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Eos Attacks gitmes - clkrep.lacity.org

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Eos Attacks gitmes MEDIA GROUP Sold To: LA City Clerk - CU00066787 Attn: Julia Amanti 200 N Spring St Ste 395 LOS ANGELES,CA 90012 Bill To: LA City Clerk - CU00066787 Attn: Julia Amanti 200 N Spring St Ste 395 LOS ANGELES,CA 90012 $50,000 REWARD NOTICE The City of Los Angeles offers a reward payable at the discretion of the City Council to one or more persons in the sum or sums up to an aggregate maximum total sum of $504*00 for information leading to the identifica- tion and apprehension of the person or persons responsible for the death of AARON CHOICE, In the City of Los Angeles, On Wednesday, April 20, 2016, at approximately 8:20 pjn„ 15-year old Aaron Choice and a friend were walking to Mr. Choice's home, lo- cated in the 2000 block of West 35th Street in the Exposition Park neighbor- hood of Los Anaeles. As Mr. Choice and his friend approached Mr. Choice's home, an unknown indi- vidual emerged from a blackToyota Prius parked along 35th Street The Individual Immediately produced a handgun, and confronted Mr. Choice and his friend. The un- known individual then fired several rounds at Mr. Choice, fatally wounding him. Mr. Choke's friend was able to flee on foot, and the suspect reen- tered his vehicle and Red die scene. To date, the investigat- ing this crime have not been able to identify the suspect, and believe that a monetary reward may mpe! members of the public to provide infor- mation on this crime. The person or persons responsible for this crime represent an ongoing threat to the safety of the people of Los Angeles, unless withdrawn or paid by City Council action, this offer of reward shall terminate on, and have no effect after, OCTOBER 11,2017. The provisions of pay- ment and all other con- siderations shall be gov- erned by Chapter 12 of Division 19 of the LAAC Code, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 158157 and 166666. This offer shall be given upon the condition that all claim- ants provide continued cooperation within the criminal justice system relative to thfs case and Is not avallaWe to public of- ficers or employees ofthe City, their families, per- sons in law enforcement or persons whose mis- conduct prompted reward. If you have Information regarding this case, please call the Los Angeles Police De- partment at 1-877-LAW- FULL, 24 hours. C.F. No. 17-0010-s13 =< Q o -< i at , r rn 3C ! ' 'J3 -v 7' C , XT rr a detectives co this any 4894118 - Los Angeles Times Page 2 of 2
Page 1: Eos Attacks gitmes - clkrep.lacity.org

Eos Attacks gitmesMEDIA GROUP

Sold To:LA City Clerk - CU00066787 Attn: Julia Amanti 200 N Spring St Ste 395


Bill To:LA City Clerk - CU00066787Attn: Julia Amanti 200 N Spring St Ste 395LOS ANGELES,CA 90012


The City of Los Angeles offers a reward payable at the discretion of the City Council to one or more persons in the sum or sums up to an aggregate maximum total sum of $504*00 for information leading to the identifica­tion and apprehension of the person or persons responsible for the death of AARON CHOICE, In the City of Los Angeles, On Wednesday, April 20, 2016, at approximately 8:20 pjn„ 15-year old Aaron Choice and a friend were walking to Mr. Choice's home, lo­cated in the 2000 block of West 35th Street in the Exposition Park neighbor­hood of Los Anaeles. As Mr. Choice and his friend approached Mr. Choice's home, an unknown indi­vidual emerged from a black Toyota Prius parked along 35th Street The Individual Immediately produced a handgun, and confronted Mr. Choice and his friend. The un­known individual then fired several rounds at Mr. Choice, fatally wounding him. Mr. Choke's friend was able to flee on foot, and the suspect reen­tered his vehicle and Red die scene. To date, the

investigat­ing this crime have not been able to identify the suspect, and believe that a monetary reward may

mpe! members of the public to provide infor­mation on this crime. The person or persons responsible for this crime represent an ongoing threat to the safety of the people of Los Angeles, unless withdrawn or paid by City Council action, this offer of reward shall terminate on, and have no effect after, OCTOBER 11,2017.The provisions of pay­ment and all other con­siderations shall be gov­erned by Chapter 12 of Division 19 of the LAAC Code, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 158157 and 166666. This offer shall be given upon the condition that all claim­ants provide continued cooperation within the criminal justice system relative to thfs case and Is not a valla We to public of­ficers or employees ofthe City, their families, per­sons in law enforcement or persons whose mis­conduct prompted reward. If you have Information regarding this case, please call the Los Angeles Police De­partment at 1-877-LAW- FULL, 24 hours.C.F. No. 17-0010-s13


Q o-<


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4894118 - Los Angeles TimesPage 2 of 2

Page 2: Eos Attacks gitmes - clkrep.lacity.org

£os Angctcs CEimesMEDIA GROUP



I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; | am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published.

I am a principal clerk of the Los Angeles Times, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on May 21,1952, Cases 598599 for the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s):

Apr 11, 2017

I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjuryunder the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.

Dated at Chicago, Illinois on this I 1 day of 4 ,2oP).

77 [signature]

435 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611

4894118 - Los Angeles TimesPage 1 of 2

Page 3: Eos Attacks gitmes - clkrep.lacity.org



Form 63-A-5M-9-74 R


\^oo\Q> SV»>To be attached to Council File No.


LdCtw^ddeLqs Angeles ofrece miing fliwupeftfsa ’pagadera a


Hefi'QonjuTTio de $75fQQQ .por iifturnacjon que coodi^a ^4-

en conjghte de $50,000 WxmadOft -qua a teKterttfc*a6ri,y' tfetendat de la

-------LsMasresbbnsaWes(teAARON CHOICE,

mctjnbuzda a*

' "


de < J*respoftsables pof fa muode de, JUAN. ABEL ESCALANTE, fe Ciudad deliis

S. JOHNSON, 90 la Cudad de Los An^w B tnartes 13- de (fieteniro de

tntaanifawkk. *

de, fin fe Wifeirttercoles 20 de atfal de 2016, aprownafamente glas8'20 p.fir., Aapri Choice de' 19 afios de edad

epfabanarriinando a . Sr Choice tibfcada

«i^ fe cuadra 2000 tte West 358i Street en el veciridaoo de Expasfen Part de Los Angelas. Guanriq el Sr, tSoice y su anjdo se-,kdfraron'-i-:f''casa -del Sr. Choic8pijna

i Bi

a,idelvdel Condado de La^An^es,,

Juan Abel EscaTarrfe fufe *mueHii a Bros altera, feecdsa desus

Sfandafif Hotel en -e! ientfo de Los Angeles... cuarfap un

eri.&cfispQteisacfa una'•!

$gpL|Lffm B sospechoso wrtefo/diipaib a dbs personas rimediatarrfahte fifaraid

hotel, antes de desnfcaree

a descormiaCenfralfle Ifamfares del^ranto de la cig

Prius neoroaltrsMtioB

que a ^ faorifofitek Sr Ctiofae y su amigo B desconoddo. reafco

de oiaira puertas acercSrae: a mis.Escalade poco antes ,4a Ids

Cl »* v/-®*' Una de fas w*moo tv-

Chece, hipendoio fafateienfe El awpp del a Once podd hoir a.pte; y el sospechdeo vdftte entrar e.su.veWcuio yhuyddelaesceriai Afe-fechar 1o$,detectivesW favesiigan este crimen na%

l\ jal sqepedttsc, y aeon que ima reconpensa monetarfa prfada

d cfahgaratos nsehlbrds'dei piibico ,s a .pfBppf»MBf teformaefari


constante-para fa deA

menw que se refie o se pague la accj6n por medto del Coocefo de fa Ciudad, e^a oferta de

y noa


Las praiAHopes de pago yfcviftc: I-Kserin rentes per el CaptMo 2 de la Divisch 19 del Mdgo

EAACi coma enmendado por las Oidepanzas Hums 158157 y 168866 Esde dlrecimrento debe

s ofaigarae tras cumpfr la corcfcfan«jue todos bs (femandantes proporcfanen cdbbarackln JM#nu0 dertra d^ Sstenra de

criminal refadonado cona Josno

o empteadcs de

que ejecufen fa ley o personas cuya conducta origfaaa esta recompense Si listed, fiene buabufer Womaci6n sobreeste casor pw favor dame a!

de Poida de Los4 |1J -877-LAWFULL en rmomento durante las 24

fares del dfa:’G. F. No,: 17^016413l09-«l06-1

a . x q, s *

Page 4: Eos Attacks gitmes - clkrep.lacity.org

PLACE IN FILESForm 63-A-5M-9-74 R


o vn! '"ToTo be attached to Council File No. VT— OOvO - S


a reward payable at the dis­cretion of the City Gounci) to one dr rripre pwsops in the afe car sums' up tp 5an aggns-

t maximum total sum of 000 for infprrnatibn tead-

been able to identify the sus-

taiy reward may compel M members of the public to pro­vide ihfbrmitran on this crime The person or persons re­sponsible foUthie crime repre­sent,,an ongoing threat to the safety-of the people of Los Angeles Uptess withdrawn; or pad by City Couirbif action, this offer pf reW^cishal! terfni- nate~>onj no effectaffer,J^0T(^EH 11^ 2017 The ,'pcdyi^ons of payment aW, ajf ,bthe£ considerations shalf be)gbverhed by Chapter 12 of Diyfeion 19 of the LAAC Gocfe, as amended by Qrdi1- Palpe ^ Npsw" ®1S7 f and : 166666 This offer shall be given upon the conditibh-that j all claimants provide Oonffn^ * ued cooperation within the * cnmriai justfc» system reiifiSM to tp© baseband .is. not ayail-v- able to pub fib offers dni 1̂ployees of the City, their farm- ] ;l$& pe^BORj in- lavy enfprce- rrtent ot persohs whose rnis-^ conduct prompted this vre-.: Ward. If you have any infer- '■ mation regarding. this cash, 1 plaa£e? Cafl" 'the (bM .Ahgel^i

City of f^Jew^o ̂amf-r



apprehension of the. person or i pefsons responsible Tor the

death of AARON ^CHOICE, m the City of Los Angeles On

■ Wednesday 'Apnf 20,i’Q;t6, at approximately 8:20 - p"m., 19ryear old AaiMGhoiceanci

Choice's' home, located irr the 2000 block of West 35th Street in 1£e .Exposition P|rk ,. neighborhood of Los Arigetes: , As-Hr Choice and his fnend

• approached Wfr* Ghoiee's ; horh^^an tpjgipwn individual.

emerged-from'a’ blafck Toyota ' Prius parked along 35fh

Street The individual immedi- 5r ately produced a handgun,J- and copffgntWd Mev Ghpice , and hisTfhecxf -The unlirtdWrM

individual then fired several rounds at Mr Chobe, fatally wounding him. Mr Choice’s fnend was. able-tbiffeeidn fppt, ?

: and the suspect reentered his vehicle and fled the scene To

’ date, the detectives mvesti- ?• gating. this crime have not:

April 15th, 2017

1. L

Family Fun® 1-9aiTE5pnT s J

sat City Hall South Plaza


Police Department at, 1-877-LAWFULL, 24 hours

G F No 17-0010-s 13

Page 5: Eos Attacks gitmes - clkrep.lacity.org

' This space for filing stamp onlyWATTS TIMESOil I

J urr*1 \ \ju

3800 S CRENSHAW BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90008 Telephone (323) 299-3800 / Fax (323) 299-3896 20 £rt §: 33



CNS#: 2997656

$50,000 REWARD NOTICEThe City of Los Angeles offers a reward payable at the discretion of the City Council to one or more persons in the sum or sums up to an aggregate maximum total sum of $50,000 for information leading to the identification and apprehension of the person or persons responsible for the death of AARON CHOICE, in the City of Los Angeles. On Wednesday, April 20, 2016, at approximately 8:20 pm, 19-year old Aaron Choice and a friend were walking to Mr. Choice's home, located in the 2000 block of West 35 Street In the Exposition Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. As Mr. Choice and his friend approached Mr. Choice's home, an unknown individual emerped from a black Toyota Prius parked along 35"* Street. The individual immediately produced a handgun, and confronted Mr. Choice and his friend. The unknown individual then fired several rounds at Mr. Choice, fatally wounding him. Mr. Choice's friend was able to flee on foot, and the suspect reentered his vehicle and fled the scene. To date, the detectives investigating this crime have not been able to identify the suspect, and believe that a monetary reward may compel members of the public to provide information on this crime. The person or persons responsible for this crime represent an ongoing threat to the safety of the people of Los Angeles. Unless withdrawn or paid by City Council action, this offer of reward shall terminate on, and have no effect after, OCTOBER 11, 2017.The provisions of payment and ail other considerations shall be governed by Chapter 12 of Division 19 of the LAAC Code, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 158157 and 166666. This offer shall be given upon the condition that all claimants provide continued cooperation within the criminal justice system relative to this case and is not available to public officers or employees of the City, their families, persons in law enforcement or persons whose misconduct prompted this reward. If you have any information regarding this case, please call the Los Angeles Police Department at 1 -877-LAWFULL, 24 hours.C. F. No. 17-0010-S13 4/13/17CNS-2997656#WATTS TIMES


State of California County of LOS ANGELES ) ss

Notice Type: rew - REWARD NOTICE

Ad Description:

17-0010-s13 - Aaron Choice

I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of the WATTS TIMES, a newspaper published in the English language in the city of LOS ANGELES, and adjudged a newspaper of general circulation as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior Court of the County of LOS ANGELES, State of California, under date of 11/28/1994, Case No.BS29118. That the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit:

d.'f- . rv oo\o-04/13/2017

Executed on: 04/13/2017 At Los Angeles, California

I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.



*A00000441 51 7


Page 6: Eos Attacks gitmes - clkrep.lacity.org


t* Uik . J+iis^p^cG fqr filing stamp only


*••333800 S CRENSHAW BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90008 Telephone (323) 299-3800 / Fax (323) 299-3896

BY.iff?Jr K


CNS#: 2997664

$50,000 REWARD NOTICEThe City of Los Angeles offers a reward payable at the discretion of the City Council to one or more persons in the sum or sums up to an aggregate maximum total sum of $50,000 for information leading to the identification apprehension of the person

persons responsible for the death of AARON CHOICE, in the City of Los Angeles. On Wednesday, April 20, 2016, at approximately 8:20 p.m., 19-year old Aaron Choice ana a friend were walking to Mr. Choice's home, located in the 2000 block of West 35th Street in the Exposition Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. As Mr. Choice and his friend approached Mr. Choice's home, an unknown

employees of the City, their families, persons in law enforcement or persons whose misconduct prompted this reward. If you have any information regarding this case, please call the Los Angeles Police Department at 1-877-LAWFULL, 24 hours.C. F. No. 17-0010-S13 4/13/17CNS-2997664#LOS ANGELES SENTINEL


or(2015.5 C.C.P.)

State of California County of LOS ANGELES ) ss

Notice Type: rew - REWARD NOTICE

Ad Description:

17-0010-S13 - Aaron Choice individual emerged from a black Toyota Prius parked along 35’" Street. The individual immediatelyproduced a handgun, and confronted Mr. Choice and his friend. The unknown individual then fired several rounds at Mr. Choice, fatally wounding him. Mr. Choice's friend was able to flee on foot, and the suspect reentered his vehicle and fled the scene. To date, the detectives investigating this crime have not been able to identify the suspect, and believe that a monetary reward may compel members of the public to provide information on this crime. The personresponsible for this crime represent an ongoing threat to the safety of the people of Los Angeles. Unless withdrawn or paid by City Council action, this offer of reward shall terminate on, and have no effect after, OCTOBER 11,2017.The provisions of payment and all other considerations shall be governed by Chapter 12 of Division 19 of the LAAC Code, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 158157 and 166666. This offer shall be given upon the condition that all claimants provide continued cooperation within the criminal justice system relative to this case and is not available to public officers or

I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of the LOS ANGELES SENTINEL, a newspaper published in the English language in the city of LOS ANGELES, and adjudged a newspaper of general circulation as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior Court of the County of LOS ANGELES, State of California, under date of 08/25/1938, Case No. 430764. That the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit:

*v3• n-oovo

or persons


Executed on: 04/13/2017 At Los Angeles, California

I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.


*A00000441 5407*

