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Enterprise Social Network Analytics

Date post: 29-Nov-2014
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An overview of how social network analytics can measure organisational performance at the enterprise, department/group/community or individual level.
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Organisational Performance and Enterprise Social Network Analytics

- Connecting ‘social’ to ‘business’


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Social Analytics linked to Organisational Performance• We provide social network analytics targeting organisational

performance at the Enterprise, Department/Community and Individual levels

Social Network Analytics

Enterprise‘Group’ /



Analytics provides insights into:

Targeting these audiences:

ESS Platform


ss Efficiency

Interaction data

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Social Network Analytics and Organisational Performance• Our social network analytics are aimed at the three key drivers

of organisational performance: Effectiveness, Efficiency and Innovation





Effectiveness(Capability/Alignment)• Density of

relationships within a ‘group'

• Key Player Index


• Trust Index - Reciprocated (two-way) connections• Collaboration

between BUs Innovation• List of people who have the potential to create break-through

innovation (weak ties )

• Brokers between structure

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Example Outputs - Efficiency

Trust Index

Collaboration MatrixCollaboration Map

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Analytics assessing Efficiency

Metric Measure Business Impact

Trust Index % of connections that are reciprocated

The higher the trust index, the more cohesive and therefore efficient value flows between roles in a value chain.

Cross-unit collaboration

Density of connection within and between departments

Provides a comparison of actual collaboration patterns with the designed value chain for the business. Misalignments flag inefficiencies.

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Example outputs - Effectiveness

Key Player Index Brokerage / Succession Chart

Collaboration Leagues Table

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Analytics assessing Effectiveness

Metric Measure Business Impact

Key Player Index

Identifies the % of participants that represent 50% all connections

The lower the key player index the more at risk the organisation is to an over-reliance on a critical few

Succession Risk(Broker profile)

For identified ‘key players’, measures the number of staff who share the same connections or not (organisational redundancy)

Poor redundancy of connections around key players identifies how difficult it would be to replace a key player with effective successors.

Identifies opportunities to broker connections.

Capability Index

Density of connections within core capability communities

Density of connections indicate strong knowledge sharing and a deepening of expertise and capability

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Example Outputs - Innovation

• Diversity of relationships (I know people in many different places)

• Density/cohesion of relationships (we all know each other)




Best when applied to an

ideas campaign

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Analytics assessing Innovation

Metric Measure Business Impact Audience

Loosely Connected Ideation Clusters

Measures the diversity and connectedness of participants in discussion threads

A healthy ideation community will have a diversity of discussion thread participants that are loosely connected.


Innovation Catalysts / Connectors

Number of key brokers connecting Ideation clusters with exploitation teams

If missing the connector/engager role players, organisations will find that ideas will stall and staff will become disenchanted in the innovation process.


Densely Connected Exploitation Networks

Number of collaboration clusters that meet a threshold for reciprocity and density indicative of effective exploitation

Effective exploitation requires a density of connections usually focused within a single business unit. Low density, low trust networks are indicative of poor exploitation performance.


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Social Analytics at the Individual Level

Metric Measure Business Impact

Network diversity and cohesion

Shows the diversity and connectedness of participants an individual’s network

Track the extent to each users’ own network. Creates awareness of strengths and weaknesses (e.g. only interacts with people in own region, or department). Use for personal development and career planning.

Connection Archetype

Measures how many connections are from outside the individual’s own department

Compares individual with colleagues to show degree to which the person is interacting with people outside of own department and/or location. Creates more awareness of one’s diversity of connections. Use for personal development and career planning.

Brokerage Chart Measures the number of staff who are connected with the same people.

Tracks how ‘unique’ an individual’s network is. If you have relationships that few other people have you are in a position to connect people. Use for personal development and career planning.

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Example outputs - Individual level

Individual Network Map

Connection Archetypes – Individual Highlighted

Brokerage/Succession Chart

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Why Personal Social Network Analytics?

• Empowers the individual in building an effective workplace network.

• Creates self motivation for developing effective collaborative behaviours.

• Data driven and private to the individual; minimizing the need for manager oversight.

• Reduces the time and effort that line managers need to expend on co-ordination.

"An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success.”

Stephen Covey

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Making use of personal network analytics

1. Review personal analytics

2. Self reflection

3. Coaching (optional)

4. Taking action

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