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EOI Global MBA 2008

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1. eoi business school 3 2. eoi in fi gures 4 3. national and international awards and certifi cations 4 4. why getting a master’s at eoi business school? 5 5. academic programs 6 6. global mba 7 7. basic course and content 12 8. teaching staff 16 9. evaluation 1810. sites – madrid 1911. admissions process 2012. eoi alumni club 2113. welcomeoi program 22

the advantage of being global

daring, creative, innovative, enterprising, dynamic, stable, reliable, enthusiastic, passionate, imaginative

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over 50 years of experience and innovation

EOI Business School, founded in 1955, was the fi rst business management school in Spain and one of the fi rst of its kind in Europe. Its mission is to dedicate its teaching and research activities and the efforts of all its professionals to nurture managerial talent and to improve the technical expertise and qualifi cations of the university graduates, managers and business entrepreneurs who participate in our programs.

In 53 years we have learnt from over 50.000 students that our main virtue is the sum of a combination of courage with rigour, of fl exibility with stability and experience with innovation.

eoi business school1

“Our master’s programmes aim to train professionals

capable of managing and handling the resources

which our modern world places at their disposal

in order to achieve successful business objectives.

EOI Business School has channelled its efforts into

providing students with all the skills which will

enable them to gain an overall vision of business,

developing business judgment, the ability to analyse

situations of competitive change, setting priorities,

taking on challenges, decision making, providing

innovative and creative solutions and anticipating

market changes, achieving the balance needed to

move forward in their chosen career. The strength

of our educational programme lies in its constant

contact with the business world. Our task is to

ensure that our programmes are adapted to the real

demands of various business sectors, in constant

fl ux. The programmes presented here have been

designed to teach with academic rigour, not only

theories about the sector, but also how to develop

leadership skills, and the values and attitudes

required to be an effective manager.”

In the last fi ve decades over 50.000 students

have studied in a number of programmes

and they now hold top posts in businesses

and institutions throughout the world, thus

contributing to what makes the EOI business

school one of the most prestigious and

renowned teaching institutions in Spain.

Students and teachers have played a decisive

role throughout this time in modernising and

creating a more professional and international

economy and industry in Spain.

EOI Business School belongs to the most

prestigious and national and international

associations of business schools. It is a founder

member of AEEDE (the Spanish Association

of Business Management Schools) and of

EFMD (European Foundation of Management

Development), an active and associate

member of AACSB (Association of Advance

Collegiate Schools of Business, (RMEM

(Mediterraean Network of Management

Schools) and an Associate member of the

CLADEA (Latin American Council of Business

Management Schools).

Today EOI Business School provides a wide

range of masters programmes for recent

graduates, executive master’s, international

executive programmes, open management

programmes and in company training,

as well as specialisation courses in the

areas of business management, technology,

environment, innovation and sustainability,

communications, etc. in its Madrid and

Seville schools. All of which together with

the dedicated work of cooperation with the

business sector, the varied extensive extra-

curricular activity and the clear undertaking

to generate knowledge and initiative useful

to society makes the EOI business school

a unique institution, ideal for promoting

and developing managers and professionals

in Spain.

Marta Walliser, PhD

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The school is a European benchmark for

entrepreneurial training:

· Over 50.000 former students.

· Over 70 full time faculty; 300 associate part

time teachers) all of whom will know your

name and will work hard to ensure that your

time at EOI will be a success.

· Over 1.500 active professionals take

part in our company internship programs

sponsored by Spain’s principal businesses

and organisations.

· Over 75.000 teaching hours annually taught

in our Madrid and Seville schools.

· Over 2.200 students in all of our programs

· Over 3000 entrepreneurs participating in

the Business Creation and Consolidation

programs: CRECE.

· Over 1.800 businesses have placed their trust

in EOI as a constant source of recruitment.

· Over 1.200 offers of employment yearly.

· Over 26 universities or international schools


· Over 72 local partners all over Spain.

· Over 30 studies and cases of applied

research published.

· Over 40 Forums and Conferences held with

top international and international speakers

and a constant agenda of lectures and

conferences given by experts in their fi eld.

. 1st business school founded in Spain: 1955

. 1st Spanish institution focusing in environmental education courses: 1976

. 1st Spanish business school in Latin America: 1992

. 1st Spanish business school with online education: 1997

awardsEOI is a member of the most prestigious

national and international organisation of

world Business Schools:

· Founder member of AEEDE (Spanish

Association of Business Management

Schools) founded in 1989 to promote

quality in training of business managers Its

members are subject to strict admission and

operation requirements.

· Founder member of EFMD (European

Foundation of Management Development)

which has gathered over 650 business

schools from over 75 countries and

its mission is to promote excellence in

management training.

· Active member of RMEM (Mediterranean

Network of Business Schools).

· Associate Member of EFQM (European

Foundation for Quality Management).

· Associate Member of BENE (Business

European Network for education.

· Associate member of CLADEA (Latin

American Council of Business Management


· Associate member of the Business

Excellence Club.

· Associate Member of AACSB (The

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools

of Business).

· Associate Member of the Institute of

Analysis of Intangibles.

certifi cationEOI Business School currently takes an

active part in the quality process, taking as a

reference internationally recognised models.

In this way various national and international

accreditations provide a fi rm guarantee of our

commitment to quality:

· ISO 9001 2000 Certifi cate

· ISO 14 000 Certifi cate

· EMAS Certifi cate


eoi in fi gures

national and international awards and certifi cations



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over 50 years experienceis a good reason

EOI Business School has 53 years of experience in training

postgraduates and managers and has played a leading role in many

initiatives in the fi eld of educating professionals. Students today

have a more global international outlook, a changing and dynamic

perspective, and they are more committed to sustainable development

and equally interested in growing and succeeding in their respective


100% adapted to requirements of the most highly developed organisations

All our programs have been designed in the light of the needs and

requirements of present professional environment. Business managers,

teachers and former students serve to enrich our program year after

year, so that the content, experiences, practical cases and all the

activities are carried out from a perspective which is 100% adapted to

the demands and requirements of today’s professional dynamic.

it has excellent faculty and excellent students

The teaching staff 100% comprises professors with a solid and broad

professional experience, extensive academic training and proven

educational skills. Collaboration, innovation, excellence, reputation...

analysis study, debate, presentations, decision making… the EOI

student is required to take on all these tasks alongside some of the

most infl uential Spanish minds in their respective fi elds of activity.

The carefully selected students work in an academic environment

with a practical focus, which is highly professional, modern and


stimulating professional growth and development

Student’s professional growth and is a top priority at EOI Business

School. Work and training groups are reduced in number and the

atmosphere encourages collaboration. As a participant in our masters

programmes you will have the chance to exchange knowledge and

experience with your fellow students and teachers in an in-depth

productive way.

Because it provides an opportunity to experience an intensive and productive journey of personal and professional growth. A unique lifetime experience based on refl ection for action and on the study and analysis of concepts and dimensions which will contribute to professional success.

In order to achieve it we provide you with access to the best professionals and means in the discipline, the experience and the prestige of a great Business School.

why a master at eoi business school?


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masters programs eoi business school 5



MBA Corporate Management Madrid

MBA Marketing Management

MBA Financial Management

MBA Industry, Energy and Environment

MBA Human Resources Management Seville

MBA Technology and Innovation

MBA Tourist Business Management

MBA Agro-food Business Management


MBA Corporate Management Madrid/Seville

MBA Financial Management

MBA Commercial and Marketing Management


Master’s in Engineering and Environmental Management Madrid

Master’s in Renewable Energy and the Energy Market Madrid/Seville

Master’s in Engineering and Water Management Madrid

Master’s in Water and Sanitation in International Cooperation Projects Madrid

International Master’s in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility Madrid/Seville


Master’s in Journalism and Communications –Joly Group Madrid

Master’s in Strategic Global Communications –McCann Workshop Seville


Innovation and Industrial Management – Acciona / UIMP Madrid/Seville

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presentation of the programme and unique features

If you have an international vocation and wish to succeed in today’s

competitive business global community you should be prepared to

pack your bags, jump on a plane and be ready to work in any corner

of the world. This is the current and fascinating professional scenario

for the new millennium professionals. These challenges require that

students and professionals must adapt and improve their already

powerful management skills to a new context; develop a global

strategic vision and enhance intercultural leadership abilities to be

able to succeed in a wide world international environment.

The Global MBA provides young professionals a unique opportunity

to get an early start into the world of international business. The one

year accelerated program will allow students to quickly advance in

their professional career by providing them with excellent education;

enhancing their global management skills, providing a full immersion

experience in three different countries, building up on intercultural,

linguistic and communication skills and entering the extensive and

solid global network of EOI alumni.

programme objetives

The Global MBA program offers a unique living experience in one of

the most prestigious business schools in Spain allowing the students

to complete a full Global MBA program in one academic year.

specifi c objectives

· To enhance the student’s view & experience of the global business


· To improve management and leadership skills necessary to develop

innovative successful strategies anywhere in the world.

· To take advantage of top national and international faculty.

· To experience the life and context of three major capitals around the

world; Madrid, Buenos Aires and Shangai.

· To develop an international networking platform among participants,

faculty, business leaders and the EOI alumni network.

Our Global MBA program will provide you with the opportunity to enjoy in a truly international experience while learning new management skills required succeeding in today’s globalized economy. The 12 month full time Global MBA program will take you to three vibrant world class cities giving you the chance to get an early start into becoming a well rounded citizen of the world.

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development and learning method

The academic program offers an interdisciplinary selection of courses

taught by an expert group of international staff and professionals

offering both a theoretical perspective as well as practical approach to

the issues being explored.

Our Global MBA program includes a variety of learning methodologies

and activities specifi cally designed to introduce junior managers to the

sophisticated and multi-faceted world of leadership sustainability and

global business relationships.

All our courses are taught with a global perspective by a teaching

staff with extensive international experience able to offer students a

comprehensive vision of the world.

Through class lectures and discussions, case analysis and real life

cases, complemented by several technical visits, students will have

the opportunity to meet and interact with outstanding community

and business leaders from different backgrounds in the national and

international community, who will share their particular professional

experience with the group.

The program offers an optional two two-week International Field

Trips. The fi rst one takes place in February prior to the beginning of

the second semester and the second one takes place in July upon

conclusion of the second semester.

Finally, students must write a Final Proyect supervised by one of the

program faculty an expert on the fi eld.

class lectures

Weekly sessions led by outstanding teaching professionals with a solid

professional background bringing both theory and practice together

into the classroom. Our professors are expert facilitators that believe in

participatory learning, fostering engagement, dialogue and discussion

among the students.

case studies

The case method is an extremely valuable instrument that allows

theory and practice to come together for study as a way of mirroring

business reality. It places students in diffi cult and challenging business

scenarios which they must effectively resolve. There are no simple

solutions, yet it is an excellent instrument for facilitating the exchange

of ideas and perspectives, countering and defending different points

of view and learning from the refl exions and experience from fellow


forum & debate with leading business professionals

EOI offers a program of conferences and sessions with prominent

business professionals, institutional leaders and outstanding members

of the community to discuss and share their experiences in making

business in a global environment from the most diverse perspective.

Students are highly encouraged to participate in all of the events.

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student profi le

The Global MBA program is aimed at graduates or young professionals

who wish to pursue a career in a global business context. We look for

well rounded individuals with potential for growth; ability to contribute

to the group experience and development, open to new and diverse

ways of thinking; with a strong critical thinking capacity; hard working,

mature and highly motivated. Candidates for admission to the GMBA

program are considered on the basis of individual application and

academic merit.

Candidates should hold a fi rst academic degree; preferably in the fi elds

of management, engineering, technology or environmental sciences

and should have less than three years of professional experience.

Fluency in English is required; basic knowledge of Spanish highly


extracurricular activities& lecture program

As a complement to program structured activities, all students are

highly encouraged to participate in the extensive extracurricular

activities program that includes lectures, seminars and conferences

organized by EOI Business School.

the virtual classroom

EOI Business School also has an online training platform (virtual

classroom) which enables students to increase their fi eld of

communication and learning by accessing the virtual classroom,

exchanging knowledge with fellow students and professors, the

debating forums and interactions are particularly useful and generate a

more dynamic attitude and sense of cohesion among the group.

fi nal project

During the program the students prepare a fi nal project for that should

be presented at the end of the year. Should put into practice the

knowledge they have acquired. The project is guided by a tutor expert

in their subject area. The project will then be presented to faculty

and peer students in an open presentation. The presentations will be

evaluated by a board of faculty and by the Program director.

foreign language support

Intensive language support will be provided in order to acquire the

basic business profi ciency in both English and Spanish.

international interim (study abroad)

Students will participate in two two-week international experience where

the group will attend classes at our prestigious partner institutions.

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calendar and structureThe Global MBA offers an excellent curriculum that includes a selection

of inter-disciplinary courses geared to the development of crossover

management abilities. Prior to the beginning of the program there is a

optional Intensive Spanish Language & Culture program (ISLCP) that

will allow all international students to become familiar with Spanish

language and culture with a special emphasis on the business Spanish

and the Spanish & European business context.

The academic program is 12 month full time program divided into two

16 week semesters which conclude with a fi nal one week Evaluation

period. Every course may have a different number of credit hours;

please check the course catalogue for details.

The Global MBA also features two International Interims (or Study

Trips) upon conclusion of each semester; the winter trip will take place

in Mid February and the summer trip will take place in July.

October March July

1st Semester

· Courses

2st Semester

· Courses


1 week


1 week

Study abroad IIStudy abroad I

PresentationFinal Project (15 credits)

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Global Entrepreneurship 2

Business Innovation and Sustainability 4

Global Economics Environment 6

Management Skills 3

Business Law & Finance 3

Marketing Management 4

Human Resource Management in a Global Context 4

Information Technology & Business Organization 3

Financial Management 3

Business Planning & Controlling 4

- Language Support courses available for students upon request


Operation Management 4

Competitive & Corporate Strategy 4

Project Management 2

Corporate Finance 2

Corporate Responsibility

Strategic Alliances

Strategic Management

Business & Government in a Global Society

Emerging Markets

Study Abroad I: Emerging Markets

Study Abroad II: Emerging Markets

Language Support Courses Available for Students Upon Request 20

. A minimum of 8 students is required for a speciality course to be held

. The timetable of subjects may be modifi ed according to the programme scheduling

. Some class times may be changed from those initially scheduled in the Master’s programme

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global entrepreneurship

This course examines the opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs

in a global context, particularly in emerging markets. Students will

learn about the relations between business environment, institutional

framework, cultural environment and new business creation. In addition

to discussing the range of global entrepreneurial situations, student

groups pick one particular market opportunity on which to focus and

develop an outline business plan.

business innovation and sustainability

This module prepares students for developing a managerial mentality

familiar with innovation and sustainability in a business environment

as key elements for improving business competitiveness. An innovative

outlook is encouraged with a view to educate professionals able to identify

and develop new opportunities and to respond in a rapid manner to the

changing needs of clients. A commitment to sustainability as a key tool

for enhancing and improving the corporate business reputations.

global economic environment

The purpose of this course is to train students to think systematically

about the current state of the economy and macroeconomic policy,

and to be able to evaluate the economic environment within which

business and fi nancial decisions are made. The course emphasizes the

use of economic theory to understand the workings of fi nancial markets

and the operation and impact of government policies. Specifi cally,

the course studies the determinants of the level of national income,

employment, investment, interest rates, the supply of money, infl ation,

exchange rates, and the formulation and operation of stabilization

policies. It also focuses on the essentials of fi nancial management the

international dimensions of strategy and organization and on the basics

of international marketing.

management skills

This module addresses the student’s personal and professional

development. The emphasis is 100% practical in acquiring the different

managerial skills required to address the challenges currently facing

executive management. Content includes professional skills such as

personal communications, time management, effective presentations,

negotiation, leadership and motivation of work teams.

business law and fi nance

The course offers a broad introduction to business law and fi nance

paying attention to law-sensitive aspects of corporate fi nance and

fi nancial markets; private and public sectors; mergers and acquisitions,

regulation of public offerings, securities markets, and publicly-held

companies. It will also cover topics on private equity and venture capital;

bankruptcy, reorganization, security interests and securitization. The

liability risks associated with fi nancial services.

academic academic programprogram


The integrates a wide variety of courses provide students with a conceptual base for managerial action and which is line with EOI Business School principles and values. These values are considered essential for a competitive global environment and for business success.

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marketing management

The course prepares students to identify, analyze, and resolve

strategic international marketing problems; and formulate, implement,

and evaluate international marketing strategies at the level of the

business unit for international market entry, expansion, and global

rationalization. Specifi c topics range from the effect of culture on the

decision to standardize or adapt marketing programs, to international

branding, communication, distribution, and pricing issues, to analyzing

organizational structures for international marketing effectiveness.

human resource management in a global context

The course is focused on design and execution of human resource

management in a global context. It is structured around two central

issues: How to think systematically and strategically about aspects of

managing the organization’s human assets, and what really needs to be

done to implement these policies and to achieve competitive advantage.

The student is required to adopt the perspective of a general manager

and provides instruments to manage human resources from a strategic

perspective (including reward systems, performance management,

high-performance human resource systems, training and development,

recruitment, retention, equal employment opportunity laws, work-force

diversity, and union-management relationships).

information technology & business

The course covers technology concepts and trends underlying current

and future developments in information technology, and fundamental

principles for the effective use of computer-based information systems.

Special emphasis will be placed in on networks development including

the web. Other topics include: hardware and operating systems, software

development tools and processes, relational databases, security and

cryptography, enterprise applications and business process redesign,

and electronic commerce.

fi nancial management

Financial Management studies corporate fi nance and capital markets,

emphasizing the fi nancial aspects of managerial decisions. It touches on

all areas of fi nance, including the valuation of real and fi nancial assets,

risk management and fi nancial derivatives, the trade-off between risk

and expected return, and corporate fi nancing and dividend policy.

operation management

This course examines the analysis and design of operations for both

service and manufacturing processes. Among the topics covered

are product and process design engineering, capacity and resource

planning, materials management, work and resource scheduling, and

quality assurance.

competitive & corporate strategy

This course is concerned with the formulation and analysis of business

strategy. Business strategy is the set of objectives and policies that

collectively determine how a business positions itself to increase its

returns and create economic value for its owners and stakeholders.

This course will explore analytical techniques for diagnosing the

competitive position of a business, evaluating business strategies, and

identifying and analyzing specifi c business options. These concepts

and frameworks will help the student to learn to design an effective an

comprehensive business strategy, that will provide a solid foundation

for managerial decision making.

corporate fi nance

The course offers an in-depth examination of asset, liability and capital

structure management, with emphasis on valuation capital budgeting

techniques; risk evaluation; working capital management, and methods

of short-term, intermediate and long-term fi nancing.

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project management

This course provides the knowledge and tools needed to manage small-

and large-scale projects in the production and the service sectors of

the economy: the project cycle; identifi cation of need; formulation

and initial conception; ideas generation and creativity techniques;

permissibility and project selection techniques, organization, planning

and control of project execution; human and organizational dimensions

of project management (organizational structure, team management,

confl ict resolution); post project evaluation.

corporate responsibility

The course focuses on strategic and dynamic issues that are essential

in the building high-performing organizations with a sense of ethics,

civic engagement and social responsibility. Provides a theoretical and

practical understanding of what role organizations should play in society.

strategic alliances

This course gives an in depth journey into the world of strategic

relations. Students will be working mostly with strategic alliances, but

will also learn more about other forms of business relations, such as

partnerships, networks or mergers and acquisitions. Throughout the

course students will study the different opportunities for business

alliances; looking at the rationales; when are they used, the situations

that favour alliances - when are they effective, and the challenges facing

alliance management as well as how to make them work effectively.

strategic management

The course focuses on concepts and current issues in strategic

management, providing grounding in both modern analytical approaches

and enduring successful strategic practices. Course is designed with a

technological and global outlook and covers corporate, business, and

functional strategies.

business and government in a global society

The course examines the challenges involved in the development of a

truly global market in products, services, and capital and its effect on

competition for businesses and industries. It also explores the evolving

rules and institutions governing the new international economic order.

Provides students with the conceptual tools necessary to understand

and work effectively in the world today.

business planning & controlling

This course provides students with a thorough understanding of the

functions of operation planning and control. Major topics include:

forecasting; capacity planning; facility location and layout; line

balancing; scheduling; project control; quality control inventory

control; material requirements; just-in-time systems; and fl exible


emerging markets

This course examines the recent developments in political, business,

and cultural environment in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet

Union. It explores the international trade patters and relations between

theses countries and the rest of the world, through examining modes of

doing business in the region and the intrinsic diffi culties that it creates

for international fi rms.

study abroad: emerging markets i

The focus of this in site seminar is to fi rst hand explore the dynamics

of the Latin American business environment. Specifi c seminars and

sessions will be held in order to study the specifi c conditions of the

regions; including demographics, political & economic environment, as

well as the relevant industries, import, export; conditions, opportunities

and constrains among other issues. All lectures will be complemented

by conferences delivered by prestigious leaders of the business

community and with company visits in the Buenos Aires area.

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study abroad: emerging markets i

The course is taught in Shanghai. Specifi c seminars and sessions will

be held in order to explore the current trade and fi nance issues in

modern China. Students will also study cultural and political issues,

regional trade patters, institutional structures that are involved in the

development and business opportunities in today’s Chinese business

environment. All lectures will be complemented delivered by local

professors. Students also will have the opportunity to meet with

prestigious leaders of the business community and with company visits

in the Shangai area.

international commitmentThe process of globalisation; the opening up of markets; the entry

of new players on the world economic scenario and the introduction

of technology as an indisputable basis for competitive business

management; these are just a few of the numerous changes that future

managers will need to face. At EOI Business School we inculcate a

fi rm commitment to international aspects of business and we provide

students with various educational options in this sector.

The Global MBA includes two required residential periods of study

abroad – for all students – in two different continents in cooperation

with business schools with whom EOI currently collaborates in the

international scene.

Attendance is required; both Study Trips are an intricate and essential

part of the students’ program. Travel and accommodation costs during

the students’ stay are included in the overall Program cost. Students

value the international trainig periods one the most sucessful part of

the program. The sdudy Abroad experience gives them the chance to

benefi t from an intensely rewarding experience of immeasurable value

in both personal and international educational terms.

In recent years EOI Business School has collaborated with the following


· University of Portland / Pamplim School of Business (USA)

· Northern Kentucky University (USA)

· E.S.C. Grenoble (France)

· Toulouse Business School (France)

· Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece)

· Istituto Studi Direzionali / ISTUD (Italy)

· MIB de Trieste (Italy)

· Manchester Business School (United Kingdom)

· Shanghai International Studies University (China)

· University of Internacional Business & Economics (UIBE) (China)

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Weitz, Mario PhDMS in Economics, American University, Washington, USAActualmente es Director General de Consulta Abierta Siles Martín, DanielSYNAPSIS; Executive DirectorExecutive MBA FME - UAHFundación MAPFRE Estudios – UAH Jacopin, Tanguy PhDBS in Economic Science Sorbone University Paris, FranceProfessor at IESE Business School, Fundación CIFF- UAH Martínez Navajas, Joaquín PhDLicenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, UCMMBA, IEMadrid Business Consultants SLExecutive Director Seco Benedicto, María Teresa PhDBS of Economics and Business StudiesAuditor-Censor Jurado de CuentasProfesor Universidad Carlos III, Madrid Fontanini, Antonio PhDInformalia Consulting, Training and MarketingPresidentVice President. Fonitel EOI Professor

Fernando MaristanyTelecommunications Engineer Universidad Politécnica, MadridMaster en Economía y Dirección General de Empresas IESEAMPER SISTEMAS Managing DirectorProfesor EOI

Isbell, Paul Senior AnalystReal Instituto ElcanoBSFS International Economics Georgetown University (USA)MA in EconomicsDar es Salaam University Tanzania

López, Félix BA in Economics, Universidad de BilbaoProfessor EOIOBCEFounding Member Coronel, Adriano Aeronautical Engineer Universidad Politécnica,Madrid MBAUniversidad Politécnica, MadridProject Management Professional (PMI)National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA)Professor EOI Morán, Jorge Executive MBA Instituto de Empresa (Madrid)Control Area Manager Grupo SantanderRisk Operational Manager BBVA Alvarado, Liliana MBA, ESANCivil EngineerMBA Talentos Profesionales DirectorProgramas de Educación Ejecutiva Gerencial (EEG) Director Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Perú

Roces, José Luis PhDIndustrial Engineer ITBA –Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos AiresVice. President Professor. Porporato, Gustavo PhDMBA, IEProfesor EOI Diego LuzuriagaPresidente de AquarianaProfessorProgram Director in de Gestión Tecnológica ITBA (Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires) Conway, Mary PhDAssistant Professor; Marketing

Djeddour, Mohamed PhDHead of European Centre for Management DevelopmentManchester Business School Feldman, Howard PhDAssociate Professor Pamplin School of Business University of Portland Gudmundsson, Sven Vidar PhDProfessor Strategy and Director CERMAS Internacional Centre for Aerospace and Air Transport Research, Toulouse Business School, FranceAssistant Professor Transport and Logistics, University Maastrich,The Nederlands Pilotto, Stephano PhDDirector of International Relations at MIB School of ManagementDirector of the ORIGINI programme on Entrepreunerial Development

faculty 8

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Prastakos, Gregory P. PhDMBA International Program Director (AUEBManagement Sciences Laboratory Director (AUBE) Rajeed, GowdaProfessor of Economics & Social SciencesIndian Institute of Management Reed, Lisa J. PhDProfessor of Business Administration, Pamplin School of Business University of Portland

Ruiz, María PhDProfessor Reims Management School Weigand, Jurgen PhDProfessor WHU Beisheim School of Management Marta Walliser PhDDirector EOI InternationalPhD & MA Boston College, Boston, Mass USA Jorge Horita Electrical Engineer (UTN)Programa de Alta Dirección (ATN)Director de Servicios Tecnológicos ITBA (Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires)Argentina Luis Vergani Electromechanical Engineer, (UBA)MA (UBA)Argentina

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assessment assessment and evaluationand evaluation


continuous evaluation

Students are assessed over the course of each term or teaching

period, in a process which, as appropriate, takes into account class

participation, written work, oral presentation, practical activities and

guided academic activities, as well as objective testing or examinations.

Each one of these concepts is allocated a percentage mark which, when

added up or weighted, contributes to the fi nal grade awarded for the

module or subject assessed. In academic programs for each module

or subject or post graduate course, the percentages for each of the

concepts referred to above will be itemised, along with any others that

individual teachers or departments may decide to include.

fi nal examination

Following completion of each teaching period, the students are

required to pass (with grade 5 or upwards) the fi nal examination for

each module or subject. Furthermore, during the assessment period

students are monitored individually to assess their level of participation

and commitment through personal interviews conducted with the

programme director.

fi nal project

As a complement to the assessment of the courses, students shall

submit and subsequently defend before a tribunal their fi nal project,

completed in the fi nal period of the Master’s. Students who have

successfully completed (with a minimum grade of 5 or upwards) all the

modules/subjects as well as the fi nal dissertation, shall be awarded the

qualifi cation of Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) by

EOI School of Business.

The master’s evaluation system has a three-pronged approach.

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EOI Business School offers all of the academic programs in two beautiful of the most and emblematic cities in Spain; Madrid and Seville. Both Madrid and Seville are easily connected by a High Speed Train (AVE), airport and buses.

living in madridMadrid has been Spain’s capital since 1562 and is

located right in the heart of the Spanish peninsula

in the centre of the Castilian plain, 646 metres

above sea level and with a population of 5 million.

It is a modern, vital, welcoming and cosmopolitan

city with a thriving business quarter, numerous

universities; seat of the central public authorities

and the country’s government and parliament, as

well as being the home of the Spanish monarchs

and it is at the forefront of Spanish and European

banking and industrial sectors.

One of the features which best defi nes the spirit of

the Community of Madrid is its open and hospitable

nature. The fact that its population comprises a

diverse mixture of people, has given rise to a unique

social and cultural mix where anyone and everyone

can feel at ease. Madrid is also characterised by its

enormous cultural and artistic possibilities, it has

the largest art gallery in the world, theatres, opera

etc. and an extremely active nightlife, with pubs,

cafe theatres, and discotheques open to all hours

of the day or night.

It is no easy task to gauge the average cost of living

in Madrid on a monthly basis, however, considering

accommodation, and living and travel expenses we

would estimate at around 650 euros per person.

EOI Madrid is located in the Ciudad

Universitaria and has excellent public

transport connections, with a Metro station

just 100 metres away, and with a main

building of 4,000 square metres, surrounded

by extensive gardens. It has 23 class rooms,

meeting rooms, computer laboratories,

cafeteria, restaurant and its own car park.

Students are also provided with the following

services: WIFI throughout the School,

a specialised library with thousands of

monographs on business and environmental

themes, hundreds of specialised journals,

databases etc. a study hall, 30 reading

stations, video conference, computerised

employment exchange, EOI Former Alumni

Club etc.

The Ciudad Universitaria is also the site of

two of Madrid’s universities, the Complutense

and the Polytechnic, both of which help to

create a great atmosphere.

EOI Madrid also organises numerous

parallel activities involving research and

commentary on the economy and Madrid and

Spanish society in general. Presentations of

reports and new publications, round tables,

interviews with relevant personalities and so

on, are all part of the ongoing activities which

are of considerable interest to students on our


eoi sites

Avda. Gregorio del Amo, 6 Ciudad Universitaria 28040 MadridTel.: +34 913 495 600 Fax: + 34 915 542 [email protected]



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Every year the School faces the challenge of selecting capable,

enquiring persons, who are motivated and concerned with their

personal and professional development. The aim is to attract to our

programmes people who, with their commitment to academic and

professional development are able to bring the skills, attitudes and

professional goals required to make their time at EOI a success and

who can also contribute to the mutual benefi t of enriching, and to being

enriched by, their work colleagues. The selection process for candidates

for the postgraduate master’s program of the EOI Business School is

designed to guarantee that the students on our programmes comply

with minimum requirements of training, skills and attitudes that will

guarantee that they benefi t to the maximum from their course.

Some features of our admissions process are as follows:

· Eligibility for admission to the postgraduate master’s programme is

open to students with up to 5 years professional experience, as well

as university students currently in their fi nal year who, while they have

not yet obtained their university qualifi cation will have done so by the

time the course starts.

· This is a continuous process which may be carried out throughout the

year. Due to the reduced number of places on our programmes every

year we recommend that potential students apply several months in

advance of the course start date.

· It takes place at the Schools premises and in various cities in Spain

as well as other countries. In addition, non residential candidates in

Spain may carry out their admission procedure on line.

· Admission to the program is based on a well rounded evaluation of

the candidate incluiding academic record, professional development,

a written admission test and personal interview held with all


· Successful completion of the admissions procedure enables candidates

preregister on their chosen academic program, immediately following


Should you wish to access the schedule for admission tests, take part in

a the admissions process or receive detailed information in this matter,

contact the Information and Admissions Department which will provide

all the information you need and guide you through every stage of the

admission process.

grants and fundingThe EOI Foundation and its associate businesses and institutions

annually convene various programmes awarding grants, study

scholarships and preferential funding programmes, designed to attract

the best candidates to our classrooms, irrespective of their fi nancial

circumstances. Details of both the application forms and the annual

grant and study scholarship convocations are available on the EOI

Business School website (www.eoi.es).

admissions process for

new students


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Its mission is to satisfy in the most appropriate manner the expectations

and needs of students in terms of information, training, professional

development and contact, of the EOI Business School group, thus

accompanying students throughout their professional careers.

In order to meet this challenge, the Club EOI has created an atmosphere

of interesting and quality services and a prestigious communications

channel between EOI Business School students and between these and

former students, and teachers, collaborating companies and the School

itself. Alumni Association – Club EOI is a member of the Federation of

Former Students and Friends of Spanish Universities and the Spanish

Confederation of Managers and Executives (CEDE), a confederation

which includes over 60,000 managers and whose objectives include

contributing to creating a social image of Spanish managers and

executives. The Alumni –Club EOI focus their activities on:

· Employability. Managing over 1200 offers of employment annually,

the Club has been chosen as a recruiting channel by over 850


· Ongoing training and cultural activities. Associates are invited to

over 40 forums and workshops annually with added access to a full

agenda of events of interest organised in Spain.

· Networking. We facilitate contacts between members of our

Association and with the professional world.

· Social benefi ts. An enormous number of services on offer including

leisure, tourism, books and publications, fi nancial and health services

just to name a few.

professional experience

(work experience and employment exchange)In EOI we consider that the professional success of our students and

former alumni is our best letter of presentation. With this in mind we

are working in close collaboration with businesses and institutions from

all sectors of economic activity to offer our successful graduates the

best options and possibilities for professional development.

To implement this, we have devised various actions and proposals

which include:

· Professional orientation sessions

· Mentoring programme

· Business and company presentations

· EOI recruiting processes

· Company day

· On-line professional careers service

· Professional assessment

Over 4000 professionals make up the Former Alumni Association –Club EOI, the fi rst association of Former Alumni of Spanish Business Schools which will be 50 years old this year.

eoi alumni club


Emilio Cabanes

Director of Former Alumni Club EOIand Head of Professional Career Services

“The Professional Opportunities Department

aims to create professional opportunities for

our young Master’s students. It coordinates

initiatives which will provide students with

an opportunity to approach the business

world and the challenges it presents on

various social cultural and economic fronts.

The Department aims to provide an

excellent platform for students’ professional

development and at the same time provides

a forum for companies wishing to take part

in training enabling them to benefi t from the

access provided to the best curricula during

their selection process.”

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admissionsEOI Madrid

Avda. Gregorio del Amo, 6

28040 Madrid (Ciudad Universitaria) (España)

Tel. (+34) 91 349 56 00 / 902 50 2005

[email protected]


EOI Sevilla

Leonardo da Vinci, 12

Isla de la Cartuja 41092 Sevilla (España)

Tel. (+34) 95 446 33 77 / 902 50 1993

[email protected]


Information printed on this document may be subject to change due to program adjustments.

Every year EOI welcomes students from different areas of Spain, Europe as well as many different countries around the world. Over 50% of our student body comes from other places than Madrid making our campus a vibrant, diverse and dynamic community.

Welcome EOI offers a variety of services and resources for international

and out-of-town student to provide help. Advice and assistance prior

to the beginning of the academic year. The goal of the Welcome EOI

Program is to facilitate student´s transition to living and studying in


Welcome EOI integrates a wide variety of services and resources

destined to make student life more comfortable in a new and

challenging environmet. Welcome EOI will assit out of town sudents

locating housing opportunities, they will also facilitate information on

public transportation around Madrid, banking, health insurance and any

other particular need or concern that students may have. Welcome EOI

will also offer a specifi c two day orientation session for international


More information, please contact Charlotte Francon:

[email protected]

welcomeoi program


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