, the fact that the benefits - as well as the risks and pitfalls - of governance are often unclear, and the fact that legal provisions differ from country to country. http://www.amazon.com/Internal-Governance-Guberna-Insights/dp/1780682913/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446929147&sr=1-1-fkmr0&keywords=Internal+Governance%2C+Luck+Sterckx






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