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ACIAR TECHNICAL REPORTS Environmental sustainability of oil palm cultivation in Papua New Guinea 75

aciar technical reports

environmental sustainability of oil palm cultivation in papua new Guinea


Environmental sustainability of oil palm cultivation in Papua New Guinea

Paul N. Nelson, Michael J. Webb, Ian Orrell, Harm van Rees, Murom Banabas, Suzanne Berthelsen, Marcus Sheaves, Felix Bakani, Otto Pukam, Michael Hoare,

William Griffiths, Graham King, Peter Carberry, Rachel Pipai, Ann McNeill, Petra Meekers, Simon Lord, James Butler, Tony Pattison, John Armour and Charles Dewhurst


The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) was establishedin June 1982 by an Act of the Australian Parliament. Its mandate is to help identifyagricultural problems in developing countries and to commission collaborative researchbetween Australian and developing country researchers in fields where Australia has aspecial research competence.

Where trade names are used this constitutes neither endorsement of nor discriminationagainst any product by the Centre.


This series of publications contains technical information resultingfrom ACIAR-supported programs, projects and workshops (forwhich proceedings are not published), reports on Centre-supportedfact-finding studies, or reports on other topics resulting from ACIARactivities. Publications in the series are distributed internationally toselected individuals and scientific institutions, and are also availablefrom ACIAR’s website at <http://www.aciar.gov.au>.

© Commonwealth of Australia 2010This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permissionfrom the Commonwealth. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction andrights should be addressed to the Commonwealth Copyright Administration,Attorney-General’s Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, BartonACT 2600 or posted at <http://www.ag.gov.au/cca>.

Published by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)GPO Box 1571, Canberra ACT 2601, AustraliaTelephone: 61 2 6217 0500<[email protected]>

Nelson P.N., Webb M.J., Orrell I., van Rees H., Banabas M., Berthelsen S., Sheaves M.,Bakani F., Pukam O., Hoare M., Griffiths W., King G., Carberry P., Pipai R.,McNeill A., Meekers P., Lord S., Butler J., Pattison T., Armour J. and Dewhurst C.2010. Environmental sustainability of oil palm cultivation in Papua New Guinea.ACIAR Technical Reports No. 75. Australian Centre for International AgriculturalResearch: Canberra. 66 pp.

ISBN 978 1 921738 08 1 (print)ISBN 978 1 921738 09 8 (online)

Technical editing by Biotext, CanberraDesign by Clarus Design Pty LtdPrinting by Elect Printing

Cover: Hoskins (West New Britain) smallholders with harvested oil palm fruit (Photo: Richard Dellman)


Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the most culturally and geographically diversecountries, and also one of the most rural. More than 80% of its 6.7 million people liveoutside urban centres and depend on subsistence agriculture for their livelihoods.Along with food crops, cash crops are a crucial part of the economy, generatingvirtually all of the country’s non-mining income and supporting rural communitiesthroughout the country. Of all the crops grown in PNG, oil palm is the most importantin terms of export income; palm oil exports earned more than 1,000 million kina in2008, considerably more than coffee, cocoa and all other agricultural exports.

The PNG oil palm industry is small by international standards (about 130,000hectares and 1% of global production), but is very important for the country,underpinning the economies of the provinces where it is mostly grown: West NewBritain, Oro, Milne Bay and New Ireland. More than 18,000 smallholder growers andtwo companies cultivate oil palm, which grows well in the coastal lowlands of PNG.Smallholder growers cultivate 45% of the area under oil palm and produce 32% of thefruit. The two plantation companies mill all the fruit, extracting palm oil and selling it,mostly to Europe. An estimated 200,000 people live in households that depend on oilpalm as their principal source of income. It is vital for the future livelihoods of thesepeople, and for others living in surrounding areas, that the crop is grown in a way thatmaintains the ecological integrity of the land and surrounding ecosystems.

As for any crop, poor management of oil palm can damage the environment. Bothproducers and consumers need to be confident that production is not causingenvironmental harm. To avoid environmental degradation, vulnerabilities and risksfor the environment must be identified, and growers must work to minimise oreliminate those risks.

The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) supporteda project aimed at identifying the main issues relating to environmental sustainabilityof oil palm cultivation in PNG, with particular reference to smallholder farms. Thestudy resulted in recommendations for maintaining and improving environmentalsustainability. The results of the study, including challenges that were identified forresearch and implementation, are presented in this report. It is hoped that therecommendations will lead to increased productivity and sustainability of thisimportant tree crop.

Nick AustinChief Executive OfficerACIAR



Foreword 3

Authors 7

Abbreviations 8

Summary 9

Introduction 10Background and aim 10The palm oil industry in Papua New Guinea 10

Perspectives on environmental sustainability of oil palm 15Stakeholders and interest groups 15The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil 17PNG producer perspectives 17PNG government regulations 26Certification and incentives 26A framework for environmental sustainability 27

Aspects of environmental sustainability 32Planning and biodiversity 32Balance of water 33Balances of carbon and energy 34Balances of nutrients 37Balances of greenhouse gases 40Balance of soil (erosion) 40Health of soil 41Health of aquatic ecosystems 45

Indicators of environmental sustainability, and research needs 50Indicator purpose and qualities 50Balances of carbon and energy 53Balances of nutrients 54Health of soil and soil loss 55Health of aquatic ecosystems 56Modelling approaches for integration and prediction 57

Conclusions and recommendations 59Conclusions 59Recommendations 60

Appendix. Nutrient balance measurements in Milne Bay 61

References 63


FiguresFigure 1. Location of palm oil mills in Papua New Guinea, showing company names 13Figure 2. Website of the Palm Oil Action Group, a coalition of environmental

organisations 16Figure 3. Relative importance of various factors limiting yield at Hargy Oil Palms 25Figure 4. Spatial scale of players, processes, costs and benefits related to environmental

sustainability of the oil palm industry in PNG 29Figure 5. Types of environmental sustainability issues in the oil palm industry;

a) their spatial relationships and b) their spatial and temporal dimensions 29Figure 6. Water balance in typical oil palm blocks in Papua New Guinea 34Figure 7. Oil palm recently planted on grassland in the Ramu Valley 35Figure 8. Effect of the nitrogen (N) cycle on acid generation 43Figure 9. Theoretical responses of environmental indicators to stressors in an aquatic

environment 49Figure 10. The ‘farm sustainability dashboard’ developed for southern Australian

grain farms 51Figure 11. A hypothetical integrated sustainability indicator for oil palm 52

TablesTable 1. Oil palm area and production for Papua New Guinea, 2009 11Table 2. Principles of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) 18Table 3. The principal types of indicators used for quantifying different types of

environmental sustainability issues 30Table 4. Nutrients exported in palm oil fruit (PNGOPRA trial 504, 2007) 39Table 5. Nutrient recovery efficiency for nitrogen and potassium applied in fertiliser

(PNGOPRA trial 504, 2007) 40Table 6. Impact of fertiliser application on net acid addition rate at different uptake

efficiencies of nitrogen (at 135 palms/ha and 100 kg of nitrogen/ha) 43Table 7. Desirable qualities for data inputs, indicators and the links between them

(calculations) 50Table 8. Research required to produce indicators of carbon balance 53Table 9. Research required to produce indicators of nutrient balances 54Table 10. Research required to produce indicators of soil health and soil loss 55Table 11. Research required to produce indicators of aquatic ecosystem health 57Table A1. Annual nutrient supply for each of the six treatments used for nutrient use

efficiency calculations 61Table A2. Mean nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus uptake in leaflets, rachis, fresh

fruit bunches and trunk (growth increment over 2007) for six treatments in trial 504 62

Table A3. Export of nutrients from the field in fresh fruit bunches 62Table A4. Nutrient recovery efficiency for fertiliser-applied nitrogen and potassium

in trial 504, 2007 62




Paul N. Nelson, James Cook University, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, PO Box 6811, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia Email: [email protected]

Michael J. Webb, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Land and Water, Australian Tropical Science Innovation Precinct, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4814, AustraliaEmail: [email protected]

Ian Orrell, Papua New Guinea Oil Palm Research Association, PO Box 97, Kimbe, West New Britain province, Papua New Guinea Email: [email protected]

Harm van Rees, Papua New Guinea Oil Palm Research Association (formerly), 69 Rooney Road, RSD Mandurang South, Victoria 3551, AustraliaEmail: [email protected]

Murom Banabas, Papua New Guinea Oil Palm Research Association, PO Box 28, Popondetta, Northern Province, Papua New GuineaEmail: [email protected]

Suzanne Berthelsen, James Cook University, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Townsville, Queensland 4811, AustraliaEmail: [email protected]

Marcus Sheaves, James Cook University, School of Marine and Tropical Biology, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia Email: [email protected]

Felix Bakani, Oil Palm Industry Corporation, PO Box 73, Port Moresby, National Capital district, Papua New GuineaEmail: [email protected]

Otto Pukam, Oil Palm Industry Corporation, PO Box 141, Bialla, West New Britain province, Papua New Guinea

Michael Hoare, New Britain Palm Oil Ltd, PO Kimbe,West New Britain province Papua New GuineaEmail: [email protected]

William Griffiths, CTP Holdings (formerly), 6 Julian Close, Mooroobool, Queensland 4870, Australia Email: [email protected]


Graham King, Hargy Oil Palms Ltd, PO Box 21, Bialla, West New Britain province, Papua New GuineaEmail: [email protected]

Peter Carberry, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Sustainable Agriculture Flagship, PO Box 102, Toowoomba, Queensland 4350, Australia Email: [email protected]

Rachel Pipai, Papua New Guinea Oil Palm Research Association, PO Box 97, Kimbe, West New Britain province, Papua New Guinea Email: [email protected]

Ann McNeill, University of Adelaide, Davies Building, PMB 2 Waite Campus, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064, Australia Email: [email protected]

Petra Meekers, Global Sustainability Associates, 75A Neil Road, Singapore 088902 Email: [email protected]

Simon Lord, Global Sustainability Associates, 75A Neil Road, Singapore 088902 Email: [email protected]

James Butler, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Sustainable Ecosystems, 306 Carmody Road, St Lucia, Queensland 4067, Australia Email: [email protected]

Tony Pattison, Centre for Wet Tropics Agriculture, Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, PO Box 20, South Johnstone, Queensland 4859, AustraliaEmail: [email protected]

John Armour, Department of Environment and Resource Management, PO Box 156 Mareeba, Queensland 4880, Australia Email: [email protected]

Charles Dewhurst, Papua New Guinea Oil Palm Research Association, PO Box 97, Kimbe, West New Britain province, Papua New GuineaEmail: [email protected]


ACIAR Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

CEC cation exchange capacityEFB empty fruit bunchesFFB fresh fruit bunchesha hectareHCVF high conservation value forestHOPL Hargy Oil Palms LimitedISO International Organization for

Standardizationkmolc kilomoles of chargekg kilogramm metre


mmolc millimoles of chargeNAAR net acid addition rateNBPOL New Britain Palm Oil LimitedNGO non-government organisationOPIC Oil Palm Industry Corporation

(of PNG)pHBC pH buffering capacityPNG Papua New GuineaPNGOPRA PNG Oil Palm Research AssociationRSPO Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oilt tonneWWF World Wide Fund for Nature


Papua New Guinea’s oil palm industry is thecountry’s largest agricultural export earner. Oilpalm is grown on about 130,000 hectares by morethan 18,000 smallholder growers supporting anestimated 200,000 people, and by two companies.Environmental sustainability of the industry isincreasingly coming under scrutiny by growers,palm oil purchasers and various interest groups inPapua New Guinea and worldwide. The oil palmindustry and the high population associated with itboth have an impact on the land used for oil palm, aswell as on surrounding ecosystems.

This report focuses on the effects of oil palm culti-vation on soil, water and the atmosphere. For nutrientbalances to be sustainable, inputs and losses shouldbe balanced and minimised. Nutrient cycling factorsthat are difficult to estimate include loss of nitrogenby leaching (the main factor of concern), gaseouslosses of nitrogen and biological nitrogen fixation.The carbon balance is generally favourable, exceptfor large losses of carbon dioxide during initial


plantation establishment (where oil palm replacesforest) and probably also during replanting. Net soilerosion from fields appears to be generally small,except for bare connected areas on moderate slopesand some in-field roads. Health of soil is influencedby net acid addition rate (largely related to fertiliseruse), return of organic residues and traffic. Health ofaquatic ecosystems may be affected by nitrogeninputs leached from fields and poor riparian vegeta-tion. There is limited availability of data that arespecifically relevant to these environmental sustain-ability issues in Papua New Guinea.

The Papua New Guinean oil palm industry hascommitted itself to certification of environmentalstewardship, particularly through the Roundtable onSustainable Palm Oil. There is thus a need forpractical and meaningful indicators of environmentalsustainability that are based on a clear understandingof the oil palm agroecosystem, to underpin certifica-tion and to guide improvements in management.


Background and aim

Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is an important crop inthe global production of vegetable oil (contributingabout 30% of vegetable oil) and in the economicdevelopment of tropical countries. Indonesia andMalaysia grow the vast majority of oil palm, butother tropical countries also have significant oil palmindustries. In Papua New Guinea (PNG), the palm oilindustry drives the cash economies of the four mainprovinces in which oil palm is grown and earns thegreatest export income. Export earnings from palmoil overtook those from coffee in 2001, and weremore than 1,000 million kina in 2008. Because oilpalm is likely to remain an important crop for PNG,sustainability of its cultivation is imperative forongoing productivity and income generation.

Expansion of the area under oil palm and othercrops, along with associated logging, has beenidentified as a major driver of forest destruction inthe tropics globally in recent times and into thefuture (Fitzherbert et al. 2008; Koh and Wilcove2008; Butler and Laurence 2009). In many cases thisexpansion is into areas with high conservationvalues, rather than into heavily logged or otherwisedegraded areas. There are still large areas of forestleft in the tropics, but they are being lost at anunprecedented and alarmingly rapid rate. Decidinghow much forest we want to retain, where it shouldbe, and how the owners can be compensated if theywish to clear it are critical issues for PNG andthroughout the tropics.

This review takes the position that agriculture isnecessary and desirable in the tropics, but that thearea, location and type of land devoted to agricultureand the management of that land are all importantand negotiable factors. Furthermore, it is importantfor conservation (by reducing pressure to expandplantings), sustainability and rural livelihoods thatthe productivity of existing plantings, especiallysmallholder blocks, are maximised. There is activework in PNG to improve oil palm yields, and thoseof smallholder growers in particular. However, the


important issues of planning, biodiversity conserva-tion and intensification of oil palm production arebeyond the scope of this report. This report concen-trates on the sustainability of oil palm cultivation; itseffects on soil, water and the atmosphere in-fieldand in the surrounding environment; and the abilityof the land to sustain biological productivity into thefuture. The focus is on PNG, which differs from themain oil palm growing areas in Indonesia andMalaysia in several ways.

The aim of this report is to identify and describethe main issues relating to environmental sustaina-bility of oil palm cultivation in PNG, with particularreference to smallholder farms. The content ismainly drawn from presentations and discussions ina workshop held at Walindi in West New Britain inFebruary 2009.

The palm oil industry in Papua New Guinea


Palm oil, which is extracted from oil palm fruit, isproduced in several forms. Oil palms producefruitlets in bunches (fresh fruit bunches, FFB),which are cut from the palm when ripe and taken toa mill for extraction of the oil. Oil extracted from themesocarp, termed crude palm oil, is the mainproduct that is sold and traded. It makes up approx-imately 22% of the FFB mass. Oil extracted from thekernel, termed palm kernel oil, makes up approxi-mately 5% of the FFB mass. Crude palm oil andpalm kernel oil are further processed in refineries foruse in various products. By-products of oil extrac-tion include ‘palm kernel expeller’, which is sold forstock feed; fibre and kernel shell, which are used tofuel the mills; empty fruit bunches (EFB), which areapplied back to the field directly or via compost; andpalm oil mill effluent, which is applied back to thefield or treated in effluent ponds.

Currently, about 130,000 hectares (ha) are underoil palm cultivation in PNG, mostly in West New


Britain province, followed by Oro province, MilneBay province, New Ireland province and Morobe/Madang provinces (Table 1). In PNG, all oil palm isgrown either by the companies New Britain Palm OilLimited (NBPOL) and Hargy Oil Palms Limited(HOPL), or by smallholders. NBPOL recently (April2010) purchased CTP Holdings, which had operatedseveral plantations and mills until then (Table 1).There are currently 12 palm oil mills in the country,all owned by NBPOL and HOPL. The smallholders,numbering 18,313 in December 2009, own oil palmblocks that are usually 2–6 ha in size. About 45% ofthe area under oil palm plantations is in smallholderblocks, but these produce only about 32% of PNG’spalm oil. The total area under oil palm in PNGincreased from approximately 112,000 ha in 2002 toabout 130,000 ha in 2009, and the total FFB produc-tion increased from 1,597,498 tonne (t) in 2002 to2,438,190 t in 2009.

It is worth noting that, in addition to the areasdescribed above, there has recently been a rapidexpansion in projects proposing oil palm develop-ments using ‘special agricultural and businessleases’ on large tracts of tropical forest throughoutPNG. These projects are accompanied by applica-tions for forest clearance authority that permit thecommercial sale of the timber cleared for theproposed agricultural development. There is consid-erable concern among the country’s actual palm oil


producers that these developments are little morethan a means of accessing saleable timber resourcesin the name of agricultural (oil palm) development.There is little evidence that these proposals will leadto viable palm oil production. Current indicationsare that there is in excess of one million ha undersuch leases. These projects are not discussed furtherin this report.

Most oil palm in PNG is planted on coastal plainswith a lowland humid climate and annual meanrainfall between 2,200 mm and 3,500 mm. A highproportion (77%) is grown in West New Britain andOro provinces on relatively coarse-textured, free-draining soils that are formed on ash, alluvium orcolluvium of recent volcanic origin. These areas arehighly suited to oil palm production and can producesome of the highest oil palm yields in the world.

Although the development of PNG’s oil palmindustry was initiated in areas of relatively lowpopulation, the subsequent economic developmentin these areas has led to a significant increase inpopulation, and currently an estimated 200,000people live in households that depend on oil palm astheir principal source of income. The increasedpopulation pressure has significant impacts on theenvironment, particularly through conversion offorested areas to gardens, and increased fishing.

In 2008, Malaysia and Indonesia produced 87%of the world’s palm oil; PNG ranks sixth in palm oil

Table 1. Oil palm area and production for Papua New Guinea, 2009

Province Companya Plantationa Smallholder Total

Area estimates (hectares)Milne BayMorobe and MadangNew IrelandOroWest New Britain West New BritainTOTAL

Milne Bay Estatesb

Ramu Agri-industriesc

Poliamba Estatesb

Higaturu Oil Palmsb

Hargy Oil PalmsNew Britain Palm Oil








Fresh fruit bunch production estimates (tonnes)Milne BayMorobe and MadangNew IrelandOroWest New BritainWest New BritainTOTAL

Milne Bay Estatesb

Ramu Agri-industriesc

Poliamba Estatesb

Higaturu Oil Palmsb

Hargy Oil PalmsNew Britain Palm Oil









a Companies own the mills and ‘plantation’b Owned by CTP Holdings until April 2010, and thereafter by New Britain Palm Oil Limitedc Owned by New Britain Palm Oil Limited


production, representing about 1% of globalproduction.

The first observational plantings of oil palm inPNG occurred in the 1920s. Commercial develop-ment did not begin until 1967, with the establishmentof the Hoskins oil palm project in West New Britainprovince. This development was a joint venturebetween the private sector and government, and wasset up using a nucleus estate and smallholder model.The company behind this initial development is nowknown as New Britain Palm Oil Limited. Furthercommercial oil palm developments followed in 1969in Bialla (West New Britain province) and in 1976 inPopondetta (Oro province), both following thenucleus estate and smallholder model. All threedevelopments included a land settlement program toinitiate the smallholder production base. In the1980s, the Commonwealth Development Corpora-tion followed its Popondetta development with newprojects in Milne Bay province (1985) and NewIreland province (1987). In 2006, Ramu Agri-Indus-tries established new oil palm plantings in the RamuValley (Madang province) by converting some of itsexisting pastoral land.

Since the mid 1980s, the continuing growth of oilpalm plantations in PNG has been through theexpansion of existing projects, except for the RamuValley project. Much of the plantation expansion hasbeen on customary-owned land and implementedusing a lease/lease-back arrangement, wherebycustomary land owners form Incorporated LandGroups, register their land for development and leasethe land to the government. The government in turnleases the land back to the oil palm company todevelop and manage. The landowners and Incorpo-rated Land Groups receive revenue from the devel-opment through rentals and royalties. The leaseperiod is typically one or two crop cycles (20 or40 years). At the end of the lease, the landowners canchoose to either take back their land with all estab-lished infrastructure or renew the lease arrangement.

In 2008, exports of oil palm product exceeded1,080 million kina. In contrast, PNG’s next largestagricultural exports were coffee (520.2 millionkina) and cocoa (345.6 million kina). The principaloil palm exports are crude palm oil and palm kerneloil. In 2004, NBPOL established a palm oil refineryin West New Britain that processes about a third ofthe company’s crude palm oil into palm stearin andpalm olein, which supply the domestic market aswell as being exported.


When the company that is now NBPOL started itsoil palm development activities in PNG in the late1960s, it established seed gardens from geneticmaterial brought into the country from its plantbreeding program in Malaysia. This led to the devel-opment of NBPOL’s plant breeding and seedproduction enterprise. NBPOL’s oil palm seedproduction has a worldwide reputation for highquality and is a very successful export business.

PNG does not currently have a body that overseesthe country’s oil palm subsector. Instead, threenational organisations, with different functions,represent stakeholders:• The Oil Palm Industry Corporation (OPIC) is a

statutory organisation formed under the Oil PalmIndustry Corporation Act 1992 to provideagricultural extension services to the country’s oilpalm smallholders.

• The Palm Oil Producers Association representsthe interests of the country’s palm oil millingcompanies.

• The PNG Oil Palm Research Association(PNGOPRA) is a non-government organisationresponsible for providing research and develop-ment, and scientific technical services to all oilpalm growers (smallholders and plantations) inPNG.Smallholders have a close relationship with the

plantation and milling company in their region; theysell all their fruit to the company, which then sellsthe oil. Smallholders also obtain credit and variousagricultural supplies from the company. Impor-tantly, their environmental accreditation is alsodriven by the companies. Therefore, although thisreport focuses on smallholders, company operationsare also considered because they are integral toenvironmental sustainability on smallholder farmsas well as on their own plantations.


NBPOL (until the purchase of CTP Holdings inApril 2010) managed 35,000 ha of oil palm alongthe north coast of West New Britain. In addition, thecompany supports and buys fruit from more than7,000 registered smallholders growing oil palm on afurther 24,000 ha. It has five oil palm mills with acombined processing capacity, in March 2009, of260 t of FFB/hour. In 2003, it commissioned arefinery in West New Britain with the capacity torefine 100,000 t/year of crude palm oil. Approxi-



mately 7,500 people are employed, including134 PNG national executives and 42 expatriateexecutives.

NBPOL is the only PNG company involved inbreeding and production of oil palm seed, which is amajor business, at the Dami Oil Palm ResearchStation in West New Britain province. Anothersignificant contributor to NBPOL’s profitability isthe Numundo Beef operation, currently carrying4,000 cattle. In 2008, NBPOL purchased RamuAgri-Industries, which grew primarily sugarcane,but also oil palm, on the mainland. In 2006, itpurchased the abandoned Solomon Islands Planta-tion Ltd and re-established palm oil production inSolomon Islands under the company name Guadal-canal Plains Palm Oil Ltd. NBPOL is a publiccompany listed on the Port Moresby and Londonstock exchanges.

HOPL is the other plantation and millingcompany operating on the north coast of West NewBritain (Figure 1). It operates 9,906 ha of plantationsand two mills with a combined capacity of 90 t/hour.Construction of an additional mill will begin in June2010. The project is a nucleus estate project, withsmallholders providing up to 50% of the crop. In2009, there were 3,162 smallholders, with 13,200 haplanted. The smallholders produced 200,123 t offruit in 2009, earning more than 33 million kina for


the smallholder families. More than 17% of thisincome was paid directly to women through the‘loose fruit mama’ scheme, whereby women collectloose fruit and sell it directly to the company. HOPLemploys 3,500 people, including 12 expatriates. Thecompany has embarked on a plantation expansionprogram, with an additional 10,000 ha to be plantedby 2016.

HOPL is 100% owned by S.A. SIPEF N.V.Belgium Group, which is listed on the EuropeanStock Exchange in Brussels. SIPEF was establishedin Antwerp, Belgium, in 1919 and has plantationinterests in West Africa (oil palm), Indonesia (oilpalm, rubber and tea) and PNG (oil palm andrubber). HOPL was established as a result of adecision by the then colonial administration todiversify the country’s agricultural export base byintroducing oil palm. The land along the north coastof West New Britain was recognised as having ahigh potential for oil palm because of its fertilevolcanic ash soils and high rainfall.

CTP Holdings was a subsidiary of the privatelyowned companies Cargill and Temasek Holdings.CTP Holdings operated three milling/plantationoperations: Higaturu Oil Palms in Oro province,Milne Bay Estates in Milne Bay province andPoliamba Estates in New Ireland province(Figure 1). These operations had previously been

Figure 1. Location of palm oil mills in Papua New Guinea, showing company names


purchased from Pacific Rim Estates, formerly theCommonwealth Development Corporation. In April2010, CTP Holdings was purchased by NBPOL.


Initially, the smallholder component of thenucleus estate and smallholder system in West NewBritain and Oro provinces involved land settlementschemes, in which settlers were given 99-year leaseson alienated land (land purchased by the govern-ment from customary landowners), typically 6 ha insize. No new smallholdings have been establishedunder this scheme since the mid 1990s due to ashortage of available alienated land and also theresistance of customary landowners to suchschemes. When the land settlement scheme blockswere planted to oil palm, a few hectares were setaside for gardens. However, nearly all of the blocksare now fully planted to oil palm, resulting in a shiftof gardening to surrounding areas. The spread ofgardening around oil palm blocks has beenenhanced by increased populations on the blocksthemselves (Koczberski and Curry 2005).

In addition to oil palm smallholdings under theland settlement scheme, village communities havebeen encouraged and assisted in setting up their ownoil palm plantings. These village oil palm plantingsusually comprise blocks of about 2 ha, and theirestablishment is based on a Clan Land Use Agree-ment. Currently in PNG, the ratio of plantings underthe land settlement scheme to plantings under thevillage oil palm scheme is approximately 1:1.

In the older oil palm project areas (with higherpopulation pressures), a third type of smallholdinghas emerged—Customary Rights Purchase Blocks.Papua New Guineans who do not have traditionalaccess rights to a particular block of land canestablish usage and access rights to establish an oilpalm smallholding through the use of a Clan LandUse Agreement.

Oil palm is an attractive crop for PNG farmers fora variety of reasons. Profits are high relative to other


crops, and income is earned regularly. The pricesmallholders receive for their fruit is set nationallyand is linked directly to the world market price, unlikecrops such as cocoa, copra and coffee, wheremiddlemen have a large influence on the pricereceived by the grower. The income from oil palm hasled to considerable benefits for rural communities,but also problems, such as immigration of people tooil palm areas and resulting population pressure andsocial discord. Another feature of the crop is that itdoes not need a high level of management to achievereasonable productivity, unlike crops such as cocoa,which require intensive management. An importantadvantage of this is that growers can attend to otheractivities, and when they return to harvesting their oilpalm it is still producing.

Despite the attractiveness of the oil palm crop tosmallholders, yields of smallholders are on averagemuch lower than those of plantation companies.Low smallholder yields can be attributed primarilyto incomplete harvesting and low fertiliser inputs.Reasons for low levels of management inputsinclude: competition for growers’ time by non oilpalm–related activities, high populations and associ-ated social problems on land settlement schemeblocks, low availability of labour, and land disputesand tenure insecurity, which undermine growercommitment to productivity (Koczberski et al. 2001;Koczberski and Curry 2003, 2005). Various strate-gies are being employed to overcome these limita-tions (e.g. Koczberski 2007), but there is still muchscope for improving smallholder productivity.

Agricultural extension services are provided tosmallholders by OPIC in each of the ‘project’ areas.Coordination and management of OPIC extensionactivities revolves around a local planningcommittee established in each project area. Thecommittee comprises smallholder representatives(through the growers’ association) and representa-tives from PNGOPRA, the milling company, theprovincial government and the National Develop-ment Bank.



Perspectives on environmental sustainability of oil palm

Stakeholders and interest groups

Concerns about environmental sustainability of oilpalm cultivation in PNG come from four broadgroups: • environmental activists and non-government

organisations (NGOs)• palm oil buyers and consumers• producers• local people who are not producers.

The last three groups overlap to some extent. Forexample, oil palm smallholders, as well as beingproducers, are also part of local communities thatdepend on the terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosys-tems and resources surrounding oil palm planta-tions. There are also overlaps among the companies.Cargill is a large producer (FFB and oil), but is alsoa trader and processor. NBPOL was only a produceruntil 2002, when it opened a refinery in PNG. It iscurrently planning a refinery in the United Kingdomthat will process exclusively certified sustainableoil. However, although these four groups are notnecessarily mutually exclusive or clearly defined,their viewpoints on sustainability differ in signifi-cant ways.

Environmental NGOs, such as Greenpeace, theWorld Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Friends of theEarth, the Rainforest Alliance, The Nature Conserv-ancy and Conservation International, have a highprofile, expressing concerns about sustainability ofthe palm oil industry worldwide. The NatureConservancy (in West New Britain) and Conserva-tion International (in Milne Bay) are the most activeof these organisations in PNG. In addition to theselarge international organisations, several PNGNGOs have expressed concerns about the sustaina-bility of oil palm cultivation.

The main purpose of the NGOs is to influencepublic perceptions, mostly relating to human rightsand environmental concerns. Human rights issuesrelate especially to land rights, pay levels, child


labour, loss of the traditional way of life and disen-franchisement of Indigenous people by activities ofmultinational corporations. The main environmentalconcerns are rainforest destruction and biodiversityconservation. They include both general concerns,such as conservation of ‘high conservation valueforests’ (HCVFs) and coral reefs, and more specificconcerns, such as the conservation of iconicspecies—for example, the orangutan in Indonesiaand the Queen Alexandra birdwing butterfly inPNG. NGOs also have concerns about water quality;greenhouse gases, carbon footprint and relatedissues; and land degradation issues, such as erosionand degradation of soils.

The NGOs have significantly influenced percep-tions of consumers and governments in the westernworld about the palm oil industry. Their engagementwith the industry ranges from outright hostility toclose involvement in the Roundtable on SustainablePalm Oil (RSPO), described below. Groups with anextreme anti–oil palm view hold oil palm respon-sible for rainforest destruction and advocateconsumer boycotts of palm oil. They include thePalm Oil Action Group, a coalition of Australianand New Zealand NGOs that was formed specifi-cally to ‘stop the clearing of critical rainforestecosystems for use as palm oil plantations’(Figure 2). Among the NGOs that have engagedwith the oil palm industry to ensure sustainability isWWF, which is a prominent member of the RSPO.

Although much of the sentiment among NGOs andconsumers about clearing of rainforests and loss ofhabitat has been directed at the oil palm crop itself,the forest is cleared to generate income, not to growoil palm per se. Oil palm is often the crop of choicefollowing forest clearing in the humid tropics, buteven if palm oil boycotts were to succeed and palmoil production ceased, there is little reason to expectany effect on forest clearance rates. Of all the cropsthat can be grown in a wet tropical environment,rainforest perennials such as oil palm and cocoa are


the most environmentally sustainable options. As arainforest perennial, oil palm requires no soil cultiva-tion, very little pesticide and relatively little fertilisercompared with shorter lived alternatives such assoybean (de Vries et al. 2010).

Palm oil buyers and consumers have responded toadverse publicity about palm oil and are increas-ingly demanding evidence of sustainability.

Most oil passes from producer to wholesaler toprocessor to retailer to consumer, but in many casesthe same company may own two or more of the firstfour links in that chain. The main vegetable oilbuyers and processors include Unilever, KraftFoods, Procter and Gamble, Nestlé, Mars, Cargill,ADM and Henkel. Vegetable oils are interchange-able for many uses, but palm oil is often preferredbecause of its price and properties. As one of theworld’s largest producers of margarine, soap andcosmetics, Unilever is probably the largest buyer ofpalm oil. Unilever was one of the founding membersof the RSPO, and in 2008 announced that by 2015 it

Figure 2. Website of the Palm Oil Action Group,a coalition of environmental organis-ations (Source: Palm Oil Action Group2009)


would source all its palm oil from certified sustain-able producers (Unilever 2008). Unilever also growsoil palm, but not in PNG.

Oil palm growers, including smallholders, havean intimate interest in environmental sustainability,although their concerns have a much lower publicprofile than those of the NGOs. Oil palm growers inPNG are either traditional landowners or long-termleaseholders of the land; both are committed tomaintaining the land’s fertility and productivity. Fortraditional owners, this implies maintaining produc-tivity of oil palm, as well as safeguarding thepotential of the land to support other crops in thefuture. Leaseholders are predominantly companiesthat have made large investments in mills and otherinfrastructure and therefore have a strong incentiveto maintain productivity in the long term. Oil palmgrowers, especially smallholders, live in theenvironment surrounding oil palm growing areas,and rely on it for food, water and other needs. PNGis the only country in which all oil palm growers andpalm oil producers are party to the RSPO.

People living around oil palm plantations andsmallholder blocks also express concerns about theenvironmental aspects of oil palm growing. Themost commonly raised issue is degradation of waterquality, with possible effects on health and ecosys-tems, especially fisheries. Other concerns centrearound the decreasing availability of land as oil palmexpands and populations increase.

All the people concerned about environmentalsustainability of oil palm cultivation assess it againstbenchmarks; different interest groups tend to usedifferent benchmarks. At one extreme of bench-marking is the most sustainable ecosystem: thecomplex forest that was usually the original vegeta-tion and evolved in that particular environment. Allagriculture falls short of the more complex systemthat it replaces. Agricultural systems are not onlyless complex, but also involve outputs, which mustbe balanced by inputs. Balancing inputs and outputsis extremely difficult because of the amount of infor-mation required and economic drivers. Anotherbenchmark, commonly used in agricultural circles,is ‘best management practice’, which is the standardof management that uses the best possibleknowledge and is economically and practicallyfeasible. Finally, some approaches, such as that ofcertification by the International Organization forStandardization (ISO), do not rely on benchmarks,but emphasise continual improvement.



The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

The RSPO is a coalition of industry, NGOs,financial institutions, environmental and conserva-tion groups, retailers and consumer productcompanies that have come together since 2004 todevelop and implement global standards for sustain-able palm oil production.

The RSPO has developed a set of principles andcriteria that define the practices for sustainable palmoil production. These principles and criteria addressthe legal, economic, environmental and socialrequirements for producing sustainable palm oil(Table 2; RSPO 2007).

The RSPO principles and criteria provide a globalstandard; however, the legal, economic, environ-mental and social requirements vary significantlybetween countries. To appropriately accommodatethese differences, the process of national interpreta-tion was initiated. National interpretation,developed through a National InterpretationWorking Group, ensures congruence or compati-bility between the generic principles and criteria andtheir implementation (through indicators andguidance) in a certification system adapted to thenorms of the producing country (RSPO 2008).

Smallholders are a major component of theworld’s palm oil production. Smallholder growersare obviously very different from commercialplantations in their ability to comply with thedemanding technical and legal requirements of theRSPO principles and criteria. To avoid excludingsmallholders from the RSPO process (and poten-tially depriving them of their livelihoods), it wasnecessary to find a way of including them withoutcompromising the sustainability credentials of theRSPO. The RSPO Task Force on Smallholders wasformed by a Resolution of the RSPO’s GeneralAssembly in Jakarta 2005 to develop an adjustedRSPO standard suited to smallholders and to ensurethat smallholders were directly represented in RSPOprocesses. The task force has the mandate to ‘ascer-tain the suitability of the RSPO principles andcriteria for smallholders and make proposals on howbest these can be adjusted, nationally and/or generi-cally, to ensure favourable smallholder involvementin RSPO production’. The work of the Task Forceon Smallholders continues.


Currently, smallholders are classified into twogroups:• schemed smallholders, who are regarded as being

closely controlled and managed by the millingcompanies to which they sell

• independent smallholders, who are independentfrom any controlling authority of a millingcompany. This binary classification, which was developed

with Malaysian and Indonesian smallholders inmind, does not accommodate PNG smallholdersvery well. PNG smallholders seem to fall somewherebetween these classifications, and a third classifica-tion, ‘associated’, is therefore being developed.

PNG producer perspectives

Oil Palm Industry Corporation (authors: Otto Pukam and Felix Bakani)

OPIC works closely with smallholders across thecountry, providing them with extension services.Assessing and improving environmental sustainabilityis particularly challenging for smallholder oil palmgrowers and requires much thought. For example, willsmallholders cope with proposed changes and the costof these changes? Will they benefit from the hard workthey put in? One of the biggest challenges facing anysustainability compliance scheme is to include thesmallholder sector in a meaningful way, and to avoidexcluding some smallholders from the system.

New plantingsTo guide sustainable oil palm development, OPIC

developed Planting Approval Forms in 2004. Forblocks that are to be planted or replanted, growersshould be made aware of the RSPO standards 2–3years before planting or replanting. This is to makegrowers aware that they may not be allowed to replanton land already planted—for example, if it is too steep,too close to rivers, or with no proper title.

Before development of a new planting, thefollowing checklist (according to the PlantingApproval Form) is followed:• Check land ownership.• Check proposed planting area, especially that the

land is flat.• Check access.• Check buffer zone requirement.• Check for natural habitats and HCVFs.• Check distances with respect to milling company

catchment area.


• Check total area to be developed.• Hold awareness meeting on RSPO standards.• Mark out the road line (10 m wide for feeder

roads).• Sign Irrevocable Fertiliser Order agreeing to

10 years delivery of fertiliser from the millingcompany.


• Process applications for authorities to inspect andgive approval to start the clearing of existingvegetation, and get planting materials delivered.

• Ensure correct spacing (9.75 m).• Ensure plantings are standard (2 ha and more).• Establish legume groundcover to control

surviving weeds.

Table 2. Principles of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

Principle 1. Commitment to transparency

Criterion 1.1. Oil palm growers and millers provide adequate information to other stakeholders on environmental, social and legal issues relevant to RSPO criteria, in appropriate languages and forms to allow for effective participation in decision-making.

Criterion 1.2. Management documents are publicly available, except where this is prevented by commercial confidentiality or where disclosure of information would result in negative environmental or social outcomes.

Principle 2. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations

Principle 3. Commitment to long-term economic and financial viability

Principle 4. Use of appropriate best practices by growers and millers

Criterion 4.1. Operating procedures are appropriated documented and consistently implemented and monitored.

Criterion 4.2. Practices maintain soil fertility at, or where possible improve soil fertility to, a level that ensures optimal and sustained yield.

Criterion 4.3. Practices minimise and control erosion and degradation of soils.

Criterion 4.4. Practices maintain the quality and availability of surface and groundwater.

Criterion 4.5. Pests, diseases, weeds and invasive introduced species are effectively managed using appropriate integrated pest management (IPM) techniques.

Criterion 4.6. Agrochemicals are used in a way that does not endanger health or the environment.

Criterion 4.7. Occupational health and safety.

Criterion 4.8. All staff, workers, smallholders and contractors are appropriately trained.

Principle 5. Environmental responsibility and conservation of natural resources and biodiversity

Criterion 5.1. Aspects of plantation and mill management, including replanting, that have environmental impacts are identified, and plans to mitigate the negative impacts and promote the positive ones are made, implemented and monitored, to demonstrate continual improvement.

Criterion 5.2. The status of rare, threatened or endangered species and high conservation value habitats, if any, that exist in the plantation or that could be affected by plantation or mill management shall be identified and their conservation taken into account in management plans and operations.

Criterion 5.3. Waste is reduced, recycled, re-used and disposed of in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.

Criterion 5.4. Efficiency of energy use and use of renewable energy is maximised.

Criterion 5.5. Use of fire for waste disposal and for preparing land for replanting is avoided except in specific situations, as identified in the ASEAN guidelines or other regional best practice.

Criterion 5.6. Plans to reduce pollution and emissions, including greenhouse gases, are developed, implemented and monitored.

Principle 6. Responsible consideration of employees and of individuals and communities affected by growers and mills

Principle 7. Responsible development of new plantings

Criterion 7.1. A comprehensive and participatory independent social and environmental impact assessment is undertaken prior to establishing new plantings or operations, or expanding existing ones, and the results are incorporated into planning, management and operations.



Criterion 7.2. Soil surveys and topographic information are used for site planning in the establishment of new plantings, and the results are incorporated into plans and operations.

Criterion 7.3. New plantings since November 2005 have not replaced primary forest or any area required to maintain or enhance one or more high conservation values.

Criterion 7.4. Extensive planting on steep terrain, and/or marginal and fragile soils, is avoided.

Criterion 7.5. No new plantings are established on local peoples’ land without their free, prior and informed consent, dealt with through a documented system that enables Indigenous peoples, local communities and other stakeholders to express their views through their own representative institutions.

Criterion 7.6. Local people are compensated for any agreed land acquisitions and relinquishment of rights, subject to their free, prior and informed consent and negotiated agreements.

Criterion 7.7. Use of fire in the preparation of new plantings is avoided other than in specific situations, as identified in the ASEAN guidelines or other regional best practice.

Principle 8. Commitment to continuous improvement in key areas of activity

Criterion 8.1. Growers and millers regularly monitor and review their activities and develop and implement action plans that allow demonstrable continuous improvement in key operations.

ASEAN = Association of South-East Asian NationsNotes:

1. For the principles directly relevant to environmental sustainability, the criteria are also given. 2. Principles and criteria not directly relevant to environmental sustainability are shaded.

Source: RSPO 2007

Table 2. (Cont’d) Principles of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

Management practicesThe following best management practice rules

have been established:• Harvest regularly as scheduled by milling

company to ensure all fruit is delivered to the mill.• Always harvest on time, when bunches have 2–5

loose fruits on the ground.• Harvest all ripe fruit across the whole block

(100% harvest), and deliver all bunches and everyloose fruit to the nets at roadsides for evacuationby fruit trucks.

• Keep the estate clean and free from weeds. Thepalm base and harvest path must be clean at alltimes.

• Accept fertiliser and sign Irrevocable FertiliserOrder.

• Always apply the correct amount of fertilisers toevery oil palm each year.

• Regularly walk through the block, checking forpests and diseases.

• Carry out proper pruning; leave 1–2 fronds belowbunches.

• Never shift the crop to another block or to the nextharvest.

• Maintain quality standards of the crop.Herbicides are an efficient management tool and

the fastest means of cleaning blocks, although theycan be expensive if not used properly. Standards forsafe use of herbicides need to be enforced. In someprojects, OPIC officers have run courses on safety


standards for using chemicals for weed control.Under RSPO standards, an effective system needs tobe in place for maintaining safety standards, partic-ularly with regard to safe and secure storage ofherbicides and disposal of empty containers.

A weekly walk through the block by the owner isessential to check on pest and disease attack. A well-managed block should have a low incidence of pestsand diseases. Growers should be informed of pestmanagement practices.

Management for health and hygiene must beadequate on all blocks, including a separate toilet pitand garbage pit.

Issues for improvementThe following are OPIC’s suggestions for improve-

ments in the way environmental sustainability ismaintained:• Make the OPIC team who monitor RSPO standards

a ‘watchdog’, together with the milling companyand PNGOPRA, with inspection of standards twicea year.

• Establish demonstrations of various good cropmanagement practices, such as benching, bufferzoning, good and even application of fertiliser, andpreserving habitat, wildlife, water life, birds, floraand fauna.

• Educate growers on simple farm managementstandards by producing a cash flow budget andinforming them of costs associated with production.


• Lands Secretary gives authority to OPIC lands unitto speed up the process of title transfers andprocessing and signing the last will.

• Issue herbicide certificates to growers who meet thesafety requirements to allow them to use chemicalsfor weed control. Make purchase of herbicide fromdealers contingent on presentation of the certificate.Limit access to spraying equipment to growers witha certificate.

• Run workshops for OPIC officers to ensure thatthey fully understand and are aware of the RSPOcode of conduct and practices, and informationfrom research.

• Improve awareness of the RSPO among growersthrough radio broadcasts, meetings in new areasand presentations at field days.

• Give growers warning notices of substandard crops,under RSPO standards.

• Milling companies impose rules for crop collection.• Undertake leaf sampling and analysis on

smallholder blocks.• OPIC and PNGOPRA set up a database for the oil

palm industry in the country.• OPIC works very closely with the project growers

associations and encourages them to report on howgrowers’ money is being collected and spent.

• Investigate the feasibility and availability of oilpalm kernel expeller for livestock feeding,especially chickens.

• Milling companies make available methane gas inbottles for cooking.

• Improve OPIC staff qualifications.• Educate the growers association executives about

the roles and responsibilities of the GrowersAssociation, OPIC, the milling company andPNGOPRA.

• For any new oil palm projects to be developed inprovinces other than those with existing projects,establish a land task force to secure the land. Theland task force would be the only contact point forland required by new investors intending todevelop new oil palm projects in PNG. It wouldcoordinate plans for developing oil palm projectswith relevant agencies and bodies to support thegrowth of a sustainable oil palm industry. Thedeveloper must be a palm oil producer with RSPOcertification so that the industry will besustainable from the beginning of thedevelopment. A feasibility study should assessthe likely economic, environmental and socialimpacts of the project. For the smallholder


component, OPIC would undertake intensiveawareness training on the RSPO code of conductand practices before the development begins.

ConclusionOPIC suggests the following be seriously consid-

ered:• a continuing philosophical and moral debate

about the appropriate nature of sustainable oilpalm industry development, building on goodrelations and the empowerment of localcommunities to manage their own future

• the development of human resources andorganisational capacity for environmentalmanagement, linking governments, business andcommunity groups in a sense of commonpurpose—the focus should be on the constraintsto improved human resource management andorganisational capacity, and the means to improvethat capacity

• fundamental research and development, especiallyin energy, agriculture and manufacturing processes.To work towards a sustainable oil palm industry

in PNG, a network approach to environmentalmanagement should be developed, focusing on themain challenges for sustainable development.

New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (author: Mike Hoare)

Over the past decade, NBPOL has put a largeeffort into sustainability. NBPOL’s environmentalsustainability activities started around 2002, when itbegan complying with ISO14001, which sets outrequirements for an environmental managementsystem. After a 2-year process covering all depart-ments, certification was achieved in 2004. Duringthis time, NBPOL was also involved in the formu-lation of the RSPO and, between 2004 and 2007, inthe national interpretation of the RSPO principlesand criteria. NBPOL went through a self-assess-ment exercise, a pre-audit and an audit between2006 and 2008. Despite this preparation, thecompany initially failed to qualify for RSPO certifi-cation and had to address and rectify four majornon-conformances. Certification was awarded inSeptember 2008. Compliance with ISO14001 andRSPO standards was audited in March and July2009, respectively.

Following certification, the challenge is todemonstrate continuous improvement and mainte-nance of certification standards. An analysis of



strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats(SWOT analysis) for NBPOL led to the followingconclusions.


• NBPOL has a very capable management team, a‘can-do’ corporate culture and many high-performing and motivated leaders.

• The disciplines and rigour of ISO14001 havehelped NBPOL to develop comprehensive andcompany-wide monitoring, recording and reportingsystems, providing accurate, documented evidenceof compliance. These systems grow and evolve tomeet the requirement of continuous improvement.

• NBPOL has established a sustainability team tohelp drive, advise and police sustainability issues.

• The policy of NGO engagement, though notalways a comfortable one, has built many bridgesand helped to protect NBPOL against uninformedcriticism.

• There is a strong degree of corporate understandingand acceptance of being audited, and using this as atool for improvement.

• NBPOL matured in its dealings with its workersand the larger community. Many initiatives withpotential social benefits are being formallyinvestigated and implemented, including the ‘cleandevelopment mechanism’ (the capture of methanefrom effluent ponds for use as fuel), the bilumindex (a cost-of-living index developed locally and


used to ensure minimum wages are sufficient for adecent living), the firewood project (assistance forworkers to obtain adequate supplies of fuel),compound gardening (assistance for workers to setup small gardens adjacent to their houses, inaddition to the existing food garden areas) and agender committee (formed to investigate andresolve concerns about negative discrimination).

• NBPOL’s occupational health and safety focushas moved from essentially lip service to concreterisk and hazard analysis, recording, monitoringand improving employees’ working conditions.

• NBPOL has an innovative team, which has beenstrengthened by good selection and recruitment ofstaff with wide-ranging operational experienceand skills.

• A great strength is NBPOL’s internationalstanding, which helps to generate economic valueand competitive advantage.

Weaknesses • Operational perception is a weakness. The RSPO

is still seen by many as an ‘add-on’ and is not yetan integral part of how the industry operates.There can sometimes be a lack of commitment byoperational staff to sustainable practices, and itbecomes too easy to ‘take the eye off the ball’.

• Loss of key people, especially with inadequatesafeguards on data management, is a significantweakness.

Mature and immature oil palm plantation (foreground) and smallholder blocks (background) in West New Britain (Photo: Richard Dellman)


• In some areas, there is no clear formal managementstructure or acceptance of responsibility, whichallows areas to be neglected (e.g. effluent pondcompliance monitoring).

• For NBPOL, the RSPO has moved focus awayfrom ISO14001, raising the question of whether thecompany needs to maintain both certifications.

• The company has too much informationconcentrated in the arms of very few; there is aneed to build up and spread the knowledge base.

• There is a strong feeling that sustainability issuesare being driven by ‘remote control’ from outsidePNG, which can cause frustration and uncertaintyon the ground.

• The sustainability team is still relativelyinexperienced. With smallholders having to beRSPO compliant within 3 years, the current set-upand function of OPIC is unlikely to help deliverthis requirement.

Opportunities• With its early RSPO certification, NBPOL is

ideally placed to offer sustainable crude palm oil,as well as appeal to a broader base of potentialinvestors.

• NBPOL is feeling its way with developingtechniques and models for the practicalapplication of HCVF assessment. Although thiscan be frustrating, it provides an opportunity tohave input into the process.

• NBPOL should look at training numerous staff inauditing skills. It has been fortunate in sourcinghigh-quality and relevant training providers.

• NBPOL has a great opportunity to use what it haslearnt to influence change in other companies inthe group.

• NBPOL has good sustainability credentials andthe chance to widen its customer base.

• The RSPO has steered the company towards amuch higher level of corporate socialresponsibility.

• NBPOL has seen continuous improvement inmost operational areas.

• NBPOL has the opportunity to strengthen itssmallholder affairs team. To maintain RSPOcertification for NBPOL’s total supply base, thesmallholders who supply approximately one-thirdof NBPOL FFB are required to meet fullcompliance within 3 years of the initialcertification, which was in late 2008. OPIC isacutely short of capacity and resources to


successfully train, guide and encouragesmallholders to comply. As a result, NBPOL isprepared to increase resources within its ownsmallholders department to ensure that allsmallholders are visited, spoken to and assisted toproduce sustainably and attract premium pricesfor its certifiably sustainable products.

Threats• Non-compliance with the legal, environmental

and RSPO indicators that have to be consistentlymet is a major threat.

• External factors such as the economic downturnor government decisions can be threats. Ifcustomers have less discretionary income in theirpockets, will they still take moral decisions onbuying sustainable products?

• Linked to the previous point is the potential forthe RSPO to become a small niche market system,which could reduce incentives for producers to beinvolved. Currently, the only substantial concernsabout sustainability are coming from theEuropean market, which takes some 6–7 million tof crude palm oil out of a world production of40 million t. Major importers like China and Indiaare not demanding sustainable palm oil; they arecommitted to feeding their large populations ascheaply as possible.

• Active stakeholder criticism can be a potentialthreat.

• On the ground, staff and workers can easilyperceive that the additional workload is tooonerous without some form of recompense.

• On a practical level, the shortage of degraded ornon-forested land in West New Britain maysignificantly affect expansion.

• It is possible that NBPOL could lose ISO14001certification if it tries to make its environmentalmanagement systems comply with RSPOrequirements.

• NBPOL has limited skills and experience on theground in following the RSPO indicators in thenew development context. This is a concernbecause the RSPO principles and criteria stillappear to be open to auditor interpretation, andmeasurable indicators need to be set.

• The long-term failure of the PNG government toappoint an OPIC board has serious implicationsfor smallholders; oil producers may managesmallholders themselves to ensure RSPOcompliance over the next 3 years.



OutlookNBPOL’s overall corporate driver is the vision of

‘30:30’—that is, 30 t/ha of FFB per year for palms6 years old or more, and palm product extraction ratesof 30% (crude palm oil at 24% and palm kernel oil at6%). Plantation yields for palms more than 6 yearsold have steadily increased in recent years and, withincreased fertiliser inputs over the past couple ofyears, NBPOL aims for this trend to continue.

Current annual production from plantation andsmallholders combined is more than 1 million t ofFFB, with a potential crude palm oil production ofmore than 282,000 t. At a possible premium ofUS$20 per tonne for the first companies to be certi-fied, an additional US$5.6 million of revenue(around 16 million kina) would be generated. Thus,for a small amount of extra effort, there is potentiallya huge gain from RSPO certification. More impor-tantly, NBPOL believes that it may lose access toEuropean markets without RSPO certification.

NBPOL is very keen to see that practical indica-tors are developed to maintain the drive to improveenvironmental sustainability. These indicators mustbe easily understood by planters and engineers,measurable, and readily auditable—the journey tosustainability involves not just doing it, but beingable to demonstrate that the company is doing it.

Recommendations relating to sustainability shouldbe written into the oil palm code of practice for PNGwhen it is developed. Finally, since the RSPO takes amultistakeholder approach, it should include thewishes of the entire PNG National InterpretationWorking Group, not just those of the producers.

CTP Holdings (author: William Griffiths)

Financial benefits of RSPO accreditation and achieving the RSPO indicators

RSPO-certified oil is not being widely traded dueto the volume available (approximately 1.5 million tif all current audited companies achieve accredita-tion) and unwillingness of buyers to pay a higherprice for certified oil. Currently, there is no financialadvantage to individual plantations in being RSPOcertified. Rather, being in the first batch of RSPO-certified plantations is a disadvantage, as NGOreaction to certification has been negative andfocuses media attention on the certified plantations.

Cargill (of which CTP Holdings was a subsidiary)is involved in major downstream activities, rangingfrom refinery operations to specialised oil supply to


customers such as Unilever, Nestlé, CadburySchweppes, McDonalds, Burger King and HungryJack’s. These customers are requesting ‘certifiedoil’ as a result of consumer-led requests, and Cargillis very responsive to customer demand.

RSPO indicators are, in the main, very similar tothose of the ISO, with added social indicators. If ISO(9000, 14000 and 18000) certification has alreadybeen obtained and is thoroughly embedded in thecompany management system, RSPO accreditationis not a major hurdle. Smallholder accreditation is,however, difficult. The nature of the principles andcriteria that are required has not yet been deter-mined. PNG is unique in the way that smallholdersare set up and managed and in the nature of land thatis converted to oil palm by smallholders.

The implementation of ISO standards does resultin improved management systems in most compa-nies, and thus usually produces a financialadvantage for the company. Compliance with RSPOprinciples and criteria will not provide the companywith any further inherent advantage, apart fromadvantages associated with a potential pricepremium or customer preference in the marketplace.PNG is unique in that all palm oil produced in thecountry is RSPO-certified, so it may be able to‘niche market’ its oil.

RSPO principles and criteria do not measureefficiencies of production and are therefore not agood indicator of financial sustainability or sustain-ability of production in a true sense. Neither can theybe used to rank or benchmark companies that makebetter use of resources than others.

It is likely that the RSPO principles and criteriawill become more restrictive as the schemeprogresses due to consumer pressure and increasingawareness of issues such as carbon footprints andgreenhouse gases. For example, before the lastRSPO meeting, a motion was tabled by Unilever andGreenpeace to stop all deforestation (not justHCVF) and to classify as peat any soils with a depthof organic layer of at least 25 cm.

What is being done on sustainability

Cargill is a founding member of the RSPO.Currently, Cargill is working with and funding:• Flora & Fauna International—HCVF measure-

ments and identification in Kalimantan, Indonesia• WWF—identification and use of degraded land

for oil palm expansion in Kalimantan, Indonesia


• Conservation International—coral reef baselinestudies in Milne Bay, PNG

• Queen Alexandra birdwing butterfly conservationin Oro province, PNG.Cargill also has several initiatives with other

groups, working on other aspects of sustainabilityand RSPO accreditation. These include geneticmarking of crude palm oil to ensure absolute trace-ability, installation of a clean developmentmechanism to trap gas from the mill effluent ponds,collaboration with the International Plant NutritionInstitute on fertiliser use and uptake and bestmanagement practice, and collaboration with ThePrince’s Rainforests Project on forest regeneration.Cargill has committed to not planting on HCVF andnot developing new plantations on peat land (Cargill2009).

In addition, as part of the ‘normal’ practice of oilpalm management, Cargill is committed to imple-menting best management practices that ensure thatplantings are sustainable, as well as improving orsustaining yield. These practices include standardagronomic measurements, such as annual leafsampling for fertiliser recommendations, soilsampling every 5 years and at new planting andreplanting, and fertiliser response trials (withPNGOPRA).

Desirable features of an oil palm sustainability project

Cargill would like to see the development of an oilpalm sustainability project that uses pragmaticmeasurements that are easy to implement and can becarried out by, and on, the plantation. Thesemeasurements would be used to establish baselines,followed by periodic monitoring of the impact of oilpalm on the environment. The measurements musthave credibility among the wider public as usefulindicators. They must be responsive to changes inmanagement practices and must allow cause andeffect to be determined so that remedial measurescan be taken and the effects of those measuresmonitored.

The health of the waterways, streams and creeksrunning in and out of the plantation would providean easy opportunity to do this. This is particularlyrelevant in rural areas of PNG, where water qualityis an extremely sensitive issue.

Measures should be linked to the currentmonitoring that is required by the PNG Departmentof Environment and Conservation. They should not,


however, ignore those being implemented by othergovernment and environmental organisations in themajor oil palm growing countries.

Other measurements could also be included, suchas measuring topsoil loss, groundcover, soilcompaction, biodiversity (flora and fauna) in andaround the plantation, and fertiliser leaching.

Carbon balances in vegetation that may be clearedfor oil palm and in oil palm plantations should alsobe assessed. Biomass, carbon sequestration andgreenhouse gas emissions are likely to differ consid-erably between different types of vegetation that arebeing cleared for oil palm, and will also change in oilpalm plantations as they age.

Any expansion of the industry in PNG willinvolve felling of secondary forest in good condi-tion. Cooperation with logging companies will beneeded if timber is not to be wasted in large quanti-ties. These forests can easily be defined as HCVFs.The situation in PNG is very different from that inlarge areas of Indonesia, where millions of hectaresare now fire climax Imperata grassland. It waspointed out at the recent RSPO meeting thatImperata is used for roofing and thus falls into theHCVF definition!

Cargill views these and similar issues as likely tobecome challenges for the industry within the next5–10 years.

Hargy Oil Palms Limited (author: Graham King)

VisionThe vision of HOPL is to be seen as an interna-

tionally competitive oil palm company, operatingwith environmental and social values andcommitted to meaningful rural development in theBialla district.

The SIPEF group recognises that, in addition to itsstatutory and commercial obligations, it has aresponsibility to the communities and environmentin which it operates. The group is committed tosafeguarding the environment by maintaining soundand sustainable agricultural policies. These includea zero-burn policy, integrated pest management,treatment of effluent and use of biomass (SIPEF2009). SIPEF has been party to the RSPO since itsinception, and HOPL is the first SIPEF company tobe certified. HOPL has been certified since April2009 and was due to undergo its first surveillanceaudit in April 2010.



ObjectivesHOPL’s objectives are:

• to acquire and plant an additional 10,000 ha of oilpalm plantation—this is the physical limit, beingbounded by mountains, rivers, swamps andplantation forests; however, all of the landavailable for oil palm is forest that could beclassified as HCVF

• to increase plantation FFB yields to 40 t/ha andsmallholder yields to 25 t/ha

• to use ISO14001 and RSPO certification to drivecontinuous improvement and financialsustainability.

Strengths HOPL’s strengths are:

• excellent climate and soil conditions• high existing yield base• adequate milling capacity and port on site• reliable satellite communications• a loyal workforce, with no existing industrial

problems• availability of adequate basic labour.

Weaknesses HOPL’s weaknesses are:

• a shortage of skilled labour• difficulties in recruiting experienced management

staff• training not being embedded as a management

tool• poor maintenance of government infrastructure• a poor financial performance record• high input costs—HOPL is at the end of the

supply chain.







Fertiliser Labour



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OpportunitiesHOPL’s opportunities are:

• SIPEF being willing to invest in HOPL• availability of land for expansion• World Bank funding for smallholder expansion• expanding demand for palm oil• leverage off ISO and RSPO• using a clean development mechanism to reduce

power costs.

ThreatsThreats to HOPL are:

• an active West New Britain Oil Palm WorkersUnion

• natural disasters (volcanic eruption, floods)• political interference• minimum wage tribunal• HIV/AIDS and malaria• law and order• low world prices• road closure.

ConclusionsHOPL’s yield target is 40 t/ha of FFB. This has

been shown to be achievable in PNGOPRA trials.Yield currently averages 30 t/ha in the plantation.Smallholders are currently averaging approximately12 t/ha, but some land settlement scheme blocks areat 20–25 t/ha, so there is much room for increasingproduction through improved smallholder produc-tivity. Overall limitations to high yields are shown inFigure 3. A healthy workforce is needed to harvestand bring that volume to the mills. The greatestimmediate threat to sustainability is from the poorhealth status of the workforce, due to malaria, water

Management Transport


Figure 3. Relative importance of various factors limiting yield at Hargy Oil Palms


quality (smallholders) and HIV/AIDS, rather thanfrom environmental issues.

PNG government regulations

There are currently no PNG government regulationsor codes of practice dealing specifically with the oilpalm industry, but several regulations apply. All oilpalm–related activities are assessed under theEnvironment Act 2000 and the Environment(Amendment) Act 2002. Several statutory instru-ments under the Act apply:• Environment (Water Quality Criteria) Regulation

2002• Environment (Permits and Transitional)

Regulation 2002• Environment (Procedures) Regulation 2002• Environment (Fees and Charges) Regulation

2002• Environment (Prescribed Activities) Regulation

2002.Prescribed activities include ‘agricultural cultiva-

tion of an area greater than 1,000 ha’ and ‘palm oilextraction and processing in plants producing morethan 5,000 tonnes per year’. A permit is required todischarge waste.

In addition to the regulations listed above, severalcodes of practice are applied to oil palm develop-ments: • Code of Practice for Hydrocarbons (vehicle work-

shops, petroleum storage etc.)• Code of Practice for Landfill• Code of Practice for Logging (PNG Logging

Code of Practice 1996—used for land clearanceapplications)

• Code of Practice for Palm Oil Processing.

Certification and incentives

Consumers interested in environmental sustaina-bility tend to favour the codification of environmen-tally sustainable practices through certificationschemes. Certification, clearly indicated by a labelon the product, gives consumers confidence that theproduct is produced sustainably and allows them tochoose between products on the basis of environ-mental certification. One problem is that mostconsumers probably do not even know that there ispalm oil in the product, let alone its source.However, for the aware consumer, certification isthe only way of knowing something about the oil’s


source. For the producer, there are also advantagesto being certified. A transparent and widely recog-nised certification scheme allows them to countercriticisms, improve marketability and, possibly(although this has not yet been realised for palm oil),obtain a premium price.

Any certification scheme, such as the RSPOscheme, must be able to link oil in retail products tocertified producers in some way. Identifyingcertified versus non-certified product posesproblems for a bulk commodity such as palm oil.The RSPO scheme uses three main ways of linkingoil with certified producers: segregation, massbalance and book-and-claim.

Segregation means that oil from environmentallycertified plantations is kept separate from non-certified oil throughout the production chain all theway to the consumer. This is the preferred approachin terms of transparency and also for consumers,who can choose a product containing 100% certifiedpalm oil versus a product with no certified palm oil.However, segregation is only possible at largescales, and all parts of the production chain must beset up specifically and coordinated. This is particu-larly challenging for the transport and trading linksin the chain. Segregation is the aim of NBPOL;when its refinery in the United Kingdom isoperating, NBPOL aims to transport, process andsell certified oil exclusively. On the other hand, CTPHoldings was part of Cargill (until April 2010),which buys and sells oil from a wide variety ofsources, so that segregation is not currently feasible.

Mass balance is the approach whereby a statedproportion of oil in any particular shipment orproduct is sourced from certified producers. Thisavoids all the problems of segregation and allowsblending to continue, as is the norm for a bulkcommodity such as palm oil. It is not, however, theapproach of choice for consumers, who cannotnecessarily buy a product containing 100% certifiedpalm oil, and who do not know whether or not theuncertified portion was produced in an environmen-tally sustainable fashion.

Lastly, book-and-claim is based on tradeable‘sustainability certificates’, similar to the operationof green power or carbon trading schemes. The‘Green Palm’ system works in this way. Usingbook-and-claim, a manufacturer or retailer can sell aproduct containing palm oil as ‘certified’, even if theactual oil in the product was not produced by acertified producer. This approach is attractive to



traders; if, for example, 10% of customers demandcertified oil, enough ‘certification certificates’ canbe purchased from certified producers to satisfy thatportion of the market, without having to trace theactual oil. Overall, the amount of oil produced bycertified producers is at least as much as isdemanded by customers. However, for obviousreasons, this approach is probably the least desirablefor consumers wishing to purchase certified oil.

For any certification scheme to succeed, thebenefits to the producer must outweigh the costs.The costs to producers include net costs of environ-mentally sensitive practices that may not beeconomically optimal, and costs of the certificationprocess itself. In a global marketplace where mostconsumers do not demand environmental certifica-tion, the decision to join a certification scheme is nottaken lightly. Most PNG palm oil is sold to theEuropean market, where the demand for environ-mentally sustainable oil is relatively high. There-fore, all PNG producers see benefit in joining acertification scheme and hence all participate in theRSPO. The main benefit cited by producers iscontinued access to increasingly discriminatingmarkets. Another potential benefit, frequentlydiscussed, but with less confidence that it willeventuate, is the possibility of premiums being paidfor certified oil. If premiums are paid, the PNGmilling companies have stated their intention tofully pass the benefits on to the growers, includingsmallholders. One of the biggest challenges facingany sustainability compliance is to include thesmallholder sector in a meaningful way, and toavoid excluding some smallholders from the system.

A framework for environmental sustainability

Discussions of environmental sustainability caneasily become bogged down in complexity, partlybecause of the intrinsic complexity of the environ-ment, and partly because the standpoint of thoseinvolved has a large influence on concepts, defini-tions and approaches. In this section of the report, theconcepts of sustainability are defined, especially withregard to spatial scales and the type of processesinvolved. In subsequent sections, the issues andprocesses are described, and indicators that might beuseful to assess sustainability and inform managers ofstrengths and weaknesses are discussed.


Environmental sustainability is intimately linkedwith financial and social sustainability, as defined inthe ‘triple bottom line’ concept of sustainability(Adams 2006). Any management decision thataffects environmental sustainability must weigh upthe financial and social implications, and vice versa.Although the links between these aspects of sustain-ability are in many ways inextricable, it is useful forsimplicity to separate biophysical environmentalaspects from social aspects (which include financialimperatives). Although social and financial issuesare not discussed further in this report, they are ofcritical importance for environmental sustainability.

Scope of issues

One of the problems with quantifying sustaina-bility is that there are many types of issues, withmany more interactions between them. To under-stand and quantify the system, it needs to be simpli-fied (Bell and Morse 2008). However, the way it issimplified is important as certain assumptions aremade. To quantify sustainability there must be clearunderstanding and specification of three factors: • timescales—including the whole plantation life

cycle, from conception and planning of adevelopment to clearing existing vegetation,planting, immature phase, mature phase, felling,replanting and so on

• spatial scales—processes and management inputs– across a few metres– at the scale of an estate (for companies) or

division (for smallholders)—including oil palmfields, infrastructure and mills

– at the catchment scale—such as water qualityissues

– at the global scale—such as greenhouse gasissues

• length of the production chain being considered—this defines the boundaries of the ‘system’.These three factors determine the processes that

are important, the people who are important, and theway in which sustainability can be measured.

TimescaleEnvironmental sustainability issues change

considerably over the plantation cycle. The leastenvironmentally vulnerable stage is the maturephase, when there is a dense and extensive rootsystem, high net primary productivity, a continuouscanopy and good groundcover. The most vulnerable


time is when the original vegetation is being clearedand windrowed; primary productivity is low, thereare few active roots, and, probably most impor-tantly, the soil surface is bare and loose and vulner-able to erosion. The replanting stage is vulnerablefor similar reasons. One consequence is thatenvironmental sustainability might be maximisedby maximising the length of the mature phaserelative to the replanting phase. Also, managementpractices during the vulnerable stages might haveeffects on environmental sustainability dispropor-tionate to the length of time in that phase. On theother hand, management during the mature phase isin place for a long time.

Another aspect of the timescale to be consideredis flexibility for growing crops other than oil palm inthe future. Plantation companies will grow oil palminto the foreseeable future due to the large invest-ments in oil palm–specific infrastructure. However,the timescale for smallholders needs to include thepossibility of growing other food crops or cash cropsat some stage. A system that maintains fertilityadequate for oil palm will not necessarily maintainthe ability to grow other crops. For example, the oilpalm cultivation system may lead to soil acidifica-


tion; whereas oil palm is very tolerant to soil acidity,some other crops are not.

Spatial scaleFigure 4 illustrates the spatial scale of the various

aspects of sustainability. This report is aimed at thenational scale and is driven largely by the commit-ment of all PNG oil palm growers to the RSPO.However, implementation of management occurs inparticular areas by the individual companies and onparticular blocks by the individual smallholders.The processes differ in each of these areas. Forexample, greenhouse gas emissions may be high onflat, low-lying areas with heavy texture, whereasleaching loss of nutrients is an issue on land withhigh rainfall and permeable soils. Issues such as soilhealth impact at the block or management-unitscale, whereas issues like water quality and green-house gases have their impact at larger scales.

Another important issue related to spatial scale isthe question of who pays the costs and who receivesthe benefits of environmentally sustainablepractices and certification schemes. Benefits orincentives of some form must be received bymanagers of individual smallholder blocks or estatesfor practices to be sustained.

Figure 4. Spatial scale of players, processes, costs and benefits related to environmentalsustainability of the oil palm industry in PNG

block = smallholder fields; MU = management units of the large-scale plantations; NGO = non-government organisation; OPIC = Oil Palm Industry Association; PNGOPRA = Papua New Guinea Oil Palm Research Association; RSPO = Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil



Length of the production chain

Finally, it is important to define the length of theproduction chain being considered. In this report,only the field operations involved in the productionof FFB are considered. Mill operations are notconsidered, except where they directly influencefield operations, such as the production and use ofmill by-products like EFB. The environmentalaspects of palm oil mill operations have beendiscussed elsewhere (e.g. Chavalparit 2006). Inmany ways, environmental aspects of mill andtransport operations are easier to quantify and assessthan field operations, because they are confined to apoint in space, with relatively easily quantifiableinputs and outputs.

Types of issues

In this report, the simplification dilemma istackled by defining several types of issues that differwith respect to their temporal and spatial scales(Figure 5). Appropriate land use must be consideredat the planning stage of development, and hascritical implications for other sustainability issues.For example, nutrient balances and soil loss arelargely determined by the type of land and soil onwhich oil palm is grown. Flat land with permeablefertile soils (not peat) is easier to manage sustainablythan steep land or infertile soils. The locations andextent of agricultural land use (palms, mill, roads,villages, gardens etc.) and non-agricultural land uses(biodiversity conservation etc.) need to consider andbalance long-term needs of people and the environ-ment. Other types of issue at the landscape scale arethe balances or budgets of materials and energy, and


the health of aquatic ecosystems. At the field scale,the main issue is the health of the agricultural landitself, especially soil health. This simplification isnot perfect, because the types of issues identifiedoverlap and interact in numerous ways. However, aswell as being conceptually distinct, the issues mustbe quantified in different ways.

Sustainability can be quantified in different ways(e.g. for comparisons, see Payraudeau and van derWerf 2005; Galan et al. 2007). Quantifiable indica-tors can be classified into two general types(Table 3). The first is measurement of a trend overtime. Most sustainability issues can be quantified inthis way, and it is the basis of the ‘continuousimprovement’ concept, which underpins certifica-tion schemes such as ISO14001 and the RSPO. Forexample, downward trends in on-site indicators(such as soil health) or off-site indicators (such asdownstream water quality) generally indicate unsus-tainability. For balances of materials, such as loss ofsoil, or inputs and losses of nutrients, rates areimportant. Rates are normally calculated as afunction of time, but they can also be calculated pertonne of oil produced, in order to provide a ratio ofsustainability to productivity.

The second type of indicator uses area and spatialarrangement. Trends or rates do not apply well tolandscape-scale issues of sensible planning andbiodiversity. Although trends in biodiversity can bemeasured, the most important determining factor isthe area and arrangement of agricultural land useand other land uses in a particular region orecosystem. Covering a whole province with oilpalm, with no provision for food crops or conserva-tion of native species, would not be sustainable.

Figure 5. Types of environmental sustainability issues in the oil palm industry; a) their spatial relationshipsand b) their spatial and temporal dimensions




Habitat conservation can be measured in terms ofareas, and location and connectivity of those areas.So the area and spatial arrangement of land uses canbe quantified as an indicator of sustainability, albeitwith difficulty.

All types of indicators can be compared to criticalvalues, although critical values may be difficult orimpossible to define.

Planning at the landscape scale is, for manypeople, the most important type of sustainabilityissue and is probably also the most contentious. Onthe one hand, it can be considered undesirable toplant oil palm on land where it replaces forest withhigh biodiversity or land that is necessary for foodproduction, and more desirable to plant it on landwhere it replaces other, less profitable plantationcrops, or land that has been heavily degraded bylogging. However, spatial scale and financialviability are particularly important here. Expansionof oil palm is most viable close to existing mills, andland that is most suitable for oil palm often hasdiverse forests or intensive gardening.

Planning also affects other aspects of sustaina-bility. For example, planting oil palm on steeplysloping land without terracing will lead to soil lossand nutrient loss. Planting oil palm on peat swampsthat require drainage will lead to large emissions ofcarbon dioxide and possibly also gaseous forms ofnitrogen and sulfur. Finally, the size and location ofoil palm plantings will determine the fate of speciesthat depend on those habitats. Therefore, planningneeds to balance many factors on a broad scale andconsider long-term consequences through thoroughconsultation with all parties concerned.

Balances of materials and energy are landscape-scale processes that overlap with off-site environ-mental quality (particularly water quality and theatmosphere), with on-site sustainability in the field(e.g. soil fertility) and with mill operations (inputs


and outputs of nutrients, water and energy).Materials can be categorised in various ways, but inan agricultural system the balances of water, nutri-ents, carbon and pesticides are of primary impor-tance. For these budgeting issues, inputs and outputsneed to be quantified. This can be done at differenttimescales and spatial scales, but the aim is to be asholistic as possible (landscape scale, over the wholeoil palm cycle). The ‘balance’ issues include theconcept of carbon footprints and the emission ofgreenhouse gases.

Health of aquatic ecosystems is a landscape-scaleissue that cannot be measured by area. Values andtrends can, however, be measured. Defining thepoints in space and time for monitoring schemes isdifficult but critical if these schemes are to be useful.The difficulty arises because water exists every-where in the environment, is continuous (e.g.boundaries between groundwater, stream water andseawater are not clearly defined in nature) andcontinuously moves and changes in composition.Furthermore, natural variations in quality are large,and anthropogenic perturbations must be measuredagainst these variations.

Health or fertility of soil is the basis for agricul-tural sustainability. It depends on the interaction ofmany processes that occur at the land surface—themost biodiverse part of all ecosystems—whereminerals, water, air and organisms have theirmaximum level of interaction and in which the cropis supported. Soil health is similar to health of aquaticecosystems in that it can be quantified in terms oftrends or rates. It can be assessed in many ways,generally focusing on parameters that integratephysical, chemical and biological processes. Manyaspects of soil health are determined by soil type,whereas others are more sensitive to management.Soil loss by erosion or decomposition (in the case ofpeat) can be considered as a soil health issue or as a

Table 3. The principal types of indicators used for quantifying different types of environmental sustainabilityissues

Issue Indicator type

Trend or rate(per year, per tonne of oil)

Area(per hectare)

Planning, land use, biodiversityBalances of water, energy, nutrientsBalance of soil (soil erosion)Health of soilHealth of aquatic ecosystems

Not applicableAppliesAppliesAppliesApplies

AppliesAppliesAppliesNot applicableNot applicable



landscape-scale balance issue, but as the target iszero loss from the field, it is considered here as afield-scale soil health issue.

Another aspect of the health of agricultural land isthe presence of pest species such as invasive weeds,pests and diseases. Pest species may be considered


as an environmental sustainability issue, as poorcontrol can lead to environmental damage.However, they are a distinctly different type of issuefrom the health of land, water and atmosphere andare not discussed further here.


Aspects of environmental sustainability

Planning and biodiversity

Most concern about the environmental impact of oilpalm is about the conversion of forest into planta-tion. Once established, oil palm plantations can bemanaged in an environmentally sustainable way.Although planning for new developments is acritical issue for the oil palm industry in PNG, it isconsidered only very briefly in this report.

Most of the recent and potential future expansionof the worldwide area under oil palm is at theexpense of forest (Germer and Sauerborn 2008), andthis is also the case in PNG. However, further loss offorest is not necessarily a requirement for expansionof the oil palm industry; it would be possible to meetthe demand for oil for edible purposes projected for2050 from plantings on degraded areas such asanthropogenic grasslands (Corley 2009). Thefragmentation, disturbance and destruction ofnatural habitats brought about by converting forestto plantations decrease biodiversity (Laidlaw 2000;Robertson and van Schaik 2001), primarily becauseoil palm plantations harbour less biodiversity thanforests (Kessler et al. 2007; Fitzherbert et al. 2008).The future of lowland forest across PNG needs to beconsidered and, where necessary, protected. Theobjective of planning is a balance between potentialproductivity and conservation aims, with priorityareas being defined. At a smaller scale, design canincorporate areas such as riparian buffer zones andwildlife corridors. Planning also needs to considerhow to monitor and prevent encroachment of oilpalm or other land uses such as gardening into thosereserved areas.

In PNG, most of the original oil palm plantationswere established on existing cropland, mainlyprevious plantations of cocoa or coconut. However,most areas available for future expansion are forestswith high biodiversity, even though most of theseare secondary forests that have been logged at leastonce. Little, if any, primary forest is available, andclearing of primary forest is precluded by the RSPOguidelines (Criterion 7.3; see Table 2). For biodiver-


sity conservation, it would be preferable that new oilpalm developments occur on existing cropland,anthropogenic grasslands or degraded habitats,rather than primary or secondary forests (Fitzherbertet al. 2008; Koh and Wilcove 2008). Although suchcropped, degraded or grassland habitats exist inPNG, they are mostly not feasible areas forexpansion as they would require ‘greenfields’ devel-opments, with building of new infrastructure andmills. Greenfields developments are unlikely in thenear future because of the level of investmentrequired and the uncertainty of land tenure. Indeed,none have occurred in PNG since the 1980s, apartfrom Ramu. Land tenure uncertainty arises because,whereas all current mills and plantations are onalienated land, no more suitable alienated land isavailable. Although most future developments arelikely to be on forested land, there are some notableexceptions. The current oil palm development atRamu is exclusively on grasslands. In Oro provincemuch of the most recent development has been ongrasslands, and further expansion onto grasslands isfeasible.

In addition to considering conservation values,planning must consider the impacts of develop-ments on environmental sustainability once theplantations are established. For example, develop-ment on peat or acid sulfate soils inevitably leads tomajor problems for environmental sustainability.This is primarily due to the massive release ofcarbon dioxide and gaseous forms of nitrogen andsulfur in the case of peat soils (Imbushi et al. 2003;Macdonald et al. 2004, 2009) or sulfuric acid andmetals at environmentally toxic concentrations inthe case of acid sulfate soils (Gosavi et al. 2004;Burton et al. 2008). Neither peat nor acid sulfatesoils have been developed or are being consideredfor development in PNG. However, oil palm isfrequently planted on swampy mineral soils, which,when drained, can pose similar (but lesspronounced) problems to developments on peat.The effects on greenhouse gas emissions ofconverting various types of vegetation to oil palm


are discussed below (under ‘Balances of carbon andenergy’). Planting on steep terrain can cause soilerosion. The RSPO guidelines require topographicand soil mapping to be carried out in the planningstage and allow only limited planting on steepterrain or on marginal and fragile soils (Criterion7.4; see Table 2).

Other issues should also be considered inplanning for environmental sustainability. Forexample, climate change–induced sea level rise(0.1–0.2 m by 2050) and increased rainfall arepredicted for PNG (IPCC 2007); both wouldincrease environmental risks. The physicallandscape of oil palm growing areas of PNG is alsovery dynamic; major ash falls, land slips inmountainous areas and fluvial changes on the plainscan be expected due to active uplift and volcanicactivity.

In addition to replacing previous vegetation andaffecting land and water, oil palm developmentsimpact on surrounding ecosystems throughincreased population pressure. Population pressureincreases in oil palm areas primarily as a result of thelarge employed labour force of the plantationcompanies and their relatives, and immigration ofpeople onto land settlement scheme smallholderblocks. More people means more pressure onresources such as fisheries, along with increasedaccess to improved fishing methods and technology.Additionally, more land is required for gardens, androtations with forest fallow inevitably becomeshorter, or forest fallow disappears altogether. Thepressure to clear forest for gardens is particularlyrelevant to reserved land, such as riparian bufferzones, which are often cleared.

Balance of waterSustainability of agricultural systems is closely tiedto the water balance. In many parts of the world,agriculture is not sustainable due to changed waterbalances. In drier areas, conversion from nativevegetation to crops has increased recharge, raisingwatertables and causing salinisation of streams andsoil. Salinisation due to increased recharge is alsocommon in irrigated areas. Other irrigation schemesare not sustainable because water is extracted fromaquifers faster than it is replenished. Disruption ofthe water balance by agriculture also impacts ondownstream ecosystems.


The closer the water balance is to that under theoriginal vegetation, the less likely are sustainabilityproblems. Salinisation is not an issue for oil palm inPNG, due to the wet climate and net loss of saltsfrom the landscape. However, soil erosion, nutrientloss, stream bank erosion and subsidence of peat areall potential problems for oil palm that are tied to thewater balance. Mature oil palm has a similar waterbalance to the original forest, which underpins thesustainability of oil palm systems.

The water balance in oil palm plantations in PNG ischaracterised by high rainfall, high transpiration andhigh deep drainage (Figure 6). Average annual rainfallranges from approximately 1,900 mm at Ramu inMorobe province to approximately 4,200 mm at Navoin West New Britain province. Annual evapotranspi-ration is approximately 1,300 mm (Banabas et al.2008a). In most areas, there is no substantial period ofwater deficit (potential evapotranspiration higher thanrainfall) during the year, except for Ramu, where thereis a deficit, and hence water supply limitation totranspiration, for about 4 months of the year.

Due to relatively even distribution of rainfallthroughout the year and permeable soils, most of theexcess water (>1,300 mm/year in most places) is lostby deep drainage rather than surface run-off(Banabas et al. 2008a). The high values of deepdrainage mean that the most likely loss of fertiliser-applied nutrients is via leaching rather than surfacerun-off. During the planting and replanting stages,interception and transpiration will be lower for sometime, so deep drainage and run-off losses are likelyto be higher.

Apart from transpiration, irrigation and drainageare the main perturbations of the water cycle in oilpalm compared with natural vegetation. Irrigation isnot currently practised in PNG, but is being consid-ered at Ramu. Given the hydrology of that area,irrigation would not be expected to cause significantenvironmental concerns. Any decrease in flow to theRamu River would be minimal, as the area of oilpalm is small relative to the size of the catchmentand the period of likely irrigation is short. Whethersurface or groundwater is used, supplies are large, asrainfall in the adjacent mountains is high. Localisedraising of the watertable is possible but unlikelyunder proper irrigation management, given theubiquity of gravel beds in the underlying alluvialbeds, and the proximity of the river.

In other parts of the country, drainage is carried outin many low-lying areas, with open drains around oil


palm fields, up to about 1 m deep. Drainage serves tolower the watertable. This can influence the carboncycle, accelerating decomposition of soil organicmatter. It can also detrimentally influence nearbygroundwater-dependent ecosystems, although suchsituations are not known in PNG.

Balances of carbon and energy

Combustion of fossil fuels and land-use changeaffect greenhouse gas emissions and climate change,and the carbon balance of industries and productshas come under increasing scrutiny. Agriculturalproduction, including oil palm cultivation, is noexception. Carbon balance and energy balance aremore-or-less interchangeable, since the main way inwhich energy is stored is in carbon compoundsproduced by photosynthesis, either in the past in thecase of fossil fuels, or at present in the case ofbiofuels. Photosynthesis converts carbon fromcarbon dioxide into organic compounds, andconverts solar energy into stored chemical energy.Combustion or respiration converts the organiccarbon into carbon dioxide, and the stored energyinto heat and motion.


Long-term sustainability relies on a positiveenergy balance—that is, more energy is fixed inphotosynthesis than is consumed to produce theproduct. Most agricultural systems are inherentlysustainable in this regard, although some currentagricultural systems can be energy negative (theratio of energy return to energy invested is lessthan 1). Oil palm appears to be the most energypositive of all crops, having a ratio of energy returnto energy invested of more than 3 (Angarita et al2009; Pleanjai and Gheewala 2009; Yee et al. 2009).The actual figure depends on whether or not initialclearing of forest is included, the length of thesupply chain considered and various other factors.

The main energy inputs into oil palm productionsystems are fossil fuels for fuel and nitrogen ferti-liser (Yusoff and Hansen 2007). The high net energyyield of oil palm is due to its high productivity, andis beneficial to environmental sustainability in termsof carbon and energy balance. However, it is also animportant driver for use of palm oil as biofuel. Theuse of palm oil as a substantial substitute for mineraloil fuel is frightening to contemplate, given theenormous energy demands of people globally. Lessthan 5% of palm oil is currently used as fuel, and any

Figure 6. Water balance in typical oil palm blocks in Papua New Guinea; the blue arrowsrepresent water fluxes, with their width approximating the relative quantities



significant increase in use as fuel is likely to havedisastrous effects on the conservation of remaininglowland tropical forests (Danielsen et al. 2009).Furthermore, if land is converted from forest, thecarbon/energy gain of producing palm oil compen-sates for the carbon/energy loss from forest conver-sion only after 75–93 years (Fargione et al. 2008;Danielsen et al. 2009). For conversion fromgrassland (Figure 7) or peat, the correspondingperiod is approximately 10 or 600 years, respec-tively (Danielsen et al. 2009).

Approaches such as ‘carbon footprinting’ and‘life cycle analysis’ use similar concepts to quantifythe carbon or energy budgets of the productionchain, although life cycle analysis usually alsoconsiders environmental issues other than carbon/energy balance (Mattson et al. 2000; Yusoff andHansen 2007). Carbon footprinting is becomingmore rigorous as standards for calculation aredevised and accepted (e.g. standard PAS2050, BSI2008a, b), based on the outputs of the Intergovern-mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007).


There is only sketchy information for oil palmproduction systems and no systematic studies of thecomplete greenhouse gas balance.

The greenhouse gas implications of the carboncycle are considered below under ‘Balances ofgreenhouse gases’.

Oil palm is among the most effective of crops insequestering carbon because of its high rates of netprimary productivity and biomass growth.However, much of the carbon sequestered inbiomass during a crop cycle is returned to the atmos-phere when the palms are felled. The only long-term(over multiple crop cycles) change in carbon storagein an oil palm system will be the change in soilcarbon, but there have been no long-term studies toquantify these changes. Total annual dry-matterproduction of oil palm—including leaves, trunk,roots, male flowers and fruit bunches—is approxi-mately 30–37 t/ha, equivalent to a total annualcarbon fixation of approximately 13.5–16.6 t/ha(Hartley 1977; Lamade and Bouillet 2005); this maybe higher than forests (Lamade and Bouillet 2005).

Figure 7. Oil palm recently planted on grassland in the Ramu Valley. Conversion from grassland to oilpalm causes a net sequestration of carbon. (Photo: Paul Nelson)


The net flux of carbon into or out of the soil/cropsystem is the difference between primary produc-tivity or photosynthesis (palms and understorey) andrespiration (plant and soil). Although easy to define,this is difficult to measure. The main approaches are: • measuring changes in carbon stocks (plant and

soil) over time• measuring photosynthesis and respiration over

small areas and scaling up• directly, by gas flux measurements above the

canopy. All these approaches have many assumptions and

difficulties, exacerbated by the spatial and temporalvariability in oil palm plantations. Gas fluxmeasurements by eddy covariance show the mostpromise for quantifying net fluxes, and severalprojects are planned or underway in other countriesto measure fluxes in oil palm plantations by thismethod.

The most significant part of the oil palm produc-tion cycle for carbon cycling is the initial conversionto oil palm (Germer and Sauerborn 2008; Wicke etal. 2008). Conversion from forest results in a net lossof carbon to the atmosphere, whereas conversionfrom grassland results in net sequestration ofcarbon. In environments suitable for oil palm,


forests have a total biomass of about 342 t of drymatter/ha and grasslands about 27 t/ha (Germer andSauerborn 2008). When that biomass decomposes, itreleases approximately 627 t of carbon dioxide/hafor forest and 42 t/ha for grassland (Germer andSauerborn 2008). The RSPO guidelines prescribeavoidance of burning; in any case, burning releasesapproximately the same amount of carbon dioxideas decomposition. Soil organic carbon contentdecreases upon conversion from forest to oil palm,but increases upon conversion from grassland to oilpalm (Germer and Sauerborn 2008; Dewi et al.2009).

Although little or no peat is being developed foroil palm in PNG, this is an important issue in South-East Asia. Total carbon content of peat soils dependsprimarily on the depth of peat, which can be up toseveral metres. Drainage accelerates decompositionand emission of carbon dioxide (Imbushi et al.2003). Release of carbon after conversion to oilpalm is approximately 8.6 t/ha per year, translatingto carbon dioxide emissions of 31 t/ha per year(Germer and Sauerborn 2008). The effects onmethane and nitrous oxide emissions are morecomplex (Germer and Sauerborn 2008). Subsidenceof drained peatlands also poses problems.

Development of a new oil palm plantation in West New Britain (Photo: Richard Dellman)



Balances of nutrients

Maintaining the balance

Oil palm, like all other plants, requires mineralnutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc, manganese,copper, boron, molybdenum, chlorine, nickel andpossibly silicon) in order to grow and reproduce. Italso requires carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, butthese are generally not thought of as nutrients as theyare obtained from the atmosphere (as carbon dioxideand oxygen) and water, and they are not consideredfurther in this section.

For terrestrial plants, the repository of mineralnutrients is the soil and the plant itself. To maintainhealthy plants, it is important to maintain this repos-itory, and in undisturbed systems, it is maintained byefficient cycling of nutrients within the ecosystem.In contrast, in agricultural production systems,nutrients are removed from the ecosystem in theproduct. In order to maintain a productive andhealthy soil, an understanding of nutrient pathwaysis required.

Nutrients may be exported from a site:• in the agricultural product—in this case, the fruit

bunches• through leaching • through overland flow, dissolved or attached to

sediments• through conversion to gases (nitrogen as

ammonia, nitrous oxide or dinitrogen; and sulfuras hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide)

• through fire—as smoke, ash or volatilised gas.

Nutrients may be imported to a site:• in returned by-products from the mill• in fertiliser• through overland flow, dissolved or attached to

sediments• in ash, dust and rainfall• via biological nitrogen fixation.

Weathering of primary minerals releases mineralnutrients in plant-available forms, which may alsobe regarded as an import as it increases the reposi-tory of nutrients available to plants. This is probablyan important source of nutrients in PNG, in theyoung and rapidly weathering soils on which oilpalm is predominantly grown. Because of the highand frequent rainfall, these minerals are also likelyto be an important source of leached nutrients,especially potassium, calcium and magnesium.


To maintain the repository of nutrients availablefor palm growth, the imports must balance theexports. If there are insufficient inputs, the reposi-tory of nutrients will decline, leading to suboptimalyields and consequently poor values of sustaina-bility when measured on a per oil yield basis.

The simplest way to maintain the repository ofnutrients is by adding inorganic fertilisers andencouraging biological nitrogen fixation throughhealthy leguminous cover crops. The mostcommonly used leguminous cover crops, which areplanted at the same time as the oil palms, arePueraria phaseoloides and Calopogonium species(Giller and Fairhurst 2003). However, excessivenutrient inputs can:• exacerbate losses and subsequent environmental

damage (particularly water quality)• reduce energy efficiency (fertilisers cost energy to

produce)• reduce the ratio between economic benefit and cost

of production—in particular, excessive nitrogeninputs can accelerate soil acidification (see ‘Healthof soil’) and production of greenhouse gases (see‘Balances of greenhouse gases’). The magnitude of the pathways of export, loss and

import therefore need to be considered, as well asthe balance of nutrients. By minimising exports andlosses, imports of fertilisers—which are expensive(cash, energy and environment)—can also bereduced. Import and export pathways are discussedfurther below.

Nutrient import, export and loss pathways

Nutrient import and export pathways are very muchdependent on scale. At the scale of the whole estate,including a smallholder area, the main exportedproduct is oil, which contains virtually only carbon,hydrogen and oxygen. Thus, there is almost no exportof mineral nutrients in the product. However, apartfrom oil, sometimes whole palm kernels or palmkernel meal are exported, both of which have highcontents of nitrogen and potassium. In addition, therewill be losses associated with the mill:• Mesocarp, and sometimes shell, is used to fuel the

mills, which will result in gaseous and particulatelosses of nutrients.

• Because of the anaerobic conditions in theeffluent ponds, there is likely to be a substantialloss of nitrogen as nitrous oxide, which is animportant greenhouse gas (see ‘Balances ofgreenhouse gases’), and dinitrogen.


At the scale of the division or smallholder project,nutrients are exported in the fruit bunches. Whilesome of these may come back as EFB or palm oilmill effluent, this is usually only to plantation fieldsclose to the mill, and rarely to smallholder blocks. Inany case, it usually only reduces the fertiliser inputs,rather than eliminating them. There is a case forincreasing EFB inputs to smallholder blocks, butpiles of EFB can become fly breeding sites if theyare not spread quickly, which poses health problemsclose to habitations. Also, many smallholder blocksare far from the mill.

At the scale of the individual palm, as well as theexport of the fruit, nutrients are redistributed,especially in pruned fronds. The frond pile, beingstacked with green fronds, represents a large amountof nutrients, especially nitrogen and potassium. Asthe fronds decompose and release nutrients to the soildirectly below, these nutrients are vulnerable to lossby leaching in the high rainfall environment. Ferti-liser application is another highly concentrated sourceof nutrients that is vulnerable to loss. Loss may occurthrough overland flow, leaching (due to a limitedcapacity of the palms to take up the nutrient relative tothe supply of that nutrient) or conversion to gases.

For nitrogen, leaching of nitrate appears to be themain loss pathway in PNG, and annual losses ofnitrogen have been estimated at about 37–103 kg/hafrom mature plantations, based on water balance andsoil solution concentrations (Banabas et al. 2008a).Where fertilisers are applied, application rates ofnitrogen are generally in the range of 80–150 kg/ha.However, it is possible that nitrate leaching isslowed to some extent in the subsoil, from where itcould be taken up. Many tropical soils have anionretention or exchange capacity due to their variablecharge, low pH and low organic matter content. Theanion exchange capacity of soils in oil palm growingareas of PNG is generally <5 mmolc/kg at soil pH,but can reach 28 mmolc/kg in acidic subsoils(Nelson and Su 2010). An anion exchange capacityof 2.5 mmolc/kg is sufficient to retard nitrateleaching (Wong and Wittwer 2009). Losses ofnitrogen in surface run-off are low (<1.5% ofadditions in fertiliser), mainly because there is littlesurface run-off of water (Banabas et al. 2008a).

In some situations, gaseous losses of nitrogen arealso possible due to the loss of ammonia volatilisedduring the conversion of urea to ammonium, nitrousoxide produced during denitrification or nitrifica-tion, or dinitrogen produced during denitrification.


Volatilisation is known from other studies to besignificant when urea application is followed by amoist period (e.g. dew) but rainfall is insufficient toleach urea into the soil, and atmospheric conditionsare windy with low humidity. Once the urea isleached a few centimetres below the soil surface,and providing soil pH is not high, then losses ofammonia are minimal. In PNG, environmentalconditions and results of fertiliser experiments (ureaversus other forms of nitrogen fertiliser) indicatethat volatilisation to ammonia is not significant.Where soil has high concentrations of nitrate andorganic matter, and conditions are anaerobic (water-logged), losses of nitrogen as nitrous oxide andnitrogen gas, produced by denitrification may behigh. These conditions are common after the appli-cation of fertiliser in wet conditions, especially inlow-lying areas or on clayey soils. Very fewmeasurements of denitrification have been carriedout in oil palm. However, measurements inIndonesia (Ishizuka et al. 2005) and on well-drainedsoils in PNG (Banabas 2007) have shown lowemissions of nitrous oxide, equivalent to less than1 kg/ha per year (of nitrogen) and less than 1% offertiliser nitrogen applied. Losses of nitrogen asdinitrogen are much more difficult to quantify andhave not been reported for oil palm.

The timescale of nutrient balances also needs tobe considered. In immature plantations, inputs ofnitrogen through biological nitrogen fixation arepresumably high due to light reaching the legumi-nous cover crops through gaps in the oil palmcanopy. In contrast, in mature plantations, inputs ofnitrogen via biological nitrogen fixation areprobably negligible. Also, as palms mature, the rootsystem becomes more extensive and more capableof taking up nutrients before they are lost byleaching. As plantations mature, the stock ofnutrients in the vegetation builds up considerably.However, when the palms are felled, the nutrients aremineralised and are highly susceptible to loss, as thereis limited plant growth and nutrient uptake at thistime.

Concepts for target setting

From the discussion above, it is clear that anumber of concepts need to be considered:• The nutrient repository should be maintained at an

appropriate level by balancing exports, losses andimports.



• Exports and losses should be minimised so thatimports can be minimised. This will minimise allthe other effects of applying fertilisers, such asacidification of soil, eutrophication of waterbodies, and energy costs in producing andtransporting fertiliser.

• As undisturbed ecological systems have a naturalrate of nutrient loss, especially those on youngsoils, this provides a target to either achieve orimprove on. Alternatively, since it is unlikely thatthis target could be achieved in an agriculturalproduction system, undisturbed systems could bea benchmark for assessing the performance of theoil palm industry, and comparing it with otherindustries (e.g. logging) operating in the sameagroecological region.

• Of the nutrients, nitrogen balance is the mostimportant for environmental sustainability in PNG.Optimising biological nitrogen fixation is likely tobe important for improving sustainability in thelong term. Loss by leaching is the most importantexport of nitrogen, and leaching losses can bemanaged by the timing and placement of fertiliser(Banabas et al. 2008b). Losses of gaseous forms ofnitrogen are largely unstudied in oil palm.

Nutrient balance measurements in PNG

Agricultural crops are amenable to the study of‘partial nutrient balances’: the difference betweenthe amount of nutrients imported and the amountexported. This simple analysis can be undertaken atthe scale of a field, block or plantation estate, or evenon a larger scale, such as a district, province or eventhe whole country. This simple approach is useful ifone is interested in a broad picture of what nutrientsare being applied and what is exported.


A more detailed analysis of a nutrient balancerequires examination of what is actually available tothe crop (nutrients supplied by the soil and appliednutrients), what is exported in product and whatremains behind in plant tissue—either relativelyquickly recycled (the pruned fronds) or stored for alonger time (in the trunk of the palm). Severaldetailed studies of nutrient balances have beenundertaken in PNG. Nitrogen balance studies(Banabas 2007; Banabas et al. 2008a, b) werereferred to above. Cycling of magnesium andpotassium has also been studied in some depth(Webb et al. 2009). In addition, nutrient balanceswere studied in one of PNGOPRA’s fertiliser trialsites in Milne Bay province in 2007. Details of thetrial design and results are in the Appendix.

In the nutrient balance study in Milne Bay, uptakeand export of nitrogen, potassium and phosphoruswere measured. Nutrients in leaflets, rachis and coreare stored within the palm and become availablewhen the fronds are pruned or after felling, when thefronds and trunk decompose. However, nutrients inbunches are exported from the plantation. Table 4lists the amount of nutrients exported from the fieldas a percentage of total nutrient uptake. Table 5shows the nutrient recovery efficiency for nitrogenand potassium applied in fertiliser.

Recovery efficiency of the applied nitrogen andpotassium was high at low application rates anddecreased as more fertiliser was applied (Table 5).In addition, recovery efficiency of nitrogen wasinfluenced by potassium, and vice versa.

At normal plantation rates of fertiliser application(equivalent to 4 kg sulfate of ammonia/palm plus 2.5kg muriate of potash/palm), there was a high uptakeof applied nutrients at this site; uptake by the palms

Table 4. Nutrients exported in oil palm fruit (PNGOPRA trial 504, 2007)

Treatment(kg fertiliser/palm)

Nutrients exported(as % of total uptake)

Nitrogen Potassium Phosphorus

SOA: 0; MOP: 0.0SOA: 2; MOP: 2.5SOA: 4; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 5.0SOA: 6; MOP: 7.5




kg = kilogram; MOP = muriate of potash (potassium chloride); PNGOPRA = Papua New Guinea Oil Palm Research Association; SOA = sulfate of ammonia (ammonium sulfate)


was equivalent to 80% of applied nitrogen and morethan 90% of the applied potassium. Other studiesshowed that the inefficiencies in potassium uptake atthis site were not due to losses of potassium from thesystem; all potassium applied as fertiliser was eithertaken up by the palms or retained in the top 0.4 m ofsoil (Webb et al. 2009).

Balances of greenhouse gases

All the main greenhouse gases—carbon dioxide,nitrous oxide and methane—are produced andconsumed in oil palm plantations. Of the three gases,carbon dioxide is produced and consumed in thelargest quantities. Although produced in smallerquantities, methane and nitrous oxide have globalwarming potentials 25 and 298 times that of carbondioxide, respectively (IPCC 2007). Greenhouse gasemissions are calculated as ‘carbon dioxide equiva-lents’ using these factors. Concepts and quantifica-tion of carbon dioxide and methane emissions arediscussed under ‘Balances of carbon and energy’,and emissions of nitrous oxide are covered under‘Balances of nutrients’ (above).

Moves are currently underway in PNG to captureand use the methane produced in mill effluent pondsas a fuel. Those initiatives are registered as cleandevelopment mechanisms under the United NationsClimate Change Programme.

The RSPO Greenhouse Gas Working Group hasreviewed and synthesised information on green-house gas emissions throughout the productionchain, identified options for mitigation of emissions,and provided recommendations for modifying theexisting principles and criteria (GHG-WG 2009).

Table 5. Nutrient recovery efficiency for nitrogenand potassium applied in fertiliser(PNGOPRA trial 504, 2007)

Treatment(kg fertiliser/palm)

Nutrient recovery efficiency(uptake as % of applied)

Nitrogen Potassium

SOA: 2; MOP: 2.5SOA: 4; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 5.0SOA: 6; MOP: 7.5




kg = kilogram; MOP = muriate of potash (potassium chloride); PNGOPRA = Papua New Guinea Oil Palm Research Association; SOA = sulfate of ammonia (ammonium sulfate)


Balance of soil (erosion)

Movement of soil through erosion and subsequentdeposition is usually considered detrimental for twomain reasons: • Erosion removes fertile topsoil and can even

remove the physical support of palms.• Deposition may occur where it causes environ-

mental or other problems (e.g. in waterways).


Erosion of soil is a natural consequence of theactions of weather in all environments, even so-calledpristine environments. It results from the actions ofwind, ice and water, resulting in, for example, sanddunes, moraines and floodplains. In some respects,especially in floodplains, upstream erosion is benefi-cial to downstream communities in that it provides anew layer of soil and associated nutrients.

However, in many agricultural situations, the rateof erosion is increased from its natural level. This canresult in substantial amounts of sediment travelling instreams, being deposited along the way, and reachingthe marine environment. As discussed in a previoussection, the scale of the process is important.

In mature oil palm plantations with good canopyand groundcover and on flat or low-sloping land,especially on soils with high infiltration rates, long-distance movement of surface water and associatedsediments is not common. Although there may beevidence of surface erosion in some areas (e.g.weeded circle, harvest paths), the detached soil oftenaccumulates where run-off water velocity slows orceases, such as frond stacks. The result is a ‘terraced’effect from short-distance transport of material; this isof little or no concern to the plantation itself or thesurrounding environment.

On the other hand, many situations can exacerbateerosion. Erosion is influenced by both site-dependentfactors and management-dependent factors.

Site-dependent factors influencing erosion

High duration and intensity of rainfall, high soilerodibility, and high slope length and gradient allresult in high susceptibility of an oil palm block toerosion. Although site-specific management cannotchange this susceptibility, the original selection ofan oil palm block or plantation is under the controlof the oil palm industry.



Management-dependent factors influencing erosion

Vegetation cover can be managed at a number ofscales. At the palm scale, maintenance of ground-cover and efficient placement of frond stacks canreduce erosion from the site by reducing the energyof rainfall, or trapping or slowing water anddislodged soil particles. At the block scale, bothvegetation management and landscape managementaffect erosion—for example, oil palm canopy cover(vegetation management), and harvest path, roadalignment and drainage design (landscape manage-ment). At the smallholder division or plantationscale, vegetated buffer zones along watercoursesand engineering solutions, such as contour terraces,are important.


Depending on the movement pathway, eroded soilmay be deposited elsewhere in the landscape (e.g.lower slopes or flats) or delivered to the river


system. Large quantities of eroded soil delivered toriver systems are generally detrimental to the riveritself and the receiving marine environment. On theother hand, eroded soil redistributed within thelandscape may or may not be detrimental to thereceiving landscape, although it is generally detri-mental to the source landscape.

The choice of whether or not to develop a partic-ular area and the design of the development will havea profound consequence on erosion and possible off-site impacts. Thus, many issues need to be consid-ered in order to minimise erosion or its impacts.

Health of soilSoil health is difficult to define precisely and evenmore difficult to quantify. It is usually understood toreflect a soil’s ability to maintain healthy plantgrowth by providing the plant with adequateresources. The resources are physical support, water,oxygen, a balanced supply of nutrients, high activityof beneficial organisms and low activity of patho-

Examining the volcanic ash soil profile in a smallholder oil palm block in West New Britain (Photo: Paul Nelson)


gens, and absence of toxins. Soil health also refers tothe resilience of soil, which is its ability to continueto provide resources in the future, even in the face ofstresses. Soil health is influenced by inherent proper-ties such as mineralogy, and by management factors.

Processes that damage soil health include:• compaction—affects availability of water and

oxygen• acidification—affects nutrient availability and

retention, and concentration of toxins• depletion of nutrients—reduces accessibility to

nutrients• accumulation of nutrients—can have toxic effects• depletion of organic matter—affects nutrient

availability and retention, availability of waterand oxygen, and the activity of soil fauna andmicroorganisms

• contamination—by pesticides, herbicides andheavy metals.


Compaction of soil is generally the result of‘traffic’ across a soil surface, most commonly byhumans, animals or machinery. In some cases,compaction is desirable—for example, in theconstruction of roads—but it is undesirable whereplants are grown for agriculture. Within oil palmblocks, compaction is usually caused by machineryand field workers. Harvest paths, the mostcompacted part of the block, are compacted becauseof human and wheelbarrow traffic, or by in-fieldcollection tractors. They generally occupy only asmall area (6%), but this can be as high as 14% whenin-field collection tractors are used (Nelson et al.2006). The weeded circle is compacted by humanactivity (harvesting, pruning and weeding), but thedegree of compaction is generally much lower thanthe harvest path; however, the weeded circle repre-sents about 14% of the block area. Root activity ishigh under the weeded circle, despite compaction,because of close proximity to the palm stem.


Acidification of soil is a natural result of weath-ering and biological activity in most environments.In landscapes undisturbed by human activity, acidi-fication is largely the result of inefficiencies ofnitrogen recycling, which result in leaching losses,atmospheric inputs and mineral weathering.However, these rates of acidification are usuallyvery small compared with rates in agricultural


systems. The difference is mostly due to fertiliserinput and product export.

In any system, the rate of acidification depends onthe balance of acid and alkali additions, commonlyreferred to as the net acid addition rate (NAAR). SoilpH decline depends on NAAR and the ability of thesoil to buffer its pH against this acid addition(commonly referred to as the pH buffering capacity).

Net acid addition rate

The amount of acid added to (or removed from) asystem depends on the:• accumulation (in situ), addition, and export of

organic anions, bicarbonate ions, ammonium ionsand nitrate ions

• addition of liming materials• addition and export of hydrogen ions.

Generally in agricultural systems, the contributionof bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions (except in acidrain) to NAAR is small. The contribution of addedliming materials depends on the agricultural systemand farm practice. If lime is not applied, the majorcontributors to NAAR are the balance of nitrogen inthe system and the balance of organic anions. In astable system such as a mature plantation, accumula-tion of organic matter (in situ) is usually small. Thus,the major influence of organic anions on NAAR isthe export of organic materials (FFB) and import oforganic materials (EFB, decanter cake, expeller).However, at times of clearing or replanting and earlygrowth in immature plantations, the accumulation(or degradation) of organic acids will have a substan-tial influence on NAAR.

Nitrogen cycle

The type and amount of nitrogen fertiliser applied,the amount of nitrogen fixed biologically, and the fateof nitrogen derived from these sources have majorinfluences on NAAR. Because many of the processesin the transformation of nitrogen forms in the biolog-ical nitrogen cycle involve the production orconsumption of hydrogen ions, any changes tonitrogen cycling will influence NAAR (Figure 8).

If we start with ‘organic matter’ (which includesnitrogen in plant material, soil organisms, soilorganic matter and urea fertiliser), its mineralisa-tion to ammonium consumes one hydrogen ion(H+), its subsequent nitrification to nitrate producestwo H+, and the uptake of that nitrate into the palmconsumes one H+, making the whole process acidneutral (i.e. –1 + 2 – 1 = 0). However, if some of



N fertiliser

N in plants, soil organisms and

soil organic matter

Ammonia gas (NH3)

Ammonium (NH4

+) Nitrate (NO3




mineralisation immobilisation

N gases (N2O, N2)



biological fixation

Removal in harvested product

Note: Values are the number of H+ ions produced (+ve) or consumed ( ve) per atom of N


–1 1





the nitrate is lost through leaching or run-off (aneutral process), this reduces the H+ consumptionin the uptake process. For example, if all of thenitrate is lost by leaching, one H+ is produced (i.e. –1 + 2). Similarly, if an ammonium-based fertiliser(e.g. sulfate of ammonia) is used, one H+ isproduced, even if there is no loss of nitrate byleaching. Thus, irrespective of the efficiency ofnitrate uptake, sulfate of ammonia is always anacidifying fertiliser. Therefore, the choice ofnitrogen fertiliser and its application rate has animmediate potential impact on acidification, withthe magnitude of that impact dependent on theefficiency of uptake (Table 6).

Carbon cycle Production of soil organic matter is an acidifying

process, and its decomposition is an alkalising


process. Thus, a closed cycle of production anddecomposition of organic matter in situ is a neutralprocess. If the cycle is interrupted by off-take ofproduct (acidifying) or import of organic residues(e.g. EFB, alkalising), the acidification rate will beaffected. The magnitude of that effect will dependon the inorganic cation/anion balance of the organicmatter. Since inorganic cations commonly exceedinorganic anions, electrical neutrality requires thatthe difference is made up of organic anions. Themagnitude of organic anion content is oftenexpressed in terms of ash alkalinity, an experimen-tally determined parameter. Thus, in practice, thecontribution of product export to acidification, ororganic waste import to alkalisation, is determinedby the amount of organic matter and its ashalkalinity.

0 Figure 8. Effect of the nitrogen (N) cycle on acid generation

Table 6. Impact of fertiliser application on net acid addition rate at different uptake efficiencies ofnitrogen (at 135 palms/ha and 100 kg of nitrogen/ha)

Fertiliser Fertiliser application rate


Acid production if all nitrogen taken up

by palms(kmol H+/ha )

Acid production if all nitrogen lost by

leaching(kmol H+/ha)

Ammonium sulfateAmmonium chlorideAmmonium nitrateDiammonium phosphateUrea



7.1ha = hectare; kg = kilogram; kmol = kilomole


In most agricultural systems, the contribution ofthe nitrogen cycle (in particular, nitrate leaching) toNAAR is much greater than the contribution ofproduct export. However, in oil palm, NAAR due toFFB export may be considerable. Given typical FFByields (18–30 t/ha) and cation contents (potassiumplus calcium plus magnesium contents of 0.15–0.30 kmolc/t), the NAAR due to FFB export(assuming no return of EFB) can be estimated atapproximately 3–9 kmol H+/ha per year.

pH buffering capacity The effect on soil pH of acid addition (NAAR)

into a system depends on the soil’s pH bufferingcapacity (pHBC). In an unbuffered solution (e.g.pure water), addition of a strong acid results incomplete dissociation to H+ and the associatedanion. Thus, all of the acid added has an effect onpH (the concentration of H+ ions in solution).However, in the complex environment of a soil,there are many potential reactions, such that theamount of added acid does not linearly affect the H+

concentration of the soil solution. In other words,some of the added H+ ions are ‘mopped up’ by otherreactions and therefore do not contribute to pHchange. A simple example is that of dissolution ofcalcium carbonate by acid. If acid is added to asolution saturated with calcium carbonate and asolid phase of excess calcium carbonate, the H+

ions are completely consumed by the reaction; thus,they do not contribute to the H+ of the solution anddo not result in reduced pH.

Although most of the soils of concern in PNG donot contain free carbonates, many other reactionsconsume H+ ions added to the system (Nelson andSu 2010). For example, H+ ions might replacecalcium ions (Ca2+) on a cation exchange site onclay or organic matter, or react with the weakorganic acids in organic matter. As suggested bythese examples, pHBC is often related to themagnitude of cation exchange capacity (CEC) andorganic matter content in a soil. Indeed, these twoparameters, once calibrated, are often used toestimate pHBC in the absence of direct measure-ments. At very low pH (around 4), addition of H+

may result in the dissolution of clay minerals.Although this dissolution buffers pH effectively, itis irreversible; any amelioration to increase pH (e.g.liming) will not restore the dissolved clay.

A strong buffering capacity is generally regardedas a good feature of a soil, as it makes the soil


resilient to pH change and its consequences, such asreduced availability of many nutrients. However,this resilience works in both directions—the higherthe pHBC of soil, the more effort will be required toraise its pH, which is a disadvantage if the soil’s pHis too low. In general, a high pHBC allows greaterflexibility and tolerance in management, but is not asubstitute for long-term good agronomic practicesthat minimise NAAR.

Consequences of pH change, especially declineMany soil reactions and root processes, including

nutrient availability and uptake by plant roots, arepH dependent. Most plant species grow well inenvironments between pH 5.5 and 7.0. Outside thisrange, adverse conditions can inhibit productivity.At low pH (below 5.5), aluminium ions (Al3+) fromclay begin to come into solution. Aluminium is notrequired by plants, and Al3+ can have many detri-mental effects on plants for a number of relatedreasons—for example, it can affect the uptake ofcalcium ions and other nutrients. However, oil palmand commonly used leguminous cover crops arerelatively tolerant of acidic conditions, growing welldown to soil pH values of approximately 4.5(Auxtero and Shamshuddin 1991; von Uexküll andMutert 1995; Fageria et al. 2009).

Low pH also reduces the CEC of variably chargedsoils, which are common in the tropics. A reductionin CEC results in lowered cation nutrient holdingcapacity. The H+ and Al3+ ions also displace thenutrient cations (e.g. calcium, potassium, magne-sium, zinc, copper) from the cation exchange sites.Both of these actions make the cations vulnerable toleaching loss. While it might be possible to restorepH and CEC though interventions such as limingwith materials such as calcium carbonate, this willnot return those nutrients to previous levels, exceptfor the calcium. Indeed, the increased concentra-tions of exchangeable calcium, with now diminishedlevels of other cations, may exacerbate the situation.Low pH may also increase retention of phosphorusby soil surfaces, thus restricting phosphorus availa-bility to palms and increasing the cost of anyremedial activity. One potentially positive effect oflowered pH in some soils is the potential increase inanion exchange capacity and hence reducedleaching of nitrate (Wong et al. 1990).

All of these consequences may result in decreasedprimary productivity, both above and below ground.This decrease in productivity will ultimately affect



soil organic matter contents, which will furtherexacerbate nutrient cycling and retention.

Thus, in oil palm, as in other agricultural systems,it is better to maintain a healthy pH through well-managed strategies than to rely on remediation afterdegradation.

Organic matter

Soil organic matter has many roles in soil health,and soil organic matter content is one of the maindeterminants of soil fertility in the tropics. It issensitive to management and is closely linked tobalances of water, carbon and nutrients. The presenceof organic matter in soils improves water infiltrationand aeration through its support of soil biologicalactivity, especially macrofauna, and also through itsdirect effects on soil structure and structural stability.

Organic matter also has a number of roles in soilchemistry. It is a good source of nutrients and themain reservoir of nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus.This is particularly important for nitrogen andsulfur, as the mineral forms of these elements areusually anions, and most soils, including those in oilpalm growing areas of PNG, have a very low anionexchange capacity. For nitrogen, a soil organicmatter content of 1–5% in the 0–10 cm layer (whichcovers the range of most oil palm growing soils inPNG) is equivalent to about 1,000–5,000 kg ofnitrogen/ha. This nitrogen is released as the organicmatter decomposes, providing a slow release formof nitrogen, which is important in soils with a highinfiltration rate and high rainfall.

Organic matter, through its organic acids, also hasa high CEC and is thus important in the retention andsupply of macronutrient cations (such as calcium,magnesium and potassium), as well as many of themicronutrient cations. Also, through its organicacids, organic matter contributes to the pHBC of thesoil. Indeed, on a weight-for-weight basis, it contri-butes far more than clay.

A well-maintained mature plantation will have astable (but constantly cycling) soil organic mattercontent; sometimes as much as 5–10% by weight,depending on the management zone. However, attimes of major disturbance such as replanting, thesoil organic matter is highly vulnerable to rapiddecomposition, with subsequent loss of its storedcarbon, nutrients, CEC and pHBC. During suchperiods, strategies should be put in place tominimise organic matter decline.


Health of aquatic ecosystems

Water quality (‘good’, ‘poor’ etc.) will havedifferent interpretations for different users of thatwater. Changes to water quality can affect entirelandscapes and the biological systems within them.These include effects on the health of humans,streams, estuaries and the ocean, as well as thehealth of the oil palm enterprise itself (includinggardens and domestic animals).

During its pathway from atmosphere to ocean,water will pass through many ‘uses’ and affect thoseuses as well as being affected by them. As watermoves along this pathway, many factors affect waterquality.

One critical problem for large-scale land-basedagriculture is how to minimise collateral impacts toadjacent ecosystems. Human-induced degradationof PNG’s coral reef ecosystems is emerging as aserious problem (Munday 2004). Unfortunately, it isimpossible to determine the exact source of damagebecause of:• the limitations of current technology and data• spatial separation of the impacts from their

specific terrestrial sources• the difficulty of differentiating local-level

impacts from the broad-scale effects of climatechange (P. Munday, pers. comm.). Impacts on PNG’s other coastal aquatic ecosys-

tems (estuaries and freshwater streams) are alsoreported regularly, but these reports are generallyanecdotal rather than being based on hard data.Definitive studies of coastal ecosystems are urgentlyneeded, and would provide multiple benefits in thecontext of sustainability of the oil palm industry.The proximity of coastal streams and oil palmplantations allows direct evaluation of impacts andconfers the ability to attribute impacts to specificsources. As well, these coastal streams are theprimary conduits through which stressors likely toaffect coastal reefs are transported. Consequently,studying estuaries and freshwater streams providesthe joint benefits of safeguarding these systems andcontributing to an evaluation of the impacts ofspecific terrestrial sources on offshore habitats. Thiswould provide a sound basis for monitoring,management and mitigation.


Most nutrients of interest are water soluble andcan be supplied in many ways (e.g. soil weathering,


fertiliser application, nitrogen fixation, decomposi-tion of organic matter). For a healthy and productivepalm field, adequate supply of nutrients is essential.The supply of nutrients to palm roots is via water,either passively along with water uptake, or activelythrough generation of diffusion gradients. In eithercase, the soil water must contain dissolved nutrients.If the dissolved nutrients are not taken up by palmsor other vegetation, they may be vulnerable to lossfrom the oil palm block and may become a source ofcontamination, thus lowering water quality, forother systems that use the water.

The two main pathways by which nutrients arelost from the oil palm ecosystem are throughleaching and overland flow (Domagalski et al. 2006,2008); both of these pathways eventually contributeto stream water or directly to the ocean (dependingon soil properties and proximity to the coast). Waterthat leaches nutrients by percolating through the soilto groundwater may also affect groundwater-dependent ecosystems (some wetlands) anddrinking water from village wells.

In PNG, many nutrients are retained strongly bythe soil. Most added nutrient phosphorus, potassiumand magnesium is strongly fixed by the soil underpalms and not lost to the surrounding environment.The exception is nitrogen. There can be a substantial


loss of nitrogen through leaching of nitrate, whichmay enter groundwater and thus streams and theocean. However, because of the high rainfall and thesize of the catchments above the oil palm blocks,there would be substantial dilution of the nitrogenreaching large streams or the ocean. Additionally,the retention of nitrate in subsoils, mentionedearlier, may limit the movement of fertiliser-derivednitrogen to water bodies. For smaller streams withslow water flow within plantations, nitrogenconcentrations are likely to be of concern at times.


Herbicides that have little residual effect once theycome in contact with soil are now the mostcommonly used herbicides. However, it is stillnecessary to consider the effect of herbicide applica-tion and pathways of movement. Herbicides areusually used only to keep the weeded circle andharvest path clear of vegetation, and selectively onhard weeds growing in the inter-rows. If they areinappropriately applied, they may damage wantedgroundcover or the palms themselves. This is partic-ularly relevant to young palms with low-hangingfronds. If handled inappropriately, they may also behazardous to oil palm workers. Similar to nutrients,herbicides may end up in streams or the ocean via

Health of aquatic and marine habitats, including those downstream of oil palm plantations, is critical for local people (Photo: Tibor Dombovári)



groundwater and overland flow (Scribner et al. 2007;Borggard and Gimsing 2008). If the compounds arestill active and in sufficient concentration, they maydamage the freshwater and marine vegetation, thusaffecting food chains. They may also affect ground-water-dependent ecosystems (some wetlands) anddrinking water from village wells.

In PNG, herbicides are unlikely to move intowater bodies in significant quantities. Most of theherbicides used decompose rapidly on contact withsoil. The main herbicide used in PNG is glyphosate.Also used, in lesser amounts, are metsulfuron, 2,4Damine, and some Basta® (active ingredient glufosi-nate-ammonium) and Garlon® (active ingredienttriclopyr) on trees. These products are applied alongwith sticking and wetting agents.

Herbicide use is less common on smallholderblocks than on plantations as the cost of herbicide isgenerally prohibitive for smallholders, and weedcontrol by slashing can be sufficient. Also, becauseit is difficult to ensure adequate training in herbicidehandling, storage, disposal and personal protection,neither plantation companies nor OPIC supplyherbicide to smallholders.

Insecticides and fungicides

Similar to herbicides, insecticides may have adirect effect on (untargeted) terrestrial organisms orfollow the pathway of water into streams and theocean via groundwater or overland flow (Schottleret al. 1994), or via atmospheric transport by rain andwind (Rawn 1999). In this case, however, thechemical may also have direct impacts on aquaticand marine fauna. There are potential effects onhuman health through drinking water or consump-tion of exposed animals.

In PNG, insecticides are unlikely to move fromfields into water bodies in significant quantities, butmovement from nurseries is more likely. There isminimal use of insecticides in the field because ofthe resistance of oil palm to many pests, and anactive and successful strategy of integrated pestmanagement. Most of the insecticide that is used isinjected into the truck and thus is unlikely to escapeto the environment. Methamidaphos is the chemicalused for trunk injection, but it is likely to be bannedin the near future, so alternatives are being sought byPNGOPRA. A chemical being used in Indonesia forthe same purpose is dimehypo (also called bisultap).For bad outbreaks of Oryctes beetles in youngpalms, granular carbofuran is used occasionally,


applied to the axil. For general caterpillars, Bacillusthuringiensis may be used in the Dipel® formula-tion, or homemade viral/fungal suspensions.

Significant use of insecticides occurs only in thenurseries. The main insecticide used there isOrthene® (active ingredient acephate), as a generalbroad-spectrum insecticide, or synthetic pyrethroids.A few fungicides are also used in the nurseries,mostly thiram (protectant) and thiabendazole(systemic). Rat bait (warfarin) is used in some planta-tions. There are reports of pesticides being stolenfrom plantations and being used instead of naturalpoisons to poison streams for fishing. This sort ofproblem can only be dealt with by improved security.

Other water-soluble contaminants

Other water-soluble contaminants include chem-icals (e.g. arsenic, lead and other toxic elements,organic compounds) that are not regarded asnutrients essential for biological growth. They cantravel by the same mechanisms as nutrients and thuscause their own specific environmental damage orhealth problems in the same places in the landscapeas nutrients. These chemicals may be a result ofagricultural industries (e.g. mill wastes for oil palm)or extractive industries such as forest logging ormining.


Sediment derived from soil erosion influencesaquatic ecosystems. Two types of sediment need tobe considered separately:• sediments that contribute to bedload—that is, the

heavier particles such as sand and gravel that aremoved by water but not at the same speed as thewater travels

• suspended sediments, which generally travel atthe same speed as the water and only settle out ofthe water column when the velocity of the waterfalls considerably (usually in estuaries or theocean), or precipitate out when the chemicalcomposition of the water body changes (again,usually in estuaries or the ocean).

BedloadThe contribution to bedload is usually from eroding

stream banks and gully formation, or fromcatastrophic events such as landslips. The likelihoodof such events can be linked to the management of thesurrounding landscapes, including changes to


hydrology, and the management of soil cover, slopeand riparian zones. It could be argued that bedload isnot a water quality issue per se, as some may notconsider it part of the water column in the same way assuspended sediments and dissolved chemicals.However, movement of bedload by water can result inchanges to the stream bed (e.g. filling in of pools andholes) and thus affect habitat, especially for macro-fauna. Indeed, severe events such as landslips canresult in a complete infilling of streams and creation ofnew stream courses. Even if the bedload is not affectedby the planting of oil palm, extraction of gravel forroad material associated with oil palm cultivation canchange stream habitats and generate sediment.

Suspended sedimentFiner sediments are maintained in the water

column by turbulent flow and travel at almost thesame velocity as the water. They can be generatedby the same mechanisms as bedload, and by erosioncaused by overland flow. Unlike soluble chemicals(nutrients, herbicides, pesticides and other solublecontaminants), suspended sediments are not an issuefor groundwater because of the filtering andtrapping properties of soil. Thus, they do not pose anissue for drinking water from wells or delivery tostreams or the ocean via groundwater. However,


when the sediments settle or precipitate, they cancover vegetation (seaweed, seagrass) or fauna(corals etc.), reducing light penetration and thusprimary productivity. Some sediments may alsocarry nutrients, which can be released and have thesame effects as soluble nutrients.

Supply of sediment in oil palm growing areas of PNG

Because of high soil permeability in most oil palmgrowing areas of PNG, there is little surface run-offand thus little erosion from blocks. Erosion has thepotential to be a problem at certain times, such as atplanting or replanting and road construction. It canalso occur in mature plantings with dense canopyand poor groundcover, and on steeper slopeswithout terracing, especially if there is poor orienta-tion of harvest paths and frond piles. In some areas,particularly Navo, erosion from roads is consider-able due to high soil erodibility and inappropriateroad design and construction.

Other stream health issues

Environmental factors such as connectivity ofwater bodies, depth and persistence of pools, watertemperatures and microhabitats are often affected byagricultural practices. For example, management of

Stream bank erosion in an oil palm plantation in West New Britain (Photo: Paul Nelson)



riparian vegetation affects shading of streams andthus water temperature. Removal of riparian treeswill reduce the accumulated debris (logs, branches,leaves), which will affect microhabitats and nutrientinputs (Campbell and Doeg 1989). Similarly,management of vegetation and the soil surface canaffect infiltration and run-off and thus the ‘peaki-ness’ and base-flow of streams.

Management of the landscape, under oil palm orother uses, has the potential to affect the health of thelandscape, the resources in it, the health of those whodepend on it and the health of landscapes nearby.However, although it is possible to identify sourcesof poor water quality, perceived or otherwise, it is notso easy to determine the biological outcomes of aparticular environmental stressor. Stressors, asindicated by the intensity and/or duration of impact,may produce very different outcomes depending on


the stressor in question and the indicator beingmeasured—for example, water quality, number ofspecies or environmental process (Figure 9). Astressor at a particular level could have no effect, aproportionate effect, a threshold effect or many otherpatterns of effect, depending on the environment,climate, species, habitat or other factors.

Many of these processes and the effects ofstressors have been studied in other environments.Such knowledge cannot easily be translated directlyto the tropics because of the generally greater levelof biological diversity and thus complexity andresponses in tropical systems (Sheaves et al. 2007).Although some of the guiding principles will provevaluable, research is needed to underpin candidateindicators of issues such as water quality, and itsimpact on stream and estuary health.

Figure 9. Theoretical responses of environmental indicators to stressors in anaquatic environment; responses will vary in pattern, trajectory andoutcome depending on the stressor in question and the indicator beingmeasured. Different line colours indicate different responses. (Source:R.G. Pearson, James Cook University)


Indicators of environmental sustainability, and research needs

Indicator purpose and qualities

In order to assess sustainability, we need measurableindicators. However, the world is awash with sustain-ability indicators that are not being used in practice.So it is worthwhile to revisit the purpose and require-ments of indicators. The primary purpose is twofold:• to guide management by growers—the indicator

must provide evidence that the resource is beingmaintained, that there will be a sustainableincome from oil palm, and that there will beflexibility for future activities (such as othercrops, conservation, tourism)

• to provide evidence of sustainability to non-growers—the indicator must provide satisfactoryevidence that production is not harming theenvironment. It is useful to differentiate environmental sustain-

ability ‘indicators’ and ‘data inputs’. Lack of clearseparation between these terms has been at least partof the reason for the difficulty in defining sustaina-


bility indices (not discounting the many other majorchallenges). ‘Indicators’ are defined here as thequantities that are reported, and that can be derivedfrom one or more ‘data inputs’. Indicators mustrelate clearly to environmental issues, whereas thedata inputs are preferably simple to measure(Table 7). It is best if the data inputs used are alreadyavailable, such as records of yield or fertiliser use.The links between data inputs and indicators need tobe scientifically valid, and as simple and transparentas possible. In some cases, crop or environmentmodels may be useful, particularly where there arecomplex interactions, such as in nutrient balances.

A considerable amount of data is alreadyavailable or being collected that is useful forassessing environmental sustainability. In somecases, the data are already used for that purpose,whereas in others they could be used for thatpurpose. Data are available: • in static form, such as maps of soil types,

topography and oil palm locations

Table 7. Desirable qualities for data inputs, indicators and the links between them (calculations)

Data inputs Links Indicators

• Simple and cheap to measure

• Preferably already recorded

• Require no equipment, or little and robust equipment

• Scientifically valid

• Transparent and easy to explain

• Relate clearly to environmental issues

• Directly applicable to Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil auditing

• Detect trends over time

• Identify good vs bad areas

• Enable assessment of environmental and economic costs and benefits of changes in management

• Easily communicated to and understood by different stakeholders, especially smallholder growers, extension officers and plantation managers, being comprised of simple, easy-to-understand numbers, or being easy to interpret visually

• Integrate with existing tools (e.g. databases, accounting software)


• in monitoring programs and records, such as yieldrecords; climate records; leaf and soil analyses;water analyses (normally carried out upstreamand downstream from plantations as a legislativerequirement for the Department of Environmentand Conservation); purchase records of fuel,fertiliser and pesticides; and visual inspectionrecords of cover crops, erosion scores etc.,recorded in oil palm management databases

• in the results of research projects and field trials. There are many opportunities and challenges with

using the available data. For example, soil analysisdata are potentially very useful for analysing trends,but they suffer from large variability in soil proper-ties and nutrient contents between managementzones (Banabas 2007; Webb et al. 2009). Properlyaccounting for this variability is a major challengefor soil monitoring programs.

Many environmental sustainability indicatorshave been developed for particular ecosystemproperties and functions or for particular industries.One Australian example is the set of indicatorprotocols or guidelines for soil condition, aquatichabitats, and estuarine, coastal and marine habitats,derived from the National Land and Water


Resources Audit (NLWRA 2008). Several systemsare currently in use or being developed for oil palm,including the Unilever system (Pretty et al. 2008)and the INDIGO® system of the Institut National dela Recherche Agronomique (INRA), which is beingdeveloped for oil palm by PT SMART and othercollaborators (Caliman et al. 2005, 2006; Girardin etal. 2007; Caliman 2008). The Unilever systemconsists of 10 indicators: soil fertility and health(soil organic matter and soil compaction), soil loss,nutrients, pest management, biodiversity, valuechain, energy, water, social and human capital, andlocal economy. The INDIGO® method is based on amatrix that crosses agricultural practices and thecomponents of the agroecosystem. Nitrogen andpesticide indicators have been developed for oilpalm (Caliman et al. 2006). Both of the oil palmsystems take various risks into account to assessvarious environmental impacts.

Indicators differ in complexity and degree ofintegration. At one extreme is a collection of single-issue indicators (e.g. the farm sustainabilitydashboard by Spherical Matrix 2007, Figure 10),and at the other is a combined indicator. Incombined indicators, the component indicators are

Figure 10. The ‘farm sustainability dashboard’ developed for southern Australian grain farms (Source: Spherical Matrix 2007)


weighted in some way, either deliberately or bydefault, according to the number of indicatorsassigned to any particular issue. Having multiplesingle indicators can make it difficult to assess thewhole picture, whereas combined indicators can bemisleading or uninformative if it is not clear howthey were calculated.

One way of combining indicators in a transparentway is to look at them all separately but at the sametime. An example is the AMOEBA indicatorconcept developed for fisheries (Bell and Morse2008). A hypothetical adaptation for oil palm isshown in Figure 11. The larger the coloured area, thehigher the sustainability rating, which gives animmediate visual impression of overall sustaina-bility. The dotted circle is a baseline or referencepoint, which can have different types of values fordifferent types of indicators. Each wedge is anenvironmental sustainability issue. If a wedgereaches or passes the dotted line, it can be consid-ered sustainable. The width of the wedges can bemade proportional to the perceived importance ofthe issue. This allows a weighting scheme that isvisual, unlike numerical weighting schemes. Theindicator diagram could be produced at differenttemporal or spatial scales—for example, once a yearfor every smallholder division or plantation estate,or once for every stage of the crop cycle, and thenone for the whole crop cycle, weighted for the lengthof time in each stage. This issue of scaling or aggre-gating is an important one. In some cases, it may be


meaningful to aggregate using area-weightedmeans; in others, aggregation may obscureimportant issues; and in yet others, aggregation maynot be necessary—for example, for aquaticecosystem health, where indicators will alreadyintegrate upstream areas. Another issue is theexpression of variability. It may be feasible to add ameasure of variability to each indicator (i.e. eachwedge of the diagram in Figure 11).

A further consideration for indicators is whetherthey are expressed as absolutes or relative to risk.For example, soil loss can be expressed in absoluteterms or relative to the potential erosion in thatparticular environment. Either way, the riskcomponent (e.g. soil erodibility, topography andrainfall erosivity) needs to be assessed together withthe management component.

As discussed earlier, indicators can be expressedin environmental terms alone (direction and rate ofchange, or value/area) or relative to production. Theformer allows the manager to decide possible trade-offs between productivity and sustainability, and todecide what is the most appropriate measure ofproductivity to consider, so it is probably preferable.

When discussing indicators in relation to theRSPO, it is necessary to further define the term‘indicator’. For the RSPO auditing process, manage-ment performance is already assessed against‘indicators’. However, the definition of ‘indicator’in the RSPO principles and criteria (RSPO 2007) isdifferent from the definition used here. The RSPO

Figure 11. A hypothetical integrated sustainability indicator for oil palm

GH = greenhouse; N = nitrogen; WQ = water quality



indicators can be defined as ‘plans, practices ormonitoring programs to achieve a particular crite-rion’. The oil palm industry has identified a need tounderpin the RSPO indicators, particularly those todo with soil and water, with indicators as defined inthis report: a measurable value of a rate or qualityused to define trend in or state of land/water/systemproperties.

Finally, a note about the validity of schemes forevaluating environmental sustainability. In acomparative study of five commonly used schemes,Galan et al. (2007) found that they sometimesproduced completely different results. Followinganother review of methods, Payraudeau and van derWerf (2005) concluded that the method should bevalidated with respect to the:• conception of the indicators• consistency of the values of the indicators in

relation to observed values• suitability of the method and indicators to end

users. Potential environmental sustainability indicators

for the PNG oil palm industry were discussed at aworkshop in West New Britain in February 2009,and the outcomes of the workshop are summarisedin the following sections. Some of the indicatorscould be developed using a ‘desktop’ studyapproach. Others will require different levels ofresearch, both in the laboratory and in the field, inorder to understand the underlying processes and todevelop meaningful surrogates for difficult-to-measure parameters.


Balances of carbon and energy

Carbon sequestration and carbon dioxide emissionsare large and highly variable throughout the oil palmlife cycle (clearing to planting to mature oil palm toreplanting). The mill process is an integralcomponent of any palm oil production system andcontributes to emissions; it should therefore beincluded in a carbon balance study for oil palmproduction (Table 8).

Relevance to smallholders

Carbon balance is relevant to environmental certi-fication of smallholders in terms of carbon footprintand may affect a premium.

Researchable topics

Field carbon and energy balance• Validation of vegetative measurements for

biomass estimation.• Biomass production and carbon sequestration

from seedling to mature phase (oil palm andunderstorey).

• Below-ground biomass studies.• Carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas production

under different phases, management, soil types.• Develop model for field inputs and outputs

applicable to PNG.• Quantify energy inputs in fertilisers and fuel (and


Table 8. Research required to produce indicators of carbon balance

Study Reason Potential stressor Where

Net primary production and decomposition

Carbon sequestration and loss, greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide and methane)

Phases of oil palm with low inputs and high loss of carbon (planting, immature, felling to replanting), limitations to yield such as nutrient deficiency

In blocks, during different phases

Mill carbon and energy balance

Loss of carbon in greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane), contribution of by-products to in-field carbon balance

Fuel use, inefficient processes

Inputs to and outputs from the mill

Field carbon and energy balance

Is oil palm a net energy fixer or a net energy consumer? Input to life cycle analysis

High fertiliser use, high fuel use, limitations to oil yield such as nutrient deficiency

Inputs to and outputs from the field


Mill carbon and energy balance• How significant are these outputs and can they be


Possible indicators

• Annual biomass increment.• Modelling estimates of carbon balance, using

climate, site and management factors.• Audit of energy inputs in fertiliser and fuel.

Balances of nutrientsNitrogen drives agricultural production systems(above and below ground). Generally, if nitrogenmanagement is poor, then leaching losses, soil acidifi-cation and greenhouse gas emissions are high, and/orproduction may be low. Although much is knownabout the nitrogen cycle in agricultural productionsystems, in oil palm many of the nitrogen inputs(biological nitrogen fixation in particular) and outputs(gaseous emissions and leaching) are not well under-stood. Other nutrients (primarily phosphorus andpotassium) are also applied as fertilisers in oil palmand need to be studied in relation to losses (Table 9).

Relevance to smallholders

If nitrogen inputs from legume cover plants can bequantified and management practices that optimise


nitrogen fixation can be developed, this will directlybenefit smallholders through reduced nitrogen ferti-liser inputs.

Fertiliser recovery efficiency is not directlymeasurable on smallholder blocks (requires largefertiliser trials), but partial nutrient balances (ferti-liser in versus FFB out) are achievable at divisionscale and possibly at block scale. The limitation atblock scale is the difficulty of obtaining accurateyields (and thus nutrient exports) due to shifting ofcrop between growers.

Researchable topics

Nitrogen fixation by legume cover crops• How much nitrogen is fixed? Relationship with

shade (plantation age), season, soil nitrate,availability of other nutrients (especiallyphosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, cobalt,molybdenum and iron). Include below-groundcomponent. Use appropriate methods fromUnkovich et al. (2008).

• What is the fate of nitrogen fixed by legumes?• Relationship between nitrogen fixed and more

easily assessed indicators, such as legume dry-matter production, nodulation.

Leaching of nitrate• Measure leaching of nitrate (and other nutrients).

Table 9. Research required to produce indicators of nutrient balances

Study Reason Potential stressor Where

Biological nitrogen fixation by legume cover crop

Cheap biological source of nitrogen (with particular reference to smallholders); unknown level of fixation

Poor sowing/planting or maintenance of cover crop, shade, fertiliser use

In block in different phases (planting, immature, mature, felling to replanting)

Leaching loss of nitrate

Leaching is loss (inefficient); contributes to soil acidification; potential to result in reduction in water quality

Soil type, fertiliser use, timing of application, soil conditions for acidification

In block

Greenhouse gas emissions

Losses as nitrous oxide, potential for volatilisation (inefficient use and wastage)

Soil type, poor drainage, nitrogen fertiliser types, timing of application, oversupply

In block

Fertiliser recovery efficiency

Integrated measure of efficient nutrient supply (fertiliser use)

Limitations to production, excessive fertiliser use, poor application practices

In block

Partial nutrient balances

Production may be mining nutrients or causing imbalances

Inadequate or excessive inputs of particular nutrients

Block or division scale



• Link to timing of fertiliser application (hugeindustry interest in this).

• Nutrients in fronds (especially nitrogen,phosphorus, potassium), potential for leachingand losses.

• Root activity profile.

Greenhouse gas emissions• Measure nitrous oxide production from using

different nitrogen fertiliser types and other siteand management factors.

• Assess total greenhouse gas emissions fromnitrogen fertiliser use (including production costsin greenhouse gas emissions).

Nutrient balance and fertiliser recovery efficiency• Assess nutrient balance by the nutrient use

efficiency and fertiliser recovery efficiencyapproaches, using PNGOPRA trials on a range ofsoil types and management practices in PNG.

• Assess whether this approach is valid in relationto actual leaching of nutrients (i.e. quantifyleaching of nutrients in key locations andcompare with results from nutrient use efficiencyand fertiliser recovery efficiency).

• Amounts and rates of returns and losses ofnutrients in pruned fronds and felled palms (at thereplanting phase).


Possible indicators

• Partial nutrient balance or nutrient use efficiencycalculation, using yield, biomass (from vegetativemeasurements) and fertiliser input data.

• Visual scoring of cover crop for biologicalnitrogen fixation estimate.

• Nutrient concentrations and discharge measure-ments in streams.

• Model leaching and gaseous losses, using climateand fertiliser input data.

Health of soil and soil lossSoil degradation (chemical, physical and biological)results in a reduction in the capacity of soils to produceplant products and clean water. Oil palm cultivationcould cause soil degradation through inappropriatefertiliser use, mechanisation of some in-field practicesand a reduction in cover, especially during develop-ment or replanting phases. Although biological healthis critical, it is largely determined by organic matter,pH and physical properties (Table 10).

Relevance to smallholders

• It is vital to keep production high and optionsopen for productive use of land for subsequentcrops. A ‘healthy’ soil is more likely to providethe nutrients required for profitable palm

Table 10. Research required to produce indicators of soil health and soil loss

Study Reason Potential stressor Where

Soil pH and acidification

Integrated measure of soil health (chemical and biological); directly affects capacity of soils to retain and supply nutrients

Fertiliser use, lack of cover (increased potential for leaching)

In block

Soil organic matter Integrated measure of soil health (chemical and biological); carbon sequestration

Low inputs of organic matter (in some zones); lack of cover (increased potential for soil loss)

In block

Soil loss Potential loss of nutrients and organic matter and source for stream sedimentation

Lack of cover and distribution of mill by-products and frond placement; impact of roads

In block, roads, streams

Porosity Integrated measure of soil health (physical and biological)

Mechanisation In block (harvest path)

Cover Affects soil loss, organic matter input, nutrient recycling

Shade, excessive weeding In block


production. A degraded soil will require higherfertiliser inputs at a higher cost to produce andsustain oil palm production.

• Many of the individual components of soil healthwill be easily understood by smallholders(agrarian communities) and can be presented inwritten and spoken format at field days and othersmallholder activities organised by OPIC.

• It may not be possible to measure on every block,but measurements on particular soil types andunder particular management scenarios willprobably be applicable to divisions.

Researchable topics

Soil pH• Soil pH spatial distribution (different zones and

relevance to nutrient uptake), and effects of shifts(or not) in zones during replanting.

• Rate and process of acidification in differentzones and management practices, especiallyfertiliser management, and possibly using apaired site approach.

• Assess potential prevention or ameliorationoptions.

Soil organic matter• Biomass production (phases in oil palm from

seedling to mature); biomass loss (felling andreplanting).

• Changes in soil organic matter content over oilpalm life cycle.

• Verify published relationships between veget-ative measurements and biomass.

• Impact on soil organic matter content from mill by-products and placement (e.g. EFB, decanter cake).

• Soil organic matter decomposition rates andfactors affecting it.

• Modelling so that changes in soil organic mattercan be predicted from environmental andmanagement inputs.

• Possible indicators of soil fertility such as siliconcycling, leaf analyses.

• Strong link to ‘carbon and energy balanceindicator’.

Soil erosion• Desktop study of suitability of USLE (universal

soil loss equation) and to formulate minimumslope lengths and cover criteria.

• Assess effects of preventative measures (e.g.orientation of frond piles and harvest paths).


• Assess erosion score criteria (evidence of sheeterosion, rills etc., cover).

Porosity• Effects of mechanisation on penetration

resistance, hydraulic conductivity and waterbalance, aeration.

Cover• Relate cover (relatively easily assessed) to

processes such as soil loss, nitrogen input bylegumes, organic matter input, nutrient recycling.

Possible indicators

• See carbon balance indicators.• See nutrient balance indicators.• Scoring of canopy cover, groundcover, slope, soil

infiltration, alignment of frond stack and harvestpaths, road design (including drains, culverts,road material and road edging).

• Soil pH: routine, reproducible, simple and cheap,related to nutrient availability and retention,aluminium toxicity.

• Soil organic matter: very important, but difficultto measure simply, so high variability and samplenumbers become an issue.

Health of aquatic ecosystemsContaminants (nutrients, sediments, pesticides)flowing from oil palm plantations (including small-holder blocks) could degrade water quality, whichaffects the biodiversity of freshwater streams,estuaries and coastal habitats, including reefs.Management of riparian vegetation is also likely toaffect aquatic ecosystem health (Table 11).

Relevance to smallholders

Local communities depend on freshwater streamsand wells for their clean water supply. Fishing inestuaries and off coral reefs provides an importantfood source.

The scale of measurement can take in divisions.

Researchable topics

For all topics above• Assess meaningfulness in oil palm context.• Consider targeted study to measure pesticides

downstream (or down gradient in the case ofgroundwater) at time of herbicide, insecticide orrodenticide application.



Possible indicators

• Turbidity and concentrations of nutrients,problematic micro-organisms and contaminantsin water (passive or active sampling). Forherbicides and insecticides, could use lowestdetectable concentration as critical value.

• Isotopic signature of nutrient source in fish andinvertebrates.

• Diversity of invertebrates and fish.• Visual scoring of in-stream, estuarine and coastal

habitats.• See nutrient balance indicators.

Modelling approaches for integration and prediction

Assessing the environmental sustainability of oilpalm production systems requires quantification ofthe state of, and trends in, plant, soil, water and landattributes. On-site and off-site monitoring over time,using quantifiable indicators, is the basis of anysustainability assessment. Projection of long-termtrends and prediction of likely system permutations


are also essential, both for current management bysmallholders and plantations and for the futureviability and reputation of the industry. Forexample, climatic variability will affect the likeli-hood of adverse impacts on sustainability. Soilvariability will result in different demands forplantation management. The combined impact ofsoil and climatic variability is likely to lead to uncer-tainty in recommendations garnered from short-term studies conducted at a small set of locations.Such a small sample may not be adequate to developbroad recommendations. Furthermore, whereresults are variable or difficult to interpret due to soilor climatic variability, it can be hard to informmanagement unless the underlying mechanisms areclearly understood.

For these reasons, process-based modellingapproaches are regularly used to analyse produc-tion systems. Models developed and tested forthese purposes allow decision-makers to exploreuncertainty in their measurements, impacts of awider range of climatic conditions, likelyresponses on differing soil types, and even a widerrange of possible management options, including

Table 11. Research required to produce indicators of aquatic ecosystem health

Study Reason Potential stressor Where

Stream insect biodiversity (family/order level richness)

Integrated measure of stream health

Chemicals, sediments, riparian change

Upstream and downstream of plantation and mill

Freshwater fish biodiversity

Integrated measure of stream health

Chemicals, sediments, riparian change

Upstream and downstream of plantation and mill

Estuary fish biodiversity Parallels work in freshwater and represents the downstream end of the potential impact sequence

Chemicals, sediments, riparian change

Upstream and downstream of plantation and mill

Stable isotope composition of tissues of aquatic fauna

Assess incorporation of fertiliser nitrogen into food webs, and screen for faecal nitrogen that could complicate detection of nitrogen eutrophication

Nitrogen fertiliser Small samples of fish and invertebrates collected annually from diversity sampling sites

Microchemistry of bivalve shells and fish otolith

Screen for heavy metal contamination

Metal contaminants Small samples of fish and invertebrates collected annually from diversity sampling sites

Habitat studies (visual/video and sonar—large streams only)

Evaluate extent of habitat for icon endemic fish (black bass, spot tail)

Reduction in provision of habitat provided by fallen timber due to loss of riparian forest

All accessible sites


novel scenarios that are yet to be fully trialled in thefield.

System modelling is now among the standardtools employed by agricultural industries worldwideto assess land-use assessments and performance.Crop system models such as APSIM (Keating et al.2003) can potentially provide quantification of theproduction and environmental trade-offs (drainage,leaching, erosion and acidification) for specificareas where oil palm is grown. APSIM is well suitedto yield gap analyses and could be employed inaction learning activities with OPIC extension staff,


smallholders and plantation managers. Other similarcrop system models that have been developed for oilpalm include OPRODSIM (Henson et al. 2007) andWaNuLCAS (van Noordwijk and Lusiana 1999;van Noordwijk et al. 2001).

Catchment-scale processes, such as effects of landmanagement on erosion and water quality, are notsimulated well by crop system models alone, but canbe integrated and simulated using models such asWatercast (eWater CRC 2008), MIKE SHE(Hughes and Liu 2008) or the Water Erosion Predic-tion Project (Nearing et al. 1989).



Conclusions and recommendations


The oil palm industry in PNG has put a high priorityon environmental sustainability, demonstrated bythe participation of all PNG growers and millers inthe RSPO, and the involvement of all the companiesand smallholders (through OPIC) in the productionof this report.

Much of the contention about the environmentalsustainability of oil palm centres around the destruc-tion of forests, rather than the growing of oil palmper se. As a perennial adapted to the wet tropics, oilpalm can be cultivated sustainably in the coastallowlands of PNG, provided that attention is given tothe issues discussed in this report. Good environ-mental management of oil palm cultivation is morereadily achievable than for less vigorous or shorterlived crops.

Environmental sustainability issues can becategorised in many ways. This document suggestsa categorisation scheme based on the spatial andtemporal dimensions of environmental processes.The categories are planning and biodiversity;balances of water, carbon, energy, nutrients, green-house gases and soil; and health of soil and aquaticecosystems.

The relationship between planning and biodiver-sity is a critical issue for PNG. The area of plantedoil palm is small compared with Indonesia andMalaysia, and the rate of expansion is smallcompared with Indonesia. Although there arerestrictions to the rate of expansion, includingphysical geography and land tenure, the futureexpansion of the industry in relation to the conser-vation of lowland forests and surrounding ecosys-tems must be considered at regional and nationallevels. However, planning issues were beyond thescope of this report; it focuses on the effects of oilpalm cultivation on soil, water and the atmosphere.

Balances of water, carbon and energy in estab-lished oil palm are generally favourable (similar toforest), except for substantial losses of carbon to theatmosphere when forest is converted to oil palm.


Throughout most of the growing cycle, oil palm haslarge rates of net primary productivity and carbonsequestration. The carbon balance during replantingis largely unknown.

Nutrient balances differ between oil palm andother vegetation cover, with high inputs and exportsfrom oil palm. Fertilisers must be applied and/orlegumes grown to sustain productivity. Ideally,these additions would exactly balance the uptake bybiomass and the losses in product. However, lossesof nutrients—particularly nitrogen—to the environ-ment occur. Erosion losses appear to be small, butloss of nitrate via leaching is known to be significantin some situations. Gaseous losses of nitrogen mayalso be important, including the loss of nitrousoxide, a greenhouse gas. The amount of biologicalnitrogen fixation that occurs through the crop cycle,and the losses of nitrogen by leaching and as gas, arethe least understood and potentially most environ-mentally sensitive nutrient balance issues.

Maintenance of soil health in oil palm blocks iscritical for sustainability. Soil erosion, which ispotentially the most destructive influence on soilhealth, is generally low in PNG oil palm blocks. Itcan be minimised by good planning, encouraginggood groundcover and good design of roads. Themain threat to soil health appears to be acidification,resulting from the removal of cations and loss byleaching of nitrate derived from ammonium-basedfertilisers and biological nitrogen fixation.

The quality of water and the health of aquaticecosystems are likely to be affected by losses ofnutrients, particularly nitrogen, from oil palm culti-vation. The magnitudes of the effects are unknownand are likely to be highly variable in space andtime; they are also affected by dilution in flows fromupstream of oil palm plantations. Losses ofsediments from oil palm blocks appear to be small,but effects of enhanced stream bank erosion andsand extraction operations may be significant.Losses of pesticides are likely to be small, giventheir targeted use (weeded circle for herbicides andtrunk injection for insecticides, and nurseries).


There is a need for practical and scientificallybased indicators of environmental sustainability tounderpin the RSPO certification and to guideimprovements in management.


In order to ensure and improve environmentalsustainability of oil palm cultivation into the future,the PNG oil palm industry, together with scientificcollaborators and funding providers, should have thefollowing aims: 1. Identify the main risks and the options for

managing risks to environmental sustainability inand around smallholder oil palm blocks andplantations, with particular reference to soil andwater resources.

2. Develop environmental sustainability indicators(measurable values of a rate or quality used todefine trend in or state of land/water/systemproperties) for oil palm in PNG. These indicators


will underpin the RSPO indicators (plans,practices or monitoring programs to achieveparticular criteria). The indicators should bemeaningful, scientifically sound, practical,quantitative, appropriate, auditable, achievable,and easily communicated to, and understood by,different stakeholders (especially smallholdergrowers, extension officers and plantationmanagers). They should be aimed at assessingenvironmental sustainability and recommendingbest management practices. Where necessary,research should be carried out to produce theindicators.

3. Establish and implement management practicesthat ensure environmental sustainability whilemaximising productivity. This will includeknowledge transfer to smallholders, OPICextension staff and plantation managers.

4. Continuously assess and improve the proceduresused to maximise environmental sustainability.



Nutrient balance measurements in Milne Bay

A detailed analysis of nutrient balance in oil palm inPNG was undertaken on one of PNGOPRA’s trialsites at Sagarai in Milne Bay province in 2007 (trial504). The trial was a nitrogen × potassium fertilisertrial with four treatment rates of nitrogen and potas-sium. Each treatment was replicated four times, fora total of 64 plots. Each plot consisted of 16monitored palms and was surrounded by a guardrow (to separate treatments between plots andreduce nutrient poaching by palms between plots).Treatments were applied from 1995 to 2007.

Nutrient uptake and nutrient use efficiency (NUE)were calculated. NUE has several components,including yield or agronomic efficiency, which isthe amount of extra yield per unit of fertilisernutrient applied. It is the product of uptake orrecovery efficiency (extra nutrient uptake per unit offertiliser nutrient applied) and conversion or physi-ological efficiency (extra yield per unit of extranutrient taken up).

To calculate nutrient uptake and NUE, thefollowing were measured:• Nutrient content of tissues produced (FFB, leaflet,

rachis and trunk). For the FFB, bunches from eachtreatment were analysed, because it is highlylikely that treatments will affect nutrient content


of FFB. For the leaflet and rachis, samples offrond 17 were analysed (one frond from eachpalm, combined into one sample per plot). For thetrunk, cores were taken and analysed.

• Annual biomass production (FFB, new fronds andtrunk new growth). Biomass increment wascalculated from vegetative measurements (e.g.number and dimensions of new fronds, change intrunk height) and previously establishedallometric relationships.

Results for trial 504 in 2007

Six treatments were assessed, including the controlplots (Table A1). Nutrient uptake is shown inTable A2. Nutrients in leaflets, rachis and core arestored within the palm and become available whenthe fronds are pruned or after felling, when thefronds and trunk decompose to organic matter.However, nutrients in bunches are exported from theplantation. In some areas on the plantation, acomponent of these nutrients is returned as EFB, butEFB are not used at the location of this trial.Table A3 shows the amount of nutrients exportedfrom the field as a percentage of total nutrientuptake.

Table A1. Annual nutrient supply for each of the six treatments used for nutrient use efficiency calculations

Treatment(kg fertiliser/palm)

Nutrients supplied per palm (kg/palm)

Nutrients supplied per hectare (kg/ha)


SOA: 0; MOP: 0SOA: 2; MOP: 2.5SOA: 4; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 5SOA: 6; MOP: 7.5






ha = hectare; K = potassium; kg = kilogram; MOP = muriate of potash (potassium chloride, 49% K); N = nitrogen; P = phosphorus; SOA = sulfate of ammonium (21% N)


Recovery efficiency of the applied nitrogen andpotassium was high at low application rates anddecreased as more fertiliser was applied (Table A4).For example, nitrogen recovery was 96% at thelowest application rate, but 81% when the applicationrate was doubled. Recovery efficiency of nitrogenwas influenced by potassium application, and viceversa. At high application rates of nitrogen (6 kg/palmas sulfate of ammonium), recovery efficiency ofnitrogen was increased from 56% to 70% by theaddition of potassium. Similarly, recovery efficiencyof potassium was improved by the application ofnitrogen. High yields (34 t/ha) were obtained at ansulfate of ammonium rate of 6 kg/palm and anmuriate of potash rate of 2.5 kg/palm.



At normal plantation rates of fertiliser application(equivalent to 4 kg sulfate of ammonium/palm plus2.5 kg muriate of potash/palm), there was a highuptake of applied nutrients at this site (80% ofapplied nitrogen and more than 90% of the appliedpotassium was taken up by the palm).

Further work is required on the rate of cycling ofnutrients returned to the field in pruned fronds. Inaddition, at felling, a potentially large store ofapplied nutrients (stored in the trunks and foliage) isreleased; the fate of this sudden burst of releasednutrients has to be investigated.

To provide a realistic understanding of the fate ofnutrients in oil palm, a nutrient balance study shouldbe undertaken over the life of oil palm, not just as asnapshot in a mature plantation.

Table A2. Mean nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus uptake in leaflets, rachis, fresh fruit bunches and trunk(growth increment over 2007) for six treatments in trial 504

Treatment(kg fertiliser/palm)

Leaflets (kg/ha)

Rachis (kg/ha)

FFB (kg/ha)

Trunk (kg/ha)

Total (kg/ha)


SOA: 0; MOP: 0SOA: 2; MOP: 2.5SOA: 4; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 5SOA: 6; MOP: 7.5


















FFB = fresh fruit bunches; ha = hectare; K = potassium; kg = kilogram; MOP = muriate of potash (potassium chloride, 49% K); N = nitrogen; P = phosphorus; SOA = sulfate of ammonium (21% N)

Table A3. Export of nutrients from the field in freshfruit bunches

Treatment (kg fertiliser/palm)

Nutrients exported(as % of total uptake)


SOA: 0; MOP: 0SOA: 2; MOP: 2.5SOA: 4; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 5SOA: 6; MOP: 7.5




ha = hectare; K = potassium; kg = kilogram; MOP = muriateof potash (potassium chloride, 49% K); N = nitrogen; P = phosphorus; SOA = sulfate of ammonium (21% N)

Table A4. Nutrient recovery efficiency forfertiliser-applied nitrogen and potassiumin trial 504, 2007

Treatment (kg fertiliser/palm )

Nutrient recovery efficiency(uptake as % of applied)


SOA: 2 MOP: 2.5SOA: 4; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 2.5SOA: 6; MOP: 5SOA: 6; MOP: 7.5




K = potassium; kg = kilogram; MOP = muriate of potash (potassium chloride, 49% K); N = nitrogen; SOA = sulfate of ammonium (21% N)




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