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Ep lead guidance tier 1, 2, 3

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EP LEAD Guidance oGCDP | Tiers 1, 2, 3
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EP LEAD Guidance

oGCDP | Tiers 1, 2, 3

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Prepare ourselves to deliver high quality LEADERSHIP experiences!

Objective of the


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AIESEC is the Leadership Development organisation

What leadership should we develop to solve the world issues?

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We believe that we as organization that delivers leadership

experience, by having the right standards, we are able to create and deliver the right type of leadership which our society needs.

We are leadership development organization, not exchange organization and we do GCDP and GIP in order to provide more and better leaders for the world.

We are doing it by providing right inner and outer leadership journey.

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AIESEC is enabling leadership development journey of young people. We don’t aim to create ideal leaders, because we know it is a life-long journey. We aim to enable its first steps – essential elements of leadership development of young people that will help them to become leaders that the world needs.

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The essential elements of leadership we want to develop are: • Self-awareness – young people aware of their strengths and

weaknesses, but even more importantly values and purpose• Responsibility for the world – young people aware about their

responsibility for others and taking ownership for it• Effective communication – to be able to engage others with

your purpose and values, young people need to communicate effectively – clearly explaining their thoughts and feelings, but also listening to others

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In every experience we aim to provide inner and outer journey. Outer journey explains the external environment – framework of the journey; while inner journey helps to capture the internal change that happens to a young person because of this journey. This is the tool that you can use to make sure that you are providing leadership development experiences.

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Why of EP LEAD

LEAD for EPs is learning framework to guide and ensure our interns are living Inner and Outer Journey of Leadership during their exchange and providing them with the best Leadership in Every Expereince of GCDP. • To Provide Leadership in every Experience and to allow EPs and

Interns to have an intense personal journey connecting their experience to life purpose, values and external world issues.

• To Enable and Ensure that every leadership experience we are providing contains a valuable inner and outer Leadership journey

• For Bigger and Better Quality in Every Experience we are providing which developing the right competencies to ensure that we are creating the leaders necessary for the world.

• To enable Leaders and members of AIESEC to Understand the Impact of EP LEAD

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Facilitate EP LEAD

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Block 1:Understand myself and Goal Setting


Block 2:Understand the experience I am going through and its impact on me


Block 3: Capturing the Change


*Download the full guide here:PDF Version: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewfile.do?contentid=10305938

PPT Version: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewfile.do?contentid=10305942

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Block 1: Understanding myself and Goal Setting


Understanding myself:

Culture and Values

Understanding myself:

Strenghts and weaknesses

Personal Goal - Setting

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Block 1: Understanding myself and Goal Setting


Understanding myself:

Culture and Values

at least 1 week before EP arrival to host entity

Group session

Before understanding others, we need to be able to understand ourselves. That’s why AIESEC Leadership development model starts with self-awareness.Good self-awareness is based on a knowledge and understanding of one’s personal value system. A leader with good self-awareness recognizes the personal values that give rise to particular responses.The second part of ‘self-awareness’ – is when a person who acknowledges and celebrates his/her strengths. At the same time, he/she is clear about areas of personal weakness. Both strengths and weaknesses are acknowledged and managed effectively.>>Being self-aware will help you not only to feel more comfortable with yourself, but also allow you to build strong teams, be authentic and also communicate effectively.

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Block 1: Understanding myself and Goal Setting


Understanding myself:

Culture and Values

at least 1 week before EP arrival to host entity

Group session

Understanding who I am now – my culture and my valuesIn this session, we are going to talk about personal values, and how our cultures influence on it.The primary purpose of the activity is to assist students to become more aware of their worldview, the different aspects of the culture they identify with and how culture affects their beliefs, values, behaviors and sense of self.

Instructions for facilitator:Start with explaining the objectives of the sessionGive the instructions to participants for the first part of the session (you can find it in the document)Help the group to open up: first let them share in pairs and then ask for a volunteer to share with the whole group. For each item, ask for clarification about the meaning of the item to the individual and the role it plays in the individual’s lifeFacilitate the discussion: How easy was it for you to make a description of yourself and your values? Why? Give participants link to the values assessment test and give them time to fill it in. Wait for results, let them learn more about their values. Link: http://www.valuescentre.com/products__services/?sec=personal_values_assessment_%28pva%29Ask few volunteers to share again

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Block 1: Understanding myself and Goal Setting


at least 1 week before EP arrival to host entity

Group session

Understanding my strengths and weaknesses It is important to know our strengths and weaknesses. All of you are going to be part of the team – and in the teams, knowing each other strengths and weaknesses is incredibly important: because only with this you can achieve great results. But also it is important to use the opportunity to work on your weakness, because this exchange experience can help you to overcome it. In the of the internship, you are going to make the test again, so you can see what has been the result.

But before going to any assessments, let’s discuss why is it important to understand those? How understanding your strengths can be helpful in your life? How can you capitalize on those? How understanding your weaknesses can be helpful in your life? What should you do about your weaknesses?Do you think it is more important to work on your weaknesses or focus on your strengths? Why do you think so?Ask few pairs to share with the rest of the group answers on the questions. Personal strengths and weaknesses assessment test : http://richardstep.com/richardstep-strengths-weaknesses-aptitude-test/

Understanding myself:

Strenghts and weaknesses

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Block 1: Understanding myself and Goal Setting


at least 1 week before EP arrival to host entity

Group session

Importance of goal-settingGoal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. Topics you should cover:How to set personal goals? What to do when I have it?

Setting goals for AIESEC internshipNow we know WHY to set personal goals and how to do it, let’s set personal goals for this particular experience. Answering following questions will help you to define it:• What would you like to learn about the place you are going to, the

community? • What new knowledge, skills would you like to gain?• How can this experience help you to capitalize on strengths and

improve weaknesses? • How can this experience help you to achieve your future goals,

plans? • Please, write down 3-5 personal goals for the experience based on

answers given before.

Personal Goal - Setting

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Getting started with

the experience

Impact of the

experience in me

Capture the learnings

Block 2: Understand the experience I am going through and its impact on me

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Getting started with

the experience

• Write your sensory experience right now upon arrival. Sights, sounds, smells, initial feelings, & impressions. Take a moment and be conscious of the present. Be as descriptive as possible. Don’t analyze, just observe and record.

How you feel in the beggining

Block 2: Understand the experience I am going through and its impact on me

1st week of the internship

With mentor

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Getting started with

the experience

• What communities are you a part of? Explore your communities of choice vs. those of location. How do your personal values relate to your communities of choice.

• Based on your impressions so far, what are some differences between your community at home and our host community. What are some commonalities?

• What determines community membership? The following could be argued: Geography, nationality, culture, religion, occupation, ethnicity, economic system, choice, and interdependence. Which of these are the strongest influences in your community? Which seem strongest in the host community?

My understanding of the community

Block 2: Understand the experience I am going through and its impact on me

1st week of the internship

With mentor

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Getting started with

the experience

• Please brainstorm a list of words that comes to mind when you think of the host community. Be free and creative - don't censor yourself. The idea with this activity is to have a basis of what we were thinking before we experienced the culture. Email your list to the group (or share during the session). Later, we will return to this master list and critique it.

My attitude to the community and host country/territory before I started

Block 2: Understand the experience I am going through and its impact on me

1st week of the internship

With mentor

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Impact of the

experience in me

Critical Incident“A critical incident is an event in which you were

involved, that “stayed” with the EP. The EP’s involvement may have been central or minimal”


whatNow what

Block 2: Understand the experience I am going through and its impact on me

Middle of the internship

Group session

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Capture the


• How did this experience make me feel (positively and/or negatively)? How did I handle my emotional reactions? Do I believe I should have felt differently than I did?

• What assumptions or expectations did I bring to the situation (including my assumptions about other persons involved) and how did they affect my actions? To what extent did they prove true? If they did not prove true, why was there a discrepancy?

• How have past experiences influenced the manner in which I acted or responded to this situation? Am I comfortable with the influence past experiences has on me?

• What personal strengths / weaknesses of mine did the situation reveal? In what ways did they affect the situation, positively and negatively? What might I do to build on strengths/ overcome weaknesses?

Reflecting on the impact of experience

Block 2: Understand the experience I am going through and its impact on me

Middle of the internship

With mentor

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Capture the


• Why did I, or did I not, experience difficulty working/interacting with other people? What might I do differently next time to minimize such difficulties?

• What personal skills did I draw on in handling this situation? What personal skills would I like to have had in order to have handled it better and how might I develop them?

• How did this situation reveal my own attitudes or biases, toward other people, toward the organization in question, etc.? Do I need to make any changes?

• In the end, write down conclusions for yourself for the rest period of your internship: changes you are going to make, commitments you make and what you want to continue doing the same way.

Reflecting on the impact of experience

Block 2: Understand the experience I am going through and its impact on me

Middle of the internship

With mentor

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Capture the


• Remember your personal goals, evaluate how close you are to achieving it.

• What has been a reason for you to succeed on the way?

• What have been the bottlenecks? • What can you learn from it?• Ask your mentee to share what was

written down. • Ask final question: How will you take

it forward for the rest of your internship? Write down key lessons you take away and actions steps for you to achieve your personal goals.

Reflecting on goals achievement

Block 2: Understand the experience I am going through and its impact on me

Middle of the internship

With mentor

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‘My Perceptions

’Before vs.


‘My Personal

Development’ Before vs. After

‘My leadership Journey’

End of the Start

Block 3: Capturing the Change


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‘My Perceptions

’Before vs.


Comparing ‘before’ and ‘after’: my perceptions1) Revisit our stereotype list and write down what you have learned that challenges or deepens your understanding of this culture and community. How will you explain what you’ve learned to people whose knowledge about this community may be limited to this list of terms.

2) Assess your learnings : How did you use it in practice? What are you good at? What else should you learn?

How could you help others by using your knowledge? What specific elements of our course materials relate to this experience? How was I able to apply skill, perspective, or concept related to our academic

material? What similarities and differences are there between the perspective on the situation

offered by our academic material, and the situation as it in fact unfolded? How does this experience enhance my knowledge of a specific reading, theory, or

concept? Does it challenge or reinforce my prior understanding?

3) Answer the question: What is your role in the society? What CAN you do for it? What WILL you do for it? How did your perception of your role change due to this experience?

Block 3: Capturing the Change


VERY END of the internship

With mentor

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‘My Personal

Development’ Before vs. After

Comparing ‘before’ and ‘after’: my personal development1. Revisit your personal goals. What has been achieved? Why? What hasn’t been achieved, why? What does that mean for your future after this experience?

2. Revisit your first session with AIESEC where you have been describing yourself – your values, strengths, weaknesses, plans. Fill in the tests again:Values assessment http://www.valuescentre.com/products__services/?sec=personal_values_assessment_%28pva%29Strengths/weaknesses http://richardstep.com/richardstep-strengths-weaknesses-aptitude-test/Effective communication http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCS_99.htmWhat has changed? Why do you think it changed? How would you use it in the future?

Block 3: Capturing the Change


VERY END of the internship

With mentor

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‘My leadership Journey’

End of the Start

AIESEC Leadership Development model aims to develop 3 key elements in every young person: self-awareness, effective communication and responsibility for the world. This is not how we define ‘leadership’ but this is the initial starting point to enable leadership development in young people.

In the end of your internship you can see how you developed those 3 elements.The last questions we want to ask are:1)What does leadership mean to you now?2)What will be the next steps in your leadership development journey?3)Why does this matter to you? To the world?After participants had time to think on their own, ask few people to share. Then wrap-up with a conclusion of ‘everyday leadership’ – that every small thing matters in this world, and every person matters.

Block 3: Capturing the Change


VERY END of the internship

With mentor

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“LEAD is an essential element in order to develop the leadership the world needs”
