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Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

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Best Of...Andi Perelman Episode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast featured Andi Perelman, Manager of New Media for the Pittsburgh Penguins What follows are some snippets from the episode. Listen to the full podcast on iTunes or www.DSMSports.net @njh287; DSMSports.net
Page 1: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Episode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast featured Andi Perelman, Manager of New Media for the Pittsburgh Penguins

What follows are some snippets from the episode. Listen to the full podcast on iTunes or www.DSMSports.net

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 2: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Andi's career path

Went to University of Maryland and majored in government and politics → Ended up attending a sport industry management master's program at Georgetown, studying new media → Then moved back to hometown Pittsburgh and worked for the Pittsburgh Power Arena Football League team and later for an ad agency, in addition to sports-related internships

→ She also wrote for Bleacher Report, her own blog, and a local hockey blog → With some connections, she was able to earn the role with the Pittsburgh Penguins

She was able to get her writing on Bleacher Report by submitting some writing samples (and she already had experience writing for her own blog)

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 3: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On the Pittsburgh Power and AFL:

“I didn't know anything about Arena Football when I started...You really have to learn the rules and understand how it works...Everyone in the Arena League is trying to make it to the next step...

I knew someone who was there and they had an opportunity (for me) to work as an intern....and then it became full-time and I started managing interns on game nights...It was really a good experience...It was a much smaller organization, so a lot more responsibilities in some ways...and doing things I don't do (now) with the Penguins.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 4: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On starting with the Penguins

“We didn't have Snapchat at that point, we didn't have Periscope...there was really no live streaming at all...We had a much smaller staff at that point...Since then, we've grown in our manpower and our budget...As platforms are arising and things are changing, people are recognizing how important new media is.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“I was coming in to do a lot of the posting, the day-to-day management...listening and sharing...We still have a huge team that creates content – two writers...and we have a very large video staff, so I get a lot of those stories and those videos and I have to push those out ot fans in a way that makes the most sense at a time. And also create a lot of stuff on my own, but those aren't the big multimedia pieces that are coming from elsewhere.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 6: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On where new media fits into the Penguins organization

“Technically all of new media reports into marketing...but our writers...also report to our VP of Communications because he;s the one that gears them and guides them for what they should be writing...Our department used to be under sales and then we switched over to marketing, but now we're in marketing and PR, and there's definitely an effort (for us) to be communicating with everyone.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“I think the Penguins executives really get it...They listen to me and a lot of the younger people in the office that really understand social and digital...So even the people in the office that don;'t understand everything on social, they really make an effort to listen and understand. I have bi-weekly meetings with execs to just talk to them about what has changed on social. I think our sales people...really hear all the time that social is what our partners want, so there is a clear understanding that it is something that is important to the organization – both for gaining new fans and for providing value to our partners.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On playing gatekeeper for social content and partner + sales posts

“Every social person would say yes to that. Sometimes you want to fight back, some partners are asking for something that maybe is not something that is the best for both parties and I think our sales team is a doing a great job of listening to the feedback we give and going back to the partner and (understanding) their goals and getting a promotion that fits and makes sense. That is a discussion that needs to keep happening...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“One of the things we do in the offseason is put together a list of social sponsorable inventory. Everything we would want to put out here even without a partner that we could tie a partner into. Sometimes we even put suggested partners, we build out templates for partners and see how...they could fit into partners' brands...

That is not the end-all, we have to listen to what these partners are trying to achieve...It's always been something that has been a conversation and now we're just hoping that we can get to the point that everything we're selling is something we really believe in and is something that is going to the perform the way we expect it to, both for us and the partner.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On executive buy-in at all levels for the Penguins' new media, particularly with the midseason head coach change

“We usually don't know (those kind of things) in advance...We find out with enough time that we can pull a photo if we need to or post it on our website (in time), but for the most part we don;t know until really late. The way we prepare for those things is understanding that...our PR team will guide us with the talking points. Everything we need to release to the public and the information we need to provide...Then we make sure we're there for the press conference, we'll get the quotes directly from the source...so that it is not something where we're providing any kind of opinion, it's (more of) a news push.”

[Andi talks gives the play-by-play of the coaching change; great stuff!]

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“It's kind of just play it by ear, get all the information that the media would...What we try and do is, when there is a lull, we;re trying to figure out the fan sentiment on something...

[Andi talks about previous coaching change and set up reports on all potential GM's and coaches and all the specific chatter from fans on their feelings on candidates, helping provide insight for Penguins new media and PR, even though it didn't affect executive decisions in any way]

“We set up some feeds and we were all just in a conference room on a week night at 10pm and we ordered some pizza...people are interested to see what fans are saying and we work very hard to understand where the fans are coming from...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 12: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Helpful Tool: Prisma app (make photos look like works of art!)

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 13: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On hockey operations and access for Penguins new media

“I think they totally understand where we're coming from. They know we always want more. It's finding that balance between how much is enough for the fans would want...The fans would always want more...We just try and be respectful and make the ask when we do think it's something important...We don't make those asks all the time, but when we do, it's (for something) we really believe in.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 14: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On how access changes with the playoffs

“I think we get more access in certain ways and less access in others. I traveled for the whole playoffs, which is uncommon for me...I was there for the whole playoff run...Most of the time I was flying on the team plane. That way, you're kind of with the team, you're getting the feeling of how things are. For social, that's great...capturing that road trip is really cool.

“When they got off the plane from San Jose, we didn't even know there was going to be cameras and fans, and I was right there to capture (all of it)...I think we just have to find that balance between 'Is someone there to cover it and will this eventually get to social?' and when is the right time to get that hi-res, impressive footage and when is it the right time to be snapping something to get it out there quickly?...We always try to have someone around to cover things...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On Penguins' new media differentiating themselves from other Penguins news and content sources out there

“I think we definitely try to...Part of that is we have to different writers on our staff. They provide their own stories. We kind of see ourselves as an agency in and of itself – we have our own creative team, we have our own graphics people, our own writers..While we may not be posting something that is quite as hard-hitting...we try and provide a different viewpoint...

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 16: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

For us, we try and listen to all the questions being asked by reporters and not interfere too much. I'm not writing a whole story, I'm writing a tweet or two from a press conference. So the last thing I want t do is get in a question that is going to take away from someone else who has a deadline and has a story they have to write on a specific topic. If a media member is asking something, there's probably something I can use there that is something different...Sometimes we'll sit in the press conferences and write down what we think people are going to say before they say it. We're usually pretty close!...Just kind of sifting through and realizing we don't need to have coach saying this one (same) thing every day.

Focusing on the new pieces of information is something we try to do.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Balancing Sidney Crosby content with other players, despite Crosby's overwhelming popularity

“We definitely want to highlight every player. It's a team effort...every time you listen to our guys, they talk about how much they play together as a team...On social, we have to do that, too. Sid is the captain and is the face of our team in many ways...It's never enough (though). We always have to do more with everyone. We also try to focus on players doing very well at the time...”

(Andi gives a few examples, including Conor Sheary having a pivotal couple of games in the playoffs)

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 18: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Content and the playoffs

“We prepare a lot (in addition to doing real-time content). We have spreadsheets where we go through every single platform and say what kinds of things we're looking for, what kind of graphics (we need), what kind of GIFs...

Before we won the Stanley Cup, you wouldn't even believe how many things we had ready. We don't know exactly how it's going to happen, so you want to prepare all these different things to be ready for that moment – we had new backgrounds for our website, we had new cover photos, new profile photos. We had graphics for the Conn Smythe winner for a bunch of different guys. That's all ready to go and on my phone, so when we run out onto the ice after the end of the game...I can post from the ice, all those things that are already ready...

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“One of the things I made sure to do was I called Leah Hendrickson from the Chicago Blackhawks, because she has won quite a bit! I said 'I think we're ready, but what am I not thinking of? What are things you ran into when you ran out on the ice?'...She told me that her Internet just went down. No arena is optimizing the ice for a WiFi or LTE signal, because no one issuing the Internet (at center ice). So then we had a whole plan for if we won game five to (optimize the ice for WiFi), then of course we didn't win in game five, we won in game six (in San Jose)...I would say we prepare a lot, but always ready to adapt on the fly all the time.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Integrating marketing into those plans and moments

“Tickets, it's definitely all the time. We have a weekly meeting with our ticketing team and talk about message sand what kind of multimedia can be sued to promote tickets. For merchandise, we have a system called Ad Task (for sales people to submit requests)...Those are the kind of places where they say 'Merchandise is going to be available at DICKS Sporting Goods the day after a win. Here's a tweet we want you to put out there. Here's a Facebook post, write whatever you want. Here's what the actual hats and shirts are going to look like.' But maybe you hold off until you can get shots of players actually wearing them...

But in that moment when we won the Stanley Cup, we didn't want to put too much sales messaging. Those are the moments where you really have to capitalize with your very best content and focus on the team.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 21: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Andi gives a play-by-play of what winning the Cup was like

“Right when we won, I had everything kind of pre-prograamed and starting hitting send on all these different platforms...My whole staff was in San Jose and we were all together and all working...Right after we won...we sent everything and (after all that stuff was posted)...I ran toward the ice and the line just started moving (with the cup) and we got out there with our cameras and our phones...and got stuff out (as quickly as possible) on Snapchat. At that moment, we waited on the side and saw Sid get the Cup and the Conn Smythe.

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 22: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“When the team photo, that was when we were allowed on the ice...I was standing right next to [owner] Mario Lemieux's wife and seeing Sid and Geno (Evgeni Malkin) bring the Stanley Cup over to her was really cool for me...I think those are the underrated moments...Sid grew up with her as kind of a mother...and to think of her in that moment was a nice human moment...

“People sometimes forget that these hockey players are real people, and those are the things that are so nice. Social has humanzied them a bit. Sid doesn't have social, so those are the moments where we can see that they are really happy as people, not just these hockey players that are so far away.

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 23: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“Another thing...I saw Matt Cullen's family came out. He's older and getting toward the end of his career and seeing his kids so happy...I met his dad on the dad's trip earlier this year...and having his dad come out and they were trying not to cry...That was one of the only photos I put out from my cell phone camera, was the two of them celebrating and hugging...Those moments, you gotta share them, because they're such cool moments.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“(When the players were celebrating in the locker room) the NHL had a GoPro on a champagne bottle, so we had that video. Our in-the-room guys were int there getting that footage. We had players singing 'We Are The Champions.' We had all those great photos...After we left the arena, we were with the team at the hotel and I don't think it's ever enough (celebrating)...It was good to see such great people accomplish a lifetime goal that they really worked hard for. We were just happy to be along for the ride...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On capitalizing on the Cup win over the offseason from a marketing perspective

“We all think about that...As I get certain tasks sent to me, we kind of hype up those moments, but right now it's just a great time. This offseason was going to be exciting for us anyway with our 50th anniversary and looking back on the history of the team...Now with this fourth Stanley Cup, it's even more exciting,. Mostly, it;'s just thinking about what we can do better and the offseason is really when we look and see how our content has performed this past year and what we would like to do this upcoming season. I think that's pretty standard with the way it has been, but it's a lot more exciting (this offseason, coming off the Cup)...

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Share-able Stat: 60% – the percentage of Pokemon GO users that play the game / use the app EVERY DAY

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 27: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On being in her role as a female

“No, absolutely not. I think not only at the Penguins, but across the NHL, a lot of other women have the same role that I do at their respective teams. At the Penguins, we have a lot of really powerful women in powerful positions across a lot of different departments...

There are definitely some scenarios where you want to make sure you're not walking into the locker room at time when guys are still changing, and I think that's the only thing is working with male athletes...sometimes it's not quite as comfortable. But I think we do a really good job with the Penguins with everyone understanding there's men and women walking around the locker room...Everyone is very respectful, and that's the only time you really notice (being female)...I don't think anything is difficult. I think everyone that I've encountered respects a female in this job and what we can do as an intelligent employee.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The non-NHL team that does the best job on social media and why

“I think there are a lot of teams that do really well and they do well at different things. One of the things we really like about the WWE is that they reach out to other leagues and other teams [Andi mentions working with Shaun Michaels and the WWE with the HBK line]...

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“We look at (WWE's success on social) and say 'everything they're putting out there is resonating with their fans and how is that happening?' So we think they do a really good job of reaching out and expanding their fan base...

I look at European soccer and they have the biggest accounts...and they have to reach a worldwide audience.

[Andi mentions Arsenal, Manchester City, Golden State Warriors, Atlanta Falcons, Pittsburgh Steelers, Pittsburgh Pirates]

“I can't choose just one. Some teams have really great graphics. Other teams are really good with customer service. Other teams are really good with engaging content and putting out quizzes (Andi cites Manchester City being really good in this space]...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 30: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Andi's #1 Snapchat tip for a social media and sports pro

“I think the number one thing for Snapchat is understanding everything it can do. I think for a while people didn't know that you could write in white and black, which now I feel like people understand that...I think for a while people didn't know that you could resize the text and make the words different colors. And now, with Memories, I think understanding what you can do on Snapchat now is so much bigger and larger than it has ever been before.

The whole platform just changed (recently)...Understanding every update and what the hidden features are is the most important thing...really looking and reading and understanding what else you can do...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Andi's favorite tweet the Penguins posted this season

“I think a post that we put out there that killed it...it was kind of right on the borderline (and I thought) is this too controversial? Was when Henrik Lundqvist pushed the net over...He got frustrated and we just said 'You mad, bro?' and we put a GIF of him knocking over the net and our fans just went crazy. That was a fun moment, very organic, playing on what we were reading from fans and that just did really well for else...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The biggest lesson Andi learned in her days with the AFL Pittsburgh Power

“I think there's a lot of experience to be gained from working for a smaller franchise...really getting that experience and learning how to sell and write, and learning how to market a team and manage people. Working for a smaller team, there's so much value there. And I'm so grateful I had that opportunity...Getting in there and really doing it yourself can teach you so much.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On the Pens Points program and new media's involvement

“It has changed a lot the last couple years. We didn't have an employee that was managing Pens Points separately from New Media...For me it's a lot less work now, because (Kristine) handles everything. She manages the Pens Points Twitter account, she manages customer concerns, (and) redemptions..She tells us everything we need to put up on our website and then she does all the legwork...Our role is not quite as large as it used to be. Pens Points has been really great us.

I think people think about Pens Points when they talk about loyalty, just because we got in there so early. The fans have rally gotten behind it. There is a such a big user base, and it has been really good, and we have incorporated a lot of partners, as well.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The lasting image that will remain Andi's mind for the Stanley Cup win

“It might be Matt Cullen and his dad. That was kind of a big moment for me. That was the first really cool moment that I saw when I was on the ice. But separate from that, just how excited the offfice is, and the things separate from the team...We just had our front office party with the Cup, and being able to get a picture with the Cup with my entire immediate family. Those are the things that stick out...the people that supported you along the way...

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“When we are all the hotel celebrating, that was the moment...It was really a team moment, for their families, and for the staff that was there...That as the moment we could kind of sit back and enjoy it. There was music playing and people were drinking out of the Cup...At one point, Phil Kessel picked up the Cup and brought it over (for a picture) to Amanda Kessel...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The best food to get around Pittsburgh

“The most famous food is definitely Primanti's and it is also probably the most fattening thing to ever exist. Which is the most Pittsburgh thing ever. Basically, it's a sandwich, and you get coleslaw on it, and you get french fires on it, and whatever meat you want, and tomato. And it is ridiculously good. If you're coming to Pittsburgh, you need to eat Primanti's, but you need to prepare yourself to only eat half, or not eat anything for, like, hours before you get it. Because only Pittsburghers can really handle eating the whole thing...”

[Andi's go-to is corned beef]

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The player besides Sidney Crosby for the Penguins that gets the most consistent social media engagement

“I think, generally, it's probably Evgeni Malkin. People love him and he's such a great player. I think if he was on any other team, he would be that guy. I would probably say Geno, but I think it also depends on what is going on with the team. For a while, we just got Phil Kessel, and everyone wanted more with Phil Kessel...It can be their performance on the ice, it can be...Kris Letang got his hair cut a little while ago and we put out a photo of him, and people just lose their minds...It just depends what's going on with the guys...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Who had the best playoff beard on the Penguins the past year?

“It has to be Nick Bonino. He said you have to grow it on your beard, if you can't grow it on your head, and I think that's hilarious...We had a whole event where we shaved it off...There was a whole crowd and he signed autographs, and we said goodbye to the Bonino beard...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Jacob Rosen on Sports AnalyticsEpisode 34 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Andi's Social Media All-Star to Follow

“For sports social stuff, you gotta follow @WarJessEagle. She kills it. I love reading everything that she puts out there. It's so nice to see what teams are doing well without looking through every single team's account. She does a really good job with it.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Page 40: Episode 72 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Andi Perelman of the Pittsburgh Penguins on Social/New Media

Best Of...Jacob Rosen on Sports AnalyticsEpisode 34 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Where to find Andi and the Penguins on social media

@Penguins on every social media platform [Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Google Plus, Pinterest, Periscope....and all of the others!]

Andi is on Twitter @AndiPerelman

@njh287; DSMSports.net

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Best Of...Andi PerelmanEpisode 72 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Thanks again to Andi for sharing her time, knowledge, experience, and expertise with the Digital & Social Media Sports podcast!

Listen to the podcast and find more episodes and content on iTunes and at www.DSMSports.net.

You can also follow me on Twitter @njh287

@njh287; DSMSports.net
