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Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence

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  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence

















    Epigenetics: The Cancer Code of Silenceby Jean-Pierre Issa, M.D., Feature Article

    PLUS!X Chromosome Inactivation and Chromatin IPHighlight Sections

    Chemicon Methylation Products Upstate Products to Histone Modifications

    Diagram Inside

    Epigenetic Silencing of aTumour Suppressor Gene

  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence




    Epigenetics refers to stable changes in gene expression thatare not due to mutations or DNA base changes. Silencing is a

    subset of epigenetics, whereby gene expression and function

    is permanently lost. We now recognise three related mechanisms

    of such silencing DNA methylation, histone code changes and

    RNA interference. RNA interference is not well understood in

    mammalian cells yet, thus this review will focus on the first

    two components of epigenetics.

    DNA Methylation

    Methylation refers to the biochemical addition of a methyl group

    (CH3) to a biological molecule. There are distinct enzymaticsystems to methylate DNA, RNA and proteins. Protein methylation

    has been intensively studied recently and is an essential post-

    translational modification that affects gene function. RNA

    methylation is less understood but probably plays a role in

    message stability. DNA methylation is the only normally occurring

    modification of DNA and is present from bacteria to man, though

    it plays a different role in eukaryotes than in prokaryotes.

    In mammals, normal methylation affects only the cytosine

    base incorporated into DNA, primarily when it is followed by a

    guanosine (hence, we speak of Cytosine-phospho-Guanosine

    or CpG methylation). CpG sites are unevenly distributed in thegenome. They are rare (5-10 fold less than statistically expected)

    in 99% of the human genome, and most of these CpG sites are

    modified by methylation. By contrast, about 1% of the genome

    consists of CpG rich areas that are typically 500-2000 bp long,

    and are referred to as CpG islands. About half of all CpG islands

    correspond to transcription start sites and promoters of expressed

    genes, and about half of all genes have CpG islands in their

    promoters. Most promoter-associated CpG islands are free of

    methylation, regardless of the expression state of the associatedgene. Non-promoter associated CpG islands are less well understood

    and can be methylated in normal tissues. Genes that do not

    have CpG islands in their promoters show different patterns of

    methylation; those rare CpG sites in their transcription start areas

    are typically methylated when the gene is inactive and unmethylated

    when the gene is active. This non-CpG island methylation does

    not prevent gene expression, can be reversed quickly upon gene

    activation and may serve primarily to regulate the degree of

    acute gene activation by transcription factors.

    DNA methylation in promoter-associated CpG islands is a

    hot topic these days. A switch from unmethylated to methylated

    CpG islands was first demonstrated on the inactive X-chromosome

    in women and is now seen as an important mechanism of

    epigenetic silencing in mammals. CpG island methylation is now

    recognised as an essential contributor to gene silencing in the

    rare instances when a cell needs mono-allelic expression for normal

    function, primarily the inactive X in women, and about 100 genes

    that are imprinted (mono-allelically expressed based on parental

    origin). The DNA-methyltransferase enzymes (DNMT1, DNMT3a

    and DNMT3b) are essential for establishing and maintaining

    normal patterns of DNA methylation, and are helped in this byother proteins, such as DNMT3L.

    Histone Code

    In the eukaryotic nucleus, DNA is wrapped around an octamer of

    core histone molecules to form the nucleosome, the fundamental

    subunit of chromatin. Many residues in the histone proteins are

    subject to reversible post-translational modifications. These marks

    are emerging as important epigenetic mediators of gene expression

    EpigeneticsThe Cancer Code of Silence

    by Jean-Pierre Issa, M.D., Department of Leukemia, The University of Texas

    histone modifications are emerging as important

    epigenetic mediators of gene expression

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  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence



    changes. There are numerous possible modifications of histone

    tails, and work on regulation of gene expression has focused on

    acetylation, methylation, ubiquitylation and phosphorylation. Increases

    in histone acetylation generally correlate with gene activation, and

    results from the dynamic interplay between histone acetyltransferases

    (HATs) and histone deacetylases (HDACs). Histone methylation

    can have either positive effects on gene expression (e.g. H3

    lysine 4 methylation, mediated by histone methyltransferases

    HMTs, such as MLL) or negative effects on gene expression

    (e.g. H3 lysine 9 methylation mediated by HMTs, such as Suv39h1

    or G9A and H3 lysine 27 methylation mediated by HMTs, such asEZH2). Histone modifications play an important role in chromosome

    structure, and silencing marks are enriched at silenced loci, such as

    retrotransposons, X-inactive genes and imprinted genes, suggesting

    that they play a role there as well. The ultimate mediators of

    histone methylation associated gene silencing appear to be proteins

    that bind specific histone modifications and recruit effector protein

    complexes. H3 Lys9 methylation triggers binding by HP1 family

    members, while H3 Lys27 methylation triggers binding by PCG

    group proteins. These two complexes are each capable of chromatin

    remodelling and transcriptional suppression. H3 Lys4 methylation

    recruits the CHD1 protein and the SAGA complex, linking

    methylation of lysine 4 to histone acetylation.

    Methyl-Binding Domain Proteins (MBDs)

    A link between DNA methylation and the histone code is provided

    by methylated-DNA binding proteins, commonly referred to as MBDs.

    Dense CpG island methylation attracts MBDs in a non-sequence

    specific but DNA methylation specific way. These include MeCP2,

    MBD1-4 and KAISO. These proteins likely play different roles,

    and one of them, MBD4, is involved in DNA repair rather than

    gene silencing. MBDs may have some intrinsic transcription

    repression properties, but it is thought that their effect on gene

    expression is achieved primarily through targeting protein complexes

    to specific gene promoters and subsequent local histone

    modifications that culminate in gene silencing.

    Model for the Epigenetic Silencing of a Tumour Suppressor Gene

    Legend A. An actively transcribed gene (yellow arrow, green light) is depicted in a domain of open chromatin, with the hallmarks of open chromatin-histone acetylation (yellow A) and

    H3 lysine 4 methylation (not shown for sake of clarity). B. Silencing is initiated by abnormal CpG methylation mediated by a DNA methyltransferases (DNMT). Transcription is beginning to

    shut off (small X in yellow arrow, yellow caution light). C. CpG methylation recruits a complex of proteins that includes a methylated-DNA binding protein (MBD) and a histone deacetylase

    (HDAC), which removes acetyl groups. D. Histone deacetylation allows histone methyltransferases specific for H3 lysine 9 (K9 HMT), resulting in the the recruitment of Heterochromatin

    Protein-1 (HP1). This leads to a compaction of chromatin and total silencing of gene expression (large red X, red stoplight). A.To return the gene to an active, expressed state involves the

    recruitment of a putative lysine 9 histone demethylase (HDM) and inhibition of DNA methyltransferase activity. Recruitment of a histone H3 lysine 4-specific HMT occurs during this

    process, as well (not shown).

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  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence




    DNA methylation is abnormal in cancer cells when compared

    to normal cells of the same tissues. This was first recognised

    in the late 1970s when total 5-methylcytosine content was shown

    to be lower in transformed cells. Subsequent studies have

    carefully quantitated this effect, and it appears that, on average,

    human cancers lose 10% of all methylated cytosines. Despite

    three decades of research, the causes and functional consequencesof this degree of hypomethylation remain mysterious.

    In parallel to hypomethylation, cancer cells paradoxically

    acquire aberrant locus-specific hypermethylation in normally

    unmethylated CpG islands. This phenomenon, first described

    almost 20 years ago, is now seen as a universal feature of

    neoplasia and affects on average 4-6% of promoter associated

    CpG islands. The causes of this increased methylation are also

    poorly defined. In normal and neoplastic tissues, it has been

    linked to aging, pro-inflammatory exposures and carcinogenic

    exposures. Alterations in the known DNA methylases have not

    been reproducibly linked to aberrant DNA methylation in cancer.In contrast to hypomethylation, the functional consequences

    of aberrant hypermethylation are unequivocal the affected genes

    are silenced, and their function is stably lost in a clonally propagated

    fashion. A functional link of this silencing to the pathophysiology

    of cancer was established when it was demonstrated that genes

    intimately involved in carcinogenesis tumour-suppressor genes

    are frequently inactivated in association with promoter CpG

    island methylation. This is most evident for genes mutated in

    familial cancer syndromes, such as RB1, VHL, MLH1 and CDH1.

    In each case, a study of sporadic tumours of the same type as

    those appearing in the familial cases reveals (i) that some sporadic

    tumours have mutations of those same genes, (ii) that other

    sporadic tumours have methylation of those genes, and (iii)

    when both mutations and methylation are present, each molec-

    ular anomaly affects distinct alleles. This shared tissue distribu-

    tion and allelic exclusion of mutations and DNA methylation in spo-

    radic tumours can best be explained by hypothesising that both

    events have equivalent selective advantage, and that there is no

    further advantage to methylating a mutated allele (or vice-

    versa). By extension, if one believes mutations of those genes

    functionally lead to cancer, the logical conclusion is that methyla-tion-associated transcriptional inactivation of the genes also

    functionally leads to cancer. There are now hundreds of genes,

    many with

    tumour-suppressor function, known to be hypermethylated in

    various neoplasms.

    The most encouraging aspects of DNA methylation research

    are their potential for translation in the clinic. Aberrant methylation

    has been shown to have potential in risk-assessment, early

    detection, disease classification and prognosis prediction in a

    variety of cancers. More remarkably, research is moving quickly

    towards targeting DNA methylation therapeutically. CpG island

    methylation can be reversed physiologically through embryogenesis,

    and this epigenetic reprogramming has been shown to reverse

    some of the malignant features of neoplasia. Hypomethylation

    early in embryogenesis is achieved, in part, by DNA replicationin the absence of functional DNA-methyltransferases. Inhibition

    of these methyltransferases could, therefore, achieve a certain

    degree of reprogramming in adult cells and, in fact, such

    inhibitors have been shown to reactivate functional expression

    of tumour-suppressor genes silenced in cancer. One of these

    inhibitors, 5-azacytidine, is now FDA-approved in the U.S. for

    the treatment of MDS (a type of leukemia), and another one

    (5-aza-2-deoxycytidine) is showing much promise, as well.


    CHICKEN, EGGS AND RED HERRINGSThere is considerable interest in understanding the molecular

    mechanisms of DNA methylation-associated gene silencing, if

    only to design better strategies aimed at reversing it in the

    clinic. Much progress over the past few years has linked DNA

    methylation to a cascade of protein modifications and a distinct

    histone code at silenced loci.

    As a possible initial step towards silencing, DNA methylation

    attracts binding of MBDs. It is not known whether different CpG

    island methylation and silencing events are related to specific

    methyl-binding proteins or whether they are mostly interchangeable.

    It is likely, of course, that some specificity exists, but the molecular

    nature of this specificity is unresolved. Next is histone deacetylation,

    which is now thought to be a pre-requisite for DNA methylation-

    associated gene silencing. MBD proteins are part of complexes

    that include histone deacetylases (HDACs), and inhibition of

    histone deacetylation prior to the establishment of silencing

    aborts DNA-methylation mediated suppression of gene expression.

    There are numerous HDACs, and their preferences for specific

    genes or specific MBDs are poorly understood. In human cancers,

    genes silenced in association with promoter DNA methylation

    show consistently low levels of histone acetylation, particularlyat the key modification histone H3 lysine 9 (H3 Lys9). While

    required for initial silencing, HDAC inhibitors do not reactivate

    most genes silenced in association with DNA methylation,

    implying the importance of downstream events.

    Recently, altered histone methylation has emerged as key

    to DNA methylation related silencing. This type of gene silencing

    in cancer is accompanied by H3 Lys4 hypomethylation and an

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  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence



    increase in H3 Lys9 methylation. The mechanism of the former

    modification is unknown, but an H3 Lys4 demethylase (LSD1)

    was recently described and, conceivably, could be targeted by

    MBDs. Histone methyltransferases have been shown to be

    recruited by MBDs, and this recruitment is presumed to mediate

    H3 Lys9 hypermethylation locally. The ultimate mediators of

    DNA-methylation associated gene silencing have not been

    established with certainty, but very likely involve recruitmentof HP1 and PCG proteins by histone methylation events.

    The Chicken and Egg Question

    Genetic manipulation experiments in Neurospora crassa have

    suggested that histone H3 Lys9 methylation leads to DNA

    methylation rather than the opposite. Other experiments support

    this view, although there is also evidence in some systems that

    DNA methylation is required for H3 Lys9 methylation. Thus the

    chicken or egg issue does DNA methylation come first, or does

    gene silencing, histone code changes and H3 Lys9 methylation

    come first and lead to DNA methylation, continues to be relevant.

    This issue in cancer (and mammalian cells in general) is entirely

    unclear, with evidence supporting both assertions. Nevertheless,

    the data does indicate that, once silencing is achieved, a self-

    reinforcing loop of DNA methylation and histone modifications

    ensues, which explains the remarkable stability of the system.

    Histone Code or Red Herring?

    The focus on a DNA-methylation associated histone code has

    detracted attention somewhat from the possibility that other

    mechanisms are operative in the process. Evidence against a

    strict relationship includes the facts that (i) histone code

    modifications (including H3 Lys9 methylation) are much more

    dynamic than DNA methylation, and (ii) DNA methylation

    inhibition remains the most potent (and often the only) intervention

    capable of reactivating genes silenced in cancer in association

    with promoter CpG island methylation. There exists the possibility

    that there are histone-independent mechanisms by which DNA

    methylation can silence genes, including direct inhibition of

    transcription factor binding or other more theoretical mechanisms,

    such as partitioning into transcriptionally inactive nuclear

    compartments. But it has been shown that histone methylation

    can be targeted to specific genes in vivo to achieve a modestlevel of silencing. This fact, combined with data linking a variety

    of histone methyltransferases to cancer development, suggests

    that the molecular mechanism by which DNA methylation

    effects transcriptional silencing requires the involvement of

    histone modification and the enzymes that establish and

    maintain them.


    In parallel to vast genetic alterations, cancer cells usurp normal

    gene silencing mechanisms and apply them to the functional

    ablation of tumour-suppressor pathways. This is achieved via inter-

    play between multiple synergistic silencing mechanisms, includ-

    ing promoter CpG island methylation and histone code modifica-

    tions. These silencing mechanisms show cancer-specificity and are,

    therefore, appropriate targets for therapeutic intervention. DNAmethylation inhibitors and HDAC inhibitors are currently in clinical

    trials for the treatment of cancer, and the field is looking forward

    to the availability of inhibitors of other key components of the

    pathway, such as MBPs or histone H3 Lys9 or H3K27 methylases.

    Further Reading:

    Bestor,T.H. (2000). The DNA methyltransferases of mammals. Hum. Mol. Genet.

    9, 2395-2402.

    Bird,A. (2002). DNA methylation patterns and epigenetic memory. Genes Dev.

    16, 6-21.

    Egger,G., Liang,G., Aparicio,A. and Jones,P.A. (2004). Epigenetics in human disease

    and prospects for epigenetic therapy. Nature 429, 457-463.

    Herman,J.G. and Baylin,S.B. (2003). Gene silencing in cancer in association with

    promoter hypermethylation. N. Engl. J. Med. 349, 2042-2054.

    Issa,J.P. (2002). Epigenetic variation and human disease. J. Nutr. 132, 2388S-


    Jaenisch,R. and Bird,A. (2003). Epigenetic regulation of gene expression: how

    the genome integrates intrinsic and environmental signals. Nat. Genet. 33 Suppl,


    Jenuwein,T. and Allis,C.D. (2001). Translating the histone code. Science 293,


    Kondo,Y. and Issa,J.P. (2004). Epigenetic changes in colorectal cancer. Cancer

    Metastasis Rev. 23, 29-39.

    Lachner,M. and Jenuwein,T. (2002). The many faces of histone lysine methylation.

    Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 14, 286-298.Santini,V., Kantarjian,H.M., and Issa,J.P. (2001). Changes in DNA methylation in

    neoplasia: pathophysiology and therapeutic implications. Ann. Intern. Med. 134,


    Web Resources:

    Science Magazine: Epigenetics


    The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center: DNA Methylation in Cancer


    The Wellcome Trust: Epigenetic s


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  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence


    P R O D U C T H I G H L I G H T

    X chromosome inactivat ion is a mechanism whereby mammals equalise X-linked

    gene expression between males and females. Early in development in female embryos,

    a choice is made between the two X chromosomes, resulting in expression of the Xist

    gene from only the X chromosome destined to be inactivated (the Xi). Xist encodes

    a large untranslated RNA that decorates only the X chromosome from which it is

    expressed, which leads to inactivation of that chromosome. Xist RNA is required for

    recruitment to the Xi of many of the other factors that contribute to the establishment

    and maintenance of inactivation (see table below). Many of these changes involve

    histones, be it an increase or decrease of a particular modification, or chromosomal-

    specific localisation in the case of the histone variant macroH2A.

    X Chromosome InactivationEpigenetic Silencing at the Chromosomal Level

    Enrichment of HistonemacroH2A on Xi Chromosome

    Hallmarks of the Inactive X Chromosome


    Increased on the Xi

    Inactive X ChromosomeLegend Indirect immuno-

    fluorescence (IF) to detect

    enrichment on the Xi of

    histone H3 trimethyl lysine 27

    (top left, using cat. #07-449),

    histone H4 monomethyl

    lysine 20 (top middle, using

    cat. #07-440) & the EZH2

    methyltransferase (top right)

    on interphase chromosomes

    of undifferentiated mouse

    embryonic stem cells that

    express Xist. Subsequent

    RNA FISH shows the Xist RNA

    on the inactive X chromosome

    (red, bottom panels). From

    Kohlmaier et al, 2004. PLoS

    Biol. 2: 991-1003.

    Legend Detection of histone macroH2A on

    the inactive X chromosome in female human

    fibroblast using Anti-Histone macroH2A1

    (cat. #07-219). Image courtesy of Dr.

    Barbara Panning, University of California

    at San Francisco.

    H3 Methylation Staining

    Legend Human female metaphase

    chromosome spreads stained with DAPI

    (blue) and either Anti-H3 K9 Me (red, top

    panel, cat. #07-212) or Anti-H3 K4 Me

    (red, bottom panel, cat. #07-030). The

    inactive X chromosome is indicated with

    an arrow in each panel. Image courtesy of

    Barbie Boggs, Baylor College of Medicine.

    Decreased on the Xi

    Xist RNA

    DNA Methylation

    Histone MacroH2A

    Histone H3 K9 Dimethylation

    Histone H3 K27 Trimethylation

    Histone H4 K20 Monomethylation


    Histone H4 Acetylation

    Histone H3 K4 Methylation

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  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence


    P R O D U C T H I G H L I G H T

    If you are studying transcriptional regulation, then it is likely that you are interested in the

    binding of a transcription factor to a particular gene regulatory element. Or, for that

    matter, the changes in histone modification that accompany gene activation and silencing.

    Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a powerful technique for looking at protein

    distribution throughout the genome. It works well for identifying in vivo protein:DNA

    interactions, and its the only method for quantifying levels of histone modifications

    at specific loci.

    Until recently, researchers who wanted to interrogate a DNA sequence for specific

    protein interactions needed to design their own protocols. With Upstates Chromatin

    Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay Kits, however, protocol design is no longer an issue.

    In addition, Upstate offers the widest range of ChIP validated antibodies, saving

    researchers the time and tedium of repeatedly running the assay to validate the

    antibodies themselves.

    Using Upstates ChIP Assay, the study of transcriptional regulation can proceed more

    quickly and conveniently than ever. Visit us online at www.upstate.com/chromatin

    for a complete listing of products for chromatin research.

    Chromatin IPThe Nexus of Genomics & Proteomics

    Chromatin IP Products


    Cat. # Description Size Price


    Chromatin IP Pathway

    Legend Schematic representation of

    the chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)technique. First, the proteins are cross-

    linked to DNA with formaldehyde, and thenthe chromatin is sheared to a manageable

    size by sonication. Specific proteins areimmunoprecipitated with antibodies,also bringing down the DNA to which the

    protein is cross-linked. The cross-links arereversed, the DNA purified, and the sample

    is interrogated for the enrichment of specificDNA sequences. The detection step can be

    performed most accurately by quantitativereal-time PCR, but the usage of microarraysin this step is increasing.

    17-371 EZ-ChIP Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Kit 1 kit

    17-295 Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay Kit 1 kit

    17-245 Acetyl-Histone H3 Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay Kit 1 kit

    17-229 Acetyl-Histone H4 Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay Kit 1 kit

    16-157 Protein A agarose/Salmon Sperm DNA 1 mg

    16-201 Protein G Agarose/Salmon Sperm DNA 1 mg

    Legend Histone H3 at lysine 4 is highly correlated with transcriptional competence, and Histone H3

    methylation at lysine 9 is highly correlated with transcriptional silencing. Image courtesy of ShivGrewal, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories.



    EZ-ChIP Kit (cat. #17-371)

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  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence


    P R O D U C T H I G H L I G H T

    CpGenome & CpG WIZ

    Methylation-specific PCR* (MSP) Systems


    Cat. # Description Price

    Cat. # Description Price

    Detection of the Methylation State of the p16 GeneMethylation Specific PCR* (MSP) of the p16 gene in two invasive carcinomas, a squamousintraepithelial lesion (SIL), and an adenocarcinoma of the cervix. Each numbered set ispaired MSP reactions specific for both the unmethylated (U) and methylated (M) alleles of

    the p16 CpG island. The presence or absence of theMMSP amplicon is indicative of themethylation state of the p16 gene in the sample. The results indicate that both invasive

    carcinomas and the SIL sample are heterozygous for methylation while the adenocarcinomasample is clearly homozygous for the unmethylated state at the p16 locus.

    Cat. # Description Price

    The CpGenome and CpG WIZ Systems quickly and easily

    detect the methylation state of a gene using methylation-specific

    PCR* (MSP). This advanced technique enables the precise

    mapping of methylation patterns in the CpG islands of genomic

    DNA. Methylation-specific PCR* is a technology for the sensitive

    detection of abnormal gene methylation utilising small amounts

    of DNA1. The procedure is capable of detecting methylated

    sequences in mixed cell populations (methylated and unmethylated).

    This process employs an initial bisulfite reaction to modify theDNA, followed by PCR* amplification with specific primers

    designed to distinguish methylated from unmethylated DNA

    (see chart on page 9).


    Chemicons CpGenome DNA Modification Kit is used to

    create methylation-specific sequence alterations in any DNA

    sample. Using a bisulfite treatment process, all unmethylated

    cytosines are converted to uracils; methylated cytosines remain

    unaltered. Thus, the methylation state of the DNA in vivo will

    determine the sequence of the DNA following bisulfite treat-

    ment. Methylation-specific PCR* (MSP) is then employed to

    detect which sequence is now present by using primers specific

    to each possible sequence. These primers can be designed

    using CpG WARE or other software; alternatively, CpG WIZ

    kits are available that supply the necessary reagents (including

    primers) to detect the methylation state of specific targets.

    The CpGenome DNA Modification Kit contains the reagents

    and the protocol needed to perform bisulfite treatment on

    100 DNA samples.

    CpGENOME DNA Modification Kit Advantages

    Flexible: Universal method for any gene of interest

    Sensitive: Modify as little as 1 ng of DNA

    Easy: No restriction digests or Southern blots required

    S7820 CpGenome DNA Modif icat ion Kit 235

    CpGENOME UNIVERSAL METHYLATED CONTROL DNAChemicons CpGenome Universal Methylated Control DNA is

    a positive control for investigating the methylation status of any

    human gene. This control consists of methylated in vitro human

    male genomic DNA and has been qualified for use with the

    CpGenome Universal DNA Modification Kit (cat. #S7820).

    S7821 CpGenome Universal Methylated Control DNA 193

    CpGENOME UNIVERSAL UNMETHYLATED DNA SETThe CpGenome Universal Unmethylated DNA Set provides two

    separate genomic DNA controls (5 g each) for gene methylation

    studies. One is genomic DNA from human tissue, and the other

    is genomic DNA from a primary human foetal cell line. While

    both DNAs are known to be primarily unmethylated, one of

    the two may be a better unmethylated control for certain


    S7822 CpGenome Universal Unmethylated DNA Set 184

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  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence



    Step 1. Bisulfite Treatment The fi rst step in MSP involves the chemical conversion of al l unmethylated cy tosines to uracil using the reagents in the CpGenome

    Universal DNA Modification Kit (cat. #S7820). Methylated cytosines remain unaltered in the process. Thus, the sequence of the DNA after bisulfite treatmentwill be different depending on the orig inal methy lation s tate of the DNA.

    Step 2. PCR* with Methylation Specific Primer Sets Methylation specific PCR* is used to determine which sequence is present after bisulfite treatment. Primers

    to the unmethylated and methylated sequences must be designed, such that mismatches are created depending on which sequence is present to prevent misprimingbetween the primer sets and the undesired target DNA. A typical experiment will involve performing 2 PCR* reactions using the same bisulfite-treated template

    DNA. One reaction uses primers (U primer set) designed to anneal to the sequence present if the DNA is unmethylated, and the other reaction will includeprimers (M primer set) designed to anneal to the sequence if the DNA is methylated.

    Step 3. Gel Analysis The PCR* products are run on an agarose ge l s tained to visua lize the DNA. If the sample DNA was or iginally unmethylated prior tomodification, only the U primer set will produce an amplification product. Conversely, a product will only be produced with the M primer set if the DNA

    was originally methylated.

    CgG WIZ

    Amplification KitsCat. # Description Price Cat. # Description Price

    S7800 CpG WIZ p16 Amplification Kit 325

    S7801 CpG WIZ DAP Kinase Amplification Kit 325

    S7802 CpG WIZ p15 Amplification Kit 325

    S7803 CpG WIZ MGMT Amplification Kit 325

    S7804 CpG WIZ E-cadherin Amplification Kit 325

    S7805 CpG WIZ VHL Amplification Kit 325

    S7806 CpG WIZ Prader-Willi/Angelman Amplification Kit 325

    S7807 CpG WIZ Fragile X Amplification Kit 325

    S7808 CpG WIZ GST-pi Amplification Kit 325

    S7809 CpG WIZ SOCS1 Amplification Kit 325

    S7810 CpG WIZ RB1 Amplification Kit 325

    S7811 CpG WIZ hMLH1 Amplification Kit 325

    S7812 CpG WIZ APC Amplification Kit 325

    S7813 CpG WIZ RASSF1A Amplification Kit 325

    S7814 CpG WIZ RAR1 Amplification Kit 325

    S7815 CpG WIZ ER Amplification Kit 325

    S7816 CpG WIZ HIN Amplification Kit 325

    S7817 CpG WIZ p14/ARF Amplification Kit 325

    S7818 CpG WIZTMS1/ASC Amplification Kit 325

    S7830 CpG WIZ BRCA1 Amplification Kit 325

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  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence



    Epigenetics Products

    Tested Species Pack Pos.Description Applications Reactivity Cat. # Size Cntrl. Price

    EpigeneticsProduct List

    Antibodies to Tumour Suppressors Important regulators of cell division whose loss of function by mutation or silencing can contribute to can-


    Anti-APC IHC IP FC H AB4063 100 g 193


    Anti-DAP Kinase 2 WB H M R AB3606 100 g 180


    Anti-E-cadherin, clone 674A WB FC H MAB3199 100 g 197


    Anti-FMRP WB IHC ELISA FC H MAB2160 100 l 287


    Anti-ING1, clone CAb3 WB IP ICC H 05-720 100 g 217


    Anti-hMLH1 WB IP H AB3902 50 g 137MGMT

    Anti-MGMT, clone MT3.1 WB IHC IP FC H MAB16200 100 g 197


    Anti-p16, clone D25 WB IHC H MAB4133 100 g 197

    Anti-p16, clone ZI11 WB IHC IF H MAB88057 50 g 146

    p19 ARF

    Anti-p19 ARF WB IP M R 07-543 200 l 204


    Anti-p53, clone BP53-12 WB IP H 05-224 200 l 224

    Anti-acetyl-p53 (Lys320) WB IP H 06-915 200 l 202

    Anti-acetyl-p53 (Lys373) WB IP H 06-916 200 l 202

    Anti-acetyl-p53 (Lys373, Lys382) WB WR 06-758 200 l 231

    Am ..... .... ...amphib ian

    Av ... .... .... ...a vian


    Ca .............canine

    Ce..............C. elegans

    Ch .............chicken

    Di ..............dictyostelium




    Gp.............guinea pig

    H ...............human

    Ht ..............hamster

    M ... .... .... ....mouse

    Ma.. .... .... ...mammal

    Mi .... .... .... ..mi nk

    Mk .... .... .... .monkey

    Pl ...............plant




    Sh. .... .... .... .sheep

    Sp. .... .... .... .S. pombe

    T ................Tetrahymena

    WR ............wide range

    Xn. .... .... .... .Xenopus

    Y ................yeast

    Ze .... .... .... ..zebra fish

    * predicted

    Tested Species Reactivity (see note below)Tested Applications (see note below)

    Note:Additional species and applications may apply. Call Tech Support at 0805 0190 555 for more information.

    .... .... ..ace tyla tion

    .... .... .meth ylat ion


    APA ..... ... ...a ffin ity precipitat ion

    BA .............biologically active

    BD.............Beadlyte assay

    CC.............cell culture

    ChIP..........chromatin I P

    DB.............dot blot

    EA..............enzyme assay

    EA-IB.........enzyme assay-immunoblot

    ELISA ........ enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

    EMSA........electrophoretic mobility shift assay

    FACS. ........ fluorescent activated cell sorting

    FC..............flow cytometry

    GK.............gene knockdown

    HAT... ........ histone acetyltransferase assay

    HDAC .......HDAC assay

    HMT..........histone methyltransferase assay

    IAP.............immunoaffinity purification


    IF ...............immunofluorescence



    IPK ............IP-kinase assay

    KA .............kinase assay

    MET .... .... ..me thyla tion assay

    N ...............neutralisation

    PIA.............peptide inhibition assay

    PA..............phosphatase assay

    RIA ............radio immunoassay


    WB ............Western blotting

    Upstate and Chemicon are both part of the Serologicals family of companies. In this brochure, you will find Chemicons impressive array of DNA

    methylation products, rounding out Upstates lineup of products for epigenetics research.

    For your convenience, you can order any of our products and get complete technical support from either company.

    Suppl ied by Chemicon International

    sales orders t: 0800 0190 333 f: 0800 0190 444 tech support: 0800 0190 555 calls outside the UK: +44 (0)1382 560812

  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence



    Tested Species Pack Pos.

    Description Applications Reactivity Cat. # Size Cntrl. Price


    Anti-p73, / WB IP IHC H AB7824 100 g 244

    Anti-p73, clone GC15 WB IP EMSA H Ht B Mk 05-509 200 g 224


    Anti-Rb, clone XZ-77 WB IP H Av 05-377 200 g 224

    Anti-Rb1 IP H CBL447 100 g 188

    Anti-Rb2 (p130) WB H M R 07-282 100 l 202

    Anti-Rb protein, underphosphorylated, clone MAB549 WB IP H M MAB3187 50 g 205


    Anti-WT1, clone 6F-H2 WB ICC IHC H 05-753 200 g 217

    DNA Methylation Kits & Reagents Tools for measuring levels of silencing-associated CpG methylation in DNA at specific genes

    Base Kits

    CpGenome Universal DNA Modification Kit MET S7820 100 assays 235

    CpGenome Universal Methylated Control DNA MET S7821 10 g 193

    CpGenome Universal Unmethylated Control DNA Set MET S7822 5 g 184

    CpGenome Fast DNA Modification Kit MET S7824 25 assays 128

    Target-Specific Kits

    CpG WIZ APC Amplification Kit MET S7812 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ BRCA1 Amplification Kit MET S7830 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ DAP Kinase Amplification Kit MET S7801 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ E-cadherin Amplification Kit MET S7804 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ ER Amplification Kit MET S7815 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ Fragile X Amplification Kit MET S7807 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ GST-pi Amplification Kit MET S7808 25 assays 325CpG WIZ HIN Amplification Kit MET S7816 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ MGMT Amplification Kit MET S7803 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ hMLH1 Amplification Kit MET S7811 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ p14/ARF Amplification Kit MET S7817 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ p15 Amplification Kit MET S7802 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ p16 Amplification Kit MET S7800 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ Prader-Willi/Angelman Amplification Kit MET S7806 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ RASSF1A Amplification Kit MET S7813 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ RAR1 Amplification Kit MET S7814 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ RB1 Amplification Kit MET S7810 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ SOCS1 Amplification Kit MET S7809 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZTMS1/ASC Amplification Kit MET S7818 25 assays 325

    CpG WIZ VHL Amplification Kit MET S7805 25 assays 325

    Antibodies to Methyl DNA Binding Proteins Bind to methylated CpG islands and recruit other proteins, such as HDACs and HMTs


    Anti-Kaiso, clone 6F WB IP IHC EMSA WR 05-659 200 g 224


    Anti-MBD2 WB IP EMSA ChIP H M 07-198 200 g 202Anti-MBD2/3 WB H 07-199 200 g 224


    Anti-MeCP2 WB H M R 07-013 200 g 224

    Anti-Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2 WB H AB3469 100 g 265

    www.upstate .com tech support: [email protected] enquries: [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence



    Tested Species Pack Pos.Description Applications Reactivity Cat. # Size Cntrl. Price

    Epigenetics Products continued

    Enzyme Assay Kits Used to detect levels of specific post-translational modifications on histones


    Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay Kit ChIP 17-295 22 assays 201

    EZ-ChIP ChIP 17-371 22 assays 232


    HDAC Assay Kit (Fluorometric Detection) HDAC 17-356 96 assays 262

    Histone Deacetylase Assay Kit (HDAC) HDAC 17-320 100 assays 199

    Histone H3

    Acetyl-Histone H3 Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay Kit IP ChIP 17-245 22 assays 390

    Histone H4

    Acetyl-Histone H4 Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay Kit IP ChIP 17-229 22 assays 393


    Histone Methyltransferase Assay Reagent Kit HMT 17-330 100 assays 180


    HAT Assay Kit ELISA 17-289 96 assays 514

    HAT Assay Reagent Kit HAT 17-329 100 assays 72


    p300/CBP Immunoprecipitation HAT Assay Kit HAT 17-284 40 assays 381

    Histone Modifying Enzymes & Proteins Add or subtract modif icat ions to histone proteins and help regulate transcription

    CARM 1

    CARM1, active HMT 14-575 10 g 232


    Hat1, active KA 14-580 20 g 217


    HDAC8, active HDAC 14-609 50 g 239


    Core Histones HAT 13-107 1 mg 112

    Histone H1

    Histone H1 KA 14-155 20 mg 129

    Histone H2A

    Histone H2A, human EA 14-493 100 g 224

    Histone H2A.X

    Histone H2A.X KA 14-576 100 g 217

    Histone H2A.Z

    Histone H2A.Z KA 14-597 100 g 217

    Histone H2B

    Histone H2B, human EA 14-491 100 g 224

    Histone H3

    Histone H3, human EA 14-494 100 g 224

    Histone H4

    Histone H4 EA 14-412 100 g 224


    HOS3, yeast, active HDAC 14-472 250 g 224


    MOZ, active EA 14-631 25 g 239


    p300, HAT Domain HAT 14-418 50 g 239


    PCAF, active HAT 14-309 50 g 239


    PRMT 1, active HMT 14-474 25 g 224

    collect Upstate DiscoveryPointsTM and redeem them for gifts and vouchers -check out www.upstate.com/ukdiscoveryupoints for details

  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence



    Tested Species Pack Pos.Description Applications Reactivity Cat. # Size Cntrl. Price


    PR-SET7, active HMT 14-539 100 g 224

    SET9, active EA 14-469 100 g 239

    SIRT / SIR2

    SIRT1 Deacetylase HDAC 17-370 1 kit 232

    Antibodies to Histone Modifications Histone modifications are reversible events involved in the regulation of transcription.Histone H3

    Anti-Histone H3 WB ICC ChIP H M R 06-755 200 g 224

    Anti-Histone H3 WB H WR 05-499 200 g 226

    Anti-acetyl-Histone H3 WB ICC ChIP H M T 06-599 200 g 236

    Anti-acetyl-Histone H3 (Lys9) WB DB Eu 06-942 200 g 236

    Anti-acetyl-Histone H3 (Lys9/18) WB ChIP H M B Y 07-593 200 l 217

    Anti-acetyl-Histone H3 (Lys27) WB ChIP H Y WR 07-360 100 l 231

    Anti-monomethyl-Histone H3 (Lys4) WB IF ChIP H WR 07-436 200 g 224

    Anti-monomethyl-Histone H3 (Lys9), clone RR103 WB H 05-713 100 l 239

    Anti-monomethyl-Histone H3 (Lys9) WB H 07-395 100 l 216

    Anti -monomethyl -Histone H3 (Lys9) WB ICC ChIP P IA H M Ch 07-450 100 g 210

    Anti-monomethyl-Histone H3 (Lys27) WR WR 07-448 200 g 217

    Anti-mono/di/trimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys4), clone AW304 WB ChIP BD H WR 05-791 100 l 217

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys4), clone RR302 WB H Ch WR 05-684 400 l 216

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys4), clone AW30 WB BD H 05-790 100 l 232

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys4) WB ICC DB IF ChIP H T 07-030 200 l 232

    Anti-dimethyl (Lys4) dimethyl (Lys9) Histone H3 WB IP ICC H Ch 07-370 100 l 216

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys9), clone RR202 WB ELISA H Ch Xn 05-685 200 l 216

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys9), clone MC554 WB IF H 05-768 100 l 232

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys9) WB ICC H Ch Y WR 07-212 100 l 190

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys9) WR H M Ch Y 07-441 100 g 210

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys9) WB BD H WR 07-521 200 l 224

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys9), biotin conjugated WB ICC 16-187 100 l 246

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys27) WB H WR 07-322 200 g 194

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys27) WB ChIP WR 07-421 100 l 232

    Anti-dimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys27) WR H 07-452 200 g 217

    Anti-trimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys4), clone MC315 WB ChIP H 05-745 100 g 232

    Anti-trimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys4) WB DB ChIP H WR 07-473 200 l 216Anti-trimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys9) WB DB IF ChIP H 07-442 100 g 210

    Anti-trimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys9) WB H 07-523 200 l 217

    Anti-trimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys27) WB ICC ChIP PIA H M WR 05-851 100 l 211

    Anti-trimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys27) WB ICC ChIP PIA H 07-449 200 g 217

    Antibodies to Histone Modifying Enzymes Add or subtract modifi cations to histone proteins and help regulate transcription


    Anti-ACTR/AIB1, clone AX15 WB IP H 05-490 150 l 224


    Anti-CARM1 WB IP H M R 07-080 100 l 202


    Anti-CBP NT WB H M R 06-297 200 g 202


    Anti-ESET/SetDB1 WB H M 07-378 100 l 194


    Anti-G9a WB H 07-551 200 g 210


    Anti-GCN5, Histone Acetyltransferase WB IHC ELISA H MAB3622 100 l 338


    Anti-HDAC1 WB IP IC H M R 06-720 200 g 226

    Anti-HDAC1, clone 2E10 WB IP IC ChIP H M 05-614 200 g 224Anti-HDAC2 WB H M 07-222 200 l 202

    Anti-HDAC2, clone 3F3 WB IP IC HDAC H M Ht B 05-814 200 g 217

    Anti-HDAC3 WB IP HDAC H 07-522 200 g 210

    request an Upstate DiscoveryPointsTM collection card - email your address to [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence



    Tested Species Pack Pos.Description Applications Reactivity Cat. # Size Cntrl. Price

    Anti-HDAC3 WB H M R 06-890 200 g 202

    Anti-HDAC3, clone 3G6 WB IP IC HDAC H M Ht B 05-813 200 g 217

    Anti-HDAC4 WB IC H M 07-040 200 g 224

    Anti-HDAC5 WB H M R 07-045 200 g 224Anti-HDAC8 WB IP H M 07-505 100 l 202


    Anti-MLL/HRX, C-term., clone 9-12 WB IP H M 05-765 200 g 217

    Anti-MLL/HRX, N-term., clone N4.4 WB IP M H 05-764 200 g 217


    Anti-MOZ; MYST Histone Acetyltransferase 3 WB H M R AB4141 100 g 193


    Anti-p300 CT, clone RW 128 WB IP ChIP H M R 05-257 200 g 244

    Anti-dimethyl-p300 (Arg2142) WB H 07-656 100 l 211


    Anti-PRMT1 WB H M 07-404 200 g 194Anti-PRMT3 WB H M R 07-256 200 g 202

    Anti-PRMT5 WB IP H M 07-405 200 g 202Anti-PRMT7 WB H M 07-639 200 l 204


    Anti-SET07 (Histone H4-K20 Methyltransferase) WB ELISA H AB3351 100 g 201

    Anti-hPR-SET7 WB IC H 07-316 100 l 210

    Anti-SET9 WB H 07-314 200 g 202


    Anti-Sirt1, clone 2G1/F7 WB IP H 05-707 200 g 224

    Anti-Sir2 WB IP ICC H M 07-131 200 l 202


    Anti-SUV39H1 WB H M 07-550 200 g 210

    Anti-SUV39H1, clone MG44 WB IP ChIP H M 05-615 200 l 224

    Anti-SUV39H1, Histone H3-K9 Methyltransferase 1 WB ICC ELISA H AB3353 100 l 210


    Anti-Tip60 WB H M 07-038 200 g 224

    Antibodies to Regulators of Chromatin Function Proteins that influence transcription and silencing through effects on chromatin structure


    Anti-Bmi-1, clone F6 WB IP ICC H M R Rb 05-637 100 g 224


    Anti-EED WB H M 07-368 100 l 194


    Anti-EZH2 WB ICC H M R Rb 07-400 200 l 194


    Anti-HP1 WB H M 07-346 200 l 202

    Anti-HP1, clone15.19s2 WB IHC ChIP H M WR 05-689 200 g 216

    Anti-HP1 WB H M 07-333 200 g 202Anti-HP1 WB IHC ELISA IF H M MAB3448 100 l 338

    Anti-HP1 WB H M 07-332 200 g 202Anti-HP1, clone 42s2 WB IHC ChIP H M 05-690 200 g 216


    Anti-Mi-2 WB H 06-878 200 g 202


    Anti-p66 (MeCP1 repressor component) WB H M 07-365 200 g 194


    Anti-hSNF2, clone 1B9/D12 WB H M 05-698 100 g 202

    Anti-hSNF2H WB IP ChIP H 07-624 100 l 188Anti-SNF2/BRG1 WB I P ICC H M 07-478 200 l 202

    Anti-SNF2p (yeast specific) WB IP Y 07-319 200 g 202

    Anti-SNF5p (yeast specific) WB IP Y 07-320 200 g 202

    Epigenetics Products continued

    sales orders t: 0800 0190 333 f: 0800 0190 444 tech support: 0800 0190 555 calls outside the UK: +44 (0)1382 560812

  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence



    Tested Species Pack Pos.Description Applications Reactivity Cat. # Size Cntrl. Price


    Anti-SRC-1, clone 1135 WB IP H M R 05-522 100 g 224


    Anti-SUZ12 WB H M 07-379 100 l 194


    Anti-TRF2, clone 4A794 WB ICC H R 05-521 100 g 224

    ChIP-Qualified Antibodies toStudy Histone MethylationAntibodies specific for mono-, di- and tri-methylated histones

    Histone methylation is an important phenomenon thatis involved in regulating access to specific regions of the

    genome. Upstate has developed a panel of antibodies that

    recognise each of the methylated versions (mono, di and tri)

    of all the widely studied and biologically relevant methylation

    sites on histones H3 and H4. They are qualified for use in

    chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and most work well

    in a variety of other applications, like Western blotting,

    immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry.

    Check outwww.upstate.com/chip for all available ChIP-

    qualified antibodies.

    Legend Mouse embryonic fibroblasts stained with polyclonal antibodiesthat recognise monomethyl (left panels), dimethyl (middle panels) or

    trimethyl (right panels) histone H3. Top panels (green): antibodiesspecific for H3 lysine 27 methylation. Bottom panels (red): antibodies

    specific for H3 lysine 9 methylation were employed. Note: the characteristiclocalization of trimethyl H3 (Lys27) to the inactive X-chromosome (Xi,

    upper right panel). Consult the chart to the left for catalog numbers ofthe products used. Images courtesy Dr. Thomas Jenuwein, Institute forMolecular Pathology, Vienna.

    Histone H3 Methylationin Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts

    Mono Di TriHistone Methylation Site Cat. # Cat. # Cat. #

    Histone H3 (Lys4) 07-436 07-030 05-745, 07-473

    Histone H3 (Lys9) 07-450 07-441 07-442

    Histone H3 (Lys27) 07-448 07-452 05-581, 07-449

    Histone H4 (Lys20) 07-440 07-367 07-463

    www.upstate .com tech support: [email protected] enquries: [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 Epigenetics - The Cancer Code of Silence








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    comes from two simple

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    This commitment to quality is reflected in our no

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    www.upst ate.comUK

    Fischer Building

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    To place an order:

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    Upstate offers over 2,700 antibodies, kinases, phosphatases,

    siRNA kits, assay systems, substrates, inhibitors, cDNAs,

    cell growth and multiplexing products for cell signalling.

    Visit us at www.upstate.com to find out more.

    CpGenome is a trademark of Chemicon International, Inc.

    CpG WARE is a trademark of Chemicon International, Inc.

    CpG WIZ is a registered trademark of Chemicon International, Inc.

    IHC Select is a registered trademark of Chemicon International, Inc.


    CHEMICON International, Inc.

    28820 Single Oak Drive

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    To place an o rder:

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