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.Erasmus+ - unican.es€¦ · .Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Mobility for learners and staff - Higher...

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.Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Mobility for learners and staff - Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility Inter-institutional agreement 2016-2018 between institutions from Programme and Partner Countries 1 The instit utions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or sta ff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They com mit to respect t he qual ity requirement s of the Erasm us Charter for Higher Educa tion in ali aspects of the organi sation and management of t he mobility, in particular the recognition of th e credi ts (o r equivalent) awarded to students by the partner institution. The institutions also commit to sound and transparent management of funds allocated to them through Era smus+ . A. Information about higher education institutions Full name of the Erasmus code Contact details 3 Website institution / country or city 2 (email, phone) (eg. of the course catalogue) Prof. Blaid BOUGADIR Cad i Ayyad Un iversity / Vi ce President in charge of http://www. uca.ma Ma rrakech Academic aff airs MOROCCO Email: b.bougadir@uca. ma Tél : +212524434814 Institutional Coordinator Prof. Teresa SUSINOS RADA Vicerrectora de Internacionalización y Coopera ción General Information Avda. de l os Castros s/n 39005 htt¡i:Uweb. !.! nica n .esLenLSt!,!dying¿ Santander (Cantabria} admission vr. internac ional@u n ican .es Courses taught in English Universidad de Cantabria / Head of International Office: htto · ¿¿~eb.!,!ni c¡¡o ,es[enlStucvingL E SANTAND01 academic-offerlcour ses -tauaht-in- Spain Ms. Gemma CASTRO Tel. +34 942 20 10 38 .e.ruiJlsh [email protected] es Practicalities: http: //web. unica o. es/en/Studying/ Administrative Contact: practica I ities Ms. Águeda SÁNCHEZ Tel. +34 942 20 09 70 sam;beza@gestion.uni cao,es 1 Erasmus+ Programme Countries are the 28 EU cou ntri es, the EFTA countries and other European countries as defined in the Call for proposals. Eligible Partner Countries are listed In the Programme Guide. 2 Higher Education lnstitutions (HEI) from Erasmus+ Programme Countries should indícate their Erasmus code whil e Partner Country HE Is should ment ían the city where they are located. 3 Contact details to rea ch the senior officer in cha rge of thís agreement. 1
Page 1: .Erasmus+ - unican.es€¦ · .Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Mobility for learners and staff - Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility Inter-institutional agreement 2016-2018 between

.Erasmus+ Key Action 1

Mobility for learners and staff -Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility

Inter-institutional agreement 2016-2018 between institutions from

Programme and Partner Countries1

The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasm us Charter for Higher Education in ali aspects of the organisation and management of t he mobility, in particular t he recognit ion of the credits (or equivalent) awarded to students by the partner institution. The institutions also commit to sound and transparent management of funds allocated to them through Erasmus+ .

A. Information about higher education institutions

Full name of the Erasmus code Contact details3 Website

institution / country or city2 (email, phone) (eg. of the course catalogue)

Prof. Blaid BOUGADIR

Cadi Ayyad Un iversity / Vice President in charge of

http://www.uca .ma Marrakech Academic affairs

MOROCCO Email: b.bougadir@uca .ma Tél : +212524434814

Institutional Coordinator Prof. Teresa SUSINOS RADA Vicerrectora de Internacionalización y Cooperación General Information Avda. de los Castros s/n 39005 htt¡i : Uweb. !.! n ica n .esLenLSt!,!dying¿ Santander (Cantabria} admission vr. internacional@u n ican .es Courses taught in English

Universidad de Cantabria / Head of International Office: htto · ¿¿~eb.!,!nic¡¡o ,es[enlStucvingL E SANTAND01 academic-offerlcourses-tauaht-in-

Spain Ms. Gemma CASTRO Tel. +34 942 20 10 38 .e.ruiJlsh [email protected] es

Practicalities: http: //web. unica o. es/en/Studying/

Administrative Contact: practica I ities

Ms. Águeda SÁNCHEZ Tel. +34 942 20 09 70 sam;[email protected],es

1 Erasmus+ Programme Countries are the 28 EU countries, the EFTA countries and other European countries as defined in the Call for proposals. Eligible Partner

Countries are listed In the Programme Guide. 2 Higher Education lnstitutions (HEI) from Erasmus+ Programme Countries should indícate their Erasmus code while Partner Country HE Is should mentían the city

where they are locat ed. 3 Contact details to rea ch the senior officer in charge of thís agreement.


Page 2: .Erasmus+ - unican.es€¦ · .Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Mobility for learners and staff - Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility Inter-institutional agreement 2016-2018 between

.Erasmus+ B. Mobility numbers4 per academic year

The partners commit to amend the table below in case of changes in the mobility data by no /ater than the end of January in the preceding academic year.

031 1 Economics

Marrakech E SANTAND01 Business and 0410


[* subject area code & name and study cycle are optional.]

FROM [Erasmus code of the sending



TO [Erasmus code of the receiving



Subject area

code* [ISCED]


C. Recommended language skills

Subject area name*

N/ A

1 st 1 student 5 months N/A

2 students ¡st (5 months N/A


Number of staff mobility periods

Staff Mobility for Teaching

[total number of days of teaching periods or average duration * J


Staff Mobility for Trainmg•

4 staff (5 days +

2 additional travel da s each

The sending institution, following agreement w it h t he rece,ving institution, is responsible for providing support to it s nominated candidates so that they can have the recommended language skills at the start of t he study or teaching period:

Receiving institution

[Erasmus code or city)


Optional: Subject




Language of instruction 1


Language of instruction 2


Recommended language of instruction level5

Student Mobility for Stud ies

[Minimum recommended leve/:


English: 82 recommended

Spanish : B1 recommended

Staff Mobility for Teaching [Minimum

recommended leve/: 82]



For more details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution [Links provided on the first page).

• Mobility numbers can be given per sending/receiving institutions ond per educotion field (optionot•: http://www.uis.unesco.org!Educotion/Poqes/internationol­

standord-clossification-of-educo tion .ospx J 5 For an easier and consisten! understanding of language requirements, use of the Common European Framework of Referente for Languages (CEFR) is

recommended, see http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resources/european-language-levels-cefr


Page 3: .Erasmus+ - unican.es€¦ · .Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Mobility for learners and staff - Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility Inter-institutional agreement 2016-2018 between

.Erasmus+ D. Respect of fundamental principies and other mobility requirements

The higher education institution(s) located in a Programme Country of Erasmus+ must respect the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education of which it must be a holder. The charter can be found here: b.llQs: //ea cea. ec.europa .eu/erasmus-plus/ actions/erasmus-charter en

The higher education institution(s) located in a Partner Country of Erasmus+ must respect the following set of principies and requirements:

The higher education institution agrees to:

• Respect in full the principies of non -discrimination and to promote and ensure equal access and opportunities to mobile participants from ali backgrounds, in particular disadvantaged or vulnerable groups.

• Apply a selection process that is fair, transparent and documented, ensuring equal opportunities to participants eligible for mobility.

• Ensure recognition for satisfactorily completed activities of study mobility and, where possible, traineeships of its mobile students.

• Charge no fees, in the case of credit mobility, to incoming students for tuition, registration, examinations or access to laboratory and library facilities. Nevertheless, they may be charged small fees on the same basis as local students for costs such as insurance, student unions and the use of miscellaneous material.

The higher education institution located in a Partner Country of Erasmus+ further undertakes to:

Before mobility

• Provide information on courses (content, leve!, scope, language) well in advance of the mobility periods, so as to be transparent to ali parties and allow mobile students to make welHnformed choices about the courses they will follow.

• Ensure t hat outbound mobile participants are well prepared fo r the mobility, including having attained the necessary level of linguistic proficiency.

• Ensure that student and staff mobility for education or training purposes is based on a learning agreement for students and a mobility agreement for staff validated in advance between the sending and receiving institutions or enterprises and the mobile participants.

• Provide assistance related to obtaining visas, when required, for incoming and outbound mobile participants. Costs for v isas can be covered with the mobility grants. See the information / visa section for contact details.

• Provide assistance related to obtaining insurance, when required, for incoming and outbound mobile participants. The institution from the Partner Country should inform mobile participants of cases in which insurance cover is not automatica liy provided. Costs for insurance can be covered with the organisational support grants. See the information / insurance section for contact details.

• Provide guidance to incoming mobile participants in finding accommodation . See the information / housing section for contact details.

During and after mobility

• Ensure equal academic treatment and services for home students and staff and incoming mobile participants and integrate incoming mobile participants into the institution's everyday life, and have in place appropr iate mentoring and support arrangements for mobile participants as weli as appropriate linguistic support to incoming mobile part icipants.

• Accept ali activities indicated in the learni ng agreement as counting towards the degree, provided these have been satisfactori ly completed by the mobile student.

• Prov ide, free-of-charge, incoming mobile students and their sending institutions with transcripts in English or in the language of the sending institution containing a fuli, accurate and timely record of their achievements at the end of their mobility period .

• Support the reintegration of mobile participants and give them the opportunity, upon return, to build on t heir experiences for the benefit of the lnstitution and their peers.

• Ensure that staff are given recognition for their teaching and training activities undertaken during the mobility period, based on a mobility agreement.


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.Erasmus+ E. Additional requirements


Support is offered to students and staff with special needs or disability; the International Office should be contacted in the first place. h ttp: //web. un ica n. es/ en/Studyi ng/ practica I ities/the-uc-intern atio na 1- rel atio n s-office

Integration of mobile students: http: //web. un ica n. es/ en/Studying/adm ission/ excha nge-students

For further details, please refer to the UC information sheet: http: //web. unican. es/ un idades/oficina-relaciones-internaciona les/Documents/ UC Information Sheet. pdf

F. Calendar


{* to be adapted in case of a trimester system]

2. The receiving institution will send its decision within 5 weeks. 3. A Transcript of Records will be issued by the receiving institution no later t han 5 weeks after the

assessment period has finished at the receiving HEI. 4. Termination of the agreement

In case of earlier unilateral termination, a notice of at least one academic year should be given. This means that a unilateral decis ion to discontinue the exchanges notified to the other party by 1 September of year N will only take effect as of 1 September of year N+ l. Neither the European Commission nor the National Agencies can be held responsible in case of a conflict.

G. Information

1. Grading systems of the institutions E SANTAND01: http: //web. un ica n .es/ en/Studyi ng/the-spa n ish-u niversity-system/assessment-and-g rad i ng-sca le

2. Visa The sending and rece1v1ng institutions will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.

. . . . Institution [Erasmus

code or city)


3. Insurance

1 - • • • - ••

Contad details (email, phone)

[email protected]

- . . •• . . . . Website for information

h ~

The sending and rece1v1ng institutions w ill provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.

The receiving institution will inform mobile partic ipants of cases in which insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information and assista nce can be provided by the following contact points and information sources:


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4. Housing The receiving institution will guide incoming mobile participants in finding accommodation, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.

. . . . . Institution

[Erasmus code or city]


1 .. 1 1 1 .. 1 1 .. . . . . - . . . . . Contact details

(email, phone)

i nfo@accom modationun ica n .com +34 648 100 288

Website for information

• 1. • •

G. SIGNATURES Of THE INSTITUTIONS (legal representatives)

Institution Name, function Date Signature6

[Erasmus code or name and city]



Professor Abdellatif Miraoui


Prof. Teresa SUSIN OS RADA

Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Co-operation

(11 Le Président

~ bdellatif MIRAOUl


2 DIC. 201


6 Scanned copies of signatures or digital signatures may be accepted depending on the national legislation

