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ERP Transformation to MDM

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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Master Data Management Make IT simple - ERP Transformation to MDM Company is such as its IT structure is
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Master Data ManagementMake IT simple - ERP Transformation to MDMCompany is such as its IT structure is

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What is Master Data Management (MDM)?

MDM is a platform that can be used to create data models and business rules to create any system imaginable. MDM system is completely free and can be built specifically for the needs and requirements of each enterprise.

In short: MDM is Universal Web System

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The problemAverage Medium-to-Large size companies today runs about 10 (estimate) different software solutions to maintain company functions, including: production, resources, marketing, sales, logistics, finances etc. Each system has its data structure, complexity, vulnerability, interface and data sharing capabilities. This is because each system has been built as a standalone system .

The existing approach in MDM by making a hub of data can be very complex and expensive, the result is sub-optimal, containing incomplete information, duplicates, inconsistencies, transformation/conversion errors. Every additional system and the system update or “fix” increases the complexity and total costs. In this approach MDM becomes just another vendor tool that adds its complexity to the existing systems. In other words, it does not add any real value.

It turns out that the growth (over time) of complexity and hence of the total costs is exponential. This results that company inevitably loses the control over its IT structure because the number of errors in data grows resulting in duplicates and incomplete data. Big Data projects are proofs of this as well as implementations of MDM tools to fix duplicate and incomplete data.

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The solution Master Data Management (MDM) is a core system that allows creating any system with a simple graphical interface. There's only one core system, supporting all required functions for a company at any size at any time moment. A stable, scalable, consistent solution that replaces all and any systems currently on the market and any future systems about to be developed. Complete independency from any business data software vendor. Centralized, solid data management with a single point of truth for efficient decision making, operation management and control.


Master Data Management will help to build a system to replace the current systems in your company. We call it also “ERP Transformation to MDM”.

With our consulting, technical and programming help in 12 months you could be completely independent from the current vendors and consulting companies, saving thousands of euros per year in license fees, infrastructure costs, data management, disaster recovery, maintenance.

We have been implementing such MDM tool to replace existing ERP system in major companies.

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How it works

Step 1

IdentifyIdentify current systems, business logic, tools, data structures etc

Step 2

ActivateActivate company’s resources to participate in MDM building by giving own innovative ideas and also doing by example through learning

Step 3

ParticipateParticipate in building MDM solution and to become more and more aware of own and other tasks. In other words become independent builder of MDM as a team member

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Why now? Benefits?

Big Data projects came to major companies. Do You want to be next?

IT infrastructure costs will be constantly getting lower because MDM is Universal Web System - no need to purchase new systems, order the consultancy work to implement and maintain those systems plus reduced costs in licences for operating system, databases and costs of hardware since the number of systems will decrease and never grow

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Milestones (example start date June 2016)

June 2016Start consultations

December 2016Proof of Concept - Creation of MDM draft - pilot

August 2017MDM is implemented

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More information on the proof of “ERP Transformation to MDM” concept

1. Out of the Box vs Custom System Business Efficency, Costs and Business Rules https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1y0PBTT5SJyLJKk8DLE5gbZnF86pcprO0otYg5kn8VD4/edit?usp=sharing

2. Exponential rate of Communication Errors propagationhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/154VkbJDrunJ-ZNahkq9mdY--J1FQe14OoFlil9BSP2Q/edit

3. MDM Platform and Data Quality Analyzer in Git Hubhttps://github.com/UniversalWebSystem/MDM-Platform-and-Data-Quality-Center/wiki
