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Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007:...

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OR&R’s Environmental Response Management Application Environmental Response Management Application ® George Graettinger Office of Response & Restoration Assessment & Restoration Division NRDA Technical Workshop NRDA Technical Workshop John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge Philadelphia, PA 12.9.2010
Page 1: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

OR&R’s Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental Response Management Application


George GraettingerOffice of Response & Restoration

Assessment & Restoration DivisionNRDA Technical WorkshopNRDA Technical Workshop

John Heinz National Wildlife RefugePhiladelphia, PA


Page 2: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

OR&R’s ERMA & Watershed Based MappingOR&R s ERMA & Watershed Based Mapping

• Spatial Data Team goals/purpose:• Spatial Data Team goals/purpose:• Support OR&R Regional Resource Coordinators

(RRC) & Scientific Support Coordinators (SSC)(RRC) & Scientific Support Coordinators (SSC)• Provide site specific and watershed wide use of

data and technology to protect and restore trust resources

• Support coordination with external partners E d t h i• Encourage data sharing

• Standardized GIS project• Scalable technology support to users• Scalable technology support to users

Page 3: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Continuum of “Response”Framework for OR&R / ERMA

Response(24 hours)

Restoration -Recovery(Years/Decades)

Emergency Response Division

Assessment and Restoration Division


Restoration Center(RC)

(ERD) (ARD) (RC)

Page 4: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

OR&R’s Watershed Based MappingOR&R s Watershed Based Mapping

Provide Decision Support Tools for:Provide Decision Support Tools for:• Assessment

• Site discovery/ characterizationSite discovery/ characterization

• Remediation• Source identification• Extent/ degree of contamination • Injury assessment

Restoration• Restoration• Habitat characterization• Site identification/ monitoringg

Page 5: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

A Picture (Map) is Worth a ThousandA Picture (Map) is Worth a Thousand Words…

• Diverse datasets can be selectively overlaid on ya single map to better visualize complex pinteractions

Page 6: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Concept for ERMA pOpen Source, Web-based mapping tools

Planning & AnalysisPlanning & Analysis

Integrate & Analyze InformationOn the flyOn the fly

I d C i ti & C di tiImproved Communication & Coordination

Page 7: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA Schematic ViewERMA Schematic View


Page 8: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Output to UserDownload/Upload Source

Feature Server Tools

Open LayersWeb Mapping Service (Feature)

ESI & IPAC Query

AIS Ship Search

ERMA ArchitectureExternal GIS Data• ENCs/ RNCs

Secure Server Authentication• Real Time Weather Observations• Buoys • NAIS/ AFF/AMOC

Data Layer ManagementAccess Privileges

Response datasets from sFTP• Trajectories• Satellite Interpretations for oilBase Public datasets


p• SCAT Results• Overflight Observations• Boom plans & imagery derived• Protected Resource Impact• Field sampling (subsurface

• ESI• Landuse• Bathymetry• Regional Monitoring• Habitat Classifications

PostGres/ PostGIS

Data Base


• Field sampling (subsurface, analytical chemistry, photos, etc.)• Platform observations

Habitat Classifications• Restoration• Bioresource Base data

Data Base(Full Backup routinely)

Page 9: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA Background• 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH• 2008:

• Tested in Industry- led PREP Drill


y• National Response Team/EPA Region 2 funded U.S. Caribbean ERMA

• 2009: Delivered Model ERMA: Caribbean

• 2010: • March 23-25th, Spill of National Significance (SONS) Drill -Expanded Pilot Project with assistance from regional stakeholders• May 3-8th, Planned Internal Drill –yHow fast could we stand-up an ERMA site?• April 20th, Deepwater Horizon ExplosionNOAA SSC on-scene• April 22nd, NOAA Stood up the GOMEX ERMA p , pInitial ERMA site for command posts deployed April 24th

• June 2010, Public ERMA, www.GeoPlatform.gov/Gulfresponse deployedADM Allen designated ERMA as the Common Operational Picture (COP) for the Deepwater Horizon IncidentDeepwater Horizon Incident

Page 10: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Current ERMA DevelopmentCurrent ERMA Development• New England (SONS)

C ibb US t it i• Caribbean – US territories, expanding upon need, Groundings, Haiti

P t S d WA F• Puget Sound WA – Focus on climate change impacts 

• GOM & DWH MC252

• Pacific Islands – In development, FY ‘11

• Arctic from NOAA OCRM Energy Initiative

• Lake Champlain – funded FY ‘11 (potential for NJ/ NY harbor / )w/EPA R2)

• Great Lakes – funded FY ‘11

Page 11: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA Site OverviewERMA Site Overview• Secure access

• Username/Password• Weather & Buoys

ObservationsReal time feeds• Various levels of access

(Public, Responder, NRDA)• Background Layers

G l i l t i d

• Real-time feeds• Hurricane/Storms• Remote-sensing Imagery

R t Ri k• Google aerial, terrain, roads• NOAA Nautical charts

• Incident information

• Resources at Risk• NOAA ESI data layers• Fisheries Closures

• Trajectories• Field teams, aircraft, and

vessel trackingSh li Oili

• Local habitat and species datasets

• Seafood SafetyM i P t t d A• Shoreline Oiling

• Geographic Response Plans Priorities

• Analytical Chemistry Data

• Marine Protected Areas• Document & photo links

• ESI and GRPs PDFs• Field Photos• Analytical Chemistry Data• External links

Page 12: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA User ToolsERMA User Tools• Zoom To

L t/L• Find tool

A t t d h f ll l• Lat/Long• Place name• Ship – MMSI Find

• Automated search of all layers• Map Labels

• User-made feature labelsP i t T l• Bookmark Map Views

• Saves layers and location• Customizable slideshow

• Print Tools• Timestamp• Various page sizesCustomizable slideshow

• Areas of Interest• User-made map features

M t T l

• Query Tool (Resources at Risk)• NOAA ESI (ME EVIs)• US Fish and Wildlife• Measurement Tools

• Length/Area• Animations

US Fish and Wildlife• Identify tool

• Analytical chemistry resultsStat s of ship locations• Show key layers across time • Status of ship locations

Page 13: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Populating ERMA & GeoPlatform.govPopulating ERMA & GeoPlatform.gov


Observ e vations

®Response Environmental Data Sets Data

Approved for Public

R l

Data Sets

ReleasePushed Daily by 12pm ET

Page 14: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA ERMA ProvidesProvidesProvides Provides Data to Data to

the Publicthe Public

Page 15: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA/GeoPlatform InterfaceERMA/GeoPlatform Interface

Interactive Map

Page 16: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA/GeoPlatform InterfaceERMA/GeoPlatform Interface

Table of Contents (TOC)

Page 17: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA/GeoPlatform InterfaceERMA/GeoPlatform InterfaceMap Tools: Pan, Zoom, Measure (line/area), Identify

Page 18: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA/GeoPlatform InterfaceERMA/GeoPlatform InterfaceTOC Tabs: Layers, Legend, Query Tool, AOI, Labels, Zoom, Download*, Print

* Limited download in GeoPlatform

Page 19: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA/GeoPlatform InterfaceERMA/GeoPlatform InterfaceFind/Search layers tool

Page 20: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Field Sampling ResultsField Sampling Results

Page 21: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Subsurface Sampling ResultsSubsurface Sampling Results

Page 22: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Link to Data Reports & DocumentationLink to Data Reports & Documentation

Page 23: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Real-Time Weather ConditionsReal-Time Weather Conditions

Page 24: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Display of Field PhotosDisplay of Field Photos

Page 25: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Display of Field Photos

Page 26: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Online PhotoLoggerOnline PhotoLoggerDeveloping online tool to provide improved access and performanceimproved access and performance

34,768 photos logged to date

Page 27: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-


Page 28: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ESI Query Tool – Select AreaESI Query Tool – Select Area

1stDraw Polygon

2ndRun Query

Page 29: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ESI Query Tool – Select SpeciesESI Query Tool – Select Species

3rd -Select features4th -Select timeline5th -Run ESI Tool

Page 30: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ESI Query T l R t• Selected Habitat &

Tool – Report

Species summary• Shoreline

Classification• Detailed

information on species life histories

• PDF, excel file output

Page 31: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

IPAC Query Tool – Select AreaIPAC Query Tool – Select Area



Page 32: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

IPAC Query Tool –R tReport

• Endangered Species g psummary

• Detailed information on species life on species life histories

• PDF output

Page 33: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Trustee Support in the DelawareTrustee Support in the Delaware

• ARD developed a Watershed based GIS project for the Delaware in 2006Delaware in 2006

• Webguide features extensive information on Waste sites, Contaminant sources, HabitatContaminant sources, Habitat and Species data all in a geospatial framework

• Provides an easy to useProvides an easy to use interactive reference for resources and activities across the Delaware Watershed


Page 34: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Delaware River HabitatsDelaware River Habitats

Page 35: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Delaware Estuary SpeciesDelaware Estuary Species

Page 36: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Delaware Estuary Waste SitesDelaware Estuary Waste Sites

Page 37: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Delaware Estuary RestorationDelaware Estuary Restoration

Page 38: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Next Steps with RestorationNext Steps with Restoration

Page 39: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Next Steps with Delaware EstuaryNext Steps with Delaware Estuary

• Potential re-development of the DelawarePotential re development of the Delaware Estuary Webguide

• Creation of a Delaware Estuary ERMAy• EPA Region 3• RRT III Response• Delaware Estuary NRDA Trustees

• Real-time data feeds from NOAA Restoration Center database• Current, planned, potential restoration sites

Page 40: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA User BenefitsERMA User Benefits• Platform that easily crosses boundaries • Improves data sharing and communication• Improves data sharing and communication• Easy to use – non-GIS users• Real-time data sets overlaid with baselineReal time data sets overlaid with baseline

environmental and operational data• Access from anywhere• Planning and Preparedness tool• Distributed upload capabilities

Q t l• Query tools• Customizable on the fly


Page 41: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Practical Implementation of ERMAPractical Implementation of ERMA• Assist with spill preparedness

• Display jurisdictional boundaries, specially regulated areas, areas ofDisplay jurisdictional boundaries, specially regulated areas, areas of socio-economic importance, environmentally sensitive areas

• Access points for cleanup• Staging areas and command centers• Regional documentation, points of contact, etc.

• Assist in coordinating response efforts• Visualize magnitude and extent• Triage sites for action• Track progress of clean-up

Access real time data• Access real-time data• Upload data from the field and access forms• Increase communication

Page 42: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Practical Implementation of ERMAPractical Implementation of ERMA• Define the extent of potential impacts

• General habitat and land use informationGeneral habitat and land use information• Areas of biological significance - haul outs, rookeries, nesting

grounds, essential or critical habitat• Species specific data - biological resources in the region -

th t d d d?threatened or endangered?• Where is there current monitoring data

• Assist in Recovery and Restoration• Assist in Recovery and Restoration• Access existing environmental monitoring sites• Assist with sampling design

In entor restoration projects• Inventory restoration projects• Locate long-term monitoring sites• Coordinate with regional projects

Page 43: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA UsabilityERMA Usability• Easily accessible via Web browser

• Field, Command Post, External Offices• Quick to display

U f i dl i t f• User friendly interface• Secure, multi-tailored password protection

Public interface• Public interface• Responder interface• NRDA interface• Trustee interface

Page 44: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA DWH Lessons LearnedERMA DWH Lessons Learned• Non-technical Interface

• GIS background not necessary to navigate• GIS background not necessary to navigate• “How to” sessions in command posts and WebEx to socialize ease of use

• Scalable Access• Quick to stand up foundation• Public Facing data needed- Geoplatform.gov/Gulfresponse• Varying data access levels based on account type

(Public, responder, NRDA, Trustee)

• Cost Effective Open Source Software• Customizable Programming & Modular developmentCustomizable Programming & Modular development

public facing or specialized sites (Climate Change, Wildfires, Marine Debris, Tsunami)

Page 45: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

ERMA DWH Lessons LearnedERMA DWH Lessons Learned• Collaboration is KEY

N d t l i ti & d t f• Need to leverage existing resources & data for application buy in by partners

• Government Agencies & NGO’s• EPA• USCG• DOI/USFWS

• LA FWS & DEQ• MS FWS & Disaster Plan• FL Disaster PlanDOI/USFWS


• Private Sector

FL Disaster Plan

• BP & contractors• Google

• Imagery service

• Telascience – faster display by tile caching of image mosaicsg y

• Investigating potential3-D display

• ESRI – hosted WMS for public consumption

Page 46: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

Next StepsNext Steps

• Hawaiian Islands project for FY ‘11Hawaiian Islands project for FY 11• Coastal Storms Program

• CA Regional ProjectCA Regional Project• FEMA Collaboration• Arctic ERMAArctic ERMA• Great Lakes• Lake Champlain EPA Region II / RRTII• Lake Champlain, EPA Region II / RRTII• Delaware Estuary, EPA Region III / RRTIII

Page 47: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

AcknowledgmentsAcknowledgments• NOAA:

• Michele Jacobi• Development Team:

• University of NewMichele Jacobi• George Graettinger• Amy Merten

M k Mill

University of New Hampshire:

• Phillip Collins• Robert St Lawrence• Mark Miller

• Ben Shorr• Kari Sheets

• Robert St. Lawrence• Kurt Schwehr

• Allison Bailey, SoundGIS

• Genwest Systems:• Jill Bodnar• Janet Matta

• Aaron Racicot, Z-Pulley• Dane Springmeyer• Chander Ganesan, OTG• Janet Matta

• Tracy Ross


Funding Sources: Coastal Response Research Center US EPAFunding Sources: Coastal Response Research Center, US EPA Region II, U.S. Coast Guard, NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration and Coastal Storms Program

Page 48: Environmental Response Management ApplicationEnvironmental ...€¦ · ERMA Background • 2007: Developed concept. Pilot site: Portsmouth Harbor, NH • 2008: • Tested in Industry-

For More InformationFor More Information

• George [email protected]

• Simeon [email protected]

• Dr. Amy Merten, Spatial Data [email protected]

• 206.526.6829

• www.Geoplatform.gov/gulfresponse
