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Entomo l og y Entomo l og y Third Edition Cedric Gillott University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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EntomologyEntomologyThird Edition

Cedric GillottUniversity of SaskatchewanSaskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Page 2: Entomology - eclass.uoa.gr · Entomology Third Edition Cedric Gillott University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada


Food Uptake and Utilization

1. Introduction

Insects feed on a wide range of organic materials. About 75% of all species are phy-tophagous, and these form an important link in the transfer of energy from primary produc-ers to second-order consumers. Others are carnivorous, omnivorous, or parasitic on otheranimals. In accord with the diversity of feeding habits, the means by which insects locatetheir food, the structure and physiology of their digestive system, and their metabolism arehighly varied.

The feeding habits of insects take on special significance for humans, on the one hand,because of the enormous damage that feeding insects do to our food, clothing, and health,and, on the other, because of the massive benefits that insects provide as plant pollinatorsduring their search for food (see also Chapter 24). In addition, because many species areeasily and cheaply mass-cultured in the laboratory, they have been used widely in researchon digestion and absorption, as well as in the elucidation of basic biochemical pathways,the role of specific nutrients, and other aspects of animal metabolism.

2. Food Selection and Feeding

Distinct visual, chemical, and mechanical cues act at each step of the food locationand ingestion process. These steps include attraction to food, arrest of movement, tasting,biting, further tasting as ingestion begins, continued ingestion, and termination of feeding.The sensitivity of the insect to these cues varies with its physiological state. For example,a starved insect may become highly sensitive to odors or tastes associated with its normalfood, and in extreme cases may become quite indiscriminate in terms of what it ingests.On the other hand, a female whose abdomen is full of eggs is normally “uninterested” infeeding.

In some plant-feeding (phytophagous) species, visual stimuli such as particular pat-terns (especially stripes) or colors may serve to initially attract an insect to a potential foodsource. Usually, however, the initial orientation, where this occurs, is dependent on olfac-tory stimuli. In many larval forms there appear to be no specific orienting stimuli because,under normal circumstances, larvae remain on the food plant selected by the mother prior


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to oviposition. In the migratory locust, on which much work has been done, olfaction is ofprimary importance in food location. Once the insect makes contact with the vegetation,tarsal chemosensilla initiate a reflex that results in the stoppage of movement. Sensilla onthe labial and maxillary palps then taste the surface waxes of the plant, after which the locusttakes a small bite. Whether feeding continues is sometimes determined by mechanosensillarresponses to physical stimuli such as the hardness, toughness, shape, and hairiness of thefood. More commonly, it is substances in the released sap that, by stimulating chemosensillain the cibarial cavity, regulate the continuation or arrest of feeding (Chapman, 2003). Thesesubstances are called “phagostimulants” or “deterrents,” respectively. The substances mayhave nutritional value to the insect or may be nutritionally unimportant (“token stimuli”).Nutritional factors are almost always stimulating in effect. Sugars, especially sucrose, areimportant phagostimulants for most phytophagous insects. Amino acids, in contrast, are gen-erally by themselves weakly stimulating or non-stimulating, though may act synergisticallywith certain sugars or token stimuli. For example, Heron (1965) showed in the spruce bud-worm (Choristoneura fumiferana) that, whereas sucrose and l-proline in low concentrationwere individually only weak phagostimulants, a mixture of the two substances was highlystimulating. In addition to sugars and amino acids, other specific nutrients may stimulatefeeding in a given species. Such nutrients include vitamins, phospholipids, and steroids.Token stimuli may either stimulate or inhibit feeding. Thus, derivatives of mustard oil,produced by cruciferous plants, including cabbage and its relatives, are important phagos-timulants for a variety of insects that normally feed on these plants, for example, larvaeof the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), the cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae),and the mustard beetle (Phaedon cochleariae). Indeed, Plutella will feed naturally only onplants that contain mustard oil compounds. Many secondary plant metabolites, includingalkaloids, terpenoids, phenolics, and glycosides, are feeding deterrents for phytophagousinsects. In a given food source there will probably be a mixture of phagostimulants anddeterrents, and the balance of this sensory input, integrated through the central nervoussystem, determines the overall palatability of the food.

Species whose choice of food is limited are said to be oligophagous. In extreme cases, aninsect may be restricted to feeding on a single plant species and is described as monophagous.Species that may feed on a wide variety of plants are polyphagous, though it must be notedthat even these exhibit selectivity when given a choice. Not surprisingly, monophagousand oligophagous species are especially sensitive to the presence of deterrents in non-hostplants.

In many predaceous insects, especially those that actively pursue prey, vision is ofprimary importance in locating and capturing food. As noted in Chapter 12 (Section 7.1.2),some predaceous insects have binocular vision that enables them to determine when prey iswithin catching distance. Carnivorous species, especially larval forms, whose visual senseis less well developed, depend on chemical or tactile stimuli to find prey. For example,many beetle larvae that live on or in the ground locate prey by their scent. Species parasiticon other animals usually locate a host by its scent, though tsetse flies may initially orientby visual means to a potential host. For many species that feed on the blood of birds andmammals, temperature and/or humidity gradients are important in determining the preciselocation at which an insect alights on a host and begins to feed.

The extent of food specificity for carnivorous insects is varied. Many insects are quitenon-specific and will attempt to capture and eat any organism that falls within a given sizerange (even to the extent of being cannibalistic). Others are more selective; for example,spider wasps (Pompilidae), as their name indicates, capture only spiders for provisioning

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their nest. Parasitic insects, too, exhibit various degrees of host specificity. Thus, cer-tain sarcophagid flies parasitize a range of grasshopper species; the common cattle grub(Hypoderma lineatum) is typically found on cattle or bison, rarely on horses and humans;lice are extremely host-specific, as would be expected of sedentary species.

The termination of feeding (assuming that food supply is not limiting) is largely relatedto the amount of food ingested and the stimulation of strategically located stretch receptors.In locusts, for example, the filling of the crop is measured by receptors at the anteriorend that send signals to the brain via the stomatogastric system. In flies both crop- andesophagus-filling are important in bringing feeding to a close, while in female mosquitoesand, probably, Rhodnius prolixus the signals arise from stretch receptors located in theabdominal wall, which is greatly distended after a blood meal. Other factors that may playa minor role in terminating feeding are adaptation of the chemosensilla on the mouthpartsand a change in the osmotic pressure or composition of the hemolymph as absorption ofdigested materials occurs (see chapters in Chapman and de Boer, 1995).

Apart from the specific cues outlined above that facilitate location and selection offood, there are other factors that influence feeding activity. Typically, insects do not feedshortly before and after a molt, or when there are mature eggs in the abdomen. In addition,a diurnal rhythm of feeding activity may occur, in response to a specific light, temperature,or humidity stimulus. For example, the red locust (Nomadacris septemfasciata) feeds inthe morning and evening, and many mosquitoes feed during the early evening (thoughthis may change in different habitats). Pupae, most diapausing insects, and some adultEphemeroptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera do not feed.

3. The Alimentary System

The gut and its associated glands (Figure 16.1) triturate, lubricate, store, digest, andabsorb food material and expel the undigested remains. Structural differences throughout thesystem reflect regional specialization for performance of these functions and are correlatedalso with feeding habits and the nature of normal food material. The structure of the systemmay vary at different stages of the life history because of the different feeding habits ofthe larva and adult of a species. The gut normally occurs as a continuous tube betweenthe mouth and anus, and its length is broadly correlated with feeding habits, being shortin carnivorous forms where digestion and absorption occur relatively rapidly, and longer(often convoluted) in phytophagous forms. In a few species that feed on fluids, such aslarvae of Neuroptera and Hymenoptera-Apocrita, and some adult Heteroptera there is littleor no solid waste in the food, and the junction between the midgut and hindgut is occluded.

As Figure 16.1 indicates, food first enters the buccal cavity, which is enclosed by themouthparts and is not strictly part of the gut. It is into the buccal cavity that the salivaryglands release their products. The gut proper comprises three main regions: the foregut,in which the food may be stored, filtered, and partially digested; the midgut, which is theprimary site for digestion and absorption of food; and the hindgut, where some absorptionand feces formation occur.

3.1. Salivary Glands

Salivary glands are present in most insects, though their form and function are extremelyvaried, and they may or may not be innervated (Ribeiro, 1995). Frequently they are known

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FIGURE 16.1. Alimentary canal and associated structures of a locust. [After C. Hodge, 1939, The anatomy andhistology of the alimentary tract of Locusta migratoria L. (Orthoptera: Acrididae), J. Morphol. 64:375–399. Bypermission of the Wistar Press.]

by other names according to either the site at which their duct enters the buccal cavity, forexample, labial glands and mandibular glands, or their function, for example, silk glandsand venom glands.

Typically, saliva is a watery, enzyme-containing fluid that serves to lubricate thefood and initiate its digestion. Like that of humans, the saliva generally contains onlycarbohydrate-digesting enzymes (amylase and invertase), though there are exceptions tothis statement. For example, the saliva of some carnivorous species contains protein- and/orfat-digesting enzymes only; that of bloodsucking species has no enzymes. In termite salivathere are cellulose-digesting enzymes: a β-1-4-glucanase that brings about the initial split-ting of the polymer, and β-glucosidase that degrades the resulting cellobiose to glucose(Nakashima et al., 2002; Tokuda et al, 2002). (See also Section 4.2.4.)

In the innervated glands of cockroaches and locusts, release of saliva is induced whenfood stimulates mechano- and chemosensilla on the mouthparts and antennae. The informa-tion travels to the subesophageal ganglion and then along aminergic or peptidergic neuronsto the glands where it induces relaxation of the muscles that normally close off the openingof the salivary gland duct (Ali, 1997). In contrast, the non-innervated glands of Calliphoraerythrocephala are stimulated to release saliva by a hemolymph factor, possibly serotonin(Trimmer, 1985).

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Other substances that may occur in saliva, though having no direct role in digestion, areimportant in food acquisition. For example, the saliva of aphids has a viscous component,released during penetration of the stylets, which hardens to form a leakproof seal aroundthe mouthparts. Aphid saliva also contains pectinase and peroxidase. The former facilitatespenetration of the stylets through the intercellular spaces of plant tissues while the lattermay inactivate toxic phytochemicals (Miles, 1999). Hyaluronidase, which breaks downconnective tissue, is secreted by some insects that suck animal tissue fluids. A spectrumof compounds that assist feeding is present in the saliva of bloodsucking species. Theseinclude anticoagulants, inhibitors of platelet disintegration, pyrase (an enzyme that breaksdown ADP, to prevent platelet aggregation), and vasodilators such as nitric oxide (Ribeiro,1995; Ribeiro and Francischetti, 2003). The nitric oxide is carried to the host’s skin onheme-containing proteins (nitrophorins) (Valenzuela and Ribeiro, 1998). The nitrophorinsalso strongly bind histamine, released by the host to induce wound healing (Weichsel et al.,1998). Toxins (venoms), which paralyze or kill the prey, occur in the saliva of some assassinbugs (Reduviidae) and robber flies (Asilidae). It is also reported that substances that inducegall formation by stimulating cell division and elongation are present in the saliva of somegall-inhabiting species. Larvae of black flies and chironomid midges secrete large amountsof viscous saliva, forming nets that capture food particles.

In some species the glands have taken on functions quite unrelated to feeding, forexample, production of cocoon silk by the labial glands of caterpillars and caddisfly larvae,and pheromone production by the mandibular glands of the queen honeybee.

3.2. Foregut

The foregut, formed during embryogenesis by invagination of the integument, is linedwith cuticle (the intima) that is shed at each molt. Surrounding the intima, which maybe folded to enable the gut to stretch when filled, is a thin epidermis, small bundles oflongitudinal muscle, a thick layer of circular muscle, and a layer of connective tissue throughwhich run nerves and tracheae (Figure 16.2). The foregut is generally differentiated intopharynx, esophagus, crop, and proventriculus. Attached to the pharyngeal intima are dilatormuscles. These are especially well developed in sucking insects and form the pharyngealpump (Chapter 3, Section 3.2.2). The esophagus is usually narrow but posteriorly may bedilated to form the crop where food is stored. In Diptera and Lepidoptera, however, the cropis actually a diverticulum off the esophagus. During storage the food may undergo somedigestion in insects whose saliva contains enzymes or that regurgitate digestive fluid fromthe midgut. In some species the intima of the crop forms spines or ridges that probably aid inbreaking up solid food into smaller particles and mixing in the digestive fluid (Figure 16.2A).The hindmost region of the foregut is the proventriculus, which may serve as a valveregulating the rate at which food enters the midgut, as a filter separating liquid and solidcomponents, or as a grinder to further break up solid material. Its structure is, accordingly,quite varied. In species where it acts as a valve the intima of the proventriculus may formlongitudinal folds and the circular muscle layer is thickened to form a sphincter. When afilter, the proventriculus contains spines that hold back the solid material, permitting onlyliquids to move posteriorly. Where the proventriculus acts as a gizzard, grinding up food,the intima is formed into strong, radially arranged teeth, and a thick layer of circular musclecovers the entire structure (Figure 16.2B).

Posteriorly the foregut is invaginated slightly into the midgut to form the esophageal(= stomodeal) invagination (Figure 16.3). Its function is to ensure that food enters the

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FIGURE 16.2. Transverse sections through (A) crop and (B) proventriculus of a locust. [After C. Hodge, 1939,The anatomy and histology of the alimentary tract of Locusta migratoria L. (Orthoptera: Acrididae), J. Morphol.64:375–399. By permission of Wistar Press.]

midgut within the peritrophic matrix. It also appears to assist in molding the peritrophicmatrix into the correct shape in some insects.

3.3. Midgut

The midgut (= ventriculus = mesenteron) is of endodermal origin and, therefore,has no cuticular lining. In most insects, however, it is lined by a thin peritrophic matrix(PM) composed of proteins bound to a meshwork of chitin fibrils (Figure 16.4). Some PMproteins, the peritrophins, are heavily glycosylated like mucus in the intestine of vertebrates.The functions of the PM are to prevent mechanical damage to the midgut epithelium, toprevent entry of microorganisms into the body cavity, to bind potential toxins and otherdamaging chemicals, and to compartmentalize the midgut lumen, that is, to divide it intoan endoperitrophic space (within the matrix) and an ectoperitrophic space (adjacent to the

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FIGURE 16.3. Longitudinal section through crop,proventriculus, and anterior midgut of a cockroach.[From R. E. Snodgrass, Principles of Insect Morphol-ogy. Copyright 1935 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. Used withpermission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.]

midgut epithelium) (Terra, 1996; Lehane, 1997). This separation of the epithelium from thefood improves digestive efficiency by segregating enzymes between the spaces and enablingsome enzymes to be recycled (Section 4.2.1).

The PM is generally absent in fluid-feeding insects, for example, Hemiptera, adultLepidoptera, and bloodsucking Diptera. However, some insects produce the PM only atcertain times (e.g., female mosquitoes after a blood meal). Further, as described below, the

FIGURE 16.4. Transverse section through midgut of a locust. [After C. Hodge, 1939, The anatomy and histologyof the alimentary tract of Locusta migratoria L. (Orthoptera: Acrididae), J. Morphol. 64:375–399. By permissionof Wistar Press.]

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type of PM, whether or not a PM is produced, and the manner in which it is produced, mayvary between life stages (Lehane, 1997).

The PM is formed in two principal ways. In Type I PM delamination of successiveconcentric lamellae occurs along the midgut (in Odonata, Ephemeroptera, Phasmida, someOrthoptera, some Coleoptera, and larval Lepidoptera). The Type II PM forms by secretionfrom a special zone of cells (cardia) at the anterior end of the midgut (in Diptera, Dermaptera,Isoptera, Embioptera, and some Lepidoptera). In this method the esophageal invaginationpresses firmly against the anterior wall of the midgut so that the originally viscous secretionof the PM-producing cells, as it hardens, is squeezed to form the tubular membrane. In Dic-tyoptera, other Orthoptera and Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, and Neuroptera, a combinationof both methods seems to be used. In mosquitoes, larvae produce a Type II PM, whereasthe adults have a Type I PM.

The PM is made up of a meshwork of microfibrils between which is a thin proteinaceousfilm. The microfibrils have a constant 60◦ orientation to each other in Type I PM, thoughtto result from their secretion by the hexagonally close-packed microvilli of the epithelialcells. In Type II PM the orientation of the microfibrils is random. The PM is permeable tothe products of digestion and to certain digestive enzymes released from the epithelial cells(Section 4.2.1). However, it is not permeable to other large molecules, such as undigestedproteins and polysaccharides, indicating that the PM has a distinct polarity and is not merelyan ultrafilter (Richards and Richards, 1977; Lehane, 1997).

The midgut is usually not differentiated into structurally distinct regions apart from thedevelopment, at the anterior end, of a varied number of blindly ending ceca, which serve toincrease the surface area available for enzyme secretion and absorption of digested material.In many Heteroptera, however, the midgut is divided into three or four easily visible regions.In the chinch bug (Blissus leucopterus) four such regions occur (Figure 16.5). The anteriorregion is large and saclike, and serves as a storage region (no crop is present). The secondregion serves as a valve to regulate the flow of material into the third region where digestion

FIGURE 16.5. Alimentary canal of chinch bug (Blissusleucopterus) showing regional differentiation of midgut.[After H. Glasgow, 1914, The gastric caeca and the caecalbacteria of the Heteroptera, Biol. Bull. 26:101–170.]

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FIGURE 16.6. Alimentary canal ofcercopid (Cercopoidea) showing filterchamber arrangement. [From R. E. Snod-grass, Principles of Insect Morphology.Copyright 1935 by McGraw-Hill, Inc.Used with permission of McGraw-HillBook Company.]

probably occurs. Ten fingerlike ceca filled with bacteria are attached to the fourth region,which may be absorptive in function. The role of the bacteria is not known.

In many homopterans, which feed on plant sap, the midgut is modified both morpho-logically and anatomically so that excess water present in the food can be removed, thuspreventing dilution of the hemolymph. Though details vary among different groups of ho-mopterans, the anterior end of the midgut (or, in some species, the posterior part of theesophagus) is brought into close contact with the posterior region of the midgut (or anteriorhindgut), and the region of contact becomes enclosed within a sac called the “filter cham-ber” (Figure 16.6). Such an arrangement facilitates rapid movement of water by osmosisfrom the lumen of the anterior midgut across the wall of the posterior midgut and possiblyalso the Malpighian tubules. Thus, relatively little of the original water in the food actuallypasses along the full length of the midgut.

The lack of morphological differentiation within the midgut of most species is reflectedin its uniform histology. Throughout its length, the mature cells lining the lumen are identicaland serve to produce digestive enzymes, to absorb the products of digestion, and in someinsects secrete the Type I PM. Replacement of degenerate cells occurs with the maturationand differentiation of regenerative cells found singly or in groups (nidi) near the base ofthe epithelium (Figure 16.4). Numerous peptide hormone-containing cells also occur in themidgut, which may play a role in modulating midgut contraction (Lange and Orchard, 1998).

In some species histological differentiation is found. For example, specialization of cer-tain anterior cells for Type I PM production was noted earlier. In addition, differentiationinto digestive and absorptive regions occurs in some species. In tsetse flies the cells of the an-terior midgut are small and are concerned with absorption of water from the ingested blood.They produce no enzymes and digestion does not begin until food reaches the middle regionwhere the cells are large, rich in ribonucleic acid, and produce enzymes. In the posteriormidgut the cells are smaller, closely packed, and probably concerned with absorption ofdigested food. In some species different regions of the midgut are apparently adapted to theabsorption of particular food materials. In Aedes larvae the anterior midgut is concerned

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with fat absorption and storage, whereas the posterior portion absorbs carbohydrates andstores them as glycogen. In larval Lepidoptera goblet cells, with a large flask-shaped centralcavity, are scattered among the regular epithelial cells. They are thought to play a role inthe regulation of the potassium level within the hemolymph (Chapter 18, Section 2.2).

3.4. Hindgut

The hindgut is an ectodermal derivative and, as such, is lined with cuticle, though thisis thinner than that of the foregut, a feature related to the absorptive function of this region.The epithelial cells that surround the cuticle are flattened except in the rectal pads (seebelow) where they become highly columnar and filled with mitochondria. Muscles are onlyweakly developed and, usually, the longitudinal strands lie outside the sheet of circularmuscle.

The hindgut usually has the following regions: pylorus, ileum, and rectum. The pylorusmay have a well-developed circular muscle layer (pyloric sphincter) and regulate the move-ment of material from midgut to hindgut. Also, the Malpighian tubules characteristicallyenter the gut in this region. The ileum (Figure 16.7A) is generally a narrow tube that servesto conduct undigested food to the rectum for final processing. In some insects, however,some absorption of ions and/or water may occur in this region. In a few species productionand excretion of nitrogenous wastes occur in the ileum (Chapter 18, Section 2.2). In manywood-eating insects, for example, species of termites and beetles, the ileum is dilated toform a fermentation pouch housing bacteria or protozoa that digest wood particles. Theproducts of digestion, when liberated by the microorganisms, are absorbed across the wallof the ileum. The most posterior part of the gut, the rectum, is frequently dilated. Though forthe most part thin-walled, the rectum includes six to eight thick-walled rectal pads (Figure16.7B) whose function is to absorb ions, water, and small organic molecules (Chapter 18,Section 4). As a result, the feces of terrestrial insects are expelled as a more or less dry pellet.Frequently, the pellets are ensheathed within the PM, which continues into the hindgut.

4. Gut Physiology

The primary functions of the alimentary canal are digestion and absorption. For theseprocesses to occur efficiently, food is moved along the canal. In some species, enzymesecretions are moved anteriorly so that digestion can begin some time before food reachesthe region of absorption.

4.1. Gut Movements

Though the alimentary canal is innervated, neural control is principally associatedwith the opening/closing of valves that occur within the canal (see below). The rhythmicperistaltic muscle contractions that move food posteriorly through the gut are myogenic; thatis, they originate within the muscles themselves rather than occurring as a result of nervousstimuli. Myogenic centers have been located in the esophagus, crop, and proventriculus, inGalleria, for example. In insects that form a Type II PM, backward movement of food isaided by growth of the membrane. Antiperistaltic movements also occur in some speciesand serve to move digestive fluid forward from the midgut into the crop.

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FIGURE 16.7. Transverse sections through (A) ileum and (B) rectum of a locust. [After C. Hodge, 1939, Theanatomy and histology of the alimentary tract of Locusta migratoria L. (Orthoptera: Acrididae), J. Morphol.64:375–399. By permission of Wistar Press.]

The rate at which food moves through the gut is not uniform. It varies accordingto the physiological state of an insect; for example, it is greater when an insect has beenstarved previously or is active. The rate may also differ between sexes and with age. Anotherimportant variable is the nature of the food. Some insects are able to move some componentsof the diet rapidly through the gut while retaining others for considerable periods. Withinthe gut, food moves at variable rates in different regions.

The proventricular and pyloric valves are important regulators of food movement,though little is known about how their opening and closing are controlled. In Periplanetaopening of the proventriculus was shown to depend on the osmotic pressure of ingested fluid(Davey and Treherne, 1963). As the concentration is increased, the proventriculus opensless often and less widely, and vice versa. Davey and Treherne suggested that osmoreceptorsin the pharynx provide information on the osmotic pressure of the food and this informationtravels via the frontal ganglion to the ingluvial ganglion that controls the proventriculus.However, no osmoreceptor has been located and it may be that the osmotic feedback comes

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from the hemolymph rather than directly from the gut as seems to be the case in Locusta.Distension of the foregut or, in blood-feeding species, the abdomen, is known to causerelease of neurosecretion from the corpora cardiaca which enhances gut peristalsis and,hence, the rate of food passage. Localized enhancement of peristalsis may be induced byrelease of peptide hormones from cells in the wall of the midgut (Lange and Orchard, 1998).

4.2. Digestion

As noted above, digestion may be initiated by enzymes present in the saliva either mixedwith the food as it enters the buccal cavity or secreted onto the food prior to ingestion. Mostdigestion is dependent, however, on enzymes secreted by the midgut epithelium. Digestionmostly occurs in the lumen of the midgut, though regurgitation of digestive fluid into thecrop is important in some species. In wood-eating forms, much of the digestion is carriedout by microorganisms in the hindgut (Section 4.2.4).

4.2.1. Digestive Enzymes

A wide variety and large number of digestive enzymes have been reported for insects.In many instances, however, enzymes have been characterized (and named) on the basis oftheir activity on unnatural substrates, that is, materials that do not occur in the normal diet ofthe insect. This is because many digestive enzymes, especially carbohydrases, are “group-specific”; that is, they hydrolyze any substrate that includes a particular bond betweentwo parts of the molecule. For example, α-glucosidase splits all α-glucosides, includingsucrose, maltose, furanose, trehalose, and melezitose. Further, in preparing enzyme extractsfor analysis, either gut contents or midgut tissue homogenates are typically used. As House(1974) noted, the former may include enzymes derived from the food per se, while thelatter contains endoenzymes (intracellular enzymes) that have no digestive function. Thus,reports on digestive enzyme activity must be examined cautiously.

As would be expected, the enzymes produced reflect both qualitatively and quan-titatively the normal constituents of the diet. Omnivorous species produce enzymes fordigesting proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Carnivorous species produce mainly lipasesand proteases; in some species these may be highly specific in action. Blow fly larvae(Lucilia cuprina), for example, produce large amounts of collagenase. The nature of theenzymes produced may change at different stages of the life history as the diet of an insectchanges. For example, caterpillars feeding on plant tissue secrete a spectrum of enzymes,whereas nectar-feeding adult Lepidoptera produce only invertase. Interestingly, however,even in those endopterygotes in which the larvae and adults utilize the same food the prop-erties of the enzymes change at metamorphosis. In Tenebrio, for example, the larval andadult trypsins and chymotrypsins differ in molecular size, substrate specificity, and kinetics,though why this should be is not clear.

Insects can digest a wide range of carbohydrates, even though only a few distinct en-zymes may be produced. As noted earlier, α-glucosidase will hydrolyze all α-glucosides.Likewise, β-glucosidase facilitates splitting of cellobiose, gentiobiose, and phenylgluco-sides; β-galactosidase hydrolyzes β-galactosides such as lactose. In some species, however,there appear to be carbohydrate-digesting enzymes that exhibit absolute specificity. Thus,adult Lucilia cuprina produce an α-glucosidase, trehalase, that splits only trehalose. Thenormal polysaccharide-digesting enzyme produced is amylase for hydrolysis of starch,though particular species may produce enzymes for digestion of other polysaccharides. For

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example, firebrats and silverfish (Zygentoma), larvae of wood-boring Cerambycidae andAnobiidae (Coleoptera), as well as both lower and higher termites, have endogenous cel-lulases, though in most insects production of this enzyme is restricted to microorganismspresent in the hindgut. Curiously, lower termites produce cellulase in the saliva, whereas inhigher termites the midgut is the source of this enzyme. Scolytinae (Coleoptera) produce ahemicellulase, chitinase is reported to occur in the intestinal juice of Periplaneta, and someherbivorous Orthoptera produce lichenase.

As in other organisms, the protein-digesting enzymes produced by the midgut are di-visible into two types: endopeptidases, which effect the initial splitting of proteins intopolypeptides, and exopeptidases, which bring about degradation of polypeptides by the se-quential splitting off of individual amino acids from each end of a molecule. Exopeptidasescan be further categorized into carboxypeptidases, which remove amino acids from the car-boxylic end of a polypeptide, and aminopeptidases, which cause hydrolysis at the amino endof a molecule. A dipeptidase also is frequently present. In some species only endopeptidasesoccur in the midgut lumen (specifically within the endoperitrophic space), the exopepti-dases being found outside the PM or even attached to the apical plasma membrane of theepithelial cells. Some insects produce specific enzymes for the digestion of particularlyresistant structural proteins. Collagenase has been mentioned already. Keratin, the primaryconstituent of wool, hair, and feathers, is a fibrous protein whose polypeptide componentslie side by side linked by highly stable disulfide bonds between adjacent sulfur-containingamino acids, such as cystine and methionine. A keratinase has been identified in clothesmoth larvae (Tineola) and may also occur in other keratin-digesting species, such as der-mestid beetles and Mallophaga. The keratinase is active only under anaerobic (reducing)conditions and, in this context, it is interesting to note that the midgut of Tineola is poorlytracheated.

Dietary fats of either animal or plant origin are almost always triglycerides, that is,glycerol in combination with three fatty acid molecules. The latter may range from unsat-urated to fully saturated. Lipases, which hydrolyze fats to the constituent fatty acids andglycerol, have low specificity. Therefore, the presence of one such enzyme will normallysatisfy an insect’s needs. In a few species, however, at least two lipases have been identified,having different pH optima and acting on triglycerides of different sizes. Fat digestion isgenerally somewhat slow as insects lack anything comparable to the bile salts of vertebratesthat would emulsify and stabilize lipid droplets.

4.2.2. Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

According to House (1974), three factors markedly affect digestion in insects: pH,buffering capacity, and redox potential of the gut.ff

The pH determines not only the activity of digestive enzymes, but also the nature andextent of microorganisms in the gut and the solubility of certain materials in the gut lumen.The latter affects the osmotic pressure of the gut contents and, in turn, the rate of absorptionof molecules across the gut wall. Analyses of the pH in various regions of the gut have beenmade for a wide range of species, and various authors have attempted to correlate thesewith the feeding habits or phylogenetic position of an insect. At best, these correlations areonly broadly correct, and many exceptions are known. In most insects the gut is slightlyacid or slightly alkaline throughout its length. Further, the pH generally increases fromforegut to midgut, then decreases from midgut to hindgut. Though the latter is true for most

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phytophagous species, in many omnivorous and carnivorous species the pH of the hindgutis greater than that of the midgut.

Many variables affect the pH of different regions of the gut. Generally the pH of thecrop is the same as that of the food, though in some species it is consistently less than 7because of the digestive activity of microorganisms or regurgitation of digestive juice fromthe midgut. The pH of the midgut differs among species but tends to be constant for a givenspecies because of the presence in this region of buffering agents. In a few species thereare local variations in pH within the midgut that can be related to changes in digestivefunction from one part to another. For example, in the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea the pHof the anterior midgut is 6.0–7.2, which coincides with the pH optimum of the amylasefound mainly in this region. In the posterior midgut, on the other hand, the pH is about9, near the optimum for the proteinases that are active there (Elpidina et al., 2001). Thehindgut typically has a pH slightly less than 7, presumably resulting from the presence ofthe nitrogenous waste product, uric acid (Chapter 18, Section 3.2). The hindgut contentsof some phytophagous species may be quite acidic as a result of the formation of organicacids from cellulose by symbiotic microorganisms.

The relatively constant pH found in different regions of the gut results from the pres-ence in the lumen of both inorganic and organic buffering agents. In some species, inorganicions, especially phosphates, but including aluminum, ammonium, calcium, iron, magne-sium, potassium, sodium, carbonate, chloride, and nitrate, seem to offer sufficient bufferingcapacity. In other species organic acids, including amino acids and proteins, tend to supple-ment or replace the buffering effect of the inorganic ions. For some of the inorganic ions andwater, active secretory or resorption mechanisms are known to regulate their concentrationin the midgut. These mechanisms are also capable of inducing fluid flow, especially in theectoperitrophic space. Specifically, secretion of ions and water across the posterior midgutepithelium simultaneously with their resorption at the anterior end establishes a forwardflow of digestive fluid. This is thought to conserve nutrients and recycle enzymes.

Redox potential, which measures ability to gain or lose electrons, that is, to be reducedor oxidized, respectively, is an important factor in digestion in some insects as it affects thestructure of both dietary proteins and proteolytic enzymes. The gut redox potential, whichis closely linked to pH, is normally positive, indicating oxidizing (aerobic) conditions.However, in species able to digest keratin the redox potential of the midgut fluid is stronglynegative. It has been suggested that such an anaerobic (reducing) environment is necessaryto enable the keratinase to split the disulfide bonds (House, 1974). Subsequently, normalproteases hydrolyze the polypeptides.

4.2.3. Control of Enzyme Synthesis and Secretion

Numerous studies have shown that enzyme activity in the midgut varies in relationto food intake, though it is not always clear whether it is synthesis and/or release of theenzymes that is being controlled. In many species, including Locusta migratoria and Tene-brio molitor, enzymes are not stored in the midgut cells but are liberated immediately intothe gut lumen. In other insects, for example, Stomoxys calcitrans and some mosquitoes,enzymes are stored (possibly in an inactive form) and released when feeding occurs. Thesynthesis/release of enzyme in proportion to the amount of food ingested may be regulatedby secretagogue, hormonal or neural mechanisms, though there is very little evidence for thelatter. Unfortunately, for most species, the evidence presented in support of one mechanismor another is equivocal. In a secretagogue system enzymes are produced in response to

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food present in the midgut. Presumably the amount produced is directly influenced by theconcentration of food in the lumen. The best evidence for secretagogue control of enzymeactivity is for mosquitoes and other blood feeders. In Aedes a blood meal cannulated directlyinto the midgut stimulates production of a proportionate amount of trypsin (Briegel and Lea,1975). These authors showed that a variety of components of blood could serve as secreta-gogues. However, it is noteworthy that the amount of enzyme produced by this means wasreduced in insects whose median neurosecretory cells had been removed. Where hormonalcontrol of enzyme production has been proposed, the amount of food passing along theforegut, measured as the degree of stretching of the gut wall, is believed to result in therelease from the corpora cardiaca of a proportionate amount of neurosecretion which travelsvia the hemolymph to the midgut cells.

At present, there is no consensus as to whether a midgut epithelial cell produces acomplete package of enzymes or whether the proportions of different enzymes can varywith changes in the diet. Certainly, a secretagogue method for regulating enzyme activitycould more easily account for changes in the level of specific enzymes reported to occurwith alterations to the diet of some species.

4.2.4. Digestion by Microorganisms

Microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) may be present in the gut, but for onlya fewff species has there been a convincing demonstration of their importance in digestion.In many insects microorganisms appear to have no role, as the insects can be reared equallywell in their absence. In other species microorganisms may be more important with respectto an insect’s nutrition than digestion per se. Where a role for microorganisms in digestionhas been demonstrated, the relationship between the microorganisms and insect host is notalways obligate, but may be facultative or even accidental.

Bacteria are important cellulose-digesting agents in many phytophagous insects, es-pecially wood-eating species whose hindgut may include a fermentation pouch in whichthe microorganisms are housed. In other species, for example, the wood-eating cockroachPanesthia, bacteria in the crop are essential for cellulose digestion. In larvae of the waxmoth Galleria, bacteria normally present in the gut undoubtedly aid in the digestion ofbeeswax, yet bacteriologically sterile larvae produce an intrinsic lipase capable of degrad-ing certain wax components. Finally, many insects feed on decaying vegetation and must,therefore, ingest a large number of saprophytic bacteria which, temporarily at least, wouldcontinue their degradative activity in the gut. In this sense, therefore, though the relationshipis accidental, the microorganisms are assisting in digestion.

In lower termites and some primitive wood-eating cockroaches (Cryptocercus), flag-ellate and ciliate protozoa occur in enormous numbers in the hindgut. The relationshipbetween the insects and protozoa is mutualistic; that is, in return for a suitable, anaerobicenvironment in which to live, the protozoa phagocytose particles of wood eaten by theinsects, fermenting the cellulose and releasing large amounts of glucose (in Cryptocercus)or organic acids (in termites) for use by the insects. In higher termites (Termitidae) thehindgut contains bacteria, not protozoa, but there is no evidence that the bacteria producecellulolytic enzymes (and see Section 4.2.1).

Fungi rarely play a direct role in the digestive process of insects, though it is reportedthat yeasts capable of hydrolyzing carbohydrates occur in the gut of some leafhoppers(Cicadellidae). However, a mutualistic relationship has evolved between many fungi andinsects whereby the fungi convert wood into a more usable form, while the insects serve to

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transport the fungi to new locations. Some ants and higher termites, for example, cultureascomycete or basidiomycete fungi in special regions of the nest called fungus gardens.Chewed wood or other vegetation is brought to the fungus garden and becomes the substrateon which the fungi grow, forming hyphae to be eaten by the insects. Certain wood-boringinsects, for example, bark beetles (Scolytinae), inoculate their tunnels with fungal cellswhen they invade a new tree. The fungal mycelium that develops, along with partiallydecomposed wood, can then be used as food by the insects.

4.3. Absorption

The majority of absorption occurs in the midgut, especially the anterior portion, in-cluding the mesenteric ceca. A few reports have indicated that absorption of lipid materials(including the insecticides parathion and dieldrin) may occur across the crop wall, whilethe uptake of a range of small organic molecules occurs in the hindgut. The latter regionis, however, primarily of importance as the site of water or ion resorption in connectionwith osmoregulation (Chapter 18, Section 4), though in insects that have symbiotic mi-croorganisms in the hindgut it may also be an important site for absorption of small organicmolecules, especially carboxylic and amino acids.

Most absorption of organic molecules across the midgut wall is passive, that is, from ahigher to a lower concentration, though the rapid rate at which some molecules are absorbedsuggests that special carriers facilitate their movement. The absorption rate is enhanced bya steep concentration gradient maintained between the midgut lumen and hemolymph. Thismay be achieved by absorption of water from the gut lumen so that the hemolymph becomesmore dilute or by rapid conversion of the absorbed molecules to a more complex form. Theabsorption of organic molecules across the gut wall in Schistocerca and Periplaneta formedthe subject of a series of papers by Treherne in the late 1950s (see Treherne, 1967, fordetails).

Using isotopically labeled monosaccharides, Treherne demonstrated that nearly allsugars are absorbed in the anterior region of the midgut, especially the ceca. Further, themonosaccharides are converted rapidly to the disaccharide trehalose in the fat body. Inter-estingly, in Schistocerca much of the fat body is in close proximity to the midgut wall. Ofthe monosaccharides studied, glucose was found to be absorbed most rapidly. Fructose andmannose are absorbed relatively slowly because of their accumulation in the hemolymph.The latter is related to the lower rate at which they are converted to trehalose. Apparently nomechanism for active uptake of monosaccharides occurs (or is necessary) in Schistocercabecause its principal “blood sugar” is trehalose. In certain insects, for example, the honeybee, a considerable amount of glucose is normally present in the hemolymph and, in suchspecies, active transport systems may be necessary for sugar absorption.

In Schistocerca, amino acids, like sugars, are apparently absorbed passively throughthe wall of the mesenteric ceca and anterior midgut. The observation that their absorption ispassive is of interest, as it is known that the concentration of amino acids in the hemolymphis normally very high. Treherne discovered that, prior to amino acid absorption, thereis rapid movement of water from the gut lumen to the hemolymph, which establishesa favff orable concentration gradient for passive absorption of amino acids. In contrast, inlepidopteran larvae a suite of absorption mechanisms has been found (Turunen, 1985;Wolfersberger,1996, 2000; Sacchi and Wolfersberger, 1996). In high midgut concentrationsthe amino acids either diffuse passively across the gut wall or are moved on specific carriers(facilitated diffusion). At low concentrations, active uptake of amino acids occurs across the

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midgut. For most neutral amino acids, a symport system operates; that is, active transport ofthe amino acid occurs concurrently with movement of a cation, especially K+. Some aminoacids, however, are transported in the absence of cations (the uniport system). Within themidgut, there are regional differences in uptake ability; for example, in larvae of Manducasexta the symport system for leucine and proline is concentrated in the posterior midgut(Wolfersberger, 1996).

Another mechanism that may facilitate their absorption, is to convert amino acids to amore complex storage molecule. For example, when certain amino acids were fed to starvedAedes, glycogen rapidly appeared in some of the cells of the midgut and ceca. However, itis not known whether the glycogen was formed directly from these amino acids.

Early histochemical studies demonstrated that droplets of lipid are present in the ep-ithelial cells of the crop and gave support to the idea that the crop was the site of lipidabsorption. Though, as noted above, a few reports indicate that certain lipoidal moleculescan penetrate the crop wall, Treherne’s work, again involving labeled compounds, showedthat, in Schistocerca, absorption of lipid occurs not across the crop wall but via the anteriormidgut and ceca. In other insects the occurrence of lipophilic cells in the middle and poste-rior regions of the midgut suggests that these may be sites of lipid absorption. Absorptionof lipids is again a passive process and is relatively slow compared to sugars and aminoacids; its rate is, however, increased by the esterification of the absorbed materials in di-and triglycerides and other complex lipids in the midgut epithelium, a process analogousto the situation in vertebrates.

5. Metabolism

Substances absorbed through the gut wall (occasionally the integument; e.g., certaininsecticides) seldom remain unchanged in the hemolymph for any length of time but arequickly converted into other compounds. Metabolism comprises all of the chemical reac-tions that occur in a living organism. It includes anabolism (reactions that result in theformation of more complex molecules and are, therefore, energy-requiring) and catabolism(reactions from which simpler molecules result and energy is released). Anabolic reactionsinclude, for example, the formation of structural proteins or enzymes from amino acids, andthe formation from simple sugars of polysaccharides that serve as an energy store. Manycatabolic reactions have evolved for the specific purpose of producing the large quantitiesof energy required by the organism for performance of work.

The metabolism of insects generally resembles that of mammals, details of which canbe found in standard biochemical texts. The present account, therefore, will be largelycomparative in nature.

5.1. Sites of Metabolism

Chemical reactions are carried out by all living cells, though they are usually limitedin number and, of course, are related to the specific function of the cell in which they occur.For example, in midgut epithelial cells, metabolism is directed largely toward synthesis ofspecific proteins, the enzymes used in digestion. Metabolism in muscle cells is specificallyconcerned with production of large amounts of energy, in the form of ATP, for the contractionprocess. In epidermal cells reactions leading to the production of chitin and certain proteins,the components of cuticle, are predominant. Certain tissues, however, are not so specialized

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and in them a multitude of biochemical reactions, involving the three major raw materials(sugars, amino acids, and lipids), are carried out. In vertebrates the liver performs thesemultiple functions. The analogous tissue in insects is the fat body (Kilby, 1965; Keeley,1985).

5.1.1. Fat Body

The fat body is derived during embryogenesis from the mesodermal walls of thecoelomic cavities. In other words, it is initially a segmentally arranged tissue though thisbecomes obscured as the hemocoel develops. Nevertheless, and contrary to what a casualexamination may suggest, the fat body does have a definite arrangement in the hemocoelcharacteristic of the species. Typically, there are subepidermal and perivisceral layers offat body, plus sheets or cords of cells occur in other specific locations. Thus, the fat bodypresents a large surface area to the hemolymph, allowing the rapid exchange of metabolites(Dean et al., 1985). Contrary to what was thought originally, the fat body is not a single,uniform tissue (Haunerland and Shirk, 1995; Jensen and Børgesen, 2000). Not only are thereregional and species-specific differences, but also differences between larval and adult fatbody, as well as in fat body cell types, have been reported. For example, Jensen and Børgesen(2000) described 11 cell types in queens of the pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis, basedon their position, histochemistry, and ultrastructure. Groups of cells of each type are locatedin specific positions throughout the body. It should be stressed, however, that there is littleevidence for the functions of these many histotypes.

The fat body is composed mainly of cells called trophocytes, though in some speciesurate cells (urocytes) and/or mycetocytes (Section 4.1.2) also can be seen scattered through-out the tissue. In embryos, early postembryonic stages, and starved insects the individualtrophocytes are easily distinguishable, their nucleus is rounded, and their cytoplasm con-tains few inclusions. As such, they closely resemble hemocytes, with which they probablyhave a close phylogenetic relationship. In later larval stages and adults the trophocytesenlarge and become vacuolated. The vacuoles contain reserves of fat, protein, and glyco-gen. The trophocyte nuclei are proportionately large and frequently become elongate andmuch branched. During metamorphosis in endopterygotes, the reserves are liberated intothe hemolymph. In some Diptera and Hymenoptera the majority of trophocytes also disin-tegrate at this time, and the fat body appears to be completely re-formed in the adult fromthe few cells that remain.

In a number of species uric acid accumulates in large quantities in specific cells, theurocytes, within the fat body. Cochran (1985) disputed the traditional view that this is aform of storage excretion (Chapter 18, Section 3.3) and proposed that such accumulationrepresents a mobile reserve of nitrogen, especially in species such as cockroaches andtermites whose natural diet is deficient in this element. In cockroaches the urocytes surroundmycetocytes (see below) and there is circumstantial evidence to suggest that the bacteriaare intimately involved in the synthesis and utilization of the uric acid (Cochran, 1985).

5.1.2. Mycetocytes

Mycetocytes (bacteriocytes) are found in widely different groups of insects, though incommon these have nutritionally poor or unbalanced diets such as wood (ants, ceramby-cid, and anobiid beetle larvae), phloem sap (aphids, planthoppers, mealybugs), and blood(bedbugs, tsetse flies, sucking lice). Mycetocytes are generally stated to be specialized fat

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body cells (e.g., Haunerland and Shirk, 1995). However, Braendle et al. (2003) showed thatin the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, some mycetocytes originate from nuclei near theposterior end of the embryo while others may have their origin as nuclei in the middle ofthe embryonic central syncytium. Usually, the mycetocytes form specific structures knownas mycetomes (bacteriomes) distinct from the fat body. The mycetocytes contain symbioticbacteria (rarely, yeasts) for which various roles have been proposed (Douglas, 1989, 1998;Dixon, 1998). The mycetocyte system of aphids is particularly well studied. The primarybacterial symbiont is Buchnera aphidicola, which is inherited transovarially (from motherto daughters via the ovary). The number of mycetocytes in the host is fixed at birth (i.e., theydo not divide), though the cells grow to about four times their original size during larvaldevelopment as the bacteria multiply. For aphids there is strong evidence that the bacteriasupply the host with essential amino acids. The bacteria may also participate in nitrogenrecycling and upgrading (converting excretory nitrogen to useful materials) as suggestedabove for cockroaches. In aphids the evidence is against a role for the bacteria in the syn-thesis of vitamins and lipids (Douglas, 1998); however, this possibility cannot be ruled outfor other insect groups. Curiously, and contrary to what is generally assumed, there is noknown benefit to the bacteria from this association (Douglas, 1998).

5.2. Carbohydrate Metabolism

As in other animals, simple sugars provide a readily available substrate that can beoxidized for production of energy. However, in contrast to vertebrates where glucose in theblood is the sugar of importance as an energy source, in insect hemolymph glucose andother monosaccharides usually are present only in minimal amounts. An exception to thisstatement is the worker honey bee whose hemolymph glucose may reach a concentrationof almost 3 g/100 ml and is used as the energy source during flight. In most insects, adisaccharide, trehalose, is the immediate energy source. Trehalose consists of two glucosemolecules joined through an α1, 1-linkage. Its level in the hemolymph is constant and in astate of dynamic equilibrium with glycogen stored in the fat body (Friedman, 1978). In thisrespect, therefore, the situation is comparable to that in vertebrates whose blood glucoselevel is in equilibrium with liver glycogen. The similarity goes further. Just as the conversionof liver glycogen to blood glucose is promoted by the hormone glucagon, which stimulatesglycogen phosphorylase activity, in insect fat body the formation of trehalose from glycogenis promoted by a hyperglycemic hormone released from the corpora cardiaca. This hormoneactivates the phosphorylase, which removes a glucose unit from the glycogen. Becauseof its highly polar, polyhydroxyl nature, trehalose does not easily penetrate the musclecell membrane. Therefore, before it can be oxidized by muscle it must first be convertedinto glucose by a hydrolyzing enzyme, trehalase, present in the muscle cell membrane.Hemolymph trehalose is also the source of the glucose that is converted by epidermalcells into acetylglucosamine during production of the nitrogenous polysaccharide chitin(Chapter 11, Section 3.1).

Glycogen is an important reserve substance in almost all insects and is found in highconcentration in the fat body, with smaller amounts in muscle, especially flight muscle, andsometimes the midgut epithelium. In the mature bee larva, for example, glycogen makesup about one-third of the dry weight. It is produced principally from glucose and othermonosaccharides absorbed from the gut following digestion. In some insects glycogen mayalso be synthesized from amino acids. As noted above, fat body glycogen (and perhapsalso that stored in the midgut epithelium) is used to maintain a constant level of trehalose

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in the hemolymph. The glycerol produced as an antifreeze in the hemolymph of someinsects that must withstand extremely low winter temperatures is also derived from fatbody glycogen. Glycogen in muscle is used directly as an energy source, being degraded asin mammalian tissue via the glycolytic pathway, Krebs cycle, and respiratory chain, withresultant production of ATP.

Glycogen also is a significant component of the yolk in the eggs of some insects. Its useas an energy source in this situation is, however, secondary to its importance as a providerof glucose units for chitin synthesis in the developing embryo.

As in vertebrates, the major functions of the pentose cycle in insects are (1) productionof reducing equivalents (as NADP) that are used, for example, in lipid synthesis, and (2)production of five-carbon sugars for nucleic acid synthesis. In addition, through its abilityto interconvert sugars containing from three to seven carbon atoms, the pentose cycle canchange “unusual” sugars produced during digestion into six-carbon derivatives and henceinto glycogen.

5.3. Lipid Metabolism

For most insects, fats stored in the fat body are the primary energy reserve and, like thoseof other animals, are mostly triglycerides. They may be formed directly by combinationof the fatty acids and glycerol produced during digestion or from amino acids and simplesugars. Typically, fat is stored throughout the juvenile period, especially in endopterygoteswhere at metamorphosis it may make up between one-third and one-half of the dry weightof an insect. Large amounts of fat also accumulate in the egg during vitellogenesis. Fatsare used as an energy source during “long-term” energy-requiring events, for example,embryogenesis, metamorphosis, starvation, and sustained flight (Chapter 14, Section 3.3.5).On a weight-for-weight basis, fats contain twice as much energy as carbohydrates; they aretherefore more economical to store.

In addition to the fats just described which serve solely as energy reserves or sources ofcarbon, many other lipids having structural or metabolic functions occur in insects. Waxesare mixtures of long-chain alcohols or acids, their esters, and paraffins. The number ofcarbon atoms that form the chain ranges between 12 and 36, and both unsaturated andsaturated compounds have been identified. It seems that the various components of wax aresynthesized from fatty acid precursors. The paraffins and, possibly, some acids are producedby oenocytes, whereas alcohol and ester synthesis occurs in the fat body. Compound lipidsare fatty acids combined with a variety of organic or inorganic residues, for example,carbohydrates, nitrogenous bases, amino acids, phosphate, and sulfate. The metabolism ofthese lipids in insects is for the most part poorly known. Certain of them, for example,choline, a phospholipid, cannot be synthesized by insects and must be included in the diet.Likewise, sterols are essential components of the diet in almost all insects.

5.4. Amino Acid and Protein Metabolism

In growing insects a large proportion of the amino acids that result from digestion isused directly in the formation of new tissue proteins, both structural and metabolic. Withinthe fat body especially, but also in other tissues, a variety of transaminations also occur;that is, the amino group from an amino acid can be transferred to a keto acid to form a newamino acid. Such transaminations are especially important when an insect’s diet containsinsufficient amounts of particular amino acids. As in vertebrates, not all amino acids canbe synthesized in insect tissues. Those that cannot must be included in the diet or provided

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by symbiotic microorganisms (Section 5.1.2). During starvation or when present in excess,amino acids may undergo oxidative deamination (i.e., be oxidized and simultaneously losetheir α-amino group) within the fat body, resulting in the formation of the correspondingketo acids. The latter can then be further oxidized via the Krebs cycle and respiratory chainto provide energy or may be converted into carbohydrate or fat reserves. The ammoniaproduced during deamination is normally converted into uric acid.

The fat body is an important site of hemolymph protein synthesis, especially in the latejuvenile stages of endopterygotes and in adult female insects. Storage hexamers (so-calledbecause the proteins comprise six homologous subunits) have been characterized from morethan 20 species in six orders, mainly Diptera and Lepidoptera (Telfer and Kunkel, 1991).They reach very high concentrations in the hemolymph just before metamorphosis, and areeffectively serving as a store of amino acids for use in adult tissue and protein formation. Ifstored “individually,” the amino acids would create a severe osmotic problem for the insect.In silk moth (Bombyx) caterpillars, for example, the hemolymph protein concentrationincreases sixfold from the fourth to the final instar, in preparation for spinning the cocoon,metamorphosis, and egg production. When the adult emerges, the concentration has fallen toabout one-third the value at pupation. During sexual maturation in females of many species,the fat body produces vitellogenins (“female-specific” proteins). These proteins, whosesynthesis is regulated by juvenile hormone or ecdysone, are accumulated in large amountsby the developing oocytes (Chapter 19, Section 3.1.1). In female insects that do not feed asadults (e.g., Bombyx), the storage hexamers are the source of the amino acids for vitellogeninproduction which occurs during the pharate adult stage (Chapter 21, Section 3.3.3). In themales of some species the fat body produces proteins that are accumulated by the accessoryreproductive glands, probably for use in spermatophore production. Lipophorins are anotherimportant group of hemolymph proteins synthesized in the fat body. These, often very large,molecules are important in the absorption and transport of lipids and, additionally, serve ascoagulogens in hemolymph clotting (Chapter 17, Section 4.2.2).

5.5. Metabolism of Insecticides

Nowadays insecticides may be regarded as a normal environmental hazard for insects,survival over which has been achieved through natural selection of resistant strains. Thoughthe purpose of this section is to outline the biochemical pathways by which insecticidesare rendered harmless, it should be realized that resistance can also be developed, solely orpartially, as a result of physical rather than metabolic changes in a species. This is because,ultimately, the degree of resistance is dependent on the rate at which an insect can degradethe toxic material so that lethal quantities do not accumulate at the site of action. Among thephysical alterations that may lead to increased resistance are (1) a decline in the permeabilityof the integument (achieved by increasing cuticle thickness or the extent of tanning, or bymodifying the composition of the cuticle); (2) a change in the pH of the gut, resulting ina decrease in solubility and, therefore, rate of absorption of an insecticide; (3) an increasein the amount of fat stored (most insecticides are fat-soluble and, therefore, accumulate infatty tissues in which they are ineffective); (4) a decrease in permeability of the membranessurrounding the target tissue (usually the nervous system); and (5) a change in the physicalstructure of the target site.

Insects have various methods for detoxifying potentially harmful substances, manyof which parallel those found in vertebrates. Hydrolysis, hydroxylation, sulfation, methy-lation, acetylation, and conjugation with cysteine, glycine, g1ucose, glucuronic acid, orphosphate are examples of the methods employed (Perry and Agosin, 1974; Wilkinson,

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1976). Hydroxylation and conjugation are also important in making the normally fat-solubleinsecticides water-soluble so that they can be excreted. Each of these processes is enzy-matically controlled, and it is not surprising to find, therefore, that metabolic resistanceto insecticides most often results from qualitative or quantitative changes in the enzymesconcerned so that the rate of detoxication is increased. For example, a variety of esterasesbring about hydrolysis, mixed-function oxidases commonly induce hydroxylation, and glu-tathione S-transferase is responsible for promoting conjugation with this tripeptide. In fact,the involvement of these enzymes in insecticide detoxication appears to be an extension ofa more general function. Thus, insects that encounter a broad range of naturally occurringplant-derived toxicants, for example, polyphagous Lepidoptera, have significantly highermixed-function oxidase levels than do oligophagous species (Ronis and Hodgson, 1989). Insome insecticide-resistant strains, an increase in the amount of detoxicant enzyme has beenobserved, which at the gene level results from either an increase in the rate of transcription(mRNA production) or gene amplification (the presence of many identical copies of theDNA coding for the enzyme) (Devonshire and Field, 1991). In others, it appears that theenzyme has changed so that it is now more specific toward its “new” substrate, the insecti-cide. In a few species, resistance seems to have developed as a result of an increase in thequantity, or decrease in the sensitivity, of the enzyme normally affected by the insecticide,specifically cholinesterase in the nervous system.

Mechanisms for detoxication vary among the different categories of insecticides. Itis appropriate, therefore, to examine separately the metabolism of compounds in thesecategories. Three categories of insecticides will be considered: chlorinated hydrocarbons,organophosphates, and carbamates.

Among the chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides are DDT, lindane (γ-BHC), chlor-dane, heptachlor, aldrin, and isodrin.∗ The chlorinated hydrocarbons act on the nervoussystem, preventing normal impulse transmission by binding to sodium or chloride channelproteins in the axonal membrane (Bloomquist, 1996; Zlotkin, 1999). By binding to sodium-channel proteins, DDT and its analogues enable sodium ions to diffuse readily across themembrane of excitatory neurons; thus, the membrane becomes permanently depolarized.DDT was the first synthetic insecticide to be developed and “appropriately” was the firstto which insects developed resistance. Resistance to DDT and its analogues is most of-ten the result of the presence of an enzyme that dechlorinates the compound, forming theless toxic dichloroethylene derivative, DDE. Some species, however, convert DDT intoother less harmful materials such as DDA (the acetic acid derivative), dicofol (kelthane, thetrichloroethanol derivative), and DDD (the dichloroethane derivative). Many comparisonsof the activity of the DDT-degrading enzyme in resistant and susceptible strains of a specieshave shown, however, that metabolic resistance alone is often insufficient to account forthe full extent of resistance. Specifically, the known maximum rate of degradation of DDTmeasured in vitro is not high enough to account for the high tolerance shown by the resis-tant strain. In such cases, further work has usually shown the importance also of physicalresistance mechanisms of the type outlined earlier.

The cyclodiene compounds, heptachlor, aldrin, and isodrin, are of interest from severalviewpoints. In themselves they are not toxic but are oxidized within an insect’s tissues tothe highly toxic epoxy derivatives, heptachlorepoxide, dieldrin, and endrin, respectively,a process known as “autointoxication.” Because of this conversion, insects treated with

∗ These are approved common names. For the chemical names, see Perry and Agosin (1974).

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these compounds show no symptoms for 1 or 2 hours after treatment, in contrast to insectstreated with other insecticides that react within a matter of minutes. In contrast to DDT,these insecticides block chloride channels in inhibitory neurons, by binding to the GABA-receptor protein, causing hyperexcitation of the nervous system. The resistance shown bycertain strains is not because they no longer convert an insecticide to its toxic form asmight be anticipated. Further, the toxic derivatives appear to have great stability, remainingunchanged even in resistant insects for several days. Resistance is due to a simple changein the structure of the GABA-receptor protein, specifically, substitution of alanine to serineor glycine (ffrench-Constant et al., 1993, 2000).

Organophosphates (e.g., parathion, malathion, diazinon, and dimethoate) bind cova-lently with and inhibit the action of cholinesterase, the enzyme that normally degradesacetylcholine at excitatory synapses, though there are reports that their toxicity is partiallyrelated also to inhibition of other tissue esterases. As with chlorinated hydrocarbons, resis-tance to organophosphates may be developed as a result of physical change, but generallyis metabolic. Like cyclodienes, many organophosphates are “activated” (rendered moretoxic) as a result of oxidation; for example, parathion is converted to paraoxon. Thus, re-sistance may be caused by a decrease in the rate of activation and/or an increase in therate of conversion of the compound to a non-toxic form. (Apparently, resistance does notdevelop as a result of decreased sensitivity of the cholinesterase to an insecticide.) Manyreports have shown that resistant strains are more able to carry out conjugation, especiallywith glutathione, or hydrolysis of the insecticide than are susceptible insects. This abilityresults from the presence of either greater quantities of esterifying enzymes or enzymesthat, through mutation and natural selection, have become more specific for an insecticide.

Carbamates, for example, furadan, sevin, pyrolan, and isolan, are substituted esters ofcarbamic acid, which, like organophosphates, attack cholinesterase. Resistance to theseinsecticides also is very similar to that for organophosphates. Some resistance can beachieved by physical changes, but most is the result of increased rates of degradation,especially through oxidation and hydrolysis.

Shortly after the discovery that most resistance is metabolic, that is, results fromincreased quantities or specificity of particular enzymes that cause more rapid break-down of an insecticide, it was realized that the phenomenon of synergism might be ex-plored to advantage in the use of insecticides. Synergism describes the situation in whichthe combined effect of two substances is much greater than the sum of their separateeffects. In practical terms, in the present context, it means that appropriate substances(synergists), when mixed with an insecticide, would increase the latter’s effectiveness bycombining with (and inhibiting) the enzymes that normally degrade the insecticide. Thesynergists used may be quite unrelated chemically to the insecticide but, most often, areanalogues. The principle of synergism has been applied with limited success in the caseof pyrethrin insecticides and DDT. For example, in the early 1950s DMC, the ethanolderivative of DDT, was found to be an effective synergist for DDT in DDT-resistant house-flies. However, perhaps not surprisingly, by 1955 the flies had developed resistance to thecombination!

6. Summary

Visual, tactile, or chemical cues stimulate food location and/or selection in most in-sects. The stimuli may be general, for example, color, pattern, and size, or highly specific

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such as the particular odor or taste of a chemical. The chemicals that promote feeding(phagostimulants) may have no nutritional value for an insect.

Typically saliva lubricates and initiates digestion of the food. However, it may includecompounds that act indirectly to facilitate food uptake and digestion or that have functionsunrelated to feeding. The gut includes three primary subdivisions, foregut, midgut, andhindgut, and these are typically differentiated into regions of differing function. The foregutis concerned with storage and trituration of food, the midgut with digestion and absorptionof small organic molecules, and the hindgut with absorption of water and ions, thoughsome absorption of small organic molecules may occur across the hindgut wall, especiallyin insects with symbiotic microorganisms in their hindgut.

The digestive enzymes produced match qualitatively and quantitatively the normalcomposition of the diet. The enzymes may have low specificity, enabling an insect to digesta variety of molecules of a given type, or may be highly specific, for example, when a speciesfeeds solely on a particular food. Gut fluid is buffered within a narrow pH range to facilitatedigestion and absorption. Enzymes are released as soon as they are synthesized. Synthesisis regulated so that an appropriate amount of enzyme is produced for the food consumed.Microorganisms in the gut may be important in digestion, especially in wood-eating species,where they degrade cellulose.

Absorption of digestion products occurs mostly in the anterior midgut and mesentericceca. It is generally a passive process, though carrier molecules may be used to facilitate theprocess. The rate at which sugars are absorbed is linked to the rate at which they are convertedto trehalose and, hence, glycogen. Lipid absorption is generally slow, with the lipids beingconverted into di- and triglycerides as they move through the midgut epithelium. Aminoacid absorption may be preceded by absorption of water across the midgut wall to produce afavff orable gradient for diffusion. However, facilitated diffusion and active transport systemsare used for some amino acids in some species.

The fat body is the primary site of intermediary metabolism as well as a site forstorage of metabolic reserves. In most insects, trehalose in the hemolymph is the sugar ofimportance as an energy reserve. Its concentration in the hemolymph is constant and isin dynamic equilibrium with glycogen stored in the fat body. Lipids in the fat body formthe major energy reserve molecules and are used in long-term energy-requiring processessuch as flight, metamorphosis, starvation, and embryogenesis. The fat body is important inprotein metabolism, including amino acid transamination and synthesis of some specificproteins.

The development of resistance to insecticides is normally the result of increased abilityof an insect to degrade the insecticides to less harmful and excretable products, but may berelated also to increased physical resistance, that is, to structural changes that prevent insec-ticides from reaching or recognizing the site of action. Metabolic resistance normally devel-ops through the production of more specific or greater quantities of insecticide-degradingenzymes.

7. Literature

A vast literature exists on gut physiology and metabolism, and the following is arepresentative selection. Food selection and the regulation of feeding are examined by BartonBrowne (1975), Bernays (1985), and authors in Chapman and de Boer (1995). Authors in

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Lehane and Billingsley (1996) deal with diverse aspects of midgut structure and function.Richards and Richards (1977), Terra (1996), and Lehane (1997) review the peritrophicmatrix. Digestion is covered by House (1974), Terra (1990), and Terra and Ferreira (1994).Breznak (1982) and Breznak and Brune (1994) examine the role of microorganisms in thedigestion of cellulosic materials. Absorption is considered by Treherne (1967), Turunen(1985), Sacchi and Wolfersberger (1996), and Turunen and Crailsheim (1996). Dean et al.(1985), Keeley (1985), Haunerland and Shirk (1995), and Locke (1998) review the fat body.Gilmour (1965) summarizes general insect metabolism, while Steele (1976, 1983), Keeley(1978), and Gade (2004) review the hormonal control of metabolism. Downer’s (1981)text deals with the energy metabolism of insects, emphasizing how it differs from that ofother animals. The metabolism of insecticides is reviewed by Perry and Agosin (1974), andauthors in Wilkinson (1976) and Kerkut and Gilbert (1985), Volume 10.

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