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Entered an ••court I'IIIB* raattef Deat BID · ThS-action leaveiMr. ScharTtick as chairman of...

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fmk%< ,*Cv ••K'"'w&**n'>;> ON LOCAL'HAPPINIF, -^ CROW'S. NEST '4 Br th* NAVlCATbB PAtfES lODAY'SISSt DBRIDCE, S| 'READING, Vol. XXXI.—> '••8 [ootball Coach Here N(JW Is Expected To Stay $400 Increase Offers 12800 If BOAREf W'iSt PubllsFed Ilwr* rrldHjn at 18 OIVPP ai WiiJbilJut.vN J j", FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1940 Entered an ••court I'IIIB* raattef ut 'lie, Fo>t Office, .WmmiirUlgc, N'.. j;. Deat ^e:^j^9;r^- ; J b i o n Recorrf fridge Ha« Best S/ioming Jr State Fiom Safety amprign; -faf(ife Catfoofflffift'WMt WOQBBlUDGE—Woodbridge JTownship; js .expected 18. given this distinction of cbntllifting the m6st succe&s- motor safety ,camp v aigii in the. S.i«'ite,;of N£w_Jersey. '-, ' The munictoality h^'cut its mbtor Vehicle death rW. iroxirhately 60, per cent chif ii}8 "1939 and\W\jgd.bri.ag^ ypship'wjlfbe n^mftd.bj;w'e : Stafea8;.w'iqfmngtSe-bpnor. uttihg :ilown thc.iitt'KOsl/'iiuijn- "** ^ ^ BID fuse .„ ., „,.„». IIUB1- of fatalities"" in. ni'vportion to' jioputaUon," •••;-•,'' V iW i ..liiKTiitTEheliStH with .„_„„•„,» . ,lk(sd: np.UKainst 1 tluf'niilnieipali- ll,-. highwnyM, I;i|»t,.-yoar' the ithswere cut. more, Mm n .half-" :h 11 persons losing'theli " jUf auto accidents. '••'... '* During the pti«t ,11 years tha ,i>rajje',niotor vehicle death rate >»vc was 2(fdeaths;a yew. fe-' rih.ifef'of Police (iyrnei E. Kent- , ip said' ypsterday that he felt . M. hut ,tho number of fatalities were .WOODBIUDGB•— Nichojlj ^.MenedJuririK: l.«3!) duetothe pighly SuccWul M< To Get $2500 A Year iin IrrWoodbrid tfisdb, Woodbridge fiigh- | •oaeh of athletics, will coiith] "•hfcacl mail,of .footb .-,... jr . at the Barron Av titi,ition?*it"was reliably i [aat night. . ..., Sijhepl (Commissioner aroe, chairman of tho imitt'ec, offered a iposal to Prjseo to q| 'ark's .bid for 1 the suj 'oodbHdge coach, t h i s w forrgn mentor notified offi [ij shore city that .he [main at WoodbrMge.V L Deccjuber li, last, t... ill boar^ offered Prisco ike oyer the douching Park'high school. Prfc p here was below the resi. tor by $700. He receives! r teaching physical i lid $400 for coaching' [nd'baseball.* ; > The news pf Asbury P ) take'Frisco away fr r ridge spread, rapidly thi jwnahip, Members, of :hool board.,were deluged uests from leading citiz lg the retention of Priwja . 'Aatoe Negotiate At'tjjr a lengthy To Became Bride SCHAFFRICK K£! JOB-AS ROAD BOSS .ast-Minute Shift Stall* Replacement By Farrell;; McElroV Ndmeil Ajtain . "—All 's^tahdihg .of. drivers. through je t-b'ict. enforcement." '• /., • al ". "Since'we" .have jrt'ade it inati- • |.liitdry->that .there must he a per- >(jrm! apptatwrjoe" (in, each ticket - issueil- regardless' of so-called poll-- tical connection^, there has. been (i jmtii'i-ahlc' . (lecra&W'"; of vSPficd tht^wna|ifp.an(i with the K of,'speed, seriptis ntcci- lU'huve been avoided;" Keat- •ipg .stated. .. -,••-/.' \ , / - , ,.;,., -,'l'hc pelice chief luudetKthe lici i' committee, which. c6nslsis.~j.of m'l-licrt Ranking chairman''; John Hiiriien arid'Frederick Spencer, for ihi' attitude thoy took during'£he ili'ive against'spoedeiB. "'Regaiflltsfls 'of "• , Keating- uecla'red, "the member; (Coiitinucion Pmjv'3)'\ IREPMRSROAI) INlSEUNAREASKEfr Athletic Mog/lls Still Re fuse To Pajf Balance Of Expenses" . P CITED Jt BQAKD^S DECISION TWs,iite FactillOO ttwijs In Trea«ur^In, Foolball Receipts 0DSWD6E ^•Jb9^hs.|Ccr [Yiyn. ifl.'of 53 Ne\v SlMet,a mem- ~ZK-- ---*#* - - . >- ... fcor of the Woodbridtfo High School F r . tireinor at the organiiatipn/ScsT freshman football ream who had 8 j on of the'Township'Commft^ej. br^ken_ his loft leg ft a practice '^.ittioononNew YeBT'ifS^Vt th'e'Mjmlrial Municipal BiiUditif.- contrary to' pWvloOs"*e^-, s, b"ut ; last-minute confer- left th& committees as con- ../d^laa^.ye'ar. .-..'•• ... 'He fljayor'made his' announpfe ; | •menrwtgr he, together with Cttn-7 mitteerS<J Fred Sitoncejr, J^--'- The Ring Leader And His Pal the ai Committee Gets Request To StoetT Leading To . '"Po'br Farm It ro-. \ the board instructed loner A'uroc to meet [i-un effort to reach in thjs matter of., iompromise salary" \ , ,BQU "which,.reliable bal,' was accepted this [riscioi .'' ",-'• -^ •Frisco- came to Wo/i 135'frfsn* out of .c 'eking coaching experle our a'rwl a lylf years,hi |ii|), he-has estahiisheiH •(•onl ih state scholus.tl He has had fi)ur,cii aiiis. His 1938 baseba), |t'e CuntntV Jersey Gruu l&'i*<_i'Ml)«ll. s!* v jie .CtMitwil Jerney::'{ hi: the 11139 dian\o ^itioii retuincd the (ten rou|j IV (jhartipiOnShji; sated -Trenton for; the flutl) 'Jersey title, and t' rid cjimliine Kaiiicd the )ii»hip f for, Central Je II, Had tho ttchnol rei ifQun IVf th'o.'eleven w ran the title in'tKaldlv wt dlripute.: " " Spofts .fans A>f. the [vho-ihuve already hear ilny^m he efforts of tho board] ion in inektpg it possi thg brilliant'tutor.: . nscetinfj; of th ,i | toe heldT,uesday niijht a.t the iroir | niitteo, chambers In; ih<. 'Msriioriul Tk^'^unicipal Building.' ' « |cd atj 'A "letter-was received from i.j:Mrs.'Pearl''Sandahlj M'rretary for >the; -Tiucstecs of | Fr^ SchooJ pairs.be niaiic : ti> the i'oni' Dorothy Omenhafijer. , , GOI,ONj(A — Mr. Xd • Mrs. John T, Omenhiser,/of Fairview V ' - / r r f Avcnuy, hayp announced the,an- gagDment* v of thear 'Dorathy td Ira-'MCsbo,' son of Bertha Mc€jijlbe, of Church ^Nb : date be6n,'set tUr she weddirij?. _ ..„ bride-to-lK, whose father is the> 'municipal' dyccttil' of re- Jiii'f, is a graduawof -High School, cli(ss of; '33lind the; •State Teachers'., ColleHp, New- ark. ;She is & teacher- in. the township school system. ,-.•.- Mr,-McCiibc .is' also a gradu- ate fffWoVflhridgc' High, School; class of "Hi and' took axoursc in Uutgorti University iKtensibfi, lit' wHh.jV Cpmnii- U Corporation. .hecum-K ' name Oetobef.,24, is resting at his home. A hospital bill amounting to $04.75 is resting on the desk' af John Omenhiser, TowtiBhip relief d i r e c t o r . .-•,'•', .. •.•••:... Young K,c;ya'cfj, -who has ; beeri ? ,,,<rtjen>a^tne Pfirtti-AmbTO;'Gene- ' ral Hospital'since OctoM^ %i, was released 'from that. inati^tioir'TTe- cember ! 2?, lending,<jf his%g; will require anothertwo or three weeks befort Mwilt be^ able to.retflrn to schoolt '.\•;.•.'•.;•'';• "~.:~^.' ! ; •' "•-._ In' tile Interim tlie moot; point still .l'emains whether or. nftt the Athietic- Committee of the Board of Education will reimburse the Township - relief ^department jts $fliA'.7B .'.expenditure which will he made next week. : '".'•. ' ' , When the boy. was first ordered .fejOollettor^kWel^.Tfainev were-sworn ijito office by Township ThS-action leaveiMr. ScharTtick as chairman of ihe. Publie^orks .aflmjnittee, Mr. Rankings police commissioner Mr. Spencer chairman and head oi thefinance jcommitteei- prank Andrew Toth Egan and Balint 10 Breaks Wit , Of Local PAWNED LOOT^ i CLOE TO \ Of Priioneri Parole For Bret to Freight By Ruth WOODBRlDGi of the most i in i-ecdn't years wt|| week.w^th t h < J J who >wei(fj ieapottl, hmiae.-roperies R of- thufta"irom ail iin Jj ince Premiums and nlglj as admihlstratibt Saniuol Farrell- released from the hospital on No-1 i ••••.,- vember 14/ thev medical fee was A l W i o r appointees were I139.5P. Th'f^fljiieMc'PbmmijiftitLiitjneJ, by resolution as follows: ,.ias taken care o |has'*evaded the Bn this item-^Sut al obligation of | paying'the $6f.7B v balance. ' School Committee Baiys This Imm'c!.than cover th« additional' timo\ necessary for KpvaCs 'to re- 'mainMn the hospital, the S^ugges- ,tion was, f'no go" with ,schoo>'offi- cto.k It is the contention of . the "school board that it is; not legally obliKated.^W payt the bill—this in by resolution as foUows: , McElroy, attorney; O. J. C R D i y; Morgensdn, treasurer; C. R. -Davis, engineer^ Dr., Malcolm Dunham, township physician; WilliamHoi ler, ianitor-of..the.fMemoi'ial 'Mu- Aii^qmid Presses Fund Cmp^ Money MastfieRaised By March II Arribulance Sex vice Is To Be Maintained; $94 Now h Treasury. WOODBRI'MJE—The "urgent need of funds tdToper- ate the WoodDriage Emergency S(luad ambulance for the! thefifthwas coming year is pointed out bythe'pember^ of the uni£, iifi sensing stolen goads, an appeal to th'e public'' thr,ougHj, this newspaper',' Jn""-a statement issfied yesteVda^the aquadsaid: henr-ned ; the additional "expense would be about $74. The Athletic # i urgini? Unit i ( 'to.tNe fuad.rlcadii) Karnv in Ii*lin. '1" [ .tioij Wtjs A Boy And AT)og juredtup, Is 'BC Beckman, 1 clerks in ; the to«%#. Mrs.iHarriet Cw.iekalo and William Baldoi'ston, clerks in thcasaessofR offico'rMra.iAnne Hornsbyclerk in the f ownsftip Clerk's, office. - Gifts .were -presented to Eankin from the SowarejaR lican Otub, Inc, and to Mv. [tho elusive crinill [•to accomplish. f a miniinujn of _ tot's undoing i - the shrewd, 'jjaii the two officers, on a tour of. ev,,,. , the vicinity. frolarVof ;tb,#; were charged- with entering and grand ifrt for ment issfied yesterday the squad,said: "Wooclbridge Emergency' Squad, Inc., is hoping,; 'now s sign's for'tm- Avt'iicl Kt-c- i? sbiighV i\" thf ( Woiiiiin's . /(vend. <T4ic -jrroutfc H m \ •i-efcrreflj'iO the u'hole' CoJartiiHi.. n with- iwn-hi'p, ,f l'ris- inii.iinK' cnluca- |. "in re- ,'tliletics. ter.•oXJJtbJtnksfo.l -i^iiqVipii. in,.aU nients' against-t «rty. -'.:•••., ,,lim lLitter addf teeman Samuel | pendent Republ* cnel asked fur *I to Commercia' The communic to the -Pubic W 50 iSOVGHT Wf imitA And Lariemppre* hendei And Turn* Over "To Perth Ambo^ WO'ODBK Smith,. Wt^pfinMi wtK "* il '.jeet, Woodr^-I iR* 6 ' 1 ' J " irth Amhoy W ^ » i i n d ' - r u n Iriver and"-Willi^llii, 32,. of •uthei" A' v . e " uo > YhSiJffl'' *%»Bfy is a mato'ia,l m t L wmg picked ip here shortly a». V accident^ Saturday aftiivnooV.JHsergeflnt. Allan MeDonneil,' Y ^ . " • ' . .-Smith admitted VWm had hit a niari in Amboy. He\,ld that h% sorted-to "take him toflihospital but-anpthet 1 inan "tobklie vtetlm out of the\car sftd ti'fttti pYted him tA'the Hospital-instead. mith said t h # h^ then Bt^rted for- &me. ^ai' Mn.,.wjga a passenger in le JliWtffii- jai itthe tim/of the a tdent, jthe ,|poe/\B«id.'-Sm^H; 50 -cpupleB a;tt riual. reifnion h,eld Friday at tlitioll. The L'ft WPP'.''"' 'Supper'wus aiid-"d.nncing ' the Jie ; ^li 'sent u IH" coHiuiitti'f for i'K the -assi'ss- ,f chuK-li proji- etUl(!i"'CS(ri^iiit- :C-li, tlic l.nlli:- •plujl-'iif'-Av- o.di,ate rupairs. L'lrtii'; ' A^iiel. was verWed Coni|ivitt fittfi -Reunion |(lca.LhclitiiHii" \fl\\o- class litf '35 o'Bfljij Hills ,1'lan- ir Ws in' the toi'm r'yedat-'ll I'.M- i enjoyed .''until. - morning, •Beiause he \vits sympathetic wd vra'hed-. to •aid- a'dog. that had'jUst Iwcn run over by a enr, thirtiii'n-iiar-old .JiisOph Filtin; Jr.,, S>t, 5 i | Am- . boy •;\vt*iiue; i ,.thi!i ,'plucc, ••siis^': tiifiUMl.-lirtierations iind hv,uises- r \^n-n hi! ^sfeppcil into: the path of an (-)iiC(imihf,' cilr driven-'-hy. Miss' Surah', Van Oelden,.. CO, .•Superintendent "<)fi the /Perth.' .':A^iv(>iiy'.<«eiicriil.Hosnital; : ^'!nii--"aroideirt jjecurn-d Tues-- • iluM ; rfHenioon Shortly -llcforc ' thi'W -'.u'ciock when "the- young- ster Saw. IAe injured dog lyinu in the'<nid'dkiv,pf tlje road on .... ,., Avenue, near Gleen St'rui-t, Joseph,ben'f over, lifted, tin- (loif and^cviUlently "with.all thoughts <;e,tttel'ed on. the injur-: . (>d'jiiijiiial-,he stc^wd in' fnmt'-df '.'tho VaVi Gx ; ltimr-«tr. <~-r^- J rr i '•- : y-Miss Van c'lehlcii- took Joseph *to l)r. 'Heiuy A. .Be-livfaky on Owen Street where a, Stitch was titk'cn in a. deup. laceration on " his, forehejwj tind ii brmsed,.jught wrist.'wasv: treated anrt, 1 band- • aged, The dag, it was later dis>-; '.i-overed,, w(ts .dca'JK Cbmrhltteo, itit tie Tmajl s u m , . . _. firs'to stand-on its legal 1 rights. The relief department last night informed* this newspaper that wpuld pay the final ^ill of $64. This action, hpwever, places j burden upon the-, already stooped j shoulders of' the taxpayers? With lithe "financial . pnospijcts -of the, owrtstafpnone top bright far 1D4X>/ ;he Attiletic Coinmitteeyiwlth' ap- iroximately '$1,000 in the bank, lould lend moral support by xeim- lursing the relief department <-j- /bich .means the taTpHVcrR—;thc irincely'sflmof $64.76. ,' ' • High School officials yesterday itat'ed their willingness to go along lyitjli this newspaper's propgs.alj hyt adieu,that decision rented wifb^tbo. Athletic Committee. The cirnmlt- ;ce is scheduled to .meet Mondaty nig^htj JanOftT^ 8, -at wnicli tim« the matter' win" again be brought JIUttlL wii*v, *«^,| -•;•- •- . • " • . . frick from the. James SchaltrioK- that the, holidays are over, that 'thpgebple of the Township| will pay'.heed to their call for funds,to niainta-in Hie ambulance,-.for the (joming year. Onethousand dol- lars- muHKjy raj'sed bet<n'e this drive U'rmiiiutps'tn March,\s the 'policies of, tfto MORE •* t | . . . . 7 Parcels Are Disposed Of At' Session Of Commit- tee On Monday^^^^ WQODBRIDGE-'-Scven'salfls of Township-owned property totaling $4,499,5'5'wero made by the Town- ship Committe-eTffubsday night at a public sale conducted at the Memo»il.M.unicipal Building.* ,. Purcha"aes.were made as follows:' Lots'8 to 15 indusive\in Block B29GUnd Lots. 8, 9 'and' 12 to 19 IUSWB •amLJj of 20; in 'Block next nonth'Wp^the start of th( thii'jd year of operfilion.'-j ~ "Duiing- tha month 'ofDocem her th; amtmhtncu travelled- 465 niilusj-. rcaliondinf? to 28. trUnppon citlls, J{- accidents ~ " ;trial c ill. "Ffum Fuliruary 1!), "tlic "star of the stiuad's;fiscal year,,-to De ceJnbo 31, thu ambulance answer ed 27 . transportation .caUs, 7 t call^.ciJjht'inhalator.caBe BOY; 14, IS KILtED IN AUTe^ACCIBENT Holiday Motoring Here Is MqrreijBy Several Acci- l e l i r S e v e n Injured are: Frank Kayla, Fulron Street, The prisoners:' ^K^ptSjliS confessed are:. '•. ' hw1v^j|| wpQPI hnva n&mcd the B»ng. Androw Totht 21, Sir«wberry/1l(H_ Apnn^ K la'i "pal" %nd im Uim St»ph«ij- Baka, Fulton tchool ttud«nt, Wh^ pdrticlpatlni; W thro« to jobi'knd Mtitif 2R «'*ii t: pecially in (he yicinUy .«f F man Street, Grove Arenae Ltnden ; Avenue. ' * . le.ofABftfltea 1 Avonuo, ^ho ttfl ai "nnkont" for Iho u»ni Bopkod for pi>u«§Jlon for discussion. Mrs. WMmgeti Mri.^Corw To AddrmMothers' Club JVOODBRID^E r- "The _ChiUi Botwixt and B^'twden'' will b« the subject of disfSussipnlat, tjic- next 'ffieStnig-of thfe Mot^oitalClub'fo M held\Monday afternoon, January % at the home or^irs,\'P; A, Briegs, ihclusWe and._Vi of 20; in 529D to W. C. Finck-'fim- -William H. Smith .for $.1,850.- ' .'"' Lots 24JVri.d 25 in Block 596C'to George and ' yphahna Yaros, fov 0O.: ;\- •'» ' ';; • , ; LotsjoVand 156 in'Blook to JioaoiJh ]$.' Smith for $300. ., L'dts "6-D. in Jlock 59H to Sol Kehey^agont.-ftf .iots 13 and uln > «lo,ck 1 834 T to Joseph Utassy-for Sadie' and '.Tleo 4250 and li industrittl calls'." "D^natiluis-.-ruceived during th monti) of Dccombu'r the ambulanc^ travelled 4(55 miles, responding ^ transport'calls, 8 accidents and me indiislrinl call. ; ' "Fifin. February 19," the start if-thu sqmul's fiscal year, to De- cember 111, the ambulance an- swered 2)7{T transportation, calls; 74 accident calls, eight inhalator castsjand lii industrial calls!" [Continiied on Page 3) Ftunk Se>ei, 20,"pf 62,Milt Avenue, in who«o tome 'Eg and BaliAt* foujid-* fali Camera nift old Civil War in eddirfoB to vutchea atolen Perth Amboy, . • Egan and Balint made a" rough seiroh of pawn' ahoy the yicinity andfinally,"in Nev on TiWaie Elaco. 'Mrs. L, Willirig- er aml\Mrs. W. E. Gai'is will ppe- iapm bnthfr subject. \*'l._i. "„ - ...Li ...ill . re fiaps nthfr su The co-Hostesses, who Mrs. BrWs, are 'Mrs, ^ A.Hall. assist fc: B. oion CgmnHtteg> R. of E., Fire Boards Cain .for4?I>0. Lot ,94 ,|n to Mane Firemen Quickly Cfieck Oil Stove Explosion In Tavern •> WOODBRIDGE—The quick re- i l t ibyi Woodbvjdge Firo iCoin- yl No. 1 at 7:05 b'ejock 1 this d th h k i gets by.ull" thu ppendiiig g of the. of the t a . p y ^ Township CdWim'tte^Boawl. ueation'ahdHpwtf of. Fife ; i l ' wtf o. thc-only I'nsurance -turned ovdr to Olcer ti W Perth WltttEJ ueation mi8Siop against a xutotahtltf *ua$! H thB'1940'bu^et tax rate, M»y« August F. GMitier.wtirngd-in.-nit seventh annual message. Criticising the. -Stftte. legislatuic ii «• "at'vnibliag,- tawdry ,sp«:tack of^ futility," the Itfaypr placed upon l Vfthc > i<Him Larsdn aboy At* hoV^thatwhite.thene^wt ia responslblP' for, niany needlcsa mandatory ei4>enses: the local gov- S m e n ^ ^ d i v j s i o n s , have con- trol over «i*r«nt ••-.operating ex ''40 ofI'^H.'wW*:Ithe.coBte, iiapdscd b: '"' '• St8te#*H!prtWation^ •ecognii- Fire ,c,emM|*ij^S^ joll/as \fo\\ as in current operat- ing accounts, which will afford re- lief to the- taxpayer. The|same re- sponsibilitymust also fey by th» various Be Commissioners. "{'Unless drastic re jnado by both, the i tuft will be theproportii these spending agenci same ^r centage of the ti) as the per ccn col lec,te'd. This is ou'tlookWause it d pay-days." CompUte' text Tlie complete text at OI'B address, 'delivered jlztttiun.<o£ the 1 Ye»r, to teViow and Jhn D^Stefano for $200. * Lot -14 hi ?lock 177A; Lots K A, B. G> ^J, 17A,fcand D'in Block •1170; Lots ik, DTj&lmd Flin Block 177D to_F;, T..!rfowell^or $619.56. ;^~~~~ " •: - - McCHESNWlJBETTS Local Couple Wed» On Xmas Day invElkton,- IVGOdBfeitljjE—m. and Mis. H«rry.McGhesney.-of Main Street, announce tfie marriage of tHoir daughter, Harriet, to James Hib; betts.son of-Mr. and Mrs. Chai> les^Hibbet^i, it itahway Avenije. , ,i?he'- .cete|«ony took -place Christinas Day,M ^Iktonl Ma, --"a.-* ^ jhInvited ToMttndtthiteHouse Tea , •^GODftRIDP--Mrs,. |^|; Fib]|andcilBh, of Rflhw ,4/^ nnejlogetlw* with Mra.'l^ill»m« mm^ . : k.i tgmm mkW&& Hiiittfli it^ijclii'Mr|, —* ' " '* "panyl-_ mornW' resulted in the checking o'f $'(serious fire ut the tavern of Cjiarljos Jldsner, formerly- Vogel's, on King' George|s Road, near WOOBBRIDGE—'Five accidents, in which one' person was fatpflyj hurt and -seven, others sustained .in-juries r ma4mdJhe_holi<lary week- end in the Township. ' ''•'•'.* lTweTv^yoar-ol(t Robert -Wykcs, |.14 Wooitlbwdge .Avettiie; Port Reading, wns fatally'injuvedo ly before' 11 o'slock, Monday nights when he was struck 6y a car oper- ated by Sa'm'.Lomonico, 20, of 103 New Street, Wodbvidge, The boy died three,and a,half hours later in the Perth Amboy Hospital,, . . . 'According to a report of the ac- the'yl found some jewelry, that cident made by Officer Richard stolen from the home of Jlft^ Lcvi, the bfcy," together, with an- v cle Officer Rudolph StawmMn. other ' brother- and 'sister, .had description of the man who.y alighted from a, bus .at the intorsjBc-|ed the i w l r y fitted Kayta, ,tion of Woodh.ridgo Avenue and ! was already under suspicibn Sixth Street, Port Reading, and Kayla and" Toth were put Robert started Jto cross tho street probation foi' three yeai ahea\l aHno otWr two. JLioraonico Ndw BVunswick jtfter being 'toldithZftcithbi'ities that he ; saw tho rested hero last April for 1 lou boy JKving and attjjmptei to: a freight car near Valentine' swerve -the*.cur-out of the boy's ing. KayUj had been arreat,ed way, but the vehicle skidjlSn on tan times fot various offens the ice and hitfeeyoungster, eluding charges from petty Frank Mtingeri. 25, of Newark, csny to braaking and took the Injured toy U the *ffleo ' ' ' Report 0* Pto of Dr.M, A...Cho.dosh,, of Carteret, Tuesday i)ikMlCfiyTrf who ordered, the boy taken to tho reported to Bon JenBen, ditl i th Car tt ffir t tn l .lpca,! ri\| r, damuke confined to the stove only, Fire fchief Eldon Raison was n\ charffe of the department. . ... -. lv , wqrt summoned'to the establkihment When an. the b^r room ejcp.loded. howeyer, was extinguishfid with hospital immediately in the Car-; Uon . . . p f l l i ^ i f l t ; ^ . , , . . terct First Aid Ambulance. At the h,eadau»rt|rs »nd! th.W : 'wen institution it was found that the anlrohh'eo-'thyho^of- youth had sustained a fracture of Gijft^rold^ jrij of- 26 '"" tRe skull, fractured ribs-an 4 !! ?b'ii : ^ :usgWn of thu btaihi .", '•..,; vp|yOT^ •y'-:$' : - Skid Ca^e» Crtiih . '. ., ; .'. -ti^Vteiti Siinon Roffnvip 1 - 47lna.MrS.Bes. ettes sie lioffman, 36, of 423 South Park | as Street, Elizabeth, received bruises {Continued an Page 6) iBusinessMnqhThe Making ThousftncW of America's moat successful .profqa- < inal and business mefhfelped pay for their college ucatloris with 1 the money they ( earned as newspaper rriera, v Thojis{iTidB' of- newspaper carrier boys have ;lped' tffeir fapijlie's Ihroufch the depression with ,eir earnings. Np matteK where you live inWood- idge' .Town»MptjCi%re is," an Ikdependon^eader t ^Mb^V Hto.^ alr6 ^ regular CUato- i m his liflKinoss and he W i J He will appreciate y3ft| to allow him to delH)fij^ pl^ffltij prnity; loot and tiAttot qu .Mra.;., «}! evidently i'l. was ulimin.at , ,,'pth was pic setuxli of hia.ho \i other stolenji questioning!^ tl hours', TptbJll. Baka,».S«u|s| 'if of whonj'.'wore 1 -" Inediately^.-' Kaylu, 'upon that they took trips; and wherovsr they '8ft'| u driveway aiixip•".;.,",., on in tho house,, 1| thi'j|i 'entryT'ln'"W¥6raV^f $m .Szucs and ' Baka, aa|| their signed atftternehJH chickies": (lookouta) f(|§ Toth. ..'•'-.• : .; .'- Kayla-ChiiM?* "l: did ail %hffi told Egull ajld'i forniei ,thw».ShiC Hi questjol Christmai" i3i'iSiaSi£»
Page 1: Entered an ••court I'IIIB* raattef Deat BID · ThS-action leaveiMr. ScharTtick as chairman of ihe. Publie^orks .aflmjnittee, Mr. Rankings police commissioner Mr. Spencer chairman

fmk%<, * C v ••K'"'w&**n'>;>





Vol. XXXI.—>


[ootball Coach Here N(JWIs Expected To Stay$400 Increase Offers



PubllsFed I lwr* rrldHjnat 18 OIVPP ai WiiJbilJut.vN J

j " , FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1940Entered an ••court I'IIIB* raattef

ut 'lie, Fo>t Office, .WmmiirUlgc, N'.. j;.

Deat^e:^j^9;r^- ; Jbion Recorrff r i d g e Ha« Best S/ioming Jr State Fiom Safetyamprign; -faf(ife Catfoofflffi ft 'WMtWOQBBlUDGE—Woodbridge JTownship; js .expected

18. given this distinction of cbntllifting the m6st succe&s-motor safety ,campvaigii in the. S.i«'ite,;of N£w_Jersey. '-,' The munictoality h^'cut its mbtor Vehicle death rW.iroxirhately 60, per cent chif ii}8 "1939 and\W\jgd.bri.ag^ypship'wjlfbe n^mftd.bj;w'e:Stafea8;.w'iqfmngtSe-bpnor.uttihg :ilown thc.iitt'KOsl/'iiuijn- "** ^ ^



.„ ., „,.„». IIUB1-of fatalities"" in. ni'vportion to'

j i o p u t a U o n , " •••;-•,''

V iW i..liiKTiitTEheliStH with .„_„„•„,»

. ,lk(sd: np.UKainst1 tluf'niilnieipali-l l , - . highwnyM, I;i|»t,.-yoar' the

ithswere cut. more, Mm n .half-":h 11 persons losing'theli "

jUf auto accidents. ' • • ' . . .'* During the pti«t ,11 years tha

,i>rajje',niotor vehicle death rate>»vc was 2(fdeaths;a yew.

fe-' rih.ifef'of Police (iyrnei E. Kent-, ip • said' ypsterday • that he felt

. • • — • • • • M. • hut ,tho number of fatalities were.WOODBIUDGB•— Nichojlj ^.MenedJuririK: l.«3!) due to the

pighly SuccWul M<

To Get $2500 A Year

iin IrrWoodbrid

tfisdb, Woodbridge fiigh- |•oaeh of athletics, will coiith]

"•hfcacl mail,of .footb.-,...jr. at the Barron Av

titi,ition?*it"was reliably i[aat night. . ...,

Sijhepl (Commissioneraroe, chairman of tho

imitt'ec, offered aiposal to Prjseo to q|

'ark's .bid for1 the suj'oodbHdge coach, this w

forrgn mentor notified offi[ij shore city that .he[main at WoodbrMge.VLDeccjuber l i , last, t . . .

ill boar^ offered Priscoike oyer the douchingPark'high school. Prfc

p here was below the resi.tor by $700. He receives!r teaching physical i

lid $400 for coaching'[nd'baseball.* ;>

The news pf Asbury P) take'Frisco away frr

ridge spread, rapidly thijwnahip, Members, of:hool board.,were delugeduests from leading citizlg the retention of Priwja

. 'Aatoe NegotiateAt'tjjr a lengthy

To Became Bride


.ast-Minute Shift Stall*Replacement By Farrell;;McElroV Ndmeil Ajtain .

"—All 's^tahdihg

.of. drivers. throughje t-b'ict. enforcement." '• /., •

a l". "Since'we" .have jrt'ade it inati-• |.liitdry->that .there must he a per-

>(jrm! apptatwrjoe" (in, each ticket- issueil- regardless' of so-called poll--

tical connection^, there has. been (ijmtii'i-ahlc' . (lecra&W'"; of vSPficd

tht^wna|ifp.an(i with theK of,'speed, seriptis ntcci-

lU'huve been avoided;" Keat-•ipg . s t a t e d . .. - , • • - / . ' \ , / - , ,.;,.,

-,'l'hc pelice chief luudetKthe p«licii' committee, which. c6nslsis.~j.ofm'l-licrt Ranking chairman''; JohnHiiriien arid'Frederick Spencer, forihi' attitude thoy took during'£heili'ive against'spoedeiB.

"'Regaiflltsfls 'of"• •, Keating- uecla'red, "the member;

(Coiitinucion Pmjv'3)'\


Athletic Mog/lls Still Refuse To Pajf Balance Of

Expenses" .


ttwijs In Trea«ur^In,Foolball Receipts0DSWD6E ^•Jb9^hs. |Ccr

[Yiyn. ifl.'of 53 Ne\v SlMet,a mem- ~ Z K - - - - - * # * - - . > - ...fcor of the Woodbridtfo High School Fr. tireinor at the organiiatipn/ScsTfreshman football ream who had 8 j o n of the'Township'Commft^ej.br ken_ his loft leg ft a practice '^ . i t t ioononNew YeBT'ifS^Vt

th'e'Mjmlrial Municipal BiiUditif.-contrary to' pWvloOs"*e -,

s, b"ut; last-minute confer-left th& committees as con-

../d^laa^.ye'ar. .-..'•• ...'He fljayor'made his' announpfe;|

•menrwtgr he, together with Cttn-7mitteerS<J Fred Sitoncejr, J^--'-

The Ring Leader And His Pal

theai Committee Gets Request To

StoetT Leading To. '"Po'br Farm

It ro-.

• \

the board instructedloner • A'uroc to meet[i-un effort to reach •

in thjs matter of.,iompromise salary" \, ,BQU "which,.reliablebal,' was accepted this[riscioi . ' ' ",-'• - ^

•Frisco- came to Wo/i135'frfsn* out of .c'eking coaching experleour a'rwl a lylf years,hi|ii|), he-has estahiisheiH•(•onl ih state scholus.tl

He has had fi)ur,ciiaiiis. His 1938 baseba),

|t'e CuntntV Jersey Gruul&'i*<_i'Ml)«ll. s!*v

jie .CtMitwil Jerney::'{hi: the 11139 dian\o

itioii retuincd the (tenrou|j IV (jhartipiOnShji;sated -Trenton for; theflutl) 'Jersey title, and t'rid cjimliine Kaiiicd the)ii»hipf for, Central JeII, Had tho ttchnol reiifQun IVf th'o.'eleven wran the title in'tKaldlvwt dlripute.: " "

Spofts .fans A>f. the[vho-ihuve already hear

ilny^mhe efforts of tho board]ion in inektpg it possi

thg brilliant'tutor.:

. nscetinfj; of th,i | toe heldT,uesday niijht a.t the

iroir • | niitteo, chambers In; ih<. 'MsriioriulTk^'^unicipal Building.' ' «

|cd atj 'A "letter-was received fromi.j:Mrs.'Pearl''Sandahlj M'rretary for>the; -Tiucstecs of | F r ^ SchooJ

pairs.be niaiic: ti> the i'oni'

Dorothy Omenhafijer.

, , GOI,ONj(A — Mr. X d • Mrs.John T, Omenhiser,/of Fairview

V ' - • / rr f

Avcnuy, hayp announced the,an-gagDment*vof thear

'Dorathy td Ira-'MCsbo,' son ofBertha Mc€jijlbe, of Church

^Nb :datebe6n,'set tUr she weddirij?.

_ . . „ bride-to-lK, whose fatheris the> 'municipal' dyccttil' of re-Jiii'f, is a graduawof-High School, cli(ss of; '33lind the;•State Teachers'., ColleHp, New-ark. ;She is & teacher- in. thetownship school system.

,-.•.- Mr,-McCiibc .is' also a gradu-ate fffWoVflhridgc' High, School;class of "Hi and' took axoursc inUutgorti University iKtensibfi,lit' V» wHh.jV

Cpmnii- U Corporation..hecum-K '

name Oetobef.,24, is resting at hishome. A hospital bill amounting to$04.75 is resting on the desk' afJohn Omenhiser, TowtiBhip reliefd i r e c t o r . . - • , ' • ' , .. •.•••:. . .

Young K,c;ya'cfj, -who has;beeri ?,,,<rtjen>a^tne Pfirtti-AmbTO;'Gene-' ral Hospital'since OctoM^ %i, wasreleased 'from that. inati^tioir'TTe-cember!2?, lending,<jf his%g; willrequire anothertwo or three weeksbefort Mwilt be able to.retflrn tos c h o o l t ' . \ • ; . • . ' • . ; • ' ' ; • "~.:~^.'!; •' "•-._

In' tile Interim tlie moot; pointstill .l'emains whether or. nftt theAthietic- Committee of the Boardof Education will reimburse theTownship - relief ^department jts$fliA'.7B .'.expenditure which will hemade next week. : '". '•. ' ' ,

When the boy. was first ordered

.fejOollettor^kWel^.Tfainevwere-sworn ijito office by Township

ThS-actionleaveiMr. ScharTtick as chairmanof ihe. Publie^orks .aflmjnittee,Mr. Rankings police commissionerMr. Spencerchairman andhead oi the finance jcommitteei-


Andrew Toth

Egan and Balint10 Breaks Wit

, Of Local



\ Of PriioneriParole For Bret

to Freight


of the most iin i-ecdn't years w t | |week.w^th t h < J J

who >wei(fj ieapottl,hmiae.-roperies Rof- thufta"irom ail

iin Jj

ince Premiumsand nlglj

as admihlstratibtSaniuol Farrell-

released from the hospital on No-1 i • • • • . , -vember 14/ thev medical fee was AlWior appointees • wereI139.5P. Th'f^fljiieMc'PbmmijiftitLiitjneJ, by resolution as follows:

,.ias taken care o|has'*evaded the Bn

this item-^Sutal obligation of

| paying'the $6f.7Bvbalance.' School Committee BaiysThis

Imm'c!.than cover th« additional'timo\ necessary for KpvaCs 'to re-'mainMn the hospital, the S ugges-,tion was, f'no go" with ,schoo>'offi-cto.k It is the contention of . the"school board that it is; not legallyobliKated. W payt the bill—this in

by resolution as foUows:, McElroy, attorney; O. J.

C R D iy;

Morgensdn, treasurer; C. R. -Davis,engineer Dr., Malcolm Dunham,township physician; William Hoiler, ianitor-of..the.fMemoi'ial 'Mu-

Aii^qmid Presses Fund C m p ^Money Mast fie Raised By March II Arribulance Sex

vice Is To Be Maintained; $94 Now h Treasury.WOODBRI'MJE—The "urgent need of funds tdToper-

ate the WoodDriage Emergency S(luad ambulance for the! the fifth wascoming year is pointed out bythe'pember^ of the uni£, iifi sensing stolen goads,an appeal to th'e public'' thr,ougHj, this newspaper',' Jn""-astatement issfied yesteVda^the aquadsaid:

henr-ned ; the additional "expensewould be about $74. The Athletic

# i urgini? Unit i(

' t o . tNe fuad.rlcadii)Karnv in Ii*lin. '1"

[ .tioij Wtjs

A Boy And AT)og

juredtup, Is'BC

Beckman,1 clerks in; the t o « % # .Mrs.iHarriet Cw.iekalo and WilliamBaldoi'ston, clerks in thcasaessofRoffico'rMra.iAnne Hornsbyclerk inthe f ownsftip Clerk's, office.- Gifts .were -presented to

Eankin from the SowarejaRlican Otub, Inc, and to Mv.

[tho elusive crinill[•to accomplish. fa miniinujn of

_ tot's undoing i- the shrewd, 'jjaii

the two officers,on a tour of. ev,,,. ,the vicinity. frolarVof ;tb,#;were charged- withentering and grand ifrt


ment issfied yesterday the squad,said:"Wooclbridge Emergency' Squad, Inc., is hoping,; 'now

s sign's for'tm- Avt'iicl Kt-c-i? sbiighV i\" thf (Woiiiiin's. /(vend. <T4ic -jrroutfc Hm\•i-efcrreflj'iO theu'hole' CoJartiiHi..

n with-

iwn-hi'p,,f l'ris-inii.iinK'cnluca-

|. "in re-,'tliletics.

ter.•oXJJtbJtnksfo.l-i^iiqVipii. in,.aUnients' against-t«rty. -'.:•••.,

,,lim lLitter addfteeman Samuel |pendent Republ*cnel asked fur * Ito Commercia'The communicto the -Pubic W



imitA And Lariemppre*hendei And Turn* Over"To Perth Ambo^

WO'ODBKSmith,. Wt^pfinMi wtK"*il

'.jeet, W o o d r ^ - I iR*6'1' J "irth Amhoy W ^ » i i n d ' - r u n

Iriver and"-Willi^llii , 32,. of

•uthei" A'v.e"uo> YhSiJffl'' *%»Bfyis a mato'ia,l mtL wmg pickedip here shortly a». V accidentSaturday aftiivnooV.JHsergeflnt.Allan MeDonneil,' Y ^ ." • ' .

.-Smith admitted VWm had hita niari in Amboy. He\,ld that h%sorted-to "take him to fli hospitalbut-anpthet1 inan "tobklie vtetlmout of the\car sftd ti'fttti pYted himtA'the Hospital-instead. mith saidth# h^ then Bt rted for- &me. ai'Mn.,.wjga a passenger in le JliWtffii-jai i t the tim/of the a tdent, jthe,|poe/\B«id.'-Sm^H;

50 -cpupleB a;ttriual. reifnionh,eld Friday attlitioll. The

L'ft WPP'.''"''Supper'wus

aiid-"d.nncing 'the Jie

;^li 'sent u IH"coHiuiitti'f fori'K the -assi'ss-

,f chuK-li proji-

etUl(!i"'CS(ri iiit-:C-li, tlic l.nlli:-•plujl-'iif'-Av-o.di,ate rupairs.L'lrtii'; ' A^iiel.was verWed


fittfi -Reunion

|(lca.LhclitiiHii"\fl\\o- class litf '35o'Bfljij Hills ,1'lan-ir Ws in' the toi'm

r'yedat-'ll I ' .M-i enjoyed .''until. -morning,

•Beiause he\vits sympathetic w d vra'hed-. to•aid- a'dog. that had'jUst Iwcn runover by a enr, thirtiii'n-iiar-old •

.JiisOph Filtin; Jr.,, S>t, 5 i | Am- .boy •;\vt*iiue;i,.thi!i ,'plucc, ••siis ':tiifiUMl.-lirtierations iind hv,uises-

r \^n-n hi! sfeppcil into: the pathof an (-)iiC(imihf,' cilr driven-'-hy.Miss' Surah', Van Oelden,.. CO,.•Superintendent "<)fi the /Perth.'.':A^iv(>iiy'.<«eiicriil.Hosnital; :

^'!nii--"aroideirt jjecurn-d Tues--• iluM ; rfHenioon Short ly -llcforc' thi'W -'.u'ciock when "the- young-

ster Saw. IAe injured dog lyinuin the'<nid'dkiv,pf tlje road on. . . . , . , Avenue, near GleenSt'rui-t, Joseph,ben'f over, lifted,tin- (loif and^cviUlently "with.allthoughts <;e,tttel'ed on. the injur-:

. (>d'jiiijiiial-,he stc^wd in' fnmt'-df'.'tho VaVi Gx;ltimr-«tr. <~-r^-Jrri

'•-:y-Miss Van c'lehlcii- took Joseph*to l)r. 'Heiuy A. .Be-livfaky onOwen Street where a, Stitch wastitk'cn in a. deup. laceration on

" his, forehejwj tind ii brmsed,.jughtwrist.'wasv: treated anrt,1 band-

• aged, The dag, it was later dis>-;'.i-overed,, w(ts .dca'JK

Cbmrhltteo, itit t ie Tmajl sum, . . _.firs'to stand-on its legal1 rights.

The relief department last nightinformed* this newspaper thatwpuld pay the final ^ill of $64.This action, hpwever, places

j burden upon the-, already stoopedj shoulders of' the taxpayers? Withlithe "financial . pnospijcts -of the,

owrtstafpnone top bright far 1D4X>/;he Attiletic Coinmitteeyiwlth' ap-iroximately '$1,000 in the bank,lould lend moral support by xeim-lursing the relief department <-j-/bich .means the taTpHVcrR—;thcirincely'sflmof $64.76. , ' ' •

High School officials yesterdayitat'ed their willingness to go alonglyitjli this newspaper's propgs.alj hytadieu,that decision rented wifb tbo.Athletic Committee. The cirnmlt-;ce is scheduled to .meet Mondatynig^htj JanOftT^ 8, -at wnicli tim«the matter' win" again • be brought

JIUttlL wii*v, * « ^ , | -•;•- •- . • " • . .

frick from the. James SchaltrioK-

that the, holidays are over, that'thpgebple of the Township| willpay'.heed to their call for funds,toniainta-in Hie ambulance,-.for the(joming year. One thousand dol-lars- muHKjy raj'sed bet<n'e thisdrive U'rmiiiutps'tn March,\s the

'policies of, tfto

MORE• •* • t | . . . .

7 Parcels Are Disposed OfAt' Session Of Commit-

tee On Monday^^^^• WQODBRIDGE-'-Scven'salfls ofTownship-owned property totaling$4,499,5'5'wero made by the Town-ship Committe-eTffubsday night ata public sale conducted at theMemo»il.M.unicipal Building.* ,.

Purcha"aes.were made as follows:'Lots'8 to 15 indusive\in Block

B29GUnd Lots. 8, 9 'and' 12 to 19IUSWB •amLJj of 20; in 'Block

next nonth'Wp^the start of th(thii'jd year of operfilion.'-j~ "Duiing- tha month 'ofDocemher th; amtmhtncu travelled- 465niilusj-. rcaliondinf? to 28. trUnpponcitlls, J{- accidents ~ "

;trial c ill."Ffum Fuliruary 1!), "tlic "star

of the stiuad's;fiscal year,,-to DeceJnbo 31, thu ambulance answered 27 . transportation .caUs, 7

t call^.ciJjht'inhalator.caBe

BOY; 14, IS KILtEDIN AUTe^ACCIBENTHoliday Motoring Here Is

MqrreijBy Several Acci-l e l i r S e v e n Injured

are:Frank Kayla,

Fulron Street,

The prisoners:' ^K^ptSjliSconfessed are:. ' • . ' h w 1 v ^ j | |

wpQPIhnva n&mcdthe B»ng.

Androw Totht 21,Sir«wberry/1l(H_ A p n n ^ Kla'i "pal" %nd im

UimSt»ph«ij- Baka,

Fultontchool ttud«nt, Whpdrticlpatlni; W thro« tojobi'knd Mtitif 2R «'*ii t:pecially in (he yicinUy .«f Fman Street, Grove ArenaeLtnden; Avenue. ' *

. le.ofABftfltea1

Avonuo, ^ho ttflai "nnkont" for Iho u»ni

Bopkod for pi>uǤJlon

for discussion.

Mrs. WMmgeti Mri. CorwTo AddrmMothers' Club

JVOODBRID^E r - "The _ChiUiBotwixt and B 'twden'' will b« thesubject of disfSussipnlat, tjic- next'ffieStnig-of thfe Mot oitalClub'fo Mheld\Monday afternoon, January %at the home or^irs,\'P; A, Briegs,

ihclusWe and._Vi of 20; in529D to W. C. Finck-'fim- -WilliamH. Smith .for $.1,850.- ' .'"'

Lots 24JVri.d 25 in Block 596C'toGeorge and ' yphahna Yaros, fov

0O.: ; \ - •'» ' ';; • , ;LotsjoVand 156 in'Blook

to JioaoiJh ]$.' Smith for $300.., L'dts "6-D. in Jlock 59H to SolKehey^agont.-ftf

.iots 13 and uln>«lo,ck1834TtoJoseph Utassy-for Sadie' and '.Tleo


and l i industrittl calls'."

"D^natiluis-.-ruceived during thmonti) of Dccombu'r the ambulanc^travelled 4(55 miles, responding

transport'calls, 8 accidents andme indiislrinl call. ; '

"Fifin. February 19," the startif-thu sqmul's fiscal year, to De-cember 111, the ambulance an-swered 2)7{T transportation, calls;74 accident calls, eight inhalatorcastsjand lii industrial calls!"

[Continiied on Page 3)

Ftunk Se>ei, 20,"pf 62,MiltAvenue, in who«o tome 'Egand BaliAt* foujid-* faliCamera nift old Civil Warin eddirfoB to vutchea atolenPerth Amboy, . •Egan and Balint made a"

rough seiroh of pawn' ahoythe yicinity and finally," in Nev

on TiWaie Elaco. 'Mrs. L, Willirig-er aml\Mrs. W. E. Gai'is will ppe-

iapm bnthfr subject.\ * ' l . _ i . "„ - ...Li ...ill .

re fiaps nthfr suThe co-Hostesses, who

Mrs. BrWs, are 'Mrs,^ A.Hall.

assistfc: B.

oion CgmnHtteg> R. of E., Fire Boards

Cain .for4?I>0.

Lot ,94 ,|n to Mane

Firemen Quickly Cfieck OilStove Explosion In Tavern

•> WOODBRIDGE—The quick re-i l t ibyi Woodbvjdge Firo iCoin-yl No. 1 at 7:05 b'ejock1 this

d th h k i

gets by.ull" thu ppendiiiggof the.of the t a . p y ^Township CdWim'tte^Boawl.ueation'ahdHpwtf of. Fife; i l '

wtf o .thc-only I'nsurance

-turned ovdr to Olcer

ti •W Perth



against a xutotahtltf * u a $ ! HthB'1940'bu^et tax rate, M»y«August F. GMitier.wtirngd-in.-nitseventh annual message. •

Criticising the. -Stftte. legislatuicii «• "at'vnibliag,- tawdry ,sp«:tackof futility," the Itfaypr placed upon

l V f t h c > i < H i m


aboy At*

hoV^thatwhite. thene^wtia responslblP' for, niany needlcsamandatory ei4>enses: the local gov-S m e n ^ ^ d i v j s i o n s , have con-trol over «i*r«nt ••-.operating ex

''40 • ofI'^H.'wW*:Ithe.coBte, iiapdscd b:' " ' ' • S t 8 t e # * H ! p r t W a t i o n ^



joll/as \fo\\ as in current operat-ing accounts, which will afford re-lief to the- taxpayer. The|same re-sponsibilitymust alsofey by th» various BeCommissioners.

"{'Unless drastic rejnado by both, the ituft will be the proportiithese spending agencisame ^ r centage of the

ti) as the per ccncol lec,te'd. This isou'tlookWause it

d pay-days."

CompUte' textTlie complete text at

OI'B address, 'deliveredjlztttiun.<o£ the1

Ye»r, to teViow

and Jhn D^Stefano for $200.* Lot -14 hi ?lock 177A; Lots KA, B. G> J, 17A, fc and D'in Block•1170; Lots ik, DTj&lmd Fl inBlock 177D to_F;, T..! rfowell or$619.56. ;^~~~~ " •: - -

McCHESNWlJBETTSLocal Couple Wed» On Xmas

Day invElkton,-

IVGOdBfeitljjE—m. and Mis.H«rry.McGhesney.-of Main Street,announce tfie marriage of tHoirdaughter, Harriet, to James Hib;betts.son of-Mr. and Mrs. Chai>les^Hibbet^i, it itahway Avenije., ,i?he'- .cete|«ony took -placeChristinas Day,M ^Iktonl Ma,

--"a.-* ^ jhInvitedToMttndtthiteHouse Tea, •^GODftRIDP--Mrs,. | ^ | ;Fib]|andcilBh, of Rflhw ,4/^nnejlogetlw* with Mra.'l ill»m«

mm^ .:k.i tgmm mkW&&Hiiittfli it^ijclii'Mr|, —* • ' " '*

"panyl-_mornW' resulted in the checkingo'f $'(serious fire ut the tavern ofCjiarljos Jldsner, formerly- Vogel's,on King' George|s Road, near

WOOBBRIDGE—'Five accidents,in which one' person was fatpflyjhurt and -seven, others sustained.in-juriesrma4mdJhe_holi<lary week-end in the Township. ' ''•'•'.*lTweTv^yoar-ol(t Robert -Wykcs,| . 14 Wooitlbwdge .Avettiie; Port

Reading, wns fatally'injuvedoly before' 11 o'slock, Monday nightswhen he was struck 6y a car oper-ated by Sa'm'.Lomonico, 20, of 103New Street, Wodbvidge, The boydied three,and a,half hours laterin the Perth Amboy Hospital,, . . .

'According to a report of the ac- the'yl found some jewelry, thatcident made by Officer Richard stolen from the home of Jlft^Lcvi, the bfcy," together, with an-v cle Officer Rudolph StawmMn.other ' brother- and 'sister, .had description of the man who.yalighted from a, bus .at the intorsjBc-|ed the i w l r y fitted Kayta,,tion of Woodh.ridgo Avenue and! was already under suspicibnSixth Street, Port Reading, and Kayla and" Toth were putRobert started Jto cross tho street probation foi' three yeaiahea\l aHno otWr two. JLioraonico Ndw BVunswick jtfter being'toldithZftcithbi'ities that he; saw tho rested hero last April for1 louboy JKving and attjjmptei to: a freight car near Valentine'swerve -the*.cur-out of the boy's ing. KayUj had been arreat,edway, but the vehicle skidjlSn on tan times fot various offensthe ice and hit fee youngster, eluding charges from pettyFrank Mtingeri. 25, of Newark, csny to braaking andtook the Injured toy U the *ffleo ' ' ' Report 0 * Ptoof Dr.M, A...Cho.dosh,, of Carteret, Tuesday i)ikMlCfiyTrfwho ordered, the boy taken to tho reported to Bon JenBen,

d i t l i th Car tt f f i r t tn l.lpca,! ri\|r ,

damuke confined to the stove only,Fire fchief Eldon Raison was n\charffe of the department.

. ...-.lv , wqrt summoned'to theestablkihment When an.the b^r room ejcp.loded.howeyer, was • extinguishfid with

hospital immediately in the Car-; Uon ...pflli^iflt;^.,, . .terct First Aid Ambulance. At the h,eadau»rt|rs »nd! th.W: 'weninstitution it was found that the anlrohh'eo-'thyho^of-youth had sustained a fracture of Gijft rold jrij of- 26 '""tRe skull, fractured ribs-an4!! ?b'ii: ^:usgWn of thu btaihi .", '•..,; vp|yOT•y'-:$':- Skid Ca^e» Crtiih . '. .,;.'. -ti Vteiti

Siinon Roffnvip1- 47lna.MrS.Bes. ettessie lioffman, 36, of 423 South Park | asStreet, Elizabeth, received bruises

{Continued an Page 6)

iBusinessMnqhThe MakingThousftncW of America's moat successful .profqa-<

inal and business mefhfelped pay for their collegeucatloris with1 the money they(earned as newspaperrriera,vThojis{iTidB' of- newspaper carrier boys have;lped' tffeir fapijlie's Ihroufch the depression with,eir earnings. Np matteK where you live in Wood-idge' .Town»MptjCi%re is," an Ikdependon^eader

t ^ M b ^ V H to » . ^ a l r 6 ^regular CUato-



his liflKinoss and he WiJHe will appreciate y3ft|

to allow him to delH)fij^



loot andtiAttot qu

.Mra.;.,«}! evidently i'l.was ulimin.at

, ,,'pth was • picsetuxli of hia.ho

\i other stolenjiquestioning!^

tl hours', TptbJll.Baka,».S«u|s|

'if of whonj'.'wore1-"Inediately .-'

Kaylu, 'uponthat they took trips;and wherovsr they '8ft'|u driveway aiixip•".;.,",.,on in tho house,,1|thi'j|i'entryT'ln'"W¥6raV^f $m.Szucs • and ' Baka, a a | |their signed atftternehJHchickies": (lookouta) f ( | §Toth. ..''•'-.• : .;

. ' - Kayla-ChiiM?*"l: did ail % h f f i

told Egull ajld'iforniei ,thw».ShiC





Page 2: Entered an ••court I'IIIB* raattef Deat BID · ThS-action leaveiMr. ScharTtick as chairman of ihe. Publie^orks .aflmjnittee, Mr. Rankings police commissioner Mr. Spencer chairman

fofoNNf The Cold Desperation Of A\ Bhl Atftnt 7h World And A Woman's Kindnessirlv-**> NB1<1'

ilntf- KtnrlMI Wfclflh « M M to






of all, this is ijo Sob.«toryMI a hidden appeal lor ItundaCo friends in New YorTt ateityihft to Bttuply the necessities.1 employment far the littlefehtdntji otie tfho wrote the

, l«w|hg letter to me. , ,Vlnj)11 add that those of you'whocntty enjoyed at the High'"loPHtt Cornelia Otis Skinner'sid miming: 6f 4ho Times, Squareiactei-8 In her evening of read-i wfll fctfoive a double Joy andpiratton from this actual lettermd toy reply to a Miss ofBronx.

your request a seqtfel of theworking out of this problempt little friend will,appearis paper. Our'genuine lovo

\ir, striigjrlinif brother or sis-'ics mhke us all ak'ln!

Bronx, New Yqrk, ,*c* ", December 17, 1939

Mis*:i ii the girl %hqm you met in

'«"';'Ml*-.ibwfay at-Grind Genial Sta.I urn tyostei-ddy: a n * a « 1 promised

h e a u b w - • •



y pitc y0U( iin doing so

0 *vjte Lvarvcry-iineanCnice of youImtely. y and/help me.in my "hour

It was , ( i .»/But my hoiir'of need". u.»try nV;,8tod since 1B87J I waB in

11 w°{l M\ to ask, for help at thatj md I did so. However, every" J went, I received only the

£an!|callous disbelief, and' theIranciay critical,observations,

can always'prove that I didfcry hard' to better my condi-

Then after I trieVl and fail-began, to study out how I

1 endure my needs in" the besj;I found tfeat the best way

lot. to complain, and, "riot toupbii one's needs. In th'is



lave Sparkle!1IR dry cleaning re-ives that griipy gray|k which du«t and|per»piration give. .

I. Phone .: , • :

l d 1orpick-up


ring, - Rsraodelintit* • Drenmaker»



menncfii" lived alonffin h^ne,only,Through three winli-tt 1^'ve gohoabout in Bcanty clothing, aWLRohio-•how my ejtpOSUKii to cold, andoth,cr ole-monti lias built ap it cor-tnijTvosistance. YeU the chancesare always? "against m.e, and aretoo greAtf anil the certainty ofresulting illness is sure. However,the threat .|>F lljticwt, and dentil,does not scare mi>V bociuiso ] 'havelived with ' this , i W Wirwjt. for.a'o long" a, Jimp. I do'-Mtlriilg f'11'an." BJipcarBnco ofand'I am Happy in.^om, .Yet, of couiw,1,

.njysotf, jnnd "l mnmy clothe*. ,. Ilitt, Imrihod any living ercji'turc

behave',nt nil''.tiipwt,' with de-cency, andvpi'oprk'ty. ",; j

Oh the other'iiaml,-'-in -my ownmind, unconi'cioiifilyi there.mixevolvc'd certain (leflnilp opinionhand thoughts, which."constitute (n!grcat loss/to my .I'nviiftf.' This mtho rettl IFss which 1ms conic fromgreat neon, anil is cuiise-for .great;sadfleRs, Il^happpnpd hcciuise, af-ter a period (ft time, my expecta-tions and hopes of better timesand conditions, became" dimmerand'dimmer. I'pji'w discouragedand, disheaVteni'd. While in1, thisitate" of''mind', Hwgajt to halfSdciety nnd its Conventions,-' Ihave retained this hate, aid it ia•eal. 'From this hatc'-Iuii Come

other emotion? ,and opinioi a. Forinstance,; 'wjjiack of vespjet. JFormost persons and a disguM for the.nianiior in which they cling to-con-ventions: anil a--distaste for.jvnyfree gift which they niight offerto mo: and also, a .callousness to-wards all lovely, natural things. _

Well, in .conclusion, p'lpaBc- ' jet,me tell you iny opinion., on an.in-timate subject, with which we areboth familiar. It is this:—I do notwant a coat or any article of cloth-rig .which has been used, or wdrh,

I do want a brand-now coat, freshout c f a store. But I do. not iaskfor it, or wislv^^-ajii^hinK free,I have no training forniiy~ voca-tion which you could get for me.No decent plucc would accept mefor Hn employee, , Believe, -mo, 1"speak tho wjiofc truth. I thankyou just-the same. -I would be,

pleased to.hear from you. *I nm,

Most sincerely,Signed (——Bronx, New York,

My answer datccl December 20,19,39: - — -..'-Tr.Dear ' New Friend;

Strange, .'.but I had been standing beside you .for quite'a few min-utes there in '-Grand Central- onSaturday before I saw you-^-youstill little one with' lots of loveli-ness, light anil joy all wra"in a stony, exterior!

Remember, how Miss

had .offered you^a opat and youhad W naid-a word* )>iit.had loot«d at her : mutbjyl,-' R6membeihow stioiair.* to (no and ajike'fl,]nic 1o-plcr.ii- with you1 to lefjs hi'i {belli .y'qjijft.Remember, how Icame ifid said, "You are nmoiwfr%3n<ft. flVe lpve you," .nnd h"Wlirflo Mips P-—^ then Bald "Don'tbu silly;" AV« all "han'.'troubVs."R b ) ' ' ;

Radio's 1939Oompli Girl

' 'Then'Sou' in, your scared lltlioshell 'turned from 'us and hurriedInto tho'then-Waiting train; . /Mstoo, Mi«s P - T - S fftul i bud Keen".Waiting for that same, train and soshettnd'J followed you.' Kcmein-bcrl too, that Miss i F - ^ - nnd 1hiid' never metAb'efoie? r Sftmt1-Hwcct'sllenf's1};cr'ct'jtold Miss li—f -*-and mo'thaty^-We4-e'BYwantingto lp't^B.sec'that iovcly- fiiiicr'.Jp)';husnci§ of yours which, you'.cling1

ttffft fitfpefully,and'Wb'ICiryoufi'iiv'may be taken from join So sheami I tnlk'ed'of you while you hidymfrself, little rabbit, Way HP inthr - front- pf 'the train* . Bi*t '1

luldri't-.let 90 dead a one asjyouin away jYom mo while l/lnved.ou so and sditv how boldljf ijravcou were trying to be while atl theimo" the littl* :g irl of you, the\Veet tendornqsa of you was hid-ng insfte of sa cold an exterior!riien I came again, to you andAm $ followed mo . to youirid, we thnje' who had so recentlyirst ipet, talked toffttfitav You,;avc iiB your, name and asked -forur addresses' arid, .promised torite. Then 'the .dear girl whtehou arc broke throiigh the wallou hive built around you, and

rou smiled. What a beautifulmile you hnve! And you said'Thank you both very mu^Ji. Iiromise to write." '•'' ;•

Now to your letter: Do you:nc w what you remind. me of;ittle friend? You,nr'e'like•a'sweiit,ittlc'.jcirl.,of about 'twenty who,

2auv*sheiwai\tB an entire araii-ul ofoitoorican BgaUties, will notitcept a sincere pansy blossomrom'n loving fri mjh

You see, little friend, I haveome through deep waters myself.ml I know whereof I speak, There.vas a time, too,,'whom! wantedill b(rand-ncw things. ' Then Ariend. came, to me nnd offered, toihare what fehe bad. I didn't want,o take "Cast-offa" as I consideredthem, but I found out to my hu-miliation that this,,friend WQS really^depriving.herself in owjer to aidhie, Then I saw the great spiritf sacrifice and I accepted what

ivfls offered with humble gratitudein having found such' a perfect,sacrificing, friend.,After accepting.his lovely "cast-off",'a "new dressVas given me, and a jong.hoped-:or job appeared,,1'Yijs, I'can seg.that things began to change /orme'from-the time I accepted the-"cast-off,fl ' ••'' -v

-Some time I shall'tell I-o'u of.ho Ijeavy struggles I ha^i liad.


For quick relieffrom the miicryof coldi, take 666

Llqnlil - TnblclN - Snlvc - NIIMP





fflMt Wtodbtldgi I-I7U



CRCUSERIESME-ic! Home-Made Belicatessens

Irapwrted ant WOOD?RIDGEMAINS! ' ' •

' SiTinrff By Pealing With Ui.&


I Bud(«t Your Tno/d1'-B«»t Quality Md»t. &

(on Can ft» Aiwred ofOurOwn Fresh Killedtoasting . 9Q/»Chickens lb, "P*"

to 7 lb. average' ' ' '

fl, 25c


• A 'Complete Ai^ortmdnt Of

Maw On Hind At All Tim*. »NAViAljf t»]Ei;iCATE|SgyORTED* DOMESTIC SCAND1 " ' ' f.

premium ". , Tastyffurters, lb.

DOROTHY KNOX, nbove, waichd.en;"Radjo'i 1939 OompK Girl'f

hby a group'uf voice cxportdh ih' F

SheppR a> the vampiih' .Frieda

•Bri|iR» in "The Life and LoVe ofDr. Su»an" over CBS,, Mondaythroughf fridajf, at. 2:15 P. M(EST)-.U-. • .,',••• •


Hut nq|W we are. interested in lo'v-

1$ JIA1& BYMajorie tregtr QHert''}

little Waltz''At fttiitalOtMooV

WOQpBRIDpE—An . originalcomposition,!''A Little >Valtss,",wi itteii by Marjorle Kre'keiv *B»plnved by the composer ftt a piftnolccitaVgiven' recently\%y the pu-piU of Mrs. George H; Rho'desnnd. Miss Atom MiVey, .'at-theRhodes School of Music recently.

Mrs." Clarence • Ri Davis;vocalist, sang "A "Child's Lullaby11,to a";nlano acbotripaniment by herd a u g h t e r ; Jf i jan. • • '• • ," ..•'•; -,\

Pupils' ' prestnt /wei;e: EmilyFrom, Fred Spencer, MargaretKnAuer, Je'ari- Davis, h fij'eanor;Henderson, Jorry TJonohu'e, 'W.il-1

liam Thompson, Jn., Laura Daw-'son, SalpV- Hahkin,' Pranqis Kiii-

n PersonalitiesLoretU i

ney, Joan' McCreery,)/' MajorieKreger,. Jaiiet Fraser, Efetty 'JaneKillenbei^cr, Arlirie, Blair, <)t:

tHic'Schork,-Dorothy Bricgs,- JejinGaris, William •WiegerB,. VioletGyur'e^ ..Elizubeth Kachek,'. Muriel.Dixbn, Audrey White, Gloria Kjt-foll, *Grej;chftn, Van Syckic,'JulianGrow, Clifford FeaTteBj Louise Sfi:

in(? yotv awectncRs, and Washing ward,, Carol Giroud, ; Rosemary

. Shori.Street, ^ntortainedfriends at1,his htmday night. THo .Doris Donivin, ofChvistensehLang,'Groettamnn, G;lo>ia- Brink:Shoi't. Edward'obs, Billy Layburn',Thomas. McKay, DoH;and, Fred' .—Mr. nridt Mrs.of. Soivora "AV.eriuo,;entMr. and Mrs; jdwar,d '" ' '.Newark-, ,.Mr.. aYfd Mrs. EdV-merman,, of'.-Cha'lihaiti/anAliorMhy BaVew'e and 'Emll M

> at theifhome on I1'

—W iv and Mrs. Leo Ghrisiseii,'of Hillcre'st,1 spent Satunl:evening.at the^home'o'f Mi'.1 n"}lrs, Defims of Irvlftgion.'^

—ff very successful New Ybm'party was 'h'clil rit '-.the;.HardhmpAviinUe Fir,eho«se... Thosewore active*'men\bers, and>'tbit

iir'|wives, .exempt firemen ' and, thi'iiwives, and comniissionfers and tMi'ir

i '

town were-the<fcuests o | and

City, on New Year's'—Mr.^a-nJ ,Mi*i,Ri" as guests on''Ne'w Ylliny

Rnd Mrs, ;Fre|jJ"' fl-md

June and BaiMr. und'Mrs.iJc

Jr. and children, Jack anIrvingtori, Mrs.,Willlam-Allen Shaw of Ifvingtoh,Edlfh Bollte, Edward Bo:and Mrs. Jho'nYfts Fu'tesf'• —Mi',s.i'.toh« Hamilton,wiick Street, was hostessL. Chiistorison,! Mrs. H,,alul 'Mrs. .,C.,'Bp(we)\ a f pof •tho.i.Tbui'iday. -AKridgc Club. 'Hifth• ~*eo:Wcntlg'Mrs.'

•—Miss, Junotallied a group offriends•home on Son,ora ' Avenuevtiusts enjoyed Special* rticnta and the house was BJrcoratbd; Miss Cullinane'sWJune Bwei',, Carnieia Aii-iiiipr Lax,.Betty Mason,rv Johansen and Thomaa

r and George Britton.'


Ruthh Chairman.W<)OfiBRIDGE.-Final p)«m

have Mmt triade f6r the annutdance to be / sponiored Ify thtJhomas'J,, Letthy, Democratic Clulon .fhnrsday1. tiiKht,. Jnnuary 25nt 'St. James1 Auditorium o Aboy Avenue../ Th"e"comrnittco, which iaheadetby Edward Rutt, l;on«fts of flufollQwln(t meM6e«l''6f the clUbJoseph. .Somerai::Norman .Hanson.John .Kcnnit, Johii.Rmjiios,. Mr«• C L H 3 J t t ; M E d d D iL3Jtun(t;Mw;,Edwariind flin. Norman. Raimon.•^us lc . fb r the dancing will "b

j-fiirnished by George, Ruddy anhis orchestra'. ..

Rotary,Club Bear$ pBy Tetra Cotta Ceramit

away that strange wall you havebuilt about .yourself. ._ But- youcan't foal n\|e, 'ftor 11 see .,youthrough tho wall and you are sofine: 1 btfvt'.'faith in you.

Nuw, I hnVe written to somedear friends in New Yorlc who willlove you as I do and who will ten-(Icr-lysuply you with needed work,and clo'tlies^o- start you off. (Mitop 1 I inovc than willing to help[a move than willing to help,

Tay 1' not thcil haVe, the

McElroy and Virginia Gilbert,

F-too).honor of feoiiig with you when yougo'; to buy with the, money youhave lunged to earn, the brandnew coat, the brand new outfit?•May I mil? tell' you that I. Was

out on an inlervipw for work,for.myself when I m e t you? In. fact,,thclftdy who talked with me aboutbeing a coinpanion former agedmother,.'has1 "some lovely'y"cast-offs",,just ybur sine and ohe wouldbe happy to Help ypu, too. I s,nlienclosing her hdvertisement so youmay see where I was headed' Satur-day when I- met you. I shall writeto "this Mrs, D and, ask fierto.please mail,to you'wliaTpvel1 she•can.1-share. •' • •' • ' .,

There, are now four bentle pan-sies awaiting your acceptance; thisletter, Miss F-—-'s ' loyc, Mrs.D 's.love, and work, from1 myNew York; frien'ds. Pansy.--blps-Borns, humble, gentle- firav—then'American ,Beauties\f rojn your ownhands to-yourself. -That's the rule

Conttibatim To School*Voted By LkidAR Unit

W00DBRIDGE—Plans tff sendcontributions to the s^hfitarghlpfund of the Crossnore School,Norjh Carolina and the TamasseeSchool "in, South Carolina, were,made by tlfc Eunice Bloomfleld So-ciety, D. A. R.,, at a meeting helda^ the home of senior president,Mrs. Ei'nest C. Moffett;' jjrospec'tStreet,- Friday afternooh. \. '••'"'After the business session.rt-

freBhmerils wer»-• scry^d\± and aJ * ' ' *party heldi' Pi'esent were: JoyceMorgenson, Alice Pahons, BettyJane Killenbergcr, Barbara Rey-der, Jean Merrjll, Grace MofFettjPierre Bartow, Gilmous Robinson,Jane Demanest, -Mrs. George, R.

-pansjeS then .With,deep sincerity-

Signed (-—' Sew'aron,,N. J.



GAMES — 25 ± GAMES " .

$15 Door Prize ' Admission,'35 Cents

Extra Free Game on Lapboard ' •Yf\ur Choice of Electric Wfuhing Machine, Cabinet Gas Range,

or Combine'ion Radio and Victrola

;— Mr.^atid- Srrs7'Frank Gypsci,f W N Y k h h l i

I'st Avenue, entertain!of friends at her hon

of West New York, were the holi-; M" :miay night.dny guests of Mr: and Mj's. P., , :

r >—-O'Connor of Ridgley Avenue. "' .,'; V*nt\M** Tp\\ Of Ti

-Mr. and'MW. G. Grogsn, Of-Memmf* \*11 V'- "Fiat 'Avenue, entertained a 4w 10$ •yQ.UgmtT To B, R,friends'at'a party on New Ycar'si • -r——Eve. The'guests were: Mr. a n V WOODHUIDGE-Mr, andMrs.. John Ramberg, of Perth Am- •'-!•' Kj'.-winkle, .of New. Str<

boy, Miss-Mary Segnin, Mrs. A.Bbstock,. Mr. Vincent Grogan, and

f G f i

Merrill, V. B. ,'Dcmartet,Nancy Demar'est, Elizabeth Anil'Cooper and Mrs. Moffetb,

PLIGHTS TROTHParents Announce Engage-ment Off Elfeiinor Grimiey'

y w f ^ Grogan of town—Chnrlcs Dean*o-f Silzer Avenue

was host last Thursday night at aptorty bold at his homo,. Thosepresent were: Leona *O'Dell;Blanche Metz, Barhara Mouncey,Arlinc Brcnhan, Mary Strgbblc',Dorothy Lordi, Gloria Frees, Nor-man Biirgisser, John " OnuckiiFrank Balevrc, Charles D«an, Jo-seph Wbalcn and Gregory Koum-shulis. '

—Mr. find Mrs. Harold Moun-cey, Phylns Mouncey, Frank Bnl-cvre, Barbara Mouncey, • CharlesDean.-and... Arlinc Brerinan of

W00DBR1DGE—Mi'.'and. Mrs.Arthur Grimley^ of FreemanStreet, have announced^ the en-ga^merit of their > daughter,•Eleanor, to Mortimer R. Greflie,son of Hi: and Mrs. N. Green, ofPlamfield. ' '• . ' '• ,No date has been set for thewedding,/ , ^ ^

; TRY OUR''BlueCoaV

* ' and ,


With the finest lervico

John J. Bitting33 MAIN ST. *

Call Wi. 8-0012

Any. WatchCleaned andRepaired

-Harry DaviijCliicf ceramist n^ the Federal ]hoard'- Terra Cotta/' CoiporaflonliwUlveHSetT.thc members gf the Bo

• B tpi-y Club' of WoodliiVJge.at ttiJMiss Marge 'CHristensel v'j-Rular1luncheon meetih? heft yesf

prd'ijy. at '• the Cplonh . Count" l i i b , -s . " . • ' • • ' . ,

The speaker outlined the-dml-lifliient of tTie clay. Industry amiik'usseel the recent innovationsin•ira cotta manufacture. Hei'biled two pieces ot terra cotL:i which pic'tures had been paint• I iind.thcn glaiod.; Similar piece J' v expected to be used .in." the]ur future'foe outaide"morals.place have announced tho

:i incnt of their daughter, Ml;<: .-I, -til BelJllU'dR. Jost, stvrji-. and Mrs. Bernard Jost,

(tatc"1iiis been set. for tl

Sliop the "Ad« Before You Shdi.he Stores—You'll Fmd\ I t !Money. ' ... , ' )

The RcquireniiJnlt .on—Wanted immediatelywho rcstenib|es> the Presldenjl

li'monstrate games,budget." in store window!

4,be ablp to juggle tenniijIlls.—From an adv. in the^Time| \ >" though • they • were . billionj

• gold piecep'.'

Raritan Watch &Jewelry Repair Co.

SMITH' STREETflight i up) K.,





Prompt and Coitus Service1


Phone Rahi 7-1263.— NigS






W! are out to break all previous records for Sale

Vaue in Cloth Coats and Fur Garments, ''•'.

Y< n will have to' SEE! V JCQMPARB! to'appreciate

th< actual Values as dfiffipared to preBerit prices. \,

% i can't Afford | 6 miss-these benefits .|y thes,e'.".

im fiedjate savings1. Excellent workmanship and,*,

up'-to-lhe-mihute styles. All shouqer styles. All

Skleve Styles and all lengths, in Boxy and. )j ^ • •



fray of t


. . , > . Tntljr

lorful T ^ . , ^M W eo|or», in J /d TmodeU. ' "


L blr«1 nllowstncc on f>nt I Thu U Your"Opp6J'tunityd J-.ir CoftY«ppH#d »o i B e t t w FUR C O A T > M b *iw vout purohsiei. I '' Want

* . , - • ' ; ' i

inji it'SpMust Uw


, Inc.ttAMBOY,N,J.

Only Servel Electrolux freezes silently with NO M I N G PARTS!

NOW-a refrigcrthe famous sile

Servcl's different frthe last word in moand adaptability! Thtrolui lets you jtoreinhere you want It. Ldas you like it! . • • \


.that <^>inbinc»and savings of

ng system withrn convenience)40 Servel Elec-"A<rf you want—you keep food

.grt •OTHl

h.a.i Dtylj tad wb|

D(w-*<lli>n I'kc«p(T»«Mblei tad wb' fruiu tiwtys moi« sfl4 sinfoil of fl»»or.

U oat-showroom. Dis^'Er for yourselfwhy mope and more faiiSes every yearare changing to the Gp\iid$tiMot.

• YOM IN40Y ML THESE ADVANTAGES• Modorn Ccnventonca and Daciuty A Permqhonti


Low 0|W«wty o} lea Cubo* • Moro Yeal-l Of Service!

Saving* That Fay for It


Moving Parti to W u r • Continuod!ng Cost • Fullest rood Protection


• f,


Page 3: Entered an ••court I'IIIB* raattef Deat BID · ThS-action leaveiMr. ScharTtick as chairman of ihe. Publie^orks .aflmjnittee, Mr. Rankings police commissioner Mr. Spencer chairman

• • ? •

Colonla NewsBy Kathleen Fletcher

—Miii* Marjoritf Woodwnrd "in \at BoVer Road, "wcte the guests ofniiany With her alter and -broth-' MM. Fan 's sister, Mrs. Johrt JoVn-in-hw Mr and Mrs, Lotma/d[Hon. pf Bay Ridpt^L. I,, Monday'.omBeni are, the Rucrbara SOUIB of Hartford,,Conn,^Robert Knauer, son of Mr,

••J-JHTB.-.'C. W." ftnnuer of Fair-: jw Avenui! will return to school- .^RfBhehuestitts University of

eljnoWy in Cambridge, tho endthe week', ,. ••"]• •, -..;,,

."-4Ji'.'a'n'<l.MM. Arthur. NelsonChaln-O-Hilla Rilrnl liitid na tliV.irihcr gucstfl on Sfiturdnx, Mt.d,Mrs'.,Cnso of Dover'Road, Mr,I'Mis! Wlllinm Kuzmfak .', tiftd'.. and Mrs. Bruno, Qrun&wjcfc•o of, Avenc'l, f " ' ' ' ' ' ' '•-jMr. nnd.Mil'.P,' M.'JJoscar-• rt( Wnch iJtrscC nnniyuncos the'^ansiKeht of tMirdaughtGn Ad-id, to.ElUs F.M'flOrcr.wn -* "'-|, Mf.i' Rriymnndek'..Wb6tl6rid(ri!, MI?sft a Rr*i(lu«tc ofb'School,' claait of''21'. arid -\i' fifflnlpycd a« secretory to.EiI

W. Edih, of the IiiterwWf, loWnir Company/of fti'\v IJijjinsVfe. Mrt Moots vms.ft'fiienabero:• WoodbridRjn Hijib School Clnsa^.25. and is ..now-.cnnnpc'li'd witl,• "Wisftoti AlfhrittCoi'iMii'lvtioti olinfleld. No ;'ilatc hits been- «e.• th« wedding.,•'. , . ,.-.. •• ?—The Colonia Girl -SofertiThcL! r |ir8t annual Christmas part,

the Colonia Library •Thursdayelr captain, Mrs. M, M. Pattinoi

' s in charge of arrangements,e rooms were beajitifully doc*te,d' in Christmaa preens amde-tide color,1*. Games were play•SffiF'which refreshments wervetf,,JVfts, Charles W. KnaueiH. .Joseph MoAridrews nnii. l l rney Pinkhnm here'guests.

I . - 'H^ert Tiffany has returncohis horfli' rii Ningnru Falls aftc

Mrs. 4.H. Makaandlighter Joan,'. have" 'returned•prn a visit .to to home of Mrs.aas' brother • and Rlstcr-in-law,1

r. and Mrs, Otto Grubbe of Aids-y : N : Y ^ ' ^

AF^MANn *sFI FfTSI/uulTlvi*" JLLIJ v 10

FDR PARTY AIDESLocal Committee To Assist

In Fund Brive "to Help.',.' Paralysis Vic^ms

S£is»JuriQ Cone, of New Y-ol- t.Jtty, Is ipenciiniif the holidays here$th;l)(er'mother, Mrs. E.' K.. Confe.i t Dover Roadi :' ;• ' 77'

—Mr, and Mrs; W. H. MoCliir'e,»f C.Mn-o-Hllls Road, have returmA from a few^ikys visit with Mrs,;harlefr:*Taylor of Elkmville, N;*V:;^Arni)ld Chrlgtoph(ir8on, «on of

Mr. and Mrs, Charlos Chrl»topher-son' nils returned to his home 'fromthe. Rtihway • Memorial tfospitftlwhere hepfnderivontariappcndectD m ' y . t w f l W f t e k g a { ; 6 . .. . / • • . ,

i- j)orothy TVate'fbuiy ^Chain-O'Hillfl Road .was nameichairman, of the Yule'XiaR Hunt,ttiven by the choir ofthe First Bap•ti«ii chlifhTof. Railway; .In Un.idmirk iin^hursdftV. • ' • ,' .

fen Kliznlietli- Hull of. KenIJoad ontortirincd last week hecousin Miss Esther Fuller


-Mlsi» Mnnan Brcrkonridge. (imymbervof the fncultj, nt MoirillPnlmer Schpol, Dotroil, Mich., has

I0DBR1DGE -J Thomas GWoodbridf?e chairman

.... ....^Birthday, Ball lor theResident to be held here on Janu-iry 80,;. at School Nq..11* has an

nouflce'd his sub-cominitteea as: '


or The'

Industrial'. Committee: .StanWyPotter, chaliman; Walter sW.arrJohn .Bergen, Hugh W, ICelly, Kenneth .Tboiinton, Hugh' Q i K l y ,

'I.W. Gkusam 1 and-\V,illiamA.

• Mai-'ch; of /fiinies,.1 Committee^Victor: C. Nitjklaa, ennirninni,,thijr iC. iFetTy1,, Mnrtfn B


Woodbrldge Personals

.'aimer ncnpoi, wuiruii, JYIILII., HIII "•> ' — - - . - j- ,

r c t w n c d t o her dutjes after speml-JMr*. Arthuv S . . Bell, of Rfthwttyi the hoUilaj#WKlt.Jier,purcnt'<, *" """' v

•Mr. a ^ - , , ,tidgc, ifTW'est Green Street.

—Edward. P. Ke»ung,Chief of Police and Mrs,E. Keating of Decker Place,



gturned to DJckinson car-


Dr. and Mrs. Charles ,C Ha-c, of M(. Raniei;, Md., wereweek-end guests of Cnl. and



Bridge C\v%noiday/ Aftertibonwill WA a dessertBridno Clui. will WA a deser

bridge next \Tti6iiday..i afternoonat tKc honie-of Kr«. tf«m t. Camp-hull on Green Stir pet,

—Mr. and Mrs, B'yereM; Boultorilisle, Pa., Mttrtday aftcrnoAn, after and Mrs. Ellen Wheei^r, ofspending the*Christm«s recess with dale Avenue, were thp Jj

p-Dr. .amkMr's!••$. I. Hutnori ofGro^e.Avenuc,hiiyd returned after

Miaijii Bci cK, FlV. '•of-the Mday After-.. M e i v f y c i s o f -the P d y

noon Bridge Club jviU be, eftter*tninctt today bx1Mra.'V.'F8. fi. Dtjfeia r o s t , ; o f Plftih'llchl, formerlyijjAtown, 'at . the Gnrdt'n ,116ft Rooriri'™-Pltt'iiv'flielrf.t.-- •.' '-'•;•'•.(•'. :" ,. - • v , V .

^ f M

ditlo Ayfenue, were tnpiifestft of Mi-s. n c r Hubbard,o* New'York. •'.'.• ' *-Y • ,,

-^Edward Griffith ktj4«KJld*o'n,j.VNancy'and Honry, of, tonchjp

wffe the W8cfcend|t;uuosts/of Mr. a o ( l i |


les F^of Mr,Rahway Avc

-r-Mr. arid Mrs. Howard Saywell'of Fhiiview Avcntie, entertainedHoward' Beechler of 'Elmhurnt,I oni? Island, MrX, Florence B,Hani? of. New York- City, .and'Donald Stockwell of Durham,' N.H. over'the holidays. •••••'.,.

—Mr.' and Mrs. Howard Masonof Dover Road have as their RueptMrs. Mason's brother, James Bb-hart, of New York:.

—Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Connor-of Montrose Avenue are entertain-injf their dauhHWrs, Mrs. JohnHoneta and-Mrs. Charles Calfc

•iiy«i^ i..,i.n. Frank-EdBiTr,' 'Patrickfioylan, Miss1 Elsie 'Sch6r',morhorfi,Minnie Comptph »nd Julius Blake,

^Organisations, Committee,: MrS., W r .E. McEh'oyn Mm. • StanleyPotter, JosepH" Dnlton,. Jonephffi'ady', .G^prge -KcatinK,ifrMillcr, Mr?. JWark.p.Stephen L, Hi-ugka, Bi 'W. VPIJCI,Dr.JHenry Bulafsky, Miss Helen

.-^Bernard Kenting, son of M(.i M f A l i

E,.Williams, Mrs..„..,...,. 'iion, Gorham,.of[vo'nue, "'hive' returned | Thwr

^$rWM-El£CTi!)BY REPUBLWAti CWBNamed For New Tern As

President Of Avenel hrdependent G.&P.Vntt.AVENEIr—William E. pory WM

rcelccted president of the IndBpoh-dent Republican Club of Avenel^t RVf.the annual;olAtlon of offlcet*hjld'pRjwn, „recently at the hbrnb of Mr. tan'd ['«•»« ' p * ? ^ * ^ ' 'MK; \H«tbett • Head'. :<if fjeorge j | j ^ ^ , $ " | p £S t r e o t i ' • • ' • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ••'

HELEHMHAim _Betrothal Of

Amboy Mmnounced

W00DBB1COB ^-ment has t

Other officer* > titttndi werfti'irst Vice prc!ii|en't, 'aim. Iforbert

Head;,second vice president, Mrs,Muriel Johnson; secretary;, Mrs;Ruby Grficoj'trfiasarer, Ifes. 3ay

• . - ^ B e r n a r d K e n t i n g , s o n o f M ( . . '••"• • - ' - ^ . ; • • > - • • . " . - • ! ••-•-. - ---- .

snd Mrs. ilnmcH KehtM, of Alice nftfrj-spcn'ainir-ttfn days In. Wash-h t h hlkT ith '--1-- "~

an^Mrs, 0. T. Frnser, Mrs. G. G.Robitisqn, Mrs. Andrew Desmond,Williami Turner, Mrs. Ji)hn J.'

Jaracs'Reid, Mrs/Nathan

. , , who spAhtJtho, hijlktays withpjirents hi;re, hn'a returned, to

tin tlolfutrtT, Cnrlislf/Pa., tphis stndiiw. i }

I ,'— Mr, Ami Mrs. George A. Mci-rliiujjliliii ii,nd Mr. and Mrs, 'Robert,B,il[»y(l(!)i and,son, Richard, spentline holiday wuckjend with -friendsin Riehiiiond,'Va.

DtlwlinR, James*;Dijff,, Josq'plv ADiline, Mrs. Th(


. . ., Missplac.''Mflffotty.senior.atSyracuse1 University," has returned'to' r.esumo her studies after;spend-

thfc ChrJotWns vacation with. parents,-'Mr; and Mrs, ErnestjVIqfTetfcj. fjf Prospect-Street.

•Mr; and Mrs, Stewart SchpQ^and dtiuKhter; Sandra Jean,


nding the Christmas week a<(|hin, both of New York,guest of his iiart'nts,. Mr. andi —The.•Colonia •Civic Improve;

(. John Buell Tiffanjf of;Coloniajmi^it clublipld.a J ew Year's Evellevard. , '.A'n*hHy'-with fifty-two* ijucsts pres--Burr Reeb of Dover, Road/ fa ' ch t from "New -York" City "and.lis guest over the holidays Al-1 neighboring towns,t Marx, of,HousKurrTcxas'.'" [ _ O n Thursday niKh^Mr..and-Mr. ftWl Mrs, William Farr, M r S t t , y j e B^ Rceb of Dover Road,' daughters Jcyio and Lillian, j entertained about fifty friends of

tlemoyer, Miss Ruth Wolk, Mrs.A, F. Randolph, Miss Ruth_Nt|n-jers, Ja^es King; jWilliam All:-;aier, Mrs,;Hilda Dcmalest, FredMbertsori, • .-','•'

March of Sports: Stephen K.IVerlock, chairman; Nicholas Prifi-:o,

, Or, Robert Steskovitz,SURGEON*. CHIROPODIST

J FOOT AILMENTSler th Amboy Nat'l Bank Bldg.113 State St. Perth Ambor

Phone P. A. 4-6^51

dauKhter, Nancy, and aoniliurr and Warren, at a swimming.parly

WINDOW SHADESManufacturwl and in-tt»lled to fit your win-dowi at reasonl!bl« price*

New York Wall Pat>erand Faint Co., Inc.

. 3S8 State StreetPERTH AMBOY

Phone 4-1722




Jjus^ed by Specialist

y V ttp—Mr. and Mrs.'GeorgM Keller

of Dover Rond. had i jaC- theirEUest during the holiday weekMis. Keller's mother, Mi's. Mar;

iiipty of Wqstfieidi • ,''—James Maaon has returVied (t

his home on Dover Road after-few days' visit with friends 1Elizabeth.. '*;. •. '' '

—-.Mr. and'iyira, Nornian.J:.Cole-man/ of Buffalo, ,.N, Y,, arid Mr,and MM-.R. D.' Kuniii pf RldEe-w'ood, ilaughtors.* and aons-tn-lawdj All1, arid "Mrs. George .Ranfiln;(if Ijinden. Avc-nuc, spent the holi-days with the. Ranklns, here.- ...

—The senior choir'of the Meth-odist Church will'hold a rehearialami social- mfcetinatonight at eishto!clock at the parsonAj ' with Rev.and Mil Rodger Wi tawn as


(tea # r y t^ much. Hsrtheir^^.-.....Itien, 8<S getting, tho inshletlopc o»iMv fayorit* foods sdirt.uW(|

'kpfdve iittcrMtlng/ A P " SothtHiiproves, that 'Me .Isn't fic'klo aboutfoods hyv nrderinR a .combination


%odbtpf:fo ""tern. Shelf a J

Ruby Gwcojtrcasurer, fo«.Herman; iergennt-at-armn,' Herbert He'od. •••' ., • < '

Chairman pf the various .tfom-U«w wer.e appointed as fdltows:

. PnblMij, Mrs. lHelidit'p1rogrttinEarl Mulford,.Herbert.,Head 'and%u% Greco; c»mpal)fn i$d renis-, trqtjon, Mrs.1 Harold Hanson knd|iMI»« Louise Toepfor; welfare; Mrs,William Gery; Good Cheer. Mrs.Ea»rMillfofd and Mrs/JoaephChlpponcrl.

rBtpVd: 6ollQtr>> E m r o i t 4 f tI She t» wry active in »ocl»lI flies In m Township mi v!iSJ.beta* o^forrtitf ptwMwYoung Womsri1* Club.andpresent; tegttit of the M|d_Chapter of the, mUttoi(Fe4e«»tloTi -of Citholle •."*•

Mr. Burke i s * —' J j -Miry'H . Parochial - . ,poi-th -Amboy 'and at tend^ SBcmayenturQ Collb'Re hi Otain, N,1Y. He li ui\ atco'untent fot th^Perth Amboy Housing AtH

Arway, M 'B'. J."

, ..-•- .'hotrtas Currie.Alid On Committee'

Decorations committee: Ernest h,We letuineil .to.Lnkewood, Ohio,Link,, chairman,, Mrs. Martha ,Zet- nffev apcndinR the holiday season

i ,Mr. Schoonover's parents,and1 Mrs.- John Schoonoveiy oi

Lincoln TamboVr, Elmer J.

Rahway Avenue.•Miss Lillfan Richards, -sf St.

Gcorfce Avenue, spent the holidayswith Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilbur Filer

Berend Vonin. Alkntown, Pa.

r—Mi'.\'aftd Mrs.

60 Per CeiFDrop(Cbntimed from Page 1)

of the police commit tee h a v e givenu s every cooperat ion in oyr drive

i to enforce traffic regulat ions and| in no case has any of, the c o m m i t -

ttf«j in turferred or (jsked us t o killany tickets. '" ' ''

Tlftf official automobile accident<k'»t ra te in the Township since

Vecsey, Satn Gibe,, J a m e s i Keat-ing, J a m e s ,-MayeY, ~ '• •

D o c t o r ? Commit tee : Xlr. C. I.Hutncr , cha i rman; Dr. AarJm Par-got, Dr . ' C. H. Rothfuss( Dr. I.Rabinowit?, Dr. A. Gerobin, Dr.W. ZABarret t , Dr. Benjamin Wois-enfeld.^Dr. Michael F lannery , Dr.G, M, W a t t e ^ Dr. Henry Belaf-8ky.,Dr. MalcolmxDunham, Dr. \T. SpenKlT,-Dr, J ^ e g h Mark', Dr.J. J . CQIHIIS, Dr. jH. LfMoss. '

Tkfcets: . Roy;., E. Anderso^ ,chmrman ; J o ^ i n C y a n , Hr., ' 'GeorgeMeiTill.'lIoward F-letchtr, Anth-ony Aquila, DiJnald Wescott, B.W. Vogel, James S. Wight, JudgeArthur Brown, Mrs. ThomasLeahy, Mrs. J. Barron" {jevi, Mrs.Tane.Witheridge, James Filer,. Wil-ird Dunham, John Coyne, Jameslatano, 'David Gerity,' Eugene

Finn, Edward Casey,' John'Hughes,Alfred. Coley,, Eufiun'e I5-. Bird, .

Entertainment aiul music: §nm[lioe and Wayne T. Coj(. , '

. _... ...... Bp.Brenjen hsive retufnetl' to ' theirhome in. Wilmington, Del., after avisit with Mr. Von .Bremen's pa-}rents, ••JVlr. and Mrs.-Henry Von'

Insurance Premiumsr , , ' " - , J ' • . • • ' . •

(Continued front'Page V^Oonntions recetyed during the

past week were as follows:. Prevl'ous ^balance, $7B; -M«. an(T IJIrsGeorge F. Brewster, ?lfij Mr. andMrs. -Merrill A. Mosher, 'J5Charles J.. McCann,. ?2;,,ir.a; JMcNul'ty, Port Reading, ?2;'total$ 9 4 . . . . - • • . ' • • ' ' " V , , • • '

Bremen, of Freeman Street.—Rev. and Mrs. Rodger W.

Hawn,' of Main 'Street, were theNew Year's Day guests of Dr. andMrs. Wilson L. -Miller, of Rahwajr.

RADIO REPAIRINGA Guaranteed Job Baojted By

- 22 Yean Experience 'W. S C U L L

1685 Irving St., Opp. LibraryRAHWAY, N. J.

Phone RA. 7—0098



a;At Close of Business December 31,1939



New Brunswick Ave.(at Elm St.)'V

Perth Amboy, N. J.I A. 4-3259 Open .8:00 to 6:00|anch,e«: Newark and Jersey City


is as fu!li|w.i:1927—11 de1928—20 "1929—141930—171931—29 "'1932—i!8

'93S—21 ( |





High Street ' Carteret25 GAMES-- VALUABLE PRIZES - JACK POT


Wardrobe, Thomas Campion,chairman;' George- Miller and

[ e o r j j e G e r i t y . , ' . ' • •• •'•

Publicity:' Ruth "Wolk, • chair-man; Lawrence F. Campion, Wyul-sor J. Lakis and Elni V J, Vecsey.

Patronn and Patronesses: JcJinOmenhiser, chairman;' John V.Hunt, Jamcs'-|Keid, Andrew D.Dcsmoml, Mrs. Andrew'* Sedlak,. ' rg. R.1 G. Perler, -Airs.''PhillipDen BleyHcr, Mrs' Martha Zet^^moyer, , Charles McGettigan andJames Catuno,

Refreshments1; Herman Stern,chairman; Eldoji Raistm, 'Frc'dMawbey, Mrs, Barron Lwi, Mrs.Chris Martin, .and Mi*. ChesterP a c k ; , " ••1/-":"1 . ••/ .'

:.A .i

U. S. Government „ • . „Securities , . . . . 255,218,69

btherBiads and J^Securities 1714**41Loans and Discounts 182,150.32Banking House and

Equipment 24,984.94Other Assets 506.17


Common . . $Surplus -/VUndivided Profits


2f78J.16Deposits . . . . . . . . .884,799.5J

T o t a l : . . . . . . . .$1,012,582.711: j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

DepositoryU. S. Goveromeot

State of New Jersey County

Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

n Jerlti'i Moil BtunllfolBtndtniiui.

friitntlngfvery EveningCARLOS KAUAl

ml them l the

Island* Ensemblewith


When you say you're looking for wprk., "PREPAREDNESS P A Y S ^ *

Our skillful; training properly fitsyou for that opening in Beauty Cul-ture, Enroll now. Second semester

**~~ . forming


, « I U ; E MinnoR TRIO| • « >MLB VOCALISTS

dnitr of Bun Ability.



Tei»phono 4-0075

J : • • • • • • • • •

"HQS. F. BurkeFaitetal


- • . # • ' • - V V -V. Costello, Mgr.

1,. A

fret Placement Bureau ~- Free. Imtruments


PRIN; ELEANOR 3. BOWERS \ForinrrlT »c»il T*«rbtr and Iniitructoi ol Th« \

1 , • Wllfrnd AcBtlemy

HobartBldg' ^ERTH AMBOY HobartSt.•* • T r l . I ' . A . 4 - 1 2 2 0 ~ • ' ,

PHONE 8^1210




n o w W h i t e . •„• ]

Mushrooinv lb. j Rump Veal, lb.Fre>h Killed Frica.ee

Strictly Freih

Leg*«(Lamb lb.go Seedleu *~

Irapediiit each

Make <Tgood clean startfor the New Year

* / . • ' • ' .

, Tryf these "clean-up" services1^ x

of Mprey-Laftue alter tfee holidays

Send all the Hashing • •"*'•'•.i The busy holiday'season means more soiled Uuena and •

clothes, and less time to dare for'them, That Is why BO<• many, housewives. jyall themselves 'of Morey ,LBEae[»

\ quick, reliable, economical laundry sefrloea »t ihis tlma«I the your. "^

Decide no* to "clean up" (he washing at once by send-Ing it to Morey Laltue now. Phone and uk for Laundry

• n c p t , ' ., ; ••' . •• i . . L V . :1 - . :

r . -i • , •

Special Table Linen'Service •.After the holidays aro over, you will.surely want your(prized table linens laundered in this new. hand finished

' iiible. linen service of Morey LaKne. . ^'"x, ;•Round -wide folds. No sharp' creases. Monosnima andembroidered deigns socially finished. Cellophane'wraptted to keep fresh, elean and nnwrfnkled. Fully In-sured against los? by lire or theft, regardless of value.

Have your "extra best" (able linens ready to me for thenext bis occasion. Send them to Morey l*Bue now.l'hone and ask for Laundry Dept, '

Neiv life forwinter clothes ".'•'"/.Start Uio new year right by stepping out In clothes thathave been dry cleaned by Morey LaRue. They'll sparklewith freshness and newness, . (

Morey LaRue's guaranteed dry oleanln^ bltftiu tlolhescleaner, tenjpyes soil, spots and states, brighten* oolorsand renews the style And shape, foe a wore attractiveliersgnal'1 appearance, .'

• ' • , • , • • - . - . • i •

Send your winter suits, coats and dresses to Morey LaRuetoday. You.are sure to be pleased with their new-Ukeanpeaxance. Phone and.Eisk for Dry Cleaning Dept, •

"••^ " • • , - • - / • • - ' O f f i c e r s • , - ' ' • '. . • •' • • - ? • '


^ ^ ^ ^ . DirectorsThomas L. HansonEdward J. PattenJ. AHyn Peterson

Petet Yan Syckle

August StaudtHarold Van SyckleFrank Van Syckle

CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION• ' • • " " - " •'• T H E ••" '• •• ' ' ' ' '


Close of Pusiness December 31,1939; ' .Reso^dEs . .. o _ ; _ C 4 _ L I A B I U T I E S

from.Cash,' Due .. ...eral Reserve a n d , ,,Other banks' ..^.—. $1,992,7,11.85

U. S. Government Se-curities . . . . . . . ;- 672,870.84

Other Bonds and Sereurities :...r;...*..'; 1798,980.44

- j Common Stock ... —*,- .¥ed" - ' '- ' "' Surplus, and Undivided5;

Loans and DiscountsMortgages -= -Furniture and FixturesBanking House _Other Real Estate

Owned J....,..:.Other Assets —f. w



. • ••• 38,600.65/ • • 21,354.60



. Reserve ' or Confing• cicw ~i

DEPOSITSOther liabilities


' T






l-lTVlHTifiliinn - • —BflG-OlEPSDfG"' CPU STORAGE VAtTS for TORS, W f e WOOLENS


DepositoryC U. S. Government< State of New Jersey County of* Middlesex( City oiPerth An oy : :T«i||^'^!ip||^ilf»^

INSURANCE CQRPORATlOti f,| 5, • • • > ! ' . • • •. i . •-*•' '4.iX':\,;--tii?.

• i • d i . . . . ' • ' . i • • : . v • .; . • ' • ; • . • . ' , • ' . ; * , , ; <

:_ >•. OFFICERS j I :"\ ; £ : | r f |•'. FRANK1 VAN 'SYCKLE, Pi^iidant ••; , ; /^'^l lP

/ AUGtJST STAUDT, Vies Preiiieiit ^S fIt ALtYN PETERSON, Cashier. * «WALTER J: KOKOWIC*, A s * Cashiftf- vX

Daily W,vic.e in Wopjlliriilge and all points in Middlesex( and MoMuouth Countiet.




r^iv.• ' /•>(/; v.


:"Tlie' Secret of Dr. Kildare"

Page 4: Entered an ••court I'IIIB* raattef Deat BID · ThS-action leaveiMr. ScharTtick as chairman of ihe. Publie^orks .aflmjnittee, Mr. Rankings police commissioner Mr. Spencer chairman


COMBININGbridge leader OM9>

Ind*p«ndent U*l»>tprnitl


. ./Tlft/(lD

ftstt •

"Kibllshotl Every Friday by, UwW PublUlilrig Compnny, Woiillwldgo, N..J.Illlunaon Kelly;- President; Maxwell, Logan;

i i*t i wi-wrcncc p , Campion, . Trcuu'ntr;-N. B.H J W i a r y . t . , . , . ' , . '

. M60N KBLtiY.<;i., Editor MS Pnbilihar9.B. ORtBOORY' , . . . „„ . ' , , Managing KclltorL f t

bji. i -1 , V1 * * . ' j ' ' * *

. XW.iNDKPENDENT NEWSPAPER ' . ,*"W|Htoh g»t«: li.OQ pw yt«r In gtltyntr.

8 taxpayers undoubtedly' have 're-'"#|blt warm, wej-ooixle tlic ultifllataitf

.is his .Annual itfqssage by- MayorGr,ein«r.:••. V': "/; '<';"< '•

layor, with.consi'di'rabliy y i ^ r a n d•iartible "logic, told; the. Tow.i^hipMF, the Board/of Ed'ucatio.n and tliu

tyflfc Boards ofEh'e'Gqmmiss'b'hei's thatA dfastifcccDnoniies are macfo iii opei1-expenses lha i dark days a're l T d

i for plating the .eonirmi-it£ ill the predicament'it iv>w- faces rests

with-the State legislature ho co)i-|bed/and with this complaint there caii be

I .disagreement.Vhile it is interesting to observe tlie1

of the trouble, the main theme of .allfcal pffiQuils should -concern ways and

aps'of economizing without too-seriouslyidicapping the main services-*to whichi people have become accustomed and toeh> certainly, they are entitled" • Oper-

|iOH8 within the Township have beet) cur-iled in recent years but obviously further

|ita-will have to be made. : • ' • • •We, along with, other taxpayers, will

ixiously await developments. Talking.aout economy and glowing words about|fe taxpayers' interests are good signs. Weily hope they will turn'but to be as rosy-Ifyeylook. ,. . .

Democratic DilemmaDemocrats in Woodbridge Town-

Wf isecm to be'in something of ii dilemma.Without "regard to any" other possibleaknesseB. which, may have been: respoli-

ble for the defeat suffered by the party insv.entber, the iirst inclination is to smear"

ie leader. To hear many in the party tellj-there'would be no more worries, no more'publes, ijo more, defeats it' only Johnoyne were ousted. We doubt if it's

relieve soittewhat the sting the taxpayers.Have .suffered iiW pacing' the

exacted, for1

We would -like "to urge the TbwoshrpCommittee to. make sonte provision for"1

keeping/the site in good c©nditiori--flobd.irig when njecessaryj or sipv remoVaL^Thcplain fact is, how ever,. tHajtthe TownshipCommittee •» '.faced with, e urgent neces-sity of consprvinj^ every, penny "possible andwe'think it would be inebnsistent oh,.our

tpart to urge, drastic econonly'tft.:o.ne bwatjrnnd pi'oj,ects ofthiB kindiii anothei-, no«t«r howincoivsequential the: cost mightfirst appear.'1;, •• ; k 't •.." ;

Anyway,'we believe it might be main-;tajneri that '.anyone sufficiently intej^stcd iiiskating' should M sufficiently'inti'ecqsted ^dear, away tyi a.ec.urnula ion of snow.' We.don't suppose tlys^ugkestjo^walfjnd mu'ch

'.'coiild liOtiie wfpecifea' to perform sqch |ir-duo'us work wijl 1)0: tlie victims becausethoir eldei's are just Uw lazy t6 <!*M them-selves,. ;/ , . -•' '•'. ' »•' \ • . -

••' If llioj;o at'C'py' i'de.as floating-aroundwhich" might sl)lve tW jiro.)lem,.,withojjt'pfcpursc putting anyone to work, we •"-"'"'"'

the lmOufrot f«tcoi]vajfi'n'g -to understand that


,-„_,.,-, _,. that_. Furthermore,,we.dpubl\fhether the disaster which has visited theGjemocrats .here .in recent years •can bt>faced to -Mr.'Coyne half <is much as to anyiu'm1>e.r.of more substantial ami logical reiPfins we could cite. '['.'.: .« VVe -cannot forgot,, .cither-, thai'Mv,iyne took charge of the party at a time'en its prfestige was at its lowest level andIn many of those who would now sup-tit him wouldn't give a plugged nickelits chances in the election that year.

i, the entire sl<Ue u 4s successful and itbe a M r question to ask those who

.out of the scene in that campaign. has occurred to them that their

return ""might have had sotne-in,glto''do.W'ith the subsequent catastrophe.

Jt 'is- hardly coincidence,' eithciv-thati of the four, candidates on Mr. Coyne's

_ jlfll .$ate are1 still in their jobs after* years. We think it might occur to those

ho* are rebelling against his leadershipj-ft, possibly lack of material, lack of* co-

lack of constructive issues, lackconfidence might have some bear-

ion the situation.

In addition to all that they might re-r-,- too, that in tlie Republican party

: has developed probably .the strongestufe'.tb'.emerge heie politically in years—

'Vpf August F. Greiiier. Whether youlijfe' M?; .Coyne or- whether you don't, youiijjfst conf9SSfthi.it boating a ticket headed)iffsponsoi>ed by Mr. Greiner is somethingi|R)t easier to Uil.k about than to do.

1 II No doubt", Mr! Coyne would be the firstjjlidmu; his .errors. But, with.him, we.be-

'. *re 'he.hfts been blamed for many things,,iMch,ti!aiis0endthe importance of a singleidivid.ua! and.for which he cannot, hon-.ly, be held accountable. The future of13 Democratic paftjtjin Woodbridge Town-

• p is, of coursey Its own obligation but-do not feel that c^ies to t

fl< ill the umpire'• going, to-be sufficient to insure its suc-

• is in the years to come. .

The Skating Problemhave received a couple of inquiries

rdjng the responsibility of maintaining>ond in [the park in the proper condition

'jikating. There is a widespread beli^. is a job for the Township Committee..-Undek ordinaly I'll'cumstances-'we'lid be^welmed to agree. •WeUjerieve theil government could take considerablelo'in dpfng'its share' lo accommodateithfttl fun and-sport.' Both adults andIran enjoy skating, and their, use of thei development for this purpose would

year. • V -

While apprehensive over the effects ofthe .war in Europe, most* business leadersthihkahat 1940 \-|ill continue to developfavorably, subject to a temporary check if•inventories pile up as manufacturing "out-,runs consumption'. . ,

Just what 1040 holds in prospect forthe laborer and the farmer is uncertain.If labor can hekl the breach within its ownranks,.the power of organization will helpthe woi-ktog'men td get fair share of anyprosperity that develops.

Millions of farmers, scattered over vastareas and badly disorganized, are begin-ning to learn something>bout the benefitsof organization. If they work together in1940, they may be able to hold the gainthus far accomplished and, Perhaps, mak£a further advance in improving the "econo-mic-condition of agriculture. v _ , '

•The capitalists of'the natioiiT^Jo, de-pend upon, interest for their Income, can.hardly expccfTncTBTtsed incomes becausethere is no indication thai intere*sTi«a,t.es•will increase. "Capitalists'whose .invest-

are in business^ enterirfises.will sharein.the imprgved conditions. Individuals ona salary basis may look for small gains.w

Afeu; Year Resolutions >Jew Jersey citizens are tax-conscious

and government-conscious" in ah unusualdegree.- AH a result, some very real prog-ress has "been made these past few -year'sin improving practices in various subdivis-ions of state and local government.

Each year higher standards of efficieitcy and economy are demanded of'thoseelected to administer the public business.It is gratifying that each year a "better jobis being delivered in various fields of stateand local government, , _, v,y

But the-end of ii\e year 1939, despiteworthwhile progress, still leaves plenty ofroom for improvement. The greater theinterest each one of us takes in"governrrjentduring 1940, ttfe greater the degree ofprogress1 the new ycjar'is sure to bring.

Since this'ie' the open'season'for NewYear 'resolutions, the State Cham^eF^of1

Commerce suggests the fbllow-in'g-to whichall New Jersey citizens may heartily sub-scribe.: , •

1. I resolve..to attend the-Public Hear-ing, when it is held, on my munjiciaprbud-get,so that I may not. only acquaint my-self with'the facts concenvmg my 1940tax, bil|,-but also'by my presence at thehearing, encoura'geTn'yfe'tect^d^ officials toperform the best possible job in "the inter-est of the citizen and the taxpayer.

2. I resolve to be just as ready to com-mend my public officials and my represen-.'tatives in the. Legislature for work well1

done, as to offer criticism oi' what I con-sider to be their errors.

3. I resolve to refrain from taking p"artin any pressure movement calling for newor expanded pubiip services, or new capirtal improvement, unless the need for theseis so urgent that I find myself willing topay a larger tax bill .hereaftp as-a resultof their establishment, i,

4. In whatever-eledion I may be priv-ileged to partic'ipateniri940; State or lo-cal, I resolve'to iraercise my right to, vote,andrfurthermow, 1 resolve ,to votafpr can-d^aites on t h / basis of, their ability'Si'their fitness J<5rth(i'' office they geek xaththan on the^Basis of Other.qua-lificatipns notpertinent to the doing of an.adequate jobon their part.

These resolutions are guaranteed to paysatisfactory dividends to every taxpayerin the State., Let's try to keep them allthrough 1940; r -

from which there was' no escape but through death'.

On rim1 side,men driven forward'against riflesO| ; , gand machiiiiir-'gitnsand"carin(n^ knowing that if they failed to winjhty


disagreecvil-min'iled; that'« ljien are Qtook-

e*l and- that success at the polls. . . . . , cWes from an appeal to the self-

could rctul-n only to death ordered by military tribunals. Driven,tor-, J ^ ^ J ^f the voters, In view of-ward to kill men iiirain.H whom they had no real emnity or to be killed ; this u'nfoyunate tendency of the


W«ll-iii/orm«J polillcil wfit«r« ar . . .Frank D, Abtll of MorrUtown, Will b« the.till *lem«nt in the Republlcan^rty afi

. in the party primary thl« year. .Voter,July, 1934, wrol« an appraiial of Senator'of currant detllopmenti, h*i bacome

..piece may a|aln be of-iome intereit, Irtprintinf It . , ' , ,

»!nj in the belief that 'andldnte of a >ubltan>

Harold G. Hoffm**

itWNU Service • —

OfAllTTiings-By Harold G. HoffmaW

QthefEaitors SajCoolidge Wisdom Recal led

When Calvin CopHdge was elect-• I'f President of the Massachusetts

*-I Senate in 1314.he delivered a briefaddress' fiSll,, of - homely, oki-fash-•ioneil truths which seem to have

«, in til*' (I j h tThlhkinf tk»'

the liberty of

Republican f arfoMopeYou probably saw inthe public pritits the other daj

that Colonel Theodore Roogeyelt.and Frank D. Abell,Morri8townha.d Juncheon tbgetHei t6 talk over thepects of the^Republican party. ; . \ •

ft probably d i ^ ' t mean arwhole lotto thousands up-j

on tho.uton-is*of people in New Jeteey, tliis meetin'g. Buff

to the relatively few people .^ho VhpW^ran'k Abell, knoVl

his siifc^rity; ljiB.horliBstyyhia tiielegs e-ffqfts for gbod'-gcv-J

crnment-aha1 his preservatiofc of'Sdfeals;through aonie pret-l

ty.irying times, it wa$ a vindication oHh$r judgment.• -.- ' • / • ' • ' , - . . ' ' - ' . " . ' ; ' , . - • . . . * V , " * ' • • • ' • . - • " • , • ' ' " " '

: Fi*ank Abell olighf to be governor k Ke\v Jersey]j H p m e , < £ & % '•• ;,• ' . " - . • . ,"'' •".' •' ".

Sdrfie^otuasWy-jWake riighta-fearing he-won't'be, jhoping' a gaihst hope thrtOns true worth: will some day be Irealised by the great horde of votera who year after year/jare" deceived by the'smoo.th oratory and,impossible prom-1isea of men w"ho are hypocrites, of men who.have nothing]lo offer but their selfish hopes and their latest lesson }n|Fmart" politics. • : •

"But Frank Abell wouldn't want t)*e Governorship'atthat price. He isn't'that kind of a fellow. He has1 toolmuch pride and what is more important to him, he has toolmany friends Who believe in; him andlove him. •' .'.' I

Without being presumptuous," the writer feels that he!

-Chri»ln\as niakos poopfe sny and-do whiU is in theirminds It miirht br^ulled the (jay of-tho roVouiti(u*, _ • ' .', '-•

• Take'the.rfaj'bi'/ove the-Chiistma? thi/.has just..pasyi5 as an ex- [been forgotten or roleKatcd'to theAmple, JoseY'Stalin promised ib bombhrdS^o Finns ftom tjie'.-•M«sfstatus o/'.the ouimedcd anchttnrwhile his poldiers showered them,with shells awi bullets on land'. Onth-.1 [obsolete:' ways of thinking 'by" a

• "1"1™ s Western FronVthj opposing armies wth-e-ordered jlargv 'pOvtiflti of •humanity—-i;spe-not to f«rt*«ize" on the birthday bf that' Saviour 'cialiy by our political leaders. .whoso theme was the brotherhood-of nirtj. •. ' ,-, 1. Attention was recently called tp

•. • t V ., ' ' •• • l-this"address by. a Washington citi'"„,, . , • , .... -..,.- aeii in .1 letter to the New \rorkIhorc was nm on the ground "over thereto- , , , , b ^

t , new, *<*,« clWd ,it,,i ':\\ hue t hrwtmas. Bw ^ J f ^ X e w D e a l o r a t o v s

he snow was jurt a canvas waiting tor-Uictures t , ,U s p o k ^ l m M V , e e M , . t o ; takl, i t f01bo p:unteri. ,n rod blood-btood Ot helplo« and hap- j J -e s s common me,j. who were eaugh m a-vwl trap j « evi

b*y men who had "no ifal enmity^gainst them.'

Choice of the DeUnAnd on the side of the defenders-onl;

s^illing.'their blood in the Arctic allows in *dliberty and. the pursuit of happiness—or tomere privilege -pf not being killed. ' •

1jMr?hgTit 1!o fife''enseoT1jMr?hgTit 1!o fife.'urrender all these -for the

" The.-sa'inv day before Christinas^here in our Unittd States, •ihei'twere a hundred trathenngs jtist like oiv5~which took place, in trehton1,ihu Capitol City of NVw Jersey.-Vv_ • Y-- • . . _

.. / The pjlks Kavi,v.a Christmas party. Niit. « 'Chri.itmas party f.or•roihpiri's, racing, jumping1 boys'andijfirls. but' a^imrty f(% t.ht; qh'ililreiV,

1 times, he found the Coolidgp Avis-1 dem1. particulai'ly refreshing, andquoted, the * foH5\v*ing two. para-*

j form the.'speech as givingtloqueitt-jaipression to it;

"We need a broadtr, firmeddeeper faith. In the people—a faiththat men de»iVe to do right, thatthe Commonwealth it* foundedupon a righteousnesi which willendure, j reconstructed faith thatthe final approval of the people itgiven, not to demagogues, slavishlypandering to their selfishness, mer-

who cannot'do thosu-thin^s, so-natural, to childhood. bKnui.-u they "artcrippled—crippled fnVmrbifth, by accident, l>\Uinfantilrt 'paralysis..

Some of these children were wheeled'in to the party-, OTIIL- we'reguided on oiie side, some were guided on both side?, snm8-vj;vc just.{licked un in strong anus nnd carried in. There were men in uniformsthere, bip; tough men with guns on their hips—policemen: but; thux*1

weren't there as sp.ldiers of the law. .They were'there la help- the crip1-,pkl children tp their' Ch'rWtmris• party*."^ •

And the children loved' it.,all. No* si/ur'fact's there, n»'repining over the cures' some of them could never have. -Xntliiim Ijko,that; they were just children at'.a-Christmas party, a Christmas paK\doubly prucious because "crippled children have so'.fW parties.'.',,,,

v--,.. They were met at the door- by ti ftivJl and .d.intiQKuislJL'd-io.b'kuigman, his smooth pink face.-crowned witjl curly jjilvcr hair—a mini -wallthe light of perpetual childhood in his eyes. t' • . . ' , , ' "" • , .

He welcomed the. guests, young and old, crippled and -halo, and'Bflnt them to their places glad they had clinjc because-this silver-hairedman wa's therej-^Joe Buch, chairman of the Elks' party, chairman 'ofthe CrifMJ d Children's aiHrUiit'mployment.Cbmpensatton Commission-of New 'Jersey. . All those titles mean that his life-wyrk consists of .-ec-ing to it that peiijilo^ut, of'luck get a break.

Thrie Hoars' awa

And then the party begaj^. There wan a drum and bujilu tpj'ji.sthat put music intgeyun. pii ra lyzi'cI toes. >THffrt! ,wiM*o clo.wn.s;i!|]fl. j]}nii.i.-;cim'is and singers and dancers and •midgets;and veiitrilHtjuists and moremusicians, There Vvas all the clamor, of a party, all the thrill and excite-ment'lhat any child could know. , . _ • ' ' »

There W E three pours of the party. There was Santa.Clans withhis bag and.a Christmas stocking for every crippled child—a stocking,filled with bumpy mysteries th'a\ were just as delicious In realization "asin anticipation. . ' " ' • ' .... • .. . '

And everyone went home •rejoicing because happiness- had been!created .for them. . -..- ... '• ' ' " • • • '

And the people who (lidthis were Catholics arid. Protestants-amJJews all bound togijtlieV by the e'n!e.<common fact that they are* Amer-icans:. And as -they' ,walk<jtl> h^me or rode homfe or drove home underth'i! stars, l'dq,ubt if even the happy children were any happier tfiaii'th,eir .hObts. «. • ' > . - ' - . ' . ' • .

. W h a t e v e r sliowtlrer.e. was on,T,Hls occasion- was whitt;'the oijly'blood-was being pumped by^guneroiiB hearts op its normal journey of

• l i f e , - . .-. ••". • • • • „ ; • • '• :

chandising with the clamoi; of thehaur^ut to statesmen, ministeringtd therKd.eep, silent, abiding con-victions. *>s

Statutes must appeal to" morethan muter-ial welfare. • Wages*>oj 't satisfy, b e fhey never solarge. Nor houses: nor lands; norcoupi -.»-,• though thoy fall thick asthejeaves_at Autumn, Man has aspiritual nature. , Touch' \(, ahd-itmust respond as the magnet re-spohds'lo the pole. To that, not toselfifhness, let the law's pj^the Com-monwealth appeal! Recognize theworth and immortal dignity of

These lofty"u-tlcranci'.s.of our bc-'lnved K-ew Englatrd-PresiilOnt mayst't-m. too ..iflculistic to be put intopractice! according tif • the-stand-ards ami beliefs of many present-day politicians and aspirants foi-public ol ice,, but they are nojnoreso than! is the Sermon,'on theMount., The. principles- they ex-pri'ss may be tikKfashioiied, to besun) vbut th«y are non-the-lc.s<Tirnlianif/nhil-a-iht-eKsential to thelii'rrjjanelict' aiftT'pro^rcss of the-best in our civilization. Our law-makers andmembersof governingbodies would do well" to. give! themCareful consideration)-, Tjiey mightalso, to goToil advantagf, try ,nut-

t h e m t o t h e t e s t . ' \ ,'••'.••

isxtne of4hO8e friend^..

•V,"Back a few yeara ago," Senator Abell was named fin »legislative resolutiqn as. chairman of a commission to iin-jquire into public affairs generally.. The.commission was'given sweeping powers because no-one ever thojight muchwould, come "of it. But the legislature didn't figure orFrank A'beH,

It-was kind of a dulj sumn\er.that year, and the writelland one of his associates (Francis-A. Jamieson who suMsequentlywort the Pulitzer Prize for his outstanding wor\lin the Lindbergh case) went prowling around the StatefHouse to find what we could find.

We discovered that they had been spending seventeenlor eighteen dollars for waste-p'apier baskets in the offices!in the new State House Annex, eighty or ninety dollars for 1stenographers; desks, twenty dollars or more for ehairsfa-nd proportionate other prices -for similar office haber-dashery, -• '' I

Realizing the scope of Senator Abell's cortmittte, we'ifcalled him to ask whether he wpuld investigate these mat-\\t e r s . , • ' . . . . ; ' . . ' . • . . ; / • ; ; f •

"WilM investigate'theta?'"' he asked. ."You liet Fw i n , " - ' . . . - . . ; " '

And he did. ., , • • - . . " . -

Furthermore, he inquired scrupulously into the wholething, He followed wherever the trail led. Numerous ef-forts .wei*.made by men in high pjaces to call,him off.


I arFinkl^told

am:soi'ry.;l wasn't tliuro, What I have set down here is what Al'-.told me, about the Elks'. Christmas party.

CHRISTIAN.SCIENCEFirst Church of Christ, Scientist,

/ ' •'. Sewaren, N.-J. / ;

r ChHftHan/Science—First Churchof Christ, Scientist, Sewaren. Abranch of |(ie Mother Cljurch., TheFirst. Church of Christ; Scientist,in Boston, Mass. ' Sunday services,11 A,JL< Sunday pchqol, 10:3U/A,- M 7 ^ Wednesday • testimbniifimeeting, 8 P. iyi. Th-ursday., read-ing room, 8 to 5 P. M. '*,.„'

"GOD" is the Lessoii-Bermonj Sundu't, January 7, in

all Christian Science Churches andSpciefltes throughout the world.

The Golden Text is: "Ye shalllfiiiiw that I am in the midst' of

el; at)d am the Lord your

God, and noneelse." (Joel 2:27),Among the Lesson-Sermon cita-

tions is the following frpm theBible: "I will hear what God the•Lord will speak: for he will speakpeace unto his peoplej and to hissaints."..(Psalms.'86:8). ' . ••

'The LessotVtScrmon also includesthe following passage from tl\eTChristjan • Science textbook, • '.'Sci-ence and Health with Kfcy to,theScriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy:"Thisjs the doctrine of ChristianScience: that divine Love'cannotbe deprived of it« manifestation,or Object; that joy Cannot, heturned into borrow,' for sorrow is>not the master of joy; that mattercin -never pi'oduce Wind nov Hfor e u l t i d a t h " ( 804)death" (p. 804)

Don't Mention itTheatrical ^censorship has come

from a new source in ChicflKP. Atthi; demand of James C. Petrillo,lea([er'of American Federation ofLabor. ni.usicianSin'1'htrt! city, stageproductions hayudropped all men-tion of John L, Lewis and the C. 1.O from their .scripts, At the sametime, 'the City Council -of-Cam-bridge, Massachusetts, has* barredthe use of the names Lenin orLeningrad' from-all publications,including books, i^n^zines' and.newspupers bvought -within; thecity limits, .

' 'Nok^ bans by groups or indi-viduals n're'-in contrast to a recentpoll, of pujolic opinion' whicljcatedthat a lai'ericans iemotion!}'C ' e i 1 i v i i M j ^ i jjin the (iwrniwi language.' ^ i Qcal Censorships are, flowed to 'do"to free speech wba't the. Constitu-tion forbids the Federal-'Co'vern-iHiNit tu do, discusbion may be re-duced to such terms as,, "our opin-ion of (blank) iji that (blank) isb6Uer thun (blank), hut that onIho X other .hand •fttlank) • ia.(bla*il()." — ChriHiin ScienceMonllo

-Not.one of them availed...-He-dug deep, He shaded upthe whole rotten mess that was the State House annex -favorite-contractors,, absurd fees for" architects' 'extras',pilfering of all kin4,s by practically everyong-who had ahy-•thing-iq.do with the construction work. .

• Week after week the inquiry weiit on. Week after,;,veek disclosur.es were made that rocked the State. ButSenator Abell Wouldn't be called off, he insisted on flnd-inglQut^all, th,e4'.otltfen, detail^ High"Place rna4g,,no^differ-ence to him. They had. mapped outt unconsciously, a tre-mendous job and he did it. He went through with it whenthere wasn't one.man in ten thousand who would have hadsufficient courage and stamina and honesty to, dothe^amething. . , • ' • . • • « • • • ; :

' After it was over, the'y said that ..Frank., Abell",.wfts

licked, politically. • . / , . \ V ;-'>•

That "wasn't so: -V. • :.:'• ' • ..' f :He was licked, But he >!!*('licked physically. --His

health was gone, .His days'.ajid nights were torture butri« didn't give, u^ until the inquiry w a s h e r . But eventhen he didn't quit He fought day and^night to incot'lio-fatet statutory corrections that would have obviated theconditions he found. '.'•,•, y

In the face of it all, the legislature* couldn't.ignore "aHhis recommendations, It ignored as many as it could. Hewas successful in-consolidating-some of the1 phases*of gov-ernment which were diiplieitous, and in forcing adoptfpnt>f a new budget law. He could have done much more,but. ii\ most instances he was. fighting single-handed, and

with his sinus torturing .him,- ' ,-'••••'' . . . •• • • • • • ' • * • ' * ' * ' ' - . ' • • .

•'-.' Frank Abell didn't run for the Senate the next ye»r,Subsequently in 1931, a few .$ his friends attempted ,toforce him to seek the Governorship but he',wasn't readyio make the fight. His health had improved some,he was still, a sick man. • ' , , ' ^ ,.•'>-'

During the time that.has eniWed, Senator Abell lutaspent his.time doing other:'important things, Through jjiiefforts and good offices, half the banks in Morris'and fljdjoining counties have been saved from disaster. He i%abanker by profession and he h»S given.of his time a;

•,:, • , .M -<«^. jie.^Qjtej f o r nothing in re tu rn^,af,'doing a public service. „ Andicesyi;'-^;,., -.' , \ , •; ^ " . l i v i , "

-. This te'k^the'move was mad'e^ain to git

But the clay will come yet when he can' refuse hf>longer, tje is the hope oi rehabilitating and rejuvenatfthe Republican party,,, Colonel Roosevelt, somehow, foil

out this fact.These Roosevelta, it seems have »• way of finding.

Page 5: Entered an ••court I'IIIB* raattef Deat BID · ThS-action leaveiMr. ScharTtick as chairman of ihe. Publie^orks .aflmjnittee, Mr. Rankings police commissioner Mr. Spencer chairman





Hope, Paulette God-dartl Teamed In SpookyTale Opening At Strand

•; . , ' V _ — = U ' ' , - ,

',',:-MovtegQ,ers whb'dnra. nroyk1-. 'mekcVs to^Jthtill tflem-'iincl lit tho

SRine time amuse tKem will; meet. tho cinematic answer to challenge

iii 'fcaramduht's 'The Cat and thewfiftniry,".' iSo-starrlng Bob -Hope, Bi\d lovely "Paillette , Goddard,

which opens tontgtit- at the Strandfheitrc. And, for the record, theyftre-warned to take along any a'ntbgoose pimple remcdlerf~kn"own tomat), as well'as the Intent d&Vici'ftfoV kee]llnjg the ribs from

• linil rattling- too .vigorously,'. ' The' wessons if or. the parapnei-

• nalia jus\ mentioned a?<i .many; Hi''the first place, BOD has, neVerTiadbottotv material.;, foh as ht'a'ny, tnafW aware already,' this'picture IH"btyjed on the famous statte playby John Wilhjrd, the. <piay which

.,.'tnri|led and chilled Brqhjlway au(Hence- for, years, Then- there, igorgeous Miss",Godda'rd ^,a.nd ihardty. seems,crcdiblji'thSl thfcrebreathes"a man w"ho wouldn't.itch

.io.protect her when sho'ls nion-., aced by "The Cat," about whom

—or whiSh—more later, And foranother factor, consider the sup,"!porting cast: John Beal, DouglasMontgomery,, Gale Sqmlergaartl,Elizabeth Patterson and GeorgeZupeo—a roster of* plnyurs espe-cially selected by Director Elliott

' Nugunt (or laugh-and-chill provok-> ing proclivities,1 ' -:

, A mysterious, foreboding at-mospherfe; hoMiflit. promise of direevents:. to corne, keynotips the"pkr-\yr? fifhm the very first moment.

• Bab, cant--'cry aptly as a-'radiocomedian, and MisH Goddnrd, amagazine illustrator, arc nnumg six

in! heirs who arrive at ai Blxtoky, lonely mansion in thellibuisiana bayous tob.car tho read;ling at midnight of.onc Cyrus Nor-

1 man's will. The others are Heal,Montgomery, Miss Patterson and

, Nydia Westman. George :-Zuecn,the lawyer,who is to read the Will,is the only other person presentQiitside of Gale Sondergaiird, thedeceased's housekeeper, who. haslived there alone in the ten yearssince his 'death.

The itory of the am»iiinjf ofgreat fortunei by m^rdntntiwho itar^ed their buiineit lifterthe great Chicago- tire, i» drt>ntatically told In tlie 'Strandfilm, "Three SOM," which openiWedneidfiy for a three-day en-,gagemenl.' Kent Tuylof, aboye,h»ivone of [he principal rolei.

Muni 8iJs|For New Screen HonorsIn Stirring Siory At The Ditmas'We Are Not Alone' Also Featuring Jme Bryan, Tense

Drama Of Love Oi English Doctor for Ms ProtegeeThe new Paul Muni starring; picture',- "We Are Not[

Alone," wiH be the. feature attraction attheOitmas The-atre starting ionifflit, ^Written by t|te authoj&.aiP'GfO.dbyejMr. Chips," Jan^es Hifton, and produced by Warner'Bros.,the studio which has produced such) QutstaMiiig successesoithe seastin as "The Old Maid" anU"The Private Lives'

THREE som'yivroMERCANTILE SAGABuilding Of Fortunes On

Ashes Of Chicago FireStrand Film Theme

A composite of the lives of munv'grqatimowhant princes who amassed gigantic fortunes by erectingmercantile, -dynasties upon tinashes of the disastrous Chicago

is'deftly wolded into the newscreen'drama, "Three Sons," whichcomes to the Strund Theatre onWednesday &u; three days.

Covcririfi^wrijl decades, thevivid story opens in 1871, year ofthe great conflagration which con"-sumed the Illinois metropolis, andtraces the experiences of a manof vision n»d power whose faithin the future of Chicago helpedhim. t'o build-a 'department storethati(rrcjv*inU) stupendous propor-tions, along with the Windy City.* Edward 'Ellis,'- nc^pd "stago and

screen character actor, portraysche fictional role of Daniel Pard-way, ah ambitious merchant whotakes his "Wife to Chicago directlyafter the disa'ster andioperis a smallbargain store in a livery stable lo-

cated in-'the center of what turnsuut to--be the"'famous Loop.

of feUsabeth and Ewfax," "WcAro'^onfOofle" has »H the elementsw h i c h , m a r k a t r u l y g r e a t p r o d u c -t i o n . , •'•' •;-. ' •'; ,' .-•••'

A'Muni film is always u red-lct-toi-.event,'-f.0r.'the. Star .who! Wadsthe entire field of •dramatic" acting'makes only pn.0.a year an(\ that,one is certain ,to be worthy of hisgenius, jlri 1035 it v/as "The Story

Muni Clicks Again!


^ orecastiIntrigue Among Nitioni

For Televiiion RaleDnriny to dntmatize the into»>

national inti-ipu<j wJiich will de-velop In the world of tomorrow, forthe control 'ot petfeptet? tftng-rangetlevision Pammbuht^ '"""'

of Louia Pasteur,"'in 195(5 it wasThe Good Earth," in 1937, "TheLife of Emila^olaV," ''jtmrcz;" in1938, and; now •!'Wy.)Arc '• NotAlone" for 1980, ftaf»l .to be equal',If. not h lghcr ' c^rc ' BB1 film enter-tainm/nt than any of these- previ-ous successes; "Sppeariilg •with hiiu.in the cast are Jane-Pryfin, whoreceived the,role as'.a,reward forher brilliant dramatic work in "TheOld Maid/' Flora Robson, note'dBritish star of, stage and screen1,and a host- of oth'crs, ' • :m •

"Wo "Are Sfbt Alone"1 (starts- in1QW, a parallel.yu'a'r to this one,for, ench marks the beginninK-of agreat war. |">Buf .th'o little countrydoctor'in a1 small English town iiinot concerned about the world out-side, for his.qtfn world is troubledenough. Me is deeply concernedabout his son,- a sensitive little1 fel-low who is completely misunder-'stood by his 'mother, a severe, for-bidding woman, bne.night the doc-tor is culled to attend a little Vien--nese* dancer,1 traveling wltlkttj third-class, theatrical' troupe, who .has

vWoiv J3py''"cof>)fHi to the screen :a»a uniqae and startling thrill .fifth,a , pletiitsr'which/ presents In thnWorld of today, one of the wonders,of the world of tomorrow, < With

llllB,jn,)ilHcnTy)' Judith Barrett;

CJuiiui.und- Richard' Drilling in thetop fenttijeil roles, the picture-*illbe-offeretl for the fiKK|,tii)iB .locnlly,Wl .Friday «t tjw« Cf.escent Theatre.

In addition Ho ptesentinC- foj-Ihit first -tiiAc' in motion^pictures';iconception of, the-biittieji (o bu',<>.\-pucted" jn l n i ! world of tohior.rmvfor the,control of Jong-pangtfcUilc-visro.hT^i, e.—betiding the tulcvision ^ftyt'iio'thilt' it can be re--coive'(|'(brth'ousnmis of miles'with-iuit.robroatlcaHtinit-?-tbR picture in-Volv'cs ii really diffw'unl lov'i story.The .central chstnieteVs—Henry,brilliant'younir scientist—and MissBarrett, ' W l ; in love via the air'waves, across miles of space, with-out even a kiss to. corroborate .thilove they" see in each others' gyes,

unil«r,takei an entirely different cii«i-cni-ner r,cro*n.jiHi(()>n)int>, when ihc aoetatt

•:'.'.!• " , . • , . W . ' . . - . . . D ! j i _n n frunticr. is <JAITICI S


i\\ "Dcitry RideiBoth ore •huv.-n /in »cene

an an enteFeatured with hhorn the movie


frtt ComhChildren

.— AUo

broken her wrist, Unable to work,she is stranded,, and ho treats herfor' several weeks,-, finds herstrangely fascinating. ' •

It woulcl be ncwi indeed ifone of the grcateit chsrkcteracton of all time, Paul Muni,failed to regiiter-a new_.tri-umph in each picture in which:

he-appeari,- Hit record of iuc-v

cenet ii made oven more bril-liant in "We Are Not Alone,"in one ic.ene of which he ii•hown above with Jane Bryan.


Continuoui]Perform-attce 2:00to 11:00P.M. MAJESTIC



PREVUE TONlGHTiTwo (2) Complete Shows—Last Complete Shows Start At 8:53 P. M.


. . . They make thefighting Sinful We,stBLAZE i n t o n e before.your eyes





Froriticr MvltaiW

Marlc'ne Dietrich hu'tlii; volo of.!frontiurv«ntcrtuincr co-stirs' with'lanky James Stewart in Univor-^al's "Postry Rai<ls ARttip," whichopens tpiiigiit at the -MajesticTheatre.. . , • ; ,

One. of the seanpn's most, .un;

usual 'pictures, "Destry•' HidesARain" is a marked departure fromMjss Dietrich's recent Hcrecn roles.It'ls said to afford her acliaraC'tetization greutly similnr to h'erwork in "TJe Blue Angel," the-film in which sstardom.

she first attained

Pro'difocr , 'Joe ' Paateri)ak,' theman1 reaponsible ,for the DeannnDurbin' and Gloria Jean. successes,has assembled '-an "inilipsing sup-Dortinpf'cii's't for "Doslry RidesAgain," The list of. players in.,eludes Mischii Auer,- Charles Win-

Briivn Donlevy, Irene Hervey, Una Merkej, Allen • Jenkins,Warren Hymer, Samuel -S.' HindsBilly Gilbert and m|ny others.

• .Action Predominates

The picture is fraukly a. dra-

natic spectacle of tho oldwliich hard ritlinu and

•aro' intcfsrlcvsed witi'Vr}ng mob s,cenca 'that have, fillid so" many, pages in the historyif the American frontier.^ \ %hllght' 4 "Dpstry /Hides

Ag'ain"/'i8 an epochal fist-fight be-n/ Miss , Diotiiciv an<t

with SkWivrt as the un-IR. medintoT',whp draws Mar-

cue's wrath, on hia.flwn head, Thelight was fiVedays in the flltning^nd la rated the feMinirie counter-parfof that historic battle in"The

p ; . . .:Stewart, mcnti'ofied for Motior

Picture'Academy honors £o'j; hiswork in."Mr, Smith Goes to Washini?ton.*" contributes one 'nf hi,bust jobs in-' the. • title i'olc o"Dostiy. Rides Again,--;He appear;as .tiwshy 'youn|?'.deputy.-dhcii'who.brinijs a pew Order of civilization to the rough'1 town of pottie Neck Uy; showing the peopltKat guns aren't:'essontiul to lavand justice. ,

Today-Last Time», ;


PREVUFi. • ' ^ •S ! 4? "Judge H«rdy & Son"PREV Ufc :, , ^,1(8 "D*»try R « n Again"

TIME TABLE 8.S3 "JHdg4 Huir * ^

TEL P. X 4-3388



PREVUE TONlfE!Complete Shows — Last Complete Show Starts At 8:39 P. M.


.Thrill Show of the Year

John Beat '• DouglisiMorttgomcry • "CaleSonda _ ^Elizabeth Patterson • Georfee Zucco • DimitJ b | EiiMt Nii'tenf" * «"•

toitd »n tht Slaji Piny by JejhnWillard • A Paramoun4


P h e Green Hor• • , ' ' Chapter 6


wtmtlUROK HVIll lBOIEl t .TODI* ,

;••, — Aiio>-i--Johnny Downi RonHnd

— 1n — - 'to))


WED. »nd THURS-g*

_ Alio —"HOTEL FOR WOl|fiN" (iwai

I \ro|itH l

in IIIt

f 1

EVERY • .*' EVERY ,..-f



j«?!. • - ^ .




\\W BRYAN"^ ••"•-• Smfrvi-'StctiiffiaOli.Mtii" . ' V



, PREVUt TIME T^:18 "TneSwwtotD K6:47 ,"W« Art Not A WB-.39 "The Secret of Dr. Kl

10.08 "We Ar« Not

'"The Secrfet

Page 6: Entered an ••court I'IIIB* raattef Deat BID · ThS-action leaveiMr. ScharTtick as chairman of ihe. Publie^orks .aflmjnittee, Mr. Rankings police commissioner Mr. Spencer chairman


& t h « J M i lSttfedhlipart

18 whennvimbjir

-._ no stowi «yonttopnd by.Balint?

i(*« eti«Jeh«»»Ind eotifwwed

fn Wool-fths past few

•teterrfent**i pulled" pn Ob:

th«y entered theof; 458

:alona SchootP. HJ. , ;Mie>

,,._#W and Toth).; jHiti 6ut ,pf • the drive-i.'tfiif*JP plitr) left: In

>,-B»'W6 went to'the rearf'sed- a window." % . tookotiiy <$4.M) and . .

5!9 Kayla Rai^thi"took Another walk

toifn until, they came toPrtkop; at' 46

c o m m i t « y duty to pM««»™ttffef detotit tti«hk* that we «»•/clti'senrof a detnticraoy, that webelong to a ioUntry whleit |» notruled by the peed <fnd hate andself-JeiiiresAfoncman.Wehavobeen Weweil' by peace.whleother countries of #B.f<>™'-citirtor arc are cnBftRodln bloodj,,brutiJ. <!6nfll«t of are on it»brink. Our destiny in not blaek-•out* and sky; rtt^B apd death.The^fulfilment: of our. future,

i*in the mutual ad'.

a'•omPofft 1)

nerlounly 'ombarTassed because-le|ri»l»ture nan refused to factsthe- problem of financing, unem-ployment relief with courage andfortitude, the local gbvernrnenthas demanded of^hem their :tnx>e» but the 'State "hmkrof' "^ "-


mi mm*the cellar," he

menf rff| tach of us, the;icwatlb.n of ' priceless heri-y In.thin dark, hour whjchIB.'llkeitt #a1l over so much

/the -civilized world 'we 'rilotio,. fopl assured In our hope*id- our ideals; "':• •

loiUj^otfy do our.own.trooVles become In comparison 1 Our.Ccohfeprab!eml«iae>|te,*utthere are no ration ' cards V"»"there fa no conscvlptlon; of

$ a wood plane,jJH and a Bet of pipe diesftithe cellar."


cution because of inference inreligious beliefs, The cost of ourgovernment mny seem out, ol

.«-.-„ , - 'proportion, but our moneyIs nptcrimbieT 4, Toth and Kay- b e ) n ( , apeAt to build machines of

' enter a house at death, to spread, dejolatlon ana"but. there mi a1 destrnc'tion ampnfc our brothers,

and we couldn't.get in. l 0 shatter the strength of fu-«ar doming, up the ture gonerations.of mankind.

ijeVfO ran away." ~7 " pr|Ce Exacted# e m b e r 5, Kayla .and T h c BCCurity.which our formiljtttd: ;the home of Peter K O V e r n m ent affords us, as inbf 26 Jean Court, where .. . . . f v a ] u ? cOmCs Hot

ok Bonw valuable watches, n " i m n B S s — r . - i r ^H and cuff links. Some ofiles have been recovered,ovember 8 the pair enter-

i (Owe of Edward Sattler at[tfbby Avenue. They forced"*• door and "went in be-

, r re were no lights." They; | d the house • and stoleItches and diamond rings,•lays-later, 'on November

ttook another of their

walks around town,wfee any lights in the home

VCatenacci, at 165 Clinton>ed a skeleton key on the< and took a ladies' pock-U t was lying on thetik. .

Itinue Depreditiomp'cbHing to kayla's state-.. November 23, Paulpie 'to • his house and toldTofth was waiting for himtindmill on Arriboy Ave-i t he had found a goodI knock off." Szucs' andlent to meet Toth and thei to the home of John Sei-,

, ' o f 173 Amboy Avenuehey. looted tlte" house-of a

r of valuable jewelry,;'days later, on Novemberi and Kayla, wandered aim-

town until they cameham place, There .they;he Rudolph home display-

i. Kayla walked aroundise, found one, pf the

>ws loqse and tore itie' inside window was un-

take, their toll Inprice1 and patience. There ateexperiments, - wholly worthy inobjective, which arc expensivebut. which ultimately turn out tobe futile/ True, too, there iswaste iand extravagance whenthe people carelessly place theirconfidence in the men they electto govern them. Yes, there arethese frailties in our system butthey are trival when we .remem-ber the stifling technique of theweird political ideologies of for-eign countries. •

Here in Woodbridge Townshipwe have escaped none of theweaknesses inherent in a gdvern-

, ment of the people and by the,peoplc.,The last decade, I do notneed remind you; has broughtinto bold relief the moBt rtatt-'iling of such errors, We for^pt,ras we skipped merrily into the

.••forest, that we must one dayretrace- our steps arid return tothe realism of.our economic lim-itations, '"" ' '

When this administration tookcharge of your local govern^your gmerit, we were on the thresholdof that;,,realism' and we sincehave entered into it. For the lastsix years we have been absorbed

t i o s predica

BUpplJi.with »njr regularity, themoney due ^hem on 'relief ac-counts, Taxes cannot,, therefore,.be paid on l lmeind the muni-cipality suffers," Dosplte the aer-loujrien« of this situation, It hasperstnted. bqcaunc the legislaturewill 'do nothing more tha^ temp-OVlUc ,wjth its.'obllgltion trt the

•people to establish d'permanentImpolicy, In the fInnncinK of relief,

! lAnothcr•hardship., which.• willbcjlclt by local tax payers forthtfflrnt time this year, ,,«nd forwhlcTnthe S^ate lV directly rcr

(Iblo, I*, thn flriaiiiiing of aawitary system in Fords,

ji/rifflw^ and, Kcasbey, This «d-inistratlfin did everythinp;wlt)i.Its power (to postpone this invSvement untri a time when tKe

municipality won more nearlyable .to pay for it, 'Without" anyregard, for the plight of ourpeople, the .State appealed to theCo'urtf of Chancery to enforce itsofder, and. we are )eft helpless.The first installment towardpaying for the new system willbe included in the 1940 budget.It has como to appear that in-stead of making any, exertion toprotect the interest of the peo-ple the State government hasgrown insensible to this object-ive and adopted the attitude of'forcing its will regardless of theconsequences.

The Remedy: 'The remedy for this treatment

under our democratic form ofgovernment, and that is fa't the'polls on election day. If we iav,enot been given tfie consideration,to which we arc entitled by those"in whom we have placed oufr con-fidence, our course is clear. Wecan repudiate them by ourvotes.

It is too late now to sot up a•projection against su lvA'irtipMi-iipi) as I have cited arid we mustnow accept them. These'arbitu-ary demands must be met andour hope of compensating forthem, in order to avoid a.-taxrate which would be virttially,copf iscatory, • is to make someadjustments in the budget nc;counts over which we can exer-cise any control Unfortunately,this portion pf "our annual ap-propriation is relatively small,

It is my intention, however,,to keep our local, operating ex-penses at the barest minimum.If, when the costs imposed bythe-State and'.b,y the amortiza-tion o? our debt are computed,there is shown the need to cur-tail further local expenses, thiscurtailment will be made. While

toVBtrench" now,,than to courtgiJSMropho be'eausc we Are un-,,,.!wilting ornfraid to face rjtoMi'y!', ,'|If. the legislature would permit,.tho municipality a.nd'the schooldjstrict to; cut .our Costs accord-ing to their cloth^Bpend in fairproportion to tho.lT income—wewo.uld be able to control thc coatof Kovernrflc'nt. But -instead ofbowing., to tnc need of the peo:

plo, tjie( le({iRlatiirfl p'refera to b'nguldetfby the'• nhbi't-siBhtcd, «el'-flsh dcsirt'B of the'jibwerful «pe-clal intd'eafs,' ,. ' v T V ,

Sluch wiw said, doubtle^B.'inall.sincerity,,'cijiicer'ning the fia-cal and economic ijoliclc* of thNadministration' during' ;the' lastcairipnlgn/Theitimo'-wHl' soph boat-hand when1 ,n public hearingwill be. hold for froe ,nnd opendiscliRRifln of appropriations forthe yenr". Thin Is tho opportunity,under OUT system4,' for ovcryon.i1

to parlicipalc In tbo, oncrntion "of their- ffovcrrtment: If pvnry-

,'onc Will, join with tin in-fitthtinrr'the' arbitrary costs 'londwl^upon.'us from the outeidc, or colloct--ivelv W individifolly devise any.'.method by which we can nssure

•even •• greater, efficiency andeconomy to the people of this*Township,1 •! any sure their hqjp.and fiuc;'gcstion>will *he greatlyappreciated. Party lines are un-important in rclnlion to thc wel-fare and progress of the com-munity and I like to think-wecan join together,- minus politi-cal labels, and act simply '.as ci-vic-minded ; citizens -determinedto help our fellow men.

Town't Condition SoundIn this resume, INhavc studi-

ously tried to avoid' any words

By 'Mr*. R. G.

Avenel News3 P*A AV«BU«


Btjr Is Killed\)

—Mrs. Kate "Aptckar>aRter, Pfl*Ji»s returned to her

di several days

L8ti- tcr, Mrs, Robert1 Livingston Avenue, Wedn,MdAy,

^jrfboutthe body^ttwo o'clock"Baf-*(S

,ome afterSpending several days*rith her brbther'in-laW an4 sister,Mx;.and:iMfR.'M; Greenspan, olivenel Street. • / \ • • ; . .'—the Juesday Afternoon C.on-

.ot'with Mrs., Haroldof P,nrk Avcn«e, this

vuuuon.™, . v . PjirkWeek. Mrs.'Ray Misenhoider.sub-

'M* J^hEttcrshdnk

—MiBei- Cwelht fai ahd 3&(nBurns, of Jersey ' 0 % were -gf eifteof Mary, Ann and Fred CiegotUfa,of Ayenel'Street, on New T«ftf'»'D a y . ' • } • . , . .'• • ' " '• •..,"1'.',

—Mr. and- Mrs, Arvid Wlntflillland dauRhteB,, Karen, of ; "brigief.' Avenue, Bpent the #' Mr. and,, Mrs .John Grtfak,;.in


which tKey were riding, driyeri by,,

ilnjwnin >fteiffler> ^7, of Livingston Avenue,- was struck by a skid'ding car driven by -Albert Ci*^-.liiyj 28,,-of-12S4 Main Street, Raft*way. The'accident- occurred on St,yQeorge Aven;ue,> near A'Avenue,'^ijfiniijl,, The Rnffmans

t bfiSedfoi.'Mrkj.hnEtt^.lS-High scores were made by Mis, _Mrs,.HerberFrank Barth, and Mrs. Frederick ^ ^ . ^

Kraiise. ' , ; - ' " „ , • Laura Cullcri and Mrs., Henry- M r . , and Mrs! Prancis T^ N c w m t t n i ; -of Jersey'City,

jrerald of' Ziogler Avenue, .and Mr. • _ j M r ; aM M r S s Richard Cobp-nndMrs.R.G.Pcjibr.dParkAvo. ^ ^ K 6 y p 0 ) , t n n d Mr> R n d M W i

nue, were, guests of/Mr. nrrtlMrK, julln'Whitcomt!' and son, John, of

r . . . werelreatedbfDr1;Myron.G.WB1«:vJ. terB atjbliqe heaJqUartera. . Ar-

„ _.i'r|[c|thur.Cromwell, 24) of'Main'Street,with Wfs. j Rtthwjjjf1, a paRfeinger in the othftr

V, auitained lacerations of therehead.,and Was troted by his

nue, were, g t /Charles..Kerman, of Bhyonne,

h t • • ^ Mr;

hitcm,.mya weekctidQuests ol' M ; l < l d i J l i g b t t > i

The'.Icy condition- o'f.Route 2fi,rtcar. Mehlb Avpnue, Lafayette

i d th id

--The 'Pnreijt-Tcachfcrs',. A»so? ((ln(j ,frtmiiy; of : Liyingatoh'A'eiatio.li will hold' its'January,nicct- ^ ' ^. inK no'xb Wedhfisdfly.jft? inoon a t . — Mv. and Mrs, Herbert Head,the schoblhouse. Dr. Harfy,White, pf^GeorRc Street,'announced theof Roonevelt Hospital',' will be. the ^ ( j U e n t flf their .daughter,truest'upea'lcer. • Muriel AdeU; JohiWBti, to Waltei

Mr and Mrs/Charles Weston J a m e s Smith, of Keaimy at a.fam-f..,ii»™, ivnniip. attended n iiv dinner party-held .•recently at

/caused .another acftent at \Six o'clock Saturday 'h'fi?rit>w1ieni,a."tjaf drlvsn byiMrs; R. Van Bhalery.of Spring 'AvWuiej Melrose Pfi'rkr•Pai,, north on thg . highway, skid-.:ded, jumped over (thc 'safety., .isleinto the bound. traffic Jan?where it Was struck by a "tFuckdriven by fhomns' Ross. Bfi, of1801 f'ront Street, Scotch Plains/-.;,

which migljt arouse undue alarm1

for our 'future. The Township pfWoodbridge, as a municipal en-.terprisc, n -in sound' condition.-Its debt installments have been,paid promptly-. Its payi ?lls areup to date. Current operatingbills arc honored upon presenta-tion. This excellent standing hasbeen the result of the installa-1

tion of practical business polircica, firm insistence that bene^ficiarics pf government servicesmeet their fair share of the ex-pense. These policies-will be con-tinijwl^i'of .unless our'Sn^pme is

our existence as .ah -in-

i one-pieci1 (Irons in beige woolwith, sealskin jacket is an import-ant item i» Hie wardrobe ofLaraine Day.--,. The dress bodiceis gathered from a square- yokeand slccvcs'^are. short;1 the^jddrt iscircular ,with feathered fullnessconcentrated in back; the belt isof brown, pliable lizard. Thebrown- -scnlskih jacket has brace-let-length sleeves, Miss Dny wearsa blacky bTWTK-efetei••with-jne-diun)-hit;li crown and tailored rollbfini, trimmed witl] gros,grain rib-bon band, ami brown veiC

Golonia News

home after sponding the- holiday;with relatives-in Hateiton, Pa,

—Mr', and Mrs. A; Henry 1Ithica, .'N. fYi,

After the acerdenl the truck wasstruck by a car operated by He.lma

I'Gitaiilt, of Ceflper huiorE.-Hamp.-

„ , „ , „ „ Avenue, attended n. j|y dinner partyNew Year's Eve'party at.Wo.home the iload home.,of Mr and- Mrs. John H.chn, olstt . —Mivaix! Mrs! Herbertof Modison Avenue.', . '.„ • o£ (ieorge -Street,.

-Mr . ! . Clara Stevens, 'Miss 'contract| br ,dKe '^»' N™ Joaqs , ; R | d i n | j ^ ' ^ R o m twftfc-aiid IfrMry Stever*,and James Stevens Eve.; Uuests were; Mr. _on^IM^ j ^ - ^ f o ^ t c e n . y e a i , o l ( 1 A r .of Oeorle SUiRt, have returned Johnson of Pihmfi.'lrl. Mr. and, „ « „ ; onftmllnff the-holiday? Mrs. TrJomli

Mrs,Avenel Street..


-The Colonia Democratic Wo-'s.New Deal. l'ub met at the


Aj|jl';. and they entered. Theylii'uDsitairs and found a bed-

Jhey opened the



years we havin the most precarious predica-ment in the recent history of thecommunity. Our municipal "in-come had dwindled far belowthe gravest minimum and yet wewere faced with paying off adebt of,$6,000,000, of maintain-

the salaries of employes of thcBoard of Education are protect-ed by the^atute, I feel that theBoard a'sjvellas this Committee

should seek' some method bywhich an adjustment* can be"made throughout the public pay-

dene'nflont entity'"ceases.I want our independenc'e, to

continue. I abhor the idea thattion or industry or ceurage onbacauso of any lack of imigina- •our part we might .become theward of the State. It is to avoid:

any such eventuality that 1 have*{iiftAi,-tQ-'itjaint for-you-thc truep'icfure-","'of what"'we 'fatje Ji.ndsome of the steps we can taketo insure our solvency, continue.alj,,jnj8sent services to the peo-

"wc and maintain pur credit.This is a tas^whiih^ou must

Co-operative Headquarters onTuesday. The .following officerswere installed; President, Mrs. Al-bert 'Rehberg'; vice president, Mrs.'Lawrence Suit; secretary, "Adolph Jaeger; treasurer,Anna lorio. The new president ap»

met with Mrg-XeRpyPark Avenue, this Week." —MisB; Eleanor Fitzgerald, 'of

Ziegler Avenue, spent New Year'sDay and Tuesday .with relatives inDobb's Ferry and ?ayohne, ,

—Mrs,. Edward Qrode, of ParkAvenue, entertained Mrs. ErnestBerger, Mri John Morgan1 ahdMrs! Stephen Hayden at bridgeTuesday afternoon. •

Mr,-and .Mrs., James Cirulli, iof?iegler Avenue, entertained rela-tives and-friends' oV West ..NewYork at a New Year's Eve party attheir home.

—Mr. and Mrs, Walter Parkerand family of Fifth Avenue, have

thur ROPS, who.was trenj.p,d,jit the

Township; Mr. and Mrs. P.. J,IMuWenberK Hospital, .Plainflold,Etttranl Glendinnintr, Mr. and |for.lacerations of the left knee,M'i'i'.' Frederick liraus ,

anil .—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hdade,' Ice again ' caused an accidentand »nd family, of Fifth' Avenuc,»8pent Sunday afternoon in which Louise

. New Year's Day. in Philadelphia Oaborne,60, of 308 High Street,Club where they witnessed the Mum- Newark, sustained a possible prac-

of nierjs Paradft, . • • ture ot the skull and fracture ofthe jaw- and ribs; Mrs, Osborne

riding in a car operated by

SHOW N e w a r k ,


To BeGiven In School Hall

On February 9th

30, "of ai^New Street,On Route 35, near

the Lehigh Valley Bridge, K^fls-.bey, when the vehicle skidded andcrashed into a Public Service .pole."-Mrs, Osbo'me is at thc Perth Am-boy General HoSpHal,

ISELIN •— The Iselfri Chemical Two persons'were injured earlyHook and. Ladder Company of the Monday m'prning, when a.car, oper-Warding Avenue Firehouse, will ated by John , Colligan, of Newhold its annual minstrel show^nd Brunswick, on Amboy Avenue,,bailee on Friday sight, Februai'y near'Milton Avenue,,Was strucLby

at tho .Pershing Avenue School another car traveling in the/ppo<Auditorium, according.-to plans an- s jte direction and1 driven b^ John-•lounced this feek.

tTiminski, 26, 6f 727 State Street.

it thoroughly and found, pins, diamond rings and

[iris,* After they left thefcBey went to the corner of

Avenue and Grove Ave-, they sorted the loot aridaway a few of, the thingsJbear#d valueless. A portionpeweliy has' been recovered.

rnjTp Sewaren

Ib'eelbboVlS, Toth and'Kay-

ing police, fire and sanitary' pro- roll, as well as in current operat-taction and of keeping the doors ing accounts, which will affordof our school hon»»8 open to ac- relief^o the taxpayer The samecomodate those into whose hands responsibility must also be rec-

-1--- ~«-;,o^ Kw the various Boavds

|iit': V S4waren. When tWyl l o i west' Avenue,, th'ey.siw.

lBavSng a driyeWV/. Theylights so they forced anJ-ity.tV house which later.

(ftSHhe home^of Motorcycle"5$$i$Kjd<>lph Simonsen,Mbtajhigi to Kayla's statementI'^tewk six 6r sev,en packages} ^ e t t e « " in the living room

jv^n.wtmt upstairs to the b'od-I'•'Sfliere;.. they took two old

shells, some .pen!s that later proved

i; They took^ome' rings

our governmejit and our nation-al life will some day fait. "

Only One Hon«»t Coijrie . :'There were, of couhe, sever-

• al alternatives. This administra-tion believed it to be the will ofthe people that it pursue the onlyjust and honorable course—pay-ment of outstanding obligations,continuance of .all essential ser-vices, fhis course we have steer-ed for-six years and your con-fidence as expressed in the lastelection is to me a solemn com-mand that we adhere >to thischart. ' " .

It is the essence of an under-standing relationship betweenfree people that all matter.5 ofinterest be disctisspd^frankly,.without embroidery and strippedof subterfuge.. It is nty intention1

to address you iii this spi^t a?f Inyself n«lw to the futufe.

which you *•—i. They took^onie rngknife, breaking tfie lattljey tried to force a

later Kayla went totried to dispose of

articles taken ftbm•n home.' The pawn

he said, refused tomasonic emblem but

dollars for two dia-twenty-five cents for

and ?l'.7ii for a

Szuct Lookout!

Szucs served as look-:mber 31 while Kayla

home of F> ScallyTerrace "and took

2, after fe.Jon officer,

been called upon to bear fn re-cent, years has been great. Youhave met.it with fortitude andresolve, You have restored toyour community its fair" name.You liaye, by pride and' priva-tion, given it a future. "You have

eij'vit .from the Btigma. :*

qgnized by the various Boardsof Fire Commissioners. Unlessdrastic reductions are made byboth, Ihe inevitable result willbe the prbportionment to thesespending agencies of the same•percentage of their require-ments as the per centage of tax-es collected. This is not a pleas-ant outlook because it indicatesdeferred pay-days. ., •

I cannot lose sight of the factthat property-owners have a lim-it to their resources. If the menft charge of running the govern-ment exceed this limit there willbe^awdisastrous" effect upon our

'•future because our income willdecrease, thus forcing' art un

.welcome restriction on fire, po.. liee and educational services.

Ordori Retrenchment .Now' 'Ta fny mind, keeping before

. us the magnitude of the demandsover which we. have no controland which must be met, '|tmu«h the better part of wisdom

mocracy — and who /among, uswill say it is too gre&t.- ,ii.-?

In closing, rnay ,1 exnress mysincere.-hope tha,t theNew Yearwill bring-every good thing to'all of you.

Mrs. Julia Paop h InjuredFulton Street

WOODBRIDGE—WW]e crossingFulton Street,, near tKe' intersec-

share. This is the prl vou n•Re ofde-

pointed the following committees'.Ways and Means, Mr%. Je»ephineGrassi; Membership, Mrs,, RuthSmith'; _' Publicity and Program,Mrs: Howard Fletcher.;;' Welfare

I Mrs.; Aubrey Wbcjdw'ard. Mrs,! Fletc,'nef''was'*appoihted' chairman' of a covered dish supper to'be heldaV the4 home o% Mrs. Edna Wood-ward of Fairview Avenue, Janu-ary 23 to celebrate jointly the sev-enth birthday of the club and alsoPresident Roosevelt's birthday, atwhich time the club will make itsanniisi donation to the NationalFoundation for Infantile "Earaly-

A sooial hour followed- the

returned home after spending theholiday's with Mrs, Parkers par-ents, Mr. and''Mrs. George^ T.Johnson, of Morattico;, .yinrima.While there they participated inthe observance' of Mr. and Mrs,Johnson's 50th wedding annivers-

Vi * •

—The American, Home Depart-ment of the Woman's Club' willmeet next Monday afternoon, atthe home of the cTiaivman, Mrs.Frederick. BeckleJ^ on BwnetStreet. The:w'&'grfiW'"vp feature vtalk on and a demonstration o l

Hl,Ifr T o : W-2W Uockct 121/539.


Tho cast Qf the minstrel includ- Perth Amboy. Miss Catherines several old "stnndbys" among Smollen, 25j of 651 Pen Street, a

whom are Ray Elliott, Cliff La- passenger in the Timinslu car wasRoque, Barney Goodman and Stan taken to the Perth Amboy GeneralKoresky," who is coaching the .pro- Hospital and treated for a po«nblc

ction this year. fracture of the nose and lacera-There will be many features in tlons. of the ..upper lip. Collifjan

this year's show including Matsu was-slightly injured but refusedMatsuyama, an oriental magician medical attention. '

QUARTER GROWS TO $100Williston. N. D.—Archie'Harty,

plus dancing and singing teamsknown locally. Rehearsals are now


•n progress and the .complete'cast 1 j f C u U ; e r t 3 0 n ) Mont., recentlywill be announced in the very n a » | f o ^ n d a ? u a r t e r i n a rilbbiSh heap.

It was dated 1876 and was foundt o > ' worth $100. •


' —Joseph 'Petras,_!(Jington Avenue,the. Perth Ambov. P r .

»<i a result of injuries susi d tin an

result o jautomobile accident Christ-

mas night,

Ibpiinlcil: ltn.,k UM.01 L.OU- J0 W I I 0 M , T j , A Y i C p N C j j p > N .

patient al At n.rcKiilnr oieetlnROf Hie TownHIIIP ('nmmlllco nf the.Township of

idlirldgi! lii'ld TiiBsdny, Januiiryl!)ltt I was directed to advertise

fuel thnt nn Mond(V evening, Jnnu-15. 19-10, the Township Cf\tn-

wlll m«t i't 8 P. M. (B.8.T.)

Colintr S"rroKllte'n Clllirt


SIS.business meeting

S;n in'tolligence ti;sirefreshments sewed." The hostess-

Theresa '

dui-inj; whichand

T Z T Tihnlt nf Lord Street, in the Committee Chambers. Memorial—JohnL. libak, ol uo innu ix . M | l n i d , RuHl l inKi Woodbrldi?e, Newis convalescing at the. Perthboy General hospitalpendectomy


p K, dbrld.m, N Wjevsoy. mul expose and si>!l at publicsain mid tn the .hlelu-at bidder acdord-^ u i M fln](( n n ffle w l t h ^

Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. Josephine' Grassi. The' nextregular meeting .will be-held onFebruary 6. • < •>

AThe Colonia Boy, Scgut TroopNo. Gl held a Christmas.party Fri-day at the home' of-Mrs. Howard


117 aniMK jiV Blw)f'411C. Woodbrldficu( Map.notice tl)«J; the

lee has, by resolu-tion niid |ii)r«uaiit 'to iu-iV, fixed 8minimum prlra at which siild lots In

tion of "Main Street, Saturday |Mason,. Dover Bond. .'Gifts .weremorning, Mrs. JuMaPapP, 72, of.'-"1- ' " ' ' ' " ' " """"^ ' " " " "207 Fulton Street, slipped on theice and fell, injuring her spine"

Bennett; of -New York City, over

the-weekend, • " , I' iii'ViTucit'wii'i lie qpid together wiUiThe Ladies' Aid Society ot tna ,n oi),,,r dblalla pertinent, said mini-

All persons i^onci'rnml mnv lukonotice, Unit tliP*Hiil>HcrllM'i', nilmlnlB-Irntor ptc, of Annie llnvedorn dp-ceased, Intends In eshllill lilti llnnl

mint to the Ornliiin/- I'nuiil', for... County of Mldillovi-it, mi IWMnv,

the Nlnetoenlli day nf .lanimrv, ;l!)|n,at 10 A, M,, in HIP Term of, hecem-bor. 1!)H!1, for sctlleini'iit null nl lnw-iince; the HIUIIP IICIIIK llrnt amllled'ind Htnted hv the. sin-i'oi^ticbated Deeomli'el- IStli, l!)3il.

AuBiist I1', (irclni-r,Ailniinist rut or,

VIT, & Arinslronf;, H«(|S.(Jniinafilors Al f.nw," "

Tlnhwav, N. .1.,,Proctors

I., 12-ir,,2a,2!);l-ri;U'.

Ladies ,,, o n uPresbyterian "Church will mum prioe

The aged woman was taken-to_the office of Dr. A. Gerebenjn aradio car by Officer Daniel Panj,coni. -After receiving treatmentshe1 was taken home.

Riders Announce BetrothalOf DaugkerftrL B. Reid

WOODRIDGE—Mry and Mrs,Harry L Rider, of »21 ThomasAvenue, Batavia, N. Y., have an-naunced the engagement of theirdaugjjter, Martha Elizabeth,, toJanfes B. tieid, son of Mr. andMrs. Jam^s Reid, of Alice Place,Woodbridge. . • ,,-'•"'"

No date has been set for thewedding. . ' . , "

exchanged and the. scoyts' e"riter- day night,tainod with games after.which re-freshments wore served . by Mrs.Mason assisted by Mrs.« ReneeSchwertz of,Avenel. Elevenjnem-bcrs of Troop .01 •• were there" andhad.as their puest a former mem-ber, Frankie Vigh, who now livesin Washington, D., C, and wasin Colpnia for the.holidays. Mrs.Mason and* Mrs.' gchwerto werethere from the Mother's Cliib.

-^Mr. and Mrs. Edward .Nad-ler of Chuin-O-Hill.s Road havereturned from the home of Mrs.Nailer's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Wrat Presbyteriadrst ntsoyu.uumeet at the home of Jms. K. U.Perier, an Park Avenue next Tues-

i l h i s

p ,being $400 00 plus costs

? , y d an(1 advertlslnng,]ilt l o t n :n 8B|(i block. |f

payment •„.. - , . I'IKISII prk'e to be tiild In eoual nionthlv

Jean Cline, of Pni'K- Ave - ini'«iim».niii or sin no plus Interest and- • - • -|n»r tei-ms provided for In contract

sale, • . 'Take further notice that at Bald

mile, or any date lo which It mav be, i nd.lnurneil. • the Township Committee

Seward ano | reserves lhft.,i;.lflit..in..Ua dlncretion

nue, wns. a week-end and holidayCuest of her erandparents, Mr. and

i Mrs. Elm«r E. ,Clino, of Fords.

.children. Louise and Dpnam, 01h t d home

| to re.ie'l nny ofie or allsaid lots In anld blocV

and toMil'ouie w | | M | | ] ,[>ts ,n ag|(, b l o ( v t< m

et have returned home Milder as it may select, duo regardei, nnvt. ' _ M ,Vl,n ln t(,rnw anl l mnnft o(ing thf nolinays v\w

pavmcni. In case one or more minimum bids HlmlVbiv received.

" l ' o n acceptance of (he minimumy ( | | ,jr-|,|(l__nhoyp minimum, by ,t))«


Tlnnorabla C,h"-ence E. fnse.;Ju8tice nf the S w i m ' Court. • .

Middlesex1 Pquntv. "• •NOTICE OF MFRTIW OF COMMIS-

SIONEUS • 'hi thf mottfr of the iietlliiin nf tlin SUIr

Ill|tbway Commlmiloner of.l ite KtRlftof New JTHHV tor tlu> riindi'iiin»'ionof Ittndi «f National Flrcpmurin« Cor-

- porntlnn, i corpurutlon uf

TO:,Oeorg» Hafley andhl ife: Willliuii K

after spending tltf holidaysrelatives in Scranton, Pa.

- M r . and Mrs. William E. m ( | | m m u UIMJV i i iuv i i in u j _• of Manhattan Avenue and Townshln ('nmmlttee.and the p«y-' , „ . w - n . » M n «nlf P r sind merit thereof by the purchaser ac-

•spareavit ,from h g^hflhkruptcy, You have renewed

/ i ts right to take a place .in theforefront of municipalities ofthe State; :

You haVe^m'et th^ challengegldrljusly, but it persists withgreater vamlficttttons than everbefore. ' • , ' :

This is true,because our ceo-nomtcrequ)ir«ments have beenconiplicated by circumBtancesover which we have no controland which have descended uponus with alarming implications,

i f t h m can

Calendar Qi^' • v - . • • , ' • : • ' .

Notn'All IniicrtlqDa tor tbli cohinin iunat lir In the Iadr-p e n d n t - M d e r office uul Inter tbau WediiMdiiV of v«eb tvenkto •••ore publltntlo^, . J N ' V /

rs. F. A.

.Griswold homo ..„. ,'the arrests followed, . \ ,

Uijjf of Polide George E, K^at-J id, yesterday that a . great.]oi, the jewelry has been locate

i ^ f l e w k pawn -shops and'tepf$', by Newark; authorities

that- the brokers'cannot dis-l«e of .the pieces, Keating alsojded Captain Efjan and Detec-e Iqreeant Balint . for theirk Pitfte case,' ,

•;( Bfl|)^ I j i O g a p , " he, said,ked nlgM and day alo the cas^

" «j W k f if. It was^not a»f 1«ck, but'good, bar3

The'most serious of them cutbe traced to the iheptitudeKof theState legislature which, no-longf-er striving fo* statesmanship,has resolved A * ' ^ » *tanA-linn, tawdfjr »»«*M5l» of totilUsf.'R;has'

January, 16

It.lias invaum» wv n.,..,<».» _ ,

red precincte ol home rule an* It January ga;-• - . . . . o ^ i H January 2&:

red precincte ol homhaB turned its face from the'real

b K i ith hihf lhJresponslbiKtifounding f*th«r» Intended it

Meeting of Methodist Senior Choir. -Rev. and. Mrai Rodger W. Hawn, hosts', ' v

. Mother's Clvib^meeting at home ofB r i e g s . ' . ' " . '

Meeting of Sigma Alpha Phr SorlritjCat home•; of Mrs, firace V, Brown on 4»ih Street;Meeting of Tuesday Afternoon * » a p d u b at

home of JJrs. Leon E. Campiell. •Meeting of St! Andrews Building Fund Society

Auxiliary at home of. Mrs, Edward Moran,Douglas Avenue, Avenel. . * •

' (Meeting of Avenel'P. t . Ar-»t Schoolhbuse.:• "Buschman Guild meeting ' ' ' * * " - r

Porv of Manhattan .y ' , . . « • n . M n «nlf P r and merit tliereof hy the purchaser ac-Mr. and Mrs. Walter ManaKer ana nor(1|J|(f ,„ th(, 'imnneT „ , p u r o | , a M

ilnnphter Rosemary, of Ziegler |n-accordance .with termn of taia ondaugnter, noau.m y, , ni ||1(. ToK-nflijipWIU delJver> bar-Avenue, witnessed the Mumniers m l n | u u l mil).

l d l h i New f

delJver bar-


' Meeting 6f Tuesday Afternoon Study Club, I r s .E, C. Ensign, hostess. • .. '

ahy D' Hall.HV. viame8 Hall. . . ,

««.:• Meeting ofliddlesex County Pr«.0flWn Perth

> " Amboi '«.

January 80: Birthday BWl.JocFebruary 9i^ IseHn Chemical

* J h o # and,ScBopI

to President, ,and Ladder Minstrelat 'Pershih^' Avenue


Floyd Shipman of Middlet^wn, S.Y., where they spojit.the'holidays.• I^ I ^ .^ ' - ' - " " " - " W - ^ I " W I - ' - - V I "^ 1 —;—" . - • "

Judge lyon Slated To Talk"At'Trinity Club's Jj/leeting

WOODBRIDGE--Judge AdrianLyon is expected to be tho speak-er at, the next regular dinnermeeting 6i \ he Trinity Men'sHub to be help Wednesday night,anuary" 10, <(n the Parish Housen Trinity Lane.. ;

Dinner will be served prompt-iy at* seven o'clock, the- commit-tee announced. .

The club also plans to hold p.card party at the Parish House onFriday night, January 19. Wil-liam Ridyard and .Winston Husseyare in charge of arrangements.

Avenue, witnessed m l n | u u l mil).^(H} lm ral

Parade in Philadelphia on New p A f ED. January 3rd. 1M0.

Year's Day.—Mrs. Charles Lawrence, of

Westfield, was a guest of her sis-

Township Clerk,he ndvertlited January 5th anil

• 12th, 19-10, In the Independent-

,Oeorg» Hafley and Bcusji Hijflov,hlif wife: Willliuii Kriiiner aiiil'ld'i 'Krwner, his wife; Jimeph Toth anilBarbara Toth, bin wile; Frimk

" "ScVtuIler: ' Tirwiwlilp .ul WCMHI-bridge, , ! municiiml i-ownitloi i of.New Jericy; Natimial Flri!*P''oofln(tCorporation, a cm-pui-atiim ofPennsylvanlu'; T)m f'imlliieiitui

. Bunk A TruHt Company of New1 York, TriiBtoo, a curiiiirullon of. New York; and tu whom'It may

Kefer To:' W-110 IWlict 119/2(1:1Recorded: Book llilB r»«e US


ItMiT To: W-302 Docket 124/930Itrcordcd: Book —, P»|f — >


• tht TOWB-At a regular meeting ot the Townnhlp A t u w j u | a r m e e t i n g , « thv - - - . _ornmlttee of the Township of Wood-1 shlf> Committee of the TowMhlp^ qf

"heldf Tuesday, January 2nd, woodbridge held Tuesday, January tad,directed to advertise the h ^ g ' j W l l 9 directed to advertlne tne-••--'* -"'"" '•""»••» I fact that on Monday

1040; . „..., .... _fact that on Monday evening,15th, 1M0, the TownahlD Committee willmeet at~»-P. M. (B8T) In the Com-mittee Chambern. Memorial MunicipalButldlnK;', WoQdbrldge, New Jersey,and expose and Bell at public tsule andto the hlRhent bidder w o r d i n g toterms of sale on file with the TownshipClerk open to inspection and to bo pub-licly read prior to Bii'e, T ots W end 44hi Block 411C. Woodbridge Township

that the Town-

HORVATH-HEGEDUSEngagement Is Announced

At Party Recently

horiie">.ofMr. and >Mrq. "Jjttnes Hor-vath.v'j^t. LO Pearl Avehiie, an-

L' was*made of the en

to law, fixed a mini-mum prife m which pair' 'ots In salrblock will ;he sold toK"ther with nilother details pertinent, said rjilnl-muh) nrlce being WHOiflfl nl"« roat« ofnrepnrlne deed and pdverflftlng thisnale. SaW lot» In said block. If sold ort'rttiB, will reoulre a down, naymenbof'40.WI, th» ImlanM nf wi'ftiBgi" tirl nto be r>n|r1 In eniml monthlv lti«t»ll-

i nf tin no nliin lnt.ere.flt utid otiieri nrnvMfifi for \n concert, pf plp.kn further notlf* thoj1. nt HPIIInr onV ^ato to whlc.h U TTIPV liei nn*1. the Trtwnshln OomTvilttflev»s ths rlBhtln lit dlgorntlnn *n

nr nil hint nn'1 tn poll

fact that on Monday evening, January15th, 1M0, the Township Committeewill meet at $ P, M. (KST) IS the Com-mittee Chambers,- Memorial MunlclptlBuilding, Woodbridge, New Jerseyand etfpote and Bell at public Mk ty&to the» - hlghost bidder according totfii-ms of sale oh file with the Town-ship Clerk open to Inspection ftM tobe Bubllcly read prior to sale, Lot! JOto 30 Inclusive In Block 274EE. Wood-bridge Township Aau«ssment Map. .

Take further, notice that th*Township Committee h»n, by resolu-tion and pursuant to law, find atnlnlmum price at which aalrt lot* innald hlock wlUbe iold tofcether Withall other details pertinent, said mini-mum price behg 91,646.06 oltia w*tirnf preparing deed and advertisingthis sale, ijald M« In anld. bUy*. Ifsold/ on terms, will, require a dowimaymerit of $164.70 the bo'uncn ofnuroliiisetirlcs to be paid In equal

t f $2500 l

You are hereby notified «f » meetlnitof the Commissions s iippolnled in theabove entitled cauae. to hi' held «t theCourt WduM, in the Cltv of New Bl'UW;wick, m the County of Mlddlewx nniiState of New Jerwy. on r»ldnv the 19thS«r of J»mi»ry A. D. Ui'D, M t1,"^0""oftTOO'cl* (EaHt»rn S'pmKml Tln»»)?n OM fom-noon of 1,1 day, for til"purpoBO of •determlniiw (i>e amount nf

ertv described In the wti'lnn M lthis cause, fw'l imoefn if n'lyv.ntwwdby reason of lh» tuMnr' ^•"•W, :

• DAVID T. WILENT!!.Attornev Geimijil or N»w ,1'rsey.

Counsel. State Hiirhwav Department,Attwaeya of PetjiiMier. , •

Pated: January 4.1910,



XVanhcrn. Vacuum Clennprn at lnw-«nf terms: lariresr ncrvlpe ilert.,ntttl. molorc machines, 2»0 Stat»Str«et, Perth AmW; t-'iW


monthlv Installments of $26.00 i>\«»interest and ' other terms providedfor in oontrant of Bale. '

Take further notice that t t saidno'e. or any rlatp lo which It "•'or an



i )gagement of their daughter Mary,to John Hegedus, son of Mr. andMrs. John Hegedas, of Crows MillRoad, Keasbey. No dutejms been

for the wedding.

<»(>+ mi'" onId'lota In KIi It ronv nfl'«n'-tn tnrniR.'iin'l tninnur

% !>««« nr\e nrHlf**» fil'ftll b.A r»cp|vffl,

T'pnn ncnentnnce nf the minimumbid, or lilfl, qhnvB t«inlm"in. hy. theT h l Cmmlt^ and the pny-

lm yand the pny-

l n

Revited'Tm a self-made'Tm a s i j

You'riMuclty. Tin the revisedwprk of a, wife and three dan(rh-ten."

. . ftnmmlti«ethfK>nf bv trie .iff./o the ruiniin1 of

•i acop<d»'"'» with ti"'""' "' ""I" on" • will fluHver «

deed for*','vs»I|l


... „ . , ._ , b«adlotirnetl. the To.wnnhlp Committedmgervefl the HKhjt In Us 'llsoretlonto reipr,t nnv onef nr all bldg and tnnell fluid lots In snl<f h|(ick to -WH*" "" .as,it mav »eiecl. du« re«Mf'

irlven'to Urms and manner of0Rvm»ni, in CRB« one nr mor» mini-n«m hid* dhnll he reeflvM.

itpon aexentance of the minimumhid, or hid aboviijnlnlmilni'. by'.tWTownnbln Oommitl** and th» B»v-ment thereof by4 the pur^hiaer »()•

to the mnnner of nurfh»M

AGS wa xhandkerchief, "f •'


FOR SALE| j snn—R

IpR.h. mTheatre,'Jlt:

nlol. 1 »neat


Tnpnihlp ClerkIrd 1940 .

J»ni)»rv Bh „ ,In the Independent'

ordlnir the anner of vurhiuitin accotdnnce ulth term* of Ml* onilip the Township will deliver ft barguln mid sale ii*ed for >KM nranvlHt.4.

ToXhlp Clerk.DATED. Jaiuwrv 3rd 18W, '•

To.be tdy«rtiMd Jwusry Wit.4 January 12th, M U t n th« Ii

Ld \%




Page 7: Entered an ••court I'IIIB* raattef Deat BID · ThS-action leaveiMr. ScharTtick as chairman of ihe. Publie^orks .aflmjnittee, Mr. Rankings police commissioner Mr. Spencer chairman

••?;.< - I n 7 - K s f g » f t - \ Y ^ . ' • **,


P A S A K . G A P|o Meet Crack Quititet Td-

iht Alter tayingOff lot Week

LAY HERE WEDNESDAYlODBRlDGE — C6nclud iifJ|( of Idleness,trie Woodbridgeits oi Columbus basketccrs

1 swi'ilf l» t0 act'?11 tonight wheniaiiglfwith the crack PaasalcFive on' the upstate' team's

|t, ft. The [tame iacfocked to".lev way'at 8;3O. o'clock.1^1

Pocsaic. CdUnty dribblers-of ah enviable record,, hav-imJg string of victories, recr-

tied In tTx'ir score_bopk.- The|nls thus - far. this season have

foiilid, the going somevihat••isJul with a x«cord of si*

1 only dne detent.I The Gascys \vill return to'theirLie grounds,, next ^ WednesdayL h t h u a contest'Witti the fastli i th Amboy 'Catholic Club. All\me. ' games are played at' St.fines' school here on Wednesday

CR—a change over from Satur-nigtlt engajrcnicn^1 ..

1 Activity, in the; Greater Perth|iuhny Biisl<i'tbaH'LeaRue will also

resumed by the Knights, nextFrom then on, the W.ond.

bo.ek.dge club's schedule' will

lirdcd with -'outstandingjts, according to Bon Mllfe'tr-

agent for. the Caseys.leliirning to action-with the

s will -be' Gerity, Mayer,f'l, lla.nderhnn, ' LclTle'r. andLimm.'

IDOLESEX GETSJDFORJOiMounty Bowlers Challenged To Enter Competition

For State Crown| R E D BANK—Bowlers of .Midi'

County face ii challenge to-|y. A Challenge issued by.'keg-

czars of New Jersey's 21lintics, now busily engaged inJmding up pin-splitters from niltions ol\.the state-.for the Jlew

frsejf • StatV' Bpyrling Champion-iips, wliich will bo'held on the

Bank Recreation Hall alleys,wman Springs Road, Red Hank,sutcessivc week-ends, storting

arch 2 and 3.Appointment this week of Joe

(kiley of. Sayrevillc as'rfcpi'esenon the committee in charge of

itries from Middlesex Countyrings the challenge right into thisnritory. They are currently ean-issing organized ABC-SDnctionodagues in this district and areaking plans to accommodate asany as 500 iivg-inun teams iniroe averaging , classes in . theittiripionships. Entry blanks may

secured by writing Mr. Bailey.The tournament committee is

<&y Assemblyma'ri'J. Stanley

lerbert of Sea Girt, president ofShore Firemen's Bowling Les-

lie, largest organized bowling cir-lit in the world,, while Joseph[enzzopane of Red Bank is iictiveanagor of the' tournament.

Diviilom| Average divisions have alreadyen established for five-man dou-

les and singles events.I Clans A division for five-menams will, embrace squads aver-ting 900 or over, Class B will

Iclude team's averaging 830 toand Class C nil teams under

[Doubles teams are divided as(lows: Class A—300 •and' ovCr;ass B—220 to 309 and Class C—iider 33uT' Singles divided as fol-m: Cliiss A,—180 and over; Class-165 to 179; Clasa C—under

86,J All averages submitted to theIflrnament committee arc to1 he

ken as of Dec, 31,..1939, the dateblished by "representatives of

Ctional bowling .associations,wlers who Compete in more thans league must submit averages

fr total games rolled in all or-zed- competition. Delegatesl county associations will bffonsible for true-averages of alll&s from their section,

|Rules of the American Bowlingjess will govern tha tourna-

ht.and,\he,section requiring all{Hern t o W m i t their entry fee" per event) with applications

be strictly enforced, it has,announced by Mr. Menzzo-

I ? ' : '•' •' ' •' , ' • •This fourteenth annual state-| e tournamet will be the g*eat-

ln the history of, Bowling in the,den State, it was indicated to-

I by the enthuaiafo of cotemit-| from the many county as-iiona who attended the meet-at Bed Bank and it behooveapowlers to get their entry in

of Form,fot'a all this" about Mrs. A.| 'er hexpenaes paid to the

i right She's gains as a*" the guild."

f • _j| t ^ T T ^ up * • . _ i j . B-g j « I • _ n • - I^^-FITI n • » • i ^-p-i —

in, Barrons Meet (Jarteret Toni,,.,' --^' • rti 'nu-rit'Ki" !-•-irfirrtmii.. .'. • - ' ' i r - ' mm. mm Hi» n 1 n. mmm ' j f m . r " rmfi ifi nir inrlif" i l i t i l V * i - " r iM i' 'fr';-''-'- ^ f ' . , p u . -,.. -, , • I r - - m , , - • -• M -, • J , „ .

r _ o ••


Before dishjng out the uaual dirtin -this eolutnn, which Inauguraten,the 1940' season, b ^ , t pthing to do t(cvflrybody}e-lj;ei ) i t i h jt j ^ b

t y }it)., is to wish njtmy .pj^buMlng1

'friend^ n very-happy ancl.p'fbsp'cr-ous New Year, and I also wish that'.they will-have "a year full of sWikeswith big BCpireB and no-apljts,, i• • — M«d»»n, 2 3 6 — -

P»ul'» T«v«»n, in the FordsRec. Uague finally ihowed upwith1 B full team and you ihouUhave ic*n thorn go to town.They took B««f'i Boyi OTBI- thehutdlei for the match and ihov-ed that they hive a ifretty gaodieani at that (if they thow up).Square Mad ten did; right by.Paulie at hi popptd off a'neat236. Thli iiteidtMnlly i»lrei himthe honort for the cut-off thi'tweek. ' .• ' >. . — M»dien, 236 •—

The Hollo Tailors continuedtheir streak this week and chalkedup "three more wins. Their victimswere the" Fords Republican's. Hussky Joe looked very much erintent-k\ after the game: and. expressedthe opinion that his •proteges willcome out ontopat the end of theteason.

— Midwn, 236 — ,In one of the molt Hotly con-

toitbd m»tch-g*mt» of the •«*••on, George'i Service Stationtook LundY -Service Stationthootert for three in a roV^The • tattle actiongamei "were dote but Geoitge'il*dt eonlttencj held up. fdp thethree gumei. In fact, they wereto coniUtent thtt their low•core w»« 171 and their belt223. Wib Romer'i 600 leriei forthe night wu beit (or. George'•while Chick Jacob't onion billbehaved nltaly for Lund's.

Mrifcen, 236 -4,with

a ^blind, Bill's Diner took the oddgame . from Morris DeMtschk .pin-ners Tuesday night, and snowed•that they were still' in there pIGg-ging away. Q'RleJly's three deucesin fthe opener looked good, butthey dropped thnt game, by onlyten. sticks, ' • •••'. ' -; • v

•'. ' — Mtdten, 226 •*-, ;, ;;;v

The action at the Woodbrid(te'Recreation chute, ii certainly1*keeping the boyi on edge. In themain go, the G. and M. Amuie-ment, five whitewashed Pallco'iUvern fbr the first two games.The Palko's got hot and the pin's

Ma\(jeWith both teems shootin

fake it to'heart.ai only four men, ihowed up .for' thejr mateh ;againit the Jefferson Molori, .

...but:got right down to,some.real' haVo\,plugging -and grabbed a1 brace of gurnet. 9-pin Skay top-pej^Nit team in,the opener.withh!i 214, followed by Joe Gill whopepped « 206.. ' •« '

;'; ;:••',,—' M«dien , ;2 l | — '•" •,'The, .Paraniaunt Barbers, who

nre' just begimiing to, go .placesgave the K,acops a reftl "trimmingin ihel> nintch "Wednesday night.Wjtji.thfc' Irimming tney gave the%acops, Bartos, Remina ttnd Nem-es will get trimmed bjt,their spon-soveV. Joe Gfiniofdi this ycek, Toobad Tontojops don't bowl on thePaia-s team. He would be in fora couple of haivcuts, as he ahrtt213 and 201.^ — Macjsen, 236 —•• .

Prof *f tor Skyball KrohYie',principal of the Craftimen's•chool o j pinnery, declared I

• two-week holiday to hit bowlingpupils in 'the Civic DepartmentLeague, Or maybeythe Prof hadto have those two weeki to re-.cuperate. Then/rfgain, he mayhave had V haVe (Kkt time, tovisit hit grandchildren. Well,anyway the Prof will' declareschool opening ne*xt week to re.

their •cbedule. '— Madien, '236 —

The Peanut' Lcague/had .verylittle action this week owing to theholiday season. The only | matchwas the K; of C.'sVs. the Blue BarBoys, the Capeys taking thr6egames aa Stumpy's Blue Bar Boysshowed up with only three men.Perhaps New Year's eve may have

had something to d,o with jt, . . ,.' — Madsenj 23^ —

Owing to. the, Holidavi there"were four postponed matches tobe rolled in the Peanut League.Mayer's Tavern mutt pick uptwo matches and bowl againitGeorge's Tavetn and the NotClub. The.Casayt owe the NutClub one match and the BlueBar vfill have to straighten outtheir match. with the Hilltoptaver>n."lf the Caplains of each' m Will vet together and pick

he P a V g o t r the pcertainly flew, retulting in a 43- v

i f h bpin victory for the, t^yern boy«.Cunnar Nelien bagged a 205,Cholly Sieuel banged a 212'andLockie, who wai yanked V\ thetecond.game to get »onie\,;vjd(at if he needed any), took Vipotlight with hit 225. Pop f\ s,of the G. M't had a brace of.200's to take the honort on hitiquad.( —* Madten; 236 -L-:' It looks as if'Slippers Magy still

has that mad on as he did not showup again this week at the Wood-brfdge ,'Rccreatioiu alleys, agd' con-sequortly ItiS team droppml twoout of three to the Gene'ral Motors,Come on Slippers, Ret yousel'f astomach full of poulash^and somegood Hungarian wine (Badacsony)and strut down to the alleys nextweek and"show Muni that yeu cantake it. • \ '

—• Madten, 236 —The Reading Office didn't

sible to .roll offthe League Committee would a]preciate it very much.

— Madten, 236 —HOOKS — Chomicki made him-'

self a good week's nay at the FovdRecreation alleys Tuesday.night'.We're golnft 'down the home-stretch'now bny.% an4 we'll- be talkingplenty about the -annual' RoundRobin soon-^-Ro hold your average, . . The 'annual drawing for, a balland' bag by the Peanut League willbe .drawn January 12 , . . Returnshould be- made to K, Skay, Sec-retary, before that date . . .WaltHabich has a Vaster on his .back

Zip Hnbich wears glasses whilehe's foul modi—and he doesn't miss

eithetf Say how aboutanysteaming up a match between thesponsors of 'the Woodbridge 'Rec-reation and the Fords Recreation

~llow fibout it Beef . . ; thoWoodbridge irang is ready .We suggest it be for aboutbam'kof beer . . . We'll cuarantoeto furnish the guys to.drink i t . . .Husky Hollo would be* a swell an-chor mnn for Fords.. , , ShortyJoe Giimoldi is already hired todo that job for the. Woodbridge.gang.

Basketball LeagutStm&n§$. Township Heavy Seniqr '

Thursday, January 11 at High School, Owls vs. Bayviews at 7P.-M.; Grcilieh vs, Catholics at.8 P. M,; Fraternity Club vs., Democrats

at'9 P.M. • • 'Woodbridge Light Senior

Monday, at Parish House, Deacons vs. Farmers at 8 P, M.; P, P. A;vs, Cardinals. . ' ' , . . . '

Tuestlay, Celtics vs. Shell Oil at 9 P. M.Wednesday, Cardinals Vs. Shell Oil at.8.P. M.v?armers vs. Celtics

at 9 P. M. , "-r,;. •-.'•''.' Woodbridge fittermediate ,

'Monday, at Parish House,"Sewaren vs. Boys;Club at 7:15 P.-M.Tuesday, Swifties vs, Boys Clul) at 7:15 P. M.; Cyclones vs. Ter-

Wednesday, Red'Ghosts vs. St. George at 7:15 P. M,Woodbridge Junion , . .

'"Monday, at Parish House, Rangers vs. Indians at '6 ;30 P. M,Tuesday, Bluebiids'vs.St^Jam6 8^ 6 : 3 ° p- M. •Wednesday. Comets vs. Americans at 6.30 P. Mi

1 Fordt Senior League :

Monday at Fords No. 14 School, Keasbey Bombers vs, Skeeteraat 7:15 P. M,j Alaruos.vs, Greyhounds at 8 P.-M.! Dukes vs. Sporting

Club at 8:45 P.M./"MTuesday, Teals vs. Hill Billys at 8:45 P.M. , -

1 ( ' Fordt IntermediateMonday, at Fords No, 14, Rinky Dinks vs Owls at 8:30 P. M..Tuesday, Jitterbugs vs" Arrows at 8 P. M. * - ' « ' .» •> Fordt Junior , *'

Tuesday," at'No." 14 School, Tigeis vs Phantoms at 6:30 P. M.;c^ta-vs Bine Jays at 7:15 P. M. .' • • t

Y/oodbridje BodingK. of, C (3)

W, Wood .:..„..-...:: 168J. Gerity WE. Gerity 127

Gerity 177k 1W



181 'B. Szurko151 Doyqa)

Blind ,Blind

Blue Bar (0)


„,„«.., W S»2 868

J. Saurko



l id189100



-668'. 067


Many of the towmhip'i pottiniviiit the National motor boat ihow wWch ^pen»iUdoors at the Grand Central Palace tonight, t h i r an-nual expoiition, the 35th to be staged iinc« the gi»o-line launch made its debut in old, Biladiion. SqiiayeGarden back in 19OB, will prewje aribtber recordy*ar for recreational 1uiatiH|,) ',"; •••:>' •'^l'.'<\''}. . ;•'

The last.three seaitflitfjf tyave fl!Byeloped*two of the big-boating -y^ in hiattpi with popularity still qri the


A-Fieldand A-Stream\- The Christmas Puppy And Us Care

In the December issufe of the American Kennel Gaz-ett, Dr. Edwin Reginald Blarney^ M..R. C. V..,S.,>fficialveterinarian of The American' Kennel Clubj writes on the,care and feeding of thes puppy. Because a number of youprcfbfibly got pups as Christmas presents, we thought some.of.1 DP; Blamey'3'suggestions might come in handy. As thisarticle is too long to conclude^ one issue, we have decidedto run it in a few installments: • .

' "Whe/y^jj start out to raise a puppy, there are sev-erarfuirtfciJnentals to be remembered, and these cannotbe too strongly emphasized. All dogs are carnivorausanimals. By nature, the digestive .apparatus is speciallydesigned properly to break up meat into substances whichthe animals are ab)e to absorb into new.tissues, to supply\h& growing paganism, to replace-thosfi/f arils of the body•worn^ut during life. "'<&•.?•••••"V j . •.

Tunic, Originally S k i l lFor C«rter«t, To Takt ,

Place hi Local Gym


"During the early development pf,tlie puppy, milk..isin essential food Which contains all the elements essentialto, proper growth. These elements are in a balanced pro-portion-in the bitches milk, if she is'normal and healthy.Cow's milk is a good substitute at six weeks, built presents]certain changes from the mother's milk. To overcomethese changes, I find it best to,modify the cow's milk.by.•idding.the, yolk"of an egg, half a teaapoonful of sugar ofmilk and one-teaspoonful of lime water to .each; taacupfulof the milk

"The diet of an average .puppy at six or seven weeksshould be composed of four meals a day, given regularly,tind if refused do' not leave the food on the floor. I suggest8 A.M., noon, 4 P. M. and 8 P. M. At 8 .A.'TVL—milk! andcereal, slightly seasoned wi^h'sugar; .at noon—;meat andvegetables? seasoned1 with salt,-tftwiegakhjes well cookedand mashed,,the meat diced or choppsd^»^4»l^.l%^miikor broth with cereal.-; and at ,8 P.,M.rHi$at and .vegetableor meat and cereal." ''. I' | ' '"« >' •• ' .

"By meat I mean raw beef, podked beef, lamb or mut-ton, or cooked chicken and tur.kejy minus bones. As a sub-stitute for meat you may occasionally give fisl}, freshboiled cod or halibut, canned salmon or tuna. "Eggs, eithersoft boiled, coddled or raw also will relsjjce meat in anemergency. . - . . . • • ; . •

, QfV.egetables—anything in this class may be given,, ex-cept, peas, lima beans, corn, potatoes, and tomatoes. Spin-ach sometimes is not tolerated, but is beneficial if properlydigested. String be,ans an<l well-mashed carrots are also,excellent," (To U> continued next week.)

With The DossThe first show of the year, in. this vicinity, will be held

this Sunday by" the Womeri of the Union County KennelClub at 2-P, M,. in'H#by"HalJ at Summit; N.J . '"There .\viU'»e all women judges, with the excetion of EcTwa'rd Maloney'who will judge all terriefte-.-v-Tjie Qthef judges jire^ lilrs.Roy Schwackha'mer, • pointers • arid setters; Mrs. LouisCampbell, all .other gun'dogs j'iMrs. .IJarold Gundlach, allhounds, except dachshunds,; Mfs^-Allan Hirsch, all'work-

; Miss Edith Gary, ail toys; Mrs. Robert Smith, allnon-sporting; Mrs: Charles O'Malley,.Children's HandlingClass; Mrs. Roy Stefele, Ladies' Handling Class, ..Follow-ng:.the show there will be, a^fifiit-together dinner at the

hotel where all doglovers will Ife welcome. ; j

This Saturday, January .6, the • grand, championshipof the Jockey ,ftollow Field Trial Club will be held at; thegrounds of the New Jersey Fish, and Game Commiss'ionnear Clinton. There will .be twelve setters and pointersentered. These dogs, having w;on their' places in previoustrials held this winter, will."be judged-oii the following ^!n^ •••• )H ]f.

< r r • Blind .i * 1«» lioO'RWly 222, 180

Nineteftn thirty*se^en w|s conceded to.TJe the great-year- on record itt#oc.k rboat, prbductfon,' artd^aiter ft

fhtling qff bi 1938* (He ComebRck'duting -thV'last;inno|iths is claimed by boat^'marine, engine ap^ ac-

cessary produce'mto have surpassedfiventhepeak of'-eafs ago, ' • > . • . ^

All this can be confirmed by the lifcoL Jr.„_,ity noted along' Smith's Creek in Sewaren during mepast two year*,- Last season fbund titaHy ISO boatsof all sixes and dMcription mooredji^ Smith's Creek.And, the 1940 boating season promises to augmentthe present total at Sewaren by at least ton to fifteen.

' Membership; in the two boat clubs—Sewaren MotorBoat Club and the Land And Water Club—have beenincreasing annua}ly. . r

• More than 200 manufacturers in the .marine division-of the aujamotive industry •will be represented at the show,and a pre-opening consensus of exhibitors, reveals jthat1940'production is. geared-for a continued upward curve

Keeping pace with the growing legion of pleas-ure boat owners, many innovations, will be unfoldedwhen the dport of Grand Central Palace swing widefor(the show.' One hundred and seventy exhibits, twomore than the eight-year record set at the 1939 show,will include the products of 66 of the nation'* leadingbuilders of recreational craft and marine engine*.All space for the accessory department, numbering109 exhibits, has been sold out for several weeks. -

The show fleet will again" number in the vicinity of150 craft,, with cruisers, cabin utilities, runabouts/record-breaking racers, auxiliaries, seft skiffs and other inboardpo-wer boats vying with the sail and small boat armadasforjrablic acclaim., The all-time-peak production of «ut .bolfd motors the last year is reflected in anothef increasein the numbejr_of'exhibitionoutboard runabouts and othersmall craft designed for use with these popular portablepower plantB. . • . ' .

Educational exhibits, including those of racingorganizations, wllr";a'3"d*tolor to the Palace setting.The United States Coast Guard; Department of Com- •merce, New Hampshire Public Service Commission,American Power Association, National Outboard As-sociation, United States Power Squadron*, Seaman'sChurch- Institute and'Middle "Atlantic Outboard Asso-ciation are among those allotted space in the educa-tional department.

All in all, this?year's show is going to be a honey,'So,

I'll be seeing you at the Palace more than one night*••'• •. ,' ' I . fo-o-o . : ' v :

v Plan Grid ChangesHigh school football, which profited by the adop-'

tion of a. more open type of game during 1939, maytake another step1 toward further speeding up thesport this fall. The football-rules committee of 'the.National Federation of State High School AthleticAssociations meet today in Chicago. Gridiron regula-tions made by this group have been officially adoptedfor all prep and high schools in 25 states and in sev>eral'large cities in other states. -

, When the miles committee assembles today, it will

Tiimboir'H BarronWlteth

down to ; hard wovk ,lfcftnfter'the holld&jw iij-prep**,

iitlon for. ?omo mighty totisch stunMttt''starting with an antielpaicd jrikilttwith Cartcret High School tontftil. '

y scheduled forBotfoiwh fnust, tonight'sV Garter^' hait'be»»."*wlto 'W.onTlhridKe becausfl theW(ch whnoreymnftslum lit Ct

Announopnient if the _.was mnde ov»r the weekend. IJoe Combd of Ghrtowtteam waii\$ travel all of jmonth, th> itataWthatignally slated to be played a i C |^retai l beinir played on the 'TlooM op tho Khrobler's opp(m

Bids1 for the oqninmcnt'nftto complete the evm hove jurt Loilt so that It will bo some time I,fore the borough school wltf!'l.nhKe IQ use the court for RatinlW,The Rfttnblershftv.ebaen practicing+.here but have been usinj- tet»jK»-ary baBkets.. • j fif

Kdirie at the Barroj| " '(tym will be tho second lo i

HRrteret. It will he Wdodbrid^T•:hii'(l skirmish and the TambO^men will be out tiding to retristtt1" '"'

• • - • • • - & '

Scheduled to begin at 8:30.,lhii j "»»me will be prece<kd(J)y a - 1" i ' **


ments are %ofaiftenth annual reunion of the HeltlBoys Club, according to AnthdCacciola. '

Nn definite date or place htl )f|vet been selected, but according ft

V; Forter,{ 'natitinal federation secretary, indicated there- Cnceiola, chairman , the nffait f U ' .

from high schooltudy riumwousliuet^^j^ m hgh schooaches and officials in -every aecftio^f the country. H.

is considerable likeRh'ood tHe rules body may further"open up" the" game through-the approval of a rule per-mitting any number of/'forwar-d passes on one play, pro-vided they are all made from behind the line of •scrimmage.

Reports from practically every section of the na-. tipn, Porter said, showed spectators preferred a fast,

open game rather than one in -which sheer power wasfeatured. During the last year, schpoli under theassociation banner were permitted to pass from anyspot behind the line of scrimmage and this rule didmuch in opening up the high school game. Under

: intercollegiaterules a pass is allowed only from a spotat least five yards behind the scrimmage line.'

Thousands of spectators were hWoodbridge High School's team operate lastialf. CoachNick'Prisco, because his eleven lacked1 power, was forcedto use the "open" type of play. The open type of footballis much more difficult to master by the schoolboy player,but when it is, the game becomes very, f aaj and interesting.

Township BowlinglResultsFORDS COMM^CIAL___

H. H*I)sen .:!.; ,132A.'Kaub..,\ ISO


1. Style in running and.on point,2. •' Rtlnge-And speed. - y

3. , Ability to find' birds.' ' ' ''4. Application.' " <^. Character ,of work on game, such ^s- stauncjiness,

steadiness to wing and shof, etc.6. Retrieving. . , • ,7. vBackinjr honoring btace riwte's pojpt.) -8. Genera,!, trwtability^ \ ,'"


Totals '. 784 ?28 68«J""' BiH'i Watt (3) .

N: Honsen- 146sW. RosenvingeBlind ,*a..Blind'.....,....«..W. Podqlski




Totals 744 727' Lund1. Sorvtce Si*. (O>

. . . , . . ^198 170

'V. B«iish 200 166 188BVHanaen ............' 156 178 186M. Kdvach ,../. 178 159 20&<KTotali . 683H. Chomicki .,176 , 145 201 Paul'* Tarern

Totals ....: ., 908 810, G«orgo'« Swim St«. (3). MatuBB 171 211 192> Sab» „ a-7B iU M

i: Pios^o 1()8: 190'L. Pdivl^ .:..» tSS i80^^202% Romer .-. 22fe 200 /'19S

1 ' ••, • ' fa '•. ,.'• y



Totals 95,0 974'-Mollo Tailor. (3) ,-

J. Ragulft 158. 209713-J. Lisko ...,: 224 148

G, BmtftM .> 105 140.198 Mj, J»jj«oi WJ....M., 182, 1J0

teams of the two'schools.Tonight's conflict will be a Gpj*

tral Jersey 'Group III Conferencestruggle. The Ramblcru, last ysat'sCentral Jersey Groun II champion*ilovatcd to Group HI this season),ire favored to hand Woodbrldflfvits third stvaiRht setback. >'

.The RtrenRth Of. the Cartwfffclub was placed onTuesday night whenPerth Amboy High,, n Group ;

Seam, 19 to IB at Perth Am!'The Pnnthers • were held toooint in the first half.

A very ron^y combine, Cartfeaturwl Joe Wadiak, veteranlast year, and Pete Virtrpr. Th«Ktwo acca accounted for all of tip)nineteen points scQved by thfrfcuii*blors against Perth Amboy this.Week. '

Tamboer will have available itfttonight's game ,su,ch performers'^*Bob Gillis, Lpuls1 Liiek, Larry " "Leod, Eddie Miller,' JimCharic'S BareeUonn, John DubsJ1,

1 Finn, Mike Remar, and Stay*Pochek.


First Barron Chafflpv•Together

be held the latter part ofmonth. . ,

The Heinle Boy? group/cohsllWof members of-the W30 Wotflt'brldee High School football t«nkcoached by Heinle Benlwrt.team was the first R«d and !eleven in the history of t i n 'rbn Avenue institution to wlh iitalia championship on the grln«iron. - „;,<,

Succesaful reunions haveheld annually since the •the state title in 1930.

Members of the organization »k ajjnaked to contact either CKdoI* Thomas Lockie at the Parish Ho'in Woodbridge as soon as- poUin order that final preparatlmay be made,

C. Flusz. , 172 182

Totals '. 901 849Fords Republican*

G. Prick , 127V.Lund .124% McCallen,. 'Blind r.-.. 125F. Dunham......: I7ffC. Gilsdorf ; 137



"»«£\, MndsenW FischerT SaurltoT. GovefteT. DiRenzoi^, Kaub



Totals 91BBeef'i (0)

k. Anderson . . . 172H. Stuneto . J. . . 207J Kovaes . ...v- - 1WCstk. ,-, -vH, AfldetlKm .,.,. 1 8 ^ '




Page 8: Entered an ••court I'IIIB* raattef Deat BID · ThS-action leaveiMr. ScharTtick as chairman of ihe. Publie^orks .aflmjnittee, Mr. Rankings police commissioner Mr. Spencer chairman



The Navigator•1*"i

To Tfo Old Grind:Now that;the holidays areT and all-the Christmas

. Bents have;b&en exchang-ad and everyone has been,wished a- happy New 'Year

, Hot the hundredth tinje, yourNavigator has cjimbed back.into tluj .CroVs Nestto fteewhat tie. can se» and.report

ahd you and yQti.iV ..operators have gone

to the old'griKtl, HO' let'sh i t we have for you in


1$ Reports.:.the New Novaehbrd

-•at the ftog Cabin has broughtto Hfeht some unexpectedirtusiciaris and singers; ,t ha t Austin. J. Totterdell,former advertising, managerof the old leader-JournalhasM remarried (Abe Duffplease copy) . . : That Jo'J. Ryan, Jr., (Bus, to-you)appeared on the Townshipstreets New Year's Day withthe windshield of, his crirbroken. . . . That a numberof cops have been on the sicklist this week including An-drew Simonsen; Henry Dun-ham, Frank Miller and FredLeidner. * -

Angus McFungus Writes:That "Buddy", Grady

talked to a girl overthe tele-phone, made a date with herand then found out that itwas his sister, Audrey—washis face red? .' , , The boyshave finally found,out why"Ed" Dunigan is seen no

, more' in his old haunts. Hemakes trips nightly to .Eliz-abeth , , . Martin Minklerand his pals seem to have <v

Mrs.Fraser Reviews Best-SellersAtSeuiaten History Club Meeting

Colbert And Fonda In Technicolor Epic

•> SEwAUEN-Mrs. 0 . T, FraJcripresident of'tlie Woman's Club* of.\V«o(lbi"id({Ci \yas. th"e Ruust speaV-0 ' aiTl'-meeting of tho ScwatonHistory'§lub held' Wednonday at•the homo of Airs; Emil Kuus onRnhwuy.Ayvnuc Mrs, Finscr waspreaynttoUiy Mrs. I>.<. V, Rush,chairnmn, of^tlju 'UtwuUiM! ,,(!o•partmoni. " ) f . , " ^ ' , \ x

The speaker'({live a "most InicBUntcI'cvjew *'uf flvo. impoi'U,

ant books oijHhc li'ert•»eliei ' l ist . '"_Infla(*<Etfroj)e".Uy John Gyn

cr," mrs! Fm'aer. recommendedhijehiy as" uri;isii(l in'undcistttndinRthe conditions' in Eiiro|H' yhichhavt led ;uV thy present, wiy.

Vaiicii nf., \Vratii," ; liy :.St'i'in-lieck', while • udmitk'tlly-. unplfcnn>ant himimwinotiH value, the slxuik-dr said, ill throwing ;i lifeht on ctrti-

Father Carney SolemnizesAmtin-Vansco Rite's Here

WO0URKID0E — Mrs.'"MaryA'ustinVcif Albert Street, mid Wil-llnin- Vimstco; son of Mr. iind Mrs.'1

Paul Vunaeo,,w«re mrricd last Sat-urday fliprhftit^six- o'clock iri\ St,'James' U.C-. Church. Itev. Thomas

Carney performed the ccro-mony,,, • • ,

The .bVidj! wore n gown of du-mnnet velvet With, hat to match.

Her flowers wove pink roseS and

ditlons In America which needcorrection. V.: ''.'ChrfMmas Holiday" byham tends to satirize thing* whichEnglishmen hold dear and is a'tale erf mixod adventure andironic comment, written withoutregard for niconesa of.conserva-tism', the,,speiikcr pointed out.

E ' 1 by Ethel Vance, She,. p y e,chnriicterized an une of the most

i g and unforgettable at<St'of. the yeatv Christophery p

lcy.% n'ation:wide'bes.t seHcr, "Kit-ty Foyle", Mrs,' Prascr conaidcr-edintcredtitig insofar'as thc.au-thor's riwn'. philosophy colour's the'event.H in what w6uld othor\yi«e liea ooinmonplac'c talo told in rathci1

Jiadtnstb, • •' '• • '~~Hew Member Propomd

• Afa,.(ihort. busin(>8H miSctiriKconducted fey' ^he. prc8i<Je,n'ti' Mrs.•S/J .JIcnry, the name of Mi^.. C.R. Brown, was proposed {or mem-bership, ' ' ,y " .

The club Is entertained anfor the first mo'fetihR of the

orget-me-nots. Jean Stueb-v a matron of honnr wore n black

velvet ({own with matching hot andcnrsuiffe of yellow roses. Arthur

Steuber, brother uf the bride,,served as best man. . ,. '


—New Year's-Day .callers on.Miss Nellie-0'Hanan at St. Mich-

el's Hospital, Newark, included:Mr. and Mrs. C. 7;, OreKK andaughter, Bernice and Miss Gor-

.rude HaKcrman, of Perth Amboy;J0H1 Concannon, Wotfd-

; Mrs, M. Balfour, Mrs. Marn Curley and daughters, Helen

.ml Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Chrisehrer, Mrs. Ann Mullen, Miss

Mil.ly Mistier,- Miss Lena Mistier,y e n .for n u r s e s . . * . " D u b l i s " | Miss .Joan McNamara and Mr.,Gei ' i ty a p p e a r e d a t t h e C o - and Mrs, George Co.mmerton, alllumbian Club and"iritroduced | o ( Sewaren. Miss O'Hagenu new girl' friend, u- Miss t

nurne:1 l» *<* •}«*<•; on Br

Margaret McGraw.

Operator XIY Says:-'That the College Inn Gow-

•.b'oyfc'. are looking for that lad-.Who "wanted to bet1, ?l,D00-•"'Xhat.he could beak anyone at1' shu.fflffeboard'.'.,' . Ju'tl,i';-;Brown and Chick Stern never

miss a' Townsjilp organizit-' tion meeting -.' . , Jim. Schaf-'. fr-ick is starting to collect

the RC -.elephants—another Harold'•'Hoffwian ?•'••/ . . t h e old V.al-,rehtine" homestead Is beingtorn down "by, the Township,Old timers;, will recall .thegala time's-.held'in the, house"when o1d--'"M. D." was alive.

turned-to her • home on BroadStreet, Sewaren,' yestenkfy,


laiise,1 windo.

te ins8 and

flocked,. .with pH it tt, Snooper PDQ States:

That D6c Moss: has. a signhit. office window thaton


} lfiavin.% light:6W«fl to 1

reads "These ''.offices. wiH notbe affected by the new build-ings" . . , T.hat.six.policemenare celebrating their "tenthyear, on the force this week—George'Misa'k, Nels Laur-itzen, Al.Leyi, Fred Leidner,

rtt'to"! Thomas Bigthop, and .JohnGovelitz. Th.e seventh po-liceman appointed by*1 theRyan administration at thattime is dead—Michael De

J o y , : " ' ' . . : ' ' ' . ' : * '•'••

Rambling Reporter Avers:That now, that the. holi-

days are over we can expectnumerous announcements picoming minstrel shows, anddances. The 'first one 'to! beannounced is the. minstrel tobo sponsored by' the IselinChemical Hook and LadderCompany on February 9 . . .Of course the President'sBirthday Ball is bound todraw a big crowd... It's fora good cause. . , Now thatBettjr Gloskey's engagementh u been announced, the pa-trons at La Grace Beautyshop realize vithat for onceshe wasn't kidding. >•'.

Jpwn on Jl

' .Griswold'tho arrest

I'ief of'Po,

1 the jtf1 ia ' 'topped" W

>« gf the.

And Finally;. "v . ,Helq* Van Tassel, whom

you will recall was the starcenter of the famous AntlerGirls' team, is now coachinga cimrt team for St James1

Sodality.,.-.' Joe . Quigleyshowed up at the K-nights.ofCplumbus Opeii.House 'NewYear's Eve all dolled up' In atuxedo. . And believe it ornot, ''Fat" Minkler is re*hearsfaig for the position ofiirtt violinist in the Lattan-aib Brothers' Hill-Billy or-

'... Young Flavin isa saxophone tooter.1. .

who is1 attracting^!Leisen's attention on

A^ert Street? • . '




NeW Year by Mrs. Kaua atid;mnnyunusupl delicacies were servedwith'tea..She was BBsinted in en-.tertaininj^ b y ^ M r ^ William Wat-"W, program°ctiairm&n,

Bowling Results[Continued jrom Sport Page)

T. Wisnewaki ....' 150' 202 178

Totals 880 "889 801

WDCE. REC. LEAGUEG. M, Ammement (2)

A, Barna 170 198D, Hablch ...,. 178 201'P. McCiie ::.:::...... Ml >B, Jost ...v...J. Yua'takA, Lee ... 201

,167 ,168189

Totals '933 92P»lkb'«f«vern (1)

G. KelsonSiessel :. 186Osborne 181G. Deter , 160Lockie


130H. Dote* ...: :.., 181 1.50

.?...?.. 844 855General Motori (2)

G. Husky •. : 190. 189Ajnger : 140. \J»•Wleiia ', 134 145J| Rusky ...;.; .....142, 134JDoros 186, 170

Total's..-. 791 >-6l3Gianti (1)

McKay .'.....' 173 149Gurek -147 \UBlind y 125 125

I Deal; ....'.v 188 184I Kara : 178 189

Sun., Mon,, Tues., Wed.






ftontir d>y> t>l>nw In «)• icrttn'big thrill show!











. 197180.


Totals . b _ 806 802G. & i rR»copi <;i)

Malis :....: ,..'. 184 J38Boka ."... 152 210POOD 213 17aLehrer •. 161 166Faublo :,....;... 109- 162

. Totals 889 84«Paramount Barberi (2)

Bartos ,'180r-187 • 223Ne'racs'...-. 216 168. 175Demko .'........ 156 147 159Zilai «,....•.......' iB9",""l8jB 140Ro'mins'1 214 171 165

Tutals....1..: :... 925 899 862Reading Office (2)

Lii Kusso 11)3' .187 178Kilroy 173- 233 164Blind"..- 125-125 125Gill < :. 206 '183 158Skay". -. 214 160 158

, Totals 911 890 783.. Jefferson Motors (1)

Demurest .;.,:.,..... 206 17!) 1'56'Kusy .:.:.:...t*Mirai:»U& »12&.,: IBS,H. Bernstein ...:.... 168 150B. Bernstein 175 18!l"' 193N. Bernstein 108 175 183Blind ' 125

Totals 816 .840 847-

ChiefKeating lii New

.WOODBRIDGE—With live mo-tor vehicle accidents and one fa-tality over the holiday weekend inthe Township, most of them dirqtq.the icy conditions, of thV^bml,Chief of-Police George E. Kciitiiii!nr'g.ed motorist<i'to'}con,Hider it i\%nature's warning, of mprcMiiinper-oits RtormaAo come and -bb't""'^naro-d'-for safe winter rtbiving.

Action plui tuperb chariictcrizKtioni by Clnuilctte Colbert andHenry Fonda, both shown-ibdye, make "Drumi Alofig the Mo-hawk" one of the moit zotful films of recent montlu." Dbnc intechnicolor, tho picture will attract crowdi to the RahwayTheatre, Rnhway. • : • '


Kcqut-st Feature Sat. NitcRichard Greene "Kentucky"


11 Mi: SCIII'.DI 1,1:

l i i . , Mon., Tut'N., Wril., 'I'liurH.

Sewaren NotesBy Mrs. Blanche Balfour

—Services will bo held in St.John's Episcopal Church, GliffRoad,"on*'Sunday lnqrninR at 11o'tlock. Archdeacon Gribben, ofTrinity Cathedral, Trenton, willofficiate.

-—Robert Bouiin, Jr., has return-ed to his home in New Brunswick;after spending a week here withhis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

, J. Adams, of .West Avenue. .Miss Jeanne Giroud, of West

Avenue, has returned from visit-ng Miss Ann Van Iderstine at

her home in Freehold.

—The Sewaven Bridge Clubwill be entertained by,-Mrs.. Har-old P, Haydcn, of Cliff Road, nextWednesday afternoon,

—Mr. and .Mrs. Alfred A.Scheldt, of Cliff Road and Mrs,Olive Van Iderstino, and children,

ane, David and Ann, of. Freehold,were the New Year's Day guestsof Mrs. Scheldt's sistfcr, Mrs. It

teWjd, of M'ontclair.

—George, Stilwell, Jr.,, of CliffRoad, was guest-.at a-holiday par-ty given Tuesday by Joseph Dee-:an, Jr., of Lewis Street, Perth

Amboy, l • . • ,

—Mrs. William 'Munsten, ofRiflgewood, was entertained re-cently'by Mrs.'George Stilwoll," ofCliff'Road. ' -

—Mrs.; H. D. Clark entertainedMrs. C. 1). Allen. :i>f Uardnn.City;Mrs, Rogers'Gimbcrnat and1, Mrs.

B. Zimmerman, of Railway;Mrs, A. D. MacCullum," of West-field and Mrs. Raymond Muller, ofown, at luncheon, recently.

—Miss Dorothy Snce, of WestAvenue, was recently chosen asroop scribe a*, a recent meeting of,he Girl Scouts of Sewaren, •

'—•;Mr. * and Mi1.1?.* Harper A,Sloan, of West-A venue, entiTtain-e'd Miss Gladys'Giorinp and'Char-es Sloan, of Bloomfield. on Now

Year's Eva* On New Year's Day,he group, motored to. B'loomtield!or dinnor with Mi1. Sloan's par-

ents, Mi-.'^iiul, Mrs. Horace Sloannt .their home there. :.."—Mrs. F. J. Adams, of West.

Avenue, spent Wednesday. visit-ing her grandchildren, Deboraharid Bobby at their home, "TheMeadows", ;Ntw "Brunswick.

—Mr, and' 'Mrs. Bogan anddaughter, Virginia, are on a triptraveling through Mexico.

—Mr, and Sirs. George Urbanentertained u large group' offriends and neighbors as is theirannual custom on New Year's Eve.,

o-dfor s ae gWoodb.ridgo-TownBhi|i cut1 it--*

fatality rate' morcthan 'hftlf duringthe* past year and the jnembevs oftho police depurtmpnfc.would Ifkc tosee the rccwd cut'at,iil furtherclunnfj l!H0,"xehi('f Keating de-i-lared:' "Wlien srfow" blankets thohigh'wny» or icy.cond|lioiis mevailon the.Township! ntieUs, moliinVttshould' cooperate /or then ownOhfety an will asotheis by IOOHLC'Idriving enfe and' t^kiflp piacttcnlprecautionk nRainst iltiddmg andobscured vision." ". Chief 'kcattoK's ^logical tips fol-

lowr ' , •A. Check brakes for nmull ine-

ous gl-ippii\g. ' ' - " ' '2.' Make sure your \vindnhicW

wiper and defroster are workingand tire chains are in car for usewhen needed,1 Obscured visionand inadequate traction are major

.8 . Travelat lesa than moderatespeed ' on onow or Ice-coveredrttreiStsf.' even when protected By

,ehj|%%ir>a.tch out io\ c\\\\W(mo h -sleds... .. . - . . • ' . • . '

Avo ia S u d d e n S t o p i 1 '

4, Tn'Ite curveS'slowly and don'ttry to pass, cats on hills or curfeB,Leave more room between you andthe car. ahead. Necessity'""the c > yden stops flhottld bo avoided and,k k h l d b j ' d t






S. J, GASSOWAY, Prop. ;6 Yn. wilh Blue Gooie, Newark17.E. Milton ATO. RAHWAY

F f l y 'Albiiton Garage



Elsa Maxwell's "HOTEL FOR WOMEN"with Ann, Sotherri -Jean Roger?...

— Also —


"The DEAD END KIDS"• . " -i- I " —

"Call a Messenger"

Richard Greene

""Here I Am"a^tranger"SUNDAY



/ St. James ' AuditoriumAmboy Ave. : Woodbridge

10-50 GAME $150 • Jack Pot $150DOOR PRIZE $18 ADMISSION 40c


T H I S Universal electric cleaner is light \rji

"•'••'I 'Weight and easy to operate and to move

about, -You can <lo all your cleaning-with it.

""are included in the price1 $59.95 cash,

nail carrying charge added if you buy on terms.



winter haJJttfda. _ t

'braking on snow or ice, partkuiirily if not safeguarded by tire chainsfife chains provide moat posltivatop-and^go traction on k$ Jtm

e hot il license fqt,^(!, They help itdjt, bii!

though you didn't , t '


pshould be pumija'd to seep

jk-ls .from locking conriplately, ,5 ' Srow down fdt more gradual

0. Approadh Icyovcn,wlth ciridsFB on' ice, or chain]On tties. If nelifiei- are

7., "EiterciBe more caution „..._erafly 'andvopen cowl ventilator tilforce out carbon monoxide ganfespecially In old cars.

band's average inroMrg. Wiggs: : 'Oh,

n i g h t ; 1 , : ' • •. . , ' . ; /

Definlit .

' 'What is your

about, rtld

"^o Easy to Keep .Loohing Orderly'' '-sWe give you the kind ofhoir-ctb you can keep look;inif lovely all week, Phpfle-Woodbridge: 8-2394-and",make your ' appointmentnow. .'Our .hair styling ,gives you constant .chic;

La Grace Beauty Shoppe< - (Christemn'it Building) .97;Mahi St,:. Woodbridge


Opens Branch Office•Dr. H. L. Moss, announces the opening of abranch optometrjc office at 67 Rooseve;ltAve. in Carteret, to be run in cpjJjunqtiQn*with his present office in Woodbridge. Thetranchofflce adjoins the dental o'tlTCea of Dr.

. Greenwald and will be fully equipped for ..examination and orthoptic treatment of the?,,eyes. ' • • > -

This, will'in no way affect the. Woodbridge, .office which willTnaintam the same hours- as''"previously. •


'Daily 3:00 'to"6:30•Pyonings: tues . - Pri.

; "N:00 to 8:30Mornings by anointment,

' , Phone. Ca. §-0610


Daily 10 - 12:00 Noon'1:00 to H:00 .

Evenings; Mon. - Wed. - Sat.7:00 to 8:30' •

Phone Wo, 8-2142


Men! This is an opportunity you can't aHordtopass tip. Every man needs furnishings at all times.This is your chance to benefit in Real Savings.


1.95 and 2.45 values



Zipper and Button frontsPopular>two'ton.e295 Vlfl- 2 .59

Suede and Leather FrontSWEATERS and VESTS

2.00 and 2.95 Values

Extra Special 1 "7Q


• • • • ™ v

Neat stripes and figures.

- No-whites

1.65 Value |

Black and BrownWith and without lining

Reg. 1.00 values K


PAJAMASFlannel. and+ BroadclothReg. 1.00- 1.27 and 1.47

"„ ValuesExtra Special


Reg. 1.65 VaW' j ^


Zipper fronts. Ideal foru

this cold weatherReg. 7.00 ValueAsteaUt . .


All wool plaids and checksReg. 7.00 and 8.00 values

ipecW5.87' % Some at 4.87

"Albert %ch«rd»"BOYS' MACKINAWS

Reg. 7.00 Values

-REG* DRESS SHIRTSReg. 1,3S to 1.00

Wee Givh Double 8. TrwHn« S»turd«yt

