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ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

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@User Driven Open Ecosystems go really Local, in Mechelen (Belgium) 22nd - 23rd, 2012
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European Network of Living Labs Networking Global UserDriven Open Innova<on Ecosystems Prof. Álvaro de Oliveira European Network of Living Labs Userdriven Open Innova>on Ecosystems go really local ... across borders! Brussels, May 22nd 2012
Page 1: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

European  Network  of  Living  Labs  Networking  Global  User-­‐Driven    Open  Innova<on  Ecosystems  

Prof.  Álvaro  de  Oliveira      European  Network  of  Living  Labs  

 User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  

across  borders!    Brussels,  May  22nd  2012  

Page 2: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

•  Global  Challenges  •  Sustainable  Solu>ons  •  Living  Labs  •  European  Network  of  Living  Labs  •  Open  Living  Labs  PPPP  •  Conclusions  


Brussels,  May  22nd  2012   User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Page 3: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

•  Finding  solu>ons  for  sustainable  clean  energy  •  Finding  solu>ons  for  climate  change.  Water  management  •  Managing  demographic  shiOs  •  Preserva>on  and  managing  health  and  ageing  problems.  

Well  being.  Assisted  living  •  Providing  safe  water  and  food  supplies    •  Achieving  openness,  transparency  and  trust  on  the  poli>cal  

system  and  in  the  public  administra>on  •  Integrity  Europe  and  reinforce  leadership  •  Implement  social  inclusion  and  social  integra>on  •  Nego>a>ng  and  regula>ng  a  new  Framework  for  an  open,  

transparent  and  fair  World  Globalisa>on  

Global  Societal  Challenges    

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012   User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Page 4: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

Horizon  2020  

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012   User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Source:  Per  Blixt,  DG  INFSO  

Page 5: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

•  Global  Societal  Challenges  call  for  diverse  types  of  knowledge,  resources,  par>cipa>on  and  mass  collabora>on.    

•  Solu>ons  cannot  be  pushed,  they  require  the  mo>va>on  of  millions  of  individuals  and  their  communi>es;  solu>ons  cannot  be  pushed.  

•  New,  distributed  and  highly  par>cipatory  systems  imply  new  roles  for  public  and  private  spheres:  demand/user/ci>zen  driven  open  RDI  enabled  by  ICT  at  local,  regional,  na>onal  and  global  levels.  


Sustainable  Solu>ons  

Living  Labs    Are  open  user  driven  eco-­‐systems  engage  and  

mo>vate  all  stakeholders,  s>mulate  collabora>on,  co-­‐create  lead  markets  enable  stable  transforma>on  

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012   User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Page 6: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

Open  user  Innova>on  ecosystems  (1/2)  

Collabora>on  and  Mo>va>on  


Brussels,  May  22nd  2012   User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

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•  User  Driven  Open  Innova>on  ecosystems  focusing  on  people  needs  and  available  resources  for  knowledge-­‐based  development,  jobs  crea>on  and  wealth  growth.  •  Human-­‐centricity,  openness,  co-­‐crea>on  and  collabora>on,  trust  and  transparency  are  core  values  of  Living  Labs.  •  Design  thinking  culture.  Crea>vity.  ICT  collabora>ve  enabling  environments.  •  All  the  innova>on  stakeholders:  research,  enterprises,  finance,  public  administra>on  and  ci>zens;  get  involved  at  an  early  stage  of  the  innova>on  process  and  take  ownership  of  the  results.  •  User-­‐driven  open  innova>on  and  experimenta>on.  Co-­‐design  and  co-­‐crea>on  addressing  the  city’s  strengths,  compe>>ve  advantages  and  poten>al  for  success.  •  Address  scien>fic,  technological  and  innova>ve  approaches  aiming  to  s>mulate  business  opportuni>es.  Facilita>on  of  the  innova>on  processes.  •  Living  Labs  use  monitoring  and  evalua>on  prac>ces  to  provide  evidence  of  success  factors  that  s>mulate  further  growth.  

User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Open  user  Innova>on  ecosystems  (2/2)  

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012  

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Living  Lab  Values  

•  Human-­‐centric  ecosystem  •  Openness,  transparency  and  trust  •  Co-­‐design,  co-­‐crea>on  and  collabora>on  •  Boaom-­‐up,  with  top  down  support  •  Enabling  communica>ons  plaborm,  reach  contents  and  knowledge  shared  access    


User-­‐driven  Open  Innova<on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012  

Page 9: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

1st  Wave    

Finish  Presidency,  Autumn  2006  

Portuguese  Presidency,    Autumn  2007  

Spanish  Presidency,    Spring  2010  

Belgium  Presidency,    Autumn  2010  

5th  Wave    4th  Wave    3rd  Wave    2nd  Wave    

Sweedish  Presidency,    Autumn  2009  

Hungarian  Presidency,    Spring  2011  

French  Presidency,    Autumn  2008  

Slovenian  Presidency,    Spring  2008  

6th  Wave    

Danish  Presidency,    Spring  2012  

6th  Wave    

Polish  Presidency,    Autumn  2011  

User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

ENoLL  and  EU  Presidencies  

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012  

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Page 11: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

ENoLL  Today  •  267  EU  Living  Labs    •  53  Living  Labs  outside  EU  •  ENoLL  Office  headquarted  in  Brussels.  Services  to  members,  project  

facilita>on,  events,  monthly  newsleaer,  ac>ve  presence  in  online  and  in  Social  Media,  engaging  in  strategic  projects)  

•  Suppor>ng  services  including  the  Living  Lab  Summer  Schools  (Paris  2010,  Barcelona  2011,  Helsinki  2012),  Living  Lab  Prize    

•  Globaliza>on  of  ENoLL  (in  Brazil,  in  China  and  in  Africa)  •  ENoLL  suppor>ng  offices  being  planned  for  Beijing,  Rio  de  Janeiro  and  

Pretoria    •  Open  Living  Labs  PPPP  ini>a>ve  •  6th  Call  for  ENoLL  membership  results  to  be  announced  today  

www.openlivinglabs.eu    User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  

go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    Brussels,  May  22nd  2012  

Page 12: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

Thema>c  Sub  Networks  of  Living  Labs  

•  Energy  Efficiency.  Sustainable  Energy.  Climate  change  •  Smart  Ci>es.  Future  Internet.  Internet  of  things.  •  Well  Being  and  Health  •  Social  Innova>on.  Social  Inclusion  •  e-­‐Government.  e-­‐Par>cipa>on  •  Crea>ve  Media.  User  driven  contents.  Social  Networks.  Web  

2.0  •  Thema>c  Tourism.  Culture  Services  •  Territorial  and  rural  development  of  Smart  Regions  •  Sustainable  Mobility  •  Industrial  and  logis>cs  development.  •  Security.  Safe  city  

User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012  

Page 13: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

ENoLL  ini<a<ves  outside  Europe  •  Brazil    Network  of  Living  Labs  (BNoLL)  •  Africa  Network  of  Living  Labs  (ANoLL)  •  China  Network  of  Living  Labs  (CNoLL)  ENoLL  ini<a<ves  outside  Europe  (in  progress)  •  La>n  America  •  Taiwan  •  Korea  •  USA  •  Australia  ENoLL  Collabora<on  agreements  •  World  Bank  (Ac>on  plans  for  Brazil,  Colombia,  Kenya,  Tanzania,  S.  Africa,  Moldova,  Tunisia,  

Lebanon  etc.)  •  FAO  Food  and  Agricultural  Organiza>on  of  the  UN  (MoU  and  Ac>on  plan)  •  United  Forum  Ubiquitous  Network  Industry  and  technology  Development  Forum  (China)  •  Beijing  City  Administra>on  and  Public  Service  Innova>on  –  Informa>on  System  and  

Equipment  Center  (CAISEC)  China    •  EBN  Europe  Business  Network  (MoU  signed  yesterday)  •  ISPA  Interna>onal  Science  Park  Associa>on  (In  progress)  •  INSME  Interna>onal  Network  of  SMEs  (In  progress)      

User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Globaliza>on  of  ENoLL  

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012  

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Connected  Smart  Ci>es  Network  (1/2)  

•  Connected  Smart  Ci<es  Network  was  launched  under  the  EU-­‐funded  (7th  Framework  Programme)  FIREBALL-­‐project  on  November  18th,  2010  by  the  ci>es  of  Amsterdam,  Manchester,  Lisbon,  Barcelona  and  Helsinki.  

•  Connected  Smart  Ci<es  Network  aims  at  the  convergence  of  Future  Internet  technologies,  Living  Labs  methodologies  and  social  innova>on  focused  on  the  well  being  of  ci>zens  and  sustainability  of  our  society.  

•  Smart  Ci<es  across  Europe  engage  in  long-­‐term  collabora>on  for  adop>ng  User  Driven  Open  Innova>on  to  explore  solu>ons  addressing  the  major  societal  challenges  faced  by  Europe,  such  as  jobs  crea>on,  clean  energy,  sustainable  mobility,  climate  change,  ageing  popula>on,  etc.    

User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012  

Page 15: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

Connected  Smart  Ci>es  Network  (2/2)  

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012   User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

CIP  ICT  Projects  Portofolio  (7+6+x)  

Connected  Smart  Ci>es  Network    

ENoLL   Euroci>es  

EU  2020  Strategy..  Horizon  2020  Digital  agenda  


FIREBALL  Roadmap  

APOLLON  Crossborder  Innova>on  

Page 16: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

Smart  Ci>es  and  Smart  Regions  enabled  by  FI  PPP  and    Living  Labs  


EU    Smart  Ci>es  and  

Regions  (Connected  Smart  Ci>es  Network)  


Future  Internet  PPP  

FI  PPP  technologies  and  services  

 ENoLL  /  World  Bank  

Smart  Ci>es  and  Regions  Africa,  Asia  and  La>n  




Brussels,  May  22nd  2012   User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Page 17: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

EU  Policy  on  Smart  Specializa>on  and  Regional  Living  Labs  

•  Smart  Specializa>on  can  be  achieved  through  Regional  Living  Labs,  sharing  a  similar  vision,  values,  strategies,  methodologies  and  implementa>on.  

•  The  implementa>on  of  Smart  Specializa>on  of  Regions  can  thus  become  a  boaom-­‐up  process,  building  on  the  Regional  Living  Labs  and  taking  advantage  of:  –  User  engagement  at  the  local  level;  –  Openness,  transparency  and  crea>vity  culture  of  Living  Labs;  

–  Exis>ng  networks  and  cross-­‐border  collabora>on;  –  Exis>ng  trust  among  the  different  regional,  na>onal  and  interna>onal  stakeholders.  

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012   User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Page 18: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

•  We  want  to  strengthen  the  open  Research  Development  and  Innova6on  ecosystem  of  the  growing  community  of  European  Living  Labs,  

ins6tu6onally,  financially  and  in  terms  of  its  RDI  infrastructure,  including  new  avenues  of  research  and  experimenta6on  in  social  and  other  sciences.    

•  This  can  be  supported  through  the  cons6tu6on  of  a  Public  Private  People  Partnership  -­‐  Open  Living  Labs  PPPP  -­‐  having  the  poten6al  to  change  drama6cally  the  innova6on  landscape  in  Europe  in  Horizon  2020.    

•  A  white  paper  has  been  co-­‐created  and  validated  by  a  large  community  of  Living  Labs  extended  to  a  wider  community  of  Innova6on  related  

organisa6on.  •  Paper  being  re-­‐draKed  with  the  inclusion  of  success  cases  and  impact  


User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Open  Living  Labs  PPPP  (1/2)  

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012  

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•  Strategic  Innova<on  Ecosystems,  large-­‐scale  pilot  ini>a>ves  aiming  to  s>mulate  the  growth  and  development  of  Living  Lab  innova>on  ecosystems  across  a  broad  spectrum  of  sectors  and  at  different  levels  of  governance.  

•  Enabling  Ac<ons,  four  strands  of  ac>vity  (plus  one  support  ac>on)  covering  a  range  of  areas  that  support  and  reinforce  the  strategic  innova>on  ecosystems  and  defined  as:  –  Knowledge  Crea>on  –  Talent  Development,  Capacity  Building,  and  Job  Crea>on  –    New  Policy  

Instruments  –  Organizing  the  na>onal,  regional  and  local  structures  (co-­‐funding  

mechanism  enabling  different  instruments)  –  Interna>onal  Coopera>on  Coordina>on,  Dissemina>on  and  


User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Open  Living  Labs  PPPP  (2/2)  

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012  

Page 20: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

Conclusions  •  The  big  global  challenges  of  our  <me  demand  mass  

par<cipa<on  of  users/consumers/ci<zens.  Finding  solu>ons  requires  the  pooling  of  diverse  types  of  knowledge  and  resources,  and  harnessing  the  mo>va>on  of  millions  of  individuals  and  their  communi>es.  

•  Technologies  are  not  sufficient  to  solve  the  challenges  in  a  sustainable  way,  user  behaviour  transforma>on  is  required  and  this  can  be  enabled  by  the  Living  Lab  methodologies.  

•  Future  Internet  technologies,  Living  Labs  and  Social  Innova>on  enable  the  co-­‐crea>on  of  Smart  Regions  and  Smart  Ci<es  where  ci>zens  sense  of  belonging  and  iden>ty,  wellbeing  and  togetherness,  form  a  beYer  and  happier  society.  

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012   User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    

Page 21: ENoLL Networking Global User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems Alvaro Oliveira

Thank  you!  


Álvaro  de  Oliveira    [email protected]  

             Phone:                +351    21    486    67    84    

         Skype:            alvaroduarteoliveira            


ENoLL  European  Network  of  Living  Labs  



Building  Strategies  for  Regions  of  Innova>on,  Geneva,    12th  April  2012  

Brussels,  May  22nd  2012   User-­‐driven  Open  Innova>on  Ecosystems  go  really  local  ...  across  borders!    
