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1 PIU AGRDFP Strengthening Critical Infrastructure against Natural Hazards Project "Approved by:" Acting Director of PIU, AGRDFP Nozimov I. ______________________ «___» _________ 2018 "Coordinated with:" Head of department of Environmental Protection of Kabadiyan district Kholmirzoev U. ______________________ «___» _________ 2018 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN / ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR EXECUTION OF CONSTRUCTION-REHABILITATION WORKS FOR BANK PROTECTION STRUCTURES ON THE RIVER KAFERNIGAN IN KABADIYAN DISTRICT N. Khayrullaev Director of Open Company "Interproyekt" DUSHANBE 2018 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized



Strengthening Critical Infrastructure against Natural Hazards Project

"Approved by:"

Acting Director of PIU, AGRDFP

Nozimov I.


«___» _________ 2018

"Coordinated with:"

Head of department of Environmental

Protection of Kabadiyan district

Kholmirzoev U.


«___» _________ 2018







N. Khayrullaev Director of Open Company "Interproyekt"



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Table of contents


Executive Summary … …… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 4

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………… 5

1 Objectives and tasks of the ecological assessment and Environment Management Plan… … …. 5

2. Offered types and sites of works for rehabilitation, and improvement of condition of bank

protecting embankments in Kabadiyan district … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 6

2.1. Types and sites of works …… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. … 6

3. Assessment of existing condition of project district of Kabadiyan… … … … … … … … …. 9

3.1. General description of existing condition of the district area… … … … … … … … … … 9

3.2 Geology and condition of land resources … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 9

3.3. Water resources …… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 10

3.4. Soil … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. 10

3.5 Presence of especially protected natural territories … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 10

3.6. Flora and fauna of the district … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. 10

3.7 Actions procedure in case of unaccounted revealing of archeological values 10

4. Definition of potential impacts of the project on ecological conditions of bank protecting

embankments of Kabadiyan district … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 11

5. Environment Management Plan of the project district of Kabadiyan… … … … … … … …. 12

5.1. Objectives of EMP … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …... 12

5.2. Recommended preventive actions and measures on mitigation of potential impacts of the project on

ecology of the bank protecting embankments … … … … … … … … … … … … … 12

5.3. Monitoring and reporting on environment … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. 17

5.4. Roles and duties at execution of EMP … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …... 20

6. Responsibility of contractors … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 21

7. Recommended actions on measures of safety precautions and labor safety for execution of

mechanized construction and repair works … … … … … … … … … … … 22

8. Recommended actions on measures of safety precautions and labor safety for execution of manual

earthen works … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. 25

Annex A. Environment Management Plan (EMP ) in project district of Kabadiyan,

Khatlon region … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …... 27




AEMP Adapted environmental management plan

ALRI Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation.

BPS Bank Protection Structures

BSW Bank Strengthening Works

CDN Collector&Drainage Network.

CNHM Committee of Natural Hazards Management

CPE Committee on preservation of the environment

DDLRI District Department of Land Reclamation and Irrigation

EA Executing Agency

EAP Environment Action Plan.

EIA Environment Impact Assessment.

EMP Environment Management Plan.

GEMP General Environment Management Plan.

IN Irrigation network.

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

MA Ministry of Agriculture.

NGO Non-Governmental Organization.

O&M Operation and Maintenance

PIU Project Implementation Unit

SCLM State Committee for Land Management.

SEE State Ecological Examination

WUA Water Users Associations.



Executive Summary .

The present document provides bases and requirements on environment management for execution

of construction-rehabilitation works on bank protection structures on the River Kafernigan in the

Kabadiyan District within the limits of the Project «Strengthening Critical Infrastructure against Natural


Development of the Environment Management Plan (EMP) is required as part of the Environmental

Management Framework (EMF) prepared for the project and is also a part of the compliance process

mandated by the World Bank (WB) policies and guidelines (including OP 4.01 – Environmental

Assessment and the World Bank Group Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines), as well as

Tajikistan’s National environmental legislation . The EMP provides a detailed description of the

anticipated direct and indirect environmental impacts associated with the proposed Project during key

periods of work and a road map to the environmental measures needed to prevent and/or mitigate adverse

environmental effects associated with the proposed Project.

Project objectives, tasks and rationale:

Tajikistan is prone to many natural hazards due its unique terrain, climate, geological and hydrological

features. The country faces avalanches, landslides and rockfalls resulting from significant winter and

spring precipitation in addition to mudflows and floods caused by significant snow-melt and intense

spring rain. The threat from glacier lake outbursts, i.e. rare but devastating flash floods released when

temporary glacial lakes (created by sudden glacial surges in the Pamir Mountains) burst without warning,

would, in general, affect all river-side communities along the whole length downstream (and some

upstream) of the outburst.

The project objectives are to establish the foundation of the Government of Tajikistan’s (GoT) long-term

disaster risk management program and increase climate resilience by solving problems associated with

rehabilitation of infrastructure affected by the impact of climate change, including mudflows,

earthquakes, soil erosion and other natural disasters, which occur in Tajikistan.

The project includes four components:

Project Component 1 aims at strengthening of Tajikistan capacity for Management of Disasters Risk

and includes the creation of Crisis Management Centers (CMCs) in Dushanbe and, possibly, in other

regions of Tajikistan. The CMCs will be created either in a new building specifically constructed for that

purpose, or in an existing building renovated/retrofitted for that purpose. Component 1 also includes

procurement of machinery and equipment for the Ministry of Transport and Agency for Melioration and

Irrigation of Tajikistan as well as delivery of trainings for the Committee for Emergency Situation in data

collection and improving of natural and manmade disasters risk management.

Project Component 2 aims at making critical infrastructure resilient against natural hazards. This

Component will finance preparation of a feasibility study and detailed designs and construction of

bridges, dykes and other flood protection Infrastructure.

Project Component 2, sub-component II will finance design and construction of flood protection

including but not limited to reconstruction and/or reinforcement of dams, dykes and river embankments

and improving the flow and bed load transport capacities of flow channels primarily for Khatlon sites that

were damaged during July 2015.

The project subcomponent has the following structural components:

1. Bank protection structures at the confluence of Ziraki river to Dahana, close to Kulob city and in

the closest vicinity of the airport of Kulob, length 3,700m;



2. Bank protection structures on the Yakhsu River near the villages Shobika and Larhobi in Vose

district, length 3,500m;

3. Bank protection structures on the Kafirnigan River in Kabadiyan district, length 10,450m;

4. Bank protection structures and irrigation canal reconstruction near the Hoshodi settlement -

Shaartuz district, length 400m;

5. Bank protection of the confluence of Kyzylsu and Yakhsu Rivers in Vose district, length 1,000m.

Project Component 3: Contingent Emergency Response aims to improve Tajikistan’s capacity to better

respond to disasters. Following an adverse natural or man-made event that causes a major disaster;

Project Component 4 finances the Project Implementation Unit to ensure proper Management of the

Project.The Executive Agency (EA) for the Project is the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of

Tajikistan. The project is implemented through the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) for Access to

Green Finance and Financing of Rural Development. The Ministry of Transport and Agency for

Melioration and Irrigation will contribute to the Project by providing consultancy for feasibility studies,

detailed design and implementing relevant safeguards activities.

Main findings: Based on the existing WB policy the proposed project falls under Category B. The IEE

confirmed that there are no significant environmental issues that could not be either prevented or

adequately mitigated to levels acceptable to Tajik and International standards.

Aspects of environment management which are essential during the implementation of «Strengthening

Critical Infrastructure against Natural Hazards Project» in Kabadiyan district of Khatlon region of the Republic of

Tajikistan have been developed within the frame of this document.

As a result of conducting of field surveys and the analysis of existing state of environment the Consultant

has prepared Environment Management Plan (EMP ) in Russian for selected bank protecting embankments of the

Project district Kabadiyan in Khatlon region. In EMP potential impacts of design works, and also corresponding

preventive measures for mitigation, including corresponding system of monitoring for prevention, elimination or

minimizing of any expected adverse effects on environment have been defined. In addition, measures on safety

precautions during the implementation of manual and mechanized works are developed. EMP defines measures

in conformity with a stage of implementation of the project in which most likely there will be potential impacts . It

is a rehabilitation stage which includes actual construction works, the rehabilitation impacts emerging in the form

of sediments and wastes, and also operation phase where impact on qualities and quantity of waters, including

ameliorative conditions of the irrigation lands are possible.

Beneficiaries of the project will use EMP for the purpose of conducting of actions for mitigation and

monitoring at implementation of the Sub Projects which should be included in contract documents. Hearings for

consultation and comments on measures of mitigation of level of pollution and definition of activities on

monitoring have been organized. Inspectors concerning environment have visited project sites, considered

ecological aspects and the offered actions.

The common and main problems of the project district are insufficient water security for crops and

unsatisfactory ameliorative conditions of the irrigation lands, and also absence of appropriate financing, the

maintenance, minor and major repairs of the basic ameliorative funds and shortage of highly-skilled personnel for

operation of systems. It became the reason for silting of many sections of the main canals of the lower row,

collector -drainage networks, deterioration of structures. Often there are problems of regulation and management of

water streams, corrosion and failure of metal parts and in this connection, indicators of use of water at level of off-

farm , on-farm and field canals are unsatisfactory. Increase of filtration of water in lower layers of soil and

grounds, increases of level of ground waters promote raise in the area of the ameliorative unfavorable conditions

of lands. Rehabilitation and repair of this infrastructure will have essential positive impact on ameliorative



condition of the lands and productivity of agricultural crops. Access improvement to hydrometers and counters will

allow farmers to raise efficiency of use of water resources and to lower the cost price of production of agricultural


The complete report on EMP and the Executive Summary (in Russian) will be submitted to the department

of preservation of the environment of Kabadiyan district, Management of land reclamation and irrigation of

Kabadiyan district and to other concerned organizations.

On March, 16th, 2017 discussions around EMP was conducted with concerned persons and the district

organizations of Kabadiyan district. In this discussion repair-rehabilitation works, and also definition of

corresponding precautionary actions and mitigation measures (including corresponding system of monitoring) for

prevention, elimination or minimizing of any expected adverse effects on environment. The plan defines measures

in conformity with a stage of implementation and monitoring for definition and reduction of potential impacts on

environment. After addition and specifications, taking into account offers made in discussions, the EMP is

approved by PIU , and also is approved by district department of preservation of the environment. Final version of

EMP of the Project district Kabadiyan will be sent to WB web site, submitted to WB Consultant and other

concerned persons and the organizations.

EMP will be used by contractors and concerned persons at project implementation.


The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan with support of the World Bank implements the Project

«Strengthening Critical Infrastructure against Natural Hazards Project». The Project will be implemented during

the period 2018 – 2023.

Project tasks include creation of a long-term basis for the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (GRT) for

ensuring of controllability of risks natural disasters and strengthening of stability against the climate changes by

means of solution of problems connected with rehabilitation of infrastructure effected by the impact of climatic

changes, including mud flows, earthquakes, soil erosion and other natural disaster phenomena occurring in


The Project objectives are as follow: (I) to provide employment for food insecure population by means of their

involvement to rehabilitation of bank protection structures; (II) increase of agricultural crops production; and (III)

support of policy development directed for improvement of water resources management, as means for increase of

food availability for low income people in poor rural areas.

The Project includes construction of structures for the purpose of protection of the adjacent lands against floods

including, but not limited to reconstruction and strengthening of the embankments and others bank strengthening

structures, and also actions for the purpose of improvement of the river stream potential for carrying over of bed

loads basically within the sites in Khatlon region destroyed by flooding with use of earth moving machines,

bulldozers and other equipment for rehabilitation of embankments and structures.

Project Implementation Unit (PIU) bears the overall responsibility for management, procurement and also full

responsibility for expenditure of funds and finance administration within the limits of the Project.

Envisaged World Bank Operation Policy. World Bank Operation Policy OP 4.01-Environmental Assessment

will be involved in course of Project implementation as the Project will provide implementation of some actions

which will cause certain ecological and social impacts.

Exception from fulfillment of requirements related to notification of the littoral states, according to OP 7.50-

Projects in International Waters is granted to the Project as the Project will be implemented within the limits of “the

existing schemes”, including some additions or changes requiring rehabilitation, construction and other changes



which according to Bank should not influence negatively the quality and volume of the water streams used by the

adjacent party and will not be exposed to negative impact at use of water resources by other littoral users. The

project does not contain works or actions which can lead to change of the existing scheme of water use, and will

not result by its changes or expansion in occurrence of other schemes of water use. Hence, the project anyway will

involve principles of OP 7.50, but notification of the littoral states on the Project is not required. OP 4.04 Natural

Habitats. Based on results of PEA no serious impact of the planned Project on Natural Habitats is expected. Hence,

the present WB rule concerning various natural inhabitancies will not be involved. Operation Policy OP 4.09,

concerning Pest Management, will not be involved as no procurement and-or use of pesticides is envisaged. In

addition, during the project implementation the operational procedures, concerning forest conservation, physical

and cultural resources, and also natural habitat will not be involved as all planned actions will be implemented

within existing embankments. And at last, the project will not involve the Operation Policy OP/BP 4.12,

concerning the Involuntary Resettlement as all Project activities will be carried out within existing bank

strengthening embankments, and, accordingly, the issues connected with necessity of land acquisition and-or

resettlement, will not be applied.

According to the WB Safeguard Policies and as per the ecological preliminary assessments the specified

project and its sub projects concern Category B. It is expected that in infrastructural sub-projects some

moderate adverse effects on environment on separate sites may take place during construction and

operational works, but the given sites are outside the limits of ecologically vulnerable zones. World Bank

Operational Procedure of OP 4.01 will be involved in course of implementation of the project as the

project will provide implementation of some actions which will render certain ecological and social

impacts. For such projects is necessary to conduct the Ecological assessment and to prepare Environment

Management Plan (EMP) specifically to the chosen site.

For execution of works it is necessary to identify the project potential impacts on environment (both

positive and negative), defining corresponding preventive measures and measures on reduction (including

the corresponding scheme of monitoring) to prevent, eliminate or minimize any expected adverse effects

on environment and social population position. EMP defines measures in conformity with a stage of

implementation of and monitoring carrying out by definition and reduction potential impact on

environment. This plan after addition and specification taking into account offers made in discussions, will

be approved by the Director of PIU, and also is approved by the district department of preservation of the

environment. According to Operational Procedure OP/BP 4.12 The project does not provide the

unvoluntary resettlement as all works will be conducted on existing sites and will not affect the land use.

1. Objectives and tasks of ecological assessment and the environment management plan The main objective of conducting of ecological assessment consists in consideration of aspects of environment

during working out and implementation of the project and scheduling environment management on the works

connected with Rehabilitation of bank protecting embankments In Kabadiyan district

For overall objective achievement execution of the following tasks is required:

Preparation of the concrete Plan on management of environment and approval of EMP in the order established by

the legislation of the country;

Step 1: On the basis of field surveys and the filled sample to prepare EMP which will include the reconsidered

tables of measures on mitigation of impact and actions for monitoring: Separate section is necessary to reflect

types of executed out works and labor safety methods at these works, and also procedures of first-aid treatment of

those suffered at works.

Beneficiaries of the project will use the EMP and its tables for conducting of actions for impact mitigation.



Step 2: Organize access to project EMP , consultations, receptions of comments under offered documents. In the

first stage under tables of actions for mitigation of impact and monitoring from the groups mentioned by the project

and the local non-governmental organizations to consider their opinions before decision-making on their approval.

Step 3: Ecological assessment and approval: Preparation of EMP and actions for mitigation of impact of the

project and monitoring will be Coordinated with and confirmed by district department of ecology. Thus Inspectors

on environment as required will carry out a trip to the Project site, will consider ecological aspects of offered works

and will provide conformity of offered measures on mitigation of impact and will check their implementation.

Step 4: Conducting supervision and reporting: As soon as project implementation starts, PMU expert on

environment and district inspector on environment will supervise the implementation of the Project activities, and

measures on mitigation of impact during conducting of rehabilitation work and will define as required correcting

measures. Such information allows to estimate success of mitigation of impact within the limits of supervision of

the project, and as required to undertake correcting actions. In this respect, EMP defines tasks and monitoring

kind, and also their links with impacts and measures on their mitigation. In particular, the section of monitoring of

EMP provides: (a) the concrete description and technical crops details of measures on monitoring implementation,

including the measured parametres, used methods, selection places, frequency of measurements; and, (b)

monitoring and reporting procedures for the purpose of : (i) ensuring of early revealing of the conditions,

demanding use of concrete measures on impact mitigation, and (ii) providing of the information on course of

execution and results of mitigation.

2. Offered types and sites of works for rehabilitation and condition improvement of

bank protecting embankments in Kabadiyan district

2.1. Types and sites of works

For development of EMP it was necessary to make the assessment of the district including the description

of the basic ecological characteristics of bank protecting of embankments, selected for rehabilitation. Field surveys,

meetings and information gathering have been for this purpose conducted in all settlements where it is supposed to

conduct works in frameworks of the projects.

The area on which the activities of the Sub -project extends makes 108583 ha of which 23961 ha. makes

irrigation areas under crops , including grain 4617 ha., commercial crops – 9147 ha, vegetable crops 1486 ha,

melons 1193 haа, forage crops – 968 ha, gardens and vineyards – 1160 hectares and potato 552 ha.

Characteristic of bank protecting embankments for project works:

Extent of bank protecting embankments makes – 15569,21m

Jamoat of U.Nazarov-4232,0m. including: new-3212,6 m; rehabilitation -1019,4m.

Jamoat E.Niyozov – 3191,51m. (new:-3191,51m)

Jamoat N.Khusrav -2413,7m. including; new-1479,8m; Rehabilitation -933,9m

Jamoat 20 years of Istiklol-5732m. including; new-2572,3m. Rehabilitation -3159,7m

Characteristic of project district of Kabadiyan; Total length of bank protecting embankments in Kabadiyan

district makes 246,1 km, with balance cost of 995,8 thousand Somoni.



Fig. 1.1. Layout of Irrigation network of Kabadiyan district



Photo 1.1. The damaged sections in Jamoat 20-years of Istiklol in Kabadiyan district



3. Assessment of the existing condition of the project district Kabadiyan

3.1. General description of existing condition of the district territory

Population in the project district is engaged mainly in agriculture and trade. Total population makes –

166125 persons. From them: Men – 83602 persons. Women – 82523 persons. Total number of schoolchildren

makes 35964 persons. Number of able-bodied people in the district – 84070 persons.

The project area is located in in the left-bank of the river of Kafirnigan in Khatlon region. The basic

borders of the district are: from the north and the south of the river of Kafirnigan and from the north of the land

with Rudaki district, from the east with Dusti district, from the West with Shaartuz district, and from the south

with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Distance from the district to Dushanbe makes 190 km, and to the

regional centre of Kurgan Tyube 90 km. District center is the settlement of Kabadiyan, which is located on the

main road of Dushanbe- Shaartuz district. The project district has the developed high system of off-farm and on-

farm appointment. Extent of highways in the district makes 178,5 km, including roads of republican appointment of

34,5 km and local roads of 144 km. The district territory has a continental climate with average -annual temperature

of 16.2 0С, relative humidity of air of 46 %. Duration of frost-free period makes 296 days. Northeast winds prevail

in the district territory. The district territory makes 108583,0 ha. Major part of the lands of the district make the

inundated lands of the river of Kafirnigan. Farmlands including pastures in the district makes 108583 ha. including

the irrigation lands – 23961 ha: grain and pulses crop (corn)-4617 ha.; cotton-7145 ha.; potato – 552 hectares;

vegetables-1486 ha; gardens – 600 ha.; vineyard–760 ha.; fodder-1030 ha.. Production enterprise – 15 nos. out of

them: cotton processing – 3, light industry – 2, for production of limestone - 1. These project works will not

impact on transport and municipal systems.

Agriculture: Dehkan Farms on the irrigation lands grown cotton and other type of crops. There are also plantations

of orchards.



3.2. Geology and conditions of land resources The territory represents the inundated lands of the river Kafarnigan occurred in quternary period, has a

plain and equal relief with the total slope less than 0,1 % in direction from North to South. In the upper horizons

with thickness of 4-5 m there are alluvial and diluvium soils with light, average and heavy mechanical structure

formed as a result of water erosion and sediments. In the bottom horizons of the land pebble sediments of different

fractions prevail. The significant features of the area of Kabadiyan is that the terrestrial surface is located on depth

2 m below the water level of the river Kafirnigan. For this reason on the majority parts of the irrigation lands there

is high level of ground waters. As a result of raise of ground waters 1432 hectares of lands have unsatisfactory

ameliorative conditions and 90 hectares are affected with soil salinity. In Jamoat 20 years of Istiklol in the

village Sangoba due to raise of level of ground waters the lands are degraded and they are dropped from the

agricultural circulation. Similar processes are observed in Jamoat of Takhti Sangin in the settlement Kurortnaya.

There are 7 Jamoats in the district having geologically dangerous territories. Out of 43 settlements 11 of them are

located in the zone of natural hazards. The following sections are under constant hazards of flooding: in Jamoat N.

Khusrav, the village Akhcha and Jonnazarteppa, in Jamoat Navobod the village of Kurdjaloli Shoh are under

threat of mud flows in Jamoat Zarkamar the village of of Chimgilish, Chuponkishlok, Zarkamar, Boijidava and

Rudakul are under the threat of flooding, in Jamoat I.Niyozov the village of Ziraki. Number of households which

are located in the zone of hazards makes 50.

3.3. Water resources

The river of Kafirnigan flows through the territory of the project district of Kabadiyan. The river of

Kafirnigan is one of the largest inflows of the river of Pyanj. The annual drain of the river of Kafirnigan makes

nearby 5кm3. It has a snow -glacial food and in the source it takes away water from the rivers Ilyak, Varzob,

khonaka etc. Average annual discharge of the river of Kafirnigan makes 156 m3/s.. The basic source of irrigation

of project district of Kabadiyan is through canals Katta, Kabla, Chirik, Hayot, etc. During the vegetative period

the discharge of water of the river Vakhsh makes 1400 m3/seconds. The main waterways of the district is the

canals Katta with the maximum discharge 29 m3/s., Kabla 23 m3/s., Chirik 3,4 m3/s., Hayot 7,3 m3/s. and canal P/O 6

with the maximum discharge of water Q=6,5 m3/s..

In the works provided by the project, water is not used. The population uses water from the irrigation

network for economic and household needs, including for drink.

3.4. Soil Soils in the district territory are presented by grey soils of various mechanical structure. It is partially

observed secondary salinization of soils as a result of raise of level of ground waters. Lands in Dehkan Farms is

used for production of agricultural crops. In territory of the project district of Kabadiyan in total 1432 hectares of

the lands are subject to water erosion and 90 have high level of salinity. As a result of raise of ground waters in

Jamoat 20 years of Independence in the village of Sangoba because of raise of level of ground waters lands are

degraded and they are dropped from agricultural circulation. The same processes are observed in Jamoat Takhti

Sangin. In some Jamoats annually there are mud flows leading to soil erosion in the irrigation lands.

3.5. Presence of especially protected natural territories



Based on information provided by the district department of preservations of the environment of Kabadiyan

district on the areas of the Sub Project and adjoining territories there is no preserved natural territories. There are no

sites of cultural heritage, historical monuments and other vulnerable sites.

3.6. Flora and fauna of the area

In early spring the valleys and foothills are covered with a bright carpet of flowers: poppies, buttercups, and

bluebells. Saksaul (haloxylon), wormwood, artemisia, camelsthorn (alhagi camelorum), and numerous types of

saltwort (salsola) add their green to the picture. River flood-plains are filled with dense bushes composed of

tamarisk, reed, thorny of Central Asian oleaster, and Asian poplar. Delights to the eye include the deep-green

crowns of pistachio trees hawthorn, wild almond, maple, walnut, and juniper. Such valuable trees as wild

pomegranate and fig can also be found occasionally.

During the development of the given territory for irrigation agriculture the protogenic vegetative

cover has changed radically. The modern vegetative cover in the territory of the Sub Project is presented

by agricultural lands of various crops and plantations of orchard plantings.

In settlements and private households various fruit and decorative plantings and vegetable crops

are widely cultivated.

Flora. Sites along bank structures are covered by natural herbage and used for grazing of livestock. On

agricultural fields where the close location of ground waters and salinization of soils takes place, the

unproductive grassy vegetation grows.

According to Department of preservation of the environment there is no rare vegetation or endangered


Fauna. In the territories adjacent to the Project sites there are such representatives of the local fauna as

foxes, hares, eagles, small rodents etc. According to the information provided by the local departments of

environmental protection no rare and endangered species are registered on the site. Fish, Fisheries and Aquatic Biology: It is observed that fishing does not contribute much to local economics.

Fishing in rivers and streams at the project sites are found to be very limited, and information on the number of

fishermen, fish species captures, yields and total catch does not exist. The fish species Schizothorax which is genus

of cyprinid fish dominates in the major rivers. Four kinds of fish are included in the Red Book of Tajikistan.

No fish species in this area are classified into endangered status. Project activities are directed on improvement

of water resources management and will not render negative potential impact on flora and fauna of the

Sites. The Project also will not cause any negative impact on plantations of fruit trees and private

homestead land plots.

3.7. Actions procedure in case of unaccounted revealing of archeological values

Construction contracts connected with carrying out of excavations, usually include an order of situations

regulations when physical subjects having cultural value (FSCV) are casually found out. After casual

revealing of subjects the Contractor has to suspend physical works immediately and to notify EPC on the


The Contractor is obliged to adhere to the conventional international practice and to fulfill all

corresponding requirements of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan concerning preservation of

historical and cultural values, including the requirement of all corresponding local authorities. In case of

unexpected detection during works of cultural or historical artefacts (movable or immovable), the

Subcontractor takes all necessary measures for protection of the items and notifies the Contractor,

representatives of Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography and Committee on affairs of youth,

sports and tourism. If continuation of works endangers the found items works under the project will be

suspended until acceptance of the co-ordinated decision concerning the found artefacts.

4. Definition of potential impacts of the project on ecological conditions of bank

protecting embankments of Kabadiyan district



As the works provided by the Project, basically they provide manual and mechanized that as is specified

in EMP do not render impact on inhabited, industrial, transport and other infrastructure.

As a result of rehabilitation of bank protecting embankments sites representing danger to water sites and

environment as a whole, is not formed. Operation of irrigation infrastructure and water security of farmland, and

also ameliorative conditions of the lands thus will be improved.

Actions of the project will not lead to negative potential impact on flora and fauna of the Site.

The project will not impact on plantations of fruits and on private homestead plots.

Table 4.1, provides potential project impact on ecology of Kabadiyan district at execution of rehabilitation

works and during their operation.

Table 4.1. Project impact on ecology of flood protecting structures and protection of banks against

erosion in Kabadiyan district

Section Impact


Duration Importance

I. Rehabilitation

a) Quality of


Unauthorized dump of sewerage water

Chemical processing of polluted superficial and

ground waters

Short term

Local and


b) Quality of air

Dust made by movement of vehicles and heavy

vehicles on roads

Exhaust gases from vehicles and the equipment and

dust connected with soil, weathers in different




Short term





c) Noise

The essential increase in noise is expected during

works, because of various kinds of construction and

work of vehicles.

Short term

Local, high

d) Solid waste

Solid waste made in construction in the form of old

pipes and, the rests of construction materials, Spread

sediments sand, stones, concrete and household


Short term



e) Biological


Construction work do not impact on biological

diversity of the area

Long term Regional


f) Natural

inhabitancy Design works improves the native habitat

Long term Regional


g) On public Project construction work do not impact on Long term Regional



health services public health services of the population of the




a) Loss of the top

layers of soil

Non-observance of technology of ploughing on the

lands with the steep slopes , wrong choice of

schemes of arrangement of time network, and

technology of irrigation.

Short term



b) Soil

erosion, drain

and sediment

Non-observance of technology of irrigation and drain

regulation on the district territories, non-observance

of the admission of the minimum discharges, speeds

of canals, dump of exhaust waters in tail part of the

field in CDN .

Short term



c) Salinization Raise of level of ground waters, deterioration

conditions of CDN , watering by drainage waters.

Short term Local,



of water


Non-observance of limit of water withdraw from the

river and from water sources

Short term Local,


The provided table shows that the potential project impact at stage of rehabilitation and operation

basically have short-term, local and moderate character. In the last stage some factors on ecology of bank

protecting embankments have no impact at all or they have favorable impact.

5. Environment Management Plan of the project district Kabadiyan

5.1. Objectives of EMP

Objectives of EMP are definition of ecological potential impacts of the project (both positive and

negative), definition of corresponding preventive actions and mitigation measures (including

corresponding system of monitoring) for prevention, elimination or minimizing of any expected adverse

effects on environment. It includes also actions for supervision of execution of works and ecological

monitoring, and also the description of role and duty of persons executing EMP.

5.2. Recommended preventive actions and measures on mitigation of potential

impacts of the project on ecology of bank protection structures.

Table 5.1 provides the list of potential impacts on environment and on population health together

with measures on mitigation. The plan defines these measures in conformity with a stage of

implementation of the project in which most likely there will be potential impacts:

• Stage of rehabilitation works which includes the actual construction work financed within the

limits of the project in rehabilitation of bank protecting structures; and



• The operation phase covering other part of the project after end of actual rehabilitation work and

proceeding and long-term impacts on quality of water and soil, biological diversity and native

habitat, also public health services.

The majority of the provided mitigation measures concern the capacity building as potential impacts

are indirect, it is possible to prevent or mitigate them by strengthening of institutional and human

potential by application of the best practice in carrying out of rehabilitation construction work.

Recommended preventive actions and measures on mitigation in a stage of carrying out of

rehabilitation work and operation of bank protection structures. EMP assumes application of combination

of preventive actions for minimizing of the potential impacts connected with rehabilitation of irrigation

infrastructure. First, under all contracts standard agreements on environment, labor safety demanded

according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan and procedures of WB will be considered. These

are agreements are based on the conditions specified in the table above with offered measures on

mitigation. Secondly, contractors should observe the nature protection requirements stipulated in EMP.

Thirdly, information spreading about EMP contractors should be a condition for all contracts.

All recommended actions and measures on Environment protection at execution of construction

works and at their operation are generalized and shown in Table 5.1.






Stage Problem Preventive action / mitigation

measure Responsible Comments Budget

I. Rehabilitation:

Bank protecting


Construction impacts

Treatment of sediments

Nature protection agreements;

Guideline on treatment with

environment for contractors;

Appropriate transportation and burial

place of waste



Inspection of sites by PMU,

PIU for the purpose of

ensuring of observance of rules

Construction garbage

Emission of the

excavated sediments

Dump of sewage.

Pollution of surface

and ground waters

Minimizing of harm to the nature and

vegetative surface and ensuring of

restoration of vegetation (planting of

corresponding types of plants




Inspection of sites by PMU,

PIU for the purpose of

ensuring of observance of rules

Part of expenses

will be borne by

the contractor

(Approximately 15

thousand Somoni)



b. Stone works

Emission of dust and

cement into atmosphere

Noise. Solid household


Appropriate export and burial place

of waste

Sewage, including concrete waste

should not get to the river, without

having passed through settling ponds.

The dust from work or transportation

of units, cement should be brought to

a minimum by water spraying and

corresponding covering of vehicles at


Works to be conducted during the

day in settlements, not at night.

The appropriate treatment of waste in

the course of conducting of

rehabilitation construction works -

corresponding warehousing and

transportation of waste in the allowed

places (dump);






Inspection of sites by PMU,

PIU for the purpose of

ensuring of observance of rules

Part of expenses

will be borne by

the contractor

(Approximately 15

thousand Somoni)

Part of expenses

will be borne by

the contractor

(Approximately 15

thousand Somoni)

Casual spillage

Prevention of spillage of polluting

substances, construction waste or

other toxic substances in the rivers or

in sources of ground waters. These

polluting substances include raw

sewage, household waste and oil


Instructions on safety for workers.


Inspection of sites by CPE



Professional risks Providing workers with protective

safety means, and protective

equipment (special clothes, boots,

helmets and training for their use.

II. Operation

Water pollution

Infringement of water


Soil erosion, drain and


Appropriate treatment and burial

place of the used fuel/waste

Surveys on environment, information


Dissemination of the information,

Small-scale investments


PMU Inspection of sites by CPE

Erosion and scouring of

river banks

Implementation of actions for river

banks stabilization and scouring

prevention as required

ALRI Site inspection by EPC



5. 3. Monitoring and reporting on environment

Monitoring on environment during implementation of the project which should be executed out by

PIU provides information on well-founded ecological aspects of execution of rehabilitation work, in

particular their impacts on environment and about efficiency of the accepted measures on mitigation.

The similar information allows to estimate success of mitigation as a part of design supervision

and to undertake adjustment actions as required. In this respect GEMP defines tasks and monitoring type,

and their connection with impacts and measures on mitigation. In particular, the section of monitoring of

EMP provides the following:

(a) concrete description and technical details of measures on monitoring, including the measured

parameters, used methods, sample of places, frequency of measurements and,

(b) monitoring and reporting procedures on purpose:

(i) supports of early definition of conditions which require acceptance of concrete measures on

mitigation and

(ii) Submission of the monitoring plan on environment.

Table 5.2 .provides the monitoring Plan on environment in sites of rehabilitation works under

Project Kabadiyan district.





Project stages Parametre Location Method,

equipment Frequency Objectives Responsible


Rehabilitation of bank

protecting embankments

Nature protection

requirements of EMP



Inspection of sites of soil

laying on embankment of

the canal from the field

side and leveling in the


Once during

and after

project end

To provide



Condition of laying of

sediment and their

leveling. Non-admission

of spreading of sediment

on roads and other



sites Field inspections;

To provide

observance of terms


Stone works

Production of waste and



sites Field inspections of sites;

Once in the

beginning of



To define quality of



Emissions in atmosphere




Reports on ecological

check and observance of

nature protection


Once in the

beginning of



To define quality of







Rehabilitation of

vegetative cover on river




Field supervision of new

plantations, definitions of

their quality and quantity ,

conformity to norms

Once in the

beginning of


work and



To define the area of

rehabilitation of

vegetative cover on

river banks



Bank protecting



trainings for

Operational and


personnel on

bank protection

structures and

ensuring of

stability and

duration of sites


Avoiding of break and

destruction and degradation

of soils, flooding of below

located infrastructure.

Appropriate treatment and

burial places of processed

fuel and waste.





5.4. Roles and duties on execution of EMP

Duties on ecological monitoring. PIU should inspect a site before, during and after end of

rehabilitation work for the purpose of ensuring of full conformity with requirements of the contract and

EMP . Final payment to Contractor will be made after Final review with special attention to the

requirement of returning the site to its initial condition after end of rehabilitation works.

Ecological monitoring of sites will include survey and as far as possible quality checks of

embankment and roads in territory of a site of rehabilitation work; attraction of inspectors on preservation

of the environment in monitoring and assessment will help with development of regular monitoring on

environment on sites of rehabilitation work.

Supervision of execution of mitigation and preventive actions. PIU will bear responsibility for

monitoring of appropriate execution of preventive actions and measures on mitigation that is required

within the limits of EMP. It means carrying out of periodic visitings of sites for the purpose of check of

execution of appropriate preventive actions or measures on impact mitigation. PIU will conduct also any

assessment of project sites for the purpose of definition of efficiency of the accepted measures and impact

of project activities on environment. In case of the approval, during a working phase under-project, PIU

together with the district inspector on environment and other nature protection establishments will

conduct necessarily ecological supervision and monitoring for monitoring of conformity with the

confirmed design and measures of mitigation and full conformity with EMP . In case of discrepancy, PIU

and the Inspector on environment will establish character of the reason of discrepancy, and the decision

will be accepted concerning the measures to bring the executed works in conformity or financing


Submission of reports. In regular (semi-annual) reports on implementation of projects PIU should

provide information on conformity position by the co-ordinated measures on impact mitigation on the

ecological environment. PIU will keep account results of monitoring and project supervision, and to store

them during all period of implementation of the project. PIU will inform on results of the program of

monitoring in regular reports on a course of execution of the project, represented in WB; WB supervision

missions will consider results of the program of monitoring on a regular basis.

Terms of EMP should be included in contracts on selected bank protecting structures both in

specifications, and in amounts of works. It will be necessary for contractor to include these expenses in

the financial offers. All contracts should be according to standard agreements concerning preservation of

the environment and the work required by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, WB policies and

guidelines (including OP 4.01 – Environmental Assessment and the World Bank Group Environmental

Health and Safety Guidelines), and the Environmental Management Framework (EMF) prepared for the

project on observance of nature protection requirements specified in EMP. Among the most important

conditions put before contractors, the following is highlighted: conditions of prevention of spillage and

site cleaning, monitoring of dust and noise, regulation by transport during construction, cleaning of

construction site and rehabilitation; labor safety of workers.



6. Responsibility of contractors

Executors of works bear responsibility for following actions for environment protection:

I. As far as possible to preserve a natural landscape at production of works, and also to conduct

them so that not to do much harm to environment. There, where is necessary protective measures for

prevention of damages of trees, young plantings, and also bushes should be provided. In case of inevitable

damages to take corresponding measures for restoration of original conditions.

II. Washers and places of maintenance service of machineries and vehicles is necessary to equip

with mud settlers and oil cleaners; to spill the used oiland technical liquids in special containers with their

subsequent sending for rehabilitation; to exclude leak of oil products at their transportation, all waste of

operational materials of maintenance service to collect and store in specially taken away places with the

subsequent cleaning when due hereunder

III. Actions of contractors should be executed so that to prevent casual spillage of the infected

substances, construction garbage, etc. pollutants in reservoirs or penetrating in underground waters. A

raw sewer and sanitary waste, trailer wastes, combustive-lubricating materials enter into such pollutants.

That water waste which arises from processing and concrete mixing, should not get to canals without

special sedimentation in embankments (basins), without passage from the special gravel filters and other

processing not to worsen quality of water and not to do much harm to water inhabitants. Contractor

should guarantee corresponding disposal from waste materials and garbage. That waste which are subject

to a burial place or burning, also should not affect negatively air, soil and to inflows of ground waters.

IV. Contractor should lower to a minimum pollution spreading by air and water. At transportation

or processing with the substances forming a dust, cement the Contractor should reduce to a minimum

their spreading by means of overhead sprinkling or other methods.

V. During works of vehicles noise impacts should be reduced to a minimum, and organise work of

the noisy equipment in working hours established by the legislation.

VI. Contractor should plan in advance, where and how sites will be located such as, working camp,

warehouse and territory of storage of machineries which will be dismantled without damage to

environment after end of works. These sites should be located so that to a maximum possible to keep

natural environment (trees and other vegetation).

VII. Potential impacts and standard measures on mitigation of consequences for the construction

work, connected with rehabilitation of structures include the prevention from accidents during

construction: Executors should accept all necessary safety measures on types of works. Dismantle old

unusable of bank protection structures, can cause pollution of bank by construction garbage. To avoid the

given impacts , is necessary to make the following: (a) to replace damaged sites with new constructions,

(b), during dismantle of old structures to avoid accidents in the organized order on construction sites; (c)

to transport and bury them in the wastes established by local bodies. They should be executed with

participation of local ecological and the health inspector, by signing of the special document on this

subject; And (d) at work with asbestossheets, workers should carry the special closed clothes, gloves and

respirators. .



7. Recommended actions and measures for safety precautions and labor safety for

execution of mechanized construction and repair works

At occurrence of dangerous working conditions on a construction site people should be immediately

evacuated, and dangerous places fenced.

At approach to lines of underground communications; land works should be conducted under

supervision of the executor of works or masters, and in immediate proximity from the cables which are

energized, besides, and under supervision of workers of the power sector.

For excavations with slopes more abruptly than natural slopes of the given land the limiting

distance of the thrown out land from the edge should be specified by calculations.

At the mechanized management of excavations it is necessary to check up serviceability of vehicles

and machineries, presence at them protective protections and safety adaptations. To work with faulty

vehicles is not permitted.

For avoiding traumas members of the mechanized team should know accurately and strictly carry

out safety precautions regulations at work with digging machineries, and also at technical maintenance

and repair.

The workers serving the machinery and functioning it, should be supplied by the instruction


• Rules of operating of machinery and maintenance of workplace;

• Requirements under safety precautions;

• Instructions on system of signals;

• About maximum loads and speeds of machineries;

• About measures which should be accepted to the worker in case of failure or malfunction of


To operation of vehicles the persons passed special training and having the certificate on the right of

operating of vehicles are allowed.

Before the beginning of work the operator is obliged to check up:

• Condition of working platform;

• Serviceability of the engine and machineries ;

• Reserve cables and their serviceability;

• Condition of working bodies;

• Presence of fire-prevention means and the first-aid set.

On machineries with hydraulic management check hydro system of the oil pump and hoses, by

cable-operated vehicles serviceability of drums, frictional cluches or brake tapes of winch .

Before the beginning of work the operator is obliged to establish correctly the moment of ignition

corresponding to conditions of start-up of the engine. Early ignition, as a rule, knocks out reverse motion

ofa cranked shaft of the engine and the handle that can damage the hand of the operator. Before start of

the engine it is necessary for operator to be convinced of absence of extraneous subjects on rotating parts

(the fan, the water pump, etc.).

At starting the engine by means of the handle it is not allowed to take it in a grasp: all fingers of a

hand should be on the one hand handles, and the thumb is pressed to the index. It is not allowed to rotate

the handle round. The shaft of the starting engine should be turned short jerks. It is not allowed to get

over heated engine as in this case there can be a return blow.

At starting of the engine by means of cord It is not allowed to reel up it on a hand as thus the

cranked shaft can rotate in other party and injure a hand. During start-up of machineries join only after

2—3 minutes of work of the engine empty. The malfunctions which have been found out thus, eliminate


All rotating details of the digging machinery — cogwheels, chain and time transfers, fans,

flywheels, etc. should be protected casings. To include machineries at the removed protections it is




Survey, adjustment, pulling up of bolts, greasing and preventive repair of digging machineries

during their work are forbidden.

In places of work of digging machineries production of any other works and a finding of people on

ways of their movement are inadmissible. At detection in a developed land of large stones, stubs or other

subjects everything is necessary to stop and remove the machinery that can cause failure.

At overcoming of the digging machineries of abrupt, descents and lifting it is forbidden to include

the running mechanism. To move vehicles on slopes with a steepness of more admissible it is forbidden.

Working serving vehicles and machineries , should be dressed in suits without the hanging down ends.

Digging machineries establish and fix in the steady position excluding their overturning or

spontaneous displacement, both under the impact of own weight, and from the engine.

In a time off, and also during cleaning and repair digging machineries should be in the position

excluding possibility of their start-up by extraneous persons for what starting arrangements should be

protected from extraneous access.

It is forbidden to the operator of the digging machinery:

• During the functioning time of the machinery and its movement to leave a workplace or to transfer

control of machinery to other person, to suppose strangers of persons or ancillary workers to

starting of the engine, to sit down on caterpillars, to put on them clothes or other subjects;

• To stop the digging machinery under wires of the air electric system or 15 m from a transmission

line are closer. Work and Displacement of digging machineries near to a transmission line are

executed out under a direct management of the technical personnel. Technical officers should be

present necessarily at digging machineries in functioning time and at Displacement of units.

At work by digging machineries it is necessary to observe following fire-prevention actions for the

prevention and fire liquidation:

• In offices of operators there should be constantly a fire extinguisher in good repair;

• It is forbidden to store gasoline, kerosene and other inflammable materials in cabins of machineries.

Fuel and lubricants should be stored in specially equipped places on distance not less than 20 m

from machineries;

• At refueling of vehicles by fuel and lubricants, at survey of fuel blocks, and also for Dusting during

winter time of internal combustion engines it is not allowed to use an open flame (torches, fires,

blowtorches, etc.);

• It is forbidden to open canisters with gasoline blows on a stopper metal subjects;

• At fuel ignition to extinguish a flame follows only foamy - the fire extinguisher, sand, canvas or;

clothes. To fill in fire with water, it is forbidden.

• At refueling of machineries by fuel It is not allowed to smoke and bring close fire; fill the engine in

the afternoon, avoiding refueling at illumination. After refueling machinery efully rub off tanks.

For engine start-up during winter time in a radiator fill in the warmed-up water, and incarter the

warmed-up oil. It is forbidden to warm up the engine by a torch.

Excavators during the functioning time are placed on the planned platform and in order to avoid

spontaneous Displacement fix portable support. It is forbidden to enclose under caterpillar tapes or rollers

of caterpillars of a board, a log, stones and other subjects for the prevention of displacement of the

excavator during the functioning time.

At time cessation of work or at excavator repair the last should be moved to distance not less than 2

m from the edge of slope.

During the movement of single bucket excavator its arrow should be set strictly in a course

direction, and the bucket raised over the land by 0,5—0,7 m.

It is strictly forbidden for the operator of the excavator:

• To change the arrow angle of inclination at the lifted bucket ;

• To include the rotary mechanism before the termination of filling of the bucket and its separation

from the ground;

• To use machineries of turn and movement of the excavator for land cutting.



It is not allowed to move soil by the bulldozer on raise or under a slope of more than 30 °. At

work on abrupt slopes, high embankments and at deepening in order to avoid overturning and slipping it

is not allowed to do sharp turns.

Bulldozer work in radius of action of load-raising is not allowed. The operator of the bulldozer can

start to work about the excavator after the excavator bucket will be lowered on the land, and the crane

arrow is turned in the opposite side in relation to a site on which work should be executed out.

Installation and dismantle of bulldozer on a tractor should be conducted under the direction of the

mechanical specialist.

At work of the bulldozer with hydraulic management the oil temperature in hydraulic system should

not rise more than on 60 °, oil should be absolutely pure.

The safety valve of hydraulic system should be adjusted by the mechanical specialist on a

manometre on the greatest size of pressure and is sealed up.

During the functioning time the bulldozer driver should continuously observe the dumping area s of

a blade ;

At a short-term stop of the bulldozer the clutch couplings should be on, and the diesel engine should

be on small turns, and levers of switching of speeds - in neutral position. Bulldozer descent under a slope

should be only on the first speed. At a stop on a slope it is necessary to brake the bulldozer.

At work of the cable-operated bulldozer it is necessary to check regularly serviceability winch and

cable systems. In the course of work watch the condition of winch, without allowing an overheat of its

drums, tapes of brakes and friction clutches.

It is forbidden to work without a protective casing of drums of wench and a protective casing

(pipe) for a cable, and also in the presence of 10 % and torn more cut wires from the total number as per 1

m-of canal. Greasing, adjustment and bulldozer repair should be undertaken at the switched off motor and

the lowered blade.

8. Recommended actions and measures for safety precautions and labor safety at

execution of manual excavations

A). General safety requirements:

1. Excavations should be executed out only taking into account safety precautions requirements. At

approach to lines of communications excavations should be executed out under supervision of the

executor of works or masters, and in a security zone of functioning communications - under supervision

of representatives of the organization s maintaining these constructions.

2. All organizations having around works of construction, should not later than 5 days prior to the

beginning of excavations be in writing notified on forthcoming works and for days their representatives to

a place of works for specification of a site of structures belonging to them and the coordination of the

measures excluding damages of structures are caused.

3. During the execution of excavations on a traffic line or streets the organization making these

works, should make and co-ordinate the scheme of protection of place of work and arrangement of

traffic signs with bodies of the State traffic inspectorate.

4. To soil excavations persons not younger than 18 years, received instructing, trained in safe

methods of work, examination of rules according to Position about order of training and examination on

labor safety of heads, experts and the working enterprises, establishments and the communication

organization s are allowed.

5. Workers should pass instructing on the workplace. The result of conducting of instructing,

surname, date of conducting and the signature of the instructed worker are registered in special log.

6. Work is executed out by a team as a part of not less than two persons.

7. At excavation of soil occurrence of following dangerous and harmful production factors are


Danger to be the filled up by ground.

Electical shock.



Adverse weather conditions (low temperature, high humidity).

8. Each worker should be warned about necessity of observance of rules of the internal labor


9. Supply workers with protective equipment/clothing and training for their use (protective helmets, vests, gloves, shoes, eye protection, etc. ). In turn the workers should be responsible for maintenance and wearing



10. Workers should be trained on ways of rendering of the first pre-medical help.

11. Safety requirements before the work beginning:

1. To receive the task for execution of work from the foreman or the head.

12. To pass instructing on a workplace taking into account specificity of executed out works

(Instructing is conducted by the foreman of sites).

Safety requirements during the functioning time:

1. By working out of soil workers should know and remember that land working out in excavations

with vertical walls without fastening is supposed on depth no more, m:

1 - in bulk sandy and big-fractured soils;

1,25 - in sandy loams;

1,5 - in loams and clays.

2. Land dismantling in excavations should be executed out in layers, it is not allowed to make these

works as "undermining", with formation of "peaks".

Safety requirements in emergencies:

1. At occurrence of situations which can lead to accidents, it is recommended:

Immediately to stop works and to inform the direct head.

Operatively to take measures on elimination of causes of accident or the reasons which can lead to


2. At detection of unmarked on drawings of underground communications excavations should be

stopped before finding-out of character of the found out communications and reception of the permission

from the corresponding organization s on continuation of works.

3. In case of detection of any items of archeological or cultural significance, work will be stopped and

national authorities responsible will be contacted in accordance with the chance find procedures described in the

EMP Matrix (Table 5.2, above). 4. Construction contracts connected with carrying out of excavations, usually include an order of

situations regulations when physical subjects having cultural value (FSCV) are casually found out. After

casual revealing of subjects the Contractor has to suspend physical works immediately and to notify EPC

on the case.

The Contractor is obliged to adhere to the conventional international practice and to fulfill all corresponding requirements of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan concerning preservation of historical and cultural values, including the requirement of all corresponding local authorities. In case of unexpected detection during works of cultural or historical artefacts (movable or immovable), the Subcontractor takes all necessary measures for protection of the items and notifies the Contractor, representatives of Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography and Committee on affairs of youth, sports and tourism. If continuation of works endangers the found items works under the project will be suspended until acceptance of the co-ordinated decision concerning the found artefacts.

5. At casual damage of any underground construction the executor of works is obliged to stop

immediately works, to take the measures providing safety of workers, to report the matter to the head and

in emergency service of the corresponding organization .

6. At occurrence in slopes of excavations of signs of shift or slipping of soil workers should stop

immediately execution of works and to leave the dangerous zone before execution of the actions

providing stability of slopes.

7. It is necessary to inform on victims direct to the foreman sites or the head of the organization to

inform in a first-aid post and to take urgent measures on rendering of the necessary first pre-medical help.



Safety requirements upon termination of work:

1. To clean and put in order the workplace.

2. The tool, equipment and other adaptations applied in work to clear of soil and to deliver to the

basic place of work.

3. After the arrival to the basic place of work to remove overalls, special footwear and other means

of individual defense, to clear and clean in the place intended for their storage.

4. On all lacks or malfunctions during work execution to inform the foreman or the head.

Ecological requirements of operation stages. During this stage, negative potential impacts also can arise

in a consequence of the construction work which are executed out in the form of regular maintenance of

the structures. For the purpose of minimizing of the negative ecological impacts connected with

operation it is necessary to observe the preventive measures specified in EMP . Then it is necessary to

conduct a combination of effective operation and monitoring that also should be a part of the contract


Licenses, permissions and admissions for implementation of activity of the project is not required. The

given site the Sub Project is under jurisdiction of department of preservation of the environment of

Kabadiyan district.



Annex A. Environment Management Plan (EMP ) in project district of Kabadiya, Khatlon region


No. Description of information Kabadiyan

1. Inspection/time date: November 2016-July 2017

2. Name: Irrigation system: Management of land reclamation and irrigation of Kabadiyan district


Participants of inspection:

(Except the group, is necessary to conduct meetings with various

concerned parties, representatives of ecology, vodkhoz, agriculture,

farmers, etc. – to make the list with names, other contact information)

A. Consultants of PIU ; Niyatbekov S, Valiev M.Sultonmamadov S.

B. Representatives of ecology;

Kholmirzoev U.D. - Head of sector of preservation of the environment of Kabadiyan

district, the address: district Kabadiyan , Tel. : 939113131

Abdurahimpur Muhammad-Deputy Head of sector of preservation of the

environment of Kabadiyan district , Tel. 938550808.

Khalifaev M – Specialist , the ecologist, sector of preservation of the environment of

Kabadiyan district, Tel. 479935135.

C. Representatives of Management of land reclamation and

irrigation of the district;

Kholmirzoev Shomurod - Head Engineer, Management of land reclamation and

irrigation of Kabadiyan district: Address: district Kabadiyan , settlement Kabadiyan,

Tel.. 937806364

D. Representatives of agricultural management; Aminov Saidakbar -Chief agriculturist, address Kabadiyan district : settlement

Kabadiyan , Tel. : 919745420

E. Representatives of farmers; 1. Khojamkulov A. - Chairman of D/F"Abdujabbor", Jamoat 20 years of

Independence . Тел.935879052



2. Saidov S. –chairman of D/F Shukur, Jamoat 20 years of Independence .

F. Representatives of WUAs ; Saidov S.- Accountant of WUA Havaskor-1, Tel. 934239491.

Ziyobiddinova Mamlakat - Chairman of WUA Havaskor, 935011334

G. Other contact persons, their list

4 Current work and the information on the Project site:

Who is the contact person, to write a full name;

Representatives of ecology (committee on preservation of the

environment in district); phones, the address

Kholmirzoev U.D. - Head of sector of preservation of the environment of Kabadiyan

district, the address: Kabadiyan district , Tel. : 939113131

Representatives of raivodkhoz; phones, the address;

Kholmirzoev Shomurod - Head Engineer, Management of land reclamation and

irrigation of Kabadiyan district: Address: district Kabadiyan , settlement Kabadiyan,

Tel.. 937806364

The area of project territory; Total area: 184763 ha, areas of agricultural lands -108583 ha, the irrigation lands for

cultivation of agricultural crops – 23961 ha.

The purpose of use of the Project in present time. (As per plan); These lands are used for crops of agricultural crops: cotton, grain, gardens,

vegetables, melons, grasses for forage crops, lucerne, corn, etc.

For what purposes the site was used in the past (to provide the short

description to specify years, whenever possible).

Since 1930 these lands are used for crops of cotton, grain, fodder crops till present


The Scheme or network map (scanned and inserted) Attached

5. Activities under the project: Protection of agricultural crops, roads, PTL, houses and banks of the river Kafirnigan

What Jamoats, arable lands

Jamoats E.Niyozov - N.Khusrav - 2500 hectares – 7450 hectares, Jamoat 20 years of

Independence - 2918 hectares, Jamoats Takhti Sangin and Navobod - Jamoat

U.Nazarov – 1496 hectares



6 Ecological situation;

Whether there are nearby any sensitive vulnerable territories (reserves,

cultural places, sights, historical monuments)? No

What waterways are there on the site (the rivers, canals large, inflows

of the rivers)? The river of Kafirnigan

Whether there were flooding sites, bogging, landslips, mudflows on

the Site? Whether there are erosion signs (if yes, what)?

Out of 43 settlements 11 of them are located in the zone of natural hazards. The

following sections are under constant hazards of flooding: in Jamoat N. Khusrav, the

village Akhcha and Jonnazarteppa, in Jamoat Navobod the village of Kurdjaloli

Shoh are under threat of mud flows in Jamoat Zarkamar the village of of Chimgilish,

Chuponkishlok, Zarkamar, Boijidava and Rudakul are under the threat of flooding, in

Jamoat I.Niyozov the village of Ziraki. Number of households which are located in

the zone of hazards makes 80

Whether there are buildings near to Project site (e.g. schools, houses,

production enterprises), still what type of land use? Specify distances

from them to Project sites.


Whether this site impacts transport or utilities? No.

8. Social and economic situations;

Provide the short description on pilot district

The project area is located in in the left-bank of the river of Kafirnigan in

Khatlon region. The basic borders of the district are: from the north and the south of

the river of Kafirnigan and from the north of the land with Rudaki district, from the

east with Dusti district, from the West with Shaartuz district, and from the south

with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Distance from the district to Dushanbe

makes 190 km, and to the regional centre of Kurgan Tyube 90 km. District center is

the settlement of Kabadiyan, which is located on the main road of Dushanbe-

Shaartuz district. The project district has the developed high system of off-farm and

on-farm appointment. Extent of highways in the district makes 178,5 km, including

roads of republican appointment of 34,5 km and local roads of 144 km. The district



territory has a continental climate with average -annual temperature of 16.2 0С,

relative humidity of air of 46 %. Duration of frost-free period makes 296 days.

Northeast winds prevail in the district territory. The district territory makes

108583,0 ha. Major part of the lands of the district make the inundated lands of the

river of Kafirnigan. Farmlands including pastures in the district makes 108583 ha.

including the irrigation lands – 23961 ha: grain and pulses crop (corn)-4617 ha.;

cotton-7145 ha.; potato – 552 hectares; vegetables-1486 ha; gardens – 600 ha.;

vineyard–760 ha.; fodder-1030 ha.. Production enterprise – 15 nos. out of them:

cotton processing – 3, light industry – 2, for production of limestone - 1.

Data on number of inhabitants in the district (how many women, men,


Total of population – 166125 persons. From them: Men – 83602 persons. Women –

82523 persons. Total number of schoolchildren - 35964 persons.

Data on able-bodied population Number of able-bodied people in the district – 84070 persons

Types of activity, etc. Population is mainly engaged in agriculture and trade

9. Licences and permissions;

Whether the license or the permission is required for offered activity in

the Site? It is not required

Are they accessible? Yes

Under whose jurisdiction (what authorities, the organizations) the

provided site is (e.g. the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, etc.)

Management of land reclamation and irrigation of the district under ALRI of GRT

and the Ministry of Agriculture of RT

10. Quality of water;

These waters will be used for offered activity (cite the data and define

quantity). From what sources?

The basic source of irrigation of project district of Kabadiyan is through

canals Katta, Kabla, Chirik, Hayot, etc. During the vegetative period the discharge

of water of the river Vakhsh makes 1400 m3/seconds. The main waterways of the

district is the canals Katta with the maximum discharge 29 m3/s., Kabla 23 m3/s.,

Chirik 3,4 m3/s., Hayot 7,3 m3/s. and canal P/O 6 with the maximum discharge of water



Q=6,5 m3/s.

Whether waste as a result of project activities will be formed? (Define

whenever possible volume of waste, and also the size of the section for


Formed and levelled on banks.

Whether the damage will be caused to soil during construction or

operation? No

Whether there will be any considerable impact on landscape in Project

territory (drying of bogs, diversion of water streams); No

12. Biological habitats;

Description of vegetation on the Ssite (types of trees, bushes, grasses,


The following types of trees grow in the district: bushes, mulberries, citron and

subtropical trees, vineyard, gardens, perennial crops and forage crops.

Whether there is any information on rare and vanishing species of

flora and fauna on the site or near to sites? Will the Project impact on

them ?


Receive the list of vertebrate animals and vegetation types as a whole

on the site (whenever possible). Cows – 41022 heads, sheep and goats-90803 heads, horse – 1219 heads.

Specify potential adverse impact on flora and fauna. Does not impact .

Receive a map of the site or make the scheme (sketch) with detailed

marks. Is available

Make site photos ( landscape, nearby fields, roads, vegetation, fruit

trees (if is available), Fulfiled

Inspect the site (try to cover as much as possible the territory) and make

marks concerning activity on nearby sites. Fulfiled



Specify if there are any smells, smoke or dust, stagnant waters, etc. Dust storm “Afghan” is observed in summer and autumn seasons

Whether there are any fruit trees on the site which can get to a zone of

impact of rehabilitation works? No

Specify any others impact in the private lands. Protection of lands of Dehkan Farms and adjoining homestead land plots will be


Annex B. Social environment negative impact decrease management plan

Social elements Impact and risks Impact mitigation proposed measures


responsibility for




Construction period



During the performance

of construction works

the sources of temporal

noise are the working

construction and road


➢ Information boards will be installed near to

construction sites for informing of local population

on project actions.

➢ Works will be conducted on the greatest possible

distance from inhabitants’ premises.

➢ The machinery will work in the afternoon in certain

hours. Works will not be conducted at night.

➢ During the construction period within the territory of

works execution sound level should not exceed the

value recommended by established norms.

Contract organization.

Criteria and

specifications for

entering into the tender

and contract


PMU specialists: the

supervision engineer,

the ecologist, the




Dust formation at

transportation and work

with loose materials

The basic construction works will be conducted during

the low water period, in autumn-winter period, with

precipitations in the form of rain and snow.

Nevertheless, for prevention or minimization of dust

spreading, the overhead sprinkling method should be




PMU specialists: the

supervision engineer,

the ecologist, the




Movement of construction

machinery, transportation

of loads


Inconvenience on off-

farm roads, at carrying

out of earthen and

concrete works on

embankments and other

bank strengthening


➢ Observance of safety precautions regulations;

➢ Carrying out of repair and profiling of access roads to

embankments with watering of the traffic sections is

provided. Regulation of movement of machinery for unobstructed and

safe internal movement of local population.



PMU specialists: the

supervision engineer,

the ecologist, the


Safety of workers and

inhabitants Industrial traumas

➢ Local bodies and local population will be informed

on forthcoming project activities in appropriate way.

➢ All works should be carried out observing the

security measures and by use of individual protection

means (protective helmets, gloves, masks, belts at

necessity and footwear);

➢ Site platforms should be equipped by information

boards and the indexes notifying workers about

construction rules and norms of works.

➢ Observance of safety precautions and creation of

sanitary conditions. Instructions on safety


➢ Before the beginning of the construction works, all

personnel of the contractor should pass a course on

protection and safety of works.

➢ Construction camps should be provided by the first-

aid medical set.



PMU specialists: the

supervision engineer,

the ecologist, the


Construction sites


Occurrence of disputes

with local population

➢ Construction site protection;

➢ Ensuring of corresponding management of

transportation means on access roads to the site


➢ Installation of information boards and safety signs;

➢ Contractor should dispose unnecessary materials

only in the places assigned for this purpose;

➢ After construction end, platform dismantle, with

corresponding restoration of the territory to its an

initial condition (export of waste, machinery

removal) should be made.



Criteria and

specifications for

entering into the tender

and contract


PMU specialists: the

supervision engineer,

the ecologist, the




➢ It is necessary to establish and observe norms of

behavior of workers;

➢ Contractor should respect and observe local customs

and traditions;

➢ Contractor should respect local women and their

private life.

Human community,


Labour attraction Providing of recommendations for contract

organizations on attraction of labor forces from among

local population (indicator).



PMU specialists: the

ecologist, the

sociologist Gender quota At implementation of construction works women will be

involved for execution of works: cooking, dishwashing,

manufacturing of steel bar meshes for concrete slabs etc.




Child labour use Employees of the Project will raise knowledge on

standard positions and the national legislation on labor

safety for ensuring of their observance.

Observance of these

positions will be traced

during supervision of

construction work.


In a case if structures need to be moved or destroyed, it

is necessary to discuss the terms of indemnification and

to provide indemnification before Project

implementation, including agricultural crops and the

productive land areas.

Ministry of Transport

Conflicts /Grievances and

other appeals

Occurrence of conflict

situations during

execution of

construction works and

issues of economic,

social, ecological and

other nature among the


Introduction of the mechanism of grievances and

proposals consideration for prompt reaction to all kinds

of appeals and their efficient control, i.e. maintaining

records of appeals and taking corresponding actions for

their resolution. (More detailed information is provided

in the document “Mechanisms for consideration of

grievances and offers”)

Observance of positions

of the document. PMU

Consultant on social

aspects. The contract


PMU specialists:

Project Coordinator,


Aesthetics and landscape Under Sub Component 2.2. No essential additional changes of landscape, orchards and cultivated fields due to construction are


Land acquisition and the

unvoluntary resettlement

Under Sub Component 2.2. Not expected as all works will be conducted on existing sites and not affected land use areas.



Cultural heritage All objects of cultural heritage concerning Component 2.2. are located far from the area of the Project implementation.



Annex C. Persons met during the meetings and consultations


No. Name Position



1 Gulhuseinov I. First Deputy of the Chairman of

the district 933554728

2 Tojiev A. Deputy Chairman of the district 935188002

3 Yusupov N. Chairman of Jamoat U.Nazarov 935106160

4 KholyorovA. Chairman of Jamoat I.Niyozov 934700301

5 Juraev M. Chairman of Jamoat N.Khusrav 938929248

6 Saidov D. Chairman of Jamoat-. 20-years of

Istiklol 933713131

7 Kholmirzoev U.D.

Head of sector of preservation of the

environment of Kabadiyan district , the

address: Kabadiyan district


8 Kholmirzoev Shomurod

Chief Engineer- Management of Land

Reclamation aAnd Irrigation of

Kabadiyan district : Address: district

Kabadiyan , settlement Kabadiyan ,



Abdurahimpur Muhammad

Deputy Head of sector of preservation

of the environment in Kabadiyan

district, Tel. 938550808.


10 Khalifaev M.

Specialist - ecologist, sector of

preservation of the environment in

Kabadiyan district.

