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ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study

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  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study



    Call for tenders by open procedure n200!CE!"!0!A#!0$% &

    Study on t'e contr(but(on of local

    de)elop*ent (n del()er(n+ (nter)ent(ons

    co,f(nanced by t'e European Re+(onal

    -e)elop*ent .und /ER-. (n

    t'e per(ods 2000,0" and 2001,!

    Re+(onal Case Study: 3erl(n

    November 2011

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    -(rectorate 4eneral Re+(onal Pol(cy

    Pol(cy -e)elop*ent


    Quotation is authorised as long as the source is acknowledged. The text is not binding for the European ommission

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study



  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    #A35E O. CON#EN#S


    E7ECU#I8E SUMMAR9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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    2.2 #N!T#T*T#"N+'+N%("'#T#+',+-+TE-#!T#!.........................................1

    #E USE O. 5-A IN #E RE4ION: #E55IN4 #E S#OR9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$

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    /.2 $+((#NE-%6 #NTE-&ENT#"N!*!#N'%+.................................................27



    ./0/ :/71 92:17 92:/9 91:902 /92.)) /C.21 801.11

    Male (m) /0.0C1 /0./0 /0.10/

    Female (m) 81./M 81.1 M 0:81 /2.0) /2.0C9 /1.7CC

    Populat(on B"$






    1C.1 17.2 1C. ; 18.7 17.9 1)./

    Male (%) 12.7 16.3 -

    Female (%) 19.7 22.1 -

    Educat(on 5e)el

    /5e)el $,"

    ; 1C.7 22. ; 1C.7 21.)

    Male (%) - 23.3 25.9 - 19. 21.!

    Female (%) 55. 57.9 55.2 - 15. 1.7 - 19 22.1

    4-P per Cap(ta /D


    20:900 2:700 2/:)00 22:/00 2):00 29:)00 1C.000 2.700 2/./00

    +ctivit< rate 17;7/


    )/./ ).C )8.) )1 )8. )7.7 79.8 )0. )1

    Male (%) 77.5 77.2 79.! 7. 1.3 2.3 77"1 77"6 77"7

    Female (%) 71.2 7#.5 72 63 69.3 7#. 6#"1 63 6!"5


    Rate: ","% /

    7/. 70.0 78.7 78. 7).8 )1.1 72:1 7/:8 7/:2

    Male (%) 63.2 61.6 67.6 72.7 72. 76 7#"7 71"6 7#"1

    6emale =M> 72.1 89.) 7C.C 8).9 72.2 77.1 8:7 8): 89:2


    Rate /$ /

    1.7 19.) 1.2 9 10. ).2 C:/ 9: C:)

    Male (%) 1/. 20./ 1/.7 ).) 10.8 ).7 9: ):7 C:)

    Female (%) 12.9 17.) 11.8 9. 10.2 7.7 10:) C C:)

    Net $igration














    !ource Eurostat data: and +mt f@r !tatistik 4erlin;4randenburg =2010>: %ie kleine 4erlin !tatistik.

    The population of 4erlin has generall< remained stable: with onl< a slight increase in


  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    erman population: corresponding to 22M of the working population. Jhile it is the

    largest erman cit

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    .(+ure 2! , -e)elop*ent of 3erl(n 4-P co*pared to 4er*any / of c'an+e co*pared to

    pre)(ous year

    !ource !enJiTech6rau.httpDDwww.berlin.deDimperiaDmdDcontentDsen;


    The 4erlin econom< is mainl< concentrated in services where 9)M of the workforce

    were emplo. The compan< service sector contributes 8.8M

    to %( and the public and private service sector 2M. The industrial sector: which

    suffered from lower subsidies reunification: emplo and investments via important

    media and music companies =like Jarner 4rothers> have made the culture and tourism

    sector an important economic driver =culture: telecommunication: media: film and T&:

    architecture and cultural heritage>. +s earl< as 2002 there were more than 19:000 !$Es

    in the cultural sector: producing 11M of %( and emplo

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    .(+ure 2!2 , Econo*(c Sector d(str(but(on accord(n+ to +ross )alue addedF of 3erl(n and

    4er*any /no*(nalF (n F 200










    !ource +mt f@r !tatistik 4erlin;4randenburg: $arch 2009:httpDDwww.berlin.deDsenDwirtschaftDdatenDberichte.html

    ,owever: the largest part of ross %omestic (roduct is generated b< !$Es in the

    private sector despite a high incidence of opening and closure of smaller enterpriseswhich are often subsidised b< the !tate =in 200C //:C81 newl< registered against :9/9

    closeing down>. The self;emplo compared to 200C: bringing the total to 1:79

    million people.

    Nonetheless: a high unemplo: is the highest rate of the 17 L,nder" significantl< above

    thenational average =).)M> and even lies above the structurall< weak Eastern 'Inder.10

    #ncidence of unemplo than women =11.8M> and

    long;term unemplo: !chlussbericht =einschlieUlich 5ahresbericht f@r den 3eitraum

    01.01.2009 bis 0.07.200C> @ber den EinsatP des EuropIischen 6onds f@r regionale Entwicklung =E6-E> und des EuropIischen!oPialfonds =E!6> im 3eitraum 2000 bis 2007 =2009> im -ahmen des Einheitlichen (rogrammplanungsdokuments f@r die #nterven;

    tionen der EuropIischen !trukturfonds in 4erlin =3iel 2>


  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    +fter man<

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    both problems of integration and unemplo

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    #able 2!2: Senate aut'or(t(es (n)ol)ed (n *ana+(n+ ER-. funded act()(t(es 2000,200" and


    Plann(n+ Per(od: 2000,200" /ER-. Plann(n+ Per(od: 200",20 /ER-.

    !enate +dministration for Econom.

    +s detailed in the next chapter : '%+ interventions in 4erlin are programmed and

    implemented at neighbourhood level through a s. !en!tadt is responsible for selecting the Neighbourhood areas to

    be financiall< supported during the programme period: collects cit< level data through

    regular monitoring and provides funding to the Neighbourhood $anagement =N$> and

    4oroughs for pro?ect implementation.

    +t the !en!tadt level there are 9 coordinators for activities with the Neighbourhood

    $anagement =each coordinator is in charge of 1 to N$ depending on their siPe>:

    mostl< grouped according the municipalit< where the< are located. !enate coordinators

    are in regular contact with their N$;Teams and the responsible 4orough oordinators

    though !teering meetings at local level.

    +t borough level 3orou+' Coord(nators =Be&r4l&e 8e0&ets4$$rd&nat$ren> are in

    charge of cooperating with the N$s: the !en!tadt and are also an important contact

    point for Neighbourhood inhabitants. There are several borough coordinators in each

    4orough: usuall< responsible for one or two N$s.

    17!enatsverwaltung fu@r !tadtentwicklung: Evaluation des 4erliner Quartiersmanagements in der (ilotphase 1CCC;2002.

    1)Empirica: Evaluation 1CCCD2000: 4d. 1


  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    #n inter,depart*ental @orH(n+ +roups =,mter0er*re&+ende Ar0e&ts*ruppen>: which

    have been operating since 2000: borough coordinators report regularl< to other borough

    authorities: in order to better integrate activities at borough level.

    #n order to guarantee regular exchange: 3orou+' Steer(n+,rounds =Be&r4l&e

    Len4un*srunde> are held ever< two month. These involve the N$;teams and otherrelevant borough authorities =such as the public construction authorit

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    help: private initiative: and collaboration: stimulating and supporting essential local

    development resources.

    "ver a number of . #t has also drawn on experience in other European countries and on the

    results of the European *nion *-4+N initiative. +s such: the core elements can be

    sketched as follows1C

    The programme is to complement traditional urban development assistance and

    dovetail it with other polic< areas relevant to urban development in a new:

    integrated approachA

    The aim is to concentrate investment and non;investment measures from various

    programmes of the E*: the 6ederal and 'Inder governmentsA

    The concept calls for ongoing: area;specific: and integrated local development

    action in the sense of a holistic improvement strateg

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    4ased on socio;demographic indicators: the neighbourhood areas are classified as either

    prevention areas or areas for medium to large;scale intervention and provided with

    technical and financial support at different levels. Neighbourhood area monitoring is

    continuousl< updated: with two;

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    .(+ure ! & -e)elop*ent (nde 200

    !ource !enate %epartment for *rban %evelopment =2010>: !ocial *rban %evelopment: $onitoring2010: *pdated for the period 2009 K 200C: *nit # +2

    Jhen the programme !ociall< #ntegrative it< was launched: the Buestion roses on how

    to take into account the calls for more inclusive civic participation. #n order to achieve it

    together with a lasting improvement of the situation in those areas and to contribute to

    their stabiliPation: it was decided to implement a Neighbourhood $anagement =N$> in

    each area. The main task of N$ is to activate local residents: especiall< groups that

    have so far been difficult or impossible to reach. Neighbourhood managers should

    therefore be reachable at a local contact address =communit< bureauF> and: forexample: offer advice: promote personal commitment and responsibilit< b< a variet< of

    campaigns: and encourage residents to contribute their own ideas and talents to

    integrative urban renewal. The direct lineF to residents helps in identif

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    communit< bureau as t that: since 2008: have become an integral

    part of the work in all N$ areas with a strong role in the decision making process of

    '%+ interventions. The main goal of the Ns is to give boroughs a voiceF: to provide

    a platform for discussion and consultation as well to enable them to participate in the

    decision;making process on the allocation of available program funds to respective

    areas. Total funding for the program was divided into five different neighbourhood

    funds =N6> in earl< 200) N61 K N6828. Ever since: the Neighbourhood ouncils have

    been involved in the decision making process on the two most important funds K N6 2

    and K on an ongoing basis: and the underl

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    % Ma(n (nter)ent(ons us(n+ 5-A

    %! Re+(onal strate+y: analy(n+ obJect()es

    +s detailed in chapter 2: the cit< of 4erlin contains extensive disparities in the status of

    local economies: a feature reflected in the different funding frameworks for East and

    Jest 4erlin. %uring the 2000;2007 programming period: the cit< benefited from two

    different (rogrammes as the two parts of 4erlin had different development levels. East

    4erlin was considered to be an "b?ective 1 phasing;out area: while Jest 4erlin was

    considered at an "b?ective 2 phasing out area.

    Jithin the 200);201 (rogramming (eriod: 4erlin has received ommunit< support

    under the G-egional ompetitiveness and Emplo

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    industrial sector after reunification> and to address the challenges of becoming a capital

    cit< once more.

    The "b. 1 programme revolved around five priorit< areas and technical assistance


    :r&$r&t; 1< Supp$rt +$r $mpet&t&'eness

    #nvestments in the local econom< were focussed on the modernisation of industrial:

    service and technolog< structures to guarantee sustainable emplo

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    #able %,: 2000,200" ObJ! 3erl(n pro+ra**e , 3reaHdo@n of .(nances by pr(or(ty area

    (riorit< +rea Total ost E* ontribution(ublic aid =E V


    1 (romoting the competitiveness

    of economic activities:

    particularl< of !$Es

    2.2C2.000 200.C79.000 2.2C2.000

    2 $easures for promoting

    infrastructure/28.C89.000 28C./1.000 /28.C89.000

    (rotection and improvement of

    the environment)2.079.000 8/.080.000 )2.079.000

    / (romotion of the labour force

    and eBual opportunities27.2/).000 19.729.000 272.771.000

    8 -ural development and fisher< C.88C.000 ).17C.000 C.88C.000

    7 Technical +ssistance 18.)92.000 11.98.000 18.)92.000

    Total 1.10C.C07.000 )17.CC1.000 1.10C.20.000

    !ource % -egio %atabase

    The main aim of the 2000;07 "b?ective 2 programme for Jest 4erlin =as a complement

    to the "b?ective 1 programme for the Eastern sector of the cit< 2)> was to tackle specific

    economic features of the cit< such as weak investment: comparativel< low productivit

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    This entailed promotion of private investment and investment in local maintenance: and

    strengthening entrepreneurial potential: with special reference to !$Es: through

    counselling and financial assistance. (articular attention was given to the promotion of

    research and technical development and technological counselling to !$Es. 6urther

    training and promotion of ?ob creation in businesses: particularl< for women: wasconsidered to be the means for conducting an active and preventive labour market

    polic< with the ob?ective to create and sustain over 18:000 ?obs: to promote eBual

    opportunities for women and men and to facilitate their entr< into the #T societ

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    stabilise the conditions for local enterprisesA

    improve the social: cultural and living environment and securit

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    The "perational (rogramme of 4erlin =E-%6> for 200);201 has been divided into the

    following priorities

    :r&$r&t; 1< :r$m$t&$n $+ 0us&ness $mpet&t&'eness and start-ups

    The aim of this priorit< is to improve the economic situation of the 'and. #t will also

    make a further contribution through its connection with innovation: since business

    investments and start;ups are linked to new products: processes and solutions to

    problems. The E-%6 aid will be concentrated on the following areas support for

    business investment: particularl< through repa

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    (romotion of business

    competitiveness and start;ups2C 010 000 2)8 /2C /00 879 /C /00

    #nnovation and knowledge;based

    econom . ='ibraries in the borough ; 4#!T and ./ =eEducation

    $asterplan>0none of which are implemented via a local development approach.

    The main '%+ activities within this priorit< are

    !upport for the local econom< and emplo

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    #able $!: 3erl(n ObJect()e Pro+ra**e 2000,0"F absorpt(on prof(le /(n MEURO

    AxisTotal allocation



    ERDFabsorption rate (%)

    1 (romoting thecompetitiveness of economic

    activities: particularl< of




    139,80 75,51

    2 $easures for promotinginfrastructures



    286,89 106,79

    LDA Measure:

    241*rban and local

    infrastructures in

    neighbourhoods with

    special development




    89,61 112,253 (rotection and

    improvement of the




    53,48 98,95

    4 (romotion of the labourforce and eBual




    - -

    5 -ural development andfisher

    +gain"nce more: the phare in line with all other +xeis and measures.

    #able $!$: 3erl(n ER-. Pro+ra* 2001,20F absorpt(on prof(le /(n MEURO





    1 (romotion of businesscompetitiveness and start;




    70,39 24,02

    2 #nnovation andknowledge;based econom first ?obmarket 1000 8)1 19

    [of which for women )0

    Training places created 800 297 /

    [of which for women /

    !upported !$E and $icroenterprises /:/00 2:81/ 11/0

    !ource (!!

    "n the other handside: the other indicators indicate lag: shows a relative slowness not

    reaching the target envisaged for 2010.

    ,owever: when looking to the totalit< of thepro?ectsapproved and ongoing b< 2010:

    the picture is Buite different.

    #able $!=: 3erl(n Pro+ra**e 2001,F p'ys(cal perfor*ance prof(le for appro)ed

    and on+o(n+ proJects /10

    P: Inte+rated urban de)elop*ent OP #ar+et #ar+etunt(l


    Pro+resst(ll 200


    Number of !upported socio;cultural facilities and socio;economic initiatives 1:780 C/ 2:92C

    [of which number of !$E and micro enterprises supported 2012

    [of which number of supporting activities for enterprises 1

    [of which number of supporting activities in the area of gender eBualit< andintegration 79C

    !ervice hours offered 1:200:00 798:)1/ 1:12:)C7

    #mprovement or provision of social #nfrastructure in sBm 190:000 102:98) 212:7/

    #mprovement: restructuring and revitalisation of areas in sBm 919:000 /7):2/C 1:087:108


    ross created ?obs =6TE> first ?obmarket 1000 8)1 209

    [of which for women )

    Training places created 800 297 7)

    [of which for women 9

    !upported !$E and $icroenterprises /:/00 2:81/ 2:012

    !ource +nnual #mplementation -eport and (!! data

    +ll the outputs are extremel< positive and exceed overnumber not onl< the targetenvisaged for 2010:but also the "( target.


  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    The same cannot be said Not the same can be said for results which:with regard to for

    all indicators:are belowboth the target fixed for 2010 and the "( target.

    The discrepancies between the planned and the achieved numbersof created ?obs and

    training places =also noted with regard to the finalised pro?ects onl have to be

    explained in terms of the the framework of the particular situation of theneighbourhoods covered b< the $easure .1:3#!. +s identified in the previous chapters:

    3#! covers areas where the !ocial cit< monitoring data indicates shows a low social and

    economic index. #n these areas a+ disproportionatel< high number of people are

    affected b< unemplo

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    " Analys(s of t'e actors (n)ol)ed

    6rom the outset: the 4erlin '%+ environment has encouraged the involvement of

    citiPens and local actors.

    The entire process is a bottom;up approach: based in the Neighbourhood itself: where

    there exists a prevalence of problems and unmet. !ince 1CCC: local residents and local

    actors from across the entire communit< have pla

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    4rap' 2 , Co*pos(t(on of t'e StaHe'olders and Representat()es (n t'e Ne(+'bour'ood


    !ource httpDDwww.Buartiersmanagement;berlin.deDfileadminDcontent;mediaDQuartiersraeteDOreisdiagrammL+kteure.?pg

    -esident and local actors structures =explained in more detail within the chapter on

    procedures> according var< across the different Neighbourhood 6unds =N6>. Jithin N6

    1 =short term local pro?ects>: N62 =medium siPe local initiatives> and N6 =socio;

    cultural activities and medium siPe infrastructural constructions>: the< are involved in


    gathering of proposals contributed b< residents andDor local actors and

    developing ideas regarding such proposals b< members of the Ns themselves

    =collection of ideas>A

    assessment of the ideas gathered and ?oint decision;making on the allocation of

    pro?ect funds together with governmental administration and Neighbourhood

    $anagementA and

    selection of suitable partners to implement pro?ects.

    Together with local residents: three other main t

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    priorities for available N$ area instruments and funds: finding a consensus on all

    important decisions: and common engagement of all involved actors. !everal

    coordination activities and structureshave been created and are active in both phases:

    but are especiall< so in the programming.

    4oroughs: like Ns: increased their role at the end of the 2000;2007 programmingperiod and at the beginning of the 200);201 programming period with the !en!tadt

    now delegating all administrative management of Neighbourhood activities.

    Nevertheless: 4oroughs are currentl< the weakest actor in the decision;making process:

    not being directl< involved in either decisions for N61 to N6 =where residents and

    local actors have the last wordF in allocating funds and in selecting pro?ects> or in N6/

    and N68 =where the !en!tadt has the central role>.

    %uring the implementation phase: the role of local actors and institutional

    representatives =schools: housing associations: etc.> is more relevant than in the

    programming phase as: in man< cases: the< are directl< in charge of specific


    The role of N$ teams =in coordination with the 4oroughs and the !en!tadt> is still

    important: as is that of Ns and local residents: even if the latter tend to be less involved

    after the identification of the bodies in charge of pro?ects.

    !ee hapter ) for further details on coordination structures.


  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    1 Process des(+n features of t'e *a(n 5-A (nter)ent(ons

    #n 1CCC: when the first 18 N$ teams were created: management procedures were alsodrafted in order to define actor roles in '%+ processes and procedures.

    The first step was that of setting up of local Neighbourhood offices =ph and N$

    teams with specific knowledge of the situation at neighbourhood level: charging them to

    build;up '%+ organisation structures in cooperation with the 4orough: the !en!tadt:

    local residents and local actors.

    The N$;Teams are selected =through tenders>: contracted b< the !en!tadt and the

    4oroughs and are usuall< assigned to regional non;governmental institutions such as

    *rban %evelopment +ssociations: institutions that had previousl< collaborated with

    other urban renewal programmes and had experiences at local level: such as alliances

    for citiPens. The interdisciplinar< staff of the N$ is: as much as possible: an inter;ethnic

    group with experiences in urban and local development.

    6or the composition of the Neighbourhood team: the following skills: expertise: and

    focal points are reBuired

    management: moderation: and networkingA

    small;scale trades and crafts adviceA

    ?ob training: further education: and labour market programmesA

    fundraising: new funding programmes: and filing of applicationsA and

    social competence: especiall< concerning

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    6igure ).1 K "rganisation structure of the Neighbourhood management: 2011

    !ource #-! elaboration


    5"*- 6#\E

    !teering groupmeeting

    !en!tadt: all Q$s:


  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    +s the figure shows: the N$ Team meets and exchanges information regularl< with

    their 4orough oordinator: both at individual level as well as during !teering meetings.

    The Neighbourhood office also organises and coordinates the two local working groups:

    which have responsibilit< for selecting pro?ects to be funded.

    The Ne(+'bour'ood Counc(l /NCis the X5ur

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    aim of including these partners is to involve them closel< in activities.8 The

    neighbourhood managers also promote local networks and stimulate cooperation

    between these institutions: local businesses and housing companies.

    4esides the regular working groups and meetings at neighbourhood level: different

    coordination meetings of the $anaging authorit

  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    #able 1! , 3oardsF Act()(t(es and Part(c(pants

    3oard Act()(t(es Actors .reuency

    of *eet(n+s

    Publ(c local foru*s (ro?ect development andselection: $ediation; andplanning: seminars:information exchange: workon specific issues: discussionon problems: activities:

    networking: conflictmediation: formal andinformal meetings: mediationactivities: !eminars:ongresses: public events

    Q$ representative =chair>Neighbourhood residents

    'ocal stakeholders

    Jorking groups

    +ction fund ?ur supports the implementation of larger pro?ects

    with a longer pro?ect periods and a budget ranging from Euro 10:000 up to H

    80.000 that contribute to the Neighbourhood focus area of action with pro?ect

    selection made in the Neighbourhood council. This fund is for socio;cultural

    activities and infrastructuredevelopment. #n this case: the implementing partneris the implementer and the grantee at the same time. #t is responsible for the

    funding proposal: the reBuest for pa provides funding for construction pro?ects with a

    budget exceeding H 80:000. The main procedure is slightl< different here.

    Neighbourhood $anagement teams submit proposals identified within the

    Neighbourhood councils to 4oroughs which compile a list of priorities from all

    the proposals submitted b< N$s across the borough. The list is then submitted

    to the !en!tadt which decides the pro?ects to be undertaken.

    Neighbourhood 6und 8 =N68> is dedicated to supporting innovative model

    pro?ects with a cross;sectoral approach. #t is implemented in different

    Neighbourhood areas of 4erlin: and coordinated b< both the !enate and the



  • 8/10/2019 ERDF and Local Development Interventions - Berlin Study


    < 6'at @orHs and doesn?t @orH

    Though neighbourhood management had man< positive results =empowerment and

    involvement were strengthened: increased cooperation between pla: still challenges remain it

    cannot resolve unemplo
