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Date post: 06-Nov-2015
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Envisioning Your Solstice: Sacred Solar Dreamweaving Intro Salutations! I hope all finding their way here are onto a good official start to Summer of 2015. Firstly, we just experienced the gift of a June New Moon. Often, I offer something up either on full or new rotations, whether music, art, and here at the library I especially work toward putting work out there. I passed through very stealthy. Lots of silence and deep meditation. A couple days later I came out with a new shamanically driven techno music program. It's called 'FTB'; different from the Schranz [German Rage Techno] , with a higher tempo and cleaner delivery. Still a very intense tool for the drumming induced transcendentalism. If you seek it, it's easy to learn quickly what the FTB stands for...
  • Envisioning Your Solstice:Sacred Solar Dreamweaving Intro

    Salutations! I hope all finding their way here are onto a good official start to Summer of 2015.

    Firstly, we just experienced the gift of a June New Moon. Often, I offer something up either on full or new rotations, whether music, art, and here at the library I especially work toward putting work out there. I passed through very stealthy. Lots of silence and deep meditation. A couple days later I came out with a newshamanically driven techno music program.

    It's called 'FTB'; different from the Schranz [German Rage Techno] , with a higher tempo and cleaner delivery. Still a very intense tool for the drumming induced transcendentalism. If you seek it, it's easy to learn quickly what the FTB stands for...

  • What I'm inspired to talk about right now is discipline. By using that word, I don't really mean consequences like a punishment for doing something 'naughty', but I mean specifically a 'mystical schedule', or if you prefer, a spiritual strategy that you are focused at and dedicated in for very pragmatic purposes.

    The notions thereof really tie into the last thing written to, and while I haven't done so everyday by any means, it so happens I have the big 'torch' smoky quartz elestial between my bare feet...maybe instigating the current writing after meditating lightly this morning first thing. Once more, I work with thesepowerful 'breathing technologies' to tap into the natural Earth reservoirs and draw from while simultaneously bridging my own core self and investing my peak energies for cosmic bridgework galore.

    The tantric exercises are blissful, ecstatic, and the terrific polarities between are worked in and brought up or giving you the protocols to transform in the territories as the receptive party handling the reality's codex. As McKenna rightly mentioned, 'Ecstasy is not bliss. It's often terrifying...', and extra sensory wise, can be so damned graphic in that movie rating sense of the word. Only, it has no safety screen on the wall, but shatters those ceilings or helps you Break On Through...

    For a time, you are entrusted with being the flaws, cracks or shatter points, raw material or its essentiallining deficient matters and erring psychology even, in the Process to overcome; there creates a ginormous need for you to step up then, and for you to step up, a standard of trust with the entities you are familiar to has got to be established. There, a crossroads occurs; the first axis branching forth is discipline and the second branch shadowing said axis will be abuse. Then, you have an endless threading that is limitless complex spectrum and shades of people sublimating between the two. While we see here a polarity, they are traveling companions. You will never amputate and cauterize fully the abuses to have a shining orb of the perfect manifested discipline. If you could, we would all be obviously enlightened by now. Whether fully aware as completely disciplined beings or fully self aware as totally abusive quasi forms of life.

    It brings on thoughts of those ancient tales of 'dream warriors' and I can attest there are some alive today and how in the dream, you are both aware and completely undisciplined, so often, helpless to any abuse from more operational entities playing on your dream time, or playing over. All that reinforces you is your waking discipline and furthering of interconnectedness. If you ask, 'Why is all this shamanic ancestral stuff now more relevant than ever?', the smog we looked at in the last writing comes up again. To lift veil or topierce shroud, strong interrelations need to be a discipline constantly focused toward and into. To let go completely of caring and maintenance in this area is like saying 'God is the Smog', it'll all handle itself and if I get cut off from the trust of Ancestors watching out for me in the dream realms where I am tossed around on the whim of the operatives with expertise in that area, so be it...they must be the new age messenger and we need these horror gospel 'angels' to feel anything at all anymore. It is this approach that has the necessary prerequisite of shamanic activity in global societies as now endangered species #1.

    We all have seen what happens to entire ecosystems when anything at all gets wiped out.The Shaman is so closely related to being the tree, closest to the seed's planting, and origin of all that

    breaks by way of the strong root. Imagine the direction of a modern world without planting, sowing, harvest, or any agricultural knowledge...

  • The Shaman is in energy, goal, force and activity equal to this: the drawing forth and refined integration of the vast, surging, tantric pulsations and voices of the living earth, and the disciplined directivetoward returning us to the ancestrally interwoven and all-connected and interrelating bridgeworks that maintain the dream power, reinforce us in the spectrum of anything manifesting of the dream time, and enunciating in all dimensions of communications [verbal and otherwise], the expressions of the Arts to free and liberate mind by way of the great phantasmagorical theatrics or World Soul Drama unfolding.

    See both dilemma and crucial position? We in modern times have moved the Shaman or Shamanka tobeing off the stage as an antiquity with child like crayons scribbling in a coloring book off the stage and telling them to now feel honored that they get to pull the golden rope that drops the final curtain. We don't understand their tears and feeling this. Not only, but now it is so 'exotic' to be cruel to the true heart.

    One thing I had a major problem with right before leaving virtually all social media except for where I post my art or music was a flurry of, Everyone needs to look at how I conquered the ego. It doesn't get morecontradictory than, We runnin' dis shit , son. We got this. Sit back and take in our schooling session. Spotlight on my enlightenment skills, dawg., and at the same time complaining about how others need to follow your selfless leadership examples. What a total crock of shit. Accompanying this is another feigned humility that they are protecting some sacred greater vote that is completely fabricated and speaking on behalf of a greater community they serve. Yet, catch22, that works over and over because people are so out of touch and fiending for someone else more qualified to do their thinking for them and tell them what they want or need, down to musics, foods, fashion, and religion...maybe the pastor or politician...maybe just the

    one in your group with a bit more animal magnetism who you look up to as 'successful'.There is a supply and demand chain for those who can fill in the best flavor of abuse in exchange for

    certain 'freedoms' that is really interpreted among the aware as not having to deal with the disciplines that would bring on self responsibility among other huge benefits once again conveniences would need some shaving off. For many, a traumatic overhaul would be in order to save themselves of a wired-in and juiced upabsolute entropy. I don't just mean death or lack of intellect, but a dulling of extrasensory interdimensional varities. Okay, and that effects this life, the next, and if you've been worn out and down enough to think it's just 'all over' when you die, then every life yet here after you leave recycling your untrapped light circuitry patterns.

    So, if it's true that the fully nonspiritual atheistic materialist mind is good because it just wants to be all on its own thrust, then the reality you too get recycled on levels of dimensions invisible to you shows you are not exempt from some kind of similar responsibility that is also shamanic. Most Buddhists are both atheistic in some ways and not contradictory of awareness of the vaster shamanic currents of Greater Reality.

    Dealing with: he was abused too much in this [spiritual/metaphysical or other media induced communal coma] system. unfortunate; but basically everything is fine, and karma has favored our interconnectedness and prowess of being interconnected on all levels uncompromisingly..so, he/she is just damaged goods. No point stopping to reintegrate this one soul, we are all specks of dirst and dust spiraling on Maya..we are too busy developing, evolving, and conquering the ego under a spotlight to look at this one misfortuned circumstance of 'feels'..what a trainwreck.

  • See, now the victimized [not a dirty word] are holding us down.there definitely are victims and we need to be aware and reintegrate, not just kill the word and plaster over with 'survivor', then the infected party 'moves on' to start abusing others thinking they are doing them a favorif they survive it like them the pattern originators..even return to love them for subjecting them to it.. NO, goddammit!

    People in this thrust devouring souls as the age marches on are so intense about avoiding 'being the victim', they'll fiend instead to be thought of as 'survivor' brave & strong, so project you as the victimizing party by taking the 50/50 'two to tango' factor, amping their end to 60 and then later converting your antagonized 40 to a whopping catfish story of 80% wrongdoing and lack of understanding or pure apathy or more. Even trying to completely white wash their percentage, which should burn in the back of their mindas a natural astringent, but they have numbed that part of the brain over years of doing this...maybe lifetimesmore like.

    Hence, we have the whole 'feels avoidance' campaigns that the social media narcissist crutches by.

    This is the base of all manipulation tactics that flusters the good hearted, who are slower to catch the unexpected devious behaviour because they are not closely aligned, to being severely jaded and extracting the trust part of their brain. Many become hedge sitters/ppl. A.k.a. what people now call 'witches' or 'mutants' and other freaks [beautiful in my eyes] to cope. To continue life and living and love for their own being alive and any semblance of joy, all their friends and often family are the spirits...purely...

    I've clearly been subjected to and experienced all this, to offer a quick word upon it all.I've obviously had to some degree work my way into it and trust the Process and be able to make the returns.Social media makes all this much worse at far more severe frequency because of the hollow promise...that there are other 'hedge sitters' all over the internet, but it's extremely dangerous becausethese are quit desensitized and unremarkable people posing as 'freaks', really doing the wholecruelty-to-true hearts to feel exotic thing. Alongside 'everyone look at my ego conquering skills' is the reaction of the reptile that being a sadist is the new black;anything you might throw at me to admonish my ill behavior practically makes me orgasm.Refer to the last writing where I propose with decent evidence how you are weak as it gets...

    As a last word and admitted final jab from the pains social media caused my heart;the realization and motto sets in to curb my own vanity returning;

    Social media is the place for everything truly gross and mass produced to try to stand out as spectacular.

    It's so very much not at all the place for anything truly spectacular to try and fit infor acceptance yet, we all will have stories of the time we passed up gold for glitter.

  • This word is really a prelude to go deeper. I really wanted to do something here at my/our [as in open source] library for the exact Solstice time. It's a time of importance and significance; 21st is actual date, fyi.

    EDM & Solstice celebrators; visit my latest Schranz archival upload to youtube. This 2 hour+ originally produced German Scream Techno revolves around Summer Solstice events for this time. I considerit sacred and all charged up, too, very naturally... so, fantastic 'ritual music'.


  • This image, along with so many of the other masks I photographed called to me.The drum speaks volumes.

    So, here I am Electronic Dance Music producer, my friends and family mostly purely the spirits themselves.

  • I turned to read the description.

    While I'm at it, I might as well include a favorite mineral of mine.A Pyrite larger than a basketball...

    Cat's Gold or Fool's Gold.Not all that goes by the name of gold is genuine.

    Nevertheless, this one is sacred and fire energy leaps forth from, and I love the jumbo pyrite heart that was my gift for a dark goddess in my life.

  • About the Author:Von Kotterhausen is a chosen artist handle.

    Initiated as a visionary artist in the late 's and would go on to become a Producer Photographer90 , , ,Writer advancing graphic artist and further initiate of shamanic fields including working in 'Lightning, ,

    Vehicle' adaptive techniques of tantric meditative ecstasy induced transformationmerging transcendentalism with immanence to engage a fuller sustained gnostic rapture.

    Most known simply as Kotter along with missing an arm and having other cerebral birth anomalies that;were not disclosed until after an 'o interstate car accident now associated to metaeonic current7 ,engineering and the novelty force possession initiative as well as new age archontic exorcism and/

    life occult systems research and development as well as field journalism/ .Overcoming insurmountable odds stacked against including growing up in a fundamentalist home and,

    schools in which abuses took place on multiple platforms including sexual in nature up to governmental[institute levels now caretaker for elder family members working round the clock on his art discipline to]; ,

    conquer the post traumatic effects of growing up exposed to such haunting events.More than concern of 'ego' or 'karma' priority is given to the restoration of lost fractured scattered, , ,souls and minds exposed to similar abuses and mending over the trauma and metaphysical elements involved

    where most extreme cases urge for the most intense methodologies to be employed...

    [email protected]