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Erasmus+ Project kick-off meeting in Friedland Germany

Date post: 15-Apr-2017
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Kick off meeting programme December 5th Arrival of the teachers December 6th 9-10 1) meeting with the headmaster Mr Böhnke and visit of the school 11-15 2) presentation of the project + discussion 3) visiting of the robotic club 17- ?? walk through the city of Neubrandenburg, dinner with the headmaster December 7th 8-18 vistiting the university of Rostock and hotspots in the city for preparing the project week in Nov. 2018 December 8th 9-15 1) presentation about the long- term mobility students 2) planning of robotics project and project activities in two working groups December 9th Departure of the teachers -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- The kick-off meeting of our Erasmus+ KA219 project Exceptional Technique in Everyday Issues and More was held From 5th to 9th December in Friedland, Germany, with representation from all the partner schools.
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Kick off meeting programme

December 5th Arrival of the teachers

December 6th 9-10 1) meeting with the headmaster Mr Böhnke and visit of the school

11-15 2) presentation of the project + discussion

3) visiting of the robotic club

17- ?? walk through the city of Neubrandenburg, dinner with the


December 7th 8-18 vistiting the university of Rostock and hotspots in the city for

preparing the project week in Nov. 2018

December 8th 9-15 1) presentation about the long- term mobility students

2) planning of robotics project and project activities in two working


December 9th Departure of the teachers


The kick-off meeting of our Erasmus+ KA219 project Exceptional Technique in Everyday Issues and More was held From 5th to 9th December in Friedland, Germany, with representation from all the partner schools.

After a warm welcome by the principal of the Nfg Friedland, we held the first work meeting to revise the different stages of the project and the responsibilities of each partner school.We agreed on the date for the following short term mobility: 24-28 April in Frydland, Czech Republic.

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Regarding the communication method, both for teachers and students, we decided to use eTwinning. This platform will be also used to present and store all the materials of the project. For that purpose, we had already created a eTwinning project with the title From Robots to Robotics. Since eTwinning is new to most of the members of the project, the Spanish partners demonstrated how to use the eTwinning Live and Twinspace tools.Finally, the German partners showed the projects their students are working on in the Robotics club.

The following day, we visited the University of Rostock and attended a lecture and debate with two teachers from the Department of Robotics, which gave us some interesting ideas to apply to our project.

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The last day we met again in Friedland, where we discussed the organization of the students’ long term mobilities, resolved doubts about the eTwinning platform, and demonstrated the use of several web 2.0 tools.

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Lastly, the partners split in two groups, ESL teachers and Technological teachers, in order to plan the activities each school will carry out and how we can work collaboratively. We finally reached the following agreement:

Technological group:Each school is going to work on a specific area during the winter term, taking to the April mobility the results of their activities. These are the area chosen by each school:

● The Spanish school, IES Escultor Juan de Villanueva, will work on 3D design and printing. A 3D printer will be purchased with money from the Erasmus+ grant. The students will show their partners the results of this experience and explain the problems they may have had in the process. They will also create a tutorial to show what they have learned

● The German school, Nfg, will work on robotics and coding, especially with Raspberry Pi, Brick Pi and Micro:Bit cards and Python code. At the mobility in Frydland nad Ostravici they will show their partners their results and teach them what they have learned.

● The Czech school, Gymnazium, Frydland nad Ostravici, will work on robotics and coding using Lego Mindstorms and EV3. Again, they will show what they have created at the mobility.

● The French School, Liceo Toulouse Lautrec de Toulouse, will also work with Lego Mindstorms and EV3 and share their results at the mobility in the Czech Republic.

The ESL group:

The emphasis will be on the collaborative work of the students on the Twinspace of the project From Robots to Robotics. All the material created will be presented on the TwinspaceThese are the activities planned for the whole project:

1. Students will read Asimov’s I, Robot and each school will create quizzes about the stories (already in progress)

2. At each school students will write compositions about robots. Options:○ Write stories based on the picture of the machine called Materializer.○ Write a funny story about robots○ Write a story about a new type of robot

3. Create a magazine (with https://issuu.com/ or https://madmagz.com/) Students will be organized in mixed groups with members from the partner schools.

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○ 4 groups gather information and then write a biography of Asimov. To collaborate they may use http://piratepad.net/. Then the rest of the students will vote for the best one using http://www.tricider.com/

○ 4 groups will make crosswords using the vocabulary found in the book. The hardest one will be chosen for the magazine.

○ 7 groups will write a page for the magazine on topics related to robots:■ Robots in industry■ Robots in medicine■ Robots in spacecrafts■ Robots in movies, pop culture■ Robots at home■ Robots in Tourist services■ Latest news

4. Students create a short video about a robot with http://www.dfilm.com/moviemaker/

5. The second book we have chosen to read is R.U.R, a play by Karel Capek. Each country is responsible for the performance of one act of the play. It should be recorded at the final mobility.
