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ERMAN NGLISH USSIAN - Szkoła Główna Handlowa w...

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Dr hab. GraŜyna Wojtkowska-Lodej, prof. SGH 1. Contact: e-mail: [email protected] tel.: (+48 22) 564 68 55, fax.: (+48 22) 564 68 62 2. Competency in foreign languages: GERMAN, ENGLISH, RUSSIAN 3. Education: Professor of Economics at the Warsaw School of Economics since January 2005 Habilitation: 8 th January 2002 , Warsaw School of Economics 4. Employment: Warsaw School of Economics since March 1985 Institute of Foreign Trade and European Studies Director of the Centre for European Documentation 5. Teaching (titles of courses taught at the Warsaw School of Economics): Integracja europejska Międzynarodowy rynek energii Polityki gospodarcze UE Polska w Europie Regulacja rynków energii w UE Unternehmer in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Dr hab. GraŜyna Wojtkowska-Łodej, prof. SGH

1. Contact: e-mail: [email protected] tel.: (+48 22) 564 68 55, fax.: (+48 22) 564 68 62

2. Competency in foreign languages: GERMAN, ENGLISH, RUSSIAN

3. Education:

• Professor of Economics at the Warsaw School of Economics since January 2005

• Habilitation: 8th January 2002 , Warsaw School of Economics

4. Employment: Warsaw School of Economics since March 1985 Institute of Foreign Trade and European Studies Director of the Centre for European Documentation

5. Teaching (titles of courses taught at the Warsaw School of Economics):

• Integracja europejska • Międzynarodowy rynek energii • Polityki gospodarcze UE • Polska w Europie • Regulacja rynków energii w UE • Unternehmer in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

6. Research carried on:

• International economic relations • International economic integration • Poland’s accession to the European Union • Adaptation of the Polish economy to the EU requirements, in particular, in the

energy sector and ecology • Energy security in the enlarged EU • Energy and global change and the associated social, economic and

environment consequences of the man’s use of energy

7. Advisory service:

8. Other assignments:

9. Selected visiting fellowships:

10. Other skills:

11. Selected Publications:

• G. Wojtkowska-Łodej, H. Bąk, Gospodarka Polski w Unii Europejskiej. Wybrane zagadnienia, SGH, Warszawa 2007; (Polish economy in the European Union. Selected topics).

• G. Wojtkowska-Łodej, Ł. Jaworski, Energy supplies for the Central and Eastern European Countries and the Energy Policy of the European Union, (in:) D. Rosati (Coordinator of the Report), New Europe. Report of Transformations, Fifth Edition, XVI Economic Forum, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland 2006.

• G. Wojtkowska-Łodej, Determinanty rozwoju regionalnego i globalnego. Przypadek energii (w:) E. Najlepszy (red.) Biznes międzynarodowy a internalizacja gospodarki narodowej, Akademia Ekonomiczna, Poznań 2005; (Determinants of the region al and globar development. Case of energy (in:) International business vs. internationalization of the national economy).

• G. Wojtkowska-Łodej, Polska w Unii Europejskiej. Uwarunkowania i moŜliwości po 2004 roku, wyd. 2 rozszerzone 2005; (Poland In the European Union. Conditions and possibilities after 2004).

• G. Wojtkowska-Łodej, Wschodnie sąsiedztwo i moŜliwości współpracy w dziedzinie energii w rozszerzonej Unii Europejskiej (w:) E. Teichmann, M. A. Teresa, Rozszerzona Unia Europejska i jej wschodni sąsiedzi. Pierwsze doświadczenia współpracy, SGH, Warszawa 2005; (Eastern neighbourhood and possibilities of the cooperation In the energy sector In the enlarged European Union (in:) Enlarged Union and its a eastern neighbours. First experiences of the cooperation).

• G. Wojtkowska-Łodej, Polityka energetyczna Polski w aspekcie integracji z Unią Europejską, SGH, Warszawa 2002; (Polish energy Policy vs. Association agreement with the EU).
